HomeMy WebLinkAbout1230 Lanai Ct; ; CB160932; Permit{city of Carlsbad Print Date: 09/20/2018 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1230 Lanai Ct BLDG-Residential 1563512500 $0.00 MILES PACIFIC SUBDIVISION Residential Permit Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Lot#: Reference #: DEV12022 Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Ft, 15 (J () 3 (_p Plan Check#: Description: RESDNTL-2DU LANAI: MODEL PLAN 3 / 2DU ATTACHED/ 524 SF (FEES PAID ON CB152653) Applicant: Owner: SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 858-526-6554 858-526-6554 Total Fees: Total Payments To Date: Status: Applied: Issued: Permit Finaled: Inspector: Final Inspection: Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Permit No: C8160932 Closed -Finaled 03/09/2016 03/09/2016 MColl 9/20/2018 1:30:44PM 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT (CB160932) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Application Date: 03109/2016 Owner: Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Issue Date: 03/09/2016 Subdivision: Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 0910412018 Address: IVR Number: 712992 Actual Scheduled Date Start Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector 09/20/2018 09/20/2018 September 20, 2018 BLDG-Final Inspection 070548-2018 Checklist Item BLOG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final Passed Tim Frazee COMMENTS SHEA HOMES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1230 Lanai Ct Carlsbad, CA Reinspection Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Complete Complete Page 1 of 1 Inspection History: 04/15/2016: 39-BLDG-Final Electrical Approval Completed By MC TSPB E-MAILED TO SDGE.; 03/22/2016: 82-BLDG-Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test Approval Completed By MC; 03/16/2016: 84-BLDG-Rough Combo Not Ready For lnsp Completed By MC; 03/18/2016: 84-BLDG-Rough Combo Approval Completed By MC; 05/10/2016: 89-BLDG-Final Combo Cancellation Completed By MC PER CONTRACTOR.; 05/12/2016: 89-BLDG-Final Combo Partial Approval Completed By MC OK TO OCCUPY FOR MODEL USE ONLY. ___ .,,._,.__.__ CB160932 1230 LANAI CT ~ ,< ·-''" LANAI: MODEL PLAN 3 / 2DU ~ CITT 0~ CARLSBAD Building Division INSPECTION RECORD ATTACHED/ 524SF (FEES PAID ON CB152653) RESDNTL 2DU Lot#: 2 SHEA HOMES ""'1 INSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED i'LANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB G1l CALL BEFORE 3:30 pm FOR NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION G1l FOR BUILDING INSPECTION CALL: 760-602-2725 OR GO TO: www.Carfsbadca.gov/Building AND CUCK ON "Request Inspection" RECORD COPY DATE: D -9-llc IF .. YEs·• IS CHECKED BELOW THAT 01V!SION"S APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO REQUESTING A FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL THE APPLICABLE DIVISIONS AT THE PHONE NUMBERS PROVIDED BELOW. AFTER ALL REQUIRED APPROVALS ARE SIGNED OFF-FAX TO 760-602-8560, EMAIL TO .~LDG1NSPECTIONSIT:>'CARLSBADC/\.GOV OR BRING IN A COPY OF THIS CAr..!O TO: 1635 FARADAY AVE .. CARLSBAD, CA 92008. BUILDING INSPECTORS CAN BE REACHED AT 760-602-2700 BETWEEN 7:30 AM -8:00 AM THE DAY OF YOUR INSPECTION. Required Prior to Requesting Building Final If Checked YES Planning/Landscape 760-944-8463 Allow 48 hours CM&I (Engineering Inspections) 760-438-3891 ca11 before 2 pm Fire Prevention 76o-602-4660 Allow 48 hours Type of Inspection Type of Inspection CODE# BUILDING Date Inspector COD!"; t;; ELECTRICAL Date Inspector #11 FOUNDATION #31 □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ UFER #12 REINFORCED MEL #34 ROUGH ELECTIIIC #66 MASONRY PRE GROUT #33 0 ELECTIIIC SERVICE O TEMPORARY □GROUT □ WALL DRAINS #35 PHOTO VOLTAIC LO TILT PANELS 1111 POUR STRIPS =='-------+-----+------I #39 ANAL CODE:# MECHANICAL #11 COWMN FOOTINGS #41 UNDERGROUND DUCTS& PIPING #14 SUBFRAME □ FLOOR □ CEILING #44 0 DUCT & PLENUM □ REF. PIPING #15 ROOF SHEATHING #43 HEAT·AIR COND. SYSTEMS #13 EXT. SHEAR PANELS #49 ANAL #16 INSULATION #18 EXTERIOR LATH #81 UNDERGROUND (11,12,21,31} #17 INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL #82 DRYWAU,EXT LATH, GAS TES ( 17,18,23} #51 POOLEXCA/STEEL/BOND/FENCE #83 ROOFSHEATING, EXT SHEAR (13,15} #55 PREPLASTER/FINAL #84 FRAME ROUGH COMBO (14,24,34,44} #19 FINAL #85 T•Bar(14,24,34,44l CODE:# PLUMBING Date FINAL OCCUPANCY (19,29,39,49) #22 □ SEWER & BL/CO □PL/CO Date Ins ector #21 UNDERGROUND □WASTE □ WTR #24 TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WTR A/S UNDERGROUND VISUAL #27 TUB & SHOWER PAN A/S UNDERGROUND HYDRO #23 □GASTEST □GAS PIPING A/S UNDERGROUND FLUSH #25 WATER HEATER A/S OVERHEAD VISUAL #28 SOLAR WATER A/5 OVERHEAD HYDROSTATIC #29 FINAL A/SANAL Coor:# STORM WATER F/AROUGH-IN #600 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING F/AANAL #603 FOLLOW UP INSPECTION FIXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM ROUGH-IN #605 NOTICE TO CLEAN FIXED EXTING SYSTEM HYDROSTATIC TEST 507 WRITTEN WARNING FIXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM ANAL -#609 NOTICE OF VIOLATION MEDICAL GAS PRESSURE TEST #610 VERBAL WARNING MEDICAL GAS ANAL REV 10/2012 SEE BACK FOR SPECIAL NOTES I \ Ccityof Carlsbad (' L "'I" <, v , CIRCUIT CARD 8-36 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AV Al LAB LE AT 11-IE SERVICE E< UJPMENT FOR THE ROUGH INSPECTION Address: /-Z 3 0 I~ -' " {~ ~ Permit Number:(,~ 1 c_oq'2, z_ Owner: Phone: Area in Sq. Ft. Contractor: .CJ.A. · 1 -Phone: PANEL: /":Jc:;,. t:z.~ AI.C. 'Jfl:x VOLTS 0 WIRE LOCATION CKT BKR WIRE m~ --~ WIRE BKR SIZE SIZE TYPE REC ~ SIZE TYPE SIZE CKT LOCATION NI\' "~!:".,1 1 I«; \ Lj C II 1 '1 Ul.t.\ hilJ,, ( "2. r. -, .) 2 CI"' ,r11 ~, ,:-, ' .\. ,,;,,,., 3 1,0 ,i ? 7_ It. /'J 4 <.,fi i'< (t\f, r -" c.,,, ~" 5 ' ,~ 1'1 'wt I 1,,L. 1;; 6 c,.,f-1,., re:,., c,,'\,,) 7 I , 1-1 i -<.'., 11-. ,7.J 8 l"""lrll<I l•t• ✓.hi) 9 I H I I I '1 -~ 10 r--,W ,it. e,l <; 11 ' ' \• 7 ,· , I '1 ' C, 12 (1 ..... l .. Ki~ j... 13 1< H //J ~ I I l. l •• fJ 14 t-tt. .. -,,~ --d...-;r.,,;... 15 \ ~ I• I ,o ,, I t'l.. 1J 16 l'v--I <.,-t.:> • ,"1' • -.,, .J 17 I£; 1 • \ 6 0 //) L , ... it:: 18 , ..... , 1.- Di YI e. 19 1.0 ,, ,.Q 4 P) k.J I 't( 20 (M 1rt.\ - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 i 40 41 42 MAIN:□ -z,....;,{) AMP BRK/FUSE O MLO Computed Load AMPS BUS: AMP ~ See Calculation Worksheet on back Service entrance or feeder conductors: ~ Branch circuits required: A) Size: No. ', B) Type: U DAL A} Lighting Circuits 220 -3(b), 4(d) B) Two Small Appliance Circuits 210-11(e) C) Insulation: D} Conduit Size: ___ C) Laundry Circuit 220-16(b) Service ground/bond: ffiu □AL D) Central Heating Equipment 422-12 A} Size: No. ':i B) Type: E) Bathroom 210 -52(d) C) Clijmp locatlon(s): Remarks: fl-I I S \11) M I\. IS N (;. l B"!lFER 250-50(c) □ Water Pipe 250-104 t 2~ fL..1 l'n.)T · □ Ground Rod 250-52 □ GFCI locations 210 -8, 680 -70: I certify that all terminations have been torqued in accordance with manufacturer's ~throom(s) Gl1(ifohen instructions and that the work shown on this circuit card represents the full extant of ggarage(s) □Hydromassage Tub the work performed under this permit. utdoors □ □Owner AF~tected Circ. 210-12 □ Contractor edroom(s) □ Signed " V Date 11..1,1,·, " , • , • B-36 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 .. I • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOAD CALCULATION As an alternative method, the STANDARD METHOD found In ARTICLE 220 of the National Electric Code, may be used GENERAL LIGHTING LOADS Dwelling sq. ft. x 3 VA= 220-3(a) VA Small appliance loads-220-16(a) 1500 VA x circuits= VA Laundry load -220-16(b) 150.0 VA x circuits= VA General Lighting Total COOKING EQUIPMENT LOADS -Nameplate Value Range VA= VA Cooktop VA= VA Oven (s) VA= VA Cooking Equipment Total ELECTRIC DRYER 220-18 (Nameplate, 5000 VA minimum) Dryer VA= Dryer Total FIXED APPLIANCE LOADS 230-30 (b) (3) Dishwasher = VA Disposal= VA Compactor= VA Water Heater = VA Hydromassage Bathtub = VA Microwave Oven = VA Built-in Vacuum = VA = VA Fixed Appllance Total OPTIONAL SUBTOTAL (Add all of the above totals) 6. APPLYING DEMAND FACTORS-TABLE 220-30 First 10,000 VA x 100% = 10,000 VA ____ VA Optional Subtotal (from line 5) { Remaining ___ VA x 40%= 7. HEATING OR AC LOAD -TABLE 220-30 Larger of the Heating or AC Load = 8. OPTIONAL LOADS TOTAL (Add totals from lines 6 and 7) = 9. MINIMUM SERVICE SIZE = Optional Loads Total = 240Volt ____ VA ____ VA ____ Ampere (Please put total on front of card under Computed Load) VA VA VA VA VA