HomeMy WebLinkAbout1271 MARIPOSA RD; ; CB003302; Permit'3/1~ City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 09/22/2000 Retaining Wall Permit Permit No:CB003302 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1271 MARIPOSA RD CBAD RETAIN Status: Lot#: 0 Applied: Valuation: 2122204600 $7,375.00 Construction Type: NEW Entered By: Reference #: Project Title: MARIANO-RETAIN WALL 500 SF Applicant: MILLER CONSTRUCTION, DICK 930 BOARDWALK SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 619-471-6842 Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Owner: STANDARD PACIFIC CORP C/O KEN L CABLA Y 9335 CHESAPEAKE DR SAN DIEGO CA 92123 ISSUED 09/08/2000 JM 09/22/2000 09/22/2000 Total Fees: $159.53 Total Payments To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $159.53 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee other Building Fee TOTAL PERMIT FEES Inspector~ FINAL APPROVAL Date:Z-~ '0 ( $96.08 $0.00 $62.45 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $159.53 Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviousfv othe!Wise exoired . .. -----------------·--- PER~IT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palrnas Dr, Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 Add1ess APPLICANT 0 A.gent fo1 Corurae101 Oowr1e1 CONTRACTOR. COMPAN-Y NAME tor Srot1es c,,y 0 Agem tor Owrie1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,-,;, < 3 6 z PLAN CHECK NO, U2 J ' EST. VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck. Oepo~ ~ , ~:~;:atod Bv\JiN\ 1(#,b Tour t ct uoi11 Se< JG]1 ~ !ks,ness and P<o!en,ons Code Any Cayo< Coun1y wh,ch reQu,ru • p,m111110 consrrucL elt,u, ,mp,ove, demo/11'1 or ,apesr any structure, ono1 to ,ts •~hance a,so req,Nes tr.II •PPhcen1 lo, such p11<n"1 10 trle s srgned tte111meri1 inar he ,~ hcennd pu,subnl to the o,ovitians o! \l"ls Con1recro{J ~,c,mu Law (nao1e, 9 ~urnrn,,nO,r,g WJlh Secuon 7000 ot O,vos,on Jo! the 6usmeu end Prolus,ons CoOe-1 or Iha! he is eumpt the,e!tom. ,nd the bn•s !c, lhe an,geo Anv v,01a1,on ol Se~\1or, JOJl !', b anv aool,c;m\ 10, a pe1 rt sub1ec1s the epp\,c1nl !O I covrl penall ! not mo, than f,ve l\oodred \l la,s 115001/ L > ,u: "-k. 2,:,"j :;e, -,,,er Name S ·are L :,,,~e , WORKERS COMPENSATlON A Addi/ls$ C«e ';/-LA _ U ~ i -i,'l'fl,.. Cny Business Li,:;enn I ~~~~~~➔ .,._, -, Tarepnona .".or<e,~ Cornper,sar,on Dec11ra1,on ! 1'111,eby anum under pana11v cl p11•1ury one ot 1he lollow1n9 011.clarauons 2 , ~a,e an<l ,Mil ma,nta,n a cen.r,cue o! consent to s111f-1nsure foi wor~us' compenuw:in ts piovu:!ed by Sac11on J700 o! the Labor Code. /Q! the pi,110,mance J' "'" "'"'' to, wn,cn 1h,s pen,111 ,s ,ssued ~~ve ano will ma,nu,n wofSers' comp~nsot,on, 11.$. ,equ>fed by Secr,on 3700 Q( the la\'.lQr Code, tor the pe,fonnance o, the wor~ IO! wrl,ch 1hrs permrt rs C CE:!HIFICATE OF EXEMPTION. I h,;:,v,ano Oollar1 IS 100.000\ OWNER-BU\lOER DEC .e.,, .. c, a!!,,n, rnai, arn e~emp1 hem 1he Contractor's L•cense Law for Iha rollowmg !<1&sOn _. as Cl"'''"' ol the property o, m~ employees w,tn wages es lhtt" sole comper'lsat,Qn, w,11 tlo H>B work ~nd the s11wcw,e is nol mtended o, oHe,eO io, sale ;H '044, B..,s,neH and 1>":,les~,ons Ccide. The Cont<it1o(s Lrcense Law does /\QI ~ppiy 10 an owne, ol property who b<Jolds o, rmp,oves 1hereon, ind who ,;\,;:,es ,er ,-o,, n,m~e!I o• \hPQ<.,gh n,s own ,mplQ'{8&s, p,ov,ded 1ha1 SIJch ,mp«lvem1n1s are not ,ntendeO o, o!!eied tor sale. II, howe111,, th6 b<Jold,ng o, ,mp,ovemeni ,s 110 .,.,,,h,n '"'• vu, ot complet,on, (ha O"•mtt••\'.luolde• woll h~ve (he bu,den ot p,ovong that /\a did not tiw,ld o< ,mp1ova /()1 the J:><Jrpou ol ore/ as owne, ol 1t-.e p,oper!v. arn e~clus1ve,ly con1rac1,ng w'1~ 1,c11r.s11tl cor1t,aciors to cons\nJ-'I lhe pro1ect !Sec. 70<1<1, Bus,ness and Profus,ons Cooe. The ir1,~~rn, 1 L,cenu L~w tlOU <'◊I apply io an owna, ol p,op11ny w/lo bu,idS o, ,mp<oses 111a,~011 anti cont1aC\s !,:,, such P<o1ects woth co"1,ac10,1s1 lrcensao ,,,._an!"' rne Co11uac\o,·s c,ie11se lawl , ~e,sona111 pier, 10 provide me rna10, !abo< ar,O rna1e11als to, consvuc1,on o! the proposed p,openy 1mp,c:J1,erne111. Q YES QNO ~o,e r,a,e MHI s,gneo an apol,cai,on fQ, a bw,ldmg pe,mn for the IH0!)01ed wor~ ''"'~ con1rac!(l.(l w<th \he lo!lowm~ person lf"rnl 10 p1ov•Oe !he p,oposea consuuclron /,nclude name I edti,eu I phone number I con\rac1ors l1ce11se nurnbe,1 , p.'an ,o 0,0.,d~ po,oons o! the wofic, t>u( I have h!!ed the followmg person to ,_oord,nate, superv,u ano p,011,de Hle majo, work (111C!,itle n~me .' adt11ess I phont noe, conua~\01~ 1,ce,ise numper/ ----------------------------------------- ,...,,, i•rov,oe ,a,.,,~ ol 1n1t wor<, bw1 I have com,~ctetl !h,red) tMe lollow,ng pe,$Of'l5 10 p1ovrdt1 !Mo WQ<~ 1nil>ca1ad l•nclu<Je nerne I add1us / Phone numl:ll' ' \'IP" ~Ol•I -------------------------------------------------- )PERT• O'NNER SIGNATURE ______________________ _ DATE _________ _ .,PLETE TH!S SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL SUILD1NG PERMITS ONLY ,~ ~c;,01,can1 or r~tc,<e tiw,10,r,g occvpan1 ,oo_u,rad \<o ~ut:>mri • bvs,nssJ pl&n, a1:,nely na:ardous rnato"&ls ,t1g,s1,,t1on lorm or nsk maoagarneni ano orevon"o" rrJ,n ,.,nQ~, $ac1,ons 25505. 25533 QI 25!',J4 01 !lie Pruley-T~,--,,,~, K~l81dous Swbstance Accoun1 Act I O YES O NO e al)r,»c~rn 01 ru1ure P~•ld•ns occup&nl ,eq<Jr,ed to obta<n a p11,m11 from IM a,1 pollut<Qr, COf'ltrol dt5111Ct o, a,r qua(,1y management drs1roc1I O YES O NO e '~c,111v 10 o~ consuuc\eP w,1h,n 1.000 lee! ol the oute, oounoa,y ot a school 5,\el O YES O NO ~y Of' me ANSWERS ARE Y(S, A FlNAL CfRTIF/CAT[ OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE !SSUl:D UNLESS THE A.PPl\CANl' HAS MH OR IS MHTlNG THE JIREMENTS or THE OFflCE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL 0/STR!CT, CONSTRUCTION LENO!NO AGENCY Pl S NAME _____________ _ LENDER'S ADORES$ ________________________ _ APP\.!CANT CERTIFICATION h, \l'O\ 1 hhe read 1h8 appl,ca.1,on or.d Sl8te thil tha abo~a ,n!c,maioon PS cotrect al'ld that the ,nto,mit1on on the p!tfJS .s 1ccu,u11 I ag,"e \o comply w,tn all }qJ,nc,..ces and Sta\e laws ,alaJ,ng !<l t>urldrng cor.~1,uc1,on. I hereby a<.1thonte ,epresenu1,ves ot the C<\~ t>1 Ca,Jsb1d 10 ante, upon the above mentron"(! r1y lor ,n~pec1,on purposes I ALSO AGfU:E TO SAVE, INOl:MN!FY AND )(fEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CAR.~Sl!.AO AGAINST ALL l!Al!.!L\T\ES, MENTS. COSTS AND fXPENSfS W\-1\CH MAY IN Y WAY ACCRUE AGAI T SA!O CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERM!T. , --~ OSHA l.>8'1l"1 ,> reou11ed lo, axca,a1,ons le r,· oe n and(! , on or const,uct,o" Q( suuc1u,u ove1 3 sio,,es ,n he,~ht 1~1~onied ov such oe1m1t ,, not CQffime ,n(!o<'>e\.l al any 1,rne alter t!'\e wo,-.. ,s c_ 1s Code shall el!p«e Cy 1,m1u1,on ana t>ecQme <'>I.Ill ano vo,d ,t the bw,1d,r.g o, 8! ol sucM pem11\ <>< ,I Iha bv,la,ng 01 wo,~ 01.ahonad y sue perm,1 ,, suspende~ Sectm/\ 106.<l.4 1Jni1onrr Bu,1ct,ng Code\ OATE Wl-llH. Frie YRLOW Apphclnl PINK Fme"-'e City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 02/15/2001 Permit# CB003302 Title: MARIANO-RETAIN WALL 500 SF Description: Type: RETAIN Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: 1271 MARIPOSA RD Lot 0 APPLICANT MILLER CONSTRUCTION, DICK Owner: Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Act Comments Inspector Assignment: TL Requested By: RUBEN Entered By: ROBIN --- 69 _F_i_na_l_M_a_s_o_n_ry ______ ~--------------------- Associated PCRs lnsgeQtion Histo[Y Date Description Act lnsp Comments 10/05/2000 63Walls AP TL DRAINS 09/26/2000 66 Grout AP TL 09/25/2000 61 Footing AP TL PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 5 3 D~ ADDRESS /oZ 7 / yY}~ ~ . RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR ( < $10,000.00) PLANNERa~ ENGINEER _______ _ -----·-· ... -··· ... -----·-. TENANT IMPROVEMENT · PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING DATE ______ _ PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL ADDfflON MINOR (< $10,000.00) . PLANNER _______ _ • · ': TENA"1: IIIPROVEIIENT . CPRLSBAD COIIPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIR& COMPLETE OFRCE ~UILDING DATE ------- '·· / ·:' ',. '. ' ·, \ \ \ '· '\ ' ' '·