HomeMy WebLinkAbout1207 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; I; CB940956; PermitPermit No: CB930119 Project No- A9300167 Development No. BUILDING PERMIT 03/01/93 08:47 Page 1 of I Job Address- 1207 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite D Permit Type- INDUS1RIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT 1330 Q3/OV93 0001 Qi <y> Parcel No- Lottf: Valuation- 15,6213 Construction Type VN Occupancy Group: B2 Referenced- Description: 625 SF OFFICE LINDA PARKER C-PRHT 7«-00 Status ISSUED Applied- 02/01/c'3 Api/Issue: 03/01/93 Entered Bv• DC Appl/Ownr • ROBINSON, BETTY P O BOX 415 SOLAWA BEACH, CA 92075" ** 8.5 2 . 0 0 A AA Fees Required Fees . Adjustments• Total Fees• Fee description Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee - Enter "Y" to Autocade (Lie Tx-X'C-, E ^ BUILDING TOTAL V;V'»*"'* Enter "Y" for Plumbi lfcV** ' Entfc-t "Y" for Elects Enter "Y" for Remodel * ELECTRICAL TOTAL Enter 'Y' for Mechanical 619 729-2958 •','F.e?'s',Collected & Credits A * A :1. w — 1i W <t i ^ r o tTit'1 P a vine n t: s-: Balance • Due •- , 00 111.00 741.00 Ext fee Data 171.00 111.00 3 00 284.00 Y 263 00 832.00 N 10.00 Y 10.00 Y 20.00 N INSP. CLEARANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr , Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 APPROVAL DATE ,-*/"/£. PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 I PERMIT TYPE A - U Commercial Q New Building ESTenariTTmprovemen t B - D Industnal D New Building P Tenant Improvement C - D Residential D Apartment D Condo D Single Family Dwelling D Addition/Alteration D Duplex D Demolition D Relocation D Mobile Home D Electncal P Plumbing D Mechanical P Pool D Spa P Retaining Wall P Solar D Other 2 PROJECT INFORMATION PLAN CHECK NO. EST VAL / ? I PLAN CK DEPOSIT VALID BY I?**' DATE <nn-, „ &<3 5" /// '+/.// 3 & •PRttT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 93,-CC Address t 7 Q 7 Nearest Cross Street p t LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot No Subdivision Name/Number Unit No Phase No CHECK BELOW IF SUBMITTED D 2 Energy Calcs D 2 Structural Calcs n 2 Soils Report P 1 Addressed Envelope ASSESSOR'S PARCEL EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE DESCRIPTION OF WORK SQ FT 4 OF STORIES CUN1ACI PEKbUN (,u ditlerent Irom applicant.) NAME . , , » ADDRESS STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE APPLICANT UCONTRACTOR U AGEN 1 ^OK CON 1RACIUK UUWNEK B AGENT FOR OWNER NAME T 5. ftV fe ft-r>SAt- ADDRESS 33 fo STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE b PKOl'EKIT UWNIJi NAME 6cTTxt ^oV)iK)SCV.t CITY StstivMft BEA^H STATE d t) UUNTK/VL'IUH NAME ADDRESS ?& &OA ^ -AlffZIPCODE 92^75, ADDRESS \s DAY TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE STATE DESIGNER NAME "!""-,... .-^ CIIY Ci\R.\{5(*,Ar>T WUKKLHS' tJOMPENSATION LIC A #p^ STATE LICENSE CLASS ^Uc*\. ADDRESS ZIP CODE 5 /2_OOS CITY BUSINESS LIC E. CB i2-) DAY TELEPHONE 7Zf A^^ S # . STATE UC # Workers Compensation Declaration 1 hereby allirm that I nave acertilicateol consent to self-insure issued by tne Director of Industnal Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab C) INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO EXPIRATION DATE Certificate 01 Exemption I certify that in me performance ol the work lor which this permit is issued, I snail not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California SIGNATURE DATE 8 OWNLR-BUTlDnR DECLARATION Owner-Builder Declaration I hereby alrirm that I am exempt from the Contractors License Law tor the following reason P I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale ) D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) P I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) SICNATUHE DATE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR N ON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES P NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district' D YES P NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES P NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED AFTER JULY 1, 1989 UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency lor the performance ot the work tor which this permit is issued [Sec 30971.1) Civil Code} LENDER'S NAME 1 ENDER'S ADDRESS 10. TTcertTfy that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct lagree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SATO CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THF GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSIIA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stones in height Expiration Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permK is suspended or abandoned at anvitime after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Building Code) APP IT'S SIGNATUR DATE WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance • RECEIVED liAR 1 51993 FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB930119 DATE: 03/15/93 PERMIT#: CB930119 PERMIT TYPE: ITI PROJECT NAME: 625 SF OFFICE LINDA PARKER ADDRESS: fl"2"07 CARLSBAD^ VILLAGE DR SUITE* D / CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: MH/BART SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA INSPECTED/7 /? . DATE BY: C- • &0JL(J^ INSPECTED: ^k0lG3- APPROVED ^ DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: >*. PERMIT* CB930119 DESCRIPTION: 625 CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST FOR 03/16/93 SF OFFICE LINDA PARKER TYPE: ITI JOB ADDRESS APPLICANT; CONTRACTOR: OWNER: 1207 CARLSBAD VILLAGE .ROBINSON, BETTY DR REMARKS: MH/BART/ SPECIAL INSTRUCT: ASAP IN AM PLEASE PHONE: PHONE: PHONE: STE: 619 729 INSPECTOR INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK# CB930119 OCC GRP B2 CONSTR. TYPE VN LOT: TOTAL TIME: CD LVL DESCRIPTION 19 29 39 49 ACT COMMENTS ST Final Structural PL Final Plumbing EL Final Electrical ME Final Mechanical ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP 030393 Interior Lath/Drywall AP TP 030293 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP TP 030293 Rough Electric AP TP 030293 Rough/Ducts/Dampers CO TP COMMENTS WALLS ND SUPP AIR ADDED TO OFF/LOBB CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT* CB930119 FOR 03/15/93 DESCRIPTION: 625 SF OFFICE LINDA PARKER TYPE: ITI JOB ADDRESS: 1207 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR APPLICANT: ROBINSON, BETTY PHONE: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: OWNER: PHONE: STE: INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCKl CB930119 OCC GRP B2 CONSTR. TYPE VN LOT: 619 729-2958 REMARKS: MH/BART INSPECTOR SPECIAL INSTRUCT: AM PLEASE TOTAL TIME: CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 19 29 39 49 ST Final Structural PL Final Plumbing EL Final Electrical ME Final Mechanical ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP 030393 Interior Lath/Drywall AP TP 030293 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP TP 030293 Rough Electric AP TP 030293 Rough/Ducts/Dampers CO TP COMMENTS WALLS ND SUPP AIR ADDED TO OFF/LOBB «-_- NOTICECITY OF CARLSBAD • ™ ^^ • ~ ^^ ^^— 438-3550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE DATE -?//f/M TIME LOCATION PERMIT NO / >^^y/2<^ €€ FOR INSPECTION CALL 438-3101 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? __ uZZF-j / / yFOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT ^->* /** / PHONE BUlLDINp^INSPECTOR I CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) SSO-14^8 DATE: I C T I ON : < ^y/ j/^ 4» ^~^' KECK NO: T ADDRESS :T NAME: <5>3- : / 3^t T-T II °> SET: -TJ y 7 C* ^J^ L^> -( U')lo ? - c/ nft.]~ O APPLICANT QPLAN CHECKER [jFILE COPY DU?S rjDESIGKER The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes * The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified _ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check lis- is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. J The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff di(3 advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: f~] REMARKS : Telephone ESGIL DGA DCM ESGIL CORPORATION 932O CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 56O-146S DATE:\Q~ JURISDICTION:CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO: 9J - / / 9 SET: PROJECT ADDRESS: / PROJECT NAME: ~> 7 jg (Jf APPLICANT QPLAN CHECKERQFILE COPY QUPS QDESIGNER The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified __ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact' person. t/ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: . / __>--^* Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: "* '* Date contacted: REMARKS: Telephone CORPORAT QGA LJCM PLAN CORRECTION SHEET TENANT IMPROVEMENT PUN (BECK HO.:. JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD TO:t-^ A- PROJECT DATA OCCUPANCY: BUILDING USE: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V ACTUAL AREA:b ALLOWABLE AREA: STORIES: HEIGHT:A; 4 SPRINKLERS: OCCUPANT LOAD: REMARKS: Date plans received by jurisdiction: Date plans received by Esgil Corporation: Date initial plan check completed: .By: Applicant contact person: FOREWORD: PT;EASK READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Code sections cited are based on the 1991 UBC. The circled items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303(c), 1991 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed__up the recheck process, note on _this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e., plan sheet, specification, etc. Bg_ sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the^revised plans. HOEE: PACK BOMBERS ARK NOT IH SEODEHCE AS PAGES HAVING NO HEMS NEEDIBG CORRECTIONS WERE DELETED. LIST NO. /il CARLSBAD TENANT IMPROVEMENT WITHOUT SPECIFIC ENERGY ZONE DATA OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS, 1991 UBC 2. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Dri\e, Suite £208, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 560-U68. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, to. The jurisdiction's building department. Indicate on the Title Sheet of the plans, the name of the legal owner and name of person responsible for the preparation of the plans Section 302(d) Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, even though there are no structural changes. Business and Professions Code. Plans and calculations shall be signed by the California state licensed engineer or architect where there are structural changes to existing buildings or structural additions. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and date plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. Provide the correct address and suite number of tenant space on the plans. Section 302(d) Provide a note on the site plan indicating the previous use of the tenant space or building being remodeled. Section 302. When the character of the occupancy or use changes within a building, the building must be made to comply with current Building Code requirements for the new occupancy. Please provide complete details to show the building with comply. Section 502. UBC Section 304 requires the Building Official to determine the total value- of all construction work proposed under this permit. The value shall include- all finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevator, fire extinguishing systems and any other permanent equipment. Please provide a signed copy of the designer's or contractor's construction cost estimate of all work proposed. Provide a plot plan showing the distance from the building to the property lines and the location of tenant space (or remodel) within the building. 16'./ '21, On the first sheet of the plans indicate: Type of construction of the existing building, present and proposed occupancy classifications of the remodel area and the occupant load of the remodel areas and the floor uhere the tenant improvement is located. Provide a note on the plans indicating if any hazardous materials will be stored and/or used within the building which exceed the quantities listed in UBC Tables 9-A and 9-B A complete description of the activities ^nd processes that will occur in this tenant space should be provided A listing of all hazardous materials should be included. The materials listing should be stated in a form that would make classification in Tables 9-A and 9-B possible. The building official may require a technical report to identify and de\elop methods of protection from hazardous materials. Section 901(f). If control areas are used for exceeding the exempt amounts of hazardous materials from Tables 9-A and 9-B, they shall be constructed of not less that required for a one-hour occupancy separation. Section 404. The number of control areas within a building used for retail/wholesale stores shall not exceed two; the number of control areas in buildings with other uses shall not exceed four. Footnote 1, Tables 9-A and 9-B. The aggregate quantity of any hazardous materials "in use" and "in storage" shall not exceed the quantity listed in Tables 9-A and 9-B for "storage". Footnotes 2 and 3, Tables 9-A and 9-B. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with Title 2k and 1991 UBC, UMC and UPC and 1990 NEC. Provide a fully dimensioned floor plan showing the size and use of all rooms or areas within the space being improved or altered. Draw the plans to scale and indicate the scale on the plan. Section 302(d). Indicate the use of all spaces adjacent to the area being remodeled or improved. Show any existing fire rated area separation vails, occupancy separation walls, demising walls, shafts or rated corridors. Identify and provide construction details for proposed new fire rated walls. Specify on the plans the fire ratings of assemblies to protect penetrations or proposed openings in existing or new fire walls, floor- ceiling assemblies or roof-ceiling assemblies. 8/4/92 23, ,2A. Identify existing vails to be removed, existing vails to remain and proposed new vails. Identify bearing vails, non-bearing walls, and shear walls. Show safety glazing in the following locations, per Section 5406(d): a. Where the nearest edge of glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either side of a door in a closed postion (unless there is an intervening wall between the door and the glazing or if the glazing is $'-0" or higher above the walking surface). b. Glazing greater than 9 square feet with the bottom edge less than 18" above the floor and the top edge greater than 36" above the floor (unless the glazing is more than 36" horizontally away from walking surfaces or if a complying protective bar is installed). c. Glazing in shower and tub enclosures (including windows within 5 feet of tub or shower floor). Provide a section view of all nev interior partitions. Show: (a) Type, size and spacing of studs. Indicate gauge for metal studs. Specify manufacturer and approval number or indicate "to be ICBO approved". (b) Method of attaching top and bottom plates to structure. (NOTE: Top of partition must be secured to roof or floor framing, unless suspended ceiling has been designed for partition lateral load). (c) Wall sheathing material and details of attachment (size and spacing of fasteners). (d) Show height of partition and suspended ceiling, and height from floor to roof framing or floor framing. Provide notes and/or details to show that the floor and vail finish in toilet rooms are surfaced vith a smooth hard non-absorbent material extending five inches up the vail. Similar surfacing shal1 be provided on the vails from, the floor to a height of 4 feet around urinals and within water closet compartments. Section 510(b). Note on the plans: "All interior finishes must comply vith Chapter 42 of the UBC". Specify "Class f lame spread rating (minimum) for ;_^ ." Note on plan that suspended ceilings shall comply with UBC Tables 47-A and 23-p. In buildings having floors and roofs of wood frame construction, other than dwelling or hotel occupancies, draft stop the area between the ceiljLne and floor above so that no concealed space exceeds 1,000 s.f, and no horizontal dimension exceeds 60 L.F. (if space has sprinklers, then 3,000 s.f. and 100 L.F.). Section 25l6(f). 29., 3V. & In buildings having floors and roofs of wood frame construction, other than dwelling or hotel occupancies, draft stop the area between the ceiling and roof above so that no concealed space exceeds 3,000 s.f. and no horizontal dimension exceeds 60 L.F. (if space has sprinklers, then 9,000 s f. and 100 L.F ). Section 2516(f). Storage areas exceeding 1000 sq. ft. in connection with wholesale or retail sales shall be separated from the public area by a one-hour occupancy separation. If the entire building has an automatic sprinkler system, then the occupancy separation need not be provided. Section 702(c). An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in rooms used by the occupants for the consumption of alcohol and in accessory uses where the total area of such unseparated rooms and assembly uses exceeds 5000 square feet. Section 3802(c). The tenant space and new and/or existing facilities serving the remodeled area must be accessible to and functional for the physically disabled. See the attached correction sheet. Title 24, Part 2. The width of the required level area on the side into which doors swing shall extend 24 inches past the strike edge for exterior doors and 18 inches past the strike edge for interior doors. Section 2-3304, Title 24. Specify lever-type hardware for passage doors on floors accessible to the disabled. Section 2-3304, Title 24. If both sexes will be employed and the number of employees exceeds four, provide separate toilet facilities for men and women. If "both sexes will be employed and the total number of employees vill not exceed four", and only one restroom is provided, note the vords in quotation above on the floor plan. Section 705(c). _-hour occupancy separation is ____ _occupancy andrequired between_ the ^occupancy. Table 5-B. Ducts penetrating occupancy or area separation walls must have fire dampers. Section 4306 (3). In areas where the occupant load exceeds . , two exits are required. See . Table 33-A. Provide an exit analysis plan (may be 8 1/2" x 11" or any convenient size). Exits should have a minimum separation of one- half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served. Section 3303(c). 7/8/92 is. 49/ 50> The maximum number of required exits and their 54, required separation must be maintained until egress is provided from the structure. Section 3303(a). Rooms with more than 10 occupants may have one exit through one adjoining room. Revise exits to comply. Section 3303(e). Exit signs are required whenever two exits are required. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 3314 (a). Show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. Section 3313(a) Show the locations of existing exits from the building and show the path of travel from the remodel, area to the existing exits. Note on the plans: "All exits are to be openable from inside without the use of a key or special knowledge". In lieu of the above, in a Group B occupancy, you may note "Provide a sign on or near the exit doors reading THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS". This signage is only allowed at the main exit. Section 3304(c). Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3 feet by 6 feet 8 inches \.ith a minimum door swing of 90 degrees. Maximum leaf width is 4 feet. Section 3304(f). Exit doors should swing in the direction of egress when serving an occupant load of 50 or more or when serving any hazardous area. Section 3304(b). Applies to door(s) Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1/2 inch below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door used for disabled access (may be 1" maximum where not used for disabled access). Section 3304(i). Doors should not project more than 7 inches into the required corridor width when ful ly opened, nor more than one-half of the required corridor width when in any position. Section 3305(<j). . , Revolving, sliding and overhead doors are not permitted as exit doors if the occupant load exceeds 9 or the exit door serves a hazardous area. Section 3304(h). Provide panic hardware in Group A,E,H-l,H-2,H-3 and I occupancies. Chapter 33. Double acting doors are not allowed when 60T serving a tributary occupant load of more than 100, or when part of a fire assembly, or part of snioke and draft control assemblies or when equipped with panic hardware. Section 3304(b). Corridors must provide continuous protection to the exterior of the building. Interruptions by an intervening room is not permitted. Foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for corridors are not considered intervening rooms. Section 3305. Corridors and exterior exit balconies serving 10 or more occupants must be a minimum 44 inches v-ide and 7 feet high to the lowest projection Corridors serving less than 50 occupants may be a minimum of 36 inches in tidth. Section 3305(b). When t\,o exits are required, dead end corridors and exit balconies are limited to 20 feet. Section 3305(e). Corridors serving 30 or more occupants shall have vails and ceilings of one-hour construction. Show compliance or clearly show on plans which of the following exceptions has been satisfied: a. Corridors greater than 30 feet vide when the occupants have an exit independent from the corridor. b. Exterior sides of exterior exit balconies. c. Corridor walls and ceilings need not be of f ire-resistive construction within office spaces having an occupant load of 100 or less when the entire story in which the space is located is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout and smoke detectors are installed within the corridor in accordance with their listing. d. Viithin office spaces occupied by a single tenant, partial height partitions which form corridors and which do not exceed 6 feet in height need not be fire resistive, provided they are constructed in accordance with Section 1705 and are not more than three fourths of the floor- to-ceiling height. Section 3305 (g). Section 3305(g), Exception 5, cannot be used for non-rated corridors in a fully sprinklered office space if the occupant load in the space exceeds 100. Section 3305(g), Exception 5 does not apply to common corridors where the corridor serves as an exit for non-office areas (manufacturing, warehouse, etc.). Section 3305(g), Exception 5 is applicable only for corridors on one floor; the corridors on the lower level(s) must be rated if these lower corridors have openings into them from other levels. 5/28/92 61 If non-rated corridors are used per Section 3305(g), Exc. 5, provide a reference to the corridors on the floor plan, noting: 1. Corridors are non-rated per Section 3305(g), Exception 5. 2. Smoke detectors shal1 be maximum 30' on center. 3. Power supply shall be dedicated branch circuit. Circuit disconnecting means shall be accessible only to authorised personnel and shall be clearly marked FJRE ALARM CIRCUIT CONTROL. With a lock-on device. If a tenant space utilizes Section 3305(g), Exception 5, then that tenant space shall be separated from adjacent spaces by a demising vail constructed as for a one-hour corridor 3- Clearly show where the non-rated corridor system terminates and a rated corridor system commences. 6k. One-hour fire-rated corridors shall ha\e / interior door openings protected by tight- / fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated 20 minutes, except openings in interior walls of exterior exit balconies. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic- closing by action of a smoke detector per ^Section 4306(b). Doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door meets the stop on sides and top. Section 3305(h). 65. Total area of all openings, except doors, in any portion of an interior corridor, shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of the corridor wall of the room which it is separating from the corridor. Such openings shall be protected by fixed glazing listed and labeled for a fire- protection rating of at least 3/4-hour. Section 3305(h). 66/ Show rated corridors, lobbies, reception or / foyers cross-hatched on the floor plans. . 67f Provide a complete architectural section of / the corridor, or exterior exit balcony,/ showing all fire-resistive materials and details of construction for all floors, vails, ceiling and all penetrations. Section 3305(g). Show the location of fire dampers. Provide fire pampers at duct penetrations of fire- rated occupancy and area separations, shafts and corridor ceilings. Combination fire/smoke dampers are required at duct penetrations of rated corridor vails. Section 4306(j). If a room with an exhaust fan has a door opening into a rated corridor, show how make- up air will be provided to the room. The door cannot be undercut, nor can a louver in the door be provided. Section 3305(h)l. If building exceeds two stories and has an elevator opening into a rated corridor, show how the smoke and draft control provision of Section 3305(h) will be met. Either provide a separated elevator lobby or a second door at the elevator entry meeting the provision. Section If a second door is provided at the elevator entry, note that it will be readily openable from the car side without a key, tool or special knowledge or effort. Section 5106. New provisions in Chapter 43 of the 1991 UBC require special treatment of penetrations at fire-resistive assemblies. Provide typical details on the plans showing how the fire- resistive integrity will be maintained at the following conditions (Include the manufacturers' names and ICBO numbers (or equal) for any sealant): A. THROUGH-PENETRATIONS (through the entire assembly) : 1. Fire-resistive bearing walls and/or walls requiring protected openings shall have penetrations protected with through- penetration fire stops having an F- rating, T-rating or complying with UBC Standard 43-1, depending on their locations, sizes and combustibility. 2. Fire resistive floor/ceiling assemblies shal 1 have penetrations protected with through -penetration fire stops having and F-rating, T-rating or complying vitm UBC Standard 43-1, depending on their sizes, combustibility and whether the penetrations are in walls above; B. MEKBRANE- PENETRATIONS (through only one side of an assembly): 1. Fire-resistive walls (whether bearing or not and whether requiring fire protected openings or not) shall have penetrations protected with membrane -penetration fire stops having an F-rating or complying with UBC Standard 43-1, depending on their size and combustibility. Lunited steel electrical outlet boxes (not exceeding 16 sq. in., nor more than 100 sq. in. for any 100 sq. ft. of wall) require no protection. 2. Fire-resistive ceilings shall have no penetrations, except for noncombustible sprinkler pipes and steel electrical outlet boxes as described above. NOTE: The plans should indicate the various fire-stop ratings required for all penetrations . Provide a note on the plans stating "Penetrations of fire-resistive vails, floor- ceilings and roof-ceilings shall be protected as required in UBC Sections 4304 and 4305". 8/4/92 81./ 82,, 83. / Provide evidence of Health Department approval (for restaurants or for tenants using X-ray equipment). If nonflammable supply cylinders for medical gas systems are located inside buildings» show how they comply with UBC Section 702(c)4. ELECTRICAL Submit plan showing location of all panels. Submit panels schedules. Submit electrical load calculations Indicate existing main service size. Indicate existing total main service load. Indicate new additional loads. Indicate wiring method^ i e. EMI, metal flex. Show exit signs on the electrical lighting plan(s). As per Section 3313 and 33U of the 1991 UBC, provide two sources of power to exit signs and exit illumination. Provide receptacle(s) within 25' of HVAC units. UMC Section 509. Provide multiple switch lighting controls per Title 2k, Part 6. MECHANICAL Provide mechanical ventilation in all rooms capable of supplying a minimum of 5 cubic feet per minute of outside air with a total circulation of not less than 15 cubic feet per minute per occupant. Section 605 and 705, UBC. Provide mechanical plans showing existing and proposed HVAC equipment, ducts and access to equipment. Detail access and working clearances to HVAC equipment. Detail disposal of main condensate drainage from air conditioning units. (UMC Section 510) Detail overflow (secondary) condensate discharge from air conditioning units that are in a ceiling space. (UMC Section 1205) Fire rated corridors are not to be used to convey air to or from rooms. UMC Section 1002. PLDMBIHG Provide gas 1 me p lans and calculations , showing pipe lengths and gas demands UPC Section 1219. / 93. Provide drain, waste and vent plans. Provide water line sizing calculations . UPC Section 1009. Detail how floor drain trap seal is to be maintained. UPC Section 707 (floor drain trap pruning). Show P & I valve on water heater and detail drain line route from P & T valve to the exterior. UPC Section 1007(e). 9/. Show 1/4" per 12" slope on drain and waste / lines. UPC Section. 407. 95. 96. /Provide a drinking fountain at each floor / level in assembly occupancies (except drinking and dining establishments). UBC Section 605. 9^ Note on the plans that new water closets and associated flushometer valves, if any, shall use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush and shall meet performance standards established by the American National Standards Institute Standard A112.19.2, and urinals and associated flushometer valves, if any, shall use no more than one gallon per flush and shall meet performance standards established by the American National Standards Institute Standard A112.19.2. H & S Code, Section 17921. 3(b). EHERGY Provide complete energy design calculations, including all existing design and new energy design for this building. See attached non- residential energy design checklist. or remodels in an existing conditioned space, w that the remodeled space will not use more energy than the existing space or show the remodeled space will conform to latest energy design standards. CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPLEMENT . Floor drains must have auto-prune (City Policy). 103- A grease interceptor, is required. Show/ details complying withfCity Policy 83-34. 104". Roof mounted equipment must be screened and / roof penetrations should be minimized (City Policy 80-6). 8/10/92 Condensate drains must connect to a wet trap (dry traps are not permitted). (Memo 1/14/83). * <•[06. Show fans are duct type; City Policy does not permit ductless fans. 107. No wiring is permitted on the roof of a / building and wiring on the exterior of a building requires approval by the Building Official. (City Policy) J8. All roof-mounted equipment shall be concealed / from view. Provide structural detailing for the screening. 109. All panel boards shall have a minunum 100 amp / rating or approved by the Building Official. . Only tank-type water closets that use an / average of 1 6 gallons of water per flush or less , and urinals and associated f lushometer valves, that use an average of 1 gallon of water per flush or less shall be installed in new construction. These provisions shall apply to existing buildings only when toilets are being replaced in existing bathrooms or installed in new bathrooms. remarks MISCELLANEOUS Ill Please see additional corrections othat follow. /y, C, . To speed up the recheck process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e. , plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 3. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please check. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan check for your project. Ifyou haveny questions regardinx£hese " Thank you. Enclosures: 1. 2. 3. Yes _No 8/10/92 U) UlOUOd urt U-t t-4 O0)c. *3(—rt mr*^ ^A fsj r*-v^ ^a o C£ *3u: a)" 3 [rt fl Oz o< Lidin J 10 CM G «. O to o) E h GO C S |K S lMrt •ao c.fl)uud 0) Qjj Wa jj *4 ^H »-4od jjc 01• • i-1•u da >E H a tr.a fl) W W0 3 q -rt(B 1-1 U fl w >w flc ~»o E Q> 26•H 3cr Li rH ed 014Jrtouu •a•-* 30 14CO•rtjjfj*-x 3U<DLi O ^3 J^iJ H ~£ fl>U£fl *-4c.EOy jjo•rt LtiJ U L. V) C >, q T3 1 - - Ll ^o v> c> .a d c >, n w o oo) .c fl ~* e c >•-I U ;t -O >> C) O O W 01 flO fl) .0 .C JJ rt fl) Ll ^u fl > jj (fl ij an ort • rt "13 •— « >• (0 Ll O T3W irt O d 01 d •* 4J 3 — 1 C>, -H U j: Li OLtlOIO<M3j= 3 C ^ =: D. . oe, i*w d a 3 a) -o •• LIrt n w atJocoibOLi — ' fl O .CtHrtfl-O fl> O C. Li MS> OL. " E C H U Lito iJ o o w o M o•rt O rt rt -. 10 C 01 -) H i> d W L;o dC LI cfl fl) -H -< oLI bo e 4J o o .£ -H o .c, ofllCOrtrt OiJOrtlJirt" H rt i— t J-) prt rt U] ti-ijj -o j-i rt d w .c >> o-rt re O O I/I OI .C 4J > U d H Li >, > P* UM O rt" t^i W flJ fl I/IW Ll — i rt 3 M Li U Ll fil D, rt ±J JJ O CItMOrt -< OCd J tOOO^CJJrtOLi- ui c -n 3 C *M *rt • O «Q Oo d" -3*nww3jr>J-J>i-< C^lOflllOiJ•ociCrtfl do*du•fl)Llfl)3<-> O C, rt * SD.>D,'-10'O Lir-l iMWOrtrt fla)H WO -aujbO-rt^flu> ii-i c c. c Q) o c aWifl-rt Uj QC.Oi-1 -rtj •3 iS^OO H^rtL(»'ULI a) 3 c1 c "jj — ' o w ^ -a (3 03 O re •*-> l^J i OJJLi*rtCJH 10 c* >JELia]too3fl-1 Li Li O -3 UjUO»lJJU3O O O O M E Li CXlM rt C 01 — I C H WOd CO U-JO > -Q C L, 0) O U O E W "3 •-« O O O flflLfUoLiC; E-3CQ3 OJCOflCOO KCOOEoflrtflO J3dd"-''0 13 -H C*rtMM -rt C^ C: W >» -3 -H »u «rauiirti-H oin oi^Huan-o-rta>ofle.j= o o c > v -o c* oLiU&SEiJaC. JOO(-iCO'3>CUOOOXC, b.-rtwfl3jrCfl) 3<^^O^3*J< I iJC.WWwi3i-< 1— 1 ^f- oJ Up x » CM S W i-l Lroufl 0) CI L!o a 3Li rt ld-1 rt to*JcoecLi rt3 troLl fl]uu r^iJ EoLl L^ Jjc. ClXo oLi wLioo ±4 u M o wVI0>oo y H irt.0 3c. o-art>oLic. o CI J3fl rtfl fl _Joc in H c ^*\ 4J3 w>. U) <Ju-l(TV o* ^H cortJjuo OI•ao ^t^Ja fl £ w n•-t d > ^a jj flUi 0o =: t rJ Li0 V)X4o <u-* ^ VIbocrt•3—1 rt3pQ "OartL<o-1 101 rt J_J irt3g •a 0)•^c3 hScj5 Llc. iJ Xo oLirt 1— 1o>O)•rt "O oLlu Llo Lloo -H^4 Jj 1/3Ll 1^W-t o o ^o rt w •-H 01 taI—I — < *a "d w3 o -oc ao •H JJ4J J^ Li bQ0 3D. OUlo•rt•= >,d -«C -i O flto Ert Ca oLi C d vico >M rtrt 4Jfl tft "3 -J 0 E 0fl) ULl UH rt3c- O -3 ^ 5fl fl) 10 1C OO rt 5 HI-tE -Ho oin rt •o 5 oi-l r-ttO rt Ul Uluoofl oLirt bOcrt*y i-H rt 3^Q fl Xo310 cH urt,—1 ,0 3 01 -*^Z3 J11 ^•Mco M Mo •ou J2fl ^-a 0 »rt fl u o•HJ-li-t•a•od fl 60 £ £ed for remodels including:^, rt C"O 10•rt a>ocd•rt r-f £ M MVI U Urt ,_( u. flVLl«•o 01 0 O 0) Ll O4_r M— c c.o 6> 60 V) fld c -so:l^ -M V) Li V) L. ~i N L, i" O ftl ^ *"^ C_5 l¥i*^ ^^ 5 fl 10 ^S 0 -0 O • do Ud •aB)--i -3ia Li a Oovt cLi fl fl C a) 1x3 ^ l« L. rJ to u flL. 4JC fl ng remodeled area.•rt £0)to V)o•rt Ul -rt Ll ^Ho -^0 Oo rt •rt >,« L.w d4J •rt .0 S M lephones serving remodeled area.ojj •a § ta C•rtrt c olu Ofi C•Hj^* -rt Ll ^ me-i •\ fSr** IP wtoLu I!DO a oui•rt OU M U)OU U fl m cn u10 C! fl •3 O3 fl> OLi fl M ^Ho o ou e 0) §fie area being remodeled when an•rt UUc.w 01 o •3VJJ•rt E•rt »H e X § •>)J Q)uo bO •rtu o cQ> o ^ •o01c rt o 0 •3 rt a 10 Lifl o 1o10 3Ll §unreasonable hardship shall boo co •rt flcrtao a•o Vj fl 4J ^ 4-Ju0)*-)oLlc, 015 c•H •o V •rt 0> d Ul o rt "3 ^ r-l 1 5 w1 co 0) 1 fl frt fl01Lla •oa 01•oo CiLl o5 two a)•o•rt UlJJ3o Llo oLl rt 3 aLl 01 ^3f 01 C^4 01•H ,§**-* S CM oJj Ll D 0)5 Iklo u U]ou o5 o or-f VI ^aflluXV ^^01>o•Ort l~l J=60 3oLi.c area, an unreasonable hardship^ "o! oE0)Ll Q) Crt Q)Co •0 fl)criteria is staff guideline;.\^f jj U]rt XO o •oc3 01.0 ^H rt 10 finding may be by observationc^rt JZ •oLld _^ o r->o o(0floLl O <n to D•H > O fl) 0) •rtLiOM fl> 3O irt15 ~ £ 103Ort> O C "5 TITLE 24 HANDICAPPED ACCESS CORRECTION LIST _G^Jurisdiction Plan Check No. References to section numbers with prefix "2" are to Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 2 (California Building Code). Prefix "3" is for Part 3 {California Electrical Code). Prefix "5" is for Part 5 {California Plumbing Code). Exemptions claimed for any item shall be requested in writing and shall include all data needed to determine "unreasonable hardship" as described in Section 2-422. SITE DEVELOPMENT^; \J2T* T \^ **\ -^fi+ VU^S d. If no landing is provided, the slope of C_^"*>V| *>l \ ^5 J flared sides shall not exceed 1 in 12. HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES 2-7103(d) a. Provide .handicapped spaces. *-.. --£ 2-7102(b) b. Spacs shall be so located that handicapped persons are not compelled to vheel or walk behind parked cars other than his/her own. 2-7102(c) c. Parking space shall be a minimum of 9 ft.xis ft. with adjacent marked 5 ft. loading zone. Double space shall be 23 ft. wide. Where a single space is provided, the loading/unloading zone shall be on the passenger side of the vehicle. 2-7102(c). d. Maximum slope of parking surface in any direction shall not exceed 1/4" per foot. 2-7102(e). e. Parking space(s) shall be identified with, the International Symbol of Accessibility on reflectorized sign affixed to post or wal1, and also duplicated on parking surface (symbol to be 36"x36" and painted at the back of the parking stall). 2-7102(f) f. Entrance to parking area (or at each stall) shall have a sign stating that unauthorized vehicle(s) parking in handicapped space(s) may be subject to tow-away. 2-7102(f) g. If covered parking is provided, then a reasonable portion of the total number of stalls reserved for the disabled shall also be covered. 2-7102(a) h. Entrances to and vertical clearances withm accessible levels of parking structures shall be 8 ft. 2 in. to anystructural member, duct or pipe. 2-7l02(g) CURB RAMPS a. Curb ramps shall be located wherever pedestrian path crosses curb. (2- v: 7103(a)) ' b.~ 1 Curb ramp shall be 48" min. width (2- U<£ 7103(b)) with maximum slope of 1 in 12. "J c. 'A level 48" min. depth landing is required at top of curb ramps over entire curb ramp width. 2-7103(d) e. Surface is to be slip contrasting finish sidewalk. 2-7103(f) resistant and a from adjacent f. Border markings shall be 12" wide of l/4"xl/4" grooves, 3/4" apart, located at top and sides. 2-7103(h) 3j WALKS a. Site development and grading shall be designed to provide access to primary entrances and access to normal paths of travel and where necessary to provide access shal1 incorporate pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, etc. 2-7101(a) b. Walks sloping greater than 5% {1 in 20) must comply with ramp requirements of Sec. 2-3307. 2-3325(c) c. Walk vidth shall be 48" minimum, shall have slip-resistant surfaces. 2-3325(a) and d. The maximum cross slope shall not exceed 1/4" per foot. 2-3325(a)3 e. Gratings are not possible. 2-3325(b)allowed whenever f. At each gate or door a 60"x60" level area is required when the gate swings toward the walk. 2-3325{e) E-A 48"x44" deep level area is required when the gate swings away from the walk. 2-3325(e) h. A 24" clear space is required at strike side of gate or door. 2-3325(e) 4. PEDESTRIAN RAMPS a. A path of travel with a slope greater than 1 in 20 shall be considered a ramp. 2-3307(a) b. The maximum slope shall be 1 in 12. 2-3307(c.l) c. The width shall be 48" minimum. A minimum width of 60" is required where a ramp serves as a primary entrance to buildings having an occupant load of 300 or more. Group R Occupancies may be 36" when the occupant load is 50 or less. 2- 3307(b.l) d. The surface of ramps shall be slap- resistant. 2-3307(g) e. A 60" intermediate landing is required at maximum elevation change of 30" and 72" landing at each change of direction (over 30 degrees). 2-3307{d.l) f. Landings are required at of ramps. 2-3307(d.l) ' top and bottom g. Bottom landing shall be rainimint of 72" in the direction of travel. Fig. 2-33- 11A h. Top landing 2-3307(d.l) shall be 60" X 60" ninimua. i. When door svings onto top landing, miniiauin depth of landing required is door width plus 42". 2-3307(d.l.) j. Top landing shall have 60" mm, vidth when door swings onto the landing, Mth * 24" on strike side of door at exterior ramp, or 18" at interior ramp. 2-3307(d.l) k. Ramp handrails are required on each side of ramp, when slope exceeds 1 in 15. 2- 3307(e.l) 1. Ramp handrails shall be continuous, located 30"-34" in height above ranp surface, with 12" extensions beyond top and bottom, and the ends returned. 2-3307(e.l) m. Handrails shall be 1-1/4" to 2" cross section, spaced minimum of 1-1/2" from wall. 2-3307(e.l) n. A 2" high curb or wheel guide rail centered 3" ± 1" above ramp surface is required on both sides where not otherwise bounded by walls when the ramp exceeds 10 feet in length. 2-3307(h.l) 5. SPECIAL ACCESS LIFTS a. Lifts may be provided between levels, in lieu of elevator, when the vertical distance between landings , structural elevator, structural design and safeguards are as allowed by the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health. 2-5107(a) b. The lift platform shall be of sufficient size to accommodate a wheelchair (30"x48"). 2-5107(a) c. There shall be a level and clear floor area or landing (60"x60") at each level for access to the lift. 2-5107(a) HAZARDS " a. Provide 80" headroom from walkvay surface to any overhanging obstruction. 2-3326(b) b. Headroom of 80" minimum shall be maintained for walks, corridors, aisles, etc. 2-522(f) c. Protruding objects with leading edges between 27" and 80" above finished floor shall not protrude more than 4" into valks, corridors, etc. 2-522(f) d. Free standing objects mounted on posts between 27" and 80" above the floor may project a maximum of 12". 2-522(f) e. Abrupt changes in level exceeding 4" adjacent to v-alks, except between valks and adjacent streets or dn\es, shall be identified by 6" high v-arning curbs abo\e v,alk surface. 2-3326(a) ENTRANCES AND CBfCOLATIOK ?./ ENTRANCES, DOORS, VESTIBULES AND CORRIDORS a. All prunary entrances to buildings shall be accessible to the handicapped. 2-3301(f) b. All required passage doors shall have 32" clear opening at 90 degrees (36" door). 2-3304(f) c. At least one of a pair of doors shall meet the minimum 32" clear entrance width requirement. 2-3304(f) d. Threshold shall be no higher than 1/2" above the floor. Edge to be beveled with a slope no greater than 1 in 2, if more than 1/4". 3304(i.l) e. Exterior level landing may slope up to 1/4" per . foot in any direction for surface drainage. 2-413 f. Door hardware shall be of the lever or push type, mounted 30" to 44" above the floor and be operable with a maximum effort of 8.5 Ibs. for exterior doors and 5 Ibs. for interior doors. 2-3304(c), 2- 3304(i.2) g. The lower 10" of the door shall be of smooth, plane surface (no recess or trap) except at automatic and sliding doors. 2-3304(i.3) h. Building entrance(s) shall be identified by sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility. Show location on plan. The symbol shall be a white figure on blue background. 2-522(b) i. At turnstile, provide an access gate, 32" clear width opening, within 30 feet of turnstile. 2~3304(i.4) j. There shall be a clear area on each side of door, 60" deep in direction of door swing and 44" deep in opposite direction of door swing. 2-3304(i.l) Width of clear area on the swing side of the door shall extend 2it" past strike jamb for exterior doors and 18" past strike jaab for interior doors. 2-3304(i.l) 1. The space between two consecutive doors (vestibule) shall provide a minimum of 48" clear depth between the open door and a second closed door.Doors in a series at a \estibule shall swing in the same direction, or away fron the space between them. 2-3304(i.i) m Tor corridors o\er 200 feet long, see special requirements of Sec. 2-3305(b)2. 8. FLOORS a. Floors of a given story shall be a c ocoon 1 eve 1 thr ougnout or sha 11 be connected by peoestnan ramps, passenger elevators, or s pecial access lifts. 2-522(e) 9. SXURWAYS NOTE: Only applies vbere disabled access is provided or required to other levels. Treads 3306(s) shall have smooth, rounded edges and be slip resistart. 2- d.. Nosing shall not project more than 1-1/2 inches past face of the riser below. 2-3306(s) Risers shall be sufficiently solid. 2-3306(s) The upper approach and lower tread of each flight of stairs shall be marked with a contrasting colored strip 2" in width. 2-3306(r) On exterior stairs, each tread shall be marked as noted above. 2-3306(r) Handrails are required on each side of stairway. 2-3306 Handrails shall be located 30" to 34" above nosing, extend 12" beyond top riser and 12" plus tread vidth beyond bottom nosing and returned to wall/newel post. 2-3306(j.l). Handrails shall be 1-1 A" to 2" in i gripping cross section and 1-1/2" clear of vail. 2-3306(j.l) i. Approved stairway identification signs shall be located at each floor level in all enclosed stairways in buildings two or more stories in height. The sign shall identify the stairway, indicate whether there is roof access, the floor level, and the upper and lower terminus of the stair-ay. The information shall be presented using raised Arabic numerals and raised braille symbols which conform to Section S22(b)3. The sign shall be located approximately 5 feet above the floor landing immediately adjacent to the door on the strike side. Signs shall comply v-ith requirements of U.B.C. Standard No. 33-2. 10. ELEVATORS a. Provide clear inside elevator car dimensions as required by U.B.C. Section 5103(d) 6 and Title 2k 2-5103(d.l). / 1. At least one elevator in buildings 4 or more stories in height: 80" by 5V, with a 42-inch -side slide door. Applies only to high-rise buildings, A/E/I occupancies, State-ovned buildings, residential care homes, hotels, motels, apartments and condominiums. 2. Elevator in buildings more than two stories or buildings where disabled access is required to upper level(s): 68" by 54", with a minimum clear door wiath of 36". 3. Elevators other than m (b) above serving less than 50 occupants shall have a minimum inside platform of 4 feet 6 inches by 4- feet 6 inches and a minimum clear door vidth, of 36 inches. b. Raised Braille markings and Arabic numerals are required on control buttons and door jambs. 2-5103(d.l)i SAHHARY FACILITIES 11.} TOILET FACILITIES ACCESS a. When located on accessible floors, sanitary facilities shall be made accessible to physically handicapped. (2-511.1(6)) b. Doorways shall have 32" minimum clear opening width. 2-511.1 c. There shall be a level area vith 60" clear depth in the direction of the door siting, and a level area with 44" clear depth in opposite direction of door swing. 2-511.1(6) '12. ^MULTIPLE ACCOMMODATION TOILET FACILITIES a. Provide clear area 60" diameter x 27" high - or clear space 56" x 63" x 27" high. 2-511.1(6) / b. Doors (other than handicap compartment) are not to encroach more than 12" into above mentioned clear space. 2-511 l(a) c. Provide a 28" clear space between vater closet and fixture or 32" clear space between water closet and wall. 2-511.l(a) d. A 48" long clear space is required in front of water closet. A 60" clear space is required when the toilet compartment has a side door. 2-511.l(a) e. Water closet compartment door to provide 32" clear width for end entry and 3V clear vidth for side entry. Door to be self-closing. 2-511.l(a) SINGLE ACCOMMODATION TOILET FACILITIES a.Water closet shall be located 28" from a fixture or 32" iron a vail. 2-511.l(a) b. Minimum clear space in front of vater closet shall be 48". 2-511.l(a) c. In an existing building, a single accommodation toilet facility may have a space 36" vide x 48 " long in front of vater closet. 2-511.l(a) iRAB BARS AT WATER CLOSET a. One at side 42" long extending 24" in front of water closet; one at rear 36" long centered on vater closet; both mounted 33" above floor. Where a tank- type toilet is used, grab bar may be as high as 36". 2-511.l(a) b. Bars shall be 1-1/4" to 1-1/2" in diameter with 1-1/2" clearance to wall. 2-511.l(a) c. Bar fasteners and mounting support shall be able to withstand 250 Ibs./ft. in bending, shear and tension. 2-511.l(a) 'WATER CLOSET a. Height of water closet seat shall be 17" to 19" above floor. 5-1502 b. Controls shall be operable with one hand, and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist. 5-1502 c. Controls for the flush valves shall be mounted on the wide side of toilet areas, no more than 44" above the floor. 5-1502 d. The'force required to activate controls \ shall be no greater than 5 pounds force. -V 5-1502 INALS a. Where urinals are provided, the run of at least one shall project 14" from the vail and be located 17" maximum above floor. 5-l503(a) b. The force required to activate the flush valve shall be 5 Ibs. maximum and located 44" maximum above floor. 5-1503(b) c. Provide 30" x 48' forward approach. 17.)LAVATORIES clear floor space for 2-511.l(b) a. Provide 30" x **8" clear floor space for forward approach. Said clear floor space may include knee and toe space under lavatory described below. 2-511.l(b) b. Provide clear space beneath lavatories 29" high by 30" wide by 8" deep at top and 9" high by 30" wide by 17" deep at bottom from front of lavatory {toe space). The maximum counter surface height should be 34". 5-1504(a) c. Hot vater and drain pipes lavatories shall be insulated. 5-1504(b) under d. Faucet controls and operating mechanism (operable vith one hand) shall be of the type not requiring tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist (such as lever-operated) and an operating force not exceeding 5 Ibs. 5-1504(c) e. If self-closing valves are used, they shall remain open for at least 10 seconds. 5-1504(c) ILET ROOM ACCESSORIES a. Mirror bottom edge shall be located 40" maximum above floor. 2-511.l(b) b. Toilet tissue dispensers shall be mounted within 12" from the front edge of toilet seat. 2-511.100 c. Operating parts of dispensing and disposal fixtures (towels, waste, coin slots, etc.) shall be within 40" of floor. 2-511.100 " 19,/SANITARY FACILITIES IDENTIFICATION a. On doorways leading to sanitary facilities the symbols to be provided are 12" Equilateral triangle for men, 12" diameter circle for women, and 1/4" thick, centered on door, 60" high and contrasting color. Unisex facilities shall be identified by the circle with the triangle superimposed within the circle. 2-511.l(a) 20. BATHING FACILITIES 2**. PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS a. One such facility shall comply vhen. provided for the public, clients or eisployees. 2- 511.1 (a) b. Shower compartment shall be ^2" vide, *t8" deep, vith a 36" vide entrance. 2-511.l(a) c. Show on the plans that the^ handicapped bathing facilities shall" conform to requirements of Sec. 2-511a-9, 5-1505 and 5-1506, i e , folding seat, flexible shover hose, etc. GEKERAL KEQQTKEHEHTS 21. DRINKING FOUNTAIN a. Drinking fountains shall be vithin alcoves. The alcove shall be not less than 32" wide by IB11 deep. 2-511.l(c) b. When the enforcing agency determines that it vould create an unreasonable hardship to locate the vater fountain in an alcove, the vater fountain cay project into the path of travel, and the path of travel shall be identifiable to the blind as follows: (1.) The surface of the path, of travel at the vater fountain shall be textured so that it is clearly identifiable by a blind person using a cane. The minimum textured area shall extend from the vail supporting the vater fountain to 1 foot beyond the front edge of the vater fountain and shall extend 1 foot beyond each side of the vater fountain, or (2.) Wing vails shall be provided on each side of the vater fountain. The wing walls shall project out from the supporting wall at least as far as the water fountain to within 6 inches of the surface of the path of travel. Also, there shall be a minimum of 32 inches clear between the wing walls. 4 c. Note on the plans that drinking fountain shall conform to requirements of Sec. 2-Sllc and 5-1507. 22. PUBLIC TELEPHONE a. Provide space 30" x 48" for forward or parallel approach to telephone. 2-511.l(d) b. Note on the plans that public telephone shall conform to requirements of,.- Sec. 2-511.l(d). 23. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ~ a. 15, 20 and 30 amp receptacle outlets -"V- shall be installed not less than 12" -JT> - - abov« floor. 3-210-50(e) *^ «V 'VV-" b* Center of switches shall be located not ^ less than 36" nor more than 48" above .' the floor. 3-380-8(c) a. Where kitchenettes are provided at employee break rooms, conference areas, customer lounges, etc., the faucet controls at kitchen sinks shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist (i.e., use lever- operated, push-type, etc.). If self- closing valves are used, they shall remain open for at least 10 seconds. 5-1508 GROOP A OCCUPAHCY KEOJOTKEHEKTS 25. AUDITORIUMS, ASSEMBLY KALLS, THEATRES, ETC. a. Seating and toilet facilities for the handicapped shall be accessible from the main lobby or primary entrance. 2-611(b) b. This structure requires vheelchair seating spaces. In theaters and auditoriums, the seating shall be provided in a variety of locations so as to provided a choice of admission prices. 2-611(b) c. Each vheelchair space shall be 60" x 30" and le-vel. 2-611(b) d. When the seating capacity exceeds 300, the wheelchair spaces shall be in more than one location. 2-611(b) e. This structure requires seats for semi-ambulant persons. Clear leg space shall be at least 24". 2-611(b) f. Stages, enclosed and unenclosed platforms, orchestra pits, ticket booths, and refreshment sales facilities shall be made accessible. 2-611(b) 26. STADIUMS, GRANDSTANDS, BLEACHERS, PAVILIONS, GYHKASIUMS a. This structure requires wheelchair seating spaces. In theaters and auditoriums, the seating shall be provided in a variety of locations so as to provided a choice of admission prices. 2-611(c) b. When the seating capacity exceeds 300, the wheelchair spaces shall be in more than one location. 2-611(c) c. Ticket booths must be accessible from both sides. 2-611(c) d. Participation areas such as ball courts, exercise rooms, tracks, and clubrooms must be accessible. 2-611(c) e. Spectator and participant sanitary and locker facilities must conform to the requirements of Chapter 2-5. 2-611(c) ?7. DINING, BANQUET AND EAR FACILITIES a. Access shall be provided at primary entrances. 2-611(jf) b. Wheelchair acces^ shall be provided to all areas \,here ,each type of functional activity occurs/ 2-611(d) c. This facility / requires wheelchair seating spaces. At least one wheelchair seating space shall be /provided for each dining, banquet and^ bar area. 2-611(d) Access t6 wheelchair seating spaces shall be/ provided by 36" minimum clear width main aisles. 2-611(d) f. Cafeteraa line aisles shall be a minimum of 36'yclear width. 2-611(d) g. Access to food preparation areas shall comply with provisions for entrance doors and doorways contained.in Section 2-3304. 2-611(d) h. Restrooms and powder rooms shall conform to the requirements in Section 2-511. 2-611(d) 28. RELIGIOUS FACILITIES,, a. Sanctuary areas shall be accessible. 2- wheelchair seatirgb. Provide spaces in tihe sanctuary. Use Section 2- . 2T'611(e) c. Provide yheelchair access to raised platforms/, choir rooms, choir lofts , performing areas and other similar areas. £-611(e)i d. Assembly areas along with enclosed and unenclosed platforms and stages shall be made accessible. 2-611(e) e. Sanitary facilities shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 2-5. 2-611(e) 29. ASSISTIVE-LISTBWNG a. Assembly installed p excthan background DEVICES areas vith permanently iblic address systems (other usively for paging or music), shall provide assistive-1 stening systems for people with hearing impairments. 2-611(f) Since the capacity of the assembly area exceeds 99J this facility requires personal receivers to be available on request. G.-611(f) If the sjstem provided is limited to specific areas or seats, then such areas or seats! shall be within a 50-foot viewing distance of the performing area. d. A sign shall be posted in a proninent place indicating the availability of assistive-listening devices. The sign shall include the international synbol of deafness and wording that states "Assistive-listening System Available". GROUP B OCCUPANCY KEOUIREHEKTS 30. Group B occupancies used for assembly purposes but having an occupant load of lessthan 50 shall conform / to all the requirements for Group A occupancies co\ered in Section 2-611. 2-712(d), 31. SALES FACILITIES a. General sales, display' and office areas together with related toilet rooms must be accessible. 2-712'(b) b. Sales employee work stations shall be located on accessible levels. Employee v,ork areas shall be accessible to employees in yheelchairs, and the customer side of sales or checkout stations shall be accessible. 2-712(b) / checkc. This facility/ requires stands accessible to handicapped,/ based checkstands /or less, 2 for 9 or more. 2- 712(b) the physically upon I for 8 d. Where quicfc check stands are provided, at least one /shall be accessible. 2-712(b) e. Check stands shall be made accessible by providing a 36" aisle on the customer side of/the stand. 2-712(b) f. Accessible check stands shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility and shall state, "This check stand to be open at all tunes for handicapped/physically disabled customers11. 2-712(b) 32. FITTING OR DRESSING ROOMS a. Where fitting/firessing rooms are provided for male or / female customers, one for each type small be usable by the physically handicapped. 2-712(b) b. Minimum dimension of room shall be 60" x 60". 2-712(b) c. Bottom of within 2011 d. Height of greater 2-712(b) mirror shall be located the floor. 2-712(b) ilothing hooks shall not be 4811 from the floor. GROUP H OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS 33. a.Accessible sanitation Group H Occupancies sfr specified in Chapter Y-\ in all be provided as 2-913(a) b. Accessible < floors' and levels shall comply with the/ requirements specified in Chapter 2-5/ 2-913(a) c. Employee vorifc areas shall be accessible by means /of a 36-inch minimum aisle width, and a 32-inch minimum clear opening Qoor vidth. 2-913(a) ADDITIONS, AT.TKRAUOHS AHD REPAIRS TO EXISTING BOILDI1*GS. (2-UOA(b)ll) The area, ajid/or provisions of specific addition^ alteration repair, shall comply with the Additionally:of Title 2k. td thea. The primary entrance td the building and path of travel to/the specific area shall be accessible/to the handicapped persons. Compliance must b^ shown, beginning froa the existing parking area and leading to the area of alteration. b. Existing restrooms, water fountains, and public telephones which serve said specific area must be shown to be accessible / to and functional for handicapped/ persons. c. Information regarding handicapped accessibility shall be posted in lobby per Sec. 2-522. 12/29/89 Date: Prepared byi Jurisdiction CARLSBAD VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE a Blag. Dept p Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. 9r3' BUILDING ADDRESS / 2^0 7 APPLICANT/CONTACT BUILDING OCCUPANCY J2> — PHONE NO . (J DESIGNER PHONE PE OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING PORTION ~7~^ZI , Air Conditionins Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Sprinklers Total Value BUILDING AREA ^a ^ • VALUATION MULTIPLIER ^^^ @ ? e VALUE l£~.&^L —/ /£-£&^ Building Permit Fee $ Plan Check Fee $ C 0 M HE N TS- X 171, LLL SHEET / OF ( 12/87 PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB DATE 3 RES 93 ADDRESS <2Q7 VfLU^E /)gi\/£, STE D RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR (< $10,000 00) PLAZA CAMINO REAL VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER COMPLETE omCb./E2EPCUL SlllLD^fi - PLANNER DATE ENGINEER 'S'. SCH EDE DATE C \WP51\FILES\BLDG FRM Rev 11/15/90 Plan Check No. Planner PLANNING CHECKLISTi Address \"Ur? Phone 438-1161 ext. (Name) APN- Type of Project and Use Zone Facilities Management Zone X >. X3 S A -^ "SJ r*l*t « » Legend Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs your action 1, 2, 3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number where deficiency was identified D D Environmental Review Required: YES NO \ TYPE i DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval^ [f not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval __^^__ D D Discretionary Action Required: YES NO TYPE APPROVAL/RESO NO. PROJECT NO. DATE: OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions of approval?. If-nor, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval , D California Coastal Commission Permit Required: YES DATE OF APPROVAL: _ ___ NO 'San-Diego Coast District, 3111 Carnino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego, CA. 92108-1725 (619) 521-8036 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval __^__ D O Landscape Plan Required:' YES NO,'-..- •'--,-; ; See attached submittal requirements for landscape plans Site Plan: nn an nan qa on ana Zoning; 1. 2. 3. 4. Provide a fully dimensioned sire plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes and driveway. Provide legal description of property Provide assessor's parcel number. 1 Setbacks' •* Front. Int. Side- Street Side: Rear: 2. Lot coverage. 3. Height: 4. Parking: Required Required Required Required Required Required Spaces Required Guest Spaces Required D D Q Additional Comments C7\ C \ Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE PLNCK.FRM City of Carlsbad 93010 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date Of Report Monday. February 22,1993 Reviewed by Contact Name Travis Deal Address 336 Pine B-12 City, State Carlsbad CA 92008 Bldg Dept. No. 93Q119 Planning No Job Name Colonial Mall/D Job Address 1207 Carlsbad Village Dr Ste. or Bldg. No £. E3 Approved - The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements D Disapproved - Please see the attached report of deficiencies Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review For Fire Department Use Only Review 1 st 2nd 3rd Other Agency ID CFD Job# 93010 Rle# 2560 Orion Way * Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 City of Carlsbad 93010 Fire Department * Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date Of Report' Friday. Februarys. 1993 Reviewed by._ Contact Name Travis Deal Address 336PmeB-i2 City, State Carlsbad CA 92008 Bldg Dept No. 930119 Planning No Job Name Colonial Maii/D Job Address 1207 Carlsbad Village Dr Ste or Bldg. No. D_ Approved - The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Disapproved - Please see the attached report of deficiencies Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st 2nd 3rd Other Agency ID CFD Job# 93010 File* 2560 Orion Way * Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION CB No, SE No. APPL NO,_ IND. CLASS SINESS NAME .StT^ADDRESS (2,0?VlH^US (at business! IONE NUMBER 73/3 D £ Type of Business (check all that apply) D Agricultural D Assembly D Automotive Cl Chemical Handling D Electronics DFood D Government D Laboratory D Laundry D Manufacturing D Medical a/ Work uffice DESCRIBE WASTE OTHER THAN DOMESTIC (Chemicals, Particulates, etc.)_ D Photo Lab D Retail D Service Station D Warehouse D Other DESCRIBE BUSINESS ACTIVITY- GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ONSITE WASTEWATER PROCESSING, (chemical & physical characteristics). Is business presently in operation at site? D YES 13 NO Has Wastewater Discharge Permit been applied for through the Encina Water Authority? U YES H NO .Applicant's Name \_Title Phone Please Print /I ignature Date f&B 1 / Date Signature of City Representative D EXEMPT D NOT EXEMPT Date forwarded to Encina P:\POCS\NISFQRNS\FRNOOM5 REV. 2/10/92