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1302 PINE AVE; ; CB100695; Permit
~:. ~. ·~, . '~ .: ': City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 11-05-2010 Residential Permit Permit No: CB100695 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: 1302 PINE AV CBAD RESDNTL 2050204100 $275,337.00 Sub Type: SFD Status: Lot#: 0 Applied: Construction Type: 5B Entered By: Reference #: Plan Approved: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: 0 Structure Type: SFD Issued: Bedrooms: 3 . Bathrooms: 3 Inspect Area: Project Title: DANNA. RES-DEMO EXIST 639 SF Orig PC#: HOUSE, BUILD 2544 SF L V/ 576 SF GAR/33 SF PORCH Plan Check# Applicant: WORTHING INC, B. A. SUITE #201 690 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 760-729-3965 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD#2 Fee BTD#3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee· Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee Owner: DANNA ARMANDO&DORA E 1302 PINE AVE . CARLSBA8 CA 92008 $1,286.57 $0.00 $836.27 $0.00 $0.00 $27.53 .$0.00 $0.00. $0.00 $0.00 · ,$0.00 $0.00 , $0.00 ' j. $0.00 , · .. $0~00 . $D.OO $0:0.0_· $0.00 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFD Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) .. License Tax (3104193) License Tax ( 4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) Sidewalk Fee PLUMBING TO:TAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Hqusing lrtl:ieu Fee · Hoasing· CredifFee $6.'66 $0.00 $8.00 -. ,:, ,M~ste.r D~aii;iage Fee -·.; :sewerFee'· Addhional Fees · TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $3,366.65 Total Payments To Date: $3,366.65 Balance Due: ISSUED 04/20/2010 JMA 11/05/2010 11/05/2010 \ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $174.00 $60.00 $63.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $911.28 $0.00 $0.00 $3,366.65 $0.00 Inspector: Clearance: _____ _ t approval of your project includes the "I osition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as '1ees/exactions." u have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures s forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of. which ou have reviousl been iven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otherwise ex ired. , .. City of Carlsbad .~~WIPP); ~:leckNo. CBtco0qs 1635 Faraday Ave., Garlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717 / 2718 / 2719 Fax: 760-602c8558 Building Permit Application JOB ADDRESS 1:30'2.. CT/PROJECT II LOT II PHASE II. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Est. Value A7S: 3o//. Plan Ck. Deposit 'Date lf SUITEII/SPACEII/UNIT/1 APN 152. --2.~ //•BATHROOMS ,TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE CC. GROUP EXISTING,USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE {SF) PATIOS {SF) DECKS {SF) FIREPLACE AIR CONDITIONING FIRE SPRINKLERS YESD #_ NOD YES D NOD YES D NOD CONTACT NAME (If Different Fom Appllcant) _ APPuc~NT NAM~Ks Wo Y'lill in ADDRESS 1041 CITY STATE ZIP STATE ZqlP CA-~or~ PHONE FAX EMAIL: PROPERTY OWNER NAME \ _ l\("motJao ~ t:br .+-CONTRA¥J:OR_,.BUS. NAME LI ,; . f:6,.ft· WOY'T v,1 no Inc.. ADDRESS CITY ZIP qza::;@> STATE QA ZIP CJ ?-0 I ?I PHONE -. EMAIL 'ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS STATE UC. II Brc:oks Wot'-ftl\ P.o. \3o)C 1041 Caw..~. 3q:z.5q4 CLASL3 CITY BUS. UC.II . 5L/C/ ;LOO (lee. 7031.5 Buiiness and Professions Code: Any City or Countr, which requires a permit to construct. alter improve. demol~h or reP.air any structure prior to its inuance,.also·requires the applicant for such permit to-file a signed-statement thai he is licensedJ)111111ant to the provisions of the Contractor's license law {Chapter 9, commending with Section 'IOOD-of Div~ion 3-of the Business and Professions Code} or that he~ mmpt therefrom, and the ba!IS for the alleged exemption: Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant. for a permit subjects the ap~icant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollari {$500}). · 1 \'ftOIUC:tfU• C0MPEN$AflON , . ' .,. . . . '" .. ~·-·r--··:_.., .. '.<'~>,.<,.:~, 1• -' > , ~ w-~ ~ daa,1..-, , Workers' Compensation Declaratlon: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: • Q I have and will maintain a certificate or consent to self.insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the tabor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ' ~ I have and will maintain workers' compensation. a,; rP<J11irPrl h~ i:!!"6n'!-~7t\fl nf-thP. Labo~ Code, for the perfon,,~~c€' nf th"'. work for which this_perm[t is issued; Mv workers'·compensallon ins~ra_nGe crrrl9r a~~ policy number.are:lnsuranceCo._ ,0(.,UeY' Grv\,t.p-~lr -we.. _ PolicyNo, WDB-33LO~~ ExpiralionDate t ,·\, \0 -- This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less, 0 Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in-any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of . California. WARNiNG: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall·subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), In addition to the cost of compensation, damages s prov d for In Sect! 3706 ofthe labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. Jf5 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE I hereby affirm that/ am exemptfrom Contractor's License Law for the fo ingr . SOK . . . .. __ .. ----------------- D I, as owner ofthe property ·of my employees with wag~; as their soie c-pensation, will db the work and the structure is nol in fended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply lo an owner of p~operty who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself orthrough his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving Iha! he did not build' or improve for the purpose of sale). · 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively.conlracling with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves !hereon, and contracts for such projects with conlraclor(s) licensed.pursuant to'fhe Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ____ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan lo provide the major labor and materials for construclion of the proposed.property improvement. O Yes O No 2. I (have/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide lhe proposed construclion (include name address/ phone I contractors' license number): 4, I pla_n lo provide portions of the work, bu! I have hired the following person to coordinale, supervise and provide the major work (include n_ame I address I phone I contractors' license number): 5. I will provide some of lhe work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicaled (include name I address I phone I type of work): _g PROPERTY OWNER SIG~ATURE DATE ls.lhe applicant or future building occupanl required to ~ubmil a business plan, aculely hazardous materials registralion form or risk management and prevenlion program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? O Yes O No . Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from lhe air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 Yes O No Is the facilii}' to be constructed wilhin 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school sile? o·Yes O No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET ORIS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I certify that I have read the application and state that the above Information Is correct and thatthe information on the plans is accurate. I agree to complywith all Clfyordlnances and State laws relating to building construction. IJ,ereby auth9rize representalive of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SA VE,. INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations rNer s·o: deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the prwisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or wori< authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the bu~ wori< if~~~ r f ~It is suspended or abandoned at any.time after lhe wori< is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code) . ..@S' APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ~1/<!'W '{j_ . · DATE 4-j / Cf / Jo City of Carlsbad Bldg· Inspection Request For: 05/23/2012 Permit# CB10069S Inspector Assignment: PY Title: DANNA RES-DEMO EXIST 639 SF Description: HOUSE, BUILD 2544 Sf LV/ 576 SF GAR/33 SF PORCH Type: RESDNTL Sub '.J"ype: SFD Job Address: Suite: . · · Location; 1302 PINE AV Lot: APPLICANT WORTHING INC, B. A. 0 Owner: DANNA ARMANDO&DORA E Remarks: PLE_ASE INSPECT AT 9AM Total Time: co· Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural ·~. ~9 Final Plum_bing 39 Final Electrical ·49 Final Mechanical Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs/SWPPPs Original PC# Phone: 7604349714 ·inspector: ---- Reque~ted By: DORA DONNA Entered By: CHRISTINE SW100087 ISSUED DANNA RESIDENCE; NEW HOME 2544 NEW GARAGE 576 SW100244 ISSUED DANNA 'RES-DEMO EXIST HOME.& ; BUILD NEW HOME-GARAGE & PA TIO-SWP FE! · Inspection History Date .Description · 05/14/2012 89 Final Combo 1_2/20/2011 11/07/2011 34 Rough Electric 17 lnt_erior Lath/Drywall 10/28/2011 · 16 Insulation 10/03/2011 84 Rough Combo Act lnsp Comments. CO PB AP PY EMR AP PY AP PY AP PY Inspection List Permit#: CB100695 Type: RESDNTL SFD Date Inspection Item Inspector 05/23/2012 89 Final Combo PY .,. 05/23/2012 89 Final Combo 05/14/2012 89 Final Combo . 05/14/2012 89 Final CombQ PB 12/20/2011 34 Rough Electric PY 11/07/2011 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PY 10/28/2011 16 Insulation PY 10/03/2011 84 Rough Combo PY 06/22/2011 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PY 05/24/2011 13 Shear Panels/HD's PY 05/24/2011 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PY 05/24/2011 15 · Roof/Reroof PY 04/12/2011 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PY 01/24/2011 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PY 01/24/2011' 63 Walls PY 01/19/2011 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PY 01/19/2011 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear PY 01/07/2011 63 Walls PY 0.1/07/2011 66 Grout PY 01/03/2011 11 Ftg/Foundation/Pier~ PD 12/14/2010 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PY 12/08/2010 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PY Thursday, May 24, 2012 Act AP RI RI co AP AP AP AP AP AP WC. AP AP AP WC WC AP WC AP PA AP AP DANNA RES-~EMO EXIST 639 SF HOUSE, BUILD 2544 SF L V/ 576 SF GARi3 Comments PLEASE INSPECT AT 9AM EMR OK TO SCRATCH GARAGE ONLY SLAB ON GRADE OK GARAGE PAD FTG STORGAE RM GARAGES & WALL Page 1 of 1 CIIV II Carlsbad Dept: Building Plan Check #: Planning CMWD St Lite Fire -.....;:::::---- Date:· 05/14/2012 Permit#: C8100695 Permit Type: RESDNTL Project Name: DANNA RES-DEMO EXIST 639 SF Sub Type: SFD HOUSE, BUILD 2544 SF LV/ 576 SF GAR/33 SF PORCH Address: 1302 PINE AV · Contact Person: ARMANDO Sewer Dist: CA Phone: 7604349714 Water Dist: CA Lot: 0 ................................................................... -...................................................................................... . Inspected Date By: f'-.A..._ ~ V• .. -...A....L'-4C) :::::,, Inspected: S-lb-12... Approved: . ,__--Disapproved: __ . Inspected Date By:. Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ·~···••1i111111,,, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , Comments: ------------------------------------ Cltv or_earlsbad ; . Flnal llulldlnu Inspection ~~~ Dept: Building Engineering e CMWD St Lite Fire Plim Check#: Date: Permit#: CB 100695 Permit Type: Project.Name: DANNA RES-DEMO EXIST 639 SF Sub Type: HOUSE, BUILD 2544 SF LV/ 576 SF GAR/33 SF PORCH Address: 1302 PINE AV Contact Person: ARMANDO Sewer Dist: CA Phone: 7604349714 Water Dist: CA Lot: 0 05/14/2012 RESONTL SFD ···············••i••·······························································•••i,, .................................... , .. i,,, •••••••••••••••.•••.•• ~;p~)c1~ Date · · / lnspected5-/.i.../-/ ?--Approvecl: _v'_ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By:-. __ ....;._-'--------'-----Inspected: __ --,--__ Approved: __ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: . Inspected:-;-: _____ .Approved:--,--Disapproved: __ ,I I I 1111I111-1 I 11 I I I~ 11 I I I I I I 11 I 111 I I I I I I I I I 1111 I I I I 11 I I 11 I I I 111 I I I I I I I I~ 111 I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I 11111 I I Ii 11 I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I 111 I I 111 I I I I I I I I 11 I 11 Comments: ________________ -________________ _ l City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request . For: 01/19/2011 Permit# CB100695 Inspector Assignment: PY --- Title: DANNA RES-DEMO EXIST 639 SF Description: HOUSE, BUILD 2544 SF LV/ 576 SF GAR/33 SF PORCH Sub Type: SFD Type: RESDNTL Phone: 7604349714 Job Address: 1302 PINE AV Suite: Lot: 0 Location: lns·pector: ---- OWNER DANNA ARMANDO&DORA E Owner: .DANNA ARMANDO&DORA E Remarks: NOT QUITE SURE Oi= WHAT SHE WANTS Total Time: Requested By: DORA Entered By: CHRISTINE Description Act Comments CD 14 wc.-Frame,stee11so1ting/We1ding ________________________ _ -l-~- -~ S-J-./€A-R.__ Af ~ rzo&P: A--~-.. -,---p_J-_, 1-------- comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs/SWPPPs Original PC# SW100087 ISSUED DANNA RESIDENCE; NEW HOME 2544 NEW GARAGE 576 SW100244 ISSUED DANNA RES-DEMO EXIST HOME & ; BUILD NEW HOME-GARAGE & PATIO-SWP FE! Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 01/07/2011 63 Walls WC PY 01/07/2011 66 Grout AP PY 01/03/2011 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PA PD PAD FTG STORGAE RM 12/14/2010 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PY GARAGES & WALL 12/08/2010 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PY 5741 PALMER WAY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 CLIENT }>J"""'H - SUPT A~IYJIJNO<> l);'>q~A ':'\ ~o£-:~~ti,2';iY-,-.~~~~·-_,. -, .-. -----. ,, .... ' _, ,_ .... --. w.o. . &,f'il:,-t.j ... l'J ... St. DATE .l ~ / N //a "' . NAME. //$ HOURS ___ O._.?_s:" ___ ~_ MEMO /$o-'2 fl A/(i ,t/ VR'° • TRACT ________ LOCATION rA/! 1 !:.~Cr t"' "1 • CONTRACTOR_=A_-~r~K;~~___,,/:~Q=/3,=T~~'-'-'-'-N-'--t;,~~=='-=P~"--~~"--,r'--"~~:4.i~~~L=VJ=A=~~~~'---, .f ::r;., 71/Z.S )tt.r~ r.t' 6&.elffM,,..,{!JFt> 7: /4:m,e.'£ 711$ /4,..1v,~7Z"Al r~ S$77-i'?/4?-Ai7 DE ,GrLs SWl'htt77Nh -plE A!,.,,,;vpo &,..$:a SlAA. GeoSoils, Inc. BY: .1-1Q.. PAGE -. / OF~/-~ E:/wp/forms/memosant.wpd . ,, . ', ',. ','.; ·.J ' ,., .. ( "'"I w.o. bot,1~c .. .s,<'- OATE 12.-11,,.,a NAME /l, (L HOURS J.o Geotechnical • Coastal • Geologic • Environmental FOOTING TRENCH OBSERVATION SUMMARY .A Client Name: __ f'< ... a_.11,..tl __ A...,l ft .... · ____________ P,roject Name: _/ __ .~_/(.'._, z_l._J_, .. _,1:. __ -___ ,. __ 11 .... ~ ___ 'fl_._, • ...,, ..... _l'_;if'_r_1. _-:r ___ -4 .... D....,,~J __ . 'd ........ -- <G~ract: _.....,...,S ... '0 __ 2 ___ ... ,I)_... ... , ..... • .... J .... 1 .... vk ......... · _{J __ r"_.ll __ t __ J__..,l..-'J. __ t",""'14"'"'1 __ ..,..~ ... · 14 ... · i ___ :t;ff_.,1', __ f/ ___ f: ___ • __ ~"'--,,,,._.,c; __ , __ if'_.,.., __ r __ a __ M _________ -__ Unit/Phase/Lot(s): ___ 4:_'A _____________________ ,....___,.,.. ____ _ Referenced Geotechnical Report(s): ~ ... -.,_ .. ,,, uPn-1:t#'/;!~;11"$ GtorVilrJUJU .. ::l'.1JtU,~7,s.,Ana1>J, ,~oz f!tr,.;(-llvfN~li,. (~k't;f~A!t) Ad O:t11~1? t,~,,,.·-ru. /"Alrl,:1.,1;,1.rA W.O. 60f,,.!1.J-A~Se -,ilc1.Jt".rJ dr.ti!.,~ 11 -;! () f O I 1,:1 t,f.if.oJ V:1' I ,, 71'1't' , Observatio~ Summary /?& Initials n · 11~ 10 Date fl'> Initials · M-·Ji· tc Date t2/J Initials .ll • J 1• JO Date A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed onsite soil and footing trench conditions. Soil co_nditions in the trench are generally free of loose soil and debris, non-yielding and uniform, and plumb; and are in general conformance with those indicated in the geotechnical report. - A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed and reviewed footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavations generally extend to proper depth and bearing strata, and are in general conformance with recommendations of the geotechnical report. A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. reviewed footing setbacks from slope face (if applicable). The setback was in general ~ccordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report . .A4".4 . ,.,.•. /2.IJ Initials ,;s:r llrr,.?P,A~91!Jt;>S 7?:1A1' /1·J'i f/,;M'rtr)N]A{_ A'IAltaA/J"t.J~ ,1;r,,t:,:-.B,~ 1---'lr,l•~lft·n 11*JJ~t,,JDate I. ,:rn;:;,u 'l"Jl_of' f:_v7'1Mt-1,-,,,,,..1,.-,,,.;Jt:n' 111' •7./ff?' A fA.J -r-no s;.;,Nl!t'.',1.J""t (~,;~N,r"d.S NP Ti!'! &fir:tlMf. f),:;1,tEH'O 'l~~·:r:1•.1;.'rt:Jlft'J',v;:;:, S-1vl'l .Jl-ftt(~tl) -lfy1Jf'N..t:> Ar /;-,,•'J';t /OrJ".rfl 1:::, b·o1 Sr t:t: Qt:' /',:,,-r-,..;rn1s • /firs /t'et,..,:;ptl'/11! ,..,,c,l'I rr(ir,/ rs 7~ /r.rr:u»,.fl tr "7/"ll/" t-L,;,.;;:., 7",;!' 1... FL;t., I F ,p:r,:Fftrr,,..,7;-n1-:!:1mv.,,r,,,r t,,;r11,r E ""/Iii' lfµJr.,1>'"47"' l"'t /<;-'&-,, !Jf':?tt,,.,."-' ,-;r.H Notes to Super ntendent/ oreman f:tp'if/111-f 7w_r lit>mJ:::,.:; ~It -,:-i;i~-i rHt' t-HS1-l1fl'f"' 4JI:'!. ~~ 711-e iG~:1~t. .. e6 ,,, ,. · -;::-,s J..f<:,s 7-1/./ldTJl/t'f 6{/lf /IT/117/f ffi:i?J"t,1:1-S Ft:L 7Nr ¢flt,,1'1f. 7,1,,.;,f ri~f f]7. 'I{_ 1. Footing excavations should be cleaned of loose debris and thoroughly moister:ied just prior to placing colNcrete. 2. Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, presoaking of soil below slabs may be recommended. Consult the geotechnical report for presoaking recommendations. We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time for such, and the contractor should-schedule accordingly. 3. In the event of a site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i.e., heavy rain, etc.), we should be contacted to perform additional site observations and/or testing. 4. This memo does not confirm the minimum footing dimension as required by the project structural engineer's design, if different from the geotechnical report. Notes to Building Inspector Soil compaction test results, as well as depth offill, relative compaction, bearing values, corrosivity, and soil expansion index test results are contained in the As-Graded Geotechnical or Final Compaction Report provided at the completion of grading. ,/) /( (} ___ ,A_.(-f!o1,_~~-.-.;'.1_"'·_u_~ __________ _ 5741 · Palmer Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 1446 E. Chestnut Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92701 RepfesE!ntative of GeoSoils, Inc. 26590 Madison Ave. Murrieta, CA 92562 Geotechnical • Co~stal • Geologic ~ Environmental FOOTING TRENCH QBSERVATION SUMMARY Project Name: Location/Tract: I 3;_.rz l/1 I--'t ~~ ftfi'lf+-) Unit/Phase/Lot(s): ,.,..· ...,....,,,,;,,,,.+.,;,,,,,------......---· -...;;·....,---_· __ --··-· .......... -'---------------------. ---. --. ---· ----:...-.. ---·;r• ., Referenced Geotechnical Report(s): -"'-=-'--tf.~'.)_. 4_r ...... · ·..;::/r-i...,. .. =h::..."' .... t .......... ft...__.: -=\....;,( __ w .... 1 .. f,__)J_\ , .... ~ __ -1 ......... __ ) ____ .. _l_f i·_~~---.... 9 __ ;,,)_k_\~., ___ : __ () ___ I_O_i ( ___ .:.~ -;_,_ t1tL°\)~.\\ \ :f.N( • Observatlo~ Summary . ec j _Initials _.:---.. \tfZ"t\\0Date A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed onsite soil and footing trench conditions. Soil conditions in _the trench are generally free of loose soil and debris, non-yielding and uniform, and plumb; and are in general conformance with those indicated in the geotechnical report. ~, .. ~~Initials ~Date A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed and reviewed footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavations generally extend to proper·depth and bearing strata, and are in general conformance with recommendations of the geotechnical report. -----~-----• r' • -~. ---...;.·-..,_ ---• ------... -------· ··----.:..-.. -:-·"--... ---~.:-----_.,.,--..:::~ _..;_,/_·~--·.:.:·::.: -~--:-· , _____ -.l\ ..... __ Initials A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. reviewed footing setbacks from slope face (if applical;>le). The ' --.-· · Date setback was in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical rep6!11:, ,.,1,, ·2; -I ~ ,-S1:"· c:"\f. ~~ ~ti ~(5il:ii Cr \~ ODT\ t,.1 fj r·;(f r\1 r',,'·f .:u.j \ C:, \-i{\{{NE vL. Initials \tt£1h0 Date , . I Notes. to Superintendent/Foreman ·.1. , 1. Footing excavations should be clean~d of loose debris and thoroughly moistened just prior to placing concrete. 2. . Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, 'presoaking of soil below slabs may be recommended. Consult _,,. the geotechnical report for _presoaking recomm~ndations: ' We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time for such, and the contractor should schedule accordingly. 3. In the event of a site change subsequent to our footing observation and Jjrior to concrete p!acement (i.e~, heavy rain, etc.), we shoald be contacted to perform additi_o11.a1 site-observations· andtortesfrng. ~· ---·. ~ . - 4. This memo does not confirm the minimum footing··dimension as required by the project structural engineer's ,design, if different from the geotechnical report. , Notes to Building Inspector -- Soil compaction test results, as well as depth of fill, relative compaction, bearing values, corrosivity, and soil expansion i11dex tesfresults are contained in the As-Graded Geoteqhnical or Final ComJJ,Elction Report provided.at the completion of gradltq~ .. · .,,.. ; d,Z'd" JI {r 11):;11 I,-.,,.· , .. / / / /t7 ~ .. /;" I I , ,':*'"" .. Ii rt .1 -·7 ., . ,. • , .,,,//·-1· U' /t•'7,rJ //.· ,,.,?t,· '~/2:._;~-~ i}!-t~//{,,· ·-/tl,..tt ,·1V1..F . .1~ Representative of GeoSoils, Inc. I 574,i· Pl'.llmer Way Carls .. ; CA 92008 · ,•;\: ' O.,_ ";t J \ ,j -I - 1446 E. Ches.t~ut Ave. Santa Ana, c192701 ~. 26590 Madison Ave. Murrieta, CA ~2562 -:~ .. ~-.i~.-\ ~-.,.,, ... ,. ··:--.• ~-~ v·~ .. ,-~,· ..,._·:.. ..... ,,-1'· \302 ?\tJi:~V· IO-b~5 W.O •. _.....tg=~, ..... t;.> .... (_ .. ...,t~ .. _s __ <!, ___ _ DATE ____ _.//...,..h ..... 1 ..... h ___ 'O __ NAME.___~ .... £-~=----- HOURS_~7=------- . Geotechnical • Coastal • Geologic ~.J;nvirQnmental FOOTING TRENCH OBSERVATION SUMMARY Client Name: _....,_.A=:c...,.m,,..14,,_,.,q.=:aq"'"".t ... ~-~ .... 1.11J ...... oo .... w _______ Project Name: //:t)Z ft,.1,t. $VP. l Location/Tract: __ l._.4._..,!'? ... :elr....._,,V/,_~--------------------------------- Unit/Phase/Lot(s): ________________________________ _ Referenced Geotechnical Report(s): t~~--~~fld~~'/1!&~~ ... ~·~~Zil:~U&~.£.L..~~"'~Mtz.~~~?l!·"~· .1./.~3~P?-f."'L~~W!§.R:.~/4tf£'/lifg_· .....Jf.,.b,.zM~"'~~~~~~~~- / Observatio~ Summary E.-i!:: . Initials Jtpt>b,Date &ik Initials "M12Date 41nitials Date --- -trt/4--lnitials ~Date A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed onsite soil and footing trench conditions. Soil conditions in the trench are generally free of loose soil and debris, non-yielding and uniform, and plumb; and are in general conformance with those indicated in the geotechnical report. A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. observed and reviewed footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavations generally extend to proper depth and bearing strata, and are in general conformance with recommendations of the geotechnical report. A representative of GeoSoils, Inc. reviewed footing setbacks from slope face (if applicable). The setback was in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report. Notes to Superintendent/Foreman 1. Footing excavations should be cleaned of loose debris and thoroughly moistened just prior to placing concrete. 2. Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, presoaking-of soil below slabs may be recommended. Consult the geotechnical report for presoaking recommendations. We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time for such, and the contractor should schedule accordingly. 3. In the event of a site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i.e., heavy rain, etc.), we should be contacted to perform additional site ol:;>servations and/or testing. 4. This memo does not confirm the minimum footing dimension as required by the project structural engineer's design, if different from the geotechnical report. Notes to B"'lldlng Inspector Soil compaction test results, as well as depth of fill, relative compaction, bearing values, corrosivity, and soil expansion index test results are contained in the As-Graded Geotechnical or Final Compaction Report provided at the completion of gra,ding. ·: , .., 11? I 5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 1446 E. Chestnut Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92701 61 • I I t.1.1/f!-!}J;'JJ Wv~ Representative i'5f G,~6Soils, Inc. 26590 Madison Ave. Murrieta, CA 92562 C~ty of Carlsbad 100695 4/28/2010 .• CITY OF CARLSBAD \ SPECl~L INSPECTION AGREEMENT B-45 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov In accordance with Chapter 17 of.the Cafifornia Building Code the following inust be completed when work being,pertormed re<1ulres s1,eciai Inspection, structural. obse,vatlon and constructloi1 material testii1~. Project/Permit: _I-O_O __ p_'J~£_· ____ Project Address:_ l~O Z. '?,~ l>r'l/t,. • A. TIIIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLE'fED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AUTHORIZED AGENT. Please check if you are Owner- Builder CJ. (!(you checked as owner-builder-you musi· also complete Section 8 of this-agreement.) ~lfflw.11se print) A R.. M (1: l'v t> CJ /J 4-lk IVd: . • 1 ,fls; (U,I) ~mess· t i. ti' <Z t2 A Le.. A k 1; jlnft °'<'9 M F1/t4 ([Z.,;(HE8. I am the: ')QProperty owner CJP roperty owner's Agent of Record· CJAr-chitect-cir Recorct· CJEngineer of Record State of California RegistrationNumbe ... ·---'---------Expiration o·ate: _______ _ AGREEMENT: I, the undersigned, .declare under penalty of perjury under' the laws of the state of California,. that 1 have-read,. unde~stand; aG.l<nD'YViei:lge and. promise· to comply with th~ City of Carlsbad requirements for-special inspections, structural observations,, nstruction materials testing and ciff-site·fabrication of building components, as presi;:ribed In the state t of spe I i pectlons noted on the approved· plans and; as required by the-California ~~ding,=,-.,. · . ~ 1_ 0 O _ Signature· · ··oate: · <::.. / CJ B. CONTRACTOR'S.STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY.(07 CBC, Ch':17, SectiQn fl.06). This section must be completed by the. contractor/ builder/ owner-builder. *&lifMtto~:S. Company N.ame:. __ 7,_>,.Jr>-..._-'1........,6-. ____________ Please_chec:k if you are 01/\fler.Suilcfer Cl :~: (Ple11se ~riht) ____ -.---------,.,-~--------,,...,.-------~ 1fllfi;) (U.I~ (la,!/ ~bress: ____ '--------------------------------- ~-----------,-------------Phone: __ -=--------- State of California Contractor's License Number-: ________ ...... Expiration Date: ______ _ • I acknowledge and, am a.ware, of special requirements contained in the.statement of special inspections noted on the approved plans; • I acknowledge that control will b exercised to obtain conformance with the construction documents approved by the 'building offici · , • r Will _nave in7place pr. dure re erclslng confq:il within our (the contractor's) organizatiori, for the method and frequency of r.. o g th distribution of the -reports; and . • r certify that I wl lifi person within our (the contractor's) organization to exercise such control. 1302. f>IN£ 1TV JD .., t.o q 5 ,. CIREMELE LAND SURVEYING INC. · · •164 S. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, CA 92025 • Phone (760) 489-2200 • Fax (760) 489-2202 November 17, 2010 City of Carlsbad Department of Planning and Land Use Inspection Department Carlsbad, CA · Re: 1302 Pine Ave. APN 205.:020-41 Dear Sir: On November 17, 2010 Ciremele Surveying field surveyed the boundary for the above mentioned parcel. We set stakes at the set-back line, as shown on the approved site plan. _lf_you _hav~_any qu~~t_i~iis'plet:i~e ~all m~---_ Sincerely, c~c~~ Chris Ciremele, LS 5267 EsGil Corporation In !Partnersliip witli <;;011ernment for cJ3ui{aing Safety DATE: 11/2/2010 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 100695 Sl=T: IV D APPLICANT @:<i"URID D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT ADDRESS: 1302 Pine Avenue PROJECT NAME: Dan:ria Residence D [j D D D . . The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a compiete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck, The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation. staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: · Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone fc1x · In Person D REMARKS: ~ By: David Yao Enclosures: EsGil Corporation D GA D EJ D PC 10/28 9320 Ch,esapeake Drive, Suite 208 +·San J;)iego, California 9.2123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 E_sGil Corporation In <Partnersliip ivitli qovernment for <Bui(aing Safety DATE: 10/12/2010 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 100695 SET: III ~ ~~~~NT CJ PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE PROJECi ADDRESS: 1302 Pine Avenue PROJECT NAME: Danna Residence D D D D D Tlie plans transmitted herewith_ have _been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on,the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Brooks Worthin~ P. 0. Box 1041 Carlsbad, CA 92018 Esgil Corp~ration staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted; ~r90ks Wo~ing Date contacted! 19(11/ I() (by-6i'/4 Mail /4ephone Fax /1n Person REMARKS: By: David Yao EsGil Corporation D GA D EJ D PC Telephone#: 760-729-3965 Fax #: 760-729-0784 Enclosures: 1-0/7 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 100695 10/12/2010 NOTE: The items listed bel.ow are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items .are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit three new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring on~ corrected set of plans·and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans ahd calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will ·not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. · 17. Provide calculation to justify the all the footings shown on the foundation plan. (include spread footing, continuous footing, CMU wall and footing .. etc) Provide calculation to show the detail D/5 is adequate.(check the retaining wall recommendation in the soil report) · The new calculation lRW-1-RW~3l shows the retaining wall requires #4@16"o.c. vertical in the retaining wall. Detail D/5 shows #4@24"o.c. Please revise the detail D/5. · 20. · Special inspection for seismic resistance shall be noted on the plans for the following conditions in accordance with Section 1707. ection re uired • Structural w_o<>d* * Special inspection is not required for wood where the fastener spacing of the sheathing is more than 4" on center. .. City of Carlsbad 100695 1?0/12/2010 The response shows add note, I did not find anywhere shows special inspection required for shear wall 2 & 4. Please clarify where this note was added? 22. Note on the plan to provide special inspection for the simpson strong wall. This note appears to not on the plan. Please clarify where is note added? 24. Conventional light-frame construction should meet the requirements of Section 2308. If the conventional-framed provisions cannot be satisfied, then an engineered design shall be submitted. Sheet L6 .of the calculation shows Ve is· 33 feet long type 1 shear wall. Sheet 6 of the plan shows type 8 shear wall. The shear wall schedule did not include type 8 wall. Please check:!: _ Shear wall schedule was eliminated from set Ill of the plan. 35. Note on the plans that copies of the following Title 24 energy forms will be avaiiable for Building Inspector use: CF-1 R. CF~4R. and CF-6R. The response shows P, 1. Sheet P, 1 appears to not have this note. Please clarify. 36. New (2008 Energy} Residential ventilation requirements: Kitchens require exhaust fans (either intermittent/100 cfm or continuous/20 cfm), ducted to the exterior. Detail compliance by including a complying exhaust fan or a ducted range hood to the exterior, Note: CFM and noise rating ("Sone") must be specified on the plans. Bathrooms require exhaust fans (minimum 50 cfm) to be ducted to the exterior. Note: CFM and noise rating ("Sane") must be specified on the plans. A bathroom is defined "as a room with a bathtub, shower, ·or spa or some similar source of moisture". Mechanical whole house ventilation must be provided. Include the following information: Fan sizing (cfm), "Sone" specification, and the duct sizing and length. Note: The information must match or exceed the design found on CF- 6R-MECH energy forms. All fans installed to meet the preceding r({Jquirements must be specified at a noise rating of a maximum 1 "Sane" (for the· continuous use calculation) or 3 "Sone" (for the intermittent use calculation). Please note on the plan EF-1 and EF-2 are ducted to exterior. • City of Carlsbad 100695 ·, ltJ/ 12/2010 41. To speed up the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note br detail number, calculation page, etc. 42. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result o_f corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes CJ No CJ 43. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of . 858/560-1468, to perform the plan·review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. .. EsGil Corporation In a'artnersliip witli qovernment for <JJui{aing Safety DATE: 7/28/2010 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 100695 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1302 Pine Avenue PROJECT NAME: Danna Residence SET: II CJ PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ' D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. [:gl The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. ·D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. [?sl The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Brooks.Worthing P. 0. Box 1041 Carlsbad, CA,92018 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. [:gl Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Brooks Worthing Telephone#: 760-729-3965 Date contacted: 1{ 2.. rlro (by: ~) Fax #: 760-729-0784 Mail J..elephone D REMARKS: By: David Yao Faxv" In Person EsGil Corporation D GA D EJ D PC Enclosures: 7/21 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 100695 7/28/2010 NOTE: The items listed below are from the previous correction list. These remaining items have not been adequately addressed. The numbers of the items are from the previous check list and may not necessarily be in sequence. The notes in bold font are current. Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit three new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Bailding Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. ' NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. · 2. Plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction shall have the structural portions signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, along with structural calculations .. (California 13usiness and Professions Code). 9. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (see page 35 of the soil report}. 1 o. Specify on the foundation plan or structural specifications sheet the soil classification. the soils expansion index and the design bearing capacity of the foundation. Section A 106.1.1. 11. The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection. the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: · · The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report. The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted. and The foundation excavations. the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soi is report." City of Carlsbad 100695 7/28/20i0 17. Provide calculation to justify the all the footings shown on the foundation plan. (include spread footing, continuous footing, CMU wall and footing .. etc) Provide calculation to show the detail D/5 is adeguate.lcheck the retaining wall recommendation in the soil report) 18. Provide vertical load calculations for framing members and footings. Section A 106.1.1. (Provide calculation to justify all major support beams (all PSL beams) and it's support) · ,ru The calculation shows FB12 is 3.5x11.875. Sheet 6 of the plan shows 4x1 o. Please check. bl Please provide evidence that the engineer-of-record lor architect) has reviewed the truss calculation package prepared by others {i.e .. a "review" stamp on the truss calculations or a letter). · Special Inspection of Materials and Construction The plans shall indicate that special inspection will be provided for the following work. (Section A106.1) 20. Special inspection for seismic resistance shall be noted on the plans for the following conditions in accordance with Section 1707. ection re uired * Special inspection is not required for wood where the fastener spacing of the sheathing is more than 4" on center. · · 21. A Statement of Special Inspections. prepared by the registered design professional in responsible charge. shall be submitted. This statement shall include a complete list of materials and work requiring special inspection. the inspections to be performed and an indication whether the special inspection wm be continuous or periodic. Section 1705.2. 22. Note on the plan to provide special inspection for the simpson strong wall. City of Carlsbad 100695 7/28/2010 24. Conventional light-frame construction should meet the requirements of Section 2308. If the conventional-framed provisions cannot be satisfied, then an engineered design shall be submitted. Sheet L6 of the calculation shows V c is 33 feet long type 1 shear wall. Sheet 6 of the plan shows type 8 shear wall. The shear wall schedule did not include type s wall. Please check. · · 35. Note on the plans that copies of the following Title 24 energy forms will be available for Building Inspector use: CF-1 R. CF-4R. and CF-GR. No response for the ventilation requirements. 36. New {2008 Energy) Residential ventilation requirements: Kitchens require exhaust fans {either intermittent/100 cfm or continuous/20 cfmt ducted to the exterior. Detail compliance by including a complying exhaust fan or a ducted range hood to the exterior. Note: CFM and noise rating {"Sone") must be specified on the plans. Bathrooms require exhaust fans (minimum 50 cfml to be ducted to the exterior. Note: CFM and noise rating ("Sone'') must be specified on the plans. A bathroom is defined "as a room with a bathtub. shower. or spa or some similar source of moisture". Mechanical whole house ventilation must be provided. Include the following information: Fan sizing (cfm), "Sone" specification. and the duct sizing and length. Note: The information must match or exceed the design found on CF-GR-MECH energy forms. · All fans installed to meet the preceding requirements must be specified at a noise ratlng of a maximum 1 "Sone" /for the continuous use calculation) or 3 "Sone" ffor the intermittent use calculation). 41. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, .i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 42. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes CJ No CJ City of Carlsbad 100695 7/28/2010 43. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. / EsGil Corporation In <Partners/i.ip wit/i. qovemment for <Bui(aing Safety DArE: 4/28/2010 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad . PLAN CHECK NO.: 100695 SET: I ~7u~NT D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT ADDRESS: 1302 Pine Avenue PROJECT NAME: Danna Residence D rhe plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's buflding codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D, The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D D the check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans ·are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Brooks Worthing P. o .. Box 1041 Carlsbad, CA 9201.8 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corpora~ion staff did advise the .applicant that the plan check has heen completed. Person contacted~ 13roo;.s Worthing Date contacted:lf/"-1"/tq~ Mail~/\elephone Fax/; Pers~n RE:MARKS: By: David Yao EsGII Corporation D GA o. EJ D PC Telephone#: 760-729-3965 Fax #: 760-729-0784 Enclosures: 4/22 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, Californi~ 92123 + (858) 560-1468 +. Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 100695 '4/28/2010 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO.: 100695 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1302 Pine Avenue FLOOR AREA: New Living 2544 sf patio 33 sf New g~rage 576 sf REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: 4/28/2010 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): STORIES: 2 HEIGHT: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 4/22 PLAN REVIEWER: David Yao This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections ba~ed on ·laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that constru'ction comply with the 2007 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 2006 IBC, 2006 UPC, 2006 UMC and 2005 NEC. The above regulations apply, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105:4 of the 2006 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. · To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, .i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. City of Carlsbad 100695 '4/28/2010 Please make all corrections,· as requested in the correction list. Submit three new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. · 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reyiewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • PLANS 1. All sheets of plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code) . . 2. Plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction shall have the structural portions signed.and ·sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, along with structural calculations .. (California Business and Professions Code). • GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 3. At least 1/2 of the common wall must be open and have an opening not less than 25 sq. ft., nor 10% of the floor area of the interior room (8% for ventilation), if light and ventilation is being supplied from an adjacent room. Sections · 1· and 1205.2.1. Please provide elevation to show the opening between living and dinning comply with the requirement. 4. Bathrooms shall be mechanically ventilated in accordance with the mechanical code (openable windows. are no longer acceptable). CBC Section 1203.4.2.1. • ROOFING I 5. . Specify roof material and application. Chapter 15. (class A min. city policy) 6. Show the required attic ventilation on the plans. Show "area required" and "area provided." The net free ventilafing area shall not be less that 1/150th of the area of the sp9-ce ventilated. Further, 50% of the opening area must be provided with ventilators in the upper portion (at least 3' above eave or cornice) with the balance of ventilators provided by eave or cornice vents. Exception: 11300th City of Carlsbad 100695 . 4/2'8/2010 ventilation area is permitted where, in addition to the requirements above, a vapor retarder is installed on the warm side of the attic insulation. Section 1203.2. • FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS 7. Provide a copy of the project soil report. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the enSJineer's findings.(city' policy} 8. In Seismic Design Categories t['.~~,q(:t the soils investigation must address liquefaction, and, if retaining walls are proposed, the soils investigation must address increased loading on the walls due to earthquake motions. Section 1802.2.7. . 9. Provide a letter fr~m the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (when required by the soil report). 10. Specify on the foundation plan or structural specificatiohs sheet the soil classification, the soils expansion index and the design bearing capacity of the foundation. Section A106.1.1. 11. The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations. Note on-the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building offici~I in writing that: , a) The building pad was prepared i,n accordance with the soils report, b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and c) The foundation excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report." 12. Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and 'Show drainage pattern. The grade shall fall a minimum of 5% within the first 10 feet (2% for impervious surfaces). Section 1803.3. 13. Concrete slabs shall have a 6-mil vapor retarder placed between the base course and the slab. Section 1910.1. 14. Show minimum 18 inch clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12 inch clearance to bottom of girders. IBC, Section 2304.11.2.1. 15. Show minimum under floor acce~s of 18 inches by 24 inches. IBC, Section 1209.1. 16. Show minimum under floor ventilation equal to a 1 _sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of under floor area. Openings shall be placed so as to provide cross ventilation of . City of Carlsbad 100695 4/28/2010 under-floor space. IBC, Section 1203.3. 17. Provide calculation to justify the all the footings shown on the foundation plan. (include spread footing, continuous footing, CMU \:Vall and footing .. etc) • FRAMING 18. Provide vertical load calculations for framing members and footings. Section A 106.1.1. (Provide calculation to justify all major support beams (all PSL beams) and it's support) · 19. Provide connection detail to show all the upper floor interior shear walls connect to roof sheathing. • Special Inspection of Materials and Construction 20. The plans shall indicate that special inspection will be provided for the following work. (Section A 106.1) I ... a) Masonry construction. Special inspection should be provided for ~fl masonry construction in accordance with Section 1704.5.2 and Table 1704.5.1 (Section 1704.5.2 and Table 1704.5.3) 21. A Statement of Special Inspections, prepared by the registered design professional in responsible charge, shall be submitted. This statement shall include a complete list of materials and work requiring special inspection, the inspections to be performec;i and an indication whether the special inspection will be continuous or periodic. Section 1705.2. 22. Note on the plan to provide special inspection for the simpson strong wall. 23. Wall framing (conventional construction). (Section 2308.9) a), Braced wall panels. Braced wall panels should be clearly indicated on the plans. Braced wall lines should consist of braced wall panels that meet the requirements for location, type; and amount of bracing specified in Table 2308.12.4 for SOC O and E. Braced wall panels should start at not more than 1i/2 feet from an end of a braced wall line in SOC A through . . C; for SOC D and E. this distance is reduced to 8 feet. The upper floor shear wall. along grid line,A and 4 the shear wall start more than 8 feet from an end. Please double check. (Sections 2308.9.3) 24. Conventional light-frame construction should-meet the requirements of Section 2308. If the conventional-framed provisions cannot be satisfied, then an City of Carlsbad 100695 . 4/28/2010 engineered ·design shall be submitted. 25. Provide construction detail of the detached garage. • ELECTRICAL 26. Show on the plan the amperage of the electrical service,-the location of the service panel and the location of any sub-panels. If the service is over 200 amperes, submit a single line diagram, panel schedules, and provide service load calculatfons. · 27. For a single-family dwelling unit (and for each unit of a duplex), show that at least one receptacle outlet accessible at grade level will be installed outdoors at the front and back of the dwelling. CEC Article 210.52(E). This receptacle must be GFCI protected. 28. Show on th_e plans that countertop receptacle outlets comply with CEC Article 210.52(C): In kitchens a receptacle outlet shall be installed at each counter space 12 inches or wider; Receptacles shall be installed so that no point along the wall line is more than 24 inches. (Counter top spaces separated by range tops, refrigerators, or sinks shall be considered as separate counter top spaces.) 29. Per CEC Article 210.11(C)3, note on the plans that bathroom circuiting shall be elthe[ . a) A 20 ampere circuit dedicated to each bathroom, or b) At least one 20 ampere circuit supplying only bathroom receptacle outlets. 30. Show on the plans a wall receptacle adjacent to each lavatory in the bathroom. CEO Article 210.52(0). 31. Include a receptacle outlet in any hallways 10 feet or more in length. CEC Article 210.52(H). 32. Show at least one wall switch-controlled lighting outlet to be installed in every habitable room; in bathrooms, hallways, stairways, attached garages, and detached garages with electric power; and at the exterior side of outdoor entrances or exits. At interior stairways show 3-way switching for lighting outlets at each floor level where there are six or more steps. CEC Article 210.?0(A). • ENERGY CONSERVATION 33. Provide a Prescriptive or Performance energy design to show compliance with current 2008 energy efficiency standards. Information and Forms are available at: www.energy.ca.gov/tit1e24/2008standards. The form CF-1 R shown on sheet 1 appears to base on 2005 energy standard. City of Carlsbad 100695 '4/28/2010 34. .!f the project requires field verification (HERS), prior to initial plan check submittal, the CF-1 R must be a "Registered" copy. (filed with the HERS p_rovider data registry and assigned a registration number). • Note: This comment is only required for Performance (PERF) energy designs that use the multi-orientation design and that require HERS inspection. After 10/01I10.all proiects requiring HERS inspection will require registration. 35. Note on the plans that copies of the following Title 24 energy forms will be available for Building Inspector use: CF-1 R, CF-4R, arid CF-6R. 36. · New (2008 Energy) Residential ventilation requirements: • Kitchens require exhaust fans (either intermittent/100 cfm or continuous/20 cfm), ducted to the exterior. Detail compliance by including a complying exhaust fan or a ducted range hood to the exterior. _Note: CFM and noise rating ("Sone") must be specified on the plans. • Bathrooms require exhaust fans (minimum 50 cfm) to be ducted to the exterior. Note: CFM and noise rating ("Sone") must be specified on the plans. A bathroom is defined "as a room with a bathtub, shower, or spa or some similar source of moisture". • Mechanical whole house ventilation must be provided. Include the following information: Fan sizing (cfm), "Sone" specification, and the duct sizing and length. Note: The information must match or exceed the design found on CF-6R-MECH energy forms. • All fans installed to meet the preceding requirements must be specified at a · noise rating of a maximum 1 "Sane" (for the continuous use Cf:llculation) or 3 "Sane" (for the intermittent use calculation). 37. Specify on the plans: "The return air plenum serving the mechanical equipment must be fully ducted from the equ"ipment to the conditioned space. Drop ceilings, wall cavities and equipment platforms may ~ot be used as plenums." • MISCELLANEOUS 38. Show detail of weather proofing between CMU wall and cripple wall. (section 8/3) . 39. The designer shall complete the following city's "Special Inspection Agreement". 40. . Please refer to the following special requirement form City of Carlsbad. 41. To sp~ed up the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. City of Carlsbad 100695 '4/28/2010 42. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes CJ No CJ 43. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapea~e Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. · - CARLSBAD' SPECIAL CODE REQUIREMENTS 1. All flexible metal conduits, Type AC cables, Type MC cables, Mineral insulated metal sheathed cables, and non-metallic conduit systems shall have equipment ground conductors run with the circuit conductors. 18.12.247 2. The UFER ground may only be a copper conductor for commercial and industrial electrodes. Rebar is allowed for residential L!Se only up to 200 amperes. 3. The use of flexible metal conduit as a grounding means must comply with City Policy 84-36. 4. No wiring is permitted on the roof of a building and wiring on the exterior of a building requires approval by the Building Official. (City Policy) 5. New residential units must be pre-plumbed for future solar water heating. Note "two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in the one story garage and directly below the most south facing roof (City Ordinance No. 8093). · 6. Note "two 3/4" copper pipes must be installed to the most convenient future solar panel location When the water heater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. (City Ordinance No. 8093). 7. All piping for present or future solar water heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means (City Policy). City of Carlsbad 100695 .• 4/~8/2010 [DO NOT PAY-THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad ' PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1302 Pine Avenu·e BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-3/U BUILDING AREA Valuation PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplie'r living 2544 garage 576 patio 33 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers · TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance 1..-1 Plan Ch_eck Fee by Ordinance I ,.. I Type of Review: . 0 Complete Review D Repetitive Fee ~ Repeats_ Comments: D Other D Hourly EsGII Fee PLAN CHECK NO.: 100695 DATE: 4/28/2010 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-B Reg. VALUE ($) Mod. per city 275,337 275,337 $1,286.571 $836.271 D Structural Only ____ ,Hr@• I $720.481 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + ·, BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: 1hto !t 0 ' . PLANCHEcKNo.: 0 10 -Gc:Js .,..---- 130 "'2--PtNL ~ BUILDING ADDRESS: /\JUN A--lrni-& ~ r--19 ~ /\J .,t,w Cf M 1--. 6 l, ASSESSOR'S PARCl;:L NUMBER: 2-{J~-tJ t-O-j/ EST. VALUE: a-71-337 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: . ? !1&!& /¥~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL The item you have submitted for review has been · approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your . submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. D A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: /I / I Please tt ched list of outstanding issues marked · h D. e necessary corrections to plans or speci I ions for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to the Building Dept. for resubmittal to the Engineering Dept. Only the applicable sheets have been sent. · Date: By: Date: -------- By: Date: By: Date: .By: G>-it FOROFF.ICIAL USE ONLY A~ AUTHORIZATION ro ISSUE BUILDIN::~RMI/ }-2,,3 / / O .• l/ ATTACHMENTS ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON D Engineering Application Name: j KATHLEEN M. LAWRENCE 0 Dedication Checklist · City of Carlsbad 0 Improvement Checklist Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 D Neighborhood Improvement Agreement Phone: (760) 602-2741 0 Grading Submittal Checklist NOTE: If there are retaining walls D Right-of-Way Permit Application and Info associated with your project, please check Sheet with the Building Department if these walls 0 Storm Water Applicability Checklist/Storm need to be pulled by separate RETAINING Water Compliance Exemption Form WALL PERMIT. : '· • . . , sw1o~r1 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008~314 • (760) 602-2720 • FAX (760) 602-8562 (i) .. BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show;-, _ _ 1 ~~()/~ . ~orth Arrow ht-of-Way Width & Adj Streets /\IO'YtfcC. Existing Street Improvements Existing or proposed sewer latefa11 -~ -S:--Existing & Proposed Structure ~veway widths -0XN widd / ~t-.d.t_,, D D -s:-Property Lines (show all .dimensions · Existing or proposed water service --~ __...-E:Easements :..-.r,--Existing or proposed irrigation service ~ubmit on signed approved plans DWG No. _____ _ 2. Show on site plan: ~rainage Patterns 1. Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum /7'1 positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building." ;·r-· L UV. Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography-s/wn/.,12,,jt}-U?l--j' enic:IUM q _ C. Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service; however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. D. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within ro osed driveways, e standards. ., 3. Include on title sheet: f ~ h At fz_d4--CL-Cj) e,lt;ti# ~ tLf C- ~eaddress ~ssessor's Parcel Number ..d ({:;)Legal Description/Lot Number_a.._d.£ ___ $ ___ ~#-/¥~/6; ra,Jul ~ For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example: Tenant Improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. 2. T BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 1ST zND JRD D D D 4a. Project does not comply with the "following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. ______________________ _ 0 D D 4b. All conditions are in compliance. Date: _________ _ DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding$ 17,000 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 .. 40.030. For single family residence, easement dedication ~ill be completed by the City of Carlsbad, cost $605.00. Dedication required as follows: _______________ _ Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor-prepare the appropriate legal description together with ~n 8 ½" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by: _______ _ Date: ____ _ IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS \-,{{' D Orf!}. 6a. All needed public impro 0 vfements upon and adjacent to the building site must be ~ · constructed at time building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ 82,000 . , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: ___________ _ 3 ., l ~ ..... .:J D D o· {:_f~o/ D D D D D D D D D 0 D D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $441.00 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: 6c. Enclosed please find your Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Neighborhood Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: 6d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to. building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 15.16 of the Municipal Code. ?a. In.adequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements .. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill import, export and remedial). This information must be included on the plans. 7b. Grading Permit required. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. 7c. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit. is not required.) All require~ documentation must be provided to your Engineering Construction Inspector _______ _ per the attached list. The Inspector will then provide the Engineering Counter with a release .for the Building Permit. 7d. No Grading Permit required. 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR PARTIAL SITE RELEASE PROJECT INSPECTOR: ________ DATE:------ PROJECT ID: _________ GRADING PERMIT NO. _____ _ LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE: ____________ _ N/A = NOT APPLICABLE ../= COMPLETE O = Incomplete or unacceptable 1st 2nd 1. Site access to requested lots adequate ancJ logically grouped. 2. Site erosion control measures adequate. 3. Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of public. 4. Letter from Owner/Dev. requesting partial release of specific lots, pads or bldg. 5. 8 ½ x 11" site plan (attachment) showing requested lots submitted. 6. Compaction report from soils engineer submitted. (If soils report has been submitted with a previous partial release a letter from soils engineer referencing the soils report and identifying specific lots for rele~se shall accompany subsequent partial r~leases). 7. EOW certification of work done with finish pad elevations of specific lots to be released. Letter must state lot(s) is graded to within a tenth (.1) of the approved grading plan. 8. Geologic engineer's letter if unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist. 9. Fully functional fire hydrants within 500 feet of building combustibles and an all weather road access to site are required. D Partial release of grading for the above stated lots is approved for the purpose of building permit issuance. Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal City requirements required pursuant to the building permit process. D Partial release of the site is denied for the following reasons: Project Inspector Date Construction Manager Date ~J' 1sT 2ND 3RD BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 0 0 0 8. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work.adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. D D D D D D Right-of-Way permit required for: 9. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you must complete the attached Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Screening· Survey. Fax or mail to Encina Wastewater Authority, 6200 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA 92011, (760) 438-3941, Fax (760) 476-9852. STORM WATER COMPLIANCE 1 Oa. ~equires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Please complete attached form and return (PSP/SW-LJ.r...::'tJ~-~~-' O Exempt -Please complete attached exemption for / () _,,,, '?, c(lj STORM WATER APPLICABILITY CHECKLIST 1 Ob. O Priority Project O Not required 11. O 13,eefuired fees are attached [R't)rainage Fee Applicable Added Square Fee _____ _ Addec;i Square Footage in last two years? _ yes _ no Permit No. ------------Permit No.--------- Project Built after 1980 _ yes _ no Impervious surface > 50% _yes_ no Impact unconstructed fac. _ yes _ no Sprinklers required _ yes _ no (is addition over 150~m CL) _ Upgrade _ yes _ no V I' t:-r.-1 t,/,/ t.:7d,.v D No fees required /JO ~ '/ J~ 5 ~ /"', ,....--... . QI i ......,, s ~ ~ . 1£ ;~ -~ -1 i ~ ~-<:ii' ~ ls s ~ -....J -e:M.'!). ~"'"" Afpl,c.-d...'-v-11 t-)D \,jt::~ '1€5 "tt:~ ~E:5 '1€°5 i--)0 ~ 9 Q.. 0 1 t a.:. ~ i ~~ I ti cg [l) ,Ji X - U) t. ~ i [ '- D D D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST WATER METER REVIEW 12a. Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized. Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions. If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used. · • All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service. • owner/developer proposes a size other than the "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm). A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached. Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit. • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter. 12b. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters rnust be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval. The developer must provide these calculations. Please follow these guidelines: If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets. If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there. Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W". 1. If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via · another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach). Typically the Planning Dept. Landscape Consultant has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. Once you have . received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference. In general the calculations will include: • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC) • Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) • Include a 10% residut!II pressure at point of connection 6 .. . 'l. BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD D D D 12c. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) 1. Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above. 2. If a project fronts a street With recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the ~evelopment. For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plan~. Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees. However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund. However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this. D D D 13. Additional Comments: 7 •· Storm Water Compliance Exemption Form I am applying to the City of Cartsbad forthe following type(s) of construction permit: ~ Building Permit D Right-of-Way Permit 0My project is categorically EXEMPT from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it only requires issuance of one or more ofthe following permit types: Electrical Fire Additional Fire Alarm Fixed Systems Mechanical Mobile Home Plumbing Patio/Deck Re-Roofing Sign Spa-Factory Sprinkler Water Discharge Project Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria* No Threat Assessment Criteria .D My project qualifies as NO THREAT and is exempt from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it meets the "no threat" assessment criteria on the City's Project Threat Assessment Worksheet for Determination of Construction SWPPP Tier Level. My project does not meet any of the High, Moderate or Low Threat criteria described below. Tier 1 -Low Threat Assessment Criteria ~ My project does not meet any of the Significant or Moderate Threat criteria, is not an exempt permit type (See list above) and the project meets one or more of the following criteria: • Results in some soil disturbance; and/or • Includes outdoor construction activities (such as roofing, saw cutting, equipment washing, material stockpiling, vehicle fueling, waste stockpiling). Tier 2 -Moderate Threat Assessment Criteria D My project does not meet any of the Significant Threat assessment Criteria described below and meets one or more of the following criteria: • Project requires a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); or, • Project will result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas and project meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • Located wtthin 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean, and/or • Disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, and/or • Disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet-of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse, and/or • Construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season {Oct. 1 through April 30). Tier 3 -Significant Threat Assessment Criteria D My project includes clearing, grading or other disturbances to the ground resulting in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, stockpiling, pavement removal, refueling and maintenance areas: and/or D D My project is part of a phased development plan that will cumulatively result in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas: or, My project is located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area {see City ESA Proximity map) and has a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge{s). I certify to the best of my knowledge that the above checked statements are true and correct. I understand and acknowledge that even though this project does not require preparation of a construction SWPP, I must still adhere to, and at all times during construction activities for the permit typt{s) check above comply with the storm water best management practices pursuant to Title 1 S of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to City Standards. "The City Engineer may autl]olize minor valiances from the Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria in special circumstances·where it can be shown that a lesser or highte Construction SWPPP Tier Level is warranted. Assessor Parcel No. Trtle: Co~~/' Project ID: C(3 lOO (o C(S' H CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD FORM -TIER 1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN STORM WATER COMPLIANCECERTIFICATE ~ My project is not in a catl!Q()ry of pennit types exempt from the Construction SWPPP requirements ~ My project is not located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive &"*\ with a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of stonn water runoff or non-stonn water discharge(s). . ~ . My project does not requires a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) ~ My project will not result in-2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas that meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • located within 200.feet of an environmentally .sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean; and/or, • disturbed area is.located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical; and/or · • disturbed area is located along .or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or • construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 through April 30). I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF Mi KNOWLEDGE THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE CHECKED STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. I AM SUBMITTING FOR CITY APPROVAL A TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY STANOARDS. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST: (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO MINIMIZE THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS · SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATERTO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; AND, (2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THIS CITY . APPROVED TflER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHTOUT THE · DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. '7-_€.tl~ /cJl DATE ~L---------------------,------------------ STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1. ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTAJ:.LATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. 2. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN- OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. 3. TlIE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINE~RING OR BUILDING INSPECTOR DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GR,ADING OPERATIONS-OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. 4. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING·DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PERCENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. 5. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. 6. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE ME~URES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. SPECIAL NOTES PROJECT INFORMATIOJ'i _,,,:I Site Address: /3tJ.;2.. rh.e_ tk-& Assessor's Parcel NlDDber;e?OS' 0,;2() "1/ Project ID: C43 / CJ -{p 9 ~ .-- Constructim PmnitNo.: cfh//Q-fj 7 !.~~~~~R8~:'...:..J.,_·f --'-!-~ ....:l=O · Pri§foi!ratim 1 t.f-r~mlhs 'Em---· -eon '-.......;fl!_¥!}-~ tact -Nll!Jle: .....,D~@c...,(L-"A-'-'-.....:. . --. ::y·bour Phone: lJ .I & It& fl? >11(1 43t r:/71~ · Perceived Threat to S ~ Medium If medium box is checked, m an sheet showing proposed work of proposed structural BMPs For City Use Only Approv~:~~ 47f7)J // U r ... • -u ,, """ -~ ~ ~';io ... • ., ,.. ~ I.· -~ ·--~\ ~ ~=-'.G::;:f) " .s., • ~~ J/'I "•t·..:c ~"'-:--... ,/~ Erosion Control BMPs Trac:lclng I Non-Storm ater I Waste Management ahd Materials Sediment Control BMPs Control 811Pa Mmagement BMPs Polutlon Control BMPs ~est Manage111ent Pnctice · ·(BMP) Description ~ -....: CASQA Designation ~ Construction Activity Gradi!lglSoil _Disturbance Trenching/Excavation Stockpiling Drilling/Boring Concnlle/Alphalt Sawcutling Concrate tlatwork Paving Conduil/Pipa lnstalation Stucco/Mortar Wortc: W811e0ispolal Staging,1.ayDownArea Equipment Maintenance and F~ Hazardous SUbslance UselStorage Dawatering Sile Accea Across Dirt Other (lisl): j ell .I 'Si • -; C) "'i' 0 w I -0 .I if I!! ii I en j isf ~ J J €.5 l .na ... 0 cp cp .... .... .... LU g fd fd en ~ ~ i • Q. I I ]! ~ .5 i .!! J ,~ it c '15 ! • 0 a:: en E .Ii 1 I J :, I ! cnl j 0 C) 011. : l :z l di cp 0 .... w LU en. en C/J C/J C/J en en -- ~ i I I c I c 15 t I • ~ • 11 :e r j • i 'B :, t • .; C I {i'j r i 8 C) ii if Jf C !J io ! I ::I! ii 8. :::, I ~11 il I Jl .s; -, '.! l:g ~, i! ii J,?C lo 11 .c. I Ja ~i 0 a: tc;, ~ ~~ :Em ::I! r8 ::I! .... ~ .... '? j; cp « ' .... C'I" i ,. '9 '9 tt: C/J en en ' f I-I-z z z z :::E :::E :::E I 3: 3: 3: ~ lnstructiom: Begin by reviewing the list of conmuction activities and checking the box to the left of any activity that will occur during the propmed coDStruction. Add any other activity descriptiODS in the blank activity description boxes provided for that purpose and place a check in the box immediately to the left of the added activity description. For each activity descm"bed, pick one or~ best management I practices (BMPs) from the list located alon the top of the form. then place an X in the box at the place where the activity row intersects with the BMP cohmm. Do this for each activity tliat was checked off 8*d for each of the sdected BMPs selected from the list For Example -If the project includes site access across dirt, then check the box to the left of "Site Access Across Dirt". Then review the list for something that applies such as "Stabilized Construcion Ingress/Egress" under Tracking Control Follow along the "Site Access A~s Dirt" row until you get to the "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress" cohmm and place an X in the box where the two meet As another exaq,le say the ~ect included a stockpile that you-intend to cover with a plastic sheet. Since plastic sheeting is not on the list ofBMPs, then write in "Cover with Plastic" in the blank cohmm under the heading Erosioo Control BMPs. Then place an X in the box where "Stockpiling" row intersects the new ''Cover with Plastic" cohmm. To leani more about what each BMP description means, you may wish to review the BMP Reference Handout prepared to assist applicants in the sdection of appropriate Best Management Practice measures. The reference also explaiDS tJie California Stonnwater Quality Association (CASQA) designation and how to apply the various selected BMPs to a project !-~-.e it 81 cp :::E 3: i;x_ I Pagc2~f 7-- \ / 18JD D 18l_ DD l8l DD PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB10-0695 Address 1302 PineAv Planner Chris Sexton Phone ..... {7'""'6=0)'""'6"-'0=2'---4'""'6=24 _________ _ APN: 205-020-41 Type of Project & Use: new sfr Net Project Density: 1.0 DU/AC Zoning: R-1 General Plan: RM Facilities Management Zone: 1 CFO (ln/out)·#_Date of participation: __ Remaining net dev acres: __ Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: ) Legend: [8J Item Complete@m Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review-Required: YES D NOD TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: · Discretionary Action Required: YES D NO D TYPE __ APPROVAURESO. NO. DATE PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with cqnditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require a_ction. Conditions of Approval: __ Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES O NO D CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES O NO 0 If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at -7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): l8l D D . Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed? YES O NO 0 If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acre~ of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) l8l D D lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES D NO D If buildi·ng permits are not issued within 24 months of 4/20/10, an inclusionary housing fee will be required. (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance-May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES D NO D (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) H:\ADMIN\Template\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc· Rev4/08 Site Plan:- ~ DD ~DD DOD ~DD ~DD :g)o D • Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. PoUcy 44 -Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1, Applicability: YES D NO D 2. Project complies: YES D NOD Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope: Required 20' Shown 20' Required 7.1' Shown 7.1' Required __ Shown __ - Required 14.2' Shown 14.2' Required __ Shown __ 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required 20' Shown 20' Interior Side: Required 7.1' Shown 7.1' Street Side: Required ____ Shown ___ _ Rear: Required 14.2' Shown.14.2' Structure separation: Required 10' Shown 18.75' 3. Lot Coverage: 4. _ Height: 5. Parking: Required <40% Shown :J,4.d-io Required <30' Shown <30' Detached garage~~\~own I ) 1 IO 1' Spaces Required g Shown ..::J::::.. (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) ,r, '!>-- Residential Guest Spaces Required __ Shown__ / Additional Comments 1) Please show floor plan and elevations of detached garage. 2) Please rovide lot covera e. 3 Please show buildin hei ht on all elevations. ?, \ ~ ' f' ~ Jr f(. 1>- 0K TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER~dY\OATE7 / ?{) / t 0 H:\ADMIN\T~mplate\Building Plancheck Review Checklist.doc , Rev4/08 ', . ~~ ;:, . ,', ,., ,,._., <:. ;IS:im/5:·:·.·,\t1· '.;n{irl:;l\:l'~:1·· ::·j;)1t::: .. ::.;e(11· :,b?E' '. < :.:s·· ~.:;~n~\D1;.,,, • .:I' v::L: 'E :A· ~ ,• :· . )lr(:lkil~cA:·,;11y,· :;s· :_'1;:5> ·· .:t~·~·~ft--1E·v·.·~ :1 JUt·.~-1lf:'l\~;:12:,~ r,H·'L -'~F--_,n:: ,_-· 4<f:.> ;tr·-:·f\-1 t!lt'lj~~-: ··~· .. ;~~! :,__, ~-,~Milr1ir:ft1~ ,l :.< ,:_i ;,.;; • . :"~ ,~, ,'.r.,,.,, .. 4 •.,...,,' ~ ... _!~· ... -,,~.,.,.,.: .,_:;.;-.,,1...:·:,,~ .. ~ •. ~',,,.''....J•',_,___,..,,..., __ ,~:,..:-.,,~, .• '--}',._ .• ::,,7,, .-.., ··,.,,.,•', .. ., ',' ,-',.,.". 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' ; -::~, .. ~ ,--.. ,. ' '•-' :: ·> -' '·. • _ 1-· .. d, .; ', ,;, ..... ~\ -. ' ...... ~ "" ->;'.,.: ., ____ . ,_._..,,_ , •• 1 , ··:; • ':'!, ....... '•, ., ... -J ,.-.. ~ ...... -. -,;..~>--.~-·i .... :, "' ;r ~ ~ r ~-2·, ~ -. 7 ,, .. 'f )' f,' \, .. \ \ j 302 e,N c D lt't.4 13'2-0 ;t\-~-, '3/0- Uv\lfl...~IAI '.:> 1'1 ti--c:::;;. 't CA . 'l v "l.b'7 ?11 -3 12.Co ~~Po,e..'i f;t-, e,.eo ~IL> (?'-e) 4-3>5-::.,1.SS \iJ.o., ~o G,.t.y -A -SC... jt.lN~ 8., 2-0to ( ,-.l <. ' I J•' • Design Criteria: Code: Timber: Glue-l,am Beams: Sheathing: 2007 California Building Code Douglas Fir-Larch (OF-L), WWPA or-WCLIB 2x Wall Framing: DF-L #2 (unless noted otherwise) 2x Rafters & Joists: DF-L #2 ., '' Posts & Beams: Simple Span: Cantilevers: DF-L #I " Grade 24F-V4 (PF/DF) Grade 24F-V8 (DF/DF) ,, Min. APA-Rated Sheathing, Exposure I, Plywood or OSB (U.N.O.) Engineered Framing: Wood I-Joists: T JI 110,210,230,360,5~0 I .9E Microllam, 2.0E Parallam ICC ESR-1153 1cao ER-4979 Concrete: Concrete Block: Mortar: Grout: Reinforcing Steel: Structural Steel: LVL, PSL Compressive Strength @ 28 days per ASTM C39-96: Foo\ings: f'c = 2500 psi Grade Beams: f'c = 3000 psi Grade N-1 per ASTM C90-95, f'm = 1500 psi per ASTM E447-92 Type S Mortar Cement per ASTM C270-95, Min. rm = 1800 psi @ 28 days. Coarse Grout w/ 3/8" Max. Aggregate per ASTM C476-91, Min. rm= 2000 psi @ 28 days. ASTM A615-60 (Fy = 60 ksi) ASTM A6 l 5-40 (Fy = 40 ksi) ASTM A992, Fy= 50-65 ksi ASTM A36, Fy = 36 ksi ASTM ASOO, Grade B, Fy=;= 46 ksi ASTM A53, Grade B, Fy=35 ksi Welding Electrodes: Structural Steel: E70-T6 E90 Series A6 I 5-60 Rebar: Bolts: Sill. Plate Anchor Botls & Threaded Rods: A307 Quality Min, Steel Moment & .Braced Frames: AJ25 (Bearing, U. ~.O.) Soils: I 000 psf Be~ing Pressure· References: 0220 FOUNDATIONS l. STRUCTURAL DESIGN TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH 2(X)7 CBC, 2005 NOS, 2. CARRY ALL FOUNDAflONS TO REQUIRED DEPTHS AND INTO COMPACTEI SOIL. REFER TO FOUNDATION DETAILS AND SOILS REPORT. 3. ALL EX GAV A TING AND BACKFILLING SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 18 CBC . AND AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SOILS REPORT. 4. RETAINING WALLS WHICH ARE SUPPORTING BUILDING SHALL BE BACK FIi BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 5. BACKFILL BEHIND A RETAINING WALL SHALL NOT BE PLACED UNTIL THE C MASONRY OBTAINS IT'S DESIGN STRENGTH OR IS PROPERLY SHORED. SO PLACED AND COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 90% OF MAXIMUM DENS . USE LIGHTWEIGHT TAMPERS TO COMPACT THE FILL BEHIND WALLS UNlES ST A TES OTHERWISE. 6. ALL WATER SHALL BE REMOVED FROM FOUNDATION EXCAVATIONS PRIC CONCRETE. CARE SHALL BET AKEN SO AS NOT TO DRY OUT UNDERLYING 7. FOUNDATIONS SHALL NOT BE POURED UNTIL EXCAVATIONS ARE INSPECl BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL AND SOILS ENGINEER. ARCHITECT SHALL BE I' PRIOR TO CONCRETE POUR. 8. SOILS INSPECTIONS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE PAID BY SAME. 9. REFER TO SITE AND / OR GRADING PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL CONCRETE SIDEWALKS. STEPS, BLOCK WALLS, PLANTERS ETC. l 0, NO DEWATER ING BY EITHER PUMPS OR DITCHES SHALL DISCHARGE TO , SEWER WITHOUT THE PROVISION OF A CATCH BASIN OR STILLING BASIN A Nb TURBIDITY. G \. 2.. -•• j ,, (2~~-._,,, 3 2 -".i.?fL'1 w4 LL £,c.. D.L s f'~ t, TQ'\'A L. ~, U.L. \ S-ps +· T0Tlc'IL ~F 1,.. L. pc;:t .;;l..o . ----------------------------,-------------- 1eJ)t...L ~ <t)-\_ n,'TllL F~t... \.-, L. .. 3 3 3 3 ----__,.-,..._-.---,-----------,..-..,__ ___ .,..,..,-------~ Go ~st-. ) lo . cJ f·S -r' --~-...... , ... /51 r @ , . L-:. !&,' c::...,) ~ , ~ 11#-'/4:r 1)1..-. v1::,e -4-"''o n'F ~ 1, L'bNQ,. '. ' (-',,"-, . . ·~ \. -t .... •-.......... ~ ,, /&;, 0.c.... ULL. J ,t-. , J I '1 IA (2,-I& O. c. (~ ) 'fi3 l ' . .. ~ . ' FJ3 Iv w i. f I I 1 1 ) t ~· I fl.,. ' G,J ~ (._ r;,o+ I a.) Xi + l t.f D rl 1-) 'I. ~ --~~ u-z. .-x20 -'5 2,.0 ~ 'I:, ~'2.. -'2.. U~E s ' 2, s )'... \\ . g ?':> t\. \\"-E. 'L·O W{ ~XI. f'e~i~ (!?, eo."etJo pe,, D ...n..,..S :: .3x/JU.:. .:: . 41 ~8 -# M -=-1-4.1s,"'· 1 <a 4' -4 ,s' ... l' (.>,!) -= ( ~o I-/ 2..) X Li 12.. :::: ~ "· 3 41 Ir:-,. ( ,~ -1-'$l·l} 0 s~ s~ '2.,.. s ,,c.. ,,. ?>1 s P,.. \ \ v-s.. 2. • 0 f'83 ,r6'1-, F&S ,p~r.-G,) -.a. S-.a. 3x /jd:,-S.::.f1Sg-# 1 ·t w =-t.1.J -#I, ~C:,-t53·~) V~E. 1' /? M-',t : w1 · I {-rftcr~,~5 4 l$1 -f Jc.."L ~ .s 70.0-o/f'T-L 1) ~. /. () 7 J./7 . • /<., 1,. : 3, 01 9 .,1 = I<'!> • D, bt; 1--,i7 • ...n. .s . ! < 1 < \ ( S ta \, ..n.~ \ ,tlttsl::, ~ , .. r . , ~ ,l a'~ ,; ...a..S /2-1 t ~ z•-t l,1'\"L ~f-~\ l fB Z J:=(3 v· ~ s ,-'fl 5' g 4t -n... s - c.. 'f ~ :JI/ ( /yp o/ ) c.,.;) X .( .. ) e,...) ---------~ f ~3.?.., ' t I~ J t r r- Use:: G::, 'K \ 2-t) f :b\ { 1' l. I . Fh 12.. ~"' l z.-r a') ( 2-'7 +-<>o) 2.. DL LL. ':. \. 'Z-'l.o -t s Io) :: 11f o f I, \)L lJ.., ~ f I J L J J I 7 \{ :i t { ' ,o '}, LA~ ~-~X\\, 8"1-S P~l\Y\'\ t. 1.,() F-61.3 ~ta 1: \ 3/-Z) ~ 2'52-+. . N. W ~ "'"' '!:-'}: ( :J 5) + (~ • X .&) ,. 'f'f 'f4f/, c-,T ~ ,z..:S 2-f-'f tf-'j .s. 7 of :# ~ L\S£ 3.S K\\, 315 f'~\\ ..__ c <-•'C). _a_ 5 :s J.f I 5~ 1) L l,L-~ .,...., -= G,,1-l-'tl, l If..,+ 53 .v) VS6 4-XrL Of ;q \ ., F.B 11 () .,..,_ ~ ( G<> 1--11..) = I 3o-ll-/, · -------··· -.. -------------...,..__ f8 11 ~ ---51... ~ = 41 £. 6 c_::> ~ ~, • .l-#1. rt~ Cf' 1r4:1-.:;;s =-1"·'3-Jclt ' l'f .. C"' tJ ~-~ 3. S X \\ • 8 7 S ·p.,..\\'r\... E:... '2-· o FB c3 I ' :z;J,-/,p u-.J -:=(.z.. -t ~) .:35 w-='-1~ 1-~7-, ;,-1"20 ... -1 -1 _..t___,T_t -t -( f___,\ C,.....\ __ t__...1_1 _[ 1 ~ 12.' i ) 4· itltl 13Iock t,11e 1 You 1:anGhanqes this .uea 11:;mg the 'Settings' menu item .1ild then using the 'Pnnttng & f1tle Block' ,aleclIon. fitle Block l:tne 6 Wood Beam Design Description : i:s-1 q Material Properties Analysis Method: Allownble Stress Design Load Combination :woe IBC & ASCE 7-05 Wood Species Wood Grade : iLevel fruss Joist · . Pnrnllam PSL 2.0E l,tle llNlMA lbJnr· .Pro1ect Dese.: P'rn1ect Notes · Fb • fension Fb -Compr Fe· Prll Fe· Perp Fv Ft F 5 't . ,·::, ' ; :~£;;J~LJiJl~il::tili1:t.J Calculations per IBC 2008, CBC 2007, 2005 NOS ;2900 psi E. Modulus of Elasticity 2900 psi Ebend-xx 2000ks1 2900psi Eminbend -xx 1016.535ks1 750 psi 290psi Beam Bracing : [3eam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling 2025 psi. Density 32.21 pct ' 0--. ,•1il.}Hi1i;l-""'1!_:__·''.e..:i'l'.!!.l1 _________ -=-----1-P~--"'-----. +. ' ... , ........ , ..... ,,. ___ , _________ ., ____ . f _________ ,, ______ ·----·---------------·-· , ______ ---·-er .. __ , ___ ·-_r -----· ---~------ 35x11 875 Span= 14.0 ft Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Ur11form Load. D = 0 0160; L = 0.05330 kilt, Tnbutarv Width= 1 o fl. (Unused) Moment: E = 16,630 k-ft, Location= 2.0 ft from left end of this span, (Unused) Moment: E = 16.630 k·ft, Location= 12.0 ft from left end of this span. {Unused) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = OA31: 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used·for this span 3.Sx11.875 Section used for this span lb: Actual = 1,250.55psi fv: Actual FB : Allowable = 2,900.00psi Fv : Allowable Load Combination +D+0.70E+H Load Combination Location of maximum on span = 2.030ft Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs .:: Span It I Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.048 in Ratio= '3533 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.070 in Ratio= :~396 Max Upward Total Deflection -0.061 in Ratio= ;n4o Oest OK- = 0.226: 1 3.5X11.875 = 65.51 psi = 290.00 psi +D+0.70E+H = 13.020 ft = Span# 1 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination M.~~ 5-_~e~-~~~~---·-. --.. -----Sunirii'ary°of MomentVaiues' -----------..... ··-summary of ShearvaTiies·· . -~eJ~~~~~:.~~!~ Span II ..... -~ ______ v_ __________ c d _ -------~~~~~!__ _______ ~:~~-s~gn ___ !b·a_l~~-----------·Vactual N-design Fv-allow -· ---··---. .,. ~-·· tD Length= 14.0 ft 0.031 0.019 1.000 0.62 90.41 2,!X)0.00 0.15 5.50 290.00 +D+L+H Leng1h = 14.0 ft 0.097 0.059 1.000 1.93 280.91 2,900.00 0.47 17.08 290.00 tD+Lr+H Length= 14.0 ft 1 0.031 0.019 1.000 0.62 90.41 2,900.00 0.15 5.50 290.00 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Length = 14.0 ft 0.080 0.049 1.000 1.60 233.29 2,900.00 0.39 14.18 290.00 +D+0.70E+H Length = 14.0 ft 0.431 Q.226 1.000 8.57 1,250.55 2,900.00 1.82 65.51 290.00 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H Length= 14.0 ft 0.352 0.204 1.000 6.99 1,019.98 2,900.00 1.64 59.19 290.00 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H Tille Block Line I You ,:an ,,hanges this Jrea using the 'Settings' menl) item and than 11s1ng the 'Printing & Title 131<x:k • :.election. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Descnptii:ln : FB· 1 q Load Combmahon Segment Length Lenqth = 14 0 It t0.60Dt0.70EtH Span• Max Stress Ratios M V 1)352 0.204 ritle DMIMA Dsgnr: Project Oesc.: '.::I Pro1ect Notes : r ,.• •, Summary ol Moment Values Mactual lb-design Fb-dllow 6.99 1,019.98 2,900.00 Length.: 14.0 It t 0.425 0.218 8.45 1,232.62 2,900.00 Overall Maximum Deflectlon1 -Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span , D+LtLr 1 Vertical Reactions -Unfactored Load Combination Overall MAXimum DOnly L Only EOnly O+LtS P+LtLr Support 1 -2.376 0.177 0.373 -2.376 ().550 0.550 Max.•.• Dell 0.0701 Support 2 2.376 0.177 0.373 2.376 0.550 0.550 Location in Span 7.070 Load Combination EOnly Support notation : Far lelt is #1 Summary of Shear Values Vactual Iv-design Fv-.iltow 1 64 59.19 290.00 1.75 Max.'+' Deff ·0.0613 Values in KIPS 63.32 :!90.00 Location in Span 10.570 r,tle 131ock Lne I You can ,,hanqes this arna using the ·settings' menu ,tern and then \lStng the 'Pnntir1g & Title Block' ,election. fitle Block Line 6 Wood.Beam Design Description : FB-17 Material Properties Analysis Method : Allowable Sires~ Design Load Combination 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Wood Species Wood Grade Oouqlas Fir -I.arch . No.I Title l~NJNA f Dsqnr t Project Oese.: SFD Pro1ect Notes : Fb-'rension Fb • Cornpr Fe -Pr11 Fe -Perp Fv Ft ':-... " :."~ ,.· :-... :;, ./.-.-"'. ~ . Calculatlona per IBC 2ooe, CBC 2007, 2005 NOS 1,000.0 psi E. Modulus of Elastic1ty 1,000.0 psi Ebend-xx 1, 700.0ksi 1,500.0 psi Erninbend -xx 620.0ksi 625.0psi 180.Q psi Beam Bracing : 13oarn is Fully Braced ..igainst lateral-torsion buckling 675.0psi Density :J2.21opc1 ' '·--·"·' ··-····' .. : .. , .......... ····--· ·'-·· -.... --- :,10 •llll) 1,tl 1·,1)) ---·---... ·--.,. .. ·-·---· . ·-~-------··--·-----· --. _____ ., __ _ ---·-----, ___ .. _ -· -----------I --------- ·1x12 -lx12 !,pan-= 2 O It Span= 10.0 ft Applied Loads ')1Hv1,;H h).1ds ,!f·tr:1t:d Ll~-HJ F11(;!1)fS .\:1tl n~ 1pi}h~~d f•)(. ,l1t,1Jld!ll!P·~ . . ~ -.. Beam self·weight calculated and added to loads Loads on all spans ... Unilorrn·Load on ALL :;pans. D == 0 0120, L == 0.060 k/lt, Tributary Width:: 2:50 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section usaj for this span lb: Actual ,FB : Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection = 0.343 1 ·4x12 = 377.31 psi = 1, 100.00psi +D+L+H, LL Comb Run ('L) = 5.077ft = Span# 2 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv: Actual Fv : Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 0.048 in Ratio= 2479 -0.031 in Ratio= 1568 0.060 in Ratio= 2009 -0.037 in Ratio= 1:~94 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination s~~~!.n~-~~ng_t_h .. +D Length = 2.0 It Length= 10.0 It +D+t+H, LL Comb Run ('L) Length= 2.0 ft Length= 10.0 ft· +D+L+H, LL Comb Run (L') Length = 2.0 ft Length = 10.0 It +D+L+H, LL Comb Run (LL) Length = 2.0 ft Length = 10.0 ft +D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run ('L) Length = 2.0 ft Length= 10.0 ft Span# 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Ma~.s~~-~~~~. _: _ _ __ Summ;iry of Moment Values _ ___ ~ .... _ ··--. ~ ... __ ... _c d ·------~actual f~:desig~_ !P:~~~---..... . 0.011 0.066 0.011 0.343 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.321 0.011 0.066 0.035 1.000 0.035 1.000 0.165 1.000 0.165 1.000 0.043 1.000 0.043 1.000 0.171 1.000 0.171 1.000 0.035 1.000 0.035 1.000 · -0.08 0.45 -0.08 2.32 ·0.38 ·0.38 -0.38 2.17 -0.08 0.45 12.62 72.66 12.62 377.31 61.38 61.38 61.38 353.52 12.62 72.66 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 ' Desi Ott = 0.171 : 1 4x12 ·-30.76 psi = 180.00 psi +D+L+H, LL Comb Run (LL) = 2.000ft = Span# 1 Summary of Shear Values Vactual · Iv-design Fv-allow 0.17 0.17 0.78 0.78 0.20 0.20 0.81 0.81 0.17 0.17 6.32 6.32 29.62 29.62 7.75 7.75 30.76 30.76 6.32 6.32 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180,00 r ,tic 131<:,.;k I. ,ne 1 r,tle. l)MJNA ,: 61 You •:an 1:hanyes this ,Hoa Dsgnr: ,, Pro1ecl Desc.: '3FD ,;,, ,,,,. us111g the ·senings' menu ,tern ' ... ' " '• .. . ·. ..·, .. and then 1Js1ng the 'Pnnling & Project Notes : ;ir~:-;::~1:~lit~il~ifrtL::t _ --• Title Block' selection. Tille Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design , ' -~·~i1ii'-~-~i::-.;t,G\.· .. w!l',.:;,,;i;,,,_;,\; .. .--~,,1;;1., Description : FB·l7 Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary o( Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span f M V Cd Mactual lb-design Fb-allow V,tctual Iv-design FV·,IIIOW f0flr+H, LL Comb Aun IL') 008 12.62 1,100,00 0.17 6.32 1130.00 Lenqth = 2.0 ft 1 0011 0.035 1000 L•mgth = 10.0 ft 2 0066 0.035 1000 0.45 72.66 1,100.00 0.17 6.32 1R0.00 fD+Lr+H, LL Comb Run (LL) 1,100.00 0.17 6.32 180.00 Length -= 2.0 ft 1 0.0.11 0.035 1000 ·0.08 12,62 Length= 10.0 ft 2 0.068 0.035 1000 0.45 72.66 1,100.00 0.17 6.32 180.00 +D+S+H 1130.00 Length = 2.0 ft 1 0.011. 0.035 1000 -0.08 12.62 1,100.00 0.17 6.32 Length = 10.0 ft 2 0.066 0.035 1.t.100 0.45 72.68 1. 100.00 0.17 6.32 180.00 +0+0.750Lr+0.750LtH, LL Comb Length = 2.0 It 1 0.011 0.132 1.000 ·0.08 12.62 1,100.00 0.62 23.80 180.00 Leng1h = 10.0 It 2 Q.274 0.132 1.000 1.85 301.13 1,100.00 0.62 23.80 180.00 •D +O. 750Lr +O. 7SOL+H, LL Comb Length = 2.0 It 1 0.045 0.040 1 000 ·0.30 49.19 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180.00 Length= 10 O It 2 0.051 0.040 1.000 0.3S 56.17 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180.00 +D+0.750Lr+0.7SOL+H. LL Comb Length = 2.0 It 1 0.045 0,137 1000 ·0.30 49.1~ 1,100.00 065 24.65 180.00 Length = 10.0 ft 2 0.258 0,137 1.000 1.74 283,31 1,100.00 0.65 24.65 18000 +D+0.750L+0.750S+H, LL Comb I Length = 2.0 It 1 0.011 0.132 1.1)00 ·0.08 12.62 1,100.00 0.62 23.80 180.00 Length= 10.0 ft 2 0.274 0.132 1.000 1.85 '.301.13 1,100.00 0.62 23.B0 180.00 +D+0.7SOL+(>:750S+H, LL Comb I Length :: 2.0 ft 1 . 0.045 0.040 1.000 ·0.30 -t9.19 1,100:00 0.19 7.18 180.00 Length= 10 Oft 2 0.051 0.040 1.000 0.35 56.17 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180.00 f0t0.750L+0.750S+H. LL Comb I Length = 2.0 ft 1 0.045 0.137 1.000 ·0.30 49.19 1,100.00 0.65 24.65 180.00 Length= 10.0 ft 2 0.258 .0.137 1.000 1.74 283.31 1;100.00 0.65 24.65 180.00 tO+W+H Length = 2.0 It 1 0.011 0.035 1.000 ·0.08 12.62 1,100.00 0.17 6.32 1110.00 Length= 10.0 It 2 0.068 0.035 1.000 0.45 72.66 1,100.00 0.1-7 6.32 180.00 +D+0.70E+H Length = 2.0 ft 1 0.011 0.035 1.000 -0.08 12.62 1,100.00 0.17 6.32 180.00 Length = 10.0 ft 2 0.068 0.035 1.000 0.45 72.66 1,100.00 0.17 6.32 180,00 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, l Length = 2.0 ft 1 0.011 0.132 1.000 ·0.08 12.62 1,100.00 0.62 23.80 180.00 Length= 10.0 ft 2 0.274 0.132 1.000 1.85 301.13 1,100.00 0.62 23.80 180,00 +0+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, l Length = 2.0 ft 1 0.045 0.040 1.000 ·0.30 49.19 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180,00 Length= 10.0 It 2 0.051 0.040 1.000 0.35 56.17 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180,00 +0+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, l Length = 2.0 It 1 0.045 0.137 1.000 -0.30 49.19 1,100.00 0.65 24.65 180.00 Length= 10.0 ft 2 0.258 0.137 1.000 1.74 283.31 1,100.00 0.65 24.65 1B0.00 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.750W+H, L Length = 2.0 ft 1 0.011 0.132 1.000 -0.08 12.62 1,100.00 0.62 23.BO 180.00 Length = 10.0 ft 2 0.274 0.132 1.000 1.85 301.13 1,100.00 Q.62 23.80 180.00 +D+O, 750L tO. 750S+O. 750W+H, L Length = 2.0 It 1 0.045 0.040 1.000 -0.30 49.19 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180.00 Length= 10.0 ft 2 !).051 0.040 1.000 0.35 56.17 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180.00 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.750W+H, L Length = 2.0 ft 1 0.045 0.137 1.000 -0.30 49.19 1,1QO.OO 0.65 24.65 180.00 Length = 1 o.o It 2 0.258 0.137 1.000 1.74 283.31 1,100.00 0.65 24,65 180.00 +D+0,750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H, Length= 2.0 ft 1 0.011 0.132 1.000 ·0.08 12.62 1,100.00 0.62 23.B9 180,00 Length= 10.0 It 2 0.274 0.132 1.000 1.85 301.13 1,100.00 0.62 2.3,80 180;00 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H, Length = 2.0 ft 1 0.045 0.040 1.000 ,0.30 49,19 1,100.00 0.19 7,18 180,00 Length= 10.0ft 2 0.051 0.040 1.000 0.35 56.17 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180.00 +D+O. 750Lr+O. 750L+0.5250E+H, · Length = 2.0 It ·· 1 0.045 0.137 1.000 -0.30 49.19 1,100.00 0.65 24.65 180.00 Length = 10.0 ft 2· 0.258 0.137 1.000 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H, l 1.74 283.31 1,100.00 0.65 24.B5 180.00 Length = 2.0 ft 1 0.011 0.132 1.000 -0.08 12.62 1,100.00 0.62 23.80 180.00 Length = 10.0 ft 2 0,274 0.132 1.000 1.85 301.13 1,100.00 0.62 23.80 180.00 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H, l Length = 2.0 ft 0.045 0.040 1.000 -0.30 49.19 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180.00 f1tle Ulock l.1i1e I You can chanlJeS this .uea using the 'Settings· inenu ,tern and then 1is1ngthe 'Pi1nt1ng & . Title Block" ·,election., Title Block Line 6 'W_ood Be~m Design Description : Load Comb1nat1on Segment Lenyth Span f Lenqih = 10.0:tt 2 +D+O.i5QltOJ50S+0.5250EtH, l Lc:mqth = 2.0 ft 1 Lenqth = 10.0ft 2 tO.tiOO+W+H Li:riqlh = 2.0 ft 1 Lenyth = 10.0 ft 2 tO 600+0.70EtH Length = 2.0 ft Length = JO.O ft 2 Max Stress Ratios M V Cd 0.051 0.040 11)00 0.045 0.137 t 000 0 258 0.137 t 000 0.007 0.021 t 000 0040 0.021 f.000 0.007 0 021 I 000 0.040 0.021 !.<JOO f,lle n,VlNA O,;ynr: Project Desc.: •_;FQ Pro1ect Motes : ' .. i-? .. t]~'L~-1· :,,~ __ :;.:_: ,: ... _ ..... , ....... ,, ..... ,-.. Summa,y of Moment Values , Summary of ~hear Values Maclual lb·design Fb-Jllo·w Vactual f>.'-design Fv-altow 0.35 56.17 1,100.00 0.19 7.18 180.00 030 49.19 1,100.00 065 24.65 180.00 1.74 283.31 1,100.00 065 24.65 180.00 -005 757 1,100.00 0.10 3.79 18000 0.27 43.60 1,100.00 0.10 3.79 180:00 0.05 7 57 1,100.00 0.10 3.79 180.00 027 43.60 1,100.00 0.10 3.79 180.00 Overall Maximum Deflectlon1 • Un factored Load1 Loaq Combination Span I D+L-,.Lr, LL Comb Aun ("L) 2 Vertical Reactions • Unfactored Load Combination · overall MAXfmum D Only L Only, LL Comb Aun ('L) l Only, LL Comb Aun (L ') L Only, LL Comb Run (LL) D+LtS, LL Comb Run ('L) O+L,S, LL Comb Aun (L') D+L+S, LL Comb Aun (LL) O+L+lr, LL Comb·Aun ('LJ D+L,Lr, LL Comb Run (L') D+l+Lr, LL Comb.Run {LL) Support 1 Max.·.· Deft 0.0000 0.0597 Support2 t.359 0.279 0.750 0 330· 1 080 1.029 0.609 1.359 1.029 0.609 1.359 location in Span 0.000 5.077 Load Combination O+L+lr, LL Comb Aun ( 'L) Support notation : Far left is # 1 · · Support3 0.936 0.186 0.750 ·0.030 0.720 0.936 0.156 0.906 0.936 0.156 0.906 Max. ·.·oefl ·0.0371 0.0000 Values in KIPS Location in Span 0000 0.000 t ·i i .. , ' •• ri!le Block l111e I You can changes lh1s ,11ca us1119 the ·semngs' menu item Jnd then using the 'Printing & Tille Block" ,;election. nne Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Description : Ff.1·2 Material Properties Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design Load Combination 2006 !BC & ASC~ 7 -05 Wood Species : ilevel Truss Joist Wood Grade : Parullam PSL 2.0E r,ue 11MJMA Osgnr: P-~ , , Pro1ect Dcsc .. '5FD Project Notes : : ~ · Fb -Tension Fb • Compr Fe-Pill Fe· Perp Fv Ft Calc~latlons per IBC 2008, CBC 2007, 2005 NOS 2,900.0 psi E. Modulus of El<1sticity 2,900.0psi Ebend· xx 2,000.0ksi 2.900.0 psi Eminbend -xx 1,016.54 ksi 750.0psi 290.0psi Beam Bracing : Seam is Fully Brnced against lateral-torsion t;>uckling 2,025.0 psi Oensity :~2.210pcf ____ · ..... · .. ,_ ......... -...... , ____ ·_ ..... !.._ .. ---------.. -·-----·--'····---·----· ', ..... .. . ···-·----·------------------------------------- Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads load for Span Number 1 Span = 16.50 If Uniform Load: D: 0.0160, L:: 0.0530 k/lt, Tributary Width : 1.0 ft, (Unused) Moment: E = 24.950 k-ft, Location= 4.0 ft from teft end of this soan, (Unused) Moment: E = 24.950 k-ft. Location= 15.50 ft from left end of this span, (Unused) Load for Span Number 2 Uniform Load: O = 0.0160, L = 0.0530 kilt. Tributarv Width= 1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Span=2,0 ft 3•·H111r;,1 10,1d1> , 1,:11~1, 1,t l.1.•. 1d F, tt;tor•, .:11ll t)r1 1pplifJ<I 'or , :alo..\11,,t11111, . . . Desi now Maximum eendlng Stress Ratio = 0.766 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.290: 1 Section used for this span 3.5x11.875. Section used for this span 3,5x11.87S lb: Actual = 2,220.98psl fv: Actual = 84.04psl FB : Allowable = 2,900.00psi Fv : Allowable = 290.00 psi Load Combination ~0.600+0. 70E+H Load Combination +0+0.70E+H Location of maximum on span = 15.485ft Location of maximum on span = 16.500 ft Span # where maximum occurs = Span# 1 Span # where maximum occurs -Span# 1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection. 0.092 in Ratio= ;2161 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection -0.035 in Ratio= l,i66 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.200 in Ratio= '.I,H) Max.Upward Total Deflection -0.264 in Ratio= 751 Maximum Forces & StreHes for Load Combination, Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Segment Length Span # -,;.-· .. --... v-· ·-C d Mactiial ___ -·-f!J-deilgn. ·--Fb-aiiow·-Vactual-· Iv-design Fv:aifow· +D -... -. ---. ····----------, ----.• ___ ,. ____ , -·---------.. Length= 16.50 It 1 0.042 0.026 1.000 0.84 121.92 2,900.00 0.21 7.64 290.00 Length= 2.0 ft 2 0.003 0.028 1.000 ·0.05 7.38 2,900.00 0.03 7.64 290.00 +D+L+H, LL Comb Run ('L) Length= 16.50 It 1 0.039 0.027 1.000 0.78 114.42 2,900.00 0.22 7.87 290.00 Length= 2.0 It 2 0.008 0.027 1.000 -0.16 22.84 2,900.00 0.08 7.87 290.00 +D+L+H. LL Comb Run (L') Length= 16.50 ft 1 0.133 0.081 1.000 2.64 385.01 2,900.00 0.65 23.42 290.00 Length= 2.0 ft 2 0.003 0.081 1.000 ·0.05 7.38 2,900.00· 0.03 23.42 290.00 tO+L+H, LL Comb Run (LL) fitle Block Line 1 You can changes this area using the ·Settings' menu item and then using the 'Printing & Tiile,Block' -;election. Title Block Line 6 . Wood Beam Design Description : FB-2 Lpad Combination :,egment Length,· Span # Len'jlh = 16 50 ft 1 Lenyth : 2.0 ft 2 +D+LnH. LL Comb Run ('L) Lenylh = 16-50 ft 1 Lenqth = 2 O ft 2 +O+Lr+H. LL Comb Aun tL'l length= 16,50 ft 1 length = 2,0 ft 2 +D+Lr+H.LL Comb Aun \LL) length = 16,50 ft 1 Length = 2,0 ft 2 +O+S+H Lenqth = 16 .50 ft' t l.enqlh = 2.0 ft 2 +O+O 750Lr+0.750L+H, LL Comb · tength : lli,50 ft 1 Length = 2,0 ft 2 +D+0,750Lr+0.750L+H. LL Comb length = 16.50 fl 1 Length = 2,0 fl 2 +0+0.750Lr+0,750L+H. LL Comb Length= 16,50 fl 1 Lenqth = 2,0 ft 2 +D+0.750L+0.750S+H, LL Comb I Length= 16.50 It 1 Length -= 2.0 ft _ 2 +D+0.750L+0.750S+H, LL Comb I Length= 16,50 fl 1 lengt11 = 2.0 fl· 2 +D+0.750L+0.750S+H. LL Comb I Lenqth = 16.50 It t Length = 2.0 ft 2 +D+W+H Length= 16.50 fl 1 Length = 2.0 ft 2 +D+0.70E+H Length = t 6.50 ft 1 Length = 2.0 ft 2 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, L Length = 16.50 ft 1 Length = 2.0 ft 2 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, L Length-= 16.50 ft 1 Length = 2.0 ft 2 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, L Length= 16,50 It 1 Length = 2.0 ft 2 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.750W+H, L Length = 18.50 fl 1 Length= 2.0 ft 2 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.750W+H, L Length= 16.50 fl 1 .Length = 2.0 ft 2 +0+0.750L+0.750S+0.750W+H, L Length= 16.50 ft 1 Length = 2.0 It 2 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H, Length= 16.50 It 1 Length = 2.0 ft 2 +D+0.750L:r+0.750L+0.5250E+H, Length = 16.50 ft 1 Length= 2.0 It 2 +0+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H, Length= 16.50 ft 1 Length = 2.0 ft 2 ' Max Stress Ratios M 0.130 01)08 0.042 0J)03 0.042 0003 0042 1),()03 0.042 0.003 0.040 0.007 0.110 0.003 0.108 0.007 0.040 0 007 0.110 0.003 0.108 0.007 0.042 0.003 0.763 0.003 0.040 0.007 0.110 0.003 0.108 0.007 0.040 0.007 0.110 0.003 0.108 0.007 0.574 0.007 0.554 0.003 0.558 0.007 V 0082 0.082 0.026 0.026 0.026 0,026 0.026 0.026 0.026 0,026 0.027 0.027 0,067 0.067 0.068 0.068 0,027 1),027 0.067 0.067 0.068 0.068 0.026 0.026 0.290 0.290 0.027 0.027 0.067 0.067 0.068 0.068 0.027 0.027 0.067 0.067 0.068 0.068 0.225 0.225 0.265 0.265 0.265 0.265 Cd 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 000 1000 1000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1000 1000 1000 1.000 1000 1 000 I 000 1.000 1000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1000 1:000 1000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 !1!10 · DMINA D$gnr: ProIec1 Desc.: 1FO Pro1ect Notes : ..,_. '. -.. . ' ., ... ,.. '·"-. ' :it~~:~~~~~nL5.:~"L~, . Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values Mactual lb-design Fb·allow Vactual Iv-design Fv-,1llow 2.59 37'7-37· 2,900.00 0 66 23 65 290 00 0.16 22.84 2,900,00 0 08 23.65 290.00 0.84 121 92 2,900.00 0,21 7.64 290.00 0 05 7 38 2,000.00 I) 03 7.64 290.00 0.84 121 92 2,900.00 0,21 7.64 290.00 -0 05 7 38 2,900.00 0,03 7.64 290.00 084 121.92 2,900.00 0.21 7,64 290 00 ·0.05 7.38 . 2,900.00 O.o3 7.64 290.00 0.84 121 92 2,900.00 0,21 7.64 290 00 ·0.05 7.38 2,900.00 0.03 7.64 290.00 0,80 116.27 2,900.00 0,22 7.82 290.00 -0.13 18.98 2,900.00 0.07 7.82 290.00 2.19 319.23 2,900.00 0.54 19.48 290.00 ·0.05 7 38 2,900.00 0.03 19.48 290 00 2.15 313,50 2,900,00 0.54 19.65 29000 ·0.13 18.98 2,900.00 0.07 19.65 290.00 0.80 116.27 2,900.00 0.22 7 82 290.00 ·0.13 18.98 2,900.00 0.07 7.82 290.00 2.19 ·319 23 2,900.00 0,54 19.48 290.00 -0.05 7.38 2,900.00 0.03 19.48 290,00 2.15 313.50 2,900.00 0.54 19.65 290.00 ·0.13 18.98 2,900.00 0.07 19.65 290.00 0.84 121 92 2,900.00 0.21 7 64 290.00 -0.05 7.38 2,900.00 0.03 7.64 290.00 -15.16 2,212.14 2,900.00 2.33 84.04 290.00 ·O 05 7.38 2,900.00 0.03 84.04 290.00 0.80 111;i.27 2,900.00 0.22 7.82 290.00 -0.13 18,98 2,900.00 0.07 7.82 290.00 2.19 319,23 2,900.00 0.54 19.48 290.00 ·0.05 7.38 2,900.00 0.03 19.48 290.00 2.15 313.50 2,900.00 -0.13 18.98 2,900.00 0.54 19.65 290.00 0.07 19.65 290.00 0.80 116.27 2,900.00 -0.13 18.98 2,900.00 0 22 7.82 290.00 0.07 7.82 290.00 2.19 319.23 2,900.00 -0.05 7.38 2,900.00 0,54 19.48 290.00 0.03 19.48 290.00 2.15 313.50. 2,900.00 -0.13 18.98 2,900.00 0.54 19 65 290.00 0.07 19.65 290.00 -11.41 1.664.47 2,900.00 -0.13 18.98 2,900.00 1.80 65.12 290.00 0.07 65.-12 290.00 • 11.02 1,608.00 2,900.00 -0.05 · 7.38 2,900.00 2.13 76.78 290.00 0.03 76.78 290.00 -11.10 1,618.88 2,900.00 -0.13 18.98' 2,900.00 2.13 76.95 290.00 0.07 76.95 290.00 rillc 131ock L111e 1 You can changes this ama using the 'Settings' rnenu item and thl:ln using the 'Printing & Title mock' selection. Title Block Line 6 Wood.Beam Design Descnption : FIH r,ue: I.MM~JA O•;gnr: Pro1ect Desc.: 'iFD Pro1ect Notes : Load Combin,1tton Max Stress Ra1ios Summary of Moment Values '.,egment Length •0+0.750L•0.750S+O !i250E+H, l Lenqth = 16.50 It Le114th = 2.0 It •0+0.750L+0.750S+O 5250E+H, l Length= 16.50 It Length = 2.0 It +D+O 750Lt0.750S+0.5250E+H, l Length= 16.50 It Length = 2.0 It +0.60D+W+H Lenyth = 16.50 It Length = 2.0 It +O ti00+0.70E +H Span t 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 M V 0.574 0007 0.554 0.003 0.558 0,007 0.025 0:002 0 225 0225 0265 0265 0265 0.265 0.016. 0.1)16 Lenqth = 16.50 It 0.766 0.279 Length = 2.Q It 2 0.002 0.279 Overall Maximum Oeflectlon1 ·. Unfactored Load1 Cd Mactual lb-design 1000 -11.41 1,664.47 t 000 0.13 18.98 1000 ·1102 1,608.00 1.000 -0.05 7 38 1000 ·11.10 1,618.88 1000 -O.i3 18.98 1000 0!i0 73.15 1000 0.03 443 1.000 ·15.22 2,220.98 1.000 ·0:03 4.43 Load Combination Span Max.•.• DeH Location in Span Load Combination D+L+Lr,'LL Comb Run (L') 1 0.1311 7.235 EOnly EOnly 2 0.2000 2.000 Vertical Reaction, • Unfactored Support notation: Far left Is #1 Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Support3 overall MAXimum ·3.024 3.024 D Only 0.206 0262 L Only, LL Comb Run ( 'L) ·0.006 0.112 L Only, LL Comb Run (L') 0.437 0.437 L Only, LL Comb Run (LL) 0.431 0.550 EOnly •3.024 3.024 D+L+S, LL Comb Run ('L) 0.199 0.375 D+L+S, LL Comb Run (L ') 0.643 0.700 D+L+S, LL Comb Run (LL) 0.636 0.812 D+L+Lr, LL Comb Run ('L) 0.199 0.375 D•L+Lr, LL Comb Run (L') 0.643 0.700 Di-L i,Lr, LL Comb Run (LL) 0.638 0,812 Fb-.illow 2,900.00 2,000.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 2;900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,000.00 2,900.00 Summary of Shear Values · Vactual fv-desiqn · Fv ,tllow I AO 65.12 290U0 0.07 65.12 29000 2.13 76.i8 29000 0.03 78.78 290.00 2.13 76.95 290.00 0.07 76.95 290.00 0.13 4 59 :mooo 0.02 -t 59 W0ll0 2.24 60.99 290.00 0.02 80.99 290.00 Max.'+' Defl Location in Span -0.2636 12.058 0.0000 12.058 Values in KIPS rille Block t.:ne t You t::in 1;h.:u111es this Jma using the "Seltings' menu item . rnd tho!' using the 'Printing & fiUe Block• •;oleclion. ritle Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design f1tle : L)t\MMA Dsgnr: Pro1ect Desc.: ':iFD Project Notes : .: .~: ; ' -. •, .:·-:;-_',,.-\-··' ... ~ ,, .. ·" .. :· ' . l I& •: Kw-oeoout• . . . if till\;;;~\): 2•, ~,~, :~ Oescnption : Material Properties Analysis Method : Allow.:ible Stross Des,qn load Comb1C1ation 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Wood Species Wood Grade : Douglas Fir -L.1rch . No.1 Fb -Tension Fb-Cqmpr Fe-Prfl Fe -Perp Fv Ft Calculations P• IBC 20oe, CBC 2007, 2005 NOS 1,000.0 psi E: Modulus of Elas/tc_ity t ,000.0 psi Ebend· xx 1. 700.0ksi 1,500.0 psi Eminbend -xx 620.0ksi 625.0psi 180.0psi Beam Bracing · 13eam 1s Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling 675.0psi Density, 32.2l0pcf 1.H (HU ' L 1)1!1 ~.1•ir I ,,~,;~•;'i,_1 ----------,,~-~-.--~--l-'-------~ ..... ·-..... ·---.. -.... ..._ .... -................ _ .. ________ --~ . .-[____ j r .... --· ··----·· _ ..... --.. --.. -........... _ .. ... . . -. -~~~-~-...... ·-··· . __I Applied Loads · Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 6x12 Span= 17.0ft Uniform Load · D = O O 160, L = 0 0530 ktft, T ributarv Width = 1.0 fl. (Unused) Point Load: E = 4.158 k 'i'J 14.0 ft. (Unused) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Ben<;ling Stress Ratio = 0.772 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span 6x12 Section used for this span lb: Actual = 772.40psi fv: Actual FB : Allowable = 1 ,ooo.oopsi Fv : Allowable Load Combination t0+0.70E+H Load Combination Location of maximum on span = 13.940ft Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Span I# f Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L 1-Lr +S Deflection 0.085 in Ratio= 2407 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.324 in Ratio= {j30 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <180 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combination, Load Combination Segment Length Max Stress Ratios ___ Summary of_Mome_nWalues __ _ ~P~~! ....... __ ~--~-:-~-~-v_·-_··_-__ c_d .. __ ~-~~-a~------fb-de~ign .. _f'.b·allow +D Length = 17 .0 It 1 +D+LtH length= 17.0 ft 1 +O+Lr+H Length= 17.0 ft 1 tD+O. 750Lr +O. 750L+H Length= 17.0 ft 1 +0+0.70E+H Length= 17.0 ft 1 +D+O. 750Lr+O. 750L+0.5250E+H · Length= 17.0 ft +D+O. 750L +O. 750S+0.5250E+H Length= 17.0. ft 1 0.108 0.297 0.108 0.250 0.772 0.679 0.679 0.030 1.000 0.083 1.000 0.030 1.000 0.070 1.000 0.346 1.000 0.307 1.000 0.307 1.000 1.09 3.00 1.09 2.53 7.80 6.86 6.86 107.80 297.33 107.80 249.95 772.40 679.13 679.13 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 " Desi OK, = 0.346: 1 6x12 = 1;52.25 psi = 180.00psi tD+0.70E+H :: 16.065ft = Span# 1 _ ___ Summary of Shear Values ... Vactual · Iv-design Fv-aliow 0.23 0.63 0.23 0.53 2.63 2.33 2.33 5.41 14.92 5.41 12.54 62.25 55.17 55.17 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 f1tle 131ock L,ne 1 You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu ,tom and then using the 'Printing & fitle Block' ~election. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Description : FB-21 Luad·Combination Segment Lenqth tO 60D+O.iOE~H Span# Max Stress Ratios M V C d r,tle: DMINA f};gnr: Pro1ect Desc.: -;FD Pro1ect Notes : Summary of-Moment Values Mactual lb-design Fb-allow Length:: 17 O It 1 0.747 0 . .334 1.000 7 55 746j4 1,000.00 Overall Maximum 0eflectlon1 • Unfactored Load1 Load Combination Span EO~ 1 Vertical Reaction•· Unfactored Load Combination Support 1 Overall MAXirnurn 0.734 D Only 0 256 L Only 0.451 E Only 0.734 D+LtS 0.707 D+LtLr 0.707 Max.'·' Den 0.3237 Support2 3.424 0256 .0.451 3.424 0.707 0.707 Location In Span 9.690 Load Combination Support notation : Far lelt is #1 Summary of Shear Values Vactual Iv-design Fv·,lllow 2.53 Max. 't' DeH 0.0000 Values in KIPS 60.09 18Qll0 Location in·Span 0.000 i:;11e Block Lne I Ynu can ch~nges :11,s .uea using·the 'Settings' menu ,tern ,md then 11s1ng lhe ·Printing & r,ue Olock' ·;elect1QO. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Oescnptioo : FB 15 Material Properties Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design Load Combination 2006 I BC & ASCE 7 -05 !,!le. l;,\MlA Oc;qnr: Projeci'Desc.: ';FD Pro1ect Notes : Fb -Tension Fb -Compr Fe -Pnl Fe -Perp Calculatlons per IBC 2008, <;:BC 2007, 2005 NOS 1,000.0 psi E: Modulus of Elasticity 1,000.0 psi Ebend· xx 1. 700.0ksi l·,500_.0 psi Eminbend -xx 620.0ksi £?25.0psi Wood Species Wood Grade : Douglas Fir -L.1rch : No.1 'Fv 180.0psi Beam Bracing Ft : Beam is Fully Brnced against lateral-torsion buckling 675.0psi Density 32.210pcf • 1-1,1·,n, ' --: __ --~-~ -··~-------.... -------.... -.. -___ -_--_---· .. :..:,:~,:!..::!~.:.,-.:.~r'~~·...:.._'.::J-1 :-__ -_-_-:.-:-_--:-~-------·=-__ -. _-_--. ~--~-----_.-_.-.. _.-_-----.-_-_--_.-] •hl2 Span= 10011 Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load: D-= 0.0160, L = 0.0530 lvft, Tributary Witlth: 1.0 ft, (Unused) Point Load : E = 4. 158 k @ I 50 ft. (Unused) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.572 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span 4x12 Section used for this span fb: Actual = 628.89psi fv: Actual FB : Allowable = 1, 100.00psi Fv : Allowable Load Combination +0+0.70E+H Load Combination Location of maximum on span = 1.500ft Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Span# 1 Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.017 in Ratio== 7')47 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.096 in Ratio= t.;~54 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <180 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combination• Desi OIC = 0.545: 1 4x12 = 98.12 psi = 180.00psi +0+0.70E+H = 0.000ft = Span# 1 Load Combination Segment Length Max Stress Ratios Summary of Mome.nt Value_s ____ Summary_ of Shear Values_ _ +D Length= 10.0 ft +D+L+H Length: 10.0 ft +O+Lr+H Length = 10.0 ft +0+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Length = 10.0 ft +0+0.70E+H Length= 10.0ft ,0+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H Length= 10.0 It ,D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H Length= 10.0 ft Span t M V ___ c d _____ -~~~'~----_fb~d~!~-_____ !~--~~! ________ vactual fv_-de_~i~-----~~-~~o~ 1 1 0.046 0.144 0.046 0.119 0.572 0.472 0.472 0.022 1.000 0.068 . 1.900 0.022 1.000 0.056 1.000 0.545 1.000 0.449 1.000 0.449 1.000 0.31 0.97 0.31 0.81 3.87 3.19 3.19 50.40 158.08 50.40 131.16 6~8.89 519.28 519.28 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.10 0.32 0.10 0.26 2.58 2.12 2.12 3.87 12.15 3.87 10.08 98.12 80.77 80.77 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 fitle Hlock l.111e 1 You r.an changes this ,Hea using the ·<,ettmgs' inenu item and then using the "Printmg & Title Block' ·;elechon. Tille Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Description : FB-ts load Combinallon. 'JP.gment Length ,O .60()+0.lOE +H Spant Max Stress Ratios M V f1tle DANNA D<Jgnr: Project Desc.: SFO Project Notes : Su~mary of Momen!_values Mactual lb-design Fb-allow Lenyth = 10.0 It 1 0.562 0.537 1.000 3.81 618.61 1,100.00 Over~II Maximum Oeflectlont • Unfactored Loads Load Coj1lbination Span E Only 1 Vertical Reaction, • Unfactored Load Comb1nat1on Support 1 Overall MAXimum 3.53:4 D Only 0.124 L Only 0.265 E Only J.534 O+L+S 0.389 P+L+Lr 0 389 Max.•.• Dett 0.0956 Support2 Q.624 0.124 0.265 0.624 0.389 0.369 Location ,n Span 4.300 Load Combination Support notation : Far left is 11 Summary of Shear Values Vactual . Iv-design Fv-.illow ·'2,54 ')6.57 180.00 Max. '+ • Deft Location in Span 0.0090'. 0 000 Values in KIPS f1tle Block l.,ne 1 You can 1.hanges this Jrea using the ·settinqs' inllnu-,tern and then using the 'Pnnting & ritle Block' ·,;nlect1on. Title Block tine 6 Wood Beam Design Descnphon: Ffl-12. fB· 1'.l Material Properties Analysis Method : Allowuble Stress Design Load Combination 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Wood Species Wood Grade : ilev13I Truss Joist : Paraflam PSL 2.0E f1!1e. !J/IN~IA Dsgnr: Pro1ect Desc.: ':>FD \ _.:./ Proiect Notes.: : . •!.' '' :· •. . . .. . . . k ·:J.:·:· .:, ._ .. ··._:.. ' .. ' 1 .. Fb. Tension Fb -Compr Fe -Prll Fe· Perp Fv Fl ~f ~1it:L~,-~:; Calculations per IBC 2008, CBC 2007, 2005 NOS 2,900. O psi £ : Modulus of Elasticity 2,900.0 psi Ebend-xx 2.0QO.Oksi 2,900.0 psi Emmbend. xx t ,016.54ksi 750.0psi 290.0psi Be~rn Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling 2,025.0psi Density 32.210pcf ,l'll fl t.•, ·,ll t. . ... ___ .. t .... ·--···--· ----· ---'---· -------·----·----·--------··-··----. 3.Sxl 1.875 Span= 10.0 ft Applied Loads '',:f'/l(,t! !(J:\d½ •!lltl:1,:d. ti).\d F ti:ror(; ,"JIii Ct·! l( r>IW·•I ir;r 'tit 1,l;itl(,q<; Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load: D = 0230, L = 0:510 kift, Tributary Width= 1.0 ft, (Unused) DESIGN SUMMARY -. Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.471: 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span 3.5x11.875 Section_ used for this span lb: Actual = 1,366.35psi fv: Actual FB : Allowable = 2,900.00psi Fv. : Allowable Load Combination +O+L+H Load Combination Location of maximum on span = 5.000ft Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Span# 1 Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.118 in Ratio= 1013 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection O.174in Ratio= ti139 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <180 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combination, • Desi OK- = 0.378: 1 3.5x11.875 = 109.52 psi = 290.00 psi +O+L+H ~ 0.000ft = Span# l Load combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear Values __ S~gm~_n_t_ L:n?~ ·Span # _ ---~--M~-~-----... : V----~ __ .. Cd ____ :~:~.c~~~~--~~§--~~ii~-= ~-F~a~I~~---_________ Y.~~iuai-=--=· ~-?:s~~---__j_v~allo~ +O Length= 10.0 ft 1 0.150 0.121 1.000 2.99 436.36 2,900.00 0.97 34.98 290.00 ~D+L+H Length= 10.0 ft 1 0.471 0.378 1.000 9.37 1,366.35 2,900.00 3.03 10952 290.00 +D+Lr+H Length = 10.0 ft 0.150 0.121 1.000 2.99 436.36 2,900.00 0.97 34.98 290.00 +D+O. 750Lr +O .750L +H 290.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.391 0.313 1.000 7.77 1,133.85 2,900.00 2.52 90.89 Overall Maximum Deflections· Unfacto~ Loads Load Combination Span Max.•.• Deft LocatiOn in Span Load CombinatiOn Max.'+' Dell Location in ·span D+L+Lr 1 0.1740 5.050 0.0000 0.000 r 1tle 11!01;k I 1110 I You can chanqes this .uea using the 'Settings' m1mu item Jnd th1m using the 'Printing ,\ rnle 81o¢k' ,;election. Tille Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Ooscnption : FB-12. F8-t3 Vertical Reaction,· Unfactored Lo,1d Comb1n,1\ion Overall MAXimum DOnty L Only DtLtS \)+LtLr Support 1 3,746 1.196 2.550 3.746 :J.746 Support2 3.746 1.196 2.550 3.746 3.746 Title. DANNA Dsgnr: Pro1ect Desc.: SFD Pro1ect Notes : Support notation : Far left is #1 Values IO KIPS l ,tie Block Lone I You can changes this Jrea 11s111g.the ·settings' incnu ,tern .111d thnn 11:;mg the 'Printing & fitle Block' '>election. ritte l31ock line 6 Wood Beam Design Oescnpt1on : FB· t Material Properties Analysis Method; Allowable Stress Design Load Combination 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Wood Species Wood Grade : il,cvel Truss Joist : Parallam PSL 2.0E 1'1tle . D,,MNA Dsgnr: Project Dose.: ·3FD rro1ect Notes : Fb • Tension Fb -Compr Fe-Prll Fe· Perp Fv Ft Calculations per IBC 2008, CBC 2007, 2005 NOS 2,QOO.O psi E: Modulus of Elasticity 2,900.0 psi Ebend-xx 2,000.0ksi 2.aoo.o psi Emmbend -xx 1,016.54ksi 750.0psi 290.0psi Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling 2,025.0psi Density J2.210pcf ' t .... -·. ----------. ··-· ____t_ ...... --... ----......... --··- 5 25x11.875 Span= 13.0 ft ____ !._,. 5.25x11.875 Span= 3.0 ft Applied Loads ,.,r•11,:L? k).-1\ls ,wtr,1,,d Lc,111 F .. 11:tor<; :11II fl•'! ,pr.;li~ltl for ,:.1ln,lat101i•;. Beam self weight calculated and added lo loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load: D = 0.0160, L-= 0.0530 k/ft, Tributary Width= 1.0 ft, (Unused) Load·tor Span Number 2 . Uniform Load: D = 0.0160, L = 0.0530 k/ft, Tributary Width= 1.0 ft Point Load : D = 0.650, L = 2.290 k @ 3.0 ft, (Unused) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span = 0.308 1 5.25x11.875 · fb: Actual = . 894.0Spsi Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span Iv: Actual FB : Allowable Load Combination L.ocation of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection Max Upward·L+Lr+S Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection = 2,900.00psi +D+L+H. LL Comb Aun ('L) = 13.000ft = Span#i 0.134 in Ratio= -0.092 in Ratio= 0.163'in Ratio= -0.106 in Ratio= Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combination• Fv : Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 538 11399 140 147'.3 Desi nOlt = 0.258: 1 5.25x11.875 = 74.79 psi = 290.00 psi +D+L+H, LL Comb Run ('L) · = 13.000ft = Span# 1 Load Combination Max Stress Ratios ....... Summary of Moment Val_u_e_s __ Summary of Shear Values ... SegmentLength _______ ~~~_"# _______ .. -... -~ V .• ___ c_d --~~~!u_~'-lb-design Fb_-a_llo_w ____ v_a_ct_ua_l __ fv_·_de_s.:;ig __ n __ F_v-_af_lo_w +D Length = 13.0 ft Length = 3.0 ft +D+L+H, LL Comb Aun ('L) Length = 13.0 ft Length = 3.0 ft +D+L+H, LL Comb Aun (L") Length = 13.0 It Length = 3.0 ft +D+l+H, LL Comb Aun (LL) Length= 13.0 ft 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0.070 0.070 0.308 0.308 0.070 0.070 0.308 0.059 1.000 -2:oe 0.059 1.000 -2.08 0.258 1.000 -9.19 0.258 1.000 -9.19 0.059 1.000 -2.08 0.059 1.000 ·2.08 0.258 1.000 ·9.19 202.75 202.75 894.08 894.08 202.75 202.75 894.08 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 2,900.00 0.71 0.71 3.11 3.11 0.71 0.71 3.11 17.10 17.10 74.79 74.79 17.10 17.10 74.79 290.00 290.00 290.00 290.00 290.00 290.00 290.00 f1tle 131ock l.,ne I You 1:an ctiangcs this .uea t1sing the 'Settings• menu ,tern .ind then using the ·printing & fitle Block" •;election. fitle Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Description: FB·1 lo,1d Combindt10n Segment Length Span • L1mqth = 10 ft 2 tD+LrtH, LL Comb Aun l'L) Length = t 3.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 ,D+Lr+H, LL Comb Run IL') Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+Lr +H, LL Comb Run (LL) Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+S-t-H Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H, LL Comb Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H, LL Comb Length = 13.0 ft 1 Leng1h = 3.011· 2 tD+0.750Lr+0.750L+H, LL Comb Length = 13.0 ft t Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+0.750L+0.750S+H, LL Comb I Length = 13.0 It 1 Length = 3.0 ft Z tD+o.750L+0.750S+H, LL Comb I Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 t0+0.750L+0.750S+H, LL Comb I Length = 13.0 ft t Length = 3.0 ft 2 tO+W+H Length = 13.0 ft t Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+0.70E+H Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+o.750Lr+o.750L+0.750W+H, L Length= 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 It 2 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, L Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 It 2 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, l Length = 13.0 It 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.750W.+H, L Length= 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.750W+H, L Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+0.750L+o.750S+0.750W+H, L Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+O. 750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H, Leng1h = 13.0 ft t Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+O. 750Lr+0,750L+0.5250E+H, Length = 13.0 ft t Length = 3.0 ft 2 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H, Length = 13.0 ft 1 Length = 3.0 It 2 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H, l Max Stress Ratios M v· o:10e o.2s0 0070 0.059 0.070 0.059 0 070 0.059 0.070 0.059 0.070 0 059 0.070 0.059 0.070 0.059 '0.070 0.059 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.070 0 059 0.070 0.059 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.070 0.059 0.070 0.059 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.070 0.059 0.070 0.059 0.070 0.059 0.070 0.059 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.070 0.059 0.070 0.059 0,249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.070 0.059 0.070 0.059 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 0.070 0.059 0.070 0.059 0.249 0.208 0.249 0.208 1000 1.000 1000 1.000 1000 1000 1.000 1.000 1000 1000 1.000 1000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fille: DAMtlA Osgnr: Protect Desc.: :3FD Protect Notes : Summary ol Moment Values Mactual tb-design Fb-allow ·9.19 894.08 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 •7.42 721.25 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 ·7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 •7.42 721.25 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.0li 202.75 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 •7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -7.42 72U5 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 -2.08 202.75 2,900.00 .·7.42 721.25 2,900.00 •7.42 721.25 2,900.00 Summary o_l Shear Values Vactual · Iv-design FY-Jllow 3.11 74.79 290 ()0 0.71 17 10 290.00 0.71 17.10 ~90.00 0.71 17.\0 290.00 0.71 17.10 ::!90.00 0.71 17.10 ~90.00 0.71 17.10 290 00 0.11 11.10 2go.oo 0.71 17.10 290.0() 2.51 60,37 290 00 2.51 60.37 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 0.71 17.10 2!30 00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290 ()0 2.51 60.37 ::!90.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 0,71 17.10 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2:51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 0.71 17.10 290,00 0.71 17.10 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 'r,ue lJlock.i.111e 1 You ,:an ,:hanges 1h1s ,uea using the ·settings' rnenu ,!em arid then 1Jsing the 'Printing & Title Block' ~election. Title Block une 6 Wood' Beam Design Descnpllon: Load Combination Max Stress A<1lios f,!le. O,\NNA O,;qnr: Project Oesc.: .;FD Proiect Notes : Summary _ol Mom~nt Values SP.qmenl Length Span # M V Cd Mactual lb-design Fb·allow LernJth : 13.0 ft 1 O 249 0.208 t 000 Lenqth = 3.0 fl 2 0 249 0.208 1,000 rO+0.750L t0. 750S+0.5250EtH, l ttJnqth = 13.0 It 1 0.070 0.059 1000 Leriqtll :: 3.0 It 2 0.070 0.059 1.000 tO+0. 750L t0. 750S+0.5250E+H. l Length = 13.0 It 1 0.249 0.208 1.000 Length = 3.0 It 2 0.249 0208 t 000 +0.60D+W+H Lenqth = 13.0 It f 0.042 0035 1.000 Length = 3.0 It 2 0.042 0.035 1000 t0.600+0.lOE +H Lenqth = 13.o It 1 0.042 0.035 1.000 Length = 3.0 ft 2 0.042 0.035 1.000 Overall Maximum Oeflectlon1 -Unfactored Load1 Load Combination Span 1 O+L+Lr, LL Comb Aun ('L) 2 Max.•.• Deff 0.0000 0.1633 location in Span 0.000 3.000 .7 42 721 25 2,900.00 -7.42 72.125 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 ·2.08 202.75 2,900.00 ·7.42 721.25 2.900.00 -7.42 721.25 2,900.00 ·125 12165 2,900.00 ·125 121.65 2,900.00 ·I 25 121.65' 2;900.00 -125 12165 2,900.00 . Load Combination D+L+Lr, LL Comb Run ('l) Vertical Reactions • Unfactored Support notation : Far left is #1 Load Combination · Overall MAXimum DOnly L Only, LL Comb Aun ('l) L Only, LL Comb Run (L') L Only, LL Comb Run (LL) D+L+S, LL Comb Run t'L) O+L+S, LL Comb Aun (L') O+L +S, LL Comb Run (LL) D+L+Lr, LL Comb Aun {'L) O+L+Lr, LL Comb Run (L') 'D+L+Lr, LL Comb Aun (LL) Support 1 -0.547 1).034 ·0.547 0.345 ·0.202 -0.513 0.379 ·0.168 -0.513 0.379 -0.168 Support 2 4.435 t 095 2.996 0.345 3.340 4.091 1.439 4.435 4.091 1.439 4.435 Support 3 Su,~mary of Shear Values V/lctual fv-design Fv-,1llow 2 51 60.37· 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 0.71 17.10 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 2.51 60.37 290.00 0.43 10.26 29Q.OO 0.43 10.26 290.00 0.43 10.26 290.00 0.43 10.26 2'JO.OO Max. '+'bef .. location in Span -0.1058 7.700 0.0000 7.700 Values in KIPS f1tle 1.llock Line 1 You can changes this aroa using the "Settings' menu item .,\nd then using the 'Printing & Title Block' aeleclion. fitle Block Lin~ ~ Wood Beam Design l Descnption : FB-16 Material Properties Analysis Method : Allowi.ll;>le Stress Design Load Combination 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Wood Species : ilevel fn,iss Joist Wood Grade : P~rallam PSL 2.0E r;ue DMINA Dsqnr: ProIect Desc.: ',FD PrnIect Notes : Fb-Tension Fb -Compr Fc-Prtl Fe -Perp Fv Ft Calculations per IBC 2008, CBC 2007, 2005 NOS 2.900.0psi E: Modulus.of Elasticity 2.900.0 psi Ebend· xx 2,000.0ksi 2,900.0 psi Eminbend-xx 1.01!,.54ksi 750.0psi 290.0psi Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling 2,025.0 psi Density 32.21 Opet '-----·---· .!..---·--·-·-·---------_--_-_______ ,___ . ---·---~F.. -~---__ , ____ · 1-.-.. ---r -----·---·--··- ll(ll 1.•11(011 l\ll l'il 1,tll ,:,} - S.25x11 875 Span= 20.0 It ,. 5.25xl I 875 '3pan,. 13.0ft Applied Loads '},.,p,u;e l<.),:u.ts ,mt,~, ,·.,d L<:i, l<.I F tGlors :1111 bH 1ppl1!l<.I fc)r , ::1h.:ul,1t101 i<; Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load: D = O: 120, l = 0.40 k/ft, Tnbutarv Width = 1.0 ft Load for Span Number 2 Uniform Load: D = 0.150, L = 0.550 kilt, Trib~tarv Width= 1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span = 0.742 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratiq lb: Actual FB : Allowable Load Combination Location of ma)(imum on span Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection 5.25x11.875 = 2, 151.40psi = 2,900.00psi 1-0+L+H, LL Comb Run (LL) = 20,000ft = Span# 1 0.638 In Ratio= -0.158 in Ratio= 0.812 in Ratio= -0.158 in Ratio= Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Section used for this span Iv: Actual Fv : Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where ma)(imum occurs a,6 !:l86 295 '')86 Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values . _ ~~~e~L _e_ng_lh ____ s_p~~ ! __ ----~---M_~=~-_::::v __ --_-· __ c d---~~§!~ ------~:~e-~i~~-___ !~jlklw-- +D Length = 20.0 ft Length= 13.0 ft +D+L+H, LL Comb Run ('L) Length = 20.0 It Length = 13.0 ft +D+L+H, LL Comb Run (L') Length= 20.0 ft Length = 13.0 ft +D+L+H, LL Comb Run (LL) Length= 20.0 ft Length= 13.0 ft 1 2 1 2 .. 1 2 1 2 0.182 0.182 0.335 0.352 0.625 0.588 0.742 0.742 0.123 1.000 0.123 1.000 0.396 1.000 0.396 1.000 0.475 1.000 0.475 1.000 0.494 1.000 0.494 1.000 ·5.42 -5.42 ·-10.00 10.50 18.64 -17,54 ·22.12 ·22.12 527.43 2,900.00 527.43 2,900,00 972.57 2;900.00 1,020.79 2,900.00 1,813:29 2,900.00 1,708.27 · 2,900.00 2,151.40 2,900.00 2, 151.40 2,900.00 Desi nOK. = o .. J94: 1 5.25x11.875 = 143.22 psi = 290.00 psi 1-0+L+H, LL Comb Run (LL) = 19.077 ft = Span# 1 Summary of Shear Values "iTaciuaf-. -1v:design . i:v:a1iow . 1.49 1.34 4.77 4.77 5.72 2.27 5.95 5.70 35.78 35.78 114.70 114.70 137,72 137.72 143.22 143.22 290.00 290.00 290.00 290.00 290.00 290.00 290,00 290.00 ·r~tle 13101:k L,ne 1' r,ue. 01\MNA i:: 8 '2,;'"2,_ You can chaO(JCS this Jma Dsgnr, 11sinq the ·se1t1nqs' menu item Project Desc.: SFD . ,md lhen using lhe 'Printing & Project Notes : fitle Block' :;election. fitle Block line 6 Wood Beam Design l Oescnption : m-16 Ladd CombinJllon Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Summary of Shear V;ilues Sflgnient Lenqth . Span• M V Cd Mactual fb:design Fb-allow Vactual lv-r:lesign Fv-,1llow ,Q+cLr+H, LL Gomb Run \'L) LemIth = :!0.0 ft 1 0.182 0.123 1.000 -5.42 527.43 2,900.00 149 35.78 290.00 Length-= 13.0 ft 2 0.182 0.123 1.000 -5.42 52743 2,900.00 1.34 35.78 :.'.9000 ,D+Lr+H. LL Comb Run (L ') L,mgth· = 20:0 ft 1 0 182 0.123 1000 ·5.42 527.43 2,900.00 149 35.78 ~go 00 Length= 13 0 ft 2 0.182 0.123 1.000 ·5.42 527.43 2,900.00 1.34 35.78 ~90.00 +D+Lr+H. LL Comb Run (LL) Length·-= 20.0 ft 1 0.182 0.123 1 000 -5.42 527.43 2.900.00 149 35.78 '.!9000 Length = 13,0 ft 2 0.182 0.123 1.000 ·5.42 527.43 2.900.00 1.34 35.78 :290.00 +D+S+H Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.182 0.123 1000 ·5.42 527.43 2,900.00 1.49 35.78 290.00 Leniith = 13.0 ft 2 0.182 0.123 1.000 -5.42 527.43 2,900.00 1.34 35.78 29000 +0+0.750Lr+0.750L+H. LL Comb Length = 20.0 ft 1 0 297 0.324 1.000 -8.86 861.29 2,900.00 3.91 94.06 290.00 Lenqth = 13.0 It 2 0.297 0.324 1.000 ·8.86 861.29 2;900.00 3.91 94.06 290.00 t0+0.750Lr+0.750L+H, LL Comb Length =·20.0 ft 1 0.505 0.:387 1.000 15.05 1,463.37 2,900.00 4.66 112.23 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0.487 0.387 1.000 -14.51 1,411.56 2,900.00 2.03 112.23 290.00 t0+0.750Lr+0.750L+H, LL Comb Length= 20.0 ft 1 0602 0.401 1.000 -1795 1,745.41 2,900.00 4.84 116.36 290.00 Length= 13.0 ft 2 0602 0.401 1.000 -17.95 1,745.41 2,900.00 4.61 116.36 290.00 ,O+O. 750L +O. 750S+H. LL Comb I Length = 20.0 ft 1 0297 0.:124 1.000 -8.88 86129 2;900.00 3.91 94.06 290.00 Length= 13 0 ft 2 0.297 0.324 1.000 ·8.86 86129 2,900.00 3.9.1 94.06 :.!90.00 ,Dt0.750Lt0.750S+H. LL Comb I Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.505 o .. '387 1000 15.05 1,463.37 2,900.00 4.66 112.23 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0..187 0.387 1.000 ·14.5.1 1,411.56 2,90\).00 2.03 112.23 290.00 ,Dt0.750L+0.750S+H, LL Comb I Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.602 0.401 1.000 •17.95 1,745.41 2,900.00 484 116.36 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0.602 0.401 1.000 ·17.95 1,745.41 2,900.00 4.61 116.36 290.00 tD+W+H Length = 20.o·tt 1 0.182 0.123 1.000 ·5.42 527.43 2,900.00 1.49 .35.78 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0.182 0.123 1.000 -5.42 527.43 2,900.00 1.34 35.78 290.00 +0+0.70E+H Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.182 0.123 1000 ·5.42 527.43 2,900.00 1.49 35.78 290.00 Length= 13.0 ft 2 0.182 0.123 1.000 -5.42 527.43 2,900.00 1.34 35.78 290.00 ,D+0.750Lr+0,750L+0.750W+H, L Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.297 0.324 1.000 ·8.86 861.29 2,900.00 3.91 94.06 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0.297 0.324 1.000 ·8.86 86.1.29 2,900.00 3.91 94.06 290.00 tD+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, L Length= 20.0 ft 1 0.505 0.387 1.000 15.05 1.463.37 2,900.00 4.66 112.23 290.00 Lengih = 13.0 ft 2 0.487 0.387 1.000 ·14.51 1.411.56 2,900.00 2.03 112.23 290.00 t0+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.750W+H, L Length= 20.0 ft 1 0.602 0.401 1.000 •17.95 1,745.41 2,900.00 4.84 116.36 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0.602 0:401 1.000 -17.95 1,745.41 2,900.00 4.61 116.36 290.00 +0+0.750L+0.750S+0.750W+H, L Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.297 0.324 1.000 ·8.86 861.29 2,900.00 3.91 94.06 290.00 Lengtli = 13.0 ft 2 0.297 0.324 1.000 ·8.86 861.29 2,900.00 3.91 94.06 290.00 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.7.50W+H, L Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.505 0.367 1.000 15.05 1,463.37 2,900.00 4.66 112.23 290.00 Length= 13.0 It 2 0.487 0.387 1.000 ·14.51 1,411.56 2,900.00 2.03 112.23 290.00 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.750W+H, L Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.602 0.401 1.000 ·17.95 1,745.41 2,900.00 4.84 116.36 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0.602 0.401 1.000 ·17.95 1,745.41 2,900.00 4.61 116.36 290.00 tD+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H, Length = 20.0 It 1 0.297 0.324 1.000 ·B.86 861.29 2,900.00 3.91 94.06 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0.297 0.324 1,000 ·8.86 861.29 2,900.00 3.91 94.06 290.00 tD+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.5250E+H, Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.505 0.387 1.000 15.05 1,463.37 2,900.00 4.66 112.23 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0.487 0.387 1.000 ·14.51 1,411.56 2,900.00 2.03 112.23 290.00 +D+O. 750Lr+O. 750L+0.5250E+H, Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.602 0.401 1.000 ·17.95 1,745.41 2,900.00 4.84 116.36 290.00 Length = 13.0 ft 2 0.602 0.401 1.000 ·17.95 1,745.41 2,900.00 4.61 116.36 290.00 +D+0.750Lt0.750S+0.5250E+H, l Length = 20.0 ft 1 0.297 0,324 1.000 ,8.86 05q9 2,900.00 3.91 94,06 290.00 Tille Uhx:k l111e I You c:an changes this area us,ng the 'Suitings' rnenu item and then using the 'Printing & fitle atock' 5elect1on. Title Block !Jne 6 : Wood Beam Design Descnptton : FB-t6 Load Combination Segment Length Lenglh = 13.0 ft +0+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H, l Length = 20.0 ft Lcnylh = 13.0 It +D+0.750Lt0.750S+0.5250E+H, l Lenylh = 20 .o ft Length = 13.0 It t0.60D+W+M Length = 20.0 It Length= 13.0.ft •0.600+0.70E+H Span# 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Max Stress Ratios M V 0297 0,505 0.487 0.602 0.602 0.109 0,109 0.324 0.387 tJ.387 0.401 0.401 0.074 0.074 Length= 20.0 ft 0. 109 O 074 Lenyth=13.0lt 2 Q,109 0.074 Overall Maximum Deflectlons • UnfactQred Load• Cd I 000 1000 I 000 1000 I 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 I ,tie OM J~J,\ D'>gnr: ProJect Desc.: :iFD Proiect Notes : . Summary of Moment Values Mactuat lb·•lesign Fb-,1llow 8.86 fl6129 2,900.00 15 05 1.463.37 2,900.00 -14,51 1,411.56 2,900.00 -1795 1,7,15.41 2,900.00 -17,95 1,745.41 2,900.00 -3.25 316.46 2.~00.00 -3.25 316.46 .2,900.00 -3.25 316.46 2,900.00 3.25 :316.46 2,J00.00 load Combinallon Span Max.•.• Dell Location in Span Load Combination O+L+Lr, LL Comb Run (L') 1 0.8124 9231 O+L+lr, LL Comb Run ('L) 2 Q.1916 7.100 O+L+Lr, Ll. Comb Aun (L'} Vertical Reactions • Unfactored Support notalion: Far left 1s #1 " Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Sµpport 3 Overall MAXimum 4.462 12.788 3.871 DOnly 1068 3.093 0,648 L Only, LL Comb Run ('L). ·0.229 4.156 3.223 L Only, LL Comb Run (L'} 3.394 S.536 -0,932 L Only, LL Comb Run (LL) 3.165 9.694 2.291 O+L+S, LL Comb Aun ('L) 0.839 7249 3.871 D+L+S, LL Comb Run (L') 4.462 8.632 -0.284 D+L+S, LL Comb Run (LL) 4.233 12.788 2.939 D+L+Lr, LL Comb Run ('L) 0.839 7.249. 3,871 D+L+Lr, LL Comb Run (L') 4.462 8.632 ·0.284 O+L+Lr, LL Comb Run (LL) 4.233 12.788 2.939 Summary of Shear Values Vactual Iv-design Fv-,1llow 3.91 H6 2.U3 484 4.61 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.80 Max. '+'Deff 0.0000 . -0.1571 Values in KIPS !}4,08 ~90 00 112.23 29000 112.23 290.00 116,36 290:00 t 16.38 290,00 21.47 29000 2147 290.00 21.47 29000 21 .47 290.00 Location in Span 0.000 4.400 ~r ,tle'Biock l ,ne 1 You can chanqes lh1s ,lll!a using the 'Sclt1nqs' menu ,tern ,111d then u:;I119 lhe 'Pnnting & fitle Block' ·;elec1ion. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Oescnption : 1r l•OR Material Properties Analysis Method: ,\llow;Jble Stress Design Load Combination :1006 IBC & ASCE 7 ·05 Wood Species Wood Grade Douqlas Fir · t..1rch . No.I r,tle . l)/\NMA Dsgnr: Pro1ect Desc.: SFD Pro1ect Notes : Fb-Tension Fb -Compr Fc-Prll Fe -Perp Fv Ft :~·-~ .. = .. ~ ' ;:l~~j1iKt;~:.)~;;:. ~. i Calcu!atlona per IBC 2005, CBC 2007, 2005 NOS 1000 psi E : Modulus of Elasticity 1000 psi Ebend-J(X l ~00 psi Emir\bend -xx 1700ksi 620ksi Beam Bracing . Beam Is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling 625psi l80psi 675psi Density 32.21 pcf Repetitive Member Stress Increase , .... ---·. . .... ". -" -""" -f_.... . " . . ... , ..... . --... --,. ______ ,_ -.--·-· ·---·· -----------·--· _________ ,, _____ _ -----__ L_ __ -----------j 4x10 Span= 8.0 ft Applied Load1 ·},:1v1,:•= lo:1ds ·Jllt-':rAd. LJ .. HJ F-.1ch:r:; :,iii lJP. -![.:pl:1-;•J !or :.,1,:1,l .. ,tu,n•;. . . . -. ··-. . .. ·. ---. ~-----. --. -- Beam self weight calculated and added to loads load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load: D == o 0150. L = 0.020 ksf. DESIGN SUMMARY fnbutarv Width = l 1 0 ft Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.547. 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span 4x10 Section used for this span lb: Actual = 754.44psi Iv: Actual FB : Allowable = 1.380.00psi fv: Allowable Load Combination +D+L+H Load Combination Location of maximum·on span = 4.000ft location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Span# 1 Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr tS Deflection 0.052 in Ratio= 1843 Max Upward Ltlr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.093 in Ratio= 1033 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <180 Maximum Force1 & Stressea for load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Summary of Moment Values Segment Length Span It _ . ____ ~----__ . ____ y -.. ----··Cd_-----~-~~! lb-design Fb-ailow +D Length= 8.0 ft 0.240 0.144 1.000 +Dtl+H Length == 8.0 ft 1 0.547 0.327 1.000 +D+Lr+H Length= 8.0 ft 0.240 0.144 1.000 t-0+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Length = 8.0 ft 1 0.470 0.281 1.000 Overall Maximum Oefleetlon1 • Unfactored Loads 1.~ 331.29 3.14 754.44 1.38 331.29 2.70 648.65 1,380.00. 1,380.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 = 0.327: 1 4x10 = 58.88 psi = 180.00 psi +O+L+H = 7.240 ft = Span# 1 Summary-of Shear Values'·· -· " Vactual Iv-design Fv-allow 0.56 1.27 0.56 1.09 25.B6 180.00 58.88 180.00 25.86 180.00 50.63 180.00 Load Combination Span Max.•.• Deft Location in Span Load Combination Max.'+' Dell Location in Span ..,..-------,c-=-=-=-=------:-,:c-=------------------=-==------::-;;-;:;:---D+L+Lr 1 0.0929 4.040 0.0000 0.000 f,tle Block L111e 1 You can changes this area using the ·set1ings' menu item Jnd then using the 'Pnnhng & Tille Block' selection. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Description: S'!-IOR Vertical Reactions. Unfactored Load Combination Support I Overall MAXimum 1569 0 Onty 0689 L Only a aao O+LtS 1.569 D+L+Lr 1 569 Support 2 1 569 0.689 0.880 1.569 1.569 r,ne .. DANNA tjr,gnr: ProIect Desc.. SFD Pro1ect Notes : Support notation : Far left 1s #1 Values in KIPS • I 1llu-.lllo1;k Lne 1 You i:an r;hJJHJes 1h1s area 11G1ng the ·settings' menu item .111d then using the "Printing & r,tle Block" ·;election. fitle Block ,Line s· Wood Beam Design Oescnpt1on : na-t Material Properties Analysis Method: ,\llownble Stress Design Load Combination 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Wood Species Wood Grade · Douylas Fir -!,.arch .No.I r,tte. OMiNA Dsgnr: Pro1ectDesc.: SFD ~. - Project Notes : Fb • Tension Fb -Compr Fc-Pr11 Fe -Perp Fv F't ., -:.-:, Ca~cu!atlo~· p_er IBC 2~, CBC 200!, 2005 NOS I 000 psi E: Modulus of· Elasticity I 000 psi Ebend· xx 1500 psi Eminbend • xx 625 psi lBOpsi 675 psi 1700ksi 620ksi Beam Bradng : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling Density 32.21 pct Repetitive Member Stress Increase r----= ....... t ............... 't'.~'.'.~ '.:~'.~~-'t ______________ [_ ... _-_-··~· ._ .. _· _t·. ·------~ ,. ____ -· L __________ L__ll(U I:.> ,J) ,.,o 11; 0) J ------------~-~----- L-----···1 4x10 Span=70ft Applied Loads Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 4xl0 Span= 9.0 ft V:irvinq Uniform-Load: D(S.E) = 0.0->0.120, L(S,E) = 0.0->0.160 k/ft. Extent= 0.0 ··» 7.0 fl, rnb Width= 1.0 ft Load for Span Number 2 Varvinq Uniform Load: Q(S.E) = 0.120->0.0, L(S,E) = 0.160->0.0.k/ft. Extent= 0.0 ··'>> 9.0 It, Trib Width= 1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress natio = 0.228 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span 4x10 Section used-for this span lb: Actual = 315.27psi Iv: Actual FB : Allowable = 1 ,380.00psi Fv : Allowable Load Combination tOtL+H Load Combination Location of maximum on span = 7.000ft Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Span# 1 Span-# where maximum occlJ_rS Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection O.Q14in Ratio= 7547 Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0 <360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.026 in Ratio= ·l084 Max Upward Total Deflection -0.001 in Ratio= i34580 ·. Desi n 01( = 0.208: 1 4x10 = 37.46 psi = 180.00 psi +D+LtH = 7.000ft = Span It 1 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination -~ax ~1!:~ss ~~!io~ _ _ __.. Summary of Moment Value~ · -_----· -··· · Summary of' Shear Values ___ _ .. __ ~-~g-~e~t-~~_n-~th . _____ ~~an ~-_ ...• _ -~----· ___ ~v ___ 9. d Macttiaf lb-design Fb-allow Vactual Iv-design Fv-allow +D Length = 7:0 It Length= 9.0 It +D+L+H Length = 7.0 It Length = 9.0 It tD+Lr+H Length = 7.0 It Length = 9.0 It +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Length= 7.0 It Length= 9.0 It 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 0.104 0.104 0.228 0.228 0.104 0.104 0.197 0.197 0.094 1.000 0.094 1.000 0.208 1.000 0.208 1.00Q 0.094 1.000 0.094 1.000 0.180 1.000 0.180 1.000 ·0.60 -0.60 -1.31 -1.31 -0.60 -0.60 ·1.13 -1.13 143.45 143.45 .315.27 315.27 143.45 143.45 272.32 272.32 1,380.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 0.37 0.37 0.81 0.81 0.37 0.37 0.70 0.70 16.95 16.95 37.46 37.46 16:95 16.95 32.33 32.33 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 r111e 131rx;k Line 1 You i:,1n changos this ,uea u$111y the 'S11tt1ngs' menu item Jnd then using the 'Printing & fitle Block' sulocllon. Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Design Oescnption : 118-1 Overall Maximum Deflections • Unfactored Loads Load Combin,1lion Span Max. '·'Deft OtltLr 1 0.0032 D+L+Lr 2 0.0264 Vertical Reactions • Unfactored Load Combination Support 1 SUppPrt2 OverallMAXimum 0.165 1884 D Only 0.080 0.849 L Only O.U85 1.035 D+LtS 0.165 1.884 O+L+Lr 0.165 1.884 Loe a lion in Span 2.585 4.846 r;ue· OMlMA Dsgnr: Pro1ect Desc.: SFD P;oject Noie!i : Load Combina11on D+Li-Lr Support notation; Far left is_, Support 3 0.307 0.146 0.161 0.307 0.307 •• ,: "l : . : Max. • +' Deft Local1on 1n Span -0.0013 6. 1!'12 0.0000 6.192 Values in KIPS ... Title Blook line 1 You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu item and then using the 'Printing & Title Block' selection. Title Block Line 6 Title: DANNA Dsgnr: ·Project Desc.: $FD Project Notes : Job It ~Tl-l · r Steel Column Lie. # : KW-06005313 File: l:\danna.ec6 ' Description : column@ B ·4 General Information Steel Section Name : Analysis Method : HSS 3X0.250 2006 IBC. & ASCE 7-05 Code Ref : 2006 IBC, AIS.C Manual 13th Edition Overall Column Height 10.0 ft Carbon Stee Top & Bottom Fixity Top & Bottom Pinned Steel Stress Grade Fy : Steel Yield , A-500, Grade B, Fy = 42 ksi, 42.0 ksi Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns : E : Elastic Bending Modulus Loa9 Combination : 49,000.0 ksi Allowable Stress X-X (width) axis: Fully braced against buckling along X-X Axis Y-Y (depth) axis :Fully braced against buckling along Y-Y Axis .. App!i~ Lo~ds .......................... --·-· _ ....... ·----............ -.... ·---------' __ S_e_rv_ic_e_l_oa_d_s_e_n_te_re_d_. _Lo_a_d_F_a_ct_o_rs_w_1_ll_be__,apc..!,p_li_ec_l _fo_r_c1_1lc_l_1la_ti...:..o_ns_·._ Column self weight included : 73.495 lbs • Dead Load Factor AXIAL LOADS ... AxialLoad at 10.0 ft, D = 15.30 k DESIGN SUMMARY ........... .... .......... .................... ···----·-··--·------------~------------------Bending & Shear Check Results PASS Max. Axial+Bending Stress Ratio = Load Combination Location of max.above base At maximum IQcation values are ... Pu :Axial Pn / Omega : Allowable Mu-x : Applied Mn-x /-Omega : Allowable Mu-y : Applied Mn-y / Omega : Allowable PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio= Load Combination Location of max.above base At maximum location values are .. : Vu: Applied Vn / Omega : Allowable 0.3011 ; 1 +D 0.0 ft 15.373 k 51.054 k 0.0 k-ft 3.752 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 3.752 k·ft o.o : 1 0.0 ft 0.0 k 0.0 k Maximum SERVICE Load Reactions •• Top along X-X 0.0 k Bottom along X-X 0.0 k TopalongY-Y 0.0 k Bottom along Y-Y 0.0 k Maximum SERVICE Load Deflections .... Along y.y 0.0 in at O. 0 ft above base for load combination : Along X-X 0.0 in at 0.0ft above base for load combination : Load Combination Results .. ·--------···-------·_ -----------~------------------ Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios Load Combination +D +D+L+H +D+Lr+H Maximum Reactions· Unfactored Stress Ratio Sti!,tus Location 0.301 PASS 0.00 ft 0.301 PASS 0.00 ft 0.301 PASS 0:00 ft -· . .... -X-X Axis Reaction Load Combination @ Base @ Top D Only- Stress Ratio Status Location 0:000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft Note: Orily non-zero reactions are listed. Y-Y Axis Reaction @ Base @Top ....... Ma_x!m_l_l~_l?.eJl~tlons for Load Combinations -Unfactored.c::..=L~oa::::..:dc:...::s ______ ~-__,.-------------- Max. Y·Y Deflection Distance Load Combination Max. X-X Deflection Distance D Only 0.0000 in 0.000ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl ___ Steel Section Properties __ : ____ HSS 3X0.250·_ --~---------------~~------ TIiie Block Line 1 · You can changes this area using the 'Settings• menu item and then using the 'Printing & Title Block" selection. Title Block Line 6 Steel Column Description : column@ B ·4 . St"I Section_ Properties _: _____ HS$ 3X0.2.50 _,, _____________ Depth = 3.000 in I xx Web Thick = 0.000 in s xx Flange Width = 3.000 in R xx Flange Thick = 0.250 in Area = 2.030 in"2 lyy Weight = 7.349 plf Syy Ryy Ycg = 0.000 in 3.ootn = = = = = = Title : DANNA Dsgnr: Project Desc.: SFD Project Notes : 1.95 inll4 1.30 in"3 0.982 in 1.950 inll4 1.300 in"3 0.982 in J ... Job# ':>Tl,t.. ,. FIie: l:\dannuce ENERCALC, INC. 1983-200!! VIII" II n ?.t = 3.900111114 Loads are total enterAd value, Arrows do not reflect absolute direction, ,Title Block.Line 1 You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu item and then using the 'Printing & Title Block' selection. Title Block Line 6 . r-·--·-· l Steel Base Plate Oesign Lie. t: KW--06005313 Description : BASE PL@ B-4 I General Information Material Properties AISC Design Method Allowable Stress Design Title: DANNA Dsgnr: Project Desc.: SFD Project Notes : -• ..-• .._;> Job# i°'!Wlt:11' :15 jl1N i.010, ~ --tit't.i File: l:ldannaece 1 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2009, Ver. 6.0.24 I Cnlculations per 1:nh AISC & AtSC Design Guide No. 1, 1990 by OeWolf & Ricker ASIF: Allowable Stress Increase Factor Steel Plate.Fy = 36.0 ksi · ASIF : Allowable Bearing Increase Factor il c : ASD Safety Factor. 1.0 1.0 2.50 Concrete Support f'c = 3.0 ksi Assumed Bearing Area :Full Bearing [qolumn&Plate Column Properties Steel Section ; HSS 3X0.250 Depth 3in 3in 0.233 in 0in Width Flange Thickness Web Thickness Plate Dimensions N : Length 8.0 in B : Width 8.0 in Thickness 0.750 in Allowable Bearing Fp per JS Area lxx lyy 2.03 irl"2 1.95 irl"4 1.95 irl"4 Support Dimensions Support width along 'X' Length along 'Z' 42.0 in 42.0 in Column assumed welded to base plate. .. .t~ \ -... ;1.;,··-. -:··· .. ,· ! :; -.. • -• i.J. •••• Appliecl Loads D : Dead load ....... L: Live ....... Lr : Roof Live ........ . S: Snow ............... . W:Wind ................ . E : Earthquake ............ . H : Lateral Earth ....... .. p.y 15.30 k k k k k k k 'P' = Gravity load,'+' sign is downward. v-z . __ --.~-.. -~~C-.---.:·-. [··· ... -.. ,. -----,:---11 -.... -._·-.·· I -. -.,_ .. ·_:· .·-.·. !J--.-:J.-,: ·. -.·· .. k k k k k k k M·X k-lt k-lt k-lt k·ft k-lt k-lt k-11 '+ • Moments create higher soil pressure at +Z edge. • + • Shears push plate towards +Z edge. 1,-'-A-n-ch_o_r-Bo-lt_s _______ __,I Anchor Bolt or Rod Description 3/4 Max of Tension or Pullout Capacity .......... . Shear Capacity ....................................... .. Edge distance : bolt to plate .................. . Number of Bolts in each Row ................. .. Nu/nber of Bolt Rows ............... , ....... . k k 1.250 in 2.0 1.0 5.10ksi -·. ··.·:-: .. ·. · ... . . -~---. -. : .· -. I . . i ' ·i - . : ~--....... -. ,-: .. . ' . -. .... ' . . . •. -,, ...... -·. -,.--.. -. ··.· •, -.. ,·.·-. --..... ·. .. ~ ," z tti:'•1illnefo .-... -.. -.... -... --' .. !'--_-, .. -...... -!.-..... ; .... _.,., .,,q,,_ •--I . ··-· X • • • • • • Title Block Line 1 You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu item and then using the ~Printing & Title Block' selection. Title Block Line 6 I Steel Base Plate Design· lltw:'8:i'Vl•Id•t•~ilF Description : BASE PL @ B-4 Title : DANNA Dsgnr: ProjectDesc.: SFD Project Notes : GOVERNING DESIGN LOAiJ CASE.SUMMARY ................................... -Mu-~M-~~--M~;;;~t ... :: .. :.:.: ... ::·: .. : .. . Plate Design summary lb : Max. Bending Stress ............. .. Design Method Allowable Stress Desii:in Fb : Allowable: Governing Load Combination +b Fy • ASIF/ Omega Gov!)rning Load Case Type Axial·Load Only Stress Ratio ................ . Design Plate Size 8" X 8~ XO .314• Pa :.Axial Load .. .. Ma:Moment ...... .. 15.300 k 0.000 k-ft fu : Max. Plate Bearing Stress .... Fp : Allowable : Job# . , P11nte<t· 25JUN 2010, > %PM FIie: l:ldanna,ec8 1 ENERCALC. INC. 1983-2000, Vtr. 8.0.24 I 0.937 k-ln 6.664 ksl 21.557 ksi 0.309 Bending Stress OK 0.239 ksl 2.040 ksi Iv: Actual ............................... . O.OOOksl 0.000ksi 0.000 min( 0.85'fc•sqrt(A2/A 1 ), 1.7' rc)'Ome Fv : Allowable = 0.60 • Fy / 1.5 (per G2) Stress Ratio ................ . Load Comb. : +D Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ....... .. Design Plate Width ....... .. Will be d11/erent from entry II p.~r/ia/ bearing used. A1 : Plate Area ....... .. ~: Support Area ................ .. A2/A1 .................... .. Distance for Moment Calculation Shear Stress OK 15.300 k 8.000 in 8.000 In 64.000 111"2 1,764.000 in"2 2.000 'm' ..................... 2.800 in 'n' ..................... 2.800 in X .............................. 0.000 in"2 Lambda ...................... 0.000 n' ........................................ 0.000 in n' • Lambda .................................. 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") ......................... 2.800 In Stress Ratio ................. O: 117 Bearing Stresses Fp : Allowable ............................. .. fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stre11Ratlo ..................... .. Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu • L"212 ................. .. lb: Actual ............................... . Fb : Allowable ............................ .. Stre11 Ratio .... ,, .............. . Shear $tress Iv: Actual .............................. .. Fv : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio .................. ... Bearing Stress OK Axial Load Only, No Momeni 2.040ksl o.239 ksi 0.117 0.937 k-in 6.664 ksl 21.557 ksl 0.309 0.000 ksl 0.000 ksl 0.000 Load Comb.: +D+L+H ........................ "iixJaii.oad (iniy,"flo"'rvfomeni Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ........ . Design Plate Width ....... .. Will be di/lerant from entry 1( pa,t/al bearing used. A1 : Plate Area ........ . · ~: Support Area ................. . A2/A1 .................... .. Distance for Moment Calculation •m• .u ... , ............. . • n • .................... . x ............................ .. Lambda ..................... . n• ........................ ., ............. . n' •Lambda ................................. . L = max(m, n, n") ........................ . 15.300 k 8.000 in 8.000 in 64.000 ln"2 1,764.000 ln"2 2.000 2.800 in 2.800 in 0.000 in"2 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 in 2.800 in Bearing Stresses Fp':,Allowable ............................. .. fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Stress Ratio ..................... .. Plate Bending Stresses Mmax= Fu• L"2/-2 ................. .. lb: Actual ............................... . Fb : Allowable ............................ .. Stre11 Ratio .................... . Shear Stress fv: Actual ............................... . Fv : Allowable ............................. . Stress Ratio .................. ... 2.040 ksl 0.239ksl 0;117 0.937 k-in 6.664 ksl 21.557 ksi 0.309 0.000 ksi O.O00ksl 0,000 Title Block Line 1 You can changes this area using_the 'Settings' menu item and then using the 'Printing & Tltle Block' selection. Title Block Line 6 !-Steel ·Base Plate Design le.#: KW-06005313 Description : BASEPL@B-4 Load Comb. : +D+Lr+H Loading Pa : Axial Load .... Design Plate Height ........ . Design Plate Width ........ . w,11 be ai/toront from ,miry ii rwlla/ bea,ing used. A1 : Plate Area ....... .. [2: Support Area ................ .. A2/A1 ..................... . Distance for Moment Calculation •m•..................... . • n • .................... . x ...................... -...... . Lambda ..................... . n' ....................................... . n' •Lambda ................................. . L = max(m, n, n") ....................... .. 15.300 k 8.000 in 8.000 in 64.000 in"2 1,764.000 in"2 2.000 2.800 in 2.800 in 0.000 in"2 0.000 0.000 lri O.Ooo in 2.800 in Tiile: DANNA Osgnr: Project Desc.: SFD Project Notes : Bearing Stresses Fp : Allowable .............................. . fa : Max. Bearing Pressu Streis Ratio ......... -........... ... Plate Bending Stresses Mmax= Fu• L"2/2 ................. .. lb : Actual ........................ , ...... . Fb·: Allowable .......... , ................. .. Stress Ratio ................... .. Shear Stress fv: Actual .............................. .. Fv : Ailowable ............................. . Stress Ratio ................... .. Job# S1'L S 1.,w,,::,.r :s .,uN cv10, : ··t:w~.4 File: 1:\danna.ece 1 ENERCALC. INC. 1983-2009, Ver: 6.0.24 I Axial Load Only, No Momeni 2.040ksi 0.239ksi 0.117 0.937 k·in 6.664 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.309 0.000 ksi 0.000 ksi 0,000 ALLOWABLE COMPRESSION LOADS ON POSTS DOUGLAS FIR LARCH STUDS • Fe = 825psi, E = 1.4xE6psi, 2X; 4X #2 OR BETTER -Fe = 1300 psi, E = 1.6xE6psi ex, ax, 1 ox #1 OR BETTER • Fe = 1 000psl, E = 1.6xE6 psi .. NOMINAL ACTUAL SIZE AREA Fe* c' . FcE KcE E' SIZE b d jnA2 psi psi 2X4 1.5 3.S 5.25 868 0.8 357 0.3 1.40E+06 2-2X4 3 3.5 10.50 866 0.8 357 0.3 1.40E+06 3-2X4 4.5 3.5 15.75 868 0.8 357 0.3 1.40E+06 2x6 1.5 ... 5.5 8.25 1430 0.8 1008_ · 0.3 1.60E+06 4X4 3.5 . 3.5 12.25 1495 0.8 408 0.3 1.60E+06 4X8 5.5 3.5 19.25 1430 0.8 408. 0.3 1.80E+08 4X8 7.25 3.5 25.38 1365 0.8 408 0.3 1.60E+06 4X10 9.25 3.5 32.38 1300 0.8 408 0.3 1.60E+06 . 4X12 11.25 3.5 39.38 1300 0.8 408 0.3 1.60E+06 6X4 3.5 5.5 19.25 1300 0.8 1008 0.3 1.60E+06 6X8 5.5 5.5 30.25 1000 o.a 1008 0;3 1.60E+06 6X8 7.25 5.5 39.88 1000 0.8 1008 0.3 1.60E+06 6X10 9.25 5.5 50.88 1000 0.8 1008 0.3 1.80E+06 8X8 7.25 7.25 52.56 1000 0.8 1752 0.3 1.60E+06 8X10 9.25 7.25 67.06 1000 0.8 1752 0.3 1.60E+06 10X10 9.25 9.25 85.56 1000 0.8 2852 0.3 1.60E+08 12X12 11.25 11.25 126.56 1000 0.8 4219 0.3 1.60E+06 NOMINAL· le/d FeE/Fc* (FcE/Fc•ni FcE/Fc*/c' F'c Pc le SIZE psi lbs ft 2X4 34.3 0.412 0.883 . 0.516 240 1260 10 2-2X4 34.3 0.412 0.883 0.516 240 2520 10 3-2X4 34.3 0.412 0.883 0.516 240 ·3791 10 2x8 21.8 0.705 1.068 0.881 588 4831 10 4X4. 34.3,. 0.273 0.798 0.341 293 . 3584 10 4X6 34.3 0.288 0.803 0.357 291 5801 10 4X8 34.3 0.299 0.812 0.374 289 7338 10 4X10 34.3 0.314 0.821 0.393 287 9299 10 4X12 34.3 0.314 0.821 0.393 287 11309 10 6X4 21.8 0.778 1.110 0.970 565 10874 10 6X6 21.8 1.008 1.255 1.280 502 15188 10 6X8 21.8 1.008 1.255 1.260 502 2op20• 10 6X10 21.8 1.008 1.255 1.280 . 502 25543 10 8X8 16.6 1..752 1.720 2.190 622 32675 10 8X10 16.6 1.752 1.720 2.190 622 41688 10 10X10 13.0 2.852 · 2.408 3.565 692 '59182 10 12X12 10.7 4.219 3.262 5.273 728 92129 10 (} +} \ ... I. ,• ) ?--,,.:,= -.:: Ll)T. I ()C/ s X /S rs d---. t :n. w ~ LL ., I r..4 X. I b 'X 8.S -z: 11--l T, L\/~ ~L) l :A? X lo X ~-~/2 TOTAL ?-.-ocF D.L. -2, 'VD F LA) q e.. \.,J\ 14-4c=, Lq ~ ct> X I £ pt t- lN\, WALL~ 1st rl.DOf2._ Wf. 14-4 q >< 12 -::;. O.T. l}J A LL ·. ., , I I 5 X l ~o x I (, :::: f 4 1 L\ \:> a I ~'f: C,1 -U.-'. i o o :A 1 <o x ( B • s_ + 9 ... is) <.. I X. \-o X. 9 \6 D '(. / 103. \ 6 tJ "'-\ .::::i ><: L\ · S _ ·-, , ,J..c..,_.- q, I :::: -;:: -;:: \.-• \ / l..// ,:i.s. I I I IS 2.., s /C:.C:. I .-,2 r. 7 -'ft ) -, ./?7 .:::; 11 1 ~S3. -14,400. -f'f ~2, I 03, T, I i I I i ! ; I) ,J~ .... ~--· I / I ..... ' IL, ~I, ·, I -----i--- r,lle-13Iock Line 1 Y nu i:an changes this area using the ·settings' menu item ,ind then using-the "Printing & ritle Block• selection. fille Block Line 6 .. _ ..... __ ASCe 7-05 Seismic Factor Determination Lio. I: KW-oeoo53131 Description : None-- Occupancy Category nue: tJr\NNA Dsgnr: Project Desc.: :;rn Project Noles : Occupant-y Category ofBuilding or Other Structure : 'I' . Buildings and other structures-that represent a low hazard to human hie In the ACS/: , 05. P:1ge 3, T.1ble 1-1 event of failure. · Occupancy Importance Factor = ACS/: 7-05, P,1ge 116. T.ible 11 5-1 Ground Motion, Using USGS Database valu• Max. Ground Motions, 5°~ Damping : Sg s 1 = = 1.251 g, 0.2 sec response 0.4719 g, 1.0 sec response Site Clasa, Site Coeff. and Design Category Site Classification ·o· · Shear Wave Velocity 600 to 1,200 IVsec Site Coefficients Fa & Fv Fa (lising straight-line 'interpolation from table values) Fv Maximum.Considered Eartquake Ac<;eleration S MS = Fa • Ss S Mt = Fv' S1 Design Spectral Acceleration S0s= S MS• 2/3 s0,=S M1·213 Seismic Design Category Resisting System Bearing Wall System• Longitude = Latitude = Location: CARLSBAD, CA 'l2008 = D = = == = = = = 1.00' 1.53 1.251 0.721 0.834 0.481 D ( SD 1 is most severe) 117.327 deg West 33. 16Q deg North ASCE 7·05 ASCE 7-05 TJble 20.3· 1 ASCl:7-05 Table 11.4·1 & 11..J-2 ASCE 7-05 TJble 11.-1-'3 ASCE 7-05 Table 11.H ASCE 7-05 ·TJb/e 11.6· 1 ASCE 7·05 Table 12.2·1 Basic Seismic Force Resisting System ... Light-framed wall• sheathed w/wood structural panels raltd for shear resistance or stHI sheeia. Response Modification Coefficient • A • System Overstrength Factor ' Wo • Deflection Amplification Factor • Cd • = 6. 50 Building height Limits : = = 3.00 Category "A & a· Limit: Category ·c· Limit: 4.oo Category 'D' Limit: NOTE! See ASCE 7-05 for all <1pp/icable foutnotes. Category 'E' Limit Categoiy !F' Limit Redundancy Factor Seismic Design Category of D, E, or F therefore Redundancy Factor· .p • = 1.3 Lateral Force Procedure Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure No Limit No Limit Lrmit=65 L1mit=66 Limit= 65 The 'Equivalent lateral Force Procedure' is being used according to the provisions of ASCE 7-05 12.8 ASCI: 7-05 Section 12.3.4 ASCE 7-05 Section 12.8 UseASCE 12.8-7 Determine Building Period ----··-·--·-----·--------· ·--··--------------·----·-.. - Structure Type for Building Period Calculation : All Other Structural Systems •Ct• value = 0.020 'hn-': Height from base to highest level = 'x • value = 0.75 • Ta • Approximate fundemental period using Eq. 12.8· 7 : Ta = Ct • (hn " x) = 'TL• : Long-period transition period per ASCE 7-05 Maps 22-15 ·> 22·20 14.0 ft 0.145 sec 8.000 sec · Building Period• Ta • Calculated from Approximate Method selected 0.145 sec ASCE 7-05 Section 12.8. I. I 11 Cs • Response Coefficient -· --· ·----------------···-·····-···--.. --··----··---------·-····--·-------------------·· ·- Sos: ShortPeriod'Design·spectral Response = 0.834 From Eq. 12.8·2, Preliminary-Cs = 0.128 • R ' : Response Modification Factor = 6.50 From Eq. 12.8-3 ~ 12.8·4, Cs need not exceed = 0.511 • I ' : Occupancy Importance Factor = 1 FromEq.12.8·5& 12.8·6, Csnotbelessthan = 0.010 Cs: Seismic Response Coefficient = S 0J(R/I) • 0.70 = 0.0898 l.--'l... Title Block Line 1 You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu item and then using the 'Printing & Title Block' selection. Title Block Lina 6 ~SCE 7-05 Seismic Factor Determination lie. 1' : KW-06005313 Description : -·None·· . Occupancy Category Title: DANNA Dsgnr. Project Desc.: SFD Project Notes : '• l-3 c.11cu1at1ons JlOr 1ac .-:OQ6 ,\ "see 7 1J5 Occupancy CategOl'f of Building or Other Structure : 'I' : Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failure. ACSE 7·05, Page 3, Table IT Occupancy Importance Factor = Ground Motion, Using USGS DltlbaN Yi!U• Max. Ground Motions, 5% Damping: Ss = 1.316 g,0.2sacresponsa S 1 = 0.4948 g, 1.0 sac response Longitude = Latitude = Location: ACSE 7-05, Page 116, Table 11.5·1 ASCE7-05 0.000 deg West 0.000 deg North Site Clau,_Slle Coeff. and Dnlg_n Category . .. _______________________ _ Site Classification 'D' : Shear Wave Velocity 600 to 1,200 ft/sec Site Coefficients Fa & Fv Fa (using straight-line interpolation from tabl, values) Fv Maximum Considered Eartquake Acceleration S MS = Fa • Ss SM1 = Fv' S1 Design Spectral Acceleration S OS= S Ms' 213 S 01= S Mi° 2/3 Seismic Design Category = = = = = = = = D 1.00 · 1.51- 1.316 0.745 o.an 0.497 D ( SD 1 Is most seven,) ASCE 7-05 Table 20.3· 1 ASCE 7·05 Tabt. 11.4· 1 & 11.4·2 ASCE 7-05 Table 11.4·3 ASCE 7-05 Table I U-4 ASCE 7:05 Table 11.6·1 .. Re1l1tlng Sy1~~--__ , .......... __ ,, __ ................ ····-.. -· .......... _____________________ A_S_CE_7·0_5_T._a~ble_l2_.2_·1_ Basic Seismic Force Resisting System • . . Bearing WaH Sy11tm1 Light-framed walls 1he1thed wfwood structural paneluatlld for shear re1l1tanc1 or slNI ahNta. Response Modification Coefficient • A• = 6.50 Building height Limits : System Overstrenglh Factor • Wo • = 3.00 Category 'A & e• Limit: Category ·c• Limit No Limit No limit Limit= 65 Limlt=65 Limil=65 Deflection Ampliflcation Factor •Cd' = 4.00 Cat8QOl'f 'D' Limit: NOTE! See ASCE 7-05 for alf applicable footnotes. Category 'E' Limit: Category 'F' Limit: _ .. _~~~M.~~~l...~~~.tC?.r __ ..... _ .... _____ ..... Seismic Design Category of 0, E, or F therefore Redundancy Factor' p ' = 1.3 Lateral Force Procedure Equivalent Latera) Force Procedure The 'Eguival!i1Qt Lat~ral Force Procedure" is being used according to the provisions of ASqE 7-0512.8 Determine B~lldlng Period Structure Type for Building Period Calculation : All Other Structural Systems ' Ct· value = 0.020 • hn ' : Height from base to highest level = 14.0 ft 'x • value = 0.75 •Ta' Approximate lundemental period using Eq. 12.8·7 : 'TL• : Long-period transition period per ASCE 7-05 Maps Z!·15 s> 22·20 N Ca • Reapon11 Coefflclen~ _ S 05: Short Period Design Spectral Response ' R • : Response Modification Factor ' I ' : Occupancy Importance Factor = = = Ta =-Cl• (hn /\ x) = 0.145 sec 8.000 sec Building.Period• Ta 'Calculated from Approximate Method selected o.an From Eq. 12.8·2, Preliminary Cs 6.50 From Eq. 12.8·3 & 12.8_., Cs need not exceed 1 From Eq. 12.8·5 & 12.8-6, Cs not be less than Cs: Seismic Res~nse Coefficient = S r,,J (R/1) • 0,70 ASCE 7-05 Section 12.3.4 ASCE 7-05 Section 12.8 Use ASCE 12.8·7 = 0.145 sec ASCE 7·05 Secffon = 0.135 = 0.528 = 0.010 = 0.0945 ,, . Title Block Line 1 You can changes this area using the ·set1ings' menu item and then using the 'Printing & Title Block' selection. Title: DANNA Dsgnr. Project Desc.: SFD Project Notes : t.. .s. I Title Block Line_~_ ·-··--·-... ___ _ ·-·· ...... ________ ,,_ --·-----··-··---------· .. ___________ _ · i ASCE 7-05 Seismic Factor Determination Lie.#: KW-06005313 Description : --None·· Seismic BaH Shear c, ,. o.0945 from 12.a.1.1 Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces • k ·: hx exponent based on Ta= Calculat!KI for Allowable Stress Design Load Combinations ASCE 7-05 Section 12.8.3 -·· ·-•• ·-·-· ---··· ··--·-·-·•··-•••'-OR• ···-· • --·-• •• ------OOH o•O ---· ------------------•• --··· W ( see Sum WI below ) = 133.TT k Seismic Base Shear V= Cs· W = "12.64 k 1.00 Table of buitd,ing Weights by Floor Level ... . Level# . . WI :' Weight .... , ... _. 'i-'ii': He~hi . .. .. (WI • HI) "k---. -Cv~x--Fx=Cvx • V S~m Stoiy Shear . Sum Story Moment ,, . ·-------·--...... .. ----------------~-----"--------------_:_-__,.. __ _;_ __ _ 3 32.68 21.50 702.56 0.46 • 5.82 5.82 0.00 2 62.10 12.00 745.24 0.49 6.17 11.99 55.29 ·-____ ;!8~----·---g=~---------~7_7._98 __ 0:_05 ___ 0.65 ____ 1_2,64 ____ 17_:_5'::.:21_ Sum WI= 133.TT k SumWl'Hi =,: 1,525.TT k·lt TotalBaseShear= 12.64k Diaphragm Forcet: Seismic Dnlgn Category •o•, •e• & "f9 ----------- Level# Wi Fi Sum Fi SumWi ______________ __,_ ____ , 3 32.68 5.82 5.82 32.68 2 62.10 6.17 11.99 94.78 38.99 0.65 12.64 133.TT Wpx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weigh! al level of diaphragn and other structure elements attached to it. Fi . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . Design Lateral Force applied at the level. Sum Fi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sum of 'Lat. Force' of current level ptus all levels above MIN Aeq'd Force @ Level . . . . . . . . . 0.20 • Sos * I • Wpx MAX Req'd Force@ Level.... . . . . 0.40 • S05 • 1 • Wpx Fpx : Design Force @ Level . . . . . . . Wpx • SUM(x->n) Fi / SUM(x->n) wl, x = Current level, n = Top Level Wall ~nchorage Concrete & Masonry Wall Normal Force: Minimum Force per ACSE 7-05 12:11.1 Minimum Factor : 0.40 • SOS • importance • WeJ.rjlt = 0.3509 • Weight Concrete & Masonry Wall Anchorage : Seismic Design Category ·c· & ·o· per ACSE 7-05 Actual Wall Weight Tributary to Anchor = Fp : Anchorage Design Force ... ·Bi9iit Diaphragm Desig, Force= 0.40 ·SOS• 1 • Tri!>. Weight Flexible Diaphragn Desigi Force= 0.80 •SOS· t • Trib. WeJ.ght Combination of Load Effects D Load Description Dead Load 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 = = Qe Seismic Load 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 lbs/ lin. ft 0.00 lbs/ foot 0.00 lbs/ foot E = p ' ae + 0.20 ' SDS • D E = p 'Qe + 0.20' SDS' D I:= p . U8 + U.lU • i:>Ui:> • U E = p ' Qe + 0.20 ' SDS • D E = p ' Qe + 0.20 ' SDS ' D .E = p 'Qe + 0.20 • SOS • D E = p 'Qe + 0.20' SDS' D E = p ' Qe + 0.20 • SOS • D Base Moment= Fpx 5.82 10.90 6.84 200.5k·lt ASCE 7-05 A5CE7-05 E H & V Load Effect = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 Title Block Line 1 You can changes this area using the 'Settings' menu item and then using the 'Printing & Title Block' selection. Title Block Line 6 . jASCE 7-05 Sect 6.4, MWFRS:Slmpllfled Forces Lie. # : KW--06005313 Description: --None·- Title: DANNA Dsgnr: Project Desc.: SFD Project Notes : •• Analyt~al_~alu~. . .. __ .... _ C,1lcul;ition!'l per 1BG 2006 .\ ,:,,see 7-1)5 -----···--------------------~-~---------V : Basic Wind Speed per Sect 6.5.4 & Figure 1 Roof Rlse:Run Ratio Occupancy per Table 1-1 Importance Factor per Sect. 6.5.5, & Table 6·1 Exposure Category per, .4 & .5 Mean R®I height Lambda : per Figure 6.2, Pg 40 Effective Wind Area of Component & Claddlng Roof pitch for cladding pressure User specified minimum design pressure Topographic Factor Kzt per 85.0 mph 3:12 I 0.87 Exposure C 23.0 ft 1.35 10.0 fti'2 > 7 to 27 degrees 10.0 psf 1.00 Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to human life in the event of failure. _ Design _Wind Preaaurea -····-···· ·---_____________ ., __ ..... -... ______ M_in_i_m_um_A_d_di_tl_on_a_l _Lo_a_d_C_as_e_p_er_6._4._2._1._1 _=_1_0_P_SF_o_n_e_n~tl_re_v_e_rtl_ca_l_p_la_ne_ Horizontal Pressures •.. Zone: A = 16.91 psf Zone: B = -10.00 psi Vertical Pressures ... Zone: E = -16.21 psi Zone: F = -10.57 psi Overhangs ... Zone: Eoh = -22.67 psi Component & Cl~d~jng_ Design Win~ PreHur_e~. Zone: C = Zone: D = Zone: G = Zone: H = Zone: Goh= 11.28 psi -10.00 psf -11.28 psi -10.00 psi -17.73 psf Minimum Additional Load Case per = 1 o PSF on entire vertical plane Design Wind Pressure= Lambda • Kzt 'Importance • Ps30 per ASCE 7-05 Eq 6-1 Roof Zone 1: Positive: 10.000 psi Negative: ·13.9TT psf Roo1Zone2: Positive: 10.000 psf Negative: -24.312 psf Roo1Zone3: Positive: 10.000 psi Negative: ·35.940 psf Wa11Zone4: Positive: 15.269 psi Negative: ·16.560 psf Wall Zone 5: Positive: 15.269 psf Negative: ·20.436 psf Roof overhang Zone 2: -31.946 psi Roof overhang Zone 3: -53.675 psf 1D) • • .~· l,' '• ,) > ,I • f jl. er~-':.) :::. +~ l [::-w) =- f(2_ . w,·.,..d .::: -::: 12-J, -*/p, I~ 7 "'1/FT. J.. ( I~ .1\ <.. 14.o~s. l(_ fu-l / FLt2... -:. 144-°I \' Y:,._ (N ~'S) s;-~ ( e. -W) L5 .---------·1-. \ I l ~ ' (2-S-t ~) -1-11. '-~ )I. 1' b b <; . qf"/, ).?_3 I?/, X -'1 R• ,< I I Ll4 .7s J----4] ' ( L: ~ --• .,._, ·--· .. • -· ••• '~-• •• -_._,,_,_.., ,.u,.,. .. .,. ... .,_ __ --___ , ____ ..,,.,._.,.,.,_,...,,..,._r ____ ,__, .. _,. _ _,_.,.., __ .... .,.,_r_ •• ••• , ... -.-, .. r•---••••••-•• _, -_.., .. ,_,,.,.. .. , •. ., ... , •• -•• ·--.. -~ .,,-,, ,,.. ~, I L.ATc~~ A"J.~L~~IS. . N~ s. Dir<.. R.oop - '" o/4:i V G ,-Ji£ v-r2. ~lb L€NCsTli s+r€\o_ Q L .. A4t.:A w ~LLs. -· -· ! -. l YA ..a, I ~80~ .. S",5!1.. I 'J.5 ib 66S \-9 '1 -- ... ; .J . -l •" :v '5 .~"2.... 3~~ 1141 I I l l.1 lo ., ' C!i + <o = 12 ; .. ' 8 .. --...; I ' Ve I ,. :,.31_ 45"3 ..2410 11. + ·z;:: 11 14\ .. .. -· ' ' -;\JD 5.62. 1Lj. 2. 1·-i.Bo c3 -t-10-=: I 8 71 ',. : ND -Ll2-f "2--~ . .. , I ... ·1-· I V L1 rv .S \J_&. f~\~. LEl.Je:»'n-\ ~~a_ \S, kc1 l'::l'1..cb... v-...JAU.- :vA 4 :-J.57p 1304-t 553. bfc 15 I I 4/ fil I 21 t1. 4-+4-::= 8 l-5".2.., 1 [\15 u.2.5 S50 :.2333 i \7'41 I s1·"*/, & ! ' ' 4ot4 .8 : I : \/ I C.. <-4.16 fo6'D J..b 1 S '2..1..j l 0 \ I I 154~ & Sr.::> St! 11. -t-'2...6 -::: 6~ :vo ~.1':, 2.\0 81:J I I ... I -~ 6 I l '23 S s +Cf-C:, ::.-14.s l~ -1..·11g . . -~ ) . ' Lt N ,-I V e-f<. -J I;;:. U-· c:. p:,Q_E,A_ 'v-l A..L.-L':> I ' vi I ! -' ; : I I\J'.2.S I ~ 5. 51-' 91 ¢ 484 ·I L.\-t-l4 -=-3 ~o I i l v 'l. \j ' :, - i 1 I '"4:! Vr; 5.3'1. ! 4 g7 '7...S '1 I lr+c,,1t4t~ ~ \l ~ ~ \Jrc/\J~ z:; ·.5 1-ss~ '2.. 4 S-3 4' + 4 -r 8 ·-t 7'° + LJ & :::. "21;.. [Ol ---~----.,----,---'-----c-------~-.-------,---- ) \/ \ \J5 4·21:) \) /1-\J L\ . 2,. 5 '-\ 5 •. 1bf1.-( \I 6 1-H,O IOLf 8 2. Slo 1 -z._. c; "t l SIS~ 1qc;5 ·Lq:; 3_ yci I 3 I I 1 + 2.. =~ & L,. -1 ' ( ""'~ .. . ,., I .... ·-. . / ( \;;i., r: ,. ,, --~.I' --~ r -I -c::::::::::::::::=~=:;:;;;------:---~----ir-----_.,..,~---""1", \ ·r :~\ •:r .... -f:" --.. 1 ;~; u.J I -NI I . --- -<><:i 'I' -1 . I ., '\ \ \ .. ,.l --;fl_ j' ------- . ·• ... 0 ...... --- ' ~\ .. "' ... '-, "'' ---" --; - ' \ \ I rl' I"'\ I ~ I I --.., .. , I 1 ) ~ -j'- -.1) ..I\ J _j -d 3 ~-~ .,.._ 1-ta- 0 ·1·') ct ::.--1 '. ,..J ., C\.. ....... ~ \ I 8 \ --ll.---'( , ~ ..J [\ VJ \" ~ <( ~ J' ~ 1 I- '.2 / ~\ .. j ; ,--,. t.) /. j ! -i-·- . '• '.} r:~~ -::1----- M ..... -\I) !""'' ~ -j" ' .. 11)1() ·±tt YI .. --~ 'l ---~-- \L lrl,.... . ..J _J 0 o· oO ~ .A ./' ~ ,} 1 j. \-(-X vJ '2 -f" I L-1 : f --- r --r--: (----- l 3). < ~' / 1 --;--·- ( L--z <:!: B ..j '\-C:-·-- i ·, , .. -4-\\ {-~ IP ~ "( If\ £ & A MOOELNO. 211,-,a&.PI.ATI KEY IDIOPOUR lWOl'OUI PANEL THICKNESS 1 !5132" 15132" 15132" 15132" PHD2 HD-2A SSTB18 SSTB20 PANEL INDEX 24/0 24/0 2-4/0 2<W LTT20B --STR 1 STR 1 STR 1 STR1 PHO5 RATING HD5A SSTB20 SSTB2-4 EDGE NAILING 10ctce· 10d @4· 10c1 ca· 10dG 2" MTT28B LTTl31 FIELD NAILING 10d G 12" 10d C 12" 10d O 12" 10d0 12· HTT22 SSTB20 -- TOP PLATE 2-2X 3X 3X 3X PH06 PHD8 SILL PLATE 2X 3X 3X 3X HD8A SST828 SSTBJ-4 HD8A PANEL BOUNDARY AND 2X 3X 3X 3X HD10A FOUNDATION SILL PLATE .JX MODet. ITEMWAU.. LENGTH MIN. WALL BOUNDARY 2X 3X .fX NO. Wl>1H O"'-EMBED. SILL CONNECTION 18d03" 16d 02-1/2" SSTB18 8 t518' 17 12 16d08" 16dG4· SSTB20 8 5/8' 21 18 i~,~ II !IUR' ,ic 20 ANCHOR BOLT 51a• 0 32" 5/8" 0 32" 5/8" 0 2.J• !5/r018" lST828 ft 7/8· 29 24 "3508" !~~TA~ A Tlflt M 28 FRAMING ANCHOR A350 18" A35012" A35@8" !;STA~ fl 7/A" ~ ?n CAPACITY 255 380 500 850 THE FOLOWINGAPPLES TOAU. &HEAR WAU.S Wfflf A N!AR VALUE GREATBl nwt 300 PLF. ~Cl\7..1 MST-48· 1-\"D"Ltl\ I MST-80 H0-8A I MST-60 PRO\lllElHE ~ HOLD DOWNS HD-10A .I MST-70 A> 3X FOUND4110N ILL PlATE · · I> 3X STUOSNIJ 8LOCKS IElWEEH ADJACENT NOTE: NAILS : ALL NAILS SHALL BE COMMON, PANEL LAGS: 3/8" DIA X a• LONG C> 112"EDGE DISTANCE FORP.l.YWOOO &OUNOARY 1. FOR EXISTING SILL PLATE USE RFB# 5 X 8 WI SIMPSON SET EPOXY TIE ADHESIVE. NAILl«3 D> STAOOER NAU F NAIL SPACNJ la LESS THAN . SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED. (ER• !5279) · 2'0.C; 2. FOR 10d NAILS, STAGGER EDGE AND BOUNDARY N,AILS IN 1WO Ll"'ES. . E~ SQUARE PlATE WASHER~ IE U8EO Wffii SHEARWALL CAPACITY> 300 'If REQUIRES STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION. ; STAGGERED NAILING AI.LNICHORICUS. TA81.E2Ml . 3, PROVIDE ICBC> APPROVED PLATE WASHERS WITH ALL FOUNDATION BOLTS, 1/4• X 2·1/2" X 2--112" 511" IOLT-15 X 2.5X 114• 314" IOL T-2.75 X 2. 75X 5/16' USE 12" LONG BOLTS, · 7/8'BOLT-3X:SXIIIII 1"BOLT•:U X3.5 X 318" SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE ., r. Q ;' I L . ' ' . / -!l . / 75% ALLOWABLE UPLIFT VALUES FOR H:QLD-DOWNS ( RESEARCH REPORT: RR 25720) . sos 75% ALLOWABLE UPLIFT MODEL SCREW WOOD ME.MBER SIZE ( .WIDTHxTHICKNESS) No. SIZE(in) 4x4 4x6 4x8 6x6 HDU2 1/4x2.5 2,306 2,306 2,306 2,306 .HDU4 1/4x2.5 3,424 3,424 3,424 3,424 HDU5 1/4x2.5 4,253 4,253 4,253 4,253 .. HDU8 1/4x2.5 5,228 5,903 5,903 5,903 HDU11 1/4x2.5 -7,151 8,381 8,381 HDU14 1/4x2.5 -· -10,793 11,194 75°/4 ALLOWABLE UPLIFT VALUES FOR MST STRAPS STRAPS INSTALLED BETWEEN FLOORS. CLEAR FASTENERS ALLOWABLE MODEL NO. SPAN (TOTAL) · TENSION MST-37 18 20-16d . 1429 - 16 22-16d 1575 MST-48 18 32-16d 2351 .. 16 34-16d 2498 ' MST-60 18 1 46-16d 3589 t6 48-16d 3743 MST-72 18 sa.:1ad 4350 16 . 58-16d 4350 - 126 j Iii I 2· HDAIHD HD-2A 2771 HD-M 37H HD-8A 4405 HD-M 6-485 HD-10A 8310 HD14A HD-20A HD-1' PHD PHD2 32U PHD:J 4IOI PHDe 1111 PHDI 7121 LTT/MTTIHTT 1.rr11 1205 . l.T7'208 17eo l.TT131 · 1805 HIT1tJ 3480 HTT22 5:mD MTT2BB 44515 MZII Siralts Mod_, c ... ~-Span MST-37 18 H, MST-48 18 1e MST-60 18 HI MST-72 18 18 Allowable Uplift Values for Hold-downs ,11 Iii ,11 11 !h Cl.JI ... =-... =- a. Cl, Cl, DI. 41( 81c 2011 'Z775 2081 2760 . 2070 2771 4010 300I 3980 2986 3304 110.1 3121 1110 4133 <4&49 7460 5595 7110 111ia 6233 9640 7155 HOO 7421 0 11080 . 8310 13310 10031 0 11080 8310 13380 10031 0 0 11301 11471 2414 3285 2"'84 3285 2"84 3371 4500 3375 4500 3375 410 5585 4189 5585 4189 IS40 7120 53'10 7120 53'10 '. I04 1205 904 1205 904 1313 1750 1313 1750 1313 1314 1805 1354 1805 · 1354 2110 3480 2810 3480 2810 3131 52:SO 3938 52:SO 3939 3341 4455 3341 44515 3341 nocn-lnciuaea for clelr spanJ Futenen Allowable 71" Total Load Allowable 20-16d 1905 1420 22-1ect 2100 151_5 32-1ect 3135 \.2361) 34-1ed 3330 2'48'S 48-16d 4785 3589 48-16d 4990 37"43 58-16d 5800 4350 58-1ect 5800 4350 Hi 1111 ... =- Cl, L. . [ 7--•• HO Values -11479 HD-15 ,10035 HD-14A -7425 HD-10A -5933 HD-SA -4133 HD-8A -3008 Hb-SA -2081 HD-2A MST Values -7488 2-MST-60 -3743 MST-60 ·2498 MST -48 ·1575 MST-37 ---...... ,., .,, --·· --~.--"' ----.. --~. ,-·-... -___ ,.... __ .. - L-13> _/4 . ~K. ~ e.Tl/l"tL S/-1-GA:f!. . el= l5t/,,,-/t F =-1 s Lf x 91 ~ I 3 8~ .,1. "' U5€ HD ll2 w/. 'f )( lf- & MA-X c..r-;:. Q.,"f-{f;, #/, ~t... -= '2-t..f I::. X 9 1:, 2 Z.JL/-::ii tfDLJ 4-,, ) . ' .. , Fo V ,J·O,¼-TLO.,,.; . _} /;:Jo~, e.. B -'-1- 41 s::. 11.., 7 80 = ?..,SW -'fl --* '"' ~ ..... 2~ X 1.L\ X \L--- \1J/ 'b ~ 4-E, ,. \_...J -- ., F(<i: l w/ t 3/ \\ .. I I.{-. ~ .... /"'( - ~ I ~ ·n+s z \ \ .... \<. -z.Lo + ~ ) .::, f . ,, \.' ~ I~ x ~ -'5~-o -\-z., \ "1..- FT&- tt/p ~. 19= :,e. :: = z..:-,00 4 I .pr. I ::1--,z.·--./ I 3 5) + (/& + '+) 1' / 8 ---::. / 7 2LJ -~ 2.s:-=.0' v, }L .... ') ' ) . ... i. ,l) Use settings screen to create your company title block here. Title : 4' WALL Job# : ... New ... Description .. :. Dsgnr: This Wall In File: l:\DANA1.RP5.RP5 Page: __ _ Date: APR 27,2009 Retain Pro 2007, 24-Jul-2008, (c) 1989-2008 www.retainpro.com/support for latest release Registration#: RP-1180765 RP2007-R Restrained Retaining Wall Design Code: IBC 2006. 1 ·61ier1a Retained Height = Wall height above soil = Total Wall Height = Top Support Height = Slope Behind Wal = Height of Soil over Toe = Water height over heel = Wind on Stem = Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure options: 4.00 ft 0.00ft 4.00ft 4.00 ft 0.00: 1 6.00 in 0.0 ft o.o psf NOT USED for Soil Pressure. NOT USED for Sliding Resistance. NOTUSED for Overturning Resistance. • J Soil Data 1 Allow Soil-Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure-Method Heel Active Pressure = 45.o psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 30.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 150.0 psf/ft Soil Density = 110.00 pct FoolingllSoil Friclior = 0.100 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 in r Footing Strengths & Dimensions ---, Toe Width = 0.75 ft Heel Width 2.00 Total Footing Widtt = 2.75 Footing Thickness = 16.00 in Key Width = 11.00 in Key Depth = 18.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.50 ft f'c = 2,000psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00pcf Min.As% = 0.0018 Cover@ Top = 2.00in @ Btm.= 3.00 in Is •• ur·c·h·a.rg·e·L·o·a·d·s--------·· [ Uniform Lateral Load Applied to Stein . I I Adjacent Footing Load • Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf »:;,Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Slidirg & Overturning j-Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load Axial Live Load = Axial Load Eccentricity = 10.0 lbs O.Olbs 0.0 in Lateral Load ... Height to Toi: ... Height to Bottorr • = 0.0 #/ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Adjacent Footing Load Footing Width Eccentricity Wall to i=tg CL Dist Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio = o.o lbs 0.00 ft O.OOin 0.00 ft Line Load I Earth Pressure Seismic Load I Kh Soil Density Multiplier = 0.200 g Added seismic per unit area = 0.0ft 0.300 0.0 psf = 0.200 g Added seismic per unit area 11.1 psf J Stem Weight Seismic Load • Fp/ WP Weight Multiplier .--~·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·_"!._•_·_~-,-------------------------------,_ Stem Construction 1 Desi n Summar Total Bearing Load ... resultant ecc. = = 1,706 lbs 2.97 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 955 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 285 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI, Factored @ Toe = 1, 147 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 342 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 0.0 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 1.9 psi OK Allowable = 67.1 psi Reaction at Top = 142.1 lbs Reaction at Bottom = 538. 7 lbs Sliding Stablllty Ratio = 1.55 OK Sliding Cates (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding !=orce = 538. 7 lbs less 100% Passive Force= -833.3 lbs less O % Friction Force = -0.0 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ... .for 1..5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Thickness = 8.00 in f'm _ 1,500 psi 24,000 psi Wall Weight = 78.0 psf Fs Stem is FREE to rotate attop of footing Block Type = Medium Weight Design Method = ASD Solid Grouted @ TOJ> Support Stem OK Design Height Above Fts = 4.00 ft Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = 16.00 in Rebar Placed at = Center Rebar Depth 'd' = 3.75 in Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.000 Moment....Actua = o.b ft-# Moment. .... Allowabfe = 977.2 ft-# Shear Force @ thi~ height = 142.1 lbs Shear ..... Actual = 3.15 psi Shear ..... Allowable = 38.73 psi Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. = n Ratio (Es/Em) = 1.000 7.600 in 21.481 Mmax Between Top & Base @ Base of Wall Stem OK 1.72 ft # 4 16.00 in Center 3.75in 0.211 206.2 ft-# 977.2 ft-# Stem OK 0.00 ft # 4 16.00 in Center 3.75 in 0.000 O.Oft-# 977.2ft-# 258.71bs 5.73psi 38.73psi Load Factors ---~-----~---Rebar Lap Required = 20.00 in 20.00 in Hooked embedment into footing = 9.39in Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth,H Wind,W Seismic, E IBC 2006 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.000 · Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings: Toe: # 4 @ 16.00 in -or-Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr ·Heel:# 4@ 16.00 in -or-Not req'd, Mu< S * Fr Key: Not req'd, Mu < S * -or-Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Use settings screen to create your company title block here. Title : 4' WALL Job# : ... New ... Dsgnr: Description .. .. Thia Wall In FIie: l:\DANA1.RPS.RP5 Retain Pro 2007, 24-Jul-2008, (cJ 1989-2008 www.retalnpro.com/support for latest release Registration#: RP-1180785 RP2007·R Restrained Retaining Wall Design [ Footing Design Results foe Factored Pressure = 1, 147 342 psf Mu' : Upwar~ = 302 · 420 ft-# Mu' : Downward = 86 683 ft-# Mu: Design = 216 263 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = 0.00 1.90 psi Allow 1-Way Shear = 67.08 67.08 psi I Summary of Forces on Footing : Slab Is NOT resisting sliding, stem is PINNED at footing Forces acting on footing for overturning, sliding, & soil pressure · Lateral Distance Moment Vertical Lateral Overturning Moments... lbs ft ft·# Resisting Moments... lbs lb.s Stem Shear@ Top of Footing = -258.7 1.33 -344.9 Heel Active Pressure = -280.0 0.63 -177.8 Surcharge Over Heel = -----Slldlng Force = 538.7 Adjacent Footing Load = Overturning Moment = -522.7 Axial Dead Load on Stem = 10.0 Footing Stability Ratio 710.90 Soll Over Toe = 41.3 Surcharge Over Toe = Net Moment Used For Soil Pressure Calculations 422.3 ft-# Stem Weight = 312.0 Soll Over Heel = 586.7 Footing Weight = 756.3 Total Vertical Force = i,706.21bs ...... . ., .... Page:·--·-- Date: APR 27,2009 Code: IBC 2006 • Distance Moment ft ft-# 1.08 10:8 0.38 15.5 1.08 338.0 2.08 1,222.2 1.14 859.8 Resisting Moment = 2,446.4 DESIGNER NOTES: 8." Masonry w/ #4@ 16." Lateral Restraint l 142.1 # 8." Masonry w/ #4'-0' 16." 8." Masonry w/ #4@ 16." ' 6" : #4@16.in @Toe #4@16.in @ Heel r-·-. -. - ! J i j I --. j ' i ' I I ' ! : :· ' J 6" I :11• ; 1'-4" ! ...... ~ -~ ; g• · 2'-0" :... ....,..., __ I I 2'-9" :"'I(- I i .._: I 4'-0" : 2· I 1'-4" , 3" I 1's6" '. ' I 4'-0" ' ' ~ '-' ''1 ,J ./1 DANNA RESIDENCE CARLSBAD STONE TRUSS COMPANY www.stonetruss.com - 5.07 JONES ROAD, OCEANSIDE, CA 92058 • (760) 967~6171 • FAX·(760) 967-6178 · . · CJ., 100 ~qs ~ 1:: () j ·-"' International Accreditatio,n Service, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDl·TATION This is to signify that NATIONAL INSPECTION ASSOCIATION, INC. dba QUALITY SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT, INC. 8150 B. PTARMIGAN AVENUE GILLETTl:, \NYOMING 82718 Inspection Agency AA-583 Type A (Third-Party) Body has, demonstrated compliance with the iSO/IEC Standard 17020, General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection and has been accredited commencing June 23, 2006 to provide inspection services in the approved scope of accreditation. (see attached scope of accreditation for type, range, methods and procedures of inspection) ~1:#111" Patrick V. McCullen Vice President Cl~~. C. P. Ramani, P .E. President This accreditation certificate supersedes any IAS accreditation certificate bearing an earlier date. The certificate becomes invalid upon suspension, cancellation, revocation, or expiration of accreditation. See the IAS Accreditation Listings on the web at www.i!lSonline.org for current accreditation information, or contact IAS directly at (562)699-0541. Print Date: 08/29/2006 Page 1 of 2 .,,;,, ;; Page 2 of 2 International Accreditation Service, ln·c. SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION National Inspection Association, Inc. db~ Quality Systems Management, Inc. 8150 B. Ptarmigan Avenue Gillette, Wyoming 82718 FIELDS OF INSPECTIONS Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses Wood-Framed Prefabricated Shear Wall Structural Glued-Laminated Timber lune 2_3, 2006 Commencement.Date Inspection Agency AA-583 Type A {Third.,Party) Body TYPE AND RANGE OF INSPECTIONS In-Plant In-Plant In-Plant Keith A. Anderson Technical Director 307-685-6331 INSPECTION METHODS AND PROCEDURES ANSI/TPI 1-2002; SOP 02 (issued 1/1/06) and SOP 03 (issued 1/1/06) ICC ES Acceptance Cdteria AC130; SOP 02 (issued 1/1/06) and SOP 03 (issued 1/1/06) ANSI/AITC A 190.1 SOP02 (issued 1 /1 /06) and SOP 03 (issued 1/1/06) (;/~ C. P. Ramani, P .E. President This accreditation certificate supersedes any iAS accreditation certificate bearing an earlier date. The certificate· becomes invalid upon suspension, cancellation, revocation, or expiration of accreditation. See the IAS Accreditation Listings on the web at www.iasonline.org for current accreditation information, or contact IAS directly at (562) 699-0541. Print Date: 08/29/2,006 W- STONE TRUSS COMPANY www.stonetruss.com N STONE TRUSS CO. NIA -E CERTIFIED INSPECTION I.A.S. AA-583 s IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH UBC. IBC. ANSI NATIONAL STANDARDS LATEST REVISION PREFABRICATED WARNING * WARNING * WARNING BE SURE ERECTION CONTRACTOR UNDERSTANDS SCSI 81 SUMMARY SHEET ENCLOSED 507 JONES ROAD• OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92054 • (760) 967-6171 • FAX (760) 967-6178 · ST001 ........ ""'" ~ ....... , w EG EG 1/f '. 24'-o" NOTICE TO BUILDING OFFICIALS, ARCHITECTS, AND ENGINEERS: NON-STRUCTURAL DRAWING INTENDED. FOR TRUSS'LOCATION INFORMATION ONLY. -•---. ____ .._ ___ "';".....__~_-,,------·------ ,.. .. ~"-· ,,._: .1-1!, ,, ----~ -,.. __ , ./~ .,· 8'-0" 0 I N N 0 I I"- NOTES: [7 ROOF PITCH: 4:12 CLGPITCH: 2:12 24" OVERHANG 2x4 TOP CHORDS 3 1¾6" HEEL HEIGHT LOADING: TCLL: 20 TCDL: 10 BCDL: 5 1.25 DURATION flJlNGERS: ,.,, ... --.,, .,, ,. , , SEE TRUSS ENGINEERING FOR HANGER INFORMATION , , , , ---~----~-~~--,------- , 8'-0" I I 14'-o" I I N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ r[ ~ ~ l7 ~ I ·1 / , , , , Ill/ ,,,,,n: , , , , :, , , , , , , , ==II== II=== ,, . ~'-'., .. '\i , ,:! : )~/-' t', /J ., .. IL II A2 II '1lllb;·. ,,., : . . :. ;>7':/ '~~~~-_,-,' ___ ./_,,,.; ;f ., , ···7·--·-:, j ' , ,/ ·~! "' ;'., /lllr , , , , , , , , , , , L , NI ,' O·/ , , 1', , , , ,,, ........ co ....... I ~ ~ t l ~ lz{/ , [ I I ~ ' . ' .' I t I I I,, 7 ~/ , ===== ...... , N m , , : 11 / I t-==I*===~ , ll7'====t==========I=====; :I , , =,,. ,7 , B1 R / , I ==~fll;;:===========i=== .,,,,,,," Iv ==1111= I --.-Is-:· II .... ,. Ii II Ii jfj 0 I C()1, lY i l· II II I! ---~---------" ---- II I 20'-4 1/2" ~ ----~ -- 11111''' ,./o , , , , 1, , , D , , 0 I lO ---,- !I· {' REVISIONS ill & & >-Ji E ~0 a,,; u ::e .... 0:~ (,) eco Cl) ... .:. Cl) GI CO ::, C: 0) 0 • ~-i;0 ,~~~ ~ Cl) .... LI.I ::, (.) . ~ I.~ .;t ~ U :5 ~~er l ~ I I~ e: ~~-It :a: CW) ~ ~ ~ ... 0 Q It Designer: SGH Date: June 8, 2010 Sqale: NTS Job#: L663 . foFf ------------------- THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --13D2 PINE AVE CARLJBAD, CA -A 2PLY HIP HB) Top chord 2x4 DF-L #-l&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L i'f.l&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. 85 mph wind, 19.96 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC Dl=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. #-1 hip supports 8-0-0 jacks with no webs. Corner sets are conventionally framed. 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED Nail Schedule:0.13l"x3" nails Top Chord: 1 Row @ 7.25" o.c. Bot Chord: 1 Row @12.00" o.c. Webs : 1 Row @ 4" o.c. Use equal spacing between rows and stagger nails in each row to _avoid splitting. Member design & wind reactions based on both MWFRS and C&C. Deflection meets l/360 live and l/240 total load. Building designer is responsible for conventional framing. Extend sloping top chord of truss and jacks to hip rafter. Support extensions every 4.00 ft to flat TC. Spacing of supports originates from #-1 hip. Attach 2x4 lateral bracing to flat TC@ 32" OC with 2-16d Box or Gun nails(0.135"x3.5",min.) and diagonally brace per DWG. BRCALHIP0109. Support hip rafter with cripples at 5-7-14 DC. In lieu of structural pa~els use purl ins to brace all flat TC@ 32" DC. 4X6~ 3X7= 4X4(A2T) - ~2-0-0-:eJ 7-5-0 >1<>1< ~ IE _ 7-10-15 I <-7-0 ~IE 3-5-4 I J-1-1 3-5-4 k 7-10-15 R=l918 U=383 W=3.fi" RL=52/-52 ,,1.,, 6-6-5 22-0-0 Over 2 Supports 4X6"" +· :,, I c: PLT TYP. Wave Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-2002(STD) FT/RT=20%(0%)fl0(0) Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ALPINE lTW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 "'*WARNING** TRUSSES REOUlRE'EXTREHE CARE IN FABRICATION, HANULING, SHIPPING, INSTALL"ING ANO BRACING. REFER TO OCSI (BUlLOING COMPONENT SAFETY lHFORHATIOU), PUOLIS,IIEO BY TPl _(TIWSS PLATE INSTlTUTE, 21B HORTH LEE STREET, SUITE 312, ALEX.,NORIA, VA, 22314) ANO IHCA (WOOD TRUSS COUHCIL OF AMERICA, 6300 ENTERPRISE LANE, MADISON, IH 53719} FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORHINO TIIESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INUICATEO TOP CIIORU SHALL HAVE PROPEkL Y ATTACHEU STRUCTURAL PANELS /\NO 80TTOH CIIOltO SHAU IIAVE A PROPERLY ATTACH~D RIGlD CEILING, **IMPORTANT**FURNJSII A COl'Y OF THlS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. tTI/ BUILDING COHPOUENTS GROUI'. me. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSiBLE FOR ANY UEVlATION FROH THIS lJESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSS 1N CONFORMANCE HITH TPI: OR FABRICATING, IIANOLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING & BkAClNG OF TRUSSES. UESJGN CONFORMS HITII APPLICABLE PROVJ5JllNS {If NOS (NATIONAL UESIGN SPEC, BY AF&PA) ANU TPI. ALP,I,fiE CONNCCTOR PLATES ARE HA.OE OF 20/18/16GA ,(W,11/S~/I'.) ASTH AG53 C.RADE '10/60 {H. K/ll,SS) GALV. STEEL. APPLY PLATCS TO EI\CII FACE OF TRUSS ANo,' UNLESS OTIIERWISE toCAiEo ON TIIIS DESIGN, POSlflOII PER ORM/lllGS 160,,.•Z. ANY INSPECTION OF Pll\TES roUOHEO OY (11 SIIAll BE PER ANNEX AJ OF TPll-2002 SEC.3. I\ SEAL ON THIS DRAWING INIHCATCS ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINtERtNG RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR TIIC TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SUOWH. rnE'·sUITAOllJTY ANO Use or TlllS COHPONEth ron AIIY BUILDING IS HIE l!ESPONSIBILITY or lll( BUILDING DESIGllER PER ANSI/TPI 1 S(C. Z.. T 2-11-9 . 141s-s-a 4X4(A2T) = 7-6-12 ~2-0-0-:eJ 7-6-12 ~1 7-6-12 ~ R=l919 U=383 W=3.5A-A\ CA/-/1/-/-/R/-Scale =.3125"/Ft. TC LL 20.0 PSF REF R090--714 TC DL 10.0 PSF DATE 06/08/10 BC DL 5.0 PSF DR-W CAUSR090 10159001 BC LL 0.0 PSF CA-ENG JCJ/CWC TOT.LO. 35.0 PSF SEQN-143679 DUR.FAC. 1. 25 FROM SGH SPACING 24.0" JREF-1U2G090_Z01 THIS DIIG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIQENCE --1302 PINE AVE CARLSBAD, CA -A2 COMN) Top chord 2x4 DF-L /fol&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L /fol&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent bottom chord live load applied per CBC-07 section 1607A. Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. 3X5 (AlT) - 4X4= 85 mph wind, 20.48 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf .. Member design & wind reactions based on both MWFRS and C&C. In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins: CHORD SPACING(IN OC) START(FT) END(FT) BC 115 0.15 21.85 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. T 3-11-15 l 5X5= 3X5 (Al T) = k:-2 -o -o4J k:-2 -o-o.,J IE 5-10-14 I 5-1-2 I< 5-1-2 ~le 5-10-14 :oi 8-0-0 I 6-0-0 I 8-0-0 11-0-0 11-0-0 t-E----------------22-0-0 Over. 2 Sup·ports --------------~~ R=923 U=405 W=3.5" RL=64/-64 R=923 U=405 W=3.5" +18-8-·0 ,a-z_ PLT TYP. Wave Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-2002(STD) FT/RT=20%(0%)/10(0) QTY:4 CA/-/1/-/-/R/-Scale =.3125"/Ft. Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ALPINE 11W Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 **WARNING** TRUSSES REOUlRE E:<TREHE CARE IN FADRlC/ffJON, HANULlHG, SHIPPING, INSTALLING ANU ORACING. REFER TO SCSI (UUltOING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORHATIOH), PUSLISHEO DY TPI {TRUSS PLATE INSTllUTE, 218 IIORTII LEE STREET, SUITE 312, ALEXo\NORIA, VA, 22314) AHO WTCA (WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AHEP.ICA, 6300 ENTERPlllSE LANE, MADISON, Ht 5371~) FOR SAFHY PRACTICES PlflOR TO PERfORHJNG THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLCSS OTHEkHJSE lNUtCATCll TOP CHORD SHALL llAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STkUCl"Ull.Al PANELS AHO OOTTOH CHORD Sllo\LL ,ffAVE i,. PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. **IMPORTANT**FURNISII A COPY OF TIIIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ITU BUILDING COHPONCIHS GROUI', INC. SH~LL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY UEVIATION FRDH THIS UESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO BUILU TIIE TRUSS IN CONFORtlANCE WITII TPI; OR FABRICATING. IIANOLING. SIIIPPING, INSTALLING & BRACING or TRUSSES. UESJGN CUNFORHS WITH APPLICAIJLE l'ROVISHINS OF NUS (NATlUNAl OE.SIGN SPEC, DY AF&PA) ANO TPI. ALPINE CONHECTOR PLATES ARE HADE OF Z.O/l6/l6GA (W,11/SS/I'} ASTH AGSJ GRADE 40/60 (W, K/11,SS} GALV. STEEL. Af'PLY PLATES TO E-\Cll fACE OF TRUS~ ANO, UNLESS OTIIERWISE LOCATED ON TIiis DESIGN, POSITION PER DRAHIHGS l60A•Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOHEO BY (i) SIIALL BE PER ANNEK. A3 Of TPll-2002 SEC.'3. A SEAL OH TIIIS ORAWING lNU I CATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL EtlGlNEER lNG-RESP OHS 1B lL ITV SOLELY FOR TIIE TRUSS COMPONENT O[SIGII SIIOWII. TIIC SUITABILITY ANO use OF TIIJS COHPOffl:IIT FOR ANY BUILDING IS TIIE RESl'ONSIBILITY or TJIC 'BUILOltlG [JESJGllEP PER A.NSI/TPI 1 SEC. l:. TC LL TC DL BC DL BC LL TOT.LO. DUR.FAC. SPACING 20.0 PSF REF R090--715 10.0 PSF DATE 06/08/10 5.0 PSF DRW CAUSR090 10159002 0.0 PSF CA-ENG LVT/CWC 35.0 PSF SEQN-143686 1. 25 FROM SGH 24.0" JREF-1U2G090_Z01 * -,I THIS DHG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CARLSBAD, CA -A3 2PLY G_IRDER) Top chord 2x4 DF-L /fol&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x6 DF-L ffe2(g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. 85 mph wind, 21.23 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED Nail Schedule:0.13l"x3" nails Top Chord: 1 Row @12.00" o.c. Bot Chord: 1 Row @ 9.25" o.c. Webs : 1 Row @ 4" o.c. Use equal spacing between rows and stagger nails in each row to avoid splitting. Wind reactions based on MWFRS pressures. Girder supports 14-0-0 span to BC one face and 2-0-0 span to TC/BC split opposite face. In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins: CHORD SPACING(IN DC) START(FT) END (FT) BC 120 0.15 21.85 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 5X5= I 5-10-3 +18-8-0 1 l.e;.2-0-0~ -----5-9-4--------5-2-12-------5-2-12---------5-9-4-----i~ PLT TYP. Wave Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 11W Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 11-0-0 ,-,...---------------22-0-0 Over 2 Supports R=3271 U=504 W=3.5" Design Grit: CBC2007/TPI-2002(STD) FT/RT=20%(0%)/10(0) **WARNING"** TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTRl:.HE CARE IN FABRICATION, IIAHOl.lNG, SHIPPING, JNS1AUING ANU BRACING. REFER TO 8CSI (8UILOlHG COHPOHENT SAFCTY INFORMATION), PUOllSIIED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INST[TUTE, 218 NORTH LEE STREEf, SUITE 312. ALEX.\NDRIA, VA, 22314) ANO IHCA (WOOD TRUSS COUHCIL OF AMER IC/\, 6300 ENTERPRISE LANE, MADISON, HI S37l9) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERrORl1ING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE 11:fOICATEU TOP CHORD SHALL HA.VE PkOPE!tLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CIIORU SHI\LL IIAVE ,A. PROPERLY A.TTA.CHEO RlGJO CEILING. **lMPORTANT**FURNJSII h COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO TIIE INSTA.LLATION CONTRACTOR. llll BUILOlffG COMPONENTS GROUP, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIALE FOR ANY UEVIAT'toN FROH TIIIS DESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSS IN CtiNFORHANCE ,WITH TPI{ OR FABRICATING, HANDLING. SlllPPIHG. JNSlALLING & BRACJNG•OF TkUSSCS. DESIGN CONFORMS \IITJI APPI.IC/\BLE PR(IVJSHIHS OF tlOS (NATIUN/\L DESIGN SPEC. BY AF&PA) ANO TPI. ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATCS ARE MADE OF 20/lB/16GA {W,11/SS/r) ASTH 11.653 GRADE 40/60 (W, IC/11,SS) GALV. STEEL. APPLY PLATES •TO Eo\Cll FACE OF TRUSS AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON TIIIS DESIGN, POSITIOU PER ORAWWGS 160A-Z. ANY INSPEt.TJON 6F PLATES FOLLOWED BY (I) SHALL BE PER ANNEX A3 OF TPll-?.002 SEC.J. A SEAL OU TIIIS DRAWING lUUJ CATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESS ION/1.l ENGINEER ING RESPONS ID lll TY SOLELY FOR TIIE 'TRUSS 'COMPONENT DESIGN StlOHIL TIIE SUITABILITY ANO USE OF THIS COMPONEUT roR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF-THE BUILDING OCSIGIIER PER ANSI/TPI I SEC. Z. 11-0-0 QTY:1 R=3118 U=465 W=3.5" A?> CA/-/1/-/-/R/-Scale =.3125"/Ft. TC LL 20.0 PSF REF R090--716 TC DL 10.0 PSF DATE 06/08/10 BC DL 5.0 PSF . DRW CAUSR090 10159013 BC LL 0.0 PSF CA-ENG LVT/CWC TOT. LD. 35.0 PSF SEQN-143691 DUR.FAC. 1. 25 FROM SGH SPACING 24.0" JREF-1U2G090_Z01 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CARLSBAD, CA -B HIP HB) Top chord 2x4 DF-L /fl&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L ifl&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) 85 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Wind reactions based on MWFRS pressures. Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Creep increase factor for dead load is 2.00. #1 hip supports 8-0-0 jacks with no webs. Corner sets are conventionally framed. Building designer is responsible for conventional framing. Extend sloping top chord of truss and jacks to hip rafter. Support extensions every 4.00 ft to flat TC. Spacing of supports originates from #1 hip. Attach 2x4 lateral bracing to flat TC@ 32" OC with 2-16d Box or Gun nails(0.135"x3.5",min.) and diagonally brace per DWG. BRCALHIP0109. Support hip rafter with cripples at 5-7-14 OC. In lieu of structural panels use purl ins to brace all flat TC@ 32" oc. Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace BC@ 118.00" OC. 3Xl0 (BlT) - ~2-0-0.,..I r' k 4-2-4 ~I 7-10-15 7-10-15 R=1767 U=182 W=3.5" 3-2-12 6X8-¢ 3X4= 6X8.;,;; I~ 2-9-4 ~I~ 2-7-8 "IE Pl< 4-10-13 ,,.I"' 4-10-13 ,,.I"' 20-4-8 Over 2 Supports 3-4-8 PLT TYP. Wave Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-2007(STD) FT/RT=20%(0%)/10(0) Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones-Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ITW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramehto,,CA 95828 **WARNING** TRUSSES ~EOUIRE EXTREME CARE IN rAORICATJOH, IIANOLING. SHIPPING, INSTALUNG ANU BRACING, REFER TO BCSI (BliILDING COHflONENT SAFETY lNFORHATtON), PUBLISIIED av TPI (TRUSS !'LATE INSTITUTE. 218 NORTII LEE STREET, SUITE JJZ, AlEX.,NORJA, VA, 22311\} ANO IHCA (HOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AHERJCA. 6300 ENTERPRISE LANE, MAOISOH, HI 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTlONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE lNIJICATED TOP CIIORU S!IALL HAVE PROPEKLY ATTACIIEU STRUCTURAL PANELS ANO UOTTOH CIIOl(IJ'SIII\LL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. **IMPORTANT**FURNISII A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THC INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ITU BUILDING COMPONEllTS GROiJP, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS UESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO BUILU TIIE TRUSS IN CONFOIU-IANCE HlTU TPI: OR FABRICATING. IIANOLING. SHIPPIHG. INSTALLING & BRACING or TRUSSES. UESIGN CUHFURHS WITII APPLICABLE PROVISWHS C•F HUS (NATIONAL UCSIGH SPEC, BY IIF&PA) AHU TPI. ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE HADE OF 20/18/lCiGA (W,11/SS/t:) ASTl-1 A653 GRADE '10/60 (W, K/11,SS) (IALV. STEEL. APPLY PLATES TO EI\CH FACE OF TRUSS ANO, UNLESS OTIIEIIHJSE LOCATED 011 THIS DESIGN. POStTIOH PER DRAlllUGS 160A-Z. AIIY INSPECTION OF PlATES FciLLOliEO aY (i) SHALL BE flEl1 ANNEX AJ OF TPll-2002 SEC.J. A SEAL OM TIIIS ORAWIHG l~UJCATES ACCEPTANCE Of PROFESSIONAL ENG,lNEERIHG RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR TIIE TRUSS COHPONEtn OESIGN SHOl-m. TIIE SUITI\BllllY MU> USE or THIS COHPONEHT FOR AllY BUllOlNG IS TII( ll(SPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING OCSIGHE"R P(R AMSl'irPI l SEC, 2 3Xl0 (BlT) = ~2-0-0.,..I I 4-2-4 ~ ,J 7-6-12 7-6-12 R=l767 U=182 W=3.5" QTY:1 CA/-/1/-/-/R/- TC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 10.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0. 0 P SF T 2-11-9 1+,-,-0 ~ Scale =.3125"[Ft. REF R090--717 DATE 06/08/10 DRW CAUSR090 1015900~ CA-ENG LVT/CWC OT.LO. 35.0 PSF SEQN-143697 DUR.FAC. 1. 25 FROM SGH SPACING 24.0" JREF-1U2G090_Z01 THIS DIIG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANl'.J_~iSIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CAR_LS_ll_AD, CA -Bl Srn_B __ HJ_I'_ HlQl Top chord 2x4 DF-L /,[l&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L /,[l&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) 85 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Hangers shall be installed after lumber has air-dried to 19% or less moisture content. Member design & wind reactions based on both MWFRS and C&C. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Bottom chord checked for lD.DO psf non-concurrent bottom chord live load applied per CBC-07 section 1607A. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TC@ 32' oc. H = recommended connection based on manufacturer tested capacities and calculations. Conditions may exist that require different connections than indicated. Refer to manufacturer publication for additional information. 3X4(AlT) = '-2-0-0-' 3X4¢ 6X8~ _j_ 0-5-12 T T .,-,I IE 5-10-4 >I< 3-6-12 >1J-4;_-1~+ 3-8-8. I< 5-4-12 ~1 9-10-15 'w .. 13 9-1-4 PLT TYP. Wave Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ITW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 0-10-13 1.-9-10-15 -.1---.1--9-1-4 --.I -----------------19-11-0 Over 2 Supports ----------------~' R=850 U=345 W=3.5" RL=61/-65 R=707 U=262 H=Simpson lUS24 Girder is (1)2X8 min. DF-L Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-2002(STD) · FT/RT=20%(0%)/10(0) **WARNING** TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN F/1.DRIC/\TION, HAHUUNG, SIIJPPJNG, lNSTALLING ANU BPACING. REFER 1(1 BCSI (BUlLOING COMl'ONENT SAFETY IHFORHATION), PUBLISHED BY TPl (TR.USS PLATE 1NSTITUTE. US llORTII LEE STREET, SUITE 312, i\LEX<\NORI/\, VI\, 22314) AHO !HCA (WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AHER1CA, 6JOO ENTERPRISE LANE, MADISON, Hl S37J.9) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES Pf!:lOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTIIEIHUSE INlHCATEO TOP c1101rn SHALL HAVE PkOPCf(lY ATTACIIEO ST[WCTURAL PANELS AND OOTTOH CHOR() 5111\LL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. **IMPORTANT**FURNISII A COl'Y OF lHIS DESIGN TO THE IHSTALLATION COl;ITRACTOR. ITU OUlLDING COHPONEUTS GROUP, INC. SHAU: NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OEVIAT10N FROH THIS OESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO OUILO TIIE TRUSS lN CONFORMANCE WlTII TPl: OR FABRICATING, IIANOLING. SIIIPPING, INSTALLING & Bk.ACING OF TkUSSES. ()[SIGN CONFORMS WITII APPUCAOLE PROVISIONS UF NUS (NATIONAL 'DESIGN SPEC, BY AF&PA) ANU TPL ALPINE CONIIECTOR PLATES ARE Hi\DE OF 20/18/16GA (W,11/SS/~) ASTH A65J GRADE 40/60 {W, K/11.SS) GI\LV. STEEL. APPLY PLATES TO [I\CU FACE OF TRUSS AND, UNLESS OTIIERHISE LOCATED OU TIIIS DESIGN, POSITION PER DRMlillGS 1601\•1;. A.NY INSPECTION OF i•LATES FOLLOHEO BY (I) SIIALL BE PER ANNEX A3 OF Tl'll-2002 SEC.3. /\ SEAL OIi THIS ~:~~!:G Sl~~~,\~ATES Tll~c~~~i~~~~ I~~ ::~F~~: l~~A~11i~G~~~:~1~~~r R~~:o:~!a!~ :~~ IN~o~;L ;ll~o~E~~~N!~~~~ I ~~H~~N~~~ BUILDING DESIGNER PER ANSI/fl'( l SEC. 2. QTY: 1 CA/-/1/-/-/R/- TC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 10.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LD. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1. 25 SPACING 24.0" Scale =.34"/Ft. REF R090--718 DATE 06/08/10 DRW CAUSR090 10159004 CA-ENG LVT/CWC SEQN-143705 FROM SGH JREF-1U2G090_Z01 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CARLSBAD, CA -82 STUB COMN) Top chord 2x4 DF-L ffol&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L /fol&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) 85 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Hangers shall be installed after lumber has air-dried to 19% or less moisture content. Member design & wind reacttons based on both MWFRS and C&C. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins: CHORD SPACING(IN QC) START(FT) END(FT) Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent bottom chord live load applied per CBC-07 section 1607A. BC 113 0.15 19.79 Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. H = recommended connection based on manufacturer tested capacities and calculations. Conditions may exist that require different connections than indicated. Refer to manufacturer publication for additional information. 3X4 (Al T) = ~2-0-0..,J Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 4X4= I., 5-7-1 I 4-7-3 ~ I., 4-7-3 I 5-1-9 ,., 10-2-4 9-8-12 10-2-4 _i_ 9-8-12 IE----------------19-11-0 Over 2 Supports ---------------3>1 __L 0-5-12 T T .,_,I' -e,'Z- R=850 U=349 W=3.5" RL=62/-66 R=707 U=265 H=Simpson LUS24 Girder is (1)2X8 min. DF-L PL T TYP. Wave Stone Truss 760-967-617'1 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ALPINE ITW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-200,2(STD) FT/RT=20%(0%)/l0(0) **WARNING** TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRlCATJ0N. IIANULlNG, SIIIPPING, INSTALLING ANU 0RACING. REFER TO BCSI (BUlLOlNG C(IHPONENT sArETY HIFORHATION), PUOLJSIIED BV TPJ {TRUSS PLATE lNSTlTUTE, 218 HORTH I.EE STREET, SUITE 312, ALEX'I.NORIA, VA, ZZ314) AND WTCA (WOOD TRUSS C~UNCll OF AMERICA, 6300 ENTERPRtst LANE, HAOISON, lfl 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORHING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTIIERHISE INUlCATEU TOI' CIIORU SHALL 'HAVE l'KOPERL't ATTACHEU STRUCTUltAL PANELS ANO BOTTOM CIIORU SH.a.LL HAVC A PROPERLY ATTACHED RlGto CEILING. **IMPORTANT**FURNISII A COPY of THIS DCSJGN TO THE JNSTALLI\TION CONTRACTOR. ITU BUILDING C0Hl'0NENTS GROUP. lHC. SHALL NOT Bl:. RESP0NSlBLE FOR ANY 'UEVIATI0N FROM THIS UESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO 0UlLU THE TRUSS Iii CONFORMANCE HITII TPI: OR FABRICATING, llANULING, SlllPPlNG, JNSTALLING & BRACING OF TRUSSES. DESIGN CUNF0RHS WITH APrLICABLE PRllVJSIONS OF NUS (NATIUNAL UESJGN SPEC. BY AF&P/\) ANO TP1. ALPINE CONllECTCIR PLATES ARE M/\DE OF 20/18/16GA (H,11/SS/t:} ASTH ~GSJ GRAOE 40/60 (W, k/11,SS) Gr,.LV. ST~~L. APPLY PLATES TO er,.c11 FACE OF TRUSS ANO. UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATE() OIi nns bESIGN. POSITION PER bRAWIUGS HiOA•Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED BY {1) SIIAlL 8[ PER ANNEX f,3 OF TPl1~2002 SEC.J. A SEAL ON THIS UR/I.HING INOICATES ACCEPTANCE or PROFl:SSIONAL ENGINEERING RE,SPONSIDILITY SOLELY FOR TIIC !RUSS COHPONE~T DE:,IGN SIIOWN. THE SUITABILITY ANO USE or TIils COHPONEHT FOR AIIY BUILblNG JS THE RESl'OHSIUILITY OF TIIE BUILblNG bESICillCP. l'[R IINSI/TPI I SEC. 2. QTY:6 CA/-/1/-/-/R/-Scale =.34"/Ft. TC LL 20.0 PSF REF R090--719 TC DL 10.0 PSF DATE 06/08/10 BC DL 5.0 PSF DRW CAUSR090 lQ-159005 BC LL 0.0 PSF CA-ENG LVT/CWC TOT. LO. 35.0 PSF SEQN-143712 DUR.FAC. 1. 25 FROM SGH SPACING 24.0" JREF-1U2G090_Z01 THIS D\IG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CARLSBAD, CA -C 2PLY SCIS HIP HS) Top chord 2x4 DF-L /fl&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L /fl&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED Nail Schedule:0.131"x3" nails Top Chord: 1 Row @ 5.25" o.c. Bot Chord: 1 Row @12.00" o.c. Webs : 1 Row @ 4" o.c. Use equal spacing between rows and stagger nails in each row to avoid splitting. #1 hip supports 8-0-0 jacks with no webs. Corner sets are conventionally framed. (I) -plates so marked were sized using a Fabrication Tolerance of 0% and a Rotational Tolerance of O degrees. Building designer is responsible for conventional framing. 85 mph wind, 19.96 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Extend sloping top chord of truss and jacks to hip rafter. Support extensions every 4.00 ft to flat TC. Spacing of supports originates from /fl hip. Attach 2x4 lateral bracing to flat TC@ 32" OC with 2-16d Box or Gun nails(0.135"x3.5",min.) and diagonally brace per DWG. BRCALHIP0109. Support hip rafter with cripples at 5-7-14 oc. Member design & wind reactions based on both MWFRS and C&C. In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat TC@ 32" oc. In lieu of structural panels use purl ins to brace BC@ 102.00" OC. Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. 6X8 (I)¢ 6X8(I) ~ 4X6 (AlT} s;. 4X6(AlT) ~ l..:-2°0-0-"""' l..:-2-0-0-"""' PLT TYP. Wave Stone Truss 760°967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ALPINE ITW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 ,.. 7-4-12 >I< 2-,0-c8 >le 7-6-12 ,., 8-6-0 I 8-6-0 I 7-10-15 ..... 1 .. 1-6-5--.I,--7-6-12 I 860 ---,-- : --17-0-0 Over 2 Supports :. 8-6-0 17-0-0 Over 2 Supports---------------- R=1814 U=347 W=3.5" R=l814 U=347 W=3.5" RL=52/-52 Design Grit: CBC2007/TPI-2002(STD) FT /RT=20% (0%)/10 (0) 9_._()3. QO. 08Q6. 22 **WARNING*"' TRUSSES REOUIRE E:CTREME CARE IN F"81\ICfo.TlON. HANULING, SUJPPING, INSTALLING ANO BRACING. REFER TO BCSI {BUILDING COMPONENT Sfo.FETY INFORMATION), PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 218 NORTH LEE STREET, SUITE 312, ALEX~NORIA. VA. 22314) ANO WTCA (WOOD TRUSS COUHCIL OF AHEllJCA. 6300 ENTERPRISE LANE, MADISON. HJ 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PrtlOP TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTiriNS. UNLESS OTIIEUW1SE INUICATEU TOP CIIOIW SHAll HAVE PROl'El(LY ATTA.CHEU STk.lJCTURAL PANELS AND DOTTOM CIIOIW SH&.ll IIAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. **IMPORTANT**FURNISII A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATlON CONTRACTOR. IT11 ,BUILDING COMPONCIHS GROUP, INC. SIIALL NOT BE RESPONS[BLE FOR ANY OEVIAlION FROH THIS UESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSS IN CONFORHANCC WITII •TPI; OR FABRICATING. IIAHULlNG. ~IIIPPIJm. INST!',LllNG & BRACING OF TRUSSES. 'U(SIGN CONFURHS WITII APPLICABLE PROVISIUNS (If NUS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. DY AF&l'A) ANO TPI. ALPlNE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE-. OF 20/l8/16GA (W,11/SS/t:.) ASTM AGSJ GRADE 40/60 (W, k/11,SS) C.ALV. STECL. APPLY PLATES 'TO E.\CII fACE OF TRUSS ANO. UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED OH TlllS DESIGN, POSITIOH fJER ORAWUIGS 160A-Z. AH'{ INSPECT10N OF PLATES roLLoHEO BY {i) SIIALL BE' PER ANNEX A3 Of TPll-2002 SEC.3. A. SEAL (IN THIS URMIING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE Of PROFESSIONAL F.NGINECRHIG RESPONSIBlllTY SOLELY FOR TIIF. muss COHPONENT Ot:SIGN SIIOHN. TIIC SUITABILITY AND USt Of THIS COHPOHEln FOR AHY BUILDING IS TIIE PESPONSIBILITY OF me BUlLUING DCSIGNER PCR I\NSI/Tl'I 1 SEC. 2. QTY: 1 CA/-/1/-/-/R/- TC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 10.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT. LO. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAG. 1. 25 SPACING 24.0" T 1~8-8-0 G Scale =.375"/Ft. REF R090--720 DATE 06/08/10 DRW CAUSR090 10159006 CA-ENG L VT f'CWC SEQN-143803 FROM SGH JREF-1U2G090_Z01 THIS 0\/G PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CA_R~BAD, CA -~l SC_IS) Top chord 2x4 DF-L /f.l&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L /fl&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) 85 mph wind, 20.06 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.D psf, wind BC OL=3.0 psf. Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Member design & wind reactions based on both MWFRS and C&C. In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins: CHORD SPACING(IN DC) START(FT) END(FT) Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent bottom chord live load applied per CBC-07 section 1607A. BC 102 0.15 16.85 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. 4X4= 3X5(AlT) ;s,. 3X5 (AlT) === '--2-0-0--;J '--2-·o-o--;J IE 5-9-3 >I< 2-8-13 "'~ 2-8-13 1 . 5-9-3 1 H-h-fl I I ,-,-u : 8-6-0 ' 8-6-0 R-748 U=353 W=3 5" 17-0-0 Over 2 S 8-6-0 I RL-54/-54 · · upports : R=748 U=353 W=3.5" PLT TYP. Wave Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-2002(STD) FT/RT=20%(0%)/l0(0) Stone Truss 760-967-6171 !**WARNING"'* lRUSSES RE0UJRE E:HREHE CARE IN FABR[CATI0N. IIANIJLING. SHIPPING, INSTALLlNG AHU BRACING. 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ., =~;iii ~:E B~~~ECT.(B~ii~iN;l~~H~~~~:~o:~::1~,._~"~~:~::11:~ 'wr~~B~i~~ii0 ~;u;;1 cciJ~~~~ l'~~rc,.~~:r~:~TE, :;~o ALPINE ITW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 CNTERPRISE LANE. HI\0JS0N, 1ft 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTlCES PRIOR TO PERF0RH1HG THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTIIERHlSE INIJlCATEO TOP CIIORU SHALL IIAVE PROPEflLY ATTACIIEU STIWCTUKAL PANELS ANO 130TTOl1 CIIOl<U SIIALL I/AVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. **IMPORTANT**FURNJSll A COPY OF Tilts DESIGN TO lHE JNSTALLAll0N CONTRACTOR. llll BUILDING COMPONENTS GROUP, INC. SIIALL ,Nor BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY UEVlATI0N FROM TlllS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO BUILU THE TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE lHTII TPl: OR FA0RICATJHG. HANDLING. SHIPPING, INSTALL'ING & BIMCING OF TRUSSES. DESIGN CONFORMS HIT\I APPLICABLE PRUVISIUNS or NUS (NATIONAL UESIGN SPEC. BY AF&PA) ANO TPl. ALPJNE C0NNCCT0R PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/l8/16GA (H,ll/SS/1'} ASTH A653 GRADE 40/60 (H, k./11,SS) GALV. STCCL. APPLY PLAT($ TO ea.Cn FACE or muss ANO. UNLESS OTHERWISE locATEO ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION PER ORAHtllGS 160A~Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOUCD BY {I) SIIALL BE PER ANNEX AJ OF TPU~200Z, SEC.J. /\ SEAL Off THJS URAWING lfftJICATES ACCCPTANCC OF PROFESSIONAL ,[NGINEERING RESPONSIBlllTY SOLELY FOR THE TPUSS (OHPONENT DESIGN SIIOWN TllE SUITAOILITY ANO USE OF TIIIS COMPONENT FUR /IIIY BUILDING JS Tit( PESPONS181LITY br THE BUILDING DESHWER PCR ANSJ/TPI 1 SEC. "2, CA/-/1/-/-/R/- TC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 10.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LO. 35.0 PSF OUR.FAC. 1. 25 SPACING 24.0" T 3-1-15 4,-a-o c..l Scale =.375"LFt. REF R090--721 DATE 06/08/10 DRW CAUSR090 10159007 CA-ENG LVT/CWC SEQN-143768 FROM SGH JREF-1U2G090_Z01 * THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR, (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE_AVE CARLSBAD, CA -C2 Gl~QER) Top chord 2x4 DF-L fl&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x6 DF-L f2(g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) 85 mph wind, 20.06 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Wind reactions based on MWFRS pressures. In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins: CHORD SPACING(IN OC) START(FT) END(FT) Girder supports 8-0-0 span to BC one face and 2-0-0 span to TC/BC split opposite face. BC 120 0.15 16.85 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 4X4= T 3-1-15 418-8-0 1 4X6 (Al)= 4X6 (Al) - ~2°0-0--1 ----4-10-14-------3-7-2-------3-7-2-------4-10-14---- 8-6-0 8-6-0 '----------------17-0-0 Over 2 Supports --------------;e,.1 R=l457 U=233 W=3.5" R=1609 U=274 W=3.5" PLT TYP. Wave Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-2002(STD) FT /RT=20% (0%) /10 (0) QTY:1 CA/-/1/-/-/R/- ·stone Truss 760-967-6-i?I 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ITW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 **WARNING** TRUSSES REQUIRE E)(TREHE' CARE IN FABRIC(\TION, IIANULING, SHIPPING. INSTALLING .\NO BRACING. REFER TO BCSI {BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION), PUBllSIIE0 BY TPI '(TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 218 HORTH 'LEE STREET, SUJTE .:ll2, ALEXo\NORIA, VA, 22314) ANO \.ITCA (WOOD TR,USS COUNCIL OF AMERICA, 6300 ENTERPRISE LANE, MADISON. HI 53719) FOR 'sAFETV PRACTICES PR]OR TO PERFORMJNG TIIESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS o'fllERHiSE INUICATEU TOP CllORU SHALL HAVE PltOPERLY ATTACHED STl<OCTUltAL PANELS I\NU BOTTOM CIIOIW Slla.LL HAVC A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. ''**IMPORTANT**rURNISII A COPY or THIS DESIGN TO lllE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR; 1TH BUlLDING COHPON(IITS GROUP, (NC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AN'( DEVIATION FROM THIS UESIGN: ANY rAILURE TO OUILU TIIE TRUSS IN COlff"Or,HANCE HITH TPJ; Ok FABKICATJNG, IIANULING. SHIPPING. lNSTALLlNG & BKACING OF TRUSSES. DESIGN CUNFU~HS HITII APPLICABLE PROVISHINS (If NUS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC, BY AF&PA) ANO TPJ. ALPINE COIINECTOR PLATES ARE HADE OF 20/l8/16GA (H,11/SS/I'} ASTH AGSJ ORAOC. 40/60 (H, k/11.SS) GALV. STEEL. APl>LY PLATES TO (.\CII FACE or TRUSS ANO. UIILESS OTIIEnWISE LOCATED OW TIIIS DESIGN, POSITION PER ORAWIIIGS 160A-Z. ANY INSPECTION OF 11Li\TES fOLLOHEO DY {f) SIIALL DE PER ANNEX AJ OF fPtl-2002 SEC.3. A SEAL ON TIIIS OR/I.HING lNDIC/1.TES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGl~EERIN°G RESPONSIBll:,lTY SOLELY ron THE TRU~S COMPONENT DESIGN SIIOWfl. TIIE SUIT/1.BILITY ,.ND USE Of THIS COHPOHENT FOR AIIY BUILDING JS TIIE RESPONSllllLITY-OF me 8UILUUIG DESIGWEP PER ANSI/TPI J SEC, 2. TC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 10.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT. LD. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 SPACING 24.0" c-z... Scale =.375"[Ft. REF R090--722 DATE 06/08/10 DRW CAUSR090 10159008 <::A-ENG LVT/CWC SEQN-143771 FROM SGH JREF-1U2G090_Z01 THIS 01/G PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (l663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CARLSBAD, CA -D, D3 2PLY SCIS HIP H62 Top chord 2x4 DF-L //l&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L #l&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L /fl&Bet. (g) Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Member design & wind reactions based on both MWFRS and C&C. 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED Nail Schedule:0.13l"x3" nails Top Chord: 1 Row @ 7.25" o.c. Bot Chord: 1 Row @12.00" o.c. Webs : 1 Row @ 4" o.c. Use equal spacing between rows and stagger nails in each row to avoid splitting. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 85 mph wind, 19.63 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Building designer is responsible for conventional framing. #1 hip supports 6-0-0 jacks with no webs. Corner sets are conventionally framed. In lieu of structural panels use purl ins to brace all flat TC@ 32" DC. Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. In lieu of structural panels use purl ins to brace BC@ 73.00" DC. Extend sloping top chord of truss and jacks to hip rafter. Support extensions every 4.00 ft to flat TC. Spacing of supports originates from #l hip. Attach 2x4 lateral bracing to flat TC@ 32" DC with 2-16d Box or Gun nails(0.135"x3.5",m1n.) and diagonally brace per DWG. BRCALHIP0109. Support hip rafter with cripples at 5-7-14 DC. 3X4= 6X8~ 2X4 Ill 6X8* 4 r- 5Xl2= ---' 2 ~ ~2-0-0__,J PLT TYP. Wave Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ALPINE ITW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 rs r 5-4-12 6-1-8 5-10-15 6-1-8 R=l215 U=346 W=3.5" RL=44/-44 ~ + 1-5-8 4.ILl 1-9-0 2-6-5 J..,,. 1-9-0 1 14-0-0 Over 2 Supports 5-6-12 6-1-8· 5-6-12 6-1-8 Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-2092(STDJ FT/RT=20%(0%)/10(0) QTY:2 **WARNING** TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREl;IE CARE IN Fi\BRIC1\TION, HANOLING, SIIIPPING, JNS,TALLlNG ANO BRACING. RE.FER TO SCSI (BUILDING COHPOHENT SAFETY INFORMATION), PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS l'LATE INSTITUTE. 218 NOIHH LEE. STREET, SUITE JJZ, ALEX°'NORIA, VA. 2231'1) AHO WTCA (WOOD TltUSS COUNCIL ·OF AMERICA. 6300 ENTERPRISE LANE, HA.DISON, Hl SJ719) FOR SAFETY PHACT[CES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTIIERWJSE INUICATEU TOP CHOR[) SHALL I/AVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS ANU BOTTOM CHORD Sll",LL IIAVC A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. **IMPORTANT**FURNISlf A COl1Y OF TIIIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONWACTOR. ITU BUllDJtlG COHPONEHTS GROUP, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIDLE FOR ANY OEVJATlON FROH TilJS UESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO BUILO THE TRUSS lN CONF(lKMMICE Ntlll TPI: OR FA.BklCATlNG, IIANULlNG, SHIPPING, INSTALUNG & ORAC-ING OF TKUSSE~. DESIGN COHfORMS HITII APrL:tCAlllE PROVISIUNS OF NUS (NATIUN/\L DESIGN SPEC, BY Aft.PA) ANU TPI. ALPINE CONIIECTOR PLATES AR( HADE OF 20/l8/16GA (H,11/SS/Y.) ASH! MSJ t.RAOC 40/GO (H~ K/11.SS) GALV. STEEL. APPLY PLATES TO (.\CH FACE OF TRUSS AND. UNLCSS OTIIERHJSE LOCATED Oil TIIIS DESIGN, POSITIOll PER DRAIHUGS 160A•Z. AtlY INSPECTION Of PLATES FOLLOWED BY (I) SIIALL BE PER ;\NNE.X· A3 or TP1t~2002 SCC.3. A SCAL 011 TIIJS DRAWING INIJICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL CNGlNEERING ll.CSl'ONSIBILilY SOLELY FOR TIIE WUSS COHl'ON(NT DESIGN SHOWll. TIIE SUITABILITY MIO use or TIIIS COMPONENT F(11t AIIY BUILDING JS me RESPONSIBILITY OF TIIE 8UILIJ1NG OESIGHER PER ANSJ/TPI l SEC. 2. ~2-0-0__,.I ~ ~ R=l215 U=346 W=3.5" CA/-/1/-/-/R/- TC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 10.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LO. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1. 25 SPACING 24. O'; T I 41s-s-o b,t:>3 Scale =.4375"£Ft. REF R090--723 DATE 06/08/10 DRW CAUSR090 10159009 CA-ENG LVT/CWC SEQN-143801 FROM SGH JREF-1U2G090_Z01 THIS DI/G PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CARLSBAD, CA -01-02 SCIS) Top chord 2x4 DF-L /fol&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L //.l&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) 85 mph wind, 19.81 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC OL=3.0 psf. Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Member design & wind reactions based on both MWFRS and C&C. In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins: Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent bottom chord live load applied per CBC-07 section 1607A. CHORD SPACING ( IN DC) START (FT) END (FT) BC 83 0.15 13.85 Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 4X6= ~2-0-0----i ~2-0-0----i PL T TYP. Wave Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ITW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 7-0-0 7-0-0 1: 7-0-0 7-0-0 :1 ... ~-----------14-0-0 Over 2 Supports ------------~ R=644 U=351 W=3.5" R=644 U=351 W=3.5" RL=48/-48 Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-2002(STD) FT/RT=20%(0%)/10(0) **WARNING** TRUSSES RCOUJRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION, IIANULING, SIIJPPING. INSTALLING A.Nl.l BRACING. R[FER TO BCSl (BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION), PUBLISIIED av TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 218 IIOPTH LEE STREET, SUlTE 312, AlEX4.NORIA, VA, 22314) AND W,TCA (WOOD TRUSS COUN~IL OF AMERICA, 6300 , CNTERPRtSC LANE. MADISON, HI 53719') FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PPIOR TO PERFORMING TIIESl FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTIIERHISE INOlCATEU TOP CIIOIHJ SHALL HAVE PROPEkLY ATTACIIEll STRUCTURAL PANCLS ANO BOTTOM CHOIW S11.\LL 1!1\VE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. **lMPORTANT**FURNISII A COPY OF THIS OCSIGN TO TUC INSTALLATIOH CONTRACTOR. ITU BUILDING COHPONEIHS GROUP, INC. SHALL NOT Bt RESPONSIBLE FOR, ANY UEVIATION FROH TIils IJESIGN: ANY rAlLURE TO OUILU lHE TRUSS Jtf CONFOPMANCE WITII TPJ; OR FADRICATING, 111\NULING, SHIPPING, HISTALLING & BKACING OF TkUSSES. OESIGN CONFORMS WITII i\PPLICABLE PROVISIONS Uf'NOS (NAT(UNAL UESIGH SPEC, DY AF&PA) ANO TPJ. ALPINE CONHECTOR PL'ATES ARC H,\OE OF 20/18/l6GA (W,U/SS/1') ASTM A653 GRADE '10/60 (H, k:/11,SS) GALV. STEEL. APPLY 'i'LATES TO BCII FACE OF TRUSS ANO, UNLESS OTIIERJHSE LOCATED OIi T\11S DESIGN, POSITIOH PER DRAWINGS 160ARZ. ANY lNSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED DY (I) SIIALL BE PER ANNEX A3 or TPl1~2002 SEC.3. A SEAL Oil TlllS IJRAHlNG lNOICATES ACCEPTI\HCE or PROFl:.SSIONAL ENGINCERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLCLY FOR TllE. TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN sHOw11. THE suqAOILITY ANO USE OF THIS COHPONCIIT ron AHY UUlLOING IS TIii: RE:SPONSIUILITY OF rm: BUILDING UESlGIIER Pl:.R MSI/TPI I SEC, 2, QTY : 11 CA/, / 1 / -/ -/ R / - TC LL 20.6 PSF TC DL 10.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LO. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1. 25 SPACING 24.0" T 'I' 41s+o bl-'t>'Z- Scale =.4375"/Ft. REF R090--724 DATE 06/08/10 DRW CAUSR090 10159010 CA-ENG LVT /CWC SEQN-143799 FROM SGH J~EF-1U2G090_Z01 * THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CARLSBAD, CA -E COMN) Top chord 2x4 DF-L ff.l&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L ifl&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) 85 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Member design & wind reactions based on both MWFRS and C&C. In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins: Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent bottom chord live load applied per CBC-07 section 1607A. CHORD SPACING (IN OC) START (FT) END (FT) BC 117 0.15 23.85 Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. Le: 2' :,.l ~ 6-4-14 8-0-0 12-0-0 4X6= 5-7-2 ,.1..,. 8-0-0 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 'T' 5-7-2 k 12-0-0 6-4-14 8-0-0 ~ 2' :,,.I ~ ,__ ______________ 24-0-0 Over 2 Supports --~------------ PLT TYP. Wave Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ALPINE ITW Building Components Group, Inc: ·Sacramento, CA 95828 R=993 U=3.83 W=3. 5" RL=86/-86 Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI•2002(STD) FT/RT=20%(0%)/10{0) **WARNING** TRUSSES REQUIRE E:HREME CARE IN FABRICATION. 111\NULING. SHIPPING, lNSTALLING ANIJ BRACING, REFER TO BCSI (BUILDING COHPOilCNT SAFE TV lf,lFORHATION). PUBLISHED BY TPI {TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 218 NORTti LEE STREET, SUITE "312. AlEX.\NDRlA, VA. 22314} AND 1-ITCA (WOOD TRUSS COUUCIL OF AMERICA, 6300 ENTERPRISE LANE, MADISON, \-II 53719) roR SAFETY PRIICTrCES PRIOR TO PERFORHJNG TIIESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED TOP CIIORO SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACIIEO STKUCTURAL PANELS ANO BOTTOH CHOKU su,u HAVE ,_ PijOPERLY ATTACHED RlGIO CEILING. **IMPORTANT,**FURNJSH A COl•Y or TIIIS DCSIGN TO TIIE INSTAlLAllON CONTRACTOR. ~m BUILOIN? COMPONENTS GROUP, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSlBLE FOR ANY UEVJATION FROH TlllS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSS lff CONfORl:l"NCE lfl,TH TPI: Ok FAOKICATING, IIANULING, SIIJPPING, IHSTI\LUNG & BltACING OF TRUSSES. DESIGN CUNFURHS WlTII APPLIChDLC PRUVJSl(INS, Of NUS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC, BY AF&PA) ANU TPI, ALPINE CONflECTOR PLATES AR£ Hfl.OE Of 20/18/16(,A (W,11/SS/K) ASTH A6SJ (,RADE 40/60 (H, K/11,SS) GALV. STEEL. /\PPLY PLATES TO UCII FAC'E OF TRUSS AND, UNLCSS OTIIERWJSC LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN, f>OSITIOH PER DRAWINGS, 160A-Z. ANY INSPCCTJON Of l'LATES rouoHE6 BY (I) SHALL ,BE PER ANNEX AJ OF TPII-2002 SEC.3. A SEAL OIi TIIJS 'DRAWING I NU I CATES ACCCPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIOlllTY SOLELY roR THE !RUSS COMPONENT ~~~t~~N!ll~~~iGHE/~~/~~!1~i~ ! Ti ~:~. u~~ OF rn,S CONl'ONCNT FOR ANY au ILOING IS TIIE. l!ESPONSl8 IUTY OF Tl![ R=993 U=383 W=3.5" CA/-/1/-/-/R/- TC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 10.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT. LO. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1. 25 SP AC.ING 24.-0" I 4-3-15 t-1-0 E: Scale =.275"LFt. REF R090--725 DATE 06/08/10 DRW CAUSR090 10159011 CA-ENG LVT/CWC SEQN-143810 FROM SGH JREF-1U2G090_Z01 * THIS OWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (L663-/DANNA RESIDENCE --1302 PINE AVE CARLSBA~____:___!G G~LE) Top chord 2x4 DF-L /fl&Bet. (g) Bot chord 2x4 DF-L /P&Bet. (g) Webs 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud(g) 85 mph wind, 15.00 ft mean hgt, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED bldg, Located anywhere in roof, CAT II, EXP C, wind TC DL=6.0 psf, wind BC DL=3.0 psf. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. Connectors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors. Member design & wind reactions based on both MWFRS and C&C. See DWGS A08515050109, GBLLETIN0109, & GABRST050109 for more requirements. Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins: Truss spaced at 24.0" OC designed to support 2-0-0 top chord outlookers. Cladding load shall not exceed 10.00 PSF. Top chord may be notched 1.5" deep X 3.5" wide AT 48" o/c along top edge. CHORD SPACING(IN OC) START(FT) END(FT) BC 75 0.15 23.85 DO NOT OVERCUT. No knots or other lumber defects allowed within 12" of notches. Do not notch in overhang or heel panel. Bottom chord checked for 10.00 psf non-concurrent bottom chord live load applied per CBC-07 section 1607A. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 4X4= I..;: 2' :J 12-0-0 1-<=--------------24-0-0 Over Continuous Support R=174 PLF U=32 PLF W=24-0-0 il=4/-4 PLF Note: All Plates Are 2X4 Except As Shown. Design Crit: CBC2007/TPI-2002(STD) 12-0-0 PLT TYP. Wave FT/RT=20%(0%)/10(0) Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ALPINE ITW Building Components Group, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 **WARNING** TRUSSES REOUJRE EXTREME CARE JN FABR[CATION. HANULING, SIIIPPING. INSTALLING ANU BRACING. REFCR TO BCSI (BUILDING COMPOllENT SAFETY INFORMATION), PUBLJSltED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 218 IIORlll LEE STREET. SUITE 312. AlEX-'NDRl/1, VA, 22314) AND IHCA (WOOD TRUSS COUN'cll or AMERICA, 6300 ENTERPRISE. LANE, Ht\OJSON, HI 53719) FOR S"FETY PftACTICES Pf?IOR TO PERFORMING TIICSE FUNCTIONS. UNLE~S OTHEfl.WlSE INDlCATEO TOP CUOkU SHALL HAVE PkOPrnLY ATTACIIF.:ll SlkUCTUkAL PANELS ANO BOTTOM CHORD Sllo\LL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING, **IMPORTANT**FURNJSH A COl'Y OF TIIIS D[SlGN TO me INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ITII OUILDJHCi COMPONEHTS GROUP, INC. SHALL ~OT BE RESPOHSIOLC FOR A~Y UEVJATION FROH THIS DESIGN: A.NY FAILURE t0 BUllU TUE TRUSS IN CONFOfH1ANCE WITH TPI: Ok FABRICATING, IIANOllNG, SHIPPING, INSTALLING & BkACltlG Of TltU!:.SES. ~~~~~~T~~N:~:~:/!i~ ~~~~ l~~B~~,~:~~!~!0~~. ~:~s~i~} c::~~u~~~/~:;~~ :~,~o ~~. "~,~~~st~A~:~. STHL. ~~r.[~E PLATES TO E.\CII FACE OF TRUSS ANO, UNLESS OTIIER\ff~E LOCATED 01! THIS DESIGN, POSITION PER DRAWINGS l60A•Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATCS FOLLOHED BY (I} SllALL BE PER ANNEX /13 ·or TP11·2OO2 SEC.3, A SEAL OH Tills URAWING INUlCATES ACCEPTANCE Of PROFESSIONAL EHGl~EERIHG RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FO~ TIIE TRUS~ COMPONENT DESIGN s1101-m. THE SUITABILITY ANO USE OF TIits COMPONENT FOR MIY BUILDING IS TIit RESl'ONSIIHLITY OF 1HE llUILOING OESIGIIER l'CR AnsI/TP[ J SEC. 2. ~ 2' :J OTY:2 CA/-/1/-/-/R/- TC LL 20.0 PSF TC DL 10.Q PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LO. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1. 25 SPACING 24.0" I .,_,_:115 ~l-, Scale =.275"/Ft. REF R090--726 DATE 06/08/10 DRW CAUSR090 10159012 CA-ENG LVT/CWC SEON-143816 FROM SGH JREF-1U2G090_Z01 GABLE STUD REINFORCEMENT DETAIL ASCE 7-05: 85 MPH WIND SPEED, 15_' MEAN HEIGHT, ENCLOSED, I = 1.00, EXPOSURE C'' Kzt. = 1.00 ::c: E--< u z i-£1 ,-:i ,-:i <C l) 1--1 E--< (1:: µ.:] :> r£l ,-:i m <£\ CJ 1-.,.1 , ........... , <C ~ '"""' 2X4 ·,.______ BRACE GABLE VERTICAL '-,~ SPACING I SPECIES! GRADE'-....__ Co NO (I) 1X4 "L" BRACE * (I) 2X4 "L" BRACE* 1(2) 2X4 "L'' BRACE•• I (I) 2X6 "L" BRACI!: * 1(2) 2X6 "L" BRACE " BRACES IGROUP A I GROUP BIGROUP AIGROUP BI GROUP A GROUP B GROUP AIGROUP BIGROUP A !GROUP B u 0 ~ (\] l) 0 CD .-I u 0 ~ 02 .-I c:'PFI #l 1 112 ,.) /13 4' Y-l-1' 11" I o· 1" I 9' 4" I 9' 7"· I 11· 2" I 11' 5" I 14· o" I 14· o" I 14· o" I 14· o" 4' 5" I 7' 9" I ,· 9" I 9' 4" I 9' 4" I 11 • 2" I 11 · 2" I H · o" I 14 · o" I 14' o" I 14 · o" STUD HF 4' 5" I 7' 8" I 7· 8'' f 9· 4 .. --,9'4" r-1,· if'-171' 2·· f 14' o··-114' o" I 14· 0" I 14' o" STANDARD I 4' 5~ i --6, 7" I 6' 7" I 8' 9" I 8' 9" I 11· 2'' --1 -}T 2" I 13' 7" I ]3' "(' I 14' 0" I 14' 0" SP fll I 5'TT7· 11" I 5· 6" l 9' 4" I l0'7" l 11' 2··--i--12· o" I 14· o" I 14· o" I 14· o" I 14· o" 112 I .r 11" I 7' 11'' I 8' 6" I 9' 4" f 10· 1" I 11' 2~~0" I 14· o" 1--14· o" I 14· o" I 14· o" DFL STUD 4' 8" ·;' 10" 7· 10" 9' 4" g' 10" ll' 2" 11· g·' 14· o" J.J' o" 14· o·· 14· o" STANDARD 4' 7" 6' 9" 6' 9" 8' 11" 8' 11'' 11' 2" JI' 5" 13' II" 13' ll" 14' o" 1,J' O" //3 I 4· 8" I 7· ti'' I 7' ff"-f 9· 4" · r g· 10" I 11· 2~T1T'9" I 14· o" T-14· o" I 14· o" I 14· o" -, 1 /II / /12 5' 3" 9' O" 9''3" JO' 8" -11'0'' 12' 9-,.--l.3' l" 14' O" I.J.' 0"---14'0"-!.J.' O" ::::iPF1 //3 5· 1" 9' o" 9' o" 10· B" 10· 8" 12· g" 12· 9" 14· o" 14' ·o" 1,r o" 14· o" I STUD 5' l" 9' O" 9' O" 10' 8" 10' 8" 12' 9" 12' 9" 14' O" 14' O" 14' o" 14' O" HF I STANDARD 5· 1" 8' 1" 5· 1" 10· 8" 10· 8" 12· g" 12· 9" 14· o" 14· o" 14· o" 14· o" SP I n2 · 5· 7" g· o" 9· g" -10·_8" 11' 5" 12· 9" 13· 9" 14· ~14· o" 14' o" 1-!' o" I //3 5' 5" 9' o" g· 6" 10· 8" 11 · 3" 12· g" i3' 5" · 14' o" 14' o" 14· o" 14· o" D FL I STUD 5· 5" g· o" g· 5" 10· 8" 11' 3" 12· g" 13· 5" 14· a" 14· a•· 14' o" 14· a" I STANDARD 5' 3" 8' 4" 8' 4" JO' 8" 10' JJ" 12' 9" 13' l" 14' O" 14 0" 14' O" 14' 0" 1J1 I 5· g" I g' o" I 9· g" I 10· 8" I 11' 5'' I 12· 9" I 13· g" .I 14' o" I 1,1· o" I 14· o" I 14' o" c:1 1 #1 / #2 5· 9" g' If" 10' 3" JJ' 9" 12' l" 14' O" 14' 6" 14' O" 14' O" 14' O"-14' O" ,_)PF1 //3 5' 7" g· 11" g· 1r· 11' g" 11· g" 14· o" 14· a" 14· o" 14· o" 14· o" 14· o" I STUD 5' 7" g' 11'' 9: ]]" 11· 9" JI' 9" 14' Q" 14' O" 1-1· o" 14' o" 14' o" 14' o"· HF I STANDARD 5· 7" g· -I" g· 4" 11' g" 11' g'' 14' o" 14' a" 14' o" 1-r o" _ 14· o" 14· o"· SP 1/2 6' 2" 9' 11" JO' g" 11· 9" 12' 8" 14' O" 14' O" 14' O" 14' O" 14' a·· 14' o" -//3 5· 11'' g' 11" 10· 6" 11· 9" 12· 5" 14· o" 14' o" 14' o" 1,J' o" 14' o" 1.-r o" /11 I 6' 4" I g"Tf'--f Io~I 11' g" I 12· 8" Tf4'0·:-11-I' 0" I 14' 6" -114' 0" I 14' 0" I 14' 0" D FL STUD 5· 11" g' -11" 10· 6" , 11 • g" 12· 5" .14· o" 14· o" 74' o" 14· o" 14' o" 14: o" STANDARD 5' g" g' 7" g· 7" 11' g" 12· 1" 14' O" 14' O" 14' o" 14· o" 14' 0" 14' O'' 1J~frH<t I .0 ./ GABLE TRUSS DIAGONAL BRACE OPTION: / _,/ / VERTICAL LENGTH MAY BE DOUBLED WHEN DIAGONAL l ·11 / / BRACE IS USED CONNECT i / \ DIAGONAL BRACE FOR 900# i .•, / AT EACH END. MAX WEB : / i / TOTAL LENGTH IS 14', / i / , /. ,/· : ,-/ 2X4 #3 B;~~E t ** /',,,, ! , ' . ..-OR BETI'ER VERTICAL LENGTH SHOWN : / / DIAGONAL I + Ill 18" * +l - J_ J_n n\n n ~~"-._+ IN TABLE ABOVE. i / BRACE; SINGLE p,(. ,( ./ OR DOUBLE CUT : ,, ' (AS SHOWN) AT ,:· UPPER END, -------._ ; I /, I,.· / .' /toNJINu~us BEARIN9., ' u --U 1,11 /I CONNECT DIAGONAL AT ' ,w, REFER TO CHART ABOVE FOR MAX GABLE VERTICAL LENGTH. MIDPOINT OF VERTICAL WEB. ITW Buikiing Components Group Inc. 0 WARNJNG0 READ AND FOLLOW -AW NOTES ON THIS SHEET1 Trusses require exlreme care m faliricalmg, hondling. shipping. 1nslalllng and braeing. Refer lo and follow BCSI (Building Component so.rely lnformo.lton, by TPI ond WTCA) for so.rely procliecs prior to pcrrorming these runclions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noled otherwise. lop chord .slmll ho.vc properly nttnched slruclurnl pm1els ond bollom chord sholl lu'.IVe o properly allo.ched ngid ceiling Locations shown fo1 permanent laler&I reslrainl of webs shall hove braCing installed per BCSI secllons 83 & 137, See 'llus Job's general notes pogc ror mo1e informallon 0 JMPORTANT.. FURNISH COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ITW B-uildlng Components Group Inc. (ITWBCG) sholl nol be rcSJ)onslble for any devlohon from lllis design, any Jmlure' lo build the truss In conformnr1cc with TPI. or fllbr1colmg, hnndllng. shipping, lnslolling S: BRACING GROUP SPECIES AND GRADE~: GROUP A: SPRllm-PINE-FlR HEM-FIR I / 12 STANDARD 1/2 STUD U3 STUD 1/3 STANDARD DOUGLAS FIR-LAHCIJ I JL3 I STUD I STANDARD I SOUTIIERN PINE I JL3 STUD STANDARD GROUP B: HEM-FIH I HI ~l BT!l I SOUTIIERN PINE DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH I ;; I I ~~ I GABLE TRUSS DETAIL NOTES: LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION CRITERIA IS L/240. PROVIDE IIP.LlF'I' CONNECTIONS FOR 50 PLF OVER CONTINUOUS BEARING (5 PSI' TC DEAD LOAD). GABLE END SUPPORTS LOAD !'ROM 4' O" OUTLOOKERS WITH !!' O" OVERHANG, OR 12" PLYWOOD OVERHANG ATTACH EACII, "L" BHACE WITH I Od NAILS, (0.128",3"min.) * FOR (I) "L" BRACE· SPACE NAILS AT 2'' O.C. IN JO" END ZONES AND 4" 0.C. BETIVEEN ZONES. ** FOR (2) "L" BRACES: SPACE NAILS AT 3" 0 C IN 18" END. ZONES AND 6" O.C BETWEEN ZONES "L" BRACING MUS'I' BE A MINIMUM OF 807. OF WEB MEMBER LENGTH. GABLE VERTICAL PLATE SIZES VERTICAL LENGTH ___ I NO SPLICE LESS THAN ~· O" !JX4 OR 2X3 GREATER THAN 4' 0", BU'!' LESS THAN I!' 6" 2X4 GREATER THAN 1 !' 6" 2.5X•l + REFER TO COMMON TRUSS DESIGN FOR PEAi(. SPLICE, AND HEEL PLATES. REF ASCE:7-05-GA!J8515 DATE 1/1/09 DRWG A08515050109 bracing or trusses ITWBCG connector plates ore mode of Z0/18/16GA (W.H/S/h) ASTM A653 grode 37/40/00 (h/W/H,S} golv. sleel. Applv ploles lo ench face of truss, positioned ns shown nbove ond on Joint Deloils MAX. TOT. LD. 60 PSF Earth Crty, MO 63045 A seol on lh1s drawing or cover pnge 1nd1coles ncceplOnce and profess1onnl cngmccrmg 1cspons1b11tty solely for lhe truss component design shown. 'rhe suilnb11Jly and use of lids component for ony buildmg is the responsibility of the Building Designer pei i\NST/TPI I Sec. 2. 1nv-DCG. ,n\'w.1Lwbcg.com: TPI www.LpinsL.c-om: \YTCA: www.sbcludui::Lrv.com. ·JCC.i www.1cc.safe.org DUR. FAC. ANY MAX. SPACING 24 o" l~ SYM. (i / +) ABOUT I ~-- .. / iJ1 ,~I# ;1fu D' 17\ (+ '-., GABLE DETAIL FOR LET-IN VERTICALS GABLE TRUSS PLATE SIZES REFER TO APPROPRIATE l'l'W GABLE DETAIL l'OR MINl~IUM PLATE SIZES l'OR VERTICAL STUDS. (~ 0 REFER TO ENGINEERED TRUSS DESIGN FOR PEAK. SPLICE. WEB AND HEEL PLATES. 0 IF GABLE VERTICAL PLATES OVERLAP, USE A SINGLE PLATE THAT COVERS TME TOTAL AREA OP THE OVERLAPPED PLATES TO SPAN THE WEB. EXAMPLE. 2X4 bL--------/1F4 J L/ ~ e11> P=. ~, 1/1 \.:.) .,~ 11 IQ,-I -' 0' 8 'D' 'P.J'. 'D 101 ' . ~) PROVIDE CONNECTIONS FOR UPLIFT SPECIFIED ON THE ENGINEERED TRUSS DESIGN, ATTACH EACH "T" REINFORCING MEMBER WITH END DRIVEN NAILS: 10d COMMON (0.148"X 3.",MIN) NAILS AT 4" O.C. PLUS (4) NAILS IN TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD. RIGID SHEATHING TOENAILED NAILS: !Od COMMON (OJ48"x3".MIN) TOENAILS AT 4" 0 C. PLUS (4) TOENAILS !N TOP AND ·BOTTOM CHORD. 'T llEINFO MEM GA TR RCING lER BLE-USS ',. s: ,I NAILS l NAILS SPACED AT 4" o.c. J ~ NAILS CEILING THIS DETAIL TO BE USED WITH THE APPROPRIATE ITW GABLE DETAIL FOR ASCE WIND LOAD. ASCE 7-98 GABLE DETAIL DRAWINGS A13015980109, Al2015980109, AlJ015980109, A10015980109, A!3030980J09, A12030980!09, All030980109, A10030980I09 ASCE 7-02 GABLE DETAIL DRAWINGS A!30!5020109, A12015020!09, AJ1015020!09, A100!5020109, Al-1015020109, Al3030020109, AJ2030020!09, AlJ030020109, Al0030020!09, A!4030020!09 ASCE 7-05 GABLE DETAIL DRAWINGS A!30I5050I09, Al2015050109, A11015050109, A10015050109, A14015050!09, Al3030050109, A12030050109, All030050109, A10030050109, A!4030050!09 SEE APPROPRIATE l'fW GABLE DETAIL FOR MAXIMUM UNREINFORCED GABLE VERTICAL LENGTH, 0 WARNING0 READ AND fOLJ..OW, ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET1 ITr!i!l Trusses require exlremc care in rabricnlmg. handling, shipping. inslallmg and brncmg. Re!er lo ond follow BCSI (Building Comp<;>nenl Safely lnro1 molton, by TPI and WTCA) for safely practices prio1 lo pe1·rormlng these runclions Jnslollers shall provide temporary brocmg per BCSI, Unless noted otherwise, lop chord shall hove properly ollQched slructurnJ panels ond bottom chord sholl have a properly olloched rigid ceiling. Loco.lions sh01m for permonenl lole1 ol reslroinl of webs shnll have brncing ·lnslnlled per BCSI sections B3 & 87. See Lins Job's general notes page for more Information. 0 1MPORTANTu FURNISH COPY OF' TIIJS DESIGN TO INSTALLATION, CONTRACTOR. 111Y Building Components Group Inc, (lTWBCG) shtdl not be responsible for any deviation from lllls de~ign, ?hY follure lo build lite Lruss In conro1 mo.nee with 'fPI, or fp.brlcaling, handling. shipping. 'lnslalllng & brocmg or tru~seS, 11iVBCG connector plales, ale made of 20/l0/l69A {W,H/S/K) ASTM A653 grade 37/40/60 Building Components Group Inc. Earth City, MD 63045 (K/W/H,S) i,:olv. slet?l A1>1J1v ploles lo cmch race of truss. posllloned os shown above and on Joint Dcletls A seal on this drawmg or cover page lndlcolcs occcpl6occ nnd p10CcSsionol engmcr'llng 1cspons1billly ,solely for lhe truss component design shown. The suiloblllly ond use or lh1s component ror ony building Is lhe rcspo11s1b1hly or lhe Building Designer per ANST/TPI I Sec 2. JTW-BCC: \YWW,1lwbcg coin: TPI: www tpinsl com: WTCA. www.sbcmdustl")' com; ICC. 1nvw.lccsafe org "T" REINFORCEMENT ATTACHMENT DETAIL ''T" REINFORCING MEMBER -OR - .,,. REINl'ORCINC: MEMBER TO CONVERT l'ROM "L" TO "T" m:JNFORCING MEMDEl<S, MULTIPLY "T" INCREASE BY LENGTH (BASED ON APPROPRIATE l'l'W GABLE DETAIL). MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE "T" REINl'ORC'ED GABLE VERTICAL LENGTH IS 1-1' l'ROM TOP TO BOTTOM CHORD. WEB LENGTH INCREASE W/ "T" BRACE: -WIND SPEED "r" REINF ''T' AND MRH MBR. SIZE INCREASE 140 MPII 2x4 10 ,; 15 FT 2x6 50 % 140 MPH 2x-! 10 % 30 FT 2x6 50 :-; 130 MPH 2x4 10 % 15 FT 2x6 50 ;, 130 MPH 2x--l 10 :; 30 FT 2xG 50 a;; 120 MPH 2x4 10 % 15 FT 2x6 50 ,; 120 MPH 2x4 JO% 30 FT 2x6 ,10 % l!O MPH 2x4 10 ,; 15 FT 2x6 40 % 110 MPH 2x4 10 :: 30 FT 2x6 50 % 100 MPH 2x4 20 % 15 FT 2x6 30 % 100 MPH 2x4-10 :: 30 F1' 2x6 40 •;, 90 MPII 2x4 20, % 15 FT 2x6 20 % 90 MPH 2x..J 20 % 30 FT 2x6 30 % EXAMPLE: ASCE WIND SPEED = 100 MPH MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FT, Kzt = 1.00 GABLE VERTICAL = 24" 0 .C SP #3 "T" REINFORCING MEMBER SIZE = 2X4 "T" BRACE INCREASE (FROM ABOVE) = 10:; = 1.10 (I) 2X4 "L" BRACE LENGTH = 6' 7" MAXIMUM "•r" REINFORCED GABLE VERTICAL LENGTH 1.10 X 6' "/" " 7' 3" REF LET-IN VERT DATE 1/1/09 DRWG GBLLETJN0109 MA.X TOT. LO. GO PSF OUR FAC. ANY 'MAX SPACING 24 o" ASCE 7-05: EXPOSURE C COMMON RESIDENTIAL GABLE END WIND BRACING REQUIREMENTS STIFFENERS 100 MPH, 30FT. MEAN HGT, ASCE 7-05, CLOSED BLDG, LOCATED ANYWHERE IN ROOF, CAT II, EXP C, H LESS THAN 4'6" -NO STUD BRACING REQUIRED 1-1 GREATER THAN ,f6" TO 7'6" IN LENGTH l,zt. = 1.00, WIND TC DL=5.0 PSF, WIND BC DL=5.0 PSF. PROVIDE A 2X6 STIFFBACE AT MID-HEIGHT AND BRACE STIF'F'BAC'h: LATERAL CHORD BRACING REQUIREMENTS TOP: CONTINUOUS ROOF SHEATHING TO ROOF DIAPHRAGM EVERY 6'0" (SEE DETAIL BELOW OR REFER TO DRAWING Al003005). BOT: CONTINUOUS CEILING DIAPHRAGM H GREATER THAN 7'6" TO 12'0" MAX: SEE ENGINEER'S SEALED DESIGN REFERENCING THIS DETAIL FOR LUMBER, PLATES, AND OTHER INFORMATION NOT SHOWN ON THIS DETAIL. PROVIDE A 2X6 STIFFBACK AT MID-HEIGHT AND BRACE TO ROOF DIAPHRAGM EVERY 4'0" (SEE DETAIL BELOW OR REFER TO DRWG A1003005). NAILS: 10d COMMON (0.148"x3") OR BOX (0.128"x3",MJN) NAILS OR GUN (0.125"X 3.",min) NAILS. ,-, -~' / ", .. ,, ,' / ',/" .-/ . 45° I'-,,. 2X4 BLOCKING NAILED TO SHEATHING AND EACH TRUSS tr _.,.,,;::. / ..... _...-, Jl /. * OPTIONAL 2X L-REINFORCEMENT ATTACHED TO STIFFBACI, WITH l OD BOX OR GUN (0.128" X 3", MIN.) NAILS @ 6" O.C. ... ;<·_,.>\'I . -·/"-~t~ ~ . ,, '· 2X4 STUD, #3 H ~, II II II II II II ~ H/2 OR BETTER DIAGONAL BRACE ATTACH EACH END FOR 560#. * I/ --------L2:,.\ ~ _,,,/ ./ ,,/' / , ,.. ,.,· / / ~ 2X6 #2 STIFFBACK ATTACHED TO EACH STUD W/ (4) 10 D BOX OR GUN (0.123" X 3", MIN.) NAILS. 111!?1 Buik:Ung Components Group Inc. Earth City, MO 63045 0 WARNING0 READ AND FOLLOW AU. NOTES ON THIS SHEET! T1 usscs require e~lrcme cnre 111 JnbrJcii.llng, handling. shipping. mslalling and brocmg. Rerer lo nnd follow OCSI (Building Componenl Safely Information, by TPI and WTCA) for saCely prncllces prior lo performing lhesc funelions. lnslo.llcrs shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, loJ> chord sholl hnve propet ly allachcd slrueluJ al panels and bottom chord shnll have a properly alto.ched rigid ceiling. Locol1ons shown fo1· permoncnl lnlernl 1esllaml of webs sholl have bracing mslalled per ECSI sections 83 &. 07 See lhis 1ob's general notes page for morC information "IMPORTANT" FURNISH COPY or THIS DESIGN TO INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ITW Uualding Components Group Inc. (ITIVBCG) shall no't be responstblc ror ony devmllon from lh1s design, ony rallure lo build lhe truss ln conformance with TPI, or fobrlcalfng, handling, shipping, lnslolllng & brocmg of trusses IT1YBCG cotmcclor ploles o.re mude of 20/18/16CA (W,H/S/K) ASTM A653 erode 37/,IO/GO (K/W/H,S) galv. steel. Apply platC?s lo eo.ch (ace or ll-uss. pos1Uoned os sho\•n above and on Jolnl Delo.Us "A seol on this drewlng or cover po.gc indicnle$ acceptance and pl'ofesslonnl engineering rcsponsib111ly $Olely for lhe truss component design shown. The smlcb11ily and use of lhis component for any building Is lhe respons1b1hly of the Building Designer per ANST/TPI f Sec. 2. ITW-BCG: www Jlwbcg.com: TPI: www.lplnsl com: WTCA. www.sbcmduslry.com: ICC• www 1ccsnfc-.01 g / / /. _/tO~TINU~US B~ARIN9/ C LL BC LL TOT. LD. DUR F'AC. / MAX SPACING PSF' REF' GE WHALER PSF' DATE 1/1/09 PSF' DRWG GABRST050109 PSF' PSF' 2..J" VALL.~FILL .DETAIL THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. 'THIS DETAIL SHOWS TYPICAL VALLEY FILL FRAMING THAT WILL DISTRIBUTE ALL LOADS EQUALLY TO THE·TRUSSES BELOW . . ALL CONNECTIONS AND LUMBER USED FOR THE FRAMING' ARE TO j BE DESIGNED BY OTHERS. . . - ! ND ADDITIONAL LOADING IS REQUIRED ON THE TRUSSES BELOW * SEE ALP-I NE DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN OF TRUSSES BELOW. \ PROVIDED THAT THE LOADS ON THE VALLEY FRAMING ARE EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED TO THE TRUSSES BELOW BY USE OF CRIPPLES AS I SPECIFIED. NOTE, PLYWOOD SHEATHING IS REQUIRED BELOW THE VALLEY FILL TO BRACE THE TOP CHORD OF THE TRUSSES AND TO DISTRIBUTE THE LOADING. (Al POST FROM RIDGE TO PURLIN OR TRUSS. (Bl POST FROM RAFTER/RIDGE TO BEARING, GABLE, OR GIRDER . .._. (Cl POST FROM RAFTER TO PURLIN OR TRUSS .. ·-:··\ . II ' .11 A A .. Mlf. BETWEEN CRIPPLES 1, !("'<.__ __ TRUSSES (~') 1, p 4-0-0 MAX, BETWEEN CRIPPLES. VALLEY RAFTERS VALLEY RIDGE ·lX:6~ 0~1.(IDOF SHEATHING ~~~ PLT TYP. Wave TPI-.95 . ~-D~siqn Criteria_:_IPI •mmG~G•~EFguJgElrI:~-~~f~::;rn~ g::AC~1tt0~Jt1:~iiNGJH~~DiJtiisHi~I:~r:;i INg:~g»;Lt:~ IHST_ITUTE,. 583 D 'ONOFRIO "OR., SUITE 200, .MAO I SOIi.-HI, 53719), FOR SAFETY··PRACTICES PRIOR, TO PERFORMING, THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERHISE -IHDICATEO, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED PLYWOOD SHEATH I HG .!i~up~w:~Tt!NELiuR:fi"J°f i~~:Oof"tr\-is Hmr:~ ~~p::t \~{fc~:;I;:~tiwWNtr ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. SHALL HOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO BUILD·THE'TRUSSES Ill CONFORMANCE 'WITH TPI: OR FABRICATING, IIAIIDLING. SHIPPING, INSTALLING ANO.,. bRACING OF' TRUSSES, THIS· D.ESIGII COIIFORMS 'WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIOIIS OF !IDS (NATIOkAL OESIGII SPECIFICATION PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN. FORE'ST AHO PAPER ASSOCIATIOII) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTORS. ARE HADE OF 20GA. ASTM A6~3 GR40. GALV. STEEL, EXCEPT AS NOTED. Ar PL'( CONNECTORS TO EACH FACE ,OF-· TRUSS, AHO UNLESS OTIIERWI~E-LOC,ATEO OIi TIIIS DESIGII. POSITION CONNECTORS PER DRAWinGS 160, A-z: . THE' SEAL OH THIS DRAHIIIG INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING pme ngmeer,e ~o uots, o. . COMPONENT" FOR ANY PARTICULAR B~iLDING IS TNE RESPONSiBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. PER Al •. E ., dP · d . Jn · 1 RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COHPONEIIT DESIGII SIIOHN. THE SUITABILITY AIIO USE OF THIS Sacramento, CA958;!8 ·AIISI/TPI. 1-1995 SECTION,,2. . ... - SECTION A-A· ~IIIIA~-, i. --~-=---; .. "-"'···----~II:;. ~-- A B ··:: .. t·· .. Sctl_e =.125"_/Ft. REF. R090 -14554 DATE 07/19/99 DRW 3.045,927 CA-ENG / SEQN -20538 JACK SPAN DETAIL \./l.5X3 ~ ,........---. lml\ll., \./1.5X3 BOTTOM CHORD I __...,--__...,--~ BOTTOM CHORD MAXIMUM CLEAR SPAN I I I MAXIMUM CLEAR SPAN 2-8-0 MQX, 2-8-0 MQX, '<:j- X N MAXIMUM CLEAR SPAN TCLL/TCDL/BCDL 20/20/10 30/10/5 30/15/5 16/10/5 16/15/5 30/10/15 30/15/5 DF-L #2 8-2-0 7,-5-0 7-0-0 8-3-0 7-9-0 7-4-0 7-0-0 DF-L tf1 8-5-0 7-11-0 7-5-0 8-5-0 7-11-0 7-6-0 7-1-0 DF-L #1&Bet. 8-8-0 8-1-0 7-8-0 8-7-0 8-0-0 7-7-0 7-3-0 DF-L SS 8-9-0 8-5-0 8-0-0 8-8-0 8-2-0 7-9-0 7-4-0 PITCH < 4:12 PITCH ~ 4:12 ••VARNINGU TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING, REFER TD HIB-91 <HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING), PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 583 D'ONDFRID DR .. SUITE eoo, MADISON, 1,11, 53719) FOR SAFETY ·PRACTICES PRIOR TD PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS, UNLESS OTHERVISE INDICATED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROl'ERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAl PANELS .AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING, . . ""----I ""IMPORTANT•• FURNISH COPY •OF THIS DESIGN TO INST ALLA TIDN CONTRACTOR, ALPINE ENGINEERED ~'s:==::::::::i, PRODUCTS, INC, SHAlL NOT BE RESPDNS!Bt:E FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN, ANY FAILURE TD BUILD THE TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE VITH TPI1 DR FAJlRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING· II. BRACING Of" TRUSSES, DESIGN CONFORMS. VITH APPLICABLE PROVJS!ONS OF NDS (NATIONAL DESIGN. SPEC, BY AFII.PAl. AND TPI, ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE Of" l!0/18/16 GA,CV,H/S/K) ASTM A653 GR40/60 CV,K/H,S) GALV, STEEL, APPLY PLATES TD EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND, . ,<\IPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA ~~~m ~6trn~gf B1v°~f{~tAI/I 1flSP~isl~~e:f0ffif,N /i,~\Efto~I1it 13~AAZSE!~y oWS{Ji~TIDN OF DRAVING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROf"ESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHO,.,N, THE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER, PER ANSI/TPI l SEC, 2. DEFLECTION CRITERIAJ TOP CHORD: L/180 LIVE L/120 TOTAL BOTTOM CHORD: DURATION FACTORJ L/240 ~IVE L/180 TOTAL 1,25 IF TCLL < 20 1,15 IF TCLL ~ 20 CONVENTIONAL FRAMING IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TRUSS DESIGNER, PLATE MANUFACTURER OR TRUSS FABRICATOR. PERSONS ERECTING TRUSSES ARE CAUTIONED TO SEEK ADVICE FROM A LOCAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. THIS DRAWING REPLACES DRAWING CD101 DUR. FAC. SPACING FOR !REF I LOADING !DATE 7/15/98 j DRWG CD101 REV SEE ABOVE (#) 24" oc CA-ENq. CWC-TSB REV 10/01/03 LUMBER DF-L #2 DF-L #1 DF-L #1&Bet. DF-L SS DF-L 1650f-1.4E DF-L 1800f-1.6E DF-L 2100f-1.8E DF~L 2400f-.1.7E 1 1/2' (Min) L_ r- (P) L_ 1;;- (MClX) 12 18' (Min) HIP JACK STACKED 16/7 8-8-0 9-0-0 9-7-0 9-9-0 9-0-0 9-4'-0 9-8-0 9-6-0 TCLL/0.L 16/14 16/18 20/7 20/14 7-11-0 7-7-0 8-3-0 7-7-0 8-3-0 7-11-0 8-6-0 7-11-0 8-9-0 8-4-0 9-1-0 8-4-0 9-5-0 9-0-0 9-3-0 9-0-0 8-6-0 · 8-2-0 8-T-o 8-2-0 8-9-0 8-4-0 8-10-0 8-4-0 .9-2-0 8-10-0 9-1-0 8-10-0 9-6-0 9-3-0 9-0-0 9-0-0 MAX. SETBACK(***) (P) VERTICAL TIE PLATE SHALL . HAVE 1 1/2" MIN. BITE ON RAFTE:R AND 1/2" MAX. GAP TO SEA'!' CUT. 20/20 7-2-0 7-6-0 7-11-0 8-7-0 7-8-0 7-11-0 8-4-0 8-9-0 12 (*)I \24' oc (ty) SPAN VARIES WITH SETBACK OVER 2 Sl:JPPDRTS RAFTER DETAIL (2x4 OVER 2x4) (***) SPANS BASED ON L/240 LIVE AND L/180 TOTAL ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION (*) PITCH SHOWN IS THE PITCH OF CORNER SET. 2/12(min) to 12/12(max) CONVENTIONAL FRAMING IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TRUSS DESIGNER, PLATE MANUFACTURER OR TRUSS FABRICATOR. PERSONS E;RECTING TRUSSES ARE CAUTIONED TO SEEK ADVICE FROM A LOCAL PROFESSIONAI,. ENGINEER. ------SHIM SOLID TD BEARING 2X4 PLATE CANTILEVER 2-0-0 MClX 2X.6 BLOCK PITCH(*) PLATE(A) 2 (2)3X14 3 (2)3X1 0 4 3X12 5 3X12 6 3X9 7to8 3X7 9to10 3X7 11to 12 3X6 3X4 PLATE OVER SUPPORT 2X8 BLOCK 2X10 BLOCK \.l=l 1/2'(Mi(l) l'HIS DRA.WING REPLACES DRAWING CD113 nW ARNING•• TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN F' ABRICATING. HANDLING, SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND BRACING, REFER TO HIB-91 <HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING>, PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS P.LATE: INSTITUTE, 583 D'ONOFR!a DR. SUITE 200, MADISON. \II, 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS, UNLESS OTHER\IISE: INDICATED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND ·BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING, \ . I ~Nm~~~~~~T~Rob8@~~~~Ni.cg~xL~F'NJP1ie:D~~~~~N~~Brne: F~s~~~L~WM1~~T}~~1°~HI:LPINE: '"======3 DESIGNI ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSSES IN CONrORMANCE \IITH TPIJ OR FABRICATING, ALPlNE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS SACRAYENTO, CALIFORNIA HANDLING; SHIPPING; INSTALLING AND BRACING OF TRUSSES, DESIGN CONFORMS ',/ITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NDS (NATIONAL DESIGN· SPECIFICATION PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN FOREST AND PAPER ASSrJCIATION> AND TPI, ALPINE .CONNECTORS ARE MADE OF 20GA ASTM A653 GR~O GALV, STEEL EXCEPT AS NOTED, APPLY CONNECTORS TD EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE: LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION CONNECTORS PER DRAWINGS 160 A-:Z, THE SEAL ON THIS DRA'JING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE ·or PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITT SOLELY FOR THE -TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHO'JN, THE SUITABILITY AND use:· OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR BUILDING IS THE RE:SPONSIBIL1TJ OF' THE BUILDING_ DE:SIGN~P.ER _Af!SI/JPI 1-1995 SECTION 2, FOR LOADING SEE ABOVE DUR. FAG. 1.25 REF DATE 01/30/03 DRWG CD1i3 REV CA-ENG TSB/CWC REV. 10/01/03 CALIFORNIA HIP PER·MANENT BRACING DETAIL PERMANENT BRACING START OF TOP CHORD EXTENSIQNS. (SLOPING TO FLAT) START OF TOP CHORD EXTENSIONS. (SLOPING TO FLAT) CRIPPLE SUPPORT LAYOUT SETBACK SETBACK ~ D-L~*·J I I I I IHIP RAFTERS I I· \ I I -/ !'\_ -I I -\ -/ ,-I I .. = y 1,: = I ---I / " . / -------"-I I/ I'-. ' . -r ,MMON USSES T 1.ALIFORNIA HIP YSTEM TRUSSES A A *SE;i BAC~ =b? / 1:N. l A ~I<iS "-I .... ~ -... _L #1HIP ROOF SHEATHING. / I .. 1=1-· I"-.. II'-. PITCHED AND SHEATHED PERMANENT DIAGONALS FORM BRACED BAY. REPEAT AT ALL HIP ENDS, MAXIMUM INTERVAL EQUALS 20', (NOTE: THE 1ST BAY OF PERMANENT DIAGONALS FORMING BRACED BAY AT THE #1 lilP CAN BE EXCLUDED WHEN ALL OF THE FOILOWING CONDrrIONS ARE :MET: 1) THE CONTINUOUS TOP CHORD PURLINS ARE ATTACHED TO THE FLA.T TOP CHORD OF THE Ill HIP. 2) THE END JACKS ARE SHEATHED 1Y1TH o -CRIPPLE (C), SUPPORT LOCATIONS. CHORD AREA. SUPPORTS lillCTENDED ¥EMBERS TO FLAT TOP CHORD (4' O.C, CRIPPLE SPACING SHOWN,) CONNECT CRIPPLE TO FLAT TOP CHORD AND EXTEND TOP CHORD, USING: · (2) Bd COMMOllf (0.131"X 2.5",MIN) TOE NAILS OR . . . PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANE!S.) ' (!:l) 10d COMMON (0.148''.X 3.",MIN) NAILS THROUGH FACE. Refer to detail BRCALHIPCRP for maximum allowable job loading and cripple length. SECTION A-A OR BUILT-IN CRIPPLES IN PLANE OF TRUSSES COMMON CHORD E)CTENSION -(TYPICAL) SECTION B-B BUILT-IN CRIPPLES OR ~ FIELD CRIPPLE SPACING REFER TO" ORIGINAL DRAWING FOR CRIPPLE SPACING. ~ \ SETBACK * ~-::::: =. ·11. -Ji ,-; . 1:. i-, ii . • '·'' ·= ;:~ lh..~ I ::.>Z:1 HIP GIBDER {B) PURLINS SPACED 24"0.C. TYP. (CONTINUOUS 2X4) NOTE: CONVENTIONAL FRAMING AND/OR CRIPPLES ARE NOT ·THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TRUSS DESrGNER PLATE MANUFACTURER NOR TRUSS FABRICATOR. PERSONS ERECTiN'G THE TRUSSES ARE ' CAUTIONED TO SEEK .ADVICE OF A LOCAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGARDING CONVENTIONAL FRAMING. . (C) CRIPPLES SPACED 48" O.C. TYP. (D) BUILT-IN FILL CRIPPLES _(HORIZONTAL MEMBER OPTIONAL) * NOTE: SEE ORIGINAL DESIGN FOR SETBACK, LUMBER, PLATING, LO.A.DING AND DURATION FACTOR REQUIRED. ITl!i!J Bulldln~ Components Group Inc. Earth City, MO 63045 wr,UUQHa .. 11UD .lllll rownr JLL Haris OH Tlllll :mum 't'ruu .. nqulra a:xtnm• a.an ht fabrlaa.Uq, handll.q, Jhlpplna, lmtallln« and braolq. Ra.far 1.o and follOll" ,1 ~c:.c=~~i::::.;.s= ~~n::'t::p~ TPtb:~.l. W&:.af'J~::-:a't: ~:rwil.'t!% lh.n ban prapulr al.taab•d. aUU.atunl jluu1l• :rl' baLtom .!:a. aha1l ban 11. prapnly a.lb.aluld. iial4 aallliq:. Lon.Uoua ahmm for p.mummt. l&t.enl roatralnt. or w1ba, llhall ban bracln,: lmlall1d pcir.JIC91 HOllDDI ~ ~ 'B't. :JH lh1I Job'II ,llllllral DDWI 1'11• far mora ln!1:1rmaUon. "IIIPOm'.llfl'< lUltHISll COPr or TIIJll D1:31GII '!O IIISTALL.\'!101! CDNTIWffiJIL ~ r.tf~ioeoi:1Ji°fn!: =pblin~Ji;::i.~ 'Wr. ~r 1i:=~/~an8fil'n;,~~;~~d"acatan, .,braotna ol lxu>,ou, 1T1!DCO,ao1lllaalor:pl&lo• en made a! 20/1B/1Bta (lr,11/3/1[) AS'!ll.llltl3 arade 57/~0/Q l~!f~J ~-dr1:~ lfl1lo~t;~i_o S:~:~l::'a::.=a»:n'lu;~~.~o:!i".!J!~~::O~t~~·=, for thia bua c:ompo11.nt. d11idp llhcnrn. Th• l"dlla'hWly and UH of lh1a companmt.-for llDT, bulldJDI 11 tha rr?-°Jica~~jf,,~;.::.!!~Jr:~=.t;r~~:~-~~~cindW1h7,1Jom; 'JCC: ,nnrJccn.r,.ora; -,--- * * * PSF REF CALIF: BRACE PSF DATE 1/1/09 PSF DRWG BRCALHIP010EI PSF PS F CORNER SET FRAMING PLAN RAFTER CONNECTION DETAIL A DOUG FIR -LARCH ~ f COMPOUND CUT BLOCK 'rOP VIEW TCLL 16 TCDL 7 TCLL 16 ~ TCDL 14 z TCLL 1"6 0 <( TCDL 18 0 TCLL ,20 _J · TCDL 20 MAX .R DETAIL 8 DETAIL A NOTES: MAX SPAN MEASURED --,,,-I --1l+l-~fFTER FROM FACE OF SUPPORT TO FACE OF OF SUPPORT. BEARING WALL REFER TO ENGINEER'S SEALED DRAWING REFERENCING THIS DETAIL FOR DESIGN OF RAFTER AND CONVENTIONAL FRAMING. JACK TYP~ SINGLE CUT DOUBLE CUT 9-8-13 11-2-1 13-0-8 12-9-6 11-2-1 14-1-9 7-5-9 8-6-12 10-0-0 9-9-9 · 8-6-12 10-10-0 6-7-0 7-6-11 8-9-14 8-7-12 7-6-11 9-6-11 5-7-3 6-5-1 7-6-0 7-4-3 6-5-1 8-1-8 224 257 300 294 257 325 12d COM 16d BOX 16d COM 12d COM 16d BOX 16d COM 0.148x3.25 0.135x3.50 0.162x3.50 0.148x3.25. 0.135x3.50 · 0.162x3.50 NAIL TYPE(2 EACH, typ.) •IKIJARNINGu TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME: CARE: IN FAJIRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING, RE:FER TO HIB-91 (HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING>, PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 583 D'ONOFRIO DR. SUITE 200, MADISON, WI, 53719) FOR SAFE:TY PRACTICE:S PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS, UNLESS OTHERIJISE INDICATED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANE:LS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING, ·••IMPORTANT•• f'URNISH ·COPY ar THIS ·DE:SIGN TO INSTALLATION CONTRAC'TOR, ALPINE ENGINE:ERED PRODUCTS, INC, SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE: f'OR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN, ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE 1,/JTH TPIJ OR FADRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING L BRACING OF TRUSSES. DESIGN CONFORMS \,/ITH APPLICAJILE PROVISIONS or NDS (NATIONAL ~~¥~Gi6~E1lR}i,:~Lr~tff> 1flr. J.Lni~;,7°Nr~~~Rp[kNPr&RfAmDf Aft 8tt~~\6s 6:Nh~'H/S/K) z ~ U1 x <( ~ ALPlllE ENGUIEERED' PRODUCTS SACRAllENTO; CALIFORNIA UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN, POSITION PER DRAIJINGS !60A-Z. ANY INSPECTION OF' PLATES FOLLOWED BY (I) SHALL BE •PER ANNEX A3 or TPI 1-2002 SE:C, 3, A· SE:AL ON THIS DRAIJING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE ar PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RE:SPONSIBIL!H SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHO\,/N. THE: SUITAlllLITY AND USE OF' THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY l!U!LDING IS THE RESPDNS!Jl!LITY CF THE JIU!LDING DESIGNER, PER ANSI/TP! '1 SE:C, 2, ~ ·) BLOCK BOTTOM. VIEW 2x4x12" BLOCK #1 HIP SLOPING TOP CHORD #1 HIP FLAT TOP CHORD * ATTACH BLOCK TO UNDERSIDE OF HIP RAFTER USING (3) 16d SINKERS THRU BLOCK INTO HIP RAFTER. SHIM BEVELED BLOCK SOLID BEJWEEN RAFTER & #1 HIP FLAT TOP CHORD. S!NGLE CUT JACK DETAIL S ·TOP VIEW PSF DATE DOUBLE CUT JACK 3,Q52°1699A PSF DRWG EXTTCCON0903 PSF CA-ENG CWC-TSB ------AS ABOVE ~ ~ .-.s~ ·• DUR. FACTOR 1.25 SPACTI'1'G 241' OC max CLE 'WEB ·BRACE SUBSTITUTION THIS DETAIL IS TO BE-USED '\'/HEN CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING (CLB) IS SPECIFIED ON A TRUSS DESIGN BUT .AN ALTERNATIVE "WEB BRACING METHOD IS DESIRED. NOTES: THIS DETAIL IS ONLY APPLICABLE FOR CHANGWG THE SPECIFIED CLB SHOWN ON SINGLE PLY SEALED DESIGNS. TO T-BRACING OR SCAB BR,A.CING. . ALTERNATIVE BRACING SPECIFIED IN CHART BELOW 11:A.Y BE CONSERVATIVE. FOR .:MINJ.MUM ALTERNATIVE BRACING, 'RE-RUN DESIGN WITH APPROPRIATE BRACING. . . "WEB 'llEMBER SPECIFIED CLB ALTERNATIVE-BRACING ,:· ·: 'SIZEl" r BRACING TOR L-,-BRACE SCAB BRACE 2X3 OR 2X4 . 1 ROW·. 2X4 1-2X4 }~ -P~-_ _2,x1 .. ~-.... _. ? ROWS 2X6 2-2X4 ;; l·'12X6 \'-! 1 ROW . :· .~4 1-2X6 :, ,.; _:2X6 . , .. 2 RO:WS . 2X6 2-2X4(*) . :2X6 ... 1·ROW 2X6 1-2xa .. 2X6 '• 2 ROWS 2X6 2-2X6(*) ... ·-:. •. ·. T-BRACE, L-BRACE .AND ·SCAB BRACE TO BE SAME SPECIES .AND GRADE OR BETI'ER THAN WEB MEMBER UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON ENGINE~'S. SEALED DESIGN. . . (*) CENTER SC.AB ON :wIDE FACE OF WEB. APPLY (1) SC.AB TO EACH li'ACE OF WEB. "ll'JJUIIHG,. JIIWJ !ND J'OWIT AU. H<m:S OH TIIIS lllllDll1 . • T-BRACING OR 1-BRACING:· APPLY TO EITHER SIDE OF "WEB NARROW FACE. ATTACH WITH 10d BOX OR GUN (0,128"x 3.",MIN) NAILS. AT 8" O.C. BRACE IS A MINIMUM 80% OF 1'/EB MEMBER LENGTH SC.AB BRACING: APPLY SC.AB(S) TO WIDE .FACE OF WEB. NO MORE THAN (1). SCAB · PER FACE::. ATTACH WITH 10d···BOX. OR GUN . . (0;128"x 3.";MIN-) NAILS. AT 6" o.c. BRACE IS A M1NIMUM 807. OF "WEB MEMBER LENGTH Trw11i• requlr• n;\Nm• aara J.n. fabriaaUDi, hatuWnr, lhlppln1, .tmtalllu,r u.d br&mJll. Jle[U' la and lallff BCSI ~ldldlq Oompau•nt. Sal•b' la.farm.Uau, by 'l'Pl aa.d 'l'ICl) tar •alal7 praaUcu ~o'r ta p.rfan:nlq lhn• funaUam. hiltallan aha1l prnida,lu:i.por:( bn.c:ln&J!r-BC9L. -Ull11u nobd a\huwll•,, lap ehard. =:.•~t~=T .:=..~: ~ri!aur:t 11kt!'.i ~=~f W•~ = :;;; :r=•:.~t:t;!/:'Jx HaUou ll:11, ac B?. s .. Lhll Jab'• 1.a.tnl :a.a~• pSi1 far man lntonm.Uau. "IIO'DJn'lH'l"" rommm: C1lPr ar TIIIS Dm!CH TO l!IST.IL!.l'l10!! C1lH1'1l.1.C1'0!1. T-BRACE OR L-BRACE ,, T-BRACE L..:BRACE .... -:~ .• .. .-__ .. .-r/:}} .... ···· SCAB BRACE PSF REF CLB Stp=lST. PSF DATE 1/1/09 PSF DRWG BRCLBSUB0109 PSF ITW BuTidlng Components Gniup Inc. =-r.N:ala~n~~ -=:p1nla:J~:?1~ ';\_ ~r ~.fri::11'~, 1h~~n,Li=i!.~d~llpl, bra...,. of truacu. mmcG •• .., .. 1or plat.a ..,.-DUUI• ol 20/1ll/1ft!LI. (W',11/B/J() mK AlJG3 ar•d• 'Sr/~0/01 ~·-,_;;-;;;---:-. PSF Eallh Clly, MD.63045 l~~ ·ct· lk~!rnc ,,1~a~~qi: i:.~:.t::·.::.=. i:1J1;~i'.:;ia:!i~::m-:~=.1:fur;=,. tar th• truN camponmt. 41.tp ·.imm. Th• IIUlt.ahWL7 anil UH of lh1I campanem.t. far anr bulldlni b: th• rupoiuolbWlT •I lh• Dulldlnr u,.s.,. .. por .lllm'/'rPI'l Seo. a. . . ltl'-DCG: "llri",ltwbo1.aam: TFl:-innr.lPlnilt.CClm: 'i'ICJ.: 10nr.1bclnduah7,aom; ICC: innrJcc111Ia,or,1 ~ il ~ @ g IB~ GENERAL NOTES NOTAS GENERALE$ Trusses are not marked in any way to identify the frequency or location of temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing. Follow the recommendations for handling, installing and temporary restraining and bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI -Gulde to Good Practice for Handling Installing, Restraining & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Icu=*** for more detailed information. Los trusses no estan marcados de ningun mo,lo que ident,fique la frecu~ncla o I/Jca/izaci6n de restricc/6Q lateral y arriostre diagonal tempora/~s. Use las recomend,aciones de manejo, instalaci6n, restricci6n y arriostre temporal de los trusses. Vea el fol/eto SCSI Gufa de Buena Practica para el Mane,;q Instatici6n REstricci6n y Arriostre de tos Trusses de Madera conectados con Placas de Metal*** para informaci6n mas detallada. Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of permanent lateral restraint or reinforcement for individual truss members. Refer to the BCSI· 83*** for more information, All other permanent bracing design is the responsibility of the building designer. Los dibujos de diseiio de los trusses pueden especificar las locallzaciones de restricci6n lateral permanente o refuerzo en /os miembros individuales def ·truss. \tea la hoja resumen !JCSI·B3*** para mas informacion: El resto de /os diseiios de arriostres permanentes-son la responsabllidad def disefiador def ed1ficio. £ WARNING! The consequences of Improper handling, erecting, installing, restraining and bracing can result in a collapse of the structure, or worse, serious personal injury or death. iADVERTENCIA! El resu/tado de un manejo, levantamlento, lnsta/ad6n, restricci6n y arrisotre incorrecto puede ser la cafda de la estructura o aun peor, heridos o muertos. A ~ll!Jiill@li'/li 13?ndlng and truss plates have sharp edges. Wear gloves when handling and safety glasses when cutting banding. ~ Chapas de metal tienen bordes afilados. Lleve guantes y /entes protectores cuando corte las ataduras. m~ HANDLING~ MANE30 •tft•)i@j a.void lateral bending. A @)J]ffi@li'/li Use special care in windy weather or near power lines and airports. Evite la f/exi6n lateral. lft•)i@jThe contractor is responsible for properly receiving, unloading and storing the trusses at the jobsite. Unload trusses to smooth surface to prevent.damage. El contratista tiene la responsabilidad de 0 Use proper rig- ging and hoisting equipment. recibir, descargar y a/macenar adecuadamente los trusses en la obra. Descargue /os trusses en la tierra liso para prevenir el dafio. 0 Trusses may be unloaded directly on the ground at the time of delivery or stored temporarily in contact with the ground after delivery. If trusses (S) are to be stored horizontally for more than one week, place blocking of sufficient height beneath the stack of trusses at 8' (2.4 m) to 10' (3 m) on-center (o.c.). Los trusses pueden ser descargados directamente en el sue/o en aquel momenta de entrega o almacenados tempora/mente en contacto con el suelo despues de entrega. Si /os trusses estaran guardados horlzontalmente para mas de una semana, ponga bloqueando de a/tura suficiente detras de la pi/a de los trusses a 8 hasta 10 pies en centro ( o.c.). 0 For trusses stored for more than one week, cover bundles to protect from the environment. Para trusses guardados por mas de una semana, (S) cubra /os paquetes para proteger/os de/ ambiente. Refer to BCSI*** for more detailed information pertaining to handling and jobsite storage of trusses. Vea el fo//eto BCSI*** para informaci6n mas detaf- lada sobre el manejo y almacenado de los trusses en area de trabajo. DO NOT store unbraced bundles upright. DO NOT store on uneven ground. tKfc!f!!fii&MiJIJ Utilice cuidado especiat en dfas ventosos o cerca de cables electricos o de aeropuertos. Use equipo apropiado para levantar e : improvlsar. NOalmacene vertica/mente los• trusses sue/tos. NO almacene en tierra desigual. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRUSS BUNDLES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR PAQUETES DE TRUSSES (S) DON'T overload the crane. NO sobrecargue la grua. (S) NEVER use banding to lift a bundle. NUNCA use las ataduras para levantar un paquete. 0 A single lift point may be used for bundles with trusses up to 45'·(13.7 m). Two lift points may be used for bundles with trusses up to 60' (18.3 m). Use at least 3 lift points for bundles with trusses greater than 60' (18.3 m). Puede usar un solo /ugar de /evantar para paquetes de trusses hasta 45 pies. Puede usar dos puntos de /evantar para paquetes mas de 60 pies. Use por lo menos tres puntos de /evantar para paquetes mas de 60 pies. A WARNING! Do not over load supporting structure with truss-bundle. iADVERTENCIA! No sobrecargue la estructura apoyada con el paquete de trusses. 0 Place truss bundles In stable position. Puse paquetes de trusses en una posici6n estable. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS OF SINGLE TRUSSES BY HAND RECOMMENDACCIONES DE LEVANTAMIENTO DE TRUSSES INDIVIDUALES PORLAMANO 0 Trusses 20' (6.1 m) or less, ·support at peak. Soporte def pico los trusses de 20pieso menos. rz=:r I+ Truss~s up to 20' + I iu (6.1 m) Trusses hasta 20 pies Trusses 30' (9.1 m) or less, support at quarter points. Soportede /oscuartos de tramo /os trusses de 30. pies o menos. I+ Trusses up to 30' +I (9.1 m) Trusses hasta 30 pies HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SINGLE TRUSSES RECOMENDACIONES PARA LEVANTAR TRUSSES INDIVIDUALES 0 Hold each truss In position with the erection equipment until top chord temporary lateral restraint is installed and the truss is fastened to the bearing poinj:s. Sostenga-cada truss en posici6n con equ/po de grua hasta que la restricci6n lateral temporal de la cuerda superior este lnsta/ado y ei truss esta asegurado en /os soportes. •8•ii@j 1 Jsing a single pick-point at the peak can damage the truss. El uso de un solo /ugar en el pico para /evantar puede hacer dafio al truss. "' ~ Tagline I ~ Spreader bar 1/2 to ~1 I r--213 truss length TRUSSES UP TO 60' (18,3 m) -- TRUSSES HASTA 60 PIES Tagline I Spreader bar 2/3 to ._ 3/4 truss length Attach 10' o.c, 1--1R~~~~~: ;~;=~ ~~~~:~:;~is mt.._ TEMPORARY RESTRAINT & BRACING RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE TEMPORAL •t't•ii@j Refer to BCSI-82*** for more information. 0 Vea el resumen BCSI-82*** para mas infor- maci6n. Locate ground braces for first truss directly in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral restraint (see table in the next column). Coloque /os arriostres de tierra para el primer truss directamente en lfnea con cada una de las fl/as de restrlcc/6n lateral temporal de la cuerda superior (vea la tabla en la pr6xima columna). @ (S) DO NOT walk on unbraced trusses. NO camine en trusses sue/tos. Brace first truss ~ securely before erection of additional trusses. ~·-~~®?~·· ~~~©~~~ IBfb STEPS TO SETTING TRUSSES LAS MEDIDAS DE LA INSTALACION DE LOS TRUSSES 0 1) Install ground bracing. 2) Set first truss and attach securely to ground bracing. 3) Set next 4 trusses with short member temporary lateral restraint (see below). 4) Install top choM diagonal bracing (see below). 5) Install web member plane diagonal bracing to stabilize the first five trusses (see below). 6) Install bottom chord temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing (see below). 7) Repeat process on groups of four trusses until all trusses are set. 1) Instate los arriostres de tierra. 2) Instale el primero truss y ate seguramente al arriostre de tierra. 3) Instate los pr6ximos 4 trusses con restr/cci6n lateral temporal de miembro corto (vea abajo). 4) Instale el arriostre diagonal de la cuerda superior (vea abajo). 5) Instate arriostre diagonal para los pianos de las miembros secundarios para establ!ice los primeros cinco trusses (vea abajo). 6) Instate la restricci6n lateral temporal y arriostre diagonal para la cuerda inferior (vea abajo). 7) Repita este procedimiento en grupos de cuatro trusses hasta que todos los trusses esten insta/ados. ·. •N•it@j 'l.efer to BCSI·B2*** for more information. 1 Vea el resumen BCSI-82*** para mas informac(6n. RESTRAINT /BRACING FOR ALL PLANES OF TRUSSES RESTRICCION/ARRIOSTRE PARA TODOS PLANOS DE TRUSSES 0 This restraint & bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses (PCTs). See top of next column for temporary restraint and bracing of PCTs. Este metodo de restricci6n y arriostre es para todo trusses excepto trusses de cuerdas para/e/as (PCTs) 3x2 y 4x2. Vea la parte superior de la co/umna para la restricci6n y arriostre temporal de PCTs. 1) TOP CHORD -CUERDA SUPERIOR •·-~r'nw ,..~~.,...~(J'CTUt)Sflijelng -. _ .,An1Nw..........,•11c.,.~ Upto 30' 10' (3 m) o.c. max. (9.1 m) 30' (9.1 m)-8' (2.4 m) o.c. max. 45' (13.7 m) 45' (13.7 m) -6' (1.8 m) o.c. max. 60' (18.3 m) 60' (18.3 m) -4' (1.2 m) o.c. max. 80' (24.4 m)* •Consult a Registered Design Professional for trusses longer than 60' (18.3 m). *Consulte a un Professional Reg/strado de Disefio para trusses mas de60ples. @ See BCSI·B2*** for TCTLR options. Vea el BCSI-~2*** para1as opciones de TCTLR. •tft-Ji@j Refer to BCSI-83*** for Gable End Frame re- straint/bracing/ reinforcement information. Para informaci6n sobre restric- ci6n/arriostre/refuerzo para • Armazones Hastia/es vea el resumen BCSI-83*** Note: Ground bracing not shown for clarity. 2) WEB MEMBER PLANE -PLANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS it1t•ii@i LATERAL RESTRAINT & DIAGONAL BRACING ARE VERY IMPORTANT iLA RESTRICCION LATERAL YEL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL SONMUY IMPORT ANTES! Repita las arri- sotres diagonales para cada grupo de 4 trusses, Note: Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. ,<\l~=~ ....... c-s,;:.--.1',. max . RESTRAINT & BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES RESTRICCION Y ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3X2 Y 4X2 @•Ji@=I R.efer to BCSI-87*** for more information. Vea el resumen BCSI·B7*** para mas informaci6n. Diagonal br?cing Repeat diagonal bracing every 15·truss spaces 30' ~~-1 m) *Top chord temporary lateral restraint spacing shall be 10' (3 m) o.c. max. for 3x2 chords and 15' (4.6 m) o.c. for 4x2 chords. INSTALLING -INSTALACION Out-of..Pi11n• 0 Tolerances for Out-of-Plane. Tolerancias para Fuera-de-Plano. EL th -Max.Bow ":·:.~------L ... L £ ~Ac:,v H: ~~Max.Bow Le~gth 0 Tolerances for Out-of-Plumb. ~ t 0 Plumb /line Tolerancias para Fuera-de-Plomada. D/50 max, -~l 1---, CONSTRUCTION LOADING CARGA DE CONSTRUCCION (S) DO NOT proceed with construction until all lateral Ollt-of-Plillilb D/50 D (ft.) Max.Bow Truss Length 3/4'' 12.5' f19mm\ 13.8ml 7/8" 14.6' r22mm1 14.5ml 1" rJ.~·:, (25mm) 1-1/8" 18.8' f29mm\ 15.7m\ 1-1/4" 20,8' f32mm\ 16.3ml 1-3/8" 22.9' f35mm\ (7.0ml 1-1/2" 25.0' (38mm) <7.6m\ 1-3/4" ,:i·~, f45mm\ 2" ~33.3' 151 mm\ 110.1 ml restraint and bracing is securely and properly in place. Maximum Stack_""9ht NO proceda con la construccf6n hasta que todas las restric- ciones /atera/es y /os arriostres esten co/ocados en forma apropiada y segura. for Material on T- DO NOT exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCSI·B4*** for more information. NO exceda las a/twas maximas de mont6n. Vea el resumen BCSI-84*** para mas informaci6n. Ne®:ie, (S) DO NOT overload small groups or single trusses. NO sobrecargue pequefios grupos o trusses individua/es. (S) NEVER.stack materials near a peak or at mid-span. NUNCA amontone los materia/es cerca de un pico. 0 Place loads over as many trusses as possible. Coloque las cargas sobre tantos trusses coma sea posible. 0 Position loads over load bearing walls. Coloque las cargas sabre las paredes soportantes. ALTERATIONS -ALTERACIONES •4-Ji@j D<!fer to BCSI-85.*** Vea el resumen BCSI-85. *** Material Height Gypsum Board 12"(305 mm) ,Plywood or OSB 16"(406mm) Asphalt Shingles 2 bundles Concrete Block 8"(203 mm) Claylile 3-4 bles high ~ <S> DO NOT cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless specifically permitted by the truss design drawing. NO carte, altere o perfore ningun miembro estructural de un truss, a menos que este especfficamente permitido en el dibujo def disefio def truss. ~ •#•ii@j T,usses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Manufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. Trusses que se han sobrecargado durante la construcci6n o han sido alterados sin la autorizaci6n previa def Fabricante de Trusses, pueden hacer nulo y sin efecto la garantfa limitada def Fabri- cante de Trusses. ···contact the Component Manufacturer for more lnfonnation or consult a Registered Design Professional tcft: assistance. To view a non-printing PDF of this document, visit www sbdodustrv com/bl. NOTE: The truss manufacturer and truss designer rely on the presumption that the contractor and crane operator (If applicable) are professlonals with the capability to undertake the work they have agreecMo do on any given project. If the contractor belletes at needs assistance In some aspect of the construction project, 1t should seek assistance from a competent party. The methods and pi-ocedures outlined m this document are intended to ensure that the overall construction techniques employed will put the trusses into pla;:~ SAFELY. These recommendations for handllng, lnsta!Hng, restralnmg and bracing trusses are based upon the collectlve expenence of leading personnel Involved with truss design/ manufacture and 1nstallabon, but must, due to the nature of responslbllltles Involved, be presented only as a GUIDE for use by a qualified bulldlng designer or contractor. It Is not Intended that these recommendations be mterpreted as superior to the bulldfng designer's design specification for handllng, lnstall!ng, restramlng and bracing trusses and it does not preclude the use of other equivalent methods for restraining/bracing and provtdmg stability for the walls, columns, floors, roofs and all the interrelated structural bulldmg components as determined by the contractor. Thus, WfCA and TPI expressly d1sclalm any respons1b1hty for damages arising from the use, apphcabon, or reliance on the recommendations and Information contained herein. •• REPf!ESENTlNGffi[ffl!l!CtURAl BUllDINGCOMPONENTSIN0USTR'I' 6300 Enterpnse Lane • Madison, WI 53719 608/274-4849 • www.sbclndustry.com ~ TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 218 N. Lee St., Ste. 312 • Alexandria, VA 22314 703/683-1010 • www.tp1nst.org ._ _________________ _.._ __ ..,._ ___________ ftlW&RNlJ.~12.0.8.,RB.2~ RI;-\ fn'i~~~ Ii\ n IX@J!jj ~ [§;@ fMj ~ @:[i fl1!fm1jj ~ ~ &1 ~ ~ ~ t7 ~ ffil ~ ~ ~l1/ LSI.AS U LS~ ~cmf.tJ([Jy<fil)~(j)JX§f[@JJ ~~~~ /;(ilJ'~~~r (!JJ) ~ ~c[Jy~ " • -------_..._ -~ ;# ~~ -~--~ ------------------- • Geotechnical • Geologic • Coastal • Environmental 5741 Palmer Way·. Carlsbad, California 92010 • {760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 • www.geosoilsinc.com iVlr. and Mr$. Armando panna c/o Brooks Design P.O. Box 1041 Carlsbad, California 92018 September 29, 201 O Attention: Mr. Brooks Worthing W.O. 6064-A1-SC .Subject: Geotechnical Review of Foundation Plans, . Danna Residence, 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California Dear Mr. Worthing: In accordance with the request -and authorization of Mr. and Mrs. Armando Danna, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) has performed a geotechnical review of the ptoject foundation plans, notes, and details prepared by Brooks Design (201 O [sea the Appendix]) for the planned two-story residence and one-story detached garage atthe-subject site. The purpose of our review·was to evaluate if the foundation plans properly incorporqte the recommendations provided in GSI (2010}, as required by EsGil Corporation (2010}. GSl's scope of services ·included a review of Brooks Design {2010), E$Gil Corporation (201-0), and (3S1 (2010)., email correspondence_ witf:l Brooks Design (project architectural consultant), engineering/geologic analysis of data, and the preparation of this sumrnary review letter. Recommendations contained in GSI (201 O}, which are-not specifically superceded by this review,-should be properly incorporated into the design and construction phases of site ·development. . Based on our review, the foundation plans, and corresponding notes and details shown on Brooks Design (201 O), appear to be in generf;:ll accordance with the recommendations provided in 'GSI (201 O}, from a geotechnica:I standpoint, with the following comments: • In addition to GSI (2010), this review letter should be referenced on Brooks Design (2010). GSI also recommends that this review letter be included in the bid documents .. · • GSI djd not see a statement on Brooks Design (201 O) regarding the design bearing capacity of the foundation as required in Comments No. 10 of EsGil (2010). As inc!icated on p. 18 of (GSI, 201 O}, an al.lowable bearing value of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used for the design of footings that maintain a minimum width of 12 inches and a minimum depth of 12 inches which are founded into proper,y engineered fill. This value may be increased by 20 percent for each . additional 12 inches in footing depth to-a maximum value of 2,500 psf. An allowable bearing value of 2,000 psf may be used for the design of footings that maintain a minimum width of 12 inches and a minimum depth of 12 inches which are founded into unweathered terrace deposits. These values niay be increased by one-third t • ' ; • I ~ . when considering short duration seismic or wind loads. Isolated pad footings should have a minimum dimension of at least 24 inches square and a minimum embedment of 24 inches into properly engineered fill or unweathered terrace deposits. Foundation embedment excludes any lanc:Jscaped zone, topsoil/colluvium, weathered terrace deposits, concrete slabs-on-grade, and/or slab underlayment. GSI recommends that the project structural engineer include the design bearing capacity of the foundation on Brooks o·esign (2010). • Provided that the above comments are properly incorporated into Brooks Design {201 O), and that GSI is provided with a revised plan set that contains the above recommendations, no further review is deemed necessary. However, should any major revisions pertaining to the planned building loads, foundation layout, footing dimensions, etc. be made to Brooks Design (2010), GSI recommends that such revisions be reviewed by this office prior to construction. Ba$ec;f on 01,.1r review of ~my significant plan revisions, GSI may recc;>r:nmend additional analysis. LIMITATIONS . ' ' The conclusions andrecommendations presented herein are professional opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty is express or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their inaction; or work performed when GSI .is not requested to be onsite, to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly implemented. Use of tl:lis report constitutes an agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above, notwithstanding any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may be subject to review by the controlling authorities. Thus, this report brings to completion our scope of services for this portion of the project. Mr. ancfMrs. Armando Danna 1302Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a1 .gro GeoSoils, · lne. · · W.o. sds4~A1=sc September 29, 2()1 O : Page2 The opportunity to. be of service is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of the undersigned. GeoSoils, Inc. RB/DWS/JPF/jh Attachment: Appendix -References Distribution: (2)-Addressee (wet signed) {1) Mr; and Mrs. Armando Danna (via email) Mr. and Mrs. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a1 .gro CeoSc,ils, In~~ W.O. 6064-A1-SC September 29, 2010 Page3 I J ~ ,J. ., ~ APPENDIX REFERENCES ACI Committee 318,2008, Building ·code requirements for structural concrete (ACl318-08} and commentary, dated January ACI Committee 302,2004, Guide for concrete floor and slab construction,.AC130.2.1 R-04, dated June. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1998, Standard practice for installation of ' ' . . water vapor retarder used in contact with earth or granular fill under concrete slabs, Designation: E 1643-98 (Reapproved 2005). , 1997, Standard specification for plastic water vapor retarders used in contact with .,.....,...,---. soil or granular fill under concrete slabs, Designation: E 1745-97 (Reapproved 2004). Brooks Design, 2010, Danna residence, Sheets 1, 2A, 3, and frof 8, Scale: 1 inch = 20 feet and ¼-inch = 1 foot, revision (Delta 2} dated.August 5. California Building Standards Commission, 2007, California Building Code . . EsGil Corporation, 2010, Danna residence, 1302 Pine Avenue, City of Carlsbad, Plan Check No. 100695, dated July 28. GeoSoils, Inc., 201 o, Preliminary geotechnical investigation, 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, W.O. 6064-A-SC, dated June 8. Kanare, Howard, M., 2005, Concrete floors and moisture,. Engineering Bulletin 119, Portland Cement Association. Geo$oils, Inc, t' I :' ,_ '-. ,, ' '· f. },, ~ -i .. l L ! I t_ ~--v f ,-,, ' F ; .l'. \' . ]. i', -. \ f '; I ,( ,· ', '.J ,1.,, \' \_ . ' I• ·'· '. l PRELiMlf,!ARY-<'.iEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION' . iaoiiPINEAVENUE, CARl-SBAt>: ,,· -SAN DIEGO COUNW, CAtlFORNiA . \,; ,,. t 'c -,,·.:, '! j ' -.' ' • • ' ' : ', ' , ,' . . , ~ , ·FOR MR. ARMANDO DANNA 1302 PINE AVENUE ~GARLSBAD; CALlFORN.IA 9200~ . ~ ' . w.o. 6064.-A-SC JUNE 8, ~'01 o . -. ~ ,_. I _I ', .. : -.-1 ... ~) ' '-. ,, ' -.;. .: ,. ' ' f ? i l l ~ •: ( t f l t { ll ,, l { I-} J . 1; l ., f } ~ i l I t l i i I i I ; ~ I ' ,, ,:-' i ' l • Geotechnical •Geologic• Coastal• Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad, California 92010 • (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 • www.geosoilsinc.com June 8, 2010 W.O. 6064-A-SC Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California Dear Mr. Danna: In accordance with your request, GeoSoils, Inc. (GSI) has performed a preliminary geotechnical investigation of the subject site with respect to the proposed residential construction. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the onsite soils and geologic conditions and their effects on the proposed site development from a geotechnical viewpoint. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Based on our review of the available data (see Appendix A), field exploration, laboratory testing, and geologic and engineering analysis, the proposed development of the property appears to be feasible from a geotechnical viewpoint, provided the recommendations presented in the text of this report are properly incorporated into the design and construction of the project. The most significant elements of this study are summarized below: • • Based on a review of the site plan prepared by Brooks Design, Inc. (201 O; see Appendix A), it is our understanding that proposed site development will consist of removing the existing residence andasphaltic concrete driveway, and preparing the site for the construction of a new two-story single-family residence, a detached single-story garage, and associated surface improvements. We further understand that the proposed residential structure will incorporate raised wood floors. Whereas, the detached garage will utilize a concrete slab-on-grade floor. Soils considered unsuitable for the support of settlement-sensitive improvements and/or engineered fill include undocumented artificial fill, Quaternary-age colluvium (topsoil), and weathered Quaternary-age terrace deposits. Unweathered Quaternary-age terrace deposits are considered appropriate for the support of • • • • • settlement-sensitive improvements and/or engineered fill in their existing state. Based oh the available data, the thickness of unsuitable soils across the site is anticipated to range between approximately 2½ and 4 feet. Footings for raised wood floors would need to completely penetrate these unsuitable soils. All vegetation and/or deleterious materials should be removed from the site and properly disposed of where they are located within the influence of new · settlement-sensitive improvement$ and/or planned fills. Undocumented artificial fill, Quaternary-age colluvium, and weathered terrace deposits should be removed to expose suitable, unweathered terrace deposits. The removed soils may be reused as engineered fill provided that major concentrations of vegetation and/or debris have been removed prior to placement. ltshould be noted thatthe2007 California Building Code {[CBC], California Building Standards Commission [CBSC], 2007) indicates that removals of unsuitable soils be performed across all areas under the purview of the grading permit, not just within the influence of the residential structure and garage. Relatively deep removals may also necessitate a special zone of consideration on perimeter/confining areas. This zone would be approximately equal to the depth of removals, if removals cannot be performed offsite. Thus, any settlement-sensitive improvements {walls, flatwork, etc.), constructed within this zone· may require deepened foundations, reinforcement, etc., or will retain some potential for settlement and associated distress. The presence ofexisting, offsite improvements may limit remedial earthwork along property boundaries. Should unmitigated soils remain within the property boundaries at the conclusion of grading, the potential for settlement-sensitive improvements, constructed within the influence of these soils, to experience settlement-associated distress should be anticipated and be properly disclosed to all interested/affected parties. Temporary excavations greater than 4 feet butless than 20 feet in overall height should conform to CAL-OSHA and/or OSHA requirements for Type "B" soils. Temporary construction slopes, up to a maximum height of ±20 feet, may be excavated at a 1 :1 {horizontal to vertical [h:v]) gradient, or flatter, provided groundwater is not present. All temporary excavations should be observed by a licensed engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer prior to worker entry. The expansion potential of tested onsite soils is generally very low (Expansion Index [E.I.] 0 to 20) with a plasticity index less than 15. On a preliminary basis, conventional-type foundations may be used for the onsite soil conditions. Final recommendations for foundation design and construction will be provided at the conclusion ·of site earthwork. Soil pH, saturated resistivity, and soluble sulfate, and chloride testing, performed by Prime Testing, Inc., indicates that the site soils are mildly alkaline with respect to soil acidity/alkalinity, are corrosive to ferrous metals when saturated, possess Mr. Armando Danna File:wp12\6000\6064a.pgi W.O. 6064-A-SC Page Two GeoSoils, Ine. ! l I j j I t l I I ! I ! • • • •· • negligible {"not applicable") sulfate exposure to concrete (per Table 4.2.1 of ACI 318-08), and are considered an external source of chlorides. Reinforced concrete mix design should conform to "Exposure Class C1" in Table 4.3.1 of ACI 318-08. Additional comments and recommendations should be obtained from a qualified corrosion engineer. Regional groundwater was not encountered during our field exploration and is not expected to be a major factor during construction of the proposed improvements. Regional groundwater is anticipated to generally be coincident with Mean Sea Level (MSL). However, due to the nature of the site materials, seepage and/or perched groundwater conditions may develop throughout the site in the fut.ure, both during and subsequent to development, especially along boundaries of contrasting permeabilities {i.e., clayey and sandy fill lifts, fill/terrace deposit contacts, joints/fractures, discontinuities, etc.), and should be anticipated. This potential should be disclosed to all interested/ affected parties. Thus, more onerous slab design is necessary for any new slab-on-grade floor (State of California, 2010). Recommendations for reducing the amount of water and/or water vapor through slab-on..,grade floors are provided in the "Soil Moisture Considerations" sections of this report. It should be notedthatthese recommendations should be implemented if the transmission of water or water vapor through the slab is undesirable. Should these mitigative measures not be implemented, then the potential for water or vapor to pass through the foundations and slabs and resultant distress cannot be precluded, and would need to be disclosed. to all interested/affected parties. Our evaluation indicates that the site currently has a low potential for liquefaction, due to the relatively dense nature of the Quaternary-age terrace deposits that underlie the site at a shallow depth and the depth to the regional water table below existing grade: Our liquefaction evaluation considers that low-density surficial soils will be removed and re-compacted and/or foundations will bear on unweathered terrace deposits. The seismic acceleration values and design parameters provided herein should be · considered during the design of the proposed development. The adverse effects of seismic shaking on the structure(s) will likely be wall cracks, some foundation/slab distress, and some seismic settlement. However, it is anticipated that the structure will be repairable in the event of the design seismic event. This potential should be disclosed to all interested/affected parties. Our evaluation indicates there are no known active faults crossing the site. In addition, other than strong seismic shaking produced from an earthquake on a nearby active fault, other geologic hazards have a low potential to affect the proposed site development. Adverse geologic features that would preclude project feasibility were not encountered. Mr. Armando Danna Flle:wp12\6000\6064a.pgi W.O. 6064-A-SC Page Three GeoSoils, Inc. I ! ! I I t I I • The recommendations presented in this report should be incorporated into the design and construction considerations of the project. The opportunity to be of service is greatly appreciated. !f you have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, GeoSoils, Inc. RB/JPF/DWS/jh. Distribution: (4) Addressee Mr. Armando panna File:wp12\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 6064-A-SC Page Four i { i 'l I l l ' 1 1 i ) } l 1 ' l. r } l TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE OF SERVICES ................................................... 1 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ......................... 1 SITE EXPLORATION .... , ................................................. 3 REGIONAL GEOLOGY ................................................... 3 SITE GEOLOGIC UNITS .................................................. 3 Artificial Fill -Undocumented (Map Symbol -Afu) ........................ 3 Quaternary-age Colluvium (Not Mapped) ............................... 5 Quaternary-age Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol -Qt) ..................... 5 GEOLOGiC STRUCTURE ................................................. 5 GROUNDWATER ........................................................ 5 LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY ............................................. 6 FAULTING AND REGIONAL SEISMICITY ..................................... 6 Regional Faults .................................................... 6 Local Faulting ...................................................... 8 Seismicity ................ , ....................................... 8 Seismic Shaking Parameters ................. , ....................... 9 Seismic Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL ............................................. 10 SLOPE STABILITY .................. : .................................... 11 LABORATORY TESTING ................................................. 11 General ......................................................... 11 Classification ..... , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Moisture-Density Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Expansion Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Particle -Size Analysis ........ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Saturated Resistivity, pH, and Soluble Sulfates ......................... 12 PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................... 12 EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................... 14 General ........ _ .................... , ............................ 14 Demolition/Grubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Remedial Removals (Removal of Potentially Compressible Surficial Materials) 15 Overexcavation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Temporary Slopes ................................................ 16 GeoSoils, lne. I I r f I l j i' I l l ! I 1 \ < f I l Engineered Fill Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Excavation Observation (All Excavations) .............................. 16 PRELIMINARY FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS .......................... 17 General ......................................................... 17 Foundation Design .............. , . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Foundation Settlement ................... _ .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Footing Surcharges ................................. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Expansion Classification -Very Low (E.L o to 20) ........................ 19 CORROSION .......................................................... 20 SOIL MOISTURE CONSIDERATIONS ...................................... 20 WALL DESIGN PARAMETERS ............ : ........... , ................... 22 Conventional Retaining Walls ....................................... 22 Restrained Walls ...................................... _. ..... 22 Cantilevered Walls ........................................... 22 Seismic Surcharge for Retaining Walls ................................ 23 Retaining Wall Backfill and Drainage .................................. 23 Wall/Retaining Wall Footing Transitions ............................... 27 DRIVEWAY, FLATWORK, AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS ....................... 27 DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA . · .............................................. 30 Diainage ........................................................ 30 Erosion Control ................................................... 30 Landscape Maintenance ........................................... 30 Gutters and Downspouts ........................................... 31 Subsurface and Surface Water ...................................... 31 Site Improvements ................................................ 31 Tile Flooring ........•............................................. 32 Additional Grading ................................................ 32 Footing Trench Excavation ......................................... 32 Trenching/Temporary Construction Backcuts .......................... 32 Utility Trench Backfill ................................................ 33 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATION AND TESlING .................................. .-....................... 33 OTHER DESIGN PROFESSIONALS/CONSULTANTS .......................... 34 PLAN REVIEW ......................................................... 35 Mr. Armando Danna · File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. Table of Contents Page ii [ ts l f } ' I 1 f I l LIMITATIONS .......................................................... 35 FIGURES: Figure 1 -Site. Location Map ......................................... 2 Figure 2 -Boring Location Map ....................................... 4 Figure 3 -California Fault Map .... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Detail 1 -Typical Retaining Wall Backfill and Drainage Detail .............. 24 · Detail 2 -Retaining Wall Backfill and Subdrain Detail Geotextile Drain ....... 25 Detail 3 -Retaining Wall and Subdrain Detail Clean Sand Backfill ........... 26 ATTACHMENTS: Appendix A -References ................................... Rear of Text Appendix B -Boring Logs .... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear of Text Appendix C -EQFAULT, EQSEARGH,. and FRISKSP ............. Rear of Text Appendix D -Laboratory Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear of Text Appendix E-General Earthwork, Grading Guidelines, and Pr~liminary Criteria .. " . . ................... : . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear of Text Mr. Armando Danna File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Inc. Table of Contents Page iii PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION 1302 PINE AVENUE, CARLSBAD SAN DIEGO COUNTY CALIFORNIA SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of our services has included the following: 1. Review of the available geologic literature for the site (see Appendix A). 2. Geologic site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration with five exploratory hand-auger borings (see Appendix B), sampling, and mapping. 3. General areal seismicity evaluation (see Appendix C). 4. Appropriate laboratory testing of representative soil samples (Appendix D). 5. Engineering and geologic analysis of data collected. 6. Preparation of this report. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The site is located at 1302 Pine Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California (see Figure 1, Site Location Map). The property is bounded by Pine Avenue to the south and by existing residential development to the remaining quadrants. The site is relatively level to gentle northwesterly sloping with slope gradients on the order of 2.6: 1 (horizontal:vertical [h:v]) or flatter. Overall topographic relief across the site is approximately 5 to 6 feet. Site drainage appears to be controlled by sheet flow run off directed toward the northwest. Existing lot improvements include a one-story residential structure, a woodeh fence and gate, and an asphaltic concrete driveway. Site vegetation consists of grasses, weeds, shrubs and sparse to locally abundant trees. Based on a review of the Site Plan prepared by Brooks Design, Inc. (2010), proposed site development includes removing the existing improvements and preparing the site for the construction of a new two-story single-family residence, a new detached two-car garage, and a new concrete driveway. It is our understanding that the new residential and garage structures will utilize raised-wood and concrete slab-on-grade floors, respectively. As such, no grading is planned for the residential structure. However, minor cut and fill grading appears necessary for the garage and driveway construction. No grading plans are available for GSI review at this time. However, maximum cuts and fills are anticipated to be approximately 3 feet or less. No significant cut and/or fill slopes are anticipated at this time. GSI anticipates that the proposed structures will include wood framing and that the associated building loads will be typical for this type of relatively light residential construction. Sewage disposal will likely be tied into the municipal system. The need for import soils is unknown at this time. GeoSoils, lne. ---------------- Base Map: TOPO!® ©2003 National Geographic, U.S.G.S San Luis Rey Quadrangle, California --San Diego Co., 7.5 Minute, dated 1997, current, 1999. l _____ .......,_.._ Base Map: The Thomas Guide, San Diego Co., Street Guide and Directory, 2005 Edition, by Thomas Bros. Maps, page 1106. Reproduced with permission granted by Thomas Bros. Maps This map is copyrighted by Thomas Bros. Maps. It is unlawful to copy or reproduce all or any part thereof, whether for personal use or resale, without permission. All rights reserved. N w.o. 6064-A-SC SITE LOCATION MAP Figure 1 SITE EXPLORATION Surface observations and subsurface ~Xplorations were performed during May, 201 o, by a representative of this office. A survey of line and grade for the subject site was not conducted by this firm at the time of our site reconnaissance. Near-surface soil and geologic conditions were. explored with .five hand-auger borings within the site. The approximate locations of each exploratory boring are shown on the Boring Location Map (see Figure 2). Logs of the borings are presented in Appendix B. REGIONAL GEOLOGY The subject property is located within a prominent natural geomorphic province in southwestern California known as the Peninsular Ranges. It is characterized by steep, elongated mountain ranges and valleys thattrend northwesterly. The mountain ranges are underlain by basement rocks consisting of pre-Cretaceous metasedimentary rocks, Jurassic metavolcanic rocks, and Cretaceous plutonic rocks of the southern California batholith. In the San Diego County region, deposition occurred during the Cretaceous Period and Cenozoic Era in the continental margin of a forearc basin. Sediments, derived from Cretaceous-age plutonic rocks and Jurassic-age volcanic tocks, were deposited into the narrow, steep, coastal plain and continental margin of the basin. These rocks·have been uplifted, eroded, and deeply incised. During early Pleistocene time, a broad coastal plain was developed. Durir:1g mid-to late-Pleistocene time, this plain was uplifted, eroded, and incised. Alluvial deposits have since filled the lower valleys, and young marine sediments are currently being deposited/eroded within coastal and beach areas. Regional mapping by Tan and Kennedy (2005) indicate that the site is underlain by Quaternary-age old paralic deposits (terrace deposits). SITE GEOLOGIC UNITS The site geologic units encountered during our subsurface investigation and site reconnaissance included undocumented artificial fill, colluvium/topsoil, and Quaternary-age terrace deposits (weathered and unweathered). The earth materials are generally described below from the youngest to the oldest. The distribution of these materials across the site is shown on Figure 2. Artificial Fill -Undocumented (Map Symbol -Afu) A discontinuous, thin veneer of undocumented artificial fill was encountered locally throughout the site .. Its occurrence is likely coincident with the construction of the existing site improvements. The undocumented fill consisted of a dark brown sand with minor silt and a gray gravelly sand. The fill was generally dry to moist and loose to dense. The Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:~:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page3 ..__ .... ,_....,.. , ... -~ ----""'"'---"" __.. ... _ .....__ ----, HA-4 I r11·---{e.f--~~~! ,, I i '"\l m,t ___ l ~I :Z I . I i-i 120. ~~-,.~--r<-,-,..-r:.-_..L ~ • I 8 20· T +t ~Nlls1Jil.,9-, ~- Bose mop -Provided by client ,,_.J Afu Qt -----HA-5 • --·7·--~ -.;:------;,--------------..;_7_ ... ~,. ._..,,,,,,,,,."¼'>-_ _,--., .. -.:-.-· • .._._.., ____ ,r,,,_,.-..----~If! ........ ~- '\ LEGEND Artificial Fill -Undocumented Quaternary terrace deposits ( circled where buried) Approximate location of geologic contact Approximate location of exploratory hand auger boring N ~ GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 JO 20 40 J" = ?O' ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROX/MA TE This document or efile is not a part of the Construction Documents and should not be relied upon as being an accurate depiction of design G~1-Lc. ~~· RIVERSIDE CO. ORANGE CO. SAN DIEGO CO. BORING LOCATION MAP Fiaure2 W.O. 6064-A-SC DATE: 06/10 SCALE: 1" = 20' thickness of the undocumented fill was on the order of ¼ to 3 feet thick where encountered. The undocumented fill is considered unsuitable to support the proposed settlement-sensitive improvements and/or planned fill in its existing state. Removal and recompaction of these materials is recommended where settlement-sensitive improvements and/or planned fill will occur within its influence. Quaternary-age Colluvium (Not Mapped) Quaternary-age colluvium (topsoil) was encountered atthe surface in Hand Auger Borings HA-2 and HA-5. The colluvium generally con~isted of a dark brownish gray to dark brown sand with minor silt. The colluvium was dry to damp and loose. In general, the thickness of the colluvium was on the order of 1 ½ feet These colluvium soils are considered potentially compressible in their existing state and therefore should be removed and recompacted, if settlement-sensitive improvements and/or planned fill are proposed within their influence. Quaternary-age Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol -Qt) Quaternary-age terrace deposits were encountered underlying the undocumented fill and colluvium in all of the hand-auger borings. Where weathered, the terrace deposits typically consisted of a brownish gray, reddish brown, brown, and dark brownish gray sand with minor silt. The weathered terrace deposits were generally damp to moist and loose to medium dense.· Unweathered terrace deposits generally consisted of a yellowish red, gray, light yellowish red, grayish brown, and light reddish yellow silty sand. The unweathered terrace deposits were moist and dense to very dense. Locally, the unweathered terrace deposits exhibited moderate cementation. Weathered terrace deposits are considered potentially compressible in their existing state and therefore should be removed and recompacted if settlement-sensitive improvements and/or planned fills are proposed within their influence. The thickness of the weathered terrace deposits was on the order of 1 foot to more than 2 feet. Unweathered terrace deposits are considered suitable for the support of settlement-sensitive improvements and/or planned fill in their existing state. GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE Regionally, the terrace deposits arethickly bedded to massive. Bedding is typically weakly developed and sub-horizontal. GROUNDWATER Regional groundwater was not encountered_ during our field exploration and is hot expected to be a major factor during construction of the proposed improvements. Regional groundwater is anticipated to gen~rally be coincident with MSL. However, due Mr. Armando· Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Pages to the nature of the site materials, seepage and/or perched groundwater conditions may develop throughout the site in the future, both during and subsequent to development, especially along boundaries of contrasting permeabilities (i.e., sandy/clayey fill lifts, fill/terrace deposits contacts, bedding, joints/fractures, discontinuities, etc.), and should be anticipated. This potential should be disclosed to all interested/affe-cted parties. Thus, more onerous slab design is necessary for any new slab-on-grade floor (State of California, 2010). Recommendations for reducing the amount of water and/or water vapor through slab-on-grade floors are provided in the "Soil Moisture Considerations" sections of this report. It should be noted that these recommendations should be implemented if the transmission of water or water vapor through the slab is undesirable. Should these mitigative measures not be implemented, then the potential for water or vapor to pass through the foundations and slabs and resultant distress cannot be precluded, and would need to be disclosed to all interested/affected parties. LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY According to regional landslide susceptibility mapping by Tan and Giffen (1995), the site is located within landslide susceptibility Area 3-1 which is characterized as being 11generally susceptible11 to l;:i.ndsliding. However, given the site's relative location to ascending or descending slopes, its gentle relief, the absence of adverse geologic structure, and dense nature of the underlying terrace deposits, the potential for laridslidesto affect the propose~ site development is considered low. FAULTING AND REGIONAL SEISMICITY Regional Faults Our review indicates that there are no known active faults crossing this site, and the site is not within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone (Bryant and Hart, 2007). However, the site is situated in an area of active faulting. These include, but are not limited to: the San Andreas fault; the San Jacinto fault; the Elsinore fault; the Coronado Bank fault zone; and the Newport-Inglewood -Rose Canyon fault zone (NIRCFZ). Portions of the nearby NIRCFZ are located in an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone (Bryant and Hart, 2007). The location of these, and other major faults relative to the site, are indicated on Figure 3 (California Fault Map). The possibility of ground acceleration, or shaking at the site, may be considered as approximately similar to the southern California region as a whole. Major active fault zones that may have a significant affect on the site, should they experience activity, are listed in Appendix C (modified from Blake, 2000a). Mr. Armando Danna . 1302 Pine Avenue; Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi · GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page6 CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP DANNA 1100 -.--"---------------------~ 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 · 0 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 . W.O. 6064-A-SC. Figure 3 GeoSoil$, Ine. Local Faulting No local faulting was observed to transect the site during the field investigation. Additionally, a review of regional geologic maps does not indicate the presence of local faults crossing the site. Seismicity The acceleration-attenuation relation of Bozorgnia, Campbell, and Niazi {1999)has been incorporated into EQFAULT {Blake, 2000a). EQFAUL Tis a computer program developed by Thomas F. Blake (2000a), which performs deterministic seismic hazard analyses using digitized California faults as earthquake sources. The program estimates the closest distance between each fault and a given site. If a fault isfound to be within a user-selected radius, the program estimates peak horizontal ground acceleration that may occur at the site from an upper bound ("maximum credible") earthquake on that fault. Site acceleration (g) was· computed by one user-selected acceleration-attenuation relation that is contained in EQFAULT. Based on the EQFAULT program, a peak horizontal ground acceleration from an upper bound event at the site may be on the order of 0.58 g, The computer printouts of .pertinent portions of the EQFAUL T program are included within Appendix C. Historical site seismicity was evaluated with the acceleration-attenuation relation of Bozorgnia, Campbell, and Niazi (1999), and the computer.program EQSEARCH (Blake, 2000b). This program performs a search of the historical. earthquake records for magnitude 5.0 to 9.0 seismic events within a 100-kilometer radius, between the years 1800 through December 2009. Based on the selected acceleration-attenuation relationship, a peak horizontal ground acceleration is estimated, which may have effected the site during the specific event listed. Based on the available data and the attenuation relationship used, the estimated maximum (peak) site acceleration during the period 1800 through December 2009 was 0.24 g. A historic earthquake epicenter map and a seismic recurrence curve are also estimated/generated from the historical data. Computer printouts of the EQSEARCH program are presented in Appendix C. A probabilistic seismic hazards analyses was performed using FRISKSP {Blake, 2000c), Which models earthquake sources as three-dimensional planes and evaluates the site specific probabilities of exceedance for given peak acceleration levels or pseudo-relative velocity levels. Based on a review of this data, and considering the relative seismic activity of the southern California region, a peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.19 g was calculated. This value was chm~en as it corresponds to a 1 o percent probability of exceedance in 50 years (or a475-year return period). Computer printouts of the FRISKSP program are included in Appendix C. Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Pages ~I Seismic Shaking Parameters Based on the site conditions, the table below summarizes the site-specific design criteria obtained from the 2007 California Building Code ([2007 CBC], California Building Standards Commission [CBSC], 2007), and the 2006 International Building Code (IBC), Chapter 16 Structural Design, Section 1613. We used the computer program Seismic Hazard Curves and Uniform Hazard Response Spectra, provided by the United States Geological Survey ([USGS], 2009). The short spectral response uses a period of 0.2 seconds. Site Class Spectral R$sponse -(0.2 _sec), Ss Spectral Response -(1 sec), S1 Site Coefficient, Fa Site Coefficient, F v Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration (0.2 sec), SMs Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration (1 sec), SM, 5% Damped Design Spectral Response Acceleration (0.2 sec), S05 5% Damped Design Spectral Response Acceleration (1 sec), S01 Distance to Seismic Source (Newport -lnglewpod [offshore]) from Blake (2000a) Upper Bound Earthquake (Newport -Inglewood [offshore]) Probabilistic Horizontal Site Acceleration ([PHSAJ 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years) from Blake (2000c) I* International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO, 1998) D 1.49g 0.56g 1.0 1.5 1.49g 0.84g 0.99g 0.56g Table 1613.5.2 Figure 1613.5(3) Figure 1613.5(4) Table 1613.5.3(1) Table 1613.5.3(2) Section 1613.5.3 (Eqn 16-37) Section 1613.5.3 (Eqn 16-38) Section 1613.5.4 (Eqn 16-39) Section 1613.5.4 (Eqn 16-40) 5.6 mi. (9.0 km) Mw6.9* 0.19g Conformance to the criteria above for seismic design does not constitute any kind of guarantee or assurance that significant structural damage or ground failure will not occur in the event of a large earthquake. The primary goal of seismic design is to protect life, not to eliminate all damage, since such design may be economically prohibitive. In order to reduce the effects of cumulative seismic damage, GSI recommends a visual inspection by qualified geotechnical and str.uctural engineers following significant seismic events (Mw>4.5), should any indications of distress or cracking be apparent. Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6D00\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page9 l l { I l 1 Seismic Hazards The following list includes other seismic related hazards that have been considered during our evaluation of the site. The hazards listed are considered negligible and/or mitigated as a result of site location, soil characteristics, and typical site development procedures: • Dynamic Settlement • Surface Fault Rupture • Ground Lurching or Shallow Ground Rupture • Tsunami • Seiche It is important to keep in perspective that in the event of an upper bound or maximum credible earthquake occurring on any of the nearby major fciults, strong ground shaking would occur in the subject site's general i:lrea. Potential damage to any structure(s) would likely be greatest from the vibrations and impelling force caused by the inertia of a structure's mass than from those induced by the hazards considered above. Following implementation of remedial earthwork and design of foundations described herein, this potential would be no greater than that for other existing structures and improvements in the ·immediate vicinity that comply with current and adopted building standards. LIQUEFACTION .POTENTIAL Seismically-induced liquefaction is a phenomenon in which cyclic stresses, produced by earthquake-induced ground motion, create excess pore pr~ssures in soils. The soils may thereby acquire a high degree of mobility, and lead to lateral movement, sliding, sand boils, consolidation and settlement of loose sediments, and other damaging deformations. This phenomenon occurs only below the water table; but after liquefaction has developed, it can propagate upward into overlying, non-saturated soil as excess pore water dissipates. Typically, liquefaction has a relatively low potential at depths greater than 50 feet and is unlikely and/or will produce vertical strains well below 1 percent for depths below 60 feet when relative densities are 40 to 60 percent and effective overburden pressures are two or more atmospheres (i.e., 4,000 pounds per square foot [Seed, 2005]). The condition of liquefaction has two principal effects. One is the consolidation of loose sediments with resultant settlement of the ground surface. The other effect is lateral sliding. Significant permanent lateral movement generally occurs only when there is significant differential loading, such as fill or natural ground slopes within susceptible materials. No such loading conditions exist on the site. As such, the potential for lateral spreading to manifest is considered low. Liquefaction susceptibility is related to numerous factors and the following conditions should be concurrently present for liquefaction to occur: 1) sediments must be relatively young in age and not have developed a large amount of cementation; 2) sediments Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi Geo$oils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 10 f ; I ) l l l-1 I generally consist of medium to fine grained relatively cohesion less sands; 3) the sediments must have low relative density; 4) free groundwater must be present in the sediment; and 5) the site must experience a seismic event of a sufficient duration and magnitude, to induce straining of soil particles. The site is susceptible to regional seismic shaking. However, the terrace deposits are likely Pleistocene in age and have high relative density. Furthermore, the depth to the regional water table is anticipated to be greater than 60 feet. Our evaluation indicates that t leastthree or four of the five required concurrent conditions, discussed above, do not have the potential'to affectthe site simultaneously. Therefore, the potential for liquefaction and its associated adverse effects to affect the proposed improvements is low even with a future rise in groundwater levels. Additionally, the recommended remedial removal and recompaction of low density surficial soils and/or foundation embedment into unweathered terrace deposits will further reduce liquefaction susceptibility. SLOPE STABILITY Based on site conditions and planned improvements, significant graded cut and/or fill . slopes are not anticiP.ated. Thus, our evaluation did not include the stability of graded slopes. ~, $~{-e_ 9~,1$ Cu.l-eN)swe, LABORATORY TESTING General Laboratory tests were performed on representative samples of the onsite earth materials in order to evaluate their physical characteristics. The test procedures used and results obtained are presented below. Classification Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soils Classification System (Sowers and Sowers, 1979). The soil classifications are shown on the Boring Logs in Appendix B. Moisture-Density Relations The field moisture contents and dry unit weights were evaluated for selected undisturbed samples in the laboratory. The dry unit weight was determined in pounds per cubic foot (pct), and the field moisture content was determined as a percentage of the dry weight. The results of these tests are shown on the Boring Logs in Appendix B. Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\Wp9\6000\6064a.pgi. GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 11 Expansion Potentiar: l=xpansion testing was performed on a representative sample of site soil in general accordance with ASTM D 4829. The results of expansion index testing are presented in the following table. ·;e t0CiN°S10N1'e'o--' NffiJAi:.iJ "'· ... , 8.~ ... " '""" "' ,, ,,[;E,, ',,,,," ,,. Very Low I * -per Table 18-1-8 of the 2001 California Building Code (International Conference of Building Officials, 2001 Particle -Size Analysis An evaluation was performed-on a repre~entative, soil sample in general accordance with ASTM D 422-63. The grain-size distribution curve is presented in Appendix D. The testing was utilized to evaluate the soil classification in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. The results of the particle size analysis indicate that the tested soil is a silty sand (SM). Saturated Resistivity, pH,_and Soluble Sulfates GSI conducted sampling of onsite earth materials for general soil corrosivity and soluble r sulfates, and qhlorides testing. Laboratory testing was completed by Prime Testing, Inc. r The testing included evaluation of soil pH, soluble sulfates, chlorides, and saturated '.-.. -----.. resistivity. Test results indicate that site soils are mildly alkaline (pH = 7.4) with respect to ' ': · ,. soil acidity/alkalinity, are corrosive to ferrous metals when saturated, (saturated resistivity \= 1,800 ohm-cm), present a negligible sulfate exposure to concrete (120 mg/kg), and ekmibit an external source of chlorides to reinforced concrete (chloride content = 17()· ppm). Because the onsite soils present an external source of chlorides which may attack '$.teel, reinforcement, reinforced concrete mix design should conform to "Exposure Class c·1" outlined in Table 4.3.1 of ACI 318-08. Test results are presented in Appendix D. A corrosion engineer should be consulted for the appropriate mitigation recommendations, as needed. PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our field exploration, laboratorytesting, and geotechnical engineering analysis, it is our opinion that the site appears suitable for the proposed development from a geotechnical engineering and geologic viewpoint, provided that the recommendations presented in the following sections are properly incorporated into the design and Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi G•oSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 12 r t l I [ t ~ .... construction phases of site development. The primary geotechnical concerns with respect to the currer,tly proposed development are: ' • Earth materials characteristics and depth to competent bearing material. • On-going corrosion potential of site soils. • Potential for perched groundwater to occur during and after development. • Non-structural zone on un-mitigated perimeter conditions (improvements subject to distress). • Temporary slope stability. • Regional seismic activity. The recommendations presented herein consider these as well as other aspects of the site. The engineering analyses, performed, concerning site preparation and the recommendations presented herein have been compl~ted using the information provided and obtained during our field work. In the event that any significant changes are made to proposed site development, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the recommendations of this report are evaluated or modified in writing by this office. Foundation design parameters are considered preliminary until the foundation design, layout, and structural loads are provided to this office for review. 1. Soil engineering, observation, and testing services should be provided during earthwork to aid the contractor in removing unsuitable soils and in his effort to compact the fill, should grading be necessary. 2. Geologic observations should be performed during any grading to verify and/or further evaluate geologic conditions. Although unlikely, if adverse geologic structures are encountered, supplemental recommendations and earthwork may be warranted. 3. In general; remedial grading excavatioJls are anticipated to be on the order of 2½ ', to 4 feet across a majority of the site~ J;-f owever, local deeper remedial grading 4. '.-yxcavations cannot be precluded and should be anticipated .. Remedial grading excavations should be completed below a 1 :1 (h:v) projection down from the bottom, outermost edge of proposed settlement-sensitive improvements. In general and based upon the available data to date, regional groundwater is not expected to be encountered during construction of the proposed site improvements. However, there is potential for perched water conditions to manifest along zones of contrasting permeabilities (i.e., sandy/clayey fill lifts, fill/terrace deposit contacts, discontinuities, etc.) during and after construction. The potential for perched water to occur should be di$closed to all interested/affected parties. · Mr. Armando Danna W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 13 1302 Pirie Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. ,i ' ' I I r I ,( L l -•• i } 1 ,S......... r j r' ~>A:: .. ,. 5. Our laboratory test results and experience on nearby sites generally indicate that soils with avery'low expansion potential (Expansion Index [E.1.] < 20) underlie the site. This should be considered during project design and construction. Preliminary .foundation design and construction recommendations are provided herein for the a very low expansion potential classification. This potential should be re-evaluated prior to actual foundation construction/excavation, and/or at the conclusion of earthwork. Soil corrosion and soluble sulfate, and chloride testing indicate thatthe site soils are mildly alkaline with respectto soil acidity/alkalinity, are corrosive to ferrous metals when saturc:1ted, possess negligible ("not applicable") sulfate exposure to concrete (per Table 4.2.1 of ACI 318-08), and are considered an external source of chlorides. Reinforced concrete mix design should conform to "E:xposure Class C1" in Table 4.3.1 of ACI 318-08. Additional comments and recommendations should be obtained from a qualified corrosion engineer. 6. The seismicity-acceleration values provided herein should be considered during the design and construction of the proposed development. 7. General Earthwork, Grading Guidelines, and Preliminary Criteria are provided at the end of this report as Appendix E. Specific recommendations are provided below. EARTHWORK CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS General \ Minor remedial earthwork will be necessary for the support of the proposecl settlement- sensitive improveme11ts. Remedial grading should conform to the guidelines presented in Appendix J of the 2007 CBC (CBSC, 2007), the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, and the Grading Guidelines presented in Appendix E, except where specifically s4perceded in the text of this report. In case of conflict, the more onerous code or recommendations should govern. Priorto grading, a GSI representative should be present at the pre-construction meeting to provide additional grading guidelines, if needed, and review the earthwork schedule. During earthwork construction, all site preparation and the general grading procedures of the contractor should be observed and the fill selectively tested by a representative(s) of GSI. If unusual or unexpected conditions are exposed in the field,'they should be reviewed by this office and, if warranted, modified and/or additional recommendations will be offered. AH applicable requirements of local and national construction and general industry safety orders, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and the Construction Safety Act should be met. It is the onsite general contractor and individual subcontractors responsibility to provide a sa{e working environment for our field staff who are onsite. GSI does hot consult in the area of safety engineering. II/Ir. Armando Danna 1 ;302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 14 f I I I I I 1 l l f l Demolition/Grubbing , , 1. Vegetation, and any miscellaneous deleterious debris generated from the dE?molition of existing site improvements should be removed from the areas of proposed grading/earthwork. 2. Cavities or loose soils remaining after demolition and site clearance should be cleaned out and observed by the geotechnical consultant. The cavities should be replaced with fill materials that have been moisture conditioned to at least optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Remedial Removals (Removal of Potentially Compressible Surficial Materials) Where planned fills or settlement-sensitive improvements are. proposed, potentially compressible undocumented artificial fill, Quaternary colluvium, a:nd weathered terrace deposits should be removed to expose unweathered terrace deposits. Removed soils may be reused as properly engineered fill provided that major concentrations of organic material have been removed prior to placement. In general, the remedial removal excavations are anticipated to be on the order of 2½ to 4 feet across a majority of the site. However, local deeper removal excavations cannot be precluded and should be anticipated. The removal of potentially compressible soils should be performed below a 1 :1 (h:v) projection down from the bottom, outermost edge of proposed settlement sensitive improvements. Once the unsuitable soils have been removed, the exposed terrace deposits should be scarified approximately 6 to 8 inches, moisture conditioned as necessary to achieve the soil's optimum moisture content and then be re-compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard prior to fill placement. Remedial removal excavations should be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to scarification. Overexcavation Should fill/terrace deposit transition conditions be encountered within the footprint for the proposed garage after the unsuitable soils have been removed, the terrace deposits should be overexcavated to at least 2 feet below the lowermost foundation element for the garage (as approved by GSI field personnel) and then be replaced with engineered fill. The bottom of the overexcavation should be scarified at least 6 to 8 inches, moisture- conditioned as necessary to achieve the soil's optimum moisture content and then be recompacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard_ prior to fill placement. Overexcavation should be completed to at least 5 feet laterally outside the outermost foundation element. Overexcavations should be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to scarification. The maximum to minimum fill thickness within the influence of proposed improvements should not exceed a ratio of3:1 (maximum:minimum). Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 15 Temporary Slopes Temporary slopes for excavations greater than 4 feet but less than 20 feet in overall height shquld conform to CAL-OSHA and/or OSHA requirements for Type "B" soils. Temporary slopes, up to a maximum height of +20 feet, may be excavated at a 1 :1 (horizontal to vertical [h:v]) gradient, or flatter, provided groundwater is not exposed. Construction materials or soil stockpiles should not be placed within 'H' of .any temporary slope where 'H' equals the height of the temporary slope. All temporary slopes should be observed by a licensed engineering geologist and/or geotechnical engineer prior to worker entry into the excavation. Based on the exposed field conditions, inclining temporary slopes to flatter gradients or the use of shoring may be .necessary if adverse conditions are observed. Engineered Fill Placement Engineered fill should be placed in thin lifts, moisture conditioned, and mixed to achieve the soil's optimum moisture content, and then be compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557). E:ngineered fill placement should be observed and selectively tested for moisture content and compaction by the geotechnical consultant. Excavation Observation {All Excavations) When excavations are made adjacent to an existing structure (i.e., utility, road or building) there is a risk of some damage to that structure. We therefore recommend that a syst~matic program of observations be made before, during, and after construction to determine the effects (if any) of construction on the existing structures. We believe that this is necessary for two reasons: first, if excessive movements (i.e., more than ½-inch) are detected early enough, remedial measures can be taken which could possibly prevent serious damage to the existing structure; and, second, the responsibility for damage to the existing structure can be determined more equitably if the cause and extent of the damage can be determined more precisely. Monitoring should include the measurement of any horizontal and vertical movements of the existing structures. Locations and type of the monitoring devices should be selected as prior to the start of construction. The program of monitoring should be agreed upon between the projectteam, the site surveyor and the Geotechnical Engineer of Record, prior to excavation. Reference points on the existing structures should be placed as low as possible on the exterior walls of buildings adjacent to the excavatior.i. Exact locations may be dictated by critical points within the structure, such as bearing walls or columns for buildings; and surface points on roadways and sidewalks near the top of the excavation. Mr. Armando Danna 1302Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoiJs, :,ne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 16 For a survey monitoring system, an accuracy of a least 0.01 foot should be required. Reference points should be installed and read initially prior to excavation. The readings should continue until all construction below ground has been completed and the backfill has been brought up to final grade. The frequency of readings will depend upon the results of previous readings and the rate of construction. Weekly readings could be assumed throughout the duration of construction with daily readings during rapi~ excavation near the bottom and at critical times. The reading should be plotted by the Surveyor and then reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer. In addition to the monitoring system, it would be prudent for the Contractor to make a complete inspection of the existing structures both before and after construction. The inspection should be directed toward detecting any signs of damage, particularly those caused by settlement. Notes should be made and photographs should be taken where necessary. PRELIMINARY FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS General This report presents minimum design criteria for the design of foundations, concrete slab- on-gra,de floors, and other elements possibly applicable to the project. These criteria should not be considered as substitutes for actual designs by the structural engineer. The foundation systems recommended herein may be used to support the proposed residence and garage provided they are. founded in compacted fill or unweathered terrace deposits but not simultaneously on both. The proposed foundation systems should be designed and constructed in accordance with the guidelines contained in the 2007 CBC (CBSC, 2007). In the eventthatthe information concerning the proposed development plan is not correct, or any changes in the design, location <?r loading conditions of the proposed structure are made, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions of this report are modifiec;I or approved in writing by this office. , Based on a conversation with you, it is our understanding that you have elected to deepen ~the footings for the proposed residence into unweathered terrace deposits since the ..._ . '~ ,residence will utilize a raised-wood floor. . ~emedial eart:hwork will be performed for ~up port of the garage slab-on-grade floor and foundation with the slab-on-grade floor and ·foundation bearing on engineered fill. Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e,\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 17 I I \ ,l I ~ ' I ll ,I I I t I I I· I l ! I 1 } I ' p \ 1 ' ! The information and recommendations presenteq in this section are not meant to supercede design by the project structural engineer or civil engineer specializing in structural design. Upon request, GSI could provide additional input/consultation regarding soil parameters, as they relate to foundation design. Foundation Design 1 . The foundation systems should be designed and constructed in accordance with guidelines presented in 2007 CBC (CBSC, 2007). (The garage foundation should r be embedded into properly engineered fill tested and approved by the geotechnical 1 consultant. The residence foundation should · be embedded into unweathered terrace deposits. 2. An allowable bearing value of 1,500 pounds per square fJot1(psf) may be used for the design of footings that maintain a minimum w_idth of i12 inches an!d a minimum depth of 12 inches which are founded into properly engineered fill. This value may be increased by 20 percent for each additional 12 inches in footing depth to a 3. 4. '5. 6. · maximum value of 2,500 psf. An allowable bearing value of 2,000 psf may be used for the design of footings that maintain a minimum Width of 12 inches and a minimum depth of 12 inches which are founded into unweathered terrace deposits~ These values may be increased by one-third when considering short duration seismic or wind loads. Isolated pad footings should have a minimum dimension of at least 24 inches square and a minimum embedment of 24 inches into properly engineered fill or unweathered terrace deposits. Foundation embedment excludes any landscaped zone, topsoil/colluvium, weathered terrace deposits, concrete slabs-on-grade, and/or slab underlayment. Passive earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 150 pcf, with. a maximum earth pressure of 1 ,500 psf for footings founded into properly engineered fill or unweathered terrace deposits. A lateral sliding resistance of 130 psf may be used for concrete footings in contact With properly engineered fill. The lateral sliding resistance value should be multiplied by the contact area, as limited by Section 1804.3 of the 2007 CBC (CBSC, 2007). An allowable coefficient offriction between soil and concrete of 0 .25 may be used with the dead load forces for footings in contact with unweathered terrace deposits. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. All footing setbacks from slopes shoulcf comply with Figure 1805.3.1 of the 2007 CBC (CBSC, 2007). Mr. Armando Danna W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 18 1302 Pii:ie Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a;pgi GeoSoils, lne. Foundation Settlement Foundation systems should be minimally desjgned to accommodate a differential settlement of at least 1 inch in a 40-foot span. Footing Surcharges Where superjacent footings apply surcharge loads to subjacent footings, the superjacent footing should be deepened so as to extend below a 1 : 1 projection up from the heel of the other subjacent footing. Alternatively, subjacent footings may be designed to accommodate structural loads from superjacent footings. Construction The followii:,g foundation construction recommendations are presented as a minimum criteria from a soils engineering viewpoint. The site soils generally possess a very low expansion potential. Accordingly, the following foundation construction recommendations are for this type .of soil condition. Recommendations by the project's design-structural engineer or architect, which may exceed the soils engineer's recommendations, should take precedence over the following minimum requirements: Expansion Classification -Very Low (E.I. O to 20) 1 . Exterior and interior garage footings should be founded into engineered fill at a minimum depth oLt2Jn.cbes_ qe!Qw the l~i,,y_e§t_,s\Qj9J~.eot grade for a one-story floor load. Exterior and interior footings for the proposed residence should be minimally embedded 12 or 18 inche~ into unweathe@,.gj§.(~deR.Q~i!s for one-or two-story floor loads,' respectively. For one-and two-story floor loads, exterior and interior footing ~-~houJd ... b..e .. l2_aod 15.iQ£0.§.$,.~.eectLve_!>'...-, Isolated column and panel pads, or Wall footings, should be founded at a minimum depth of 24 inches into e_r912ec.ty_compacte0Jilt.(g~r~ge) or _Ll_!:}~~at~~'I~~E:. .. 9~~E.~.~!~J[~§Jg~=~f°Afl- footings should be minimally reinforced with two No. 4reinforcing bars, one placed near the top and one placed near the bottom of the footing. Based on the available data, the depth of the continuous footings for the residence may be on the order of ~½ to 5 feet for one--story floor loads and 4 to 5½ feet for two-story floor loads. 2. All interior and exterior column footings, and perimeter wall footings, should be tied together via grade beams in at least one direction. The grade beam should be at least 12 inches square in cross section, and should be provided with a minimum of one No.4 reinforcing bar at the top,. and one No.4 reinforcing bar at the bottom of the grade beam. The base of the reinforced grade beam should be at the same elevation as the adjoining. footings. Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad · File:e:\wp9\6'000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 19 I l 1 ! ' I I r ! 3. A grade beam, reinforced as previously recommended and at least 12 inches square, should be provided across the garage. entrances. The base of the reinforced grade beam should be at the same elevation as the adjoining footings. ·4. A minimum concrete slab-on-grade thickness of 5 inches is recommended. 5. Concrete slabs should be reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 reinforcement bars placed at 18-inch on centers, in two horizontally perpendicular directions (i.e., long axis and short axis). 6. · All slab reinforcement should be supported to ensure proper mid-slab height positioning during placement ofthe concrete. "Hooking" of reinforcement-is not an acceptable method of positioning. 7. Slab subgrade pre-soaking is not necessary for th~se soil conditions. However, the client shbuld consider moisture.conditioning the slab subgrade to at leastthe soil's optimum moisture content to a depth of 12 inches prior to slab underlayment construction. 8. Soils generated from footing excavations to be used onsite should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557), whether the soils are to be placed inside the foundation perimeter or in the yard/right-of-way areas. This material must not alter positive drainage patterns that direct drainage away from the structural areas and toward the street. 9. Reinforced concrete mix design should conform to "Exposure Class C1" in Table 4.3.1 of ACl-318-08 to mitigate chloride attack to steel reinforcement. CORROSION Upon completion of grading, additional testing of soils (including import materials) for corrosion to concrete and metals should be performed prior to the construction of utilities and foundations. SOIL MOISTURE CONSIDERATIONS GSI .has evaluated the potential for vapor or water transmission through the slabs, in light of typical residential floor coverings and improvements. Please note that slab moisture emission rates, range from about 2 to 27 lbs/24 hours/1,000 square feet from a typical slab (Kanare, 2005), while floor covering manufacturers generally recommend about . 3 lbs/24 hours as c;1n upper limit. Thus, the client will need to evaluate the following in light of a cost v. benefit analysis, along with disclosure to all interested/affected parties. Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carl~bad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 20 Considering the anticipated typical water vapor transmission rates, floor coverings and improvements (to be chosen by the client) that can tolerate those rates without distress, the fdllowing alternatives are provided: 1 . ( Concrete slabs should be a minimum of 5 inches thick. 2. Conctete. slab underlayment should consist of a/10-mil to 15-mil vapor retard?r, or equivalent, with all laps sealed per the 2007 CBC (CBSC, 2007) and the manufacturer's recommendation. The vapor retarder should comply with the ASTM E 17 45 -Class A or B criteria, and be installed in accordance with ACI 302.1 R-04 and ASTM E 1643. The 10-to 15-mil vapor retarder (ASTM E-17 45 - Class A) shall be installed perthe recommendations of the manufacturer, including all penetrations (i.e., pipe, ducting, rebar, etc.). ') 3. ,Slab underlayment should consist of 2 inches of washed sand (SE >30) placed above a vapor retarder consisting of 10-to 15-mil polyvinyl chloride, or equivalent, with all laps sealed per the 2007 CBC (CBSC, 2007). The vapor retarder shall be underlain by 2 inches Of washed sand (SE>30) placed directly on properly compacted subgrade soils, and should be sealed to provide a continuous water-resistant barrier under the entire slab, as discussed above. All slabs should be additionally sealed with suitable slab sealant. 4. Concrete should have a maximum water/cement ratio of 0.50. This does not supercede the 2007 CBC (CBSC, 2007) for corrosion or other corrosive requirements. Additional concrete mix design recommendations should be provided by the structural consultant and/or waterproofing specialist. Concrete finishing and workablity should be addressed by the structural consultant and a waterproofing specialist. 5. Where slab water/cement ratios are as indicated above, and/or admixtures used, the structural consultant should also make changes to th~ concrete in the grade beams and foo~ings in kind, $0 that the ·concrete used in the foundation and slabs are designed and/or treated for more uniform moisture protection. 6. Owners(s) and all interested/affected parties should be specifically advised which areas are suitable for tile flooring, wood flooring, or other types of water/vapor- sensitive flooring and which are not suitable. In all planned floor areas, flooring shall be installed per the manufactures recommendations. 7. Additional recommendations regarding water or vapor transmission should be provided by the architect/structural engineer/slab or foundation designer and should be consistent with the specified floor coverihgs indicated by the architect. Mr. Armando Danna· 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:_e:\wp9\6D00\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 21 I ~ f l I I I l i Regardless of the mitigation, some limited moisture/moisture vapor transmission through the slab should be anticipated. Construction crews may require special training for inst:;illation of certain ·product(s), as well as concrete finishing techniques. The use of specialized product(s) should be approved by the slab designer and water-proofing consultant. A technical representative of the flooring contractor Should review the slab and moisture retarder plans and provide comment priot to the construction of the residential foundations or improvements. The vapor retarder contractor should have representatives onsite during the initial installation. WALL DESIGN PARAMETERS Conventional Retaining Walls lhe design paramE;?ters provided below assume that either non expansive soils (typically _ Class 2 permeable filter material or Class 3 aggregate base) or native onsite materials (up to arid including an E.I. of 50) are used to backfill any retaining. walls. The type of backfill (i.e., select or native), should be specified by th_e wall designer, and clearly shown on the plans. Below grade walls should be waterproofed. The foundation system for the proposed retaining walls should be designed in accordance with the recommendations presented in this and preceding sections of fhis report, as appropriate. Footings should be embedded a minimum of 18 inches below adjacent grade into engineereaftncrr=-- unweathered terrace d~P-OSit§._{sl~.Cluding_lf!.O.Q.?..P..§!P.E; ~1~6 .l~~_esf ana· stiould)~~t _-- 22f.-ii1c~ in width. .There should be no increase in bearing forfooting~~width. -.., Re~endations for specialty walls (i.e., crib, earthstone, geogrid, etc.) can be provided upon request, and would be based on site specific conditions. Restrained Walls Any retaining walls that will be restrained prior to placing and compacting backfill material or that have re.,entrant or male corners, should be designed for an at-rest equivalent fluid pressure (EFP) of 65 pcf, plus any applicable surch~rge loading. For areas of male or re:.entrant corners, the restrained wall design should extend a minimum distance of twice fhe !,eight of the wall {2H) laterally from the corner. Cantilevered Walls The recommendations presented below are for cantilevered retaining walls up to 1 O feet high. Desigr,_parameters for walls l~ss than 3 feet io.lJ.eightmay-be_.s.up_erc.e.de.d.b.y: City ~,nd/or County standard design. Active earth pressure may be used for retaining wall desi~i'decrtfielop· of the wall is not restrained from minor deflections. An equivalent fluid pressure approach may be used to compute the horizontal pressure against the wall. Appropriate fluid unit weights are given below for specific slope gradients of the retained material. Mr. Armando Danna 13~2 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 22 Seismic Surcharge for Retaining Walls For retaining waJJ~tJhat ar:e_over 6 feet in height, or within 6 feet or le.ss-oLa. residence, that may impede ingress/egress, GSI recommends that the walls be evaluate~ seismic surcharge (Section 1630A.1.1.5 of the 2007 CBC [CBSC, 20071). The site walls in this category should maintain an overturing Factor-of Safety (FOS) of about 1.2, when the seismic surcharge is applied.\ The seismic surcharge should be applied as a uniform load from the bottom of the footing (excluding shear keys), to-tl:le-top of the backfill at the heel of the wall footing for restrained walls and an inverted triangular ~fofcantilever walls. This seism~urcharge pr~ssur:e:may·b1ftaken as 1 oF{ where"P1'1-is-the dimension --:-:-_ -----------····· ---~ ~ taken as the -height of the retained material forffie top of oacRfill:-Tl'ie resultanHorce should be applied at a distan_c~ 0.6H up from the bottom of the footing. For the evaluation of the seismic surcharge, the bearing pressureniaVexce-etlthe static value by one-third, considering the transient nature of this surcharge. In addition to the above comments, GSI recommends that our field representative observe the temporary backcuts and footing excavations for the walls. Temporary cuts fot all wall installations should not exceed 1 :1 {h:v) inclinations, and should not be open for more than 90 days per cut, from start to finish. When wall configurations are finalized, the appropriate loading conditions for superimposed loads can be provided upon request. Level* 2 to 1 45 60 · * Level backfill behind c\ retaining wall is defined as compacted earth materials, properly drained, without a slope for a distance of 2H behind the wall. ** As evaluated by testing, P.I. <15, E.I. <21, S.E. >30, and <10% passing No. 200 sieve. *** Af, evaluated b testin , E.I. <50, S.E. >25 and <15% passing No. 200 sieve. Retaining Wall Backfill and Drainage Positive drainage must be provided behind all retaining walls in the form of gravel wrapped in geofabric and outlets. A backdrain system is considered necessary for retaining walls that are 2 feet or greater in height. Details 1, 2,. and 3, present the back drainage options discussed below. Backdrains should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated PVC or ABS pipe encased in either Class 2 permeable filter material or ¾-inch to 1 ½-inch gravel wrapped in approved filter fabric (Mitafi 140 or equivalent). For low expansive backfill, the filter material should extend a minimum of 1 horizontal foot behind the base of the walls and upward at least 1 foot. For Aative backfill that has an E.I. up to 50, continuous Class 2 permeable drain materials should be used behind the wall. This material should be continuous (i.e., full height) behind the wall, and it should be constructed in accordance Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 23 1 l l l t . (1) Waterproofing membrane-~ . CMU or reinforced-concrete wall Structural footing or settlement-sensitive improvement Provide surface drainage via an engineered V-ditch (see civil plans for details) 2=1 (h=v) slope 4 . <1 4 ••• 4 Proposed grade t - sloped to drain per precise civil drawings (5) Weep hole · Footing and wall design by others1_____.::_...-, . :. Native backfill 1=1 (h=v) or flatter backcut to be properly behched (6) Footing (1) Waterproofing membrane. (4) Gravel= Clean, crushed, ¾ to 1½ inch. (3) Filter fabric: Mirafi 140N or approved equivalent. (4) Pipe: 4-inch-diameter perforated PVC, Schedule 40, or approved alternative with minimum of 1 percent gradient sloped to suitable, approved outlet point (perforations down). (5) Weep hole: Minimum 2-inch diameter placed at 20-foot centers along the wall and placed 3 inches above finished surface. Design civil engineer to provide drainage at toe of wall. No weep holes for below-grade walls. (6) Footing= If bench is created behind the footing greater than the footing width, use level fill or cut natural earth materials. An additional "heel" drain will likely be required by geotechnical Gonsultant. ·~c. ·. -M". RETAINING WALL DETAIL -ALTERNATIVE A Detail 1 <1 4 • . (1) Waterproofing membrane (optional)-~ CMU or reinforced-concrete wall Structural footing or settlement-sensitive improvement Provide surface_ drainage via engineered V-d.itch (see civil plan details) 2=1 (h=v) slope ~ l ~ ... ~ 6inches -t (5) Weep hole Proposed grade sloped to drain per precise civil drawings Native backfill //"~\y(\~~'03\\(\\ Footing and wall design by others~-~-i 1=1 (h=v) or flatter backcut to be properly benched --(6) 1 cubic foot of ¾-inch crushed rock (7) Footing (:1) Waterproofing membrane (optional)= Liquid boot or approved mastic equivalent. (2) Drain= Miradrain 6000 or J-drain 200 or equivalent for non-waterproofed walls; Miradrain 6200 or J-:drain 200 or equivalent for ~aterproofed walls (all perforations down). (3) Filter fabric= Mirafi 140N or approved eqLJivalent; place fabric flap behind core. (4) Pipe= 4-inch-diameter perforated PVC, Schedule 40, or approved alternative with minimum of 1 percent gradient to proper outlet point (perforations down). (5) Weep hole= Minimum 2-inch diameter placed at 20-foot centers along the wall and placed 3 inches above finished surface. Design civil engineer to provide drainage at toe of wall. No weep holes for below-grade walls. (6) Gravel= Clean, crushed,¾ to 1½ inch. (7) Footing= If bench is created behind the footing greater than the footing width, use level fill or cut na.tural earth materials. An ·additional "heel" drain will likely be required by geotechnical consultant. RETAINING WALL DETAIL -ALTERNATIVE B Detail 2 (1) Waterproofing membrane--'-------. CMU or reinforced-concrete wall Structural footing or settlement-sensitive improvement ~-Provide surface drainage 2=1 (h=v) slope ±12 inches l (5) Weep hole H ·[.Proposed grade sloped to drain.· per precise civil drawings -(0~\\);(\ ~\'./: Footing and wall design by others Heel 1----_-widt-h -... --ii (2) Gravel (4) Pipe (7) Footing (1) Waterproofing membrane= Liquid boot or approved masticequivalent. (2) Gravel= Clean, crushed, ¾ to 1½ inch. (3) Filter fabric: Mirafi 140N or approved equivalent. (8) Native backfill (6) Clean sand backfill 1=1 (h=v) or flatter backcut to be properly benched (4) Pipe: 4-inch-diameter perforated PVC, Schedule 40, or approved alternative with minimum of 1 percent gradient to proper outlet point (pert orations down). (5) Weep hole= Minimum 2-inch diameter placed at 20-foot centers along the wall and placed 3 inches above finished surface. Design civil engineer to provide drainage at toe of wall. No weep holes for below-grade walls. (6) Clea·n sand backfill= Must have sand equivalent value (8.E.) of 35 or greater; can be densified by water jetting upon approval by geotechn!cal engineer. (7) 'Footing= If bench is created behind the f coting greater than the footing width, use level fill or cut natural earth materials. An additional "heel" drain will likely be required by geotechnical consultant. (8) Native backfill: If El. (21 and S.E. l35 then all sand requirements also may not be required and will be reviewed by the geotechnical consultant. RETAINING WALL DElAIL ALTERNATIVE C Detail 3 ., .·. 4 ! 1 ] f f with the enclosed Detail 1 (Typical Retaining Wall Backfill arid Drainage Detail). For limited access and confined areas, (panel) drainage behind the wall may be constructed in accordance with Detail 2 (Retaining Wall Backfill and Subdrain Detail Geotextile Drain). Materials with an E.I. potential of greater than 50 should not be used as backfill for retaining walls. For more onerous expansive situations, backfill and drainage behind the retaining wall should conform with Detail 3 (Retaining Wall And Subdrain Detail Clean Sand Backfill). Outlets should consist of a 4-inch diameter solid PVC or ABS pipe spaced no greater than ± 100 feet apart, with a minimum of two outlets, one on each end. The use of weep holes, only, in walls higher than 2 feet, is not recommended. The surface of the backfill should be sea.led by pavement or the top 18 inches compacted with native soil (E.I. <50). Proper surface drainage should also be provided. For additional mitigation, consideration should be given to applying a water-proof membrane to the back of all retaining structures. The use of a waterstop should be considered for all concrete and masonry joints. Wall/Retaining Wall Footing Transitions Site walls are anticipated to be founded on footings designed in accordance with the recommendations in this report. Should wall footings transition from cut to fill, the civil designer may $pecify either: a) A minimum of a 2-foot overexcavation and recompaction of cut materials for a distance of 2H, from the point of transition. . b) Increase of the amount of reinforcing steel and wall detailing (i.e., expansion joints or crack control joints) such that a angular distortion of 1 /360 for a distance of 2H on either side of the transition may be accommodated. Expansion joints should be placed no greater than 20 feet on-center, in accordance with the structural engineer's/wall designer's recommendations, regardless of whether or not transition conditions exist. Expansion joints should be sealed with a flexible, nqn-shrink grout. c) Embed the footings entirely into native formational material (i.e., deepened footings). If transitions from cut to fill transect the wall footing alignment at an angle of less than 45 degrees (plan view), then the designer should follow recommendation 11a11 (above) and until such transition is between 45 and ~O degrees to the wall alignment. DRIVEWAY, FIATWORK, AND OTHl:R IMPROVEMENTS The soil materials on site may be expansive. The effects of expansive soils are cumulative, and typically occur over the lifetime of any improvements. On relatively level areas, when Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 27 the soils are allowed to dry, the dessication and swelling process tends to cause heaving and distress to flatwork and other improvements. The resulting potential for distress to improvements may be reduced, but nottotallyeliminated. To that end, it is recommended that disclosure be provided to all interested/affected parties of this long-term potential for distress. To reduce the likelihood of distress, the following recommendations are presented for all exterior flatwork: 1. 3. 4. The subgrade area for concrete slabs should be compacted to achieve a minimum 90 percent relative compaction, and then be presoaked to 2 to 3 percentage points above (or 125 percent of) the soils' optimum moisture content, to a depth of 18 inches below subgrade elevation. If very low expansive soils are present, only optimum moisture content, or greater; is required and· specific presoaking is not warranted. The moisture content of the subgrade should be proof tested within 72 hours prior to pouring concrete. (.,Concrete slabs should be cast over a non-yielding surface, consisting of a 4-inch 1 1 layer of crushed rock, gravel, or c;lean sand, th_at7should be compacted and level prior to pouring concrete. If very low expansive soils are present, the rock or gravel or sand may be deleted. The layer or subgrade should be wet-down completely prior to pouring concrete, to minimize loss of concrete moisture to the surrounding earth materials. Exterior slabs should be a minimum of 4 inches thick. Driveway slabs and approaches should additionally have a thickened edge (12 inches) adjacent to all landscape areas, to help impede infiltration of landscape water under the slab. The use of transverse and longitudinal control joints are recommended to help control slab cracking due to concrete shrinkage or expansion. Two ways to mitigate such cracking are: a) add a safficient amount of reinforcing steel, increasing tensile strength of the slab; and, b) provide an adequate amount of control and/or expansion joints to accommodate anticipated concrete shrinkage and expansion. lh order to reduce the potential for unsightly cracks, slabs should be reinforced at mid-height with a' minimum of No. 3 bars placed at 18 inches· on center; in each direction. If subgrade soils within the top 7 feet from finish grade are very low expansive soils (i.e., EL :,;;20)., then -6x6-W1 .4xW1 .4 welded-wire mesh may be substituted for the rebar, provided the reinforcement is placed on chairs, at slab mid-height. The exterior slabs should be scored or saw cut, ½ to % inches deep, often enough so that no section is greater than lO feet by 1 O feet. For sidewalks or narrow slabs, control joints should be_ provided at intervals of every 6 feet. The slabs should be separated from the foundations and sidewalks with expansion joint filler material. Mr. Armando Danna W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 28 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad Rle:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Inc. ~~ ? l ' /~ l 1! \, I. 1: }1 /. [ I ! I I \ l { r l• ,, /f !\ h r 5. No traffic should be allowed upon the newly poured concrete slabs until they. have been properly cureq to within 75 percent of design strength. Concrete compression strength should be a minimum of 2;500 psi. 6. 7. 8. 9. Driveways, sidewalks, and patio slabs adjacent to the house should be separated from the house with thick expansion joint filler material. In areas directly adjacent to a continuous source of moisture (i.e., irrigation, planters, etc.), all joints should be additionally sea.led with flexible mastic. Planters and walls should not be tied to the house. Overhang structures should be supported on the slabs, or structurally designed with continuous footings tied in at least two directions. If very low expansion soils are present, footings need only be tied in one direction. Any masonry landscape walls that are to be c;onstructed throughout the property should be grouted and articulated in segments no more than 20 feet long. These segments should be keyed or doweled together. 10. Utilities should be enclosed within a closed utilidor (vault) or designed with flexible connections to accommodate differential settlement and expansive soil conditions. 11. Positive site drainage should be maintained at all times. Finish grade on the lots should provide a minimum of 1 to 2 percent fall to the street, as indicated herein. It should be kept in mind that drainage reversals could occur, including post-construction settlement, if relatively flat yard drainage gradients are not periodically maintained by the homeowner. 12. Air conditioning (NC) units should be supported by slabs that are incorporated into the building foundation or constructed on a rigid slab With flexible couplings for plumbing and electrical lines. NC waste water lines should be drained to a suitable non-erosive outlet. 13. Shrinkage cracks could become excessive if proper finishing and curing practices are not followed. Finishing and curing practices should be performed per the Portland Ceni.ent Association Guidelines. Mix design should incorporate rate of curing for climate and time of year, sulfate content of soils, corrosion potential of soils, and fertilizers used on site. UTILITIES Utilities should be . enclosed within a closed utilidor (vault) or designed with flexible connections to accommodate differential settlement and expansive soil conditions. Due Mr. Armando Danna 1$02 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:(:1:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 29 to the potential for differential settlement, air conditioning (NC) units should be supported by slabs that are incorporated into the building foundation or constructed on a rigid slab with flexible couplings for plumbing and electrical lines. NC waste waterlines should be drained to a suitable outlet. DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA Drainage Adequate lot surface drainage is a very important factor in reducing the likelihood of adverse performance of foundations, hardscape, and slopes. Surface drainage should be sufficient to mitigate ponding of water anywhere on a lot, and el5pecially near structures and tops of slopes. Lot surface drainage should be carefully taken into consideration during fine grading, landscaping, and building construction. Therefore, care should be taken that future landscaping or construction activities do not create adverse drainage conditions. Positive site drainage within lots and common areas should be provided and maintained at all times. Drainage should not,flow uncontrolled down any descending slope. Water should be directed away from foundations and not allowed to pond and/or seep into the ground. In general, the area within 5 feet around a structure should slope away from the structure. We recommend that unpaved lawn and landscape areas have a minimum gradient of 1 percent sloping away from structures, and whenever possible, should be above adjacent paved areas. Consideration should be given to avoiding construction of planters adjacent to structures (buildings, pools, spas, etc.). Pad drainage should be .directed toward the street or other approved area(s). Although not a· geotechnical requirement, roof gutters, down spouts, or other appropriate means may be . utilized to control roof drainage. Down spouts, or drainage devices should outlet a minimum of5 feet from structures or into a subsurface drainage system. Areas of seepage may develop due to irrigation or heavy rainfall,. and should be anticipated. Minimizing irrigation will lessen this potential. If areas of seepage develop, recommendations for minimizing this effect could be provided upon request. Erosion Control Cut and fill slopes will be subject to surficial erosion during and after grading. Onsite earth materials have a moderate to high erosion potential. Consideration should be given to providing hay bales and silt fences for the temporary control of surface water, from a geotechnical viewpoint. Landscape Maintenance Only the amount of irrigation necessary to sustain plant life should be provided. Over-watering the landscape areas will adversely affect proposed site improvements. We would recommend that any proposed open-bottom planters adjacent to proposed Mr~ Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad .File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Ine. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 30 structures be eliminated for a minimum distance of 10 feet. As an alternative, closed-bottom type planters could be utilized. An outlet placed in the bottom of the planter, could be installed to direct drainage away from structures or any exterior concrete flatwork. If planters are constructed adjacent to structures, the sides and bottom of the planter should be provided with a moisture retarder to mitigate penetration of irrigation water into the subgrade. Provisions should be made to drain the excess irrigation water from the planters without saturating the subgrade below or adjacent to the planters. Graded slope areas should be planted with drm-1ght resistant vegetation. Consideration should be given to the type of vegetation chosen and their potential effect upon surface improvements (i.e:, some trees will have an effect on concrete flatwork with their extensive root systems). From a geotechnical standpoint leaching is not recommended for establishing· landscaping. If the surface soils are processed for the purpose of adding amendments, they sho·uld be recompacted to 90 percent minimum relative compaction. Gutters and Downspouts As previously discussed in the drainage section, the installation of gutters and downspouts should be considered to collect roof water that may otherwise infiltrate the soils adjacent to the structures. If .utilized, the downspouts should be drained into PVC collector pipes ~r other non:.erosive devices (e.g., paved swales or ditches; below grade, solid tight-lined PVC pipes; etc.), that will carry the water away from the structure, to an appropriate outlet, in accordance with the recommendations of the design civil engineer. Downspouts and gutters are not a requirement; however, from a geotechnical viewpoint, provided that positive drainage is incorporated into project design .(as discussed previously). Subsurface and Surface Water Subsurface and surface water are not anticipated to affect site development, provided that the recommendations contained in this report are incorporated into final design and construction and that prudent surface and subsurface drainage practices are incorporated into the construction plans. Perched groundwater conditions along zones of contrasting permeabilities-may not be precluded from occurring in the future due to site irrigation, poor drainage conditions, or damaged utilities, and should be anticipated. Should perched groundwater conditions develop, this office could assess the affected area(s) and provide the appropriate recommendations. to mitigate the observed groundwater conditions. Groundwater conditions may change with the introduction of irrigation, rainfall, or other factors. Site lm~rovements If in the future, any c1.dditional improvements (e.g., pools, spas, etc.) are planned for the site., recommendations concerning the geological or geotechnical aspects of design and construction of said improvements could be provided upon request. Pools and/or spas should not be constructed without specific design and construction recommendations from GSI, and this construction recommendation should be provided to all interested parties. Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Ine. · W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 31 This office should be notified in advance of any fill placement, grading of the site, or trench backfilling after rough grading has been completed. This includes any grading, utility trench and retaining wall backfills, flatwork, etc. Tile Flooring Tile flooring can crack, reflecting cracks in the concrete slab below the tile, although small cracks in a conventional. slab may not be significant. Therefore, the designer should consider additional steel reinforcement for concrete slabs-on-grade where tile will be placed. The tile installer should consider install_ation methods that reduce possible cracking of the tile such as slipsheets. Slipsheets or a vinyl crack isolation membrane (approved by the Tile Council· of America/Ceramic Tile Institute) are recommended between tile and concrete slabs on grade. Additional Grading This office should be notified in advance of a·ny fill placement, supplemental regrading of the. site, or trench backfilling after rough grading has been completed. This includes completion of grading in the street, driveway approaches, driveways, parking areas, and utility trench and retaining wall backfills. Footing Trench Excavation All footing excavations should be observed by a representative of this firm subsequent to trenching and prior to concrete form and reinforcement placement. The purpose of the obs.ervations is to evaluate that the excavations have been made into the recommended bearing material and to the minimum widths and depths recommended for construction. If loose or compressible materials are exposed within the footing excavation, a deeper footing or removal and recompaction of'the subgrade materials would be recommended at that tirne. Footing trench spoil and any excess soils generated from utility trench excavations should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent, if not removed from the site. Trenching/Temporary Construction Backcuts Considering the nature of the onsite earth materials, it should be anticipated that caving or sloughing could be a factor in subsurface excavations and trenching. Shoring or ex¢avating the trench walls/backcuts at the angle of repose (typically 25 to 45 degrees [except as specifically superceded within the text of this report]), should be anticipated. All excavationsshouldbe observed byan engineering geologist or soil engineer from GSI, prior to workers entering the excavation or trench, and minimally conform to Cal-OSHA, state, and local safety codes. . Should adverse conditions exist, appropriate recommendations would be offered at that time. The above recommendations should be provided to any contractors and/or subcontractors, or property owners, etc., that may perform such work. Mr. Armando Danna _1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad Fife:e:\wp9\6000\f?064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page32 ,. I Utility Trench Backfill 1 . All interior utility trench backfill should be brought to at least 2 percent above optimum moisture content .and then compacted to obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of the laboratqry standard. As an alternative for shallow (12-inch to 18-inch) under-slab trench~s, sand having a ~and equivalent value of 30 or greater may be utilized and jetted orflooded into place. Observation, probing and testing should be provided to evaluate the desired results. 2. Exterior trenches adjacent to, and within areas _extending below a 1 :1 plane projected from the outside bottom edge of the footing, and all trenches beneath hardscape features and in slopes, should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Sand backfill, unless excavated from the trench, should not be used in these backfill areas. Compaction testing and observations, along with probing, should be accomplished to evaluate the desired results. 3. All trench excavations should conform to Cal-OSHA, state, and local safety codes. 4. Utilities crossing grade beams, perimeter beams, or footings should either _pass below the footing or grade beam utilizing a hardened collar or foam spacer, or pass through the footing or grade beam in accordance with the recommendations of the structural engineer. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATION AND TESTING We recommend that observation and/or testing be performed by GSI at each of the following construction stages: • During grading/recertification. • · During excavation. • During placement of subdrains, toe drains, or other subdrainage devices, prior to placing fill and/or backfill. • After excavation of building footings, retaining wall footings, and free standing walls footings, prior to the _placement of reinforcing steel or concrete. • Prior to pouring any slabs or flatwork, after presoaking/presaturation of building pa~s and other flatwork subgrade, before the placement of concrete, reinforcing steel, capillary break (Le., sand, pea-gravel, etc.), or vapor retarders (i.e., visqueen, etc.). Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Inc. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 33 • During retaining wall subdrain installation, prior to backfill placement. • During placement of backfill for area drain, interior plumbing, utility line trenches, and retaining wall backfill. • When any unusual soil conditions are encountered during any construction operations, subsequent to the issuance of this report. ~ When any owner improvements, such as flatwork, spas, pools, walls, etc., are constructed, prior to construction. • A report of geotechnical observation and testing should be provided at the conclusion of each of the above stages,, in order to provide concise and clear documentation of site work, and/or to comply with code requirements. OTHER DESIGN PROFESSIONALS/CONSULTANTS The design civil engineer, structural engineer, post-tension designer, architect, landscape architect, wall designer, etc., should review the recommendations provided herein, incorporate those recommendations into all their respective plans, and by explicit reference, make this report part of their project plans. This report presents minimum design criteria for the design of slabs, foundations· and other elements possibly applicable to the project. These criteria should not be considered as substitutes for actual designs by the structural engineer/designer. Please note that the recommendations contained herein are not intended to entirely preclude the transmission of water or vapor through the slab or foundation. The structural engineer/foundation and/or slab designer should provide recommendations to not allow water or vapor to enter into the structure so as to cause damage to another building component, or so as to limit the installation of the type of flooring materials typically used for the particular application. Tl:ie structural engineer/designer should analyze ~ctual soil-structure interaction and consider, as needed, bearing, expansive soil influence, and strength, stiffness and deflections in the various slab, foundation, and other elements in order to develop appropriate, design-specific details. As conditions dictate, it is possible that other influences will also have to be considered. The structural engineer/designer should consider all applicable codes and authoritative sources where needed. If analyses by the structural engineer/designer result in less critical details than are provided herein as minimums, the minimums presented herein should be adopted. It is considered likely that some, more restrictive details will be required. If the structural engineer/designer has any questions or requires further assistance, they should not hesitate to call or otherwise transmit their requests to GSI. In order to mitigate potential distress, the foundation and/or improvement's designer should confirm to GSI and the governing· agency, in writing, that the proposed foundations and/or improvements Mr: Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoil·s, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page34 1 can tolerate the amount of differential settlement and/or expansion characteristics and other design criteria specified herein. PLAN REVIEW Final project plans (grading, precise grading, foundation, retaining wall, landscaping, etc.), should be reviewed by this office prior to construction, so that construction is in accordance with the conclusions and recommendations of this report. Based on our review, supplemental recommendations and/or further geotechnical studies may be warranted. LIMITATIONS The materials encountered on the project site and utilized for our analysis are believed representativeofthe area; however, soil and bedrock materials vary in character between excavations and natural outcrops or conditions exposed during mass grading. Site conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors. Inasmuch as our study is based upon our review and engineering analyses and laboratory data, tile conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions. These opinions have been deri\/ed in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty, either express or implied, is given. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. 6S1 assumes no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their inaction; or work performed when GSI is not requested to be onsite, to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly implemented. Use of this report constitutes an agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above, notwithstanding any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may be subject to review by the controlling authorities. Thus, this report brings to completion our scope of services for this portion of the project. All samples will be disposed of after 30 days, unless specifically requested by the clierit, in writing. · Mr. Armando Danna 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. W.O. 6064-A-SC June 8, 2010 Page 35 ·' ,, ', · APPENDiX A·. REFEBEN.CES ·, ,. I.- ,,·, y j, ' ( \' APPENDIX A REFERENCES ACI Committee 302, 2004, Guide for concrete floor and slab construction, ACI 302.1 R-04, dated June. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1'998, Standard practice for installation of water vapor retarder used in contact with earth or granular fill under concrete slabs, Designation: E 1643-98 (Reapproved.2005). __ ._, 1997, Standard specification for plastic water vapor retarders used in contact with soil or granular fill under concrete slabs, Designation: E 17 45-97 (Reapproved 2004). Blake, Thomas F., 2000a, EQFAULT, A computer program for the estimation of peak horizontal acceleration from 3-D fault sources; Windows 95/98 version. --, 2000b, EQSEARCH, A computer program for the estimation of peak horizontal . · acceleration from California historical earthquake catalogs; Updated to December 2009, Windows 95/98 version. --, 2000c, FRISKSP, A computer program for the probabilistic estimation of peak acceleration and uniform hazard spectra using 3-D faults as earthquake sources; Windows. 95/98 version. Bozorgnia, Y., Campbell K.W., and Niazi, M., 1999, Vertical ground motion: Characteristics, relationship with horizontal component, and building-code implications; Proceedings of the SMIP99 seminar on utilization of strong-motion data, September 15, Oakland, pp. 23-49. Brooks D~sign, Inc., 2010, Site· plan for: Danna residence, Sheet 1, 20-scale, dated April 19. Bryant, W.A., and-Hart, E.W., 2007, Fault-rupture hazard zones in California, Alquist-Priolo earthquake fault zoning act with index to earthquake fault zones maps; California Geological Survey, Special Publication 42, interim revision. California Building Standards Commission, 2007, California building code. California Department of Transportation, Division of Engineering Services, Materials Engineering, and Testing Services, Corrosion Technology Branch, 2003, Corrosion Guidelines, Version 1.0, dated September. California, State of, 2010, Civil Code, Sections 895 et seq. GeoS~ils, lne. f i i 1: ~ l ] 1 I i { i I --, 2001, Sehate Bill 800, Burton. Liability: construction defects, February23; approved by Governor September 20, 2002;·filed with Secretary September 20, 2002; effective January 1, 2003. International Code Council, Inc., 2006, International building code and international residential code for one-and two-family dwellings. fnternational Conference of Building Officials, 2001, California building code, California code of regulations title 24, part 2, volume 1 and 2. --, 1997, Uniform building code: Whittier, California, International conference of building officials, Volumes 1, 2, and 3: especially Chapter 16, Structural forces (earthquake provisions); Chapter 18, Foundations and retaining walls; and Chapter A-33, Excavation and grading. Jennings, C.W., 1994, Fault activity map of C9-lifornia and adjacent areas: California Division of Mines and Geology, Map Sheet Nd. 6, scale 1 :750,000. Kanare, H.M., 2005, Concrete floors and moisture, Engineering Bulletin 119, Portland Cement Assqciation. Kennedy, M.P, and Tan, S.S, 2005, Geologic map of the Oceanside 30' x 60' quadrangle, . California, United States Geological Survey. Romanoff, M., 1957, Underground corrosion, originally issued April 1. Seed, 2005, Evaluation and mitigation of soil liquefaction hazard "evaluation of field data and procec:Jures for evaluating the risk of triggering (or inception) of liquefaction", in Geotechnical earthquake engineeriAg; · short course, San Diego, California, April 8~9. Sowers and Sowers, 1979, Unified soil classification system (After U. S. Waterways Experiment Station and ASTM 02487-667) in Introductory Soil Mechanics, New York. Tan, S.S., and Giffen, D.G., 1995, Landslide hazards in the northern part of the San Diego Metropolitan area, San Diego County, California, Landslide hazard identification map ho. 35, Plate 35A, Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, DMG Open File Report 95-04. Tan, S.S.,. and Kennedy, M.P., 1996, Geologic maps of the northwestern part of San Diego County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 96-02. Mr. Armando Danna File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi .. GeoSoil.s, Ine. Appendix A Page2 United States Geological Suivey, 2009, Seismic hazard cuives and uniform hazard response spectra -v5.0.9, dated October 21. __ , 1997, San Luis Rey quadrangle, San Diego County, California, 7.5 minute series, 1 :24,000 scale. Mr. Armando Danna File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoS·oils, Ine. Appendix A Page3 ,, ' -i •. APPENDIX -9_- BOR-ING LOG$ I' , I f I QNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Q) > Q)· "iii 0 0 U) C\I '5 . Cl) -£ "O U) Q) Q) C CJ) ·~ CJ) m CJ a. Q) ~ C 0 U: E 5 * 0 lO Major Divisions U) ~~ ~ 5.!:;:l!! -g ~ 0 cd &* ~::J-g Cf) U) '* fef ~ ~ -E 0 = la -0 "O .0 C·-+-' <U :::J .... ~gtJ u5 ~ CJ Highly Organic Soils C: fl) <U -0 Ql C: 5~ Unified Soil Classification Cobbles 3" Group Symbols GW GP GM GC SW, SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT coarse Typical Names Well-graded gravels and gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fihes Poorly graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines Silty gravels gravel-sand-silt mixtures Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures Well-graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines Poorly graded sands and· gravelly sands, little or no fines Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures . Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures Inorganic silts, very fine sands, rock flour, silty or·clayey fine sands Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sands or silts, elastic-silts Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays Organic clays of medium to high plasticity Peat, mucic, and other highly organic soils · 3/4" #4 Gravel I fine coarse CONSISTENCY OR RELATIVE DENSITY CRITERIA Standard Penetration Test Penetration Resistance N (blows/ft) 0-4 4-10 10-30 30-50 >50 Relative Density Very loose Loose Medium Dense Very dense Standard Penetration Test Penetration Resistance N (blows/ft) <2 2-4 4-8 8-15 15-30 >30 #10 l Sand medium #40 l Consistency Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Very Stiff Hard Unconfined Compressive Strength (tons/tt2} <0.25 0.25-.050 0.50-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-4.00 >4.00 #200 U.S. Standard Sieve Silt or Clay fine MOISTURE CONDITIONS MATERIAL QUANTITY OTHER SYMBOLS Dry Slightly Moist Moist Very Moist Wet Absence of moisture: dusty, dry to the touch Below optimum moisture content for compaction Near optimum-moisture content Above optimum moisture content Visible free water; below water table BASIC LOG FORMAT: trace few little some 0-5% 5-10% 10-25 % 25-45% C Core Sample S SPTSample B Bulk Sample .!'. Groundwater Qp .Pocket Penetrometer .Group name, Group symbol, (grain si?e), color, moisture, consistency or relative density. Additional comments: odor, presence of roots, mica, gypsum, coarse grained particles, etc. · · EXAMPLE: Sand (SP), fine to-medium grained, brown, moist, loose, trace silt, little fine gravel, few cobbles up to 4" in size, some hair ro<?ts,and rootlets. File:Mgr: c;\SoilClassif.wpd PLATE B-1 HA-1 HA-2 ---~-..;;.. ----. .. ea. ... -~ N--c:~·· ..... __, .... -... .. ~ .. ~-~ ...;-...a,. • --------------------·-· -------~----=-.,._ .. .,......,.~~~ W.0. 6064-A-SC Danna 1302 Pine Ave. Logged By: RBS May 4, 2,010 LOG OF EXPLORATORY HAND AUGER BORINGS 0-% SW 1/s-2½ SP 2½-3½ SM Bulk@2½-3½ 0-1½ SP 1½-3½ SP UND@2¼ 3½-5½ SM Bulk@4½-5½ UND = Undisturbed 4.3 110.8 ARTIFICIAL FILL: GRAVELLY SAND, gray, dry, dense; angular pebble-size clasts. HIGHLYWEATHERED QUATERNARYTERRACE DEPOSITS: SAND with minor SILT, reddish brown, damp becoming moist with depth, medium dense. QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS: SILTY SAND, mottled yellowish red and grayish brown, moist, dense becoming very dense with depth; weakly to moderately cemented. Total Depth= 3½' No Groundwater/Caving Encountered Backfilled 5-4-201 0 QUATERNARY COLLUVIUM: SAND with minor SILT, dark brown, damp, lbose; trace organics near surface. WEATHERED QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS: SAND with minor SILT, reddish brown, moist, medium dense. QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS: SILTY SAND, yellowish red, moist, dense becoming very dense with depth. Total Depth= 5½' No Groundwater/Caving Encountered Backfilled 5-4-201 0 PLATE,B-2 • HA-3 0-3 SP 3-4 SP 4-4½ SM HA-4 0-1½ SP 1½-3 SP 3-3½ SM -----------------~------ LOG OF EXPLORATORY HAND AUGER BORINGS W.O. 6064-A-SC Danna 1302 Pine Ave. Logged By: RBB May 4, 2010 ARTIFICIAL FILL: SAND with minor SILT, dark brown, moist, loose; ·trace debris (roofing tile, rusted metal) and gravel. WEATHERED QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS:. SAND with minor SILT, dark brownish gray, moist, loose becoming medium dense with depth. · QUATERNARY TERRACE DE_POSITS: SIL TY SAND, mottled gray and light reddish yellow, moist, dense . Total Depth= 4½' . No Groundwater/Caving Encountered Backfilled 5-4-201 O ARTIFICIAL FILL: SAND with minor SILT, dark brown, dry becoming damp with depth, loose. WEATHERED QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS: SAND with minor SILT, brown, damp, loose. QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS: SILTY SAND, mottled yellowish red and gray, moist, dense. Total Depth= 3½' No Groundwater/Caving Encountered Backfilled 5-4-201 O PLATE 8-3 HA-5 --_ ........ "'" ----......-, -=<'-"'='"--=-"----·-~ • ·-• ~-... · •• ~~·---•~•· ~·--,~ ·~·--~,.,,.......----~• • .-..,_...,.,... • ....,~ ... •\},,.,,4.ww,,,; ....... ,-:" ... ~~--,;;..~~-,q-,-•~--'I'~--, .... -........ , .. - W .0. 6064-A-SC Danna 1302 Pine Ave. Logged By: RBB May 4, 2010 LOG OF EXPLORATORY HAND AUGER BORINGS 0-1½ SP 1½-2½ SP 2½-3½ SM QUATERNARY COLLUVIUM: SAND with minor SILT, dark brownish . gray, dry becoming damp with depth, loose. WEATHERED QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS: SAND with minor SILT, brownish gray, damp, loose becoming mec;:lium dense with depth. QUATERNARY TERRACE DEPOSITS: SILTY SAND, gray to light yellowish red, moist, dense. Total Depth = 3½' No Groundwater/Caving Encountered Backfilled 5-4-201 o PLATE 8-4 I . . APPENDIXC EQFAULT, EQ~EARCH, ANb· FRISKSP ! " ,, 1 ' .. ' .. ****************·******* * * * E Q F A u L T "!:- * * * version 3.00 * * * *****-********-1;1:*"lc****** DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM DIGITIZED FAULTS JOB NUMBER: 6064-A-SC JOB NAME: DANNA CALCULATION NAME: 6064 DATE: 05-06-2010 FAULT-DATA-FILE NAME: c:\Program Files\EQFAULTl\CGSFLTE.DAT ' (--~~ SITE COORDINATES: ~> SITE. LATITUDE_;_ 33 .1625 --<, SITE LONGITUDc~?.3387 ') SEARCH RADIUS: 62 .. 14----.____mi ___ / ATTENUATION RELATION: 11) Bozorgnia Campbell Niazi (1999) Hor.-Pleist. Soil-Car. UNCERTAINTY. (M=Median, S=Sigma): S Number of Sigmas: 1.0 DISTANCE MEASURE: cdist SCOND: 1 Basement Depth: .00 km Campbell SSR: O Campbell SHR: O COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT-DATA FILE USED: C:\Program Files\EQFAULTl\CGSFLTE.DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km): 3.0 Page 1 W.O. 6064-A-SC Plate C-1 GeoSoils, lne. i ! I I ! 1, 1 I I I f EQFAULT SUMMARY DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS ---------------------------- Page 1 ------------------·--------------------------------------------------------- ABBREVIATED FAULT NAME APPROXIMATE DISTANCE mi (km) · ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT MAXIMUM, I PEAK EST. SITE EARTHQUAKE I SITE INTENSITY MAG.(Mw) I ACCEL. g MOD.MERC. I======== NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) 5.6( 9.0} 7.1 I 0.579 x ROSE CANYON 5.9( 9.5) 7.2 I 0.584 X CORONADO BANK 21. 5 ( 34. 6) 7. 6 I O. 268 IX ELSINORE (TEMECULA) 23.8( 38.3) 6.8 I 0.142 VIII ELSINORE (JULIAN) 24.0( 38.7) 7.1 I 0.172 VIII ELSINORE (GLEN IVY) 33.2( 53.5) 6.8 I 0.101 VII SAN JOAQUIN HILLS 35.0( 56.4) 6.6 0.118 VII PALOS VERDES 35.8( 57.6) 7.3 0.132 VIII EARTHQUAKE VALLEY 43.9( 70.6) 6.5 0.061 VI NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (L.A. Basin) 45. 7( 73. 6) 7 .1 0. 089 VII SAN JACINTO-ANZA 46.4( 74.6) 7.2 0.094 VII SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY 46.8( 75.3) 6.9 0.075 VII CHINO-CENTRAL AVE. (Elsinore) 47.3( 76.2) 6.7 0.091 VII WHITTIER 5;1..2( 82.4) 6.8 0.064 VI SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK 52.2( 84.0) 6.6 0.055 VI ELSINORE {COYOTE MOUNTAIN) 58.2( 93.6) 6.8 0.056 VI SAN JACINTO-SAN BERNARDINO 59.3( 95.5) 6.7 0.051 VI PUENTE HILLS BLIND THRUST 61.1( 98.3) 7.1 I 0.093 I VII ** * -!: *-!:* *-!:* -!: "l: *-I:****-!:** *-f: * 'f:* * * -;':**"!:'{:*-I:****-!:**** 'I:********-****"!:**-!:**-!:*** "k * * -!: * -f: * -!: -f: -!: -!: -!: -END OF SEARCH-18 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS. THE NEWPORT-INGLEWOOD (Offshore) FAULT rs CLOSEST TO THE SITE. IT IS A$0UT 5.6 MILES (9.0 km) AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM-EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.5836 g Page 2 W.O. 6064-A-SC Plate C-2 GeoSoils, lne. I' 11 ,j I . f l t i } l j ! t 1 ~ ,1 'k ,t i' l l ! !~ j ,J I '\ ~ I MAXIMUM EARTHQUAKES DANNA ~ 1 -++----+---+--+-+--+-+-1c.++---+--+-l--l-+-I-I--H----l--i--+---i-+-++-+-l-----4-----l'---l---!-l--i-1-1--1"4 -C) -. 1 C: 0 ·~ :i.. Q) -Q) (.) (.) <( .1 1 W.O. 6064-A-SG ... • • •• ... T .. 10 Distance (mi) GeoSoils, lne. ... .. 100 ' " ,, j, ,, Plate C-3 j **~********************** * * * E Q s E A R C H * * * * Version 3.00 'f, * * ************************* ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE CATALOGS JOB NUMBER: 6064-A-SC JOB NAME: DANNA EARTHQUAKE-CATALOG-FILE NAME: ALLQUAKE.DAT SITE COORDINATES: SITE LATITUDE: 33.1625 SITE LONGITUDE: 117.3387 SEARCH DATES: START DATE: 1800 END DATE: 2009 SEARCH RADIUS: 62.1 mi 100.0 km DATE: 05-06-2010 ATTENUATION RELATION: 11) Bozorgnia Campbell Niazi (1999) Hor.-Pleist. Soil-cor. UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma): s Number of Si'gmas: 1.0 AS5UMED SOURCE TYPE: ss [SS=Strike--slip, DS=Reverse-slip, BT=Blind-thrust] SCOND: 1 Depth source: A easement Depth: .00 km · Campbell SSR: 0 Campbell SHR: 0 COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km): 3.0 Page 1 w.o~ 6064-A-.SC Plate C-4 GeoSoils; lne. -------------------------EARTHQUAKE SEARCH RESULTS ------------------------- Page 1 ---------------------·---------·----------------------------------------------- I I TIME I I I SITE !SITE! APPROX. FILE! LAT. I LONG. I DATE I (UTC) IDEPTHIQUAKEI ACC. I MM I DISTANCE CODE j. NORTH I WEST I I HM Seel Ckm)I MAG. I g !INT. I mi [km] ---+------+--------+---------+--------+-----+-----+-------+----+------------ DMG 33.0000 117.3000 11/22/1800 I 2130 0. 01 0.0. 6.501 0.240 IX I 11. 4( 18. 4) MGI 33.0000 117.0000 09/21/18561 730 0.01 0.0 5.001 0.049 VI I 22.6( 36.3) MGI 32.8000 117.1000 05/25/1803 0 0 0.01 0.0 5.001 0.038 VI 28.6( 46.0) DMG 32.7000 117.2000 05/27/1862 20 0 0.0 0.0 5.90 0.056 VI I 32.9( 53.0) PAS 32.9710 117.8700 07/13/1986 1347 8.2 6.0 5.30 0.038 ~I 33.5( 53.8) T-A 32.6700 117.1700 10/21/1862 O O 0.0 0.0 5.00 0.031 35.4( 56.9) T-A 32.6700 117.1700 05/24/1865 0 0 0.0 0.0 5.00 0.031 V 35.4( 56.9) T-A 32 .6700' 117.i700 12/00/1856 · 0 0 0.0· 0.0 5.00 0.031 V 35.4( 56.9) DMG. 33.2000 116.7000 01/01/1920' 235 0.0 0.0 5.00 0.029 V 37.0( 59.5) DMG 33.7000 117.4000 04/11/1910 757 0.0 0.0· 5.00 0.029 V 37. 3( 60.0) DMG 33.7000 117.4000 05/15/1910 1547 0.0 0.0 6.001 0.053 VI 37.3( 60.0) DMG 33.7000 117.4000 05/13/1910 620 0.0 o:o 5.001 0.029 V 37.3( 60.0) DMG 33.6990 117. 5110 05/31/1938 83455.4 10.0 5.50 0.038 V 38. 3 ( 61. 7) DMG 32.8000 116.8000 10/23/1894 23 3 0.0 0.0 5.70 0.041 V 40.0( 64.4) MGI 33.2000 116.6000 10/12/1920 1748 0.0 0.0 5.30 0.030 V 42.8( 68.8) DM~ 33 .7100 116.9250 09/23/1963 144152.6 16.5 5.00 0.024 VI 44.7( 71.9) DMG 33.7500 117.0000 04/21/1918 223225.0 0.0 6.80 0.073 VIII 45.0( 72.4) DMG 33. T500 117.0000 06/06/1918 2232 0.0 0.0 5.00 0.024 IV 45.0( 72.4) MGI 33.8000 117.6000 04/22/1918 2115 0.0 0.0 5.00 0.023 IV 46.5( 74.9) DMG 33.5750 117.9830 03/11/1933 518 4.0 0.0 5 . .201 0.026 V 46.8( 75.3) DMG 33.6170 117.9670 03/11/1933 154 7.8 0.0 6.301 0.049 VI 47.9( 77.1) DMG 33.8000 117.0000 12/25/1899 1225 0.0 0.0 (?.401 0.052 VI 48.1( 77.5) DMG 33.6170 118.0170 03/14/1933 19 150.0 0.0 5.101 0.022 IV 50.1( 80.7) GSP 33.5290 116.5720 06/12/2005 · 154146 .. 5 14.0 5.201 0.023 IV 50.9( 82.0) DMG I 33. 9000 117.2000 12/19/1880 0 0 0.0 o .. o 6.001 0.037 V 51.5( 82.9) PAS 133.5010 l;I.6. 5130· 02/25/1980 104738.5 13.6 5.50 0.027 V 53.1( 85.4) GSP 133.5080 116. 5140 10/31/2001 075616.6 15.0 5.10 0.021 IV 53. 2( 85. 6) DMG 133.0000 116.4330 06/04/1940-1035 8.3. 0.0 5.10 0.021 IV 53.6( 86.2) DMG I 33. 5000 116.5000 09/30/1916 2il 0.0 0.0 5.00 0.020 IV 53.7( 86.4) DMG 33. 6830 118.0500 03/11/1933 658 3.0 0.0 5.50 0.026 V 54.5( 87.7) DMG ,33. 7000 118 .. 0670 03/11/1933 · 51022.0 0.0 5.10 0.020 IV 56.0( 90.1) DMG 33.7000 118.0670 03/11/1933 85457.0 0.0 5.10 0.020 IV 56.0( 90.1) DMG 34.0000 117.2500 07/23/1923 73026.0 o.o. 6.25 0.039 V 58.0( 93.4) MGI -34.0000 117.5000 12/16/1858 10 0 0.0 0.0. 7.001 0.064 VI 58.6( 94.2) DMG 33.3430 116.3460 04/28/1969 232042.9 20.0 5.80 0.029 V 58.7( 94.4) DMG 33,7500 118.0830 03/11/1933 323 0.0 0.0 5.00 0.018 IV 59.0( 95.0) DMG 33.7500 118.0830 03/11/1933 910 0.0 0.0 5.10 0.019 IV 59.0( 95.0) DMG 33.7500 118.0830 03/11/1933 2 9 0.0 0.0 5.00 0.018 IV 59.0( 95.0) DMG 33.7500 118.0830 03/11/1933 230 0.0 0.0 5.10 0.019 IV 59.0( 95.0) DMG 33.7500 118.0830 03/13/19331131828.0I 0.01 5.30 0.021 IV 59.0( 95.0) GSG 33.9530 117.7610 07/29/20081184215.71 14.0I 5.30 0.021 IV 59.7( 96.1) DMG 33.9500 116.8500 09/28/19461 719 9.01 0.01 5.00 0.017 IV 61.2( 98.5) ***********~******************************************************************* · Page 2 W.O. 6064-A-SC -Plate C-5 GeoSoils, lne. -END OF SEARCH-42 ·EARTHQUAKES FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH AREA. TIME PERIOD OF SEARCH: 1800 TO 2009 LENGTH OF SEARCH TIME: 210 years THE EARTHQUAKE CLOSEST TO THE SITE IS ABOUT 11.4 MILES (18.4 km) AWAY. LARGEST EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE FOUNO IN THE SEARCH RADIUS: 7.0 LARGEST EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION FROM THIS SEARCH: 0.240 g COEFFICIENTS FOR GUTENBERG & RICHTER RECURRENCE RELATION:· a-:-value= 0.979 b-value= 0.383 beta-value:;: 0.883 TABLE OF MAGNITUDES AND EXCEEDANCES: ------------------------------- Earthquake I Number of Times l cumulative Magnitude I Exceeded I No./ Year ---------+-----------------+------------4.0 42 0.20096 4.5 42 0.20096 5.0 42 0.20096 5 . 5 14 0. 06699 6 .. 0 8 0.03828 6.5 3 0.01435 7.0 1 0.00478 Page 3 W.O. 6064-A-SC GeoSoils, Ine. Plate C-6 j ~ I.. «s Q) >---z -en +-' C: a>" > w -0 I.. Q) .a E ::::s z Q) > :.:; ca -::::s E E ::::s (..) EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE CURVE DANNA 100 10 1 . 1 .01 .001 '' ,, " ~ " . ' I ~ a u .......... g '- '"~ .... ---~ .......... f, ............... . 4. ~ ' ti ,. t1 .,-~· . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ '" """' ., ~t,-''·,~', 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 Magnitude (M) W.O. 6064-A-SC Plate C-7 GeoSoils, ine. EARTHQUAKE EPICEN.TER MAP DANNA 1100 --.r-------'---------------------~ 1000 900 800 700 600 500 ,400 300 200 LEGEND >< M =4 100 () M = 5 D M=6 6 M =7 ~ 0 OM=B -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 W.0. 6064-A-SC Plate C-8 GeoSoils, lne. ,\ I -'#. ->-,:::: -.a (U .C· 0 :i.. a. Q) (.) C ca "O .Q) Q) (.) X w 100 -- 90 80 '"-, --- 70 ~ ,_ ,_ ,- 60 -- -'- - 50 - ,-,_ ,- 40 -· -- ~ 30 ,_ ,- ,_ - 20 ---- 10 ,_ ,-,_ ,-I ,,;-,~-0 0.00 PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE BOZ. ET AL.(1999)HOR PS COR 2 w rn w IT] 25 vrs 50yrs 75 •,rs 100 yrs ~· \\ \~~ 't: W~~-I I I l I l I ' l I l l I l ' I N, <"~~ ~.,:;.-r,. >w)>'k"''~i".! -M,~"'•,.,mi., .. $~' ., 0.25 0.50 0.75-1.00 1.25 1.50 Acceleration (g) I ~ t -, p ; W.O. 6064-A-SC Plate C-9 GeoSoils, lne. -0 ll-l-t-+--f---i-+H-H-+-f--+---,-+H++++--+---+-----1+1-1-Hl-+-l---+---1+1--1-+-1--l-l------l--4-1-1-1--1-1-~~ Lt') . ~ -,- f\ ' - - -~ ~ Lt') tH-l7"""-t-''t--t\' +t+H-t-t--t--+H+t++-+--+----++-H-HH-1---t---H++-+++-+--+---H-++-1-4--1--1-~-~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,... ,- W.O. 6064-A-SC 0 0 0 0 ,- (SJA) PO!J0d UJOJ01:j GeoSoils, Inc. 0 0 0 0 0 ,-,- Plate C-10 , I , \ '· . LA_~ORATORY DATA '· ,, U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1/23/B 3 4 6 B 10 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100140200 100 I 11 I I i r I I f l l I :, I: : : 95 I: I: 90 I: I: -\ ' 85 ., ,,: 80 : 75 70 ~65 : \ (!) 1: ~60 - I: \ 1: : 6:j 55 I• I: ti= : UJ50 : ·z \ ~45 z ~' ~40 ' 0:: '· \ 11:35 \ 30 \ . 25 1 : "' : i 20 : : : 15 .. 10 5 o 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS I COBBLES GRAVEL SAND coarse 1· medium -SILT OR CLAY coarse fine fine -~ample Depth Range. Visual Classiffcafion/USCS CLASSIFICATION LL PL Pl Cc cu • HA-2 4.5 4.5-5.5 Silty Sand Sample Depth D100 D60 030 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt l %Clay • HA-2 4.5 2 0.326 0.162 0.0 79.2 20.8 - .. GeoSoils, Inc. I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION A~!~~jJ~:? 5741 PalmerWay Project DANNA 'ils,.,_Jii'c. Carlsbad, CA 92008 ·~Jl~ Telepf,one: (760) 438-3155 Number: 6064-A-SC Fax: (760} 931-0915 Date: June 2010 Plate: D-1 - ---·-······-----------·-· ··-· 1 • ' . Prime Te$fing, Inc. 41658 Ivy eytreet Ste 114 Murrieta, cA 92562 ph_ (951) 894-2682 • fx (951) 894-2683 Work Order No._: 10E4200 Client: GeoSoils., Inc. Project No.: 6064-A-SC Project Nam~:. Danng -Report b.ate: M~y 26; 201 o Laboratory Test(s) Results -Summary Th~ subject soil sample was processed in accordance with California Test-Method CTN! 643 and tested for pH / Minimum Resistivity (CTM 643), Si:.lffate Content (CTM 417) and Chloride Content (CTM 422). Tfr~ test r~sults. fr;illow: · Minirritiin Sulfate Sulfate Ch_l_oride Sampler Jdentificatfon ·pH. Resistivity Content Content Content (ohm-cm} (mg/kg) (% bywgt) .(ppm) HA,-1 @ 2·,5-3.5' 7.4 1,.800 l 120' .0.012 1.70 .. *ND=N_o Detection We appr~ciate the opportunity to serve you. Please,do nofhes1tate to contact us with any questions or clarifications re_gardihg -these results or procedures. .,1 1!tml!!!!L'rl2!!.l!b. 1 \'m,;11,N!~A'fforJ"i : M fi MU ii~ f www.primetesting.com Ahniet K. Kaya, Laboratory Manager W.O. 6064-A-SC PLATE D-2 Form No. CP-:t.R Rev. 05/10 I I I l I ' I ( ' . ; ( . [1 i ~-1 < ! ' ' ~ ' ' I 1 ' i [ i' /,' 1,·. I i I r. i . ' t ! . \·· j ~ ' i i ' . . ' ,. ! . > ,' t. , ' . ( . . APPENDIXE GENERAL EARTHWORK, GRADING GU·IOELINES, AND PRELlM·INARY ·CRITERl·A. . , .. . ' ,I •• ' "' GENERAL EARTHWORK, GRADING GUIDELINES, AND PRELIMINARY CRITERIA General These guidelines.present general procedures and requirements for earthwork and grading · as shown on the approved grading plans, including preparation of areas to be filled, placement of fill, installation of subdrains, excavations, and appurtenant structures or flatwork. rhe recommendations contained in the geotechnical .report are part of these earthwork and grading guidelines and would sup!3rcede the provisions contained hereafter in the: case of conflict. Evaluations performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new or revised recommendations which could supercede these guidelines or the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report. Generalized details follow this text. The cqntractor is responsible for the satisfactory completion of all earthwork in accordance with provisions of the project plans and specifications and latest adopted code. In the case of conflict, the most onerous provisions shall prevail. The project geotechnical engineer and engineering geologist (geotechnical consultant), and/or their representatives, should provide observation and testing services, and 9eotechnical consultation during the_ duration of the project. EARTHWORK OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING Geotechnical Consultant Prior to the commencement of grading, a qualified geotechnical consultant (soil engineer and ~ngineering geologist) should be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for general conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report(s), the approved grading plans, and applicable grading codes and ordinahces. The geotechnical consultant should provide testing and observation so that an evaluation may be made that the work is being accomplished as specified. It is the responsibility of the contractor to assist the consultants and keep them apprised of anticipated work schedules and changes, so that they may schedule their personnel accordingly. All remedial removals, clean-outs, prepared ground to receive fill, key excavations, and subdrain installation should be observed and documented by the geotechnical consultant prior to placing any fill. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify the geotechnical consultant when ·such areas are ready for observation. Laboratory and Field Tests Maximum dry density tests to determihe the degree of compaction should be performed in accordance with American Standard Testing Materials test method ASTM designation D-1557. Random or representative field compaction tests should be performed in GeoSoils, Ine. accordance with test methods ASTM designation o., 1556, D-2937 or D-2922, and D-3017, at intervals of approximately +2 feet offill height or approximately every 1,000 cubic yards placed. These criteria would vary depending ,on the soil conditions and the size of the project. The location and frequency of testing would be at the discretion of the geotechnical consultant. f Contractor's Responsibility· All clearing, site preparation, and earthwork performed on the project should be conducted by the contractor, with observation by a geotechnical consultant, and staged approval by the governing agencies, as applicable. It is the contractor's responsibility to prepare the ground surface to receive the fill, to the satisfaction of the geotechnical consultant, and to place, $pread, moisture condition., mix, and compact the fill in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. The contractor should also remove all non-earth material considered unsatisfactory by the geotechnical consultant. Notwithstanding the services provided by the geotechnical ·consultant, it is the sole responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate equipment ahd methods to accomplish the earthwork in strict accordance with applicable grading guidelines, latest adopted codes or agency ordinances, geotechnical report(s), and approved grading plans. Sufficient watering apparatus and compaction equipment should be provided by the contractor with due consideration for the .fill material, rate of placement, and dimatic conditions. If, in the opinion of the geotechnical con·sultant, unsatisfactory conditions such as questional;>le weather, excessive oversized rock or deleterious material, insufficient support equipment, etc., are resulting in a quality of work that is not acceptable, the consultant will inform the contractor, and the contractor is expected to rectify the conditions, and if necessary, stop work until conditions are satisfactory. During construction, the contractor shall properly grade all surfaces to maintain good drainage and prevent ponding of water. The contractor shall take remedial measures to control surface water and to prevent erosion of graded areas until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed. SITE PREPARATION All major vegetation, including brush, trees, thick grasses, organic debris, and other deleterious mc;1terial, should be removed and disposed of off.,.site. lhese removals must be concluded prior to placing fill. In-place existing fill, soil, alluvium, colluvium, or rock materials, as evaluated by the geotechhical consultant as being unsuitable, should be removed prior to any fill placement. Depending upon the soil conditions,_these materials may be reused as compacted fill$. Any materials incorporated as part of the compacted . fills should be approved by the geotechnical consultant. Mr. Armando Danna File_:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. Appendix E Page2 Any underground structures such as cesspools, cisterns, mining shafts, tunnels, septic tanks, wells, pipelines, or other structures not located prior to grading, are to be removed or treated in a manner recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Soft, dry, spongy, highly fractured, or otherwise unsuitable ground, extending to such a depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition, should be overexcavated down to firm ground and approved by the geotechnical consultant before compaction and filling operations continue. Overexcavated and processed soils, which have been properly mixed and moisture conditioned, should be re-compacted to· the minimum relative compaction as specified in these guidelines. Existing ground, which is determined to be satisfactory for support of the fills, should be scarified (ripped) to a minimum depth of 6 to 8 inches, or as directed by the geotechnical consultant. After the scarified ground is brought to optimum moisture content, or greater and mixed, the materials should be compacted as specified herein. If the scarified zone is greater than 6 to 8 inches in depth, it may be _necessary to ·remove the excess and place the material in lifts restricted to about 6 to 8 inches in compacted thickness. Existing ground which is not satisfactory to support compacted fill should be overexcavated as required in the geotechnical report, or by the on-site geotechnical consultant. Scarification, disc harrowing, or other acceptable forms of mixing should continue until the soils are broken down and free of large lumps or clods, until the working surface is reasonably uniform and free from ruts, hollows, hummocks, mounds, or other uneven features, which would inhibit compaction as described previously. Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical [h:v]), the ground should be stepped or benched. The lowest bench, which will act as a key, should be a minimum of 15 feet wide and should be at least 2 feet deep into firm material, and approved by the geotechnical consultant. In fill-over-cut slope conditions, the recommended minimum width of the lowest bench or key is also 15 feet, with the key founded on firm material, as designated by the geotechnical consultant. As a general rule, unless specifically recommended otherwise by the geotechnical consultant, the minimum width offill keys should be equal to ½ the height of the slope. Standard benching is generally 4 feet (minimum) vertically, exposing firm, acceptable material. Benching may be used to remove unsuitable materials, although it is understood ·that the vertical height of the bench may exceed 4 feet. Pre-stripping may be considered for unsuitable materials in excess of 4 feet in thickness. All areas to receive fill, including processed areas, removal areas, and the toes of fill benches, should be observed and approved by the geotechnical consultant prior to placement of fill. Fills may then be properly placed and compacted until design grades (elevations) are attained. Mr. Armando Danna· File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi · GeoSoils, lne. Appendix E Page3 COMPACTED FILLS Any earth materials imported or excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill provided that each material has been evaluated to be suitable by the geotechnical consultant. These materials should be free of roots, tree branches, other organic matter, or other deleterious materials. All unsuitable materials should be removed from the fill as directed by the geotechnical consultant. Soils of poor gradation, undesirable expansion potential, or substandard strength characteristics may be designated by the consultant as unsuitable and may require blending with other soils to serve as a satisfactory fill material. Fill materials derived from benching operations should be dispersed throughout the fill area and blended with other approved material. Benching operations should not result in the benched material being placed only within a single equipment width away from the fill/bedrock contact. Oversized materials defined as rock, or other irreducible materials, with a maximum dimension greater than 12 inches, should not be buried or placed in fills unless the location of materials and disposal methods are specifically approved by the geotechnical consultant. Oversized material should be taken offsite, or placed in accordance with recommendations of the geotechnica:I consultant in areas designp.ted as suitable for rock disposal. -GSI anticipates that soils to be utilized as fill material for the subject project may contain some rock. Appropriately, the need for rock disposal may be necessary during grading operations on the site. From a geotechnical standpoint, the depth of any rocks, rock fills, or rock blankets, should be a sufficient distance from finish grade. This depth is generally the same as any overexcavation due to cut-fill transitions in hard rock areas, and generally facilitates the excavation -of structural footings and substructures. Should deeper excavations be proposed (i.e., deepened footings, utility trenching, swimming pools, spas, etc.), the developer may consider increasing the hold-down depth of any rocky fills to be placed, as appropriate. In addition, some agencies/jurisdictions mandate a specific hold-down depth for bversize materials placed in fills. The hold-down depth, and potential to encounter oversize rock, both within fills, and occurring in cut or natural areas, would need to be disclosed to all interested/affected parties. Once approved by the governing agency, the hold-down depth for oversized rock (i.e., greater than 12 inches) in fills on this project is· provided as 1 o feet, unless specified differently in the text of this report. The governing agency may require that these materials need to be deeper, crushed, or redu.ced to less than 12 inches in maximum dimension, at their discretion. To facilitate future trenching, rock (or oversized material), should not be placed within the hold-down depth feet from finish grade, the range of.foundation excavations, future utilities, or underground construction unless specifically approved by the governing agency, the geotechnical consultant, and/or the developer's representative~ If import material is required for grading, representative samples of the materials to be utilized as compacted fill should be analyzed in the laboratory by the geotechnical consultant to evaluate it's physical properties and suitability for use onsite. Such testing Mr. Armando Danna File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi OeoSoils~ Ine. · Appendix E Page4 should be performed three (3) days prior to importation. If any material other than that previously tested is encountered during grading, an appropriate analysis of tnis material should be conducted by the geotechnical consultant as soon as possible. Approved fill material should be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in near horizontal layers, that when compacted, should not exceed about 6 to 8 inc.hes in thickness. The geotechnical consultant may approve thick lifts if testing indicates the grading procedures are such that adequate compaction is being achieved with lifts of greater thickness. Eac~ layer should be spread evenly and blended to attain uniformity of material and moisture suitable for compaction. Fill layers.at a moisture content less than optimum should be watered and mixed, and wet fill layers should be aerated by scarification, or should be blended with drier material. Moisture conditioning, blending, and mixing of the fill layer should continue until the fill materials have a uniform moisture content at, or above, optimum moisture. After each layer has been evenly spr.eaq, moisture conditioned, and mixed, it should be uniformly compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum density as evaluated by ASTM test designation D-1557, or as otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant. Compaction equipment should be adequately sized and should be specifically designed for soil compaction, or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified ·degree of compaction. Where tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill, or portion thereof, is below the required relative compaction, or improper moisture is in evidence, the particular layer or portion shall l::>e re-worked until the required density and/or moisture content has been attained. No additional fill shall be placed in an area until the last placed lift of fill has been tested and found to meet the density and moisture requirements, and is approved by the geotechnical consultant. In general, per the 1997 UBC and/or latest adopted version of the California Building Code (CBC), fill slopes should be designed and constructed at a gradient of 2:1 (h:v), or flatter. Compaction of slopes should be accomplished by over-building a minimum of 3 feet horizontally, and subsequently trimming back to the design slope configuration. Testing shall be performed as the fill is elevated to ·evaluate compaction as the fill core is being developed. Special efforts may be necessary to attain the specified compaction in the fill slope zone. Final slope shaping should be performed by trimming and removing loose materials with appropriate equipment. A final evaluation of fill slope compaction should be based on observation and/or testing of the finished slope face. Where compacted fill slopes are designed steeper than 2:1 (h:v), prior approval from the governing agency, specific material types, a higher minimum relative compaction, special reinforcement, and special grading procedures will be recommended. Mr. Armando Danna File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. Appendix E Page5 } i ! ~\ i I f J J ; If an alternative to over-building and cutting back the compacted fill slopes is selected, then special effort should be made to achieve the required compaction in the outer 1 O feet of each lift of fill by undertaking the following: 1. An extra piece of equipment consisting of a heavy, short-shanked sheepsfoot should be used to roll (horizontal) parallel to the slopes continuously as fill is placed. The sheepsfoot roller should also be used to roll perpendicular to the slopes, and extend out over the slope to provide adequate compaction to the face of the slope. 2. Loose fill should not be spilled out over the face of the slope as each lift is compacted. Any loose fill spilled over a previously completed slope face should be trimmed off or be subject to re-rolling. 3. Field compaction tests will be ·made in the outer (horizontal) ±2 to ±8 feet of the slope at app.ropriate vertical intervals, subsequent to compaction operations. 4. After completion of the slope, the slope face should be shaped with a small tractor and then re-rolled with a sheepsfoot to achieve compaction to near the slope face. Subsequent to testing to evaluate compaction, the slopes should be grid-rolled to . achieve compaction to the slope face. Final. testing should be used to evaluate compaction after grid rolling. 5. Where testing indicates less than adequate GOmpaction, the contractor will be responsible to rip, water, mix, and recompact the slope material as necessary to achieve compaction. Additional testing should be performed to evaluate compaction. SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION $ubdrains should be installed in c1pproved ·ground in accordance with the approximate ~lignment and details indicated by the geotechnical consultant. Subdrain locations or materials should not be changed or modified without approval of the geotechnical consultant. The geotechnical consultant may recommend and direct changes in subdrain line, grade, and drain material in the field, pending exposed conditions. The location of constructed subdrains, especially the outlets, should be recorded/surveyed by the project civil engineer. Drainage at the subdrain outlets should be provided by the project civil .engineer. EXCAVATIONS Excavations and cut slopes should be examined during grading by the geotechnical consultant. If directed by the geotechnical consultant, further excavations or overexcavation and refilling of cut areas should be performed, and/or remedial grading of Mr. Armando Danna File:e;\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi · GeoSoils, lne. Appendix E Page6 cut slopes should be performed. When fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, unless otherwise approved, the cut portion of the slope should be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope. The geotechnical consultant should observe all cut slopes, and should be notified by the contractor when excavation of cut slopes commence. If, during th~ course of grading, unforeseen adverse or potentially adverse geologic conditions are encountered, the geotechnical consultant should investigate, evaluate, and make appropriate recommendations for mitigation of these conditions. The need for cut slope buttressing or stabilizing should be based on in-grading evaluation by the geotechnical consultant, whether anticipated or not. Unless otherwise specified in geotechnical and geological report(s), no cut slopes should be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies. Additionally, short-term stability of temporary cut slopes is the contractor's responsibility. Erosion control and drainage devices should be designed by the project civil engineer and should.be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling governmental agencies, and/or in accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant. COMPLETION Observation, testing, and consultation by the geotechnical consultant should be conducted during the grading operations in order to state an opinion that all cut and fill areas are graded in accordance with the approved project specifications. After completion of grading, and after the geotechnical consultant has finished observations of the work, final reports should be submitted, and may be subject to review by the controlling governmental agencies. Nofurther excavation orfilling should be undertaken without prior notification of the geotechnical consultant or approved plans. All finished cut and fill slopes should be protected from erosion and/or be planted in accordance with the project specifications and/or as recommended by a landscape architect. Such protection ano/or planning should be undertaken as soon as practical after completion of grading. PRELIMINARY OUTDOOR POOL/SPA DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS The following preliminary recommendations are provided for consideration in pool/spa design arid planning. Actual recommendations should be provided by a qualified geotechnical consultant, based on site specific geotechnical conditions, including a subsurface investigation, differential settlement potential, expansive and corrosive soil potential, proximity of the proposed pool/spa to any slopes with regard to slope creep and lateral fill extension, as well as slope setbacks per code, and geometry of the proposed Mr. Armando Danna . File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. Appendix E Page? improvements. Recommendations for pools/spas arid/or deck flatwork underlain by expansive soils, or for areas with differential settlement greater than ¼-inch over 40 feet horizontally, will be more onerous than the preliminary recommendations presented below. The 1 :1 (h:v) influence zone of any nearby retaining wall site structures should be delineated on the project civil drawings With the pool/spa. This 1 :1 (h:v) zone is defined as a plane up from the lower-most heel of the retaining structure, to the daylight grade of the nearby building pad or slope. If pools/spas br associated pool/spa improvements are constructed within this zone, they should be re-positioned (horizontally or vertically) so that they are supported by earth materials that are outside or below this 1 : 1 plane. If this is not possible given the area of the building pad, the owner should consider eliminating these improvements br allow for increased potential for lateral/vertical deformations and associated distress that may render these improvements unusable in the future, unless they are periodically repaired and maintained. The conditions and recommendations prese.hted herein should be disclosed to all homeowners and any interested/affected parties. General 1. The equivalent fluid pressure to be used for the pool/spa design should be 60 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) for pool/spa walls with level backfill, and 75 pcf for a 2:1 sloped backfill condition. In addition, backdrains should be provided behind pool/spa walls subjacent to slopes. 2. Passive earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 150 pcf, to a maximum lateral earth pressure of 1,000 pounds per square foot (psf). 3. An allowable coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0 .. 30 may be used with the dead load forces. 4. · When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. 5. Where pools/spas are planned near structures, appropriate surcharge loads need to.be incorporated into design and construction by the pool/spa designer. This includes, but is not limited to landscape berms, decorative walls, footings, built-in barbeques, utility poles, etc. 6. All pool/spa walls should be designed· as "free standing" and be capable of supporting the water in the pool/spa without soil support. The shape of pool/spa in cross section and plan view may affect the performance of the pool, from a geotechnical standpoint. Pools and spas should also be designed in accordance . with Section 1806.5 of the 1997 USC, Minimally, the bottoms of the pools/spas, should maintain a distance H/3, where His the height of the slope (in feet), from the slope face. This distance should not be less than 7 feet, nor need not be greater than 40 feet. Mr. Armando Danna Fil~:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. Appendix E Pages 7. the soil beneath the pool/spa bottom should be uniformly moist with the same stiffness thro'ughout. If a fill/cut transition occurs beneath the pool/spa bottom, the cut portion should be overexcavated to a minimum depth of 48 inches, and replaced with compacted fill, such that there is a uniform blanket that is a minimum of 48 inches below the pool/spa shell. If very low expansive soil is used for fill, the fill should be placed at a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction, at optimum moisture conditions. This requirement should be 90 percent relative compaction at over .optimum moisture if the pool/spa is constructed within or near expansive soils.. The potential for grading and/or re-grading of the pool/spa bottom, and attendant potential for shoring and/or slot excavation, needs to be considered during all aspects of pool/spa planning, design, and construction. R If the pool/spa is.founded entirely in compacted fill placed during rough grading, the deepest portion of the pool/spa should correspond with the thickest fill on the lot. 9. Hydrostatic pressure relief valves should be incorporated into the pool and spa designs. A pool/spa under-drain system is also recommended, with an appropriate outlet for discharge. 10. All fittings and pipe joints, particularly fittings in the side of the pool or spa, should be properly sealed to prevent water from leaking into the adjacent soils materials, and be fitted with slip or expandible joints between connections transecting varying soil conditions. 11. An elastic expa,nsion joint (flexible waterproof sealant) should be installed to prevent water from seeping into the soil at all deck joints. 12. A reinforced grade beam should be placed. around skimmer inlets to provide support and mitigate cracking around ·the skimmer face. 13. In order to reduce unsightly cracking, deck slabs should minimally be 4 inches thick, and reinforced with No. 3 reinforcing bars at 18 inches on-center. All slab reinforcement should be supported to ensure proper mid-slab positioning during the placement of concrete. Wire mesh reinforcing is specifically not recommended. Deck slabs should not be tied to the pool/spa structure. Pre-moistening and/or pre-soaking of the slab subgrade is recommended, to a depth of 12 inches (optimum moisture content), or 18 inches (120 percent of the soil's optimum moisture content, or 3 percent over optimum moisture content, whichever is greater), for very low to low, and medium expansive soils, respectively. This moisture content should be maintained in the subgrade soils during concrete placement to promote uniform curing of the concrete and minimize the development of unsightly shrinkage cracks. Slab underlayment should consist of a 1-to 2-inch leveling course of sand (S.E. >30) and a minimum of 4 to 6 inches of Class 2 base compacted to 90 percent. Deck slabs within the H/3 zone, where H is the height of the slope (in feet), will have an increased potential for distress relative to other areas outside of the H/3 zone. If distress is undesirable, Mr. Armc1ndo Danna File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSfJils, Inc. Appendix E Page9 improvements, deck slabs or flatwork should not be constructed closer than H/3 or 7 feet (whichever is greater) from the slope face, in order to reduc~, but not eliminate, this potential. 14. · Pool/spa bottom or deck slabs should be founded entirely on competent bedrock, or properly compacted fill. Fill should be compacted to achieve a minimum 90 percent relative compaction, as discussed above. Prior to pouring concrete, subgrade soils below the pool/spa decking should be throughly watered to achieve a moisture content that is atleast 2 percent above optimum moisture content, to a depth of at least 18 inches below the bottom of slabs. This moisture content should be maintained in the subgrade soils during concrete placement to promote uniform curin{;rofthe concrete and minimize the development of unsightly shrinkage cracks. 15. In order to reduce unsightly crackjng, the outer etjges of pool/spa decking to be bordered by landscaping, and the edges immediately adjacent to the pool/spa, should be underlain by an 8-inch wide concrete cutoff shoulder (thickened edge) extending to a depth of at lea.st 12 inches below the bottoms of the slabs to mitigate excessive infiltration of water under the pool/spa deck. These thickened edges should be reinforced with two No. 4 bars, one at the top and one at the bottom. Deck slabs may be minimally reinforced with No. 3 reinforcing bars placed at 1:8 inches ·on-center, in both directions. All slab reinforcement should be supported on chairs to ensure proper mid-slab positioning during the placement of concrete. 16. Surface and shrinkage cracking of the finish slab may be reduced if a low slump and water-cement ratio are maintained during concrete placement. Concrete utilized should have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi. Excessive water added to concrete prior to placement is likely to cause shrinkage cracking, and should be avoided. Some concrete shrinkage cracking, however, is unavoidable. 17. Joint and sawcut locations for the pool/spa deck should be determined by the design engineer and/or contractor. However; spacings should not exceed 6 feet on center. 1 a. Considering the nature of the onsite earth materials, it should be anticipated that caving or sloughing could be a factor in subsurface excavations and trenching. Shoring or excavating the trench walls/backcuts at the angle of repose (typically 25 to 45 degrees), should be anticipated. All excavations should be observed by a representative of the geotechnical consultant, including the project geologist and/or -geotechnical engineer, prior to workers entering the excavation or trench, and minimally conform to Cal/OSHA ("Type C" soils may be assumed), state, and local safety ·codes. Should adverse conditions exist, appropriate recommendations · should be offered at that time by the geotechnical consultant. GSI does not consult in the area of safety engineering and the safety of the construction crew is the · responsibility of the pool/spa b1,Jilder. Mr. Armando Danna Fi.le:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Inc. Appendix E Page 10 i 19. It is imperative that adequate provisions for surface· drainage are incorporated by the homeowners into their overall improvement scheme. Ponding water, ground saturation and flow over slope faces, are all situations which must be avoided to enhance long term performance of the pool/spa and associated improvements, and reduce the likelihood of distress. 20. Regardless of the methods employed, once the pool/spa is filled with water, should it be emptied, there exists some potential that if emptied, significant distress may occur. Accordingly, once filled, the pool/spa should not be emptied unless evaluated by the geotechnical consultant anq the pool/spa builder. 21. For pools/spas built within (all or part) of the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) setback and/or geotechnical setback, as indicated in the site geotechnical documents, special foundations are recommended to mitigate the affects of creep, lateral fill extension, expansive soils and settlement on the proposed pool/spa. Most municipalities or County reviewers do not consider these effects in pool/spa plan approvals. As such, where pools/spas are proposed on 20 feet or more of fill, medium or highly expansive soils; or rock fill with limited "q:1.p soils" and built within 1997 UBC setbacks, or within the influence of· the creep zone, or lateral fill extension, the following should be considered during design an.d construction: OPTION A: Shallow foundations with or without overexcavation of the pool/spa "shell," such that the pool/spa is surrounded by 5 feet of very low to low expansive soils (without irreducible particles greater that 6 inches), and the pool/spa walls closer t_o the slope(s) are designed to be free standing. GSI recommends a pool/spa under-drain or blanket system (see attached Typical Pool/Spa Detail). The pool/spa builders and owner in this optional construction technique should be generally satisfied with pool/spa performance under this scenario; however, some settlement, tilting, cracking, and leakage of the pool/spa is likely over the life of the project. OPTION B: Pier supported pool/spa foundations with or without overexcavation of the pool/spa shell such that the pool/spa is surrounded by 5 feet of very low to low expansive soils (without irreducible particles greater than 6 inches), and the pool/spa walls closer to the slope(s) are designed to be free standing. The need for a pool/spa under-drain system may be installed for leak detection purposes. Piers that support the pool/spa should be a minimum of 12 inches in diameter and at a spacing to provide vertical and lateral support of the pool/spa, in accordance with the pool/spa designers recommendations, local code, and the 1997 UBC. The pool/spa builder and owner ih this second scenario construction technique should be more satisfied with pool/spa performance. This construction will reduce settlement and creep effects on the pool/spa; however, it will not eliminate these potentials, nor make the pool/spa "leak-free." Mr. Armando Danna . File:e,\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. Appendix E Page 11 22. The temperature of the wate.r lines for spas and pools may affect the corrosion properties of site soils, thus, a corrosion specialist should be retained to review all spa and pool plans, and provide mitigative recommendations, as warranted. Concrete mix design should be reviewed by a qualified corrosion consultant and materials engineer. 23. All pool/spa utility trenches should be compacted to 90 percent of the laboratory standard, under the full-time observation arid testing of a qualified geotechnical consultant. Utility trench bottoms should be sloped away from the primary structure on the property (typically the residence). 24. Pool and spa utility lines should not cross the primary structure's utility lines (i.e., not stacked, or sharing of trenches, etc.). 25. The pool/spa or associated utilities should_ not intercept! interrupt, or otherwise adversely impact any area drain, roof drain, or other drainage conveyances. If it is necessary to modify, move, or disrupt existing area drains, subdrains, or tightlines, then the design civil engineer should be consulted, and mitigative measures provided. Such measures should be further reviewed and approved by the geotechnical consultant, prior to proceeding with any further construction. 26. The geotechnical consultant should review and approve all aspects of pool/spa and flatwork design prior to construction. A design civil engineer should review all aspects of such design, inch,iding drainage and setback conditions. Prior to acceptance of the pool/spa construction, the project builder, geotechnical consultant and civil designer should evaluate the performance of the area drains and other site drainage pipes; following pool/spa construction. 27. All aspects of construction should be reviewed and approved by the geotechnical consultant, including during excavation, prior to the placement of any additional fill, prior to the placement of any reinforcement or pouring of any concrete. 28. Any changes in design or location of the pool/spa should be reviewed and approved by the geotechnical and.design civil engineer prior to construction. Field adjustments should not be allowed until written approval of the proposed field changes are obtained from the geotechnical and design civil engineer. 29. Disclosure should be rriade to homeowners and builders, contractors, and any interested/affected parties, that pools/spas built within about 15 feet of the top of a slope, and/or H/3, where H is the height of the_ slope (in feet), will experience some movement or tilting. While the pool/spa shell or coping may not necessarily crack, the levelness of the pool/spa will likely tilt toward the slope, and may not be esthetically pleasing. The same is true with decking, flatwork and other improv<;:lments in this zone. . Mr. Armando Danna File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne. Appendix E Page 12 30. Failure to· adhere to the above recommendations will significantly increase the potential for distress to the pool/spa, flatwork, etc. 31. Local seismicity and/or the design earthquake will cause some distress to the pool/spa and decking or flatwork, possibly including total functional and economic loss. 32. The information and recommendations discussed above should be provided to any contractors and/or subcontractors, or homeowners, interested/affected parties, etc., that may perform or may be affected by such work. JOB SAFETY General At GSI, getting the job done safely is of primary concern. The following is the company's safety considerations for use by all employees on multi-employer construction sites. On-ground personnel are at highest risk of injury, and possible fatality, on grading and construction projects. GSI recognizes that construction activities will vary on each site, and that site safety is the prime responsibility of the contractor; however, everyone must be safety conscious and responsible at all times. To achieve our goal of avoiding accidents, cooperation between the client, the contractor, and GSI personnel must be maintained. In an effort to minimize risks associated with geotechnical testing and observation, the following precautions are to be implemented for the safety of field personnel on grading and construction projects: Safety Meetings: GSI field personnel are directed to attend contractor's regularly scheduled and documented safety meetings. Safety Vests: Safety vests are provided for, and are to be worn by GSI personnel, at all times, when they are Working in the field. Safety Flags: Two safety flags are provided to GSI field technicians; one is to be affixed to the vehicle when on site, the other is to be placed atop the spoil pile on all test pits. Flashing Lights: All vehicles stationary in the grading area shall use rotating or flashing amber beacons, or strobe lights, on the vehicle during all field testing. While operating a vehicle in the grading area, the emergency flasher on the vehicle shall be activated. In the event that the contractor's representative observes any of our personnel not following the above,. we request that it be brought to the attention of our office. Mr. Armando Danna File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, lne .. Appendix E Page 13 '( ,, 1' r' I I I ! ! r i) ( I Test Pits Location, Orientation, and Clearance . · The technician is responsible for selecting test pit locations. A primary concern should be the technician's safety. Efforts will be made to coordinate locations with the grading contractor's authorized representative, and to select locations following or behind the established traffic pattern, preferably outside of currenttraffic. The contractor's authorized representative (supervisor, grade checker, dump man, operator, etc.) should direct excavatiori of the pit and safety during the test period. Of paramount concern should be the soil technician's safety, and obtaining enough tests to represent the fiIL Test pits should be excavated so that the spoil pile is placed away from oncoming traffic, whenever possible. The technician's vehicle is to be placed next to the test pit, opposite the spoil pile. This necessitates the fill be maintained in a driveable condition. Alternatively, the contractor may wish to park a piece of equipment in front of the test holes, particularly in small fill areas or those with limited access. A zone of non-encroachment should be established for all test pits. No grading equipment should enter this zone during the testing procedure. The zone should extend approximately 50 feet outward from the center of the test pit. This zone is established for safety and to avoid excessive ground vibration, which typically decreases test results. When taking slope tests, the technician should park the vehicle directly above or below the test location. If this is not possible, a prominent flag should be placed at the top of the slope. The contractor's representative should effectively keep all equipment at a safe operational distance (e.g., 50 feet) away from the slope during this testing. The technician is directed to withdraw from the active portion of the fill as soon as possible following testing. The technician's vehicle should be parked at the perimeter of the fill in a highly visible location, well away from the equipment traffic pattern. The contractor shot;1ld inform our personnel of all changes to ha,ul roads, cut and fill areas or other factors that may affect site access and site safety. In the event that the technician's safety is jeopardized or compromised as a result of the contractor's failure to comply with any of the above, the technician is required, by company policy, to immediately withdraw and notify his/her supervisor. The grading contractor's representative will be contacted in an effort to affect a solution. However, in the interim, no further testing will be performed until the situation is rectified. Any fill placed can be considered unacceptable and subject to reprocessing, recompaction, or removal. In the event that the soil technician does not comply with the above or other established safety guidelines, we request that the contractor.bring this to the technician's attention and notify this office. Effective communication and coordination between the contractor's representative and the soil technician is strongly encouraged in order to implement the above safety plan. ·· Mr. Armando Danna File:e:\Wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Ine. Appendix E Page 14 Trench and Vertical Excavation -· It is the contractor's responsibility to provide safe access into trenches where compaction testing is needed. Our personnel are directed not to enter any excavation or vertical cut which: 1) is 5 fe~t or deeper unless $hared or laid back; 2} displays any evidence of instability; hasany loose rock or other debris which could fall into the trench; or 3) displays any other evidence of any unsafe conditions regardless of depth. All trench excavations or vertical cuts in excess of 5 feet deep, which any person enters, should be shored or laid back. Trench access should be provided in accordance with Cal/OSHA and/or state and local standards. Our personnel are directed not to enter any trench by being lowered or "riding down" on the equipment. If the contractor fails to provide safe: access to trenches for compaction testing, our company policy requires that 1he soil-technician withdraw and notify his/her supervisor. The contractor's representative will be contacted in an effort to affect a solution. All backfill not tested due to safety concerns or other reasons could be subjectto reprocessing and/or removal. If GSI personnel become aware of anyone working beneath an unsafe trench wall or vertical excavation, we have a legal obligation to put the contractor and owner/developer on notice to immediately correct the situatioh. If corrective steps are not taken, GSI then has an obligation to notify Cal/OSHA and/or the proper controlling authorities. Mr. Armando Danna File:e:\wp9\6000\6064a.pgi GeoSoils, Ine. Appendix E Page 15 .,._ ~ ...... _,,_ ..._,., _ _..,, .. ..._..,.-., _ _,.,"-____ ~ -... .,; .. , ..... ~ ....... _ ........................... -.... ~--.., -"'' ~-.. -..... Original ground surf ace to be restored with compacted fill I Back-cut varies. For deep removals, .backcut should be made no steeper than 1:1 (H:V), or flatter as necessary for safety considerations. 2D / •O<:-/ ~-'---Toe of slope as shown ·on grading plan ,,,,,,.---: .. ~ -:--.. -.-.-.-. :-;:- / /1\.::_-:· <i,::·\_ .. :;..;: ...... :_ ... : ···:.:·· · . <':·. ·· .. > ··: :. · .. : .. Coinpa.C?t$d. Fill -= :.= · :. :-· .. <-: .. 1:·.-:-: -";_·:' _. .... ; .. :;_ .. _··: : ... :.···''.::: -~_:·-:: ·····, ... ··.:: .. :. Original ground surf ace # <31;/ ~ q_<:. / D • Anticipated removal of unsuitable material .~..:s/ (depth per geotechnical engineer) -~ ~~/ Provide a 1=1 (H:V) minimum projection from toe <;>f slope as shown on gr.ading plan to the recommended removal depth. Slope height, site conditions, and/ or lo.cal conditions could dictate flatter projections. .1f.-c. ~~· FILL SLOPE TOEING OUT ON FLAT ALLUVIATED CANYON DETAIL Plate E-3 11L m-c~ Proposed grade ~ --_ ~~ Previously placed, temporary compacted fill for drainage only ----- Proposed additional compacted fill Existing co +~{:~:'.: :::::::::~:: :::::::::::;:rc:~:;~r -~ ~ · . mpacted fill ~--:::::::: ::::::::·:::.E'·. •,: ... tJnsu·1t'' b . ;, . . .. ·. '. ,, ,, , , ', ·.' ""',·-:---·--:-:-:-:-:--::,·:-:-, '· .... · ., .. a_ le maie' r'·1a·1 ,, . .-. . o ,;,·.-.-.---:.-.-.-.c . .. · . . , ·. · ·, ·. · (le b · • ..,.-.:.::::·:-:-: .. ·., ..... : '.' .. ' .-· : '. : . ,. . . . '?,<'1/ . . . . ,. . . . ·. , e· removed) '~\;(&,\\\(\°t/)/40-~~~~\~\\i\. _;<Z:i.:--~y\\'\;<-. . Bedrock or a native mat . pproved enal L---o--To be removed before placing-~ additional compacted fill REMOVAL ADJACENT TO EXISTING FILL ADJOINING CANYON FILL DETAIL Plate E-4 Natural grade Proposed pad grade , .. ~·· .. : .:.:: .. ="··· .. ;··-P j_ CUT LOT OR MATERIAL -TYPE TRANSITION Typical benching ( 4,...foot minimum) Bedrock or approved native material Natural grade ·-··-: -··: .. ·-. -· . ..... ::· .....• :~ * Deeper overexcavation may be recommended by the geotechnical consultant in steep cut-fill transition areas, such that the underlying topography is no steeper than 3=1 (H:V) CUT-FILL LOT (DAYLIGHT TRANSITION) TRANSITION LOT DETAILS . Plate E-12 I l I MAPVJEW NOT TO SCALE Concrete cut-off wall SEE NOTr.__S _________ _ 2-inch-thick sand layer Bf" Gravity-flow, nonperforated subdrain I=== p"" (transverse) Toe of slope 4 A, 7 I -steet- 1 . Pool 4-inch perforated subdrain pipe (longitudinal) Coping A' 4-inch perforated subdrain pipe (transverse) Pool Direction of drainage B' CROSS SECTION VIEW Coping NOTTO SCALE SEE NOTES Pool encapsulated in 5-foot thickness of sand --- 6-inch-thick gravel layer 4-inch perforated subdrain pipe 8 NOTES: r H Gravity-flow nonperforated subdrain pipe I r-5feel . Coping B' 2-inch-thick sand layer Vapor retarder Perforated subdrain pipe 1. 6-inch-thick, clean gravel (¾ to 1½ inch) sub-base encapsulated in Mirafi 140N or equivalent, underlain by a 1q-mil vapor retarder, with 4-inch-diameter perforated pipe longitudinal connected to 4-inch-diameter . perforated pipe transverse. Connect transverse pipe to 4-inch-diameter nonperforated pipe at low point and outlet or to sump pump area. 2. pools on fills thicker than 20 feet should be constructed on deep foundations; otherwise, distress (tilting, cracking, etc.) should be expected. 3. Design does not apply to infinity-edge pools/spas. TYPICAL POOL/SPA DETAIL Plate E-17 SIDE VlEW . Test pit TOP VIEW Flag Flag Spoil pile Light ·-. Vehicle ---------50 feet------------~-50 feet-------, -------~--------a00 feel'----'--~-----------. TEST PIT SAF"ETY DIAGRAM Plate E-20 ... ~ ,,, ~' ~ ~· ~ ~/H_J CERTIFICA TiON OF Development services W CITY OF SCHOOL FEES PAID BuildingDepartment 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD 8-34 760-602-2719 www .carlsbadca.gov This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name: DANNA RESIDENCE Building Permit Plan Check Number: CB100695 Project Address: AP.N.:. Project Applicant (Owner Name): Project Description: Building Type: Residential: 1302 PINE AV 205-020-41-00 ARMANDO & DORA DANNA DEMO EXISTING 639 SF RES-BUILD NEW 1 New Dwelling Unit(s) 2,544 Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit: Square Feet of Living Area in $DU ------------------------------- Resident i a I Additions: N~t Square Feet New Area ------'--..:..-------...----'--------------- Commercial/Industrial: Net Square Feet New Area City Certification of ________ _,_ _____________________ _ " ' ,, Date: Applicant Information: --------------'---~---------------- SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 Ei Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 (331-5000) D Vista Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive Vista CA 92083 (726-2170) D·san Marcos Unified School District 215 Mata Way San Marcos, CA 92069 (290-2649) Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt. Only) D Encinitas Union School District D San Dieguito Union High School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4300 ext 166) Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling Lin its or square footage after the building permit is'. issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/develop~r of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. Signature: -of ~ Date: -----'------"'------------- B-34 Page 1 of2 Rev. 03/09 "' J ' SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) *************************************************************************************************** THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The .undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this proJect. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE /))r&M (±r~ (Zif) WALTER FREEMAN --AS-. Slaw-._ SDl<Al1..Nt~~sti:IUPH::!BR&fTh+'f-,IT.mi~m.,.,..£,N-INTI-'-----. .. . .. CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 EL CAMINO-REAL . CAmBAD. CA 9'2009: ... - DATE Io-&-.( o PHONE NUMBER B-34 Page 2 of2 Rev. 03/09 City of Carlsbad Plumbing -Electrical -Mechanical Worl:lsheet Project Address: 180&1 p 1 .:le. A-..Je Pe ·tN C2--B tD -0'.JJ~ rrm o.: _________ ~ ______ t ____ _ Information provided below refers to wom being done on the above mentioned permit only. This form must be completed and returned to the Building Department before the permit can be issued. Building Dept. Fax: (760) 602-8558 Number of new or relocated fixtures, traps, or floor drains ......................................... .. ---- New building sewer line? ............................................................................. Yes ___ _ No_X.____ Number of new roof drains? ············1:························································································ _.$( ___ _ Install/alter water line? .••..••••.••••••••..•••••••••.•••••.••••••••••••••...•.•.•.•.••.••••••.•.•.•.•••••••••••••.•••.•.•••••••.•..••• __ .,,\ __ Number of new water heaters?............................................................................................... ~ ---- Number of new, relocated or replaced gas outlets? ......................................................... ___,tf:,__ Number of new hose bibs? .........................•.............................................................................. t.J----- Upgrade existing panel? ............................................................................. Yes ___ _ No_X_ From _____ Amps to ____ Amps Number of new panels or subpanels? ...................................................................................... '2- Single Phase ................................................................................. Number of new amperes ,z.oo· · Three Phase ................................................................................... Number of new amperes ___ _ Three Phase 480 .......................................................................... Number of new amperes ___ _ Remodel (relocate existing· outlets/switches or add outlets/switches)? Ves No ----------- Number of new furnaces, A/C, or heat pumps? ............................................................... .. New or relocated duct wor~? ................................................................... Yes __ )(:...; __ No ---- Number Of new fireplaces? ........................................................................................................ __L_ Nu·mber of new exhaust fans?.................................................................................................. ~ Relocate/install-vent? .................................................................................................................. . Number of new exhaust hoods? ..............................•............................................................... l Number of new boilers or compressors? ............................................... Number of HP J;f CB100695 1302 PINEAV ·1 DANNA RES-DEMO EXIST 639·SF HOUSE BUii D ?544 8F I V/ 576 SF GAR/33 SF PORCH lf(-:io l,o-lo Ci-u.y-r Z::,c;-,·,__ w/wu ~ 4-.1~--10 &cf) lL/11 . 7( J.o(co ~IJ.#:rr~-~ll/4 (dj &ev,'411 :tr-fo. &Jttl wl Slh«c/{n_b t1JMJ .. · (:~ f-~~ k-o-:e ~·~ .f~ ;,,.,~,,f- ?-2(r/o, ~ JY f '.fe ~ ~·-,-, < /],~~ I ID -~l-.' O;.ft Cd}// SJ-.# J1L, ~ ,ec/-(Jj;([{r of;:-(:__ SW /!P()tY4'LI· acv ~pproved BUILDING PLANNING ENGINEERING wjSW FIRE Expedite? Y N HazMat APCD Health Forms~ees Encina ,Fire . flazHealtf1APCD Sent ~e ~ J (. 2--t O I "~ I J-J-4 -( 0 I w / ·1-2'2.r-l 0 iF;re ~f'~u~ ,_,~:::z~ Rec'd Due? ___ BY. ~ y N y N PE&M School 71A- 5/S'JlO '1/2.f9../ln I~ N 11.JA s:J.S-t ,n Sewer CA-I I l tO 1 ·11; ~· iO I ' N ~ I 500-' ' 5;., • : == Special Inspection CFD:Y N YN ., LandUse: Density: lmpArea: FY: Factor: (tJ/b/fo ~ III 1o [j?ttL w/Jt~~t--5~· Jwv ,(.£,W JLlb . -. y . N :elL, · Comments . 0 t ·\ -:i.\ 0 /~ . •• .. .. IO Io I =""' L-c,,..rr, : . · """""9 ~-).It--{O . """' Da<o · IO~ 1.0 = e,,.()[)<& + e~ ,::£>Tl<£ t:>1' coie ~ e, _q.,--"i''..,.:,\,.\ "'3 '" :W-, "'m<ng ,5/51 ,o 7/DB I ,o. ID ii>.! ,0 . . 0 .----;-a,;"""" ,;-t;;I t0 l D/ zS I ID-0. "'1 µJ@ ~ '{);,,ve/JJ.L-h ( 56-?'v :..,. · . . . F,a. f',4 ,V,,,>Wtflf/7Ji'~ ._ ,n /Y l tO·-rn/ ~ fl~@ F0 I 1/s/ 10 -J:5~50 ° 0 :: . ODone aoone -.. 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