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1230 ESMAT WAY; ; CB153974; Permit
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 ·o 1-os-2015 Residential Permit Permit No: CB153974 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1230 ESMAT WY CBAD RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Lot#: 3 Constuction Type: 58 Reference#: MS11-02 Structure Type: SFD Bathrooms: 5.5 Status: ISSUED Applied: 11/17/2015 Entered By: SLE Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1563512200 $610,295.00 1 5 LANAI: PHASE 1 I PLAN 5 Orig PC #: PC 150036 Plan Approved: 01/08/2016 Issued: 01/08/2016 Inspect Area: Plan Check#: PC150062 3,842 SF LIVING/ 697 SF GARAGE/ 493 SF PATIO/ 148 SF DECK Applicant: SHEA HOMES 9990 MESA RIM RD SAN DIEGO CA 92121 858-526-6500 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD#3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee Green Bldg Stands Plan Chk Fee $2,370.26 $0.00 $1,659.18 ($500.00) $0.00 $79.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,609.00 FS3/4 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $0.00 Owner: SHEA HOMES 9990 MESA RIM RD SAN DIEGO CA 92121 858-526-6500 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFO Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) Sidewalk Fee PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Housing lnlieu Fee Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees Fire Sprinkler Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $40,484.24 Total Payments to Date: $40,484.24 Balance Due: Inspector: (vi. ~5 FINAL A£PROVAL Date: o9 s/lt, Clearance: FS3/4 $0.00 $356.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,107.37 $10,252.96 $0.00 $0.00 $3,160.00 $0.00 $0.00 $326.00 $89.00 $106.13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $881.00 $4,963.00 $0.00 $40,484.24 $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. lf you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 01-08-2016 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Permit No:SW150444 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference#: CB#: Project Title: Applicant: SHEA HOMES 1230 ESMATWY CBAD SWPPP 1563512200 CB153974 LANAI: PHASE 1 I PLAN 5 9990 MESA RIM RD SAN DIEGO CA 92121 858-526-6500 Emergency Contact: xx )()( SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Lot#: 3 Owner: Total Fees: $282.00 Total Payments To Date: Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: Tier: Priority: ISSUED 11/17/2015 SLE 01/08/2016 1 M $54.00 $228.00 $0.00 $282.00 $282.00 Balance Due: $0.00 FINAL APPROVAL DATE"'faf>/JI. CLEARANCE __ _ SIGNATURE f11. tc.),t,,;. s Inspection List Permit#: CB153974 Type: RESDNTL SFD Date . lnspection_!t~m Inspector 09/15/2016 89 Final Combo 09/15/2016 89 Final Combo MC 09/08/2016 89 Final Combo MC 09/08/2016 89 Final Combo 06/06/2016 33 Service Change/Upgrade PD 04/18/2016 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test MC 04/13/2016 16 Insulation MC 04/11/2016 84 Rough Combo MC 03/30/2016 13 Shear Panels/HD's MC 03/29/2016 13 Shear Panels/HD's MC 03/21/2016 22 SewerNJater Service MC 03/14/2016 15 Roof/Reroof MC 02/01/2016 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers MC 02/01/2016 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin MC 01/22/2016 21 Underground/Under Floor MC Friday, September 16, 2016 Act RI Fl PA RI AP AP AP AP AP NR AP AP AP AP AP LANAI: PHASE 1 I PLAN 5 3,842 SF LIVING/ 697 SF GARAGE/ 493 S Comments COF MINOR PICK UP, GMR E=-MAILED TO SDGE. WALLS ONLY, NEED CEILING CERT. BUILDING WASTE TO SEWER P.O.C, WATER TO METER. UFER WASTE ONLY TO BLDG. LINE, NEED P.0.C. Page 1 of 1 ~~) CB153974 1230 ESMAT WY LANAI: PHASE 1 I PLAN 5 ~ C>l¥ OF CARLSBAD Building Division INSPECTION RECORD 3,842 SF LIVING/ 697 SF GARAGE/ 493 SF PATIO/ 148 SF DECK 'NSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED "PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB RESDNTL Lot#: 3 SFD SHEA HOMES @ CALL BEFORE 3;30 pm FOR NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION @ FOR BUILDING INSPECTION CALL: 760-602-2725 OR GO TO: www.Carlsbadca.gqy/Building AND CLICK ON "Request Inspection"' l.1-~ECORD COPY DATE:\ ~ I Required Prior to Requesting Building Final If Checked YES Planning/Landscape 76(),.9*8463 Allow48 hours CM&I {Engineering rn~onsJ 760-438-3891 ca11 before 2 pm Fire Prevention 76()-6()2-4660 AjJow 48 hours #12 REINFORCED SIIEL #66 MASONRY PRE GROUT OGROUT 0 WALL DRAINS --<i.10 TILT PANELS #11 POUR STRIPS #11 COWMN FOOTINGS #14 SUBFRAME O FLOOR O CEILING #15 ROOF SHEATHING #13 EXT. SHEAR PANELS #16 INSULATION #18 EXTERIOR LATH #81 UNDERGROUND (11,12,21,311 #17 INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL #82 DRYWAU,EXTIATH, GASlES (17,18,231 #51 POOLEXCA/SIIEL/BOND/FENCE #83 ROOF SHEATING, EXT SHEAR (13,15) #55 PREPLASTER/FINAL #84 FRAME ROUGH COMBO (14,24,34,44) #85 T-Bar(14,24,34,44J #89 ANAL OCCUPANCY (19,29,39,49) Date Ins r A/S UNDERGROUNDV1SUAL A/5 UNDERGROUND HYDRO #23 D GAS lHT O GAS PIPING A/S UNDERGROUND FLUSN #25 WATER HEATER A/S OVERHEAD VISUAL #28 SOLAR WATER A/S OVERHEAD HYDROSTATIC #29 FINAL A/SFINAL coor: ... STORM WATER F/AROUGH·IN #600 PRE.CONSTRUCTION MEETING F/AFINAL #603 FOLLOW UP INSPECTION FIXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM ROUGH-IN ·os NOTICE TO CLEAN FIXED EXTING SYSTEM HYDROSTATIC lHT -"'n007 WRITTEN WARNING FIXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM FINAL #609 NOTICEOFVIOIATION MEDICAL GAS PRESSURElHT #610 VERBAL WARNING MEDICAL GAS FINAL REV 1012012 SEE BACK FOR SPECIAL NOTES Ccicyof Carlsbad CIRCUIT CARD B-36 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AVAILABLE AT THE SERVICE i:I' UIPMENT FOR THE ROUGH INSPECTION Address: 11. ?-,.r, c:... I /J,. Pennit Number: /<;""7."t Jc, Owner: r, ... ,, -Ph6nir.'~/'il Q<(',-7A">7 Area In Sq. Ft. g,8CfZ._ Contractor: Phone: . PANEL,'-""O.""? '2.2.S A.LC. VOLTS . f2) WIRE LOCATION CKT BKR WIRE MISC I REC REC LTG MISC WIRE BKR CKT LOCATION SIZE SIZE TYPE SIZE TYPE SIZE ·--·D 1 1'5 \• C.I,\ ~ I 2 \Somo~ 3 I'S jL, I 4 (,;, 5 \? ,. I 6 Dw 7 15 I' I 8 f:JJtf.Y 9 15 ... 4 \C:, 10 flrl'l F-M 11 lS l't 10 5" 12 ~H·Li~ 13 I '1 IJ.I 3 ., 14 01.n~ 15 <Lo , .... • ::J 16 .$o.b 17 100 1/o ,'&\ I 18 1.w., 19 -io 1-Z. e ... 5" 20 IG'i ~ trl'I 21 ?O rz.. L\ 22 I'\\ tll"O 23 '2.£) \--Z.-I 24 l<,\t 25 '2.o n .. 4 26 t\...rl 27 u, 1 '2., l 28 J,.c., 29 co [O \ 30 l c., 31 ~ It> l 32 le., 33 (5f\ 10 I 34 f\V.§ IA 35 ti() ff) •• l 36 37 38 39 ! 40 41 42 MAIN: [jg 2.1 .. s AMP BRK/FUSE O MLO Computed Load AMPS BUS: AMP See Calculation Wori<sheet on back Service entrance or feeder conductors: Branch circuits required: A) Size: No. B) Type: 0 CU O AL A} Lighting Circuits 220 -3(b), 4(d) B) Two Small Appliance Circuits 210-11(e) C) Insulation: D) Conduit Size: ___ C) Laundry Circuit 220 -16(b) Service ground/bond: B) Type: C!!'.!;u DAL D) Central Heating Equipment 422-12 A) Size: No. •'/ E) Bathroom 210 -52(d) ~ Clamp locatlon(s): UFER 250-50(c) Remarks: 0 Water Pipe 250-104 D Ground Rod 250-52 D GF~tions 210 -8, 680-70: ZKitchen I certify that all terminations have been torqued In accordance with manufacturer's Bathroom(s) instructions and that the work shown on this circuit card represents the full extent of 0Garage(s) ~~;g_Tub the work performed under this permit. j,l'Outdoors Downer AF~tected Gire. 210-12 D Contractor Bedroom(s) D Signed Date B-36 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 £.or 2..0 50.b Ccityof Carlsbad CIRCUIT CARD B-36 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AV Al LAB LE AT THE SERVICE EC UIPMENT FOR THE ROUGH INSPECTION Address: / 7 v-, c" , ~ ·-Permit Number: /<::;<, )'7 V Owner: .Cl _ If ·-.Pl,o(ie~_ /'i' J;l>ul, -~<? l8'1?... Area In Sq. Ft. Contractor: Phone: PANEL,~L><W~ D v,,S' A.LC. VOLTS 0 WIRE CKT BKR WIRE MISC REC REC LTG MISC WIRE BKR CKT LOCATION LOCATION SIZE SIZE TYPE SIZE TYPE SIZE t?ed Lt 1 IS" I' CA ~ 1 2 (..t> 3 I'> I' q 4 Beel -z.,~ 5 ,, I LO o,t 6 ~~~,&I 7 \S 11.f I I Z.. 8 t.A, 1?, eel. 9 \S 11/-10 FltU 11 IS I "I I 12 /3l.H,. 13 VI p..-l 14 ~(.\,,.CY 15 ? _,,, ,~ I 16 LoR-17 IS 14 I, 5 18 FA-\! 19 15 I'+ '" I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 I 40 41 42 MAIN:D LU AMP BRK/FUSE O MLO Computed Load ~ AMPS BUS: AMP See Calculation Worlfshi et on back Service entrance or feeder conductors: ~ Branch circuits required: A)Slze: No. Vo B) Type: D cu L A) Lighting Circuits 220 -3(b), 4(d) 8) Two Small Appliance Circuits 210-11(e) C) Insulation: D) Conduit Size: ___ C) Laundry Circuit 220-16(b) Service ~round/bond; 4', B)Type: ~cu D) Central Heating Equipment 422-12 " E) Bathroom 210 -52(d) A) Size: No. ~lamp location(s): FER 250-50(c) Remarks: DWaterPipe 250-104 D Ground Rod 250-52 D GF~lions 210-8, 680-70: athroom(s) D Kitchen I certify that all terminations have been torqued In accordance with manufacturer's instructions and that the work shown on this circuit card ·represents the full extent of D Garage(s) ~r.roma':1,ge Tub the work performed under this permit. D Outdoors ,,Jv-.Jy D Owner AFC! Protected Clrc. 210 -12 D Contractor Jlt'.Bedroom(s) D Signed Date 8-36 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 ., JAAM Electric RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL -TENANT IMPROVEMENT LOAD CALCULATIONS Lanai Plan 5 3842 SQUARE FOOTAGE x 3 WATTS 11526 watts 2 APPLIANCE CIRCUITS 3000 watts 1 LAUNDRY CIRCUIT 1500 watts 1 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 828 watts 1 MICROWAVE 1500 watts 1 DISHWASHER 1200 watts 2 FAU 1800 watts 1 OVEN 8000 watts SUBTOTAL 29354 watts 1st 10000 watts@ 100% 10000 watts BALANCE @ 40% 7742 watts A/C#1 @125% 8880 watts A/C#2 5280 watts TOTAL WATTS • 31902 watts 31902 WATTS-240 VOL TS 133 amps USE 200A MINIMUM 697 Greenfield Dr. El Cajon, CA 92021 -(619)579-6500 -FAX (619)579-3733 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBER 1010289 City of Carlsbad Permit No: CB153974 -Plan 5 Add~ess 1230 Esmat Way Type of Work· SFD and Duplexes Residential Additions Remodels / Lofts Apartments & Multi-family Garages/Sunrooms/Solariums Patio/Porch Enclosed Patio Decks/Balconies/Stairs Retaining Walls, concrete,masonry Pools/Spas-Gunite Tl/Stores, Offices Tl/Medical, restaurant, H occupancies Photovoltaic Systems/# of panels Fire Sprinkler System Air Conditioning -commercial Air Conditioning -residential Fireplace/ concrete, masonry Fireplace/ prefabricated Metal Valuation: Comm/Res (C/R): Building Fee Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg. Stand. Fee Green Bldg PC Fee License Tax/PFF License Tax/PFF (in CFO) CFO 1st houc of Plan CheckFire Expedite Plumbing Mechanical Electrical Valuation Worksheet Assessor Parcel No. Date 12/03/2015 Area of Work •; Multiplier .. 3,842 $139.S2 $166.81 $45.78 $124.35 657 $36.40 493 $12.13 $19. 71 148 $19.71 $24.26 $51.56 $45.78 $63.70 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4,499 $3.94 $6.37 3,842 $5.31 $4,883.11 1 $3,319.61 TOTAL $610,295 By SLE h A VALUE $536,035.84 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,914.80 $5,980.09 $0.00 $2,917.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17,726.06 $0.00 $20,401.02 $0.00 $3,319.61 $0.00 $0.00 $610,294.50 CFO Building Division C @ Yes (PFF=l.82%) @ No (PFF = 3.5%) $2,370.26 Land Use: $1,659.18 Density: $128.00 Improve. Area: $24.00 Fiscal Year: $150.00 Annex. Year: Factor: $21,360.31 $11,107.36 CREDITS PFF and/or CFD Explanation: TBO TBO TBO bHA,lnc. land planning, civil engineering, surveying January 27, 2016 W.O. 452-1214-600 Mr. Michael Collins CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Inspection 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 ROD BRADLEY, Urban Planner RONALD L. HOLLOWAY, Civil Engineer RE: BUILDING FORM VERIFICATION FOR 1222/1226/1230 ESMAT WAY (PARCELS 1, 2, & 3, PARCEL MAP 21225) MS 11-02 Dear Mr. Collins: This letter is to attest that BHA, Inc. has staked the location for the house construction on the above-mentioned lots. We have checked the locations of the building forms of the proposed houses and found the horizontal and vertical location to conform to the Site Plan. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact our office. Sincerely, bHA, Inc. ~\--\~&~ror Ronald L. Holloway Senior Vice President R.C.E. 29271 RLH:pjh cc: Jason Korszeniewski -Shea Homes building fnrm verification.hr 5115 Avenida Encinas, Suite L Carlsbad, California 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 FAX (760) 931-7780 Southwest Inspection and Testing, Inc. 441 Commercial Way, La Habra, Ca 90631 (562) 941-2990 • (714) 526-8441 • Fax (562) 946-0026 Rl:GISTERED IN~PECTOR'S DAILY REPORT I SWIT Job No. I D~ I \'c-:J Ir-ci l"t.. fr; TYPE OF ~7 Reinforced Concrete D Welding D DIA/Epoxy INSPECTION Post Tensioned Concrete D Fireproofing D Wood Framing REQUIRED D Reinforced Masonry _ D Asphalt D Other Job Addr~ J?t.t.f/-f. { J l,c.,-/ ~ · · Tract No. Lot No. .,. Job ~~me,11 a,. C!.t /ti I/ Peri:~f-f..c(~ lssl@_d B.1 ,~ Typ~ ~q+€}U!:;,-~' -Arc~ei t , ~ ,J'~~ Ma~ DescFiP,ti2P-~pe,~e;'~~o/ .t'~~ ~-:!!:/ Eng,t,i) ~ 1 r: ?t. (_..... . l . .. . .. ,.... r '\ y ' "", . I ~ . //.uL~bdT-+~Ht / / ~~o~~ /~~ lnsp~1·s N~_5 C~ v-<.._ Su~~~~/<;;;u~~a, ,, - TESTS PERFORMED SAMPLE AIR CONC WATER TIME SET# TRUCK# TICKET# LOCATION SLUMP TEMP TEMP ADDED CAST MIX# REMARKS , INSPECTION SUMMARY-LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. INCLUDES INFORMATION ABOUT -AMOUNTS OF MATERIAL PLACED OR WORK PERFORMED, NUMBER, TYPE & IDENT. NO'S OF TEST SAMPLES TAKEN: STRUCT. CONNECTIONS /WELD MADE H.T. BOLTS T.{)RQUEDl CHECKED, ET,C. ,,. i~h,./' / ~':"' /~ ··,.11~fo-Ll'd-~ W ~ ~lrr-~<; d, 5y,~· ~ -~--. u...,/J.-? 4~ (" : A /,/~ ~"----ALI/ ~p c;/1, ·~~., ,1 L/C-/7 1 (_ J'y s? I t? L.. , ~ I /.J r-t"r ,.1y./~~:( ~y ;, )~ / . CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE OBSERVED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATION, AND AP~BLE SECTIO THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. I\, --t..----' L-- SIGNATYRE OF REGISTERED l~ECTOR Tr:-t" ., ~,, ----..) ) ,.;. / I --,,,,.~-- SPECIALTY NO. AGENCY (/ " # /t,,. '-( +-(_~/.k- . p:;, {q~-:1...J (,/~(,/#,( I 7-<;, /t/~,.f/,..,,-1 1"' r ( 71 ._,, • I ,. •. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 0 PAGE I I OF TIMEI~/ TIMEOUT SAMPLES T/ Approved By Project Superintendent White -Office Copy • Canary-Accounting Copy • Pink -Inspector's Copy • Goldenrod -Jobsite Copy ;m F-049 ©Southwest Inspection & Testing, Inc. W .O.,......:::<,r..a?:c;...'t.i,... 1...{,..:: ..... ::..' ...;.· ·..;;;0 '-'~- DATE._~;~/~1~//~u,~--- NAME. __ . ..:::;;C,...;.~---- ' HOURS ______ _ Geotechnical • Coastal • Geologic • Environmental .. FOOTING TRENCH OBSERVATION SUMMARY Client Name: ---'-'-f ..:;.a7;;.;._ ____________ Project Name: ---=_,,."'-'/l~/...aA.,_I __________ _ Location/Tract: JT !~-~! / /,/, J.itt tt /1 117 h'· .' ..:.=-:: b ·/J1,111 W/Jf( Unit/Phase/Lot(s): 1.r.:.~~L »';:: /,T /1 -/..-;<.,, r;,,,,,/., ,/H'(,, /' Observation Summary ~ Initials . h I/,,, Date l i.E Initials ,. J · //le Date 1 I --- Initials Date /Initials --/-Date I A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed onsite soil and footing trench conditions. Soil conditions in the trench are generally free of loose soil and debris, non-yielding and uniform, and plumb; and are in general conformance with those indicated in the geotechnical report. A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed and reviewed footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavations generally extend to proper depth and bearing strata, and are in general conformance with recommendations of !he geotechnical report. A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. reviewed footing setbacks from slope face (if applicable). The setback was in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report. / / I Notes to Superintendent/Foreman 1. Footing excavations should be cleaned of loose debris and thoroughly moistened just prior to placing concrete. 2. Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, presoaking of soil below slabs may be recommended. Consult the geotechnical report for presoaking recommendations. We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time for such, and the contractor should schedule accordingly. 3. In the event of a site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i.e., heavy rain, etc.), we should be contacted to perform additional site observations and/or testing. 4. This memo does not confirm the minimum footing dimension as required by the project structural engineer's design, if different from the geotechnical report. Notes to Building Inspector Soil compaction test results, as well as depth of fill, relative compaction, bearing values, corrosivity, and soil expansion index test results are contained in the As-Graded Geotechnical or Final Compaction Report provided at the completion of grading. 57 41 Palmer Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 438-3155 1446 E. Chestnut Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 647-0277 Representative of GeoSoils, Inc. 26590 Madison Ave. Murrieta, CA 92562 (951) 677 -9651 11111!11111111 P""-~ /,oi-,,_IC) ' This design prepared from computer input by SPATES fABRICATORS IMLC) LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 33'-2.5" CBC2013/IBC2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=l. 00 TC: 2x4 DF !tl&BTR BC: 2x4 DF #l&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF #l&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "OC. VON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= lZ"OC. VON. BC UNIF LL ( LOAD DURATION INCREASE= 1.25 SPACED 24.0" 0 C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 17.0) ON TOP CHORD 37.0 PSF DL ON BOTTOM CHORD 7.0 PSF TOTAL LOAD 44.0 PSF O.OJ+DL( 15. 0) = 15.0 PSF 14'-1.3" TO 19'- 1-2=(-3568) 0 1-9= (0) 3254 9-2=( 0) 201 13-7=(-417) 0 2-3=(-3119) 0 9-10= (0) 3251 2-10=(-417) D 7-14= I o I 201 3-4=(-2889) 0 lD-11= (0) 3234 10-3= ( OJ 68 6 4-5=(-3240) 0 11-12= (01 3240 10-4=(-772) D 5-6=(-2889) 0 12-13= (0) 3234 4-11=( -7) 303 6-~=(-3119) D 13-14= (0) 3251 12-5= ( -7) 303 7-8=(-3569) D 14-8= 101 3254 5-13=(-772) D 6-13= ( 0 I 68 6 NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24"0C UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2013 NOT BEING MET. . 3" V BEARING LOCATIONS 0 I -0 • 0" MAX VERT REACTIONS MAX HORZ REACTIONS BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) •• For hanger specs. -See approved plans Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR lOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. 33'-2.5" 0/ 1536V 0/ 1536V BRG BRG -32/ 32H 0/ OH 0' - 33'- 0. 0" 2. 5" 3. 50" 1. 64 DF I 625) 3. SO" 1. 64 DF I 625) 1. 64 DF/ 2 53 HF/ 2 41 SPF 1. 64 DF/ 2.53 HF/ 2 41 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS; LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.235" @ 13'-11.5" Allowed MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.409" @ 13'-11.5" Allowed 1.088" 1.631" 1.631" MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.581" @ 13'-11.5" Allowed RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)"' 0.409" 11-08-03 9-10-02 11-08-03 5-09-11 5-05-09 2-06-08 5-07 2-01-09 5-10-08 5-09-11 12 12 ~1 ~t ~vr ,jij~ "-"~ ~-':'i~,,, 1" 9 lO ll I l2 \J l4 "8 D < M-2x4 M-Jx8 U.25" M-Jx5 M-Jx8 M-2x4 M-2x4 M-5x8 (SJ M-2x4 M-2x4 5-07-15 5-05-09 2-11-12 5-00 2-11-12 5-05-09 5-07-15 <PL: 19-04-04 33-02-08 JOB NAME Lanai Truss: DES. BY: EE DATE: 4/4/2016 SEQ.: 6381310 TRANS ID: 435203 11111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII GB WARNINGS; 1. Builder end erection contractor shouk:I be advised of all General Notes and warnings before construction commences. 2. b:4 COlllJression web bracing must be installed where shown+. 3. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during constJuction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overal structure is the responsibility of the buiking designer. 4. No load should be appied to any co~ent until after all bracing and tastenera are complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be appied to any co~nenl 5. Comp,uTrus hll5 oo conln.>1 over and assumes no responsibilty for the fabrication, handing, shipment and instalation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the iiTilations set forth try TPIIWrCA in BCSI, copies of which wlU be furnished upon request. Milek USA, lnc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.7(1L)-E Scale: 0.1639 GENERAL NOTES, unless olhelWise noted· 1. This design is based only upon Ille parametera shown and is for an indi'Vidlllll building compor.ent. App&cati.lity of design Jl8remelera and_ proper 1nco_rporation of component is the responsibility oflhe bwlcl1ng designer. 2. Desrgn assumes Ille top and bottom chords to be lateraly braced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their length try continuous sheathir,g such as pt,wood shealhing(TC) and/or drywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or l~ral bracing required where shown++ 4. lnstalabon of truss is the responsibility oflhe respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a norM:Orrosi'Ve environment, and are for "dry condition• of use. e. Design assumes ful bearing at an supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 1. Design IISStlmes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shal be located on both feces of truss. and placed so their center ~nes coincide with joint center lines. 9. Dii,it5 indicate size of plate in Inches. 10. For basic conr.ecto.-plate design vakies see ESR-1311, ESR-19Jl8 (MiTek) Wind: ~ :i: ';' D MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL = 0.057" MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0.135" 32'-110" 32'-11 O" 110 mph, h=21.6ft, TCDL=10 . .'.:,BCDL=4.2, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, load duration factor=l.6, End vertical Is) are e:,posed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. ASCE 7-10, Mli'FRS (Dir), Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2012 due to maintenance workers which is non-concurrent with other live loads. 11111111111111 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF #l&BTR BC: 2x4 DF #l&BTR WEBS: 2x4 DF IH&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT<= 12"0C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <"' 12 "OC. UON. TRUSS SPAN 33'-2.5" LOAD DURATION INCREASE 1.25 SPACED 24.0" O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 11 .0) ON TOP CHORD DL ON BOTTOM CHORD TOTAL LOAD 37 0 0 4 4. 0 PSF PSF PSF This design prepared from computer input by SPATES FABRICATORS (MLC) CBC2013/IBC2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=l.00 1-2=(-3575) 0 1-9=10) 3264 9-2=1 0) 236 13-1=(-641) 2-Jac(-2928) 0 9-lD=(DI 3261 2-10={-641) 0 7-14=( 0) 236 3-4={-2688) 0 10-11=(0) 2763 10-3=( 0) 756 4-5=(-2768) 0 11-12=(0) 2768 10-4=(-845) 260 5-6=(-2689) 0 12-13=(0) 2763 4-ll=a(-113) 415 6-...,=(-2928) 0 13-14=(01 3261 12-5=(-113) 415 8=(-3575) 0 14-8;[01 3264 5-13=(-845) 260 -=-----------------------------------6-13=( 0) 156 NOTE: 2:-:4 BRACING AT 24"0C UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED -============================-------- Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. BC UNIF LL( O.O)+DL( 15. 0) = 15.0 PSF 14'-.2" TO 19'-1. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR A 20 PSF LIMITED STORAGE LIVE LOAD AT LOCATION(S) SPECIFIED BY CBC 2013. THE BOTTOM CHORD DEAD LOAD IS A MINIMUM OF 10 PSF. 3" V BEARING MAX VERT LOCATIONS REACTIONS 0' -0. 0" Di 1536V 33'-2. 5" 0/ 1536V BRG @ BRG@ MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS SIZE INCHES (SPECIES) -37 / 37H 3. 50" 1. 64 DF I 6251 01 OH 3. 50" l. 64 DF ( 625) 0' -0. 0" 1. 64 DF/ 2.53 HF/ 2.41 SPF 33'-2. 5" 1. 64 DF/ 2.53 HF/ 2.41 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.201" @ 13'-8.6" Allowed MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.389" @ 13'-11.5" Allowed MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.519" @ 13'-11.5" Allowed RECOMMENDED CAMBER (BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.389" 1.088" 1.631" 1 631" --' -= ' ~ ~ =,._ ' J<-= < 13-08-03 5-10-02 13-08-03 9 M-2x4 M-'lxlO 4 3. ii \ 0 Ifs\/ 14 M-2x4 M-5x7 M-2x4 *B" M-2x4 ** For hanger specs. -See approved plans M-5x8 (SI M-3x5 M-2x4 M-3x5 M-5x8(S) M-2x4 6-07-15 6-03-09 1-01-12 5-00 1-01-12 6-03-09 6-07-15 <PL:19-04-04 33-02-08 JOB NAME Lanai Truss: DES. BY: EE DATE: 4/4/2016 SEQ.: 6381311 TRANS ID: 435203 I llllll llll lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111 G9 WARNINGS~ 1. Builder and e1ecbon contractor should be advised of aH General Notes and Wllining,s before construction commences. 2. 2x4 compression web bracing must be instaUed wtiere stiown +. 3. Adcttional 11:!mporaJV bracir-9 to insure stability durir-9 construction is the responsibiMty of the erector. Add.,tioool permanent bracir-9 of the overau slructure is the responsibilty of the buildir-9 designer. 4. No load should be appied to any component unlil after al bracing and fasteners are co11"4)1ete and at no time should any loads 11reates than design loads be awled to any component 5. CompuTrus has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the fabrication, handlr-9, shipment and installation of components. 6. This design is lurnislled subject to the Irritations set forth by TI'LIWTCA in BCSI, copies of which will be furnished upon request. Milek USA, lnc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.7(1L)-E Scale: 0.1662 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. This design is tlased only upon the parameters shown encl is for an individual buildiog component. Applica.bilily of design parameters and proper mCOfJ)(lration of components Iha responsibility of the building designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords lo be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and et 10' o.c. respectivetf unless braced throughout their ler9th by conHnuaus sheathing such as ptfwood sheathing{TC) and/or dJVWal(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown++ 4. Installation of truss is the responsibiity of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non-corrosive environment, and_ara for "dJV condition" of use. 6. Desgn assumes full bearin!I at au supports shown. Shim or wedge tf necessaJV. 7. Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Plates shal be located on both laces of truss, and placed so their cenll:!r lines coincide with joint center_lines. 19ci. ~i~=ne~!r0~::1~~~tes see ESR-1311. ESR-1988 (MfTek) Wind: ~ j";' = MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0. 05 6" 0 .131" 32'-11.0" 32'-11.0" 110 mph, h=21.9ft, TCDL=l0.2,BCDL=4.2, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, load duration factor=l.6, End vertical(s) are exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. ASCE 7-10, MWFRS (Dir), Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord li~e load per IBC 2012 due to maintenance workers which is non-concurrent with other live loads. 11111 I 1111111 This design prepared from computer input. by SPATES FABRICATORS (MLC) LUMBER •SPECIFICATIONS TC: 2x4 DF #l&BTR BC: 2x4 DF #l&BTR; TRUSS SPAN 33'-2 5" CBC2013/IBC2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq""l.00 2x6 DF SS B2 WEBS: 2::4 OF #l&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "0C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12 "0C. UON. ==========================---==------ NOTE: 2x4 BRACING AT 24"0C UON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED ==============================---==-- Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. BC UNIF LL( LOAD DURATION INCREASE= 1.25 1-2=(-35'73) 0 SPACED 24.0" o.c. 2 3=(-3100) 0 3-4=(-2893) 0 LOADING 4-5=(-3175) 0 LL( 20 O)+DL( 17.0) ON TOP CHORD= 37 0 PSF 5-6=(-2893) 0 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD= 0 PSF 6-7=(-3100) 0 TOTAL LOAD = 44.0 PSF '7_ 8=(-351 3) 0 O.O)+DL( 15. 0 J = 15.0 PSF 14'-.3" TO 19'-1.3" V BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR A 20 PSF LIMITED STORAGE LIVE LOAD AT LOCATION(S) SPECIFIED BY CBC 2013. THE BOTTOM CHORD DEAD LOAD IS A MINIMUM OF 10 PSF. BEARING LOCATIONS 0 I -0, 0 n 33'-2.5" 1-9= 1-1316) 4433 9-2"' I 0) 188 13-'=(-091) Z91 9-10=(-1319) H32 2-10={ -6'nl 291 7-14=( 0) 188 10-11=( -686) 3696 10-3= I 0) 738 11-12=( -6701 3687 10- 4=(-1229) 528 12-13=( -686) 3696 4-11=( -434) 757 13-14=(-1319) 4432 12-5=( -434) 757 14-8=(-1316) 4433 5-13=(-1228) 528 13-6"' I 0 J 738 MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES [SPECIES) 0/ 1536V -350()/ 3500H 3. 50" 1. 64 DF I 625) Di 1536V -3500/ 3500H 3. 50" 1. 64 DF I 625) BRG@ 0. -0. 0" 1. 64 DF/ 2.53 HF/ 2.41 SPF BRG@ 33'-2. S" 1. 64 DF/ 2.53 HF/ 2.41 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -Q.156"@ 19'-3.0" Allowed MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -Q.355"@ 19'-3.0" Allowed MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -D.476" @ 19'-3.0" Allowed RECOMMENDED CAMBER IBASED ON DL DEFL)= 0. 723" 1.088" 1.631" 1.631" 12-01-11 8-11-02 12-01-11 ,, 6-00-07 6-01-04 1~08-01 5-07 1-08-01 6-01-04 6-00-07 1 12 12 ;[ ~:t ~=~11·· "i~ ,-,,~:~ ':"~=~··· 1 ** g 13 11 12 J3 14 •e 0 < M-2x4 . 25" M-2x4 0. 25 M-2x4 M-3x6 * * For hanger specs. -See approved plans M-8x12 (SI M-8x12 l~-Jx6 M-2x4 M-2x4 5-10-11 5-06-09 2-08 5-00 2-08 5-06-09 5-10-11 <PL:19-04-04 33-02-08 JOB NAME Lanai Truss: DES. BY: EE DATE: 4/4/2016 SEQ.: 6381312 TRANS ID: 435203 11111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII IIII G16 WARNING&: 1. Builder and erection contractor should be ad\lised of aU General Notes and warnings before construction coinnences. 2. 2x4 co~rassion web bracing 1TU1.t be instaned where shown+. 3. Additional temporary bfacing to insure stability during construction is tile responsibility of the erector. Additional pellfl!lnent bracing of the overal structure is the rasponsibiity of tile buikting designer. 4. No klad shoold be awlied to any component until after al bracing and fasteners are complete and at no time should any klads greater than desiQll loads be awled to any COl11)onenl 5. CompuTrus has no control over and ussurnes no 1esponsibility for the fabrication, handing, shipment and instal8tion of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to the lrfllations set forttl by TPIMTCA in BCSI, copies or which will be furnished upon request. MiTek USA, lnc./CompuTrus Software 7.6.7(1L)-Z Scale: 0.1671 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted 1. Tilis design is based only upon the parameters shown and is for an individual building component Appicabilitv of design iierematl!l'S and proper mco_rporation of component is the responsib,lify oflhe building designer. 2. Desrgn assumes the top end bOttom chords ID be laterat,, blaced at 2' o.c. and at 10' o.c. respectively unless braced throughout their lergth by continuous s_healhing such as pt,,wood shealhing(TC) andlordrywall(BC). 3. 2x Impact bridging or lateral bracing required where shown++ 4. lnstalation of truss is the rasponsibilty of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used ma non-corrosive e,w,ronment end are for "d/Y condition" of use. 6. Design assumes full bearing at aR supports shown. Shim or wedge ti n.ecessary. 7. Des.ig,rl assumes adequate drainage is provided. 8. Pl8tes shan be localed on both faces of truss, and placed so their center lines coillcide with joint center Ines. 9. Digits indicate size ofplale in inches. 1 o. For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311, ESR-1968 (MiTek) MAX HORI Z. LL DEFL MAX HORI2. TL DEFL 0 067" 0. 136" 32'-11 O" 32'-11 0" ICOND. 2: 3500.00 LBS SEISMIC LOAD. I Wind: llD mph, h=21.7ft, TCDL=10.2,BCDL=4.2, !All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp.B, load duration factor=l.6, End vertical(s) are exposed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. ASCE 7-10, MWFRS (Dir), Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2012 due to maintenance workers which is non-concurrent with other live loads. j~ 0 IIIII Ill 111111 • This design prepared from computer input by SPATES FABRICATORS (MLC) LUMBER SPEC I FI CAT IONS TRUSS SPAN 33'-6. O" CBCZ013/IBC2012 MAX MEMBER FORCES 4WR/GDF/Cq=l.00 TC: 2x4 DF #l&BTR BC: 2:-:4 DF #l&BTR WEBS: 2:{4 DF #l&BTR TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"0C. UON. BC LATERAL SUPPORT<= 12"0C. UON. BC UNIF LL ( LOAD DURATION INCREASE SPACED 24.0" O.C. LOADING LL( 20.0)+DL( 17.0) ON TOP CHORD DL ON BOTTOM CHORD TOTAL LOAD O.O)+DL( 15. 0) = 15.0 PSF 1.25 3 . 0 PSF .0 PSF 4 . 0 PSF 14' -4. 7" TO 1-2= -3729) 0 1-9={0) 3426 9-2: ( [) J 207 13-7=(-414) 2-3= -3201) 0 9-10={0) 3423 2-lO=i-509) 0 7-14=( 0) 202 3-4= -2965) 0 10-11=(0) 3291 10-3= ( 0 l 7 05 4-5= -3296) 0 11-12=(0) 3296 10-4=(-'748) 0 5-6= -2925) 0 12-13a:(Q) 3290 4-11=( -20) 293 6-7= -3158) 0 13-14=(0) 3284 12-5"' ( 0 l 316 8= -3604) 0 14-8=(0) 3288 5-13= (-802) 0 6-13"' I 0 J 704 19'-4. 7" V NOTE: 2:,4 BRACING AT 24"0C VON. FOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED BEARING MAX VERT MAX HORZ BRG REQUIRED BRG LENGTH •• For hanger specs. -See approved plans Unbalanced live loads have been considered for this design. LIMITED STORAGE DOES NOT APPLY DUE TO THE SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CBC 2013 NOT BEING MET. BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR lOPSF LIVE LOAD. TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOADS ACT NON-CONCURRENTLY. LOCATIONS 0' -0, 0 11 33'-6,011 REACTIONS REACTIONS SIZE INCHES [SPECIES) 0/ 1548V -32/ 33H 3, )0 II 1. 65 DF I 625) 0/ 1550V 01 OH 3 • )0 II 1. 65 DF { 625) BRG@ 0' -0. 0" 1.6) DF/ 2.55 HF/ 2.43 SPF BRG@ 33'-6. 0" 1.6) DF/ 2.55 HF/ 2.43 SPF VERTICAL DEFLECTION LIMITS: LL=L/360, TL=L/240 MAX LL DEFL = -0.24811 @ 14'-3.011 Allowed MAX DL CREEP DEFL = -0.441"@ 14'-3.011 Allowed MAX TL CREEP DEFL = -0.626"@ 14'-3.011 Allowed RECOMMENDED CAMBER [BASED ON DL DEFL)= 0.441" 1.09~11 1.646" 1.646" MAX HORIZ. LL DEFL MAX HORIZ. TL DEFL 0. 0)9" 0. 139" 33'- 33'- 2, 5 II 2, 5 II 11-11-11 9-10-02 11-08-03 Wind: 110 mph, h=21.6ft, TCDL=l0.2,BCD1=4.~, (All Heights), Enclosed, Cat.2, Exp B, load duration factor=l.6, ASCE 7 -10, MWFRS (Dir), ~ 1 1 ;j M = ~ J, :t = ' = 1, < 6-01-03 5-10-08 2-01-09 5-07 2-06-08 5-05-09 5-09-11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------i 12 12 4.00(:?"" M-4xl0 M-4x6 M-4x6 M-5x7 ~4.00 9 M-2x4 --' ______ s ----6 11 M-3x5 = ~ ' ~ = 5-00 ~ 0.251,2 M-2x4 M-2x4 M-5x8(S) M-2x4 M-2x4 TI M-3x8 " M-2x4 5-11-07 5-05-09 2-11-12 5-00 2-11-12 5-05-09 5-07-15 M-5x7 "8 <PL:19-04-04 33-06 JOB NAME Lanai Truss: G DES. BY: EE DATE: 4/4/2016 SEQ.: 6381313 TRANS ID: 435203 I llllll llll lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111 G17 WARNINGS; 1. Builder and eraction contractor should be advised of al General Notas and warnings before construction commences. 2. 21<4 COITlJres&ion web bracing rrust be instaled where shown+. 3. Additional temporary bracing to insUfe stability during construction is the responsibility of the erecto,. Additional permanent bracing of the overaU structure is the 1esponsibiily of the building designer. 4. No load should be 11ppled lo any component until after al braclng and fasteners a,e complete and at no time should any loads greater than design loads be eppled lo any component. 5. COITlJUTrus has no control ove, and assumes no responsibility lo< the fabfication, handing, shipment and instaDation of components. 6. This design is furnished subject to Iha irritations set forth by T?J.WTCA in BCSI, copies of which wiN be furnished upon request. Milek USA, lnc./Compulrus Software 7.6.7(1L)-E Scale: 0.1753 GENERAL NOTES, unless otherwise noted: 1. 1llis design is based only upon the parnmeters shown and is for an indivictual building COITlJOnent. Applcabitty of design parameters end proper incorporation of component is the responsibitty of the bl.ik:ling designer. 2. Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be laterally braced at 2' o.c. and at 10· o,.c. respectively unless br!IGed throughout their leoglll by continuous sheathing such as plywood shealhing(TC) ardlor ctrywall(BCJ. 3. 2x lrr41act bridging or lateral bracing required where shown++ 4. tnslalation of truss is the respensibitty of the respective contractor. 5. Design assumes trusses are to be used in a no~rrcsive erwirnnment. and are for "dry condition• of use. 6. Design assumes full beMng at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if necessary. 7. Design assumes adequate lirainage is provicied. 8. Platas shal be located on 00th faces of truss, and placed so their canter tines coincide with joint center lines. 9. Digits indicate size of plate in inches. 10. For basic connector plate design values see ESR-1311, ESR-1966 (MlTek) End vertical Is) are e~posed to wind, Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. Design checked for a 300 lb concentrated top chord live load per IBC 2012 due to maintenance workers which is non-concurrent with other live loads. j~ = OJ.-Escondido (874} · 2061 Aldergrove Ave. Escondido, CA 92029 Insulation Certificate Insulation Is installed in the structure described below as follows: Worl<Area Attic Area -Batts Exterior Walls and Rim Joists Exterior Walls and Rim Joists Garage ceiling with living area above OVerhangs/C.nblevered Areas caulk and Seal exterior doors, windows and sill plates Blown Attic Area *R/Jerglass blow has no settling factor for R-values Job Name: Lot No: Lanai Phase 1 20 Insulation By::_~'---~4~£<1.--.8-(,,,,,~::::==---==::,=:::::.- Date Completed: 8:;;;16 ' / Item Installed R-38 24" x 48" -Unfaced -Batts R-15 15.25" x 105" -Unfaced -Batts R-2115.25" x 93" -Unfaced -Batts R-19 15.25" x 48" -Unfaced -Batts R-1915.25" x 48" -Unfaced -Batts CF812 Foam R-38 lnsulSafe SP -Blowing Insulation Job Address: 1230 Esmat Way cartsbad, CA 92008 Sq Feet 996 1906 800 661 125 3892 1334