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1304 CORVIDAE ST; ; CB972274; Permit
BUILDING PERMIT Permit No 08/^0/97 10:54 Project No Page 1 of 1 Development No- Job Address 1304 CORVIDAE ST Suite Permit Type GUNITE POOLS AND SPAS Parcel No 215-690-13-00 Lot# 8277 08/20/97 Valuation- 2,373 Construction Occupancy Group. Referenced Status: Description- SPA 84 SF, GUNITE Applied- Apr/Issue• Entered By• Appl/Ownr • A MONTI 619 588-1052 753 GRANITE HILLS CIRCLE EL CAJON, CA 92019 *** Fees Required *** *** Fees Collected & Credits CB972274 A9702875 ISSUF-00 08/13/97 08/20/97 JM ** Fees: 137 OX) Adjustments .00 Total Fees- 137.00 i Fee description ; Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee Enter "Y" for Electrical Fee Enter "Y" for Plumbing Fee * BUILDING TOTAL Total Credits Total Payments Balance Due .- Units Fee/Unit > > ' 35 102 Ext f 54 35 1 20 27 137 00 00 00 e-e 00 .00 . 00 00 00 . 00 Data Y Y CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr , Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT TYPE From List 1 (see back) give code of Permit-Type For Residential Proiects Only From List 2 (see back) give Code of Structure-Type Net Loss/Gain of Dwelling Units . PLAN CHECK NO. ( [ EST VAL PLAN CK DEPOSIT, VALID SY_ ^^ DATE 02 2. PROJECT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address Nearest Cross Street Building or Suite No LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot No ubdivision Name/Number Unit No Phase No CHECK BELOW It SUBMITTED D 2 Energy Calcs D 2 Structural Calcs D 2 Soils Report D 1 Addressed Envelope ASSESSOR'S PARCEL "ZlS -EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE <F*\ DESCRIPTION OF WORK SQ FT # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS # OF BATHROOMS 3 IJUNIAL.1 PhJtbuiM (il dulerent trom applicant; NAME (last name first) CITY STATE ADDRESS ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE 4 APPLICANT Q CONTKACTOK NAME (last name first) H,AGENT FOR CONTRACTOR ADDRESS U OWNER LI AGENT FOR OWNER CITY El STATE<^S|C ZIP CODE ~ DAY TELEPHONE 5 PROPERTY OWNER NAME (last name first) CITY Ccw\<i\o* i ps. • V*\pvVi-'f U>XxvsA_ADDRESS | SO A- STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE 6 CONTRACTOR NAME (last name first) CITY v.p-e STATE STATE UC >OCJ\_ 5 ADDRESS ZIPCODECl^O"2-S" DAY TELEPHONE \B 1*1- LICENSE CLASS C-<S~^> CITY BUSINESS LIC # DESIGNER NAME (last name first)ADDRESS CITY 7 WORKERS' COMPENSATION STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE STATE LIC # Workers' Compensation Declaration rnereoy affirm that I have a certificate ot consent to sell-insure issued by the Director 01 Industrial Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab C) INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO V^2.Lf\iff ^T EXPIRATION DATE t '2-'" V '~ Certiticate ol Exemption I certify that in the performance ot the work tor which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California SIGNATURE lATE 8 OWNKH-BUILDHR D]iTION Owner-Builder Declaration l hereby artirm that l am exempt from the Contractors License Law lor the lollowing reason I, as owner of the property or my employees wijjj'wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does sud*/work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, however, the>rfflding or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build^fimprove for the purpose of sale ) I, as owner of the property, amexclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for su< h projects with contractor(s) licorfsed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) I am exempt undei^ection _ Business and Professions Code for this reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structujr^, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisioiVof the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that^ie is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit suhfej/K the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [S500]) SIGNAT DATE COMPLETE TIUS SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE LSSUED AFTER JULY 1, 1989 UNLESS TOE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 9 CONSTHUI.TKJN LENDING AGENCY I hereby attirm that there is a construction lending agency tor the performance ot the work tor which this permit is issued (Sec 309v(ij Civil Code) LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS ID ATPIJCA1STI CEHTU-'lC/vriUN I certify that I have read the application and state that the above inlormation is correct 1 agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned properly for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE OTY OF CARISBAD AGAINST ALL IJABRXHES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSIIA. An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stones in height Expiration Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or woik authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a penod of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Building Code) APPLICANTS SIGNATURE xO _/X^_. DATE 8" \~L"^Ct WHITE. File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance PERMIT* CB972274 DESCRIPTION: SPA 84 SF, GUNITE CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST FOR 12/16/97 TYPE: POOL JOB ADDRESS: 1304 APPLICANT: A MONTI CONTRACTOR: OWNER: REMARKS: C/LINDA/489-6328 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: CORVIDAE ST INSPECTOR AREA PD PLANCK* CB972274 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW STE: LOT: PHONE: 619 588-1052 PHONE: PHONE: INSPECTO: TOTAL TIME: CD LVL DESCRIPTION 59 SW Final Pool ACT COMMENTS ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION 120597 Fence/Pre-Plaster 120497 Fence/Pre-Plaster 120297 Fence/Pre-Plaster 100997 Electric/Conduit/Wiring 100997 Underground Plumbing 100897 Electric/Conduit/Wiring 100897 Underground Plumbing 100297 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fence 093097 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fence 092997 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fence 092597 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fence ACT AP NS CO AP AP AP AP AP CO CO NR INSP PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD TP COMMENTS AP ON 10/8 AP ON 10/8 LEAK RAIN »3r CITY OF^CARLSBAD BUILD(NGXDEPARTMENT NOTICE DATE LOCATION, PERMIT NO. f 7 •; *-'•5 438-3550 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE TIME, FOR INSPECTION CALL 438-3101 RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT YES PHONE BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER © SAN DIEGO (COUNTY) AREA RESIDENTIAL CmCUTT CARD AND LOAD SUMMARY (1990 NEC) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND LAND USE - CODES DIVISION THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT AND AVAILABLE AT THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE ROUGH INSPECTION Address ft Q <J fafL(/lP fc€ Owner Phone Contractor Phone PANEL LOCATION ^— }^ &l / t* in X) <£„ 4£/**S£yl& MAINH AMI BUS AKf CKT 1 ) S 1 t 11 13 15 17 1» 11 23 15 V •» M 33 35 37 •» 41 BKK SEEK 1o/r A.I w SIZE /2-< //' IE TYPE 2fr,'V^*t MBC f?f ^^ LTG PBKR/FUSE DMLO P Service entrance or feeder conduct A) SIML No m Tvr C) Tnrc'lflf'™!. Service ground/bond. A) Sire No /7_ Q Clamp location(s) D UFER D Water Pipe O Ground rod n GFCI locadons 210-8, 680-" D Bathnxwn(s) D D Garages) D D Outdoors ^ DPL/CO#184)Rev 6/91) DX>n B)Tyj 250-8 250- 1 250-J ors. «DC duitS *&c Kc) 0(a), 3(c) U DAL ize U DAL 81(a) JQ Kitchen Hydromassaee tub .S *- ^ W zZat&jIr.}rry\.fff< t<t^r C REC Comp Branc A) I B)l C)I D)C Rema REC utedL hcirc\ jghtm "wosn aundr ^ntral rks LTG MISC Permit Number Census Tract Number Areainsq ft. VOLTS WIRE SIZE TYPE i 0 WIRE BKK SIZE CXT 2 4 < 1 It 12 14 1* 1* M 21 14 It at 3t 31 34 M 3t 4* 42 «flH A Stt CalnlahM WrrUhMI cm tadL ills required g circuits 220-3(b),4 lall appliance circuits 220 - 4(b) y circuit 220 -4(c) heating equipment 422 - 7 LOCATION MPS (d) z#./^.z:t f&*Sj~/£;,^*. '/-v^,'/>/.^ *f\r>,- ^^/^/•~^:+*£^ ^/ ^^/-^^j/2/^ '/ S /. teanty •faOWDO DOw DCa Signet lte«Ula I thii cm mer ntiactoi 1 miunem Ime been tnqood m •ecuah aid repnaan te foil am of ilihliin vllli "*•"""' IIMMI'* juif'"1 *r"™ 0d Ibtt uo vane ^^^ t.l/rf</rf 1 L«9/^«'77x-_i' 6-^74=- • ^L^^^/L^- ^//~/<3^r)x^ .... City of Carlsbad Engineering Department BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST POOLS BUILDING PLANCHECK NUMBER BUILDING ADDRESS /30 f~\d4-e PROJECT DESCRIPTION -Root- ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER p2/f ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore, any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build By??7 Date DENIAL Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked with D Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review By By By Date Date Date ATTACHMENTS D Grading Permit Application D Grading Permit Checklist D Right-of-Way Permit Application D Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON NAME: MICHELE MASTERSON City of Carlsbad ADDRESS: 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 PHONE:(619) 438-1161, ext 4315 G \UBRARY\ENG\WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\Pool BuUng Ptanehtek CU«t CHK24 Form MM doc 2O75 Las Palmas Dr • Carlsbad, CA 92OO9-1576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-O894 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST - POOLS SITE PLAN 1 Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show A North Arrow C Property Lines B Existing & Proposed Structures D Easements _&!*. 2 Show on site plan A Drainage Patterns D Indicate what will happen with B Existing & Proposed Slopes soil excavated from pool area C Existing Topography E Retaining Walls (location and height) Note: If excavated soil is not to be removed from property but regraded on site, show proposed elevations and slopes. If any portion of retaining walls are over 4' in height, a separate permit is required Retaining Wall Permit CB Applied for Approved 3 Include on title sheet A Site Address B Assessor's Parcel Number C Legal Description D Grading Quantities Cut Fill Import/Export Q Q 4 Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No Conditions were complied with by Date GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for grading permit are found in Section 11 06 030 of the Municipal code 5a Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill, import, export) 5b Grading Permit required A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached Note: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit Page 1 of 2 G \LIBRARY\ENG\WORD\DOCS\CHKLCTlPool Building Ptancheck CWiJt CHK24 Form MM doc O Q Q a Q Q 3RD/ Q 5c A Grading Permit has been applied for PE2 DWG Grading Inspector sign off by Date Q 5d No Grading Permit required MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Q 6 A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent tot he public Right-of-Way A separate Right-of-Way issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following \s* ^ Please complete attached Right-of-Way application form and return to the Engmeenng Department together with the requirements on the attached Right- of-Way checklist, at the time of resubmittal Right-of-Way Permit and Pool Building Permit will be issued simultaneously 1 7 Remarks Page 2 of 2 1 m -- v\ o — Z 2 °W- 0 ocm in 023) B fl-Tl 0 MM ' V.H- 9 r i 'r> !J ' -I f' i i ii ^ \ -• - • i „ * V • j ^ ^ -_ ' -„ . -.. __s. i • ^ rS | n s o 2a s ?I s 2K! S c K -o m BT! ow I r 1-• 1 7 H° inozV O >m >? H OM Q H "* S3 DM 0-4tr 00 A5 n H -t 5 Ore !•4nr " n 3M < - o V. S l» > -<jn0 -t 0 oi S< JO VI r Q M JT 3 r MZ " Msrco M \a5n -1 « -* g5 \0 ? -§s' v \fl V \JB f ^> 4 n xQ \ 9 J VVn S! ^xo n " ^(l\r* f,!t« Ils= q;rs ^!9:9 ft 4^ a 7 ~j c 5?'J-• ia »D»si«?" = |o•* fe — ** -«?S |ffjj 5s*| «*S- **»" ffiik ^5 ^5 n a 0 _ ^ „ || c. 3 -_ y 3 lit; ft3 1 si:* * n I0 ^ 0 £ ^5 ' ' * S)!? • "*^35 'o • ill "&2JOaii • 1 t 0 J Q C g w^ ^< a• Is. « g *i* policyJ n J•_ fa •0•^ — ff— 5:81 3 S s I x J 0 ^ Sr < - C2. 2 D •> •i1 » 53 I 5 » ? ) ' a » Si * 2 > ? 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