HomeMy WebLinkAbout1252 BASSWOOD AVE; ; 87-233; PermitDECLARATIONS OWNERIBUILDER CONTRACTOR LENDER WORKER'S COMPENSATION 71 I II 1- - m D n 8 s D i m n I m 5 m I: D z C I 1 7 c U I c __
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Green - (1) Finance Yellow - Assessor Pink - Applicant Gold - Temporary File
3 1 r I 3 0 0 z cn -c cn I v) P f
Applicant Please Prlnt And Flll In Shaded Area Only
JOB ADDRESS /J 6-L &s</dDoa
White - File' ./ Yellow - Applicant
ESTMATED VALUATION ?64 013 / PLAN CHECK FEE 001-810-00-00-8821 1 /o 7
~ ~ ~~ ~
Pink - Finance Gold - Assessor
SAN DIEGO, CA 92 123
(619) 56014438 ---. -
DATE : ", /q9 7 -
PROJECT NAME : a ,I SS-OVY a.Lkz!rorr
IT-T? PROJECT ADDRESS: F: n c e. Ill P r? -I
The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the .jurisdiction's building codes.
The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's buildins codes when minor deficien- cies identified he - are resolved and checked by building department staff.
The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck.
The check list transmitted herewith i's for your information.
The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck.
The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person.
The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to:
Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been compl
been complet
Date contac
(619) SO-I468
PLAN CHECK NO: - i373.33
PROJECT NAME: on SneY U0br"u.
The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where
necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes.
The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff.
The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and shoulc? be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck.
The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck.
The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the
jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person.
The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to:
reD DFIWl m9 SWh qz
fL PJQQ&cR 9anan
Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that
plan check has been completed.
Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has
been completed. Person contacted: R rfa~a ,OAHL no t40wer
Date contacted: 5- I / - 67 Telephone #a7 - X355
Date initial plan check caapleted:
Applicant contact parson:
Plan check is limited to tacbnid mquirwmts
contaimd in the Worn Building Code, uniforn
Plumbing code, WOm Mecb8nical code,
National Electrid code and state law8
mgulating emmrgy commation, noise
atte!nuation and acce8s for the handicappad.
The plan chock is ked on regulations enforcad
by the Build- Irupection D.patt#plt. You my
hV@ other corrections basd on laws and
ordinances alforced by the Plam&g Deparmmt,
En@mriq D.partnrat or other departmnts.
1982 u8C (eff. 7/1/85)
1985 UPC (aff. 11/12/86)
1984 NEC (sl'f. 10/1/85)
1985 WC (eff. 11/12/86)
Date plans received by jurisdiction:
Dnte plans received by g.gil carporation:
Ih8 circled im need clarification,
modification or cb8nge. All items have to k
satisfied before the plans will k in
conformfmca with the cited codes and
re&ulations. Building Code, the approval of tba plaus does
not permit the violation of any state, county
or city law.
M Sec. 303 (e), 1982 Uaiform
Culsbnd Ut 10, Single Family Duelling and Duplex With All Supplemmts
P1- rmrb all corrections on th8 original
ings and subdt two nev sets of prints, and
ally original plau sets that may have be8n
returned to you by the jurisdiction, to:
Corpora+ioa, 9320 ckrmruL.r Mvo,
suit0 #2W, San Diego, C8lifornia 92123,
(619) 560-1468. /z. Plme ~UCO a11 comections on ttm
tmcinga and SUMt m nev sets of prints, and
any original plau sets that may havO been
returnad to you by th8 jurisdiction, to:
Tha jurisdiction's building departmmt.
Indicato on tha Title Stmot of tha plans, - of tha legal mmer and of
ion of a nm.
Soction 302 (a) 7.
QPlans, specificatial8 and calculations ahall
k si* by a California state licmmed
t3ngilm.r or archit.ct. (crilifornia Bwiku. and
Pmfusioll8 cod.).
. Spacify on the Title shwt of tho plans the
dwelling, -9 c=W-, P.ti0, deck and balcony. Secuon 302 (c).
Provide a sataent on the Title Sheet of
plans that thi8 project shall cooply with
Title 24 and 1982 UBC, UK, and UPC and 1984
. SuMt miy di-1~i0-1 plot plan drawn to
existing and ptopo.od s-tur.8 on the lot.
Identify proparty liku and show lot dimensions
and all m.pmts. Shw location of all cut or
fill slap.. and approximate finish floor
elevations for all structuru and sbaw
0l.vstionr; at all lot cornus.
Soction 302 (c).
f Indicate distance from CBIltet line of street
pmperty lines to proposed building.
Section 302 (c).
r alley to property line and distance fmm
B= -
walls clo8.r than 3 feat to pmlmrty lims L 1 be one-hour rated ~fruction, hare
L more than 12 i&les into the 3 foot
opdngs, and sball have 30 inch parapets uhtm
tha building floor area exceeds 1,OOO square
femt on any floor.
(Table 5. A. Section 1709 (a)).
PrOj.ctiOn6, including eaves, lpay tmt
setback froa the property linr. Eaves over
requird window8 shall be not less than 30
Section 17u) and Section 504 (a) and (b) . im9las from the side and rear prop.rtp lines.
$. Plastic skylights shall not be installed
within 8' of an exterior wall located whem
opaniqp in such exterior wall are prohibited or
saction 5207 (a) 7.
isquited to k protected.
$. PrOjwtioll8, includiq .rm, shall k
oao-han: fircresistivo coautruction, hemy
timber or of ruwcoabuutiblo matorial if they
project into tb 3' setback area fmm the
property line. Section 1710.
shov location of penmmntly wired -ke
etector, centrally located in corridor leading
to sleeping 1004. or above stair if slee~iq . Section 1210. rooam am on ummr 1-
L ement of dwelling units having a stairway
A smoke detector shall be installed in the
which opens from the basmt into the dwelling.
Such detector &all be connected to a ding
dewice or othnr detector to pddo an alan~
which will be audible in the sleeping auaa.
section 1210.
ii uin at 1-t 70 quam feet of floor area.
Section 1207 (b).
9 loor amad am of 10 square feet per
Section 1205 (a).
Habitable m, other than kitchens, shall
. Window area at be at least 1/10 of tho
Appaars to be deficient in
-1s window area in habitable room6
t be 1/20 of tba floor area and a ninisan of
5 square feet. In bathroar, lamdry mor and
similar - 1/20 of area is requimd and
lsLniar is 1.5 sq. ft. (Section 1205 (a)).
. At 1-t 112 Of the Collon Wall Mt be 4 d h an aOt 1-8 thn 25 q.
ft. if light ad Vmltilation is being supplied
from an adjacent ma. Saction 1205 (a).
k fed porch unlass the ceiling is at l.art 7
feet and th. longer sido is at leut 65% open.
Sectioa 1205 (a). L ding five air cluagaa p.t hour in
bathtoapr, water closet caaprtmmts, laundry
fo~.. and rimdlu roams if rapired openable
windm are not provided. Section 1205 (a).
%, 1 k less than 7'0" in any dinauion.
Section 1207 (e).
Requird windm shall not open into a
Provide mcbanical ventilation capable of
No habitable ma, 0th.r thrnr a kitchen,
Show aha+ ceiling hem for habitable
shar ceiling wt for lmmdry fo~~ll, c lway., corridors, aad ba- is a minhnm
of 7'0". Soction 1207 (a).
is a minhnm of 7'6". Section 1207 (a). d
Glazing, in the twme wall plane as a door, zlf; t k safety glazing if within 12" of the door
and less than 60t* above the walking surface,
section 5406 (d) 7.
UIll8SS the gh2- is ldd On facetad ghS.
@ Glazing in shovu: and- shall
be teqcuwi, laminated or approvd plastic
shower floor).
(including windm within 5 feet of tub 01
Section 5406 (d) 5.
Sleeping rooms shall have a window or L or door for amrgmcy exit. Sill bight
shall not d 44" above tb fluor. The
window aut have an openable area of at lemt
5.7 squarnr feet with tho rainirn.. opeumble width
20" and the linilaln openable height 24".
Section 1204.
A i.8 Cm in-bh fl- and
y not havo a floor aran exceading 33 113
peecant of the total floor area in th. roam
the long side open to the mop blow exc6pt for
posts and protective walls or railings not
exceeding 42" in height. Section 1716.
The loft pcu show does not canply as a L floor and is, by Worn Building Code
definition, a story. Section 1716.
Ihe mzzanba floor nurrt have a clear
height of 7 feet, abwa and below, d mu6t tlam
D- L
Floors the second story shall have 2; lus than 2 dts. Section 3303 (a).
Requird exit doorways shall be not less
36'' in width and not less than 6'8'' in
height, aad shall be @le of opening at leaut
90 degrees. Section 3304 (e). +. Provide 36" high protective railing for
porches, balcoIlies, and open si- of stair
landings. opmings betwwn railing. shall be
less thmn 6". Section 1711.
Show how guadrail conmction details are
equate to support 20 pounds per 1- foot at
t angle to tb. top rail. Table 23-B. \I IDd Der& c D6 ZRt L+- ~&fl),&kSc
8 a%
Mde stainay and landing details.
3306 (b) & (c).
b. ninilr hudroa is 6'6".
c. niniaawidthis 3on.
$. bmdrnils per Section 3306 (J), shall
88-y t& following:
a. -de bandrail for staimayr with 4
or m risers.
b. Handrail shall be 30'' to 34'' above the
nosing of treads.
c. Tho had@p portion of handrail ahall
be not less tbrrn 1 1/4" mr more than
2" in cross-sectional dimension.
(S.. attached).
Every stairway landing shall hape a Y dhamion, masurd in the direction of travel,
at least equal to the stairway width.
section 3306 (8).
. A door may opan over a stainray landing I &ded the door, in any position, does not
direction of stairway travel, to less than
one-balf the requhed width of the stairway.
SOCtiOll 3306 (8).
de tb clear area of the landing in the
. f tairvaypmvided the top stq is not mom than
7 lJ2" lowat than the floor level.
Section 3304 (h) .
/k. Provide details of wiuding stairway
A door mny 0p.n inward at the top step of a
complying witb Section 3306 (d):
a. Minium trend is 6 inchn at any point
and ain.lla 9 idms at a point 12
c. Hiahmwidthis3OW.
Provide spiral stainday details, per
tion 3306 (f):
a. W.inialnmis7lJ2inchssnreanvsd
at a point 12 idms fnn wham the
treads am the narmlmst.
b. Maxima rise is 9 lJ2 inches.
Spiral s-ya may not ha used for
Winilaaaheadmom is 6 feet 6 inches. z axits when the- served is VteLr
than 400 sq. ft. Section 3306 (f).
31 25 J86
spiral suairways llut hape a clear walking
e of 26 inch88 betwaen the colunm and
handrail, show dimasion. Section 3306 (f).
f or matal stairuay, or subdt plans and
dculations and approvd fabricator registered
with the building deptummt or aota that tb
h6peCtion per the app~ fabrication plan8.
. Provide I.C.B.O. Read Rmprt and lvlrkr
8- fabrication -1 be dm uder apecia1
Section 306 (a) 4B ad Section 306 (f).
. In buildings OIU 2 storim in height, 7 rovida 314 harp. fire-rated asseoblies for all
openbgs in the exterior wall below or within 10
fut horizontally of an exterior stainray. An
mt. Section 3306 (1).
exit balcony with 2 8.pstat.d staimmy8 is
4jd. Spacifyroof slop..
Roof slop. i8 not ad.qUat0 for roof type
ified. Table 32-B; Section 3203 (h).
sp.cify roof material ad application. L 32.
. §pacify I.C.B.O. or U.L. approval raalvt 1 01 roof nOt in U.B.C., 0.8.r
title, etc., Section 107.
5+ built-up roof, with rock or gravel surfacing, is
3 inches in 12 inches, Section 3203 (e) 2.
loaximm slop for a fire re-t
/3. Ibe ainilns slope for a fire retardant
krilt-up roof, with cap mt surfacing, is 1/2
inch in 12 inr_ku. !Section 3203 (e) 3.
f lope for drabage or design to support
accumlated water. Section 3207 (a), Section
2305 (f) ad Section 2511 (d) 6.
Specify miniam 1/4 inch per foot roof
show roof drain8 ad overflarn. 2 tion 3207. i th Sectionr 3401 and 5207 or provid. I.C.B.O.
Provide *light details to show collplicurcCr
appmval lwabu.
f. Plaatic skylight Elst be separated from
each otbst by at 1-t 4 feat.
Section 5207 (a) 6.
. Showatticventilation. Minill.a!ventarea
at least SO% of tlm rquired vent is at least 3
frwt abwo eavo vents or cornice vents. show
Section 3205 (c).
1/150 of attic arom or 1/360 of attic area if
roqdrad are8 ad are8 pr0rid.d.
-de fireplace construction details or f to construction to be per at- fireplace
StanfhuddrawinS. chap-37.
!! islpfc Zones 3 and 4, comply with Section 3002,
4, 5, 6, and Section 2515 (a) regarding ties and
construction to bo per attxched sheets
30-1 or 30-2.
. shaw vmmu support and connections in
c9 who inhori7ionm joints or ahow
$. m height and constwction detail8 of all
Note that cleaaart openiay shall be f roddad at tb bot- of all cells to be gmut
fill& m 4' in a single pour.
Section 2414 (a) 8-
6#. SQow'floor and roof comncticn'18 to p~uollly
walls. cannection shall resist 200 pounds pat
lineel foot or the actual design load, whichevar
is greater. Cross grain talsion or beding in
wood ledgers is not permitted.
walk. -tar 24.
Cleanout ahdl1
k 8aEl.d Mors grouting, after inspaction.
Section 2312 (j) 3. A.
. Provida details for damp proofing the f lnmdetion unlls, belaw finish grad., whrrtb
USublO dtS on th. ill- 8ide Of tbA
walls. Section 1707 (d).
61. sbow a alnila 2" air space and flashing
between planter and building wall..
Section 2516 (c) 7.
thew 8i& Of wall8 and Cdlhg cololl to
tb dwelling. Table 5. B. Saction 503 (d).
All 01- nrpportins floor abom garage, s luding walls sqporting floor joists, to harrs
one-hau fit.-rasistive protcrtion on the garage
side. Section 503 (a).
. sbow 1 318" solid core rulf-closing door
fropenhgstm~garageanddwdling. t
Section 503 (d) .
69. are not penmittmi to open into a
room us& for slqing purpos... Section 1104.
Opeminp between carport ad residence L self-closing doom and stati-
wintkwu. Section 1214.
show garage fraahl$ section, size of header
opeming, lateral cross bracing at
plate line, nrthad of btacing garage front, and
holddawnrr if requird. -tar 23.
N[llle: ?4uimm shear panel ratio of height to
width is 3 112 to 1. Table 25-1.
mors may opem into tha garage only if the d* OOr or landing in the g&Uqe is not: more than
1/2" lower than the door threshold.
Section 3304 (h) .
Rapid. an 18" raised platforp for auy FAU, f tar haator, or other dece in the garage,
which my gemrate a flame or spark, nm: Section
508, u#: Section u10 (8).
R Q Per soils repo-, mu on th. plan the
k soil report t.coaad.tion for this project.
so 1s classifiation, whether or not the soil is
expansive, rmd not. the allowable bwring odluo.
Section 2905 (c).
Tha foundation plau does not comply with
Pleaso revi- th. r8port and modify design,
notes and details as rsquired to show
compliance. 8 Provide notes on the foundation plan
listing the soils report recrmaaulacIo11l for
foundations, slab and building pad preparation.
Ilh. Soils report r9C-S 8XCaVaaOM be
Qv.d by soils el@.n-r. Note on the
faadation plan that "Prior to the Contractor
requesting a Building Dqmrtmmt Foundation
building official in writing that:
Inspection, tb. soils eQ@near shall advise th8
1. tha building pad was prqxued in
accordance with the soils report;
2. thautility~h.pcrbeal
plcop.rly backfilled and corpactod,
3. ths famQtian fJxcavations, fonbings
and reinf-ts coaply with the
mil. report and approved plJln1'.
show height of all foundation walls.
LP t.r 23.
. show height of re- on all ? &ti- walls. q- 23. 4. If cut or fill slopes exist, rhow di.trmca
of foundation to edge of cut or fill slop.. ad
rhnr st.rpa*u and heights of cuts and fills.
Qsptur 29.
81. Not. on plw that wood shall k 6"
Saction 2516 (c) 7.
LL abovm finirh pado.
Q Nota on plan8 that surface mter will. drain
y fra building and .how drdnaga pattern 8nd
lrsy elevations. Section 2905 (f).
81. Dimension founQtion per U.B.C. Table 29A:
1 6" 12" 12"
2 8" 15" 18"
3 10" W' 24"
show foundation sills to be pres8ure Q ted, or equal. Section 2516 (c) 3.
+. shov foundation bolt size and qmcing.
Section 2907 (e).
Specify site, I.C.B.O. mlnhrr and
acturer of power driven pins. show edge L and e& di.tanca and rpac-. Gtiz by structural calculations,
J&OW rite, i.bedneat and location of hold down
anchors on foundation plan. Section 2312 (f).
If hold dams are requkmd by calculations, Q on plan tbat hold down anchors nut be tied
in place prior to foundation inspmction.
Section 305 (e) 2.
$. sho~ wte footings \mdu a11 tmarins
walls and ahr walls.
4. sho~ on th. elmtiom, steppi footings
for slap.. than 1:lO.
Section 2907 (e).
Section 2907 (b) .
@ - ainirrr mH cl- from grade to
bottom of floor joists and minhm 12"
clearance to bottom of girdm.
-tion 2516 (e).
9/. shopr pier rim, .pacing and dapth into
undisturbed soil. Table 29-A.
show mininm undarfloor access of 18" x Q . Section 2516 (e). Q shaw rin.llsl md.rfloor mmtilation equal
1 sq. ft. for each lso sq. ft. of uadetfloor
0Penine;rr shall k as close to corners as
practicable and shall provide cross ventilation
on at least two approximntely apposite sides.
Section 2516 (e).
moutdations may qrt a roof in addition to
the floors. Wmre only a roof is supported, use
foundation for 01~. floor.
. Specify that posts embedded in concrete
12. Section 2516 (c).
sbowwallbraeing. exteriorw wood
wall and min croa8 partition shall k
braced at each aul at least every 25 feet of
length with 1 x 4 diagonal let-in braces or
equivalent. Saction 2517 (g) 3.
. ltotecmssbridgingorbloclring. Floor ti- and rafters 12" or mora in depth shall be
supported latarally by bridging at intervals not
ex-ding 8 feet, unless both edges am held in
sbow blocking at ends and at mpports of
rafters at arterior walls.
Section 2517 (d) 3. @ Show solid bl- at rid- line and at
exterior walls on trussad roofs.
Section 2506 (g), Section 2517 (h).
Show double joists. Floor joists .bill k
p8rallel with the joists. Section 2517 (6) 5.
Id urpdu parfitions nmning
girders; k.ll., walls or pattitioru, mora tban
the depth of the joist.
Show rafter tim.
Saction 2517 (d) 5.
Rafter tim shall be
not Bore than 4 feet on calter and be
just * the ceiling joists, vh6ir, rafters and
ceiling j0i.t. are not parallel.
Section 2517 (h) 4.
show rafter purlin braces to be not less
45 dugmas to the horizontal.
Section 2517 (h) 5.
show 1/2" mixlhmm clearance between top
(To ensure loading will be as
0 p ate of intarlor partitions and bottom chord of
d-ignea). @ show double top plate with miniom 48"
lap splice.
106. Q e 254.
Section 2517 (g) 2.
sbow nailing will be in compliance with
Show or nota fire stops at th. following Q ti0118 peir Section 2516 (f): Q
in c-ad spaces of stud walls and
partiti-, i=lUdins furred sP=-,
at th. ceiling and floor levels and at
10 foot intcupals along th. length of
the wall.
at all intercoxmection8 between
coIIco.1.d verthal and horizontal
spaces mcb as occur at soffits, drop
ceilings and cum ceilings;
in mod spaces betwun stair
stringam at the top and bottom of the
nm and bo- stud. along and in
1- with the nm of stairs if the
walls der th. stairs am unfinished;
in around -a, Pip-, ducts, chhmeys, fireplaces and
similar opedngs which afford a
pas- for fire at ceiling and floor
leveds, with mnxonbustible
mterials .
Showstudsizeandsp=ing. mxilmlm 8 a owable stud heights; Berriag wall: 2 x 4 and
2 x 6 ~pax. 10'; Mon-bearing:
x 6 -. 20'. Table 25-R-3.
P ilhg nust k 3 x 4 or 2 x 6 at 16" O.C.
Table 25-R-3.
2 x 4 IMX. 14', 2
. Studs .upportine two floors, a roof and
Mote dII A.1.T-C. Of Coop1-e
to the building inspector prior to etectiOn.
Section 306 (f) .
all post to bem and post to
coIlltactiolu and reference tb. detail to
the plan. Section 2516 (n).
walls. Section 2513.
spcify nail size ad spacing for all
walls, floor and roof diaphtagmcr.
Micato requird blotting.
diaphrap d-ion ratios.
and Section 47l3 (d) . lt. sbaw 3" x 4" or 2" x 611 stub in first
(Tables 25 I, J, 9)
ry of storp build-. Table 25-R-3.
calculations for thia ptojwt.
6. Provido roof framiag plan and floor
n!ming plan. s.ction 302 (a) 7.
Section 320 (a) 7.
specify all Mer sizes for opening ovar
Section 2517 (0) 5.
. Provide calculations for Ip.in vertkal and 2 rizontal fraaing members cusd post footings.
L panals, shear Mer: and =law.
Soctian 302 (a) 7.
Provide calculations for lateral loadsy
Soctioa 302 (9) 7.
. sharontheplansallstructural
I+. coluau and posts locatsd on co~u.to or
nmsoslrp floors or decks arrpored to the wmathu
or to water splash or in basmnents and which
wrppart pemmnwlt structures Wl be supported
by concrete piers or pedestal. proj-tiag
above floors unless approved wood of natural
trurktance to decay or treated wood is used.
Section 2516 (c) 4.
Individual coocrete or mauIIlly piers shall
ect at 1-t 8 inches above exposed ground
UalwIs the colw or posts which they support
are of approved wood of natural msktaace to
detcay or tmumted wood k used.
Section 2516 (c) 4.
124. G 22" x 30". Section 3205.
show location of attic access with Rinhm
. sbow draft separation for attic areas
units in a duplex. Section 2516 (f).
Xf6. wood stud buring walls, with studs at 24"
8.. 3 x 4 tap platea if - or loof trusses tbat are spacad mro
8ith.r floor
then 16" O.C. and do not bear within 5" of th.
Stud. &tion 2517 (8) 2.
I$* SpcifY PlpJood gtad. and PMbl
identification index. Table 25-N.
lf8. When roof pitch is less than 3:l2, design
ridga M a beam.
&I 14" framing shall be solid blocking.
Secuon 2517 (a).
If foundstion cripple wall stud. M la88
%CtiOn 2517 (8) 4.
$4. cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in
ight shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 inches by
6 aupportinS 2 StOtiW.
Section 2517 (8) k. - Plywood - erpo..d -9 @ other weather expos& areas, is exterior
grade. Section 2516 (8) 3.
Show a veep screed at the foundation plate
on all exterior and stud walls to be
stuccoed. Section 4706 (e). &. corridor
tion 3305 (b).
16. Ridges, hips,
width to be nuLniou 36".
layout for 30n x 30" attic
and valleys shall be at
1Lt one size larger than supported rafters.
Section 2517 (h) 3.
. In opal beEm conrtrrpctioa, provide strap 2 es across the betm at th. ridge support.
Section 2501 (b).
l$. Show minimm 30" deep unobstxucted working
space in front of furnace. Section 505, WC.
Note on plans, CleamncaS to be per L crturer'rr lis*. Section 504, DHC.
l+. Furnace shall not be installed under any
3. we shall not be installed in 4
bedtoom, bathroom or in a closet or confined
stairsray. section 704, IMC.
space with access only through such 10011, unless
specified as direct
furnace or electric
Section 704, IMC.
vent appliance, cnuelosed
heating appliance.
approval mber for @ab
. Show access to the attic or underfloor
:$naceto be-330 bdm8 by 30 inchrr.
Section 708 & 709 DHC.
Note that passagway to the attic furnace
1 be unobstnacted and have cantinwus solid
flooring not less than 24 inches wide.
Section 708, UC.
show p.rrmm+ electrical outlet and
l& 1 ting fixture controlled by a switch for ttte
attic furnace. Section 708, UMC.
f + r furnace undu the floor, or Section 710 for
roof or outside furnace.
. show details to caply with section 709
Q Noteonplan: Gasventsand
abustible piping passing through three
floors or lesa shall be effectively draft
stopped at each floor or ceiling.
UBC, Section 1706 (a) 6.
All wiring &dl Cqly vith the Mtid
Electrical codn.
I30 shawontheplantheampaageoft&
e ectrical sorvice, th location of tho semi-
panel ad the location of any sub-paaols.
0 show location of all electrical.
BlecMcal receptacle locations and/or
ing is not adeqWLt0 in
,43. iban outhts for laundry, e-., outdoola, in
garages and bruclbmts.
at least one commniemx outlet 0-
NEC, M. 210-52.
than for lmndry ad similar equiplmt) ahdll k
GFI pmt.c+.d, NEC, Att. 210-8.
p dd NEC, Art. 250-81.
L. a
show -tor )su,rr she, type and location Y;-. UPC, section l310. 4. Show solttc~ for providing cakution air
tohulburningwatorhator. Ifwallapglins
in an enclosurm am used, at least anr-half of
the rqdred 0p.aine aren ahdl1 extend into the
uppar twelve inches of the .aclo.ure and
oas-hdlf within the lower twelve imzhes.
UPC, Section l307.
. Fuel camkvtion wam heam shall not be
talled in bath or bedroom or in a closet
opening into bath or bedroom.
UPC, section l309.
i59. Provide adequata barrior to protect water
heater from vehicle damage. UPC, section 1310.
sbow T ad P valve on -tor hater and
route of discharge 1- to exterior.
UPC, Section 1007 (e).
Ac , section 1903.
$2. Nota on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn
prevention devicas. UPC, Section 1003.
143. shower stall sball aCCOPlOdatO a 30"
circle and have a n+nimr floor area of
1,M4 sq. in. UPC, 909 (d).
1. Provida drpr vemt to outside.
rinLler systxmm sball have UpproVmd -low
K- . show details of -lex coamn (partg) $ 1s ad floodcoiling assablies to achieve a
of 50 dacibles ad on Impact halation Class
(IIC) rating on floodceiling of 50 decibles.
Title 25.
soum3 Tramnission Class (STC) rating in walls
iping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets,
Show haw penetrations of asurblies for 1 bathtubs, soffits, or hting ventilating, or
insulated to maintab requimd sound
arhmut ducts shall be sealed, lined, or
transdssion rating. Title 25.
Provide insulation in walls and ceiling to k eve Sn: of 50 between garage and living area
if gara@~ use is not controlled by residant.
Title 25.
state regulations (California Addn. We)
require that the design ~tisy one of the
attached almtim pachk. 01 subpit
calcUlatjAll8. !rho law also ulat nrny
manQtorp con;l.rpatioa item be Mtiafied.
requimd e1-U of tha altexsmtiTm --gy
package that was selected, and nest to each
element Show how you m caplying with each
el-. If calallations were rued, provide
similar data on the plaru. 0 e aments of th. salectd emrgy packag., ami
@ sbas on th. Title at of*- plans, tbe
1- the design el- showing compliance
eittmr the amt or a w-&t&
i.e., architect, engineer or contractor. A
license number. section 1403 of Title 20.
Ilh plan Shaet CJlaWins the requird
with that selected package, mt be signed bY
des- profw8id Pt.+ note hi./- State
sbaw on ttm pl8as ttm'%" value for the 8 la8 floors ceiling and related area#. R-14 u./ R-rr LbOur+n-lr HOOE
l/L show on ttm pl.n how ahding -ts
I+. shas~ double glrrimr
on Gla%ing Schdule.
B=EY ~k.ign,
are satisfied. @ 'Ih.plaaaareaotincoPpl~withthe
exmrgy co~uuvation carpliaaee pnckage selected
or design calculations provided. Show on plans
confoxmmac. 6. followr:
Q specify on the buil- all of the
tory energy caneemation requh-lts as
listed on the enclosure titled, 1-
I?. sur^ siu, type, d, miel and
location of the spaca heating (or cooling)
system and provide heat 1088 calculations if the
output m/lir. exceeds 45,000.
1 5. Energy conservation design should be for L 7 . Seeattactmdenergypackaps.
I$. noor drains mst h~ve auto-prima
Ih. Note rvhnrrt fans carmat be ductless type
(city POliCY)
(city policy).
8. #.w residential units rmut be pre-pltnkd P or future solar water heating. mh "tvo roof
jacks mat be installed" whre the water beater
is in tln olm story garage and airactly below
the Wt sarth facing roof
(city QrdinmEe No. 8093).
1 9.
paml location whea the water heatar is not in a
mte "two 3/4" c0Pp.t pipes nut be
iL talled to the most commlialt future solar
3!i heating nut be insulated ldml in areas
olm story garage and is not directly below the
ID0.t south facing roof.
(City ordinance No. 8093).
All piping for present or futam solar
that are not heated or cooled by mechanical
means (city policy).
Incorporate the waterproofing details, on $* attachsd Policy 80-88 ht8riOr 1iYhlg
space occurs below grade at the masonry
wall( s) .
1 6. t7BC Adopting Ordlrunce 8792 requirmm riro notmiant roof on a11 atructurms
(See. 11.04.230). Show capllance with UBC Section 3203 (e). . City Ordlluncm 9792 requires tvo park- ing sp.cea/unlt vith clear area of 2Osx10' 1.e. no washing nchlaes, etc.. Shw compliance.
All heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and water heating equipment shall meet all of the
requirerments of the Appliance Efficiency Standards and shall be certified by the California Energy
&miss ion.
A tua stage tharmostat, which controls the supplementary heat on its second stage, shall be
provided for heat pumps.
lharmostats shall be equipped with an automatic setback, which the building occupant can program to
automatically set back the thermostat twice in 24 hours.
Equipment which requires preventive maintenance to maintain efficient operation shall be furnished
with complete necessary maintenance information.
All gas-fired fan type central furnaces, gas-fired fan type wall furnaces, and cooking appliances
shall be equipped with an intermittent ignition device.
All fan system euchausting air to the outside shall be provided with backdraft dampers.
All tranoverse duct, plenum, and fitting joints shall be sealed with pressure sensitive tape or
mastic to prevent air loss and shall be insulated to conform to the provisions of Section 1005 of
the UHC, 1982 Edition.
A vapor barrier is rw in clinrate zona 1, 14, and 16.
All manufactured windows and sliding glass doors shall meet the 1972 ANSI air infiltration
standards and shall be certified and labeled.
All swinging doors and windows leading to unconditioned areas shall be fully weather-stripped.
Storage type water heaters and storage ami backup tanks for solar systems shall be extemtlly
wrapped with R-12 insulation or greater.
The five feet of pipe closest to the water heater, if outside conditioned space, sball be insulated
with a minimm of R-3.
piping outside the building arrrrelope shall be insulated in accordance with "20-1406(d).
Lamps used in luminaries for general lighting in kitchaac and batbroom shall have an efficiency of
not less than 25 lumens per watt.
Showerheads and faucets shall be equipped with flow restricton as outlined in the appliance
efficiency standards and shall be certified to the Energy conmission.
Masonry and factory-built fireplaces on exterior walls, shall be equipped with tight-fitting
closeable metal or glass doors covering the entire opening of the firebox; a combustion air intalce
equipped with a readily accessible, operable, and tight fitting damper to draw air from the outside
of the building; and a tight fitting flue damper with a readily accessible control.
Insulation used shall comply with California Quality Standards.
The insulation installer shall posta signed certificate...Section.27d
(lul Occupancies). Mter installing insulation, the installer shall post in a conspicuous location
in the building a certificate signed by the installer and the builder stating that the installation
conforms the requirements of Title 24, Part 2, Chapter 2-53, and that the matarials installed
conform with the -ts of Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapter 6, Micle 3.
shall state the manufacturer's name and material identification, the installed W* value, and (in
applications of loose fill insulation) the minimum installed weight per square foot consistent with
the m~ufacturer's labeled density for the desired I1R1* value.
For infiltration control all openings and penetrations must be caulked and sealed, such as around
windows, at sole plates, and openings for utility pipes and wires.
Steam and steam condensation return piping and recirculating hot water
Insulation Cartif icate
The certificate
Form ECH 3/5/86
Res identfal I
Res. or Comm.
PHON€ NO. 4/47 $453
Fire Sprinklers e I
Total Value
Fee Adjuated To Reflect OEnergy Reguletions (Fee x 1.1)
OHendicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065)
Building Permit Fee $ J /44.3n
Plon Check Pee $ s Job -92
C 0 M HE N 1st
9) c, d
.. > m
P 0. > a, crz
Date: 5-12- 87
Plan Check No. B7-Za3 Project Address: Brnaw~?~
Project Name: COLE 4&7;0.3
Field Check Date: - By:
Site Pian
Item Complete
Item Incomplete - Needs
Your Action
1,2,3 Number in circle indicate2
planchec k number that
deficiency was identified
1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale.
Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing 0 m * and proposed structures, streets, existing street improve-
W merits, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. n
2. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations'of
finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical
lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway and percent
(%) grade and drainage patterns.
UOU nun
nncr uno
nun non aun
3. Provide legal description of property.
4. Provide assessor's parcel number.
5. Grading permit required.
6. Grading plans in plan check PE
7. Need the following completed prior to building permit issuance:
A. Grading plans signed.
B. Grading permit issued.
C. Grading completed.
D. Certification letter and compaction reports submitted.
E. Grading inspected and permit signed off by City inspector.
8. Right-of-way Permit required for work in public right-of-way
(e.g., driveway approach, sidewalk, connection to water main,etc).
9. Industrial Waste Permit application required. To be filled out
completely and returned to Development Processing.
FEES REQUIRED - 10. Park-in-Lieu fees required.
Quadrant: pcc-d , Fee Per Unit: _L_ , Total Fee:
11. Traffic impact fee required.
Fee Per Unit: 1, Total Fee: - .
12. Bridge and Thoroughfare fee required.
Fee Per Unit: - , Total Fee:
13. Public facilities fee required.
14. Facilities management fee required. Feed& -&&F
15. Additional EDU's required: ;~g
Sewer connection fee:
16. Sewer lateral required: v
If you have any questions about any of the above items identified on this plan
check, please call the Development Processing Department at 438-1 161.
Q +, d
.. > m
3 0, > .-
Plan Check No. 87-233 Address /Zsx & SELUadP
Type of Project and Use 1. Awn 7fd
Zone 1-1 Use Allowed? YES o(, NO
Setback: Front o/c Side Rear OK
Discretionary Action Required YES NO K TY Pe
Environmental Required YES NO
Landscape Plan Required YES NO D(
Coastal Permit Required YES NO b(
Additional Comments &&a& ~C44WL QS7zYCt
(619) 438-1161
- CITY OF CARLSBAD Plan Check No. 87-233
This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify
that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building
permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the
appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department.
Carlsbad Unified San Marcos Unified
801 Pine Avenue 207 West San Marcos Blvd.
Carlsbad, CA 92008 (457-4985) San Marcos, CA 92069 (744-4776)
Encinitas Union Elementary
189 Union Street 625 North Vulcan
Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4306) Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491)
San Dieguito Union High School
Project Applicant: (A\ ApN: doc- 052 - /d
Project Address: 1a.s-a % aS3WO
RESIDENTIAL: SQ. FT. of living area 39\ Number of dwelling units
SQ. FT. of covered area SQ. FT. of garage area
Prepared By
(To be completed by the School District)
/Applicant has complied with fee requirement, ,,under Government Code 53080
Project is subject to an existing fee agreement
Project is exempt from Government Code 53080
Final Map approval and construction started before September 1, 1986.
(other school fees paid)
Fee Levied: $a based on 39) sq. ft.@ // 50
Fee Levied: $ based on sq. ft.@
Date ~~wA.I= rnMR6 Scho&&strict Official Title
AB 2926 and SB 201 fees are capped at $1.50 per square foot for residential.
AB 2926 is capped at $.25 per square foot for commercial/industrial.