HomeMy WebLinkAbout1241 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; 77-7377; Permit\ ' #-"' / ' " •"- MODEL NO ' 4fc BUILDlKl City of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only **" "'fl'$-/ &IM /W&- UOTNO BLtt , LEGAL y-V f \ DESCH Sy^ (—f ' ' ' ' '^ ^ G R-ERAAIT APPLICATION CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 f __;. _ Phone 729-1181 peTS.rNn^'^'/^^V1 ^ ASSESSOR S PARCEL NUMBER TRACT BOOK PAGE PAR OWNER i j" MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHOME CONTACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PHONE STATE LIC NO CITY LIC^NQ /\_^£^^^r^~/ J f -T"" f**£S&e*f •T^ps'-St & X* rfc ff >&r^ fc7~^V/^/*^ *^ jFi£- i ""£./£?'*&' ^», "fayKp^Sf ENGINEER ..-1 It AIL ADDHESS PHONE LICENSE NO COMPENSATION INS CARRIER MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH •*"—•,* > ft. ^jffgof- O \&'*f& 8 Class of work OvNEW O ADDITION NO BDRMS NO BATHS C ALTERATION D REPAIR D MOVE D REMOVE A 9 Describe work /'jf'3L/£r$'jP ' i^^^^^JlJ \/jl£*^ "// && ^^Z^f^f L*£*/fy&£2 ^xi^&'"^»*/?5^(c5~^^^ 5*fj£i.itr&&5 - ^^>£? 10 Change of use from C -O /O^' ^•art^*^'*"*"'' """•'•"at -«,,^, ^__^ ^^ .-f-' , ^»- o,.-, ™ ^-y™^ *\ ",_> ^ Change of use to /^3 e*-!? ^-"*J p^i •#! Gtf^f^"] 11 Valuation of work $ y ^ .* /f*g*\t>i O SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1 i APPLICATION ACCEPTED 8v PLANS CHECKED BV AF DATE LV NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EL ING HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITI THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WO TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITH CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTE MENCED 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE READ ANAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TR ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WH HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A P PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL CONSTRUCTION OR; THE^rPERFORMANCE OF -_ f\ ff t I jf * -f ^jf ffl Vtsrsfa* 3^? &-LS&K ' / S} PRpVFDJTOR ISSUANCE BVw *jn Q./,-?'?ATET / f ' * ECTRICAL, PLUMB DNING RK OR CONSTRUC IN 120 DAYS OR IF BANDONED FOR A R WORK IS COM D EXAMINED THISUE AND CORRECT GOVERNING THIS ETHER SPECIFIED ERMIT DOES NOT OR CANCEL THE LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION /~Jf f ./_ _.7 f / f ^7 r (DATE! "^Uta^. _ «^* PLAN CHECK FEE S ' *£j? "~*}^Jf /& PERMIT FEE S Jj> ^ —f^ -^ ^ Wu A MICRO FILM FEE Type of._,.~, f • 1 CSi(upancy , /•-»!*'? ConSt T-A^fK-i^ B-a /5"0 Size o( Bldg . tr\) W^Jo of X") Max fat ^J (TotalJSq F of ^^ ''Stones •sf^- Occ Load iff O/ /-^ifl ^ r rFlfe «^ //^x- e S? O /"^ Fire Sprinklers Zone JJj /<J^"^ Z°ne fT^^'Osf Required QYes QNO ^ OTFSTREET PARKING SPACES Dwell, ngunlts & CoveredO SQFl' Ooen /^T" Special Approvals Required Received Not Required PLANNING DEPT HEALTH DEPT FIRE DEPT SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify) ENGINEERING DEPT WATER DEPT f J* / ~ A^T i/ . WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK i. M O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK MO CASH K*.. jT OTAtl'"l» tt!S & •**/' 7"y2jlll"?l*5i'"j INSPECTOR 17-7377 o o INSPECTION RECORD FOUNDATIONS SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING - FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT LATHING OR DRY-WALL i EXT LATHING MASONRY ' - FINAL DATE ^Tefc»oe2p- REMARKS ' ~7^ INSPECTOR - f^^j^f, USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Applicant to coniplete numbered spaces only Permit No 7 JOB ADDR ESS WAIL ADDRESS "l^* * X**" --"'c MAIL ADDRESS l_ 1 C E H S C N O STATE CITY MAIL ADDRESS LICENSE NO EfJOINEEH MAIL ADDBE55 LICENSE NO COMPENSATION fN5 CARRIER MAIL AOOBESS USE OF BUILDING 8 Class of work Q ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR PERMIT FEES No Type of Fixture or Item Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS WATER CLOSET (TOILET) BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK & DISP DISHWASHER APPLICATION ACCEPTED BV PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER ± WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM MENCED i HEREBY CERTIFY THAT i HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS'QF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR— SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS NO OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK & PIT NATURE OF CONTRACTOR OH Ay TH O R I i E D/»C EMT ~ / (DATE)/ ~* r ROOF DRAINS — , PERMIT SIGNATURE OF OWNER (F OWNER BUILDER)TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK M O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH INSPECTOR o o INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ' ' ITEM REMARKS i ' _ INSPECTOR - - USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only PhOflG 729-1181 \ ' Permit No "?_ J? *-1 Vi*^ K r* 5 -.,-*•f~f JOB ADDRESS -—"i _Xj* ' / ~) <// /2gy,x .-^ r / >^ ^s-^!>7^*?J. LEGAL 1 DESCR OWN ER f~**J^"]:''J 0 CON TRAC TOR 3 4 ENGINEER 5 BLK TR AC T MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PKONE *"" "*' MAIL ADDRESS PHONE STATE I, I C NO CITY L1C NO MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE HO k COMPENSATION fNS CARRIER ,, fc. 6 - JstS*^ </ ^s USE OF BUILDING 7 8 Class of work D NEW L] 9 Describe work • ADDITION AIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO AIL ADDRESS BRANCH "~~2> jf y vX ^ f jf'j' „ y^* </ D ALTERATION D REPAIR 4 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS , APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECH.ED BV AP -^ ~y is1 5> '" D NOTICE _X THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WO TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITH CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ft PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTE MENCED 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE READ AN APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TR ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH Wh HEREIN OR NOT THE GRANTING OF A P PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCALCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE O \f jf * 'j>f"^L, _>5&w A, ^fjf^ • SIOVATURT or CONY'lVAC Ttl R OR nTJTHOBll SIGNATURE or OWNER (If ED-AGENT" OWNER BUILDER) /v .T^Vf RK OR CONSTRUC IN 120 DAYS OR IF BANDONED FOR A R WORK IS COM D EXAMINED THISUE AND CORRECT GOVERNING THIS HETHER SPECIFIED ERMIT DOES NOT OR CANCEL THE LAW REGULA1 ING- CONSTRUCTION 1 (OATtl (DATE) PERMIT FEES , No & F Type of Fixture or Item WATER CLOSET (TOILET) BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK & DISP DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR— SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS NO OUTLETS WATER PIPING 4 TREATING EQUIP WASTE INTERCEPTOR ^"VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER NUMBER CLEAN01ITS CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK 8. PIT ROOF DRAINS ISSUANCE FEE S TOTAL FEES $ Fee $ -X 0< ~* /,' Xfe* 1-^5 >~~i i " WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK MO CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK MO CASH INSPECTOR o o INSPECTION REPORTS DATE - HEM REMARKS - - INSPECTOR T - USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC r <-'S „"iA''rr -"^ g'5 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION :. City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only PhORG 729-1181 Permit No / / "" JOB A CO 1 LEGAL OWNER 2 Kim R ESS LOT NO ^ ^^mmtOf* OLf MAI L CONTRACTOR ~ "• 3 ARCHIT(CT OR DESIGNER " 4 ENGINEER 5 COMPENSATION INS CARRIER 6 Ho (n«11*n Tnwnwnr** Co. USE OF BUI LDINC 7 8 Class of work LI 9 Describe work NEW D R1«^r, ADDITION lwlHlfW MAI L n * MAI L MAI L MAIL -_-„ . A TRAC T n ADDRESS ZIP PHONE ADDRESS PMONE L CENSE NO STATE CITY ADDRESS PHONE L CENSE NO ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO ADDRESS BRANCH D ALTERATION D REPAIR f SPECIAL CONDITIONS - • - APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOH ISSUANCE BY DATE NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM MENCED 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECTALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION "V . '!-/ / / s > x"/ f jfi X**' / ^s S x"-^* t * fn/*nAi»r\ SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT lO^TM"** * * * SI 6NAT-URC OP OWNER (1 r OWNER BUILDC O WHEN PROPERLY (OATEJ PERMIT FEES ISSUANCE OF EACH PERMIT NEW CONSTRUCTION, FOR EACH FUSE OR BREAKER NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG FOR EA AMPERE OF INCREASE IN MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE OR BREAKER REMODEL, ALTERATION, NO CHANGE IN SERVICE, FOR EA AMPERE OF INCREASE TEMP SERVICE UP TO AND INCLUD- ING 200 AMP TEMP SERVICE OVER 200 AMP PER 100 PERMIT FEE No 400 Each ,PS Fee y ion irra VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK MO CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH INSPECTOR o o INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM • REMARKS • - INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC *./_' MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION / r "-City"of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only PnOflG 7 29~1 181 Permit No „, f V45 7/ JOB ADDR ESS " " LOT NO [.E0.ll. -.1 ocacR XssaEflBSK,- .—*~' f> -. OWN ER CONTRACTOR 4 ENGINEER 5 LENDER 6 OV USE OF BUILDING 7 ^C O W7 /'}<•'» 8 Class of work 5 9 Describe work Sr BLK {-/'^ f frfs //— 'C • / A^LJ^ ,1L,^M X-J f S ffi <^,—- UWlW D ADDITION ^S/V? ( 1 TRACT '-^. — . MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE MAIL ADDRESS PHONE STATE LIC NO CITY LIC NO MAIL ADDRESS "HOUE LICENSE NO * MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO MAIL ADDRESS BRkNCH D ALTERATION D REPAIR •^.f ** f ffi t_ i Af*\ f /{_ ^.r *"•* V *j • SPECIAL CONDITIONS X " APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY ""^x V/ ) r/ y^^ PLANS CHECKED BY NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF V TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED Wl CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OF PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AF MENCED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ P APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCTYPE OF WORK WILL. BE COMPLIED WITH HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF APRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLA PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOC/ CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE SIGNATURE Of CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT SIGNATURE OF OWNER (1 'OWNER BU ILDER) APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE B/ // VORK OR CONSTnW FHIN 120 DAYS OR IF ABANDONED FOR A TER WORK IS ;0v1 iND EXAMINED THIS TRUE AND CORF E :T ES GOVERNING THIS WHETHER SPECIFI ED PERMIT DOES N DT TE OR CANCEL THEkL LAW REGULATING OF CONSTRUCTIOnL (DATE) / (OATE) Type of Fuel Oil Q Nat Gas D LPG D PERMIT FEES - No t/ / . f / 1 ^ ? Type of Equipment Air Cond Units-H P Ea t/~f 3f j /^- "*£. &S '/"^ Refrigeration Units-H P Ea Boilers-H P Ea -spas Fired AC Units-Tonnage Ea F\rced Air Svstems-B T U M Ea Gra\ity Systems— B T U M Ea Floof Furnaces— B T U M WallHeaters.-B TU M UnidHefaters-BTU M Evaporative Coolers Ck/thes Dryers Y/entilation Fan ^ange Hood /Air Handling Unit- C F M Incinerator ,, ISSUANCE FEE $ - TOTAL FEES $ , Fee */"? ' / <^7 5D ' • ->&&& WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK M O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O INSPECTOR o o INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REMARKS • - " INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ^_ ' * Applicant to complete numbered spaces only , PhOfie 729-1181 Permit No JOB AOOR ESS ~^~7 r * " y ^7 tf / ij. /^jr LOT HO ' " BLX TBACT, LEGAL | DC9CB , — OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PHOSE STATE LIC NQ CITY LIC NO 3 / - 4 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO 5 L«6,ClDjy*C»' MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH 6 f ^7 f ^f..^ /.-TITS? USE OF BIMUJINC ' ' " "~ "" >•" ~S~ 7 ' 8 Classofwork C NEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR 9 Describe work v . ' * _ f ^ 1 . > * SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,' // APPLICATION ACCEPTED BV PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVEQ'FOfe ISSUANCE BY tf' /^» yy-^ ^^/•_j//- -^x ' ^Y: NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID 1 F WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM MENCED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION ^ 3I6NATI RE OF OWNFH IIP OWNER BUILDEH) [DATE) Type of Fuel Oil D Nat Gas D LPG' D / * '""' PERMIT FEES ;,/ No IA* Type of Equipment Air Cond Umts-H P Ea Refrigeration Units-H P Ea Boilers-H P Ea Gas Fired AC Units-Tonnage Ea Forced Air Systems— B T U MEa Gravity Systems-B T U M Ea Floor Furnaces— B T U M Wall Heateri-BTU M Unit HeDters-BT U M Evaporative Coolers f Clothes Dryers » Ventilation Fan Range Hood Air Handling Unit- C F M Incinerator ISSUANCE FEE $ TOTAL FEES $ Fee $ I // ' &-, ' &r e-f WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK M O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK CASH INSPECTOR o o INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REMARKS * INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW-UP, ETC REQUEST, FOR INSPECTION INSPECTOR OWNER PERMIT NO TIME DATE ///~4sp)^>*te^ ^^gv\ y* uh kix\ / a a a a a a a FouNTwHew—-___ REINFORCING STEEL MASONRY GROUT-GUNITE FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME SHEATHING FRAME EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION NTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL ELECTRICAL a TEMPORARY SERVICE CD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND d ROUGH ELECTRIC d POOL BONDING Q ELECTRIC SERVICE CJ CEILING HEAT CH G F I a SMOKE DETECTOR D FINAL PLUMBING CH UNDERGROUND PLUMBING d UNDERGROUND WATER C] ROUGH PLUMBING [3 TOP OUT PLUMBING Q SEWER AND PL/CO d TUB OR SHOWER PAN a GAS TEST a WATER HEATER CJ FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O PLENUM AND DUCTS CH COMBUSTION AIR a PATIO n SIGN D GRADING [H DRIVEWAY CH CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS O REFER PIPING CD FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION D MONDAY a TUESDAY D WEDNESDAY/jtfTHURSDAY D FRIDAY ^ \ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PERSON TAKING REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION INSPECT*OR_U_ OWNER !_ PERMIT NO TIME DATE ADDRESS.y/ BUILDING CD FOUNDATION CD REINFORCING STEEL CD MASONRY ED GROUT-GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CD SHEATHING CD FRAME ED EXTERIOR LATH CD INSULATION CD INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL ED FINAL ELECTRICAL EH TEMPORARY SERVICE ED ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CD ROUGH ELECTRIC Q POOL BONDING EJ ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT n G FI a SMOKE DETECTOR n FINAL PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND WATER ED ROUGH PLUMBING D TOP OUT PLUMBING CD SEWER AND PL/CO CD TUB OR SHOWER PAN CD GAS TEST CD WATER HEATER CD FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. DAM DPM MISCELLANEOUS CZI PLENUM AND DUCTS n COMBUSTION AIR n PATIO LJ SIGN CD GRADING d DRIVEWAY CD CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS LJ REFER PIPING Q FINAL mjUESDAY D WEDNESDAY D THURSDAY Q FRIDAY REQUESTED BY..PHONE NO PERSON TAKING REPORT. To * /jc --, X/<? /?////Dote / A " / 3) / ^ jgg/ A if c To DUPLICATE S.gned T 4S 465 SEND PARTS ' AND 3 WIIH CARBONS INTAC , PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY -7" CJ^- — S/*^//T X 12m To l to/$,Dote '•I 4) DUPLICATE Signed Date Signed Rcdifprm ' , 4S 465 "' ,•> Poly Pok (50 tell) 4P465 SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 WITH CARBONS INTACT PART 3 Will BE RETURNED WITH REPLY r Citp of Cartebab REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD *» NSPECTOR » PFRMJTNT) TIMF / HATF / /%"% OWNER F^l t **K> 1 C * " <—4 $ 4~<J r~—> 1 ADDRESS ) •&-*•/- / £fZ^_-A- \ / ^7 REQUESTED BY PHONE NO / IXZ^ /*/~* *f— f / PERSON TAKING REPORT \*»f\ BUILDING D FOUNDATION D FOOTING D SLAB D REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY D GROUT -GUNITE D FLOOR AND CEILING SUB FRAME D SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR D FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATION D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL D FINAL Atf If *•/ ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SERVICE D UFFER GROUND D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING 'X^D ELECTRIC SERVICE ^?rp FINAL \fo y$f ^ PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING a SEWER AND PUCO D TOP OUT PLUMBING i. D TUB OR SHOWER PAN WGAS TEST /J WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER D FINAL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS MISCELLANEOUS D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SOLAR HEAT D PATIO D POOL D SPA D SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D FINAL Ready For Inspection D Monday M D PM Tuesday \b, Wednesday t4 D Thursday n Friday To Dote /A/ /• XV n o /L DUPLICATE Date Signed Rtdifprm 4S 465 PolyPoll(50Mt»)4P465 SEND PAUTS 1 AND 3 WITH CARBONS INTACT PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME Inspector Owner Address.. BUILDING Insulation Drywall Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing **~ Lath Qfty \^/fU- frame Final nnnnn<-LI•~nn PLUMBING Gas Water Heater Sewer Undergrnd Plbg "Nndergrnd Water Trough Final ^__ nnnnnnnn ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Temp Pole Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final nnnn Dn1. 1n MISCELLANEOUS Plenum & Ducts Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading n Gnnnnnn Ready for Inspection -- Mon Special Instructions — Requested by Phone numben Wed Thurs Fn Person Taking Report 7 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME \ \ Inspector Owner ^"?^t Address. . Permit No Date BUILDING Insulation Drywall Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final n 'Dnnn 9 *D PLUMBING Ga's Water Heater Sewer Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water -Rough Final j-=*^x nnnnnnna ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Temp Pole Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final annnnnna MISCELLANEOUS Plenum & Ducts Porch Pat 10 Driveway - Sign Wall Fence Grading aaanna Da Ready for Inspection — Mon Special Instructions - Requested by Phone number- Wed , Thurs Fn Person Taking Report -i J2 REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME Inspector Owner Permit No Address.. BUILDING Insulation Drywall Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final nnnnnnnn PLUMBING Gas Water Heater Sewer Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough Final nnnnnnra-n ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Temp Pole Underground Cpfl Heat "Rough Final nnnnnnnn MISCELLANEOUS Plenum & Ducts Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading nnnnnnnn Ready for Inspection -- Won , Tues, Special Instructions -- Requested by ....^ Phone number . Wed^) Thurs , Fri Q.0 & Person Taking Repor, i i REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME Inspector Owner Address.. BUILDING Insulation Drywall Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final Dnnnnnn D PLUMBING - Gas Water Heater Sewer Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough Final nnnnnnnn ~ ELECTRICAL '.* l--. Pool Bonding Temp Pole Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final aannanaa MISCELLANEOUS Plenum & Ducts Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading aan'annaa Ready for Inspection -- Mon Special Instructions - Requested by -- - Phone number -Person Taking Report 9 o- Inspector Owner REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME Permit No .Date Address.. BUILDING Insulation , Dry wall Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final n Dnnnnnn PLUMBING Gas Water Heater Sewer Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough Final nnnnnnnn ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Temp Pole Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final ..„_- annnnnna MISCELLANEOUS Plenum & Ducts Porch Pat to Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading nnnnnnna Ready for Inspection - Mon., Tues Special Instructions - Requested by Phone number ./...J...T. Person Taking Report Inspector Owner REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME Permit No Date Address. . 2 BUILDING Insulation Drywall Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final D Dnn Dnn D PLUMBING Gas D D Water Heater Q Sewer D Undergrnd Plbg Q Undergrnd Water Q Rough Final D -^ D ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Temp Pole Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final nnnnnnnn MISCELLANEOUS Plenum & Ducts Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading nnnnnnnn Ready for Inspection -- Mon Special Instructions - Requested by Phone number . /, REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME Inspector Owner Permit No. Address.. BUILDING Insulation Drywall Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final nnn Dn Dnn PLUMBING Gas Water Heater Sewer Undergrnd Plbg. Uhdergrnd Water Rough Final nnnnnnnn ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Temp Pole Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final _.*«=*, annnnnn sO MISCELLANEOUS Plenum & Ducts Porch Patiorx hr^T" Driveway jS. K s.gnV) f\Kr Wall \ Vj Fence y>- Grading an {YlPinnna Ready for Inspection - Won., Tues Special Instructions - Wed Thurs Requested by Phone number "^, .. Person Taking Report 0'7 JsJAs^ **- A. CL<?~ ^~ y Inspector Owner. REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME / A'J <=> Permit No Date Address.. / 9, */ / t BUILDING Insulation Drywall Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final nnnnnnnn • —.-..- .. . PLUMBING Gas Water Heater Sewer Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough Final nnnnnn [6?n ELECTRICAL -• Pool Bonding Temp Pole Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final nnnnnnnn • MISCELLANEOUS Plenum & Ducts Porch Patio Driveway Sign Wall Fence Grading nnnnnnnn Ready for Inspection -- Won., Special Instructions - Wed Thurs., Fri Requested by. Phone number Person Taktng Report -A* .y Residential Multiple Res , Tract or Commerci REQUEST FOR INSPECTION Q Mobilehome Park ID# Soacetf Inspecto Owner. Address Address __ BUILDING ^ S//) /*"S fl j/M 0 is-*--*-- Fdn Forms Steel Sheathing Lath Frame Final //A/f\y <fi Dnnnna ^\ PLUMBING ' 1 JJ&s Water Heater Soil Line Undergrnd Plbg Undergrnd Water Rough Final ,^— *r~}**" f i anaannaa ELECTRICAL Pool Bonding Pole Pump Underground Ceil Heat Rough Final naaaanaa MISCELLANEOUS Porch Patio Driveway Sign, Wall Fence Grading aaaaaaaaX Ready for inspection - Mon , ( Tues tj/ Wed., Special Instructions — Requested by. Phone number .. ZZt&fa Jurisdiction of Owner Job Address . City ... State Total Allowable Floor Area Basis for Increase GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST Based on 1973 Edition of the Uniform Building Code Plan Check No uation Use Type of -t7—_ Construction^- .T Sq Ft Fire Zone No Floor Area — 5^77/^ Floor (Max ) Floor (Total) . . Occupant Load . . ccupancy Classification * ".^ <7Stones - ~-~. Sq Ft Sq Ft COMMENTS OR ASSUMPTIONS Corrections checked below are to be made on plans before permit is issued The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation of any section of the Building Code, or other City Ordinance or State Law - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GENERAL Valuation should be $ Show job address on plans Give name of person responsible for plans Submit fully dimensioned plot plan Give all dimensions on plot plan v AREA LIMITATIONS AND GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS Ground elevations should be shown at corners The ground elevations should be taken at the lowest point between the exterior wall and a point 5 feet out or at the property line, if within 5 feet of a public sidewalk, alley, or other public way, the ground elevations should be the elevation of the public way The number of stories m this building cannot be determined until this data is furnished The total floor area is limited to square feet Sections 505 and 506 Unobstructed yards of feet should be maintained on sides Provide details to show that hour area separation walls should comply with Section 505 (c) (a) Extend vertically from the foundation to a (b) Total width of all openings limited to 25 per cent of the wall length in the story under consideration - • A ^r*> 10 11 12 13 <1 lV MJB-? *•« (c) All openings protected with fire assemblies having a fire-resistive rating of one and-one- half (three) hours (d) Ducts through area separation walls should be avoided If allowed, fire dampers on each 30 102, U B C Standards A fire -resistive occupancy separation in conform required between the ( hours) ( -hours) ( hours) Horizontal occupancy separations should be sup ported with a structural system having equiva- lent fire resistive protection Section 503 (b) The building is limited to stories ( feet in height) as a Type structure Section 507 and Table No 5 D A room in which a water closet is located should i/be separated from food preparation or storagerooms by a tight fitting door «0JYPE OF CONSTRUCTION r2u'rTvpe V (III N) (IV N) buildings are not permitted ^n.Fire Zone No 1 Section 1602 (a) Roof coverings should be fire retardant Section 1603 (a) or 1704 Details or specifications complying with Section 3203 (e) are required Form 200 3 Sheet No 1 of 6 Sheets w V ff'/ - /,V ( w 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25/7 <f 27 ^ S8P4*1 29 30 Exterior (court) walls within /'-' feet of lines should be of -hour construction Section 03 (a) Openings in exterior (court) walls within feet of property lines should be protected with three-fourths hour fire assemblies Section 03 (b) Usable space under the first floor except in Group 1 (J) Occupancies should be enclosed as required in Section 1703 Fire-resistive construction for structural frame elements in the exterior walls should comply with Footnote No 1 of Table No 17 A and Section „ See Section 1702 for . clarification //jj, (jr/p 5&f& *y ^/fy^fw *+<• f\£ Building paper should- be applied to exterior walls as specified in Section 1707 (a) Enclosures for floor openings should comply with Table No 17 A, Section 1706 Details should clearly indicate this Structural members carrying masonry or con- crete walls in buildings over one story in height should be protected with minimum one-hour fire protection Section 1708 Nonabsorbent finish and backing for toilet room walls and floor should conform with Section 1711 (a) Shower stall walls should be finished with a hard, nonabsorbent surface to a height of 6 feet Section 1711 (b) Doors and panels of shower and bathtub en- ^Closure should comply with Section 1711 (e) /to (g) Parapet walls not less than $& inches in - height are required Section 1709 cA»Jr^i«rW^ Eave overhangs and similar architectural pro -\iections should comply with Section 1710 Projections w$"or(a)the exterior wall should con- \ form with the least restrictive of the following (a) A point one-third the distance to the proper ty line from an exterior wall Section 504 (b) (b) A point one-third the distance from an as sumed vertical plane located where fire resistive protection of openings is first re quired due to location of property Section 504 (b) Envelope ceilings should satisfy the following conditions [Section 4303 (b) 6 ] (a) Should not be used to provide fire protec tion beam and girders supporting more than one floor (b) Columns should be individually fire pro- tected (c) Duct and outlet openings are limited to 100 square inches in each 100 square feet of ceiling area and should be protected with approved fire dampers (d) Electrical outlet boxes should be of steel and not greater than 16 square inches in area Gypsurn board ceilings in conjunction with fire resistive assemblies should be supported at intervals not exceeding 16 inches Item 27, Table No 43 C 31 32 33 34 35 Wood stripping or suspended wood systems for gypsum board ceilings should be not less than 2-inch nominal thickness Section 4704 (b) [Section 4703 (b) for wall stripping ] Final partition layouts and details should be sub mitted prior to installation to justify compli- ance with occupancy, fire resistive, structural, and exit requirements Justifying test data in conformance with Section 106 or an ICBO research recommendation is required for Rooms m which rubbish (linen) chutes terminate should be separated from the remainder of the building with a one hour occupancy separation Section 1706 (c) Openings into rubbish and linen chutes should not be located in required exit corridors or stairways Section 1706 (c) SPECIAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS Group B / 36 37 38 39 40 41/ B 3 Occupancies should be of one-hour fipe resistive construction if located in a basewlent or above the first story Section 702Xb) B-2 Occupancies with an occupantJ<Jad of 1000 or more should be in Type 1, ILJll one-hour, III Heavy Timber or IV one-hour buildings The assembly room should nor be m a basement if it contains this high^rccupant load Section 702 (b) / The mam entrance/snould front directly upon or have a 20 footyrfide access to a public way at least 20 feet/fi width Section 703 Light and ventilation should comply with Section 705 / A Ona'Hour Fire Resistive Occupancy Separation is/required between the boiler or central heat ing plant and the rest of the building Section /708 Exterior openings for rooms containing a boiler or central heating plant should be protected with three-fourths hour fire resistive assemblies that are fixed, automatic, or self-closing if lo cated below openings m another story or if less than 10 feet from other doors or windows in the same building Section 708 Group C / 42 43 44 45 46 / Atmospheric separations should comply with Section 802 (b) / Use of rooms should be clari^eo Note that rooms in Divisions 1 and 2 fitcupancies used for day care purposes aftG rooms used for kindergarten, first, or second grade pupils and Division 3 Occupancies cannot be located above the first stocy Section 802 (c) Special hazard rooms should be separated from other portionx/of the building by not less than a One Houi/Fire-Resistive Occupancy separa- tion SecfAn 802 (d) One required exit should front directly upon, or haycfti 20 foot wide access to, a public way at leXst 20 feet in width Section 803 (a) ^anitary facilities should be provided in accord ance with Section 805 Light and ventilation should comply with Section 805 Sheet No 2 of 6 Sheets 48 A One-Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation is required between the boiler or central heat ing plant and the rest of the building Section 808 Group D / 49 50 51 52 /- Group D, Division 1 Occupancies jsfiould be of Type 1 or II construction unless^om plying with the Exception in Section SO^fb) Group D, Division 2 (3) Occupancies should be of one hour fire resistive construction Table No 5C / Light and ventilation should comply with Section 905 / A One Ho*fr Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation is required between the boiler or central heat me/(5lant and the rest of the budding Section 'Exterior openings for rooms containing a boiler or central heating plant should be protected with three fourths hour frre resistive assemblies that are fixed, automatic, or self-closing if located below openings in another story or if less than 10 feet from other doors or windows in the same building Section 908 Group F t/ 54 55 56 57 58 Motor vehicle service stations should be of non combustible fire retardant treated wood or one hour fire resistive construction Section 1102 (b) Storage areas in excess of 1000 square feet in connection with wholesale or retail sales should be separated from the public areas by a One Hour Fire-Resistive Occupancy Separation un- less the building is equipped throughout with an automatic fire extinguishing system Section 1102 (b) Light and ventilation should comply with Section 1105 Exhaust ventilation at or near floor level is re quired by Section 1105 A One Hour Fire Resistive Occupancy Separation ts required between a boiler room or central heating plant and the rest of the building Sec tion 1108 Group H // 59 60 61 62 / 63 A Group H Occupancy more than two stones'm height or having more than 3000 squares-feet above the first story should be oieme hour fire resistive construction throughout Section 1302 (b) / The following rooms shouldjrave window areas as specified in Section >305 (a), one half of which is openable ,/ Mechanical/Ventilating system in bathrooms should ^provide five air changes per hour di- rectly/fo the outside Section 1305 (a) W>rraows from should /not be considered as furnishing required light or ventilation since they do not open to a yard, court, or street in accordance with Section 1305 (a) Courts bounded on four sides with walls should be at least 10 feet in length For courts more than two stories m height, the required width should be increased by one foot and the re quired length by 2 feet for each additional story Section 1306 (c) / 64 65 66 67 68 / 69 Every sleeping room below the/Yourth floor should have at least one window or exterior door approved for emergency exit or rescue Section 1304 / S room should have the minimum/ceiling height required in Section 1307 (ay jf room should have a ratnimum superficial floor area of / square feet Section 1307 (b) Efficiency dwelling units should comply with Senion 1308 /fi One Hour Fire Resistive Occupancy Separation is required between a boiler room or central heating plant and the rest of the building Section 1312 Every dwelling unit and guest room should have comfort heating facilities as specified in Sec- tion 1311 70 71 72 Group Group $ Division 1 Occupancies are lim^ed-to 1000 (3000) square feet in floor acea-and one story in height Section 1502, Garages should not open directly into a room used for sleeping-purposes Section 1504 An apj}p*ri(d noncombustible material or asphal- >avmg material is required for garage floor 'surfaces Section 1504 EXIT REQUIREMENTS 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 An occupant load sign is required in classrooms, assembly areas, etc , having an occupant load of more than 50 Section 3301 (j) See Conforming exits are required from the areas below as specified in Section 3302 (a) Exits should have a minimum separation of one half the maximum overall diagonal of the build- ing or area served Section 3302 (c) No point in the building should be more than 150 (200) feet from an exterior exit, horizontal exit, enclosed stairway, or exit passageway, measured in the direction of travel Section 3302 (d) Exit door should swing in the direction of egress Section 3303 (b) See doors Double acting doors are not allowed where serv ing a tributary occupant load of more than 100 Section 3303 (b) Exit doors should be openable from the inside without the use of a key, special knowledge, or effort Section 3303 (c) Note also that flush bolts or surface bolts are prohibited Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3' x 6'8" with a minimum door swing of 90 degrees Section 3303 (d) The net dimension (clear width) at doorways should be used in determining exit widths required by Section 3302 (b) Section 3303 (d) In consideration of door thicknesses, panic hardware, door swing, etc , the required exit widths have not been furnished See door Sheet No 3 of 6 Sheets &^g? 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 rA floor or landing not more than 1 inch below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door Section 3303 (h) Doors should not project more than 7 inches in- to the required corridor width when fully opened or more than one-half into the required corridor width when in any position Section 3304 (d) Revolving (sliding) (overhead) doors are not per mitted as exit doors Section 3303 (f) Exit doors should provide immediate access to an approved means of egress Section 3303 (g) Exiting through another room does not comply Corridors should have a minimum width of 44 inches Section 3304 (b) Corridors serving nonambulatory persons should have an 8 foot minimum width Section 3318 (c) Dead end of corridors and exit balconies are limited to 20 feet Section 3304 (f) Walls and ceilings of corridors should be of one- hour fire resistive construction Section 3304 (g) An architectural section through the corn dor is necessary to determine how this is accomplished Exterior exit balconies cannot project into an area where protected openings are required due to location on property Section 3304 (i) Interior openings into corridors should be pro tected as specified in Section 3304 (h) Stairway should have a minimum width of inches Trim and handrails should not project more than 3yz inches into the required width Section 3305 (b) Risers on stairways should not exceed 7l/2inches and runs should not be less than 10 inches Section 3305 (c) Landings on stairways should have a dimension in the direction of travel equal to the width of the Stairway but need not exceed 4 feet Sec- tion 3305 (f) Landings should not be reduced in width more than 3J/2 inches by a door when fully open Section 3305 (f) Basement portion of stairways should have an approved barrier where continuous to upper floors in an exit enclosure Section 3305 (g) Vertical distances between stairway landings are limited to 12 feet Section 3305 (h) Handrails should be placed not less than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches above the tread Section 3305 (i) Two handrails are re- quired where stairways exceed 44 inches m width Guardrails for stairs, balconies, and landings should conform with Section 1714 Note that maximum clearance between intermediate railsis 9 inches Openings in exterior walls within 10 feet ofexterior stairways should be protected with self closing three fourths hour fire resistive as semblies Section 3305 (k) Enclosed usable space under interior stairways should be protected on the enclosed side as required for one hour fire-resistive construe tion Section 3305 (1) Noncombustible exterior stairs are requiredSection 3305 (m) 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Exterior stairs should not project into an area (yards or courts) where wall openings must be protected Section 3305 (m) One stairway should extend to the roof Section3305 (n) It must be in a smokeproof enclosure in buildings over 75 feet in height Section 3309 (b) Six foot 6 inch minimum headroom clearance for stairways should be indicated on plans Section 3305 (o) Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosings Ramp slopes should not exceed one foot in feet Section 3306 (c) (d) Surface of ramps should be roughened or of a nonslip material Section 3306 (f) Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3308(a) One (two) hour fire resistive walls are re quired (b) Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures (c) Doors should be labeled one (one and onehalf) hour fire assemblies (d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exteriorFire resistive construction should be as re- quired for the exit enclosure, including pro- tected openings Only exit doors are per- mitted to open into the corridor (e) An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from acci dentally continuing to the lower level (f) Usable space is not allowed under the stairs One exit from the building should be a smoke- proof enclosure complying with Section 3309 Openings into exit courts less than 10 feet wide should be protected with labeled 45 minute fire assemblies Section 3310 (d) Also see "exit court" definition in Section 3301 (c) Openings more than 10 feet above the court floor are exempt No openings other than required exits are per- mitted in exit passageways The passageways should be of hour fire resistive construction Section 3311 (a) Exit illumination and signs should be provided in conformance with Section 3312 Aisle (cross aisle) m auditorium should have a minimum width of Section 3313 (b) Section 3313 (e) Panic hardware is required on exit doors serving Group B Occupancies having an occupant load of more than 100 Section 3316 (a) In lieu of this, doors shall have no locks or latches Mam and side exits in conformance with Sec- tion 3315 are required for B 2 (1) Occupancies Section 3316 (a) Corridors of Group C Occupancies should have a width required by Section 3302 plus 2 feet, but not less than 6 feet Section 3317 (e) Each floor above or below the ground floor level of Group C Occupancies should have no less than two exit stairs Section 3317 (g) Exit stairs serving an occupant load of more than 100 m a Group C Occupancy should have a minimum clear width of 5 feet Section 3317 (g) Every room with an occupant load exceeding 300 should have one of its exits into a separate jrfxit system Section 3317 (b) 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 When three or more exits are required, no more than two required exits should exit into the same exit system Section 3317 (b) NO point in a room in a building should be more than 75 feet lo an exit corridor, enclosed stair- way or exterior of the building Section 3317 (c) Exiting through adjoining rooms should complyWith Section 3317 (d) Panic hardware is required on exit doors servingrooms containing more than 100 occupants and in corridors of Group C Occupancies Section 3317 (j) Every room in a Group D Occupancy should haveaccess to at least two legal means of egress Section 3318 (a) Doors from bedrooms and wards of Group D Occupancies and all exit openings where nonambulatory patients are housed should have aminimum clear width of 44 inches No pro jections in this width are allowed Section 3318 (b) Panic hardware is required on exit doors servingrnore than 50 occupants in Group D Occupancies unless there is no latch or lock Section3318 (f) FIREPLACES AND CHIMNEYS SM-T.C FLOOR, ROOF CONSTRUCTION, COVERING, SKYLIGHTS, ROOF STRUCTURES he space between wood floor construction and a suspended ceiling below should be divided into areas not exceeding 1000 square feetSection 2517 (e) Attics of combustible material should be dividednto areas not exceeding 3000 (9000) square Section 3205 (b) Roof drainage should be conducted under the public sidewalk Section 3207 (e) Overflow drains having the same size as roof drains and on independent drain lines are re- quired In lieu of this, overflow scuppers three times the size of roof drains should be installed in parapet walls Overflow system should have inlets located 2 inches above the low points the roof Section 3207 (c)j The aggregate area of penthouses and other (j*of structures cannot exceed 33 Va percent of thesupporting roof area Section 3601 (b) FIRE-EXTINGUISHING' SYSTEM 132 133 134 135 136 137 An approved automatic fire extinguishing system in the is requiredSection 3802 (b) This includes blind spaces enclosed wholly or partly by combustible construction Dry standpipes are required in buildings four orrnore stories in height Section 3803 Wet standpipes are required as specified in Sec- tion 3804 Combination standpipes are required in build- ings exeedmg 150 feet in height Section 3805 (b) Buildings six stories or more in height should be provided with not less than one standpipe dur- ing construction Section 3806 (b) Fire extinguishing system plans should be sub- mitted to you to determine compliance with applicable building, plumbing, and fire codes 138 139 Chimneys should comply with Sections 3703 and 3704 Fireplaces and barbecues should comply with Section 3707 FINISH WORK 140 141 142 143 144 The interior wall and ceiling finishes should be specified and comply with Table No 42 B and Section 4203 Gypsum wallboard (interior lath and plaster) cannot be installed on weather exposed sur- faces Sections 4705, 1711 See Section 424 for definition of weather exposed surface Skylights should comply with Chapter 34 Plastic skylights are allowed only under the conditions specified in Section 5205 Glass and glazing should comply with Chapter 54 Type and thickness of glass should be specified Glass and glazing in hazardous locations should comply with Section 5406 STRUCTURAL & 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Special inspection in conformance with Section 305 is required for the following work (a) Structural concrete where the design is based on an ultimate compressive strength in excess of 2000 pounds per square inch (b) All welding except where done m the shop of an approved fabricator (c) Installation of high strength bolts (d) Prestressmg work (e) Masonry work required by Chapter 24 Soil classification m conformance with Table No 28-B and pounds per square foot soil bearing value used in design should be specified on plans Section 2905 (a) The foundation investigation report mentioned in plans was not included in data forwarded to usIt should be submitted for review All masonry or concrete elements resisting seismic forces should qualify as reinforced ele ments Section 2314 (k) 3 Precast concrete wall panels are limited to anh/t ratio of 36 (25) Section 2616 (c) Wood members may support loads from ma-sonry or concrete only under the conditionsspecified in Section 2516 (a) Structural calculations should be submitted tojustify the adequacy of the structural systemin resisting seismic and wind loads, and sup- porting dead and live loads This includesfoundations Justifying calculations and details should be pro vided for Roofs shall be designed for snow loads of pounds per square foot Section 2305 (c) The roof should be designed for uplift wind pres-sures with due consideration for lateral support of compression flanges of flexural members Floor load should consider a 20 pound per square foot partition load Section 2302 (b) Marquees should be designed for a 60 pound per square foot live load Table No 23-A Sheet No 5 of 6 Sheets " 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 Garages for the storage of private pleasure cars should be designed for a minimum 2000 pound wheel load Section 2302 (b) Live load signs are required Section 2309 See Glued-laminated lumber should be fabricated inaccordance with Section 2511 (f) Allowable stress in glued-lammated membersover 12 inches in depth should consider adepth reduction factor Section 2511 (d) 6 Bolted connections exposed to the weather are limited to 75 percent of the allowable load under protected conditions U B C Standard No 25 17 Anchorage of concrete and masonry walls should comply with Section 2313 Plywood grades should conform with Table No 25-B Justification is required that sufficient slope or camber is available to assure adequate roof drainage after long time deflections In lieu of this, roofs must be designed for possible pond- ing of water Section 2305 (e) Details on stressing method and hardware along with justifying data are required on prestressed concrete work This data should be submitted »and approved prior to ordering of material Note that all tendons should comply with Sec tion 4303 (c) 3, for fire resistive purposes Welding data or details for steel decking used asa diaphragm should be provided Informationshould comply with a specific ICBO researchrecommendation or test data submitted incompliance with Section 106 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 Details should be provided on roof (floor) dia phragm connections that indicate how the 9shears are transferred to vertical shear resist ing elements Connections should be justified with structural calculations for compliance with allowable values Nailing for gypsum board (lath, sheathing board) used structurally on shear walls should be specified to comply with Table No 47-1 Shear walls utilizing gypsum board (lath, sheath ing board) cannot be used to resist loads im posed by masonry or concrete walls Footnote 1, Table No 47-1 Railings should be designed to withstand a 20 (50) pound per foot horizontal force Table No 23-C Ceifmg joists should be designed for total load of not less than 10 (20) pounds per square foot Table No 23 C Interior partitions should be justified structurally for strength and deflection criteria specified in Section 2312 (b) should comply with a specific ICBO research recommendation or justifying test data should be submitted in compliance with Section 106 Plans should indicate that foundations extend below the frost line Provide complete specification in conformance wjth the design for These sheets are a part of the plans and shall remain attached thereto Corrections as above indicated will be complied with Rechecked and Approved (Sign Here).^<^c-^-- * (Signature of Owner or Applicant) INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET BUILDING DEPARTMENT '> BUILDING ADDRESS: .7-7-77 - PLANNING DEPARTMENT 70NE LOT SIZE LOT WIDTH UNITS ALLOWED UNITS PROVIDED PARKING SPACES REQUIRED % COVERAGE ALLOWED PROVIDED^ PROVIDED BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED* FRONT SETBACK: ^PROVIDED REAR SETBACK: ALLOWED PROVIDED INTRUSIONS \ LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATON PLAN CMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ• ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: "f-QK TO ISSUE:OK TO FINAL . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT INDUSTRIAL WASTE SEWER CONNECTION GRADING PERMIT DRAINAGEEASEMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OK TO ISSUE FIRE DEPARTMENT SPPINKLING SYSTEM FIRE ALARMS FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP. EXITS FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OK TO ISSUED A DATE /- 7 7 TO DATE DATE MEMORANDUM - APRIL 21, 1977 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: HOUSE MOVE - 1241 ELM AVENUE TO 2665 WILSON STREET. On April 19, the Planning Department received the attached correspondence from the Building Director regarding the subject house move, It is proposed that the existing house and garage at 1241 Elm Avenue be moved to the Wilson Street site (R-l Zone). The small existing house at the Wilson Street site will be attached to the move-on structure to create a master bedroom (see attached site plan). Staff has evaluated the proposal under the requirements of Title 21. The subject request meets the requirements with one exception The garage structure must be located a minimum of 10 feet from the residence (Section 21.10.050 l.C). Adequate lot size is available to accommodate this modification. Staff feels that the move on structure will be compatible with the surrounding residences. It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the subject request. Attachments: Letter from Building Director, dated April 19, 1977. Site Plan Photos (5) TH:ar MEMORANDUM TO; FROM: DATE: SUBJECT, PLANNING COMMISSION BUILDING DIRECTOR APRIL 19, 1977 HOUSE MOVE- 1241 ELM TO 2665 WILSON STREET On April 15, 1977 this department was notified of an intention to move a _single family residence from 1241 Elm Ave. to a vacant lot on Wilson St. in the City of Carlsbad. Enclosed are photographs of both the residence located at 1241 Elm Ave. and the vacant lot on Wilson Street. The Building Department would recommend aporoval with the understanding that the building must be completed in conformance with the 1973 Uniform Building Code, Section 105. :CHARD" S. OSBURN Director of Building and Housing RSO: o'k vi JIO j , . . , £ -ib; * ' ' * * * - ^ f vi£ i ' J.; \f C* *-.1 V ^ i ^ .' Tk ^ ^ n -3-s , i If-fl inn escrow NO AF«ft 1O C 'o '1 *_nr<I «••*( - cc tut iHrt^tMi to APR I 7 eOC^ ROOK !,»OTFICIW. P, 007O3 t/J< D<[C't O.TJ ."» CA. S. (*nAY. COCii MS St!<f OKLY ON r^iL VALUE or paorewrr CON Uf>", J Ff CLWt- ,„ OF i>A!.C FO'l / V,U ^;,LF & "^''fJ'-c "a" &•-?« ft.".- -»,£ "t, *; r.-j!;. i ^rtjt I -si-*rf, t\^ fffi or j-?t ? of v":^;'-'!- "^r fil*!u It *.'e c'f'r* of '.vn t-i,/ ^ccr «*r « f -j.Ij. *--'1 1 I"""!-J-. ..>•-.—£.;—*—J--L Is I'M A |Js*«T PcMk to *n4 ( r < I • -M. cn C73at tf AIL TAX raiM»»« ncv ic'lt car Sut* 1 i V THE ATTACHED PLANS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED BY CITY ENGINEER ( BUILDING DIRECTOR:*"•% THIS PROJECT DOES NOT REQUIRE A SEWER PERMIT DATE c? -3 " // COMMENTS: ^ OINECR 7/ C-4/T.^/S^ C/7, JOB No •v /2 &5> =- 33 TJ ^ 4-8 B s. A:/J CHARLES H. RICE V ' STRUCTURAL ENGINEER JOB JOB No S H trr *— OF DATE BY 77 /vto/z., X 1- K &^~ X CHARLES H. RICE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER JOB.Jo* No SHE er or_ o•-*- • f DATE.77 X F^^t CHARLES H. RICE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER JOB.JOB No S H»rr ^ _ or ~7~7 BY M = X a- X y A ^ 3 CHARLES H. RICE .STRUCTURAL ENGINEER JOB. s. - JOB No _ .£"SHI rr_^z _ OF 77 »Y 37/7 CHARLES H. RICE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER JOB Jam No j£S H MT_£!__or BY 77 -7-2.0 /3 3? /BO -- Q B O ', *n-V CHARLES H. RICE .STRUCTURAL (ENGINEER S h t.rr ' or DATE. BY___ A*?/} ¥ 77 «"M* 1 — *? rs~ .133 ('& X <£-& + Z30J 7 ^ /^^r ^/x X <7 --7 —~ •*£. f ~ ^ (Tt — 3/2^/^^, ^ 7-5^-3 ^'^ ,3/32/ y *-^ ja . /33 (f -t- X// CHARLES H. RICE f' t STRUCTURAL ENGINEER JOB £>JOB No - 7 71 3HKrr_£fL_OF_ DATE. BY ' ftr =- -24*=- 33-7 CHARLES H. RICE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER JOB.COM,JOB No _ SHEET.J3 or. DATE BY 77 77 tT4 •= 773 /3 = 6,ob I 3'/<24.^ AT3 -f- -74-7. £3.7 CHARLES H. RICE ENGINEER JOB JOB No _ SMKrrJfSL DATE BY 77 - ~74-7, ^0-2 V// ' 31 ai ENGINEERING, INC. 1650 Linda Vista Dr., Suite 21 2 San Marcos, California 92069 Bus.: 727-1818 Res.: 292-0485 1977 RECEIVEDC»TVOFCA_RLSBAD Building SFPG 19T7 >? Jobcm-77 August so, 1977 Minich Investment Properties CITY OF CARLSBAD 2971 Carlsbad Blvd , P 0 Box Hiding Department Carlsbad, California 92008 Reference Fill Control for Lot at 1241 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad Dear1Mr Yocum In accordance with your request this report has been prepared to establish the degree of compaction of the compacted fill as tested by tPV Engineering, Inc on August 26, 1977 Prior to grading operations, the site was cleared of grass and debris Adequate keys were then made in the proposed fill area in order to establish a good base for supporting the proposed compacted fills The fill was then placed in six (6) to eight (8) inch!lifts and compacted by means of heavy construction equipment Field density tests were performed in accordance with ASTM D-1556-64 Moisture content was determined for each density sample The results and location of the tests are given on the attached figures A rep- resentative sample of the tested material was obtained for labora- tory tests. Laboratory compaction tests to determine maximum dry density and optimum moisture were performed in accordance with ASTM Test Method D-1557-70, Method A. The results of the laboratory compaction test are given on the attached sheet Slopes should bo planted with erosion resisting plants and natural drainage should be directed away from the top of all slopes and buildings If you should- have any questions, please contact us Very, truly yours, MV ENGINEERING, INC RalpJTM Vinje RCE,:25115 RMV/'mlb JOB 1035-77! . 1 NAME YOCUM< , , ( '• ' .. .1i ' TESTjRESULTS * -,t ,\i i Laboratory Compaction Tests Soil Type #1 - Brown F Sand D G' Maximum dry density 131 8 pcf Optimum moisture 9 0% Field Density Tests 1 Date1 8/26/77 8/26/77 8/26/77 o / 2, o/ 77' j 8/26/77 Test 1 2 3 4 5 Depth of Fill Tested 2 4 4-F.G 2 4 -F G Field Moist 11 9 1 9 10 8 1 9 9 4 1 Field Dry Lab Dry* , % Rel Density Density Comp 121 119 120 121- 120. 6 8 i 9 7 9 jtl-31.£ ' ,131 i \ " 131 £ - "• 131 £ 131 { J'"'\ '92 i • 90 J "• , 91 5 V 92 5 '91' 3. ' "' 9-' 3 ,y/ ^, MV ENGINEERING, INC 1650 LINDA VISTA DRIVE SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 727-1818/744-1818 SOILS TESTING P£BC TEST PARCEL MAPS GRADING PLANS STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS M V ENGINEERING INC 1650 UNOA .VISTA OR, O^i^g^xi^W SAN MARCOS, CALIF. PROP. COOC VJALL W\T CAP CARLSBAD, *", " -'i - 130 jS 125 120 3^ 110 J 1O5 "s ' A *%* 100 - 95 '*',. - • i , • 1 , ' ! i ; , 1 1 - 1 £ii 1 f U. 6 * 0. K Io W £ K ZD cai * ~ '. ** . i•- ' " • * * - •" 4 > • * . 1 - - :« , . \ \1 , •• •*> • ' \ \ \ \ ( ( ' >- j "' \ \ \\ \ \ ) ' < • \ \V V\f \ \ 1 • • VA •v\ ])\* \ \S * -, -. \ \ \ \ S' ^\y \ \ i . - - -'•^i^^-fj^ ^ " k NeN \ '^1 ^\s jr \ t *"/• «. " , *"/? -i ' 'si-Joe NUMBER x^ ,' _/ ^ _j *" _--" • D*Tt y? K\ \ ^' i\V| \\ J l*'"'<6'iV ^ /b ' ' • -'^ -^ -: /! 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