HomeMy WebLinkAbout1245 BELLEFLOWER RD; ; CB980691; PermitBUILDING PERMIT Permit No : 03/05/98 12:24 Project No: Page 1 of 1 Development No: Job Address: 1245 BELLEFLOWER RD Suite: Permit Type: ELECTRICAL 4700 Q3/05/98 oo0101 Parcel No: 214-542-02-00 Lot#: C-FRHT I Valuation: 0 Construction Type: Occupancy Group: Reference#: Status: Description: RUN GAS ti ELECT FOR FUTURE SPA Applied : : NO GAS LINES UNDER PATIOS/STRUCTURES Apr/Issue: Entered By: Appl/Ownr : GARRETT CONSTRUCTION 760 942-4086 3310 AVENIDA OBERTURA XR* Fees ------------ Fees Adjustments Total Fees CB980691 A9800901 02 NEW ISSUED 03/05/98 03/05/98 RMA 47 =oo .oo * 00 47.00 Ext fee Data 10.00 Y 10.00 Y 27.00 GAS PERM1 Fee descr Enter "Y" f Enter "Y" f Other ----_---_-_- FINAL APPROVAL I- CLEARANCE - CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. ??lo L? EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit P~RMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 1. PROJECT INFORMATION n ?A '-- -- A Id/ LA Description of Work Name Tdephme X e*..-. - li. CONTRAMOR (Sac. 7031.5 Business and Rofossionr Cod.: Any Cky or County WNCh nsJnr a wnnk to Conmuct. Oh. hnprow, d.molbh or np.ir any dfwturo. prior to ks issuance, also requires the appltunt tor ruch pofmb to fila a ripcwd OWmNllt thW ho b kOnSOd PUfOUMt to tho WaVkiOnr Of thr COntractOr'S UCenSO Low [Chapter 9, commendlog wtth Section 7000 of Divb)on 3 of the Businas md Rotruionr Codd or that ho h oxompt thr.from, and the basts for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by aw~@icont tor a permit urbi.cu th. IpPlkmt to a dvil poMlty of not Name A /? vck(ob 06 COMPANY NIAiuiE -_ - .- _- -- -.- -.-_ - v thon fiw cZ(SR.?sO . 47- 8 kUks8 #/A Designer Name Addr#r city StotoRip T- Stat. bcenso X 8. WORKERS' COMPENSATION -, Workers' Cornpensotion Doclomaon: I h.nby affirm undn p.r*(ty of p.rivV Om of tho fObWhg &CbfOtbW 0 of the work for which this pormit is iucnd. 0 issued. My worker's componsotion insumnco camor ond policy nwnbor or.: r".' -A- ___ - __. .. _.-. ~ _.-.. _-__- ~ .". __ I have and will maintain a cortlfiut. of consent lo sdf.(nrun for worlun' com#nmion O# pmvid.d bV SOCtbrI 3700 of tho kbor coda, for tho porformanco I have and will maintain workrt' camponsotion, 0s mquirod by S.ctkn 3700 of tho Labor codr, for tho prrtWrmm of the wak for which this permit h Insurance Company pdicv No. Erpimkn D.1. (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COM- IF PERMIT IS FOR ONE "DRED DOLIARS NlOQI OR Le881 CERTIFICATE OF EXEM- I certify thot hthopaffmamo Of Ih. work for Whichthb pmdt b bowd, I rkJ) not rmpkvoy pmon h my mwmumo om 0 I, as owner of the property or my .mpkym with wagoa as th.ir td. comp.rrma, ' , will do tho r*or)l mdth. muchln b not Intandod or Mud tor do [Sac. 7044. Buslmu and Rofoaoiam Cod.: Tho Comnctor'r LicIp. kw dma notapptvto an -of plo#r(y who buwd. or hnpmvn thoroan, md who dma such work Mmsolf m through Worm ompl~, parid.dtht wth m not Intnd.d 01 o(hnd fa .Ik. If, homvw, ttN kJldln0 or knprovmvlt II sold withln one year of camplotian, th. owm-build.r rvRl how tho krdn, Of prWin0 thsl ho dld not kJ# or bnpmvo for tho pupou of uk). 0 1, as owner of the propmy, am oxclurhnly wntmcthg with li#nwd contmctm to COmNct tho proi.Ct &. 7044. k*icl.u .nd Rof.abr* Cod.: Tho Contractor's Ltcmre Low does not apply to on owmr of who buydr or improws thmon, ond conhctr tor ouch pmjocta with -) lkonnd pursuant to the Contractor's Liconeo Low). 0 I. 2. 3. 4. number I contractors limo numbor): 6. of work): PROPERTY OWNER SIQNATURE I em exempt ~ndn s.ctl~, I personally plan to provide ttm major labor 0nd motuiob for consmetion of tho p~opo~d pmp.ny ~mprwmnt. 0 YES ONO I (have I hava not) si- M appkwim for bdlding pumb for tho pmposod work. I have comractod with tho following pwrm Ifm) to povidr tho propod canrrmctkn Ondudr n8mo I oddrom I pharwnumkr I ~~nhlctm lkenn nmkr): I plan to provide portions of tho wwk, but I how Nnd tho touowing puson to eoordimo, .uprvL. mdprouidotho nub wor(r(tndud.nomo/.ddn#/ phom eu0in.n md Rot..rknr ado forthis nuon: I will provide aonn of thr work, but I hmV0COnhlct.d (hk.d) tho f~pr#nrto prov#.tho work kdlcrad (krluk nom. /.ddnu / pkorr nmkr /Np. b IS program under Sections 26606,26633 or 26634 of tho Pmhy-Tmn Hoxwdou 8ub.tncr Acroun Act? Is the applicant or future building orrup.m mquifod to obt.k, 0 wnnk ffm tho dr PdkrHOn contml dbDM or oir WWrv h the facility to be constructed within 1 ,000 foot of tho ouror boundmry of a rehod rit.7 0 YES 0 No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES. A FINAL CamClcArr OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS TlE lvpucANT HAS Mm OR IS Mm THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE SERVICES a,. CONSTRUCTION UNWQ I hereby afftrm that there h a construction hding aormy for tho plrtomunco Of tho work for which thh pumk h bud LENDERS NAME '9. APPI.IC&NTCERTIFICATbN I ceftify that I have road tho rpplkatb and stat0 that tho rbow hfOnnrtia, h CQmCt nd tht tho Mm.tkn m tho pkn h IC-. I agrm to cornpry with all city ordtnoncos and State laws dating to kj(ding conmuction. I heroby nnhorho nprcrrmt- of th. Cit) of Qrbbrd to mer upon the 0- mntiomd propany for inspection purporos. I ALSO AGREE To SAVE. MDEMNPY AND KEEP HAlWLEsS THE Crry OF CARLSW AOAMST W UABLKIES, JUDBMENTS, COSTS AN0 EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN AMY WAY ACCRUE OSHA: An OSHA permi EXPIRATION: Every per work authorized by such or abandoned at any time APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE 0 0 No dktrlct? 0 YES 0 NO -n *.I .- ".*---- T . 3097(il Civil Cod& W Crry Iw CONSEQUWCE OF THE ORANTINO OF THIS PERMW. become null and void if the building or Bulhonzed by such permit is suspended OW: Applicant PINK: Firunce CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB980691 FOR 03/09/98 INSPECTOR AREA RB DESCRIPTION: RUN GAS & ELECT FOR FUTURE SPA PLAWCKR CB980691 TYPE: ELEC CONSTR. TYPE NEW JOB ADDRESS: 1245 BELLEFLOWER RD STE : LOT: APPLICANT: GARRETT CONSTRUCTION PHONE: 760 942-4086 CONTRACTOR : PHONE : OWNER: PHONE : NO GAS LINES UNDER PATIOS/STRUCTURES OCC GRP REMARKS: C/942-4086 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: INSPECTOR &? CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 21 PL Underground/Under Floor lL3PqdhL ~ ~~ ~ 23 PL Gas/Test/Repairs J 31 EL Underground/Conduit-Wiring ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS -- .. 07/22/98 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB980691 DATE 03/09/98 03/09/98 0 3/ 09/9 8 03/09/98 03/09/98 03/09/98 03/06/98 0 3/ 0 6/98 03/ 06/9 8 03/ 06/ 9 8 03/ 06/9 8 03/ 0 6/9 8 INSPECTION TYPE INSP ACT Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Gas/Test/Repairs Gas/Test/Repairs Underground/Conduit-Wir Underground/Conduit-Wir Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Gas/Test/Repairs Gas/Test/Repairs Underground/Conduit-Wir Underground/Conduit-Wir RI RI RB AP RI RI RB AP RI RI RB AP RI RI RB NR RI RI RB NR RI RI RB NR COMMENTS C/942-4086 GAS LINE C/ 9 4 2 -4 08 6 C/942-4086 C/MCCLEAN RES/942-4 08 6 C/MCCLEAN RES/942-4086 C/WCCLEAN RES/942-4086 HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE...