HomeMy WebLinkAbout1215 AVIARA PY; ; CB001561; PermitCity of Carlsbad 04/25/2000 Electrical Permit Permit No:CB001561 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: ELEC Status: ISSUED Parcel No: Lot #: 0 Applied : 04/25/2000 Reference #: Plan Approved: 04/25/2000 Issued: 04/25/2000 Project Title: INSTALL METER PEDESTAL Inspect Area: 1215 AVIARA PY CBAD St: MP Entered By: GMF Applicant: FISHEL COMPANY 666 AIRPORT RD OCEANSIDE CA 92054 04/15/00 0001 01 02 760 967-6930 Electric Issue Fee Remodel Fee Temporary Service Fee Test Meter Fee Other Electrical Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Inspector: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the 'Impbsition' of has, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "feedexactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these feedexactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Cadsbad Muniapal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specifkd feedexactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any feedexactions of which yw have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By .- Date :ifa:,?:PHU$fX?t; 1NFunMM Address (includn BldgIStritn XI Legnl Description Lot No. Subdivision NamnMvmber Unit No Phesn No. Total X of units Assessor's Psrcel X Existing Use Proposed Ilsn I of Bndrooms Descrlption 01 Work SO. FT. . '#of Storins Business Namo la1 this address) ___ .~ -- ___. _____ W of Bsthronrris pc€- /rn' /Ymr EL&ICPv/C rn€k R PL-bES 1731 _______ Telephone II Toy W '760 --438 7 71// ir nriy stfuctrirn. nrinr to ii? lssirancn, slso rnqrrirns ttin npplicanl lor such pnrmlt to llln a sigiind stntnmnril that he is licensed pirrsunnt lo tlrn provisions ol !he Contractor's licensq \.aw ICIinptnr 9. conirneridliig with Snction 7000 ol Olvision 3 of tho Ortslnnss nnd Profnssions Codel or that hn Is exempl llierelrom. and lhp Ilasis lor the nIIo!IPrl nxnnintlon. Any vinlntiori of Snrlioii 7031.5 hy nriy applicant lor n pnrmlt srrhjocts the applicnnt to n civll pnrialty of not riinrn Ihnn fivo hurrdrnrl rlollnrs 1$5001) 71.0 ____ - PL '7-6'730 Nnmn Addrws City Stnto Licnnse I L97$9q;7 1.icorise class /4.4-7- ___ City Btrsinnss Licnnse # ~ //y&gq ... Designer Nnrnn Adclrnss city StntelZip Telephone Stnte Llcenna I ;BPi~~~K@~~:'rM~~~~~~ION. Worknrs' Conipnnsntlon Dnclnrntior rrirl n of the (fi? 920S'Y StarelZip 1 olephone d r/~u~-~-C~._-~b-B~~-r fld * OfiHMS/dE ____ ____ ._ - I hove nrid will mtiirrtniri n cnrlificate of corisnnt to snlf-insurn for workers' compnn.sntion ns Itrnvided hy Secliori 3700 01 thn Laiior Code. lor llie f~erlnrrnanro . drive nnd will rnnintnin worknrs' cornpensntiori. us reqrrirnd hy Sncliorr 3700 of llin Lnbor Coda, for the pnrlorniancn nl thp work for which Ilii5 pprrnit IF ork for which this pnrrnit is issuod. Issued. My worker's compnnsntinn irisursnce cnrrlnr nnd policy nrimhnr am' Expiretion Daln 8- /- 00 __ Irisirrsncn Company &?'A Pollcy No. wc flfZ4 'ZfLZl .- (TIM SECTION NEED NOT DE COMPLETED IF TtlE PEflMlT IS FOR ONE IWNDRED DOLLARS 1$1001 On LESS1 , 0 In hecome sirbjecl IO Ihn Workers' Cornpenxalion Lews of Cnlilornia. WIRNING: thovrnnd.dollnrs 16100.000). In addltlon lo Itre cont of cornporirntion. dnmager ns provided lor In Scctlon 3706 of (he Lnbor code. Internst nod attorney's Inns. SIGN AT^ DATE CEnTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION! I cnrlify thnl in the pnrlorrnancn ol tho work lor which lliis pnrmit is issued. I shall not nmploy any person in any mannor so as Fnllrirn to oecure workarn' cornpensotlon covornge in wilnwliil, nnd ahell subject nn srnploysr to crlmlnsl penalties nrid clvil fines irp to one lirindrerl I hereby nlfirin tlrel I nm exnmpt from tho Coritractor's Licensn Law for ttin lollowing rnnson: 0 I,' US owner 01 lhn propnrty or my nmploynns willi wngns AS their solo cornpnnsntion. will do tlin work end thn structirro is not intsnrlcrf or ollnrod for saln (Snc. 7044. Business nnd Profosaioris Coda: The Contrnctor'r Licensn Lnw dons not npply to nn ownnr 01 propnrty who hrrilds or irnprovns lhereon, and who dons sircli wnrk hlrnsnll or through his own ninploynns. provided tliel such improvonienls nrn not intended or offnrod lor sale. If, howrvor,'fhn hvilding or imprnvnmnnt is sold within onn ynnr of coniplntlnii, tho ownor-hwlldor will hnvn tho birrdnn nl proving tlint ho did no1 build or improvs for the purpose of salot. 0 1. nb nwnnr ol thn propnrly, em exclosivnly coritracling with licensed contractors to constrirct the project (Sec 7044. Birsinnss nnd Prolnssions Codn: . The Corilrnctor's License Law does not npnly lo an ownnr 01 prnverty who builds or iniproves thereon. and contrscts for such projncts with corittactorfs) IirFnserJ pursrrnnt to thn Conlrnclor'.s Licnnse Lnwl. 0 1. 2. 3 I mm naempt irnrlnr Snctior, I pnrsonnlly plnn to provkln ilin major Inhor nncl metorinls lor construction of tlin proposed proiinrty inrprovnmont. 0 YES 1 Ilinvn I haw not) slprrnrl an npplicalion for n hiiilrlinp pnrrnit for tho prniiosnd work. I havn conlrnctnrl with thn fnllowint) porsori llirrnl lo rrrnvltln thr propnsnd constrrrctiori lincludn name I arldrnsn I phonn rr~imlirr I conlrnctnrs licnnqn ntimhmrl Btrsinnss nrid ProInsPions CorJn for tlils rnnron: DNO 4 number I contractors license ntrrnhorl: 5. ol workl: PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE __ 1 plan to provide portions ol the work. brit I hnvn hirnd the lollowing pnrson to coordinate, sunnrvlse and providn the major work linciirdn riame I eddress I phon-- I will provide somn of the work. hiit i haw conlractnd fiiirndl tho following persons to providn thn work inrlicatnd fincludn namn I addrnss / plionn nrrmhnr I tynn _______ ______ __________ _______.____~ DATE _____ 'i)Clkt.iC~t! T~M >sixtior$ Fbn nrd~~~~~rb~~r~~61~~1~~ PEHMitei6HW,:%!. Is tlrn oppllcnnt or ftrtvrn building occupnnt rnqtiirsd to nulimit n husinosb plan. ncirlnly Iinznrtlous malnriels rngislrwllon form or risk mnnagomonl and nrnvnnlinn progrnm tmdnr Snctlons 25505. 25533 or 25534 01 the Prnslny-Tsnnor Flnznrdnus Suhstancn Account Act7 0 YES 0 NO Is the nppllcan! or fvtirre buitdlng occupsnt required to obtain a permit from [tin Rir polirtlion control dislrict or sir quality managemant dislrict ? 1s the facility to bn cnnslruclsd within 1,000 lent ol the outer borrndary of a school aitnl IF ANY OF THE ANSWEnS ARE YES. A FINAL CEnTlFlCATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED lJNLESS THE APPLICANT MAS MET OR IS MEETING TIlE REaUinEMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SEnV 0 YES 0 NO 0 YES 0 NO ~~~~~~~~~~~~l6~~~~DlN~'~~~N~ I hnreby rfflrrn Ilia1 Oinre is n constrtrction lnnding ngnricy lor thn porformnricn of lhn work for wliicli this permit 1s issrred (Snc 3097lil Civil Cndnl LENOER'S NAME LE A''' **."-,.<*?tz- Id !93QXBPEIEANl?? 1 oertlly thnt I hnvn rend the .rtinlic:ntlori snd stole that thn akvn informatlon Is cnrrrcl nnd thnt tho Informnllon on the plan< i.i ncciiraln City ordinnncna end Slnlr liw~ relatin" lo birilding cnrwtruclinn. propnrty for Inspnctlon ptrrposes. I ALSO AGnEE TO SAVE. INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CAnLSBAO AGAINST ALL ILlAIJllITIFS JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND EXPFNSES WIIICII MAY IN ANY WAY ACCnUE AGAlNSl SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF 7tflS PERMIT OSIIA: An OSHA pnrmlt is roqiiired for nxcavation.q ovnr 5'0- deep nnd demolltlon or coristruclion 01 strucltrrns over 3 storins in heiglil. EXPlnATION: Evnry psrrnll issrind by the Duilding Ollicint wider the provisions of lhls Code shsll expirn by limitntion nnd hncomn null and vnirl if lhe hrrilrlinq os work nirtliorired by such pnrniit is not comrnnncnd within 305 dnys from thn dsto 01 stich permit or if lhn buildlng or work nirtlrorizsd hv SIJC~ permit is sucvnrrrbrl or nbandonnd at nIiv time nftar tlin work is c APPCICANT'S SIGNATURE I aqrpn In nnniolv wi'h 111 I Iinrnhy nulhorirn roprerenlntlves of thn Cllt of Cnrlstmd to nnlnr upon thr! ahove tneniinnrvf mnncnd for n period of 1AO days (Snclion 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). +-- WIIITE: File YELLOW: Applicnnl PINK: Finnnce City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request 4 For: 7/26/2000 Permit# CBOOl561 Title: INSTALL METER PEDESTAL Description: Type: ELEC Sub Type: Job Address: 1215 AVIARA PY Suite: MP Lot 0 Location: APPLICANT FISHEL COMPANY Owner: Remarks: A- Inspector Assignment: Phone: 7607570352 Inspector: TL 1 Total Time: Requested By: HEATHER CD Description Comments Entered By: CHRISTINE 32 Const. ServicelAgricultural Associated PCRs InsDection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments I, 7- I tTA3 t %=- !