HomeMy WebLinkAbout1273 LAS FLORES DR; ; 85-496; Permitfic 0 I hereby affirm that tam licensed under provIaion,of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in I tuft force and effect. z I ic. No ________________ Class 0 t) 1 I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Con lrac- tar's license Law br the tollowing reason ISec. 7031.5 Businessund Professions Code: Any city or county which re- quires a pdrmil to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior toils issuance also requires the ap- plicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions at the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 of Division 301 the Business and Professions Code) or that is ex- empt theretrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by an applicant for a permit sub-jects the applicant to a civil penalty at not more than live hun- dred dollars $5001. O I, as owner at the property, army employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the struc-ture is 001 intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employ005, provided that such improvements are nnt intend- ed or offered or sale. It. however, the building or improve- ment is sold within one year of completion, the Owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or im-prove for the purpose 01 sale). I, as Owner 01100 property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's license Lusdees not apply to an owner 01 property who builds or im-proves thereon. and who contracts Or each projects with a cootractorisi license porsaunt to the Contractor's License Law). IJ As a homeowner I am improving my home, and the follow- ing conditions exist: The work is being performed prior 10 sale. I have lived in my home for twelve months prier to completion 01 this work. I have not claimed this exemption doting the last three years. 0 tam exempt under Sec. __________________ - B & P.C. or this reason w 0 -J m LU Z 0 O I hereby affirm that I have It certificate 01 consent to sell-insure. or a certificate of Workers' Compensation In- surance. or a certified copy thereof (Sec. 3800. Labor Code) POLICY NO. COMPANY - 0 Copy is tiled with the city 0 Certified copy is hereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE This section need net be completed lithe permit is for one hundred dollars 101001 or less) O I certify that in ISO performance 01 the work be, which this permit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as 10 become subject to the Workers Compen- sation Laws of California. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: It. alter making this Certificate' of Exemption, you should become subject 10100 Workers' Compensation provisions ot'the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. U, Ui 0 I . ------------------.... ... 3 APPI I(ANT TO Fill I IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. UaL.ufltt TV!I lflfl SiILI CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPAR1IMENT Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 APPLI9TION & PERMIT - JOB ADDRESS - AV. ST. NEAREST CROSS ST. DAT OF APPLICATIONI SINESS LICENSE # VALUATION -. PERMIT NUMBER I'—. S 2i 1-702 CONTRACTOR BLOCK SUBDIVISION PAR/ CONTRACTORS CONTRACTORS PHONE ZONE / c -sr r- OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S PHONE ________________________________________ ' CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS LICENSE NO. PLAN I.D. # BUILDING SQ. FOOTAGE 14O i ____________ OWNER'SMAILING ADDRESS SIGNER 171 ? ,s e/s b Th ________ OESIG ER'S PHONE z7 -S rô — DESCRIPTION OF WORK DESIGNER'S ADDRES 3 LICENSE NO. j rgUc- i74-i_--F/P NO Ell FLR ELEV.I SDR. GP el 1'2/04/87187 ' YO NO , CENSUS TRACT, OP LAND USE PARKING SPACE RES UNITS GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REbEVELOPMENT AREA I I FIRE SPR oD N 0 I yD NO t YO sO Not Valid Unless Machine Certified QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT - ISSUE MECHANICAL PERMIT - ISSUE ' 3 . SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP ' 4-o INSTALLFURN DUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTU ___ BUILDING PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8220 ' 441, Z. EACH BUILDING SEWER . OVER 100,000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8221 EACH WATER HEATER AJD/DR VENT 2_t BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP - — PLAN CHECK 001-810-00-00-8806 — EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3.15 HP - TOTAL PLUMBING 001-810-00-00-8222 ELECTRICAL 001-810-00-00-8223 EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE , - METAL FIREPLACE EACH INSTAL., ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE . - VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT (,- MECHANICAL - 001-810-00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER . MECH EXHAUST - HOOD/DUCTS - MOBILEHOME 001-810-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER - RELOCATION OF CA FURNACE/HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP EACH ROOF DRAIN (lNSIOE'-- SOLAR 001-810-00-00-8226 TOTAL MECHANICAL - -- STRONG MOTION .880-519-92-33 TOTALPLUMBING _çA%_J . FIRE SPRINKLERS 001-810-00-00-8227 QTY SOLAR - ISSUE 2 PUBLICFACILITIESFEE 10 32-81O-D0-00-8930 OTY ELECTRICAL PERMIT ISSUE - NEW CDNSTCAAMP/5W1_'BK 'OO 200 COLLECTORS S.ISOL_FEE -DISTRICT I PH STORAGE, TANKS _ _______ __cmW'Ctt, Carlsbad' EXIST BLDG___A-AMP/SWT./BKIL,.. _ ROCK STORAGE Encinitas , Z1 PH __.3 PH . PUMP - SacDieguilo REMODEL,'ALTER PER CIRCUIT . PLAN CHECK FEE - San Marcos TEMP POLE 200 AMPS ' OVER200 AMPS - , LICENSE TAX 001-810-00-00-8162 TEMP OCCUPANCY 130DAYS) . . MFF/880-519-92-57 - . - CREDIT DEPOSIT TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL SOLAR - TOTAL FEESPAYABLE "j\JE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY Expiration. EverypermltissuedbytheBuildlngOfflClalurIderlheprOvlsiOflSOffhls * AN OSHA PaRM1T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void lithe building or work 50" DEEP AND DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF CERTIFY UNDER authorized b rnilisnotcommenced within 180 of such days from the date I n.DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS authorized is suspended or ' STRUCTURES OVERt STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON abandoned mmenced for a period of 180 days. or iA ing or work authorized by such permit COSTS AND APPROVED _Y DI7E/r_ 'i'fqiJCTION,WHETHERSPECIFIEDHEREINORNOT.IALSOAGREETOSAVEINDEMNIFYANDDNT _a_I:r_IeworkisCo_____OWNER 0 00'jTRACTc1ti1 KEEPI4ARMLESS THE CITY OP CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE BY PHONE 0 GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. - 0 'I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending CC agency for the performance 01100 work for which this per. 0 mit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civil Code) ZI WI Lender's Name —II L-- Lender's Address________________________________ TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY I - GUNITE OR GROUT SUB FRAME fl FLOOR El CEILING SHEATHING El ROOF El SI-EAR FRAME EXTERIOR LATH I INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL r>,/ PLUMBING El SEWER AND BL/CO El P'-/CO UNDERGROUND El WASTE EJIWATER TOP OUT El WASTE El *ATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN I GAS TEST '-23 7II __________ PILES CAISSONS El WATER HEATER El SOLAR WTER ELECTRICAL El ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC El ELECTRIC SERVICE El TEMPORARY El BONDING El POOL MECHANICAL El DUCT & PLEM., El REF. PIPI:NG HEAT - AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS I _______-•._________ CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELO1tG _... . . . - HIGH STRENGTH . . -. BOLTS SPECIAL MSQNRY . - I .. • - - \ S .. .\ CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTVON WHEN ALL APPROPR/I44E ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVD , . PLUMBING FINAL ,/•/ \ c '• -. . -•' S -. -. - ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL I • / ' /., • . •______ . . - • :. GAS BUILDING ('I Al IrlrIkl' FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS - REQ. IF INSPECTORS INSPECT I.ON CHECKED APPROVAL DATE SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED ..- .. INSPECTORS NOTES -: .5... II I I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profemsions Code, and my license is in fuIforce and effect. Luc. No ______________________ Class cc W a -J m WI 0 a- o U (I) cc 0 cc UJ 0 Z Ui —a I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contrac- tor's License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which re- quires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires he ap- plicant for such permit to tile a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions at the Contractors License Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 01 the Business and Professions Code( or that is ex- empt therefrom and the basis for the alleged nnemptinn. Any violation at Section 7031.5 by an applicant for a permit sub- jects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than tine hun- dred dollars ($500). I, as owner 01 the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the Struc-ture is not intended or uttered for sale (Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner 01 property who builds or improves thereon and whodoes such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intend' ed or offered for sale. It, however, the building or improve' meor is sold within one year at completion, the owner-builder will have the burden at proving that he did not build or im- prove for the purpose of sate(' -. I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or im-proves thereon, and who contracts for each projects with a contractor(s) license pursuant to the Contractor's. License I Law(. . 0 As a homeowner I am improving my home, and the follow- ing conditions exist: . The work is being performed prior to sale. I have lived in my home br twelve months prior to completion of this work. I have not claimed this exemption during the lost three years. - p I am exempt under Sec. ___________________ - B & P.C. $ for this reason Cl I hereby affirm that I have a certificate 01 consent to self-insure. or a certificate 01 Workers Compensation In. surance. or certified copy thereof (Sec. 3800. Labor Code( POLICY NO. COMPANY O Copy is tiled with the city O Certified copy is hereby furnished -. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed it the permit is for oneThundred dollars ($100) or less) O certify that in the performance 01 the work for which this permit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compen. sation Laws of California. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If. alter making this Certificate 01 Exemplion, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions 01 the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall - be deemed revoked. O I hereby 011mm that there is a cnnstructlon lending agency for the performance of the work for which this per. mit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civil Code) Lender's Name Lender's Address________________________________ - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD - -: _ ,pflrNFORMArTION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 JOB ADDRESS AV. ST. NEAREST CROSS ST. DATE OF APPLICATION / kz BUSINESS LICENSE # VA N PERMIT NUMBER CONTRACTOR BLOCK SUBDI VISION ASS/SRCE/ 7 QL CONTRA PH NEC ZONE S A PHONE NA OWNERS PLAN I.D. # . BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE CON RACTOR'S AD RE kS . it -' LICENSE NO. OWNER'S MAILIN ADOR .~, 2ESS lONER DESiGNER'S PH NE I -i95 66 DESCRIPTION OF WORK DESIGNER'S DO A - LICENSE NO. F/P FLR ELEV. I NO STORIES YO NJ __I 0CC OP j EDU L 051 - -3- CENSUS TRACT GP LAND USE PARKING SPACE RES UNITS GRADING PERMIT ISSUED REDEVELOPMENT I I TYPE 0CC LOAD FIRE SPA AREA I CONST - Y o N 0 Yo ND YO ND Not Valid Unless Machine Certified - QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT - ISSUE SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMER EACH FIXTURE TRAP - . INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU , BUILDING PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8220 EACH BUILOING'SEWER ' . OVER 100,000 BTU , SIGN PERMIT 001-810-00'00-8221 EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT ' BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 001-810-00'00-8806 EACH GAS SYSTEM' 1 TO 4 OUTLETS - - . 'v BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3.15 HP - - , TOTAL PLUMBING 001'810'00'008222 /0 .,~i) EACH GAS SYSTEM S OR MORE , METAL FIREPLACE . ELECTRICAL 001-810-00-00-8223 EACH INSTAL.. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE . VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT . MECHANICAL 001-810-00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER , MECH EXHAUST - HOOD/DUCTS . ' , MOBILEHOME 001-810-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER . ' RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER I . MOBILEHOME PARK (NSP EAC RAIN (INSIDE) - - ' SOLAR 001-810-00-00-8226 TOTAL MECHANICAL I . STRONG MOTION 880-519'92-33 TOTAL PLUMBING Sb . FIRE SPRINKLERS 0O1-810-00'00'8227 - QT't'. ELECTRICAL PERMIT- ISSUE QTY. SOLAfl I33UE PUBLIC FACIWIES E 332-810-00-00-8930 4/1 _4 _ NEW CONST CA AMP/SWT'BKR . COLLECTORS - SCHOOL FEE - DISTRICT 1 PH ' ' - 3 P . STORAGE TANKS - . Carlsbad EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/BKR - ROCK STORAGE - Encinitas 1 PH 3 PH . PUMP . San Dieguilo RE MODE L.'ALTER PER CIRCUIT - PLAN CHECK FEE ' - San Marcos TEMPPOLE200AMPS OVER 200 AMPS . LICENSE TAX 001-810-00-00-8162 TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS) ' , MFF 880-519-92-57 • . . CREDIT DEPOSIT TOTAL ELECTRICAL T ILL TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE 3 0.5a lMA'E:èAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED 'APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this * AN OSHA PSRM:T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER limitation and become null and void. If the building or work 50" DEEP AND DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTIONauthpermit is not commenced within 180 days from DECLARATbNS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT li aulror work authorized by ouch permit is I. y i5Ebi1'Q ALL CITY. COUNTY STATE GOVERNING BUILDING CON it the date of such suspended or STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT CEJ',iFY,l .JNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE CodAshalle COMPLY WITH AND LAWS e after the work is commenced for a period TRtCTlON.WHETHEtT'SPECIFlED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND CONTRACTO * of 180 days APPROVEDBY DATE !E1MLESS THE CITY OP CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS ANDPP TURE OWNER EXpENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE BY PHONE dFA1P1G OF THIS PERMIT. DAE SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY P.O. BOX 1831, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92112 - Notice of Service Discontinuance PERMIT DEPARTMENT - CITY OR COUNTY OF SERVICE TO I73 LR± FLDKE Oft CLE4D ADDRESS - WILL BE DISCONTINUED. AND ALL SERVICE LINES WILL BE REMOVED BY _________________ DATE THIS BUILDING CAN BE MOVED OR RAZED AFTER THE ABOVE DATE. - SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY BY _IVIM..TNLb L IT--!)L) 85 DATE____________ FORM 106.2152A S TELEPHONE tl 4I '. 1' --- - .. - - - -A. - . TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING FOUNDATION I REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT SUB FRAME El FLOOR El CEILING SHEATHING El ROOF El SHEAR FRAME EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION INTERIOR LATH.& DRYWALL PLUMBING El SEWER AND BL/CO El PL/CO UNDERGROUND El WASTE EIWATER TOP OUT El WASTE El VIATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN i GAS TEST El WATER HEATER El SOLAR WATER ELECTRICAL El ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ElUFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC El ELECTRIC SERVICE El TEMP(RARY El BONDING El POOL MECHANICAL El DUCT & PLEM., El REF. PIPING HEAT - AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS ' I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECT(')N WHEN ALL APPROP ITEMS ABOVE HAV,:'BEEN'APPROVED FINAL - PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS BUbING.'- SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' t ' -' s-'• -. -. FIELD INSPECTION RECORD - - REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES REQ. IF INSPECTOR'S INSPECTION CHECKED APPROVAL DATE SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO City of Carlsbad MISCELLANEOUS.'. 1200 ELM, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL. (619) 438-5525 RECEIPT ?' diddress ob 7?7 ,4.S Lx'. MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT ii PLAN CHECK FEE 01.00-00-8806 VALUATION /ff E DEMOLITION_______________________ E HOUSE MOVING D PARKS AND RECREATION FEE__________________ 0 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE______________________ 0 SCHOOL FEE- DISTRICT_______________________ 0 Carlsbad 0 Encinitas 0 San Diego 0 San Marcos LI CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY____________ 142L? Own ,4A) Mailing Address '}604 /2t2/2T/f,4C4f• City -. TeI.q7_f/f& Contractor Address City Zip Tel. State Lic. S.Classit.j Lic.No. City COMPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,(t'~':fiE3 t 'tV41 t ' 4/'ó_71cx'4t-ewt 10 j) ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK j//OVic-c/c8 5 7/b 7 (o c'' . 0 0 3 3/0 0 _ PLANIDNO. 0 DESIGNER ADDRESS 3d94 ,IY,2iW ,4j'p.S.D _____________________________________ PHONE -q7ç?to LI ..-____ TOTAL FEE — CONTACT PERSON I2'AJ _9C2,'1,'4' WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS FORFEITED TO THE CITY. COMMENTS:________________________________________________ TAKEN BY THE ISSUED. ARE — SigoatureofApplicant~L/ 12t=Date. --- White - Applicant Yellow - File Pink - (1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold - Assessor .- - lPdAI Rilli nipin ID1TIflllJ 85-496 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: DATE: PROJ FT NAMF- Stanger Dental Offices ADDRESS: 1273 Las Flores Or. PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: - New comm. 1 bldg.. TYPE OF UNIT: ______________________________ NUMBER OF UNITS: r. flTAT Crest construction - - CONTACT TELEPHONE:. 7468780 7-9-86 !J1JL 1.18 INSPECTED T7J/.L_5'2I DATE _402L k BY: V /7/ INSPECTED: __________ APPROVED WL.' DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: ___________ APPROVED .DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE ' BY: ________________________ INSPECTED: ____________ APPROVED. DISAPPROVED, ALL DEPARTMENTS -- COMMENTS: -- ' ALL DEPARTMENTS . Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense GREEN: Engineeri =CANARY: PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire . : - FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION S 85-496 79-86 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: - DATE: Stanger Dental Offices PROJECT NAME: 1273 Las Flores Dr. ADDRESS: - PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: New comm. 1 bldg. TYPE OF UNIT: NUMBER OF UNITS: Crest construction . CONTACT PERSON: S 746-8780 . CONTACT TELEPHONE: INSPECTED DATE X INSPECTED:___ APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE . BY: INSPECTED: ____________ APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE . BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED. DISAPPROVED • ALL DEPARTMENTS * COMMENTS: ALL DEPARTMENTS ,' • S CD ~3 Rev. 1186 WHITE: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire I FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION '. PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 85-496 DATE: 7-9-86 PROJECT NAME: Stanger Dental Offices 1273 Las Flores Or. ADDRESS: PROJECT NO.: _________________ UNIT NUMBER: _________________ PHASE NO.: New comm. 1 bldg.. TYPE OF UNIT: ______________________________ NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT PERSON: Crest construction - . .. . 746-8780 CONTACT TELEPHONE: INSPECTED DATE INSPECTED -7/1 APPROVED APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: _______________________ INSPECTED: ___________ APPROVED ______ DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE - BY: - INSPECTED: . APPROVED. ______ DISAPPROVED ALL DEPARTMENTS ... -. ._ -.. . - COMMENTS: .- . . ALL DEPARTMENTS . . . .- . Rev. 1/86 WHITE Suspense GREEN Engineering CANARY UtiIitie Ianning GOLD Fire f' 41 APPLICATION, FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD N° SE 2700 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438.5541 I_........-.- '- - FOR APPLICANT ISSUED BY - / '. BU G AD~D ES / -:-7:-' J 4j L.-/. jfffç DATE ISSUED VALIDATION OWNER - . ADDRESS MAILING '' JC LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION CONTRACTOR ,p7 STANDARD 4" (Max. H., 30', V. 10') :: . ______ FT _.\JUit2b CONTRACTOR'S . ADDRESS STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10'1 4, , OVER 30' H.-@_ FT. OVER 10'V.-@- FT. NEW BUILDING -' EXISTING BUILDING TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST_____________________ . . _'4EGAL- DESCRIPTION . . S SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.)- LATERAL CHARGE TOTAL REMARKS: . LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO. FRONTAGE _______COST PER FT.-TOTAL- OTHER LATERAL LOCATION - CONNECTION FEE C,) . . V X . - NO. UNITS! -' COST PER UNIT TOTAL . ( )....../ PUMP STATION FEES -E) I NO. UNITS COST PER UNIT TOTAL ST. TOTALCHARGES(LATERALETC.) S LATERAL NO. ___________-INSTALLATION -DATE WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permitter ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE OIL SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: /O -2'7-J3 JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: APPLICANT. JURISDICTION []PLAN CHECKER FILE COPY UPS DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: 1.27 LA-S, FR&s J)/ej,J PROJECT NAME: s7,&re- 67 /)TL 0FF/cLE The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply D with the jurisdiction's building codes'when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. fl The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: /9PYi2Tr,yn) Date contacted: J0 1-21 Telephone #_____________ REMARKS: BY: /E DOL/EI%JTE ENCL: ESGIL CORPORATION 4 V.. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 V V (619)560-1468 []APPLICANT JURISDICTION 0 PLAN CHECKER 0 FILE COPY [)UPS V O DESIGNER DATE: OCTOBER 24,..1985 JURISDICTION: CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO: 85-496-I1 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1273 LAS FLORES DRIVE PROJECT NAME: STANGER DENTAL OFFICE U The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's V building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply U with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified - - are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. V The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. fl The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the cheak list has been sent to: Don Goldman, 3604 FoUtth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 U Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. V Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Don Goldman Date contacted: 10/24/85 Telephone #297-5880 REMARKS: BY: Abe Doliente ENCL: ESGIL CORPORATION CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO. 85-496 OCTOBER 24, 1985 REMAINING ITEMS FROM THE ORIGINAL CHECK LIST 118. Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1/2 inch below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door. Section 3304(h). Review your lateral analysis. The lengths of your shear walls as shown on your calculations are not consistent with the ones shown on your plans. Be consistent. Make your plans agree with your calculations. Show all the beams shown on sheet 2 of the 2nd floor framing. If you have any questions, please contact Abe Doliente of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-1468. Thank you. 7 DONALD R. GOLDMAN & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS AlA 3604 FOURTH AVE SAN DIEGO 92103 - LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL . (619) 297-5880 TO City of Carlsbad DATE 11/12/8 ATTENTION Carter Darnell PROJECT Stnger flnt1 flffit-p WE ARE SENDING YOU RATTACHED SUNDER SEPARATE COVER COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 11/12/85 1 Copy of,Dept. of Transportation Letter .. RECF:IVED . __ N0V131985 CITY OF cARLSBAD Building-Department REMARKS Carter: The application and deposit for the encroachment permit have been submitted to Cal Trans. There is no problem in obtain- ing the permit -except for the length of time that it takes to be processed through Cal Trans. 1 anticipate that this will not delay the issue of the building permit. If there is any problem please •give me a call immediatly. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. COPIES TO BY RMAIL D HAND 0 MESSENGER BY flfln (n11mpn STATE OF CALIFORNIA-8USINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DONALD R. GOLDMAN DISTRICT 11, P.O. BOX 85406, SAN DIEGO 92138-5406 & ASSOCIATES, AlA April 12, 1985 APR 15 1985 11-SD-5 RECEIVED P.M.47.5/50.9 Donald R. Goldman & Associates Architects AlA 3604 Fourth Avenue San Diego,, CA 92103 Dear Mr. Goldman: We have reviewed your planned development of Route 5 and Las Flores Drive in Carlsbad. The drainage you propose is acceptable to Caltrans if either of the following modifications is made: Drain as shown on your plans except use a six-inch diameter pipe. Use a Type A Curb Outlet (D-25 of Regional Standards) to outlet the drain into the street. Connect the six-inch drain pipe directly to our drainage inlet at Las Flores Drive and northbound 1-5 off-ramp. For this you will need an encroachment permit from Caltrans. You'may contact our Permits Engineer, Sam Kemp, at 237-6158 for infor- mation regarding procedures and estimated time required to Any standard 2' x 3' grate,will be adequate in the parking area'. They will continue to drain the area when 80% clogged with trash. Thank you for allowing us to see your plans at this stage. If you have further questions, please call Steve Price, District Hydraulics Engineer, at 237-6736. Sincerely,. ' W. R. DOTSON ' District Director . By PTOMgASL. DRANE' District Design Engineer ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: JURISDICTION: -CAL-19[) PLAN CHECK NO: PROJECT ADDRESS: /273 L'9 Z?. PROJECT NAME: 5 r11-?J6 E7'' DEk)7( OFF,Ce 0 APPLICANT JURISDICTION PLAN CHECKER (]FILE COPY o UPS []DESIGNER The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply D with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified - : are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and. resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith. is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. fl The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list .has been sent to: DoAJ 6 01L)i'-/i'9fl) cc- Fe' ,-t1E 5,&) DIE60 04. 7.2/03 E Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has beerl completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: 1o,&) OLMAk) Date contacted: Telephone #_______________ REMARKS :'% BY: D ENCL:________________ ESGIL CORPORATION Qritp of Carl-dab TO: Don Goldman 3604 Fourth Ave. 1200 ELM AVENUE San Diego, CA 92103 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 APPLICANT COPY O CITY COPY PLAN CHECKER COPY COMMERCIAL PLAN CORRECTION SHEET Plan Check Number85-496 Site Address 1273 Las Flores Dr. Owner Alan D. Stanger Building Code Applicable 1982 U.B.C. Occupant Load 25 Stories2 Oècupancy B-2 Use—Of fice Type of Construction V-N Sprinklers: Yes No Allowable Floor Area 8000 S .F. Actual 3310 s. f. Basis for Area Increase Remarks Date Plans Submitted Date Plans to Plan Checker 9 /10/85 Date Initial Plan Check Completed 9/11/85 By AbeDoliente Applicant Contact Person DonGoldman Tel. 297-5880 FOREWORD:PLEASEREAD CD This plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning, Engineering and. Fire Departments. For information regarding those departments, please contact Mr. Carter Darnell at (619) 438-5525. ? The items below need clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations., Per Sec. 303 (c), 1982 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. Please submit two sets of corrected plans and show on this list where corrections were made i.e. sheet, detail, etc..Return any original plans and documents that were returned to you by the city. The above items may be returned to the City Building Department or to Esgil Corporation at 9320 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, telephone (619) 560-1468. 8/19/82 GENERAL 5. Provide the site address and a vicinity sketch on the Title Sheet. c. Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner and the responsible design professionals on the Title Sheet.. 7. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed Architect or Engineer responsible for the design. Please include the California license number and the date the plans are signed..- Indicate on the Title Sheet whether or not a grading permit is required for this project. Show on the Title Sheet all buildings, structures, walls, etc. included under this application. Any portion of the project shown on the Site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as snot included on the site plan or Title Sheet. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the fol- lowing code information for each building proposed: Occupancy Group 2 Description of Use ' Type of Construction 1/ Al Sprinklers: Yes or No A/C) Stories _________ Height 2 1 fT Floor Area 331O 5F Justification to exceed allowable area in Table S-C Justification to exceed allowable height or stories in Table 5-D SITE PLAN 11. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, streets, existing and proposed buildings and Structures, location of yards used for allowable increase of building area and dimensioned setbacks. Provide a statement on the site plan stating: All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan'. Clearly designate on the site plan existing buildings to remain, existing buildings to be demolished, buildings to be constructed under this permit and any proposed future buildings. Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences. Specify their heights on the plans. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, Street center- lines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. Show and dimension on the site plan all building projections including eaves, balconies, cornices and similar appendages extending beyond the exterior walls. Show on the site plan, or provide, the grading plans., showing finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to buildings, drainage patterns and locations and gradients of Cut or fill slopes. Show dimensioned parking layout including any required handicap access spaces. Show the location of any designated flood plains, open space easements, or other development restricted areas on the site plan. - LOCATION ON PROPERTY When two or more buildings are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between them for the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection and roof cover requirements, per Section 504(c). An exception is provided if the combined area of the buildings is within the limits specified in Section 505 for a single building. If this exception is used, show how the building(s) will comply with Section 505. Buildings over one story and containing courts shall have- an assumed property line for the purpose of determining required wall and opening protection of court walls, per Section 504(c). See possible exception. Please show how the court walls will be made to comply with Section 504(c). The exterior walls less than feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be fire- rated construction. Section _03(a) Exterior walls shall have a 30 inch parapet when less than feet to a property line or an assumed property line. (see exception, Section 1709) The exterior wall shall have protected openings (3/4 hour) when closer than feet to a property line or an assumed property line. Section 03(b) The exterior walls shall have no openings when closer than ___feet to a property line or an assumed property line. Openings include windows, doors. scuppers, vents. etc. Section 03(b) Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30 inches from side and rear property lines. Section 504(a) Combustible projections located where openings are required to be protected shall be heavy timber or one-hour construction. Section 1710 Projections may not extend more than 12 inches into areas where openings are not allowed. Section 1710 Projections over public property must comply with Chapter 45. Projections may not extend more than one-third the distance from the exterior wall to the property line or one-third the distance from an assumed vertical plane located where fire-resistive protection of openings is first required, whichever is least restrictive. Section 504(b) Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic areas. Section 4304(c) When openings are required to be protected due to location on property, the sum of openings shall not exceed 50 percent of the total area of the wall in each story. Section 504(b) A covered passageway connecting separate buildings must comply with the requirements for an arcade. Section 509 Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in an area where openings are required to be protected. Section 3305(i) Exterior stairways shall not project into yards where protection of openings is required. Section 3306(n) 36. Yards or courts serving as required exits for 10 or more occupants must be at least 10 feet wide or have walls of one-hour construction for a height of 10 feet above the court or yard grade. Openings shall be protected by fire- assemblies having a rating of not less than three-fourths-hour. Section 3302 definition and Section 3311(d) Structural elements exposed in walls required to be fire-resistive construction due to location on property must have the same fire- resistive rated protection as the wall, or as required for the structural freme for the type of construction, whichever is greater. Table 17-A footnote 1, and Section 1702 Openings for scuppers, mechanical equipment vents, foundation vents and similar openings are not permitted in walls located where openings are prohibited and would have to be protected where openings are required to be protected. Table 5-A • - • ••• k DUILDING AREA, HEIGHT AND STORIES IPVDP 110 building Designation Type Construction Shown J AJ Number of Stories and Height 2 - 1 1 FT Basic Allowable Area 9 QOO Increases For Multi-Stories For Yards Feet On Sides For Sprinklers - Total Allowable Area ActualArea Total /0 Area Separation Walls Yes QD Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Over Area Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Over Height Yes ' Yes No Yes No Yes No Yea No Over Stories Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No LI BUILDING AREA Provide on the Title Sheet of the plans the code justification for exceeding the basic allowable area in Table 5-C. Section 506 When a building has more than one Occupancy, the area shall be such that the sum of the ratios of the. actual area divided by the allowable area for each occupancy shall not exceed one. Section 503 As shown, the building(s) is/are over area for the Type of Construction shown. Table 5-C - The total floor area of a multi-story building cannot exceed twice the basic area allowed by Table 5-C after increasing the basic area, per Section 506 No single story can exceed the basic area allowed by Table S-C plus the increases allowed by Section 506. Unless considered a separate story, the floor area of a mezzanine shall be included in calculating the area of the story in which it is located. A basement need not be included in the total allowable area, provided such a basement does not qualify as a story nor exceed the area permitted for a one story building. AREA SEPARATION WALLS Area separation walls may separate Portions of a building and allow each portion to be considered a separate building, however, the area separation wall must be four-hour in Type I, II-F.R., III and IV buildings; and two-hour in Type II-one- hour, Type II-N and Type '/ buildings. Section 505(e)l Openings in four-hour area separation walls are required to be protected with three-hour fire-resistive assemblies, and 1-1/2 hour fire- resistive assemblies in two-hour area separation walls. Section 505(e) Openings in area separation walls are limited to 25 percent of the length of the wall in each story. Section 505(e) 49. If area separation walls do not extend to the outer edge of horizontal pro- jections. (balconies, roof overhangs, canopies, marquees and architectural projections) and the projecting elements contain concealed spaces, the wall shall extend through the concealed space to the outer edges of the projecting elements. The exterior walls, and projecting elements above, must be of one-hour con- struction on each side of the area separation wall for a distance equal to the depth of the projecting elements. Openings, in the one-hour walls must be protected with three-fourth-hour assem- blies.. Section 505(e)2 50. All area separation walls must extend in a continuous straight vertical plane from the foundation to a point 30 inches above the roof, but may terminate at the underside of the roof sheathing if the roof/ceiling is two-hour construction. 51. Two-hour area separation walls may ter- minate at the roof sheathing' provided that: Where the roof/ceiling framing elements are parallel to the walls, such framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less than one- hour fire-resistive construction for a width of not less than 5 feet on each side of the wall. Where roof/ceiling framing elements are perpendicular to the wall, the entire span of such framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Openings in the roof shall not be located within 5 feet of the area separation wall. Section 505(3) 52. No openings in the roof are permitted within 5 feet of a two-hour area separation wall if parapets are not provided. Section 505(e)3 - -' Area separation watts, which Separate portions of buildings having different heights, may terminate 30 inches above the lower roof level, provided the exterior wall for a height of 10 feet above the lower roof is of one-hour fire-resistive construc- tion with openings protected by three- fourths-hour assemblies. As an alternate, the wall may terminate at the sheathing of the tower roof, provided roof/ceiling elements, if parallel to the wall, are one-hour construction for a 10 foot width along the wall at the lower roof; where the lower roof/ceiling elements are perpendicular to the wall, the roof/ceiling elements shall be one- hour for the entire span. Section 505 (e)5. No openings in the lower roof are permitted within 10 feet of the area separation wall if parapets are not provided. Section 505(e)5 Show the basis for the approved fire- resistive construction elements for the area separation wall, parapet, and ceiling assembly if used in lieu of parapet. i.e. Item number in Table 43-A, B, C or U.L. Directory, etc. (Note that trusses require two layers of 5/8 inch Type 'X', per Gypsum Fire Resistance Design Manual, Item FC 5406) See the attached article, Area Separation Walls Revisited, and incorporate appropriate data and details on your plans. Provide complete details of the area separation wall(s) to show compliance with Section 505(e)1-5. Provide a note on the plans stating: Plumbing and conduit penetrations of the area separation wall shall be of copper or ferrous. No plastic pipe may penetrate the area separation wall. BUILDING HEIGHT/STORIES Clearly show the maximum building height based on the definition in Section 409. 00 Clearly show if the lower level is 'a basement or story, based on the definitions in Section 403 and 420. 61. Plot the finish grade (adjacent ground level) on the elevations and dimension the distance to the floor above for story determination. See definition of grade, Section 408. One additional story would be permitted beyond that shown in Table 5-0 if the building is sprinklered throughout and the sprinkler system is not other- wise required by Section 506 (area) or Section 508 (substitute for one-hour). Section 507 Towers, spires and steeples shall comply with Section 507, exception 1. FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION Where one-hour fire-resistive con- struction is required, an approved automatic sprinkler system, when not otherwise required, may be substituted for the one-hour construction. However, the fire sprinkler system shall not waive or reduce fire-resistive require- ments for: occupancy separations, exterior walls due to location on property, area separation walls, shaft enclosures, corridor protection, stair enclosures, exit passageways, type of construction separation per Section 1701 and atriums constructed in accord- ance with Section 1715. Section 508 Provide details of the one-hour fire- resistive construction. Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall assemblies, post and beam assemblies, etc. Maintain one-hour fire-resistive wall construction at built in wall fixtures and behind mailboxes, fire- exitinguisher cabinets, electric panels exceeding 16 square inches in area,.etc. Section 4304(e) Detail and reference ICBO number or other approval for horizontal fire assembly using trusses. Section 4303(b)8 Detail how fire-resistive wall and ceiling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry room fans and dryer vents. Also detail recessed light fixtures. Section 4303(b)6 Roof/ceiling and floor/ceiling assemblies must be of one-hour construction, detail fire assemblies on plans along with their ICBO number or other I.D. number from the Fire-Resistive Design Manual published by the Gypsum Assoc. or U.L. number or item number from Table 43-C. UBC Detail water heater vents located inside fire-resistive wall con- struction or within fire-resistive shafts. 62. The height and number of stories cannot exceed that. Shown in Table 5-D. 72. Detail pre-fabricated fireplace flues Show the code basis for the height/ within individual fire-resistive number of stories as shown, shafts and specify fire-stopping around fireplace, box opening. Section 4304(e) Clearly identify location and hourly fire-resistive rating of vertical shafts on the plans. Provide construction details showing location of fire dampers and how fire resistivity will be maintained at floors and roofs. Section 1706 Note on the plans that elevator doors must be constructed and installed in the same manner as a - hour fire assembly, even though elevator doors are not identified with fire labels.. Detail column fire protection per Table 43-A in the UBC and specify column impact protection in garage areas per SEction 4303(b)5. As a minimum, show a 22 ga. steel jacket around each column to a height of 3 feet above the ground for impact protection. Structural members such as beams supporting more than one floor or roof must be individually fire protected. (Section 4303(b)6) Detail required protection. Clearly specifyminimum thickness of walls and slabs to provide hour fire-resistive rating per Table 43-B and C. Clearly specify minimum cover for bonded reinforcing at fire-rated floors, fir_________ e-rated columns, fire- rated beams. Clearly specify minimum cover for prestressed concrete tendons per Section 4303(c)3. Detail all, plumbing and electrical penetration at occupancy, area, corridor or other fire separation walls as specified in Section 4304(e). Detail all furred ceilings as required in Section 4203. Show fire-retardant treated wood where necessary. Clearly label and identify on the plans the fire-resistive corridors, area separation walls, shafts, occupancy separation walls and floors, exit courts less than 10 feet wide and exit enclosures, along with their hourly ratings. Section 302(c) INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISH Foam plastics shall not be used as interior finish except as provided in section 1712. ' When walls and ceiling are required to be fire-resistive or non-combustible, the finish material shall be applied directly against the fire-resistive construction or to furring strips not exceeding 1-3/4 inches. The furred space shall be filled with inorganic or Class I' material or fire stopped and not to exceed 8 feet in any direction. When finish materials are set Out or dropped more than 1-3/4 inches from fire-rated walls or ceilings the finish material shall be Class I or sprinklered on both sides or attached to non-combustible backing or furring strips. 84.' Hangers and assembly members of dropped ceilings below a one-hour ceiling assembly shall be non-combustible materials except in Types III and V construction. Where fire-retardant treated wood may be used. All interior wall or ceiling finishes less than 1/4 inch thick shall be applied directly against a non-combustible backing unless it is in accordance with an approved tested assembly. Provide a note on the plans with the finish schedule that, "Wall and ceiling materials shall not exceed the flame spread class- ifications jrt.UBC Table 42-8." OCCUPANCY SEPARATION A -hour occupancy separation is required between______________________ occupancy and the occupancy. Table 5-B, Section 503(d), Tables 43-A, B, C and Chapter 43 Be. Administrative and clerical offices and similar rooms need not be separated for other occupancies provided they are less than 750 sq.ft., less than 25 percent of the floor area of the major use and not related to an H-1 or H-2 Occupancy. Section 503(d) Provide _-hour fire-resistive door assemblies in the _-hour occupancy separation. Section 503(c) The required three-hour rated occupancy separation between 8-2 and B-I occupancies may be reduced to a two-hour rating when the 8-1 is Limited to the storage of passenger vehicles, and the provisions of Section 702 are not applicable. Table 5-B The two-hour occupancy separation may be further reduced to one-hour, if the aggregate area of 8-1 occupancy within the building does not exceed 3,000 sq.ft. Section 503(d) A 8-1 occupancy- in the basement or first story of a building housing a group B, Division 2 occupancy may be classed as a separate building. The building above may also be considered a separate and distinct building for the purpose of area limitation, lim- itation of:number of Stories and type of construction ONLY if the following conditions are met: 91. Structural members supporting an occupancy separation must have the same fire-resistive rating as the separation. Table 5-B, Section 503(d), Tables 43-A, B, C and Chapter 43 No openings are allowed in a four- hour fire-resistive occupancy separation wall. Section 503(c) Openings in a three-hour fire- resistive separation shall be protected by a,three-hour assembly, and openings may not exceed 25 percent of the length of wall in the story and no single opening shall exceed 120 sq.ft. Section 503(d), Tables 43-A, B, C and Chapter 43 A two-hour fire-resistive separation shall be not less than two-hour fire- resistive construction. Openings shall be protected by a one and one- half-hour assembly. Section 503(c), Tables 43- A, B, C and Chapter 43 8-1 is Type I construction B-l/B-2 is separated by a three-hour occupancy separation C. B-i is restricted to passenger vehicle storage, laundry rooms and mechanical equipment rooms (No storage, recreation room, etc.) d. The maximum building height does not exceed the limits in Table 5-0 for the least - type of construction The Type I Construdtjon is required to have protected exterior wall openings when located within 20 feet from a property line. Section 1803(b) All openings in floors forming a three-hour separation shall be protected by vertical enclosures above and below the opening. The walls of such enclosures shall be not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction, and openings therein shall be protected by a one and one- half-hour assembly. Section 503(c), Tables 43-A. B, Cand Chapter 43 A one-hour fire-resistive separation shall be not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Openings shall be protected by a one-hour assembly. Section 503(c), Tables 43- A, B, C and Chapter 43 Occupancy separation wall penetrations must be either ferrous or copper and fire-stopped. Steel electrical outlet boxes, not exceeding 16 square inches per 100 square feet of wall, may be installed and shall be separated by a horizontal distance of 24 inches when on opposite sides of a wall. Section 4304(e). Fire-resistive floors used for occupancy separation shall have openings for mechanical and elec- trical equipment enclosed in shafts per Section 1706. Clarify that wiring within concealed spaces complies with Section 4305(e). Ducts penetrating one or two-hour occupancy separation ualrs must have fire dampers. A fire door is required for three-hour separations. Section 4306(j) .-, 103. Usable space under the first story, When constructed of metal or wood, shall be separated from the non-usable space, and the story above, as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction and the aoor to the usable space shall be self-closing, of non-combustible construction or solid wood core, not less than 1-3/4 inches in thickness. Section 1703 Show the basis for the rating of the occupancy separation you propose, i.e., Item number in Table 43-A, 8, C; Gypsum Fire-Resistive Design Manual; U.t.., etc. EXITS In all occupancies, floors above the first story having 10 or more occu- pants, shall have not less than two exits. Section 3303(a) Exits should have a minimum separation of one-half the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area served. Section 3303(c) The maximum number of required exits and their required separation must be maintained until egress is provided from the structure. Section 3303(a) Where a required exit enters a yard, the yard must lead to a public way. Section 3301 Where required exits enter an exit court (see definition, Section 404 and 3301), the exit court must discharge into a public way or exit passageway. The exits from the exit court shall comply with Section 3311 requirements for width, number, and protection of wailsand openings. Basements require two exits. Section 3303(a) Total width of exits in feet shall be not less than total occupant load served divided by 50. Tributary occupant load from basements and stories above shall be per Section 3303(b) and the maximum width required for any story shall be maintained. No point in the building shall be more than ISO feet (200 if sprinklered) from an exterior exit, horizontal exit, enclosed stairway or exit passageway, measured along the path of travel. This may be increased 100 feet if last 150 feet is in a corridor. Section 3303(d) (See exceptions) Double acting doors are not allowed when serving a tributary occupant load of more than 100, or when part of a fire assembly, or part of smoke and draft control or when equipped with panic hardware. Section 3304(b) Exit doors should swing in the direction of egress when serving occupant load of 50 or more. Section 3303(d) See doors 115 Exit doors should be openable from the inside without the use of a key, special knowledge, or effort. Section 3304(c) (Note that exit doors serving 10 or less occupants may have a night latch, dead bolt, or security chain per Title 24 2-3303(c).j Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3 feet by 6 feet 8 inches with a minimum door swing of 90 degrees. Maximum leaf width is 4 feet. Section 3304(e) The net dimension (clear width) at door- ways should be used in determining exit widths required by Section 3302(b). Section 3304(e). In consideration of door thicknesses, panic hardware, door swing etc., the required exit widths have not been furnished. See door_ 113 Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1/2 inch below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door. Section 3304(h) 119. Doors should not project more than 7 inches into the required corridor width when fully opened, nor more than one-half of the required corridor width when in any position. Section 3305(d) Revolving, sliding and overhead doors are not permitted as exj doors. Section 3304(g). A door may open over a stairway landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area of the landing, in the direction of travel, to less than one-half the required width of the stair- way. Section 3306(g) Minimum exit court width is 44 inches. Section 3311(b) Change in width in an exit court shall be effected gradually by a guardrail at least 36 inches high and making an angle of not more than 30 degrees with the axis of the court. Section 3311(b) Walls of exit passageways shall be without openings except exits and shall have walls, floors and ceilings of the same fire-resistance required for the building, with a minimum one-hour fire-resistive construction. Exit openings in the walls shall be protected by a three-fourths-hour assembly. Section 3312(a) Ramps required by Table 33-A shall not exceed 1:12; other exit ramps 1:8. Ramps steeper than 1:15 shall have handrails as required for stair- ways. Minimum size landings and landing clearances must be provided. Section 3307 ' I- - Stairway width must be at least inches when serving more than 50 occupants: 36 inches when less than 50; 30 inches when used as a private stairway serving less than 10. occupants. Section 3306(b) Section 3301(b) Seventy eight inch minimum headroom clearance for stairways should be indicated on the plans. Section 3306(p). Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosings. Stairway handrails should not pro- ject more than 3-1/2 inches into the required width. Trim may not project more than 1-1/2 inches. Section 3306(b) Enclosed usable space under interior or exterior stairways should be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive Construction. 2 x 8 16 O.C. nailers. Section 3306(m) (n) Landings should not be reduced in width more than 7 inches by a door when fully open. Where doors open over landings, the landing shall have a length of not less than 5 feet. Section 3306(g) and Section 3304(h) Stairways from upper levels which extend below the level from which eqress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lower levels. Section 3306(h) & 3309(e) Vertical distances between stairway landings are limited to 12 feet. Section 3306(i) All interior stairways and ramps - shall be enclosed. An enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not con- nected to Stairs or corridors serving other floors. Section 3309(a) 134. Stairway riser must be 4 inches . • minimum and 7-1/2 inches maximum and minimum run shall be 10 inches except in winding; circular or spiral • stairways. Section 3306(c) 135. Winding and spiral stairways are permitted only in residential occupancies. Section 3306(d) 136. Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3309: Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of Type I and II-F.R. Construction, and in all buildings over four stories, and one-hour elsewhere. Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit .enclosures. Doors should 'be labeled one an one-half-hours or one-hour fire assemblies. Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the ground floor extending to the exterior. Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected openings. Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor. An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from accidentally con- tinuing to the lower level. Usable space is not allowed under the stairs. 137. Occupied floors more than 75 feet above the highest grade should have all exits from the building in smoke-proof enclosures. Section 3310(b) 138. In buildings four or more stories, one stairway must extend to the roof. Section 3306(o). It must be in a smoke-proof enclosure in buildings over 75 feet in height. A first story as allowed by Section 702 shall be included in determining the number of stories when deter- mining if a stairway to the roof is required. Section 3306(o) Handrails are required on each side of stairways. Stairways required to be more than 89 inches wide shall have intermediate handrails. Stairways not over 44 inches wide may have one handrail if not open on both sides. Private stairways (1 tenant). 30 inches or less in height, may have one hand- rail. Handrails shall be 30 inches to 34 inches above nosing of treads and be continuous and, except for private stairways, at least one rail shall extend 6 inches beyond top and bottom risers. Handrail ends shall be returned or shall terminate in a newel post or safety terminal. Section 3306(j) The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension. Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail. Section 3306(j) Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the required stairway width. Section 3306(g) Openings in the exterior wall below or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior exit stairway in buildings over two stories shall be protected by a self-closing assembly having a three-fourths-hour rating, unless two separate exterior stairways serve an exterior exit balcony. Section 3306(1) CORRIDORS Corridors, and exterior exit balconies, serving 10 or more occupants must be a minimum 44 inches wide and 7 feet high to the lowest projection. Section 3305(b) When a corridor or exterior exit balcony is accessible to the handicapped, changes in elevation shall be made by means of a ramp. Section 3305(f) 0S•#•• - us. Corridors serving 30 or more occupants shall have walls and ceilings of one - hour construction except; Corridors greater than 30 feet wide when the occupants or areas served by the corridor have an exit independent from the cor- ridor. Exterior sides of exterior exit balconies. Section 3305(g) One-hour fire-rated corridors shall have door openings protected by tight-fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated 20 minutes, except openings in interior walls of exterior exit balconies. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic-closing by action of a smoke detector per Section 4306(b), doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door meets the stop on sides and top. Section 3305(h) Total area of all openings, except doors, in any portion of an interior corridor, shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of the corridor wall of the room which it is separating from the corridor. Such openings shall be pro- tected by fixed, approved 1/4 inch thick wired glass installed in steel frames. Section 3305(h) Duct penetrations of fire-rated corridor walls and ceilings shall have fire dampers per Section 4306(j). Viewports in 20 minute rated corridor doors cannot exceed 1 inch in diameter and must have 1/4 inch thick glass and metal holder that will not melt at 1700F. Section 3305(h) Provide a complete architectural section of the corridor, and exterior exit balcony, showing all fire-resistive materials and details of construction for all floors, walls, roof and all penetrations. Section 3305(g) Ceilings of combustible materials cannot be suspended below the one-hour corridor ceiling. Section 3305(g) Corridor walls may terminate at the ceiling only if the ceiling is an element of a one- hour fire-resistive floor or roof system. Section 3305kg) See attached details for approved methods of providing one-hour corridor construction. When two exits are required, dead end corridors and exit balconies are limited to20 feet. Section 3305(e) Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in areas where protected openings are required. Section 3305(i) EXIT SIGNS Exit signs are required for exits serving an occupant load exceeding 50. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 3314(a) Show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. Section 3313(a) Show that the power supply for exit illumination and exit signs is provided by two separate circuits. (Occupant load exceeds 50 in I occupancies, 100 in H occupancies and 300 in all others). Section 3313(b)l Show separate sources of power-for exit illumination and exit signs. (Occupant load exceeds 999 in A-1, 500 in A-2/2.1, 150 in churches, 100 in Its,. 500 in 8-2 occupancies). Section 3313(b)2 160 The exit sign locations as shown are not adequate. ELEVATORS Provide notes and details to show the elevator will comply with Sections 5101 through 5105. GLASS AND GLAZING Specify on the window schedule the glass type and thickness to show compliance with Table 54-A and B. Glass in doors or within 12 inches of doors is required to be safety glazing. Section 5406(d) Glass in excess of 9 sq.ft. with the lowest edge less than 18 inches above a walking surface shall be safety glazing or shall have a horizontal member not less than 1-1/2 inches in width and located between 24 and 36 inches above the walking surface. ROOT FIRE EXTINGUISHING A fire-retardant roof covering is 179. Fire sprinklers are required on any story required. See exceptions under or basement when the floor area exceeds Section 3202(b) 1,500 sq.ft. and there is not provided at least 20 sq.ft. of opening entirely Specify roof pitch. above the adjoining ground in each 50 lineal feet or fraction thereof of Roof pitch is not adequate for roof exterior wall on at least one side, or covering specified. Specify minimum When openings are provided on only one pitch of . side and the opposite side is more than 168 Specify roof material and application. 75 feet away. Section 3802(b) 180. Fire sprinklers are required in a basement 169. Specify ZCBO,-Ut, or other recognized it any portion of a basement is more than listing approval number for roof mater- 75 feet from openings in an exterior wall. • isis not covered ifl:UBC. Section 3802(b) Specify roof slope for drainage or 181. Fire sprinklers are required at the top design to support accumulated water, of rubbish and linen chutes and in their Section 3207(a) terminal rooms. Chutes extending through three or-more floors shall have additional Show roof drains and overflows. Size sprinkler heads installed within such drains per Appendix D of UPC. Section chutes at alternate floors. Sprinkler 3207(a) heads shalt be accessible for servicing. Section 3802(b) Show the legal basis to allow roof drainage to flow on to the adjacent 182. Fire sprinklers are required in retail property. sales rooms where the floor area exceeds 12,000 sq.ft. on any floor or 24,000 sq.ft. 173. Draft stop roof/ceiling area, attics, on all floors. Section 3802 • mansards, overhangs, false fronts and similar to limit area to 3.000 sq. ft. 183. Provide fire sprinklers_________________ or 60 12 (9.000 sq.ft. and 100 LF, if sprinklered). Section 2516(f) Section 506, 507, 508 or 3802. See also Jurisdiction Ordinance. 174. B-2 and 8-4 occupancies with over 50,000 sq. ft. of undivided area and 184. When serving more than 100 sprinkler heads, H occupancies over 15,000 sq.ft. of automatic sprinkler systems shall be super- single floor area shall have smoke and vised by an approved central, proprietary heat vents per Section 3206. or remote, station service, or shall be provided with a local alarm which will give 175 Provide skylight details to show corn- an audible signal at a constantly attended pliance with Section 3401 and 5207 or location. provide ICBO or other recognized approval listing. 185. Provide class standpipes per Section 3807. A first story as allowed by Section provide plastic roof panel details to 702 shall be included in determining the show compliance with Section 5206 or number of stories when determining if provide IC8O or other recognized standpipes are required. Section 3806 approval listing. TITLE 24 HANDICAPPED ACCESS AND ENERGY Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent CONSERVATION area is 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if a least 50 percent of 186 Provide notes and details on the plans !the required vent is at least 3 feet - • to show compliance with the enclosoed above eave or cornice vents. Section Handicapped Access and Energy Comser- 3205(c) • vation check lists. Provide a minimum 22 x 30 (or 30 x 30" if equipment is in attic) attic access opening. Section 3205(c) iL& Mc4 2ke Ck cJvo.J 7&i. -j 0i 17 • Jc - 199. Dimension foundations per Table 29-A. minus or I I I e.,oeto I •' " flCXNlU o. I IWom °' IPOOTWO I I OF POOTUGI I sitow I I I I m s I I $CATN ,scsi1I WAMOMW I I II I 6 lI2I 6. 121 I 2 I $ Iis i ' is I I I10I ' I Is $ 24J 200. Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Section 2516(c)3 Show foundation bolt size and spacing. Section 2907(e). Specify size, ICBO number and manufac- turer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distance and spacing. Section 306(f) Show size, embedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section 2303(b)4 Note on the plan that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to founda- tion inspection. Show adequate footings under all bearing walls and shear walls. Section 2901(d) Show stepped footings for slopes steeper than 110. Section 2907(c) Show minimum 18 inch clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12 inch clearance to bottom of girders. Section 2516(c)2 Show pier size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil. Table 29-A Show minimum under floor access of 18 inches by 24 inches. Section 2516(c)2 Show minimum under floor ventilation equal to 1 sq.ft. for each 150 sq.ft. of under floor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as practicable and shall provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Section 2516(c)6 Specify that posts embedded in concrete shall be pressure treated per UBC standard No. 25-12. Section 2516(c)l VOUNDATtON Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California Licensed Civil Engineer. The report shall include foundation design recorinendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with (JBC Section 2905. Specify on the foundation plan or structural specifications sheet the soil classification, the soil expansion index and the design bearing capacity of the foundation. Provide a letter. from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommen- dations in the soil report are properly incorpor- ated-into the plans. (When-required by the soil report) 190. The foundation plan does not comply with the following soil report recommendation(s) for this project: Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils report recommendations for foundation slab and building pad preparation. Note on the foundation plan that:"Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: a. the building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report; b. the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and; c. the foundation excavations, forming and reinforcement comply with the soils report and approved plane. 193. Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 psf soil bear-ing or per bearing value as determined by an engineer or architect. Chapter 29 Show height of all foundation walls. chapter 23 Show height of retained earth on all foundation walls. Chapter 23 Show distance from foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show slope and heights of cuts and fills. Chapter 29 Note on the plans that wood shall be 6 inches above finish grade. Section 2516(c)7 Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drain- age pattern and key elevations. Section 2905(Z) J141 pec-t'-l-.-, Lo fr',' MATERIALS Specify minimum 28 day concrete strengths used in structure elements. Indicate Cement type, maximum gallons of water per sack of cement, and maximum aggregate size used, or specify that a design mix will be provided. Specify grout mortar mixes and minimum strengths required for each. Specify minimum strength of masonry con- struction used in design. Specify type and grade of masonry units used. (O 4 Provide specifications for reinforcing steel. S05. Provide specifications for itructural steel. Provide specifications for pipe and struc- tural tubing. Provide specifications and manufacturer of structural steel decking. Provide welding rod designations for all welding. Provide bolt specification and indicate bolt connection type for, steel assembly. Provide specifications for all grades of sawn lumber used in construction. Specify combination symbol and species of wood laminations for glued laminated beams. Table 25C .512. Specify that an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Conformance for glued laminated members will be provided to the Building Inspector prior to their erection. Specify on plans that continuous special inspection is required for________________ STRUCTURAL The building is located in seismic zone __________ The value of I in formula V.ZICSKW should be • Sec. 2312(c) The value of'X in formula V-Z1CSXW should be . since the framing system does not qualify for K __________________ used in design. See U.B.C. Table 23 I The site period S. should be 1.5 unless substantiating geotechnical data is pro- vided to allow a lower value. Sec. 2312 (d) ' Clarify how the building period was de- termined. The importance factor -M should be _ for this building. U.B.C. Table 23K The 20 pound per square foot partition load should be included in building weight W. At each level assume 1/2 is tribu- tary to floor (or roof) above, and 1/2 is tributary to floor below for determining Wx. Sec. 2312(c) Include 25% of storage live load in the weight of the building at the appropriate floor level. Sac. 2312(c) 521 The total horizontal force CV) must be distributed over the height of the build- ing in accordance with U.B.C. Formulas 12-6 and 12-7. Sec. 2312(e) Show that wind load does/does not govern lateral force design. Sec. 2303(f); Sec. 2312(a) 3. Wind loading should be based upon exposure C unless justifying data is presented -to use Exposure B. Sec. 2311(c) Design roof members for uplift forces (wind) with due consideration for lateral support of compression elements of flex- ural members. U.B.C. Table 23H. The building has a physical or a dynamic setback. See additional corrections which follow. Limit the lateral deflections or story drift to .005 times the story height. Provide calculations for the deflections and multiply by the factor 1.0/K to ob- tain story drift. (.1.0/K shall be not less than 1.0) See 2312(h) Distribute horizontal force tributary to each line of resistance in accordance with the relative stiffness of shear resisting elements on that line. Building elements are required to be de- signed using a value of Cg as set forth in Table 23.7. This will apply to Exterior elements must comply with UBC .formula 12-8 (Chapter 23) and Sec. 2312(j) Ic. Connectors must be designed for one and one-third times the above forces. Fasteners must be designed for four times the above forces. Sec. 2312(j)3c Wood shear walls may not.be used to resist horizontal forces contributed by masonry or concrete in buildings over 1 story in height. See 2525(b) S31. Wood diaphragms may not be used in rotation except as provided in U.B.C. Sec. 2513(a) 532. Distribution of horizontal forces for de- termining diaphragm shear and collector forces shall be in accordance with U.B.C. Formula 12-9, Chapter 23. 533 Show drag struts (collectors) to Mear resisting elements and Connection details. Provide calculations. Provide a rotational analysis. Diaphragm is considered rigid. Sec. 2303(b) Accidental torsion -based upon 5% of max- imum building dimension must be added to the actual torsion resulting from eccen- tricity between center of mass and center of rigidity. Sea 2312(e)4 Suspended ceiling systems shall be designed for lateral forces (Cp-.30 s minimum WP - 4 pounds per square foot.) USC Table 23J Call Out nail size and spacing for all shear walls, floor and roof diaphragms. Indicate required blocking. 38. Show that the attachment for gypsum wall- board or stucco shear walls will have fasteners to studs, plates, and blocking. Table 47-I, footnote 2. The shear values for shear walls of stucco or gypsum wallboard are not cumulative with the shear values of other materials applied to the same wall. Sec. 4713(a). Maintain maximum diaphragm dimension ratios for shear walls and horizota1 diaphragms. USC Table 231, Sec. 4713(d). Specify common wire nails for plywood dia- phragms and shear walls. USC Table 25.1 .542 Specify plywood grade and shéw plywood pattern for floor and, roof diaphragms. USC Table 25.1 Gypsum lath and plaster, gypsum sheathing board and gypsum wall board shall not be used in vertical diaphragms to resist forces tributary from masonry or concrete construction. Sec.4713(b) Provide calculations to determine the num- ber size, and spacing of anchor bolts and hold down anchors required to transfer lateral forces in wood shear walls to the foundations. Show on foundation plan. ' Anchorage of concrete and masonry walls should comply with U.S.C. Sec. 2310. Where anchorage of masonry or concrete walls exceeds 4 ft. spacing, provide calculations for the horizontal element spanning between anchor locations. Sec. 2310 Diaphragms supporting concrete or masonry walls are required to have continuous ties between diaphragm chords, or use sub dia- phragms and provide calculations therefor. Sec. 2312(j)20 Where wood diaphragms provide lateral support for concrete or masonry walls, an- chorage shall not be accomplished by toe- nails or nails subject to withdrawl nor shall wood framing be used in cross grain bending or tension perpendicular to the grain. Sec. 2312(j)3A Framing elements not required by design to be part of the lateral force resisting system shall be investigated and shown to be adequate for vertical load carrying capacity and an induced moment due to 3/K times the destortions resulting from code required forces. Sec. 2312(J)ID Braced frames and connections are required to be designed for 1.23 times code pre- scribed lateral forces tributary thereto. Sec. 2312(j)1G. A 1/3 stress increase is -not permitted for *the design of connections of braced frame members. Sec. 2312(j)10. Relative rigidities of masonry shear walls must be determined using a Modulus of Elasticity equal to 1000 f'm for all walls even though special inspection is not pro- vided. Table 24li Concrete shear walls shall be designed for .90 + 2E, and 1.4 (D+L) + 25 (Ultimate. load). Sec. 2627(a) When calculating shear stresses, masonry shear walls shall be designed to resist 1.5 times the code prescribed lateral forces. U.S.C. Table 245, footnote 3. Add tributary seismic load from the weight.. of the shear wall to shear and overturning- moment calculations where mass of walls parallel to the direction of lateral force has not been included in V (V-ZICSKW). Note detinition of N in Sec. 2312(c) Provide overturning calculations for shear resisting elements. Sec. 2303(b)3. Check footings for maximum allowable soil pressure resulting from lateral forces applied to shear walls. Clarify how lateral forces from build- ing are resisted at foundation level, or other level which provides reaction to shear resisting elements. • Sec. 2303(b)4 Reinforced concrete frames used as shear resisting elements must be designed as ductile frames regardless of K value used (V-ZICSKW). Sec. 2312(j)1C. 560. Concrete frames used in the perimeter tine of vertical support are required to be ductile momenting resisting space frames. Sec. 2312(j)IC 361. The moment resisting steel frame must qualify as a ductile frame. Sec. 2312(J)IA Clearly reference and cross reference de- tails on the plans, sections, elevations, etc. Sec. 302 Detail all beam-to-column, column-to-foot ing and beam-to-beam connections. Floor design should include a 20 pound per square foot partition load in addition to dead load plus live load. Sec. 2304(d) Table 23-A requires that floors be designed for a pound concen-trated load distributed over 2-1/2 foot square area. Check resulting shear and flexural stresses with load applied at appropriate location to result in maximum stresses. Sec.2304(c) Exitways (corridors, balconies, stairs, etc.) are required to be designed for 100 pounds per square Loot live load. Table 23-A Motor vehicle storage areas shall be designed for wheel loading. Specify max-imum vehicle weight allowed. Sec. 2304(c) The live load reductions used have not been based upon proper tributary area. Sec. 2306 The live load reductions taken do not comply with the limitations set forth in Sec. 2306. Interior walls and partitions exceeding 6 feet in height must be designed for all applied loads but not less than 5 pounds per square foot applied perpen- .dicular to the wall. Sec. 2309 Provide calculations for deflection of structural members and show that com- pliance with Section 2307 is provided. Load combinations for the design of structural members should be in accor- dance with Section 2303(f). Garages for the storage of private pleasure motor vehicles should be de- signed for a minimum 2,000 pound wheel load. Sec. 2304(c) Justification is required that sufficient slope or camber is provided to assure roof drainage after long term dead load deflection occurs. In lieu thereof, roofs must be designed for weight of ponded water. Sec. 2305(f) -Handrails/guardrails are required to be designed for a horizontal force of pounds per lineal foot applied at top__ of_ rail. Table 233 Ceiling framing is required to be designed for minimum vertical load of 10 pounds per square foot. Table 233 Show size, spacing, and direction of span for floor,ceiling, and roof framing members, including headers, girders and beams. Floor joists and rafters shall be pro- vided with lateral support as set forth in Section 2506(g) Provide 3 * 4 studs (or 2 x 6) in first story of three story buildings. Table 25-R-3 Show double floor joists under bearing partitions which are parallel with floor joists. Provide complete roof framing details, show hip and valley member sizes and how they are supported. Show location of all rafter purlins and how they are braced. Provide rafter ties at 4 feet maximum spacing where ceiling joists are not paralled to rafters. Sec. 2517(h) Provide truss details, manufacturer and truss identification appropriate for this specific project. Provide truss calculations. Show appropriate bearing and post support for trusses. Show double top plate with minimum 48 inches lap splice. Sec. 2517(a) Provide fire blocking at, floors, ceilings, coves, and midheight of walls over 10 feet in height. Sec. 2517(f) Provide draft stops for double staggered studs and concealed spaces such as man- sard roof construction. Sec.. 2517(Z) \ Provide calculations and details of girder trusses and show how they are supported. Clarify how trusses transfer load (vertical and lateral) to top plate of bearing walls or to other support. Note on the plans the truss manu- facturer's recommended bracing to re- .1st and/or transfer lateral forces or movement will be in place prior to a frame inspection. Allowable stresses in glued laminated members and/or sdwn lumber over 12 inches in depth must be adjusted in accordance with a depth reduction factor. Sec. 2511 (d) and 2504(c)5. Note on the plans that wood floor and roof sheathing placement and nailing must be inspected and approved before covering. Show 1/2 inch minimum clearance between top plate of interior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. Bolted connections exposed to weather are limited to 75 percent of allowable loads eat forth in Table 25-F. USC Std. 25-17. Show a nailing schedule on the plans. Table 25-Q. Structural masonry piers with a width of lass than 3 times the pier thickness should be designed and reinforced as for columns. Sec. 2416(f) Concentrated loads on masonry or concrete walls may not be distributed over a length of wall greater than the width of bearing plus 4 times the wall thickness. Sac. 2416(j), 2614(c)3 Reinforced masonry bearing walls shall be not less than V in thickness and the ratio of height (or length) to thickness shall not exceed 25. Sec. 2417(j), Table 241 800. The vertical reinforcement provided in masonry columns must be not less than 1/2 of 11. nor more than 41 of the gross area of the column. Sec. 2417(k)IA Lateral ties for longitudinal steel in masonry columns does not comply with mm-. imum requirements. Sac. 2417(k)33 Provide calculations for the design of the retaining wall(s) shown. The calcula- tions should investigate sliding, stability against overturning and soil pressures. Additionally, justify the size and spacing of the reinforcement shown. Justify the equivalent fluid pressure, surcharge loading and sliding coefficient used in the design of the retaining wall(s). Show drainage behind the retaining wall(s). Refer to the soils report, where applicable for recommendations. For the restrained walls shown, provide adequate anchorage at the top of the wall to resist the design loads. Consider the combination of bending and axial stresses in those retaining walls supporting vertical loads. ck (A q /4p h* ej7) 6i: (AJoAç (.jC l'iV' -b O 0 7, Z4A XCTt/ S L, ! 7k - ij /j cn fr c ' T t,771 )i cJ c 5 c2 'O P, r-1-0 c Neilit' / gc[ 1;I2r41"-L..i; cf Ci'c.5 / C/L/I v'f Lf 17' CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO. 85-496 SEPTEMBER 13, 1985 ELECTRICAL .. .609. Wire sizes and conduit sizes serving panels 'A' and. 'B' are not shown. Use at least 3-4/0 Cu, THW 2" conduit for each. . . .. The design lighting wattage on form 5 exceed the allowable. Please clarify. See form 5 of the energy documentation., Per Building Department policy gas lines can not run across top of roof. Run in the ceiling and pop up through roof next to each unit. ' 0 If you have any questions, please contact Abe Doliente of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-1468. Thank you. S. •S-••• Date :______ Prepared by Ob Jurisdiction -H ?t 60 - S ' Bldg. Dept. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE Esgil I- PLAN CHECK NO. gs- 4-9 BUILDING ADDRESS.- /27 4-M F& 0 IZ& APPLICANT/CONTACT 1kcAJ 607A-1,9'1 PHONE NO. L17-.5 gg0 BUILDING OCCUPANCY - 2 DESIGNER PHONE____________ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Li _V CONTRACTOR PHONE___________ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION MULTIPLIER VALUE P&,i)fL czri/cc sio S______ AirConditioninE S Commercial . . . Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Sprinklers S S S Total Value S S • / 9-191 _70 Fee Adjusted To Reflect 0 Energy Regulations (Fee x l.i) • S 0 Handicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) Building Permit Fee. . S S • S Plan Check Fee $ • S S $ 4 Z' ok COMMENTS: 8/4/82 cc TWO CAR GARAGE______________________________ CC1ENTS: REAR ____ 'p. REDEVELOPMENT AOVAL REQU I. - PLAN CHECK NUMBER L ADDRESS_/73 DATE PLANNING: TYPE OF STRUCTURI)LZCA) "V tt ZONE: SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO ENCINITAS________________ NUMBER OF UNITS CARLSBAD 'a BUILDING HEIGHT__________________________ FENCES/WALLS_______________________________ SAN MARCUS - REQUIRED SETBACKS_____________ FRONT SIDE '- )3 -pM IT ?-t cr to NJ %wj 4. LANDSCAPE PLAN COENTS: S I&t EtwIC?:;aNTAL REQUIRED: ADDITIONAL CO1ENTS: OK TO ISSUE:TIJ-\- DATE: I(.j2 K TO FINAL: - DATE:____________ ** /ENGINEEING LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED?_j A.P.N. CHECKED?— P. F. F. PARK IN LIEU R 0 W. IMPROVEMENTS: S \'• E.D.U: )1rJ 6'o' . SEWER: LATERAL: I, DRIVEWAY: ____________________ ING PERMIT: DRAINAGE: EASEMENTS: ,j1ec44,_ C0141EN1S: _ tikkjC) cl T_Je;4Th7 4 ' _ &—pL TPOUj J i i AW-kQUAL -7b OSG7_WM OK TO ISSUE: DATE:___________________________ * ENGINEERING INSPECTION REQUIRED:_________________________________________________ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR: FINAL OK: DATE: - * IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS - (DRIVEWAYS, CURB :ui ORA1!4AGE, T) - TO: THE CITY ENGINEER THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVE. CARLSBAD , CA.92008 FROM: ALAN D. & LOUISE A. STANGER 2129 BULRUSH. LANE CARDIFF-BY-THE-SEA ,CA. 92007 RE: SDP-85-4 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SDP-85-4 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL #32, (1 ),WE HEREBY AGREE TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO PROVIDE RECIPROCAL ACCESS TO THE OWNERS AND USERS OF THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES OVER A COMMON DRIVEWAY, ALAN D. STANGE LOUISE A. STANGER DATE ç/1y/tr . DATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO On June 18, 1985 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Alan D. Stanger and Louise A. Stanger -------- ------ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged' that he executed the same. WITNESSmy handand. official seal. B. Maias -. - _--L - OFFICIAL SEAL B. MATH lAS .t;tf.I.I NOTARY PtJILlCCAIIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN SAN CIEGO COUNTY L My cmrnision Foirs (Tht 25, 1986 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 TELEPHONE (619) 438-5523 Qt:itp of (Caribab FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN CHECK REPORT PAGE 1OF_L. - APPROVED - DISAPPROVED PLAN CHECK# PROJECT JtJT7°ti oftce: luiJ1)iN9 ADDRESS 1272 Liiç J'/0/2rc AV - ARCHITECT D°ii Lw ArA ADDRESS 30g Frh A-ve PHONE ________ OWNER ALuM ADDRESS S41V ()I&c 9103 PHONE OCCUPANCY - - CONST. ________ TOTAL SQ. FT. 3I0* STORIES 0 SPRINKLERED. 0 TENANT IMP. APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: 2. - 3. —4. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS Provide one copy of: floor plan(s); site plan; sheets Provide two site plans showing the location of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project. Provide specifications for the following: * Permits are required for the installation of all fire protection systems (sprinklers, stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, COa, alarms, hydrants). Plan must be approved by the fire department prior to installation. The business owner shall complete a building information letter and return it to the fire department. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT 6. __x_ .7 The following fire protection systems are required: Automatic fire sprinklers (Design Criteria: Dry Chemical, Halon, CO2 (Location: O Stand Pipes (Type: 0 Fire Alarm (Type/Location: Fire Extinguisher Requirements: One 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each 4600 sq. ft. or portion thereof with a travel distance to the nearest extinguisher not to exceed 75 feet of travel. 0 An extinguisher with a minimum rating of ________ to be located: 0 Other: ...... 8; Additional fire hydrant(s) shall be provided PeItJA iJre - '. EXITS ........ 9. Exit doors shall be openablefrom the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. ........10. A sign stating, "This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above the main exit and doors Wile,, 'L11N A JAL01CA7-ojV7 z7y ft beAio /L 11. EXIT signs (6" x 3/4" letters) shall be placed over all required exists and directional signs located as necessary to clearly indicate the location of exit doors. GENERAL _..X...12. Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code. • .__13. Building(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock. Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. If high stock pil- ing is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81. _14. Additional Requirements. w viii riw - 15. Comply with regulatio ttacherdjet _2 C - Plan Examiner Date Report mailed to architect _______ Met with ___________________________________ _____ Attach to Plans 8559- JO8 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED By DATE CHECKED BY DONALD R. GOLIDMAN SCALE & ASSOCIATES, A I A AUG 1.9 1985 ) R. H. FLORES & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 3778 Fourth Avenue SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 299.9233 STRUCTURAL CALCULATION FOR: C. RECEIVED A. CONTENTS SECTION ITEM . PAGE 1 DESIGN LOAD . D - 2 ROOF FRAMING R- 3 FLOOR FRAMING . F - 4 COLUMN AND FOOTING C - 5 WALLS DESIGN W - 6 LATERAL ANALYSIS L - 7 SPECIAL STRUCTURE DESIGN 8 SPECIAL DETAILS B. DESIGN CRITERIA GOVERNING CODES: SEISMIC ZONE: 1979 UBC 1978 AC1 EIGHTH EDITION AISC MAX. SOIL BEARING: PSF MATERIALS AND DESIGN STRESSES: CONCRETE F PSI; STEEL REINFORCING F STRUCTURAL STEEL: F KS! MASONRY BLK. F Yp51; STEEL REINFORCING SPECIAL INSPECTION: YES OR NO G.L.B. COMBINATION BOLTED CONNECTIONS: BASIC LIVE LOADS ROOF: FLOORS: ATTICS: \ SPECIAL twA : . YM ND H FLOIL S.E. 1804 K S I - KS I R. H. FLORES & ASS. )ATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 3778 4th Avenue SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 299-9233 J09- SHEET IO OF CALCU TEO BY' DATE ChECKED BY DATE SCAF - R. H. FLORES & ASSC TES SHEET NO. .1 OF Consulting Engineers, Inc. DATE 3778 4th Avenue CALCULATED 8Y SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103. __________________ (619) 299.9233 CHECKED BY DATE -_- R. H. FLORES & ASS' 'SATES Consulting Engineers, c. 3778 Fourth Avenue SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 299-9233 JOB F SHEET NO OF _ ______________________ CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE - SCALE ( ) BEAM DESIGN L -------SPAN iN (FT.) W -------LOAD FN (/1) M 1 WL2 MOMENT IN (-1) 8 - REQUIRED MOMENT INERTIA IN (IN4) K 2700 FOR __L_) 180 3600 FOR L 5400 FOR L 360 R 2 - WL REACTION IN () MARK CALCULATION I SIZE L - W . 33 - Ma=TiCO I I R Va= L = JO N = jt a3 - L M =5660 M= 2800*1 I = R = V L= I • 4-xJO PB-3 • M = , /2OI M= I = I).(o'•• I = R= j.59 0 • Va= !jç R. H. FLORES & ASS. )ATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 3778 Fourth Avenue SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 299-9233 JOB F- SHEET NO -. OF CALCULATED 81 DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE ) BEAM DESIGN (CONTINUED) MARK II CALCULATION • SIZE I L I I.--. •' IiIJ1 F W1. 7o.2) T,2x,3 v °Zj / 5f2 /37' I . Ma= &5 'R cc.' bc,o I = R = Va= I4.& L= Q.c' W = dx /3 !'7 ico M= 1= R -) 101 (LB&'L4 1-----•-----c)----------• I- / •M= a 34.qo Va= L wI = )23t2: .x33- :; ' r 4J'2 M ="w 041 • M = a = 'R L4-? / / i R = 044 lfp!4 Va= L= 0 W = M = 'R R= 'T4- M= a 1= V = a El SB- M= a . R. H. FLORES & ASSOJ1TES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 3778 4th Avenue SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 299-9233 JOB SHEET NO I OF CALCULATED BY C..\J. DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE HEAE. • IOx"/ 330' 1 ZDI /14JL. •i )• • /1\ 9c 4c2 •'Q •• 4,'ô -: 45oo I •• R. H. FLORES & ASSO..JTES JOB SHEET Consulting Engineers, Inc. NO.OF 3778 4th Avenue CALCULATED BY '-' / DATE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (6 19) 299-9233 CHECKED BY ____________________ DATE SCALE i Q/ JNO4T/9A) D:/. D-L. 6. 1 J ___ •• . . . • <1 Sf •/ / e !9! us 4. .. •. S . S S -c) •'/.f / S • S M )2J . .: S lS. S S 55 5 5 , )(.. p_I , 55 . I\-'L''-.,•D. R. H. FLORES & ASS TES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 3778 4th Avenue SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 299-9233 Joe SHEET NC. I OF - CALCULATED BY c.. DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE R. H. FLORES & ASSOiTES JOB SAEETNO _________ OF Consulting Engineers, Inc.. 3778 4th Avenue CALCULATED BY v-' ' DATE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 299-9233 CHECKED BY ___________________ OAT SCALE (' r' 4_7J. CA . - t+*.: 4 o !, (.. +•;-2 4 7 • V- / . ,:-.----' .V = STO lip - '-.,,.•. -,.•.,. T. •'2LS5 R. H. FLORES & ASSckITES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 3778 4th Avenue SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 299-9233 JOB SHEET NO OF_ CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE L - 1 2.4 3 , u 0, R. H. FLORES & ASSAATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 3778 4th Avenue SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 2999233 SCALE CHECKED BY DATE CALCULATED BY JO B - SHEET NO OF DATE R. H. FLORES & ASSOJTES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 3778 4th Avenue SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92103 (619) 299-9233 SHEETNO -.-- OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE -. LA2AL A's; U . ... . ..• L . . ;j . .. . .. -.1 . .... ,.. . . j,.— .) y 97—• ..—.!b:,'.,.,.. . .. •• • .15o/ .. • I L1. • . I . . . . . .. . ... ••.-, ,: . . . ,. ..• . . .. • I1 I - ., .. .... (r . 4 . . I U gc-q4 I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR I STANGER DENTAL OFFICE I CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA I I For DONALD GOLDMAN AND ASSOCIATES' I San Diego, California I F By I GEOCON, ' INCORPORATED ii San Diego, California October, 1985 I GEOCON I N C 0 R P 0 R A T E D ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS IN THE APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES ' DONALD R. GOLDMAN &ASSOCIATES, AIA File No. D-3552-JO1 I October 2, 1985 OCT 031985 RECEIVED Donald Goldman and Associates 3604 Fourth Avenue San Diego, California 92103 Attention: Mr. Donald R. Goldman Subject: STANGER DENTAL OFFICE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 AND LAS FLORES DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Gentlemen: In accordance with your. request, we have performed a geotechnical investigation for the proposed Stanger Dental Office to be located at the above-referenced site. We are pleased to submit the accompanying report which presents the results of our investigation along with recommendations and conclusions for developing the project as presently proposed. Should you have questions concerning our report or if we can be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GPI!, INCORPORATED J es E.i1k . . gober/eS4Johston Michael W. Hart R E11703; 1703 ns 0 CEG 706 Staff Engineer RSJ:JEL:lm . (4) addressee U 0530 DOWDY DRIVE • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92126 • PHONE (619) 695-2880 TABLE OF CONTENTS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Page Purpose and Scope .................• • 1 Site and Project Description ................ 1 Soil Conditions ....................... 3 Seismicity .......................... 3 Groundwater ........ ... ......• • • • • • • 4 Liquefaction .......................... 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General ............................ 5 Grading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . 5 Foundations. . . . ..................... 7 Retaining Walls ....................... 8 Pavement Design....................... 9 Slabs-on-Grade ....................... 10 Site Drainage and Moisture Protection............. ii Grading Plan Review..................... 11 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS ............ 12 Figure 1, Site Plan APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION Figures A-i - A-2, Logs of Test Borings APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Table I, Moisture-Density and Direct Shear Test Results Table II, Compaction Test Results Table III, Expansion Test Results APPENDIX C RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS GEOCON INCORPORATED I I File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Purpose and Scope I We have performed a geotechnical investigation for the Stanger Dental Office proposed for the intersection of Interstate Route 5 and Las Flores 1 Drive in Carlsbad, California. The purpose of our investigation was to I evaluate the subsurface soil conditions at the site and, based on the conditions encountered, to provide recommendations relative to the geotechnical engineering aspects of the proposed project development. I The scope of our field Investigation consisted of a site reconnaissance and the excavation of four exploratory borings. Laboratory tests were performed I on selected representative soil samples to evaluate the pertinent physical properties. Details of our field and laboratory tests are presented in I Appendices A and B, respectively. The recommendations presented herein are I based on an. analysis of the data obtained in the various phases of the investigation and our experience with similar soil and geologic conditions. I Site and Project Description - U The subject site is located on the south side of Las Flores Drive adjacent to and east of the Interstate Route 5 right-of-way in Carlsbad, California. 1 The irregular-shaped .4 acre site is currently occupied by a one-story residential timber structure. The topography of the site grades gently to 1 the southwest. Numerous mature trees border the western property boundaries I -1- I GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I -2- File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 along the Caltrans right-of-way and also border the property boundary along Las Flores Drive. To the rear of the site is a large half acre garden with existing surface drainage onto the subject site. The existing residential structure located on the site is supported by continuous poured-in-place concrete foundations. The house will be demolished prior to construction of the proposed dental building. It is our understanding that the site will he prepared to receive a two- story dental office building. The office building will he constructed over a built-up first floor supported on isolated concrete foundations. We understand that the layout will include a 30-inch crawl space beneath the first floor. In addition, project development will include construction of a 6-foot plastered retaining wall along the eastern and southern boundaries in addition to related parking and trash pickup facilities. The locations and descriptions contained herein are based upon our site reconnaissance and our review of the site plan entitled "Stanger Dental Office" prepared by Donald Goldman and Associates dated September 16, 1985. If project details vary significantly from those described herein, Ceocon, Incorporated should be notified for review and possible revision of the recommendations presented herein prior to design plan finalization. I I I I I I Li I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 Soil Conditions I The soil conditions as determined from the field investigation consist primarily of terrace deposits. The Quaternary terrace deposits were found to consist of medium dense to dense, red-brown, slightly moist to moist, I fine to medium, slightly silty sands occasionally grading to relatively clean well graded sands. These soils, in both their undisturbed natural I states or as properly compacted fill soils, possess excellent foundation support characteristics. The terrace deposits were encountered to the I maximum depth of exploration. I Seismicity IA review of the published geologic maps of the area indicate that no known faults pass through the site. The closest known active fault is the I Elsinore Fault zone located approximately 23 miles northeast of the site. The San Jacinto Fault zone lies approximately 45 miles to the northeast of I the site. I An offshore trace of the Rose Canyon Fault zone has been mapped approxi- mately 4 miles west of the site (Map No. 1, California Division of Mines I and Geology). This fault is considered to be potentially active meaning that evidence exists for movement within this zone during the Pleistocene I age (2 million to 11,000 years ago) but not during the Holocene age (last • 11,000± years). I i GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 The site could be subjected to moderate to severe ground shaking in the event of a major earthquake along any of the above-mentioned faults or any of the active faults in the Southern California area; however, in our opinion the seismic risk at the site is not significantly greater than that of the nearby areas. Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in the field investigation, therefore, groundwater related construction problems are not expected to impact project development. Liquefaction The dense nature of the terrace deposits combined with the absence of a groundwater table indicates that the potential for liquefaction at this site is very low. -4- GE000N INCORPORATED 1 I File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General I i. In our opinion the site is suitable for the proposed construction of the Stanger Dental Office Complex, provided the recommendations of this I report are carefully followed and implemented during the construction of the above project. I. No springs, seeps or groundwater was encountered during our investiga- tion. It is, therefore, our opinion that if surface drainage is directed I into contained drainage structures, the potential for future groundwater or seepage-related problems should be minimal. In general, native site soils were found to be nonexpansive and are I considered suitable for useas structural fill and/or backfill. Should it become necessary to import materials for use as structural fill or I backfill, these materials should be approved for use by Geocon, Incorporated prior to site delivery. I No potential geologic hazards were observed and are known to exist on I the site which would adversely affect the proposed project. I Grading All grading contemplated should be performed in accordance with the I "Recommended Grading Specifications" contained in Appendix C and the I... I . 1 GEOCON INCORPORATED I I File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 Grading Ordinance of, the City of Carlsbad. Where the recommendations of I Appendix C conflict with this section of the report, the recommendations of this section shall take precedence. 6. All fill(including backfill and scarified ground surfaces) should be I compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density at or above the I optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM Test Procedures D1557-70, Method A or C. T. All existing improvements should be removed in their entirety and I disposed of offsite. This includes existing concrete foundations and any abandoned underground utilities. 8. Existing light surface vegetation should be stripped from the proposed I building and pavement areas and disposed of offsite. Deleterious surface debris including concrete' remains and discarded lumber should be removed I ' from the subject site. I 9. After the stripping process has been completed, the then exposed natural soils should be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, moisture conditioned and I recompacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. It is our I , understanding that the proposed site grading will be minimal and primarily related to site preparation (clearing, stripping) and landscaping. ' In the I event fill soils are required, fill can then be placed to attain the desired subgrade elevations in lifts no thicker than that which will allow I " -6- ' GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I .File No. D-3552-JO1 ' October 2, 1985' for adequate compaction and bonding. A thickness of 6 to 8 inches may be I assumed as a satisfactory lift size for this project. As noted previously, all fill should be placed at a. moisture content at or above the optimum I . moisture content as determined by ASTM Test Procedure D1557-70, Method A or C. I 10. Imported fill soils, should they be needed, are, to be approved by a representative of Geocon,' Incorporated prior to. delivery to the site. All I .imported fill 'soils should be granular in nature and possess an expansion index (El) of 50 or less. Foundations 11. It is our opinion that the proposed Stanger Dental Office can., be supported on continuous strip footings and/or isolated 'spread footings providing' .the recommendations', of this report are "followed. Continuous strip' foundations should have, a minimum width of 12 inches and extend at least 12 inches below the lowest adjacent. 'pad; grade. Minimum footing reinforcement should consist of at least two No., 4stel bar's, one placed near the top of the ,footing and.. one placed near the bottom. Isolated spread footings'should be at least 18 inches square and should. likewise 'extend at least 12 inches below the lowest adjacent pad grade.' Reinforcement specifications given herein are intended for soil cons i'derat ions' only and are not to be used in lieu of structural reinforcement. 1 I I 1 I -7- I GE000N INCORPORATED File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 Footings designed as recommended above may be proportioned to impose a bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. This allowable bearing capacity is for dead plus live loads and may be increased by one-third for transient loads. It is recommended that, prior ' to placing steel or concrete, all foundation excavations be observed by a representative of Geocoñ, Incorporated to verify that the soil conditions do not differ significantly from those encountered during our investigation. If uncompacted fill soils are encountered, foundation modifications may be required. Retaining Walls All retaining wall foundations should comply with the recommendations stated in the previous section. All retaining walls should be designed to resist active earth pressures equal the the force exerted by a fluid pressure of 35 pcf. This assumes a level, drained and properly compacted backfill, with the backfill extending a lateral distance of .5H from the heel of the retaining wall. The value is based on the supposition that no surcharge loads, will, be situated within a lateral distance from the top of the wall equal to the height of the wall. For retaining walls that are fixed or restrained at the top (i.e. basement walls), an additional uniform pressure of 711 psf (where H equals the height of the wall in feet) should be added to the above equivalent fluid loading. -8- ' . . . ' . ' '..'. GEOCON - . - INCORPORATED 1 I File No. D-3552-JO1 S October 2, 1985 17. Passive earth pressures against properly backfilled walls and spread I footings are considered to equal the forces exerted by a fluid weight of I 300 pcf. These pressures can be used to resist lateral loads providing the footings or shear keys are poured neat against properly compacted fill I soils or suitable formational soils and that the soil mass extends a minimum of 5 feet horizontally from the face of the footing, or three times I the height of the surface generating the passive pressure, whichever is greater. However, the upper 12 inches of material not protected by floor I slabs or pavement should not be included in the design for passive resistance. I . 18. If friction is utilized to resist lateral loads, a coefficient of friction between the soil and concrete.of 0.4may be used. I 19. All retaining walls should be provided with a backfill drainage system adequate to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces. I Pavement Design S 20. A representative sample of the subgrade soils was tested in accordance I with California.Test No. 301 to determine its R-Value (Resistance Value). The test yielded an R-Value of 74 for the sample tested. Utilizing the Caltrans method of pavement design, and assuming a Traffic Index (TI) of 4.5, we recommend that the structural pavement section consist of 2 inches I of asphalt concrete placed over 4 inches of Class II aggregate base. I I I S5 5 5 5 GEOCON INCORPORATED .1 U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 Processed disintegrated granite base complying with Section 400-2.3.1 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction may be substituted for the Class II base. The aggregate base and subgrade material should be compacted to at least 95 percent and 90 percent relative compaction, respectively. Where trash pick-up areas are planned, it is recommended that a concrete parking apron be provided for the trash truck loading. The concrete slab should be reinforced with at least 6x6-6/6 welded wire mesh. The performance of asphalt concrete pavements is highly dependent upon providing positive surface drainage away from the edge of the pavement. Ponding of water on or adjacent to the pavement will likely result in pavement distress and subgrade failure. If planter "islands" are proposed, the perimeter curb should extend at least 12 inches below the surface of the adjacent pavement. In addition, the surface drainage within the planter should be such that ponding will not occur. Slabs-on-Grade 20. Although the majority of the structure will be supported on built-up flooring systems, recommendations for concrete slabs-on-grade are included herein should they be proposed for ancilliary facilities. Concrete slabs- on-grade should possess a minimum thickness of 4 inches. Minimum slab reinforcement should consist of 6x6-10/10 wire mesh. The bedding under -10- GE000N INCORPORATED I , H • File No. D-3552-JO1 • October 2, 1985 slabs should consist of at least 4 inches of clean sand or crushed. rock. I If moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, the use of a visqueen barrier is also recommended. At least 2 inches of the clean sand should be I placed above the visqueen to allow for Care should proper concrete curing. I be taken to make sure that the reinforcement is located in the middle of the slab. and Moisture Protection Site Drainage I 21. Proper site drainage is imperative. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond next to footings or near the edge of pavements. I All roof and surface drainage should be directed into conduits which carry runoff away from the proposed structures. . I 22.. Site irrigation should be monitored to insure that overwatering does not occur. . I Grading Plan Review 23. Geocon, Incorporated should review the project grading and foundation I plans to determine if additional recommendations or analysis are required. I I I I I . . . GEOCON I NC ORPORATED -12- JON' INCORPORATED File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS The recommendations of this report pertain only to the site investigated and are based upon the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the investigation. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, or if the proposed construction will differ from that planned at the present time, Geocon, Incorporated should be notified so that supplemental recom- mendations can be given. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and engineer for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. I I I Ii Ii I ii' .1 II Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 O 20 40• SCALE L E G E N D \&B 4 APPROX. LOCATION OF TEST BORING SITE PLAN STANGER DENTAL OFFICE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Figure 1 GE000N INCORPORATED I I I I 1• I i I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I File No. D-3552-JO1 October 23, 1985 APPENDIX A FIELD INVESTIGATION Our field investigation was performed on September 24, 1985 and consisted of the excavation of four exploratory borings at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. The borings were advanced to depths of 5 to 14 feet using a truck-mounted rotary drill rig equipped with a 6-inch-diameter solid flight auger. Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained from the borings by driving a 3-inch split tube sampler into the "undisturbed" soil mass with blows from a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The sampler was equipped with 1-inch by 2-3/8-inch-diameter brass sampler rings to facilitate removal and testing. Disturbed bulk samples were also obtained from the borings. The soil conditions encountered during drilling were continuously observed, visually classified and logged. The log of the test boring is presented in Figures A-i and A-2. GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I I I I '1 I I 1 1 I File No'. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 cc BORING 1 B '° ..j ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 9 /24/85 11) M Cr o EQUIPMENT cx o _____ ' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION, Driveway Brick 2" SAND Base - 2. 1-1 TERRACE DEPOSITS ' 50/ 121.0 7.1 - Medium, moist, red-brown, orange-brown, - 1-2 . fine SAND, little SILT, trace medium SAND BULK AMPLE 1-3 : ' becominj more moist 50/ 107.1 - 6. ' 8. .10. ::.. 50- 1-4 :1 9" 115.7 7.2 12 BORING TERMINATED AT 11.0 FEET - ___ ___ ___ BORING TERRACE DEPOSITS 2-1 Medium dense to dense, moist, red-brown to 50/ 120.9 5.1 2. ;M/SP orange-brown,' fine to medium Silty SAND 8" 4 6 2-2 : 50 115.9 6.3 becoming more moist 8- 10 -2-3 --SP-- - becoming tan, less silt 37 103.4 4.8 :12: 14 .1.1,1: BORING REFUSAL AT 14.0 FEET ON GRAVELS SAMPLE SYMBOLS 0_ SAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL STANDARD PENETRATION TEST -- DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) - DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE 19 CHUNK SAMPLE -. WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE I OTE: THE LOG OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON APPLIES ONLYATTHE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATION AND TTHE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I Figure A-1, Log of Test Borings 1 and 2 File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2. 19S BORING 3 0 - W 0 CI) Z CO<<Z6 LL. UL ELEVATION DATE DRILLED 9 /24/85 (1) d, EQUIPMENT W W C0 cc (r o - _____ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION - - TERRACE DEPOSITS Medium dense, slightly moist, red-brown, 2 - fine to medium, Silty SAND - 3-1 :•.• 50/ 112.4 5.1 6" 4 . : . cemented 3-2 ... 50/ 117.8 4.5 6 . 1 71 • :(.i ,-- encountered very cemented SANDSTONE/BEDROCK 8 ---- 10 BORING REFUSAL AT 9.0 FEET o- - ____ BORING 4 - . 4-1 TERRACE DEPOSITS BULK 3AMPLE 2 Medium dense to dense, slightly moist to - 2- .-.Ii.• moist, red-brown, fine to medium, Silty SM/SP SAND 4- 6- BORING TERMINATED AT 5.0 FEET Figure A-2, Log of Test Borings 3 and 4 L SAMPLE SYMBOLS DSAMPLING UNSUCCESSFUL 10 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DRIVE SAMPLE (UNDISTURBED) DISTURBED OR BAG SAMPLE IQ -CHUNK SAMPLE WATER TABLE OR SEEPAGE I uIEIHE LOG OFSUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREONAPPLIES ONLYATTHE SPECIFIC BORING ORTRENCH LOCATIONAND THE DATE INDICATED. IT IS NOT WARRANTEOTO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ATOTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES GEOCON INCORPORATED APPENDIX B I GEOCON INC Q R POE AT ED I File No. D-3552-JO1 October 2, 1985 I APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING 1 .I Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with generally accepted test methods of the American Society for Testing and 'Materials (ASTM) or other I suggested procedures. Selected samples were tested for their in-place dry density, moisture content and shear strength, remolded moisture density I -Value relationships, R and expansion potential. The results of these tests are shown in graphical and 'tabular form in Appendix B. I I I I I ' ' I I GE000N INCORPORATED 1. I File No. D-3552—JO1 October 2, 1985 . TABLE . . . . I Summary of In—Place Moisture—Density and Direct Shear Test Results Angle of. Dry Moisture Unit Shear I . Sample Depth Density Content Cohesion . Resistance No. ft. pcf % . psf Degrees I l—i 2 121.0 7.1 1-2 3 119.4 8.6 390 33 1-3 5 107.1 6.3 I 1-4 10 115.7 7.2 . 2-1 1 120.9 5.1 ..480 .39 1 2-2 2-3 5 10 115.9 6.3 103.4 4.8 . 3-1 2 112.4 5.1 3-2 5 117.8 4.5 I . TABLE II S . Summary of Laboratory Compaction Test Results I . ASTM Maximum Dry Optimum 1 . Sample . . S Density . Moisture No. Description pcf %Dry Wt. I . 1-2 Red—brown, fine to medium, 132.2 .8.8 Silty SAND • I .. . . . I . • S TABLE III Summary of Laboratory Expansion Index Test Results I . Moisture Content Before After Test Test Dry I . Sample . Density Expansion • . No. % % pcf Index • S I . 5 11 7.4 13.7 119.9 O 1-2 7.1 11.4 121.0 0 GE000N INCORPORATED I APPENDIX C I I I I I. I , :1 GEOCON INCORPORATED I File No. D-3552-JO1 I October 2, 1985 I RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1. General I 1.1 These specifications have been prepared for grading of the Stanger Dental Office located at the intersection of Interstate Route 5 and Los Flores Drive in San Diego County, California. They shall be used I in conjunction with the soil report for the project dated October 2, 1985 prepared by Geocon, Incorporated. I 1.2 The contractor shall be responsible for placing, spreading, and compacting the fill in strict conformance with these watering, specifica- tions. All excavation and fill placement should be done under the observation of Geocon, Incorporated. Geocon, Incorporated should be I consulted if the contractor or owner wishes to deviate from these specifications. 1.3 The grading should consist of clearing, grubbing, and removing from I the site all material the Soil Engineer designates as "unsuitable"; preparing areas to be filled; properly placing and compacting fill I grades, materials; and all and slopes other work shown on the necessary approved to conform with the lines, plans. I 2. Preparation of Areas to be Graded 2.1 All trees and shrubs not to be used for landscaping, structures, weeds, and rubbish should be removed from the site prior to ' commencing any excavating or filling operations. 2.2 All buried structures (such as tanks, leach lines, and pipes) not designated to remain on the site should be removed, and the resulting I depressions should be properly backfilled and compacted prior to any grading or filling operations. I 2.3 All water wells should be treated in accordance with the requirements of the San Diego County Health Department. The owner shall verify the requirements. 1 2.4 All vegetation and soil designated as "unsuitable" by the Soil Engineer should be removed under his observation. The exposed surface should then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least 12 inches I until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features that would prevent uniform compaction by the equipment used. D I I GE000N INCORPORATED 2.5 Where the slope ratio of the original ground is steeper than 6.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical, or where recommended by the Soil Engineer, the bank should be benched in accordance with the following illustration. NOTES FINISH GRADE (1) "B" should be 2' wider ORIGINAL GROUND than the compaction be a minimum of 10' SLOPE TO FIN wide. equipment, and should FINISHED SLOPE SUCH THAT SURFACE SLOUGHING OR B11 (2) The outside of the SLIDING DOES bottom key should be NOT OCCUR (NOTE 2) below the topsoil or REMOVE AS RECO4NENDED BY KEY s slopewash and at least SOIL ENGINEER (NOTE I) 3' into dense forma- tional material. 2.6 After the areas have been plowed or scarified, the surface should be disced or bladed until they are free from large clods; brought to the proper moisture content by adding water or aerating; and compacted as specified in Section 4 of these specifications. 3. Materials Suitable for Use in Compacted Fill 3.1 Material that is perishable, spongy, contains organic matter, or is otherwise unsuitable should not be used in compacted fill. Material used for compacted fill should consist of at least 40 percent fines smaller than 3/4-inch diameter. 3.2 The soil engineer should decide what materials, either imported to the site or excavated from on-site cut areas, are suitable for use in compacted fills; the Soil Engineer should approve any import material before it is delivered to the site. During grading, the contractor may encounter soil types other than those analyzed for the soil investigation. The Soil Engineer should be consulted to evaluate the suitability of such soils. 3.3 Any material containing rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in diameter should be 'placed in accordance with Section 6 of these specifications. 3.4 The Soil Engineer should perform laboratory tests on representative samples of material to be used in compacted fill. Such tests should be performed to evaluate the maximum, dry density and moisture content of the samples. The tests should be performed in accordance with accepted test methods . of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM). GEOCON INCORPORATED I I I I I I LI I I I 1 I I d I I I I I 4. Placing, Spreading, and Càmpacting Fill Material 4.1 Unless otherwise specified, fill material should be compacted while I at a moisture content near the optimum moisture content and to a relative compaction of at least 90 percent as determined by accepted ASTM test methods. I 4.2 Fill materials should be placed in layers that, when compacted, have a relative compaction in conformance with the project specifications. Each layer should be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to provide I uniformity of materials in each layer. 4.3 When the moisture content of the fill material is less than that recommended by the Soil Engineer, water should be added until the I moisture content is as recommended. When the moisture content of the fill material is more than that recommended by the Soil Engineer, the fill material should be aerated by blading, mixing, or other methods until the moisture content Is as recommended. 4.4 After each layer is placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it should be I thoroughly compacted to the recommended minimum relative compaction. 4.5 The fill should be compacted by sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pheumatic-tired rollers, or other types of compacting rollers that I are capable of compacting the fill at the recommended moisture content. Each layer should be rolled continuously over its entire area until the recommended minimum relative compaction is achieved I throughout the fill. 4.6 The fill operation should be continued in layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades I shown on the approved plans. 4.7 Fill slopes should be compacted by sheepsfoot rollers, by track- walking with a dozer, or by other suitable equipment. Compaction operations should continue until the slopes are properly compacted (that is, in-place density tests indicate a relative compaction of at least 90 percent at a horizontal distance of 2 feet from the slope I face). I • Observation of Grading Operations 5.1 The Soil Engineer should make field observations and perform field and laboratory tests during the filling and compaction operations, so I that he can express his opinion whether or not the grading has been performed in substantial compliance with project recommendations. I 5.2 The Soil Engineer should perform in-place density tests in accordance with accepted ASTM test methods; such density tests should be made in the compacted materials below the disturbed surface. When results of I tests taken within any layer indicate a relative compaction below that recommended, that layer or portion thereof should be reworked until the recommended relative compaction Is obtained. P I GE000N INCORPORATED I Oversize Rock Placement I 6.1 "Oversize" rock is defined as material that is greater than 6 inches and less than 4 feet in maximum dimension. Material over 4 feet in maximum dimension should not be used in fills; such material should be exported from the site, broken into acceptably sized pieces, used I for landscaping purposes, or placed in areas designated by the Soil Engineer and/or approved by appropriate governing agencies. I 6.2 The Soil Engineer should continuously observe the placement of oversize rock. I 6.3 Oversize rock should be placed in lifts not exceeding the maximum dimension of the rock, and should be placed in a manner that will not result in "nesting" of the rocks. Voids between rocks should be completely filled with properly compacted (minimum relative I compaction of 90 percent), fine granular material. 6.4 Oversize rock should not be placed within 5 feet of finish pad grade, within 10 feet of street subgrade, or within 2 feet of the bottom of I the proposed utility lines, whichever is deeper. I Protection of Work 7.1 During construction, the contractor should grade the site to provide positive drainage away from structures and to prevent water from I ponding adjacent to structures. Water should not be allowed to damage adjacent properties or finished work on the site. Positive drainage should be maintained by the contractor until permanent drainage and erosion control facilities are installed in accordance with project plans. 7.2 No additional grading shall be done, except under the observation of I the Soil Engineer. I I I I I I I GEOCON INCORPORATED ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNER: An "owner-builder" building permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement (yes or no) I ave not) - signed the application for a building permit. I have contracted with th1 following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction. Name Phone Address ft J Contractors License No. City iv I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and"provide the rnaJr work. Name Phone Address Contractors License No City I wiliprovide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons - to provide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Type of Work Signed: .Proo;rty Owner Social Security Number Date EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BE INSTRUCTED TO OBTAIN A CITY OF CARLSBAD BUSINESS LICENSE AND FURNISH A CERTIFICATE OF WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION TOTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD. D Initials ' DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 (ltttp of C,artsbab Dear Property Owner: An application for a building permit has been submitted in -your name listing yourself as the builder of the property Improvements specified. For your protection you should be aware that as 'ownerbuilder" you are the responsible party of record on such a permit. Building permits are not required to be signed by the property owners unless they are personally performing their own work. If your work is being performed by someone other than yourself, you may protect yourself from possible liability if that person applies for the proper permit inhis or her name. Contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded by the State of California and to have a business put their license number on all permits for which. they apply. If you plan to do your own work, with the exception of various., trades that you plan to. subcontract, you should be aware of the following information for your benefit and pro- tection.: If you employ -or Qtherwise engage 'any persons other.. than your immediate family, and the weric' flc1udcing material and other costs) is $200 or more for the entire project, and such persons are not beensed as contractors or subcontractors, then you maybe an. employer. -If you are an-employer, you must register with the state and federal government as an employer and you are subject to several obligations including state and federal income withholding, federal social security taxes, workers' compensation insurance, disability insurancecosts, and unemployment contributions. There may be financial risks for you if you do not carry out.these obligations and these risks are especially serious with respect to workers' compensation insurance. . • For specific information about your obligations under federal law, contact the.Internal Revenue Service (and, if you wish, the U.S. Small Business Administration). For more specific information about your obligations under state law, contact the Department of Benefit Payments and the Division of Industrial Accidents. If the structure is intended for sale, property owners'who-i.areflot are allowed to perform their work personally or through their ownemoloyees, without ' a licensed contractor or subcontractor,.,,onlyunder limited.. conditions... . - .. .- A frequent practice of unlicensed persons professing to be contractors is 1k) secure an "owner-builder" building permit, erroneously implying that the property over is providing his or her own labor and material personally. Building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are performing their own work personally. Informa-; tion about licensed contractors may be obtained by contacting the Contractors State License Board in your community or at 1020 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THE ENCLOSED OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION FORM SO THAT WE CAN CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF THESE MATTERS....,. •ThL..BU1LDI,G...?,ER4IT WILL NOT BE ISVED.. ., UNTIL THE VERIFICATION IS- RETURNED. Very truly yours, Building Department City, ofCarlsbad