HomeMy WebLinkAbout1207 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; A; 74-2452; PermitTYPE OF PERMIT SIGN ELECTRICAL FOR SIGN n a Owner's Name (PLEASE PRINT)(LAST) APPLICATION FOR SIGN P™IT CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 729-1181 .Incv \ FEE: PERMIT No. Ave«. Carlsbad 729-0991 20 i 33 Contractor S .MfT , XP^ T (FIRST) *' <" (MIDDLE) (* " NUMBER STREET , CITY PHONE Mailing Address _(PLEASE PRINT) State Contractor's License No. Person or Firm in control of Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION Classification C—City License CITY 6960 pg 2_ / ~?~ T6MBER Eltn Av*. _, Carlsbad 72Q-09Q1 SUBDIVISION JOB LOG ATI ON 1207 Elm Ave Carlsbad Mpar ZONE (CITV OR TOWN) Condit Use Permit or VARIANCE NUMBER (NEAREST INTERSECTION OR LANDMARK) LOCATION ' '> ^ * f v FRONT _feet from center line of street to sign SIDE Valuation of Sign ft 3QO t^O Area of sign Building Permit Plan Check Fee $ 7 Planning Dept Approved by Plans approved by fieet from center line of side street to sign.(T*Ssquare feet ^ _ 11/4/74- ^_ Date ELECTRICAL PERMIT Each Sign $5 00 / First 2 Trans $3 00 each add'I' @ 50 each 1 to 10 landholders 25 11 to 25 " 50 26 to 50 " 1 00 51 to 100 - 200 101 to 200 '" 300 THISSPACEJffR LOCATION SKETCH SHOW NORTH ARROW I i I II X.U W* I-' DIMENSIONS ___ Length _Height Number and size of posts Number and size of braces Depth in ground _ Material: Panel ?%_ Uprights Bracing Show advertising copy below Distance between panel and ground. Reference to plan on file If neon, show colors Reflector matenal?_ Illumination ?|£ Copy on both sides? £_s.r. G?*ST-6*y2.l CALL FOR ALL INSPECTIONS INCLUDING FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED ON FOOTING EXCAVATIONS BEFORE SIGN IS ERECTED APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE KEPT ON JOB