HomeMy WebLinkAbout1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; CB053695; Permit1Y-29-2005 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mobile Home Building Permit Permit No Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 CB053695 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group # Dwelling Units Bedrooms Project Title 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CBAD MONO Sub Type' INSTALL Status ISSUED 0000000000 Lot # 0 Applied 10/27/2005 $0 00 Construction Type NEW Entered By SB Reference # Plan Approved 11/29/2005 0 Structure Type MONO Issued 11/29/2005 0 Bathrooms 0 Inspect Area DOVE LIBRARY MOHO INSTALL Applicant DALE SCHUCK Owner 405 OAK AVE 92008 434-2949 Mobile Home Issuance Fee Earthquake Bracing Fee/ Coach Setup Fee Cabana/Ranada Fee ' Private Garage Fee ! ' Awning/Carport Fee; Porch Fee t Fence Over 6ft , „ Other Building Fee ? / Building Permit s Plan Check ; Park in Lieu Fee Bridge Fee Pot Water Con Fee\ Meter Size ( Add'l Pot Water Con Fee Reel Water Con Fee ", Meter Size Add'l Reel Water Con Fee $000 $000 $000' $000 $000 $000 $000- ,$0 00 $000 $000 $000^ i$0'00 '$0 00 $0 00 .$060. $000 $000 Meter Fee V -> % \ } SDCWAFee" ^ '* , CFD Payoff Fee x \ <" PFF,(3105540) \ 's PFF (4305540) , % ( License Tax (3104193) / \ LicenseTax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541.), Traffic Impact Fee (4305541); Plumbing,Fe~e „- v i Electrical Fee - •"-"" ~~* . ^ Mechanical Fee "(' <> \ ~ - , Housing Impact Fee,^ ' / ' Housing lnLie*u Fee.'' / / Housing Credit Feet. / , Master Drainage Fee ^Seyver Fee ^AdditionalPees ^ ,, TOTAL'PERMITTEES . o $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 Total Fees $0'00 Total Payments To Date'$0 00, Balance Due.$000 IN STORAGE ATTACHED Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date 1 Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions" Y<ju have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER rOTIFIED that your nght to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been aiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO EST VAL Plan Ck Deposit Validated By Date Address (include Bldg/Suite #)Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Assessor s Parcel # Description of Work Lot No Subdivision Name/Number — > Existing Use ^ SQ FT #of Stones Unit No Phase No Proposed Use # of Bedroorns Total # of units # of Bathrooms Name Address ' s' City State/Zip S'UIFAPPUCANTI * ^P'Comracfor/' i8E3-Agent!for'ConjractoS*H Cfewner, ^GS^em for!Owner,, < ^"1" !B8 f1 iC'l B^lCLUlC T)rt(-<r jq. <Lr^iJ^J^ tJ^^^^i^ /A^iJt^' C^jLJ>BaH> rw- Telephone #Fax Name Address City State/Zip f PROPERTY OWNERS -"f^^, P/^W.X, C'T-7 O/ CfA-^.^St*U^ Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) Name State License # Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License # Telephone # Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # _ '6 ( S* WORKERS', COMPENSATWlOf.V'j I « "16 <t! • L!!!^S^I"&$ 4 ' <* « ^ 'S ?>', / « ICMTT ' ""H'iS?1 H'1?' r « 3fcU( "f1 >ll! > «"!i t ^™^ ,< (i "if .1 '.>,! if™"'11 T^- * <"J! Workers' Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations Q I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued Q I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Company _ Policy No _ Expiration Date _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$1001 OR LESS) Q CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees SIGNATURE DATE I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor s License Law for the following reason CD I. as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, wiil do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, the building or improvement is sold wttnTn one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) \&r I. as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) Q I am exempt under Section _ Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement Q YES O^O 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 5 I will provide some of the work, byfj haye contrao^sd (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated [include name / address / phone number / type of work) X PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE / \lC(3MPjJEfE!THIS DATE PERMITS ONLY™ < 4 ' "!'"' !!! ^'T .4(4$ . Uv . *! !'',, M '•'«', ' Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Q YES [&^NQ ^ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or aij^quality management district? Q YES EJ NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1 ,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Q YES B**NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 8,;j{,CONSTRUbfiON!LENDINGtAGENdY; ^ ^ i I Tf JlXL* ,"„" -TV ITSF,' "IM «\>l^\F$ "'^S^iJP, ^,Yr',"-! J ' C SL=L j.^jl.Ml^'™ 'a I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097|i) Civil Code) LENDER S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS __ 1 certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required forfexcavatiOi EXPIRATION Every permr/fssuSd b/tjie authorized by such permit i/not con/iierjc at any time after the work APPLICANT'S SIGNATURED is over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height 5^dial under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work 3o days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned BO days (Section 106 4 4 Uniform Budding Code) DATE WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 07/13/2006 Permit# CB053695 Title DOVE LIBRARY MOHO INSTALL Description Type MOHO Sub Type INSTALL Job Address 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Suite Lot 0 Location APPLICANT DALESCHUCK Owner Remarks Inspector Assignment TP Phone Inspector Total Time CD Description 79 Final Mobile Home Comment Requested By CW Entered By BINSPECT Comments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# inspection History Date Description Act Insp Comments 12/22/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP TP 12/22/2005 34 Rough Electric PA TP PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB ADDRESS DATE RESIDENTIAL t RESIDENTIAL ADDITIOt* MINOR !< $10.000.00) TENANT IMPROVEMENT - PLA^A CAMINO REAC . ^ . *Ji.i .\-f ». b CAR15BAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIRE <. COMPLETE OFFICE,BUILDING- OTHER PLANNER^ ENGINEER DATE DATE //. JFs e s I I i ODD Plan Check N Planner APN: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Address Phone (760) 602- Type of Project & Use: Zoning: _ fl f^" General Plaft CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation: Net Project Density:.DU/AC Facilities Management Zone:, / Remaining net dev acres:. Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: ) legend: S Item Complete Q Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES '. NO ~_ TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: __ Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAL/RESO. NO, PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action.' Conditions of Approval: Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES NO CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: DD Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21,1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: RevSYDI DO O 1* Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show:. North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). 2. Provide /egaf description of property and assessor's parcel number. Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines S PI PI 1- Applicability: YES. NO D n ? Pmlerf complies YES NO Zoning: ] D D ' 1- Setbacks: U Front' ' Required v Interior Side: Required Street Side: Required Rear Required ,, Ton of slope: Required _ iCUD 2- Accessory structure setbacks: . ij - Front: Required . , \ Interior Side: Required \ Street Side: Required , \ ' Rear " Required Structure separation: Required D r— I 3 lot Coverage: Required P n 4 Height: Required ?N~1 Fl 5 Parking- Spaces Required ^f \ "• *"^\ (breakdown by uses for commercial RpRirientipl Ruest Spaces Required , D n AHriitinnal Comments tGfapQtybfct M C *s I <ppf) o\flf ^^j^ && ft-fifl fo u^ ° ^ 111, f U &U-&h)flM$iJ\ L//r^cTT?j2-« fpj-ff^e ^r&lfa* 1 "fi/l < A-fr KV'fo f r^- /^^ ' *^V * 1 1 * « Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown _ Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shawn Shown Shown and industrial projects required) Shown W/JWL /^4W o - "ftf c CrjMS/OA/ 1 ^Y u -f€te /Jfoce<ft/fes> &A// • • K TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER ^L/ku DATE //=/£- or H \ADMtNCOUTJTER\BWgPlnchkRevChklrt R*v9A)1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 EAST WHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 562-697-7304 • FAX 562-691-2020 MEMBER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA - AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE CALCULATIONS FOR TMP SERVICES 425 S RANCHOAVE COLTON.CA 92324 PROJECT 050169 CALCULATIONS FOR STANDARD RAMP, LANDINGS & STAIRS - 4'-3" X 6'-0" & 5'-0" X 6'-6" MODULES WITH 200# POINT LOAD AT HANDRAILS 2001 CBC DESIGN SPACE 2235 ENCINITAS BLVD , STE 111 ENCINITAS.CA PO#1205Ao LICENSE EXPIRES 6-30-2006 DATE MARCH 15, 2005 PROPRIETARY DESIGN THIS DRAWING AND THE MATERIAL CONTAINED THEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF EXL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY AND SHALL NOT BE USED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO ASSIST IN THE MAKING OF OR THE PURPOSE OF FURNISHING ANY INFORMATION FOR THE MAKING OF DRAWINGS, PRINTS, APPARATUS OR PARTS THEREOF WITHOUT THE FULL KNOWLEDGE AND CONSENT OF EXL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC ALL PATENTABLE MATERIAL CONTAINED HEREIN AND ORIGINATED WITH EXL STRUCTttERS, INC ShALL BE THE PROPEKCLOF EXL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC 921 EAST WHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA. CALIFORNIA 90631 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 562-697-7304.FAX 552-691 -2020 MEMBER "STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA • AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE TMP SERVICES STANDARD RAMP & LANDINGS PC PLAN INDEX TITLE ' SHEET NO CALCULATIONS FOR 4'-3" WIDE SECTIONS 1 CALCULATIONS FOR 5'-0" WIDE SECTIONS 5 CALCULATIONS FOR STAIR MODULE 7 CALCULATIONS FOR OPTIONAL ALUM PLANKS 9 CALCULATIONS FOR HANDRAIL VERTICALS 13 HORIZONTAL FORCES 14 AISI EXCERPTS ' 15 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 EASTWHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691 -2020 f po ?} ^—~^_z^_r\ACO ftn-ty^^ ^4 C, ) A PROJECT 8- . CS SHEET NO OF.1C, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC 921 EASTWHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA. CALIFORNIA 90631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691-2020 TL -2- 7T x ^ x ' -3 PROJECT SHEET NO OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 EASTWHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691 -2020 pO L ~ ( r~ U/ (3 "7 PROJECT SHEET NO OF. IML STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC 921 EASTWHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691-2020 J, 1/- S\\ -X- s?. 0,2t-^ ' *- £»• f •tv O Li" x zJyU s rTZ^ffC^ 7,2^T -5 C? PROJECT SHEET NO .OF. %L STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 EASTWHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 69 1 -2020 5 / TYp, 12. v -f y M , I , I 't1 • ' • i , -i*'i? /• * NJ t/ O \/ O ^-O PROJECT SHEET NO .OF. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC 921 EAST WHITHER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 {562} 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691-2020 C Q R. O *^-i x -— - x ^j— - LU •tt PROJECT SHEET NO OF /o •—irvxri ^^\__m*'^ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 821 EASTWHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA. CALIFORNIA 80631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691 -2020 -hi ru c= -v^- o c PROJECT SHEET NO 7 .OF. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 EASTWHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA Q0631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691-2020 6 J L o *; PROJECT 'SHEET NO .OF. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 EAST WHITHER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 80631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691 -2020 ... if ' . . ' . ; I i I i . r _...... _ , <*- L J up., 5~ PROJECT SHEET NO OF. EXL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 E WHITTIER BLVD LA HABRA, CA 90631 PHONE (562)697-7304 FAX (562)691 -2020 Rev 810300 USBrKW 06012B9 VorS1 3 22-Jw-19OT Win32(C) 1683 SB ENERCALC Title Dsgnr Description Scope ' Built-Up Section Properties Date 1 45PM. 15OCT99 Page 1 , Description ALuiflofck General Information 1 Type #1 Rectangular #2 Rectangular #3 Rectangular #4 Rectangular #5 Rectangular #6 Rectangular #7 Rectangular 8 Summary •- Total Area X eg DIsL Y eg Dist Height Height Height Height Height Height Height 1 313 m2 3 10 in 1 09 in 0125m Width 6 000 in 1250m Width 01 25 in 1 250 in Width 01 25 in 1250m Width 0125m 0125 in Width 0 250 In 01 25 in Width 0250m 0125m Width 0 250 in Ixx 0 31 in4 lyy 5 04 m4 Edge Distances from CG +X 2 965 In -X -3 098 in +Y 0406 In -Y -1 094 In Xcg 3 000 In 0 500 in 3 2'50 In 5 938 in 0 500 in 3 250 m 5 938 in r xx ryy Sleft S right Stop S bottom Ycg 1 438 in 0 750 in 0 750 In 0 750 In 0 063 in 0 063 in 0 063 in 0 483 In 1 960 In 1 627 in3 1 700 m3 0 753 in3 0 280 In3 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 EAST WHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691-2020 \*-4 '- -7 - 4- CP PROJECT SHEET NO ,OF. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC 921 EASTWHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562) 697-7304* FAX (5621 691-2020 <3M ' - - r 4- '""tsTL A p f-^ XI<*'- "7 £-, > 4 v CE c >T CP PROJECT r SHEET NO .OF. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 EAST WHITTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691 -2020 i4-»<? I-VTTTX ^ \>v.«- t_ p-^ /W N/ tA^T, -t»vs*/'Vc.<^< ^ ^ C^-t^C^^ ^&OnJ,-^ " ^ PROJECT SHEET NO .OF.6? STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC. 921 EASTWHtTTIER BOULEVARD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631 (562) 697-7304 • FAX (562) 691-2020 )-4 PROJECT SHEET NO .OF. itli HIM S, |>l.'tnl>"i 1 i'lku |,,|i(|nii ol Ilir < old-KM niI'll SJM Lll'K.lLlul) p * « £ 3U. o E o o 5 graJ2 J£ !=C ^\ s I.LC :lllff i? o OJ « WL_ fn ^-* QJ TJ C ••* O (J) O •- ° cZK ~ o O c — ^o5ia O ^* flJ flj< OQ. ra ra £ ra 2 < "d 'ssajjs uoissaaduuoo Cfiai U <iml foi u^c- '.. illi UM> Si'p't n.'-ot '!, l",Si» 1- 'hLiuii of Liu- 1. old |'Y»i mud Sp- ufu .it inn V-(,7 BOLTED CONNECTIONS TABLE V-<1 5(A) Allowable Loads, in Kips for Din Aioa Slu-.ir Slieai Vi 0 0)01 0 4') 0 OS H 0 1101 ' 1 10 221 V4 0 l%3 1 % 3 9'1 H 03003 3 07 (i 14 V, 04418 442 881 % OCOU G01 1203 1 0 7851 7 85 15 71 A307 Bolts (Shear =lOksi) UKARIN'G VALUE (kips) F,, UIM) 1 ,50 x <5t 1 35 x Gl I 00 x GC 1 GO x 51 1 35 x GCi oo x r.i 1 50 x 51 1 35 x 51 I 00x5f 1 50 x fi( 1 35 \ gf 1 00 v g/ 1 GO x Gf 1 35 x 50 1 00 x 50 1 50 x 50 1 35 x 50 1 00 x 50 1 50 x 50 1 35 x 5C 1 00 x 50 THICKNESS (m) (} (12 1 U-J5 (140 0 .30 OG8 001 0 15 000 081000 1 1-i 1 01 075 1 35 1 22 fl'10 I 58 142 1 05 180 162 120 TABLE V-4 5(8) Allowable Loads in '/. 00191 „ 1 47 " 2(H -- . 1* t) IK'I .} ')! t>62 ' i' 0 1<J',3 5 89 11 78 " tt 031'OS < "920 J Ul'll y, i> 1113 ri :*,> 20,51 tt A(.«-I » IT I H 01 1 1 0 ,«1I ZtW 17 12 I GO x 50 1 35 x 5'. I 00 x fiO J 50 x 50 1 3" x lu 1 00 x GO 1 50 x 50 I 'ft) v 5i I (10 \ GO 1 5') x Go 1 35 x 5U 1 00 x 50 1 50 x V' 35 x GO ! 00 \ GO I V) x GO 1 15 s 10I/O \ Mi 1 SO \ r>0 1 35 x 10 I 00 x 10 045 0 10 0 30 OG8 001 0 15 090 081 0 60 1 12 1 01 075 ,1 15 122 0 'l'| 1 53 f 1"1 Hr, I SO 1 02 1 20 0 030 050 051 038 081 070 056 1 12 1 01 075 1 41 1 26 O'M 1 69 I F2 1 12 1 97 J 77 1 31 225 202 1 50 Kips for 0Gb 051 038 ,(KSi 0 7G OGC 1 12; 0107,5 • 1 4 1 ' 1 26 001 1 09 1 52 1 12 1 ')/ 1 77 1 31 J 25 2 02 I 50 0 03b 01.8 001 0 15 1 01out008 I 351 22 OVO } 09 1 52 I 12 202 1 82 1 J5 236 2 13 1 58 270 243 I SO A325 OCS 001 0 S5 1 01 -O'U 008 1 3) 1 2J 090 bf» 52 12 02 82 35 J '0 2 13 1 5,-i > -f(j 24} 1 SO 0018 0!W 081 000 1 35 1 22000 I 80 1 02 1 20 225 20.' • 1 GO 2 70 241 1 SO 3 15 281 2 10 3 GO 32-1 240 Bolts • 000 081 000 1 35 1 22 000 1 00 I 01' i 2D 225 - 202 ] 50 270 2 13 1 SO 3 15 2 HI 2 10 ,'/ G'l 321 2 10 o ni.,o ! 12 1 01 075 1 69 1 C2 1 12 225 2 02 I 50 281 2 53 1 J!8 3 38 Mil225 391351 202 450 4 05 300 0 075 0 105 1 41 1 97 1 26 1 77 094 131 211 2 % 1 SO 2 GO 141 I Of 2 81 3 94 2 53 351 1 fiS 2 62 3 52 4 92 3 10 4 43 231 3213 422 591 3 80 5 32 281 3!U 4 92 fi 89 4 43 G 20 3 28 -1 5' > 5 02 7 83 5 OG 7 O'J 3 75 5 25 Threading Excluded 1 12 1 01 0 75 i (>y I 52 I 12 225202 J 50 2 SI'•* r.3 i 88 338 ,10-1 2 "5 101 ! 51 202 1 V> 1 '13 '] 01) TABLE V-4 5(C) AllowablD Loads In lOps for A325 Bolls » Threading M 00191 1 03 206 V* (i 1 104 232 1 01 14 0 1%3 | 12 S21 H 030L8 0 11 12 H8 Vt 04118 928 18 5b Vk 0 6013 12 63 25 25 1 Ofo'ii 10 1't "iii.iVi _. _:.. 1 50 x 50 1 35 x 50 1 00 x GO 5-) x 30 35 x 501)0 x 5o 50 x 50 35 x 50 00 x 50 1 50 x GO I 35 x 50 1 00 x 50 1 50 x 50I 35 .x 50 I 00 x 50 1 50 x 50 1 35 x 50 I 00 X 50 1 50 X 50 I 35 x 50 1 00 x 50 045 0-10 030 OdS 001 045 OTO 081 OfiO 1 12 101075 1 35 1 22 030 I 58 142 1 05 1 80 1 02 I 20 0 56 0 51 038 081 0 70 0 50 1 12 1 01 070 1 11 1 20'094 1 09 1 52 1 12 1 1)7 1 77 1 31 225 202 1 GO OO.S 061 0 15 1 01 0 91 008 1 35 1 22 000 1 09 I 521 12 202 1 82 1 35 236 2 13 1 58 2 70 2 1J1 .SO 090 081 OGO 1 15 1 22 090 I 80 1 02 1 20 225 202 1 50 270 243 I 80 3 15281 2 10 360 321 240 1 12 1 01 0 75 I 09 1 r>2 1 12 22r>202 1 r,0 281 253 1 88 338 30-1 225 391 351 202 1 GO 105 .100 1 41 1 Lt7 1 2'J I 77t* 0 1 131 £11 ' 2 95 1 'JO 2 dl i 1 H 1 07 281 31M 253 3 fi f 1 S8 2 iVi 3 52 - 4 02 3 10 1 13 2 34 3 28 422 501 3 80 5 J'i 281 391 •1 0^ f, «0 4 It 021) 3 28 4 fiO ij f,^ 7 M 5 00 7 O'J 3 75 '> 2'i 0 135 253228 1 09 380 342 253 50(> 4 55 338 0335 70 422 759 G83 500 886707 5')I 10 12 911675 0 101 308 2 77 2 05 461 4 IB 308 0 15 5 54 4 10 7 09 G SI2 5 12 922 830 G 15 1070 909 7 18 1230 It 07 820 0 194 364 327 242 546 4 91364 723 655 485 909 818 600 1091 982 728 1273 11 46 849 1455 13 JO 970 0224 4 20 378 280 G30 567 420 840 756 560 1050 945 700 1260 11 31 840 14 70 1323 980 1080 15 12 11 20 from Shear Plane 253 228 1 09 380 3 12 253 5 Ob 4 55 338 03) 570 122 7 50 0 S3 5 06 Hfal. 7 '17 5"! , jo ;^ 9 11 G7G 303 277 2 05 ') til 4 15 3 08 (> 15 5 5( -1 10 709 692 5 12 922 8 .10 6 15 1070 ') d'l 7 1« jj •{() It 07 820 3 O'l 327 242 54b 491 364 728 G55 4 85 909 8 18 GOG 10 01982 7 28 1273 11 -10 849 11 5r; 13 10 970 420 378 280 630 5 07 420 8 10 7Cfi500 1050 9 15 700 12 GO 1 1 34 840 1170 1323 980 10 80 15 It 11 20 Not Excluded from Shear Plane 1 11 1 97 1 20 177 O'M 131 211 2 95 1 90 2 00 MI 1 '17 2 SI 3'Jl 25* 351 1 H8 2 fi'2 3 52 4 02 3 10 4 132 34 3 28 4 22 591 3 80 5 32 281 3 94 4 92 « 89 4 43 6 20 3 28 4 59 C02 788 G OG 7 09 3 75 5 ?r> 25i 228 1 O'l 3 SO 7142 2,5J 5 OG 4 55 1 !Jfi 0 J3 5 70 422 75U 083 500 88G 797 501 10 12 9 11 G 75 308 277 205 •1 01 1 15 .3 08 G r> 5 51-i in 7 09 G !)2 5 12 922830 615 1076 9G97 18 123d 11 07820 361 3 27 242 540 4D130! 728055 4 85 909 8 13GOG 1091 982 72S 1273 IMG 8,49 1485 13 10 970 420 378 280 030 507 4 20 a 40756r> GO 1050945 700 1260 11 34 840 1470 1.323 980 1680 15 12 11 20 DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR 24' x 60' COMMERCIAL COACH COMPLEX PAD/PIER/ANCHOR SYSTEM (TEMPORARY FOUNDATION SYSTEM) PROJECT MODULAR OFFICE BUILDING CITY OF CARLSBAD 405 OAK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR DESIGN SPACE MODULAR BUILDINGS, INC 2235 ENCINITAS BLVD STE 111 ENCtNITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 PREPARED BY ACUMEN ENGINEERING, INC. 12808 SOUTH 600 EAST DRAPER, UTAH 84020 OCT252005 Title to these calculations remains with ACUMEN ENGINEERING, INC The information herein is for the sole use of DESIGN SPACE MODULAR BUILDINGS, INC and shall be held confidential Re-use or reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM DESIGN LOADS PAD/PIER DESIGN Pad/Pier Spacing Column Supports GROUND ANCHOR DESIGN APPENDIX 24x60 Factory-Built Structure Pad/Pier/Anchor Design SHEET 4 5 7 A 01 DESIGN LOADS A.) Dead Loads 1 )Roof 2 )Floor 3)ExtenorWalls B.) Live Loads 1 )Roof 2 )Floor 3 )Wtnd 70 mph, Exp 'C' Primary Frame Uplift Wall Elements 4 JSeismic Zone 4 Maximum Earthquake Force 5 psf 7 psf 6 psf 20 psf 50 psf / 2000# Concentrated Load Ce Cq Qs Design Pressure (psf) P*(Ce)(Cq)(qs)(l) 1 06 1 06 1 06 Ca 044 1 3 07 1 2 Na 1 30 126 126 126 R 56 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 1 00 174 ^93 160 Design Base Shear V=((3 0)(Ca)/R)(Na)(W)(l) 0306 Em= fio(Eh) (Eq 30-2) Overstrength Factor (Qo) = 22 (Table 16-N) ;Earthquake Load Due to Base Shear (Eh) = V Em = 0 674 W Maximum Load on Elements E= p(Eh) + Ev (Eq 30-1) Redundancy Factor (p) = 1 5 Earthquake Load Due to Base Shear (Eh) = V Load Effect for Vertical Component (Ev) = 0 (ASD) E =0460 W Governing Earthquake Load E = 0 674 W Allowable Stress Design (E/1 4) (Eq 12-16) Earthquake Load Used in Lateral Design: 0 482 W PAD/PIER SPACING Input Data: Roof Live Load (Rl) 20 psf Roof Dead Load (Rd) 5 psf Exterior Wall Dead Load (Wd) 6 psf Floor Live Load (FI) 50 psf Floor Partition Load (Fp) 10 psf Floor Dead Load (Fd) 7 psf Module Width (W) 11 83 feet Sidewall Height (H) 8 feet Pad/P,ercapac.ty (P) • 4000 Ibs Calculations: Weight of Exterior Wall We = (Wd x H) 48 plf Load Acting on Outside Chassis Main Rails Wo = ((RI+Rd+FI+Fp+Fd)(W/2))+We 592 plf Maximum Spacing of Piers on Outside Main Rails S = P/Wo 6.75 feet Load Acting on Inside Chassis Mam Rails Wo = ((FI+Fp+Fd)(W/2))+We 396 plf Maximum Spacing of Piers on Inside Mam Rails S = P/Wi 10.09 feet M" ^ p*. t-^r' & ,. i* K~3 I ;, i r n • - >• \• i j i L - 6-75 t, ffc? ^7-5 ANCHOR DESIGN Input Data Design Wind Pressure (P) 174 psf Seismic Load Factor (SI) 0 482 W Roof Dead Load (Rd) 5 psf Floor Dead Load (Fd) 7 psf Exterior Wall Dead Load (Wd) 6 psf Roof Live Load used m Seismic Calculation (Rl) ' 0 psf Partition / Fixture Load used m Seismic Calculation (Pd) 5 psf Fioor Live Load used in Seismic Calculations (Fl) 0 psf Building Length (L) 60 feet Building Depth (D) 23 67 feet Exterior Wall Height (H) 8 feet Roof Depth (R) 2 feet Floor Depth (F) 0 67 feet Skirting / Foundation Height (S) 2 33 feet Miscellaneous Loads (Ml) 0 Ibs Calculations- Transverse Load Base Shear Due to Wind Vw = P x (R + F + H + S/2) x L 12356 Ibs Base Shear Due to Seismic Vs = (SI)(((LxD)(Rd+Fd+RI+Pd+FI))+ ((L+D)x2xHxWd))+MI) 15509 Ibs Governing Transverse Base Shear (V) 15509 Ibs Longitudinal Load Base Shear Due to Wind Vw = Px(R + F + H + S/2) x D 4874 Ibs Base Shear Due to Seismic (Vs) 15509 Ibs Governing Longitudinal Base Shear (VI) 15509 Ibs (cont) ANCHOR DESIGN (cont.) Anchor Capacity Lateral Load Resistance of Anchor/Strap Assembly VL " 2962 Ibs Ground Anchor Quantity In Each Transverse Direction Nt = V/VL 5 24 say 6 In Each Longitudinal Direction Nt = VIM. 5 24 say 6 Total Quantity of Anchors Required- 24 Anchors ^^DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF CODES AWt> STANDARDS NORTHERN AREA OFFICE 9342 TfiCh Center Drive #550 SACRAMENTO CA 95326-25558 (919) 255-25D? FAX (818)255-2521 From TDD Phones 1 -800-735-2929 From Volco Phones 1-8QO--735-2922 October 3,2005 Imperial Stamping Corporation 4801 Mi ddlebury Street Elkhart, IN 46516 RE Tic-Down Standard Plan Approval (SPA) SPAETS-118 Dear Sir's The purpose of this nohfication is to jssue you an expiration extension for the above noted Tie-Down SPA Effective immediately for SPA ETS-118 the expiration date has been extended Applicant: Imperial Stamping Corporation 4S01 Middlebury Street Elkhart,IN465L6 Design Engineer: SPA Number: New Expiration Date; Dave Dahmen DBA Pacific Consulting Engineers 2150 Bell Ave, Suite 145 Sacramento, CA 95638 SPA ETS-113 November L 2005 If you have any questions regarding this notification you may contact me at (916) 255-2501 Dan Fitzgerald Northern California Field Operations Administrator IT CC, FitcSPABTS-118 Dave Ddhincn .EEC wi>1S FORCONNECTIONS SIOE TIE DOWN - SEE CHART <r SINGLE WIDE SICE TIE DOWN - SEE CHART ** EHD TIC f DOWM3 I l.t'.L DOUBLE WIDE SIDE TIE DOWN - SEE CHART END TIE ^ DOWNS *• END TIE ^ DOWNS END TIE 1^ DOWNS TRIPLE WIDE *~ END TIE - DOWNS END TIE 1— DOWS ^- EARTH AUGERS OAX UMOrH OFUfC D MO^it MINIMUM NO OFSIDE TIE-DOWNS 3E 3 S* J 73 « CROSS DRIVE ANCHORS MAX LENQtH OF UFGO HOWE WmiUUM MO OF SIDE TlE-OOWNS »' I 3* 3 n 4 CONCRETE SLAB ANCHORS UAt UNCTH OfUfG 0 HOME SIDE TlE-OOWNS J4 42 30 3»'M Tie Down Location UHA-S9-2Q3R WET SET SLAfl ANCHOR e Downs Design & Genereal Notes DESIGN LOADS SOIL BEARINO TIE OOWH STRAPS — SEISMIC ZONE . (3 PSF1000 psr 3IMf WORKING LOAD4 TIE DOWN STRAPS TO BE M1N 111* WIDE *OMS THICKNESS ZINC PLATED A MEET ASTM 0-3353-91 EARTH AUOER3 ------- Jfl«( NESTED TO 4750* tf-H) CROSS DRiVQ -- IBB2I (1ESTEO TO 4750* UiN )CONCRETE SLAB ANCHORS- n«/ (CALCULATED) GENERAL NOTES I THE CKWTS SHOW* HEREIN ART FDR THt REOVfRO) WW8ER OF HE OCWHS ON THE SIDES OF THE MANUFACTURED HOME. i. TIE BCWHS HtE BEQU1WD XT EACH CHASSIS BEAM. EACH WO OF EACH TRA^PORTABLE SECTION OF THE MANUFACTURED HOME AND CAN BE AW OF THE TYPES SHOWN HEREIN 3. COMBINATIONS OF THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF TIE E>OWN% CAN BE USED 4 IN THE EVENT AN EARTH AUGER CANNOT BE INSTALLED DITTO AM OBSTRUCTION, USE OF CROSS DRTVE ANCHORS tS PERWTTTEO, PftCVIDTO (2) CROSS DflMS ARE INSTALUD FOR E*CM EARTH AUGER THAT CAHfWT BE INSTALLED 5 FOR ALL TIE COVIN IMSTAtLHTlONS. THE UFOTJ HOME CHASSIS UEWBOTS ARC SHOWH AS "I" BtAWS. F0« IU.USTT1*T)OM PURPO'iES OKLY ChV^SKBEAMS CAN ALSO BE'C SHAPED CR-RFC'SKAPO) S EHO TIE OOWWS CAN 8E LOCATtO WITHIN 2t" OF DTHEfl SIDE OF CHASSIS BEAU AXIS AS CHASSIS BEAU 7 THE SITES. TtPES, LEWGTKS, ETC. Cf UATOTAL SHOWN KETJON MINIMUM LARGER. LONGER. HEAVIER WATEK1ALS SUPPLfEU BY 0 STAMPING CORP UAY BE USED AT THE SAME SPACING * LOCATION SHOWN fl ALL PARTS ARE STAMPED WHA-SE^- WITH THE APPROPRIATE PAW NLWBO*. Installation Instructions FIRST CHECK FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS EARTH AUGERS (USTttL AUGERS 1MTO SOI fflTH CtHSTAVT DWMffARO PRESSURE TO MINIMISE SOIL OKTURa«NCe. LEAVsHG APPROX 12* OF SHVT EXPOSED INSTALL STABOJ2ER PLATE -FLUSH WITH CROUNIJ SURFACE. COMPLETE TURNING AUGER fNTO CiWUNO UNTIL AUCEH HEAD S FLUSH WITH GROUND SURFACE AND TOP OF STABILIZER PLATE. CROSS DRIVE ANCHORS 1 CROSS DRIVES ARE USED WHERE IIAftO OR ROCKY SOU OCCURS. IF THE GROUND SURFACE IS OTHER TKW ROCK Ofl MINIMUM 2* ASPHALT, WSTAU. MHA-S8-1? STABILIZER PLATE. OR PLACE tl'nll'm* DEEP CONCRETE. CONCRETE SLAB ANCHORS I CONCRETE SLAB TO BE MINIMUM 3 1/2* THKK AWO (H GOOD 2. MTNIUUM SLAB AREA REOWRED FCft EACH ANCHOR IS 211 » FEET 3 DRILL PROPER SIZE HOLE IN SLAB MIWIWUM 12' FROM Vtf EOCE. ALL APPLICATIONS 1 ATTACH STRAPS TO CHASSIS BEAM IN UANKSR SHOWN 2 WSERT STOP rWROlAIH SPUT NUT CUT OFF EXCESS STRV XHBTK;KT=M UNTIL SNUG REVISED 2/6/02 IMPERIAL STAMPING CORP. ENGINEERED TIE DOWNS ENGINEER APPROVAL THIS TIC DOWN SYSTEM UEU3 THE REQUIREMENTS.OF. SEt^TON 1J3JU. PACIFIC CONSULTINO ENGINEERS11 SO »rf An. SVU 14* STATE APPROVAL ENGINEERED TIEDOWN SYSTEM APPROVED SUBJECT TO COWiCTlOHS NffTEO Awsrovd ^o*» not njthorbt of iponw my wnJirion or Sta*t of CaHortlj D«partm«ntoJ-H(xising and Cornmufifty Oawtopmiit 3ES IMPERIAL STAMPING CORP 1861 B&UJ SHOWN, SEE•c'4-RnrCHASSIS FOR END TIE DOWN CONNECTIONS STABIUZER PLATE Earth Auger Tie Down PIER BOLT-ON TOP ^4 ^—"I'BEAM SHOWW. SttLx^ *C** "RFC" CHASSIS FOR-=r END TIE DOWN CONNECTIONS SIDE TIE POWM Concrete Tie Down PIER BOLT-ON TOP t'SEW* EHOWK, SEE•C*4" RFC'CHASSIS FOR END TIE DOWN CONNECTIONS CROWD UNE CROSS DRIVE W STABILIZER PLATE DETAIL Cross Drive Tie Down DRILL 9/1 *' HOLEAT nit) Hecwr OF BDW, 1/2' SEE'I'SEAM CHASSIS FOR TIE DOWN ANCHOR BEAM CHASSIS DRtU, B/18 HOLEAT HIO HBCHT OFB£*.«, INSTALLt/2" «07 BOLT * STETL STRAP SSE'I'BOM CHASSIS FOR TIE DOWi ANCHOR 'RFt BEAM CHASSIS MVW-SD-1 OftMJERNME WK*-CR-1PLATE WH^-SB-15 CROSS DRIVE ANCHOR KHA-SB-21 »Wr-SB-T MW-39-20JO" AWCES ANCHOR WET SET CONCRETE SLAB ANCHOR !C"Beam Chassis "RFC"Beam Chassis Imperial Tie Downs |2< (Tj m ^in ^io< I3o V (X t