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1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; CB042638; Permit
02-11-2005 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Reference # Project Title Applicant ZIEBARTHJOHN STEE 800 WEST IVEY SAN DIEGO 92101 619233-6450 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No CB042638 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CBAD MISC Subtype OTHER 1561802100 Lot# 0 $000 CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE PARTIAL FOUNDATION & RETAINING WALLS TO COMPLETE Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area ISSUED 07/06/2004 MDP 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C C/O FRANK VIOLI 1241 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR #100 CARLSBAD CA 92008 Miscelaneous Fee #1 PERMIT FEE Miscelaneous Fee #2 / Additional Fees ^ ' rf / / , , * V ' $18000 , $000 - . " , $000 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $18000 Total Fees $18000 Total Payments To Date $000 Balance Due $18000 BUK^DING PLANS IN STORAGE .ATTACHED , - 1737 02/11/05 0002 01 02c&r-- wo- Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date f^f't Clearance PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad CA 92008 1? FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO EST VAL Plan Ck Deposit Validated By Date Address (include Bldg/Suite #)Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Lot No Subdivision Name/Number Unit No Phase No Total # of units Assessor s Parcel #Existing Use Proposed Use Description of Work SOFT # of Stories # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms City StateJZip Telephone #Fax# Name VIC PROPERTY OWNER; Address State/Zip Telephone # City State/Zip Telephone*Name Address (5, CONTRACTOR -.COMPANY NAME^j fQ ;;;^;!V i .U „!,•.«•..'tli i"",,«' W;O,V<1"" V',? ^ J. 1^'V'FH!"V"!V X11 ^'!!',!"•''?'" ^'Vl^';;;^;^ (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter improve demolish or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a ctvil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) S.D OA Name State License # s$ ^f/O Address' License Class ft— n"l< City M c. State/Zip Citv Business License # /• Telephone # s/Woz. Designer Name State License it Address City State/Zip Telephone # Workers Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations D i have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the -work for which this permit is issued \ST I have and will maintain worker's compensation as required by Section 3700 of the labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are s\j~ I / j Insurance Company STTUffc T^lJS*£) policy UP ^£» I ^ i *£ Expiration Date_ y / f L/6^ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) P CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollarsjt 100,000), In additiorf to the cost of cdm^sationfdajfiage-s are provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fej»s_ SIGNATURE f\^^T^^T^n~^S^\A^^ _ DATE I? , OWNER-BUILDER DECLftR'ATjpN.'^' ^ 'j^ f'n^^ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from ihe Contractor's License'taw for the following reason D I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will d the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) D I, as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor s License Law) D I am exempt under Section. Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement D YES D NO 2 I (have/have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / /ontractors license number) __ — 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons tantmade the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATU.DATE WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance Y PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad CA 92008 Page 2 of 2 , Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration for or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account AcV> D YES d NO Is trie applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district' D YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed wnhm 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 8 ^'CONSmUCTlONLENPING^AGENCY^p IJ*?^I/ ^IJi ( <™WH!p Syr^ ™'^l ^fV ", <'j ,.] <r!^ $87 V| '^"'X^" ^^V'/"^' IVTv^i "'7^' "<j I Hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued"(Sec 3097(1) Civil Code) LENDER S NAME , LENDER'S ADDRESS ;a!s ^APPLICANTCERTIFICATIONS L11V1^ "T^,., r I ,'& IVi i' «1L,>-V"V? '".I* iu>r,v,,' '&!"! !1FX "'""'«;' L1,'". T^y W/"1" % TAl1'1,"3,') SI I'M ff" '»v I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the" information on the plans is a"ccurale I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGEMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations of 5 0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stones in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 10644 Uniform Building Code) APPLICANTS SIGNATURE ^ ^ «" «• ' / «" *1W7*7 s**&c»^ DATE WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 04/27/2006 Permit# CB042638 Title CARLSBAD VILLAGE OFFICE Inspector Assignment RB Description PARTIAL FOUNDATION & RETAINING WALLS TO COMPLETE GRADING FOR BUILDING Sub Type OTHER 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Lot 0 Type MISC Job Address Suite Location OWNER CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Owner CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS L L C Remarks If locked to to suite 100-Permit # Total Time Phone 7603901515 Inspector Requested By FRANK VIOLI Entered By CW CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Act Comment Comments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Date 01/27/2006 04/28/2005 04/14/2005 03/29/2005 03/17/2005 03/17/2005 03/14/2005 03/14/2005 03/03/2005 03/03/2005 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 02/28/2005 Inspection Historv Description 19 21 11 61 22 31 65 66 11 31 11 31 11 Final Structural Underground/Under Floor Ftg/Foundation/Piers Footing Sewer/Water Service Underground/Conduit-Wiring Retaining Walls Grout Ftg /Foundation/ Piers Underground/Conduit-Wiring Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Conduit-Wiring Ftg/Foundation/Piers Act NR AP CA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA CA CA CA Insp TP RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB Comments RETAIN WALL FTGS SOUTH END - SEE PLANS SEWER ONLY & DRAIN OUSTSIDE BLDG FOR J-DRAIN OK @ PARKING LEVEL OK FRM LINES 1 & LINES A TO M OK GROUND LEVEL FTGS & PILASTERS OK OK@ ELECTRIC RM Corporate 2992 E La Raima Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7; 4 632 2999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 'A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax * 858 537 3990 Inland 14320 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Los Angeles/Ventura County Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Syimar, CA 91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 818 833 0085 FIELD REPORT ( G INSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (V) |N) SPECS (V) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING J ' ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERMIT SUB CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT \ \ . REPORTING RLQU1RLMEN1S ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING M TRS AND RF1S, F FC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PRhVIOUS INSPtCTQR S, IS CORRhCTbD, SO NOTb ON THE ORIGINAL DEMClbNCY KbPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOljR WLhK'S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED f Ley**.- A, 1—^ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFI§ USED t \jL/oJle REMARKS IHCLUDIHBMEEflHBS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. t'\ WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY &>* RECOMMENDATIONS AND /OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature ><3 Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Pnnt Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave, Sutte A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 ttfancn 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED 441 W State Street El Centre, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760 482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 PROJECT NAME PLAN PILE NO REPORT NO PG OF A- - ftJW-AT""" \ - Z ft/J 9 ~~~N4-?e- o & Signalure Dale ol Repof Certilicaiton Print Name i Corporate yESKfr 2992 E LaPalmaAve?Ste A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Emp Jt>Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Elswortfistreet, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR n TECHNICIAN ARCHITECT ^ „— » — -*-,. C? X.<— \ £ \"5A2_ \~H ^ "^*1*"56£. ENUWEfiB- — 0 \ tr^far^tia/L*** T^\K.t—^^\ L N!^ +- IMu?* LJfr- SUB CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS ' Csr\\lst*i2 \*2*-^E> i £"jk- i ^ 2*0$?) AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (VJ {N} APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEK ENDING ^ PROJECT NO^^? - *2. iff ' £^0 s ^L> 4 & "7 ^ o 1 REPORT NO PG / OF & ( C / * • PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO,^ PROJECT NAME ADDRESS OF PROJECT RFPOKriNC, RPQUIRLMPNTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAIAlTGi SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS Rh PORTS AND L1SIS IF TH>RE IS NON CONt-ORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND KHS ETC TILL OUT AND ATTACH A DhHCl h.NCY RH'ORT WIILN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPhCTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORIS MATERIALS USED BY CO\TRACTOH (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT Nq.OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS! i - \9 t^fc D ^-*- (o& ~n ^ i P -^ ^?'* T*~ \ ^\ ^^ *T i~ A x^T (/^\ Ar**(^l j? *•• \i ' CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED \i.*-TfcviwH^~'6r' kJ.2A\ ^r-°C7T\VJt- ^4X« <-T* ^>\ 12, "^ "2 0- . ^— > "V, A . v r^ STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USEO ,- , , 2t.fek.A- PiJ^ce^ A^Pf^. t-*^<» Z^-^'Z-^r^. ^£eWi (S ^>>^.^ x . REMARKS INCLUDINB MEETtltaS /*, O K3rr G-ft./ ,-rrt/Z- T6 £ O v^T^P , V ^^•KI r> / t>i7^ (2- * /v\ \T r> i A,T~'t5^s T{\£. -S^Fe^^^f c?i= <^r nF 2^Wl^^c (Jj»lV/L .C--T- AMY^ ^OWI-F^V^N Ac-4-ii/-s J (J/ S&\^^> &\te>**>fci£A F°«2-1 / «. >4 / * V^-9— REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. WEATHER TEMPERATURE PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. SAMPLES TAKEN /^i / /\- TESTS REQUIRED j>^ it SITF TIMF START O~\ . oO <j]TF TIMF FIMISH HiwrHPFRinn ^^ TPAVFI TIMF I DC CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION / 1 \ i/ 1 — .' JUrrzTT" Signature i -2- '- ^0 v^-^ xT? ^> VFninFn BV ^^^ ^^5^^* — • — ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ^ i^fy^bO^ ' \QZJ=fo95~8& Dale o! Report ICBO Certification Number Pnnt Name ounty Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Ste A San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego,'CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland 14320ElsworthStreet, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Los Angeles/Ventura County 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK Q INSPECTOR ^TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (V) (N> APPROVED PLANS (V) (N) SPECS (V) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (YJ (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PERM IT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT RFPORTING RCQUIREMEN1S ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTCn SOIL MANUAL- RhVlh\V PREVIOUS KFPORTS AND LIST S IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT IMF FND OF THF WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RMS bTC HLL OUT AND ATTACH A DhUClhNCY RFPORT WHFN A Dt-HCIhNCY, YOURS OR A PRLVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) 30 re CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED REMARKS INCLUDING MfETlNGS 75 fT- REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION, WEATHER « TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN ~1* TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY _. I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND /OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ^ f O ~—/ ft i & > Signature Dale of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 ,„ ,-^-,II t-s^ i , ' iwmi^Kwm^',; ^ Corporate 'JB9H& ' ^^L 2992E Lapal™f^sf^ ' J v' San Diego/Imperial County , Inland EmpWw^;; ".* « * »! 1^«*-yp v*"* *° ^ l '' i?feJ1~v'a' ;a^Ii;'Brs,Sl^^^r~Kigt-'";7313 Carroll Road?- Suite G ^,l4320^lsworthjStreetrSte San Diego, CA'92'121 ;' .Moreno^alleyl' CA* 92553' Tel J8581'537 3999 " , Tel 951 653'4999* Fax' 858^537 39|0 ( ; , Fax 9516534666, FIELD REPORT',,"•" ^ V *ff; • ~ ' ' TYPEOFWORK Q INSPECTOR , E TECHNICIAN -• '' AVAILABLE , ; SOIL REPORT (Y) (N)" -5 & - * < ,^/f , l, Cj* APPROVED, PLANS (V){N) ^ ARCHITECT ENGINEER CONTRACTOR ^ _«-— / SUB CONTRACTOR y INSPECTION ADDRESS i FOR WEEK ENDING .,, REPORT NO , PG PLAN FILE NO PROJECT NAME ' ~ f^ f^ ADDRESS OF PROJECT Los AngeleSy'Ventura County C1 Of, i 301 0 San Fernando RrJ^Unit i ' ' Sylmar,CA91342J» ' * Tel 8188338100! , , ^ Fax 8188330085 1 / I i APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ' "/ - PROJECT NO . ' ',' ^(~ OF -_, > ; PERMIT NO / , tv. ^ 1^ ^-*f w/*£L^ . . , RFPORT ING REQUIREMENTS ICBO^FIELfD>INSPbCTION"jClANUA*lJ'MTGi!SOII1' MANUAL -'REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS'AND LISTS 11- THt-Kf* (S NON-CONFORMING WpIiK AT THE END Of! Uh WORK DAY|O^MJS^JjS(sGiMTR^*ANp RFIS"! h I C ''FILL OUT ANI\AI"1 ACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT t,WHEN A DthlClhNCY YOURS OR "A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S, IS CORRECfE^aN6\hLO®H^&RlGINAL DFFICfENCV RE.FOKT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR \VECK\Rb PORTS |l ' S Mf%^yW'HF*l*' ^ ' ^ MATERIALS USED BY CON TRACTOR, [INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO1 OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) ^f- J\ / \/ / CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED if , Jj ' , * AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED , it f ^ /®**> "^^xV 75^ ^.V/ £/w^ T^/*^ tsr***** i***//r& rr'*^— 7"* ^^-^ ^->V "-Vts*^/^1^ ^ ;> 7,\,^lA s^-rl ut./f r0 ?i- 'tf^r^' /;^--^ /,:>^ ' ^'/*cd f f ~~d **,•». ?+***!> x ^'^ '.^Tu.-^ /<f-7l/L£+&t £?*.t~f* STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED ff"* ^'"3 ' /^ -^ ?" „/* > REMARKS IHCLUOIHB MEETINGS , „ ' f <* / ; i / '«- J ?t ^ ^ *- $ >$ \t f$ £V> ' f ^ j f &**£•/* Ji f' ^ f X* •£& ' ~4Jc//' £iffsj£, VV* A/-"1' -v A-&, •£j'i'f'/J ^ i n -V /£^^ ,C^.-. / r ^x^X.. 'H, *//« A««//i ^ * 'V/^A v- «v f At* ***" Li*T*./ ' <;„.*•* tf^/**^X ^ ^,.^^V R./-^ ^^i*" C. j^^^"-^/^ W r" *•*'?' f$ ijtX^ ^* <fv •'Vji ^ >iV /'^•r' /*r' &-**•''>**- ^ i?* & r $} M'' ^s-^&t**1*** ^ finV--t- -fei^ 'G ^|fl*^ K ^> ^ ^ ** Jti> -^ --^"f'iC^^ ^-* i-^- _-/" « *^ ' ^ .^N^^AT • ^fc ^ y ^tf ^- ,i -r-^ "*" ^ ^ /^* *" &^*ty ',&,' ^^ » v fj f*?' ^ ^^ «**£;- ?& j> t /tsg^ jf ^ ?•*<*&• -^ ^^ REWORK AS PERCENT OR A.|f WORK TODAY. WEATHER & C*^ y f, Jf ^_f TEMPERATURE ^ s\ / f ^ '. ' '- ^ ^ l^ -.^ PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION 1 SAMPLES TAKEN /jgjS^ V<f < ' |> * H TESTS REQUIRED ^S^^l VPV I1 v« '-- .,- 1 „ ; / f X /- > ' r^ ' ^ r J "SITF T'MF ^TftRT '! - 1, J C.,/ ^ITFTIMF FINISH ¥ ' •" ^-^ ^j .,| 1 1NPH PFRinn •»-!Pr^ (, TRAVEL TIUF J ' "i ' UFRIFIFH RV T ' ' % « /.J1 ^ .+" ** -"V Ais- / t1 > S^"4*'«%' y*ii &i£^i " * *ji^'P^,|y ^^'f / *jT^ 1 1^' ^^> ' ' „"- — ; . "-i #•**; I DO'CERTiFY'THAT I HAVE, PERSON ALLY .OBSERVED ALL OF THE^WORK LISTED>BO^E ANDJHAT THIS WdRK\OMPLIES»WlfH THE SOIL, INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDAT|ONS;^J AND /OR THE'APPRQVED'PLANS; SPECIFICATIONS AND*APPLICABLE SECTION OFJHE BUIIiDING CODE?UNLES*S OTHERWISE NOTED'IN THE DEFICIENCY REEOHT, [ ^^'f^F Corporate 2992 E La Raima Avf$Ste*A AnaheimfCA 92806 ' Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland 14320ElsworThtStreet, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Los Angeles/Ventura County 13010 San Fernando Rd, Unit 1 Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK .^INSPECTOR aiECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPOR^jJ) (N) APPROVED PLANSjY) (N) SPECS'^ (H) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG / OF // / CONTRACTOR PLANFttfNO PERMITNO REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PRFVIOUS INSPECT OR S, IS CORRhCTH}, SO NOTF ON I HE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND „ SUBMII A COPY WITH YOUR WtbK'S RbPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPOR NO OR MATER !AL TEST REPORTS}ARCH REPORJ NO OR MATER !AL TES ~J%&s->r "7^vj7xS> X<9 O — ^ /fc&r CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED *4 21^ r '- REMARKS IHCLUDIMH «fCTT#GS X- REWORK ASTERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY PERCENT PRQJEC'T C'OIVlPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTSREQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS ANDAgPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT , • '" Date ol Report ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate San Diego/Imperial County Inland Los Angeles/Ventura County 2992 E La Raima Ave^Ste^A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 714 632 2974 Fax 858 537 3990 San Diego, CA 92121 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel"*' 858*537 3999''* * ' "" TQI 0*1 R^T/IQQQ 14320 ElswortlfStreet, Ste C101 13Q1Q San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 951 653 4999 Tel 818 833 8100 Fax 951 6534666 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK QfcfNSPECTOR DTECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT-lv (H) APPROVED PLANSf7J)lN)APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (V) (N) ARCHITECT > ' i -//,?> A of /A FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER JECT * -/ or S& SjJ&**s / REPORT INC. RKQDIREVIFNTS ICBO FIFLD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND US IS IP 1HFRV- IS NON-CONFORIVIING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YQUR WEEK'S RETORTS MATERIALS USED 6Y CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS)(INCLUDE RESEARCH -fc>J*/ ~?*~jAi r> <t — s^sff,^_-f_ xvo/Vy-?' S &//\J j J" s9*sS/t/9tQgr Affa/o CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER U AflEA" GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED. REWORK AS PERCENT OF Al L WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER £*/€. TEMPERATURE f / „. ,- SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITF TIMF START /*^~^f£»__ iiiNrMPERinn '— SITF TIMF FIWIQH •^4&Pf ,. 5 .--U**- "* -Cl*--^ I TRAUFI TIMF — UFR1FIFH flV "•"" jPp^"* <^*^'*C.. I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS. AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT '<2jr~ Date of Report ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number ''/'i^- Corporate \^P;; 2992 E La Raima Ave^Ste'A Anaheim, CA 92806 " Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San DiegbrCA 92121* l ' Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland E 14320 ElswbM'Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley.'CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Los Angeles/Ventura County 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK JH INSPECTOR Tt D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT^) (N) APPROVED PLAHN SPECS ^(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (V) (N) ARCHITECT *ff< *;*> r/&•?£> FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO OF CONTRACTOR PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT S"v/*A /rf REPORTING REQD1RLMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL -REV\EW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMING WOKK AT THE hND Oh THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC , FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DhHCIhNCY RFPORT WHEN A DEFICIFNCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON 1 HP ORIGINAL DbHClbNCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED 6Y CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED //*#/ •*£. sr>f ^t* fJf ^ £fei \ *3,*s/ J rf ^2 / STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USEtj, REMARKS INCLUDING MEETINGS / > / /^ ^ > REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODA?.PERCEMT PROJECT COMPLETION WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START.-i i *LUNCH PERIOD SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Pnnj; Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 if \Corporate 2992 E La PalmavAve , Suite A , Anaheim, CA 92806 Tef "7146322999 \ | Fax 7146322974 Branch 7313 Carroll RoadJSuite G San Diego, CA 92121- Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED Branch 441 W State Street - El Centre, CA 92243 - Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760~482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 If, Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave^StFA Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121" Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empf 14320 Elswbrtrf'Street, Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 FIELD REPORT **"" ~x - \ Los Angeles/Ventura County 13010 San Fernando Rd, Unit! Sylmar, CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 TYPE OF WORK ^INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPOR"fin/(N) APPROVED PLANS'^) (N) SPEC (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING -a PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG CONTRACTOR PERMIT NO SUB ^ PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS RLPORIING REQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGr SOTL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS - / \ IF THERF TS NON CONFORMING WORK AT IHh bND Oh I Hh WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS FTC , FILL OUT AND ATJACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHhN A DhHCIhNCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DbHCIhNCY RhlpRl AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS , $ *£$ MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR [INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) r x-i ssS/J^fZt^r S>s i/ CONTRACT&RSEOUIPUENT/MANPOWERJJSED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR.RFISUSED REMARKS IHCLUntNifMEETINGS^ L,•«__j_ rz">. *&&, fas?."' "- A? REWORK AS^PERCENT OF ALL WORK TQDAYV PERCgNt PROJEtT GOlVfPLETION. WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OFTHE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS ^ ^ I" AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ' •' "".* Date ol Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name,City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 liCorporate -)J| 2992 E La Palma AvFfSte'-'A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road,,Suite G San DiegbrCA 92121" Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Empi 14320 Elsworth"Street,Ste C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 951 653 4666 Los Angeles/Ventura County 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Sylmar,CA91342 Tel 8188338100 Fax 8188330085 FIELD REPORT SPECS j(Y/(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) TYPEQFWORK jJflNSPECTOfl DTECHMICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANgffi |Nj ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT NO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG CONTRACTOR PLANFtLENO PERMIT NO SUB CONTRACTOR SO PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT . S REPORTIM. REQUIREMENTS ICBO HbLD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi, SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IhTHFRI- ISNON-CONhORMINGWORKATTHEENDOETHEWORKDAY OR MISSING MTRS AND REIS ETC FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS}RESEARCH REPORT NO OR ~sZ>f^,/ -?•*>!&=> "- X s CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWERIJSEDOWERIJS JrsyS / AREA* GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED '' STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RF1S USED y , j / //f /\/ 7lREMARKSy • 7 / S?S3^ -X / j> S\ ) ( ~?%>^-7 / / TfO/yp s^*> /*» -?*\^^-i,^^* S& PERCENT PRQJECT COMPLETION.REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. t / SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD . SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME ^X - VERIFIED B I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Dale of Report ICBO Certification Number Pnnt Na City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima AveJ Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 * w- Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Branch 7313 Carroll RoacCSuite G San Diego, CA92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT CONTINUED Branch 441 W State Street El Centre, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TEST Tel 760 482 0600 Fax 760 482 0650 PRO.ECTNAME ADDRESS OF PROJECT . •*p ^ Sy.PRJNO PLAN FILP-NO PERMIT NO REPORT NO &,*,<• PG Of *2 X^ Vv- 7 Dale of Report ~~in r ' i" '.~irr"i n i i i uiiijL^i Corporate ^SK San Die90/lmPeria' County 2992 E La Raima AveSte A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 32806 San DiegbYCA92121 Tel *7 M 632*2999 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 714 632 2974 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel 951 653 4999 Fax 9516534666 Tel 818 833 8100 Fax 818 833 0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK >Q INSPECTOR • L-I."- ijn.n j fcri\C\nV=*»r r-<r>rr4 i f\<~ DTECHNICIAN -AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (YJ (NJ — riL ^0*1-' * ' APPROVED PLAN SPECS (Y)(NJ APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECTS "2L A FOR WEEKENDING S PROJECT NO AO ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR H PLAN FILE NO /.* rr rvr, PERMIT NO SUBCONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME ( V. v \i A \it\\a ut^ INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT Rl PORTIW. RbQUlKl- MEN IS ICBO 1 ILLD INSP1 CTION MANUAL/M IGi SOIL MANUAL - RhVlhW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND 1 ISTS "™ II TMERhlSNON CONI ORMING WORK Al fHh LNO OFT HL WORK DAY OR MISSING M ! RS AND RHS fc,TC E1LLOUI AND , \HACH A DL1 ICIfc.NCY REPORT WHEN A DCriCIENCV YOUKS OK A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRECTED SO NOTE ON THE ORfGI VAL DLTICIENCY KEPOK ( AND SUBMI 1 A COPY Wl FH YOUR WhhK S REPORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED 1\ i o>Kit A r \ 4^7. *\D n C-A A, \< .K AC, \ VIt n STRUCTUflAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USEO VN A A A-P W »\ REMARKS /*aUa#CM£f77*fiSi A In * , /^ ^iV n ?\ >f f\ i /G > -T \~f r tW f* t \n f\ V W/- i f v rA C /5i Jf\\* . AU i J-r.rv * rm REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.^ PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. J_ WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REOU1REQ SITE TIME START I C.^ LUNCH PERIOD" SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME _J \ DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONAL.LYJ3BSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS. AND / OR/THE APPROVED P LANS, ' SPEC IFI CAT IONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /— <*" Sionature / / /f\ / /to rre * i ' DaleofReporl ICBO Certittcation Number f". r\ Pnfjf Name City / County Certrfication Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E La Raima Ave , Suite A AnaheVrl, CA 92806 Tel 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 858 537 3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel 909 653 4999 Fax 9096534666 TYPE OF WORK & 1/5 plNSPECTOf D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (V) (N) APPROVED PLANS^Vl'lN) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT ~fJs fA FOR WEEK ENDING ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO SUBCONTRACTOR / /C PROJECT NAME. f G*' f i I d Ui r, INSPECTION ADDRESS Of ADORESSOF. PROJECT RI'PORriM, KFQUIKI Ml MS ICiiO 1 II LDlNSI'i CTION MA^UAUMIC,l SOI/MAMML- Rl VIEW PR i VIOUS RLPOR1 S A,\D US 1 S II IHI REISNON CONIORMINCiWOKK A) IUELNUOI Till WORK DAY OR MISSINli M 1 RS AND RF1S ETC EIL1 OU 1 AND AT1ACH A Dhl IClhNCY Rl PORI WHEN A Dl flCII NO YOURS OR A pRl VIOUS INSPLCIOR S IS CORRFU FD SO NCML ON 1 HE ORIGINAL DF-FIC1ENCY REPOR1 AND SUiiMH ACOI'V WITH>OUR WH-K S Rl 1'ORIS MATERIALS USED BV CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS),f^ ^-6$ CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USED --> A C. / < t^- 0 T £. AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED A 2 LJLx / 7 ,2 ^ 2 STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFIS USED * /"^__— H 7L REMARKS INCLUDING MEOWGS / / / / i- i 7*. d c, -K / c/ REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY.PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION. WEATHER TEMPFRATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START LUNCH PERIOD _ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME VERIFIED BY DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OFTHE^WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND>-OR THE* APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date o1 Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 C La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Te( 7146322999 Fax 7146322974 Branch Suite A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego CA 92121 Tel 858 537 3999 Fax 8585373990 FIELD REPORT Branch 441 W State Street El Centra, CA 92243 Toll Free 877 563 TFST Fax 760 482 0650 TYPE OF WORK ARCHITECT ENGINNFR CONTRACTOR SUB-CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS REINFORCED CONCRETE ZIEBARTH & ASSOCATES MESRI MARCOTTE & HEARNE ROCK SAME AVAILABLE REPORTS APPROVED ( Y ) ( N ) FOR WEEK ENDING PLANS SPECS SOILS SHOPS (Y) (Y) (Y) (N) 2/19/05 PROJCCTNO 2487-AOI PLAN FILE NO PERMIT NO PROJECT NAME ADDRLSS OF PROJECT CB042638 CARLSBAB OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CARLSBAD REPORI REQUIRLMbNIS 1CBO HELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS RLPORTS AND LISTS IF THFRF IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THF FND OI WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS, FC T., Ill I Ol IT AND ATTACH A DFF1CIFNCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WI1JI YOUR WFFK'S REPORT MA1LRIALS USfcDBY CONIKACIOR (INCLUDING KhShARCH Rbl'ORIS NO OR MA IL-R1AL TEST REPORTS) A-615 60 grade reinforcing steel. A-3Q7 3/«" x 15" & 1" X 18" anchor bolts CONTRACTOR EOU1PTMENT / MAN POWER USED AREA, GRID LTNFS, PIECES OBSERVED Reinforcing steel inspection -continuous building footings & (17) type "A", "D", "C", & "D"pad footings & type"G" "H", "I' pilasters between grid hoes A to M, & 2 to 3, also 12" emu wali footings grid lines A - i to 2.2, hne 2 - A to J, hne J - I to 22 ____ STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAILS, OR RFIS USED S/t. S/5. S/10, S/12/ S/13, S/14 REMARKS, INCLUDING MLL1 INGS Verified reinforcing steel & anchor bolts for type, size, grade, lap, spacing, quantity, & clearance for perimeter bldg & pad footings, pilasters & emu walls @ areas noted above as per details on the approved plans Verified footing depth & width & contractor is in process of cleaning footing's from louse debris & reposition adobes to maintain 3" clearance Note area not completed 16" &] 2" emu wall @ elevator pit-work still in progress WEA1HER Clear TEMPERATURE 60's SAMPLES TAKEN None TEST REQUIRED None SHE HMESfART 900AM LUNCH PREIOD SIlhllMb FINISH 1 RAVEL TIME 1 00PM VERIFIED BY I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED AT L OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THF SOILS INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS AND/ OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECS, AND APPLICABLE SECTION OI THE BUILDING CODES, UNO SIGNATURE \WED 2/16/05 Date of Report PR1NI NAME DONALD SMITH ICBO Certification Number 1037223-84, City / county Certification number Corporate , HSRf' San Diego/Imperial County 2992 E La Palrna Av^Ste^A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 ' San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 7146322999 Tel 8585373999 Fax 714 632 2974 Fax 858 537 3990 Inland Emp^R^r Los Angeles/Ventura County 14320 Elswortlr'Street, Ste C101 13010 San Fernando Rd , Unit 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel 951 6534999 Tel 8188338100 Fax 951 653 4666 Fax 818 833 0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE.QFWORK O INSPECTOR D TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (V) (N) SPECS (Y| (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) FOR WEEKENDING ENGINEER REPORT NO PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO PER SUB CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT' RFPORTINC, UbQUIREMENTS ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND 1 ISPS 4 IF THERL IS NON-CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY OR MISSING MTRS AND RFIS ET(_ , HLL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY RFPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR S IS CORRbC TED SO NOTE ON 1 HE ORIGINAL DbHCIhNCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WIIH YOUR WEEK S Rb PORTS MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOH (INCLUDE Rf SEARCH REPORT NO OH U4TEBWL TEST REPORTS) CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED AREA GRID LINES PIECES OBSERVED STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL OR RFfc USED JJk lint 9 • REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. \PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION WEATHER TEMPERATURE SAMPLES TAKEN TESTS REQUIRED SITE TIME START. LUNCH PERIOD __ SITE TIME FINISH TRAVEL TIME o v I 00 CERTIFC THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / ORTHE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS "AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Date oi Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / Courtly Certification Number Rev 7/97 Corporate 2992 E I a Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714)6"52-2999 Fax (7)4)632-2974 Branch 7313 Carroll Road, Suited, S<in Diego, CA 92121 Id (858)537-3999 Fax (858)537-3990 Branch 14320 blsworth Street, Suited01, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel (909)653^999 Fax (909)653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar,CA 91342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818)833-0085 Report of COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE LN,VESTORS_LLC_ Set No 5-14891 File No Permit No Project No Project Name 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 28 H Date Tested 9/27/2005 1 0/1 8/2005 10/18/2005 1 0/1 8/2005 Nominal Sl76 6X 12 6X12 6X 12 6X 12 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 2827 2827 2827 2827 Load (Ibs.) 130,510 Strength (psi) 4,620 Type of Fracture Cone & Split Specified Strength 3,000 PSI Sampled By MIKI SANDERS Location RETAINING WALL FOOTINGS Date Sampled 9/20/2005 Date Received 9/21 /2005 Concrete Supplier Mix No 8275P Ticket No 848512 Water added at Site Cement Type II/V SUPERIOR READY MIX 1000 gal By PUMP Mix Time Concrete Temp 77 Ambient Temp 69 Slump 5 50 in. Tested at: San Dieso °F °F Remarks Distribution: CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc Eduardo Dizon, R C E Corporate 2992 E La Raima Avuiut Suite A, Aiiahum CA 92806 Rl (714)612-2999 F.ix (714)632-2974 Branch 7111 Carroll Rend Suite G San Diego CA 92121 Tel (858) 517-^999 Fax (858)517-3990 Branch 14320 Flswoith Street SuiltClOl Moreno Valley CA 92551 Tel (909)653-4999 Fax (909)653-4666 Branch 13010 San Fernando Road Unit I Sylmar CA9I342 Tel (818)833-8100 Fax (818) 833-008<> Report of COMPRESS1VE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC Set No.. 4-13053 File No- Permit No Project No Project Name. 2487A01 CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA Age (Days) 7 28 28 28 H Date Tested 2/24/2005 3/17/2005 3/17/2005 3/17/2005 Nominal Size 6X 12 6X 12 6X 12 6X 12 Actual Area (Sq Inch) 2827 2827 2827 2827 Load dbs) 110,490 Strength (psi) 3,910 Type of Fracture Cone Specified Strength- 3,000 PSI Sampled By. GREG EVERSON Location FOUNDATION FOOTINGS LINES A TO J AND 1 TO 3 Date Sampled 2/17/2005 Date Received- 2118/2005 Concrete Supplier Mix No 8369P Ticket No: 807275 Water added at Site Cement Type 1I/V SUPERIOR READY MIX Sal By Mix Time 36 Concrete Temp- 67 Ambient Temp: 64 Slump 4 75 in Tested at San Diego °F "F Remarks Distribution CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE INVESTORS LLC MARCOTTE & HEARNE BUILDERS Z1EBARTH ASSOCIATES **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, M TGL, Inc. Eduardo Di/on, R C F 02/22'/20f)5 TL'E 17 31 FA1 ANAHEIM ACCOUNTING 003/009 Corcoran* 2991 P I a Palma Ave , Suite A Anaiienn CA92SOS Fax 7146322074 Bnint-h 7313 Qiuoll Road, Suue 0 San Diigo C 4 92121 Tc! *SS 537 3W Fnx 853 537 3990 R ranch 441 W State Street El CentrO, CA 9224j To II Free 8775£3,TEST Fax 760 482 0650 FIELD REPORT lYt'hUt WORK. AK CHI FELT REINFORCED CONCRETE ZTEBARTH & ASSOCATES CNGINNER CONTRACTOR SUR-CONTRACTOil INSPECTION ADDRbSS MARCOTTK & HBARNE ROCK SAME AVAlLABLb ittlXJRrEi APPROVH3(Y)(N> POK WpFK END/NO PLANS SfLCS f Y ) ( Y ) 2/19/05 PKCUbCl NO SOILS SHQ^S OT) (N) 24S7-AO 1 PLAN FILE NO PFRM1T NO PROJECT NAME ADDRESS OF HROJbCT- CB042638 CARLSBAB OFFICE BUILDING (*1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CARLSBAD r KEPORTKEQUIR£fvfE^lS K,Ht) MM H INSff C. 1IQN MANUA1VMTGL i,OIL MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS 1? TITTRF TS NON-rONhOHMING WORK AT THT J~NT> OP WOR^' DAY, OR MISSING MTW AMD «>1S, J-'f-'J T >ILJ. OUT AND A JTA( H A JJHJ-JriKNCV REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S. IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A t OPY W| TH YOUR WEEK'S REPORT MAlhRlALS UbLD LiY COlSTtUACI QR MNC1 UDtNLrKKISbARt:H KhPOICIS NO ORMAlLKlAL rL>'I A-6I5 60 gmde reintormig atccl A-3Q7 3A" x 15" & 1" X 18" anchor bolls CONTRACTOR EQUIPTMENT/ MAN PtJWHK USHI7 ARBA,. PIECES QBSF.RVTD jLcinforung stcd inspection_-cOjUjHupusbuildingfoutingh_& (17) type'A", "B^ L", & "D" pad footings & type 'CfT, 'lj"H M" pilasgrs berwecn_^rtd jjney A tti_M. & _2 Io3 also 32" XMIL wgJI JinMiiijfc? ami Jiaey 4 ~ I to jj,. JJBC 3 - A jg Jy hue J - 1 to_2Jl STRUCTURAL NOTES ni:JAH Sh OR RFIS USED s/i, s/5, s/;q s/U/s/13.5/14 RFMARKS Verified fgmtOfCinghtcc!& anchor holts far type, siye, grocie.Jgp spacing tjiiannty A clcariintgforpcrimctrr blclg^padjbot^gs pjlarfera & emu allsjgj areas nmed above as per details on the approved plans Verified footing degth &. width & contractor is in prnccas of cleaninafoniing.'-? from loose debris & reposition adobesrojnjuniain3" clearance Note- area not compIetedJ^6T' &. 12" cmu^wall {^elevator pit — work stilt in WFA1HER Clear SAMPLES T4.KEN None THMPbRAlUHJS IbM KbyiJIKbU "None S.ITE TIME START 9 00 A M LUNCH PREIOD SITETIMtHNlSH I RAVbL TIME I 00 P M VERIFIED D SIGNATURE 1 DO CSKTTFY THAT I HAVE PbRSOMAI IY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTCD ABOVr AND THA I' I HIS1 WORsiiiMiWrWl IH TMF SOlT AND / OR Tl IE APPKt JVFD PL^NS SPECS, AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODES_ UNO WED 2/16/05 NAME DONALD SMITH Date of Report ICBO Ceruflonnon Number 1037223-84, 88 City/Uiunty L , 1 CD o enfj fl. CD CD h-£ .£ O O 0>Js =; c\j in co CO - < co co0) o r- r- ^ to' o oQ o to toco y c^t,2 ro _ « s i£ S-^ i— "^ 11g m U-JD cocc CO ca E to CL _ O> CO _O 05 C ,0)O CM < H Pfi 2 w^NuNM UH UJ Q i H C/3NM U ffi O< OH OXpr- oasD Ho BooiOu O O PJo o U ^PJ O1— IH H PHsuto w O \ \ 03/28/2005 10 09 FAX 619 233 6449 ZIEBARTH ASSOCIATES ©002 MESRI ENGINEERING BVC. STRUCTURAL CONSULTING 21 10 GARNET AVE , SUITE 2£SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92109 (PJ 958 273 8701, [f] 858 273 *7S8 email' TO: RE: Date: V City of Car Is bad Public Works — Engineering BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RET AIMING WALL BUILDING PLANCHECK NUMBER CB C L< BUILDING ADDRESS < o PROJECT DESCRIPTION Retaining Wall ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER /£"£ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore, any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure contmued conformance with applicable codes Please as failure to result By efully all comments attached, instructions in this r^portycan build Pie ENIAL lached report of deficiencies Take necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards Submit corrected plans and/or specifiealions }o this office for review By By Date Date Date 7/76/0}- ATTACHMENTS Right-of-Way Permit Application ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON NAME KATHLEEN M FARMER City of Carlsbad ADDRESS 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 PHONE (760) 602-2741 H \WORD\DQCS\CHKLST\Retamlng Wall Building Plancfieck Cklist Form KF Ooc 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92OO8-7314 • (760) 602-272O • FAX (760) 602-8562 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST RETAINING WALLS 1 Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show A North Arrow B Existing & Proposed Structures (dimensioned from street) C Property Lines Q 2 Show on site plan A Drainage Patterns B Existing & Proposed Slopes C Existing Topography D Easements E Retaining Wall (location and height) Q Q Include on title sheet A Site Address B Assessor's Parcel Number C Legal Description D Grading Quantities Cut Fill Import/Export (Grading Permit and Haul Route Permit may be required) a Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No Conditions were complied with by Date MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Q Q Q 5 A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way A separate Right-of-Way issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following Please obtain an application for Right-of-Way permit from the Engineering Department Page 1 H \WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\Retalning Wall Building Ptancheck Ckllst Font! DR Hoc Rev 8/26/98 PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB DATE ADDRESS RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR « $10,000.00) PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER PLANNER DATE ENGINEER DATE Docs/MisformsPtanning Engineering Approvals MESRI ENGINEERING INC. STRUCTURAL CONSULTING 2180 GARNET AVE , SUITE 2E SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92109 |P) 858 273 8701, |F] 858 273 6758 email cmUemesn(S),aol com CA.RLSBAP OFFICE BUILDING SITE RETAINING WALLS MAY 20, 2004 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job it Date 1038AM, 19 MAY 04 Rev 550100 User KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 200J {c)1983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description Criteria CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING Retained Height - 1050ft Wall height above soil = 0 50 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0 00 1 height of Soil over Toe = 6 00 in Soil Density = 11000pcf Wind on Stem = 0 0 psf Design Summary Total Bearing Load resultant ecc Soil Pressure @ Toe Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable 5,084 Ibs 11 17 in 2,000 psf OK 0 psf OK 2,400 psf Sot! Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe ACI Factored @ Heel Footing Shear @ Toe Footing Shear @ Heel Allowable Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding 2,278 psf 0 psf 21 6 psi OK 180 psi OK 93 1 psi 1 79 1 59 OK OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = less 100% Passive Force= less 100% Friction Force = Added Force Req'd = for 1 5 1 Stability 2 736 0 Ibs 2 579 8 Ibs 1,779 3 Ibs 0 0 Ibs OK 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results ~| Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 2,278 Mu' Upward = 10,750 Mu' Downward = 2,401 Mu Design = 8349 Actual 1-Way Shear = 21 62 Allow 1-Way Shear = 93 11 Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd I Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 2,400 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Footing Strengths & Dimensions I Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heei Footmg|)Soil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure 380 00 = 1830 00ft = 0350 6 00 in n| [ Stem Construction | Top stem fc = Mm As % = Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe = Cover @ Top = 3 00 in 2nd Fy =so,ooo psi 00014 325ft 200 "5 25 1800m 1200m 40 00 in 325ft Btm = 3 00 in Opsf Oft-# 2,717 ft-# 2,717 fi-# 1804 psi 93 11 psi Stem OK Stem OKDesign height ft= 400 000 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Masonry Thickness = 800 1200 Rebar Size = #5 #7 Rebar Spacing = 1600 800 Rebar Placed at = Edge Edge Design Data — — —- fb/FB + fa/Fa = o 822 Total Force @ Section Ibs = 802 8 Moment Actual ft-#= 1,7393 Moment Allowable tt-#= 2,115 9 Shear Actual psi = 143 Shear Allowable psi = 38 7 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = 30 00 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht in = 30 00 Wall Weight psf= 840 Rebar Depth 'd1 in = 5 25 Masonry Data —— — —— fm psi= 1,500 Fs psi = 24,000 Solid Grouting = Yes Special Inspection = Yes Modular Ratio 'n' = 25 78 Short Term Factor = 1 000 Equiv Solid Thick in = 760 0 915 2,094 8 7,331 6 80141 229 387 4200 722 1330 900 1,500 24,000 Yes Yes 2578 I 000 II 62 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete Data ——-—-—-—— —-——— fc psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sizes &. Spacings Toe #4@ 1000in,#5@ 1550m,#6@21 75 in, #7@ 29 75 in, #8(j Heel Notreq'd, Mu < S * Fr Key #4@ 1600m,#5@2475m,#6@ 35 39 00 in #9@ 4 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent ur title block information v "550100 —- --—- — User KW0604S34 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001 (O1983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Title Dsgnr Description Scope Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Job# Date 1038AM 19 MAY 04 Page 2 Description CARLSBAD OFFICE BUILDING Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments OVERTURNINGForce Distance Moment Item Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 2,7360 400 10,9440 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = 2,7360 OTM = 10,9440 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1 79 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 5 083 7 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Soil Over Heel Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert Component = Total = RESISTING Force Distance Ibs ft 1,1550 475 000 1788 163 1,1200 366 238 3 4 08 1,1812 263 500 0 3 75 7104 525 5,083 7 ibs R M = 1 Moment ft-# 54863 2905 4,102 0 9732 3 1008 1 8750 37295 19557 1 Z 3 ifi Mas w/#5 @ !6ino/c Solid Grout, Spc Insp @Toe #0@Qm @Heel 11 0' 2000 4psf To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS main menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title b loc kin f ormati o n Rev SSOTOO~~ User KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25Sep2001 (c)19S3 2001 ENEftCALC Engineering Software Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 2 13PM, 19 MAY 04 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description Criteria ~| Soil Data I [ Footing Strengths & Dimensions I Retained Height = 800ft Allow Soil Bearing = 2,400 0 psf fc = ?.*>«»& pSi Fy = 60 000 psi Wall height above soil = 0 50 ft 5qu!vAa !f l F^ld Pressure Method „ n Min As % = ° 0014^, „ Hee Active Pressure = 38 0 -,.„„ ,., ^ - c. ,.Slope Behind Wall = 0 00 1 Toe A_t.vp Pressure - n n Toe Wldth 2 50 ft i oe Active pressure - u u j_|eel Width = o 00 Height of Soil over Toe = 12 00 in Passive Pressure = 1830 Total Footing Width = 4-50 So.lDens.ly = HOOOpcf Water height over heel = 00ft Foo(ing Tnickness . 1200in Footing||Soil Friction = 0350 Wind on Stern = 0 0 psf Soil height to ignore t^n'^ = It iS '" for passive pressure = 6 00 in Key Depth = 22 00 ,n Key Distance from Toe = 2 50 ft Cover® Top = 3 00 in @ Btm = 3 00 in Design Summary | ! Totei Bearing Load = 3,545 (fas resultant ecc = 5 02 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,227 psf OK Sou Pressure @ Heel = 348 psf OK Allowable = 2,400 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable AC | Factored @ Toe = 1,430 psf AC| Factored @ Heel = 406 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 191 psi OK Footing Shear© Heel = 20 8 psi OK Allowable = 93 1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 2 41 OK Sliding = 1 66 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 1 ,539 0 Ibs less 100% Passive Force= - 1,321 7 Ibs less 100% Friction Force= - 1,240 7 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0 0 Ibs OK for 1 5 1 Stability = 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results | Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,430 406 psf Mu' Upward = 4,617 0 ft-# Mu1 Downward = 1,376 1,806 ft-# Mu Design = 3,241 1,8Q6ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 1915 20 80 psi Allow 1 Way Shear = 93 1 1 93 1 1 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Stem Construction | Top Stem Design height ft= 2 67 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Thickness = 8 00 Rebar Size = #5 Rebar Spacing = 16 00 Rebar Placed at = Edge fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0 906 Total Force @ Section Ibs = 539 8 Moment Actual ft-# = 959 0 Moment Allowable ft-#= 1,0580 Shear Actual psi = 96 Shear Allowable psi = 194 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = 30 00 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht in = 30 00 Wall Weight psf= 840 Rebar Depth 'd' in = 5 25 fm psi= 1,500 Fs psi= 24,000 Solid Grouting = Yes Special Inspection = No Modular Ratio 'n' = 25 78 Short Term Factor = 1 000 Equiv Solid Thick m= 7 60 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight f c psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacmgs Toe #4@ 17 00 in #5@ 26 25 in, #6@ 37 Heel Notreq'd, Mu < S * Fr Key #4@ 16 00 in, #5@ 24 75 tn, #6@ 35 2nd Stem OK 000 Masonry 1200 # 5 1600 Edge 0855 1,2160 3,242 7 3,791 3 124 387 3000 820 1330 900 1,500 24000 Yes Yes 2576 1 000 11 62 00 in, #7@ 48 25 in, #8@ 48 25 in, #9@ 4 To specify your title block on these five lines, USQ the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Rev 550100User KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001 PantHpVPFpH(O19832001 ENERCALC Engineering Software UIC C C Title Dsgnr Description Scope Retaining Wall Design Date 2 Job# 13PM, 19 MAY 04 Page 2 1 Description Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces &Moments OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Item Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 1 ,539 0 3 00 4,617 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = 1,5390 OTM = 4,617 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2 41 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 3,544 8 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure 0 Soil Over Heel Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 0 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total = 1 RESISTING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# 8800 2750 8448 1954 6750 2750 3996 3,544 8 4 00 3 520 0 000 1 25 343 8 2 90 2 452 9 3 33 651 4 225 1,5187 3 00 825 0 4 50 1 798 1 Ibs R M = 11 1099 #0@0in (StToe 8 in Mas w/ #5 @ I6mo/c Solid Grout, 1ZinMasw/#5@ 16ino/c Solid Grout Spc Insp @Heel Designer select all horiz remf T____ i i 1-0' 3 i J r Ii > L 2 6 2 0' 4'6" I' 10 -H 7 15393 343 3$psf 1227 tpsl To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 233PM, 19 MAY 04 Rev 550100User KWQ6Q4834 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001 (c)1983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description Criteria -To J Soil Data I [ Footing Strengths & Dimensions I Retained Height = 6 67 ft Allow So1' Bearing = 2,400 0 psf f c = '£ ^^psi Fy = 60 000 psi Wa,. height above so,, - 0 50 ft ^1™^" ^ 38 0 ^ "* ! ° ^ ft Slope Behind Wall = 0 00 1 Toe Actave Pressure = 00 HeelwSh = 200 Height of Soil over Toe = 1200m Passive Pressure = 1830 Total Footing Width = ~3T5 cn,i neneitu - 1 1 0 no nrf Water height over heel = 0 0 ft ,., ,boil Density - nuuupcr * Footing Thickness = 12 00m Footmg||Soil Friction = 0 350 Wind on Stem = 0 0 psf So,l height to ignore KevDeoth - iJSoln for passive pressure = 6 00 in Jey ^m . T < ^ 'n Key Distance from Toe = 175ft Design Summary I S Total Bearing Load = 2.742 Ibs resultant ecc = 5 14 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,232 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 230 psf OK Allowable = 2'400 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1 ,543 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 288 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 152 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 210 psi OK Allowable = 93 1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 2 39 OK Sliding = 1 66 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 1,117 7 Ibs less 100% Passive Force= - 894 7 Ibs less 100% Friction Force= - 959 8 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0 0 Ibs OK for 1 5 1 Stability = 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results | Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,543 288 psf Mu Upward = 2,441 0 ft-# MM' nnwnwarri — fifiP ? O^fl ft-#IVIU LJUWIIWfal U — UUC? *^,UUU ll-rf Mu Design = 1.772 2 050 ft-# Actual 1-WayShear = 1520 21 01 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93 11 93 1 1 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing - None Spec'd Cover @ Top = 3 00 in @ Btm = 3 00 in item Construction 1 Top stem Design height ft= 200 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Thickness = 8 00 Rebar Size = #5 Rebar Spacing = 16 00 Rebar Placed at = Edge r\Qcinn Plata .._ . .MUOI^II uaLQ ^ — fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0 610 Total Force @ Section lbs= 4144 Moment Actual ft-# = 645 0 Moment Allowable ft-# = 1 ,058 0 Shear Actual psi = 74 Shear Allowable psi = 194 Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = 30 00 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht in = 30 00 Wall Weight psf= 840 Rebar Depth 'd' m= 525 Masonry Dats — — — fm ps: = 1,500 Fs psi = 24,000 Solid Grouting = Yes Special Inspection = No Modular Ratio 'n' = 2578 Short Term Factor = 1 000 Equiv Solid Thick m= 7 60 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete Dataf c psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key #4@2B75in.#5@4450in, #6@ 48 2nd Stem OK 000 Masonry 6 00 # 5 1600 Edge 0 888 8453 1,8794 2,1159 15 1 387 3000 836 840 525 1,500 24,000 Yes Yes 2578 1 000 760 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 233PM, 19 MAY 04 Rev 550100 User KW 0604334 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001 (c)1983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 Description Summary of Overturning & Item Heel Active Pressure = Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = Seismicload = Force Ibs 1.117 Resisting Forces & Moments OVERTURNING Distance ft 7 256 Moment ft-# 2,857 7 Total = 1,1177 OTM = 2,8577 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2 39 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,742 4 Ibs Vertical component ofscttve pressure used for soil pressure Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total = Force Ibs 978 192 602 562 116 290 2,742 RESISTING Distance ft 3 5 3 5 7 2 4 3 0 0 2 1 2 3 Ibs RM 08 00 88 08 88 08 75 Moment ft-# 3016 168 1 254 1,054 243 1 088 6 825 | 3 4 8 7 1 3 5 o 8 in Mas w/ #5 @ 16ino/c Solid Grout, #0@0in @Toe #0@0m @Hee! 8inMasw/#5(g> I6ino/c Solid Grout, Spc Insp Designer select all horiz rein) 7 I iii77# 1232 3psf To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 242PM, 19 MAY 04 Rev 550100 User KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sap 2001 (c)1983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description V* Criteria Retained Height = Wall height above soil = Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe = Soil Density = 533ft 050ft 000 1 1200m 11000pcf J Soli Data Wind on Stem 0 0 psf Allow Soil Bearing = 2,400 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Hee! Active Pressure = 38 0 Toe Active Pressure = 00 Passive Pressure = 183 0 Water height over heel = 0 0 ft FootmgJISoil Friction = 0350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 6 00 in I [Footing Strengths & Dimensions I Fy =fc = Mm As % = Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe = Cover @ Top = 3 00 in 60 000 psi 00014 1 00ft 200 ~~ "300 1200m 800m 8 00 in 1 00ft Btm = 3 00 in Design Summary Stem Construction | Top Stem Total Bearing Load = 2,096 Ibs resultant ecc = 4 93 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,273 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 124 psf OK Allowable = 2,400 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,614 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 158 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 9 9 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 168 psi OK Allowable = 93 1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 2 42 OK Sliding = 1 79 OK Sliding Calcs {Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 761 3 Ibs less 100% Passive Force= - 627 8 Ibs less 100% Friction Force= - 733 5 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0 0 Ibs OK for 1 5 1 Stability = 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results | Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 1,614 158 psf Mu Upward = 970 0 ft-# ML/' Downward = 248 1 608 ft-# Mu Design = 722 1^608 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 987 1677 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 93 1 1 93 11 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd • — Design height ft = Wall Material Above "HI" = Thickness = Rebar Size = Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = uesiQn Data ~ — ~~~ fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section Ibs = Moment Actual ft-# = Moment Allowable = Shear Actual psi = Shear Allowable psi = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht in = Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' m =• fl — . f"v -» —MnaSOnry Daia ' fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor = Equiv Solid Thick in = Masonry Block Type = Normal Concrete Data fa psi = Fy psi = Stem OK 000 Masonry 8 00 # 5 1600 Edge 0 906 5398 9590 1,0580 96 194 3000 600 840 525 1,500 24,000 Yes No 2578 1 000 760 Weight Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacmgs Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Rev 550100 ^ User KW0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001 Caflf llPVerPCI(c)19B32001 ENERCALC Entering Software v>ai lino vci isu Title Dsgnr Description Scope Retaining Wall Design Job** Date 242PM, 19 MAY 04 Page 2 1 Description Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces &Moments OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Item Ibs ft ft-# Hee! Active Pressure = 761 3 211 1,606 4 Soil Over Heel = Toe Active Pressure = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Load @ Stem Above Soil = Soil Over Toe = SeismicLoad = Surcharge Over Toe = Qtpm Wdinhtrc\ Total = 761 3 OTM - t.6(K Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2 42 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,095 8 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure > 4 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert Component = Total = I RESISTING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# 781 7 2 33 1 824 0 000 1100 050 550 489 7 1 33 653 0 450 0 1 50 675 0 66 7 1 33 88 9 1977 300 5930 2,095 8 Ibs R M = 3 888 9 8 in Mas w/#S@ 16ino/c #0@0m @Toe #0@0m @Heel Designer select all honz rein! 761 31# 1245psf 1272 7psf o To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS mam menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Rev "550100 " ———- User KW0604834 Ver 5 5 Q 25 Sep 2001 (c)1983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering Software Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 407PM, 19 WAY 04 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description to Criteria Retained Height ~ Wall height above soil = Slope Behind Wall = Height of Soil over Toe = Soil Density = 400ft 050ft 000 1 1200m 11000pcf I Soli Data Wind on Stem 00 psf Allow Soil Bearing = 2,000 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 38 0 Toe Active Pressure = 00 Passive Pressure = 1830 Water height over heel = 00ft Footing||Soil Friction = 0 350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 6 00 in Footing Strengths & fc = 2,500 psi Fy Mm As % = Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Dimensions 1 60 000 psi 00014 050ft 200 1200m Key Width Key Depth = Key Distance from Toe = Cover ©Top = 3 00 in 0 00 in 0 00 in 000ft Btm = 3 00 in ! Design Summary I Stem Construction | Top stem Total Bearing Load = 1,518 Ibs resultant ecc = 4 01 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,095 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 120 psf OK Allowable = 2,000 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1.408 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 154 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 4 5 psi OK Footing Shear® Heel = 12 9 psi OK Allowable = 85 0 psi Wail Stability Ratios Overturning = 2 76 OK Sliding = 1 84 OK Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 475 0 Ibs less 100% Passive Force= - 343 1 ibs less 100% Friction Force= - 531 3 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0 0 Ibs OK for 1 5 1 Stability = 0 0 Ibs OK Footing Design Results | Toe Heel Factored Pressure ~ 1,408 154 psf Mu' Upward = 288 0 ft-# Pi,! ' r^™ ,-, -,-J Q4 f\ f4 44MU UOWnWdlQ — O I U H-ff Mu Design = 207 689 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 4 50 12 85 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 85 00 85 00 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Design height ft = Wall Material Above "Ht" - Thickness = Rebar Size = Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section Ibs = Moment Actual ft-# = Moment Allowable = Shear Actual psi = Shear Allowable psi = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht m = Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' in = Masonry Data — ~~ fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' ~ Short Term Facior = Equiv Solid Thick in = Stem OK 000 Masonry 800 # 5 3200 Edge 0493 3040 4053 8227 53 194 3000 600 840 525 1,500 24,000 Yes No 2578 1 000 760 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight r*j-irtr*r*ata Pl^fa fc psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacmgs Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS main menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 407PM, 19 MAY 04 Rev 550100 User KW 0604834 Ver 5 5 0 25 Sep 2001 (c)1983 2001 ENERCALC Engineering SolUvafe Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 Description Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces &Moments OVERTURNINGForce Distance Moment Item Ibs ft tt-# Heel Active Pressure = 475 0 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = 1 67 791 Total = 4750 OTM = 791 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 2 76 Vertical Loads used for Soi! Pressure = 1,5180 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure 7 Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = A*iai Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weights) 7 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert Component = Total = RESISTINGForce Distance Ibs ft 5867 550 3780 3750 1233 1 5180 1 83 000 025 083 1 25 2 50 Ibs R M = J Moment ft-# 1,0756 138 3150 4687 3083 2 181 4 n 8 in Mas W #5 @ 32 in o/c Solid Grout, @Toe @Heel Designer select all honz reinf 475 # 1094 7psi Number of pages including cover sheet MARCOTTB+ HEARNE FROfl -MRRC0TTE HEflRNE BUILDERS INC FRX NO :7934102 Feb. 11 2005 32=27PM P4 General Instructions and Warnings DAYTON SUPERIOR9 T-13 COIL-ANCHOR* 6" Model •& New 3M- D amswr DDK Bit MA iffium 780» 1 Drill hol« at a 90* angl* to • the HOOT surface using a new 3/4" diameter carbide tipped drill bit Dapth of hole in the concrete should be at least 5-1/2" minimum. The T-13 CCML-ANCHOR may also be installed into a 3/4" diamaW hole that has been drilled completely through a 6" or Thicker floor stab. Recommended minimum distance from edge of panel, panel opening, control or construction jofnt is 12" The normal walgnt concrete in the floor slab must havt reached a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 pal prior to installation of the T-13 COIL-ANCHOR. ^w** i ?• COIL-ANCHOR Bolt 3/4'Dla, -Was ier Prior to installation df i the assembled T-13 COIL-ANCHOR, the hole must bt cleaned out using comprsaMd Danger Do not use COIL-ANCHORS in floor atabs of less than 6" In thickness. The COIL- ANCHOR win not have sufficient embedment d*pth to develop foe required load carrying oapagfty. ••—4 Turn .740" [*— Maxl TanoC .D, 3 Prior ID Installation of the . T-13 COIL-ANCHOR do not pre-expand the Tang, For proper load carrying capacity, the Tang must not be installed ov«r 1/4 turn dnto the boR, Do not uae a standard coll bolt with the COIL-ANCHOR Tang, thle combination will not ctavelop any toad capacity, The COIL-ANCHOR bolt Is not interchangeable with a standard coil bolt. Insert tfi* assembled p. T-13 COIL-ANCHOR through the foot plateof the pipe bract andinto a properly drilled hole, Tap. the COIL- ANCHOR all the way into the hole 30 that the COIL-ANCHOR wa«h*f feats on thefoot plate of the brace, wwrw Tighten the T-1d anohor with a 3M"impact wrench, thenuse a torque wrench io insure correct tight- ness. Refer to th» chart for proper torqulng values Warning After winds of 35 mph have own experienced at ma JOB sue, retarqm all T-13 COlL-ANCHOftBPHitothe proper torque aettiQwn in tha chart bMfiw, to make certain th» COIL-ANCHOR bolts are still aecum, Brace Poot Plata The twsion saw wonong load (8WL), u w*ll to tno maximum brec» load per T-ts ccML-ANCHOfi is (town below: floor BlibThloknM*Maximum us Anam 200 ft. Ibl, Motes Th« SWL. and maximum applied braoo loads tfiown In The chart above am baMd on an approxbnale factor of tafety of 2 to t (ultimate to SWL) «no tueumes the T-13 COlL-ANOHOR nu been properly Installed ftccflrttflfl to the above instruction* Ptonr «Mb rnnimjm eompre^Jve xningth ahatt be 3£00 pn The above torqua values may be quicHy C4rtained uelnfi a 3/4" drive impact weneh, DO NOT use small- er impact wrenoho due to insufficient capacity, Vftflfy torque whh torque wrertCTi T-13-L Set-Eez* Dry Film Lubricant The DayttxVRichmonct T-13-L Bm-e«B Dry Film Lubricant is dasifln*d to faollltaM the rauftfi ot tne T-13 Coil-Anchor bait The To Order, Specify (i) quantity, <2) nam*, Example' 4 bottles. T-13-L Bet-Eea Dry Aim Luorkiani No1«- P«»ur» io use T-13-L on bolts b«fng rouged vvlll change the tofqueAensJon values, resulting in lower than «xc«pMKl bnu» safe worKlrtg loads. 4X14 r 9V11V S8SOUZ898T i :MflRC0TTE HERRNE BUILDERS INC FflX NO -7934102 Feb. 11 2005 02-26PM P3 General Instructions and Warn ngs DAYTON 11 SUPERIOR I T-13 COIL-ANCHOR* 4-1/2" Model r N»« 3/4'Carbide Tipped Qntl Bit MaximumBtt Dl£lVi*Mr T l6.780" IOnil hole at a 90° angle to . the floor surface u»ng a ntw 3/4" diameter carbidetipped drill bit Depth of hale In Pie concrete should be atleast 4" minimum TheT-13 COIL-ANCHOR may also M Installed Into a 3/4" diameter note that has been drilled cornpwtely through a 4" orthicker floor slab. Recommended minimum distance from edge of panel, panel Opening, control or construction joint is 12" The normal weight concrete m the floor slab must have reached a minimum oompressive strength of 2,500 pet pnor to installation of the T-13 COIL-ANCHOR Pnor to installation ofthe assembled T-i3 COIL-ANCHOR, the hole must b* cleanedout ualng compressed air ~U Danger in floor slabs of less than 4" in thickness Th» COIL- ANCHOR will not have Suffiaeitt embedment depth to develop the required load carrying capacity COIL-ANCHOR Bo -^-4 Turn Tan 740* H—Maximum prior to installation of the T-13COIt-ANOMOR<lo not prt-»xp«nd the Tang. For proper load carrying capacity, the Tang must not belnsteJ led over 1/4 Turn onto the ban. Danqer Do not use a standard coil bolt with the COIL-ANCHOR Tang, this combination will not develop any load capacity. The COlL-ANOHOR bolt is not Interohangettt)!* with a standard ooil bott. insert the assembledT-13 COIL-ANCHOR through trw foot pl«tftof the pipe brace andInto abroparly dnllcd hole Tap the COIL-ANCHOR all the way into the hole so thattrie COIL-ANCHORwasher r*«t» on thefoot ptate ot me brace Wasr.sr I Tighten the T-13 anchor . with a 3/4" impactwrench, then use atorque wrench to insurecorrect tightness. Referto the chart for proper torquing values. j.'. Warning Atter winds or ss mprt have bewmpsritncedaithe job efte, rewrqua alt T-18 COIL-ANCHOR bode to the proper torque as shown in the cftart below, to make certain the COIL-ANCHOR bolts ore still secure Brace foot Plate The tension s*ft» worwng if>M (BVYU), M W«l AH ttW Wtximuni brew load per T-13 COIL-ANCHOR is strewn below, Raw StateTnMKMMtf 5'QrTtilokw ItaxltnumKaeoUOAd H.QOQttm, 9.800 Ibt,e.aooibf. TonpuAlMhor ITBttB* Note*: Th* SWL tnd maxlfnum applied brace loads shown in the chart above ara bwH^ pn «n appraxlmna factor of safety of 2 to i (urtimate to SWL) and assumes t^«T-i3 COIL-ANCMOR h«a bwn propeny installed according to tne above instructions Floor slab minimum eompraiilva BVenotn shait be 2,500 psi The atxive torque valuee may bt qulekty obtained using a 3/4" dnve impact wrencri. DO NOT u«« «mall> or impact wrenches due to inwrfffctant capacity. VBrtty tOTQW ^iw torque wench T-13-L Set-Eez™ Dry Rim Lubricant Tht DayionWichmond T-13-L Set-Eex Dry Film Lubricant is deafenM to fWlllwiB tr* rauae ol the T-13 Coil-Anchor bolt The T-13-L lubricant I* wallabfe m s oz bottles. To OrdeT Specify (\) c^ftrtHy, (2) fwn*, Example. 4 botues, T-13-L S«t-E»z Dry Film Lubricant Now: Failure to use T-13-L on DOM Being reused wN change tfu» Wrqg^/ttfift^n v«lu«c,resulting m lower than exoepted brec* eaf* working SVUY FROM :flflRGQTTE HERRNE BUILDERS INC FflX NO .7934102 Feb. 11 2005 02:25PM P2 JAB__NSTRUDTIONppiy, INC. COMPAN FAXNUM JER PHONE N0TRS/0 eoo/ioo'a use 4640 Brinell Str^t San Diego, CA 92111 Phone (858)277-21 00 Fax (858) 277-0585 FACSIMILE TRANSMrTTAt SHEET ' 0 S^- \ I- fc'g* LJW&TSX OX NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: MVMTS; V, sviiv MARCOTTE+ HEARNE BUILDERS, INC February 11,2005 City of Carlsbad Building Department Carlsbad, CA 92002 RE Authorization to Pull Permits To Whom It May Concern, This notice is being written to you to confirm that Marcotte + Hearnc Builders has authorized Chuck McLaughlin Wayne Powderly to pull permits for our company Contractors License No B783510 Federal ID # 33-0916775 Insurance Provider Robert F Driver Company, Inc General Liability Policy # MGL0131695 State Compensation Fund Policy # 4612145 Contractors Bond # 88684 Attachments included with this document > State of California's Contractors License information including, Bonding ability & Workers Compensation information on file > Certificate of Insurance Sincerely, William M Marcotte nie- File - City of Carlsbad Building Department 11696 Sorrento Valley Rd , Ste 200, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel 858-793-4101 Fax 858-793-4102 State Of Calif; ORS STATE L ACTIVE LICENSE 783510 MARCOTTE + HEARNE BUILDERS INC 08/31/2006 BUSINESS REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE ;*TI»>*son firm * etxpcMn *a^ed bekwir grafted Uiis»taaness wtifrale pursuant Is the proviwns oMtwCily Business Uwnw Ord.narcea lo engagH m arrv on or conduct Iha businessE trade catling wofeswMi^e^ibilion or occupalion described below Issuance of Ifie certificate is not:, an CITY.ANDSTATEl: KEEP FOR YOUR RECORDS BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT BUS NO' 1214802 DATE ISSUED 10/18/2004 08 070G $8000 BALANCE TAXES PAID IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY BUSINESS TAX ORDINANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD License Detail California Home Page 1 of2 Friday, February 11 2005 License Detail Contractor License # 783510 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD DISCLAIMER A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license data base Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations • CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law (B&P71246) If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below Click on the link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action information • Per B&P 7071 17, only construction related civil judgments known to the CSLB are disclosed • Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms of the arbitration • Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board's license data base * * * Extract Date 02/11/2005 Business Information * * * MARCOTTE + HEARNE BUILDERS INC 11696 SARRENTO VALLEY ROAD#200 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 Business Phone Number (858) 793-4101 Entity Corporation Issue Date. 08/25/2000 Expire Date 08/31/2006 * * * License Status * * * This license is current and active All information below should be reviewed. * * * Classifications * * * Class B Description GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR * * *Bonding Information CONTRACTOR'S BOND: This license filed Contractor's Bond number 88684 in the amount of $10,000 with the bonding company AMERICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMNITY COMPANY. Effective Date 01/01/2004 Contractor's Bonding History http://www2.cslb ca gov/CSLB LIBRARY/License+Detail asp 2/11/2005 License Detail Page 2 of 2• ,. ' BOND OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL^): The Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) WILLIAM MICHAEL MARCOTTE certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/equity of the corporation A bond of qualifying individual is not required Effective Date 08/25/2000 * * * Workers Compensation Information * * * This license has workers compensation insurance with the STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND Policy Number 1733767 Effective Date 08/11/2004 Expire Date 08/11/2005 Workers Compensation History Personnel listed on this license (current or disassociated) are listed on other licenses. Personnel List Other Licenses i License Number Request Contractor Name Request Personnel Name Request Salesperson Request Salesperson Name Request ©2005 State of California Conditions of Use Privacy Policy http //www2.cslb.ca.gov/CSLB^LIBRARY/License+Detail.asp 2/11/2005 02/04/2005 09 26 FAX DRIVER ALLIANT INS SVCS 0001 PHOOUCEH ^liiil^gal'liii^ivfe.jj DATE IMM/DD/YY) 2/04/05 DRIVER ALLIANT INSURANCE 1620 FIFTH AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 LICENSE #OC36S61 619-238-1323 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES RELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A MT HAWLEY INSURANCE CO INSURED Marcotte + Hearne Builders Inc 11691 Sorrento Valley Rd,#200 San Diego CA 92121 COMPANY B ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO COMPANYc HUDSON Insurance COMPANYD THIS IS TO CERTIFY'THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELQW HAVE SEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIODINDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMSEXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS COLTH TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE (M1M/DD/YY) POLICY EXPIRATION DATE |MM/DD(YY] J3ENERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERALLIA31UTV | CLAIMS MADE [ X | OCCUR OWNER'S & CONTflACTOR 5 PHOT x,c,u MGLQ14QSS7 PEFl PROJECT AGGREGATE PER. LOCATION 8/11/04 8/11/05 GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS PERSONAL 4 ADV INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE FIRE DAW ACS [Any one tir MED EXP (Any one person) AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS 048619034 8/11/04 an 1/05 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY (Per person] BODILY INJURY(Pec accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE 20QOOOQ 1000000 1000DQO 10QOOOO SOflOO EOOO 1000000 GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AUTQ AUTO ONLY - CA ACCIDENT OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY! 6ACH ACCIDENT AGGREGATE EXCESS LIABILITY MXLQ360448 8/11/04 8/11/05 EACH OCCURRENCE 1000QOO UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FOHM AGGREGATE 10QOOOQ WORKERS COMPENSATION ANDEMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WC STATU _TOJY_ LIMITS OTH- _EB_ EL EACH ACCIDENT THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE INCL EXCL EL DISEASE POLICY LIMIT EL DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE OTHER BUILDERS RISK 599395 1/IS/05 7H5/0 LIMIT $1,580,000 NEW STRUCTURE DURING COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION OP OPEHATiaNS/LOCATIO US/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS RE- 1265 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED PER THE ATTACHED ENDORSEMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 SHOULD ANY OP THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATS THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENPtAVOR TO MAIL ^30^ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CEftYlRCATE HOLDEH NAMED TO THE LEFT BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF AMY KIND UPON THE COMPANY ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENT ATTVEfi AUTHOfUZ 02/04/2005 09 27 FA1 DRIVER ALLIANT INS SVCS ©002 POLICY NUMBER. MGL0140987 MARCOTTS SL HEARNE BUILDERS, INC. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM C) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY"COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: ALL PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS WHSRE REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement,) WHO IS INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of "your work" for that insured by or for you. To the extent reqiiired under contract, this policy will apply as primary insurance to additional insureds scheduled above and other insurance which may be available to such additional insureds will be non-contributory. SECTION IV., CONDITION 4., of this policy is amended accordingly. All other Terms and Conditions of this Policy remain unchanged CGL 216 (04/98) rin p r- ^n tj 5^ fcj £G cr~n 13 ?r- C< ft &(3 noQ. ^Stu '3 Q^ S ^§• Q_-^ 2 rn o °^io S'aM cr raS ob => S aM ajJ., f-r?s m 2Ort e;OJ a "1tn| Ul ID3 CDo.Hg-3, O: CD'—Ir-r O £& C? UQaCD—1 c->o3 O-h the prescribed writt! January is, 20064- -s11J ^> ^^\ 5- Vv\ m3 roXw33QJrt O3 ^ JO 3 rrcu 5ia E3een so certified puinCcoart r-rO in OOcn Ul £. — t (D 3a ^a w lamed Viereon is CER-t•nmo 3 5CD &ca (0OO~% u>!-»• cO turat Masonry Sp In1997 Uniform BuiQ. 03 Ooa<D inTJ C3 3- iooa.ov> fu 5 Hm fU3W t_-t R7.I SSgs llr*»^ ^^o lr "cT~ 4! (? 1-)r r- s -Q O n §- FK > > SSS5?§ T> W Cn n^§^. 9^o m rn ^ F=< _^ MVt >^somS ^0[^ 03 ^00mm< > r- ffo t^ a (r>s om o^ oCD >O R t? r e ir rr ^ C rs