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1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; CB150495; Permit
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 11-25-2015 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB150495 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CBAD Permit Type: Tl Sub Type: COMM Status: ISSUED Applied: 02/17/2015 Entered By: JMA Parcel No: 0000000000 Lot#: 0 Valuation: $1,054,929.00 Construction Type: 58 Occupancy Group: Reference# Plan Approved: 08/06/2015 Issued: 08/06/2015 Inspect Area PY Plan Check#: Project Title: COLE LIBRARY:24,352 SF REMODEL Applicant: Owner: PATRICK MCGARRY 405 OAK AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008-3009 760-434-27 49 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee Fire Expedidted Plan Review Total Fees: $0.00 $3,642.96 ($3,642.96) $2,550.07 ($2,550.07) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($43.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $43.00 $0.00 ents To Date: Meter Size Add'l Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWA Fee CFD Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (31 04193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (31 05541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees HMP Fee Green Bldg Standards Plan Chk TOTAL PERMIT FEES $0.00 Balance Due: Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ?? ?? $0.00 $0.00 N011CE: Please that~ r:i yrur pqect irdudes the" "ti , r:i fees, dedications, reservations, or other exa:±ions hereafter roledively referred to as "fees'exa:±ions." You have 00 days from the date this pemit wcs issued to protest irrp:lSitim r:i these fees'exa:±ions. If yru pctest them yru rrust fdiONthe pctest pro:x:iJres set forth in C?ovemrrent Oxle Sed:im fro20(a), ard file the putest ard any other reqlired infcmEtim wth the Oty ~ fcr p-oc.essing in amrdarre\Mth Carlsbad rvt.nidpal Oxle Sed:im 3.32.030. FailuretotirrelyfdiCNVthat prooldurewll b3r anysui:Xlequent legal actimtoattack, review, set aside, vdd, cr anm their irrp:lSitim. You are hereby FI.JRTl-iER N01lRED that yrur rig,t to pctest the Sfffltied fees' exactions OCES NOT APFl Y to \\.eler ard ret..er oonnedim fees and capacity charges, ncr plaiTing, zming, grading cr other sinilar applicatim p-oc.essing cr service fees in oonnectim wth this pqect. 1\ffi OCES IT APFl Y to any f exactionsr:JW"idl have "ousl been ·venaN011CEsinilartottis crastoW"idlthestatuter:ilinitationshas ·ous1 other\Mse "red. City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 11-25-2015 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Permit No:SW150081 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: CB#: Project Title: 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CBAD SWPPP Lot#: CB150495 COLE LIBRARY RENOVATION 0 Applicant: Owner: PATRICK MCGARRY 760-434-2749 Emergency Contact: DUTY PHONE 760-802-5861 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $0.00 Total Payments To Date: Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: Tier: Priority: ISSUED 02/17/2015 JMA 08/06/2015 py 1 M $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Balance Due: $0.00 / ~ THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: j;fpLANNING [~NGINEERING 1.14BtJILDING [~RE []HEALTH [}HAZMATIAPCD Building Permit Application Plan Check No. ~(50lf15 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Est. Value 11' L o 54 q Z o, Ca.r Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. l}eposit I email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov Date 2-/11 fl ~ lswPPP N/A JOB ADDRESS SUITE#/SPACE#/UNIT# rPN Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Dr. --- CT/PROJECT # 'LOT# I PHASE# I# OF UNITS I# BEDROOMS #BATHROOMS I TENANT BUSINESS NAME I CONSTR. TYPE I occ. GROUP 40201 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) Renovation of the Georgina Cole Library (24,352 square foot facility constructed in 1967). The goal of the renovation is to provide flexible use of space by: adding a new elevator, converting the atrium into inside space, adding fire protection sprinklers, remodeling the teen, Friend of the Library, circulation and employee areas, and adding new carpet, paint and ceiling tiles. EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE I GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) I DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE I rR CONDITIONING 1 FIRE SPRINKLERS library library YES[)! NOIZJ YES[Z]NoD YES0No0 APPLICANT NAME Patrick McGarry PROPERTY OWNER NAME Cit~r of Carlsbad Primary Contact ADDRESS ADDRESS 405 Oak Avenue 405 Oak Avenue CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA 92008 Carlsbad CA 92008 PHONE I FAX PHONE rAX 760-434-27 49 760-434-2949 EMAIL EMAIL patrick.mcgarry@carlsbadca.gov patrick.mcgarry@carlsbadca.gov DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Group4 CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME TBD ADDRESS ADDRESS 211 Linden Avenue CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP San Francisco CA 94080 PHONE I FAX PHONE I FAX 650-871-0709 x230 650-871-7911 EMAIL EMAIL jhartman@g4arch.com \STATE LIC. # STATE LIC.# \CLASS I CITY BUS. LIC.# 80-:s&/ (Sec. 7031.5 Business and ProfessiOns Code: Any C1ty or County which requ1res a perm1t to construct, alter, 1m prove, demolish or repair any structure, pnor to 1ts Issuance, also requ1res the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500]). Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration Date ________ _ This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($1 00) or less. 0 Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. 2:5 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE 0AGENT DATE I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: D 0 D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement DYes DNa 2. I (have I have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide lhe proposed construction (include name address I phone I contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of lhe work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address I phone I contractors' license number): following persons to provide the work indicated (include name I address I phone I type of work): 2:5 PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE [ZJAGENT DATE /}";Z' •/ 7' /Z) /y I I certify that I have read the application and state that the above infonnation is conect and thatthe infonnation on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned properly for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA penn it is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every penn it issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or wo~ authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such penn it or if the · orwo~ authorized permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wo~ is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Unifonn Building Code). r""' ___,_..,_ ~APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE a:;;z ·I STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCIE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. DELIVERY OPTIONS .; PICK UP: o1 CONTACT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) MAIL TO: CONTACT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) OCCUPANT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) MAIL/ FAX. TO OTHER: ________________ _ AS APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE NjPr ASSOCIATED CB# 150¥95 NO CHANGE IN USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE j NO CONSTRUCTION DATE INSPECTION RECORD COLE LIBRARY:24,352 SF REMODEL 0 INSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB Tl Lot#: COMM 0 CALL BEFORE 3:30pm FOR NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION PATRICK MCGARRY 0 FOR BUILDING INSPECTION CALL: 760-602-2725 OR GO TO: www.Carlsbadca.gov/Building AND CLICI< ON "Request ln!>Detction DATE: Type of Inspection Type of Inspection CODE# BUILDING CODE # -ELECTRICAL CODE# MECHANICAL I CODE# COMBO INSPECTION COD!fi # PLUMBING CODE# STORMWATER . REV 101.201:2 SEE BACK FOR SPe·r~iAL NOTES City, State Zip:vrSTA, CA 92081-8333 R"'ic;f<>r«><l Concrete Special Inspector Heeds ACI T1~<:h GrtH;te l{e.xpiras OS/GU/2018} .St;--uctHtd SpedaJ !flspector(expires ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician- Grade I CRAIG A BECHTEL Certification ID #01049670 Expires on: 04/25/2020 Verify at CheckACI.org DATE: APRIL 8, 2015 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 15-0495 EsGil Corporation In Partnership witli government for (Buifaing Safety SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE PROJECT NAME: GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY D APPLICANT D JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. l8J The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: PATRICK MCGARRY 405 OAK AVE. l8J EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: PAT Telephone#: 760-434-2749 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: patrick.mcgarrv@carlsbadca.gov Mail Telephone Fax In Person [g] REMARKS: Applicant to add the clouded Note (Egress lighting at exterior stairs 3 & 4) on sheet AO.O to remaining sets of plans. By: ALI SADRE, S.E. Enclosures: EsGil Corporation 0 GA 0 EJ 0 MB 0 PC 4/1 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 DATE: MARCH 04, 2015 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 15-0495 EsGil Corporation In (}!artnersliip witli qovernment for CJ3ui(aing Safety SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE PROJECT NAME: GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY O.,foPPLICANT ~JURIS. 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. 0 The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. [8] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. [8] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: PATRICK MCGARRY 405 OAK AVE. 0 EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: PAT Telephone#: 760-434-2749 Late contacte<t3/ S (by:~Email: patrick.mcgarry@carlsbadca.gov t; Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: ALI SADRE, S.E. Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA IZI EJ D MB D PC 2/20 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST TENANT IMPROVEMENTS PLAN CHECK NO.: 15-0495 OCCUPANCY: A-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-B ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: 6K SPRINKLERS?: Y REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 2/17 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: MARCH 04, 2015 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD USE: LIBRARY ACTUAL AREA: 24,352 STORIES: TWO HEIGHT: 29' OCCUPANT LOAD: 250 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 2/20 PLAN REVIEWER: ALI SADRE, S.E. This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 2013 CBC, which adopts the 2012 IBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2012 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04,2015 [DO NOT PAY-THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO.: 15-0495 PREPARED BY: ALI SADRE, S.E. DATE: MARCH 04, 2015 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A-3; V-B/SPR. BUILDING AREA PORTION (Sq. Ft.) LIBRARY 5000 REMODEL ADDITION 500 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code CB ~---------~--~~-----] Bld~~ermit Fee by Ordinance .,.. _ Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Type of Review: Complete Review D Repetitive Fee -~j Repeats D Other 0 Hourly EsGil fee Reg. VALUE Mod. 0 Structural Only ~-------~IH' @ • ($) 1,054,929 $3,642.961 $2,367.921 $2,040.061 Comments: In .addition to the above fee, an additional fee of $86_ is due (l..:hdur@ $86/hr,Y for the CaiGreen review. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • PLANS 2. Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner on the Title Sheet. Sec. 1 07.2. 3. A reminder that the revised plans & calc's shall be signed by the California state licensed engineer or architect where there are structural changes to existing buildings or structural additions. Please include the California license number, seal and date plans are signed. California Business and Professions Code. 4. Include the following code information for the proposed remodel on plans: + Occupancv C/assification(s): A-3 (Library)-Add to plans • For Mixed Occupancy Buildings, state whether the "nonseparated" or "separated" option was chosen from Sections 508.3/508.4. + Description of Use: As per above • Type of Construction: V-B-Ok as noted + Sprinklers: Yes-Add to plans • Stories: Two -Add to plans • Height: 29' -Ok as noted + Floor Area: 1st Fir.= 16,680; 2nd Fir.= .... ; Addition= .... ; Remodel= ... -Add to plans + Occupant Load: 500 -Add to plans + Justify actual versus allowable area in Table 503 (as applicable)-Add to plans + Justify actual versus allowable height or stories in Table 503 (as applicable)-Add 5. If using the "nonseparated" approach for mixed occupancies, then Section 508.3.1 requires that the most restrictive provisions of Chapter 9 shall apply to the total nonseparated occupancy area. 6. Please revise the deferred submittal list on Sheet A0.4 to match the scope of this project. • SITE PLAN CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 7. Provide a statement on the site plan stating: "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan." 8. Show the number of required and provided HC parking spaces as well as van accessible ones on plans. Section 107.2. 9. Please show distance to property lines and to the street center lines on site plans. • FIRE BARRIERS 10. A one-hour fire barrier separation is required between the A-3 occupancy and the B/S1 occupancies. Table 508.4 (see exceptions). 11. A fire barrier is not required for an accessory use not occupying more than 1 0% of the area of a floor, nor more than the tabular values for either height or area for such use (without height/area increases). Sec. 508.2.1 & 508.2.3. 12. Doors and fire shutters in fire barriers shall comply with Table 716.5: f--=---:FI:.::_:R=E-=B:_:_A:.:-R:_:_R=IE=R_:_R=---=Ac..:_T.=-:.I:_:_NG=--"(h:..:.:o=-c:u=-:..:rs=.L)_f-=M=IN=IM=U-=-M:.::-=-OPENING PROTECTION ASSEMBLY (hoursU 1 % __j 13. Openings in a fire barrier wall shall be limited to a maximum aggregate width of 25% of the length of the wall, and the maximum area of any single opening shall not exceed 156 square feet. Exception: The 156 square foot limitation shall not apply where the adjoining fire areas are sprinklered. Section 707.6. 14. Supporting construction below fire barrier walls shall be protected to afford the same fire-resistance rating of the fire barrier. Section 707.5.1. 15. Structural members supporting a horizontal fire barrier must have the same fire-resistive rating as the separation. Section 707.5.1. 16. Steel electrical outlet boxes at fire barrier walls shall not exceed 16-sq in, shall not exceed 100 sq in per 100 sq ft of wall, and shall be separated by a horizontal distance of 24" when on opposite sides of a wall. Section 714.3.2. 17. Ducts penetrating fire barriers at occupancy separations must have fire dampers. Section 717.5.2. a) InCA, Sec. 717.5.2 was modified for Group A occupancies, to require smoke dampers in addition to fire dampers. • EXITS 18. The plans shall designate the number of occupants to be accommodated on every floor, and in all rooms and spaces. Section 107.2.3. 19. Each door in a means of egress from an occupancy of Group A having an occupant load of 50 or more shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. Section 1008.1.1 0. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 20. All doors within the exit path to a public way from an occupancy of Group A having an occupant load of 50 or more shall not be provided with latches or locks unless they are equipped with panic hardware. Sections 1008.1.10 and 1008.2. 21. When additional doors are provided for egress purposes, they also shall conform to the requirements of Section 1008 (width, swing, hardware, etc.). Sec. 1008.1. 22. Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than Yz" below the threshold is required on each side of an egress door. Section 1008.1.7. 23. Note on plans: "All egress doors shall be readily openable from the egress side without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort." Section 1 008.1.9. In lieu of the above, in a Group B, or S occupancies (or Group A occupancies having an occupant load of 300 or less), you may note on the plans "Provide a sign on or near the exit door, reading THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED \NHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." This signage is only allowed at the main exit. Section 1 24. Landings are required at the top and bottom of each stairway. The width of landings shall not be less than the width of the stairways they serve. Every landing shall have a minimum dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the width of the stairway (such dimension need not exceed 48" where the stairway has a straight run). Section 1009.8. Dimension the landing at top of stair #1 on A2.1-2 to show it is adequate. • EXIT SIGNS 25. Exit signs are required whenever two exits are required. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 1011.1. 26. A tactile sign stating "EXIT" and complying with ICC A 117.1 shall be provided adjacent to each door to an exit stairway, an exit passageway and the exit discharge. Section 1011.4. 27. Show that the means of egress path will be lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. Section 1006. 28. Show separate sources of power may be required for exit illumination. Review Section 1006.3. • GLAZING 29. Label all the doors & window on the new floor plans. Many doors & windows, as per schedules are not called out on the partial floor plans. [I.e., Wiindow 22 is called out twice; doors 1 02A, 1 02C, 122 & 123 as well as doors 206 through 209 are not called out on partial floor plans-too many discrepancies to itemize]. • ACCESSIBILITY 30. Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed "Disabled Access" Review List. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 • MISCELLANEOUS LIFE/SAFETY 31. Please provide notes on the plans to show the suspended ceilings in Seismic Design Categories D, E & F comply with ASCE 7-10, Sec. as follows: a) All ceilings shall use a Heavy Duty T-bar grid system. I.e., see Sheet A9.3-1. b) The width of the perimeter supporting closure angle shall be not less than 2 inches. c) In each orthogonal horizontal direction, one end of the ceiling grid shall be attached to the closure angle. d) The other end in each horizontal direction shall have a %" clearance from the wall and shall rest upon and be free to slide on a closure angle or a listed assembly. e) Ceiling areas over 1,000 fV must have horizontal restraint wires (typically restraint would consist of four 12 gauge wires splayed 90° to each other and sloped 45° to the horizontal, spaced 12" o.c.). f) Ceiling areas over 2500 ft.2 must have seismic separation joints or full height partitions. g) Ceilings without rigid bracing must have 2" oversize trim rings for sprinklers and other ceiling penetrations. • NON-RESIDENTIAL GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS (Additions and Alterations) The California Building Standards Commission (BSC) has adopted the Green Building Standards Code which became effective January 1, 2011, and must be enforced by the local building official. The Green Building Standards apply to nonresidential additions or tenant improvements throughout California. These standards apply to nonresidential additions of 1,000 sq. ft. or larger or alterations (tenant improvements) with a value of $200,000 or more. CGC Section 301.3. Provide a sheet on the plans labeled "Green Building Code Requirements" and include the following notes as applicable. 32. Storm water pollution prevention. Note on the site plan that for projects which disturb less than one acre of land shall prevent the pollution of storm water runoff from the construction activities through one or more of the following measures (Section 5.106.1 ): a) Best management practices (BMP). Prevent the loss of soil through wind or water erosion by implementing an effective combination of erosion and sediment control and good housekeeping BMP. See Section 5.1 06.1.2 for specifics. b) Local ordinance. 33. Bicycle parking. Note on the plans that bicycle parking for projects shall comply with CGC Section 5.1 06.4. The specific details must be submitted and approved by the Planning Department. 34. Low-emitting, fuel-efficient and carpool/van pool parking. Note on the plans that fuel-efficient vehicle parking will be provided in accordance with CGC Section 5.1 06.5.2. The specific details for the parking must be submitted and approved by City Planning Department. 35. Light pollution reduction. Note on the plans that exterior light pollution must comply with CGC section 5.1 06.8. 36. Grading and paving. Note on the plans that the grading plans shall show how site grading or a drainage system will manage all surface water flows to keep water from entering buildings. CGC Section 5.1 06. 'I 0. Exception: Additions/alterations that do not alter the drainage path. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04,2015 37. Moisture control. Note on the plans that landscape irrigation systems shall be designed to prevent spray on structures. Exterior entries subject to foot traffic or wind-driven rain shall be designed to prevent water intrusion into the building. CGC Section 5.407 .2.2.1. 38. Waste management. Note on the plans that the contractor must submit to the Engineering Department or other Agency that regulates construction waste management a Waste Management Plan that outlines the items listed in CGC Section 5.408.1.1. 39. Recycling. Note on the plans that a minimum of 50% of construction waste is to be recycled. CGC 5.408.1. Documentation shall be provided to the enforcing agency which demonstrates compliance. CGC Section 5.408.1.4. 40. Waste reduction. Note on the plans that 100% of trees, stumps, rocks, and associated vegetation and soils primarily from the construction will be reused or recycled. CGC 5.408.3. 41. Recycling. Note on the plans that an identified, readily accessible area shall be provided that serves the entire building for collecting recycling, such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, metals, etc. CGC Section 5.41 0.1. 42. Documentation. Note on the plans that a building "Systems Manual" as listed in CGC Section 5.41 0.2.5 shall be delivered to the building owner or representative and the facilities operator. Further, note on the plans that the "Systems Manual" shall contain the required features listed in CGC Section 5.410.2.5.1. 43. Pollutant control. Note on the plans that during construction, ends of duct openings are to be sealed, and mechanical equipment is to be covered. CGC 5.504.3. 44. Pollutant control. Note on the plans that VOC's must comply with the limitations listed in Section 5.504.4 and Tables 4.504.1, 5.504.4.1 5.504.4.2, 5.504.4.3 and 5.504.4.5 for: Adhesives, Sealants, Paints and Coatings, Carpet and Composition Wood Products. CGC 5.504.4. 45. Pollutant control. Note on the plans that mechanically ventilated buildings shall provide regularly occupied areas with air filtration media for outside and return air that provides at least a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 8. MERV 8 filters shall be installed prior to occupancy. CGC Section 5.504.5.3. 46. Pollutant control. Note on the plans that where outdoor areas are provided for smoking, such areas are prohibited within 25' of building entries, windows and outdoor air intakes. Signage shall be posted to inform occupants of the prohibitions. CGC Section 5.504.7. 47. Environmental comfort. Wall and roof assemblies exposed to noise sources shall have an STC rating of at least 50, with exterior windows having a minimum STC of 40 in the following locations, per CGC Section 5.507 .4.1: a) Within the 65 CNEL noise contour of a freeway, railroad or industrial source, as determined by the jurisdiction's Noise Element of the General Plan. b) Within the 65 CNEL noise contour of an airport. c) Note on the plans whether or not this addition or tenant improvement is located within the areas listed above. 48. Environmental comfort. Note on the plans that wall and floor assemblies separating tenant spaces (and tenant spaces from public spaces) shall have an STC of at least 40. CGC Section 5.507.4.3. 49. Outdoor air quality. Note on the plans that installations of HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression systems will not contain CFC's or Halons, per CGC 5.508.1. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04,2015 50. Indoor water use. For building additions in excess of 50,000 sq. ft. show on the site utility plan separate sub-meters per CGC Section 5.303.1 for the following: (a) Each leased or owned space that consumes more than 100 gal/day (b) Tenant spaces containing laundry, cleaners, restaurant, medical/dental office, laboratory or beauty/barber shops. 51. Water reduction. Show on the plans the following maximum fixture flow rates from Table 5.303.2.3 and Section 5.303.3, as shown below. Revise general notes, plumbing plans, etc. to match. CGC 5.303. For additions or alterations, this only applies to new fixtures. MAXIMUM FIXTURE FLOW RATES FIXTURE TYPE MAXIMUM FLOW RATE Lavatory faucets-nonresidential 0.5 gpm @60 psi Metering faucets 0.2 gallons/cycle Water closets 1.28 gallons/flush Urinals 0.5 gallons/flush 52. When a shower is provided with multiple shower heads, the sum of flow to all the heads shall not exceed 2 gpm, or the shower shall be designed so that only one head is on ail a time. CGC 5.303.3.3.2. 53. Outdoor water use. Note on the plans that a water budget shall be developed for landscape irrigation use that conforms to the local water efficient landscape ordinance. Where no local ordinance exists, show compliance with the California Department of Water Resources Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. See Sections 492.5 through 492.9, 492.10 and 492.11 of the State ordinance at http:l/www.water.ca.gov/wateruseefficiency/docs/WaterOrdSec492.cfm . 54. Outdoor water use. Note on the plans that for new water service (or additions/alterations with > 1, 000 square feet of cumulative landscaped area), separate submeters or metering devices shall be installed for outdoor potable water use. Also, irrigation controllers and sensors shall be installed. CGC Sections 5.304.2 and 5.304.3. 55. Note on the plans that prior to final inspection the licensed contractor, architect or engineer in responsible charge of the overall construction must provide to the building department official written verification that all applicable provisions from the Green Building Standards Code have been implemented as part of the construction. CGC 1 02.3. • STRUCTURAL 56. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: a) The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and c) The foundation excavations comply with the intent of the soils report." 57. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation/ grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. 58. Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building. The grade shall fall a min of 5% within the first 1 0' (2% for impervious surfaces). Section 1804.3. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 59. The following design loads shall be clearly indicated on the construction documents. (Section 1603.1 ): Please add the following items on Sheet S-1.1: • Floor live load. Uniformly distributed, concentrated, and impact live load, including any live load reductions used, should be indicated. • Roof live load. Each roof live load used should be indicated. • Wind load. The following information should be provided, (Section 1603.1.4) o Risk category o Wind exposure o Applicable internal pressure coefficient o Components and cladding (the design wind pressure in terms of psf to be used for the design of exterior component and cladding materials not specifically designed by the registered design professional) • Seismic design data. The following information should be provided. (Section 1603.1.5) o Design base shear o Seismic response coefficient(s), C8 o Analysis procedure used. 60. The plans shall indicate that special inspection will be provided for the following work. (Section 1 07.2) a) Steel construction. Special inspections for steel elements should be provided in accordance with Section 1705.2. b) Welding. Welding inspection should be provided in accordance with Section 1705.2. c) Concrete construction. Special inspections and verifications should be provided in accordance with Section 1705.3. d) Masonry construction. Special inspection should be provided for all masonry construction in accordance with Section 1705.4. e) Epoxy Anchors. Periodic special inspection should be provided for anchors installed in hardened concrete. Section 1705.3. 61. A Statement of Special Inspections, prepared by the registered design professional in responsible charge, shall be submitted. This statement shall include a complete list of materials and work requiring special inspection, the inspections to be performed and an indication whether the special inspection will be continuous or periodic. Section 1704.3. 62. Provide the following note on the plans: "The contractor responsible for the construction of the seismic-force-resisting system shall submit a written Statement of Responsibility to the building official prior to the commencement of work on the system." Section 1704.4. SOC 8-F 63. Collector Design Forces . Collector elements, splices and their connections to resisting elements should be designed to resist the prescribed forces. They must also have the design strength to resist the special load combinations of Section 12.4.3 (Section CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 ORDINARY MOMENT -RESISTING FRAME (OMRF) REQUIREMENTS 64. OMRF connection requirement. Beam-to-column connections should be made with welds or high-strength bolts. Connections should be either FR or PR (Type 1 or Type 3), to be designed in accordance with AISC 341-E1-6b, or 6c. 65. Provide width-to-thickness ratios of members for OMF to comply with AISC 360 requirements. AISC 341-E1-Sa. 66. The maximum inelastic response displacement, f1M, of the frame shall not exceed (0.015h) per ASCE 7, 12.12.1. 67. Continuity plates shall be detailed on the plan as follows: A/SC 341-E3-6f: a) For two-sided connections, the minimum thickness of continuity plate shall equal to that of the thicker of beam flanges (or beam-flange connection plate). For one-sided connections, continuity plate thickness shall be at least one half of the thickness of the beam flange (or beam-flange connection plate). b) Continuity plates shall be welded to column webs using groove welds or fillet welds. The welding strength shall comply with AISC 341-E3-6f. 68. Fully restrained moment connections that are part of the SFRS shall satisfy at least one of the following requirements: AISC 341-E1-6b: a. The required flexural strength shall be equal to 1.1 RyMp (LRFD) or (1.1/1.5)RyMp (ASD). The required shear strength, Vu, or Va, shall be based on the load combinations stipulated in the CBC including the amplified seismic load, where the amplified seismic load due to the effect of horizontal forces, including overstrength, is Emh = 2(1.1 RyMp)/Lct· b. Fully restrained moment connections shall be designed for a required flexural strength and a required shear strength equal to the maximum moment and corresponding shear that can be transferred to the connection by the system, including the effects of material overstrength and strain hardening. 69. Show Fully Restrained connections: a. Comply with AISC 341-E1 -6b for a flexural strength that is equal to 1.1 RyMp(LRFD) or (1.1/1.5)RnMp (ASD), as appropriate, of the beam or girder, or the Maximum moment that can be developed by the system, whichever is less. AJSC 341-E1-6b. b. For FR connections, the required shear strength Vu(LRFD) or Va(ASD), as appropriate of the connection shall be determined using the E for earthquake load effect per Eq (E1-1) of AISC 341. AISC 341-E1-6b: i. Where E is used for strength design, the required shear strength, Vu of the connection shall be determined using load combination 1.20 + 1.0E + L + 0.2S (where L can be reduced to 0.5 per exception in Section 2.3 of .ASCE 7-10). ii. The required shear strength need not exceed the shear resulting from the application of appropriate load combination stated in the applicable code using the amplified seismic load. 70. The connection of the frame to the Column Base shall be desig,ned to transmit forces to the foundation per CBC. Column base elements include anchor bolts, base plate welds, and any elements that transfer shear, moment, or tension to the foundation: See the next items as well for the required load combinations: CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04,2015 a. The seismic loads to be transferred to the foundation soil interface shall be based upon the seismic load combinations of ASCE 7, Section b. Design of concrete elements at the Column Base, including anchor rod embedment and reinforcement steel, shall be in accordance with CBC, Chapter 19. c. Grade beams shall be provided with ductile detailing per ACI 318, Chapter 21.6 & 21.12. 71. Seismic Load Effect SDC B -F a) Seismic load effect, E. The seismic load effect, E, should be computed in accordance with the following equation set forth in ASCE?-10, Section 12.4.2: E =pQE + 0.2SosD b) Maximum seismic load effect, Em. The maximum seismic load effect, Em, should be computed in accordance with the following equation set forth in ASCE?-'10, Section 12.4.3 to be used in the special seismic load combinations of Section Em = OoOE + 0.2SosD 72. Please specify where details 5, 7 & 8/S-5.2 are cross referenced on plans. 73. Please indicate where details 1 & 6/S-4.2 are called out on plans. 74. Please note where detaii7/S-4.1 is referenced on plans. 75. Please state where detail D/S-2.3 is called out on plans. 76. Additional corrections may be necessary once the revised plans & calculations are submitted for review and approval. • ADDITIONAL 77. Please see attached for P/M/E & HC items. 78. To speed up the review process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 79. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: D Yes D No 80. The jurisdiction has contracted with EsGil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact ALI SADRE, S.E. at EsGil Corporation. Thank you. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen PLUMBING (2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE) 1. Are the restrooms being remodeled? If so include complete plumbing fixture specifications on the plans. 2. If the plumbing fixtures predate 01/01/1994, please review SB407 for possible fixture replacement requirements. MECHANICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE) 3. The above ceiling areas are being used as return air plenums. On the mechanical plans clearly show the limits of ceiling space used as duct or plenum. CMC 602.2. Then address the following on the plans: • Specify that all combustible materials exposed within the plenum space must comply with CMC Section 602.2. Flame-spread index of not more than 25 and a smoke-developed rating of not more than 50. (Wood not permitted, construction type is described as VB). • Environmental duct systems under positive pressure and/or product- conveying duct systems shall not extend into or through ducts or plenums. CMC Sections 504.0 (Environment) & 505.0 (Product conveying). • Add the following three specifications to the mechanical and electrical plans: "Electrical wiring methods to be installed in the plenum areas shall comply with NEC 300-22(c)1 ", "Nonmetallic pneumatic tubing must be listed and labeled for use in plenum areas", and "Recessed speaker enclosures and light fixtures shall be listed and labeled for use in plenum locations". Detail the primary and secondary mechanical condensate waste design: Pipe sizing, routing, and termination areas. CMC 312.5 & CPC 807.0 4. How are mechanical rooms 1 & 2 accessed? 5. Provide smoke detection in the supply air duct of an "air-moving system" for required shut-off of equipment for smoke control. CMC Section 608.1 Note on plans whether the detector is existing or to be installed "new". • An "air-moving system" is a system designed to provide heating, cooling, or ventilation in which one or more air-handling units are used to supply air to a common space or to draw air from a common plenum or space. ELECTRICAL (2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE) 6. Include a load calculation for circuits A37 -39 based upon a continuous load factor. Note: Electronic loads used to present problems because of harmonic waveforms, not sure if this is still the case however. 7. Exterior stairs 3 & 4 currently require egress illumination (with back up power). Please review. CBC 1006.3 CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04,2015 ENERGY (2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY STANDARDS) o Energy is okay as submitted. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04,2015 DISABLED ACCESS REVIEW LIST DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT-TITLE 24 The following disabled access items are taken from the 2013 edition of California Building Code, Title 24. Per Section 1.9.1, all publicly and privately funded public accommodations and commercial facilities shall be accessible to persons with disabilities. Please reflect the following items on plans: • SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS 1. Clearly show that the site development and grading are designed to provide access to all entrances and exterior ground floor exits, as well as access to normal paths of travel, per Section 11 B-206. Where necessary to provide access, shall incorporate pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, stairways and handrails, etc. 2. When more than one building or facility is located on a site, accessible routes of travel shall be provided between buildings and accessible site facilities, per Section 11 B-206.2.2. 3. Show or note that at every primary public entrance, and at every major function area along, or leading to, an accessible route of travel there is to be a sign displaying the international symbol of accessibility. Signs are required to indicate the direction to accessible building entrances and facilities, per Section 1.1 B-216.3. 4. Show that an accessible route of travel is to be provided to all portions of the building, to accessible building entrances and between the building and the public way. per Section 11 B-206.2.1. 5. Where more than one route of travel is provided, all routes shall be accessible. Section 11 B-206.2.1. 6. Show that a 36" wide detectable warning material is provided at boundaries between walkways and vehicular ways. Sections 11 B- and 11 B-705.1.2.5. 7. Show that stairways occurring outside a building comply with Section 11 B-504.4.1 as follows: a) The upper approach & all treads shall be marked with a strip of contrasting color as follows: i) ~2" in width; Placed parallel to and ::>1" from the nose of the step or landing. ii) The strip is required to be as slip resistant as the treads of the stairs. iii) A painted stripe will be acceptable, but grooves shall not be used to satisfy this requirement. b) Treads shall be: Smooth, rounded or chamfered exposed edges; Have no abrupt edges at the nosing projecting <::1 %" past the face of the riser above; Open risers are not permitted. • ACCESSIBLE PARKING 8. Each lot or parking structure where parking is provided for the public, as clients, guests or employees, shall provide accessible parking as required by Section 11 B-208.2. 9. Show that accessible parking spaces comply with Section 11 B-502.2 as follows: a) Single spaces shall be 14' wide and outlined to provide a 9' parking area and a 5' loading and unloading area. This loading/unloading area may be on either side of the vehicle. b) When more than one space is provided, in lieu of providing a 14' space for each space, two spaces can be provided within a 23' area with a 5' loading zone between each 9'0" wide space. c) Each space is to be a minimum of 18' in depth. 10. Show on the site plan the required number of accessible parking spaces for new facilities. Per Table 11 B- 208.2, the minimum number of spaces is: a) 1 for each 25 spaces up to 1 00 total spaces. b) 1 additional space for each 50 spaces for between 101 and 200 total spaces. c) 1 additional space for each 100 spaces for between 201 and 500 total spaces. 11. At least one in every 2 accessible parking spaces (but not less than one) shall be served by an access aisle 8' in width and designated as VAN ACCESSIBLE, per Section 11 B-208.2.4. This loading/unloading area must be on the passenger side of the vehicle. Alternately, the parking stall may be 12' wide with the access aisle 5' wide. Section 11 B-502.3.4. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 12. The words "NO PARKING" shall be painted on ground within each loading and unloading access aisle (in white letters no less than 12" high & located so that it is visible to traffic enforcement officials). Sec. 11 B-502.3.3. 13. Show that the accessible parking spaces are located, per Section 11 B-208.3.1 as follows: a) On the shortest possible route to an accessible entrance, when serving a particular building. b) On the shortest route of travel to an accessible entrance of a parking facility. c) Spaces are to be dispersed and located closest to accessible entrances where buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking. 14. Show that a bumper or curb is to be provided, and located at each space, to prevent encroachment of cars into the required width of walkways, per Section 11 B-502. 7 .2. 15. Show or note that the maximum slope of the parking surface at the accessible space and adjacent access aisle, in any direction, is :5 1 :48, per Section 11 B-502.4. 16. Show or note on the plans that the accessible parking spaces are to be identified by a reflectorized sign, permanently posted immediately adjacent to and visible from each space, consisting of: a) A profile view of a wheelchair with occupant in white on dark blue background. b) The sign shall ;::70 in.2 in area; When in the path of travel, they shall be posted ;::8(1" from the bottom of the sign to parking space finished grade. c) Signs may also be centered on the wall of the interior end of the parking space. d) Van-accessible spaces shall have an additional sign "Van-Accessible" mounted below the symbol of accessibility. e) In addition, the surface of each accessible space is required to be marked with the international symbol of accessibility. 17. Show, or note, that an additional sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to off street parking facilities, or immediately adjacent to and visible from each stall or space. Section 11 B-502.8.2. The sign shall be ;::17" x 22" with lettering not :51" in height. Per Section 11298.4 required wording is as follows. "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for persons with disabilities may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning " 18. Ramps shall not encroach into any accessible parking space or adjacent access aisle. Sec. 11 B-406.5.1. 19. Show on the site plan that accessible parking space(s) are to be located such that a person with a disability is not required to travel behind parking spaces other than to pass behind the parking space in which they parked, per Section 11 B-502.7.1. • WALKS AND SIDEWALKS 20. If any proposed walks slope >1 :20 they must comply with ramp requirements, per Sec. 11 B-402.2. 21. Walks along an accessible route of travel are required to be ;::48" minimum in width and have slip resistant surfaces, per Section 11 B-403.5.1, Exception 3. 22. The maximum permitted cross slope for walkways shall be 1 :48, per Section 11 B-403.3. 23. Show or note that any abrupt level changes will be ::;Y,." along any accessible route of travel. When changes do occur, they shall be beveled with a slope of :51 :2. Level changes of :5~" may be vertical. Section 11 B-303. NOTE: If level changes >W', they must comply with the requirements of ramps. 24. Provide details or interior elevations to show that objects projecting from walls with their leading edges comply with Section 11 B-307 .1: a) >27" but :580" above finished floor protrude :54" into walks, halls, corridors, passageways or aisles. b) :527" or >80" above finished floor may protrude any amount. c) Freestanding objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang :512" into the walk, hall, etc. if ;::27" but :580" above ground surface or finished floor. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 25. Show that a 60" x 60" level area is provided at areas where a door (or gate) swings toward the walk in the accessible route of travel, per Section 11 B-404.2.4. Show that the walk extends ~24" beyond the strike edge of the strike edge of any door (or gate) that swings toward the walk. • CURB RAMPS 26. Curb ramps shall be constructed where a pedestrian way crosses a curb, per Section 202. 27. Plans shall show that curb ramps are ~48" wide with a slope of :51:12 (8.33%), per Sec. 11 B-406.5.2. 28. The slope of the fanned or flared sides of curb ramps shall not exceed 1:10, per Sec. 11 B-406.2.2. 29. Provide details or note on the plans that all curb ramps have a grooved border 12" wide at the level surface of the sidewalk along the top and each side approximately 3/4" o.c., per Section 11 B-406.5.11. 30. Show that detectable warnings, 36" deep and extending the full width of the curb ramp, inside the grooved border, are to be installed for all curb ramps (regardless of slope), per Section 11 B-705. Only approved DSAIAC detectable warning products and directional surfaces shall be installed. Section 11 B-705.3. 31. Locate curb ramps to prevent obstruction by parked cars, per Section 11 B-406.5.1. 32. Show that the landing at the top of the curb shall be level and ~48" depth for the entire width of the curb ramp. Section 11 B-406.5.3. • PEDESTRIAN RAMPS 33. Show that any path of travel with a slope ~1 :20 complies with pedestrian ramp requirements, Sec. 11 B-402.2. 34. The allowable slope for an accessible ramp is :51:12 (8.33%), per Section 11 B-405.2. 35. The allowable cross slope at pedestrian ramps shall be :5 1:50 per ft (2%), per Section 11 B-405.3. 36. Show or note that ramp surfaces will be slip resistant. Section 11 B-302.1. 37. Ramps shall have a minimum width of 48 inches, per Section 11 B-405.5. 38. Ramps shall be provided with intermediate landings where the rise is >30 inches. Section '11 B-405.6. 39. Show required landings at the top and bottom of ramps, per Section 11 B-405.7. a) The bottom landing shall be ~ 72" in the direction of travel. b) The top landing shall be a ~60" x 60". 40. Show that the required intermediate landing is provided, per Section 11 B-405.7.4 as follows: a) ~60" long where the ramp does not change directions. b) ~72" long where the ramp does change directions. 41. Show the minimum required depth of landing where a door swings over the top landing. The minimum depth of the landing is required to be equal to the door width, plus 42", per Section 11 B-405.7.5. 42. Show or note that handrails meet the following requirements, per Section 11 B-505: a) Are continuous; Are to be located ~34" but :538" above the ramp surface. b) Extend ~12" beyond both the top and bottom of the ramp. Extensions of handrails shall be in the same direction of the ramp runs; Ends are to be returned to a wall or walking surface. 43. Plans shall show that the strike edge distances at doors comply with the requirements of Section 11 B-404.2, as follows: ~24" at exterior ramps; ~18" at interior ramps. 44. Show handrails at each side of ramp(s) which are shown to be ~1 :20 (5%) in slope, per Section 11 B-505.2. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 45. Show that handrails are ;:::1 %" but :52" in any cross sectional dimension. Additionally, show that the handrails are placed a ;:::1 W' from any wall, per Section 11 B-505.7. 46. Where the ramp surface is not bounded by a wall, the ramp shall comply with one of the following requirements, per Section 11 B-405.9.2: a) A guide curb a minimum of 2" in height shall be provided at each side of the ramp; or b) A wheel guide rail shall be provided that prevents the passage of a 4" sphere where the sphere is within 4" of the finish floor. 47. Note that all wall surfaces, adjacent to handrails, will be free of sharp or abrasive elements, per Section 11 B- 505.8 (i.e., no stucco). • ENTRANCES AND CIRCULATION 48. Show that all entrances, and exterior ground level exits, are accessible, per Section 11 B-206.4.1. • DOORS 49. Show that all hand-activated door opening hardware meets the following requirements, per Sec. 11 B-404.2. 7: a) Latching, or locking, doors in a path of travel are operated with a single effort by lever type hardware, by panic bars, push-pull activating bars, or other hardware designed to provide passage without requiring the ability to grasp the opening hardware. b) Is to be centered ;:::34" but :544" above floor. 50. Show or note that the lower 1 0" of all doors comply with Section 11 B-404.2.1 0, as follows: a) To be smooth and uninterrupted, to allow the door to be opened by a wheelchair footrest, without creating a trap or hazardous condition. b) Narrow frame doors may use a 1 0" high smooth panel on the push side of the door. 51. Show or note that the maximum effort to operate doors shall not exceed 5 pounds, with such pull or push effort being applied at right angles to hinged doors and at the center plane of sliding or folding doors. When fire doors are utilized, the maximum effort to operate the door may be increased to not exceed 15 pounds. Section 11 B-404.2.9. • STAIRWAYS AND HANDRAILS The following provisions apply to stairways with one or more risers, per Section 202. 52. Show that handrails are provided on each side of the stairs, per Section 11 B-505.2. 53. Provide sections, details or notes to show that handrails are to be located ;:::34" but :538" above nosing of treads, per Section 11 B-505.4. 54. Per Section 11 B-505.7, provide details, sections or notes to show that handgrip portions of handrails are: a) ;:::1 %" and :52" in cross sectional dimension; The shape may provide an equivalent gripping surface. b) The handgrip portion shall have a smooth surface, without any sharp corners. 55. Show or note that interior stair treads are marked at the upper approach and the lower tread of each stair, by a strip of clearly contrasting color, per Section 11 B-504.4.1, as follows: a) At least 2" wide (but not more than 4" wide). b) Placed parallel to and not more than 1" from the nose of the step or landing. c) The strip shall be as slip resistant as the other treads of the stair. 56. Show that handrails extend ~12" beyond top nosing, and ;:::12"-plus-tread-width beyond the bottom nosing. At the top, the extension shall be parallel with the floor. At the bottom, the handrail shall continue to slope for a distance of one tread width; the remainder of the extension shall be horizontal. The extensions of handrails shall be in the same direction of the stair flights. Section 11 B-505.1 0. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 57. Stair treads shall be no less than 11" deep, measured from riser to riser. Section 11 B-504.2. This applies even if basic CBC provisions may allow a narrower tread. 58. Note that all tread surfaces comply with Section 11 B-504.3 and 11 B-504.5, as follows: a) Open risers are not permitted; Be slip resistant; Have no abrupt edges at the nosing. b) Stair treads shall be no less than 11" deep, measured from riser to riser. c) Have smooth, rounded or chamfered exposed edges. d) Nosing shall not project~ 1 %" past the face of the riser above. • ELEVATORS 59. Specify on the plans that a two-way communication system shall be provided at the elevator landings on each accessible floor. Section 1007.8. This applies whether or not the building has a fire sprinkler system. 60. Show on the plans to show that the inside of the elevator car complies with the following, per Section 11 8- 407.4.1. The clear distances between walls, or between the walls and the door, excluding return panels, is: a) ;:::80" by 54" (at center opening doors). b) ;:::68" by 54" (at side-slide opening doors). i) In California, Section 3002.4A was modified for Group A occupancies, to require an elevator sized to accommodate the loading and transport of an ambulance gurney with dimensions of 84 inches by 24 inches. c) The distance from walls to front return panel is ;:::51". • RESTROOM FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES 61. Show, or note, on the plans that accessible urinals meet the following requirements, per Section 118-605: a) The control mechanism is to be located ::>44" above the floor. b) ;:::30" x 48" clear floor space is provided in front of the accessible urinal. i) 36"x48" clear floor space when the urinal is located in an alcove that exceeds 24" in depth, per section 11 8-305.7 .1. 62. Show, or note, on the plans that the accessible water closets meet the following requirements, per Sections 11 8-604.4 and 11 8-604.6: The seat is to be ;:::17" but ::>19" in height; The controls for flush valves shall be: Mounted on the side of the toilet area; Be ::>44" above the floor. 63. Show that accessible lavatories comply with the following, per Section 118-606: a) <::30" x 48" clear space is provided in front for forward approach. The clear space may include knee and toe space beneath the fixture. b) When lavatories are adjacent to a side wall or partition, there shall be a minimum of 18" to the center line of the fixture to the wall; The counter top is ::>34" maximum above the floor. c) ;:::29" high, reducing to 27" at a point located 8" back from the front edge. d) ;:::9" high x 30" wide and 17" deep at the bottom; Hot water pipes and drain lines are insulated. 64. Show that grab bars comply with the following, per Sections 11 B-604.5 and 11 8-609: a) Grab bars shall be located on each side or one side and the back of the water clm;et stall or compartment; They shall be securely attached 33"-36" above the floor, and parallel. b) Grab bars at the side shall be located: Be ;:::42" long with the front end positioned 24" in front of the stool; Total length of bars at the back shall be ;:::36". c) The diameter, or width, of the grab bar gripping surface is ;:::1 %" but ::>2", or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface; If mounted adjacent to a wall, the space between the wall and the grab bar shall be 1 W'. 65. Per Section 11 B-603.5, show on the plans ::>40" height for: a) The operable parts of at least one: Paper towel dispenser; Sanitary napkin dispenser; Waste paper disposal; Other similar dispensing and/or disposal fixtures; The bottom edge of miirrors. CARLSBAD 15-0495 MARCH 04, 2015 • SINGLE ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES 66. Show a sufficient space in the toilet room for a wheelchair to enter the room and close the door, per Section 11 B-603.2. The space is required to be: a) ::::60" diameter; AT-shaped space as shown in Figure 11 B-304.3.2. b) Doors are not permitted to encroach into this space by more than 12 inches. 67. Doors may swing into the restroom as long as there is a clearance of at least 30" x 48" beyond the swing of the door. Section 11 B-603.2.3. 68. Show that the water closet is located in a space which provides: a) A clear space at the water closet in compliance with Section 11 B-604.3.2 (this prohibits any fixtures from encroaching into the clear space at the rear wall). b) A clear space in front of the water closet measuring 60" wide by 48" in front. Section 11 B-604.3.1. See the following figures. Revise details on 2/A4.3-1 accordinglv. i) Please notice that the 28" clearance required in the previous code (between the water closet and the lavatory) has been changed to a 60" clearance as shown in the figure. CARLSBAD STORM WATER COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT B-24 Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov I am applying to the City of Carlsbad for the following type(s) of construction permit: 1Ji Building Permit D Right-of-Way Permit "El<My project is categorically EXEMPT from / the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it only requires issuance of one or more of the following permit types: Patio/Deck Photo Voltaic Re-Roofing Sign Spa-Factory Sprinkler Electrical Fire Additional Fire Alarm Fixed Systems Mechanical Mobile Home Plumbing Water Discharge Project Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria* No Threat Assessment Criteria 0 My project qualifies as NO THREAT and is exempt from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it meets the "no threat" assessment criteria on the City's Project Threat Assessment Worksheet for Determination of Construction SWPPP Tier Level. My project does not meet any of the High, Moderate or Low Threat criteria described below. Tier 1 · Low Threat Assessment Criteria 0 My project does not meet any of the Significant or Moderate Threat criteria, is not an exempt permit type (See list above) and the project meets one or more of the following criteria: • Resu Its in some soil disturbance; and/or • Includes outdoor construction activities (such as saw cutting, equipment washing, material stockpiling, vehicle fueling, waste stockpiling). Tier 2 · Moderate Threat Assessment Criteria 0 My project does not meet any of the Significant Threat assessment Criteria described below and meets one or more of the following criteria: • Project requires a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); or, • Project will result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stoGkpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas and project meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • Located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean, and/or • Disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, and/or • Disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse, and/or • Construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 through April30). Tier 3 · Significant Threat Assessment Criteria 0 My project includes clearing, grading or other disturbances to the ground resulting in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, stockpiling, pavement removal, refueling and maintenance areas: and/or 0 My project is part of a phased development plan that will cumulatively result in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas: or, 0 My project is located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area (see City ESA Proximity map) and has a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge(s). I certify to the best of my knowledge that the above checked statements are true and correct. I understand and acknowledge that even though this project does not require preparation of a construction SWPP, I must still adhere to, and at all times during construction activities for the permit type(s) check above comply with the storm water best management practices pursuant to Title 15 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to City Standards. Project Address: Assessor Parcel No. 1~?'70 Qtj''LsbtuL vt1IM e/ Dr. 'The City Engineer may authorize minor variances from the Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria in special circumstances where it can be shown that a lesser or higher Construction SWPPP Tier Level is warranted. B-24 Owner/Owner's Authorized Agent Name: Page 1 of 1 Title: Rev.03/09 DATE: 4/7/15 PROJECT NAME: Cole Library Renovation PROJECT ID: PLAN CHECK NO: CB150495 SET#: ADDRESS: 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive APN: [X] This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By: PAM DREW A Final Inspection by the PLANNING Division is required DYes C8J No You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should Include corrections from all divisions. D This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPROVAL has been sent to: PATRICK McGARRY For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: ENGINEERING 760-602-'2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-60:2-4665 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov D Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov ~ Pam Drew 760-602-4644 Remarks: P-29 Page 1 of 1 07/11 CITY OF PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL 1 1n'Pu'T ~B 1 J)G" v _._..~lcommuoity & Eccmomie · · Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carisbadca.gov DATE: 4-27-15 PROJECT NAME: Cole Ubrary Remodel PROJECT 10: PLAN CHECK NO: CB150495 SET#: m ADDRESS: 405-Oak A:.:ew-APN: I 0. 5Z:> C.,.,V !J ~ This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the Fire Division. By: D. Fieri A Final Inspection by the Fire Division Is required [8J Yes 0 No D This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Cheek Comments have been sent to: You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the Issuance of a bulldtng permit Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: D Chris Sexton 760~602~4624 J2b.ris.Sexton@qar~~Y [J Gina Ruiz 760~602~4675 Gina.Ruiz@carls!:l!!Q~gQ,y D Remarks: D Kathleen Lawrence 760~602·27 41 Katbleen.l,awrence@~ca.gQy D D Linda Ontiveros 760M602~2773 Linda.Qntiv~ros@carlsbadc§.gQy D Greg Ryan 760~602~4663 ~~ran@c~rlabade~y D ClndyWong 760-602~4662 Cynthi~.Wqng@caWiJ:)gadca.gQY. ~ Dominic Fieri 760~602~4664 QrunitJ.i£,.fl!lr.~c~4Q.\t Carlsbad Fin~ Departnu~nt N;;uu~: Addrl;lss: PATRICK MCGA1~1t Y 4Q~ OAK.7 AVE ,,--· -- CARLSBAB CA 9:W08~3Q09 Jol;l Marne: Job Addrtil~s: COLE LIBRARY:24,3~2 SF REMODEL 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CBAD , ' ' tOo,,;\');,' ' ' • .;,":·'·C;"C<t,,,"_ • -~--~. ' ' \ ~UiCOMPL . ··., 1 hliltt~m you ~ve subt111tted for rev1ew mcompcie.t.~. ·.At tlu~ . "e,, th:l$ otn(.H~ O&l11'1Qt ad~~tely con<i\~Pt a're'\d.~~v to deter!nine oomplian.cewith the licable c'bde§and/o{'&ti;Uld~&; .. ,,J~lease fli\view carefulfY'1tlJcomirt~.nts awiohed., Pleas~:,t:;,~submit the 11ece~sary pl!ps and/or specttl~Jttio~,with c~gf.l,~ "d~~ded", to this oft1ce;'to~i~:Jew and approval,>::,,,,) · -... ,) ··~~"-'"'") ·"""'......J Concl: CON0008223 [MET) THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS, THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR AfJPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW, Entry: 04/27/201§ By: df Aotion; AP B DEP1~COPY RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Page 1 of8 Daryl K. James & Associates, Inc. 205 Colina Terrace Vf~ta, CA 92084 CORRECTION LIST Checked by: DarYl Kit James Date: ~qruary ~. ~Q!§ 1 (760) ,724~7001 Eml;lii: kitfire@sbcglobal.net AP~LJCANT: Patrick McGar PROJECT NAME JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Fire Dapiiartment PROJECT ADDRESS: 1250 Carlsbad Village Dr. PROJr::c·r DESCRiPTION: CB150495 Renovation of Georgina Cole Library {24,352rtJ faciiU.Y constructed in 1961). Provide flexible use of space by adding a new elevator, converting the atrium into inside space, adding fire protection sprinklers, remodeling the Teen, Friends of the l.Jbra.ry, Circulation and Employee areas and adding new carpet. paint and ceiling tiles. RE§UBMITTALINSTRUfT,l9,N§ TO ~VOID DELAY IN EX~EQI;TED RECHECK,~.E,RYICES Iii Corrections or modifications to the plans mlJSt be claude£ and include numbered deltas and revision dates. • Provide a written response following each comment, On ThisCorr~c;tiQn,. Lis!, explaining how and where each plan review corrlmfmt has been addres~ed. ~t Provide a copy of Building Department (EsGil) comments. Input fire revisions onto the Building Dept. pian oheok. 11 Plea:;;e direct any questions regarding this review to: Daryl K. James ?6P~724~·roo1 or kitfire@sbcg lob a I. flet .. COMMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED QJ.Bi~Tl Y TQ THE FOLLOWING .ADDRESS DARYL K. JAMES & ASSOCIATES, iNC. 205 COLINA TERRACE VISTA, CA 92084 PLEASE DO NOT REQUIRE MY SIGNATURE TO ACCEPT DELIVERY OF REVISED PLANS COMMENT~ GENERAL-Responses may generate additional oomments EACH SHEET !N THE PLANS MY.ll,., BE j!AMPED AN;D §IGNEO BY THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR PREPARATiON, EVEN IF THERE ARE NO STRUCTURAl CHANGES. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE. Scop!l of Work Providf} a desGrlptlv~ 0t:Jope of work mp~olfh:; to this projaGt. Goordlnatl:ll description with O$ferrsd Submittals noted on Sheet AOA. Respr:mse.· Scope of Work h~iisl:>een ark:led to sheet AO.O. According t0 the Building Permit Application Description of Work. the existing buildinQ is 24,352. Actual CGJvirliliQe ~h~wn ~md~r Zsning D11ta t~n A0.04 = 16;!580tll. Please include ~ny GhamgeJf$ t0 the building including footprint and/or height. Coordinate with required Building Code Analyll)l$ as required on Sheet A0.4. Clarify atrium ssnversh;m lilnd the ~dditlcm of a oierestory. It appears that the olir~!9tory i~ eudendsd from the atrium. R6:spon~fJ: Th~ ~Xifjtlng tn.JildinQ sqlJ~t~ foot~g0 lta~ted afi\ 24,352SF ih th~ !Sullding Permit Application. ~orlpti~n ef WM\ i!i! th~ ~wm C~1 til~ sqy~r~ fo~t:ag~ of tht first and s~GQM flo©r. Tr1~rfilf~re th~ A~tua! Coveragellatad on A0.4 I~ w~lid !flr'ld therefor~ no ohangas h~VfJ been mao0. The t:\ltrium 5p~ce was e~aentlally llm outdoor room that exited through th~ building, and t11erMore wa!S considered illn 'Interior' spat•e In the orlgine~l calculations and use, The conver~lon of the former atrium spii!c~ to a wholly int®rior spar;;~t; chan~es th!13 amount of G!bindltloned space in the building, bt;t does not ~hf!ln~e th~ Elull~ingJ f~([Jt!'lrint ~r ar~a 10eh\'ll,11~til\llms. The r.~w (3!~vf\ittrl!'' re~t:lltt in i\\'!1"1 IMr~a~e ir1 thi.\J bbli!d!t'1i[J footprint I<Jy 171 SF and the hi~ht!l~t ~~~vl!ltlc:m t)fthfl! ~.a.illt::llng to 152'~3". A Frf5nt~s~ Gml~w!tiitl~n Sittl1! ~~~n M~ Jile~n M11:h~t1 1 $!!~ AQ,4, v'J· ~O.&Jl Sheilt !ndGX A7.0~1 & A7JJ .. 2 v~rify th~t th(IJ eliV!llt.or cab and m~ohin~ room eql~lprnent ar&:i def€1rr~d submittals. Clarify on ~~~ Sheet~ thmYQhGYt the pl~n ~hll!!ti!k l!i9t thF.Jt thii'! eiEMltor Ciib and ml!lchlne room eqYipment ar® not inciLJded in the scope of work for thiE project. (NIC) 4 Response: The elevator shaft i$ included in this scope of work. ThE! eiEavator Gab and mli]chin~ room e uipment are being proourei'id a0 a s~pilllrate oontr~ct, SII)EI A0.04 for iiiilt of Deferred Submittals. Notes hmv~ be~n added to 5h!i.!!~t A7,Q~1 & A7JJ~~ to clarify the i'l~OPitl of work and th!llt it is a deferred submittaL Meal1enioal M@,1 Oorreet typo an~ sheet rt!iilmb!1ire t0 r~M~ Ml.UO-M5,19. Ma.1 ... MS. 1 RtlNI!'Be ~heet nMm~~r~ t~ mstsh ~h~~ts, ng Qetm A~t}orellng to the !1lwi!dlng ~!llrmlt Applleatien Oe~crlptien G~f Wsrk1 tM ~~i$tlng b~Jildlng !$ .24i3S~. Astwal Qgverf!Q~ $hown under Zoning G/$U!I on A0 .• 04 I)!; 1516$Giii. Clarl'Fy thie dltimrepMcy with Proj*'t'Jt O~at~ta. ~~~pt}n~~: The 2413~~ ~.f. i!9 ill QBmblneff.l a1rem fgr ~oth flr~t lilM Si';COM floor. ThE~ '1 €S16SG $;f, rlot~Gl ~:m G~ !:§ thtl1 l~t !3avar;€J~ and It l~ Qf'\l)' ttl~ f!r~t fltJ~r. v'!l'r~j&!!6t lli!tli . . .. r»r~w~~~ a lt1!1dlng Q~til~ An~lysi~ in !l:'IP~Qrt\lene~ with GBG Qhept~r lji, b!~Mt~ '"~ ft:}IIGwln~: As~r~s;stt~ ~f!1tJ~re ff)Gf~§Yt.l ~f l.tl~ll~lnl,. QIS &Se M~i!dl'lt ant'J nt~!flfje!!r or ~tDrl@'i!iJtm!!:1!~anln~f$' et')a4: a sos, " Page 3 of8 Area of each $tory/mezzanine. Aggregate mezzanine area size and d$monstration of compliance with CBC 505 provisions. Classification of the building into one or more occupancy groups, CBC Chapter 3. Clarification of whether utilizing CBC 508.2 for accessory use. Total aggregate square footage of accessory areas and percentage of story area. CBC 508. Nonaeparated or separated occupancies and demonstration of compliance with CBC 508.3 or 508.4. If opting for mixed use, the Sum of Ratios equal to or le!Ss than one. CBC 506.5.2 If opting for incidental uses, demonstrate compliance with CBC 609. 1JIA Repsponse: See sheet A0.4 for revised code analysis. Deferred Submittals Revistll at'ld lriclude: Fire Service Underground 2013 CFC, Carlsbad Fire Prevention Code Chapter 17.04 and 2013 NFPA 24. See FP1 .0 cc~11~r1ents. · Fire Sprinkler System 2013 CFC 903 and 2013 NFPA 13. Fire Alarm System 2013 CFC 907, including sections CFC 907,2 (specific applicable occupancy groups inclvding 907.2:14 (Atrium), ar'td 2013 NFPA 72. Add Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System 2013 CFC 904 and 2012 NFPA 2001. Elevator: Verify, on all applicable sheets, that elevator cab and machine room equipment ere deferred submittals and not included in the scope of work for CB150495. Response: See sheet A0.4 for deferred submittal iist. G Response: Complied, added note to sheet FP1.0 -Deferred Submittals ~0.2 Architectural Wall Symbols Legend Revise sheet reference for wall type to read A9.0~1. spanse: Sheet reference revised, see A0.2. 4ll.~~1 & AQ~;i Exiting Plans Denottlll the exit designated as the Main Exit and addre!f!s CBC1 008. 1.9.3 Denote each ogcyp~Q9.J.:'~!a~~ific!ltiont as per cec Chapter 3. Denote the occur;gmt IQS2d fagt9.c for each room/area b~sed on the function of the rOOtl"l/area as per CBC Table 1004.1.2. · Furniture plans illustrate the number of occupants exceed the maximum allowance per occupant. Confirm that all occupants have access to an exit, the exits provide suFficient capacity for all occupants and compliance with this section is attained. CBC 1004.2. Address additional egress requirements CBC 1017.1 Verify that elevator cab and machine room equipment are deferred submittals and not included in the scope of work for CB160495. Response: Sheet A0.5~0, Occupant Load Schedule have been added showing area occupant load lations with dassification and load factor. See A10.1~·1 & A10.2~1 for dimensional clearances at aisles around shelving and furniture. Illustrate the main c;!Jxit that fronts at least one street or an unoccupied space of not less than 20 feet in width that adjoin$ !ll ~treat or public way. Rresponse: Primary Path of Egress notation added, see A 1. ·1. Arem of ~ach story/me;z;&:anine, Aggregate mezzanine area size and demonstration of compliance with CBC 505 provisions. Classification of the building into one or mer$ occupancy groups. CBC Chapter 3. Clarification of whether utilizing CBC 508.2 for a.cceesory use. Total aggregate square footage of accessory areas and percentage of story area. CBC 508. Nonseparated or separated occupancies and demonstration of compliance with CBC 508.3 or 508.4. If opting for mixed tu!U!, the Sum of Ratios equal to or less than one. CBC 506.5.2 If opting for incidental use$1 demoMtrate compliance with CBC 509. )!lA Respom;e: See sheet A0.4 for revised codC:'Jl an€ilysis. Deferred Submittals Revise iimd Include: Fire Service Underground .2013 CFC, Carlsbad Fire Prevention Code Chapter 17.04 and 2013 NFPA 24. See FP1.0 oommenti~. Fire Sprinkler System 2013 CFC 903 and 2013 NFPA 13. Fire Alarm System 2013 CFC 907, including sections CFC 907.2 (specific applicable occupancy groups Including 901 .2. 14 (Atrium), and 2CY1 a NFPA 72. Add Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System 2013 CFC 904 and 2012 NFPA 2001, Elt\'Htlldor; Verify; en 811 t:appllgable sheete, thet elevator oab end m~ahin~» room ~quipment are deferred submittal® ~nd not lMluded in the $Cope of work for CB 150496. RetDpon$e: See $het!iit AOA for deferred :llubmlttalliit G RespfJnfl!li: Complied~ added note tG iheet FP1.0-D!lif~m~d Submittals V:.A.t.a ArtJhit~ctur;l Walll)fmt)ell Llllfii!U'U'A Revis~ sheet reference for wall type to. read A9.0~1. ponse: She~t referenc~ revised, see A0.2. v]. 5~ Exiting ns Denote the exit designated as the Main Exit and address CBC1 Denote each Q~ oils per CBC Chapter 3. Denote the o.coy,gaot jg§,Q fagtor for each room/area based on the function of the room/area as per CBC Table 1 004.1.2. Furniture plans illustrate the number of occupants exceed tM maximum allowance per occupant. Confirm that ll!lll Qccupants have access to sm exit, the exits provide sufficient capacity for all occupants and complhance with this $ectlon is attained. CBC 1004.2. Addrass additiontal egress ri!quirsments CI)C 1011'.1 Verify that elsviit<ar eab and lii!i~Ghinf.il rgom iG:jUI~m~mt are defem.ild $Ubmittals and not included In the scope of work for Cel150495. RiiMJpotutfll: Sheat A0.5"0, Oocwp~mt Load Sch@dule have been added showing erea ocoupant load ens with Ollli!!Sifioetign and load faQtgr, See A10.1~1 & A10.2~1 for dlm~ms!onal oliiiillllr$i!nces Eilt ai~les arownd fAhelvinQ and furnitwr~. !IIYstrate the main exit that fronts at IE~a$t one street or an unoccupied space of not less than 20 feet in width that adjoins a strGet or public way. Rfi$p(Jnaf»: Primary Path of Egress notation added, iee A 1.1. v~ .. o ::3 I!.AJ.Q:-2 Demolition Plans Provide a notli:l: All demolition work shall be performed in accordance with CFC Chapter 33. espam:~e.· Note added, sea A2..0~1 & A2.0~2. · ~.1~1 ~Plan Label doors as denoted on Door Schedule. Denote the door number of the main exterior exit door. CBC 1 and 1028. Verify that elevator cab and machine rcJom equipment are deferred submittals and nQt inciuded in the scope of work for CB150495. Verify no open flame or grease producing equipment in kitchen. Response: Only new doors are tagged and labeled. Existing doors with no changes will not be tagged. The main exterior exit door are existing and have no changes. The elevator have been noted as a deferred submittal on sheet A0.4, A7.0-1 and A7,0-2. The staff l<itchen area is existing and there is• no stove, open flame or grease producing equipment within it. Leg®ru:! Walls types must match $ymbols on floor plan and all floor plans throughout. Denote required separation of occupancie~ if sepmrated. C9C Table 508.4. Provide symbol for rated walls on Wall Legend with a reference to details. ~ Response: Tt1e legend only shows existing and new walls. This building is classified as Mixed Use, Nonseparated. No <!mi~a separation is required. ~~~1"~ Roof Plan Specify the cl,ls:sification of roof covering. CBC 1505. Denote any new or changes to mechanical units on a roof pi&Jn. Imprint Carlsbad Policy 80~6 on to roof plan. Provide a note that Intent B (Fireman Safety) will be maintained on previously approved roofs or provided on roofs of new buildings and indicate provlsiotls taken to compiy with Carlsbad Policy 80~6 Intent B. (Fireman Safety) where multiple roof units are added. City of Carlsbad Policies and ProcedLlres document number 80-6: Roof Mounted equipn,ent is intended to prevent the installation of hazardous items such a5 propeme tanka, wind driven generatkm equipment, and any other hazardous or potentially hazardous equipment. This includes utility piping and conduit 1 .4- inches or higher above roof surface. Electrical or other utility wiring or cabling not securely placed in conduit. raceways or properly affixed to the structure, or that which may be a trip or strangulation hazard. Additionally, it was intended to address building openings and roof coverings or features that posed a fall hazard to those unfamiliar or subject to in1paired senses as might be encountered during smoky and fire conditions or at night While this Policy does not provide specifics, it does provide the City the opportunity to review and comment on anything that is roof mounted or provfdes an opening suet1 as VE~nt risers, skylights, li£1ht~wells etc. ~ Respons~; The majority of the root is existing with no new work. The only areas of new work are the areas of the roof immediately adjacent to the new clerestory walls, the new atrium elerestoty roof itself, thll;l elevator shaft roof and the bridge connection for the new elevator. Nota have been added to A2. 1 w3 denoting Clty of Carlsbad Policies and Procedures document number 80w6. vl"~.2~1, A2.2-S & ,A2.3·1 Fini1h ,, Provide a note: AU finish materials shill! comply with CBC Chapter 8. Provide specifications and California State Fire Marshal listings or other acceptance criteria for flame spread and smoke developed index for rubber floor.ing, new carpet, padding and carpet base. CFC 804 Provide specifications and California State Fire Marshal !!stings or other acceptance criteria for flame spread and smoke developed index for wall finish material (paneling) and corner guards. CBC 803 Provide specifications fllnd California State Fire Marshal listings or other acceptance criteria for flame spread and smoke developed index for decorative materials. CFC 807. Provide specifications ~nd California Stat~ Fire Mari!Jhal lhstings or other acceptance criteria for flame spread and smoke developed index for Acoustical Ceilings CBC 808. Response; Flame 5pread and lilmoke developed index have been noted in v~riee ~pee l!leotion~ for nt~he~. Aclcled notil'j~ to sheet A2.2·1 l!lnd A2.2~1S for ali fini~h material$ shall comply with CBC Chapter 8. v""A&~\~;1, Ooor Soheduli!! Identify the Mi!l!in Exit Door. Stalte In the Remarks Column and in Door Hardware Notes, A readily visible durable sign will be posted on the egress side on or adjacent to the dtlor stating: This Door to Remain Unlocked When Building is Ot::cupied CBC 1 00t3.1 ,9,3 Indicate Door hardwmre groups and provide hardware specifications to verify that all doors will be openable without the u!\;e of a key, llpeolal knswledge or effort. Denot& all new and existing door types, hardware, ratings and access control devices. Response: The exit:s have been identified on sheet A0.5~1. New exit doors with occupant load of 50 or re are equipped wlth exit devices. Notes have been added that ali existing exit doors to remain will be field v®rif!~;;d by City inspectcm~ prior to occupancy that they mre compliant. The main entrance ®iid!ng door is equipped with break out panels. See specification section 087100 for door hardware. V'"Door SohfldYie Nots1 Note 10. Revise c;,ode r~fereM98 tCJ refleot 2013 CSC. Remove reference to CBC 903.3.1.2 (13R) Indicate which of the following ''CA.RO READER" provisions apply. Access-Controlled Egresm Doors 2013 CBC, Section 1008.1.9.8 Delayed Egress Locks 2013 CBC, Section 1006.1.9.7 Addreii all criteria in CBC 1008.1.@.7 end/or CBC 1008.1.9.8. List door hardware type spe~cifioatlons ln order to verify that hardware is readily opttm;;~ble from the egress ~ide withtnJt the Yle of a key or 1pesl~l knewle(;lge Gr efff!lrt Provide manuflllcturer's spe~if!~etlon$ mnd li!i§tlng!ll upon request. tJ~pom~~: No osrd reader to be installed per documf!mts. Only the rough~lnl condulttS, back box and trlng~ fQr futurtl[l card. read~r. Th!@r~ ar~ no ~cot!.HS~ .. Qontroll~d egress or del8yeci egress dCJors and IGJ~km in this f:m:~jest QQIZ!e rf!llferenott nc1te reviS~e(J, ~ee AiU':l .. 1, Set!! ~peolficat!on sectit:~n 087100 for door h~mrdwmrtll. v'~ Exterior Window~ Identify Clerestory windows. Response: Word "CLERESTORY" has been .added to the window detail t!tle. ,• Page 6 of8 /sneet Notes Add a note to reference Electrical drawings for emergency lighting design. Response: Note added, see A6. 1~1 through A6. 1~1 0 and A6.2·1 through A6.2-5. 4z.,Q:.1 Keym,1tes 139 & 140 Ciarify that elevator cab and maeh!ne room equipment is deferred submittals and N IC in CB 150495. Jil4 Response: Keynotes 139 & 140 removed. Sheet notes added to clarify deferred submittal, see A7.0?1. ->IA7.08 2 Ciar'ifY that elevator cab and mfiichine room equipment is deferred submittals and NIC in CB160495. '4 Response: Sheet notes added to clarify deferred s;ubmlttal, see A7.0·2. ~Z .. Q.:~ Provide specifications and California State Fire Marshal listings or other acceptance criteria for flame spreeK1 and smoke developed Index for wall finish material and corner guards. CSC 803 See A2.2~1, A2.2~ 6 & A2.3~·1. Response: Exterior walls of the elevator shl(1ft are clad Tresp!l. For fleme spread and smok€1 developed index, see spaciflcation section 074253 Phenolic Rairu:~creen Panels. Add shsa,~t notes to 13heet A7.0-1 & A7.0~2 to indicate that the interior cab finisf1 to meet flame spread and smok0 deve;loped index per esc chapter 8. ~7.1.1 i:itair .. Pian~ D13note riser height and tread depth. CBC 1009.7.2 Response: Stairs are existing and no modification to tile tread of riser; the dimensions has been ded, see A7.1~'1. v&lo,t Drawing Llst Justify omission of Roof Pi;an. See A2. 1-3 cornment re Carlsbad Policy 80~6. Response: There will be no new mechanical eqwipment on roof. v1:P0.1 Fire Protection Syst4'$m Note 2. Add FM200 Total Flooding Fire Suppression System installation. Response: Complied, added note to sheet FP01 note #2-The install~tion of the sprinkler system nd FM200 Total Flooding Fire Suppression Sy~tem Installation shall r1ot commence until detailed plans, calculations and specifications have been approved by the iocal ftre prevention division. vfFP1.0 ~I an Add the follr;wing note: The design of the fir'e service piping, conveyed on the drawing, is ccmceptual only for informe~tional purposes. Under-ground fire service piping, including, but not limitt:~d to, type, location, si?:e, length, depth of bury and thrust blocks shall be design in accordance with 20·13 CFC and 2013 NFPA 24 and submitted to the Carlsbad Fire Official for approval prior to installation. G Response; Complied, added note to sheet FP1.0 Page 7 of8 vSit§! Ptamw 'Wy,lt~;u· Sypph£;:· Qiftrrtit &ubmit~a! Provide the following note: Carlsbad Fire Department Offioi~l Approval of Fire & Life SS3fety Civil Site Plan Drawings that complies with Chapter 17.04 ~ FIRE PREVENTION CODE will be provided prior to im~tallatlon. Fire Official approval of Fire & Life Safety Civil Site Plan Drawings is contingent upon compliance with Cr"1C 17.04.220 through CMC 17.04.370. TTG Response: Complied, added note to sheet FP1.0-Site Plans & Water Supply -Deferred Submittal vSite Plan Determine the required fire flow and provide a current letter, <6 months from date of flow test, from the water department stating the required fire flow and duration will be provided. The approved fire flow of the building and emergency access shall be a part of the final plan set. Any reduction in required fire flow or amount of fire hydrants will need to be approved by a Carlsbad fire official. SEE SHEET FP0.1 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM NOTE 10. '(G Response: Complied, added note to sheet FP1.0 and to sheet FPO. '1 note #1 0 Subsequent to these comments being issued, discussions within the City have determined that the following site requirements will not be ne~.Kied or will be deferred: A standpipe system could be reqL~Ired due to the hose pull distance and approved by the fire official. Denote locations of current and proposed fire hydrants, FDC and PIV locations. Provide fire hydrant dimensions be.tw®en hydrants. FDC must be located downstream from the PIV or other shut off valves for the building/structure being served and within 40 feet of a public hydrant located on the same side of the street and on the same side of driveways. on the ~a me street as the building is ·lliddre!l'l!3ed. The fire official will determine the required size of underground along with the amount ot fire hydrants needed. Provide a fire emergency access plan with marked fire lane locations. Verify address plan is approved by th.e Carlsbad Fire Department. Provide en emergency response map showing MW structures, hydrants, roadways, or similar featurel!l. Provide map updates in a format approved by the fire department Carlsbad Ordinance 17.04.350 Provide this note on plan: When access to or within a structure or an area is unduly dlffiCLJ!t becau~e of secured openings or where Immediate access is necessary for life saving or firefighting purposes, a key box will be required and installed in an accessible location. The key box shall be a type approved by the fire official and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire official. Knox locks and/or sw!tch plan for gates and exit doorl must be shown on site plan for fire official approval. All recommf!!mdation$ w!l! need to be inoluded unless otherwise direGted by a Cirlsbad fire officiaL Landscape Plans shall show clearance dimensions around all fire protection equipment. ..!Following will be Deferred to the Fire O.fficial for Approval. Hydrants; FOC, PIV, f!nr~ ~ocesi roads, fire l~nes snd gates. See Civil Sheet 3 Commentlii To ensure the roadway~ ar~ malntminea in assordmnoe with the city of C!r!~b::!id municiptlll req~.:lirements, Please include 1a. 1b. 1c. 1d. 1e. 1f & 1g as a deferred submittal. 1 a, Carlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code, 17.04.220 Section 503.2.1 F-ire spparatu!l :iiGCe!i!§ roildS shall Mve llili unobstructed width of not less thli!il 24 feet (7 ,31 S mm) ext;}lwsive of ~hgiJid~r~. ex~ept for mfi.!~rove!'J t\((mtJrlty aatea in lileJCgrdBnc(ll with $action 503.6 and an unobstructed vertical clearance of "Ciear~to~sky". 1 b. Carlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code, 17.04.250 Section 503.2.1.3 Fire appeiratus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support not less than 75,000 lbs. (unless authorized by the Fire Code Official) and shall be provided with an approved paved surface to provide all~ weather driving capabilities. 1t, Carlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code, 11.04.300 Section 503.4.1 Fire access roadway design features (speed bumps, speed humps, speed control dips, etc.) which may interfere with emergency appar~atus responee times shall not be installed on fire access roadways, t.m!as~ they meet design criteria approved by the Fire Code Official. 1 d. Carlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code 17.04.290 and the CFC 503.3.1. Address 11umbers locatlen and specification$ shall be provided where tipplicable. 1e. CfJrlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code 17.04.290 and the CFC 503.1.1 Provide a site plan showing the 1501"0" acca$8 road requjrement. CFC 503.1.1. The emergency access/roadway plan must also show no parking fire lanes, as per the Denote locations of exl~ting Md proposed fire lanes, fire hydrants, FDC, PIV Md gate(s) or other obstructions. Provide dimensions between hydrants. Show location of FDC dowmltream from the PIV or other shut off valves for the building/structure being served ~nd within 40 feat of a public hydrant located on the same side of the street and on the same side of driveways and on the same street as the building is addressed. 1f. Carlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code 17.04.350 Chapter 5, 505,5. Provide an emergency response map showing new structures, hydrants, roadways, or similar feetures. Map updates mwst be in a format approved by the fire department will be provided. The responsible party shall be charged a reasonable fee for updating the City emergency response mapa. · 1g, Carlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code 17.04.310 and the CFC 503.6.1 All gates or other structures or devjoers, which oc:mld obstruct fire acoe~s roadways or otherwise hinder emergency operations, are prohibited unles:? they meet standards approved by the Fire Code Official, and receive plan approval by the Fire Code Official. AH automatic gates across fire access roadways and driveways shall be equipped with an approved emergency key-2 operated switch, which overrides all command functions and opens the gate(s). End of not required or deferred items v-:el,11 Hi;h Lighting Plan Justify omission of emergency lighting of Community Room 113. CBC 'l 011.6.3 R;espcmse; Emergency lighting are identified as "WE" fixtures on sheat E3. .11 . Fixture type "WE" rlpticm i$ now inf;luded on Fixture Schedule em sheli'!t E0.9 END OF COMMENTS BLDG. DEPT COpttye 1 or 7 CORRECTION LIST Daryl K. James & Associates, Inc. 205 Colina Terrace Vista, CA 92084 T. (760) 724-7001 Email: kitfire@sbcglobal.net APPLICANT: Patrick McGarry Checked by: Darvl Kit James Date: February 22, 2015 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Fire Department PROJECT NAME: Georgina Cole Library PROJECT ADDRESS: 208laf!l~diiiliib ~15fe 240 ld-5e (j~(}.~~. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CB150495 Renovation of Georgina Cole Library (24,352[fl facility constructed in 1967). Provide flexible use of space by adding a new elevator, converting the atrium into inside space, adding fire protection sprinklers, remodeling the Teen, Friends of the Library, Circulation and Employee areas and adding new carpet, paint and ceiling tiles. RESUBMiTTAL INSTRUCTIONS TO AVOID DELAY IN E*PEDITED REiC!HECK .SERVICES • Corrections or modifications to the plans must be clouded and include numbered deltas and revision dates. • Provide a written response following each comment, On This Correction List, explaining how and where each plan review comment has been addressed. • Provide a copy of Building Department (EsGil) comments. Input fire revisions onto the Building Dept. plan check. • Please direct any questions regarding this review to: Daryl K. James 760-724-7001 or kitfire@sbcglobal.net " COMMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS DARYL K. JAMES & ASSOCIATES, INC. 205 COLINA TERRACE VISTA, CA 92084 PLEASE DO NOT REQUIRE MY SIGNATURE TO ACCEPT DELIVERY. OF REVIS.ED PLANS COMMENTS GENERAL-Responses may generate additional comments EACH SHEET IN THE PLANS MUST BE STAMPED AND SIGNED BY THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR PREPARATION, EVEN IF THERE ARE NO STRUCTURAL CHANGES. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE. A0.2 Architectural Wall Symbols Legend Revise sheet reference for wall type to read A9.0-1. AO.S-1 & A05-2 Exiting Plans Denote the exit designated as the Main Exit and address CBC1 Denote each occupancy classification, as per CBC Chapter 3. Page 3 of7 Denote the occupant load factor for each room/area based on the function of the room/area as per CBC Table 1004.1.2. Furniture plans illustrate the number of occupants exceed the maximum allowance per occupant. Confirm that all occupants have access to an exit, the exits provide sufficient capacity for all occupants and compliance with this section is attained. CBC 1004.2. Address additional egress requirements CBC 1017.1 Verify that elevator cab and machine room equipment are deferred submittals and not included in the scope of work for CB150495. A1.1 Site Plan Illustrate the main exit that fronts at least one street or an unoccupied space of not less than 20 feet in width that adjoins a street or public way. A2.0 -1 & A2.0-2 Demolition Plans Provide a note: All demolition work shall be performed in accordance with CFC Chapter 33. A2.1-1 Floor Plan Label doors as denoted on Door Schedule. Denote the door number of the main exterior exit door. CBC 1 and 1028. Verify that elevator cab and machine room equipment are deferred submittals and not included in the scope of work for CB 150495. Verify no open flame or grease producing equipment in kitchen. Legend Walls types must match symbols on floor plan and all floor plans throughout. Denote required separation of occupancies if separated. CBC Table 508.4. Provide symbol for rated walls on Wall Legend with a reference to details. A2,1e3 Roof Plan Specify the classification of roof covering. CBC 1505. Denote any new or changes to mechanical units on a roof plan. Imprint Carlsbad Policy 80-6 on to roof plan. Provide a note that Intent B (Fireman Safety) will be maintained on previously approved roofs or provided on roofs of new buildings and indicate provisions taken to comply with Carlsbad Policy 80-6 Intent B. (Fireman Safety) where multiple roof units are added. City of Carlsbad Policies and Procedures document number 80-6: Roof Mounted equipment is intended to prevent the installation of hazardous items such as propane tanks, wind driven generation equipment, and A6.1-1 through, A6.1-10 and A6.2-1 through A6.2-5 Sheet Notes Add a note to reference Electrical drawings for emergency lighting design. A7.0-1 Keynotes 139 & 140 Page 5 of7 Clarify that elevator cab and machine room equipment is deferred submittals and NIC in CB150495. A7.0-2 Clarify that elevator cab and machine room equipment is deferred submittals and NIC in CB150495. A7.0-3 Provide specifications and California State Fire Marshal listings or other acceptance criteria for flame spread and smoke developed index for wall finish material and corner guards. CBC 803 See A2.2-1, A2.2- 6 & A2.3-1. A7.1.1 Stair Plans Denote riser height and tread depth. CBC 1009.7.2 M0.1 Drawing List Justify omission of Roof Plan. See A2.1-3 comment re Carlsbad Policy 80-6. FP0.1 Fire Protection System Note 2. Add FM200 Total Flooding Fire Suppression System installation. FP1.0 Site Plan Add the following note: The design of the fire service piping, conveyed on the drawing, is conceptual only for informational purposes. Underground fire service piping, including, but not limited to, type, location, size, length, depth of bury and thrust blocks shall be design in accordance with 2013 CFC and 2013 NFPA 24 and submitted to the Carlsbad Fire Official for approval prior to installation. Site Plans & Water Supply -Deferred Submittal Provide the following note: Carlsbad Fire Department Official Approval of Fire & Life Safety Civil Site Plan Drawings that complies with Chapter 17.04 -FIRE PREVENTION CODE will be provided prior to installation. Fire Official approval of Fire & Life Safety Civil Site Plan Drawings is contingent upon compliance with CMC 17.04.220 through CMC 17.04.370. Site Plan Determine the required fire flow and provide a current letter, <6 months from date of flow test, from the water department stating the required fire flow and duration will be provided. The approved fire flow of the building and emergency access shall be a part of the final plan set. Any reduction in required fire flow or amount of fire hydrants will need to be approved by a Carlsbad fire official. SEE SHEET FP0.1 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM NOTE 10. A standpipe system could be required due to the hose pull distance and approved by the fire official. Page 7 of7 1g. Carlsbad Municipal Fire Prevention Code 17.04.310 and the CFC 503.6.1 · .. All gates or other structures or devices, which could obstruct fire access roadways or otherwise hinder emergency operations, are prohibited unless they meet standards approved by the Fire Code Official, and receive plan approval by the Fire Code Official. All automatic gates across fire access roadways and driveways shall be equipped with an approved emergency key-2 operated switch, which overrides all command functions and opens the gate(s). E3.11 High lighting Plan Justify omission of emergency lighting of Community Room 113. CBC 1011.6.3 END OF COMMENTS DATE: PROJECT NAME: PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL liBRARY Community & Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov PROJECTID:CB150495 PLAN CHECK NO: 1 SET#:l ADDRESS: APN: VALUATION: APPLICANT CONTACT: PATRICK MCGARRY l I 1 D Remarks: Tlis plan check review transmittal is to notify you of clearance by: LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION Final lnspe ction by the Construction & Inspection Division is required: Yes No This plan check review is Na'CO.MPLETE Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit arne nded plans as required. 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov VALRAY MARSHALL 760-602-2741 W CITY OF PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL WORKSHEET Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Building@carlsbadca.gov CARLSBAD B-18 Project Address: /:2.50 CflfshtJ..d Vt(/a8i])-.Permit No.: Information provided below refers to wor~ being done on the above mentioned permit only. This form must be completed and returned to the Building Division before the permit can be issued. Building Dept. Fax: (760) 602-8558 Number of new or relocated fixtures, traps, or floor drains ....................................................... _Q_ New building sewer line? ......................................................................................... Yes __ No~ Number of new roof drains? ............................................................................................................... ~ Install/alter water line? ........ ~.~~--~-~.r:?. ... ::-... ~~ .............................................................. ..:f__ Number of new water heaters? ......................................................................................................... _E__ Number of new, relocated or replaced gas outlets? .................................................................... ~ Number of new hose bibs? .................................................................................................................. ~ Residential Permits: New/expanded service: Number of new amps: Minor Remodel only: Yes__ No Commercial/Industrial: Tenant Improvement: Number of existing amps involved in this projed: Number of new amps involved in this projed: 6 New Construction: Amps per Panel: Single Phase ............................................................... Number of new amperes 0 Three Phase ................................................................. Number of new amperes (9 Three Phase 480 ........................................................ Number of new amperes 0 Number of new furnaces, A/C, or heat pumps? ............................................................................ ~ New or relocated duct worl:?? .......................................................................... Yes "'!< No __ _ Number of new fireplaces? ................................................................................................................. __.:!i!:_ Number of new exhaust fans? ............................................................................................................ _!2_ Relocate/install vent?............................................................................................................................ __Q_ Number of new exhaust hoods? ........................................................................................................ 0 Number of new boilers or compressors? ........................................................... Number of HP .(3-- B-18 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 03/09 _j J 1 I I J "' 'l c,o.J CJ l CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY New Construction and Renovation 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Group 4 Project No. 14449-01 City of Carlsbad Contract 40201 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PERMIT/BID SET March 25, 2015 RECEIVED APR 0 1 2015 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION TTG 1280 Civic Drive, Suite 204 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 949-2600 ~ ~ ;'- ~ _.I , __ _! l __j ~1 __j E!!TTG STRUCTURAL, MEP & CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION SERVICES & STRf.TEGIC CONSULTING Arizona California Colorado Texas GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE, CARLSBAD,CA PLAN CHECK RE-SUBMITTAL STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS TTG JOB NO: 0214621.00 DATE: March 25, 11 2015 1280 Civic Drive, Suite 204, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 949-2600 Fax: (925) 949-2601 Washington www.ttgcorp.com ~---1 J ,__, J ii!TTG STRUCTURAL, MEP & CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION SERVICES & STRATEGIC CONSULTING Arizona 1. 2. 3. California Colorado Texas GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY PLAN CHECK RE-SUBMITTAL STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS OMF design checks Pages: COMMENTS 64-69 <1 > -COMMENTS 64-69 <6> HSS OMF column anchorage Pages: COMMENT 70 <1 > -COMMENT 70 <7> COMMENT 57: Washington Appendix A: Letter from Geotechnical Engineer (Ninyo & Moore) 1280 Civic Drive, Suite 204, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 949-2600 Fax: (925) 949-2601 www.ttgcorp.com \...__~. •:• T T G Col-6 t:J4AP-0-NAfJ O{fik TM~D TAYLOR & GAINES {PJM/v·:f;~~Jr{; 4f (J 4 - 6 q STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS CoJA,l/jr;:JJT5 {;4 ""6'1 sheet I ot_6_ by 6c- job no. o1t4, 6)-i. oo date 3/ ~3/15 D o PI f kt% 15 .\:"(~t:1(0 fu ffov:tt/6 lvtf. r.)J.:./t~/+{ :r::-lvf!LA5 f::r:: C I>E1PNZ ;fA kfj::"DfJ tAPA(f:'/] ·:r:)j tNtf'J~ Mf(Mif;f ;;· {7 CbfJ)J. _ {JO v..rrc~ 1D ~1/~..i(k Jv(('(). ~~cp roif<_ ,!vtf/t1f?;Bf-.5 uf o/'.~f -AJ 0 Bfl Ac~N G c>f 8lf1tlt/) 5 biZ T c7 _;_:f.f8~ Rf! ty . ( l\LL t.fB~ f:;tf-. 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O;;!.J f6-;J../. oo date 7/2-3 /Is· ( 0 H. f 6BAl/\. 1 D (01..-Ce') f._; "J ' (_y') .lv() ~ c0P F1-AJJtrf5 cvSLD ·";) <;1(2I)kA:J.frl or· CoAJIJ -:z_N TBN:aot.J (JoV~(LtVBD Btj ({J)G fL&ofAL C/t}A-c.:r:r~ .:~ --gAAh:;; -~ c·~ · t R~ .Mp J /LcF ~ z.~~t:t-) ~ ~' 1.J.-- flkJ'/0 1-tJ:/.ihJJ tR--Dlfll!\A-rt.,tJ 8-AsgD ::;: 7 l .. 4 .J-,.· ~·A/ . ,_ .-\: . 1 -'< 1 . . )( 1 ~)\..tr' /x --rr.-' k~ 1 .~ {7_X I ,1,.' . .-{_o. S k --48 k t ,., . I -, -~ -.I ~, _ _j ·:·rrG TMAD TAYLOR & GAINES STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS ( o Jv1f 6r; A f'v\ r o cuL e0 /'JAJ . c_tj f\JT) ~ CQJ 0 (l Af-E TH::!{}::-tf!.. 1flltlv ePJrM rtAAJt_j:r5 ·:>\\ 1 t) ( -fcp ~-·-~· 7 t~-.. o , S ' co JiA. trSIVJ$ 6 4 -6 tf sheet .f otR_ by Gt, job no. 0:2/4-6:2( oD date ~/;z.3/ Is= l . !D [ ' fL0. \") (;ttf ;\ {Q)/V[ • R/ " (sD "'-1f ~---ro f{<j, s sTt1t3 ((b !vlv !rf&7 ALL {:jp y J --? IHT~f--B Af-t; ND (d.L{l'-1(\J :sf(;lt1f5 f,t2[i<;15:1Jt o1li!dL -(JrtA!J c;'-rca!3:5 wj crp (AJJ1!.1J5-(AT jOT.Iv/5) · . __ j __ j u ·:·rrG TMAD TAYLOR & GAINES STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS co;t~l-1 l{.A/15 64-61 sheet !2 of~ by 02) 1-£.:2). 00 job no._6_G __ _ date ~ /1-3/J t)' r . {H;Aivr) / l:} P ~ -?:x-== '3t',_7(/rl3) / t!-y::£-/6.6(!_'Vl5)_ c0 L ) -nl p ~ ?::;> 7-7 /i•3 ). ,\ l ,J -~ ~-:rF wf,Lf) uf-fLAI-J~\5 ('J (D~.iT Ri~/ ::C$'Lo!V\K<)lt,.\SO Gtj!l---lftRAr~f+frAl. _j J ·-...__. ... · .... ~ : ~J L.J ,_j l .. .J ·a·rrG TMAD TAYLOR & GAINES STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS \ o /'-Af Bf'Af.A 1 D (.,of__ (» /'J}J Jf frT{!-:!iA 1~'\ ( 0> I'Jf) I \-z...x-/.1.- ( c. u AJ~0 c r_N .t5A. ~~L ~) H Alv DLB t~lJt1~d of:f Bf; J\t·A. .All r K . :c:· -~ G6.{ 1(. " !.-'A.-fl1 P:,(f\Afl 0,"1 Cob\/tA 15/v() 64-~ 61 sheet t) of~ by G£{/ job no. CY/ If 67-l-OD date 3/z 3/1. S: .. I _j . -·1 -~ L ___ ! 1 1 I .... _.~ .) i 0 ()} i"' +· ! 4·· L ( OlJ.l?~fJ,/VT l1 o /AbE I trt-':7 see ft: a;; I 4-6?-l . 0 n ltloJD bD,4lJ fkJ~tj '/0 s~<~1 t/7~¥2:c o V7§f2.s~1" IJ)k!:rJtl :?· , b i L. 4· I l' ( ......... l I .. _,,,~f/.?1/.#J A/ I I ~---l -I j I .... J l_j .J -') ~1 .I ' -l __j 1 rl~ " t 1 't /\ {) I 9) "'z~:; l' J l )( .I '+' ! -~· ) '1 ()I 6 ~::::. ..• CLJ/L-tlrAJj;t;f"lf7D f/rlr.lf z ol~? GG- -::roB# o·?-1 f 6;;./. oo k ·~: :~ ·-· 6 ht ':/ IJ~,( ,tf (ttffls5~t:t.;tV} --. \ I I. ' .. / ___ I J -I :__j .i J _j () ,, ) / -1 l '_j '1 l _j J OJ { I j ./ .. ; I ___ I J L I I STROCTUREPOINT -spColumn v4.80 (TM) Licensed to: TMAD Taylor and Gaines. License ID: 63029-1044865-4-227F3-24DE6 \\Ttgbayfs\sfdata$\STRUCTURAL\45ENGR\TTGProjects\4514\0214621.00\Calcs ... \Cole-elev pit wall.col 000000 0 00 00 00 00000 000000 00 00000 00 00 00 0 0000000000 0 00000 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000 00 000000 00000 000 00000 0 00 00 00 00 spColumn v4.80 (TM) Computer program for the Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Sections Copyright © 1988-20111 STRUCTOREPOINT, LLC. All rights reserved 00 00 00 oo 00 00 Page l 03/15/15 01:07 PM COMMENT#70 PAGE50F7 (TM) i rrl =========================================================:-:=================================-================= Licensee stated above acknowledges that STRUCTUREPOINT (SP) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the spColumn computer ~ program. Furthermore, STRUCTUREPOINT neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output prepared by the spColumn program. Although STRUCTUREPOINT has endeavored to produce spColumn error free the program is not and cannot be certified infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and engineering documents is the licensee's. Accordingly, STRUCTUREPOINT disclaims all responsibility in contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis, design ~J or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of the spColumn program. ~J STRUCTUREPOINT -spColumn v4.80 (TM) ,Licensed to: TMAD Taylor and Gaines. License ID: 63029-1044865-4-227F3-24DE6 · \\Ttgbayfs\sfdata$\STRUCTURAL\45ENGR\TTGProjects\4514\0214621.00\Calcs ... \Cole-elev pit wall.col General Information: I ==================== · File Name: \\Ttgbayfs\sfdata$\STRUCTURAL\45ENGR\TTGProjects\4514\0214621 ... \Cole-elev pit wall.col Project: Cole -Elevator pit wall Column: pit wall Engineer: GC Code: ACI 318-11 Units: English -J Run Option: Investigation Run Axis: Y-axis Material Properties: ===~~==========~==== f'c = 4 ksi Ec = 3605 ksi · -l Ultimate strain 0. 003 in/in Beta1 = 0.85 Section: Rectangular: Width= 9.25 in Gross section area, Ag = 444 in"2 Ix 85248 in"4 rx = 13.8564 in Xo = 0 in _,,\ Reinforcement: Bar Set: ASTM A615 · l Size Diam (in) Area (in"2) Size Diam Slenderness: Not considered Column Type: Structural fy Es 60 ksi 29000 ksi Depth = 48 in Iy ry YO (in) 3165.81 in"4 2.67024 in 0 in Area (in"2) Size Diam {in) -------------------------------------------------# 3 0.38 0.11 # 4 0.50 0.20 # 5 # 6 0.75 0.44 # 7 0.88 0.60 # 8 # 9 1.13 1.00 # 10 1.27 1.27 # 11 # 14 1. 69 2.25 # 18 2.26 4.00 ' __ j Confinement: Tied; #5 ties with #10 bars, #5 with larger bars. phi(al = O.B, phi(b) = 0.9, phi{c) = 0.65 Pattern: Irregular Total steel area: As = 2.48 in"2 at rho = 0.56% (Note: rho < 1.0%) Minimum clear spacing= 3.75 in Area in"2 X (in) y (in) Area in"2 X (in) y (in) Area inA2 0.63 1.00 1.41 X Area (in"2) -----------0.31 0.79 1. 56 (in) y (in) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.31 -2.7 22.1 0.31 1.7 22.1 0.31 -2.7 -22.1 0.31 1.7 -22.1 0.31 -2.7 7.4 0.31 -2.7 -7.4 0.31 1.7 7.4 0.31 1.7 -7.4 Factored Loads and Moments with Corresponding Capacities: __ J Pu Muy PhiMny PhiMn/Mu NA depth Dt depth No. kip k-ft k-ft in in eps_t Phi ------------------------------------__ _. _____ ---------------- 1 36.00 34.00 62.88 1.849 1. 36 7.31 0.01312 0.900 *** End of output *** l _j l Page 2 03/15/15 01:07 PM COMMENT#70 PAGE60F 7 I 0 0 I J I ' 0 0 y -~: .f-x I 0 0 ~I 0 0 9.25 x 48 in Units: English : ... ~ Run axis: About Y-axis 1 Run option: Investigation ~_j Slenderness: Not considered I -~ 1 Column type: Structural Bars: ASTM A615 r-·1 Date: 03/15/15 i .J Time: 13:07:46 I ! p (kip) 1200 (Pmax) 0 (Pmin) -200 COMMENT#70 PAGE 7 OF 7 fs=O / / fs=0.5fy 120 My (k-ft) spColumn v4.80. Licensed to: TMAD Taylor and Gaines. License ID: 63029-1044865-4-227F3-24DE6 ' -1 ,_j File: \\Ttgbayfs\sfdata$\STRUCTURAL\45ENGR\TTGProjects\4514\0214621.00\Calcs\20150316-... \Cole-elev pit wall.col Project: Cole -Elevator pit wall Column: pit wall Engineer: GC fc =4 ksi fy = 60 ksi Ag = 444 inA2 8 #5 bars Ec = 3605 ksi Es = 29000 ksi As = 2.48 inA2 rho = 0.56% fc = 3.4 ksi Xo = 0.00 in lx = 85248 inA4 e_u = 0.003 in/in Yo= 0.00 in ly = 3165.81 inA4 Beta1 = 0.85 Min clear spacing= 3.75 in Clear cover= 1.62 in Confinement: Tied phi(a) = 0.8, phi(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = 0.65 _j L .. :.J _j ._j . l I 1 ! _j I Mr. Patrick McGarry City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Subject: Geotechnical Review of Structural Plans and Details Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California March 25, 2015 Project No. 107544006 References: Ninyo & Moore, 2014, Limited Geotechnical Evaluation, Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, Califomia, Project No. 107544006: dated December 31. Th1AD Taylor & Gaines, 2015, Structural Plans, Carlsbad Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92011, 12 sheets: dated March 25. Dear Mr. McGarry: In accordance with your request and authorization, we have reviewed the structural plans and details prepared by TMAD Taylor & Gaines (2015) that have been provided to our office. Based on our review, the referenced plans incorporate the recommendations and findings presented in the project geoteclmical report (Ninyo & Moore, 2014). We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on these projects. Sincerely, NINYO & MOORE Christopher Vonk Staff Engineer CKV/WRM/gg Distribution: (1) Addressee San Diego • !rv1ne las Vegas Phoenix William Morrison, PE, GE Senior Engineer i(dncho Cucarnonga • C!ak!and » San Francisco It Sacrarnento Tucson & Prescott VaHey ~ Denver El Paso Jll Houston __ __j , ::: TTG ••• STRUCTURAL, MEP & CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION SERVICES & STRATEGIC CONSULTING Arizona California Colorado Texas GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS TTG JOB NO: 0214621.00 DATE: February, 11 2015 Washington RECEiVED fEB 1 7 2015 CITY OF CAR-LSBAD BUILDING DIVISION 1280 Civic Drive, Suite 204, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 949~2800 Fax: (925) 949~2601 www.ttgcorp.com "---_/ IIITTG ••• STRUCTURAL, MEP & CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION SERVICES & STRATEGIC CONSULTING Arizona California Colorado Texas GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Washington 1. (N) Atrium Calculations ATRIUM 1 -ATRIUM 17 2. (N) Elevator Tower Calculations ELEV 1 -ELEV 32 3. (N) Foundation Calculations FND 1-FND 14 4. Appendix A Geotechnical Report DESIGN LOADS TyPical RQO( CNew Roof Over Atrium) Roofing Insulation 1.5 • Metal Deck Steel Beams Ceiling MEP Mise 3.0 psf 1.0 psf 2.0 psf 3.0 psf 0.0 psf 2.0 psf 1.0 psf For Bm Design, use Assign in models (bm self wt included by ET ABS) 12..0 psf 12.0 psf 9.0 Steel Girders Typical ROO{ (Existing Roof! Built-up campo roofing and gravel Insulation 1.5 • Metal Deck Steel Beams Ceiling MEP Mise For Column Design, use For 6m Design, use Assign in models (bm self M included by ETABS) Steel Girders For Column Design, use ll.wrelne Boor 4~ N.W. Cone Floor with ·coF.A.R' Metal Deck Flooring Steel Beams Ceiling MEP Partitions Mise Steel Girders For Bm Design, use Assign in models {bm self wt included by ET ABS) 3.0 psf 15.0 psf 15.0 psf 12.0 psf 1.0 psf 2.0 psf 3.0 psf 4.0 psf 2.0 psf 1.0 psf 25.0 psf 25.0 psf 22.0 3.0 psf 28.0 psf 28.0 psf 58.0 psf 2.0 psf 3.0 psf 4.0 psf 4.0 psf 0.0 psf 1.0 psf 72.0 psf 72.0 psf 67.0 3.0 psf ~·?sJr psf For Column Design, use 75.0 psf Typical Mezz Floor Typical Roof EXlERtOR WALL$ WERIOR Window/Wall Under New.A!rium Roof INTERIOR W~. Cole IJb Design Criteria 2014-12-2 1 of1 eO.O psf (reducible) 20.0 psf (reducible} 15.0 psf 8.0 psf 10.0 psf slheet by job no. dal1! Assign Mass Wt {psf} 9.0 Assign Mass Wt(psf} 22.0 Assign Seimic Mass Wt (psf) 67.0 . <Jf ATRIUM-1 ~tl~ \ I ••• •: TTG Cole Ubrary • Mass Weight Estimate N Atn~ T §aWslWT.fihfl A L M E C H A N I C A L E L E C T R I C A L A N D C ! V I L E N G 1 N E E R S ew m el Level· level; level; Walls Atrium Roof Tributaly lv'ea: Length Width Area I II ft ft2 I A1 30.6 28 856.9 I Wall 105_2 2 210A Main Roof (Existing) !! !! 1!2 A1 85 40 3400 A2 118 48.0 5664.0 A3 111 84 9324 M 42 10;0 420.0 A5 '27.5 25.0 -687.5 Mezzanine ft It 1!2 A1 118 40 4720 A2 86 40.0 3440.0 J J 536J 8.51 4556.0 I Added Mass Wt due to New Atrium " Mass Weight of Existing Lib Bldg = Mass Weight% Increase " M-Wt psf 15 8 psf 28 28 28 28 28 psf 75 75 151 14.5 kips 1187.7 !<ips 1.22% Cumulative Total Mass Ndl kips kips 12.9 1.7 14.5 kips 95.2 158.6 261.1 11.8 -19.3 507.4 507.4 kips 354.0 258.0 612.0 1119.4 68.3 1187.7 ATRIUM -2 sheet __ ____,of __ by bL jon no. DJ.-j fhJ-l_.oo date 1-{ ~ J£" lilT· 'TG ••• ATRIUM-3 Cole Library, carlsbad Renovation TTG Job No. 021~(121~?0 BASE SHEAR CALCULATIONS per CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 SEIMIC WEIGHT Weight Mass level k-s2/in kips STORYl 14.0 0.04 1: = 14.0 0.04 Building Seismic Weight I Mass per ETABS Output SITE COEFFICIENTS & PARAMETERS Site Class:5E SOC: 0 ' I= 1.00 1.137 0.436 St= g ~= s~l1 = Sos= Sot= Cu= 1.046 1.564 1.188 0.682 0.792 0.455 1.400 g g g g Per Geotech Report Seismic Design Category per §1616.3, ASCE 7-2010 Importance Factor Table 1604.5, CBC 2013. For Risk Category II {Adult Education, less than 500 occupants) MCE Spectral Acceleration for short periods per Geotech Report MCE Spectral Acceleration at period of 1 sec per Geotech Report Table 11.4.1, ASCE 7-10 Table 11.4.2, ASCE 7-10 MCE Spectral Acceleration for short periods per Eq. 11.4.1, ASCE 7-10 MCE Spectral Acceleration at Period of 1 sec per Eq. 11.4.2, ASCE 7-10 Design Spectral Acceleration for short periods per Eq. 11.4.3, ASCE 7-10 Design Spectral Acceleration at period of 1 sec per Eq. 11.4.4, ASCE 7-10 Table 12.8-1, ASCE 7-10 X-Oir (E-W} Y ·Dir (N-5) R= Oo= Cd= x= Ta = Cthn" = CuT a= 3.5 3.00 "-3 4.50 0.028 0.8 0.093 0.131 Cole lib Base Shear Mfm 2014-12-Z 3.5 3.00 3 ----4.50 0.028 0.8 0.093 0.131 X.·Dir: Steel Ordinary Moment Frame System Y-Dir: SteJ:=I Ordinary Moment Frame System I Table 12.2.1, ASCE. 7-10 ft Building height Table12.8-2, ASCE 7-10 Table12.8-2, ASCE 7-10 sec. Eq. 12.8-7, ASCE 7-10 sec. §12.8.2, ASCE 7-10 1/2 12/3/2014 !i!TTG BASE SHEAR used for Strength Check TerAss = Tused = Cs = Sosf(R/1} = Cs,min = Cs,max = SoJ[T(R/I)J = Cs,used = VsrAnc = CsW = 0.296 0.131 0.226 0.035 0.995 0.226 3.2 0.295 0.131 0.226 0.035 0.995 0.226 3.2 sec. ETABS Output sec. §12.8.2, ASC£ 7-10 Eq. 12.8.2, ASCE 7-10 Eq. 12.8.5, ASCE 7-10, Eq. 12.8.6 not applicable Eq. 12.8.3, ASCE 7-10 kips Static Base Shear force §, § ASCE 7-02 BASE SHEAR used for Drift Check X-Dir (E-W) Y-Dir (N-S) TETABS = Tused = C5 = Sos/(R/1) = Cs,min = Cs max = 50:1/{T{R/I}J :;; ·' VsrAnc = CsW = 0.296 0.296 0.226 0.062 0.439 0 .. 226 3.2 Cole Lib Base Shear MFm 2014-12-2 0.295 0.295 0.22.6 0.062 0.441 0.226 3.2 sec. ETABS Output sec. §, ASCE 7-10, no upper limit Eq.12.8.2, ASCE 7-10 Eq. 12.8.5, ASCE 7-10, Eq. 12.8.6 not applicable Eq. 12.8.3, ASCE 7-10 kips Static Base Shear Force §, § ASCE 7-02 2/l ATRIUM-4 Cole Ubrary, Carlsbad Renovation TTG Job No. 0214621.00 12/3/2014 Design Maps Summary Report http://ebp3-earthquake.wr.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/smnmary.pbp?templat .. 1 nfl ATRIUM -5 EUSGS Design Maps Summary Report User-Specified Input Report Title Cole Library-1250 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad CA Tue January 13, 2015 05:34:08 UTC Building Code Reference Document ASCE 7-10 Standard (which utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2008) Site Coordinates 33.16448°N, 117.34087°W Site Soil Classification Site Class D -"Stiff Soil" Risk Category I/II/III USGS-Provided Output 55 = 1.138 g 51= 0.437 g SMS = 1.189 9 SM1 = 0.683 g Sos = 0.793 g So1 = 0.455 g For information on how the SS and 51 values above have been calculated from probabilistic {risk-targeted) and deterministic ground motions in the direction of maximum horizontal response, please return to the application and select the "2009 NEHRP" building code reference document. -Q'l -II Ill MCE~~t Response Spectrum 1.20 1.09 0.3G O.S4 0.72 0.~0 o.~s 0.36 0.24 0.12 0.00 +---t--+--+---+--+--+----t--+--+----1 0.00 0.20 QAO O.GO O.SO l.Qf.l 1.20 1.40 l.GO l.SO 2.00 Period, T (sec) -Q'l -II Ill Q.SS Design Response Spectrum 0.90 0.72 0.64 0.56 O..t!l 0.40 0.'32 0.24 Q.Hi O.<JS 0. 00 +---t--+--+--+-----+-·-+--+--t--f----l 0.00 0.20 lUO O.liO Q.SO l.OO 1.20 1.40 l.t;O 1.90 2.00 Period, T (sed For PGAM, TL, CRs• and CR1 values, please view the detailed report. ,;-;~gh thls-~formation ~--:;,~du; of t~;:-Ge~~~!cal Survey, we provide no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the data contained therein. This tool is not a substitute for technical subject-matter knowledge. 1/12/2015 9:37 p: Cola library· (:olumn Load Eutlmate; Column Locatll) C/3 Lave!; Atrium Roof }l.iumulatlve Tota LL LLw/ Tributerv Area: Lenalh Width ANa RedUction DL LL Reduction P,dl ?,II Ndl Nil I It ft ft2 % psf osf psf kiPs kiPll kips kips IA1 15.3 14 214.2 &. 1 15 20 19.0 3.2 4.1 3.2 4.1 Level; Main Roof (Ex!stlnal I I It I ft I ft2 I % losflosfl psf kios I kios I A1 I 25 l 20 I 500 I 43.3 l 28 I 20 I 12.0 14.0 I 6.0 I A2. I 15.3 I 12.!i Hl1.3 I 43.3 I 28 I 20 I 12.0 I 5.4 I 2.3 Sub-Total=-19.4 8.3 22.8 12.4 Level; Mezzanine T T ft I ft ft2] % losfloafl psf I klos I kios I Ai T 25 \ 20 500 I 43.3 \ 75 I so 36.0 I 37.5 I 18.0 I A2 I 15.3 12.!1 I 191.3 43.3 [ 75 80 36.0 I 14.3 I 6.9 L-............. Sub-Total" $1.8 24.9 74.4 24.9 Column Locatio C,2/3 Level: AlriumRoof Cumulative Tota Llw/ Trlbutarv Area: Length Wiatt1 Area L Reductio Dl LL Reduction Nd! NLL Ndl Nil I ft ft ft2 % J>Sf psf psf kips kips kips kips IA'I 15.3 14 214.2 5.1 15 20 19.0 3.2 4.1 3.2 4.1 Level; Main R~Jof (Existing) I I ft I ft I 1t2 I % jpsflpsfl psf kips I kips J A1 j 20 l 12.~; I 2so I 14:2 j· 28 I 20 I 17.2 7,0 ! 4.3 -IAJ. 12.5 l 6.2 ! 77.5 I 14.2 I 28 ! 20 I 17.2 :2.2 I 1.3 Sub-Total= 9.2 5.6 12.4 9.7 ASD load Combinations D+L D+Lr D+O. 75(l+LR) kiPs kips kloa 7,3 34.9 J39J.......:!.9..9.3_ ... 1()0.8 ASD Load Combinations D+L D+Lr 0+0. 75(L +LR) kips kips kips 7.3 ----~:.!_ L....._--·---~----------·k Col Section ASD Capacity 4x4x1/2 kips 4'·6" Height 156 OK 5" Extra-S Pipe 9' Height 101 OK 5" Extra-S Pipe 101 min. OK 9'-6• height, In Cone encasement Col Section ASD Capacity 4x4x1/2 4' -e· Height HSS6x6x1/4 16'·7' Height Co Kips 156 OK 86.4 OK (/) II -1 :0 ··= c: () -l c: -1 :0 )> !'"" :1': -1 m 0 G> :r: )> 2: -0 )> r rn r rn (') -1 :1J -0 )> I ~: z t) (') ·-< -!'"" n1 ;;: (i) -2 m m :0 (/) Q.. @ ~ "' ro :::T co :;:> I ('0 ro p ....,. f::l ~ ;tl c 0 s: -I I Ol Bi ETABS TTG ,~_ l ~ --------_-_--_::_:::_:..::~-----·-··-----~----~----------~ : ______ :=-:....:-=-:.:..:.:.:.:.:-... -::.:;:_:..:.:.:::=:.::.=::...:.--;.:::...:.:-=--==-=:::=..::==:::.:=== .. ===:.-=--= .. .:---=-=---=-=-.. =:· ... ::::::-===:::=.:.:._-====---:-==--==--=---=:=-:..::===-:.::-=jT~::t==-::..-=;:,-.::::=·-=::==;~ 1; " if i! ETABS v9.7.4 -File: Cole Lib M-FM HSS 20150206 -February9,2015 21:14 I I ETABS EtJv"GU)~B (-~) .. c.vAA.B:c=!JBD k~-r..AL/FL6)(!11.8 "-C. M A;._k_ ETABS v9.7.4 -File: Cole Lib M-FM HSS 20t50206 -Februarv 9,20"!5 21:22 TTG ETABS TTG l; 1\ o.c:J2 .. \'S4 · ~ l·l ETASS v9.7.4 -File: Cole lib M-FM HSS 20150206 -February 9,2015 21:26 ETABS TTG ---~ z:et 2 . 5. o (£t cJD A-tJ {~) · '· h <: -z. 0 o~ >-sy ,f_b z:. I .I r 6 1'-\A;l( -' -..?--" T \ ETABS v9.7.4 -Firn. Cole UIJ M-FM HSS 20150201:1 -February 9,2015 2 !:26 ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB M-FM HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 1 PROJECT INFORMATION Company Name = TTG ETAB.S v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB M-FM HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 2 S T 0 R Y STORY S'I'ORYl BASE DATJI. SIMILAR TO None None HEIGHT 54.000 ELEVATION 54.000 0.000 ETABS v9. 7. 4 F'ile: COLE LIB ~1-F'M HSS 20150206 Units: Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 3 s T A T I c L 0 A D c A s E s ATRIUM -11 STATIC CASE fi.UTO LAT SELF !f.JT NOTIONAL NOTIONAL CASE DIRECTION DEAD LRF w EX EY EXAUTO TYPE DEAD LIVE WIND QUAKE QUAKE QUAKE LOAD HULTIPLIER I'' ACTOR N/A 1.0000 N/A 0.0000 None 0.0000 USER COEFF 0.0000 USER COEFF 0.0000 IBC2006 0.0000 ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB tv1-FiVI HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 4 A U T 0 S E I S H I C I B C 2 0 0 6 Case: EXAUTO AUTO SE ISiVliC INPUT DATA Direction: X Typical Eccentricity = 0% Eccentricity Overrides: No Period Calculation: Program Calculated Ct = 0.028 (in feat units) X= 0.8 1 Top Story: STORYl Bottom Story: BASE R 3.5 I 1 Ss l.137g Sl 0.436g TL 8 Site Class Fa 1.0452 Fv 1.564 D hn 54.000 (Building Height) AUTO SEISMIC CZ\.LCULATION RESULTS Sds 0.7923g Sd1 0.4546g T Used 0.1306 sec w Used 1 t; ,-., '" .L..>. VV v Used 0.22641fl7 3.40 K Used 1.0000 AUTO SEISMIC STORY FORCES s·roRY FX JV!Y i"lZ ATRIUM -12 FY FZ MX STORYl 3.40 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 -835.518 ETABS v9. 7. 4 File: COLE LIB f'-'1~FN HSS 20150206 Units: Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 Pl,GE 5 A U T 0 Case: EX S E I S N I C U S E R AUTO SEISMIC INPUT DATA Direction: X Typical Eccentricity = 5% Eccentricity Overrides: No 2 C 0 E F F I C I E N T Period Calculation: Program Calculated Ct = 0.035 (in feet units) Top Story: STORYl Bottom Story: BASE c 0.226 K 1 AUTO SEISHIC CALCULATION FORt•JULAS v = c w AUTO SEISt4IC CALCULATION RESULTS W Used 15.00 V Used 0.2260W 3.39 AUTO SEISM.IC STORY FORCES STORY FX MY MZ FY ATRIUM-13 FZ HX STORYl 3.39 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 -834.188 ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB M-FM HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 6 A U T 0 Case: EY SEISt-IIC AUTO SEISMIC INPUT DATA D.Lre,::::tl.on: Y U S E R Typi~al Eccentrici~y = 5% Eccentricity Overrides: No C 0 E F F I C I E N T Period Calculation: Pro,jram Calculated Ct = 0.035 {in feet units) Top Story: STORY1 Bottom Story: BASE c 0.226 K 1 3 ATRIUM-14 AUTO SEISHIC CALCULATION FORMULAS v = c w AUTO SEISMIC CALCULATION RESULTS W Used 15.00 V Used 0. 2260~V 3.39 AUTO SEISMIC STORY FORCES STORY FX FY FZ MY HZ STORYl 0.000 0.00 3.39 0.00 0.000 561.636 ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB H-FH HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-i.n February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 7 H A S S t-iASS FRON ~1asses SOURCE LATERAL MASS ONLY Yes DATl\. LONP MASS AT STORIES Yes ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB M-FM HSS 20150206 Uni.ts:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 8 A S S E M 8 L E D P 0 I N T MASSF~S STORY RY 31lO.H.Yl J.OOOE+OO Bl\SE O.OOOE+OO Totals 0. OOOE.t-00 ux RZ 3.886E-02 0. OQt)E+OO O.OOOE+OO 3.934E-02 O.OOOE+OO UY uz RX 3.886E-02 O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 1. 762E-04 n onnR-l-no v.vVvJ....J•vv O.OOOE+OO 3.934E-02 0.000£+00 0.000£+00 ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB tvr-Ffvl HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-in February Y, 2015 21:16 PAGE ~ M 0 D A L PERIODS A N D F R E Q U E N C I E S PERIOD FREQUENCY 4 ATRIUM-15 CIRCULAR FREQ NUHBER (RADIANS/TIHE) Mode 1 21.01810 Mode 2 21.18365 tvlode 3 23.54662 Mode 4 311.74917 Mode 5 449.19059 Mode 6 557.58016 Mode 7 557.71925 Hode 8 595.32684 Mode 9 608.30012 Mode 10 736.94900 Mode 11 750.93580 t-iode 12 781.47187 (TIME) 0.29894 0.29661 0.26684 0.02015 0.01399 0.01127 0.01127 0.01055 0.01033 0.00853 0.00837 0.00804 (CYCLES/TIME) 3.34513 3.37148 3.74756 49.61642 71.49090 88.74164 88.76.377 94.74921 96.81397 117.28908 119.51.514 124.37511 ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB M-FM HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 10 M 0 D A L MODE RX-ROTN NUMBER NASS <SUM> Mode 1 0.00 < 0> tvlode 2 100.00 <100> Mo•:ie 3 0. iJO <100> t-1ode 4 D.OO <100> Mode 5 0.00 <100> Mode 6 0.00 <100> Mode 7 P A R T I C I P A T I N G M A S S R A T I 0 S X-TRANS Y-TRANS Z-TRANS RY-ROTN RZ-ROTN %Ml\SS <SUM> %!v1ASS <SUM> %MASS <SUM> '&MASS <SUH> %MASS <SUM> 100.00 <lOG> 0.00 < 0> 100.00 <100> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 <lGO> 100.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 100.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> O.GO <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100,>- 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 5 c.oc < 0> ij. 00 < 0> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 < 0> g, " ~-· 0.00 <100> Mode 8 0.00 <100> Mode 9 0.00 <100> Mode 10 0.00 <100> Mode 11 0.00 <100> IY!ode 12 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> o.oo <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 <100> 0.00 <100> 0.00 < 0> 0.00 <100> ETABS v9.7.4 Fi1e:COLE I.IB M-FM HSS 20150206 Unit.s:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 11 ATRIUM -16 M 0 0 A L L 0 A 0 P A R T I C I P A T I 0 N R A T I 0 S (STA'I'IC AND DYNAMIC RATIOS ARE I.N PERCENT) TYPE NAHE Load DEAD Load LRF Load yq Load EX Load EY Load EXAUTO Acce1 ux Accel UY Accel uz Accel HX tl.cce1 RY /keel RZ STATIC 0.0615 0.0589 99.8554 100~0000 100.0000 100.0000 lOO.OOCG 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 DYNAMIC 0 oooc 0~0000 53.5160 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB M-FM HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 12 TO'l'f-\L REACTIVE FORCES (RECOVERED LOADS) AT ORIGIN LOAD t:-iY t<lZ FX FY FZ DEAD -1.776E-15 5.551E-17 1.524E:+Ol 2.524E+03 5.258E-13 LRF 8.882E-16 -5.551£-17 1.380E+Ol 2.286E+03 -1.279£-13 W -3.546E-14 -1.988E+OO -S.SSlE-17 1.904£-12 -3.292£+02 EX -3.391E+00 -6 246E-14 1.166£-15 1. 831Et-02 8.342E+02 EY -6.0938-14 -3 391E+OO -5.551£-17 3.268E-12 -5.616£+02 6 HX 3.749E+03 3.395£+03 1.073£+02 3.428E-12 1.831E+G2 EXAUTO 1.834E+02 -3.396E+OO -6.198E-14 8.355E+02 ATRIUM-17 1.166E-15 3.428E-12 ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB M-FM HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 13 s T 0 R y F 0 R c E s STORY LOAD p vx VY T MX MY STORY1 w -5.551E-17 -3.546E-14 -·1. 988E+OO 3. 2 92E+02 1.073E+02 -1.904E-12 STORYl EX 1.166E-15 -3.391E+OO -6.246E-14 8.342E+02 3.428E-12 -1.831E+02 STORYl EY -5.551E-17 -6.093E-14 -3.391E+OO 5.616£+02 1.831£+02 -3.268E-12 STORYl EXAUTO 1.166E-15 -3.396£+00 -6.198£-14 8.355E+02 3.428E-12 -1.834£+02 ETABS v9.7.4 File:COLE LIB M-F~l HSS 20150206 Units:Kip-in February 9, 2015 21:16 PAGE 14 STORY DRIFTS STORY DIRECTION LOAD MAX DRIFT STORYl y w 1/474 STORYl X EX 1/273 STORYl y EY 1/278 STORYl X EXAUTO 1/273 7 ••• -······ ·rG •@!;¥' T . ~~ .,..~_. :J t -~--~<~> ELEV-1 sheet of job no. 62 l4-6J-/,f:P> i . S T R U C T U R A l M E C H i', N l C A L E l E C T R l G A L A N 0 C ! V I l E N G I N F. E R S date 2/2/1 5 (D LB L3-ef_AP-J ctv) t5L8V A-rvK 7ot~ ___________________ __........... • cw f5L&v. ID~ xs 58I51"<1 :r::cA-·LL y 5!?Ptff!A1fV rtf0;t-; llt6 (~) cA ,vf. (A-~4 S:HEAtwALt &eB~A{lf/ s/tZt.1t/[!l-.!i. t Uv) ~LSV, lbLVf3~ -::t:) CJJM.Pl=r::::_;t:;[) Of 1-1$) 6.-~r.-6 C-I.)L.foM1.!1A sE,L-rs:-o lv'5 w/ A or~< r;-;:~J Af(~ Mo.Ntft\.11 tz~ <;£f(J.'Nfl f12-J:r~ c-rtz-.:;. · (Co t.J :Se¥? V AP:t~) ·~. .,/ • bfs~~ As.s·u_rvt{n"'X~o'-JS: ~· C,LAOD :r: \46 . b L-:::. l5. p:5.P • f<nlllF 1-L ~ w psF • ~ t---1:s{) -Bk¢ 6 f) c/·l Tf-·( f( 'Mf/ ,frr wALL. • ·F 1/Z oM c, __ -d tJ c"l. ,-r· <P.r.;; G-r, -,_, .... ~(:) . .,..-f..-' .._~ rOD i ! • o -Ptf+t A: Tic itJ kL LD kO CL ~ 5£/D !6 ELEV-2 sheet ----'of_. _ job no. 9 2[4~2 (> i . S T FlU C T lJi A A l.. M:.E C HAN l CAL E L E C T RIC A l AN 0 C IV ll E N G f N E 12 R S date 2/2/15 DR~ CH~C,K ,• b~ U:>t-JfRoL5 AT (pwBSf L:g\ff6L, (Bk)G-? ~~t) ::t==~J 6lbf!:>.AL. )(-D~ 1 L.q.AD Co /v\_8 b ~ 3 ~(JOINT N20-ROOF} (JOINT N12-2ND LEVEL} ( L) 6 (JOINT N8 -INT. LEVEL) -~ _,_ L-k"o . 2-,-s~ D L -t o . s-L G +· \ . o t:.z (JOINT N4 _ sAsE LEVEL) rr~ -s.:v~~ l -:r:.wrJjf-sr•t J ' r t>~~ (J{'f?!)\ . 1 ~-r::<,f l!_l\) I Her:-61-l/ ~._~, J I cr:t--ilt~->-r# y) ----··~-~~--.--------~-------~~----·~---~..,,~-·t-~--........ ·---~----~-~...------t-·-~-~---~----~~-----~-·-----~-..,..__,_,......_ __ ~----~----A------ 8~-lg:-. I ,0.35 I ·1% l o.014 .::::. o. o-z~ ok . ! ! ~ INT. -2.1-JD l (0.12 1 S l 0.005 C?J;;.. l ! - ·z..ND-'ROOF \ 0.63 192 0.01 r?,_f;; • 0 \11$~. ALL bJ::;P, A:-r· r::. CXJf csveL.. s € ~~ l.l u (~ ?3{_~) ,/ (" •0 --:.: (J r<-:r. 3. o )Q /.I ·:::. 3. 3 11 0~ j ~· --- I /.o • l E) c A i'ff. c. 1vt Lt 9-iBAfl-wALL J.;tA.k A-LLOU..J A8i8' [)f!:::cfT~o. oJ ) \,"1 I ( <;-:r:-r=15 '5f51;S~trr:.r_ GA-P -:fof (15.) $rl-at:7t?££ A-IJ ~A q ~ 2-ct" ~ IL..-x_ o. o l -:: s. S \\ ~ tt:J)PPJ:;ruUJ{jf_ / At ~AA::::.: :S.6 "' ELEV-3 sheet of by GC STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS job no. 021~621 :00 date2/2/15 CbL;§ ~.--re~~S1 (lJ) 'fL::fvkroK--wwtT~" UJ1J.JJ) ot ~\NJ D PtK A:;tf 1-to {)1 24 I. 1\j.b .,_.. ~ o .oozs-6 K"-l~ kJV ,-1.- :;:; o. ao'L')b x 0 ."'1 0 x ~. ta5 ~(~to) :::: \ 8 . 4: rs :;..- (H -:t-3d f'~~ 8) ~\ ( k'V-" 0 . '0 \ k J "C-c~. 'OS \ v ':2-\ l 0 ""' pk "---·· ~.. ) s-A 1_7:_ 21:~-F -·..::.<~.::.::..:;:::;...-==---- .$. Z X Solution: Envelope TTG GC 0214621.00 Colb Library -(N) Elevator Tower ELEV-4 SK-/ ,, Feb 9, 2015 at 10:51 PM 20150202 -Cole Library (N) Elevat ... N22 N30 N16 N7 24 4 3 I Sch.ltion: Envelope TTG GC Cole Library -(N) Elevatdr Tower! 0214621.00 N18 N14 N10 2 ELEV-5 SK- Feb 9, 2015 at 10:45 PM 20150202 -Cole Library (N) Elevat... Ji Z X Loads: BLC 2, LL Solution: Envelope TTG GC 0214621.00 N30 24 N16 N7 4 3 Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower N14 2 ELEV-6 SK- Feb 9, 2015 at 10:46 PM 20150202-Cole Library (N) Elevat... Loads: BLC 1, DL Solution: Envelope TTG GC 0214621.00 N1 N19 N30 N16 N7 24 3 . Cole llibrary 1 (N} Elevator Tower ELEV-7 N14 N10 SK- Feb 9, 2015 at 10:46 PM 20150202 -Cole Library (N) ElevaL * Z X Loads: BLC 3, Ex Solution: Envelope TTG G 0214621.00 N30 24 N16 N7 4 3 Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower ELEV-8 N14 2 SK-~--------------_, .. / Feb 9, 2015 at 10:47 PM 20150202 -Cole library (N) Elevat ... 1 Loads: BLC 4, Ez r ~~ion: Envelope · GC 0214621.00 N30 24 ELEV-9 N16 N14 N10 N7 4 2 3 -·-------,---------------- Cole library -(N) Elevator Tower SK- Feb 9, 2015 at 10:47 PM 20150202-Cole Library (N) Elevat... J2!i Z X Loads: BLC 1, DL Solution: Envelope TTG GC 0214621.00 -.012ksf Cole library-(N) Elevator Tower ELEV-10 Feb 9, 2015 at 10:49 PM \ .. 20150202 -Cole Library (N) Elevat ... I Loads: BLC 2, LL Solution: Envelope TTG GC l 0214621.00 Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower 18 14 10 ELEV -11 SK- Feb 9, 2015 at 10:49 PM 20150202 ·Cole Library (N) Elevat. .. ~ Z X Loads: BLC 3, Ex Solution: Envelope lTG GC 0214621.00 .003ksf Cole library -(N) Elevator Tower ELEV-12 I / SK- Feb 9, 2015 at 10:50 PM , ) [ 20150202-Cole Library (N) Elevat ... I Loads: BLC 4, Ez Solution: Envelope TIG GC 0214621.00 .003ksf Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower ELEV-13 SK- Feb 9, 2015 at 10:48 PM 20150202-Cole Library (N) Elevat ... !& Z X Loads: BLC 5, Wx Solution: Envelope TTG GC 0214621.00 ELEV-14 8 4 0 SK- Cole library -(N) Elevator Tower Loads: BLC 6, Wz Solution: Envelope TIG GC 0214621.00 Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower ELEV-15 SK- Feb 9, 2015 at 11:03 PM 20150202 -Cole Library (N) Elevat... ~ Z X 0 3 0 0 8.6 Results for LC 1, 1.2DL + 1.6LL Z-direction Reaction units are k and k-ft TTG GC 0214621.00 0 I 3 0 0 0 0 9.6 Cole library-(N) Elevator Tower 0 0 9.6 ELEV-16 SK-/ Feb 10, 2015 at 6:34 AM 20150210-Cole Ubrary (N} Elevat ... Ai Z X 0 Results for LC 2, 1.2DL + 0.5LL + 1.0Ex Z-direction Reaction units are k and k-ft 1.82 0 / 0 I -1.8 i 15.8 0 -1.8 15.8 ELEV -17 -----------------------------------.---------------- TIG GC 0214621.00 Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower SK- Feb 10, 2015 at 6:35 AM 20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevat ... )i Z X 0 -.1 3.3 -1.9 -.1 16.9 Results for LC 3, 1.2DL + O.SLL + 1.0Ez Z-direction Reaction units are k and k-ft TTG GC 0214621.00 -1.7 -.1 I 17.6 Cole Library -KN> EleJator Tower O.'f· -1. SK- ELEV -18 Feb 10, 2015 at 6:35AM \, 20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevat ... I~ 0 Results for LC 4, 1.2DL + 0.5LL + 1.0Wx Z-direction Reaction units are k and k-ft TIG GC 0214621.00 1.94 0 4-.9 0 Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower ELEV -19 0 I -1 11.3 SK- 20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevat... ~ Z X 0 2.~ -1.8 ~. 1 14.2 ResuHs for LC 5, 1 .2DL + 0.5LL + 1.0Wz Z-direction Reaction units are k and k~ft TIG GC 0214621.00 -1.4 ... -.2 i 14.7 CoiJ Library -{N) Elevator Tower 0.1 -1. SK- ELEV-20 'o.a Feb 10,2015 at 6:36AM 20150210-Cole library (N) Elevat ... 0.12 1.8 0 -1.8 Results for LC 6, 0.9DL + 1.0Ex Z-direction Reaction units are k and k-ft TTG GC 0214621.00 0 -1.8 Cole Library -(N) Elevator "J1ower SK- 0 -1.8 11.3 ELEV-21 Feb 1 0, 2015 at 6:42 AM 20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevat... jfi Z X -.1 1.9 -1.9 -.1 12.9 Results for LC 7, 0.9DL + 1.0Ez Z-direction Reaction units are k and k-ft TTG GC 0214621.00 -1.7 1 -.1 I 13.2 Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower oi· -1. ELEV-22 SK-~ Feb 10,2015 at 6:37AM . 20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevat ... I·!J 0 1.1 Results for LC 8, 0.9DL + 1.0Wx Z-direct!on Reaction units are k and k=ft TTG GC 0214621.00 Cole tibrary _I(N} Elevator Tower ELEV-23 0 SK- Feb 10,2015 at 6:38AM 20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevat ... ~ Z X 0 2.q -1.8 -.1 11.9 Results for LC 9, 0.9DL + 1.0Wz Z-direction Reaction units are k and k-ft 0214621.00 oz -2.2 -1.4 -.2 12.1 Cole Library -{N) Elevator Tower o:i· -1. ELEV-24 1-S_K_-------~/ ', Feb 10,2015 at 6:39AM 20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevat ... ............. I I"' Company Designer Job Number GC 0214621.00 Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower Global Disolav Sections for Member Cales 5 ' ·< Include Shear Deformation? Yes Trans Load Btwn lntersectinQ Wood Wall? Yes -j_ --- Area Load Mesh (in ... 2) 144 ----,--- P-Delta Analysis Tolerance 0.50% _-: --:< --' ' ---:: ,::-_ ',-_ ,-,' ': -_ : -' Automaticly Iterate Stiffness for Walls? Yes l;faJ<irtiUm lterationNumberfcWWall stiffnesl§3 · Gravity Acceleration (ft/sec ... 2) 32.2 wan Mesh SiieJih) , 12 _ -. Eigensolution Convergence ToL{1.E-) 4 vertical AXis ·-•··· -·--.. __ -._ v ----- Global Member Orientation Plane XZ static Solver Soarse Accelerated Dynamic Solver Accelerated __ ,:::Sc:::o:.:.lv-=:er,__ __________ _ Hot Rolled Steel Code -AiSC 13th(360-05): LRFD - Adiust Stiffness? Yes(lter:ative} RISAConnection Code AISC 13th(360-05): LRFD Cold Farmed Steel code -A(SI S100.,10:ASD --:--- Wood Code AF&PA NDS-12: ASD Wood Tempetatute ----c-c-~100F -----. ' ,--=: .. --; -, '-· _----·-,--_, ' Concrete Code ACI318-11 MasontY Code. -• --------ACI ~30-11: Strennth , 'c--: &~minum Code ____ .M A[)M1-1 0: ASD -Building ----·---····---------~~--~-~~ Number of Shear Regions 4 Regioh Spacina tnctement (in) 4 -- Biaxial Column Method Exact Integration Parma aeta. Factor tPCAl -.• 65 __ . _ ... Concrete Stress Block Rectangular Use cracked sections?. Yes· -_, Bad FraminQ Warnings? No unused Force warnings? Yes Min 1 Bar Diam. Spacing? No concrete Rebar set REaAR SET ASTMA615 Min % Steel for Column 1 Max % Steel for Coluitu1 8 ELEV-25 __ ._ .. ~ ~---.... rt::u •u, .e.u1o 6:40AM Checked By: __ RISA-3D Version 11.0.2 [\ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \20150210-Cole library (N) Elevator Tower.rBdge 1 Company Designer Job Number ITG GC 0214621.00 Global Continued ' Seismic Code Seismic Base; Elevation (ft} · Add Base Weight? .·· .. ,· .. . ·. crz•.<·.•·········. • :. c ... ... : ·· .. '. ·c · .•. - CtX Tz.·tsecl ... ~ . ··:· c ~ .. :.•··· TX{sec) Rz····•··· ··~·· .. ·.~·· . <···.:·•·.~·L .. ;• RX CtEXfl.Z .... ., . · .. . ..···.·•· ··u Ct Exp. X --SD1 ... · .. ;· SDS $1 : TL (sec) Risk.Cat ;. eismic Detailing Code . n1Z ... mX hoZ .. . Rho X ----- Hot Rolled Steel Properties Hot Rolled Steel Section Sets Label Shane Twe 1 6x6 frame beam HSS6x6x8 Beam Cole Library -(N) Elevator Tower ASCE 7-10 N9t•Entered··.··•·•········.···.· .. ·, .•.• ·, .... · :•:./. ···· ·: . <· ·· .. ··· . Yes :02 • : ><·· .. ,·.:::, .. · .. ·.·. :i,F:: .. <:. '· .02 ·NotEnterea .···.······. :·<:•:.· \.:\ <.·····.··•···· ><·: Not Entered ;,a .:• . ···":··:··,· • ..•.. :t ,:;:;x .. ;:• .. :····· ··•>r 3 \l$• •.... · ...... > :•. ; ........ ····\;• .... :.··, .• :. .75 t .. ·· . ·•:.• ··.•·•· .. .. ...... • :. > .··· 1 1 ....... ·· :.· .... ·•· .... <.;.. •.·' 5 Lorn· •·. .·' . :• .. ASCE 7-05 1 .··· . · . ... :•.· •· . 1 1 · ... . ; L__. .. _, ___ , De .. sian List Mate· ~a .. EMe~ Afin21 Square Tube A500Gr.42 Tvoical 9.74 2 6x6 frame col HSS6x6X8 Column Square Tube MQOCk42 Tvbidal 9.14. 3 8x6 frame beam HSS8x6x8 Beam Tube A500Gr.42 Tvoical 11.6 4 1 oxa frame beam HSS10X6x8 Beam Tube Aq(l0Gr.42 Tvoical 13.5 -·~ glazing support col HSS6x6x4 Column ·SquareTu~ A500Gr.42 ._.TYPical.. 5.24 glazing support beam HSS3x3x4 Beam Square Tube -A~OOGr.42 Tvoidal 2.44. Design Size and Code Check Parameters lwfin41 48.3 ELEV-26 Feb 10,2015 6:40AM Checlted By: __ lzz fin41 Jrin4]_ 48.3 81.1 .. 48~3. i 48.3 .·. 81.1' 62.5 98.2 127 7€3.8 ; . 171 ·116' 28.6 28.6 45.6 3.02 3.02 5.08 .-----,---·_____bal2fl!. Max~[in] Min QepthUnJ Max \Mdth(inl Min Wk:lth[in] Max Bending Chk Max Shear Chk I 1 I Typical I I I _ I 1 I ~ 1 I Hot Rolled Steel Design Parameters Label Shaoe Lenothlftl Lbvvlftl Lbzzfftl Lcomo toofftt Lcomo botfft L-torau... Kvv Kzz Cb__ Function 1 M1 6x6 frame col 6.5 Lateral .. ··-:-2 M2 6x6 frame col 6.5 Lateral 3 M3 6x6 frame col 8 Lateral 4 1\114 ~}(6 frame eel 8 Lateral 5 M5 6x6 frame col 6.5 Lateral 6 1\116 6x6 frame col 6.5 ·' .··LateW 7 M7 6x6 frame col 8 Laten. RISA-30 Version 11.0.2 [\ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \. .. \. .. \ ... \. .. \ .. \2015021 0 -Cole Library (N) Elevator Tower.rBdge 2 ) TIG ELEV-27 Feb iii, 20i5 6:40AM Company Designer Job Number GC 0214621.00 Cole Library-(N) Elevator Tower Checked By: __ Hot Rolled Steel Design Parameters (Continued) Label Shace Lenothfftl Lbwfftl Lbzzfftl Leoma toorft Lcomo botrft L-torau... Kw Kzz Cb Function 9 M9 ~x6 frame col 6.5 lateral .. ,.·· ·.· .·· 11 M11 ~x6 frame col 8 lateral 1_.·. .-.. · •' -·. :taterar 13 M13 ~x6frame col 6.5 Lateral ,', ' ' . '• .'. ·Lateral 15 M15 ~x6 frame col 8 Lateral ••• . · _.: :,··.' ,·;· . · .... ,L~f~rai 17 M21 10x6frame .. 9.25 Lateral 18 M22 tQX&frame ,, 7.5 , .. ·.·. .,, _,:··, ' ' 1: -t.~tii!r~r 19 M23 10x6 frame.. 9.25 Lateral 20 M24 . 1o)<6 frjiJTie ,. 7,5 ' .·. • •· Literal 21 M29 10x6 frame.. 9.25 Lateral •'.· . i.at~rar 23 M31 10x6 frame.. 9.25 Lateral 24 M32 10x6frame.. 7.5 Uit!3ral 25 M25 glazing sup... 6.5 Lateral 26 1\1126 gl~iiigsup... 6.5 Late.ral 27 M27 glazing sup... 8 28 M28 glating sup... 8 Lateral Lateral 29 M29A glazing sup... 6.5 Lateral '' Lateral 31 M31A glazing sup... 8 Lateral 32 M32A .. 191azif19~up... 8 ··· ·· ·_·.. ·_,-,· · ··. Lateral 37 M38 glazing sup... 2.2 Lateral 38 M40 ._·· .1~ffame... 9.25 ·.· -·.. Lateral 39 M41 10x6 frame.. 7.5 Lateral · 40 ·· -1\11.42--. 10XS.fl'<irtiEL ·~L25 · ... _·... . ... ·._ .. · -.·· .·· ._:·.•. ,· ,• . .. ta.te.r'i:il 41 M50 10x6 frame.. 7.5 Lateral ---··---------+---r-~r----f-:----+-:--:---:-:-::-1 42 · M42A glazii:ig siJp... . 7.5 Lateral Member Point Loads I M~mber Area Loads CBLC 1 : DLJ Joint A Joint B JointC _JointD Direction Distribution Magnitude~s11 1 N19 N3 N2 N18 y TwoWav -.012 2 N31 N32 N24 N23 y TwoWav -.012 ., llo.l'l"l llo.I')A llo.J'l r.Ho v T~:Jo '.AJav . n-f., "' ,,,.,, ...... -.. .... , ... "' I ··.v•.c. 4 N32 N1.9 ··· .·· N18 .. · N3l y twaVI/av ..::012 5 N23 N2. N18 N31 y TwoWav -.012 Member Area Loads fBLC 2 : LLJ ~~----J~o~in~tA=---~--~J~o=in~t~B--~--~J~o=in~tc~---~--~J~o=in~tD~--~~D~ir~e~ct~io~n-.~D~ist~n~bu~ti~on~~M~a~g~nn~u~ 1'-_...1--'--1 ---'-'N""'3~2 --"----'N""'1,_,9,___-'--_ _,_,N....,_18""----"----"N....,3 ..... 1 __ '--___,Y,_____ .. I Two Way -.OL__j Me'fber A,Jea Loads (BLC 3 : ExJ · Joint A Joint B Joint C Joint D Direction Distribution Magnnude[ksf] RISA-30 Version 11.0.2 [\ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevator Tower.rBage 3 TIG ELEV-28 Feb 10,2015 6:40AM Company Designer Job Number GC 0214621.00 Cole Library-(N) Elevator Tower Checked By: __ ....;:.:M:.;:e;:.:.m:.::b~e;;.r.:.:A::..;re::a:::.,jL;:,;o:.:a:.:d~s...,tJ-=B;::Lo:Co.:3::..:.:..:· E.=x~J .... O.;C~on:I:Ot=-fn-=u-e;.;;;;d~) ---------·---------'~~ Joint A JointB JointC JointD Direction Distribution Maanitudelksfl 1 N3 N2 N18 N19 X Two Wav .003 2 ... '' N32 ...... 'N24 .'. :• .···.···N23 . .. : N31-'·.·•-•·•·· . 3 N24 N3 N19 N32 X Two WaY .003 4 ., . · N31 '> ·. . N23. d ··~ : .. N2 .. ·,., ·•·· .f\as.•·· , .... ... Member Area Loads (BLC 4 : EzJ 1 ···.··2 3 4 Member Area Loads (BLC 5 : WxJ Member Area Loads fBLC 6 : WzJ Joint A .. 1 . Joint B Joint c Joint D -~i~~tribution .f ... _.Magrl..i:tl.!®fusfl_., [LL ___._N"'"'2""'-3 ---'-~ _ ___,N~2,__ _ _._C __ _,_,N,_,_18,.__ _ _,__ __ ....,N-""-31..__. __ __,_ _L_ _ _z__ I Two Way _ _ __ .02.2____1 Basic Load Cases BLC Description Cateaorv X Gravitv Y Gravitv Z Gravitv Joint Point Distrib.YJ~.d ArealMe ... ~ .. m. ...... tP ... 1 DL None -1 2 5 2 ·· . ct. ~ · .•.None • ••·• ~. \ . . ··· ·• ..... <:" .2 ···>·" · . . ~. · ......... 1 ·· ".:: ,/ -3 Ex None .24 2 4 4 . Ei ··· , .. ''None · ····• . ..· .· .. · i .:24'' 2> • ;' · .. •.· · .-• ::4 .. · 1.· >'· 5 Wx None 1 6 :.wz·:. .: . None · . ·· ... · , .· ... ··· · ···· .· ..... :.-•. ·· .• ··.·· 1 .· <.> 7 BLC 1 Transient Area.. None 386 8 BLC2Trat\sii!,.ot~a.. •::Norte ·· 1 >< .··.• · .. ~· .. ····•····.··· • •·54. · : · o;; 9 BLC 3 Transient Area.. None 151 10 13LC4Trai:\i:iiettt.Afua.. ·.·.· None . ····'·~···· .•..•.• ·· •··•.·.·... ;'151 ····. > • i.< . 11 BLC 5 Transient Area.. None 76 12 eLc 6 Transient NtuL . • None .··· >aS . · ····• · · ··.· Envelope Joint Reactions --·--Joint Xfkl LC ,.......Yl!!l LC Z!kl LC MX lk-j\1 LC MY lk-ftl LC MZ [k~ftl LC 1 N4 maxr-.031 1 16.854 3 -.006 -6 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 minl -1.774 6 " -1.812 6 -1.91 3 0 1 0 1 .0 1 3 N3 maxl -.033 1 17_,631 3 -.011 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 4 mini •1.794 2 8.74. 8 ~1~66 3 () 1 0 . 1 0 1 5 N2 ' .131 9 15.753 2 .021 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 max: 6 min 1 ~·t:794 2 4.652 7 -1.699. 9 . · .. 0 1 . . ~ .0 .··• ~ . 1 0 1 7 N1 maxJ :188 5 8.577 1 .012 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 8 .nrn 1 .. ·4.774 6 .··.:.5~591 7 -2.167 9 .·. 0 1 0 · .. · 1 0 1 9 N23 maxl .005 5 2.987 3 0 8 0 1 0 1 0 1 r-tQ ___ min 1 -.445 8 ._()95 --.Ji -.138 9 ___ a_·---r-L 0 .. 1 0 --1-!--"'----:::---·-----11 N24 maxi .003 1 3.334 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 12 mini ... 445 8 .095 6 -.103 7 0 1 0 1 0 1 13 Totals: max! 0 5 42.163 1 0 6 14 mini -7.424 6 19.175 6 -7.424 7 RISA-30 Version 11.0.2 [\ ... \ ... \. .. \. .. \ .. \. .. \. .. \ ... \. .. \. .. \ ... \. .. \. .. \20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevator Tower.rBdge 4 Company Designer Job Number TiG GC 0214621.00 Envelope Joint Displacements Cole Library-(N) Elevator Tower ELEV-29 Feb iu, 2015 6:40AM Checked By: __ Joint Xfinl LC Y finl LC Z finl LC X Rotation ... LC Y Rotation ... LC Z Rotation r ... LC 1 N1 maxi 0 6 0 7 0 9 6.102e-3 3 5.26e-4 5 5.094e-4 5 2 •,. . .. ·. mill J 0 5 0 1 0 . 1 ,-1.067e-5 1 t.084e-8 ·a .:.5.689e-3 2 3 N2 max! 0 2 0 7 0 9 l5.235e-3 3 7.375e-4 5 4.579e-4 9 4 ~ . mlri 1 ·· o ·. 9 o 2 o 2 -1.888S-5 2 t.o23e-8 s -5,7t37e.:.3 2 5 N3 max: 0 2 0 8 0 3 5.273e-3 3 5.943e-4 5 -3.54e-5 1 s ··· · •.•. mii1 1 o ... 1 o 3 o 6 s.9o7e-6 .s -Lt75e-5 . 2 .. · -s.76te~3 · 2 7 N4 max: 0 6 0 6 0 3 6.123e-3 3 6.667e-4 5 2.175e-5 1 a .. ···.·•··· ... ·.·. ··.·•·· · ... ·· ·min l o . 1 . o .3 ····.·.· o ..... s !t176e~ s .. 2.851e-6 2 ;.;s.689e·3 r 2 9 N5 maxi .324 2 .002 7 .343 3 9.217e-4 3 5.26e-4 5 1.606e-5 9 10 > ·.·· ·.· ·.. . .. mih l . .:.027 5 .· "".003 1 ··. 0 ·.·· 8 1~07e~5 6 -1.084e:.s 8 .:t.029e-3 2 11 N6 max' .324 2 .002 7 .295 3 8.21 e-4 3 7 .375e-4 5 1.178e-4 5 12 ···. mini -.027 5 -.005 2 0 2 2.029e~5 6 1.023e-8 8 •8.97e-4 6 13 N7 max: .324 2 -.003 8 .295 3 7.557e-4 7 5.943e-4 5 5.522e-5 1 14 ... mini •' 0 1 -.006 3 0 1 .:.3.878e.:5 .2 -1.175e-5 2 -"8;97e-4 6 15 NB maxi .324 2 0 6 .343 3 8.818e-4 7 6.667'e-4 5 -6.178e-5 1 16 ··--'-:'--::-'--'---f-!.m!.!.!i.._,_n +! --~o:'-:'· -t--:'-1-!---""='o'-='o='-6-+-:3:-r~-::70· 1 -2.211 e-5 1 -2.851e-6 . 2 _ •1.029e-3 2 17 N9 max! .441 2 .003 7 .466 3 7.336e-4 7 7.201e-4 5 -8.466e-6 7 18 .. min 1 -.034 5 -.oo5 1 o 1 -2.833e-5 1 o a ,.7.198e-4 2 .. 71,9~____,-_..N~1.,._0_,...+7m~an..x•f-:: _.'-::447 t--1_.2.,_+__,_.=00,_..,_ 2 ___ + ......... 3,=9.><..8-+_,3'-+-'6~,_,.(2?e-4.~ 9.095e-4 5 8.349E}-5 -~ 20 min I •.034 5 -..009 2 0 1 -.1.396e-5 1 -2.852e-8 1 -7.295e-4 6 21 N11 max: .441 2 -.005 8 .398 3 6.494e-4 3 7.644e-4 5 4.993e-5 1 25 N13 maxi .726 2 .003 7 .761 3 4.15e-3 7 9.922e-4 5 2.074e-4 5 27 N14 max! .734 2 .002 7 .676 7 3.891e-3 7 1.134e-3 5 1.342e-4 9 32. ·.· .. ··.·• < nmr 1. .:.oo2 1 -.o12 3 .oo2 s 2J&85e:.5 a -3.828'e::s . a -3.944e~ 2 33 N17 maxi .99 2 .003 7 _ 1.046 3 8.043e-4 3 1.264e-3 5 -5.254e-5 7 . 34 ··mih 1· .-.056 9 .-,o1 1 o s .. t.osae:.4 e . -4.656~. 1 .:5.713e-4 "if .. 35 N18 max: .99 2 .002 7 .942 3 7.828e-4 3 1.358e-3 5 1.805e-4 1 ss .. min L -.o5s 9 ~ ... o13 2 o a 1.1o5e-4 6 o .· ... a i-3.64ae4 s 37 N19 maxi .99 2 -.007 8 .942 3 3.196e-4 7 1.284e-3 5 1.805e-4 1 38 'rrlin I .002 1 -.014 3 o 1 -6.463e-4 1 -8.383e-5 2 -3.6468-4 6 39 N20 maxi .99 2 0 6 1.046 3 3.485e-4 7 1.335e-3 5 -8.787e-5 7 40 ·.··· mini .002 1 -.014 3 0 2 .,.S.488e-4 1 -7.171e-5 6 -5.773e-4 2 41 N21 max l .994 2 -.003 6 1.046 3 3.076e-5 5 1.296e-3 5 -7.021e-5 7 · 42 min 1. o 9 -.032 1 o 2 o . 1 o 2 -5.773e-4 2 43 N22 max! .995 2 -.007 9 .942 3 3.502e-5 5 1.287e-3 5 1.805e-4 1 44 min 1 ,oo1 1 -.032 1 o 1 o 6 o 2 -3.646e-4 6 45 N23 max\ 0 8 0 6 0 9 3.553e-3 3 2.009e-3 3 2.499e-4 5 46 ·· min 1 o . s · o 3 o 8 . .:1.654&-7 a -7.7818-6 6 .:3.437e-3 2 A'7 li.I?A -rr ............ ...... ~-~ n IIIQA• V Q "' C 5 c 7 3.552e-3 3 2 .. 00Sa-3 3 1.0C7s-.5 1 48 } .. ... min J o. 1 o 3 o 1 -1.2028..;6 1 -4.83Se-7 1 -"3.437e-3 2 49 N25 max! .253 2 0 6 .268 3 3.24e-3 3 2.009e-3 3 2.262e-4 5 r=50~--------~··~m=in~l~·-·~;0~1~9~~5~--~·0~02~_~1~~~0~~8~-~-4~.4~2~1~~~8+~6~-~7.~78~1~eu-6~·~6~· +-~2~.8~8~9e~-~3~~2_ 51 N26 max 1 .253 2 0 6 .268 3 3.24e-3 3 2.008e-3 3 -1.531e.,.S 1 52 min i 0 1 -.002 3 0 1 -2.914e-7 1 -4.838e-7 1 -2.889e-3 2 53 N27 max I .441 2 0 6 .508 1 3 1 3.02e~3 3 2.009e-3 3 1.655e-4 9 54.. min I. ...034 5 ,..,003 1 0 2 -2.419e-6 1 -7.78te..,G 6 -1.961e-3 2 55 N28 max; .441 2 0 6 .508 3 1 3.021 e-3 3 2.008e-3 3 -3.609e-5 1 56 min I o 1 -.003 3 o 8 -3.331e-7 a 4.838e-7 1 -1.961e-3 2 RISA-30 Version 11.0.2 [\ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \ ... \20150210-Cole Library (N} Elevator Tower.rBdge 5 Company Designer Job Number TIG GC 0214621.00 Cole Library -(N} Elevator Tower ELEV-30 Feb 10, 2015 6:40AM Checked By: __ Envelope Joint Displacements (Continued} Joint Xfin1 LC YJini LC Zfinl LC X Rotation ... LC Y Rotation ... LC Z Rotation I... LC 57 N29 max! .698 2 0 6 .812 3 3.077e-3 3 1.898e-3 3 1.105e-4 9 58 min ,. -.047. 9 -".004 .t i. 0 1 4.o52e~s 8 ··4:791e;:5 2 -3.o43e .. 3 2 .·. j 59 N30 maxi .698 2 0 6 .812 3 3.077e-3 3 1.898e-3 3 -4.006e-6 1 60 ·. .min' ;003 1 . .:.~o05· .. . 3 .··• o:c:i 6 :~[9se::1 ·r .:.:2:092e;;s 1 -3.043e-3 2 61 N31 max .99 2 0 6 1.085 3 8.043e-4 3 1.786e-3 3 2.626e-4 7 62 · .... rnill •.056 •.· .9 -:005 1 .. .·.<tj/'''··:,.. .:a ··1.osae-'4 6 J2;81Se~5 •· 2 ;:2,o32e-4 1 .• 63 N32 max .99 2 0 6 1.085 3 3.485e-4 7 ·t.787e-3 3 2.496e-4 6 64< ., min . 0012 .r .,:.])05 . 3 \-~·0 :; .. ,.,.:.', :2 ~)188&-4 .. 1· ;L139e.,t \.s· ,..3,77:1e-4 3 65 N33 max .998 2 -.038 6 1.085 3 7.802e-6 3 "1.297e-3 5 2.496e-4 6 66 .. , .. ~"' .;o01 . 1 <tu···· 'l J) >> -2 ;···· .. o 1 >o ·.· ..... 2 -2:032e-4 1 mtn I Envelope AISC 13th(360-05J: LRFD Steel Code Checks ·-,-·---~ 1 M1 Shapjt_ ~C ... Locfftl LC Shear ... Locfftl Dir LC.P.b.i~Pnc [kl. phi*F!~YJ!l ~n -... J:!hi.*Mn :!::,.,.. b Egnc_ HSS6x6x8 .231 6.5 3 .020 0 z 3 341.449\368.172 62.37 62.37 1 ... H1-1b 2 M2 •· t-tSS6XSx8 .103 6.5 3 .020 0 z 13 341.449 368.172 : 62.37 .. 62.37 7L H1-1b 3 M3 HSS6x6x8 .135 0 3 .014 0 z 3 328.457 i 368.172 62.37 62.37 2 ... H1-1b 4 . M4 ··· 'HSS6X6XS .127· .. 8 3 ;012 0 i 3 328.457 t 368 •. 172 62.37 62.37 L H1-1b 5 M5 HSS6x6x8 . 217 6.5 7 .022 0 z 5 341.449 i 368.172 62.37 62.37 1 ... H1-1b 6 M6 HSS6X6x8 .097 6.5 3 .020 0 z 3 341.449 368.112 ·"62;37 .. ·52,37 2 ... H1-1b 7 M7 HSS6x6x8 . 124 0 3 .017 0 z 9 328.457! 368.172 62.37 62.37 1 ... H1-1b 8 M8 HSS6X6X8 .·109 8 7 •· .011 0 z 1 3.28.457 368_.172 . 62.37 62.37 1 ... H1-1b 9 M9 HSS6x6x8 . 211 6.5 3 .019 0 v 2 341.449) 368.172 62.37 62.37 1 ... H1-1b 10 .M1o H_SS6:X6x8 .099· 6.5 3 Jj17 0 z. 3 .. 34t449 368.1712 . 62.37 .· 6:2.37 2 ... H1.:.1b 11 M11 HSS6x6x8 .138 0 3 .014 0 z 3 328.4571368.172 62.37 62.37 1 ... H1-1b 12 M12 ... :-HSS63®c8 .12-'4 8 ... 3 .012 0 t 3 3.28:457 368.172 62.37 62.31. 1. .. H1-1b. 13 M13 HSS6x6x8 .209 6.5 2 .019 0 v 2 341.449 368.172 62.37 62.37 1 ... H1-1b 14 M14. .HSS6X6x8 · .• 097 16:s··_ 2 J)16 0 tv 2 '34'L449 368.172 ·<62.37 62.37 2 .•. H1-1b 15 M15 HSS6x6x8 .132 0 2 .014 0 z 9 328.457 i 368.172 62.37 62.37 1 ... H1-1b 16 . •M16 HSS6X6x8 .120 8 ·2 .on 0 ·' lz 1 328.457 368.172 62.37 62.37 .. 1 ... H1-1b 17 M21 HSS10x6x8 .092 9.25 2 .017 9.25 v 2 446.741 i 510.3 94.815 135.45 2 ... H1-1b 18 M22 .·. HSS10~8 .ma . 0 3 .020 0 J/ 3 467.57 r .. s1 o.3 . 94815 135.45 iL. H1•1b 19 M23 HSS10x6x8 .092 Q 2 .017 0 v 2 446.7411 510.3 94.815 135.45 2 ... H1-1b 20 M24 HSS10X6x8 .102 7.5 3 .. 022 7.5 _v 3 467.57 I 510.3 94.815, 135.45 2 ... H1-1b 21 M29 HSS10x6x8 .054 9.25 2 .011 9.25 v 2 446.741 j 510.3 94.815 135A5 1 ... H1-1b 22 M3o HSS10X6x8 .076 3.75 1 .020 d v 3 467.57 510.3 !!14.815 135.45 1 ... H1-1b 23 M31 HSS10x6x8 .054 0 2 .011 0 y 2 1446.7411 510.3 94.815 135.45 1 ... H1-1b 24 M32 HSStOX6x8 .076 3.75 1 .021 7.5 v 3 467.57 510.3 94.815 135.45 1 ... H1..;1b 25 M25 HSS6x6x4 .036 5.01 4 .008 0 v 8 184.965 i 198.072 35.28 35~.28 1 ... H1-1b 26 M26 HSS6x6x4 .034 6.5 4 .009 6.5 v 4 184.965 198.072 35.28 35.28 1... H1-1b 27 M27 HSS6x6x4 .067 0 4 .012 0 v 4 178.56 i 198.072 35.28 35.28 ·2 ... H1-1b 28 M28 HSS6x6x4 .044 1.667 4 .007 8 v 4 178.56 198.072 35.28 35.28 11.2 H1-1b 29 M29A HSS6x6x4 .036 5.01 4 .008 0 v 8 184.965 I 198.072 35.28 35.28 1 ... H1-1b 30 M30A HSS6x6x4 .034 6.5 4 .009 6.5 v 4 184.965 198.072 35.28 ~8 1 ... ~ 31 M31A HSS6x6x4 .067 0 4 .0_12 0 v 4 178.56 '198.072 35.28 35.28 •2 ... H1-1b 32 M32A HSS6X6x4 .044 1.667 4 .007 8 _V 4 178.56 198.072 35.28 35.28 1.2 H1-1b 33 M34 HSS3x3x4 .110 3.75 4 .015 7.!> v 3 61.705 I 92.232 7.812 7.812 1 ... H1-1b 34 M35 HS$3x3x4 .242 2.2 6 .074 0 z 3 89.097 92.232 7.812 7.812 2 ... H1-1b 35 M36 HSS3x3x4 . 242 2.2 6 .074 0 z 3 89.097 I 92.232 7.812 7.812 2 ... H1-1b 36 M37 HSS3x3x4 .056 0 7 .009 0 v 2 89.097 92.232 7.8112 7.812 1 ... H1-1b 37 M38 HSS3x3x4 .069 0 3 .009 0 v 2 89.097 i 92.232 7.812 7.812 2 ... H1-1b 38 M40 HSS10x6x8 .121 9.25 2 .022 9.25 v 2 446.741 510.3 94.815 135.45 2 ... H1-1b 39 M41 HSS10x6x8 .114 0 3 .026 0 v 3 467.57! 510.3 94.815 135.45 2 ... H1-1b 40 M42 HSS10X6x8 .121 0 2 .022 0 v 2 446.741 510.3 . 94.815 135.45 2 ... H1-1b 41 M50 HSS10x6x8 .129 7.5 3 .028 7.5 v 3 467.57 i 510.3 94.815 135.45 2 ... H1-1b _ 42 M42A HSS3x3x4 .153 3.75 4 .013 7.5 v 3 61.705 92.232 7.812 7.812 1 ... H1-1b/ J RISA.;;SD Version 11.0.2 [\ ... \. .. \. .. \. .. \. .. \. .. \. .• \. .. \. .. \ ... \ ... \. .. \ ... \20150210-Cole Library (N) Elevator Tower.rBage 6 STRUCTuRAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND ' / # '2. vv. I /-.#; 3 L.· G f-b:::ok CIViL ENGINEERS eL:~v 3J sneet. of __ oy_ 6L job no. 0 2 !4 6 2 I · D 0 date_ L../ l oj l~ . r:x ;;:::. 6. '/ k P'y 7 -3 k F~ ";) 15.8 k -:r-~ 7 \1.6 k ., u..:>o fL<>\ cAs 6 : s r+'6 A P.. -:r: P 0 w 8 !tL :t::: trr:.-rZ.. , ( :r o ~ .'~:rr t L.C#q) $'1--1/? )-( ;:: ~; iQ-L0MC .>: (tJ;(_ , ( :J"-or r-tt· L. C c #-·z,) / Avr::. A-L. CoMP. &LDPAL V ftil .. (:rtr::r:·fJT s LC ~ 3) A ~:r.;h~--rfiA.-$!ot\J ~t.ftJ/31K 'j ttd. . (-:;;-rsr ~\J'f· l L c: # -)) / sheet of __ by 6(-c job no. D1--1 +,6 /.. I · DO / ···. STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS date "2/ l 0 f ),r-· .. --·-----------~-------·-- -"-V-600 ofHb5 bkb 1D e~~ ll.. 1 R-h ':>.-t. ':>'1 k 1 7 §. 5 0/ i''r\) ---:=7 ftAt L{ Ptt:17 fit ~ -5 ·hk • It )..)11,~'['/~ ) _/ FND -1 GC 0214621.00 STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL ElECTRiCAL AND CIV!L ENGINEERS date }J.j v·tS) 4·): 4-PJSf fltt. f:lfZ.:GP5 b 4-p C 9.-i.fro~J 6r (JJ) ffL ti V. w AL-Ku.Jhj Tv rJJ STI2Lt(fi.AP--g ·\-' . D \Dt-·· ~ 35-ps+ I , \ D ~llp fg,[) c.'f-:r[;:r:N fr i51f Lov.J j /vt g P/lv~¥ c ) J __ .... L:.:C:ftHT (~A ti5 wALrci;J~j f¥-A!Vrt}-1tt kSnt;£5 --;>-'L.D fS'-t=' ( C0l'~vfi?J:v8) "'·.. ..,.1 \' II tR-=-~q§ -4.--~ 0 ~~ • ~-~·-r:.g :::::.- l~}-\ \ \C 4-0 ( \ o L r/'') f-A~J) "·· ) ~ ~._o~,\ W/tLK.'V.JALj (JJw{itH u._;/ H<s f..l,;tf @) ) ! BoV:-1 6_iL:ril'5. 84 'b C-,./ t I J... I •·1. fl Title Block Line 1 You can change this area using the •Settings~ menu item and then using the "Printing & Title Block" selection. Title Block_line 6 ____ ... . General Footing Description: (N) ELEVATOR WALKWAY AT (E) STRUCTURE Coae References ~. . .. .. ~. " .. ·~.- Calculations per ACI318-11, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used: ASCE 7-10 General Information Material Propf'.rties rc : Concrete 28 day strength tv ; Rebar Yiald E:c : Concrefe Elastic Modulus Concrete Density q> Values Flexure Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow % Temp Reinf. Min. OveTillming Safety Fadot Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Ftg Wt ror Soil Pressure Use ftg wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soli Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear Dimensions = 3.0 ksi = 60.0 ksi = 3,122.0 ksi = 145.0 pet = 0.90 = 0.750 ::: = 0.00180 = 1.0: 1 :: 1.0; 1 Yes Yes No No -·~-·----·------. ,,, . ····-------------····· Width parallel to x~x Axis :: 2.0 ft Length parallel to Z-ZAxis = 3.0 It Foc!Jng Thicknes = 18.0 in Load location offset from footing center.,. ex : Pr!l to X-X Axis = 4 in Pedestal dimensions ... px: parallel to X-X Axis ~ in pz ; parallel to Z-Z Axis = in H~~ in Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete .. at Bottom of footing = 3. 0 in . ~~~~~?!~!.!9. Bars parallel to X-X ,b.xis Nurrber of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bars para.llelto Z-Z AxJs Numbef of Bars Reinfof"...ing Bar Sizt ::: 4.0 # 5 4.0 # 5 Sandwhrtt. Distribution Cl"wd< (AC!l5 .. 4.4.2) Direction Requidng Clm;er Separaliomg X-X Axis #Bars required within zone 80.0 % # Bars required on each side of zone 20.0 % Appli~~_Lo~~s __________ _ D P : Column Load ;:;;_ uo OB:Ovel'burden ;; M--xx = M-zz = V-x = V-z = Lr Project TiHe: EnQineer: Pl'Olect Oeser: FND-2 GC ~1WO _r..,-y,~ 1"! FEB 2U1'i. :;VJ1A"!J E>ie; c:\Use;S'~~SPREA!HECi) --'§!:'~_!,~,_>'tiC, l~~t~-~:1~~,-~,~~:t;1~,~~§_ -• Soil Oesig11 Values Allowable Soil Bearing = Increase Bearing By Footing Weight = Soil Passive Resistance (ror Sliding} = SoiliConcrete Frtctioo Coeff. ::: Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below soil surface = Allowable pressure increase per foot of deptl= when footing base is below = Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of depl = when maximum length or width is greaten L 2.0 s z ?'it w E 2.0 ksf No 250.0 pet 0.30 2.50 ft ksf ft ksf ft H k ksf k..ft k-ft: k /--, k Title Block line 1 You can change this area using me "Beffings" menu item and than using the 'Printing & Title Block" selection. X!l!E! Block !,.ina§_ _________ --·-···--·-·------·-·-········ .... General Footing Description: (N) ELEVATOR WALKWAY AT (E) STRUCTURE Min. Ratio Item Applied Project T rtle: Engineer: Drn.i.Q.I't~"""'"' ·~"1~;,""'""~'· FND-3 GC ~1fJ!O ,~ .... ,lt~j } ·; ·ftO 2t.Jl5 :!)'"}JAM ·····-fiiii:Zwse:s~~~tmi~ . €.:>4£Rl?_t'I:C. ~~: _1983-"&~~! 81Jild:ll~14.~1S1 ~e.r~l4;a:~S.. > J capacity Governing Load Combination ··-·~·--·----~~----··-··- PASS 0.62i0 PM$ nla PASS n/a PASS n/a PASS nla P;\SS nla PASS 0.01310 PASS 0.01951 Pl.i..SS 0.02842 PASS 0.02842 PA.SS nfa PASS 0.006859 Pf''\SS 0.01715 PASS 0.01715 PASS 0.03073 Detailed Results .. ~<?H~e.~ri~J:t ...... . Soil Bearing OVerturning • X-X OVerturning -z -z Sliding" X-X SU.ding -Z-Z Uplift Z flexure .(+X) Z Flexure (-X) X Flexure (+Z) X Flexure (-Z) 1-way Shear (+X) 1-way Shear (-X) 1-'#ayShear (+Z} 1-way Shear {~Z) 2-way Puncfling Rotation Axis & load Combination.::_________ (;~~:!..~~!?~ X-X, +D+H 2.0 X-X. +D+l +H 2.0 X-X. +D+lr+H 2.0 X-X, +O+S+H 2.0 X-X, +0+0.750lr+0.750L+H 2.0 X-X. +0+0.750L +0.750S+H 2.0 X-X. +-0+0.60W+H 2.0 X-X. +0+0.70E+H 2.0 XX ~D+0.750Lr+0.750l+0.450W+H 2.0 X-X. +D+0.750L +0.750S+0.450W+H 2.0 X-X. +OT0.750l +0.750S+0.5250E+H 2.0 X-X, +0.600+0.80W+0.60H 2.0 X-X. +0.600+0.70E+0.60H 2.0 Z-Z. +O+H 2.0 Z-Z. +D+L +H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+Lr+H 2.0 Z-Z. +D+S+H 2.0 Z-l, +0+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 2.0 Z-Z. +D+O.l50Lr0.750S+H 2.0 Z-Z. +D+0.60W+H 2.0 Z.Z .. +D+0.70E+H 2.0 Z-Z. +D+0.750Lf+0.750L+0.450W+H 2.0 Z.Z. +0+0. 750l +0, 750S+0.450W+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+0.750l-l-Q.750S+0.5250E+H 2.0 Z·Z, +0.500+0.60W+O.OOH 2.0 Z-Z. +0.000+0.70E+0.60H 2.0 Ov~rtuming S:tabllio/ ________ _ Rotation Axis & Luat1 Co.ubittil.iun~-· Footlng Has NO OVerturning ·--~idin~ Stability _____________ _ Force Application Axis Lead Ccmbinat1-crt .... Footing Has NO Sliding 1.242 ksf 0.0 k-ft 0.0 .k-It OJ) k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.3556 k-ft 0.5297 k-ft 1.141 k-ft 1.141 k-ft 0.0 psi 0.5635 psi 1.409 psi 1.409 psi 5.049 psi Xecc Zecc n/a 0.0 nla 0.0 n/a 0.0 nla 0.0 n/a 0.0 nla 0.0 nla 0.0 n/a 0.0 nla 0.0 n/a OJ) nla 0.0 nla OJ) nia 0.0 1.830 n/a 2.815 nla 1.830 n/a 1.830 nla 2.863 n/a 2.663 n/a 1.830 n/a 1.830 nla 2.663 nla 2.663 nla 2.663 nla 1.830 n/a 1.830 n/a 2.0 ksf 0.0 k-!t 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 27.146 k-ft 27.146 k-It 40.154 k-ft 40.154 k-ft 82.158 psi 82.Hi8 psi 82.158 psi 82.158 psi 164.311 psi +-D+L +H about Z-Z axls No Overturning No 0\lertuming No Sliding No Sliding No Uplift +I .20D+0.50Lr+1.60L +1.60H +1.200+{) 50Lrt I.OOL + l :60H +1.200+0.50lr+1.60l +1.60H +1.200+0.50Lrt1.50l +1.60H nla +1.200+0.50Lr+1.6DL ;.J.SQH +1.200+0.50lr+1.60l +tOOH +1.200+0.50Lr+1.60l +tOOH +1.200+0.50Lr+1.60l+1.60H -·-~·-· ·---Actti3fSotf aearrngstms··-· "ActUSfTAilOWabte Bottom, -Z T~!_:..£___ left, -~ ........ !3.iH_~t,.:_x .Jl~~- 0.4008 0,.4008 nta nfa !1.200 0.7342 0.7342 n/a nla 0.367 0.4008 0.4008 nfa nla 0.2~~'(} !1.4008 0.4008 n/a nfa 0.200 0.6508 0.6508 nla nfa 0.325 0.6508 0.6508 nfa nla 0. 325 0.4008 0.4008 n/a nla 0 200 MOOS 0.4000 n/a n/a 0..200 0.£508 0.6506 n/a nfa 0 :!25 0.6508 0.6508 n/a nla 0.325 0.6508 0.6508 n/a n/a 0:32:1 0.2405 0.2405 nfa nla rJ 120 0.2405 0.2405 nfa n/a 0, 120 n/a nla 0.2200 0>5811 0.291 n/a n/a 0.2261 1.242 0.521 nfa nla 0.2205 0.5811 0.2f:l1 n/a n/a 0.2206 0.5811 · C.29i n/a n/a 0.2247 1.on o 539 nfa nla 0.2247 L077 0.539 nfa n/a 0.2200 0.5811 o;cg·; nfa nla 0.2206 0.5811 () 291 n/a nia 0.2247 1.077 O.'i:39 nla nla 0.2247 1.077 0.539 n/a nta 0.2247 1.077 0.539 n/a nla 0.1323 0.3487 o. ·m nla nla 0.1323 0.3487 0.174 Status Afl uniis 1< Status Tille Block Line 1 You can change this area using the "Settings• menu item and then using the "Printing & Tille BlocK" selection. Trtle Block Line 6 General Footing Description: (N) ELEVATOR WALKWAY AT (E) STRUCTURE Foot_~~t~'.~~r.: .. ____ __ Project Title: Engineer: PfOJect Oeser: Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Which Tension@ As Req'd GYm. As k-ft Side 1 ~or !Of> ?_____in"_2 ____ 1rr'2 X-X, +t200+().50lr+1.60lt1.60H 1.141 X·X. +1.200+0.50lr+t60l+1.60H 1.141 X-X. +t20D+t00Lt0.50S+1.60H 1.141 X-X. +1.200+1.00L+0.50S+1.60H 1.141 X-X. +1.200+1.60lr+0.50L+1.60H 0.7286 X-X. +1.200+1.60lr+Q.50l+1.60H 0.7286 X-X, +t200+1.60lr+0.50W+1.6DH 0.5411 X-X. t1.200+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.5411 X-X. +1.20D+0.50l+1.60S+1.60H 0.7286 X-X. +1.200+0.50L+1.60S+'1.60H 0.7286 X·X. t1.200+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.5411 X-X. +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.5411 X-X. -rL20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H 0.7286 X-X. +1.200+0.50Lr+O.SOL+W+1.60H 0.7286 X-X. +1.200+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H 0.7286 X,X.. +1.200+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H 0.7286 X~X. +1.200+0.50L+0.20S+E+1.60H 0.7286 X-X. +1.200+0.50L+0.20S+E+\.60H 0.7286 X-X. +0.900+W+0.90H 0.4U58 X-X. +O.OOO+W+0.90H 0.4058 X·X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.4058 X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.4058 Z-Z, +1.400+1.60H 0.3721 Z·Z. +1.40D+1.60H 0.1691 Z·Z. +1.200+0.50Lr+1.60l+1.60H 0.5297 Z-Z. +1.200+0.50lr+1.60L+UOH 0.3558 Z-Z. +t20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H 0.5297 Z-Z. +1.200+1.60L +0.50S+t60H 0.3556 Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60lr+0.50L+1.60H 0.3848 Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50l+1.80H 0.2107 Z·Z, +1.200+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.3189 Z-L +1.20D+1.60lr+U.50W+1.60H 0.1449 Z·Z. +1.200+0.50L+1.60S+1.60H 0.3848 Z-Z. +t200+0.SOL+1.60S+1.60H 0.2107 Z-Z, +1.200+1.SOS+0.50W+'U50H 0.3189 Z-Z. +1.200+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 0.1449 Z·Z. +1.20D+0.50lr+0.50L+W+1.60H 0.3848 Z-Z. +1.200+0.50Lr+0.50L +W+1.60H 0.2107 Z·Z. t1.20D+0.50Lt0.50S+W+1.60H 0.3848 Z-Z: +1 .20D+O.~i0l +0.50S+W+1.60H 0.2107 Z·Z, +1.2:00+0.50L+0.20S+E+1.60H 0.3848 Z.Z. +1.2GD+0.50L +0.2.0S+E+1.60H 0.2107 l.-Z. +O.OOD+W4-{).00H 0.2392 Z·Z. +0.90D+W+0.90H 0.1087 Z·Z. +0.90D+E+O.OOH 0.2392 Z-Z. +O.OOD+E+0.90H 0.10~7 -tl -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z .z +Z -Z -X +X ·X +X -X +X -X tX ~x +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X ·X +X Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Botrom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom 0.3888 0.3888 0 .. 3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3886 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3S88 0.3688 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3883 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 Min Tempo/a Min Temp% MinTemo% Min Temp% Min Temp% Min Temo% Min Temo% MinTemo% Min Temo% Mln Temo% MinTemo% Min Temp% MinTemo% Min Temo% Min Temp% MinTemo% Min Temp% MinTemo% Min Temp% Min Temp% Min Temp% Min Temo% Min Temo% MinTemo% Min Temo% Min Temp% Min Temo% MinTemo% MinTemo% Min Temp% Min Temp% Min Temo% Min Temo% Min Temo% Min Temp% MlnTemo% Min TemP% Min Temp% Min Temp% Min Temo% Min Temo% MinTemo% MinTemo% MlnTetnp% Min Temp% Min Temp% FND-4 GC Ol!~'t!JO Prm~f'o'i" q fET72!)};). :)·:J?A~ F\le-=c:~~---_ -------_--.PREAD-tEC6 El-lt:RCf'lC, ~-1~~4~~:it1•t~t1$, V~i4.a.iS·: / in''2 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.62~ 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.-4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.-4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 0.4133 Phi*Mn k--ft 40.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 4U.154 40.154 4U.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 4(U54 40.154 40.154 40.154 40.154 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 .27.146 27.146 27.1.46 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27.146 27146 27.146 27.146 27.146 Status OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK _pv-,\ \. ____ / .. OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK _?n~ 't!~~-s~~~'-----·---·. ! ·····------------· ________ _ Load Combination... -·--·--------~~-~--Vu@ +X . ~~~.:~ _____ v_\1@ +Z ~~~---Phi Vn . ___ Vu L JJt.trYn . -~~!... +1A00+1.60H 0.3118osi Oosi 0.7794osi 0.7794osi 0.7794osi 82.158osi iJ.009487 OK +1.200+0.50lr+1.60l+1.60H 0.5635 PSi 0 psi 1.409 osi 1.409 o..'\i 1.409 osi 82.158psi 0.01715 OK +1.200+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H 0.5635osi Oosi 1.409osi 1.409osi 1.409osi 82.158osi 0.01715 OK +1.20D+t.60lr+0.50L+1.60H 0.3598osi Oosi 0.8995osl 0.8995PSi 0.8995osi 82.158psi 0.01095 OK +'L200+1.60lr+0.50W+1.60H 0.2672 osi 0 osi 0.6681 psi 0.6681 psi 0.6681 osi 82.158 psi 0.008131 OK +t200+0,50L +1.60S+1.60H 0.3598 osi 0 osl 0.8995 osi 0.8995 osi 0.8995 psi 82.158 psi 0.01095 OK +1.20D+HiOS+0.50W+1.60H 0.2672 psi 0 psi 0.6681 osi 0.6681 psi 0.6681 PSi 82.158 osi 0.008131 OK +1.200+0.50Lr+0.50L +W+1.60H 0.3598 psi 0 osi 0.8995 osi 0.6995 osi 0.8995 osi 82.158 osi 0.01095 OK +t200+0.50L +fl.50S+W+ 1.60H 0.3598 osi 0 psi 0.8995 osi 0.8995 psi 0.8995 Psi 82.158 pSi 0.01095 OK +1.200+0.50L +0.20S+E+1.60H 0.3598 osi 0 osi O.S995P5i 0.8995 psi 0J3995 osi 82.158 osi 0.01095 OK +0.90D+Wt0.90H 0.2004PSi 0 PSi 0.501 PSi 0.501 Psi 0.501 Psi 82.158 J)Si 0.006098 OK +0.90D+E+0.90H 0.2004 osi 0 psi 0.501 psi 0.501l)Si 0.501Psi &2. 15a Psi 0.006098 OK /'-.. Title Block Line 1 You can change this area us!ng the ·.se!t!ngsn menu Iter:: and !hen using the "Printing & Trtle Block" selection. Project Title: Engineer. Pm~Prt fl<>=r· --:~-----.....--· FND-5 GC 0~~1@0 Plr,;::_.._:;· ~l F'EB ?~~:.:.\ r;::·:~~ Tille BIGgl_l.,i~§___ _ __________ ... Gen~ral Footing ··------~==~--------------====---------~:~~~~~~~~~~-J Description· (N) ELEVATOR WALKWAY AT (E) STRUCTURE Footing Flexure ----··~---------~-- Flexure Axis & load Combination X-X. +1.400+1.60H X·X. +1.40D+1.60H ----~--· Mu Which T.ension@ k-ft Side? Bot or! op '!____ . ··---------· 0.6313 +Z Bottcm 0.6313 .z Bottom ------------AsReq'd Gvm.As Actual As Phn.tn Status in"2 \nA2 lnA2 k·ft --···-------------- 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.620 40.154 OK 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.620 40.154 OK ••• Ill= T T G (jJ) 15L1!V/fr Df'_ P.:Cf FND-6 GC 0214621.00 sheet of O:y ____ _ job no. ----r----,-- srRucTuRAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL ENGINE-RS 1 • •• / _______ .;__ _____ ~·· · t; date , 1 P A<~riuG' ~ "'J..£0 P'-fl{/ VV) SGBJ/fro~ ttr t.-V ALL \JfS<;~t,r }.J I 4?:,. o. ~ l J No DB + (JJV{<-"Sl c .ts~ D BMA.V l:l -'7 ltitp"" ~5f &f J ~fLo AA -BLC5LJ A& t Ut5 (_ Hs '5' 6 ~-l c.~) / f0PJP:7 J..CODp&LfL~) _ "\\ \ z_ 3a00 fSF (:CN(. ~) ) { ,/ -~ OL :c f-. Cf k' L L -z (L ~ I. I k 1!""7 (?~<>-z. ~ l-( -rA: kr:t\J et 4' of(}JAlL 1D f2-f; -1:-r<;~ --<'t.-<. f. ( H /rlt. 6r f3 i-D Jrcr11v 6t f(l_DJ\A (.fJ)i'c~LJ ~ Pft:r b LL . -:-::~ (-: .\2) 1'-A,t)J: N·8D s·t-tt2-(..J·trrt t.rt -- V 'bf.---rr:c_ fr L st--<kUM!d ~QD, lk" 87~ /f'#-7 -zc;_, p Jc _:..p .,.,.. I& T -' 3 TIUe Block Line 1 You can change this area using !he "Seltings" menu item and !hen using the "Printing & Trtle Block" selection. Project Title: Engineer: D.n.::..nn+-n~~· IJ'!-J'}~V'-~'!..rl. FND-7 GC ~1fJ)O Tille Block Une 6 """'-"" '' ctt,;:o·• s ,, ·""W ./ ·~-art~lei~ti-R:eiaininc--~a••-~------··-··---------.. -~---~~-~~-=:~~::=-~====:-·=-=~~~~~~~tiJ Description: (N) ELEVATOR PIT Criteria ----~--·--·~·~·-··--·-···"'""· --.. Retained Height Wall height above soil Slope Behind Wall : Height of Soil overT oe = Water height aver heel = Verticalcomponentofactive lateral soil pressure options; NOT USED f0t Soil Pressure. 5.00 ft 1.00 ft 0.00; 1 O.OOin 0.0 ft NOT USED for .Sliding Resistance. NOT USED for Overturning Resistance. . . .... . ···--------------··----------··--""···--·· _,_, __ , ____ _, ______ '". - • SuroharQe.l:_~~ds________ ....... __________ __ Surcharge OVer Heel "' 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 1),0 psf ~~-~-~-~~!IJ!L~-~~~~~ing _________ _ .. Axial_ toad App~e~ to Stem Axial Dead Load Axial live Load Axial Load Eccentricity "' "' ·-- 4.91bs 1.7lbs O.Oin : 0~~~9!!.!1!'!'~'1.. ...... _____________ _________ , Wall Stability Ratios Overturning 5.86 OK Soli Data Allow Soil Bearlf\g = Equivalimt Fluid Pressure Method Hool Active Pressure "' Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure = = Soil Density, Heel = Soft Densityi Too == Friction Coelf btwn Ftg & Soil = 2.0 psf 45.0 pstlft 30.0 psfttt 250.0 psf/ft 110.00 pcf 0.00 pet 0.300 Soil height to ignore fur passive pressure 12.00 in ,. ""' ·-~---____ .__. .. --------·-~-----,.---·--·---------- Calculatwns per ACJ 313·11, ACI530-11, IBC 2012, CBC 2fJ13, ASCE 7-10 Lateral Load Applied to Stem -l'a.ieiai'c;-ad · · ···· ··· · ··· ···· · ···· -3oo.o pit ~~j_~~r:!~£:>ot!!!!~~1l_d. ... Height to Top --0.00 ft ... Height to Bottom 0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem = 0.0 psf . Stem Construction Top Stem Stem OK ll= 5.00 "' Adjacent Footing Load Footing 'N!d!h Er.cenbicity Wall lo Ftg Cl Dist Footing Type Base A.bove/Below Soil al Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio 2nd ::: ::: 0.0 lbs O.OOft O.OOin O.OOft Line Load O.Oft 0.300 Sliding 1.i 0 RaAio < 1.5\ Design Height Above Ftg Wall Material Above "Hr Thickness in= Concrete 9.25 Stem OK 0.00 <Ancrete 9.25 # 5 12.00 User Spec Total Bearing Load .. .resultant ect. 2,776 !bs 2.71 in Soil Pressure@ Toe :: 311 psi NG Soil Pressure @ Heel = 454 psf NG Alfowable = .2 psf Soil Pressure Exceeds A.l!owable! ACI Factored@ Toe = 374 psf ACI Factored@ Heel = 545 psf Footing Shear@ Toe = 3.0 psi OK footing Shear@ Heel 2.3 psi OK Allowable ::: 94.9 psi Sliding Cales (Vertical Component NOT Used} Lateral Sliding Force = 958.3 lbs less 100% Passive Force -• 222.2lbs less 100% Friction Force --83Q.Olbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 !bs OK .. ~.for ·1.5: 1 Stability = 382.9 fbs NG Load Factors Dead Load Uveload ,..._~. c.~ t:i:11Ut,n Wlnd, W Seismic, E 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.000 Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data -·---·----- lbt'FB t fa/Fa Total Force @ Section MomenL.Actual Moment. .... Allowable Shear ..... Actual Shear .... Allowable Wall Weight Rebar De.pth 'rj' lap splice if above Lap splice if below Hook embed into footing = in:: :: "' Jbs;;;; ft-1 = fl-J::: psi" psi= psf: in= in= in"' in= Concrete Data ··---------·--.... fc I psi= Fy! psi= # 5 12.00 User Spec ti.IJOtl 0.0 0.0 7,876.7 0.0 94.9 1 !5.6 5.88 18.50 18.50 18.W 4,000.0 60,000.0 G:fOO 900.0 1,500.0 7,876.7 12.8 94.9 115.6 5.68 18.50 8..30 s.ao 4,000.0 60,000.0 Title Block. Line 1 You can change this area using the "Settings" menu item and then using the "Printing & Title Block" se!edion. Project T rt!e: Engineer. Project Oeser: FND-8 GC ~10!0 T~~~-~---------------------· ·------· ··--·-··--i'no0i ·n fEll i!J1~. N?,<>M /·-. ·-----Fie;d~~~EAfr1.EC6 .. . Cantil~vered" Retaining wan a~RCAtC, lNC.1!1\t3-1\l14, B\!Wi;~4.&.\6, 1/d.RlUS . . _.,....,;.~..,_--.-------,_,_-----·--··~· ...... ~----.,...,.._·-~-~-~· ~--_, .. __________ ~-.. ~.:.---~-~-· -· --~ Description· iN) ELEVATOR PIT F()()~f:!!9._Dirnan~~~-~ S~ngths ____________ _ Footing Design Resutts -· -···-· ·····----. Toe Width ;: 6.00 ft Heel Width = 1.~25 . Tolai Footing Width 7 25 Factored Pressure Mu': Upward ..J.9L = 374 ~ 545 psf Footing Thickness = 20.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 2.00 ft fc = 4,000psi fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150:00pcf Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover@ Top 3.00 @ Btm.= 3.00 in Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Wsy Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing ::: 0 :::: 0 = 1.500 ;:; 3.00 == 94.87 = #8@12.00in :::: # 8 @ 12.00 ln :::; None Spec'd Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S • Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S • Fr Key: No key denned ~-~.l!~!na'Y of ovef1UIJling t.-~~~ti_!!gj:~~~&-~~~!1~---------~--~=~==-==~--- .•.•• OVERTURNING ..... Foree Oistaru:e Moment Item lbs ft ft-lb Heel Active Pressure 1,000.0 2.22 2,222.2 Soil Over Heel Surcharge over Heel = Sloped Soil Ovei Heel Toe Active Pressure ., -41.7 0 .. 56 Surcharge Over Heel Surch.at'ye Over Toe = Adjacent Fooling Load Oft-lb 110 ft..Jb 110 ft..lb 2.32 psl 94.87 psi :: " ::: Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load oo s~ = Adtled Lateral load " Hi? • Axial L've Load on Stem = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SortOverToe "' Surcharge OverT oe ::: Stem Weight(s) = Total = Earth @ Stem Transitions :: Fooling Weight = 958,3 0, T ~M. =: 2, l994 1 Resistir.g/Overtuming Ratio = 5.86 Key Weight = Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,776.4 lbs Vert. Component = .. ••• RESISTING ..... Fon:e Distance Moment lbs l't lt.Jb 263.5 7.01 1,647.5 4.9 a39 31.3 1.7 6.39 10.9/"-"\ 693.8 6.39 4,429.9 1,812.5 3.63 6,570.3 2.00 --·-·--.. -·--------·-····-----·~----··-·--·-·-····--·-· Total= 2,TI4.7 1bs lUI.= 12,879.0 • Mal live load NOT included ln total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pnessure calCulation. Title Block Line 1 You can change this area using the "Settings~ menu i!em and then using th& •Printing & Title Block" selection. Etle ~-IJne 6 ________ _ General Footing Description: (N) ATRIUM FOOTiNG Code References Calculations per AGI 318-11, tBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-i 0 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-1 0 General Information Materia! Prop~rties rc : Concrete 28 day strength ::: fy : Rebar Yield Ec ; Cooaele Elaslic Modulus Concrete Density :;; <p Values Flexure = Shear li.nalysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow% Temp Reinf. = Min. Overturning Safety Fact&v :; Mln. Sliding Safety Factor = Add Ftg Wt for Soil Pressure Use ftg wt for stabili.ty, mOff!ents & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear Dimensions -~ ··-··~------------~-' Width pardl!el to X-X ,<\xis ;::; Length parallel to Z·Z Axis "' Footing Thicknes "' Pedestal dimensions ... px : parallel to X-X Axis -- pz : parallel to Z -l Axis _ Height - Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete .. at Bottom of footing = ..... Reinfor~i~-~---·--········· Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bars parallel to Z·.Z Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Sizt ;: ::: 4.1) ft 4.0 tt 18.0 in in in in 3.0 in 6.0 # 5 6.0 # 5 8ami~iildth Distrf!Micn Check {ACl15.4A.21 Dlrecti® Requiring Closer Separation n/a # Bars required within zone n/a Applied Lc:J!!?S ----···-·. P : Cclumn Load 08 : Overburden M-xx M·ZZ V-x V-z 0 12.40 = ;: 3.0 ksi 60.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pcf 0.90 0.750 0.00180 10.1 -1 0:1 Yes Yes No No -""""··----·--·-------. Lr 9.70 Project Tille: En9ineer: n __ ,_..._.~.n----· rJVffj\..l ut:::lLJ. FND-9 GC ~jfj?IWO ~;;n:wJ: ! ~FEB 2£H5. -j·_,().AJ) F.,;;c:~~l(*:alc>.sPREi\IH:ecti I ffiiERC!'.tC; l!iC· 11)83;.1.!31¢,!Md.i5,11,;~t5,\f'l!"-~.14.6,15 J Soil Oe.s!gn Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) Soil/Concrete Friction Coeff. = = Increases based on footing Depth Fooling base depth below soli surface Allowable pressure increase perfoot of deptl= when fooling base is below "' Increases based oo fooling pian dimension Allowable pressure lnaease per foot of depl = when maximum !englh or width is greater:t z l s w E 2.0 ksf No 250.0 per 0.30 2.50 ft ksf fl ksf lt H k lrcf ,,~, k-ft k-ft k k rrtle Block Line 1 You can change this area using the "Settings" menu item and !hen using !he "Printing & Tdle Bloc!( selection. Project Title: En~Jineer; Project Oeser: __ Title _!!_lock Li?e 6 ___________________________ .... ___ ---··-------~-----------------------_ ... ~!_!l~_!:_<ll',!:.~~ti!'JL~------------~------····-··--------·----------- Description • (N) ATRIUM FOOTING Punching Shear ---·----·--------------------------------------------··-··-···· FND-10 GC ~10!0 P11n-r.e1 !'i FEBF.i15. t;.;;;7AA~ / - Ft!e~C.~~~1£ca· ENERCALC.JMC.Il)l!3'2l.lt4, B<.~lt14~~Al), ~.14$,15 .. ... ~ All units k ·-·----------·· Lc3ad ~ombinatlon.-________________ '{~----·---_______ phrvn ·-·------Vu f Pht'Vn Status t1.400+1.60H +1.200+0.50lr+1.00l +1.60H +1.20D+1.60l +0.50S+1.60H +1.200+1 .60lr+0.50l +1.60H +1.200+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H +1.20D+0.50l +1.60S+1.60H + 1.200+1.60S+O.'SOW+1.60H +1.20D+0.50lr+0.50l +W+1.60H + 1.200+0.5Gl +0.50S+W+1.60H +1.200+0.50L+0.20S+E+1.60H +0.900+W+0.90H +0.90D+E+0.90H 2.793 P&i 5.049 PSi 5.049 DSi 3.224 osi 2.394 l}si 3.224 osi 2.394 psi 3.22-4 ""' 3.224 r;~j 3.224 p~;;! 1.796 o~i 1.796 osi 164.317osi 164.317oo 164.317osi 164.317osi 164.317osi 164.317Dsi 164.317!,csi 164.317;.x;i 1'64.317Ds! l84.317osi 164.317osi 164.317psi 0.011 a.oaon 0.0307:1 n.o1002 0.01457 0.0196:~ 0.01457 {).(}1962 0.01962 0.01962 0.01093 0.01093 ' ' OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 0'.\ OK OK 0!-( OK I / TiUe Block Line 1 You can change !his area using me "Setiings• lllelm iiern and then using the "Printing & Title Block" selection. _f~.§lock l,Jne~ ---------.... General Footing De-scription: (N) ATRIUM FOOTiNG DESIGN SUMMARY ---·--·-------·--·---· Min, Ratio Item Applied -·-·-----------------PASS p.n.ss PASS ?ASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PA..% PASS PJ~SS PASS PASS PJ'\SS -~.?!!_~!~""ll Rotation Axis & 0.7995 n/a nla nla r>Ja nfa 0.1420 0.1420 0.1420 0.1420 0.1072 0.1072 0.1072 0.1072 0.2128 load Combination ... . -., --------· ------~------------------ X-X. +D+H X-X, +-D+Ll·H X-X. +O+Lr+H X-X, "-D+S+H X-X. +0+0.750lr+0.750l+H X· X +0+0.750L +0.750S+H X-X. i-0+0.60W+H X-X, +D+0.70E+H Soil Bearing 1.599 ksf OVerturning-X-X 0.0 k-i't Overturning -Z-Z 0.0 k-f! SHding-X-X 0.0 k Sliding-Z-Z 0.0 k Uplift OJH Z flexure (+X) 4.322 k-ft Z Flexure (-X) 4322 k-f! X Flexure (+Z) 4.322 k-It X Flexure (-Z) 4.322 k-f! 1-way Shear {+X) 8.804 psi 1-way Shear (··X) 8.804 psi 1-\Nay Shear (+Z) a.&04 psi l·way Shear (-Z) 3.004 psi 2-way Punching 34.960 psi Gross Allowable Xecc Zecc ----~------.----------~-------.-------·--·---· 2.0 n/a OJJ 2.0 n/a 0.0 2.0 nfa 0.0 2.0 n/a 0.0 2.0 n/a 0.0 2.0 n/a 0.0 2.0 n/a 0.0 2.0 nla 0.0 X-X, +0+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.45UW+H X-X. +0+0.7501. +0.750S+Q.450W+H X ·X, +D+O. 750L +0.750S+0.5250E +H X-X. +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 2.0 nla OJl 2.0 n!a 0.0 2.0 n/a 0.0 2.0 nla 0.0 X-X. +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H Z-Z. +O+H Z-Z. +D+L+H Z-Z, +D+Lr+H Z-Z. +D+S+H Z-Z, +D+0.750lr+0.75Dl...+H Z-l. tD+0.750L +0. 750S+H Z·Z. +D+0.60VIJ+H Z·l, +0+0.70E+H Z -Z. i-D+O. 750Lr+0.75GL+0.450W+H Z·Z. ~0+0. 750L+O. 750S+0.450W+H Z-Z, .J.o+0.750l +0.750S+0.5250E+H z-z. +o.wo+(toow+o.60H Z-Z, t0.600+{).70E+O.OOH .. -~!_l!u_fll~~ Stab~~~---__ Rotation Axis & i.uad CumiJinaiion .•. Footing Has NO Overturning Slidin~ Stability ____ ----· __ _ _ _ Force Application Axis Footing Has NO S!idlnfl 2.0 n/a 0.0 2.0 0.0 n/a 2.0 0.0 nla 2.0 0.0 ilia 2.0 0.0 n/a 2.0 0.0 n/a 2.0 0.0 n/a 2.0 0.0 nla 2.0 0.0 nla 2.0 2.0 2.0 2J) 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 of a n!a nla nta n/a Project Title: En9ineer: DrnJ;o..r-fi"\o.C",.f"" '·~~~~-~~-. FND -11 GC ~1[P.O ··---Capacity GO!N!llng l-oad Combination .. ~om,·Z 0.9925 0.9925 1.599 0.9925 1.447 0.9925 0.9925 0.9925 1.447 0.9925 0.9925 0.5955 0.5955 nla nta nla nta nla nia n/a nla nia nla n/a nla nla 2.0 ksf 0.0 k-It 0.0 k-ti 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 30.434 k4t 30.434 k~ft 30.434 k-fl 30,434 k·ft 82.158 psi 82.158 psi 82.158 psi 82.158 psi 164.317 psi +O+Lr+H about Z·Z axis No OVerturning No Overturning No Sliding No Sliding No Uplift +1.200+LOOLr+0.50L +1.60H + 1.200+1.60lr+0.50l + 1.60H +1.200+1.60Lrt0.50l t-1.60H + 1.200+1 .60lr+0.50l+1.SOH + l.20D+1.60Lr+0.50l +I .SOH +1.200+ LOOlr+0.50l +1.80H +1.200+1.00Lr+0.50l+1.60H + 1.200+ 1 .60Lr+0.50L + 1.60H +1.200+1.60lr+0.50L +1.00H AcfuarSOireeartng stress· Actuafl A!lowabie Iop, +Z Left, -X ... f<Jfl!lt,+X ------· Ra!i_!! __ 0.9925 r!la nta 04% 0.9925 nfa nla OA\1ti 1.599 nla nla 0.800 0.9925 nla nta \)496 1.447 nla n/a 0.724 0.9925 nla nla OA96 0.9925 n/a nla 0.4~}6 0.9925 nla nfa 049il t447 nla nla ().724 0.9925 Ilia nla 0.400 0.9925 nla nla 0.400 0.5955 nfa nfa 0.29(1 0.595...1:) nla n/a 0.29[; n/a 0.9925 0.9925 0.4913 nfa 0.9925 0.9925 0.4!16 nia 1.599 1.599 \13()0 nfa 0.9925 0.9925 () 4!16 nla 1.447 1.447 0.?24 nla 0.9925 0.9925 0 496 nla 0.9925 0.9925 0.498 nfa 0.9925 0.9925 !J.49il nia 1.447 1.447 i) !24 n/a 0.9925 0.9925 0496 n/a 0.9925 0.9925 0.496 n!a 0.5955 0.5955 0 2\l!l nl.a 0.5955 0.5955 0.293 Resisting ~'!_IJ!i!flt _____ Stability Ratio _________ Sta_~--- AJI units k Sliding ~o____ Status Title Block Line 1 You can change this area using !he "Settings" menu item and then using !he "Printing & Trtle Block" selection. -Ti~.~~-Urte 6 ___ _ General.Footing Description: (N) ATRIUM FOOTiNG Footing f.lexore FlexUfll Axl$ .& Load Combination X-X, +1.400+1.SOH X-X. +i.400+1.60H Project Title: E119ineer: Project Oeser: Mu Which Tension @ As Req'd k·lt Side ~---~or Top? ln~2 z.m 2.ns +Z Bottom -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.3888 Min Temp% FND-12 GC !Ji-ICOO Actual As Phi*Mn Status ifr'\2 k..ft 0.4650 0.4550 30.434 30.434 OK OK TiHe Block Une 1 You can change this area using the "Set!ings • menu item and than ustng !ll8 •Pr.nting & Title Block" sefeclion. _ _IiUe ~ .• hine 6 __ ------------·-----_ . · General Footing Description : (N) ATRIUM FOOTING ~foo~ ~~_xure-----·-_ _ _____ _ Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Whk:h k-it Side? Project Tille: E~imrer: ~Desc;; Tension@ As Req'd aot o.r.Iop! ____ ~z FND -13 GC ~v;JO X-X +1.200+0.5Glr+1.60L+1.60H 2.008 +Z Bottom 0.3868 Min Toom% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. +1.20D+0.50lr+1.60l+1.60H 2.988 ·Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. J.1.20D+1.60l+0.50S+1.60H 2.382 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 x~x. +1.200+1 .BOL +o.sos+1.60H 2.382 -z Bottom o.3888 MinT emo% OA650 30.434 X-X. +1200+1.60Lr+0.50L +t60H 4.322 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Tenm% 0.465£1 30.434 X-X. +t200+1.60l.r+0.50l+1.60H 4.322 -Z Bottom 0.3868 Min Temp% 0.465(]1 30.434 X-X. +1.200+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 4.322 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. +1.20Dt1.60lr+0.50W+1.60H 4.322 ·Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. +1200+0.50L+t60S+1.60H 2:382 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. +1.200+0,50L + 1.60S+1.80H 2.382 ·Z Bottom 0.3868 MinT emo% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. +1.200+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 2.382 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0-4650 30.434 X-X. +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+t60H 2.382 ·Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Tamo% 0.46501 30-434 X-X. +1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50l +W+l.OOH 2.988 +Z Bottom 0,3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 X-X, +t200+0.50Lr+0.5Ql+W+1.00H 2.988 ·Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 X·X, +1.200+0.50l+0.50S+W+Ul0H 2.382 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30 .. 434 X-X. +1.200+0.50l +0.50S+W+1.60H 2,382 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. +1.200+0.50l +0.20S+E+1.6lJH 2.382 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. +t200+0.50L+0.2QS+E+1.60H 2.382 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. +0.90D+W+0.90H 1.787 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. t0.900+W+0.90H 1.787 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4850 3t1.434 X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 1.787 +Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 X-X. +0.90D+E+0.90H 1.787 -Z Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +1.400+1.60H 2.779 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Toom% OA650 30-434 Z·Z. +1.400+1.60H 2.779 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4f350 30.434 Z-Z. +1.200+0.50lr+1.60L+t60H 2.988 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 Z·l. +1.200+0.50lr+1.601..+1.60H 2.988 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30A34 Z·Z. +'1.200+1.60l +Q.50S+1.60H 2.382 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +t200+1.60l +0.50S+1.60H 2.382 +X Bottom 0.3868 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60lr+O.SOL+1.60H 4.322 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +1.200+1.60lr+0.501.+1.60H 4.322 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 Z·Z. +L200+1.6!Jlti-0.50W+t60H 4.322 ·X Bottom 0.3888 Mill Temp% 0.4050 30.434 Z·Z. +1.200+1.60lt+0.50W+1.60H 4.322 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temn% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +1.20D+0.50l+1.00S+1.60H 2.382 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 Z·Z. +1.2QD+0.50l + i.f30S+ 1.6QH 2.382 t X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +1.200+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 2.382 -X Bottom 0.3888 MinT emo% 0.4650 30.434 Z·Z. +1.200+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H 2.382 +X Bottom 0.3866 Min Temo% 0.4650 3().434 Z-Z, +1.200+0.50lr+0.50L+W+1.60H 2.968 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 Z·Z. +1.200+0.50Lr+0.50l+W+1.60H 2.988 tX Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 Z·Z. -~t20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H 2.382 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +1.200+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H 2.382 tX Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 Z·Z. +1200+0.501. +0.2GS+E+1.60H 2.382 -X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 Z..Z. +1.200+0.50l+0.20S+E+1.60H 2.382 +X Boltom 0.3868 Min Temp% 04650 30.434 Z-Z. +0.90D+W+O.OOH 1.787 ·X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temo% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +0.900+W+0.90H 1.787 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +O.OOD+E+O.OOH 1.71!7 -X Bottom 0.3868 Min TemP% 0.4650 30.434 Z-Z. +0.900+E+0.90H 1.787 +X Bottom 0.3888 Min Temp% 0.4650 30.434 One Wat~~~.':................ ····--·----·--·-····---· ....... _ --··----·------____ _ !:_oad~~bfnatlon... _____ V'!_~~X Vu@+X . Vu_@~----~~Jt~ .. --.... Y~:~ ........ P.!J!Vn Vu/Phi'Vn +1.400+1.60H 5.661osi 5.661osi 5.661P8l 5.661osi 5.661osi 82.158psi 0.0689 +1.200+0.50Lr+1.60l+1.60H 6.087PSi 6.087psi 6Jl67PSi 5.087PSi 6.087osi 82.158osi 0.07409 -4-J.2.1l!J-+tOOL+0.5!!S+tOOH •tB-52~ 4.B-52Mi 4.8.52!:\.si .t8.52ns 4.B-52~ ~2.158~ o.QSSOO +1.200+1.60lr+0.50L +1.60H 8.804 osi 8.804 osi 8.804 Psi 8.804 psi 8.804 osi 82.15hsi 0.1072 +i.200+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H 8.804 osi 8.804 psi 8.804 Psi 8.804 psi 8.804 osi a2.158 psi 0.1072 +1.200+0.50l+1.60S+1.50H 4.852 osi 4.852 osi 4.852 DSi 4.852 osi 4.852 osi 82,158 osi 0.05906 +1.20D+1.60S+O 50W+1.60H 4.852 osi 4.852osi 4.852 osi 4.852 osi 4.852 osi 82 158 osi 0.0..?906 +L200+0.50Lr+0.50L +W+1.50H 6.087 Psi 6.087 psi 6.!187 Dsi 6.087 psi 6.067psj 82.158 nsi 0.07409 +i .200+U.50L +0.50S-tW+i.6{iti 4.852 osi 4.852 psi 4.852 osi 4.852 osi 4.852 nsi 82.158 osi 0.05900 +L200+0.50L+0.20S+E+1.60H 4.852 osi 4.852 P8l 4.852 osi 4.852 psi 4.852osi 82.158 osi 0.05906 +0.90D+W+0.90H 3.639 psi 3.639osl 3.639csi 3.639 DSi 3.639 PSi 8.2.158 osi 0.0443 +0.900+E+0.90H 3.539 osi 3.639 osi 3.639 psi 3.539l>$i 3.639 osi 82.158 osl 0.0443 Status OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 01<. OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Stittus OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Title Block Line 1 You can change this area using the "Settings" menu item and !hen using the "Printing & Trtie Block" seledion. ~I~~Une_§_ ______________________ _ General Footing Description ; (N) ATRIUM FOOTING ---~~~ing s~~ ______________________ _ _boa<!~·-~--~-_ _ ____ Y\1. +1.400+i.60H 22.479 ooi +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60l +1.60H 24.172 tY.>l +1.20D+1.60l+0.50S+1.60H 19.268 il$1 +1.200+t60lr+0.50l+1.60H 34.96 psi +1.20D+1.60lr+0.50W+1.60H 34.96 osi +1.200+0.50l+1.60S+1.00H 19.268 osi +1.200+1.00S+{).50W+1.60H 19.268 osi +1.200+0,50Lr+0.50l.. +W+1.60H 24.172 osi +t20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H 19.268 o;'>i +1.200+0.50l+0.20S+E+1.60H 19.268 psi +0.90D+W+0.90H 14.451 nsl +0.90D+E-+0.90H 14.451 o:si Project Title: Engineer: Project Desa: FND-14 GC (Jitjlat£00 ?f:f.~J' I 1 t:ts 2U"Vi 0:2U~,1 ~=c:'~1:EC6 ~c.!MC.1~201"',~'~4.a.1s,v«,s.14:!);~s All units k ------------------------------------------------- Phi*Vn 164.317osi 164.3HDsi 164.317osi 164.317ns! 164.317psi 164.317nsi 1:64.317osi 164.317psi 164.317.fJSi 164.317t)Si 164.317osi 164.317osi Vu I Pbt"Yll'l Status ~· -----··------- OJ368 OK 0.1471 OK 0.1173 OK {t2128 OK 0.2128 OK 0.1173 OK 0.1173 OK 0.1471 Ol< 0.1173 0'!\ 0.1m1 OK 0.0879~i OK 0.0879!i OK ; / iiiTTG STRUCTURAL, MEP & CIVIL ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION SERVICES & STRATEGIC CONSULTING Arizona California Colorado Texas GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY Appendix A GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Washington LIMITED GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION GEORGINA COLE LffiRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 PREPARED BY: Ninyo & :Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants 5710 Ruffin Road San Diego, California 92123 December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 5710 Ruffin Road • San Diego, Callfomia 92123 • Phone {858)576-1000 • Fax (858) 576-9600 San Diego • Irvine • Los Angeles • Rancho Cucamonga • Oakland • San Frandsco ' San Jose • Sacramento Las Vegas • Phoenix • Tucson • Prescott Valley • Denver • Houston Mr. Patrick McGarry City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Limited Geotechnical Evaluation Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. McGarry: December 31, 2014 Project No. 107 544006 In accordance with your request and authorization, we have performed a limited geotechnical evalua- tion for the proposed renovation of the Georgina Cole Library in Carlsbad, California. This report presents our geotechnical fmdings, conclusions, and recommendations regarding the proposed project. Our report was prepared in accordance with Task Order No. 8 of the City of Carlsbad's Contract No. 916 (dated December 16, 2014). We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Sincerely,. NINYO & MOORE 111~/~ William Morrison, PE, GE Senior Engineer Kenneth H. Mansir, Jr., PE~ Principal Engineer I CKV /WRMIRDH/KHM/gg Distribution: (1) Addressee I 571 o Ruffin Road • ISan Dieg~. Callfomia 92!23 ~ Phone {858) 576-1 ooo • Fax {858) 576-9600 San Diego • Irvine • Los Angeles • Rancho Cucamonga • Oakland • San Francisco • San Jose • Sacramento Las Vegas • Phoenix • Tucson • Prescott Valley • Denver • Houston Georgina Cole Library December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INT'R.ODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES ............................................................................................................ ! 3. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 1 4. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING .................................... 2 5. GEOLOGY AND SUB SURF ACE CONDITIONS ................................................................. 2 5 .1. Regional Geologic Setting ............................................................................................ 3 5.2. Site Geology ................................................................................................................. 3 5.2.1. Fil1 ....................................................................................................................... 4 5.2.2. Old Paralic Deposits ............................................................................................ 4 5.3. Groundwater ................................................................................................................. 4 5.4. Faulting and Seismicity ................................................................................................ 4 5.4.1. Strong GroundMotion ......................................................................................... 5 5.4.2. Ground Rupture ................................................................................................... 5 5.4.3. Liquefaction and Seismically Induced Settlement. ............................................. 6 5.5. Landsliding and Slope Stability .................................................................................... 6 6. CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................... 6 7. RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................................................... ? 7 .1. Earthwork ..................................................................................................................... 7 7 .1.1. Site Preparation ................................................................................................... 7 7.1.2. Removals ............................................................................................................. 8 7.1.3. Temporary Excavations ...................................................................................... 8 7.1.4. Excavation Characteristics .................................................................................. 9 7.1.5. MaterialsforFil1 ................................................................................................. 9 7.1.6. Compacted Fill .................................................................................................. lO 7.2. Seismic Design Parameters ......................................................................................... 11 7.3. Foundations ................................................................................................................. 11 7.3 .1. Bearing Capacity ............................................................................................... 11 7.3.2. Lateral Resistance ....................................................................... : ...................... 12 7.3.3. Static Settlement ......................................................................... ~ ..................... 12 7.4. Retaining Walls .................................................................................... ' ...................... 12 7.5. Slabs-on-Grade ........................................................................................................... 13 7.6. Concrete Flatwork ...................................................................................................... 13 7.7. Corrosion .................................................................................................................... 14 7.8. Concrete ...................................................................................................................... 14 7.9. Drainage ...................................................................................................................... 14 7.10. Pre-Construction Conference ...................................................................................... 15 7 .11. Plan Review and Construction Observation ............................................................... 15 107544006 R.doc Geo~gina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California December 31,2014 Project No. 107544006 8. LIMITATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 16 9. lffiFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 18 Table Tabh! 1 -2013 California Building Code Seismic Design Criteria ............................................... 11 Figures Figure 1 -Site Location Figure 2 -Boring Locations Figure 3-Regional Faulting Figure 4 -Geology Figure 5-Lateral Earth Pressures For Retaining Walls Appendices Appendix A-Boring Logs Appendix B -Laboratory Testing I 07544006 R.doc ii Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 1. INTRODUCTION December 31,2014 ProjectNo. 107544006 In accordance with your request and Task Order No. 8 to the City of Carlsbad's Contract No. 916 (dated December 16, 2014), we have performed a limited geotechnical evaluation for the pro- posed Georgina Cole Library renovation project in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1 ). This report presents the results of our field exploration and laboratory testing, our conclusions regarding the geotechnical conditions at the site, and our recommendations for the design and earthwork con- struction of this project. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services for this study included the following: • Review of readily available published and in-house geotechnical literature, preliminary site plan, topographic maps, geologic maps, fault maps, and stereoscopic aerial photographs. • Performing a field reconnaissance to observe existing site conditions and to locate and mark proposed exploratory boring locations. • Performing a subsurface exploration that consisted of excavating, logging, and sampling two exploratory borings, advanced using a hand auger. Relatively undisturbed and bulk soil samples were obtained at selected intervals from the borings. The collected samples were transported to our in-house geotechnical laboratory for analysis. • Performing geotechnical laboratory testing on selected soil samples to evaluate soil parame- ters for design purposes. • Geotechnical evaluation of field and laboratory data. • Preparation of this report ,presenting our findings, conclusions, and recommendations re- garding the geotechnical d~sign and construction of the project. 3. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Georgina Cole Library is located at 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive in the City of Carlsbad, California (Figure 1 ). The library building is situated on an irregularly shaped parcel bounded by Carlsbad Village Drive to the Southeast, Carlsbad City Hall to the west, Laguna Drive to the north, and an asphalt-paved parking lot to the east (Figure 2). Topographically, the majority of I 107544006 R.doc 1 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California December 31,2014 Project No. 107544006 the site grades gently to the southwest. The elevation of the site is approximately 125 feet above mean sea level (Google Earth, 2014). Based on our conversations with representatives of the City of Carlsbad and our review of project plans (Group 4, 2014), we understand that the proposed project will include the construction of anew elevator on the northeast side of the building, along with renovation/conversion of the existing atrium that will be part of the building interior. The atrium renovation will include th1e construction of new spread footings, slab-on-grade floors, and a roof section. The new spread footings will be constructed to support new columns for the interior of the building. Based on our review of the project plans (Group 4, 2014), the pit for the proposed elevator will extend roughly 5 feet below grade. 4. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Our subsurface exploration was conducted on December 10, 2014 and consisted of excavating, logging, and sampling of two exploratory borings (B-1 and B-2). The borings were excavated to approximate depths of up to 6.5 feet below existing grades using a hand auger. Drive and bulk soil samples were obtained from the borings at selected intervals. The samples were then transported to our iin-house geotechnical laboratory for testing. The approximate locations of the exploratory bor- ings are shown on Figure 2. Boring logs are included in Appendix A. Geotechnical laboratory testing of representative soil samples included in-situ dry density and moisture content, gradation, direct shear, expansion index, and soil corrosivity. The results of the in-situ dry density and moisture content tests are presented on the boring logs in Appendix A. The results of the other laboratory tests performed are presented in Appendix B. 5. GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Our fmdings regarding regional and site geology, groundwater conditions, faulting and seismicity, landslides, and other geologic hazards at the subject site are provided in the following sections. 107544006 R.doc 2 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 5.1. Regional Geologic Setting December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 The project area is situated in the western portion of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province. This geomorphic province encompasses an area that extends approximately 900 miles from the Transverse Ranges and the Los Angeles Basin south to the southern tip of Baja California (Norris and Webb, 1990; Harden, 1998). The province varies in width from approximately 30 to 100 miles and generally consists of rugged mountains underlain by Jurassic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks, and Cretaceous igneous rocks of the southern California batholith. The portion of the province in western San Diego County that includes the project area consists generally of uplifted and dissected coastal plain underlain by Upper Cretaceous-, Tertiary-, and Quaternary-age sedimentary rocks. The Peninsular Ranges Province is traversed by a group of sub-parallel faults and fault zones trending roughly northwest. Several of these faults are considered to be active. The Elsinore, San Jacinto, and San Andreas faults are active fault systems located northeast of the project area and the Rose Canyon, Coronado Bank, San Diego Trough, and San Clemente faults are active faults located west of the project area. The location of the site relative to these regional faults is shown on Figure 5. Major tectonic activity associated with these and other faults within this re- gional tectonic framework consists primarily of right-lateral, strike-slip movement. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, the nearest active fault system, has been mapped approximately 5 miles west of the project site. 5.2. Site Geology ' The geol?gy of the site vicinity is shown on Figure 4. Geologic units encountered during our subsurfa~e exploration included fill and old paralic deposits (Kennedy and Tan, 2005). Gener- alized descriptions of the earth units encountered during our field reconnaissance and subsurface exploration are provided in the subsequent sections. Additional descriptions of the subsurface units are provided on the boring logs in Appendix A. Geologic maps and cross sec- tions ofthe site are included on Figure 3. 1 07S44006 R.doc 3 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 5.2.1. Fill December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 Undocumented fill materials were encountered in our borings from the ground surface to depths of up to approximately 1.5 feet below existing grades. These materials were observed to generally consist of various shades ofbrown, moist, loose, silty and dayey sand with some organic material. Scattered cobbles were encountered in the fill materials. Documentation of the placement and compaction of existing fill was not available for our review. 5.2.2. Old Paralic Deposits Quaternary-age old paralic deposits (Kennedy and Tan, 2005) wert~ encountered in each of the borings underlying the fill to the total depth explored of 6.5 feet. The old paralic deposits were observed to consist of various shades of brown, moist, dense, silty and poorly graded sand, with scattered concretions. 5.3. Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in our exploratory borings during our evaluation. Seepage due to infiltration from irrigation of landscape areas and leakage from existing storm drains may be encountered during construction. Fluctuations in the groundwater level and perched conditions may occur due to variations in ground surface topography, subsurface geologic conditions and structure, rainfall, irrigation, and other factors. 5.4. Faulting and Seismicity Based on our review of the referenced geologic maps and stereoscopic aerial photographs, as well as on our geologic field mapping, the subject site is not underlain by known active or potentially active faults (i.e., faults that exhibit evidence of ground displacement in the last 11,000 years and 2,000,000 years, respectively). The site is not located within a State of California Earthquake Fault (Alquist-Priolo Special Studies) Zone. However, like the majority of southern California, the site is located in a seismically active area and the potential for strong ground motion is con- sidered significant during the design life of the proposed structures. The nearest known active fault is the Rose Canyon fault, located approximately 5 miles west of the site. 107544006 R.doc 4 Georgina Cole Library December 31, 2014 Project No. 107 544006 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California I 07544006 R.doc 5.4.1. Strong Ground Motion The 2013 California Building Code (CBC) specifies that the Risk-Targeted, Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) ground motion response accelerations be used to evaluate seismic loads for design of buildings and other structures. The MCER ground motion response accelerations are based on the spectral response accelerations for 5 percent damping in the direction of maximum horizontal response and incorporate a target risk for structural collapse equivalent to 1 percent in 50 years with deterministic limits for near-source effects. The horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) that corresponds to the MCER for the site was calculated as 0.448g using the United States Geological Survey (USGS, 2013) seismic design tool (web-based). Spectral response acceleration parameters, consistent with the 2013 CBC, are also provided in Section 7 .2. for the evaluation of seismic loads on buildings and other structures. The 2013 CBC specifies that the potential for liquefaction and soil strength loss be evaluated, where applicable, for the Maximum Considered Earthquake Geometric Mean (MCEa) peak ground acceleration with adjustment for site class effects in accordance with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7-10 Standard. The MCEa peak ground acceleration is based on the geometric mean peak ground acceleration with a 2 percent probability of exceedance in SO years. The MCEa peak ground acceleration with adjustment for site class effects (PGAM) was calculated as 0.471g using the USGS (USGS, 2013) seismic design tool that yidded a mapped MCEa peak ground acceleration of 0.448g for the site and a site coefficient (FpaA) of 1.052 for Site Class D. 5.4.2. Ground Rupture Based on our review of the referenced literature and our field evaluation, active faults are not known to cross the project vicinity. Therefore, the potential for ground rupture due to faulting at the site is considered low. However, lurching or cracking of the ground surface as a result of nearby seismic events is possible. 5 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 5.4.3. Liquefaction and Seismically Induced Settlement December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 Liquefaction of cohesionless soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earth- quakes. Research and historical data indicate that loose granular soils and non-plastic silts that are saturated by a relatively shallow groundwater table are susce:ptible to liquefaction. Based on the relatively dense nature of the old paralic deposits encountered in our bor- ings, it is our opinion that the potential for liquefaction and seismically induced settlement to occur at the site is not a design consideration. S.S. Landsliding and Slope Stability Based on our review of published geologic literature and aerial photographs, along with our subsurface evaluation, landslides or indications of deep-seated slope instability do not un- derlie and are not adjacent to the project site. 6. CONCLUSIONS Based on our review of the referenced background data, subsurface exploration, and laboratory testing, it is our opinion that construction of the proposed improvements at the Georgina Cole Library is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided the recommendations presented in this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. In general, the follow- ing conclusions were made: • The project site is underlain by undocumented fill soils and old paralic deposits. The fill ma- terials are considered potentially compressible and are not suitable for structural support in their present condition. Recommendations for remedial earthwork are presented in the fol- lowing sections. • Groundwater was not encountered during our subsurface exploration. Fluctuations in the groundwater level may occur due to variations in ground surface topography, subsurface ge- ologic conditions and structure, rainfall, irrigation, and other factors. • The active Rose Canyon fault zone is located approximately 5 miles west of the site. Ac- cordingly, the potential for relatively strong seismic ground motions should be considered in the project design. I 07544006 R.doc 6 Georgina Cole Library December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California • The existing fill soils and old paralic deposits encountered on the site should be generally excavatable with heavy-duty earth moving equipment in good working condition. Zones containing gravel and cobbles may be encountered and additional efforts including heavy ripping should be anticipated. Additional processing and handling of materials including screening and crushing should be anticipated. • On-site soils, other than materials with high organic content, are suitable for reuse as compacted fill, provided they meet the criteria mentioned in the fill materials section of this report. • Moisture conditioning of existing on-site materials should be anticipated if reused as fill. • Based on the results of our soil corrosivity tests, ACI 318, and Caltrans (2012) criteria, the on-site soils would not be classified as corrosive. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our understanding of the project, the following recommendations are provided for the de- sign and construction of the proposed improvements. The proposed site improvements should be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the applicable governing agencies. 7.1. Earthwork In general, earthwork should be performed in accordance with the recommendations presented in this report. Ninyo & Moore should be contacted for questions regarding the recommenda- tions or guidelines presented herein. 107544006 R.doc 7.1.1. Site Preparation Site preparation should begin with the removal of existing vegetation, utility lines, asphalt, concrete, and other deleterious debris from areas to be graded. Tree stumps and roots should be removed to such a depth that organic material is generally not present. Clearing and grubbing should extend to the outside of the proposed excavation and fill areas. The debris and unsuitable material generated during clearing and grubbing should be removed from ar- eas to be graded and disposed of at a legal dumpsite away from the project area. 7 Georgina Cole Library December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 107544006 R.doc 7 .1.2. Removals The fill materials are considered potentially compressible and are not suitable for struc- tural support irt their present condition. In the areas where the elevator and renovation/conversion of the atrium are planned, we recommend the fill materials be removed to old paralic deposits and that the proposed foundations be embedded so that they will be supported on old paralic deposits. The building slab may be supported at grade on compacted fill materials. We anticipate removals for the proposed atrium renovation/conversion and the improvements adjacent to the new elevator will extend to depths on the order of 2 feet. Ninyo & Moore should observe the excavations prior to fill- ing to evaluate the need for deeper removals. Deeper removals may be needed at specific locations ifloose, compressible, or otherwise unsuitable materials are exposed during grad- ing. The removals should be replaced with compacted fill in accordance with Sections 7 .1.5 and 7.1.6 of this report. 7.1.3. Temporary Excavations For temporary excavations, we recommend that the following Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) soil classifications be used: Fill and Old Paralic Deposits IjJpeC Upon making the excavations, the soil classifications and excavation performance should be evaluated in the field by the geotechnical consultant in accordance with the OSHA regulations. Temporary excavations should be constructed in accordance with OSHA recommendations. For trench or other excavations, OSHA requirements regard- 1 ing personnel safety should be met using appropriate shoring (including trench boxes) or by laying back the slopes to no steeper than 1.5:1 (horizontal: vertical) in engineered fill and old paralic deposits. Temporary excavations that encounter seepage may be shored or stabilized by placing sandbags or gravel along the base of the seepage zone. Excavations encountering seepage should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. On-site safety of personnel is the responsibility of the contractor. 8 Georgina Cole Library December 31, 2014 ProjectNo. 107544006 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 107544006 R.doo 7.1.4. Excavation Characteristics The results of our field exploration program indicate that the project site, as presently proposed, is underlain by fill soils and old paralic deposits. These soils should be gener- ally excavatable with heavy-duty earth moving equipment in good working condition. Zones containing gravel and cobbles may be encountered and additional efforts including heavy ripping should be anticipated. Additional processing and handling of materials in- cluding screening and crushing should be anticipated. 7 .1.5. Materials for Fill Materials for fill may be obtained from on-site excavations or they may be imported. On- site soils with an organic content of less than approximately 3 percent by volume (or 1 percent by weight), and expansion indices (EI) less than 50, are suitable for reuse as general fill material. Fill material should not contain rocks or lumps over approximately 3 inches in diameter, and not more than approximately 30 percent larger than % inch. Oversize materials (greater than 3 inches in largest diameter), if encountered, should be separated from material to be used for compacted fill and removed from the site. Moisture conditioning (including drying) of existing on-site materials is anticipated if reused as fill. Imported fill materials should generally be granular soils with very low to low expan- sion potential (i.e., an expansion index of 50 or less as evaluated by ASTM D 4829). Imported fill material should also be tested for corrosive potential and exhibit a mini- mum resistivity value greater than 1,000 ohm-centimeters, chloride content ofless than 500 parts per million (ppm), a sulfate content of less than 1,000 ppm and pH greater than 5.5. The contractor should be responsible for the uniformity of import material brought to the site. We recommend that materials proposed for use as import fill be evaluated from a contractor's stockpile rather than in place materials. Utility trench backfill material, outside the zone defined in the following sections, should not contain rocks or lumps over approximately 3 inches in general. In general, soils classified as silts or clays should not be used for backfill in the pipe zone. Larger chunks, if generated dur- ing excavation, may be broken into acceptably sized pieces or disposed of offsite. 9 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 7.1.6. Compacted Fill December 31,2014 Project No. 107544006 Prior to placement of compacted fill, the contractor should request an evaluation of the exposed ground surface by Ninyo & Moore. Unless otherwise recommended, the exposed ground surface should then be scarified to a depth of approximately 8 inches and watered or dried, as needed, to achieve moisture contents generally above the optimum moisture content. The scarified materials should then be com- pacted to a relative compaction of 90 percent as evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 1557. The evaluation of compaction by the geotechnical consultant should not be considered to preclude any requirements for observation or approval by governing agencies. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify this office: and the appropriate governing agency when project areas are ready for observation,, and to provide rea- sonable time for that review. Fill materials should be moisture conditioned to generally above the laboratory opti- mum moisture content prior to placement. The optimum moisture eontent will vary with material type and other factors. Moisture conditioning of fill soils should be generally consistent within the soil mass. Prior to placement of additional compacted fill material following a delay in the grading operations, the exposed surface of previously compacted fill should be prepared to receive fill. Preparation may include scarification, moisture conditioning, and recompaction. Compacted fill should be placed in horizontal lifts of approximately 8 inches in loose thickness. Prior to compaction, each lift should be watered or dried as needed to I I 07544006 R.doc achieve a moisture content generally above the labdratory optimum, mixed, and then compacted by mechanical methods to a relative compaction of 90 percent as ·evaluated by ASTM D 1557. Successive lifts should be treated in a like manner until the desired finished grades are achieved. 10 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California December 31, 2014 Project No. I 07544006 7 .2. Seismic Design Parameters Design of the proposed improvements should be performed in accordance with the requirements of governing jurisdictions and applicable building codes. Table 1 presents the seismic design parameters for the site in accordance with the CBC (2013) guidelines and adjusted MCER spectral response acceleration parameters (USGS, 2013). Table 1 -2013 California Building Code Seismic Design Criteria Site Coefficients and Spectral Response Acceleration Parameters Values Site Class D Site Coefficient, Fa 1.045 Site Coefficient, Fv 1.564 Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2-second Period, Ss 1.137 g Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 1.0-second Period, 81 0.436 g Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2-second Period Adjusted for Site Class, SMs 1.188 g Spectral Response Acceleration at 1.0-second Period Adjusted for Site Class, SM1 0.682 g Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2-second Period, Sns 0.792 g Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 1.0-second Period, Sm 0.455 g 7.3. Foundations The proposed improvements may be supported on shallow, spread, or continuous footings bearing on old paralic deposits. Foundations should be designed in accordance with struc- tural considerations and the following recommendations. In addition, requirements of the appropriate governing jurisdictions and applicable building codes should be considered in the design of the structures. 107544006 R.doc 7.3.1. Bearing Capacity Shallow, spread, or continuous footings bearing on old paralic deposits may be de- signed using an allowable bearing capacity of2,750 pounds per square foot (psf). These allowable bearing capacities may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration such as wind or seismic forces. These allowable bearing capacities are based on a factor of safety of roughly three. 11 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California December 31,2014 Project No. 107544006 Spread footings should be founded 24 inches below the lowest adjacent grade. Con- tinuous footings should have a width of 15 inches and isolated footings should be 24 inches in width. The spread footings should be reinforced in accordance with the recommendations ofthe project structural engineer. 7.3.2. Lateral Resistance For resistance of footings to lateral loads bearing on old paralic deposits, we recommend an allowable passive pressure of300 psf of depth be used with a value of up to 3,000 psf. This value assumes that the ground is horizontal for a distance of 10 feet, or three times the height generating the passive pressure, whichever is greater. We recommend that the upper 1 foot of soil not protected by pavement or a concrete slab be neglected when cal- culating passive resistance. For frictional resistance to lateral loads, we recommend a coefficient of friction of 0.35 be used between soil and concrete. The allowable lateral resistance can be taken as the sum of the frictional resistance and passive resistance provided the passive re- sistance does not exceed one-half of the total allowable resistance. The passive resistance values may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short dura- tion such as wind or seismic forces. 7.3.3. Static Settlement We estimate that the proposed structures, designed and constructed as recommended herein, and founded in compactt(d fill will undergo total settlement on the order of Y:z inch. Differential settlement o~ the order of ~ inch over a horizontal span of 40 feet should be expected. 7 .4. Retaining Walls For the design of retaining walls, earth pressure may be evaluated using the parameters pre- sented in Figure 5. These pressures assume low-expansive, granular backfill. Wall backfill should be moisture conditioned and compacted to a relative compaction of 90 percent at a I I 07544006 R.doc 12 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 moisture content near the optimum as evaluated by AS1M D 1557. A drain should be pro- vided behind the wall and connected to an appropriate outlet. 7.5. Slabs-on-Grade We recommend that conventional, slab-on-grade floors, underlain by compacted fill materi- als of generally very low to low expansion potential, be 5 inches in thickness and be reinforced with No.4 reinforcing bars spaced 18 inches on center each way. The reinforcing bars should be placed near the middle of the slab. As a means to help reduce shrinkage cracks, we recommend that the slabs be provided with expansion joints at intervals of ap- proximately 12 feet each way. The slab reinforcement and expansion joint spacing should be designed by the project structural engineer. If moisture sensitive floor coverings are to be used, we recommend that slabs be underlain by a vapor retarder and capillary break system consisting of a 1 0-mil polyethylene (or equivalent) membrane (installed per the manufacturers recommendations) placed over 4 inches of medium to coarse, clean sand or pea gravel and overlain by an additional 2 inches of sand to help pro- tect the membrane from puncture during placement and to aid in concrete curing. The exposed subgrade should be moistened just prior to the placement of concrete. 7 .6. Concrete Flatwork Exterior concrete tlatwork. should be 4 inches in thickness and should be reinforced with No. 3 re- inforcing bars placed at 24 inches on-center both ways. Exterior slabs, should be underlain by 4 inches of clean sand. A vapor retarder is not needed for exterior flatwort. To reduce the potential manifestation of distress to exterior concrete flatwork due to movement of the underlying soil, we recommend that such flatwork be installed with crack-control joints at appropriate spacing as de- signed by the structural engineer. Before placement of concrete, the subgrade soils should be scarified to a depth of 8 inches, moisture conditioned to generally above the laboratory optimum moisture content, and compacted to a relative compaction of 90 percent as evaluated by AS 1M D 1557. Positive drainage should be established and maintained adjacent to flatwork. 107544006 R.doc 13 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 7.7. Corrosion December 31,2014 Project No. 107544006 Laboratory testing was performed on representative samples of the on-site earth materials to evaluate pH and electrical resistivity, as well as chloride and sulfate contents. The pH and electrical resistivity tests were performed in accordance with CT 643 and the sulfate and chloride content tests were performed in accordance with CT 417 and CT 422, respectively. These laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B. The results of the corrosivity testing indicated electrical resistivity of2,600 ohm-em, soil pH of 6.2, chloride content of 95 ppm, and sulfate content of 0.019 percent (i.e., 190 ppm). Based on the American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318 and Caltrans corrosion (2012) criteria, the on-site soils would not be classified as corrosive. Corrosive soils are defined as soils with electrical resistivities less than 1 ,000 ohm-em, more than 500 ppm chlorides, more than 0.1 percent sulfates, or a pH less than 5.5. 7.8. Concrete Concrete in contact with soil or water that contains high concentrations of soluble sulfates can be subject to chemical deterioration. Laboratory testing indicated a sulfate content of the sample tested of0.019 percent (i.e., 190 ppm). According to theACI 318, the potential for sulfate attack is negligible for water-soluble sulfate content of up to about 0.10 percent by weight {i.e., 1,000 ppm) in soils. Therefore, the site soils may be considered to have a negli- gible potential for sulfate attack. Based on ACI criteria, Type II cement may be used for concrete construction. However, due to the potential variability of site soils, consideration should be given to ;using Type IIN cement and concrete with a water-cement ratio no higher I than 0.45 by weight for normal weight aggregate concrete for the project. 7.9. Drainage Roof. pad, and slope drainage should be conveyed such that nmoff water is diverted away from slopes and structures to suitable discharge areas by nonerodible devices (e.g., gutters, downspouts, concrete swales, etc.). Positive drainage adjacent to structures should be established and maintained. Positive drainage may be accrmplished by providing drainage away from the foundations of the . I .. I 07544006 R.doc 14 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California December 31,2014 Project No. 107544006 structure at a gradient of 5 percent or steeper for a distance of 10 feet or more outside the building pe- rimeter, or 2 percent or steeper for a distance of 10 feet or more outside the building perimeter if paved Drainage should be further maintained by a graded swale leading to an appropriate outlet, in accordance with the recommendations of the project civil engineer and/or landscape architect. Surface drainage on the site should be provided so that water is not permitted to pond. A gradient of 2 percent or steeper should be maintained over the pad area and drainage patterns should be established to divert and remove water from the site to appropriate outlets. Care should be taken by the contractor during fmal grading to preserve any berms, drainage ter- races, interceptor swales or other drainage devices of a permanent nature on or adjacent to the property. Drainage patterns established at the time of fmal grading should be maintained for the life of the project. The property owner and the maintenance personnel should be made aware that altering drainage patterns might be detrimental to slope stability and foundation performance. 7.10. Pre-Construction Conference We recommend that a pre-construction meeting be held prior to commencement of grading. The owner or his representative, the agency representatives, the architect, the civil engineer, Ninyo & Moore, and the contractor should attend to discuss the plans, the project, and the proposed construction schedule. 7.11. Plan Review and Construction Observation The conclusions and recommendations present~d in this report are based on analysis of ob- I served conditions in widely spaced exploratory borings. If conditions are found to vary from those described in this report, Ninyo & Moore should be notified, and additional recommen- dations will be provided upon request. Ninyo & Moore should review the final project drawings and specifications prior to the commencement of construction. Ninyo & Moore should perform the needed observation and testing services during construction operations. I 07544006 R.doc 15 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 The recommendations provided in this report are based on the assumption that Ninyo & Moore will provide geotechnical observation and testing services during construction. In the event that it is decided not to utilize the services of Ninyo & Moore during construction, we request that the selected consultant provide the client with a letter (with a copy to Ninyo & Moore) indicating that they fully understand Ninyo & Moore's recommendations, and that they are in full agreement with the design parameters and recommendations contained in this report. Construction of proposed improvements should be performed by qualified subcon- tractors utilizing appropriate techniques and construction materials. 8. LIMITATIONS The field evaluation, laboratory testing, and geotechnical analyses presented in this report have been conducted in general accordance with current practice and the standard of care exercised by geotech- nical consultants performing similar tasks in the project area. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the conclusions, recommendations, and opinions presented in this report. There is no evaluation detailed enough to reveal every subsurface condition. Variations may exist and conditions not observed or described in this report may be encountered during construction. Uncertainties rela- tive to subsurface conditions can be reduced through additional subsurface exploration. Additional subsurface evaluation will be performed upon request. Please also note that our evaluation was lim- ited to assessment of the geotechnical aspects of the project, and did not include evaluation of structural issues, environmental concerns, or the presence of hazardous materials. ~is document is intended to be used only in its entirety. No portion of the document, by itself, is d~signed to completely represent any aspect of the project described herein. Ninyo & Moore should be contacted if the reader requires additional information or has questions regarding the content, interpretations presented, or completeness of this document. I I 07S44006 R.doo 16 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California December 31,2014 Project No. 107544006 This report is intended for design purposes only. It does not provide sufficient data to prepare an accurate bid by contractors. It is suggested that the bidders and their geotechnical consult- ant perform an independent evaluation of the subsurface conditions in the project areas. The independent evaluations may include, but not be limited to, review of other geotechnical re- ports prepared for the adjacent areas, site reconnaissance, and additional exploration and laboratory testing. Our conclusions, recommendations, and opinions are based on an analysis of the observed site conditions. If geotechnical conditions different from those described in this report are encountered, our office should be notified, and additional recommendations, if warranted, will be provided upon request. It should be understood that the conditions of a site could change with time as a result of natural processes or the activities of man at the subject site or nearby sites. In addition, changes to the applicable laws, regulations, codes, and standards of practice may occur due to government ac- tion or the broadening of knowledge. The findings of this report may, therefore, be invalidated over time, in part or in whole, by changes over which Ninyo & Moore has no control. This report is intended exclusively for use by the client. Any use or reuse of the findings, conclu- sions, and/or recommendations of this report by parties other than the client is undertaken at said parties' sole risk. I 075440116 R.doc 17 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 9. REFERENCES December 31,2014 Project No. 107544006 American Concrete Institute (ACI), 2011, ACI 318-08 Building Code Requirements for Struc- tural Concrete and Commentary. Anderson, J. G, Rockwell, T. K., and Agnew, D. C., 1989, Past and Possible Future Earthquakes of Significance to the San Diego Region: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), Earthquake Spectra, Volume 5, No. 2. Building News, 2012, "Greenbook," Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction: BNI Publications. California Building Standards Commission, 2013, California Building Code (CBC), Title 24, Part 2, Volumes 1 and 2. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), 2012, Corrosion Guidelines (Version 2.0), Divi- sion of Engineering and Testing Services, Corrosion Technology Branch: dated November. California Geological Survey, 1998, Maps of Known Active Fault Near-Source Zones in Califor- nia and Adjacent Portions of Nevada. California Geological Survey (CGS), 2008a, Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California, CGS Special Publication 117 A. /-',, California Geological Survey, 2008b, Earthquake Shaking Potential Map of California: Map Sheet 48 (revised). Cao, T., Bryant, W. A., Rowshandel, B., Branum, D., and Willis, C. J., 2003, The Revised 2002 California Probabilistic Seismic Hazards Maps: California Geological Survey. Google Earth, 2014, https://www.google.com/earth/. Group 4 Architecture Research + Planning, Inc. (Group 4), 2014, Project Plans, Carlsbad Li- brary, Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, 23 Sheets, Schematic Design Set, dated October 24, 2014. Harden, D. R., 1998, California Geology: Prentice Hall, Inc. Jennings, C. W. and Bryant, W. A., 2010, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas: California Geological Survey, California Geological Map Series, Map No. 6. Kennedy, M.P. and Tan, S. S, 2005, Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Cali- fornia: California Geological Survey, Scale 1:100,000. Ninyo & Moore, In-house Proprietary Data. Norris, R. M. and Webb, R W., 1990, Geology of California, Second Edition: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. I 07544006 R.doc 18 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 Rockwell, T. K., Lindvall, S.C. Haraden, C. C., Hirabayashi, C. K., and Baker, E., 1991, Mini- mum Holocene Slip Rate for the Rose Canyon Fault in San Diego, California in Abbott, P.L. and Elliott, W.J., eds., Environment Perils, San Diego Region: San Diego Associa- tion of Geologists. Tan, S.S., and Giffen, D.G, 1995, Landslide Hazards in the Northern Part of the San Diego Met- ropolitan Area, San Diego County, California, California Geological Survey, Landslide Hazard Identification map No. 35, Open File Report 95-04, Scale 1:24.000. Treiman, J. A., 1993, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Southern California: California Geological Survey, Open File Report 93-02. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1989, Engineering Geology Field Manual. United States Geological Survey, 2008, National Seismic Hazard Maps -Fault Parameters, World Wide Web, http://geohazards.usgs.gov/cfusionlhazfaults search/. United States Geological Survey, 2013, Ground Motion Parameter Calculator, World Wide Web, http://geohazards.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/application.php. Youd, T.L., Idriss, I.M., Andrus, R.D., Arango, I., Castro, G., Christian, J.T., Dobry, R., Finn, W.D., Harder, L.F., Hynes, M.E., Ishihara, K., Koester, J.P., Liao, S.S.C., Marcuson, W.F., Martin, G.R., Mitchell, J.K., Moriwaki, Y., Power, M.S., Robertson, P.K., Seed, R.B., and Stokoe, K.H., II., 2001, Liquefaction Resistance of Soils: Summary Report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998 NCEER!NSF Workshops on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering: Ameri- can Society ofCivil Engineering 124(10), pp. 817-833 107544006 R.doc 19 "' San Diego County SCALE IN FEET 0 1,200 2,400 4,800 NOTE: DIRECTIONS, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ~~----------~--------------_.------------~--------------------------------------·-----------------T--------~· 1l E _j SITE LOCATION :~~--------~-----------.--~-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------; ~ PROJECT NO. DATE GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY :-e 1----------+----------l 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE FIGURl 1 i:! 107544006 12114 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA r'L.--------------------~----------------------_. ______________________________________________________________ ._ ____________ ~ LEGEND -$-8-2 BORING TD=6.0' TD=TOTAL DEPTH IN FEET N A SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 80 FIGURE e n: BORING LOCATIONS ~~~------~---------.~----------------+---------------------------------------------------4 0 ~ PROJECT NO. DATE GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY ~ 1---------+-----------l 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE ~ 107544006 12114 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA N~~----------------~------------------._--------------------------------------------------~--------~ 2 LEGEND CALIFORNIA FAULT ACTIVITY HISTORICALLY ACTIVE HOLOCENE ACTIVE LATE QUATERNARY (POTENTIALLY ACTIVE) DATE 107544006 12/14 SOURCE: JENNINGS, C.W., AND BIWANT, W.A., 2010, FAUL CALIFORNIA, CALIFORNIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. QUATERNARY (POTENTIALLY ACTIVE) STATE/COUNTY BOUNDARY 0 SCALE IN MILES 30 60 NOTE: DIRECTIONS, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FAULT LOCATIONIS GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGUR 3 l ro 0 < ..,.' ALLUVIAL FLOOD PLAIN DEPOSITS r Qls I LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS t qm"tt 1 MARINE BEAcH DEPosiTs j'OOPil,7':j OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS, UNIT 6-7 ~~-~ OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS, UNIT 2-4 javop,,j VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS, UNIT 11 I Qvop,.j VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS, UNIT 10 ~~~~ SANTIAGO FORMATION 65 L u FAULT-SOLID WHERE ACCURATELY [)""" LOCATED, DASHED WHERE APPROXIMATE, DOTIED WHERE CONCEALED. ARROW AND NUMBER INDICATE DIRECTION AND ANGLE OF DIP OF FAULT PLANE ~ STRIKE AND DIP OF BEDS, INCLINED AND l(iR90&JV\OOre PROJECT NO. DATE 107544006 12/14 N A SCALE IN FEET 0 GEOLOGY GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 2,000 4,000 FIGURE 4 PASSIVE PRESSURE NOTES: RETAINING WALL 1. ASSUMES NO HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE BUILD·UP BEHIND THE RETAINING WALL 2. GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIALS SHOULD BE USED FOR RETAINING WALL BACKFILL 3. DRAINS SHOULD BE INSTALLED BEHIND THE RETAINING WALL 4. SURCHARGE PRESSURES CAUSED BY VEHICLES OR NEARBY STRUCTURES ARE NOT INCLUDED 5. H AND DARE IN FEET NOT 10 SCAI.£ T ------f 1--------\ H/:J l. l-Pa-1 OR P0 ACTIVE OR AT-REST PRESSURE RECOMMENDED GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN PARAMETERS Lateral Earth Equivalent Fluid Pressure (lb/f!2 /ltl'l Pressure Level Backfill Pa with Granular Soils (ll) 40H Po SOH PP Level Ground : 3000 I H I i' ~~~---------------------------r----------------------------------------~------~ M/nllll~cMDDr& LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ,,. il" •J• FOR RETAINING WALLS PROJECT NO. 107544006 DATE 12/14 GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 5 Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California APPENDIX A BORING LOGS Field Procedure for the Collection of Disturbed Samples December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 Disturbed soil samples were obtained in the field using the following method. Bulk Samples Bulk samples of representative earth materials were obtained from the exploratory borings. The samples were bagged and transported to the laboratory for testing. Field Procedure for the Collection of Relatively Undisturbed Samples Relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained in the field using the following method. The Split-Barrel Knocker Bar Sampler The sampler, with an external diameter of3.0 inches, was lined with l-inch long, thin brass rings with inside diameters of approximately 2.4 inches. The sampler was manually driven into the ground with a hammer weighing approximately 35 pounds. The samples were removed from the sample barrel in the brass rings, sealed, and transported to the laboratocy for testing. 107544006 R.doc en u:-w ~ u z :a; _. I-e:.. 0 a. 0 i=. ~ :!: 0 w ~ _. <en < u. a:: 0 u· en ~ ;:) (i) m -U :!: u.· I-z -en en w ~ en· 0 5 0 en;:) _. :5 m :!: ~ u 0 SM CL 20 BORING LOG EXPLANATION SHEET Modified split-barrel drive sampler. 2-inch inner diameter split-barrel drive sampler. No recovery with modified split-barrel drive sampller, or 2-inch inner diameter split-barrel drive sampler. Sample retained by others. Standard Penetration Test (SPT). No recovery with a SPT. Shelby tube sample. Distance pushed in inches/length of sample recovered in inches. No recovery with Shelby tube sampler. Continuous Push Sample. Seepage. Groundwater encountered during drilling. Groundwater measured after drilling. MAJOR MATERIAL TYPE (SOIL): Solid line denotes unit change. -denotes miitenaicliruige:--- --------------- --· -- Attitudes: Strike/Dip b: Bedding c: Contact :Joint f: Fracture F: Fault cs: Clay Seam s: Shear bss: Basal Slide Surface sf: Shear Fracture sz: Shear Zone sbs: Shear Bedding Surface GLOG Explanation of Boring Log Symbols U.S.C.S. METHOD OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAVELS (More than 1/2 of coarse fraction >No. 4 sieve size SANDS (More than 1/2 of coarse fraction <No. 4 sieve size SILTS & CLAYS Liquid Limit <50 SILTS & CLAYS Liquid Limit >50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GRAIN SIZE CHART RANGE OF GRAIN CLASSlFICA TION U.S. Standard Grain Size in Sieve Size Millimeters BOULDERS Above 12" Above305 COBBLES 12" to 3" 306to76.2 GRAVEL 3" to No.4 76.2to 4.76 Coarse 3" to 3/4" 76.2 to 19.1 Fine 3/4" to No.4 19.1 to 4.76 SAND No. 4 to No. 200 4.76 to oms Coarse No. 4to No. 10 4.76to 2.00 Medium No. 10 to No. 40 2.00 to 0.420 Fine No. 40 to No. 200 0.420 to O.Q75 SILT&CLAY Below No. 200 Below0.075 I(IR90&Jft&Ore. SYMBOL TYPICAL NAMES •: ..:+~' GW Well graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures, little or :W.!~;: : :sM no fines !11 I~ GP Poorly graded gravels or gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures SW Well graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fme sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silty clays, organic silts Pt Peat and other highly organic soils PLASTICITY CHART 70 v 50 I v v ! '$.60 v v (0 CH / t.1 I ~ 30 v 8 v CL v MH&OH e 20 v v ;j / ~ "ll L CL-L / ML&OL oiL' I 0 tl 20 30 40 50 so 70 80 90 "1)0 UQUIDLIMIT(LL),% I U.S.C.S. METHOD OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION Updated Nov. 2011 rn w -1 ....... a.. 11. ~ ....... (.) z us I-~ e:. 0 0 i=. 0 ~ -1 w 0 ()~ u.. 0:: ~ ~ (j) m _(.) ~ 11." z -rn w $ rn· 0 6 0 rn:J -1 ~ m ~ fi2 (.) 0 4.0 99.6 DATE DRILLED 12/10/14 BORING NO. GROUND ELEVATION 126'± (MSL) SHEET 1 --- METHOD OF DRILLING Hand Tools DRIVE WEIGHT NIA DROP SAMPLED BY CKV/AQP LOGGED BY CKV/AQP REVIEWED BY DESCRIPTION/INTERPRETATION Groundwater not encountered during drilling. Backfilled shortly after drilling on 12/10114. B-1 OF NIA RDH Note: Groundwater, though not encountered at the time of drilling, may rise to a higher level due to seasonal variations in precipitation and several other factors as discuss~d-tp the report. \ The ground elevation shown above is an estimation only. It is based on our interpretations of published maps and other documents reviewed for the purposes of this evaluation. It is not sufficiently accurate for preparing construction bids and design documents. BORING LOG rn UJ ..J u:-a.. ::!!: --(.) ~ b ~ s. 0 ~ ..J UJ 0 u. 0:: Ci5 en aJ ~ ::!!: ~ 1-z rn UJ ~ 5 0 aJ ::!!: ~ 0 7.8 109.4 z 0 ~u) u· _() u.· -rn rn· rn~ ~ () DATE DRILLED 12/10/14 BORING NO. B-2 GROUND ELEVATION 125'+(MSL) SHEET OF METHOD OF DRILLING Hand Tools DRIVE WEIGHT N/A DROP N/A SAMPLED BY CKV/AQP LOGGED BY CKV/AQP REVIEWED BY RDH DESCRIPTION/INTERPRETATION Brown, moist, loose, silty fme to medium SAND; some organics (roots, bark, leaves); trace cobbles. SM OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS: Reddish brown, moist, dense, silty fine to medium SAND;. scattered concretions. Groundwater not encountered during drilling. Backfilled shortly after drilling on 12/10/14. Note: Groundwater, though not encountered at the time of drilling, may rise to a higher level due to seasonal variations in precipitation and several other factors as discussed in the report. The ground elevation shown above is an estimation only. It is based on our interpretations of published maps and other documents reviewed for the purposes of this evaluation. It is not sufficiently accurate for preparing construction bids and design documents. Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California APPENDIXB LABORATORY TESTING Classification December 31, 2014 Project No. 107544006 Soils were visually and texturally classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) in general accordance with ASTM D 2488. Soil classifications are indicated on the logs ofthe exploratory borings in Appendix A. In-Place Moisture and Density Tests The moisture content and dry density of relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the ex- ploratory borings were evaluated in general accordance with ASTM D 2937. The test results are presented on the logs of the exploratory borings in Appendix A. Gradation Analysis Gradation analysis test were performed on a selected representative soil samples in general accor- dance with ASTM D 422. The grain-size distribution curves are shown on Figures B-1 and B-2. These test results were utilized in evaluating the soil classifications in accordance with the USCS. Direct Shear Test A direct shear test was performed on a relatively undisturbed sample in general accordance with ASTM D 3080 to evaluate the shear strength characteristics of the selected materials. The sample was inundated during shearing to represent adverse field conditions. The results are shown on Figures B-3 and B-4. Expansion Index Test The expansion index of selected material was evaluated in general accordance with ASTM D 4829. The specimen was molded under a specified compactive energy at approximately 50 percent saturation. The prepared l-inch thick by 4-inch diameter specimen was loaded with a surcharge of 144 pounds per square foot and was inundated with tap water. Readings of volumet- ric swell were made for~ period of24 hours. The results of this test are presented on Figure B-5. I I Soil Corrosivity Tests · Soil pH, and minimum resistivity tests were performed on representative samples in general accor- dance with CT 643. The sulfate and chloride content of the selected samples were evaluated in general accordance with CT 417 and CT 422, respectively. The test results are presented on Figure B-6. 107544006 R.doc I GRAVEL SAND FINES I Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine SILT l CLAY U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Sample Depth Liquid Plastic Plasticity 010 030 Doo Cu Ce Symbol Location (ft) Limit Limit Index • B-1 4.5-5.0 --.. 0.07 0.24 0.39 5.2 2.0 ' .PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM 0 422 PROJECT NO. DATE 107544006 1/15 107544005 SIEVE B-1 @ 4.5-SO.X\$ I GRADATION TES1T RESULTS . GEORplNA COLE liBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILlAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Passing No. 200 (%) 10 I uses SP-SM FIGURE 8-1 : I I I GRAVEL I SAND I FINES I l Coarse Fine I Coarse Medium J Fine I SILT I CLAY U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER -·------·--· ------r -_---t+--++ -+--!-+-+-----~~- -.... ~t,~ ... ,~-·~--,. ---·~·"--1--+-+---+------ --------·---· 100 10 01 0.01 0.001 0.0001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Symbol sample Depth Liquid Plastic Plasticity D1o D3D Doo Cu c. Location (ft) Limit Limit Index • B-2 4.0--4.5 -· -------------- PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM P 422 107544006 1/15 GRADATION TEST RESULTS GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Passing uses No.200 {%} 12 SM FIGURE B-2 107544006 SIEVE B-2@ 4.0-4,5,xls 5000 i I l-·-~··· .. ' I ! 4000 '"' t· -··" f---___ ,, ,, t-· --,_ ·---·-<--·~-· ---. -·-·-"'' v (2 (/) / f!;_ 3000 I (' ,. (/) vr: (/) ~ w 0::: ·--;,,, '""" i·· "'" ···;/'-···· ·----~ / .~ I 0::: ~~"" I Lti 2000 i v, ~ I I I :c 4 I (/) l ' v~ P! --. + ", .. !""' --··--·\ l I ' I I I } l ' I I I I 1000 ~ ~ ...... l I_-[' m•-..... --"'•"' ---· '~--·--- l I ) i i I 0 I 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 NORMAL STRESS (PSF) Symbol Sample Depth Shear Cohesion, c Friction Angle, ~ Soil Type Description Location (ft) Strength (psf) (degrees) Poorly Grade SAND • B-1 5.0-6.5 Peak 420 31 SP-SM with Silt Poorly Grade SAND 1--x-B-1 5.0-6.5 Ultimate 330 27 SP-SM with Silt i I PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM 0 3080 I(IR90&1(\00Y"e DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS FIGURE ·., i DATE I. J GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY . PROJECT NO. 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE B-3 107544006 1/15 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 107544006 SHEAR B-1 @ 5.0-13.5.xls 5000 I I l I ....... J. I· ..... ... ·--~. "~" . ·I ···•· ........ ~ "'"" '"---~-~-~. I I ! 4000 l I 1. / ... ... !·· ... ---.. "'"" ---···""""""' .. ·~-····~ "J .... . "··~ ··-l i ~ iL l j (f) e:.. 3000 i t ~ 1, (f) l i ) (f) ! K7 f LU l 0::: --"-· ·r •···· ·······-·· ... ! "'"""·······-- I-I 1/ (f) I I,~ 0::: j ~ 2000 I I j I VI,.· :,..."" :r: (f) -+--· . f·············~ ···-,-t·············· . ............... .................... k'l ./L ,) I 1000 • w R,j 1 ~J 1 .L ...... 0 j i 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 NORMAL STRESS (PSF) Description Symbol Sample Depth Shear Cohesion, c Friction Angle, $ Soil Type Location (ft) Strength (psf) (degrees) Silty SAND • B-2 5.0-6.0 Peak 210 35 SM Silty SAND 1--X-· B-2 5.0-6.0 Ultimate 210 27 SM PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 3080 I(IRHD&JY\OO~e DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS FIGURE PROJECT NO. DATE GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE B-4 I 107544006 1/15 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 107544006 SHEAR B-2@ 5.0-B.O.xls SAMPLE SAMPLE INITIAL COMPACTED FINAL VOLUMETRIC EXPANSION POTENTIAL LOCATION DEPTH MOISTURE DRY DENSITY MOISTURE SWELL INDEX EXPANSION (FT) (%) {PCF) (%) (IN) 8·1 0.3-2.5 10.0 110.7 17.7 0.002 2 Very Low PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH D UBC STANDARD 18-2 [{]ASTM 04829 : i I JYIR9D&~Oo~~ EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS FIGURE PROJECT NO. l DATE[ GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 8-5 1250 CARLSBAD VILlAGE DRIVE 107544006 1/15 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 107544006 !!I Pogo \.xis SAMPLE LOCATION B-1 SAMPLE DEPTH (FT) 0.3-2.5 6.2 RESISTIVITY 1 (Ohm-em) 2,600 SULFATE CONTENT 2 (ppm) (%) 190 0.019 1 PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA TEST METHOD 643 2 PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA TEST METHOD 417 3 PERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA TEST METHOD 422 l l PROJECT NO. 107544006 107544005 CORROSIVITI' Page his DATE 1/15 CORROSIVITY TEST RESULTS GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CHLORIDE CONTENT 3 (ppm) 95 FIGURE B-6