HomeMy WebLinkAbout1298 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; 87-518; Permitc 'I DECLARATIONS LENDER WORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNERllUlLDER CONTRACTOR nr II 1- a + !! II n d 0 t - 2 (I 4 - i White - Inspector Green - (1) Finance Yellow - Assessor Pink - Applicant Gold - Temporary File I rn I 4; D n 0 0 z P cn 4 cn -I rn z cn - --I- DEVELOPMENT PROCESS1 NG SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1 161 MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT Applicant Please Prlnt And Fill In Shaded Area Only I I ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. OWNER'S I CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S , MA1 LI NO ADDRESS CITY 2fP TEL. STATE BUSINESS LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO. SUBDIVISION LOT(S) LEGAL DESCREPTION kb 7 / 9 &4b /7/!? APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE White - File Yellow. Applicant 0015 09/23 0101 0SHisc. 22140 VALIDATION AREA ESTMATED VALUATION 66 7702 PLAN CHECK FEE 001-810-00-00-8821 fk&?/ IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES WILL BE FORFEITED. CHECK IF SUBMITTED: 0 2 ENERGY CALCS 2 1987 ENERGY CALCS FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BLDGS 0 0 2STRUCTURALCALC.S I7 2flS REPORTS 6 2 SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPES DATE GIVEN/ SENT TO APPLICANT DATE LA COSTA LETTER 3. 9 SCHOOL FEE FORM P & E CORRECTIONS LIST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Pink - Finance Gold - Assessor a?-5118 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 6-fi-88 DATE: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: 1291 ?fw+rr;i Vlsta Bay PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: c+a TD NUMBER OF UNITS: Unk ?z#-33tt CONTACT PERSON: CONTACT TELEPHONE: brdg,anyli?,pl~.3* fl+e,h2n INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ COMMENTS: Rev. 1/88 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire k - FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DATE: ' ," PLAN CHECK NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: _-- -- NUMBER OF UNITS: L! CONTACT PERSON: -F qf;-*l:;l 7 CONTACT TELEPHONE: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED BY: INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ___ INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ____ COMMENTS: ~ ~ ~~ ~~ __~ Rev. 1186 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION 6-6-88 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 87-51 8 DATE: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: 1298 Guena Vista :Yay PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: res TI NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT PERSON: unk CONTACT TELEPHONE: 729-381 1 bldg,mgin,plan, fire, h20 INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED: APPROVED ___ DISAPPROVED - Costa Real Municipal Water District JUN. 08 1988 COMMENTS: Engineering Departrnmt (61 9) 438-3367 1 Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Flre _- CORRECTION NOTICE 0 APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON JOB SITE BUILDING 0 FOUNDATION 0 REINFORCING STEEL 0 MASONRY 0 FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME lJ &kJ pe,f & &mfWJ /U&d&?, p//e 0 GROUT-GUNITE If y7-2-/2% ddZ.5 /bT f 0 SHEATHING /AC- UgL &f& n FRAME 0 EXTERIOR LATH 0 INSULATION 0 INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL PLUM BlNG 0 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING 0 UNDERGROUND WATER ROUGH PLUMBING 0 TOP OUT PLUMBING 0 SEWER AND PUCO. TUB OR SHOWER PAN 0 GASTEST 0 WATER HEATER ELECTRICAL 0 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 POOL BONDING 0 UFERGROUND 0 G.F.I. 0 SMOKE DETECTOR TEMPORARY SERVICE n ROUGH ELECTRIC n ELECTRIC SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS 0 PLENUM AND DUCTS 0 COMBUSTION AIR CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS 0 SOLAR 0 POOL 0 SIGN 0 OTHER GRADING n PATIO TIMF- ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (610) 560-1468 -. rb DATE: SCT -d 3 - a9 JURISDICTION: Cor 1 s bad, PLAN CHECK NO: - 3-)-55rX OUPS t' ODESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: \drli( Au cnOc I/ 0 el 0 0 0 0 0 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified bd\od are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff - did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # By: g Enclosures: &'OH& ESGIL CORPORATION Jo- 19- $7 ESGXL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92 123 (619) 5601468 DATE : - +- - \987 JURISDICTION: Co7\3\8 a h PLAN CHECK NO: c6 y7 -519 'I' OUPS PROJECT ADDRESS: fi U4n CL vdz OFILE COPY ODESIGNER The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. n necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. plans are submitted for recheck. Q83 The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the n jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: - I Td 10 admrrP z /!Q P aucna V~SL I (I rs., Gk .4AmP ( 0 Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan the? has, ;\ been completed. Person contacted: 110 ad n7/rez - P?!--O l,~.~_o! -J ] Date 'CB mm 1017/W Telephone # 7d4- 38 II I' By: G Enclosures: dcyng ESGIL CORPORATION a PLAN CORRECTION SHEET / Plan? meek NO. /+ - Date plans received by the jurisdiction 9-J? Date plans received by plan checker /D- 1-2 7 Date initial plan check completed /a- 7-37 BY 'FOREWORD: PLEASE REA0 Plan theck is lhited to technical requirements contained in the Unffom Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform clechanical Code, National Electrical Code an.d state lms regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and 8cccss for the handicapped. regdations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. based an laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The plan check is based on You nray have other correction3 The items eircled below need clarification, modification or change. to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations- Per See. 503 (c), of the Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. All circled items have 6 ze make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets or prints, and any original plan seta that may have been returned to you by the Jurisdiction, to:J-5< ,I crp. ' q3Jo c he-& Ict .nY. , stz .do&?, 5 D- I a -94m @ To racilitate rechecking, please identf fy, next to each circled Item, the sheet of the pIana upon nhich each correction on this sheet has been mode and return thio check sheet with tho revised plans. I I 1 I I Date: lo-3-87 Prepared by : &5a!x&- VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE 0 Bldg. Dept. /Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. cb - 97 -5/p BUILDING ADDRESS - 1248 Buen~ V'/SZ wi/ . BUILDING OCCUPANCY APPLI CAN T/CON TAC T , TIJ /IO PhM/r/ z PHONE 60. 7d9- ,Sf// R3 - M&-~~~X~SICNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION *-A' CONTRACTOR PHONE 1 BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA I-- I Air Conditionina Commercial . Residential I Res. or Comm. Fire Sprinklers Total Value I-- ~ VALUATION 1 VALUE 1 - MULTIPLIER I I @ @ @ I .. .. .. .. ... Building Permit Fee 8- d SOdSL $ .?J7 93 Plan Check Fee $ COMMENTS: a 4- s ,I > c Q m .- E > Q E no mu Q ci 2 .. > rn B E Q > Q Ly: .- 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 ENG I NEERl NG CHECKLIST 7 Item Complete - 0 Your Action Date : 9 /29/~ 7 Plan Check No. A7 \7]~ Project Address: /zqp, RU,& VIATA -, - Item Incomplete - Needs Project Name: RAfl/@gz E fi5 r3DD11?& 1,2,3 Number in circle indicates Dlanchec k Field Check Date: By : number that' deficiency was identified LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Site Plan 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures , streets , exis ti ng street i mprovemen ts r-h t -of - wa y width_ and dimensioned setbacks. 2. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, - existing a- , driveway and percent ($) grade and drainage ' patterns. 3. Provide legal description of property. 4. Provide assessor's parcel number. PERMITS REQUIRED Grading 5. Grading permit required. (Separate submittal to Engineering Department required for Grading Permit). 6. 7. Need the following completed prior to building permit issuance: Grading plans in plan check PE A. Grading plans signed. B. Grading permit issued. C. Grading completed. D. E. Grading inspected and permit signed off by City Inspector. 8. Right-of-way Permit required for work in public right-of-way (e.g. , driveway approach, sidewalk, connection to water main, etc) . - Certification letter and compaction reports submitted. 9. Industrial Waste Permit application required. To be filled out completely and returned to Development Processing. FEES REQUIRED 10. [I Q 0 0 0 0 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. , Total Fee: d]h Pa r k- i n- Lieu fees required. Quadrant: , Fee Per Unit: Traffic impact fee required. Fee Per Unit: , Total Fee: ~p,T,l&~?Ef, Bridge and Thoroughfare fee required. Fee Per Unit: Public facilities fee required.$/,% , Total Fee: &~~h)P~rElt I Ect Facilities management fee required. Fee:N,,TVkr)N - Additional EDU's required: d] Sewer connection fee: Sewer lateral required: d/A Fxtsn If you have any questions about any of the above items identified on this plan check, pleasW=czr"the Development Processing Department at 438-1 161. PLANNING CHECKLIST Plan Check No. 87-5/6 Address jZQ8 ,&&uU I/ /5* hm Type of Project and Use /&no& { & hL Qoulnw Zone Use Allowed? YES D( NO Setback: Front O!< Side Rear OFAD 6(5/%7 Facilities Management Zone 1 School District: San Dieguito Enci n i tas Carlsbad X San Marcos Discretionary Action Required YES NO - TY Pe Envi ronmental Required YES NO x Landscape Plan Required YES NO x Commen ts YES NO A 5€7B@W kl.b%% Additional Comments SiEy&m red Coastal Permit Req --- OK TO ISSUE P- I October 23, 1987 Mr. Tony Mata Building Inspector City of Carl sbad 2075 Las Palmas Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Request for side yard reduction, 1298 Buena Vista hay. Dear Mr. Mata, Jul io Rami rez (--& 4?!/nW' Section 21.10.040(2) provides for a reduction of one side yard to five(5) feet, providing the opposite side yard is increased porporti onately . We are requesting City of Carlsbad approval of an addition to our home at 1298 Buena Vista Way. The proposed addition will have a five (5) feet easterly side yard and a minimun fourteen (14) feet side yard on the opposite westerly side. The attached site plan graphically shows the addition, side yard setbacks and proximity to the ajoining residences on either side. (Minimun 21 feet building separation). We feel that our proposed addition is within current City of Carlsbad zoning regulations, and therefore, request your approval of the side yard reduction on the easterly property line. Respectfully , fl K+- L .4ful io Rami rez \ 1298 Buena Vista Way <' \ Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 21.10.020--21.10.040 the written decision of the land use planning mmager. appellant shall pay the cost of the appeal. Satellite television antennae subject to the pro- visions of Section 21.53.130 of this code. (part), 1986; Ord. 9785 §5, 1986; Ord. 9731 52, 1984; Ord. 9686 ~1, 1983; Ord. 9624 §2(part), 1983; Ord. 9559 Sl(part), 1980; Ord. 9502 57, 1978; Ord. 9455 §3(part), 1976; Ord. 9427 s6, 1975; Ord. 9239 S1, 1969; Ord. 9224 §2(part), 1969; Ord. 9170 S1; Ord. 9060 SSOO). The (13) (Ord. 9804 56 21.10.020 Building height. In the R-1 zone no building shall exceed a height of thirty-five feet. (Ord. 9060 §Sol). 21.10.030 Front yard. Every lot in the R-1 zone shall have a front yard which has a depth not less than twenty feet, except that on key lots and lots which side upon com- mercially or industrially zoned property, the required front yard need not exceed fifteen feet. (Ord. 9060 S502). 21.10.040 Side yards. In the R-1 zone every lot shall (a) Interior lots shall have the following side yards: the lot, which side yard has a width equal to ten percent of the lot width; provided, that such side yard shall not be less than five feet in width and need not exceed ten feet. reduction ..in width .of -.one side ,yard-<provided-,that- the ”spposite side yard is,increased in width-’by”an’-amount- equal. to the- re- duct i on . !J he-r e du ced-s ide -yard -s h a-f-f--no t3-e-e s-s-th an- f i ve --- ’ feet in width nor shall it abut a lot or parcel of land with’ an adlacent reduced side yard,’nor shall the incrzased side yard have a width- of less than ten-feet. (3) In the event special circumstances exist, such as extrerne topographical features and/or irregularly shaped lots (such as those which front on cul-de-sacs) , the land use planninq manager may approve the application of a reduced side yard adlacent to a reduced side yard, subjecz to the following condition: A minimum of ten feet bet:;eer, buildings shall be maintained. the following side yards: the side yard shall be equal to ten percent of t:?e lot width; provided that such side yard shall not be less than five feet in width and need not exceed ten feet. (2) On the side street, the width of t:2s recu~red si~e yard shall be ten feet and such side yard snzll ex.te2d. the full lenqth of the lot. (Ord. 1256 §7(part), 1982; Ori. 93-13 52, 1973: Ord. 9060 5503). have side yards as follows: (1) A side yard shall be provided on each side of ( 2 1 ,,,The ,land use ’~planninqrrrna~~g~-r’~~-a~~~~?ro~e~.% -v (b) Corner lots and reversed corner lots sxll have (1) On the side lot line which adjoins zzother lot, 360-2 I' - -e- 1 I I b! I 1 I I I-.- ( 1 'J I I Ii I I. L I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I, MARY THOMPSON, HEREWITH GRANT JULIO RAMIREZ, 1298 BUENA VISTA WAY, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008, PERMISSION TO ENCROACH WITHIN FIVE FEET OF MY PROPERTY LINE WITH HIS LIVING ROOM ADDITION. CERTIFICATION- OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF CARLSEAD DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALXAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 Plan Check No. 87--5/2 , This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department. SCHOOL DISTRICT: Larlsbad Unified 801 Pine Avenue San Marcos Unified 270 West San Marcos Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (457-4985) San Marcos, CA 92069 (744-4776) Encinitas Union Elementary 189 Union Street 625 North Vulcan Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4306) Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) San Dieguito Union High School Project Address: /AqG fiueA/A &s% UA~ RESIDENTIAL: SQ. FT. of living area /of2 Number of dwelling units SQ. FT. of covered area SQ. FT. of garage area COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL: SQ. FT. AREA Prepared By Date FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the School District) L/ Applicant has complied with fee requirement under Goverilnent Code 53080 Project is subject to an existing fee agreement Proj'ect is exempt from Government Code 53080 Final Map approval and construction started before September 1, 1986. (other school fees paid) Other Residential Fee Levied: $ 1) 5-6 5,b-d based on sq. ft.? Comm/Indust Fee Levied: $ based on sq. ft.@ 131h /occ e;.% Schoouistrict Official v Title D$te AB 2926 and SB 201 fees are capped at $1.50 per square foot for residential. AB 2926 is capped at $.25 per square foot for coamerciallindustrial.