HomeMy WebLinkAbout1207 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; 74-1058; PermitBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION, City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicant to complete numbered spdces only PnOne 729-1181 Permit No _' f t-r 312***** j?e&r JOB ADDRESS 1207 XLH ATI. LOT NO BLK TRACT i°«" 17 t* 24 *6 OViNEH MAIL ADDRESS 2 &OBX5T L. WATSOM **9t Qfft«« la* J CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS 3 OWM1R *••* Of f 1« toe : AHCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS ENGINEER MAIL AQOBESS 5 COMPENSATION INS CARRIER MAIL ADDRESS 6 Stat* Ciuij MiMtlaa. I»». Ttooi, 4055 CwiM Bfc USE OF BUILDING ? GawMtle*! - Prof eta 1»«1 8 Class of work (JNEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION 9 Describe work C*H»tnieti** *£ ?TM* CBMPtl'lcal 3 ID Change of use from Change of use to 11 Valuation of work $ V J""V*C"~ / / "7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS f j v * APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANE CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR I5SUAMCE BY djf n ****** {Z * •*"! £f/"f~}/9 4*T\l ' '/ .WTE--JC//" NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A MENCED 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS ALL.PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PROVISIONS OF, ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING A VH[/\A - *^*4-t^ i .(•'t v *\ &h * - S c> " "J STGNAlrjRE OF CONTRACTOR OR tUTHORIIED AGENT (DATE) \ \ \x V \* \ \ n -TT , ^ ^ C-, "? W, » \ ^ *, * ' • 5. , i \ /I A-« S, - f i - ( SI^WATLtBE Of OWNER~ltr OV)KEH BUILDER) Xy iO A T t J I ASSESSOR s PARCEL NUMBER BOOK PAGE P ARn ZIP P M O M E £75, CarlcM, 9200C 729-4901 PHONE LICENSENO STATE CITY 9 r PHONE LICENSENO .»• 1A11 PHONE LICEMSENO BRAN CH L 3Uo S»«tkt S*m Dl*c«* C«» 92100 D REPAIR D MOVE D REMOVE taiUiat PLAN CHECK FEE S /" , PERMIT FEE S {.?> ,rf . M1CR® FILM FEEType ofy^ . J Occupancy*^" ^^-j *Jr , ^ ^ f ,' Const Jf, "" / |VV, Group ^* - -t f Xf *'"" Size oi Bldg ,y«. * No of ^O Max (Total) Sq Ft/ 7 /MfrjS Stones *< Occ Load — Fire j^"? Use f*^: j f Fire Sprinklers fl_f Zone ->*C Zone f*^^ X__- Required LJYes I^No OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES Dwenmg Units &> ^vered/O Sq Ft /^T/ Opon -^3 Special Approvals Required Received Not Required PLANNING DEPT HEALTH DEPT FIRE DEPT SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify) ENGINEERING DEPT WATER DEPT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN GHECK VALIDATION CK MO CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD FOUNDATIONS SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT LATHING MASONRY FINAL DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC Aft Permit No Applicafifto complete*numberecTspaces only ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ity of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 7405 Phone 729-1181 JOB ADDR ESS 1207 Elis Au», ATTACHED SHEET) MAIL ADDRESS 2 Robert U Btatton - Colonial KaU 3150 Pio Pico Dr.,C«rl»t»d 729-4901 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS LICENSE NO 3 Hulatt Electric Co»t 1837 £. Sh«rid»n Av».» E«condi«ta, Cal* 92027 746-2552 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS LICENSE NO ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS LICENSE NO MAIL ADDRESS USE OP BUILDINQ <f //}7jfs> 1^4 8 Classofwork DADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR 9 Describe work f / ft PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS ISSUANCE OF EACH PERMIT No Each Fee O APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BYix-APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY \NOTICE NEW CONSTRUCTION, FOR EACH AMPERES OF MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE OR BREAKER THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOtD IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT t HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECTALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG FOR EA AMPERE OF INCREASE IN MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE OR BREAKER REMODEL, ALTERATION, NO CHANGE IN SERVICE, FOR EA AMPERE OF INCREASE TEMP SERVICE UP TO AND INCLUD- ING 200 AMP TEMP SERVICE OVER 200 AMP PER 100 SlfiNAtURE OP CONTRACTOR OH' AUTHORIZED ACCMTUiTHORIZED AGENT •* •O PERMIT FEE SIGNATURE OF OWNEH (IT- OWNER BUILDER-)(D*TE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. MO CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH INSPECTOR INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM * '" « : \" 4 * ^ f REMARKS s ' . INSPECTOR 5 - USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, F0LjLQiC$Pf ETC PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Permit No §AS? , LE5AL ] DE5C* OWNER t i^ ___ . - i— | LOT NO BLK TRACT MAIL ADDAESS ZIP PHONE CONTRACTOR MAILABDBESS Pl*£3&- 3 "i ( J? LICENSENO STATE CTY ARCHI TE 4 CT OH DESIGNER MAIL, ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO / yQ *"j ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO 5 COMPENSATION fNS CARRIER MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH 6 USE OF BUILDING 7 8 Class of work J^NEW D ADDITION Q ALTERATION D REPAIR 9 Describe work •fMo»-vvL, j*. \ SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLICATION ACCEPTED 6V PLANS CHECKED 8V APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE 6V £ THIS P TION f- CONST PERIOCMENCE I HEREAPPLIC ALL P TYPE HEREI PRESUPROVI CONST i) SISN/ATU _A: ^s&&/Ar NOTICE f * ERMIT BECOMES NU*LL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCAUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF RUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A ) OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM D IBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE READ AND EXAMINED TH!S ATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO Bfc TRUE AND CORRECT 3OVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISDF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDSI OR NOT THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT ME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE ilONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING RUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION - /- / v\>*^**' *"' " " * " i f * _ ic!, _*s u RE OF CONTRACTOR OH AUTHORIZED A5ENT (DATE) SIGNATURE OF OWNEB IIF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) PERMIT FEES No // — • 13—— r , — — 2. 4 1 / /O y 7 Type of Fixture or Item WATER CLOSET (TOILET) BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH QASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK & DISP DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS NO OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK & PIT ROOF DRAINS PERMIT S TOTAL FEE S Fee ^/v /^x -^ 7-/«* /^5~ , ^ *& '/-' O& 3^> •^5£ / 6f* C> O^o ££* && * drf> a {<£J ^C- ^>^ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT \A r PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK M O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH INSPECTOR INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REMARKS INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW UP, ETC ••- 706******tl, PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Applicant to complete numbered spaces only Permit No JOB ADDRESS ll *v ^-43 r • I L ADDRESS CON TRAC TOR o MAIL ADDRESSESS £ K OyLLvViANJ LICENSE NO STATE CITY ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS LICENSE NO 9- ENGINEER MAI U ADDRESS LICENSE NO COMPENSATION fNS CARRIER MAIL ADDRESS >_ USE OF Bl/I^DIM G 8 Class of work S3 NEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR Describe work PERMIT FEES Type of Fixture or Item Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS WATER CLOSET (TOILET) BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK & DiSP DISHWASHER PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED/FOR ISSUANCE BY LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED \ HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT ALL PROVISIONS OF LftWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS NO OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER A CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK & PIT ROOF DRAINS SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT PERMIT SIGNATURE OF OWNER .(IF OWfjER BUILDER)TOTAL FEE / WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK MO CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH INSPECTOR INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REMARKS INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC Residential Multiple Res , Tract or Commercial REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Inspector Permit No Q Mobilehome Park IDtf Spaced . Date/: Owner ... . J, Address Address BUILDING )v? U/f^^\, ^Fdn Forms Steel Sheathma Frame Final ( aaa n. b a ^f^<f^Lr _^^_ PLUMBING Gas Water Heater Soil Line Undergrnd Plbg JJndergrnd Water Rough Final £ D Dnnnnnn z — z-"t^K^S< ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Pole Pump Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final S~ D Dnnnnun MISCELLANEOUS Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading n Dnnnn n Ready for Inspection -- Mon , Tues Wed Thurs Fn Requested by £ Phone Person Taking Report ctM. / <?- Hj Residential [^Multiple Res , Tract or Commercial REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Inspector Perm,t No „x^>C Q Mobilehome Park IDtf Spaced Date Owner Address Address . - BUILDIN9 \/t'C$ffi$^*~** A k Pdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final Ready for Inspection &n Daaaa , . l~*fc~£€7s' . PLUMBING %''Gas Water Heater Soil Line Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough Final -- Mon , Tues , nnn D D D D D £sC-f3B<.~ — 7 V^- - ^Si*' **d*v . . . . . ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Pole Pump Underground Ceil Heat Rough F'n^^) Wed Y'lhurs J Fri nnn D D D D D <r , MISCELLANEOUS Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading -7 *, _ nnaanaaa Special Instructions -- Requested by Phone number Person Taking Report Q Residential g-tJtuTtiple Res . Tract or Commercial Inspector Owner Address Address - REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Q Mobilehome Park ID# Space tf Date BUILDING Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final QS Dnnaaa ,**- -PtUMBING*^- -"-[- .Gas_ O" Water Heater Soil Line Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough Final L_raaann ~*~} ELECTRICAL •fioot Bonding "Pole Pump Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final nnaaaa Da MISCELLANEOUS Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading a Daaaaaa Ready for Inspection -- Mon , Tues Special Instructions -- Requested by . Phone "number'1 / Wed Thurs Person Taking Report Residential Multiple Res , Tract or Commercial REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Inspector Q Mobilehome Park ID# . . - Space # Date Owner . . . Address Address BUILDING Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final , . naaaaaaa. ... xO/ . . £^&^r' PLUMBING Gas Water Heater Soil Line Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough £&5£Z\ Ls4 Is nnaaaann r^t^^f^c-^^// ^Tx^tS^ - ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Pole Pump Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final , nnnnnnnn ....<,<*•- J«r— -C- MISCELLANEOUS Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading ^ nnnnnnnn Ready for Inspection^-- Mon ,j Tues , Wed , Thurs , Fri Special ^Instructions -- Requested by Phone number -jf<tfh^i. Person Taking Report o- Residential Multiple Res , Tract or Commercial REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Inspector Owner Address Address. . . Permit No Pj Mobilehome Park ID# ... Space #. Date BUILDING/ Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final Dn 3* Dnnaa PLUMBING ^Ga$^ "Water Heater Soil Line Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough Final nnnnaaa D ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Pole Pump Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final aanaanan MISCELLANEOUS Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading nanaaaan Ready for Inspection - Mon , Tues Special Instructions -- . . Requested by Phone number Wed Fn Person Taking Report <?/. 7 Q* Residential Q,,.kultiple Res , Tract or Commercial Inspector REQUEST FOR INSPECTION P] Mobilehome Park ID # .. „ Space # Permit No Date .< Owner. . . . Address Address BUILDING Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final nnaaanaa v/ (^PLUMBING ^"~™^^ss==»B— Gas Water Heater Soil Line Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough Fina-K. .-^- — -- A c ILnnnnJ3n Dn ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Pole Pump Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final annnnnn D MISCELLANEOUS Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading nnnnnnnn Ready for Inspection Special Instructions — Requested by - Phone number Tues , Wed , Thurs , Fn Person Taking Report ' fc ^^OVa/f^AHCr, HO. 8058 -1 PLEASE PETURN WTTII ORIGINAL PLA^S ADOPTING 1970, U.Q.C.PLAN_Cin-:CK LIST FAKE ALL CORRECTIONS CIRCLED BJ "- - Ort PLANS IN INK__ & FLAG FOR - - - W IDENTIFICATION.' £ tty Adch o 1*1 of Conitvuction Occroru^y Ossification .^— .Stariea od-1 /.~*ca: Code IM'in C'hpc'ccr •OSX:-"' Scitrraic Zone Vo. Handicapped Fac.il2.cies required (see attached sheet) Health Departnent approval required. In the Fb^ci^e r.f \ *,es specif 3 crJ en riror p^ns fer ail ?rt?sf the* ccctipsnlPicai?ha^. VCCA U Lti en one per ___ 1"ri:aiic feet TC.P the \ail<Icm iiicd areas. * Theva.ll c!1 ry of this f niO'i be cc'^TlTiica to your satisfaction. ALL _* *-"— ' -**A-W— ,> LfOJ^. Provide an Index Sheet. Table of Contents to include , Square footage of each of the following: Land, land • coverage, each unit, living area, Balconies and Patios, garages. Shov number of units and bedrooms in^each. "Also number of parking spaces. • th ^ cl',»vt3on', si * «3d be rbsrn at ccrnei^ of t^e b^ild^^ ^a at cJi.iif.es 3n " r^So^c. av>^ firo^nd e3cv?.ticrts thov^tl bo taken at tns lowest point cctvecn t'-Tin* v,a: x r..d 3 poi^t 5 fent &r>t or <>t the property line, if cjosrr, the cxtc_3"i» vaV is ipErajlt? to and vlthin 5 feet of r; public s±tltnslkfor ot> r r-ub:i^ VJLJ-, t,v^' g^t'ond cl^vai3ons should be the eleyr'taor. oJ"1 ihe '^?y. 1> e r.r-^cr of £tr>:Jcs in this L^tldlns cannc-t be dttei-nincd untilthis cuu.3 is fvrnJih:d. The or (cclDar) is consj^c^cd the fir&t &tory. See "s't&ry" in Section !'r2.Q, nclj^; arc? jr-Ovie?. vce/^snitic'j and -b Oconi?s, rye cut for private balconies u--yt^ a IVie fct'i.S.iC'^it exterior wall line. i o cciic'Uio^ artf*"Tr3r'5"i"<'<;"~TdAct'JT-:j; f^r ^.prlr/i:-',^ ", S*cti<o,s 50? «nd ^06. ____ __ -navi" area r caratic-i wfll.- (a) I-xts.'-.a vtj.-13'x'l^y fr">n 15* f loaf e^5cpt v c ' UK f^ 1) If the jjc»?f is of J ^-ily with ScctJon 505 (c). t^.a pol-nt 30, Jnchcs t?bcve the Acli t^cns : -b/ju"1 flre-r&sit live c«-n&trveti&n. }f for a tvo-hov\* sro each fide of the wail u&!3 r tho xoof for & fett on o.ic-i nvr fire-ie^i&tivt construction. 'Iota} tiicilh of all o?c»ir-5 llyitcd to c'5 percent of ths wall length in the sto^v xiidci' cor-slc'e^s.tion. i opt, nip—-. p:otECtfd iritn fire asir-^blJct hPvMtf a fjre- rtslttivc tlne, of ojif -rad-on"-i'-AU (*,*--rec) i^u^s. (b) (c) tiu'ov i-'u area Stp?^^tJu:i walj.^ i.iroMd be avoj^od If a3'K'/ed, f\vc t'sn-p-i't cv' c'Ch siuc tf the -All .^ " rcouii'td. RocUon '^.'/o'J, U.B.C. .M,^i.'»"Ji . Ho through uenetrations with e3 ec. f pli^bg. , ere. a llowedAIT?- •••> p-»z "-tJo/r ii'ra i-^J cxt-nc t* the ou^fi- f-d-rr-. of l)or>j?ontal j>ro Jcc t-3nc Icrti1". 1 p''oj'ct3!.^ >) ii1 t)-" fjt'i'j^r -'c-ji TI' lit tfr''1' .-tion of tlm :M']>^ I'jlirn 'fan JinJ |V" 'p.^c. ji-'AitV, cj'^i"t'. ib->^i- .u f of t.M Ic/.-H Ih^n fii"-hau!' f J j'f. -rf M!,; l ,f r •>-,. Ii (.c1 K. i if-. .< I'J'Jlh Mji^i. to th-1 <l<i'!-i cf i 1= pro.U-f t !r<^ fl nmt" *.JU> o.'-nii,.'- In VM vMi.h u--..1 n-' < tl wit)* ti.nt fcui'thr.-l^vi' fJrr- icrinv-^tJ T "<ru,<li^. .So-1 to.i '. o (c/---'. Sho\? nn Floor Tlon^, ~ f__ - >*••«• - i' ?H Area separation va\3a .it pslals of a building having different heights - (a) m>y extend on]y JO lnob«* above the 3ower r;of level provided the c'xteilo.-1 V-T.1 aL^vf is of o ic-ho^r flrr- resistJvc c&nstructicn to a height of 10 feet abo/c tht i^v,cr rot-f with openings protected v;ith . . thi'ce«fu*^>*ths-l-oiir f irt-i esi^tive asaenblicn.1 V v" * ^ -. ' N - V">., \ V - * , $ * ^ > i. - \ x (bj -..^iflay tcrnisafe at lUc- lu"cr roof provided the- ioof is of1 ?t least ono-* \ ' \V^ N *}~''Ur f irr--rtsi M,i> t construct iun wit! ^at openings for ? width of 10 " *" * ' 'feet ueasured fio£i th& wsl3. Section ^O^-(c)-^. ^__ A ___" b MU* f ii t*rcEif ti\ e oc^opsn^y reparation in-conf orr.snce with , \ /I'able-Jiof 5-D a-id Section ^03 lb r« .ui«cd\bc twcen^tiic 'folXow'ing:/ -i \ % -A ™ r "* &-"1" j -* > v \ /--%^ _?M, w. l, v^3fd\e ,s;. '-\rte?nfitl? ^sft^t'uVaPs1 ste^ J A* ^l\3.ving equivalent f\rf-idsistive prctectiscn. Section 503 Vertical-eccvparcy Eep^rstio^s F^ccld extend tSro\-gh u^drrfloor and5atticx i arca&, includiag arnas wj.cre flre-res-istive cci^^^ss are'^p^cifled. ^"'%li v< __ _____ Thr b\U3dJng 3s 3lMlicd to __*_;_ ___ stories (__ _ _____ _ ______ feet in beJfiht) (^s a 'Jypc __ ____ ___ _ SLrv.cttPr-e. Sect.:U:r> 507* and T?ble Ko. i>~D. TYPE -01- X'OKSTIHICTTGH - ~^- - r ^> ^J* ' - -• 'Vt- u^ >- (a) The floor are? cnr.not exceed one- third the floor area of the room in ^it-lst located. 7he policy of the term "total floor area in! isxVs follows: 1) 1'he mezzar^nc p\i&t be cpen to the area below except for handralle. 2) Xo ,roo^3 (U-eo-&j.y b;lov .the icssBanlns -floor are allowed except for bathrooTC, cn'.ry ert?c >pnd closets. Kitchens haviis erch wall a*; least ^0 percent open to the area ers allov/ed. (bj The clear height alovc and below shall bs ot least 7 feet. .Poof coverings ,£,ho^3d. be firs retardant. Section 3602 ,(b),.l603 (a) or Dctajli,"toil £,i'ccirjc?tion3 cccplyir^g 'With Section 320>- (e) are required. Fixed", part 3 1 Jons 'should conform w3fch SectionOyOJj (a). -Dctpils are required. partitions eLculd comply with Section 1705 (b). Building paper should be applied to exterior walls as specified In Section 1707 (a). 'Enclosures for floor openings should -corroly with , Table No. 17 -A and Section 1706. Details should clearOy -JridJcfcl s this. iaum No. 9 gause wire or the eti-jivalenfc is reQ'olred for horizontal reinfoicerccnt in anchored veneer in 6'--is:iic Zone No. 3. Section 30. 104 , (a) of U.B.C. Stand?ras. Tics snould be Div_hored to this reinforcement. Exterior ver.cer noxje tvian ?0 feet in height att&che^"to vrood framing is not ollowc*dii.nlc-5s*provi&jon7 for differential xoveitcnt (gre approved by you. 'Section 3003 (b). Anclm ed vt-nc-er over ,?0 feet in height shovld be supported with nonccKbustible, "corrof>ioii~i!ei)ist'int led^TS at a maxiauai of 12 feet on center above the 20-foot height. Section 3006 (b), Show Planter Box Details as per Sec. 2517 (c) •Rooms 3n which rubbish (lirori) chutes terminate shovld be separated from the remainder of tV,* bi»13i2Jr^ wJth a one -hour occuoancy separation. Section 1706 (e'j. Note special treatment o£ chute for shaft protection ,&& it enters the I'vbMsh room. Openings into rubbish and linen chutes should not b? located In required exit corridors or &tairwey&. Section *£.OC5-. / 2 o 6 Konab&orbcnt finish snd backing for toilet room floorr, , walls of toilet compartments, and walls around urinals should conform with Section 3711 (a). Exterior w.ills of T>pe Til buildings should be nonconbu&tlble construction. Section 2001. A property line should be assumed between court walls to dcttmino wall and opening piotection. Section JOU (c). Also sec definition of court. Section Exterior (court) rfjia within ___ fcct of property lines should be of _ __ __-hour construct Jon. SccTion _ 0^ (p.) . fl rating of cxttrlor va!3s should be maintained through attic arois. Section 'OO't (c}. Openings in oxtcrior (court) walls wltliln __ feet of property lines fchould bo protected with three-fourlh3-hoiu> fTT-o oascmbllos. ____ OJ (b). U^ablfl epnce uml^r thn first floor oc^pi in Group I (J) Occupancies be cnc]o:,rd i-, required in .Section 1703. the required Urcki'ccs RI c-d protection. .Section H,5b'; (b). i K3fbl-Inch corcrrjto block wa.31;: rhoiild be p ivy ted toJie1 to qualify n a Cour- houv f ir^-rcsj ;>U ve a^"ciably.' "ttein^No. 5Q t Table Ho. ^.V-H, Jncluclinc rcoUirtc Z uncl 7. J'arapcl walls not 3ci>s thrn __ inche" iu height are required. Section 1709' KPVC oYcrhasisr and ^i^i'Ln' architectni'iO .pi'ojpclioji-s ,cbMila cos-ply uj th &JGWCJ' stall walls should'be f nil shed'^ith a h?rd, nenabiorbent surface to A" h-lrbt-ci" C-fftvt. -Seamen .17-11 <(b). Tlbri'Klits^ui- -it ^e1 pi rubricated fihisho& fih"»u3d fbe covciVd by ^a rcfci^cn i^ccrrenrfatica or cci-plcte ^usti'fylr^; data vudeV 'ScovJon* 106 bhou3d' bi.'^s'o' / D-ior' and panels of shower 2nd bathtub enclosure slicula conply with Section ( ijyn (c te c). - ' ' Placet ions l^yoncl the exterior wsOl nhould conforn uith the least restrictive of "< (a) A pt.'nt one-thJrd the- cU&ldncc^V- the property line from ?n exterior • vail. Rccticn [>Q'4 (b). / iv(bj A point one-third the- distance froM fin assumed verfcica] p3anc locetcd VJhci'o f Jre-rcsistivc pi tcction of cpenings is first rcqvired du& to location oi properly, Section ^O1! (b). * /nc ceilings, should catitfy th2 f«13e*riiig conditions. Seotion b)-6. / \' / \ (a) r'lcnldi iiot be used" to prtvidt fire piotection for beaa^nd giz-ders iug wort tr.an cr.e flee". \ s should be IndlvW n31y firo -protested, \ / "^ ^(c) Ci'tt snt? orllet cp^riirigr are liriitcci to 100 square Inches in each 100 sq^are, feet cf ceiling area and should be protected with approved fire dampers. (ci) Electrical oiitlet, boxes sheuld be of etcel and not greater than 16 &<3.uare inolie.-> in area, \ \ 'Gyp sun bca^d ci1 plaster ceilir^s in ccnjtj/jctign vith fire-resistive ansenblies choa3^ bo* bapporicc? at Int*1"?:!^ n-?t exceeding J.6 inches. Ite^rs 22 through 27, Tabl'e No. t3-C. Wood Trusses do not Comply. \* ,1 *" \* jfiI'lroT^es-'.-t) v f iigHf.yei£hi co-srcte fill -on wtod decks at weather- crposed N jocai"lcr.s rccuirc ^rL^tsr uensJ'ty ana rt-rei^th th'j.n foi- interior conditions. \ Cor'loriT-snce \ ith r^^tdrch ret iiu^/.^at Jon cojiditior.s Is required or justifying^1, ct be suiijiittcd I'f.clcr Section 306. iTJnl1"^-'1 rproificalTy ?] 3oved '>y -a rchc-ifsh rscorr.'asndation or substantiated 'with test data urdcr Section 105 f spoci?! coverirfis for dcclr:?, balconies, pstios,rctc.t cannon rcvlaco 'iry-p?i.'L ox1 a f ire-re'vistivo assembly in reference to Footnote Ho.'l^, Table I'o. ^3-C. Attention is directed to Fire-resistive --ysteris JnYol^ir^ vcod trvsses should comply with applicable resef^ch rt oon-jr^nd-.iions, Cnnver.tlonal lire- resistive systems uslnc wood jo5-;t.> arc not eppjieablo. Hc/crer^t "i's i^ide to Irc-n 10, Fart U, Research Recc.2ii?ndatlon Ho. 10JJ, ont-f.^oi cei.Ur- co--EtiTct3on, Tart II, Rcscaich Koco^5i«ndat3o3i Jvo. 3^^^; ^r ;.i e-; C^, i^rt* JQ, Rcscsi-ch Recoirtejidatlon )»'o. 1602, "Koto that all involve double gvpsuM board with resilient channels botween. Wood' stripping or suspended v,ood tystens for eyp&vai board coiianfii> s!jou3d be not losi. than 2*lM,h nominal t>iicic!ie';&. Section Jt?0'l (b).^ (Section 'I/O? (b) for wall a rarUtJon layovts and details sboulrl.bc scb^lttcd prior to Installation to Justify ccrvli^nce with occvpanty, t iro-rcslbtivc, structural and ' test dita J.7 concordance VJitn Section 106 or an ICI10 re-search Jon is i-tquircd for , be of one-hour fire -rofiJ stive coir.truotlon if located in, a b'ir7e>i?wioi' abo^/o the fJrbt st'i"y. floe t Ion 702 (b). JV? oaci'p-jnclc- wlt^-fMiocrv'p.-'nt 3 'id of 3030 or moro tth^uld be In Typoo I, II or 111 oi'O-h^Lr bui3dTTt>.v'iiti^ ,-'Jrd*<ib31/ roc:) e)>ould hot l>o in a baK If^iu oof-taini. U>la hlf.Jj oco^pnTlVJ^rod. .Section 702 (b). The wain onlrai.cf .Mjould frynt dJrcctly u>*aor hrvo n ?0~foot vjjrlo fiecci-n to a )H>blJc vny al leant , (; feet Jn 'lor c?£Ml-vf lov r^crs c? -^inlrj * b^l'," or oe^tr"3 hep^ing plant id be- j-rctestt,;3 viiri: * nre' -!"; i^t1.-- Mjr f i; •'-j t ji^ti^i as;,rnbl i L& ero flxtd, -vc'u^tio, n" celf olo«-jng if >. ,5 ted' bilo^ cpening^ in An £,as f/iu Is required, Ovouo C Group D fire-resistive coii- Ufo cf rocs11? c!rv-j2u i"5 c3a-jifiei. f'ryfe t^^ c i\-;^^s h."lTifi ?n occupant 3oad of ttoi'e tU=n 103 «:i5L xooi-T, nsca for ^rlr J^i-g'trt en, fir^t or second c^a^e cannot bo lcc*Ue3 i'tctc C^'D i^isi: story £fcj/vc gr?.c'c except in Vype I construction. ^2 (b). (b). l^yc i(cpar?Xion ^s required between laboratories, shops, 3 also be separated frc-w other classroows. One repaired exit thotrld to a public way at lea-it diiectly upon ^r l>avc a 20-foot wide access in width. Section 603 C?). facilities fchwalu be pa^" ided in aocerdanoe with Section 805. Light- snd -vc-^tlla-f icm .yroj3d 1C"LV^\ wit a Section 8G|5,- A cue-hill'? f 3 vc-rccj /tivt cte^paft-y j\r>aratlon is required between the boiler or central hcati^ iwsnt a^d the rest\f tie bulJding. Section 80S. An appi'ftved, Section £08. marked, cutsiox^ gas> shutoff valve is required. Open pj£ii cd'^Ci^tionsl b"il(2in£r> ^idfcr 5estir3\8lO shauld csuply with other applicable sesTtio's* i^l& ii\^\n<Jc& ^pcola.1 rs\\iirextntfa for fire sprinklers in Sect-i^n 3/1? (^)- D-l Oeouancies shotOd be of Type I er ZX coiistmstln i the J5sow>ticn isi Section "$02 {b}. /D-2 (?) Occvp?r.c5e- thcvld t. Table Ho. 5-0. 3S couplying with be of ore-hour fire-resistive construction vefttilatiwi ehouAd ca.M?2y with Seotven 905. ? firf-rcslstive 5ccv^as.cy i-epar'Ptico 5s re^Vt1 t has.ti!^ plmt end the rest of the building. bewreen the boiler s f&v ro?r ~ c«ri«slriiRt; a tc^i?cr c-r central heatJnJe pl^nt should b" pr«-J, tilsO vlth trrte"''' £>:-:' -h^-i ir"rj f ire-re sifctivc 9sse^bl\er> that are f dxcc, '.-.^t^Tiicio, &r Siir-closir^ if located bel'W openings in Viothcr ttory c? iX* It Co 1i»an iO feet frew « t.isi? c'ooi'fo cr rlndo^s in the fcaw /.n 3p;j;'averl, con p^i'^ed, oytside '^3& shut off rsOve it. require; In order to allow the added &tory height and/or omission of area sepa- ration v?3lj.s in the pr^1.:!!^ aTc:'^, the following conditions set forth in Section 1102 (b) should bs (a) (b) me parking level is of Type I construction. fhero Is a three-hour rwicombustible occupancy separation between the paiking ^rea end the ccc-^pancy above. Struct-, "al support for the three-hour floor should have equivalent firr ref.lLtive protection, Eifht-Jnch concirto block walls, where Vsed v.idor this conrUtlon, iwrt conp3y uJth Table No. U3-D or have &33 colls cs?ovted. Section ^03> (d). (c) (d) The tations only. for floor openings should be of two-hour construction. Openings in the cJi;lo-yi*e walls Jh^t'ld be protected with labeled one- nalf-hoxix-1 fir* aricmbllos or approved Tiro dampers. of Snction 1102 (bj are applicable to area and &tory limi- (n) KxJtinc reiviiirrrcnt:, of Chapter 33 arc br,sed on tho total number of stories in the building. (b) Wet and dry -JtandpJus-s are required In four-story buildings, Sections 300^ and idOJ. Motor vchlclo service Ttatlon^ cl tuld be of iionoonbvitlbJ o*"or ono-hour firft-j'p^Ji'l ivc com tuition. Sfction 3102 (b). Heavy"tinber roofi* for ono-stoi'Y iciyice staticm arc al.^o a!3ov,id. Floors of storop,* cai'»Kfifi should bc_. tntTrcly protoctrd cignlnct caturation, Section 110?- (bj. ^-'" in t. xcr-3000 fret in t J f,n with I v bn hi Linhj ;nd WntmUon -3bo'.Oc\ corp3y vM h S^li-n 110^, Kechanic.il ventila- tion it. j'e<".i i«cd in f2i?£c& txcccdii'g ,,000 sij\ii'i*t feet, Kxhaist ventilation at or m^r floor le^rl is required by Section ., ...,. - •„ - - - - occupancy ^.^->\f" Motf "1 6 required between a boijrr roo" or conti^.1 ht.iting pl«nt ?nd the ^est cf the Imi3din#. Section 3300. c"&*U£JtUi.£.d- :50! >Ti "».ii nf; "unoM17. <Pho..3d ,h*'Ve j,\ 1ndn>',.;\r<. ?•;-?& rpccifjed An met5 on cr* 13 to the ou4 ^-idc , ,-houid 'bt speci Jitd, .. _ <ftvlao fi-t sir changes Section 3>05 (a). Section 14*05 (a). et Jn ^_ _ _ s^i'ld not be c"ht1 ipVlcV^sircc they do not 'ccordsiioe with «bect5i ri 330^ (o ). Courts bouadca on icm sXuc^ i^th v/a3 \s should be at Ic-ast 30 feot In tvc t-t^ri'cs jn height, the rcqi'ii'ccUvtjdth bhculd bc» ircrca-Ecd by \ i/5< ai.j the 3'CQ'nircJd 3cutth by 2 feet ior each RctftiX 1_&£ (cl. Habitable I-OOMS jn t3on in Section viith rrtaininc v; mil allowed See "babi^able rocm" defii^l .hs intent i\. ts prohibit such(roons to be formed in StctJon rooiVdocs not havo the ninlirvua ceiling SecSkion 1^0 6 roo)ii Ehou3Xh?ve a i'loon/aica of superficial "Xect. Section 1^07 (b). Section 1406 (b). rxjis- Efficiency duc\3ing units should corply with Section A one-hour f ire-rcsi rti^e occupancy seporati'on is required >stv/een a boiler loc-ra or central hcatlr^ plant and the rest of the building. Section £very d*:cJ3irg unit and g(-?st roon1 should have comfort heating as specified in Section 3331. (Section Ijf09) required by Section a-room U£'d for &3cepirgshould* 'lot open dir Section l^u'K f3oor surfaces. Conferring'exits arel'j-cqvired from ,the areas below ar. snccif^td in Section 3502 (a)f. ts .sv;tj?ild Jiwe ,3 nJriwitm sfpa^rtion <rf o^e-fifth tho perJnctrr cf the rooa pj'c.i. served. SeetJbu 3)OC (c). Note that ''pei Jnoter" is alf.ig the outer a^'v of the rt cm or are?xscr-frd. For irrc^^iar shaped bvi!3dings or bulld Jjic;s \ilth inner coovl-i. It Ms bccvi ths policy to v>e tVio pcrifetcv of A t-Mu I'lio'.e avfa is tQjai to th?t of tha actual buiidliis to UcternJne the required ruiniriuin reparation of cxitf,^ rn thii> bJiSio the cli&tr.nce between exits Miould be at least feet. """ An occupant Section 3^01 ( j). required in the No noir.t Hwh" building should be r ore Unn 5^0 (?-00) ffi^ flom Rn -cjlt-; horJ/onUl exit, enclo'-'-d i tain/ay, or exit pait-Bgeway, wcaturcd In the direction of tiavcl. Bpution }$bf (d). Kxit doorf, Blioultl r,ulrii5 in Ihv, direction of e«vcs.B. Section 3305 j; D tritmlnry occupant 3oad ^Jr'.'te*1"'!*: Kxlt door", El'rsu-l'o be opemble fren the inside without the \vr>c nf a key, special knu.v3 c>ij£2 , ur cIlorL. Velio'- ^C'3 (c). 1,'ote al'-.o thai surface luoimlcd f3uih or "iurT jr o lol*,^ ?rc prohibited. Au t-oiiiitJe f3ush bolts arc ? linked on pair. of c.ooi ^ p'o/l ied che c'oor with the fj^sh bolt hii. no km> or Mir lace ."cuntcd hardrare r."d the oi"Utchlng of any leaf rcquii es only a e operation. doors si ou 3 d be a mlr.^'iu't i.l/e of 3'-0" i: 6J-8" with a minimum dooi1 xswins of 90 d^Tces. -Section 3303 (d)x Thc.net dimension (clear width) at doorways should be used in determining cxifMdlhs rcqa3r.-J by Section 3302 (b). Section 3303 (d). In consideration of dcoVvthiol r ;•>,<>{><- , panic l.arouare, door swine, etc., the required cxlt^,widths have not 'been rvmlsheci. Sec door - •A floor or "V^ncili s not rore'thon 2 Inches below-the thiesho3d is required on each side of arNcxit door. Section 3303 (n). (I Occupancies excepted.) Boors .shox'ld not project rore than 7 Inches into the required corridor width when Ai33y opened or *nore than one-half into the required corridor width when in .any fposition. Section 330'l (d). Rtvolv5ng (r.3idin^) (overhoaci) doors are not permitted as exit doors. Section ?303 (f). Hxlt cioox'ii .fjliould provide InsJioclJate accc&j. to an approved rsans 'of egress Section j5JO;S (f-j . Kjliing I hroush 'anochsr roo.n does/not conply unless the room conp3ici> '=,£> <n eccc£,i-ory area li^cunpllance v;lfth Section 3302 (e). A landing or-fDoor tbat ii» level or not srorc than 2 inches -3cwer than tne .thre'ihola 3s required on esch T,ide of si cxit^door. Section 330^ (h). fii7pp3ementfjijy doors fo" e^rcrs purposes shoultT'alfeo" comply with all provisions of Chapter 33. &ectior/3303 (j). " Corridors should have a wldth'of 44 inches . Section 5304 (b). Coxrrjdors sfvvinc nonanbulatory persons should have an o^pot minimum width. Section 333-8 (c). Dead end corridors are limited to ?Q feet. Section 3304 {f}. Wal3'. and ceninj& of corridors should be of one-hour fire-rcsistfv,e construction. Sectjoii 3304 (p,). An architectural section through the corrldoi Is necessary to determine ho^r this Is/acconpliahed. "See the enclosed sheet of details. / Exterior exit balconies cannot project Into an area where protected openings arc required. y& ft D f r-J/\W<°e &G ^T-5" S^C. I ^ i^ ") Interior opcrjr^? infcs coriidcra sl.^Ud be protc-cted as set forth In Section 23CV (h). Tvcrty-siin.^e rating for doo" a^seitblleJi lequii'es coiflpl iar.co v3 t.'i a sjieciflc re^etrch reeoir.^endation or a labeled fire asscE'biy* Thr latter wou3d result in a ^-air.vt'e rating since it is the" minimum presently labeled. Stall way shsm3rt have a SJilnin.'-va width of ___ Trltrc'ici iL"ndr?Jls shcyld not project r.ore than- 2: incKt&^lnto the required vlcth. Section 3305 (b). 'Kj'&rrs on f^iiv'^yr &hou3clT.oi^txcrcd *7»3/? lncluus--i-.ri"d nans should .not "bo 'lets tiwn 10 JncJ.et. J&eotJon \ on staJri-'ay1- should have-a o'incnslon in-*the direction of travel equal to the width ol tho^sta'irway"but r.eed not exc7e'di-4j"feet. Section 3305 (f). of st alrw,ty<. s> ot'ld have an pppiov.ed-barrl or wliere to upper floors In rn exit enclosure. Section 330f) (g). Section 3305 (h) . between st.iirvj?y 3. and ings are limited to 12 feet, Hano>ai3s should be placed not Tens than 30 laches nor more than 3U inche above the tre^d, Section 3305 (i)« T^o handrails arc- required where stairways exceed JMl inches In width. (No handrails if less than four riser&. J Guardrails for stairs, balconies, 2nd landlr^B should confom v;lth Sec- tion 3 73-4 , Koto that JvixlNira clearance between intermediate rails is 9 Inches and lail lielght shoxtld be 4<2 inches. Openings in ertcrlor walls within 30 feet of exterior stairways shox;ld be protected with cclf -closing tliree-iourths-hour f lre-rci>1*itive assemblies. Section 330^ (!:). Knc3osed usable space tinder Interior stairways should be protected on the enclosed side at required for one-hour flre-reslstivc construction. Section 330r; (1). lionconibuctlble exterior &tair:> rre required. Section 3305 («}. Kxterlor stall". f"-iovld not project Into an area (yards or courts) where uall ci>tnJn£;.s nuftt be protcctr-d. Section 3/0^ (m). A13 required Interior E>tal3W?yr. uhich cxteiid to the lop floor In any building four ur lun c- ;-torle;> in h-ighl '/hal] Irtve provided at tho point of the stair shaft an .ipji-oved Mich opens bio to the e?tcrlor not le:,s th n 36 inxtru-c feet In are;1 with a rilnJrum dlMtnslon of 2 fcot. Bootson y^b (1). r-h'HOri '^xtend to thr roof, flftctlon 3^0'j (n). Ji ruu.t bo In (•'Mcl-j ,<,>)'rj In l-LljOSfi c.vtv '/ r,» f ' llt .iLovt the* I1rl"r,t ^.riulf . .UJ5 (^ . Kot-c that tM'j 3fc *io»i vi p!Une i^s, K >r,ip slopes i.hould not exceed one ..foot in ___ _ _ _^_ feet. Section 33o6{c)(d). Surface of ra^pn r.l^ula b~ rc^'.buned or of t> nons-lip vutorial. Section 3306 (f). St?inrajc^fJhC'\Od be 'enclosed a^ cpeeifi&cl in .Section 3306, (aj t Oue^(U'o) hoar f-U^e-^ccJ stive vails are required. (b) Only exiC t'oors are Dllo^ed to opanjato' exit enclosures. (c) ]>joiv- s'*e^"u5 .b« ?n?Vc 'ecJ O:JP ('j"e--'n'1-Tne-.hslf )-hoiir fire atsr-«ib33e& -wHJi ',"tid3Ucnl 'jeivli i.vent CA .raxir-'M ' JJ5o°F. iofc^craUirjs ri^o above ajnl>iej-it afttii* 30 T^lmAcr, of i'i^'o tet-t. (d) Exit enclosures should ircli^de a corridor on the ground floor extending ,to the cxlcrJor. Mte -«eM* Uve coi • truntlon^Dhovld >e <-s ^rcouircd for "fho^exi V 'cnc 'o^f-ifo, iy 3 ^olr^; prot ccte-d^oncnSusf-* Only , ex it doors are'PCIMU*'.'- 'd-*,i^ open Tinto I1".? corridor. " "* (o) An cppiovc'5 barrier i& required £>t the Ground f3oc>r to ppevei't from accidtni'ly continvlri^; to the. louyr "level. (f) Ussbla space i& not allowed under the" stair&. One c>Jt fi'OJt »tl)e bti3'"5dini; ehcv.IA "'DC a 'bT'oVeproof enclosure 'complying v?ith c our*ts 'J^-r^ than 10 fire a^^caibMc ». ^"Section 3510 (d). -Alco ECC "exit c'ourt" 'definnion jn .Section '^3^1 (c). Op'enir-r,^ r:ore than 30 feet above the courtfloor aro cxcrptcd, No openings othcj.1 th?n required exits are permitted In exit passageways. '1'he j)ai J'3?f!cr'Sy& nhotJld b( of ____ __-hour f jrc-rcr.ietivo Section 5311, [o). Openings sK-ula be protected with labeled three-fourths hour' fire assemblies, £bou3d be provided in conforuiance with Section / P*\ RT V OF- Aifjle (cross aisle) ip. auditor ii^ should have a minin,ra vidth of Section 3213 (bj. Section ^13 (r.), Tanic hTdwpj'e is required -on o>:lt doors Gorr-fi^ Groun-B Occupancies "ha an occupfmt load[(qf !ir*orc tb?n lO'J. Section ^^1'6 '(a) . In lieu of ihlsf doors /io So'-'ics 'or Jatv-h^:-.. Main and side exits In conformant with Section 3315 are required for B-2 (l) Occupancies, Section 33?.6 (a). Every roon in a r-1 Occupancy rhall be provided with exiting cojr,plyin£ with Section 33^7 (»}' Tnis requires fire-spriaiXlcrs unle&t, the specific require- ments arc followed, CorridorK of Oro^p C-l Oceupaneies should have a v;idth required by Section 3302 p^us 2 feet» but net lee-, than 6 feet. Section 33T7~(b). Each floor above of below tbc ground floor level of Group C Occupancies should hare DO lest, them two cxii. stairs. Section 3 Exit hat* TJ 'j-i doors crinribt >>e'^OTC ,tth?n ? feet n; rtowor ^han .the recjvirea .corridor .t.'icUi, 1 n Group'C Oc< opancics. Sectio/i x11 ,:>i *irs, ECPX i^.r; an ^occ^pa:^ lead of PO^C fhan,*aOO in a C Occupancy .should at'c 0 »llniiw^ "^l£,i:l*Ji^th of 5 feet. Section 3337 (c). • ,Fxi(' dc-frfi^fror'-rircl'Ofslrcorrts i6h','Uld'FS?ing>in''thti direction;of cgrc&&. ^Section3317 (a). Roons of Group, C Occupancies vscd by pxipils and located brlow ^rade should hcvo .one exit Icacli^g dii'r,ctly to, <tho cxlcr5or,cf tho . building. Section 3317 CM- Panic hardv'arc 3s rocmired on exit doors serving rooivs containing nore thaji 100 occupant and iri corridors of Group C Occupancies. Section 333f (f). Every room in 2 Groi'p D Cccx\p?iicy Dhovld ha/c access to at least two Ic^ means of ogresc. ScatJon 33151 (aj. Door& froi.t bedroom^ and wards of Group P Occupancies and a] 1 exit where uonan.bulator/ patients r.rs housed Lhnuld. have a mlnlmuja c \cir width of Jf'i- inclicj. JIo projections in tnis widtli aro alJowccl. Scction~33lB {b}. J'fmlc hardv?rc ic, required on c\it doors ft crying more tb^n fifty o&ci'pante in }) Occupancies vnlcs.s there is no latcli or 3ocke Section 3310 (f), Fyory slccpina; room below the fov.-th floor cl-oiOd have one opcnablc window o~r jtcrior door c on f owning to .Section 130^ (jUO'i) for emergency exit or This includes mczz.i PTOOn, ItOOF COHSTRUCT30H, CCA'UUl.G , SKYl.inilTS, »00!' S ^^ _ Venting j& regvljcd for clevrtoJ1 fcb^fta e/.ttmUnR wore than two storlea, C^ction 370(5 (rt)« t'>^ lavpcv of 3- i/? percent of tho t.haf t, arc.t or 3 fiqufeet P02- eltv^toj1 fthfiald be l>otv;<rn V.OCH! f3oor < onr»1 mclimt raid a txi^rfmilt c\ ctiD1nf" brlow l into .HMD', iiol r?c ff^ViiiK jOOO DijUirft f*tit. firt,t1on ?.r>17(o). era Hoof ted under ths public .slJcwa}!;, Section ,5r07{c). r\? 1,1/0, '->,& ro^f drills r_riO on inue-pfndent c 'Of tMi. f o/c^flo'< ,ci'pp^:"i Uvee tines the si/e f-u cd In ]j;i, t iuJ, iJCai:>. Overflow svste*n should .\br-*e the 3ow points of the icof. Section fiho a;>-;;re^ 't^ artu of 3J-3/5 parccnt of the Concrete floor sDab^.e Section 2629. FIHB BXTIKQUCSIIIJJa Syr.Tf-HS and oMv_r roof f.ti-iictures ctinnot roof Pita. Sect3v->n 2&01 (b), grade :,liould not be le-i-a than "5-1/2 inches thick. *An approved aulcnotic Jfire~cxtinsyijh5i^ oystew is required In* the „ ___ ___ . Stcti^i ^802. Vhi-i IncSvdc'^ Wird spaces cnf\oced >!holly ^b istibie ccnstr^otion. _ or partly Dry stancIpipcG arc- required ia bul3diuis fova* or ir Section J8o^ {b}. Vfot standpipej- are required PS spec iU eel In Section 3 U.B.C. Standaid Ho. ^,1^6(k). stories 5n height. Conbination liiandpjpes a"c rcqulicd 5n btUJdirt;^ oxceediiig 1^0 feot in height. Section >803. 'ihey <-iry be substituted for wet and dry standpipcs, ljire-e> 1 plans sh^ald be sxibnittcd \o you to determine 1-ui] cling, pluiLbins^ and fire codes. Chinnsyt, shoaJd conply with Section 3702. ._. fireplaces and barbecues should comply with Section 3704. Firealarm system as per Title 2h of Chapter 13, Section B FINISH WORK The interior wall r.nd ccllJrg finishes should be cpecifJed and conply with TabJe No. U2-B and Section 1316. va Wdllloard (interior l?th ?nd plaster) cannot bo installed pn wtather- exposed surfaces. See. Section U2^ for definition. Typo and thiclcness of glassand glazing should_ comply with Chapter f clioiild be specified. G3ass and gla^jng in lio^ardcus locations thsiild cor.ply with Section :. shottld conpjy »/ith Chapter 3'4. Plsstic skylights are allowed only under the conditions specified in Section $2 sboi)3cT have a vertical clearance of 30 inches above »t)io cooking 'top to unprotected combustible juaterial. 'ihi^ c?n be.itduoed to ?^ inches 3f tho ctjnbu-»tlbl.-> naterial 1*3 protected with ninlxwa 1/4-1 nch asbestos nti No- 28 rav^u .sheet u'ct=il ex1 a 7-^0 tal ventilsting hcod. Section J.S01 Uniform Mechanical Cod", L COMMENTS: -Soils Report Required. Special Inspection 3n conforrianca t.lth Section 305 is required for tho Struc-tural concrete whore the design 5s bated on an ultimate compres- slvc strength in excess of 2000 pounds per square inch. All voiding except v/}iere done in ths shop of an approved fabricator, In^tallatio'i of high strength bolts, work. (a) (b) (c) (d) Soil classification in confor?anco with Table Ho. ?9-C and _ pounds per r,qva-"e foot f>oil bearing value u&ed In desj;,n slioul-J be specified on plans. Valun ia svbj-;t to yofr approval. Section 290'f. The fcmnJafJon invest if^Mo-i report rxantlor,rd in pl-'nv VMS not Jnclx'dctl in <tata forwarded to us. It r^v.nild be cubnlttccl for roylcw. Aoc-c])tance of tho foundation investigation report J t, recomrnendetl contingent on coirpll.incc with 3ocal ortU nances. /ll jrt.i'ionjr1/ or concrete f Icpcnt-, rer,ii,tln^ solimJc force:, should qualify as rclnforcofi o] i in' nt.i . Section 2 Section Concrete shear vrT33s r.Jioulil coi.ply vflth firctJoir. 's.Gl? imcl 2637 (.1)* coiurcle wiT] jNtn^Xa arc limited io an lt/t r.it'n of ,}6 (^Ij) \, -57'-.,<•••- -;'•' ' Wood rc'iV-tn^ my sunnivt Jc-idf.. froi ktsonry or cn'icrete only 'au'er tho condj- i-is bpttifacu in ^Section 2^16 (a), iip.nl ralciOat loiv, i,lr-ald be tubi ttted to justify the adequt cv of tho structure 3 *y tc;n in rtsi->iii\T sei'^ic nnd uind leads, m <\ rnpportljis aesd and livo 1 0fi '1-3* Thii> Jncivdc g calculation*. and dotallr. shou'cl be provided for .Tne roof :hov3d be designed for upUfl wind pressures ylth due consideration for lateral support, of co.aprcM.ion flanges Of f Jcrura t" itcmbers. 1'Joor'load shou3d consider a 20-poaud per fiquare foot'partition load. Seciion250? j(b). "11 pnreos FhnoJ'i bc'de&igned for ,a -Co-pound per^fluar« .f out 33vo,lopd. 'Table i1 the &toi0&e of private plcamre cai b.-clwuld be de^Jgned for a ut irt t'heel 3oad. Section 2^0? (b). ?x lanlnatod bea'ar should b" tpikcd torethcr as specified in Table Ho, 25-0.Section 2^08 (c). &IEH& are required. Section P^OO, *Sce «r.'Jn:n.*'l Dn'nbsr ft* . eld be /?b^l"fitcd in ?.cccr(Ur.s Standard Ho. T^-10, A certnlc^te of inspection EvhudW be subihitt ed "to the" Building Department. '^ stress in gl'i cd-l^ irattd ir^ibers o^cr 12 inches in depth should consider ^ depth r sanction factor. S^ttion 2513 {^)-6|t .tre^ro1) In cri -cd glued- IfinimtecJ mcnbers should be v/ithjn allowable values. Section P&11 (d)-V. hadi^O tcnrion itrE>sse.s j*re limited to lcj pounds PCI- fcquorc 3ncb If the '-^aiil tc-i^ton exceeds, this allowable, mechanical fastencri- shot1 Id be rsed ro resist the entire stress. j Wood siud& ar" limited to 1^ feet in height for 2x4 and 3 x 4>s and to 20 feet for ?. > 6'c. Section 2518 (f)-?. E/terior' r<il]s and bearing partitions be^cw ,tv<c second ^tory in three-story _ bi'ilaingf, sl,ovld be 3 v !i or ? jt 6 tt«ds. Section 2538 {f}-l. "^*. ' .,.,, v-od connr-otionr crpeoecl to the weather arc limited to 75 percent of the * , i' alloVi-b^e 3oad vndor \\jro tec ted conditions, Srction 25-1711 (e). Uniform Building Code t.1 Spacing uf bolts should comply with Section 25.1737, Uniforn BuiDding Code . ' lmjj_oxtj.ed. holti Ho not «~.?p^J_y with code requirements . Anchorage of concrete rn& msionr;, v;s31s Shovld co*Lp3y with Section winch rely on c^o^: grain tension of V.OOQ i^ember& are not acceptable the .CocU- Ji^r. ro r03o'',t? t.,1 - vaijc. / poi>iti\e means oi connection such a& Joist arichoi'E. or clip e.-gles eluvTci be provided. )>terior iionbta^ing-v?!]-; &htiii3d cowplv with Section 2?lU'(l-)-5. 'Note thai connections for ccl^iaic py^poses shcvltl be bsrcd on a "Cp" faetcr of two. Ho. &5- j , Pdc&^BljooTd.confonn vlth T?bXc No. 2^»-B. Jcn i:> 'J'cq.^ir6J Ibit 'sufficient --lops or canber is av?i"i.ible to "a&ijre r.dcCfL ite roof dr-sjn ft* »ftf,r 3^r,s time deflrcticns. In 33cu of roofs; inv-t be decigried for pi-'-riblc ponding of v-tter. Section 2^05 (f). on streninj; msthod and h^^dr-'are along with justifying data are re--*" quired on pi t^t i c&f «3 oonc-rtc v-c;'';. /his data should be submitted and Approved p^lor to oi String of ti \tcrir1 Note- that .>!! tendons &hovl<3. comply with Section 'OO^ {ej-,-,, for i 3 r«. rr s l/c'Jding data or drolls for &tstl dtcLinp, used &s ;• dipphragm bhould be pro- v3dt,<i. J.ifornaU'-'i M^"'& co.rp^y yi'Jj r t^eci^ic ) CBO rt&tarch rtconrnpridition o> tcfct data tubuiitifd in coi-p)i?:ioe vitli Section 106. IVtails thoiOd be provided on roof (floor1) dirpbJ'^m connections that Indicate' how the Mifi.irs ?rc tiriir ferrecJ to vrtJcal rhcrr-rcaisting elements. Conncc- tions chouid be <i'stliic<J with tlrv^tvra] calmlationa for compliance with *.13ovabJc values. fUralf.ht r-hcalh'-d d^Ur.g rlou)<3 be Ji"*.tiritd for rtlaphragm notion Rlnce 5 L IB no I tnvtird viler &cti,3on 2^1^, jt^ T,1J" Hatlon should be btSttl on the dlscu?- J ion cf tfntr.vf >T,-j! si-" ithino;, P.^o 'M?'6 of th'* Timhpj\_C^n_.t_n^_l 1 on j-1_?nuol 3Gi,pcd by the Amcrleni /u'Allcte, of Timbt,r Coi-'Sl i uol'Joh. U'-ninr fo\" nyp*-vm board (j.9th, th^.-lhlnc board) v^cd i>tractvrrO-ly on shear W.-11& fhould be M"-oif3rd ;>nft cowpjy I'Hh V-bU No, 47-1. Muai* ir,*llrt vtUUi,^ cyp'.^w bo.-rd (3alh, ohcathlnp; board) cannot bo U'»od tocd i,v pa: o'-x-y or cor-jrcto rall(.. Footnoto 1, Tftb3o No. Ji/'•• ' ' - -10 h?s no ]>;'<-• 'J -.Jcn^ for • U<ec'> Uitai VM^S'. e jusUfJcdj et -in trucesa tjccUJc DCI'O /c >t -ivli rcoo & or CM-! j.ailii^ <nJ rj-O* c-f i',jt '31, tU.i tlnco lit Coda IJS.E no to >or force, Ccil5».t'< joii t.per fcqvri'c J"c -JUl be Section Tor lc«-d of not less lh?n 10 Tjut^rSov ixi-l-tjfii.i &i>«uie be Jx'&uned rlrvc.lov« ily Jfor i»trrngth und do- fjcctltn crltoij ii.t /roth 5n Section 2512 (b). t-hoo-'lcl ccrply with a specific "ICEO ,t d.ito shoi'la be fcub-uJtted In rpJliDtc rtl'i S'1ct'lon 106, ft et.at(ril.rjg i asonry crV'njcrcte should comply wi'th S«,cVicm 2^>'L" *•{( L?p r.pllcjug of No. I'l and Ko. 18 icbar^ if. not Pllowed. Section 26oS (c), V?ord de^i^n criteria thoJld be ts*ert on indo_try itcndtrai jmbllshod In Oo'.obcr, 19?0. ^,'ooa 3'. no 3on~rr gr?dcd under criteria set, forth in the Cotfe. ncfeiduc1 I;- r-ade to Research Recorjr.rrdstiouS ?^6rJ nit 2D&0. AITC 3f"j.1nitinr, -.peej locations shewld be usrdTor f?uc-lsm construction ^ indu&tiy 11^ lon^ei vst- the trltei'Ja "et forth in the Code. Reference is irado to Rcserich li-^eo' ,,*i,itu"'tion s for plywood c'J^nhrj'g"^ (frhear"v.?13&) should te" indie r- ted on pD?nsc Data Mmulcl pgice with calculE.ti&ns. See _ _ ___ i __ ^__^ ___ _J; _____ ^.,-_.. -....„......-,.-., — Strx'Ciural specific atlc-.-'S should be on 'pirns. This includes corcroto, na&onry, mortrr, f,rovt ( 3xi»nbt^, plyrcod, rc^nforclns ba^i, &trvct,ural steel, &ttcl dec);li! cU1. niiTi reiinforccment should be pi'&v3ded for raasonry Kails to conply with Scctiru ;-'i]8 (J)-3. Hininum i cinf orc^etptnl thojld be provided for reinforced concrete v/ftlle to coroJy flth Section ?.622 (d) . -l^JlL1 1-LLltJLr.lcjC od c _^_0jld " 8 0 G 1 .- — Provide single 1 1 rsc drawing and ca 1 cul atl ons fi.H 3 0 0-AHP 1971 Show panel location and size, in each . -^ ^, - , All feeders shall be installed underground, outside the building or as approved by the Adm. Authority. (Intent is to house Eomex i n 1 hr. Chase or Raceway), 'Show -methods on plans. _Jgur duplex receptacle^, maSumum on_each appliance circuit. Ground B'ault Intcrupter required "on all exterior receptacle^. Um form nGchan_i_c_a L.C.Q'Jc - Ord &i7o and Isction of F.A.U , venting, combustion air return ait, ducts and icgisters. Show dtyer vent to oulsidc 25' feet of equipment for prvicing lee. 509. Show temper c-ture arid pressure relief valve and discharge line on watet heater Indicate height of water heater platform. Landscape and irrigation plans required - Ord #9060, Sec .21^44.200 Provide sizing calculations for water & gas piping. Micro Film Copy of as-built plans required. Fee Required. All Apartments & Condominium Buildings Must Have Fire Retardant Roof. Ag£eal£^ird__Dec^ ff All Walls containing piping larger than 2" and Plumbing walls with back-to-back fixtures shall be 6" minimum. e~-« i *—* Indicate how required structural and fire-resistive integrity will be maintained. V/here penetrations will be made_ for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and ' 7__ ^ cpmmuni cations, conduit s, pipes and similar sys^ems INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET BUILDING DEPARTMENTv BUILDING ADDRESS DEPARTMENT LOT WIDT UNITS"PRQVIDED °" ' i'~COVERAGE'f ' ^ ". FONT*, SETBACK PRKG SPACES PROVIDED BLDG HEIGHT REAR YARD NTRUSIONSSIDE YARD NVIROJSIMENTAL PROTECTION REQ'TS-*LANDSCAPE PLAN ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ;<i-^*£fcISSUE *PERMITi \ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT •«•* * AINDUSTRIAL WASTE SEWER DIVEWAY DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS \t ' '^ tV* SUE.PLRMIT,.DATE jzf <Z>*C? '_ G 'OCCUPANCY.DATE. FIRE DEPARTMENT 'SPRINKLI'NG^SYSTEM PROTECTION EQUIPMENT Qvv-ALARMS. EXITS ADDITLCWAL COMMENTS RETURNED TO M IG ,DEPT Owner ~~ / 9 _>/ / _j ... NEW CONSTRUCTION VALUATION WORK SHEET Plan Check No. 10 ! Types of Construction;v* I & II - Steel, concrete, or masonry with floors and walls steel or concrete. III - Masonry walls, wood floors and interior walls (except 1st floor could have IV - Steel concrete slab) V - Wood frame EVERY BUILDING REQUIRES A SEPARATE PKPMTT Group A, B, or C D E, F, or G F H I I&H J Description Auditoriums , theaters , churches , schools Hospitals j i V [torn Inc /a3esce nflt.iM nt Homes a 1 P 1 n n t, R Tilt-up Stock type IV Warehoufip.q ^Office areas Stores & Comm'l. Bldgs. i Office bldgs. Restaurants Service stations Canopies (serv. sta. ) Pnhl jLc-J£? Apartments ages , hotels, motels Dwelling Porches , Balconies' & Patic Basement Attached j* Fire-extinguishin system Air conditioning Pile Foundations AdditionalDwellingCost-ModifiersGarage s rivQite garage" g sprinkler Commercial Residential SF of Floor Area &e>4 z s ^s&K&f im. Cost/SF for Types of Const. I & II ?V7n /,n nn 1 ^.70 NA NA 12. 60 111 _??, nn ^6 6& 10.75 7.P5 NA 10 00 IV NA NA NA 10. if NA a 65 _ &rm V-l HF ? n , 4 n •2,3.70- 10.40 NA UA A. 80 Additional $4^6t5 per sq. ft. 2 1 -7^d> 25,CC NA NA/ W 2a/^o / NA / NA - NA / i^fc y&'7& '&'•'?•& 21 5DjNA n .on 1-7-.-50 17.40 NA 9". 7j5 '6.90 NA NA NA ?o. nn L 10. on NA NA NA NA /_JT, £%J /7:<?£7 ^2^' i 1 . 5nNA Valuation V pn n 8.65 L_N.A_ ^^L / ?~^5 /iJlT^ q /,->£ JMA WA. _ Q . T 5 I MA 16.50 Il5. 5 ^ NA 16.1 '.- NA 5.0 . NA Add 60<t per square foot of area sprinkled Add $2.00 per square foot Add $1. 25 per square foot Cast-in-place concrete piles M LF @ $4. 00/LF Steel and pre-cast cone, piles * LF (d $8.00/LF Number of fireplaces @ $500 each Forced-air heat $500 per unit Wood shingles or wood shakes SF @ 30<£ per SF Tile roof SF @ 60<£ per SF .5.... 3 ,- ^ JMefJ •^ J b. 0 flu 1 ' ^ ! } • ' Number of bathroom fixtures over sax (d $200 eacti \} *? f 1 1 * Miscellaneous (See ) //TV "^V '-^ Multi-story Buildings: Determine the valuation from the _ sum of the floor areas of all the stories. ^ ,— -\. ^a& Total />^^^Hfl^^fe Va luat 3 on^ll^Bg^''^Ai/ervo ^^\Fs^/yj0£&»» _» i/f ffj oo ^ tract" build ing ""permit" to b~e one-half of building permit fee. Move Buildings: Full valuation fee based on final use. *ATypes and groups of construction are for guideline purposes only :?! RECORDED DCCU! E IT TO fitvr nf f" ft »- 1 <T I-^^B ^^k - - ' '•* - £ '! 0Lity Oi ^arisi^p • T>nt. i-wElin Avenue £03 PcCC33e&' REQUEST OF Carlsbad, California 920Q8 /• , , AGREEMENT FOR JOINT PARKING FACILITIES - , EiacOU AND GRANT OF RECIPROCAL PARKING EASEMENTS KULEY F.ilG'-H THIS AGREEMENT is made this __$ day of /Y\4 1974, between CARLSBAD INVESTMENT CORPORATION (Hereinafter referred to as Party A) and COLOHIAL MALL," LTD.,- a Lxnvited Partnership, {hereinafter referred to as Party B), "both of Carlsbad, "Cal'ifor'niai ' • "*"" *~ " R E'C I V-A* L, S: * ' /";V WHEREAS, the parties own adjoining parcels of real estate in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: 1. 'Parcel A is owned by Party A and is described in . Exhibit "A" attached hereto. tIS'2.* Parcel's is owned by Party B and is described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. * 'l "^ WHEREAS-," Party 'A has constructed a restaurant on Parcel f *, A Known as The Wayside Inn. The principals of Party A , are also the principals of Party B and desire to develop Parcel B for a Colonial Mall shopping and professional complex; and WHHEliAS, there is insufficient parking on Parcel 8 to accommodate the proposed development; and WHEREAS, Section 21-44.160 of tne Carlsbad Municipal provides for the joint use of parking facilities in asessor's nar-«je1 «os 15G--1PO-39 15C-12C-23, and 156-180-38 *J| 304 certain Circumstances. In this case, the restaurant opera- tion on Parcel & has been determined to be primarily a nighttime use. Therefore, under the terms of the ordinance a portion of the parking spaces on Parcel A may be made available to satisfy the parking requirement on Parcel B, which has been classified primarily as a daytime use; and WHEREAS, Party A and Party B have asked that" the City of "Carlsbad approve said ^oint'use of parking facilities in order to facilitate the" planned development, it is a condi- tion" of such approval that th'e parties exchange'mutual --^"^ agreements and covenants and easements to insure that the parking spaces will be available in the future; - '- NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: ' ,-, -'"'I, Party A hereby grants to Party B an easement'-' ; - -* irf favor of Parcel B over Parcel A as follows; The ease-, ment is nonexclusive" and the owner of Parcel B shall' have ,, the*right to ^utilize up to a maximum of 50 parking1 spaces. .*-* •*- * " "-V*. •"• -*«.,!,* ^Jfft^^tfr *.*Wh - located 'on Parcel A, including any necessary .rights of •- access* , 2- "Party B hereby grants to Party A an^easement in favor of Parcel A.over Parcel B as follows: The ease- ment is nonexclusive and the owner of Parcel A shall have the right to utilize up to a maximum of 50 parking spaces located on Parcel B, including any necessary rights o£ access. 2. s. 805 3, These mutual easements are superior and para- mount to the rights of any of the parties hereto in the respective servient estates so created, and the parties further agree that these covenants shall run with both par- cels of land described "herein^an'd^may^notj-be removed or modified without , the" consent of^tlie cVfeV^of -^Carlsbad. 4 . In, order to insure ' tliat^the*y mutual,' Exchange of easements _ is -meaningful^-anll;^ ^Xtvv.X " . ;/- -x*i ^y^j^-&"^;\' **% A«£^>£,meet .the'1' ordinance, requirements^of^stKe" Ci£y\of, Carlsbad^i^ available to*-both parcels at al'l^tiines , the parties furtherT - ' • ^f ^x \i" SE?*A*?^ **>^-,-> -/< . * " 11", '-*-*> 4^%**?^ ' "agree as 'follows: ^,^4-f-*, " -Vi t *• '* '"^^(a) Party A will at^all times in the future' 'Jceep O>'-*t . w ,'*. x"" ' in good'^repair all driveway and parking facilities located %*' •^•X." V^ "" * *V h 1|:> J" v '""^ -^J" upbri"'ParcelvA, including any capital improvements will at!* a 11? ""times in tHe¥futu"re^keep in good ^repair^alli driveway 'a'rid-parking fac.i"-l*at.ies located upon Parcel^ B, including .any, capital^improvements, riadev-with respect tHeretCK !All^such "r epair's^and improvements,;,shall be made at the expense^,of Party B'/ ' ' , ^ ^~ (c) These mutual covenants are superior and para- mount to the rights of any of the parties in the respective servient estates so created, and the parties further agree that these covenants shall run with both parcels of land described herein. The City of Carlsbad retains the right S 3. to seek enforcement of these covenants. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement at Carlsbad, California, the day and year first above written. Acknowledgments a "Callfbrniarcoarporation COUNTY OF^SAN DIEGO) ) ss. w -,/ 1974, before^rne, the undersigned;ya Notary Public "'inland *f or,' saxd State, personally appeared 'RoK'ert* Hi Wa^son^l^mjwn tb^rae^fb be the president1; of the corporation^ tha t}|exVc u€ed ^ the"' within instrument , ^nown to " person^whojaexecuted th^e within .instrument on corpora t'i'on^¥herein*riained, arfd^acicnowledged corp§wt^p]T|xec]ited the within instrument ^ bylaws?6r, atrieso\iutioii of its board of directors. ^ ~*;v;" v* : .* •"'^.y^.^ff-y -r-, , -, <*. ? s<* i •»•> seal:' ^ •> ^'A ^/C'^'f. •*!* * V' (''rf*, /• i' .-• S~~J "?~' w (*£** ^^-^ O'*rf^i~ta* NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) On May 8, 1974, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert L. Watson known to me to be the General Partner of the Limited Partnership that executed the within instrument and acknowl- edged to me that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC 4. r City S.State RECORDING REQUESTED BY City of Carlsbad AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO City Attorney City of CArlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue L_ Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~l J 74-131025 FILE/i>AG£ NO pBOOK 1974 RECORDED REQUEST r MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~l _1 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER S USE Documentary transfer tax S No fee D Computed on full value of property conveyed, or D Computed on full value less hens & encumbrances remaining thereon at time of sale Signatu ieAf declarant or agent determining tax firm name D Unincorporated area City of Carlsbad Grant Deed Parcel No FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hereby GRANT(S) to COLONIAL MALL, LTD. a Limited Partnership CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation the foJlowmg described real property in the ' ' „ county of" San Diego , state of California for a nonexclusive? easement for parking purposes sufficient to accommodate fifty automobiles, including necessary' ingress and egress Said easement is restricted in use, to^the hours between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Said.easement shall terminate in' the "'* event; that^ the,ordinance of the City of Carlsbad no longer requires ythe provision'of said amount of parking spaces in connection with'-thes-use* , being made,of the subject property located an the County of San Diego, State of California as follows - V ./. V -.'%-';, That-pprtion of Lots 17 to 24, inclusive, ^in 'Block 86 of the'. Town of Carlsbad, Xn the County of San Diego, Sta£e of California, -according to map^thereof No. 535, filed in the Office of the--County^Recorder of San*'Diego15 County?*1-May 2, 1888: -TOGETHER withsa^portiohj;Qf^Tract 115 of thefTown of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, ,,State of ^California, according to map thereof^No. 775, filed in the Office of\the,County Recorder of San Diego County, FebruaryS15,^,1894, described'^s follows Assessor's Parcel & 156-180-38 #156 (FOR "DESCRIPTION"SEE1 EXHIBIT A ATTACHED}-T80-23 * * - 8, 1974 COLON Limited STATCOFCAUFORVU COUNTY OF Watson, GeneralPartner -Jiefoie nie, the undersigned,On a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared to be Ihe person.. whose name. within mstiu merit and acknowledged IhaU •-executed Ihe same Signature of Notary Name (Typed 01 Printed* of Notary known to me - subscribed to the FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP Title Order No C16 Escrow No MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE