HomeMy WebLinkAbout1213 LANAI CT; ; CB160989; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 03-31.-2016 Residential Permit Permit No: CB160989 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: 1213 LANAI CT CBAD RESDNTL 1563513400 $522,146.00 1 3 Sub Type: SFD Lot#: 11 Constuction Type: 5B Reference#: CT120001 Structure Type: SFD Bathrooms: 3.5 Status: ISSUED Applied: 03/14/2016 Entered By: SLE Plan Approved: 03/31/2016 Issued: 03/31/2016 Inspect Area: Project Title: Orig PC#: PC150036 LANAI PHASE 3 -PLAN 3 -3,258 Plan Check#: PC160009 SF LIV I 697 SF GARAGE I 223 SF PATIO I 168 SF DECK (ATTACHED 2DU PER CB160990) Applicant: SHEA HOMES 9990 MESA RIM RD SAN DIEGO CA 92121 858-526-6500 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee Green Bldg Stands Plan Chk Fee $2,106.26 $0.00 $1,474.38 ($500.00) $0.00 $67.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,609.00 FS3/4 $0.00 $0.00 $21.00 $0.00 Total Fees: $37,013.82 Total Payments to Date: Owner: Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWA Fee CFD Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) Sidewalk Fee PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Housing lnLieu Fee Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees Fire Sprinkler Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $37,013.82 Balance Due: FS3/4 $0.00 $356.00 $4,963.00 $0.00 $9,503.06 $8,772.05 $0.00 $0.00 $3,160.00 $0.00 $0.00 $398.00 $89.00 $113.19 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $881.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,013.82 $0.00 Inspector: flt-~ FINAL Af PR,OVAL Date: LC¥ 1'7/ If> Clearance: ------ NOTICE: Please take N011CE that approval of your prciect includes the "lrrposition" 'or fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 00 days from the date this pemit \MlS issued to protest irrposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you rrust follONthe protest prooedures set forth in C?overnrnent Oxle Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required infonration wth the Oty Manager for processing in accordanoe wth c.arlsbad l\illnid pal Code Section 3. 32. 030. Failure to titrely fol lcm that prooedure wll bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their irrposition. You are hereby FURTI-IER. N011RED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to w.ater and reNer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other sirrilar application prooessing or servioe fees in CXJ11nection wth this prciect. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of w,id, vou have nrP.Viouslv been niven a NOTICE sirrilar to this or as to w,id, the statutP of !irritations has n=•ouslv otherwise eimired. City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 03-31-2016 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Permit No:SW160126 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: CB#: Project Title: Applicant: SHEA HOMES 1213 LANAI CT CBAD SW PPP 1563513400 CB160989 LANAI PHASE 3 -PLAN 3 9990 MESA RIM RD SAN DIEGO CA 92121 858-526-6500 Emergency Contact: SARAH MORRELL 858-526-6554 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Lot#: 11 Owner: SHEA HOMES 9990 MESA RIM RD SAN DIEGO CA 92121 858-526-6500 Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: Tier: Priority: ISSUED 03/14/2016 SLE 03/31/2016 1 M $0.00 $228.00 $0.00 $228.00 Total Fees: $228.00 Total Payments To Date: $228.00 Balance Due: $0.00 DATE~~-.CLEARANCE ___ _ SIGNATURE ft\· ~< __ , __________ _ Inspection ist Permit#: CB160989 Type: RESDNTL SFD Date _ lnsp~ction Item Inspector ------- 10/17/2016 89 Final Combo 10/17/2016 89 Final Combo MC 10/14/2016 89 Final Combo 10/14/2016 89 Final Combo MC 09/21/2016 39 Final Electrical MC 09/20/2016 39 Final Electrical MC 08/02/2016 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test MC 07/29/2016 16 Insulation PD 07/27/2016 27 Shower Pan/Roman Tubs MC 07/27/2016 84 Rough Combo MC 07/13/2016 13 Shear Panels/HD's MC 06/20/2016 15 Roof/Reroof MC 04/18/2016 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers MC 04/18/2016 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin MC 04/05/2016 21 Underground/Under Floor MC Tuesday, October 18, 2016 Act RI Fl RI PA AP NR AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP LANAI PHASE 3 -PLAN 3 -3,258 SF LIV/ 697 SF GARAGE/ 223 SF PATIO I Comments MINOR PICK UP. EMR E-MAILED TO SDGE. NO ADDRESS POSTED ON BUILDING. MINOR PICK UP. UFER WASTE TO P.O.C, SEWER BF REQUIRED. BLDG SUPPLY OK. Page 1 of 1 ,& . ~ C I T., OF CB160989 1213 LANAICT CARLSBAD ;ilding Division INSPECTION RECORD LANAI PHASE 3 -PLAN 3 -3,258 SF LIV / 697 SF GARAGE / 223 SF PATIO I 168 SF DECK (ATIACHED 2DU PER CB1 60990) 0 INSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED RESDNTL SFD PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB Lot#: 11 SHEA HOMES 0 CALL BEFORE 3:30 pm FOR NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION ~ FOR BUILDING INSPECTION CALL: 760-602-2725 OR GO TO: www.Carlsbadca.gov/Building AND CLICK ON "Request Inspection" RECORD COPY DATE: .3 . IF "'YES"' IS CHECKED BELOW THAT DIVISION'S APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO RE UESTING A FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION. I F YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL THE APPLICABLE DIVISIONS AT THE PHONE NUMBERS PROVIDED EJELOW. AFTER ALL REQUIRED /\PPROV/\LS /\RE SIGNED OFF-FAX TO 760·602-8560. EMAIL TO BLDGINSPECTIONS2CARL SRArJCA.GOV OR BRING IN A COPY OF THIS CARD TO: 1635 FARADAY AVE .. CARLSBAD. CJ\ 92008. BUILDING INSPECTORS CAN EJE REACHED AT 760-602-2700 BETWEEN 7:30 /\M -8:00 AM THE DAY OF YOUR INSPECTION. Required Prior to Requesting Building Final If Checked YES Planning/Landscape 760-944-8463 Allow 48 hours CM&J (Engineering Inspections) 76o-438-389 I call before 2 pm Fire Prevention 76o-602-4660 Allow 48 hours Inspector l b MG REINFORCED STEEL 66 MASONRY PRE GROUT O GROUT D WALL DRAINS #10 TILT PANELS #11 POUR STRIPS #11 COLUMN FOOTINGS 14 SUBFRAME D FLOOR D CEILING #15 ROOF SHEATHING #13 EXT. SHEAR PANELS #16 INSULATION #18 EXTERIOR LATH UNDERGROUND (11,12,21,31) #17 INTERIOR LATH & DRYWAU DRYWALL,EXTLATH, GAS TES (17,18,23) #51 POOL EXCA/STEEL/BOND/FENCE #83 ROOF SH EATING, EXT SHEAR (13,15) #84 FRAME ROUGH COMBO (14,24,34,44) #85 T-Bar (14,24,34,44) Date ANAL OCCUPANCY ( 19,29,39,49) Date Ins ector #21 #24 A/S UNDERGROUND VISUAL #27 TUB & SHOWER PAN A/S UNDERGROUND HYDRO #23 DGASTEST OGAS PIPING A/S UNDERGROUND FLUSH #25 WATER HEATER A/S OVERHEAD VISUAL #28 SOLAR WATER A/S OVERHEAD HYDROSTATIC #29 ANAL A/SANAL Coo!!:: STORMWATER F/AROUGH-IN #600 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING F/AANAL 003 FOLLOW UP INSPECTION AXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM ROUGH-IN #605 NOTICETO CLEAN FIXED EXTING SYSTEM HYDROSTATIC TEST #607 WRITTEN WARNING FIXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM ANAL #609 NOTICE OF VIOLATION MEDICAL GAS PRESSURETEST #610 VERBAL WARNING MEDICAL GAS ANAL "-" 10/2012 SEE BACK FOR SPECIAL NOTES b~A,lnc land planning, civil engineering, surveying April 11, 2016 w.o. 452-1224-600 Mr. Michael Collins CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Inspection 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ROD BRADLEY, Urban Planner RONALD L. HOLLOWAY, Civil Engineer RE: BUILDING FORM VERIFICATION OF LOTS 5, 6, 10 AND 11, MILES PACIFIC SUBDIVISION, CT 12-01 Dear Mr. Collins: This letter is to attest that BHA, Inc. has staked the location for the house construction on the above-mentioned lots. We have checked the locations of the building forms of the proposed houses and found the horizontal and vertical location to conform to the Grading Plans prepared by our office. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact our office. Sincerely, bl-IA, Inc. 1~01//J:e Vice President PLS 5941 AAM:pjh cc: Jason Korszeniewski -Shea Homes building form verification.ltr3 PLS5941 5ii5Avenida Encinas, Suite L o Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 o (760) 931-8700 o FAX (760) 931-7780 Southwest Inspection and Testing, Inc. 441 Commercial Way, La Habra, Ca 90631 (562) 941-2990 • (714) 526-8441 • Fax (562) 946-0026 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT I SWIT Job No. I _.;,C. ~. TYPE OF D Reinforced Concrete D Welding -I Da~~ I --I-~ D D1A/Ep6xy I INSPECTION [LJ(' Post Tensioned Concrete D Fireproofing D Wood Framing REQUIRED tJ Reinforced Masonry 0 Asphalt 0 Other Job Address -t -~ -Tract No. Lot N~, <.....:, f { ~-· --•. V ._., ~ I c..;, Job Name (_;\ Permit N~{. -Issued By . ./\A -· ,. '<. r. ' C .,•/ ~A . -::> , Type of Structure <.·.G Architect -· , ,\. Material Description (type, grade, source) Engineer ... _, .AA-'I <.... c;..A - I , J 1 , / .. \ Contractor ( '-c..-vt _:) ·-1-/;:. 7<.. ... ··I <.::, . ' ~-'-,t r?. -' Inspector's Name r:.--_\ I" I Subcontractor -..... .._ ~cf(¥ -TESTS PERFORMED SAMPLE AIR CONC WATER TIME SET# TRUCK# TICKET# LOCATION SLUMP TEMP TEMP ADDED CAST MIX# REMARKS INSPECTION SUMMARY-LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB t'ROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. INCLUDES INFORMATION ABOUT -AMOUNTS OF MATERIAL PLACED OR WORK PERFORMED, NUMBER, TYPE & IDENT. NO'S OF TEST SAMPLES TAKEN: STRUCT. CONNECTIONS /WELD MADE H.T. BOLTS TORQUED) CHECKED, ETC. 1_::::::l;. -1,.1 -.>fr '---· :-·, c;.!A.Y'\ :r -,-G --(_'---T '<:.... I I .. ..... "t:.. -- -L ' S:. t.-(c /-::> ·-r-r .. 't. (._ -i. -. :.::> ~ L. '·"' -<.:..-t'~ . ..,. c.:~ -· , . -. • ...A. ·- -r·;< .. \ :::c ... ·;_., / '--.• . .... ,{ -z l 0 d.. ) -. , ~-~ .L. t2.,.£u,,....'\ .e-< Cc.: -G l ~ ;,'\ -., :, _ ·\ , .. ,l . /'' -c.. t -<..:., G,. ( -..:., .. (p -.' (._, ... I I -· v -: . --) .::> A 7::,....,~ .... -c-< .?-:: ~ +_ 1<.. _::, I f: 1 ,; -(._ .. "· L -,::: , - L-A _;;, .-..:: .4-1 <.'.' t-·l I 1... 1;,, .. , <.__..__ ,·[ - r-·· r , . ~ Tz:i"-P (_c, ,/ tZ. ~ 1 ./\V\/\ f!"" (p ( (I --z ,' <.., I 7 r "1 ·t: '·l , .~ I ll .> ., . _.., CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I Hh.V.6--0a'"SERVED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE 13E'c5RtE1rWOAK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORl(TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED-P NS, SPECIFICATION, AND APPLICABLE SECTIO~ OF THE GOVERN • LDING WS. \ --/ ... ., (.. •i. . I..O { _, SPECIALTY NO. 0 ) --le L ~ . ' "-.c I I \ .. c_ ••. .. i C : )(e,-'-1 15 I · . ..,.u ., /6 ' f ,-· • I . c;-<---·-~ '--] /· (_ -· I ~-' . ,...!;..-L. I ·~ . .,. ,. , ..... ......--/ I (c!...l ~ /(.; .. C. ~:..-,,. it: ' I CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 0 PAGE OF TIMEIN TIMEOUT SAMPLES Approved By ('. Project Superintendent White -Office Copy • Canary-Accounting Copy• Pink -Inspector's Copy • Goldenrod -Jobsite Copy SITT F-049 ©Southwest Inspection & Testing, Inc. ) w.o. t,, h.., ( . ~ -: t DATE 11 -I. NAME ;> 1'1, J ·-· v I HOURS____,:.......·~~---~ Geotechnical • Coastal • Geologic • Environmental FOOTING TRENCH OBSERVATION SUMMARY .. Client Name: ----~.;.., .......... , ....... ______________ ,Project Name: ...:'":....;; .. ;....;.."' ~-.,__ ___________ _ Location/Tract: .... -:::.;"'=':;..:'-::..t---------------------------------- UniVPhis~~~(s:~t ~r~,~·-'~· .......;.._...;.....;..;..;' _ _._~~~~-----:1~~~·-~~1.t1~, ..... '1~,.~'~;:._-"'~-~~,....._~·-··1~/~,.-A~"~~ ..... ·-·~·~ ..... ~~:~~-b~~-~·,e ..... · ..... -~'~~'~t=?illi~-~~ ........ _77 __ _ R~rencedGeotechn~~Report~):~~~-~:~~' ..... ·-'~:~~~ ..... -~·~c~! _· ..... J ..... M_A ..... I_....._~_,,~' ..... '----------~ Observatio!'I Summary .......... __ Initials ___ Date ______ Initials _ __,__, ti __ Date Initials --- I Date --- ... ,i;. Initials 1 1·· 1t Date A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed onsite soil and footing trench conditions. Soil conditions in the trench are generally free of loose soil and debris, non-yielding and uniform, and plumb; and are in general conformance with those indicated in the geotechnical report. A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed and reviewed footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavations generally extend to proper depth and bearing strata, and are in general conformance with recommendations of the geotechnical report. A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. reviewed footing setbacks from slope face (if applicable). The setback was in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report. ...... I -~, I . ; . , II, ,.; f ., Notes to Superintendent/Foreman 1. Footing excavations should be cleaned of loose debris and thoroughly moistened just prior to placing concrete. 2. Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, presoaking of soil below slabs may be recommended. Consult the geotechnical report for presoaking recommendations. We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time for such, and the contractor should schedule accordingly. 3. In the event of a site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i.e., heavy rain, etc.), we should be contacted to perform additional site observations and/or testing. 4. This memo does not confirm the minimum footing dimension as required by the project structural engineer's design, if different from the geotechnical report. Notes to Building Inspector Soil compaction test results, as well as depth offill, relative compaction, bearing values, corrosivity, and soil expansion index test results are contained in the As-Graded Geotechnical or Final Compaction Report provided at the completion of grading. 5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 1446 E. Chestnut Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92701 Representative of GeoSoils, Inc. 26590 Madison Ave. Murrieta, CA 92562 City of Carlsbad CIRCUIT CARD 8-36 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov THJS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AV AJLABLE AT THE SERVICE EQUJPMENT FOR THE ROUGH INSPECTION Address: i "2,. l?> L-Ar--ilAA or Permit Number: f bO "',B9 Owner: I Phone: I Phone: Area in Sq. Ft. Contractor: AJ.C. VOLTS 0 WIRE LOCATION Cf(T BKR WIRE MISC REC REC LTG MISC WIRE BKR CKT LOCATION SIZE SIZE TYPE SlZE TYPE SIZE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 C.v LS 14 I<\°.\-L{ t.S 15 '1 cu ?.,;, 16 I~ 6.,~e,. a I 17 i. (I;\ 70 18 /+ff-ti"!··C,,f 19 t=J 1 cu. C,,..:1' 20 Aft"',,.t~~ .. \(\\-6"f\ 21 I (\,,\ "l,.o 22 w,·t'\ ( C,o1 \<,~ lri\ 23 ,, CIA ,S" 24 p.... ~ ""' OJ ,e.,V\ 25 '-lo 'o (.,\,t \ C4 r'5 26 617 b\1-t,Vl 27 l.\,o CS' v\.\ ) c~ {..IP 28 l"\j or o M""l 1 UV iVvA 1lw} 29 I~ r; U\ 3 CtA 7.)> 30 ~,t &-ft tn"'i 31 "J,Q ~ C111 t CL\ z'°' 32 l*'r Mit.r'11 t\111n )(. 33 '1,-0 GIA "2.. C.L,\ ~ 34 ~rc,-r:-1 "'~ f>/c., 35 ?.tJ C\A. \ LI,( t{o 36 Al<- Aiv 37 -:;o "J ( IA l CIA. tfC7 38 lrlt .&vb 39 \00 1/o A\ I Cu :>S\ 40 't7'J-t'I\ Sv'a 41 \Ol> •\t f\l I C'1 '35 42 (7,1,(.Y\ MAIN:0 '2.,zJ.; AMP BRK/FUSE O MLO Computed Load AMPS BUS:~P~ 'J:;i.l AMP See Calculation Wor.~sheet on back Branch circuits required: Service entrance or feeder conductors: A) Lighting Circuits 220-3(b), 4(d) A} Size: No. B) Type: D CU DAL B) Two Small Appliance Circuits 210-11(e) C) Insulation: D) Conduit Size: ___ C) Laundry Circuit 220-16(b) Service ground/bond: D) Central Heating Equipment 422-12 A) Size: No. 4 B) Type: l:2k::u DAL E) Bathroom 210 -52(d) C) Clamp location(s): [2r.UFER 250-50(c) Remarks: 0 Water Pipe 250-104 D Ground Rod 250-52 D GFCI locations 210 -8, 680 -70: I certify that ail terminations have been torqued In accordance with manufacturer's ~ Bathroom(s) La' Kitchen instructions and that the work shown on this circuit card ·represents the full extent of l!'l,Garage(s) !QHydromassage Tub the work performed underthiid:,e;!j goutdoors D D Owner fYIO.rf, 'l,f AF~otected Circ. 210-12 D Contractor Jt.\Gl,M edroom(s) D Signed M-µ/.£1 Date £4-l,.t) 1.~ ,. I B-36 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 ,:;. JAAM Electric RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL -TENANT IMPROVEMENT LOAD CALCULATIONS Lanai Plan 4 3315 SQUARE FOOTAGE x 3 WATTS 9945 watts 2 APPLIANCE CIRCUITS 3000 watts 1 LAUNDRY CIRCUIT 1500 watts 1 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 828 watts 1 MICROWAVE 1500 watts 1 DISHWASHER 1200 watts 2 FAU 1800 watts 1 OVEN 8000 watts ___ .. _______ ,.. ______________ .. SUBTOTAL 27773 watts 1st 10000 watts @ 100% 10000 watts BALANCE @ 40% 7109 watts AJC #1@ 125% 8880 watts NC#2 5280 watts --------------------.... ----.. TOTAL WATTS 31269 watts 31269 WATTS-240 VOLTS 130 amps USE 200A MINIMUM 697 Greenfield Dr. El Cajon, CA 92021 -(619)579-6500 -FAX (619)579-3733 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBER 1010289 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-ENV-01 Envelope -Insulation; Roofine; Fenestration (Page 1 of3) Site Address: I Enforcement Agency: I Permit Number: Lanai Ph. 3 -Lot 11 -1213 Lanai Court If more than one person has responsibility for Installation of the items on this certificate, each person shall prepare and sign a certificate applicable to the portion of construction/or which they are responsible: alternatively, the person with chief responsibility for constroction shall prepore and sign this certificate for the entire cons1ruction. All applicable MandaJOl'}' Measures with check boxes require to he checked 10 ensure the mandatorv measures have been met. Description of Insulation t. RAISED FLOOR Material: Brand Name: ____________ _ Thickness (inches): Thermal Resistance (R-Value): ______ _ D § 150( d): Minimum R-13 insulation in raised wood-frame floor or equivalent U-factor. 2. SLAB FLOOR/PERIMETER Material: _____________ _ Brand Name: ____________ _ Thickness (inches): _________ _ Thermal Resistance (R-Value): ______ _ Perimeter Insulation Depth (inches): -----0 § I 50(1): Water absorption rate for the insulation material alone without facings is no greater than 0.3%; water vapor penneance rate is no greater than 2.0 penn/inch and shall be protected from physical damage and UV light deterioration. 3. EXTERIOR WALL a. Insulation Type (e.x. Batt, Loose Fill, Spray Foam) a. Thermal Resistance (R-Value): ------- b .. Insulation Type (e.x. Batt, Loose Fill, Spray Foam) b. Thermal Resistance (R-Value): ------- Spray/Loose fill) Spray/Loose fill) Installed Actual Thickness (inches): ____ _ Contractor's min installed weight/fl:2 __ lb Manufacturer's installed weight per square foot to achieve Thermal Resistance (R-Value) D §ISO(c): Minimum R-13 insulation In wood-frame wall or equivalent U•factor. Exterior Foam Sheathing (rigid Insulation) Material: _____________ _ Brand Name: _______________ __ Thickness (inches) : _________ _ Thermal Resistance (R-Value) : ______ _ 4. FOUNDATION WALL Material: ________________ _ Brand Name: _______________ _ Thickness (inches): -------------Thermal Resistance (R-Value): ______ _ 5. CEILING Batt or Blanket Type: Brand Name:------------ Loose Fill Type: Thermal Resistance (R-Value): _____ _ Spray Foam Type: Brand Name:------------ Installed Actual Thickness (inches): Contractor's min installed weight/ft2 lb Manufacturer's installed weight per square foot to achieve Thermal Resistance (R-Value): D § l SO(a): Minimum R-19 insulation in wood-frame ceiling or equivalent U-factor. 6. ATTIC ROOF INSULATION AND/OR ATTIC RADIANT BARRIER Material: Brand Name: Material: Brand Name:------------- Thickness (inches): Thermal Resistance (R-Value): ______ _ D § 118( a): Insulation installed meets Standards for Insulating Material. D §ISO(g): Mandatory Vapor barrier installed in Climate Zones 14 or 16. 2008 Residenlial Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-ENV-01 Envelooe -Insulation; Roofin2; Fenestration (Page 2 of3) Site Address: I Enforcement Agency: I Permit Number: Lanai Ph. 3-Lot 11 -1213 Lanai Court Description or Roofine Products CRRC Product ID Manufacturer Product Roof Roof Produtt Initial Solnr Aged Solar Thermal Number1 Information Brand/Model TVDC Area Sloce Weillht 1 Reflectance Reflectance• Emittance NIA GAF Weathered Wood Shlng Entire 4.12 Nia NIA c, NIA NIA C> C' I. The CRRC Product ID Number can be obtainedfrom the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory at ww.coolrooft.orglproductslsearch.php 2. The weight in lbs per square feet of the roofing product being In.stalled. 3. Check box if the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation below, footnote 4. 4. If the aged reflectance Is not available in the Cool Roof Rating Council '.s Rated Product Directory then use the initial reflectance value from the directorv and 11.se the eauation (0.2+0. 7(o,.1,1at-0.2) to obtain a calculated aged value. ~HECK APPLICABLE BOX BELOW IF EXEMPT FROM THE ROOFING PRODUCT "COOL ROOF" REQUIREMENT: D The roof are11 covered by building integrated photovoltaic panels and building Integrated solar thermal panels are exempt from the above Cool Roof criteria. D Roof constructions th11t have thenn11l mass over the roof membrane with a weight of at least 2S lb/ft• Is exempted from the above Cool Roof criteria. To apply liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coating mw:t be applied with a minimum dry mil thickness of 20 mils across the entire roof .surface and meet minimum =normance reo11/rement.s listed In ol 18(1)3 and Table J 18-C. Select the armlicable coating I l Aluminum-Phnnented As!lhalt Roof Coating I O Cement-Based Roof Coating I Oother ./ 0 CRRC-1 Label Attached to CF-6R (Note lfno CRRC-1 label is avalfable, this comoliance method cannot be w:ed and another method is required to meet compliance). FENESTRATION/GLAZING Product # Total Quantity Add. Exterior Comments/ Manufacturer/Brand Name U-Product of NFRC of Like Product Arca Shading Dev. Location/ Special Item lOROUP LIKE RODUCTS) factor1 SHGC1 Panes Certified1• 1 (Optional) n1 orOverhana: Features I 2 3 4 s 6 7. 8. I. Use values from a/enestrat/cn produc1's NFRC Cert!fied label. For fenestration products without an NFRC label, USC! the default \'Oluesfrom Section I /6, Table I 16-A and IJ6-B o/the 2008 Energy EjJki,ncy Standards. 2. NFRC Label Certificates shall not be removed 11nlil the building inmector has verified the emctencv. Enrer Yes or No. 0 § 1 I 6(a) I: Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. D §l 16(a)2 and 3: Actual fenestration products installed are equivalent to or have a lower U-factor and/or a lower SHGC than that specified on the Certificate of Compliance (Fonn CF-IR). 0§116(a)4: Fenestration products (except field-fabricated windows) have a label listing the certified U°Factor, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration that meets the requirements of §10-I I l(a) D § 117: Exterior doors and windows weather-stripped; all joints and penetrations caulked and sealed. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms A11gusl 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF~6R-ENV-01 Envelope -Insulation; Roofing; Fenestration {Page 3 of3) Sile Address: I Enforcement Agency; I Permit Number: Lanai Ph. 3 • Lot 11 -1213 Lanai Court DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the S1ttte of California, the iufommtion provided on this form is true and correct. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Protbssions Code to 11ccepl responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative t>f th.:: person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed foaturcs, materials, cQmponcnts, or nHmuuicturcd devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all npplicable c,,des and regulations, and the insmllntion is consistent wilh the plans und specifications approveu hy the enforcement agency. • l reviewed a copy of the Certilicntc of Compliuncc {CF· IR) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the spi.:cific re4uiremcnts for the installation. I certify that the requirements dctalh:d on the CF-IR that apply to the installation have been met. I will en.rnre 1hat a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available witb tl1c building pcrmi1(s) issued for the building, irnd m11dc 1m1ll11blc to the enforcement agency for all applicable ins11cctions, I understand ibal n signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentatio~).be-tmlt,hJ provides o"me-bmu!_ing owucr at occupi:mcy. 7,,,,,.-\ Name: (Installing Subcontrncwr or General Contractor or Auildcr/Om1~r) Leonard Roofing, Inc. Responsible Person's Name: Bruce Leonard CSLB License: 840399 2008 Residential Compliance Forms Date Signed: 10/20/2016 August 2009 OJ Ins1.:1lation, LP 2061 Aldergrove Ave. Escondido, CA 92029 Insulation Certificate Insulation is installed in the structure described below as follows: Work Area Attic Area -Batts Exterior Walls and Rim Joists Exterior Walls and Rim Joists Garage ceiling with living area above overhangs/Cantilevered Areas Caulk and Seal exterior doors, windows and sill plates Blown Attic Area Between floor area Interior Wall *Fiberglass blow has no settling factor for R-values Job Name: Lanai Phase 3 Lot No: 11 Date Completed: 10/03/2016 Insulation By: ,,_ :;t... ,-6 7 Item Installed R-38 24" x 48" -Unfaced -Batts R-15 15.25" x 105" -Unfaced -Batts R-2115.25" x 93" -Unfaced -Batts R-19 15.25" x 48" -Unfaced -Batts R-19 15.25" x 48" -Unfaced -Batts CF812 Foam R-38 InsulSafe SP -Blowing Insulation R-19 15 .25" x 48" -Unfaced -Batts R-11 15.25" x 105" • Unfaced -Batts Job Address: 1213 Lanai Ct Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sq Feet 1021 2546 400 528 10* 3789 1176 1490 2333 ·~·:.'·:, INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE ualit Insulation Installation f II -Frainin .. Site Address: · Enforcement Agency: 1213 Lanai Ct Carlsbad, CA 92008 Permi N_umber: ualit Insulation Installation Air barrier and preparation for insulation verification inspection must be done at framing stage before insulation · installed. If there are any "No" answers rows not filled out or signatures missing then this is not valid form and cannot be accepted by t building department or HERS rater. If spray foam is used, then an air barrier is not required and NA would be checked. QI/ credit notlallowed if any steel amin or structural amin that are in the walls o a conditioned s ace. ' ./ FLOOR AIR BARRIER 0 0 Ii] All gaps in the raised floor to unconditioned space or to outside larger than 1/8" filled with foam or Yes No NA caulk. (NA if SPF) . · : 0 D I!) All openings on a second floor including under a tub where the drain penetrates tbe floor are sealed Yes No NA "'WALLS AIR BARRIER Iii 0 D All gaps in wall exterior sheathing to unconditioned space or to outside larger thar 1/8" filled with Yes No NA foam or caulk. (NA if SPF) ! Iii D D No gaps in sheathing against the garage, attic, or covered patio. All gaps larger than 1/8" filled with Yes No NA foam or caulk. (NA if SPF) l!I D D All gaps in Rim-joists in interior and exterior walls to the outside including holes!drilled for electrical Yes No NA and plumbing larger than 1/8" filled with foam or caulk. <NA if SPF) l!I D D Rope caulk, foam gasket, or caul~ing ~ead around the entire sole plate of the home Yes No NA . . ' l!I D D ,. Yes No NA All gaps around the windows are ~a~ked or foamed. ( stuffing with fiberglass not acceptable) ./ ATIIC INSPECTION Ii] D 0 Attic rulers appropriate to the material installed evenly throughout the attic to vedfy depth. Yes No NA (NA if SPF or batO Iii D D Attic area (sqft) 1176 +250=4.7 minimum number of rulers installed, Must round up. Yes No NA Number of rulers actually installed !'i (NA if SPF or batt) Iii 0 D ALL rulers visible from attic atcess. (NA if SPF or batt) Yes No NA Iii D D Eave vents baffles installed at all eave vents to prevent air movement under or into insulation. Yes No NA (NA if SPF) Iii D D Area of eave vent baffle is the same or larger than the net free-ventilation area of the eave vent. (NA Yes No NA if SPF) ./ CEILING AIR BARRIER l!I 0 D All draft stops in place to form a continuous ceiling air barrier no gaps larger than 1 /8". (NA if SPF) Yes No NA l!I D D All drops covered with hard covers. Gaps around or in the hard cover larger than 1/8" filled with Yes No NA foam or caulk. (NA if SPF). [!I D All recessed light fixtures in non conditioned space are IC rated and air tight (AT) Yes No Iii D All recessed light fixtures are sealed with a gasket or caulk between the housing ~nd the ceiling Yes No Iii D Openings around flue shafts fully sealed with solid blocking or flashing and any remaining gaps Yes No sealed with fire-rated caulk or sealant. Ii] 0 Piping shaft openings fully sealed and caulked Yes No @ 0 Penetrations from wiring in interior walls, electrical boxes, fire alanns etc. sealed with caulk or sealant Yes No Iii D All duct chases, fireplace chases, and double walls sealed air tight at the ceiling level. A!l gaps into shafts larger Yes No than 1/8" filled with foam or caulk. Special attention paid to ducts entering shafts from c iling. Registration Number: __________ Registration Dace/Time: _______ HERS Provider: ____ _ 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF.61 -ENV-21-HERS Quality Insulation Installation <Oil). Framinl! Stal!e Checklist I <Pa2e 2 of2) Site Address: I Enforcement Agency: I Permit Number: 1213 Lanai Ct Carlsbad, CA 92008 ./ GARAGE /CEILING AIR BARRIER FOR TWO STORIES (no conditioned space over 11arair !) I!) D D Air barrier installed at joists in garage to house transition (between floors). No ga bs larger than 1/8" Yes No NA allowed. Use of SPF satisfies the reauirement to seal the ~ans. ./ GARAGE /CEILING AIR BARRIER FOR TWO STORIES (conditioned suace over earae:el If insulation is to be installed at subfloor then subfloor has no gaps over 1/8". Air barrier installed at @ D D Yes No NA joists in garage to house transition (between floors). Use of SPF satisfies the requi emcnt to seal the ll'llns. Iii D D If insulation is to be installed at ceiling of garage then ceiling and joists to the out~ide have no gaps Yes No NA over 1/8". (NA if SPF or no conditioned snace over izara2.e.) DECLARATION STATEMENT • I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. • All rows in this document have been checked and all answers are yes or NA • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificatei(the installation) conforms to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking id~ntifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF-1 R) fonn approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF-tR that apply to the installa~ion have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Xnstallation Certificate shall be posted, or made avalla61e with the building permit(sl issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all appllcable inspec.ons. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the bjdlder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) OJ Insulation, LP. Responsible Person's Name: Torn Berry CSLB License: 888804 Date Signed: 10/3/16 Registration Number: ___________ Registration Date/Time:-------HERS Provider:----- 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 , INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE ~ ... CF-t R-ENV-22-HERS Oualitv Insulation Installation fOII) • Insulation Stage Checklist ! (Pa2e 1 of3) Site Address: I Enforcement Agency: I Perm tNumber: 1213 Lanai Ct Carlsbad, CA 92008 Overview -In order for batt and blown in insulation to work coJ"fectly the insulation must fill the wall cavity and t ~uch the air barrier with no gaps or voids. Ceiling and raised floor batt and blown in insulation must not be compressed and have no gaps or voids. Qll credit not allowed if anv steel framing or structural framinl? that are in the walls of a conditioned space. Insulation Sta~e Checklist ,,-FLOOR INSULATION D D lit) All floor joist cavity insulation installed to uniformly fit the cavity side-to-side and end-to-end. (NA if floors slab Yes No NA on grade). i D D lit) Insulation in full contact with the subfloor, NO gaps. (NA if floors are slab on grade). Yes No NA D D lit) Insulation in contact with air barrier on all five sides. (ends, sides, back). NA if floors are ~lab on grade. Yes No NA D CJ lit) Batts cut to fit around wiring and plumbing, or split (delaminated). (NA if loose fill, SPF, or slab on grade). Yes No NA D D ii Batt insulation has continuous support. (NA if loose fill, SPF, or slab on grade). Yes No NA D D I!) SPF (Spray Polyurethane Foam Medium Density) insulation the average thickness is equal to or greater than that Yes No NA listed on the CF-lR and the minimum thickness shall be no more than Yi inch less than the required thickness for the R-value. <NA for other forms of insulation), Iii D Insulation R-value same or greater than listed on the CF-lR. Yes No D D @ SPF insulation properly adhered to avoid gaps and provide an air seal (NA for other forms c!>f insulation). Yes No NA D D licl For SPF list the required floor cavity R-value from CF-1R, R= __ Yes No NA Lisi tested average depth of insulation (inches) __ X 5.8 (R-value/inch for medium density SPF) = __ (R-value). This is the installed R-value and must be equal lo or greater than listed on CF-lR (NA for other forms of insulation). ,t' WALL INSULATION !ii D D Standard depth cavities insulation fills cavity and touches air barrier on all six sides. (NA if SPF used and meets Yes No NA the required R-value). liJ D D All double walls and bump-outs, the insulation fills the cavity or additional air barrier instaliled so that the Yes No NA insulation fills the cavity. Insulation touches all six sides. (NA if SPF used and meets the rt)quired R -value). !ii D Behind tub/shower, walls under stairs, and fireplace, insulation touches air barrier on five sides. Not required to Yes No fill the space. Cavity required to be air tight. Ii] D D BATIS, not a single void/depression deeper than%" in ANY stud bay. (NA if loose fill or SPF) Yes No NA tiil D D BA 'ITS, voids/depressions less than 3/4" allowed as long as the area is not greater than 10% of the surface area Yes No NA for each stud bay. (NA if loose fill or SPF). D D !ii Loose Fill no gaps or voids of any depth allowed. (NA if batts or SPF). Yes No NA Cl D Iii SPF insulation properly adhered to avoid gaps and provide an air seal (NA for other forms of insulation). Yes No NA Ii] D Any gaps between studs or insulation larger than l/8" must be filled with insulation or foam. Yes No [ii D All Rim-joists to the outside insulated. Yes No [!J D Special attention must be paid lo comer channels, wall intersections, and behind tub/showe~ enclosures Yes No insulated to proper R-Value. I [!] D D All skylight shafts and attic kneewa!ls insulated with minimum R-19. Yes No NA l!I D D Insulation in full contact with drywall or wall finishes of skylight shafts and attic kneewallsi Yes No NA Registration Number: ___________ Registration Date/Time: _______ HERS Provider:----- 2008 Residential Complia11ce Forms March 2010 INSTALIATION CERTIFICATE CF-6 t-ENV -22-HERS Quality Insulation Installation (QII) -Insulation Stage Checklist (Page 2 of3) Site Address: 1 Enforcement Agency: I Permit Number: 1213 Lanai Ct Carlsbad, CA 92008 I lu D Wall insulation same or better than what is listed on the CF-lR. I Yes No D D lu SPF list the required wall cavity R-value from CF-lR, R-__ • List tested aver~; depth of Yes No NA inslllation (inch) __ X 5.8 (R-value/inch for medium density SPF)"' __ (R-value, This is the installed R-value and must be equal to or greater than listed on CF-1R (NA for other forms of insulation) D D lu SPF (Spray Polyurethane Foam Medium Density) insulation the average thickness is equal to or greater than that Yes No NA listed on the CF-lR and the minimum thickness shall be no more than V. inch less than the required thickness for the R-value. (NA for other forms of insulation) · ./ CEILING INSULATION Iii D BATIS there must not be a single gap/void/depression deeper than o/.". (NA if loose fill Of SPF). Yes No Iii D BATIS voids/depressions less than 3/4" allowed as long as the area is not greater than 10% of the surface area Yes No for each stud bay. (NA if loose fill or SPF). : Iii D D NO gaps or voids allowed for loose fill and SPF. (NA if batts). Yes No NA f] D All ceiling insulation installed to uniformly fit the cavity side-to-side and end-to-end. Yes No Iii D Insulation in full contact with the ceiling, NO gaps. Yes No Iii D Insulation in contact with air barrier on all five sides. Yes No Iii D D Batts cut to fit around wiring and plumbing, or split (delaminated). (NA for loose fill or SPF). Yes No NA Iii D D Batts taller than the trusses must expand so that they touch each other over the trusses. (Nf\ for loose fill or Yes No NA SPF). Iii D D Yes No NA SPF insulation properly adhered to avoid gaps and provide an air seal (NA for other form, of insulation) Iii D D Insulation fully fills cavity below any plywood platform or cat-walk. If SPF used then minimum Yes No NA 3 inches. (NA if no platforms or cat-walks) !il D Attic access gasketed Yes No Iii D Attic access insulated with rigid foam or ball insulation using adhesive or mechanical fastener. Yes No R-value same as ceiling R-value listed on CF-lR [ii Cl Recessed light fixtures covered full depth with insulation. If SPF used then other forms of'insulation used to Yes No cover or enclosed in a box fabricated from Y:2-inch plywood, 18 2a. sheet metal 1/4-inch h~rd board or drvwall [iJ Cl Roof insulation same or better than what is listed on the CF-lR i Yes No lil D D Loose Fill Insulation at proper depth-insulation rulers visible and indicating proper deptµ and R-value for Yes No NA blown in insulation. (NA for batts or SPF). [il D D Loose Fill Insulation uniformly covers the entire ceiling (or root) area from outside of all exterior walls. (NA Yes No NA for balls or SPF). Loose-fill insulation meets or exceeds manufacturer's minimum weight and thickness reqtjirements for the target lil D D R-value. Target R-value. Manufacturer's minimum required weight for the target R-value {pounds-per-square- foot). Manufacturer's minimum required thickness at time of installation. Manufacturer's ptinimum required Yes No NA settled thickness. Note: To receive compliance credit the HERS rater shall verify that the manufacturer's minimum weight and thickness has been achieved for the target R-value. (NA for batts or SPF). Registration Number: ___________ Registration Date/Time: _______ HERS Provider:----- 2008 Residential Complianc.e Forms March 2010 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-61~ -ENV -22-HERS Quality Insulation Installation (OIi) -Insulation Staize Checklist (Paae 3 of3) Site Address: I Enforcement Agency: I Permit Number: 1213 Lanai Ct Carlsbad, CA 92008 D D l!I SPF list the required ceiling cavity R•value from CF.tR, R-__ . List tested average di pth of insulation Yes No NA in X 5.8R = __ R this is the installed R-value and must be equal to or greater than listei on CF-lR (NA for other forms of insulation) CJ D Ii.] SPF insulation must be covered with other forms of insulation or enclosed in a box fabrica ed from Yi inch Yes No NA plywood, 18 gauge metal, \4 inch hard board or drywall. The exterior of the box may then be insulated with SPF. Cl D Ill SPF insulation the average thickness is equal to or greater than that listed on the CF-lR an ll the minimum Yes No NA thickness shall be no more than 'tS. inch less than the required thickness for the R-value. (II A for other forms of insulation) ,I' GARAGE ROOF/CEILING INSULATION FOR TWO STORIES fno conditioned snace over 1 •arae:e) Bl ~I D Insulation installed at joists against the air barrier in the garage to house transition. All wall insulation Yes NA requirements above must be met. (NA if conditioned space over garage) . ./ GARAGE ROOF/CEILING INSULATION FOR TWO STORIES(conditioned snace over 2ar.:.t7e) Iii D D If insulation is to be installed at subfloor then the insulation must also be installed at joists [llgainst the air barrier Yes No NA in the garage to house transition. All ceiling and wall insulation requirements above must be met. (NA if no conditioned soace over garal!:e). r 00 D CJ If insulation is to be installed at ceiling of garage then the joists to the outside must be insulated and all the Yes No NA insulation requirements listed above must be met. (NA if no conditioned space over garage!). DECLARATION STATEMENT • l certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form ls true and correct. • l have read the High Quality Insulation Installation Procedures (Residential Appendix, RA3.5), understand these procedures, and understand that there are additional requirements than must be met than those listed on this CF-6R. • All rows in this document have been checked and all answers are yes or NA • I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construct\on, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate!(the installation) confonns to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation ls consistent with the plans and specificatiens approved by the enforcement agency. • I understand that a HERS rater will be checking the installation and that if such checking identifies defects, I 3'1 required to take corrective action at my expense. If the installation is part of a sample group for HERS verification, and the instpllation fails to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, additional checking/testing and repair of other installation~ in the HERS sample group will be required at my expense. I understand that the HERS provider, and Energy Commission representatives will also be performing checks of the installation on jobs not tested by the HERS rater. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF-1 R) form approved by the enforcement agency that ide~tifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF·lR that apply to the installatjion have been met. • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made availa*e with the building pennit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspec(lons. I understand that a signed copy of this lostallatlon Certificate Is required to be included with the documentation the bT,ilder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider 9ata registry for multiple orientation alternatives and on October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. ! Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) OJ Insulation Responsible Person's Name: Tom Berry CSLB License 888804 Date Signed: 1013116 Registration Number: ____________ Registration Date/Time: ________ HERS Provider:----- 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010