HomeMy WebLinkAbout1274 MAGNOLIA AVE; ; 87-155; Permit., z 0 !;; "' .. J " "' 0 IC I[ 8 "' "' 0 J 3 ~ "' z ~ 0 z 0 ~ z "' .. "' 8 ., ic "' " "' ~ ![ O I hereby alllrm that I am licensed under proYlslona of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division J of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and ettecl hereoy ait,rm lhat I am exemo1 from tfl~ Ccnl'ac tcr s License Law lor lhe •0IIow,ng 'eason ISec 1031:, r Bus•ness and Pro'ess1ons Code An1 c,ry or counTy ,,r,,c~ re quires a per'll•I to construct a,ter, ,mprove dern~l-sh or repa,r any structure pr,or iO ,Ts issuance also requ res 'heap pl,cant lor s~ih permit to 11,e a s,qned sta1emenl Thal he ,s rcecsed pursuant to the pro~rs,ons of the LonrrdcTOr s L••:ense Law !C~apter 9 commencing wrth Sw·1,o~ ?OC-0 of o,v,s,on 3 oi the Bus,ness and Pro1ess,ons Code, or Thal ,s e, e-pt lhere'rom and lhe nas,s 10, the alleged e,emp1Ion Any v,0Ia1,nn of Section ?031 5 Dy an appl,can• 10, a perm,i s~b Iects the applicant to a cIvI1 penalty ot not more than tive hun ared OOllars 1$5001 I as ~wner of 1ne property. 0' my employees w,r~ wages as !heir sole comoensatIon. w,11 do the wori< and the siruc tu'e 1s noi ,n1ended or ollered for sale iSec /044. B~si-1ess and Profess,cns CMe The Contractor's License Law ooes nol aoply To an owner of property who builds or ,mproves 1 thereon ana who does such work himself or through h,s owr, emp10,·ees. provided that such ,mprovemen1s are not 1nlend ed or of1ered lor sale 11, however the building or improve- ment ,s so1d wIlhIn one year of comple1'on_ the owner-builder w,:I have lhe Durden of proving thar he did nol build or ,m prove !or lhe ;iurpose of sale) 1 as owner of lhe property, am exclusively contractong with l,censed contractors tc construct the proIec1 (Sec 7044 Business ar.d Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apDIY to an owner ot property who builds or im- proves thereon. and who con!racts for each pro1ects w1lh a contrac1or(s) license pursuant 10 lhe Contractor's License Law) ~ As a homeowner I am ImprovIng my home. and thetollow ,ng condit<ons exist 1 The wo1k :s being Derforrned pr.or !o sale 2 I have l,ved In my home tor twelve months orior to complehon o1 th,s work I hav~ not clam1ed this exemption durI~g the last three years ~ lame~emprunderSec _______ B&PC for this reason ____________ _ =-: I hereby a!tirm that I hase a cer11f1cate of consent to self-,nsure or a cert1fica1e or Workers Compensat,on In- surance or a cert,f,ed copy thereo! (Sec 3800. Labor Code) I POLICY NO COMPANY Cooy IS filed with the city Certol,ed copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1T~1s sect.on need not be completed ,1 the perm,· ,s to, one hundred dollars \$100) or le-ss) = I certify that ,n the performance of the work for wh,ch !his permit ,s ,ssued. I shall not employ any person ,n any manner so as to become sub1ect to the Workers Compen- sation Laws of Cahforn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If. after making th,s C,,,t1f1cate ol Exempt,on. you should become sub1ect to the wo,kers Compensation pro.isIons of the Labor Code. you IT'ust 1 forthwith comply w•th such prov,s,ons or this perm 11 shall be deemed revoked , herebv affirm that \here ,s a const,uc1,on endrn§ agency for lhe performance ot r~e .vork for wh,c<'. Th•.s per ,,.,,t ,s issued 1Sec 3097 c,,,I Cooe1 ~ender's Na,ne Lenders Address_ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARO APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 J08 ADDRESS AV.ST.RO. NEAAESTC7i;~,1 £-;~ D~-:;;~ODN BUSINESS UCENSE # VALUATION • PERMIT NUMBER I :J. H. /JJ A-&-A/01.,-,-"4 A-t/a 36 /;;/( LOT BLOCK I SUBOIYl~ION 1 'Yo~r:.pr;eoN°--,9!!1 Bl-OD CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE# ZONE 81/~S -. 0 W t,J G [2. OWNER"S NAME lZ-cJ.. e.s -f e ;,-, I OWNER'S PHONE ~a ba✓,, CONTRACTOR"$ ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO. BUILDING SQ. FOOTAGE OvJJ-lt.:i-'£.-[; ;:c_ OWNER·s MAILING ADDRESS /:J. 1-i /V ,1--trJ./tJ L,;',4 AvE> DESIGNER DESIGNER'S PHONE OESCRIPT10N OF WOl;IK DESIGNER'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO. ._ _ __L}_c.£. ,#.tit/,. T 1' a tJ -.tft> c. Rao_,#)__ ' ' F LR t:._ev NO ace GP EDU 0025 04/21 0101 02Bldf'at STORIES 249-: ~ ,c -.Q I I PAF'K•N(_; SPACE. RES UNITS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I R~OEVFLOP~ENT TYPE OCC LOAD FIRE SPF' AREA CONST ,□ ' □ '=.J ,c vO NO Nor Valid Unless Milchrne Certified ! II ;;;Oo QTY PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE i 79 ;, QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP I INSTALL FURN DUCTSUPTOlOOOOOBTU ,/-:--BUILDI\/G PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8220 _;;/ ;;__ !,-- fACH BUILDING SEWER I OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 00 1-81 O· OD-00-8221 E.~CH WATER HEATER ANlJORVE",(}---- --------/~i.-+--BOILE_f:_ COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP ___ PLAN CHECK 001-810-00-00-8821 ------. - EACH GAS SYSTEM I JU 4 s , 801LER·COMPRESSOR 3 Ei HP TOTAL PLUMBl'-.IG 001-810-00-00-822? ..-e--+ ----------------------/S--- EACH GAS SY;~Rf I MEIAc F1RE-Plti.CE ELECTRICAL 001-810-00-00-8223 ~ I---·-----------------------~ ---------~-+ ----------- EA~~ ~~-S2~l_: A _E_~·-R~'.-~_IR_~~T~~ '.!_~E j ~ 1 VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL o:, 1-810-00-00-8224 ·7 -~ ---. -+-------------. -------+-----J EACH VACUU BREAKER ' MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS MOBILEHOME 001-81 0-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE HEATER SOLAR 001-8' 0 ·00· 00-8226 ~---------~-p_-5_.2-'.,'.\CH ROr:F !,·Ri,'11 1:i1:;111L ·, DRYER VENT S~RO:i;G MOT',ON 880-519-92-33 -------TOHil MECHANICAL FIRE SPRl~Jr<Li:RS 001-810-00-0:J-8227 ·7---------------------~ IOI Al PllJMBl~G PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320·8 10·00-00-87 40 ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE ~{JO:jOTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP BRIDGE FEE _ /7/11-: 360-8~0-0--::00-8740 QTY. PARK-lf.:-LIEU (AREA ~l,4: " ---------- NEW CONST EA AMP SW! 8KR CAR PORT TIF I-'' IA '. 34-810-00-00-8835 -------------------- I PH :\ PH AWNING LA COSTA TIF 133-810-00-00-8835 . ----1.,0., l ---~--- fXIST BLOG EAAMP,SWT tlKR GARAGE FMF ,_,;;; . "{; --po ----1----- I PH ] PH LICENSE TAX DO 1-81 0-C,,J-20-S 1 52 --/o----------:b~.~-- / REMODEL ALHR PFR CIRCUIT -MFF 880·519-92-57 -------a MP POLE 200 AMPS ' ' C ., <ji ~ ----~~ --~ ------------.. OVER /OU AMPS ~ -------W' -~ TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI _L .. ' "' -----------' ; '-Ii,~/ -.. ' •• -,f,.,.,,, CREDIT DEPOSIT ------ !Of Al lll:LTRILAI ! s:----'0' A1 G":_'!_.;_~,:~,__, TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I .~ c/Oi 5 ..J.----I . , I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ·APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY Expiration Every pe~ by !lie Building Olf1c1a1 under the prov1s1ons ot this * AN OSHA PERM:T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAl ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code snail expire by II aJ1on and become null and ~01d I! the buoldmg or work 5· o·· DEEP AND DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND.CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE \FA PERMIT I& authorized by such permit 1s not commenced within 180 days from the dale of such STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEKiHT permit. or 11 lhe bu1ld1nft or work auttlorized by such perm11 1s sus~nded o, ISSUED· TO COMPLY W1TH ALL CITY. COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON abandoned at anv time a !er the work ,s commenced 101 a "6'!0d of 180 da"s STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPUCANT"S_Zr)I,~ ~ OWN~ CONTRAC.TOR 0 APPROVED BY LY 1°"~/. 1/ ¥7 KEEP HARMLESS THE C1TY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY lN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SA!D ClTY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE A ,,£. -.,_ GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT BY PHONE fJ , ill "- ~ ~ 0 Q_ E ill f- l D 0 ('.) C m u Q_ Q_ 0: I ~ C n: 0 ' ' ill ' ' 0: • c:, © >- ill u C m C "- ,:_ C ill ~ CJ 0 u ill Q_ ' C ;" ~ ,: TYPE ' DATE BUILDING FOUNDATION <Z, REINFORCED STEEL ' ,,,,,,,_ ' MASONRY ' GUNITE OR GROUT SUB FRAME D FLOOR D CEl~ING SHEATHING D ROOF D SPIEAR ./ ;,, FRAME ' ./ ·rv•U EXTERIOR LATH ' I INSULATION ' -·.'> -Ir' INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL ':.-(~ ' PLUMBING I C SEWER AND BL/CO D RUCO UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □;WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN . I GAS TEST ' I □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER I ELECTRICAL ' I □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND [1] UFFER , - ROUGH ELECTRIC I 'J-O•r.' I □ ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPPRARY D BONDING □ POOL I I MECHANICAL I I □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIRING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS ; I .. ITEMS ABOVE HA1VE BEEN APPROVED FINAL I PLUMBING " ELECTRICAL ,~. MECHANICAL ' I ) GAS -~ BUILDING ' ~- ' SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' \Q INSPECTOR A I ~ -,, II It'- I 7; ./ - lhJI~ J~ - /} rr ,, ' \t\U ' " ~ 'if7~~~ FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS tl.~•-!ji(:J'lf. INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO ~OUN DA TION INSP REO IF CHECKED STRUCTURAL cc:)r-,,CRETE +-- OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSEO CONCRETE POST TEN'.)IONED CONCRE rE FIEL.D WELDING Hl(~H Sl HENG TH BOL.iS SPECIAL MASON~W >--- PILES CAISSOr--.;-: INSPECTORS APPROVAL flfiA ft1r ~ '-v, ...... 'life ~f~.. , .. - 4./"'rci -, ... -------~. ~ ~-/~ . . ► • I•' I ·, .L ,,. .r · >f,,,., -.c__; _, -+----+------_J_ _____ _ t-----------t-... i--· t -r--· ----------- f----· -·-. ----+--+------+--· - 00~ o,t\St OTOT OSBlCV'f :ito·.u ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (6 I 9) 560-I 468 DATE: A fc; I I 3 , , 1,,.-7 JURISDICTION: c,·➔1 PL C,-,\1ba..f ~i~E? PLAN CHECK NO: ;:,7_ , s:s V QFILE COPY QUPS QDESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 2-7L/ M "7."'•''-'"' o ye. ' PROJECT NAME: _____ s ...... ,L~~~~l~e._~\~A~v--=-·~,~\,41,-,.t-.......,w"'-"~~1~1~,~--~-- u a G □ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified _____________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. '· □ The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. □ □ The check The plans plans are list transmitted herewith is for your information. are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. O The applicant's copy of the check list has b.een sent to: fll Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ------------- Date contacted: ---------Telephone# ________ _ RE MARKS: ___________________________ _ By: '\.-.....~.J 'tv\_3 \~: ESGIL CORPORATION J.J/,:r/~7 Enclosures: ----------- ·' ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAl'EAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (61 !)) 51;0· 1468 DATE: t\ :f!; J '· / 'Tf< 7 QAPPLICANT Qe-u!Us~ICTTI?!j D PLANHECKER D FILE COPY QUPS JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK NO: ?,'7_ 15 e-: . ---'--'-=-=--"------------D DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: ..:,: "'' le \', 1,,' \ ., t "'.I\,\ •. /, d ) C c c The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. □ □ □ □ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified _______________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction"s copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Rabe< l R ocb e ,i~,,- 1271./ YYl o-~YI,,\·, o B ve 0 Coclshecl,r'o 170""' > Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did been completed. advise applicant that the plan check has Person contacted: R,1\c.,d Ro c\..Q•,\~,- Date contacted: _y~\~<;s~l _l'l,=7~-Telephone# 72 9-Ql7/ REMARKS: _________ _ BY: '>v, ~-\ M" )&'.: ESGI_L/CO~PORATION ;; 'J'0/87 ENCL: _______ _ PLAH = HO. -1,/3"-, _;_7::.---''..::S:....;S:::.......I=---~-- JURISDicrIOH: CITY OF CARLSBAD :ro: R»berf: Rn c )c,-,fcc 127'{ C,u/1 bo J, ro_. "'no,:8 m.KPBOHE HO. t Z -1-C> I 7 I EHCLOSURES: ------------- PLAII wRRl!CTIOII SBEE:r SillGLE FAMILY AND llllPLEX ~ Date plans received by jurisdiction: Date plans received by Esgil Corporation: Date initial plan check completed: ,LJ I Y' I P, _.,_-,,_1'-'-'-f..:...7,...___,By: t 11 ~ < /tJ ,, / 6, Applicant contact person: FOREWORD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Unifom Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. 1982 USC (eff. 7/1/85) 1985 UPC (eff. 11/12/86) 1984 NEC (eff. 10/1/85) 1985 UMC (eff. 11/12/86) The above regulations apply to residential construction. The circled items need clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), 1982 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed i.e., plan sheet, specification, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad List 10, Single Family Dwelling and Duplex With All Supplements l 3/25/86 G) Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite #208, San Diego, catifornia 92123, (619) 560-1468. / Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: The jurisdiction's building department. f3':l Indicate on the Title Sheet of the plans, 'ai'e name of the legal owner and name of person responsible for the preparation of the plans. Section 302 (a) 7. f: Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed by a C&lifornia state licensed engineer or architect. (califomia Business and Professions Code). /. Specify on the Title Sheet of the plans the gross floor area of each element of this project including dwelling, garage, carport, patio, deck and balcony. Section 302 (c). @ Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with Title 24 and 1982 UBC, UMC, and UPC and 1984 NEC. f. Submit fully dimeru;:ioned plot plan drawn to /scale showing location, size, and use of all existing and proposed structures on the lot. Identify property lines and show lot dimensions and all easements. Show location of all cut or fill slopes and approximate finish floor elevations for all structures and show elevations at all lot comers. Section 302 (c). ~ Indicate distance from center line or alley to property line and distance property lines to proposed building. Section 302 (c). B. FIKE PRODX:TIOH of street from / Walls closer than 3 feet to property lines shall be one-hour rated construction, have no openings, and shall have 30 inch parapets when the building floor area exceeds 1,000 square feet on any floor. (Table 5. A. Section 1709 (a)). (o. Projections, including eaves, may not extend more than 12 inches into the 3 foot setback from the property line. Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30 inches from the side and rear property lines. Section 1710 and Section 504 (a) and (b). 1/ Plastic skylights shall not be installed within a• of an exterior wall located where openings in such exterior wall are prohibited or required to be protected. Section 5207 (a) 7. 1i. Projections, including eaves, shall be bne-hour fire-resistive construction, heavy timber or of noncombustible material if they project into the 31 setback area from the property line. Section 1710. @ Show location of permanently wired smoke detector, centrally located in corridor leading to sleeping rooms or above stair if sleeping rooms are on upper level. Section 1210.~ 111!': tl-..... 1" ' it 1000 v,d..,.....{,o .... 4lso~-f""b-J .. ..., 7" A smoke detector shall be installed in the basement of dwelling units having a stairway which opens from the basement into the dwelling. Such detector shall be connected to a sowiding device or other detector to provide an alarm which will be audible in the sleeping area. Section 1210. Cg) she,,> loc<i,"oo of l"'cR,~ cf,t,-c1°, ,.,-'' <"''x:,,J;. Jw,-,)1,:.,. ,J:~ 2 3/25/86 c. 1ilXII SIZl!S, LIGIII, VOOILATION A1ID GLAZIIIG /__ Habitable rooms, other than kitchens, shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor area. Section 1207 (b). /16) Window area must be at least 1/10 of the '?foor area and a minimum of 10 square feet per Section 1205 (a). Appears to be deficient in ,.. I n1.J @ Openable window area in habitable rooms must be 1/20 of the floor area and a minimum of 5 square feet. In bathrooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms 1/20 of area is required and minimum is 1.5 sq. ft. (Section 1205 (a)).S@~ ;£th ,t.· At least 1/2 of the cODIDOn wall must be open and have an opening not less than 25 sq. ft. if light and ventilation is being supplied from an adjacent room. Section 1205 (a). yl. Required windows shall not open into a roofed porch unless the ceiling is at least 7 feet and the longer side is at least 65% open. Section 1205 (a). ;26· Provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing five air changes per hour in bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms if required openable windows are not provided. Section 1205 (a). ?.· No habitable room, other than a kitchen, shall be less than 7 'O" in any dimension. Section 1207 (c). ,,f. Show that ceiling height for habitable {.~~ms is a minimum of 7 1 611 • Section 1207 (a). I?: Show ceiling height for laundry rooms, hallways, corridors, and bathrooms is a minimum of 7'0". Section 1207 (a). ,.1 '" .-,, oj- 3 3/25/86 ~-Dimension on the plans, the 3011 clear width for water closet cempartments and 24" clearance in front of water closet. Section 511 (a). /., Specify safety glazing for glazing in ha~ardous locations such as glass doors, glazing adjacent to such doors and glazing adjacent to walking surfaces. Section 5406. ~ Glazing, in the same wall plane as a door, must be safety glazing if within 1211 of the door and less than 6011 above the walking surface, unless the glazing is leaded on faceted glass. Section 5406 (d) 7. }'1. Glazing in shower and tub enclosures shall ,/be tempered, laminated or approved plastic (including windows within 5 feet of tub or shower floor). Section 5406 (d) 5. 71. Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door for emergency exit. Sill height shall not exceed 4411 above the floor. The window must have an openable area of at least 5. 7 square feet with the minimum -openable width 2011 and the minimum openable height 2411 • Section 1204. "lji. A mezzanine is an intermediate floor and ;fuay not have a floor area exceeding 33 1/3 percent of the total floor area in the room below. The mezzanine floor must have a clear height of 7 feet, above and below, and must have the long side open to the room below except for posts and protective walls or railings not exceeding 42" in height. Section 1716. ,r· 'llle loft you show does not comply as a mezzanine floor and is, by Uniform Building Code definition, a story. Section 1716. Se'!,), k-1 rooM d Q, cl ha f I'"""' D. l!Xl'IS, sr.uRWAYS, AND UTITIIC§ f." Floors above the second story shall have not less than 2 exits. Section 3303 (a). f Required exit doorways shall be not less than 3611 in width and not less than 6' 811 in height, and shall be capable of opening at least 90 degrees. Section 3304 (e). ~ Provide 3611 high protective railing for porches, balconies, and open sides of stair landings. Openings between railings shall be less than 611 • Section 1711. f · Show how guardrail connection details are adequate to support 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail. Table 23-B. -;f,. Provide stairway and landing details. Section 3306 (b) & (c). a. b. c. Maximum rise 8" and minimum run is 911_ Minimum headroom is 61 611,. Minimum width is 3011 • -d. All handrails per Section 3306 (j), shall f.~tisfy the following: a. Provide handrail for stairways with 4 or more risers. b. Handrail shall be 3011 to 3411 above the nosing of treads. c. The handgrip portion of handrail shall be not less than 1 1/4" nor more than 211 in cross-sectional dimension. (See attached). 4 3/25/86 I.· Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the stairway width. Section 3306 (g). )6. A door may open over a stairway landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area of the landing in the direction of stairway travel, to less than one-half the required width of the stairway. Section 3306 (g). ,t A door may open inward at the top step of a stairway provided the top step is not more than 7 1/211 lower than the floor level. Section 3304 (h), ~ Provide details of winding stairway complying with Section 3306 (d): a. b. c. Minimum tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from where the treads are narrowest. Maximum rise is 8 inches. Minimum width is 30 inches. 1-· Provide spiral stairway details, per Section 3306 (f): a. b. Minimum run is 7 1/ 2 inches measured at a point 12 inches from where the treads are the narrowest. Maximum rise is 9 1/2 inches. c. Mini.mum headroom is 6 feet 6 inches. ;t-{. Spiral stairways may not be used for required exits when the area served is greater than 400 sq. ft. Section 3306 (f). 16• Spiral stairways must have a clear walking space of 26 inches between the column and handrail, show dimension. Section 3306 (f). jd+. Provide I.C.B.O. Research Report and Number for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved fabricator registered with the building department or note that the stairway fabrication shall be done under special inspection per the approved fabrication plans. Section 306 (a) 4B and Section 306 (f). ¥, In buildings over 2 stories in height, provide 3/4 hour fire-rated assemblies for all openings in the exterior wall below or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior stairway. An exit balcony with 2 separated stairways is exempt. Section 3306 (1). ;,6· Exterior stairways shall not project into the 3 foot setback from the property lines. Section 3306 (n). /4 The walls and soffits of the enclosed usable space under interior stairs shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction. Section 3306 (m). E. ROOl'IllG r· Specify roof slope. ,'-Roof slope is not adequate for roof type specified. Iable 32·B; Section 3203 (h). @ Specify roof mate;ial and application. Chapter 32.5kouJ W-'jk.t o\' ~ell ;tf. Specify I.C.B.O. or U.L. approval number for roof materials not covered in U.B.C., e.g., title, etc., Section 107. 5 3/25/86 5'. The maximum slope for a fire retardant /built-up roof, with rock or gravel surfacing, is 3 inches in 12 inches, Section 3203 (e) 2. 11'• The minimum slope for a fire retardant built-up roof, with cap sheet surfacing, is 1/2 inch in 12 inches. Section 3203 (e) 3. ,;,. Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot roof slope for drainage or design to support accumulated water. Section 3207 (a), Section 2305 (f) and Section 2511 (d) 6. ~-Show roof drains and overflows. Section 3207. y6. Provide skylight details to show compliance with Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide I.C.B.O. approval number. y'-Plastic skylight must be separated from each other by at least 4 feet. Section 5207 (a) 6. @ Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if at least 50% of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave vents or cornice vents. Show required area and area provided. Section 3205 (c). I'. IIASOIIRY ~ Provide fireplace construction details or no~e construction to be per attached fireplace standard drawing. Chapter 3 7 • ~ Show veneer support and connections in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, comply with Section 3002, 4, 5, 6, and Section 2515 (a) regarding ties and #9 wire in horizontal joints or show construction to be per attached sheets 30-1 or 30-2. 6)--. Show height and construction details inasonry walls. Chapter 24. of all 6r. Note that cleanout openings shall be /provided at the bottom of all cells to be grout filled over 4' in a single pour. Cleanout shall be sealed before grouting, after inspection. Section 2414 (a) 8. ~ Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. CoMection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Cross grain tension or bending in wood ledgers is not permitted. Section 2312 (j) 3. A. §4. Provide details for damp proofing the ftoundation walls, below finish grade, where useable space exists on the interior side of the walls. Section 1707 (d). ,6-Show a minimum 211 air space and flashing between planter and building walls. Section 2516 (c) 7. G. GARAGI! Allll CAlll'OlaS ~ Garage requires one-hour fire protection on (th; garage side of walls and ceiling comon to the dwelling. Iable 5. B. Section 503 (d). f: All elements supporting floor above garage, including walls supporting floor joists, to have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the garage side. Section 503 (a). t.• Show 1 3/811 solid core self-closing door for openings between garage and dwelling. Section 503 (d). Y, Garages are not permitted to room used for sleeping purposes. 6 3/25/86 open into a Section 1104. ~ff. Openings between carport and residence require self-closing doors and stationary windows. Section 1214. J1. Show garage framing section, size of header /o;er garage opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line, method of bracing garage front, and holddowns if required. Chapter 23. NOIE: Maximum shear panel ratio of height to width is 3 1/2 to 1. Iable 25-I. 7¥-Doors may open into the garage only if the floor or landing in the garage is not more than 1/211 lower than the door threshold. Section 3304 (h). t: Provide an 1811 raised platform for any FAU, water heater, or other device in the garage, which may generate a flame or spark, UMC Section 508, UPC Section 1310 (a). B. POO:NDAr.ION K@.iREhiN:1'.S @ Per soils report, note on the plan the soils classification, whether-or not-the soil is expansive, and note the allowable bearing value. Section 2905 (c). E_ The foundation plan does not comply with the soil report recoD1Dendation for this project. Please review the report and modify design, notes and details as required to show compliance. @ Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils report recom:nendations for foundations, slab and building pad preparation. ]1. 'Die soils report recommends excavations be /reviewed by soils engineer. Note on the foundation plan that 11Prior to the Contractor requesting a Building Department Foundation Inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: 1. the building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report; 2. the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and; 3. the foundation excavations, farmings and reinforcements comply with the soils report and approved plan". t-Show height of all foundation walls. Chapter 23. 79". Show height of retained earth on foundation walls. Chapter 23. all ~-If cut or fill slopes exist, show distance /of foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show steepness and heights of cuts and fills. Chapter 29. sf. Note on plans that wood /mini.mum above finish grade. shall be 611 Section 2516 (c) 7. ~ Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern and key elevations. Section 2905 (f). /3· Dimension foundation per U.B.C. Table 29A: Floors Sul!Rorted* Stemwa!l Width Depth 1 6" 1211 1211 2 B" 1511 1811 3 10" 1811 24" *Foundations may support a roof in addition to the floors. Where only a roof is supported, use foundation for one floor. 7 3/25/86 @ Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Section 2516 (c) 3. @ Show foundation bolt size and spacing. Section 2907 (e). µ. Specify size, I.C.B.0. number and / manufacturer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distance and spacing. Section 306 (f). ,J!· If required by structural calculations, show size, imbedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section 2312 (f). ef. If hold downs are required by calculations, /note on plan that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Section 305 (e) 2. t Show adequate footings under all bearing walls and shear walls. Section 2907 (b}. ~ Show on the elevations, stepped footings for slopes steeper than 1:10. Section 2907 (c). o<. Show minimum 1811 clearance from grade to /~~tom of floor joists and minimum 1211 clearance to bottom of girders. Section 2516 (c). ?· Show pier size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil. Table 29-A. ~{. Show minimum underfloor access of 1811 x 24". Section 2516 (c). 7,(. Show minimum underfloor ventilation equal to 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of underfloor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as practicable and shall provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Section 2516 (c). ?5. Specify that posts embedded in concrete /shall be pressure treated per UBC Std. No. 25- 12. Section 2516 (c). I. FIWIIllG 9,6. Show wall bracing. fstud wall and main cross Every exterior wood partition shall be braced at each end at least every 25 feet of length with 1 x 4 diagonal let-in braces or equivalent. Section 2517 (g) 3. r: Note cross bridging or blocking. Floor joists and rafters 1211 or more in depth shall be supported laterally by bridging at intervals not exceeding 8 feet, unless both edges are held in line. Sec. 2506 (g). 98. Show blocking at ends and at supports of /floor joists, and for rafters at exterior walls. Section 2517 (d) 3. 9J. Show solid blocking at ridge line and at /exterior walls on trussed roofs. Section 2506 (g), Section 2517 (h). 1W:. Show double joists. Floor joists shall be ,dbubled under bearing partitions running parallel with the joists. Section 2517 (d) 5. l.0t. Bearing partitions, perpendicular to /)oists, shall not be offset from supporting girders, beams, walls or partitions, more than the. depth of the joist. Section 2517 (d) 5. 1or.' Show rafter ties. Rafter ties shall be s{aced not more than 4 feet on center and be just above the ceiling joists, where rafters and ceiling joists are not parallel. Section 2517 (h) 4. ,t. Show rafter purl in braces to be not less than 45 degrees to the horizontal. Section 2517 (h) 5. 8 3/25/86 r.,• Show 1/211 minimum clearance between top plate of interior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as designed). §. Show double top plate with minimum 4811 lap splice. Section 2517 (g) 2. J66. Iable Show nailing will be in compliance with 25-Q. 10f. Show or note fire stops at the following tocations per Section 2516 (f): a. in concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, at the ceiling and floor levels and at 10 foot intervals along the length of the wall. b. at all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings; c. in concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run and between studs along and in line with the run of stairs if the walls under the stairs are unfinished; and d. in openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys, fireplaces and similar openings which afford a passage for fire at ceiling and floor levels, with noncombustible materials. Jl48· Show stud size and spacing. Maximum allowable stud heights; Bearing wall: 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 max. 10'; Non-bearing: 2 x 4 max. 141, 2 x 6 max. 20'. Iable 25-R-3. ~-Studs supporting two floors, a roof and ceiling must be 3 x 4 or 2 x 6 at 1611 o.c. Iable 25-R-3. 11:ll. Note an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Compliance ;[c;:r-glued laminated wood members shall be given to the building inspector prior to erection. Section 306 (f). 1v.(. Detail all post to beam and post to footing connections and reference the detail to the plan. Section 2516 (m). 1],Z. Detail shear transfer connections, :thc.1uding roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls. Section 2513. 1~. Specify nail size and {hear walls, floor and roof Indicate required blocking. diaphragm dimension ratios. and Section 4713 (d). spacing for all diaphragms. Maintain maximum (Tables 25 I, J, K) 114. Show 3" x 411 or 211 x 611 studs in first ls'tory of three story building. Table 25-R-3. @. Provide truss details and truss calculations for this project. 11'. Provide roof framing plan and framing plan. Section 302 (a) 7. floor ?7. Provide framing sections through Section 320 (a) 7. @. Specify all header sizes for opening over 4' wide. Section 2517 (g) 5. ~-.., helo-,i 1)'9. Provide calculations ;horizontal framing members Section 302 (a) 7. for main vertical and and post footings. to. Provide calculations for lateral loads, shear panels, shear transfer and related. Section 302 (9) 7. r· Show on the plans all structural requirements developed in the structural calculations. ~-Columns and posts located on concrete or masonry floors or decks exposed to the weather or to water splash or in basements and which support permanent structures shall be supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting above floors unless approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. r· Individual concrete or masonry piers shall project at least 8 inches above exposed ground unless the columns or posts which they support are of approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. (§. size Show location of attic access with minimum 2211 x 3011 • Section 3205. US. Show draft separation for attic areas between units in a duplex. Section 2516 (f). 116. Wood stud bearing walls, with studs at 2411 d.c., require 3 ea. 2 x 4 or 2 ea. 2 x 6 or 2 ea. 3 x 4 top plates if supporting either floor members or roof trusses that are spaced more than 1611 o.c. and do not bear within 511 of the supporting stud. Section 2517 (g) 2. @. Specify plywood grade and panel identification index. Table 25-N. ~-ridge When roof pitch is less than 3:12, design as a beam. Section 2517 (h). e· If foundation cripple wall studs are than 14" framing shall be solid blocking. Section 2517 (g) 4. less I j r I ·1 ••" "° ~.-'.' f'\.e..,.. .,.{[ tv('J.)p,.., Otws C!.. [l. ~ 9 3/25/86 1~. Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in height shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. Section 2517 (g) 4. @. Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, or other weather exposed areas, is exterior grade. Section 2516 (g) 3. 1l'£ Show a weep screed at the foundation plate line on all exterior and stud walls to be stuccoed. Section 4706 (e). ;13· Show corridor width to be minimum 3611 • Section 3305 (b). ~ Specify truss layout for 3011 x 3011 attic access. lJS. Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at ieast one size larger than supported rafters. Section 2517 (h) 3. ,£. In open beam construction, provide strap &;s across the beams at the ridge support. Section 2501 (b). All heating, ventilating, and cooling systems and appliances shall comply with the Uniform Mechanical Code. @· Show the size, location and type of all heating and cooling appliances or systems. '),38" Show source of combustion air to furnace, per Chapter 6, UMC. l,J9. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees F. at 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. Show basis for compliance. UBC, Section 1211. 10 3/25/86 ya>" Show minimum 3011 deep unobstructed working space in front of furnace. Section 505, UMC. 1;t: Note on plans, clearances to be per manufacturer's listing. Section 504, UMC. 1/. Furnace shall not be installed under any stairway. Section 704, UMC. 1y. Furnace shall not be installed in any bedroom, bathroom or in a closet or confined space with access only through such room, unless specified as direct vent appliance, enclosed furnace or electric heating appliance. Section 704, UMC. 1,iJ(. Show I.C.B.0. fireplace. approval number for prefab 145/ Show access to the ftft'nace to be minimum 30 Section 708 & 709 UMC. attic or underfloor inches by 30 inches. 1u6. Note that passageway to the attic furnace ,{hall be unobstructed and have continuous solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide. Section 708, UMC. i/i. Show permanent electrical outlet and 1ighting fixture controlled by a switch for the attic furnace. Section 708, UMC. 15'8-Show details to comply with Section 709 for furnace under the floor, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. 1'9. Note on plan: Gas vents and /noncombustible piping passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft stopped at each floor or ceiling. UBC, Section 1706 (a) 6. All wiring shall comply with the National Electrical Code. 156. Show on the plan the amperage of the /e1ectrical service, the location of the service panel and the location of any sub-panels. ~-Show location of all electrical receptacles. t_.2. Electrical receptacle locations and/or spacing is not adequate in _________ _ @. Show at least one convenience outlet other than outlets for laundry, etc., outdoors, in garages and basements. NEC, Art. 210-52.. ® Note convenience outlets in bathrooms, outdoors, and in garages and basements (other than for laundry and similar equipment) shall be GFI protected, NEC, Art. 210-8. )85. Note electrical system ground to be provided per NEC, Art. 250-81. L. PLlllBillG ( ONUORM PLlllBillG OOIJE) t . Show water heater size, type and location on plans. UPC, Section 1310. e· Show source for providing combustion air to fuel burning water heater. If wall opening in an enclosure are used, at least one-half of the required opening area shall extend into the upper twelve inches of the enclosure and one-half within the lower twelve inches. UPC, Section 1307. 11 3/25/86 ¥"· Fuel combustion water heater shall not be installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet opening into bath or bedroom. UPC, Section 1309. 1,'. Provide adequate barrier to protect water heater from vehicle damage. UPC, Section 1310. "Jjo. Show T and P Valve on water heater and show route of discharge line to exterior. UPC, Section 1007 (e). 1~. UHC, Provide dryer vent to outside. Section 1903. }{z. Note on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn sprinkler systems shall have approved back.flow prevention devices. UPC, Section 1003. ~-Shower stall shall accoD1D0date a 3011 circle and have a minimum floor area of 1,024 sq. in. UPC, 909 (d). K. RllISI! IIISIJLAl'IOII (OOPLl!Xl!S) 1~. Show details of duplex common (party) talls and floor/ceiling assemblies to achieve a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating in walls of 50 decibles and on Impact Insulation Class (IIC) rating on floor/ceiling of 50 decibles. Title 25. -i;,_£. Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits, or heating ventilating, or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined, or insulated to maintain required sound transmission rating. Title 25. r6 · Provide insulation in walls and ceiling to achieve SIC of 50 between garage and living area if garage use is not controlled by resident. Title 25. R. l!IIDGf C011Sl!R'fAnOR; PLl!ASK R1!AD State regulations (California Adinin. Code) require that the design satisy one of the attached alternative energy packages or submit calculations. The law also requires that many mandatory conservation items be satisfied. 1'-,. Show on the Title Sheet of the plans, /required elements of the alternative energy package that was selected, and next to each element show how you are complying with each element. If calculations were used, provide similar data on the plans. the 1/a. The plan sheet showing the required elements of the selected energy package, and listing the design elements showing compliance with that selected package, must be signed by either the owner or a licensed professional i.e., architect, engineer or contractor. A design professional must note his/her-state license number. Section 1403 of Title 20. 1~. Show on the plans the "R" value for the ./alls, floors, ceiling and related areas. 177'.: Show double glazing as per Energy Design, on Glazing Schedule. r(i. Show on the plan how shading requirements are satisfied. 1;2. The plans are not in compliance with the kergy conservation compliance package selected or design calculations provided. Show on plans conformance as follows: 12 3/25/86 @· Specify on the building plans all of the mandatory energy conservation requirements as listed on the enclosure titled, '~datory Energy Conservation Requirements". 1J4. Show the size, type, make, model and {ocation of the space heating (or cooling) system and provide heat loss calculations if the output BTU/Hr. exceeds 45,ooo. O. CARLSBAD S. F .D. & WPL1!X SUPPLl!IIIIIIT 1~ Energy ion~ 7 -..C..-- conservation design should be for See attached energy packages. p(". Floor drains must have auto-prime (city policy). 1}'(. Note exhaust fans (city policy). cannot be ductless type 1J,tl. New residential units must be pre-plumbed /or future solar water heating. Note 11two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in the one story garage and directly below the most south facing roof {City Ordinance No. 8093). ?"9· Note "two 3/411 copper pipes must be installed to the most convenient future solar panel location when the water heater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. {City Ordinance No. 8093). 'l.86. All piping for present or future solar Gater heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means (city policy). yn· Incorporate the waterproofing details, on the attached Policy 80-8, where interior living space occurs below grade at the masonry wall(s). @. Shaw an the Title Sheet an the plans, the information required by tha attached Developmental Services Sheet 102683. l8!\. All now residential buildings, including ~itions, require a soils report. Please submit two copies. is'. Heavy timber framing, minimum 6" x 10" beams and minimum 811 x 811 post, for the structural beam and column supporting the fire separation between the garage and living area above, is acceptable if shown on the plans. ( city policy). ~-Please see additional corrections, or remarks, an the fallowing page. :cha City of Carlsbad has contracted with Esgil corporation located at 9320 O,esapeaka Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CalU'amia 92123; telephone number of 619/560•1468, ta perform the plan check far your project. If you have any questions regarding these.,P,lan r·ck items, please contact S: )'<•·rl 'iV\..~ \ , at Esgil corporation. If you bave any questions regarding City Building permit procedures, please contact Carter Darnell at the City of Carlsbad, 2075 Las Pal.mas Or., Telephone (619)4J8-1161 :chank you. ~losures: 13 l0/6/86 ~- ;"'· OBC Adopting Ordinance 8792 requires Fire Retardant roof on all structures (Sec. 18.04.230). Show compliance with uac Section 3203(e). City Ordinance 9792 requires two park- ing spaces/unit with clear area of 20'x201 i.e. no washing machines, etc •• Shov compliance. ·• CITY OF CARLSBAD Date, LJ/-,/,tr Prepared by 1 '>,, .. J M,lg. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE □ Bldg, Dept. 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO, 67w Is-,-7; BUILDING ADDRESS J Z ZY I}:) a -'C ., I,·•· <:.1 '~ ··1 (J C APPLICANT/CONTACT E ,,h ~d B q sb .,,-\--er PHONE NO. 7 ,._ J -01 7 I BUILDING OCCUPANCY DESIGNER PHONE. _____ _ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION _'.Jk.c...lQn ___ _ CONTRACTOR PHONE ____ _ BUILDING PORTION -JJ;-1 '~ Air Conditionin£ --Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Snrinklers Total Value Fee Adjusted To Reflect BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER // 7 lie-q .El-:;:/,-" @ ca @ Jt..,,_L..,~~ 0 Energy Regulations (fee x 1,1) □Handicapped Regulations (fee x 1,065) · . Plan Check f ee._.._$ ___________________ _:.S_.......___,L/'--"-.....,_-'--- COMMENTS;;.•------------------------------ 8/4/82 • PLAN CHECK No.f'l-l~ooREss __ /,._':J-_7--'-1 ___ ,A_~__,,.._~ ....... --_' _ PLANNING I DA TE ,K;d7 ZONE: 'f?: / TYPE OF PROJECT AND USE:_/4 __ ~----.....,,....,-------- SCHOOL DISTRICT: SAN DIEGUITO ENCINITAS_ CARLSBAD X: SAN MARCOS -- SETBACKS: FRONT PL SIDE ~ REAR (!'!l',,e:" DISCRETIONARY ACT IONS :_r-l,...../"'""A.;;;..._ ___________________ _ REDEVELOPMENT PERMIT REQUIRED:_~_/1---~------------------- LANDSCAPE PLAN COMHENTS:_~r-{....,Ji. ____________________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED:_.,.~._,,,_.,._,,_ ___________________ _ COASTAL PERMIT REQUIRED: YES_____ NO _A __ _ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: OK TO ISSUE: .... ~~-------DA TE: q, 'Z,#1 f>=t: --rnnrnnn~~""~~~~~nrrnrrnnnnnnnrnnn~nrnnrnnnnnnnnnnnrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrnnnnrnnnnnnrnnnnnnnrnnnnnnnnnnnnrnnnnnnnnnnnrnn ENGINEERING LEGAL REQUIREMEN1S LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? '] e!> APN CHECKED? ~ S-~,;2./~ -~.2-- EASEHENTS: NoM,b},11,,)p,o P\1\ :,3 \ I? RIGHT-,~ EDU'S: No,~,(~";(? )Y\ I ,s":ei" ( DRAINAG : " IMPROVEMENTS: (✓ 0Q ~ ~. IELDCHECK DATE & INITIALS: PERMITS REQUIRED GRADING, 1kk--,;w M wµ-~u&h,,.;,. ~~ o& GRADING COMPLETION CERTIFIED: ------ DRIVEWAY:~-~??:&~ INDUSTRIAL WASTE: J l A FEES REQUIRED PARK-IN-LIEU QUADRANT: k)\f-:\ 'FEE PER UNIT: ~\)Q TOTAL FEE:--i-N ____ lG ____ _ P.F.F.: JlA: TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PER UNIT:,0lA-TOTAL FEE:___._0 .... l_r-,.--'----- D □-FACILITIES MGMT. FEE: + . + BRIDGE & THOROUGHFARE FEE: clo±,.,~~s--+r i SEWER FEE (CONNECTION): SEWER LATERAL: l\J/A .. .:::J:. u (I) .c u 1/) C 1/1 co (I) a: s.. O'l O'l 0 C 0: -0 C co -.;:; c ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ----------------------------- -0 QI ..., ~ c.. E 0 QI u ~o~:ae;c~ DPD2 :DPD6: I I 2 ;;;;::f)ATE: __ ,....,,.~-Z.;.-,~,._/8 ___ 1 ,._7 _____ _ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD Plan Check No, DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department. SCHOOL DISTRICT: VCarlsbad Unified ~ 801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (457-4985) Encinitas Union Elementary 189 Union Street Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4306) San Marcos Unified 207 West San Marcos Blvd. San Marcos, CA 92069 (744-4776) San Dieguito Union High School 625 North Vulcan Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Project Applicant: _k-----'ccc...\,c..... _ _;_, "":....i\---'-1,.,k,..,.·, C-'-,\ -"-I, ----'-'R"'"'c,_r ~=;:..,.,,~\-'--, '--__ APN: Project Address: RESIDENTIAL: SQ. FT. of living area -----Number of dwelling units ____ _ SQ. FT. of covered area C,/"1 fo-c.k~Q. FT. of garage area COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL: SQ. FT. AREA ___ _ Prepared By __________________ Date ______________ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the School District) / Applicant has complied with fee requirement under Government Code 53080 Project is subject to an existing fee agreement Project is exempt from Government Code 53080 ___ Final Map approval and construction started before September 1, 1986. (other school fees paid) Other----------------------------------- Residential Fee Levied: $ 9 \ '%"-based on (j. \ ~ sq. ft.@ Comm/Indust Fee Levied: $ ------based on sq. ft.@ ~---SC'\ 9 "' -~ 19-\~3:: ->~ Title Date School District Official AB 2926 and SB 201 fees are capped at $1.50 per square foot for residential. AB 2926 is capped at $.25 per square foot for commercial/industrial. u:;(CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT □ CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL RECEIPT NO. □ VALLEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 12 6 0 4 RECEIVED FROM Rtbe'.i\k; ,t-~"~~cc\~.,_~, ..A DATE 1k \ c1- \:.\~ ('l\cuino '1r'--~"'-e_. IR<2c toe~-(s\~ \U )( '(\, \. u FOR: ._J 'll USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES/RENTALS USE OF SCHOOL BUS $ ____ _ $ ____ _ DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY $ ____ _ DAMAGED OR LOST BOOKS $ ____ _ SALE OF SURPLUS $ ----- INCOMEfj ABATEMENT 0 ACCOUNT NO. j_ -8"'8Cf 1 -___ _ ACCOUNT NO. ------ ACCOUNT NO. __ -__ _ REI MIJURSljME_r,ws s C:...\\ C o\'. ~ INSURANCE $ ____ _ TELEPHONE COMMISSIONS $----- TOTAL $=q=1~1s'=-=== "''i1(9S"" RECEIVED CASH □ CHECK B RECEIVED BY t'l Q,j\,N,jG -~~ .~ Q