HomeMy WebLinkAbout129 MAPLE AVE; ; 84-456; Permitii iii[ 0 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under pro'llalons of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 ol the Business and Profesa!ons Code, and my license 1s 1n full force and effect. c•C Ne _____ _ C.a,,, "' z 0 ;: .. a: .. ... " "' 0 T 1 hereby afi'rrn :nat I a~ e~ern~i lrurn /~e CJnTrcc 10r s L,ce%e ',aw tor tre 10,low,nG reason iSec 7031 'l ~Js•ness ar,d Protess,ons Code Any c11i or coun·1 wn,c,~ :e qu,•es a perrmt to (Qrs:-uc1 a,te-.moro-,e. cemol,sh. or repa1' any struct'Jre. pr,o' to ·ts 1ssua0,ce also ren•Jrres ine a;i- "l,cant 1or such permit to 1,·e a s,qned s:a1e-,en1 thar he ,s 1·censed p~rsuant to lhe prov,s.ons 01 lhe contrac:or ~ License Law rCha~\e' 9 cornmencrng w,tr se,1,or. 7000 ot O vrs•Jn 3 01 the Bus1°,ess anct Proless,ons Gode, or t1at 1; e, erno: '.herefrorn and the b:is,s for \he al.eyed exemption Ar·1 ,iolat,on of Sect,or. 703 1 5 01· an aoo1,cant for a perm 1 suJ ects !he app',cart lo a cw,1 oera1!~ o' r.or 'norn than !Ive n,;n dred do11a,s ,:$5001 a: "' 0 ... 3 ~ "' z ~ z 0 " .. "' z "' .. ,. 0 u "' "' "' " a: 0 ;< I 1. as owr.er ol the ~rooer'y. or rn·1 employees w,lh wages as the,r sole cornpe~sat,on will do lhe wo;, a',d the struc 'ure 1s no: intended o, otfered tor sale 1Sec 7G44 Bu,,ness ana Pro1ess1ons Gode The Con1rac1or's uce~se Law Coes not app1y to ar owner o• property who Du1lds or l""P'Oves Thereon and who does sue~. work ~1,nself or through his own emoloyees. p'.ov,ded that such ;rnprovements are not intend ed or otiered for sale If. however. The building or 1mprove-rnen1 ,s sold w1Th1n one year of complehon the owne,-Du1lder w111 have the burden of orov,ng thal he did not bu1,d or ,rn ;irove tor the purpose of sale) I, as owne· of lhe p1o;ier\y. arn exclusively contract,ng with 1,censed con1rac1ors to consrruct The pro1ect !Ser 7044 Business and Drofess1or.s Code The Contractors L1rense Law does not apply to an owner of oroperty w~,o ou,lds or ,m-oro,es the·eon, and wM conTracts for each pro1ects w11h a contractorfsl license pu<su,mr to The Cont,ac:or·s l1cers~ law) As a homeowner I a,n ,mprov,ng ,r,y ho"1e. a~d the l~dow ,ng cond1t1ono ex,st I ' The work 1s ne,ng performed ;inor to sa1e 2 I have l.ved ,n my home lor twelve ,non:ns pr,o, to comple11on of tn,s work I 3 I l1d,e no\ cla11,,ed lh,s exe'Tipt1oc d0r1t1;J ·ne last three years : arn e~ernpt under Sec ______ B & PC L tor this 'eason ____________ _ l D I hereDy att,rrn that I ha,e a cer1,l·c:a1e o' ,,0nsen• 10 sel! insure O' a , err,t,cale ot Wc,•~p•5 Cornpensa1,on lnsu,ance 01;, -er1,f1e{l cc:;~, •~preoF (Sec 1800. Labor Code! POLICY NO COMPANY 0 Copv 15 filed ,..,tr the city 0 Cer1.J1ed cc,py ,~ hereby lur·11sh!"d CERTIFICAH. OF EX!::MPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANU (This sec1,on need not be ~ornpleiPd ,I •ne ,,e•m,• ,5 •o, one t,unCre(1 dollars 1$1001 "r ,es~, fv'1 ceri,ty •ha! '" 1hP per'orrnanLe ot l',e "'u"' • ;,r n,ch \hos pe,,..,,t ,s issued I shal1 nol ewpki, an, persor. ,n an1 manner so as lo t>etornP sub,ect :, , the Wori,,ers COrnpens;,t,on L;,,..~ ,JI Ca.1,torr,a NOTICE: TO APPLICANT 11 a!\er r!\a~"'J 1n1s Cer,, licaie of E~ernp\1on ,ou shuuld t)e("Orf'e ~ub1er' :.-, \he Wo.-.,ers· Cornpensanon pro-,~1ons ol tr.,, c_abQr Code you must for,h,,..,Jh 'Ofl'PI< ,..,:~. ~.,,:~ pro,is,ons O' 1n,s perrn,t shall De 1f'emed ,p.n~e~ ![ 0 I ne<eby a""'"' tha! Thl'fj> S d •~0' ,end,n,;; a,;,ency •o, tt;p pe,tu,m.-irce L•' •r,., ""'J"' ,..n,ci"' lh,s pem"1t ,s ,~~ued ,c,.,, "\097 ,_,.,: (,,Jdp Lenders Name ___________ _ Lender 5 Address __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 ! JOB ADDRESS AV. ST.RD. NEAREST CROSS ST. DATE OF APPLICATION : /2 C ""· I LOT I BLOCK I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. ,,:>u'-1-'~>_I I..RC>O CONTRACTOR : I;;;~ £.rde?'/ht!/J _ k~~;;;;;j' : :;;;;'~=~!<!,' If CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS DESIGNER OESCRIPT!ON OF WORK '1------------------------------------------1 OESIGNE R'S ADO RESS I I ~_&'~ Ln_Q,.J -.~~ . ~--e, F LR ELEV I vC -.c --- 1 CENSUS TRACl GP LAND USE PARKING SPACC RES Uf\llTS GRADING PERMIT ISSUE;] REDEVELQP,V,ENT I AREA NO STORiES TYPE CONST PERMIT NUMBER 'olf." I CONTRACTORS PHONE# I ZONE l f Sb BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION ·- LICENSE NO. PLAN 1.0.;: BLDG USE CODE LICENSE 4 STANDARD PLAN# :.i;;;r;;.~AGE OESIGNE R'S PHONE OCC GP EDU DCC LOAD FIRE SPF! 1 □ ~ □ , 0 --.□ v□ r...0 Not Valid Unless Machine Cemt,ed 1 OTY PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE •'7,3:) ': QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT. ISSUE _ SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EA[H FIXTURE TRAP 'INSTAl L FURN DUCTS UP TO 100 000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 01-00-00-8220 I<--+.----~---------------EAC~~~~~~~~~ _,___ -----f-___ j_ _O~~R 100000BTU ____ _SIGN~RMIT____ _ __ _91~0-00-~21 __ --t--EACH 1/wA T ER HEA TE H AND OR VE NT _ ___j___ ___ . +----+-BOILER :COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP +----~----~AN CHECK _____ 01-00~0-8806 . f-__ _j_801~E_R CO-~~~ES~OR ]-1__:l HP_ __ __ _ __ __ __ _TQ__I__A~L~M~N~ _ __ 01-00-00-8222 I!---- I I I EACH GAS SYSTEM i rn 4 OUTLETS ---- . { I MCTA'~ ~.RE.PL/\.CC ELECTRICAL 01-00·00-8223 >--1--rnCH,NSTA, __ A,.~rn,~PAIRWMERPIPE _.--1 -:-_ vrn1rAN-s;;.c,,□uc1 ___ _ _M,c""',CAL _____ 0100,os,2, L I I~~~ ~SJY~H~~-~R~OH~ _ I I EACH VACUUM BREAKER ~ MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS MOBILEHOME 01-00-00-8225 WATER SO~TNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE.HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK lr~SP --~---------------C------+---1-------------- 1 rrD--, :.; >1, ~;;, '·, , ,-i~ -1--------TOU.L MECHANICAL SOLAR --'---, --ii ,, STRUNG MO"l ION FIRE SPRINKLERS Oi-00·00-8226 80-92-33-0519 01-00-00-8227 ~ TUI Al P\lJMlllNL ~ QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE I PO :', PH ..:£-,--JI QTY. . SO.L .·AR · ISSUE [ PuBLIC_FACILi'IES.FEE_ ___ 3<':c0000·.8!lll_ .. . ____ _ Ntl'.'CONSTt.AAMPSWl lJKR _j CIJLl.~'H;RS . _ BRIDGE FEE ________ --f . ___ _ f--+----__ . _ ___j_ 11 I S~C1R,'.Gl ~k'J"S -----+---....:.__ SCHOOL FEE __:__QISTRI~-------------l ----I-----'--<'--Carlsbad 80-921.!_-0519 1 EXIST bl UG EA AMP SW1 ~KR I l'l(}CK _<;T1Jf<;.;:,f Er,c1nitas I IPH . ]PH . L . i' 1.~!J'M -------------+------~1---S~D~~------~--~.t23-0~--+- f H\1PPOLF 21JIJ,'.l,,MPS . __________ _ 0\1E.R 2lJIJ AMPS I . ,I 8~_2]_2-051~-- San Marcos 80-92-24-051 9 -----------+--------- I ,_ LICENSE TAX 01-00-00·8162 ------- --+-R~IJO_EL4LllR PlPIIR(UIT ____ -·-·-1--iP'O\IY'c_,CeF ________ _ ~p UCCUPANCY ·30 DAYSI I ' I --t---~--~._--r ----MFF 80-92-57-0519 -----~--t----______ CREDIT DEPOSIT TClTAL t.Lt.URllJ.', I -1---- // TQ~ilL S()l!',O. 1 TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I 20, 00 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION AND PERM\T'' AND DO HEREBY Expiratmn. Every permit issued bytri&Bu1ld+ng Ofhc1al under !he proy,smnsollhis CERTIFY UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by limitation and become null and vo,d II the building or work DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND\ FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE tF A. PERMIT lS aulhonzed by such permit 1s not commenced w1th1n 180 days from !he date ot such * AN OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCA\IA.TK'.>NS OVER 5· O" DEEP A.NO OEMOl.lTION OR CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED· TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-permi or if the buildinff or work authorized by such permit ,s suspended m STRucT10N, WHETHER SPEC.IFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND '-''c .. ::,"¥,:""'"':"=':-' ='""c:0"cm,•c•,,,,•c'o'c"''-'w"o""'-'"C's0sme:!!mo•c0e0s••"-''0s'c',,i:;•','00se.s0c1s1e80s.ed••••L---,cc-1"~~~""'""'--------------------.J KEEP HARMLESS THE c1TY or CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL uAB1LITIES. JUDGMENTS, cosTS AND AP CANT'S SlGN.,Tu ~. ~ owNE CONTRACTOR D ·~P OVE□ BY DATE 6/ I EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID C!TY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE O O ,7 r, GRANTING oF THIS PERMIT (L,t,,-~,c.:.-_ _ ___ ev PHONE j O' L.JU' ..,,.------v !'! LL ~ ?:> 0 0. E © >- :9 0 CJ c • 0 0. 0. <l'. I ~ C 0: 0 w w w w w <l'. I ~ 2 © >- ii w w 0 0 ii: • ;;; 0 ~ w 0 C • C LL C w ;" CJ 0 0 w 0. w C 2 re s TYPE DATE INSPECTOR ---g_lj-_'-f~ -------• BUILDING I . FOUNDATION FIELD INSPECTION RECORD • REINFORCED STEEL I MASONRY I GUNITE OR GROUT REQUIRED SPECIAL fNSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REO IF)! INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SHl,AR -~ -~1- SOILS CO~PL'A~Cf PRIOR TO I FRAME EXTERIOR LATH ~OLiNOATIQr,,., l",SP -----f------------ STRUC flJRA 1 :=-ONCRf'_TE:_ OVER 20'.JC F'SI INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL -----i PRfSH~ESSE'.J ' I I CONCRETE I POST TENS:O¼E~ I cor,.,1cRETE I --~--------- PLUMBING SEWER AND BUCO □IPL/CO UNDERGROUND □WASTE □ WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN f'lfLD WEL81N(; I -,------+----------~ r11UH s: Rf:'.GTl-1 I BOl TS ':oPEC.1AL MASONF<Y I I --t I ------ I GAS TEST □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WAirER ELECTRICAL 1 o;= =, ~-L~~~· ---- --------- □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ 9FFER --+---- ROUGH ELECTRIC 1 ------~ ---+----------~ □ ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY ---------------·------I----·------------- □ BONDING □ POOL --I-------t---------- MECHANICAL 1 =---,---+----¼-----, □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPIN~ -------------------------------- -----t-------HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS 1 VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL F~~!,J~Ala'gtft~~-iil'E~EAN,,:~~~ff/OPRIA "CE . FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL I MECHANICAL GAS BUILDING I SPECIAL CONDITIONS I ' __L_ --_J '