HomeMy WebLinkAbout1233 OAK AVE; ; 86-683; PermitIll z 0 ~ C ac ~ u w a ~[ ~ ... z 8 ac w a .J 3 I w z ~ • -z 0 ~ ~ z w A. :I 0 u "' a: L&I ~ a: 0 3 il O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provlalona of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and ProfHslons Code, and my license is in full force and affect. I hereby allnm lhat I am exempt from the Conlrac· 10,·s License Law lor lhe lollow1ng reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code. Any city or county wh1cli re· Quires a perm11 to construct, alter. improve, demohsh, or repair any s1ruc1ure, prior lo 11s issuance also requires !heap· p11can1 for such perrmt 10 Me a s19ned statement Iha! he 1s hcensed pursuant to lhe prnv1s1ons of the t:onrracmr' s License Law (Chapler 9 commencing w1lh Sechon 7000 ol Division 3 of lhe Business and Professions Code) or that is ex· empr lherelrom and the bas,s lor the allegeo exemp11on Any v1olal1on o1 Sec11on 7031.5 by an apphcant lor a perm11 sub 1ects the applicant to a CIVIi penally ol no1 more than five hun· dred dollars ($500). I J I. as owner or the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. wtll do !he work. and lhe strut· ture is not intended or ollered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Conlractor's license Law does nol apply 10 an owner ol property who builds Of improves thereon and who does such work h,msell or through his OYtn employees: provided lhat such improvements are nol intend· ed or offered for sale. 11, however. the bu1ld1ng or improve· ment is sold wtlhin one year of comple11on, the owner·builder will have the burden of proving 1ha1 he did not build or 1m· prove lor lhe purpose ol sale) n I, as owner ol the property, am exclusively contracling with licensed conlractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Proless,ons Code The Conlractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or 1m· proves thereon. and who contracts tor each prD1ects with a con1ractor(s) license pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) 0 As a homeowner I am improving my home, and the follow Ing condtlions exist: 1. The work 1s being pertormed pnor to sate. 2. I have lived in my home for twelve months prior to complett0n of this work 3. I have not clanned this e.Kemption during lhe last three years 0 1 am exempt under Sec • 8 & PC. for lhtS reason ____________ _ 0 I hereby affirm that I have a cert,hcate of consent tot sell-insure. or a certificate of Workers· Compensation In· I surance. or a certified copy thereot (Sec. 3800. Labor Code) I POLICY NO I COMPANY I 0 COpy is filed with the city 0 Certified copy is hereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed if the permit is lor one hundred dollars {$100) or less) 0 I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued, I 6h.ll not employ any person in any manner so as to become subJect to the Workers· Com pen· sation Laws of Callfornla. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. after making this Certificate of Exemption. you should become subject to the Workers· Compensation provisions of the Labor Code. you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. I I I I D I hereby affirm that there la a construction lending I agency !or the performance of the work for which this per· I mil is issued (Sec. 3097. Civil COde) Lender's Name ____________ _ Lender's Address, ____________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED Al1t:.A ANU UJ:.\,,L.rlnr1, ,v,-. ... CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 APPLICATION & PERMIT JOB ADDRESS AV.ST.RO_. NEARESTCROSSST A --(! 7..,;;t(_'H_ )bl-!-r..,_ NrAT_E __ OF APPY:A~zN1 C rJ /(. ( 5~_6 e,, l'J (/'I( , Q.;_ ool-ti!1.iCD · I:).__/ q /~ /2 3 3 Olt/f f}ve LOT BLOCK I SUBDIVISION l ASSESSOR PARCEL NO ,_ owNrn·s NAME M ft 1[ Q/~,..., 1 e k_ . Fl, 'r( 5 c __ "_ 1· ow Ne A·s PHoN ~ ~lt;v""' V t,/t5( ______ iJ'f-S--13 't OWNER'S MAlt{iNG ADDRESS {"' It ,Pl €._ DESCRIPTION OF WORK ~:,'.-rc,~~e:/<ooM~ /-6><lc; /-/0~11/-1' I-I~-,< -z.o CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS DESIGNER DESIGNEA"S ADORE'S$ F/P FLA ELEV . vO NO PARKING SPACE RES UNITS GRACING PERMIT ISSUED REDEVELOPMENT AREA NO STORIES TYPE CONST BUSINESS LICENSE # 71/1 #;;'; CONTRACTORS PHONE • ZONE STATE LICENSE NO. DESIGNER'S PHONE STATE LICENSE NO. DCC GP I EDU OCC LOAD I Fl RE SPR PERMIT NUMBER f(c-r.of3 BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE l l YO ND vO NO vO NO 0014NMY~u-O,tO!t,c~r;}dfrllft 57.J QTY. 150 3.00 -QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS uP TO 100,000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 001-810-00-00·8220 -::{-J - :,1uN rtKMI I 001-810-00-00-8221 001-810-00-00-8B21 TOTAL PLUMBING 001-810-00-00-8222 ' --ELECTRICAL 001·B10-00-00-8223 MECHANICAL 001-810-00-00-8224 HOOD O UCTS MOBILEHOME 001 ·B 10-00·00-8225 SOLAR 001·810·00·00·8226 EACH ROOF ORAIN (INSIDE) u, .. u .. <aAnNG \10TION 880-519-92·33 '5:o TOT.t;L MECHANICAL -·---· t-lHt SPRINKLERS 001-810·00·00·8227 TO I AL Pl UMBING -PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-810-00-00-8740 BRIDGE FEE 360-B 10-00-00-87 40 PARK-IN-LIEU (AREA ) QTY. -~AJJ I / . tq,, • .::)' ELECTRICAL PERMIT-ISS~E I ~~~-QTY. MOBILE H~E·'S-ETUP l . ' NEW CONST EA AMP SWT BKR /' I ()-_ ..... '$" II I CAR PORT ,; .~ '1t: -"" I ~\ TIF 134-810-00-00-8835 I PH ~ I ~-. II I AWNING /1.5' ·r_ ~'-I of'· LA COSTA TIF 133-810-00-00-8835 EXISTBLOGEAAMPSW~R j ~----~ -,GARAGE ---:r:==~~~~~,~~~ t FMF LICENSE TAX l PH 3 PH ,1'0 -·------..... 001·810·00-00-8162 REMODEL ALHR PER CIRCUIT MFF 880-519-92-57 TEMPPOLE ~AMPS I ~ I \~" "'""~- OVER 200;,6Ps '(0.r\ 11 · I TEMP oc'cuPANCY 130 OAYSJ I ~ I ~8Za;~ _L__,,,a_~ ---'" CREDIT DEPOSIT < ?--7-) TOTAL ELECTRICAL I TOTAL FEES PAYABLE r ----~6 . fo TOTAL I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED HE GOMPLtTED APPUCATION AND PERMIT' AND DO HERFBY CERTIFY UNDER PENAL. TY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE JECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORAtic;T AND 1 'URTH[A CERT:Fy AND AGR!'E IF A PEAM'T If. ISSUED TO COMPLY wrn-< A.l: <" TY <"Qt,f',TV ANC STATE LAW::, GO',cRNING 3U1LD1NG C 01, STRUCTION. WHETHER Sl'ECiFll:D HERctN OR Nu· I ALSO AGREE TO hA\/E INDEMNIFY AN[ l<EEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST Al· LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY ,-. ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID C TY IN CO'JSEQUE"JCE OF THF GRA!IIT'!IIG OF THIS PERMIT Exp,r-a11on. Every perm,t ,ssued by 1ne Bu1ld,ng Olhc1al und~• tr,e l'"'"s,or.s or tn,s I * AN OSHA PERM:T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER Code shall expire by l1m,tat1on and become null and void II lhe bu,ld1ng or wo, k 5· O" DEEP AND DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF aulhor,zed by such permit ,s nor commenced w,th,n 180 days from the dale ol such STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT oo,m,, • ,, "• oo,•,~ o, ••" ••"""°' o, '"°' ,.,.,, • ~-"'"' o, ' 1 1 abandoned at any t,me after the work ,s commenced for a penod of 180 days . !liJ_~ ~-Z" co::'.:~:~ I'=''~ 1' ! 'fj (b -£,- Q) u:: >-03 0 C. E Q) I- I 'O 0 CJ c C1l () a. C. <( I -°" C a: 0 (J) (J) a, (J) (J) <( I ~ 0 Q) >- a, () C C1l C u:: C Q) Q) C, 0 0 Q) C. (J) C a, .c 3 -r TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR \ ";.__ I ' I ~~ --(t,~3 ..... ,'\., BUILDING I ( .. FOUNDATION J FIELD INSPECTION RECORD I REINFORCED STEEL ! I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECT IONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES \ .,,/ ~ \. . . ~ -... I MASONRY I ... GUNITE OR GROUT INSPECTION REO IF INSPECTORS DATE ·" ..... ' i CHECKED APPROVAL SUB FRAME D FLOOR D C E(LI NG -\. . , .. r , SOILS COMPLIANCE SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR -.. ·, PRIOR TO FRAME ', FOUNDATION INSP I ' --.... STRUCTURAL CONCRFTE "'. EXTERIOR LATH : . (i' " OVER :?000 PSI INSULATION I ... PRFSTRESSED b', , . . CONCRETE . I>. • INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL . -I ' POST TP*lJ.ONED -L"·. ~ j CONCRt :'t-·. ,·, '~t/ I PLUMBING ~l ' ,.J I .......... FIELD W -~1Ng; o ry>uco ·' ,J t -D SEWER AND BUCO HltiH_ SlREl".J~TH;..·~· tJNDERGROUND D WASTE 0 WATER BOLTS , • I , ~ -1 TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER \. <;PECIALMASONIRY ' .,. .,';\ • ,I.• • tJ . ~JB AND SHOWER PAN ,,,,., ~-~~ . ..,. ... . ,., __ , I . '<~· , . . ' ' '.• -. . -· GAS TEST ' • 'P\L!!S CAISSON'$ ~ :.\,.. ' I -· ' ' D SOLAR WATER -~ . >---, '7 ~ .~.._~t ... , ... _ -. D WATER HEATER ' • ~( ! --~- ' v•,..'>. ' I ELECTRICAL ' .,,. ·, I .• ,.I . D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ITJ UFFER . ·-• ._ i; ..... _ -..... ROUGH ELECTRIC I I ' .. 0 ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY ...._-· . D BONDING D POOL I ~\· ''t~ ' ~, •• f .... ,:'"' I C,.,~t l)\.'_;) -;.: .... l~~~·.'.·11 cl" ' I ( ,' MECHANICAL I --- I D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIRING \_' ,.;-~· \ ,....... ..:.. -'' ,..,. .. . --- HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I ' \ I -' '\ .. ·. . .. VENTILATING SYSTEMS t ~, __ , ... _ .... .~. ,.., v.:...:' '::.... ........ \ ~· "' -' ·.,.. 'II ' I t CALL FOR FINAL INSPECtJON WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE A · ITEMS ABOVE HA,VE BEEN APPROVED. 1 // FINAL ! " PLUMBING t ' J // ELECTRICAL : (\ V I Y/ MECHANICAL f nff!/ ~ " V GAS /' \ xr Ajf}J /' v ,,, .-··'· C, ·~ {' 4 J, I~/) .7 r J ~ V ~ BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS V " i/ / I I / City of Carlsbad • • 1200 ELM. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL. (619) 43g.5525 r fl.s3' () 1-11' A /le, r/1/t f <lu,., Job Address }"towner V. DAtv,f( 1-1,tt~cL. Mailing } ). 33 OA v< ., Address -City I Z,p Tel ~y -C IJ rt { '>hAJJ ( /I ( °I J.. 00 , Contractor . Address . city I Z,p Tel State Lie City S Class,! Lie. No. ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSORS PARCEL NO DESCRIPTION OF WORK . ~ J !~J! /},'} /? RotJm r_.. ./ , L./ 0 ii ¢' PLAN ID NO. i ·L/bK) V "' CONTACT PERSON 1~/ ,,, ~ ,_, ./'.. ~ ADDRESS ZIP PHONE# ;1 h,\r'\ w fl)~,//) Signature of Applicant Date ', 'lo.. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT D • PLAN CHECK FEE 001 ·810·00-00-8821 D VALUATION J ' n1J V I D D D D D ·O D D . C D - n 0 0 D D D n D D , TOTAL FEE 7-- $ "WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY COMMENTS: .,. I White -Applicant Yellow -File Pink -(1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold -Assessor " ~ <ttitp of <!arl~bab , REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTOR ___ Pt_~------PERMIT NO 0/ / r7 < TIME:----- ---->e..tf......::.{,_0_--={t:)---'()::...._;(-...:~'---DATE: 3-/ S° -!8" OWNER-------------+.-,-.-==;c--:==--::::-------"71'="""-"='~--------- ADDRESS~~t...f:--------rd~~~~~~'...._.L.::::::::f::~~"=°~~~~~~;-r:_:;:::;:::;::=::::::::~ REQUESTE BUILDING REINFORCING STEEL MASONRY GROUT -GUNITE FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING ROOF L SHEAR FRAME EXTERIOR LATH ...., INSULATION r" INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL r FINAL PLUMBING J UNDERGROUND PLUMBING [_ SEWER AND PUCO [ TOP OUT PLUMBING [' TUB OR SHOWER PAN L GAS TEST 0 WATER HEATER [l SOLAR WATER D FINAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY SERVICE UFFER GROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC POOL BONDING ELECTRIC SERVICE L FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS 1 SOLAR HEAT L PATIO POOL lJ SPA 1 SIGN 0 GRADING 0 DRIVEWAY r FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ____________________________ _ Ready For Inspection: D Monday 0 A.M. D P.M. D Tuesday D Thursday D Friday . ()wµe,z. ?'rtJOfrO e;;:J ~t.Jvl,,o/2-, .S~ 2 .s/kO.:s / /'r6f zo #//YI /o fa/.Sz_ /~ ~ b/2/-r-Oz ~ j4// I M(4a@I J"1.sh ~ J/?(fv,../ ;g-'• ~~ F 3 -I,; -.f'<:Y' 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-<6859 Date: 3-14-88 Citp of Carlsbab DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION PC# 86-683 Date: 12-19-86 TELEPHONE (619) 438-1161 Last Inspection: 3 storage rooms To : D. Hirsch 1233 Oak Carlsbad, CA 92008 BUILDING PERMIT EXPIRATION none PLEASE CALL FOR A FINAL INSPECTION IF WORK DONE Our records indicate that your building permit will expire by limitation of time on 3-21-88 , 19 The prov1s1ons of UBC, Section 303 ( d) state: " ( d) Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained so to do, and the fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one ( 1) year. Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the time within which he may commence work under that permit when he is unable to commence work within the time required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action from being taken. No permit shall be extended more than once. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new full permit fee. 11 Please check below indicating your intentions and return this letter to us. Project abandoned. New permit will be obtained prior to commencing work. Maximum 180-day time extension requested. NOTE : Separate letter for an extension request and reason for such must accompany this form. If you have questions, please contact this department at 438-1161. MARTIN ORENY Building Official 11 I 86 DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: 6-9-87 QC itp of QCarlsbab 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 TELEPHONE (619) 438-1161 To: Mark Hirsch PC# 86-683 Dated 12-17-86 1233 Oak Ave. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Subject: Plan Check Expiration Add Storage Rooms EXPIRES: 6-17-87 Our records indicate that you have not obtained your building permit for which you filed an application on the date shown above. The provisions of Section 304(c) of the Uniform Building Code state: Sec. 304(c) Expiration of Plan Check. Applications for which no permit is issued within 180 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation and plans submitted for checking may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan check fee. For your convenience, please check the appropriate box below indicating your intentions and return this letter to the address above. Project abandoned . I will pick up plans in 10 days. Project abandoned, plans may be destroyed. _){ _M_a_x_i_m_um __ l_8_0 ___ d_a_y_t_1._· m-e--ex_t_e_n_s_i_o_n-:::::: ::: f_o_r_t_h_e_f_o_l_l_o_w_i_n_g_r_e_a_s_o_n_: __ Da t e If you have any questions, please contact the Carlsbad Building Depart~ent at 438-1161. 1.1L~~u~-MARTIN ORENY~ Building Offici-