HomeMy WebLinkAbout1290 Las Flores Dr; ; 85-642; Permit.. z 0 ~ .. .. J u .. 0 .. I[ 0 u .. .. 0 J 3 ~ .. z ~ z 0 ~ z .. ~ "' 0 u .. "' .. " .. 0 3: il D I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect L,c No _____ _ [la\< , USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD , CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT MIT Carlsbad. Cal1forn1a 92008·1989 (619) 438·5525 1 JOB ADDRESS ......0 , NEAREST CROSS ST. DATE OF APPLICATION VALUATION ' , ::>-.°ID ~e<---o + lo -30-'g:j ' LOT BLOCK suB01v1s10N ASSESSOR PARCEL No. J / -.f"'\ coNTRAcToR CONT :e..cToRs PHONE" : S -.:!>S-1 -"'~c,<.J 1 OWNEA·s PHONE l.,~~1,:!,._~.,;;t":_L,.L,L,\-~,:::'""~~'-::-:."---~=:::'.." ____ .J.-,cc!½"!;,b_!:_;.,~~i..,_--------k--,-.-,------- PERMIT NUMBER ;J.,.;2, (0 3 0 ~ s--(olf-,).. ZONE "'-"'"' 1.U."' I BUILDING SQ_ FOOTAGE w Iii: I ~ ;;, 0 0. E w f- I hereby alf,rrn that I am exernpt l·om !he CJn'.rac tor's License '"aw lor the tollow,nq reJsOn ,sec 7G31 S Business and Protess ,Jns Code An·, Uy or :.ou,ty wn,c, re q,mes a peim,t :o rnnstruct airer 1"1pr:i,e demo rs" or repa,r a~y struc!u:e P'IO' •o •'S ,ssuance <<'sr, r~q,Nes the ao plrcant for sucn perm,t to f1Ie a srg"ed s!ale,~,en• 'ha! ~e rs I,censeO pursuant to tne provrs,ons ot tne cc~Irac1Y s Lrcerse law ,c~auter 9 ~ommenc,ng w1:n Sectro, !OOG ot o,v,s,on 3 01 the Business and Protess,ons CoGe, or 1~21 ·s ~• em~t t~erefrom and the basis lor the al egea exen1pt,on An1 v•ola:,on ol Secl,on 7031 5 by an applicant 'or a per"11I suu 1ects lhe applicant to a c1v1 penalty ot nol more te,an t,,,e nun dred do·lars {S'iOO· ! ,,.._, 34-_ i/o q / coN~RAcTo:s ADDRESS _ ~-• •· · - 1 C 3 , ~ 1 ~-' _ t ~·iDYeS ,wk boo DESIGNER OESIGNER'SPH?N_: I cc:: J :'2 0 as owne· o• The prnperT)' or ,y err-e·oyees w,:h wages as t~e1c so·e cornpensa:,on w,11 do the work aod The srruc· lure ·.snot 1ntendea ~, af'ered lor sale !Sec 7844 BNness and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of oroperty who builds or 1'11pro·,es thereor and who does such work h,mse'f or through h,s own employees. p·ov,ded that such ,rnproverr.en•~ are not ,ntend· ed or ottered for sale II, however the buLla,ng O' ,rnprove· ment ,s sold w1th1n one year ot complet,on, the owner-bullder w,11 have the burden of orov,ng thai he did ~ot bu1•d or ,m prove lor the :iuroose of sale) '· as owner o1 the pro;ieny .im exclus,vety contract,ng w,th licensed c0waclors To consicucl lhe pro1ect 1sec 7044 Business and Profess,ons Cooe The Cont,acior's License Law does nm a;iply :o an ow~er or property wM builds or ,rn· proves thereon_ and wno contracts for eacr pro1ects with a conrractor(sl license pursuant to lhe Contractors Uce1se Law) As a homeowner I am ,rnprov1ng my home and tre follow 1ng cond1t1ons ex,sl I The work ,s being performed pr,or 10 ~ale 2 I have 1,·,ed 1n "'Y home for twelve r:,ootns pr•or :o cornplel1on of rn,s work I h<we no1 cla1mea This exern;it,on Curing The last three yea's ._ I am exernot under Sec for this reason B & PC : DESCR"T'ON °' WO ~ Leh u a (} 'f'_ I J J..}-0~~ I ..,-.lr-"J...)1 DESIGNER'S ADDRESS LICENSE NO. : ,Qj) ( 1~!,~SR-~,j~~ ~1,1, s ,~~~..,_~).Cx.V\C/ NO occce EDU I ~--===-,,--.. , STORIES I YD ND -- 1 CE:NSUSTRACT (~PLANO USE PARKINC;SPACE: RES UNITS GRAOINGPERMITISSUE"D REDEVELOPMENT TYPE FIRESPP 12/06/857361 □OJl7361 12/06/95 I AREA CONST.) ! 5.;:l. 10NO ,:Js..0 .,..N v □NO NorVafidUnlt!!sMach1neCert1f1ed I QTY ' PLUMBING PERMIT. ISSUE 7 ~QJ\ QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE ;;;, _ SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER 235;7 a3~; 1. 1 ~ EACH FIXTURE TRAY -~ ;;2_. CS-:::0 l ;;.JO_ -1NSTAll Fu RN oucTs uP ro 100.000 BTU Bu11_01NG PERMIT ooi.s10•□~90-s2,20 +---1 ~~-SQ I EACH BUILUING SEWtR . OVER 100 000 BTU SIGN PERMIT OOH10-0D·D0·822'. It----· ----· -----·--------t---·---I--·---··-----. ------------·--·-- 1 EACHWAIERHEATERANUORVENT BOILERC0MPRESSORUPT03HP , PLANCHt.CK 00Hl1D·00·00·8806 /Q?,,,:).,;:l.. : ---~ACH GAS sysrEM l TO 4-U-~T UTs ---,-------➔ + BOILER COMPRESS~ 3 15 HP -----. --TOTAL PLUMBl!llG _9_01·810-00·00-8222 c:i.1 . SC) 1 EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MURE I \1ETAL F 1'1.t.PLACE . ELECTRICAL OOH10-00·00·8223 I () - : 1--~~HINSTA~ -~L!__ER_REPAlflt7Afrnp1PE--t---_ ~ :vENT_F-AN-SiNGLE □UCt]_-.,;;l..~---=--~~--_ MECHANICAL----=-~~ 001-810·_~0·00-8224 ~ -- ! EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS MOBILEHOME 001-810-00-00-8225 11.,.-· 'NATE:.R so~ r~ER ------· RELOC~~~-□~~-~RNACE.HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP ~ FACl-i Q(;IJ~ T--1,l.l'J ,l'J\1,;:_ ·. . SOLAR 001·810·00-00-8226 lherettyJ.ll1rm\hatlhaveacertlca1e ·--1--1 . ·--·-·----------t----. TOThL MECHANICAL ST-RONG MOTION 880-519-92:33 t ----1 ~ se'f-,~sure O'acert,'1cateofWo•~ers Com t--· ---------i· ___ _J -• :::;) 0 ~uranceora.-G,t11iedcopythweot,.Sec3800 TO!Al PiU\iBIN\. i _..!'.) 7 .'3'.J: 1 ( -FIRESPRINKLi:RS 001-810-00·00-8227 1 POLICY No ~ --PuBu FACILITIES FE~ -. -. 1 co~•PAr--Y ,k I QTY ELECTRICAL PERMIT• ISSUE 5 _ : QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE 1-------~--·---- 332 B__l_Q__Q,O . .OO 8930 r-·--- --1-------··- C·~Pv ,s ',led,. tn the Clly --l-------- Cer(1lied :op~ 1s heretty •urn1she : NEWCOr..STE.AAMPS\/1/1 llKR .)_ _____ 1 :en lffl0e1'.:i I SC~CJOLFEE---------·--. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTlt !-"ROM WORKERS-CQMPE'jSATION I SURANCE 1Th,s section need ~ot be cocnple d ,I the perrn,1 ,s lor one hund·ed do-lars 1S1DO, or less) --:= I ~erllty that ,n the performance of the work for wh,ch This perrn,t 1s issued. I shall not employ any person,., any manne, so as to become suttiect to the Worke,s Com pen sat,on Laws 01 Cal1fom1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If, after making ".his Cert1!1cate of Exemption you should become sub1ect to the Workers Compensation prov,s,ons of the labor Code. you must forthwith comply w,th such prov,s,ons or th•s permit shall be deemed revoked _ l I hereby aftirm \~al t~ere ,s a constrJct,or 1e,d1rg ac;enc; for the perlormance o' '.he work to, wh,ch tn,s per• rn,t 15 issued <,Sec 3097. c,,,I Code> Lender's Name Lenders Address DISTRIC~ --+---- I I PH \ PH Carlsbad 1 EXISTflLnGEAAMPSWlllKR STcRAir ''."'s CLEA REP -----..il Rnr~-s 11J::i,.,,_,~=-_Jl,.L~~~~~;~~:~~-t=~-. ·----+---------s ' ·-------- ! l PH ',PH __ I -+-P,~ -·-T 5 _=. -------+---L ----dBN-W 19W .J__ _ __ Sa~!9._U110 ___ _ San Marcos Encinitas R[MOnEL Al ltR PER c1ricu1T ' 1 TEMPPOLE !UUAMPS ~l ,\f. r:'-'~['< IE:': ··--I lJVER 200AMPS ·------I ,11 =r----.. --------·· -~ . LICENSE TAX 001'810-00-00-8162 : -!~MP uccu. PAN CY ·_30 □A.YS! ---~-__ · I'. J -~~~ :ttrw CA1tL .. . . M-FF--. -8'so•519-92·57 : I ---------,------c -·---DfV OPM_EN_ll_PR_iO_CE_S: N SERVS . .:_ CREDIT DEPOSIT 111\Al Flti.TRil,Al !,'If Al Sill ,\R jfs---c:_c__::..::....:..ccc_ ________ ~ __ .L_ ___ !,..._l,..!.:.-°'C::::L : Q . •.• TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED · APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND 00 HEREBY Expiration Every permtl issued by the Building Olf1c1al under the provisions ofth,s l CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall e~p,re by lim,tation and become null and vo,d If the bu11d,ng or work I DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AN0 CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PEPMIT IS auttlorized by such permit is not commenced w,thm 1BOdaystrom ttiedate of such * AN OSHA PERM;T IS REQUIRE[) FOR E.XCA\IATK)NS 0\/ER 5" o·· DEEP ANO OEMOLJTK>N OR CONSTROCTION OF STRUCT\JR£S OVER J STORIES IN HEIGHT , . . permit. or 11 the building or work authorized by such permit 1s suspended or I ISSUED. TO COMPLY WITH ALL (:ITY. COUNlY AND STATE LAWS GQ·✓ERNING BUILDING CON· cc'c'c'::'-"d;'o:m:,:,d0,0t c"".:c"cm0e0a0t0te0c0t0hee..!weoc'ckc"e-S'oame'.!Cmo•c's'c'd,c.clsccaClj0ec"oed""cfste80e.,d,:c'7-,-+.,,,,.,,---.-----,----------------~ I STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANO o o a s I KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST All LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS ANO APPUCANT"S SIGNATURE lf,. OWNER PPROVEO BY UATE EXPENSES WHICH MAY !N ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINS1 SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE fl. U ~ GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT L,£.L-C..-t-"\..A..,-'" 1-J ~.,)._.fi-~ I ~ \ CJ cSP m 2'Tl 0. 0. <I'. ~ C ii 0 w m w w w <I'. s 0 w ,. "' w w 0 0 ,t m ;;; 0 s w 0 C m C ,;: ,::. C w ~ ('.a 'a " w a w C s .c > TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING I FOUNDATION I /},, Ill {), A', / ' REINFORCED STEEL I f..,' 1-O'f' r 1, I MASONRY ' I GUNITE OR GROUT I . SUB FRAME □ FLOOR ,□ CEIi.JiNG SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SH;EAR -- FRAME I . 7...-, • ..Ut-#'t..'1 Iv' EXTERIOR LATH I INSULATION ' I INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I I PLUMBING ' I ,: SEWER AND BL/CO ::: Pl/CO UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE □ \/YATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN I GAS TEST I □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR W/ITER I ELECTRICAL I C ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND c::::UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I ?.'l,t:a P,'14. □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY □ BONDING C POOL I I MECHANICAL I □ DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED FINAL PLUMBING I ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS I BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS I I ,----------- FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTION SOILS COMFC ,\"J-'._ E PRiOR TO ~CclNDA-101\, ,~~S~ REO IF I INSPECTORS ChECKEO APPROVAL f,f .\f_t (:t•/."·Jt~ I I C!t '-il'!• DATE ,.._1t...,_•· i· -1,c ~-· ,.i:....::; -, --·• >' S .-l <. ••• ,. ~ cq_g;-~ .:t·;tn STRUC":1_ PAL CC"-.:=·.:it-Tl -_ _(_ ---+ --- 0\1 ER 2:JJC -•~~ ~-'- P9ESTHtSStU CO~C8FTE POST ffN:'=,10r,,..E~; CONCRE--:-E FIE-LO 1:\'E~.'JIN(; ,~:(_;H STREr,.,,'G-i-. ElOL Ts I --r- --1--. ---+-- { ; ! ".~-~ fH---+ ~ ',I t) I .f Lf ----- SFEC,AL \,1AS'.Jr,,Fi'\:'. ,_ _____ . ----------+--------+----- f-------------~e---~--------,------1 PILE-S CA1:=;scr,.,-· f----f---------~-+ ± ------+------- --+----t-----~-+----- ----t-------------t--------+----- !--------·-----+-----+-----------+- -1------\-----------+-.-- -----+----+------+-----~ ·----+ -----+-----+- f--~------+ --------+--~-+------+-- ~-----I ' ~ 85-t,\..f;;i.. ---------- INSPECTOR'S NOTES • I ! I -~---· --- ·:/ ... ! I • ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (619) 560-1,1,68 DATE: □APPLICANT @JURISDICTION D PLAN CHECKER OFILE COPY OUPS ODESIGNER JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: PROJECT ADDRESS: /Zfp PROJECT NAME: □ • D □ D □ • □ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified ,)£€ BEZal/f/ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: ________ Telephone # _________ _ "'-J REMARKS: 1) ,1/oVI/ /?,(l{i~ 1-/aq,f' ,:AU€ AT izPIM/6€ , I .s S-er "& Ac.,<; S '-t. '1 BY: ________________ _ ESGIL CORPORATION ENCL: _______ _ , ,, .• ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE: □APPLICANT l&fJURISDICTION QPLAN CHECKER D FILE COPY OUPS JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: D DESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: PROJECT NAME: □ □ II □ • □ II □ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien-cies identified _______________ are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is the jurisdiction's copy for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: _______ Telephone# ________ _ REMARKS: __________________________ _ -;e· BY, d /IR..?«< a /<~ 1 ESGIL C0RP0RAT.I0N ~ ENCL: -------- ; .nll!ISD ICTION: Cd(?t..H3Ap DATE //•'(•Bo Enclosures: __________ _ PROJECT ADDRESS: /2.fD LA$ fi_oRE-6 TO: 6,f(E;,My L, Bl;BRY 12;/q Lt1$ H,(l{ff:S Date plans received by jurisdictionJO·Jlo-85 Date plans received by plan checker/p-5,, •SS Date initial plan check completed JJ-4•95'. by ,;;A@ FORWARD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. The approval of the plans does not permit the ~iolation of any state, county or city law. A.~ 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: car pF .c.AIZL.:5.E!Ao Bu,UJ1A!e CEffllr[IIIEl,Jr 2. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. .3 7 I I PLAN CHECK NO: es:-tA2 I D APPLICANT COPY D JURISDICTION COPY i f, Q PLAN CHECKER COPY~o,-} <'f1 0 FILE COPY ~(.,,,-,jl{, ij ~-<~ 41784 •' l 14 How La:frr,o!J VALUliflarJ • • Date, /1-4-St:: Prepared by, {;;flll'I lhr.r,,& Jurisdiction (/4?tGBflO VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO, 85-t:,42. BUILDING ADDRESS 12.'~0 f-Aj np,f,~'$ □ Bldg, Dept. □ Esgil APPLICANT/CONTACT 11: dZf=/,,7(),tl PHONE NO. 7:Z.;Z< 058 I BUILDING OCCUPANCY R-3 /m DESIGNER PHONE ------TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-Af CONTRACTOR PHONE ____ _ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER •""•·' I I' ,,.,1:. )/-f}c;,l;l It-&: rt .i::zi.-qz:;7r, ,.~ •.. ,~l((F•' /. '1A, --?/.-"' _"1,f --,t-I, A ~ - f?pmn.-.-01 .--~ 1t,., ., -1n a ttt ,~-~ J 1-'7"1 a...-: .. 1,·-•·-C'7D. rll 1A -7 ~q-:, Air Conditionin~ --Commercial @ Residential ta Res. or Comm. Fire Snrinklers @ Total Value 2Zh3C> Fee Adjusted To Reflect O Energy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) _ □Handicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) Building Perm it Fee $------------'-~-----.._$_...,/ea:23.s.;c.:.·-$.s..c __ Plan Check Fee_$"------------'----------'$"--~/ D=:3:...:•c.:D"-'Z.=--- C OH HEN T S;ii//J// 1'/Utn 1£mltA EM fflMD@. ~#.00-,.5 Dlffgf-E.N(t;( eenua,v GMA6e tJrJn ow1£L.L,V6 t se,-,4 • --14J- B/4/82