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1306 PINE AVE; ; CB043773; Permit
)\) / City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 04-18-2005 Residential Permit Permit No: CB043773 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1306 PINE AV CBAD Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD2U Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 2050204000 Lot #: 0 Applied: 10/05/2004 Valuation: $365,265.00 Construction Type: NEW Entered By: MDP Occupancy Group: Reference #: Plan Approved: 04/18/2005 # Dwelling Units: 2 Structure Type: SFA Issued: 04/18/2005 Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4.5 Inspect Area: Project Title: KRATCOSKI RESIDENCE Orig PC#: 3,010 SF HSE,536 SF 2DU, 816 SF GAR,225 SF PAT,240 SF Plan Check#: Applicant: Owner: FAULKNER ALEX KRATCOSKI JOSEPH P JR STE 117 2120 JIMMY DURANTE 1302 PINE AVE DEL MAR 92014 CARLSBAD CA 92008 Building Permit $1,365.84 Meter Size AddI Building Permit Fee $0.00 Add'l Red. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Plan Check $887.80 Meter Fee $160.00 Add'l Plan Check Fee $0.00 SDCW.A Fee $2,004.00 Plan Check Discount $0.00 CFD Payoff Fee $0.00 Strong Motion Fee $36.53 PFF $6,647.82 Park in Lieu Fee $0.00 PFF (CFD Fund) $6,136.45 Park Fee $0.00 License Tax $0.00 LFM Fee $0.00 License Tax (CFD Fund) $0.00 Bridge Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee $751.06 Other Bridge Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact (CFD Fund) $846.94 BTD #2 Fee $0.00 Sidewalk Fee $0.00 BTD #3 Fee $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $245.00 Renewal Fee $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $120.00 AddI Renewal Fee $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $78.50 Other Building Fee $0.00 Housing Impact Fee $2,925.00 Pot. Water Con. Fee $2,999.00 Housing InLieu Fee $0.00 Meter Size D5/8 Housing Credit Fee $0.00 AddI Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Master Drainage Fee $922.07 Red. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Sewer Fee $1,854.00 Additional Fees $457.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $28,437.01 Total Fees: $28,437.01 Total Payments To Date: $887.80 Balance Due: $27,549.21 QT TU,flTNTC DI AKTC 6244 04/18/05 0002 01 02 ATTACHED COP 2754921 FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protEst and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely fol ow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. V P E'R r'~ g1T LA~P P L I CUI 0 N~ &,7: CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 I . FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO0M.7'2..\ EST. VAL. 3GAS Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By_________________________ Date 1. PROJECT INFORMATION - /6 10/05/04 0002 01 82 Address (include Bldg/Suite #) Business Name (at this address) 887 80 Legal Description 'j,' Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. - Phase No. Total # of units Zos oo -/.c - (J 'r ac)o 1 SF0 Assessor's Parcel # /4hjA/ Existing Use (&.,Art4 FtJrT) Proposed Use A4/ s,-0 AV7 -'"&/0 AfT3& 5 9, Description of Work SQ. FT. #of Stories / # of Bedrooms #f Bathrooms jOA17O5 .s pecx fo 2 CONTACT PERSON (if dfferent from applicant) ALcx Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # Fax # APPLICANT El Contractor 0 Agent for Contractor 0 Owner Agent for Owner Atç FJc-4if ZiZo J4A.1j Dp/- 3cLwII7 Dej..,t/ 72/JI ?S7 Name Address City State/Zip I') teiephQne # PROPERTY OWNER Jey A?Alcaj// /S02 'P1 .4v1e O4iCLcI341) CA. 9200 ic 7 Name F Address City tate/Zip Telephone # CONTRACTOR - COMPANY NAME (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # State License # License Class City Business License # Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # WORKERS' COMPENSATtON Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Policy No. Expiration Date__________________ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$1001 OR LESS) o CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become Subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE DATE 7 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the Structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. mprovemen YES []NO have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address / phone number I contractors license number): I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE c7,// COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR WisID TIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future buildi / occupani required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES 0 NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES 0 NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES 0 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 8 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 30970) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS__________________________________________________________ 9, APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Cit' of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE. INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the building Offi under the provisions of this Code shall expire by (imitation and become null and void if the uiIding or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 18 aye from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspen d or abandoned at any time after the work is comm for a pen of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE -. DATE /& 5- WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 05/15/2006 LJ Permit# CB043773 08/22/2005 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 08/10/2005 15 Roof/Reroof 07/07/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/15/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/13/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 06/13/2005 21 Underground/Under Floor 06/13/2005 41 Underground Ducts 06/10/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 05/13/2005 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 04/29/2005 22 Sewer/Water Service 04/21/2005 21 Underground/Under Floor 04/21/2005 22 Sewer/Water Service Inspector Assignment: TP CA PD AP TP NS TP CALLED LEFT MESSAGE NO NEED FOR 2ND FLR SHTING INSP. AP TP SUB FLR NAIL & L P45 © EXT. R.M. PA PC SUBFLOOR AP PC AP PC CA PY RESCHEDULE FOR MONDAY AP PD AP TP MAIN WATER LINE TO HOUSE AP TP WC TP City 01 Carlsbad RECE WED Final Building Inspection I APR J12006 Dept: Building EñLn__riiIg Planning CMWD St Lite Fire CARLSBAE) EN(,INEFkI(; L;EPAkTMIr Plan Check#: Date: __-cL4L1-01Z6t' DIVISION Permit #: CB043773 Permit Type: RESDNTL Project Name: KRATCOSKI RESIDENCE Sub Type: SFD2U 3,010 SF HSE,536 SF 2DU, 816 SF GAR,225 SF PAT,240 Address: 1306 PINE AV Lot: 0 Contact Person: Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Inspected By: p/J Date Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: Comments: City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 05/15/2006 (LUD—J, Permit# CB043773 Inspector Assignment: TP Title: KRATCOSKI RESIDENCE Description: 3,010 SF HSE,536 SF 2DU, 816 SF GAR,225 SF PAT,240 SF DK Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD2U Phone: 7607 913 Job Address: 1306 PINE AV Suite: Lot 0 Location: Inspect OWNER KRATCOSKI JOSEPH P JR Owner: KRATCOSKI JOSEPH P JR Remarks: Total Time: Requested By: KRATCOSKI Entered By: JANEAN CD Description Act Comment 19 Final Structural ,4j0 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Comments/Notices/Hold Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PCR05083 ISSUED KRATCOSKE RES FOUNDATION; CHANGE Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp comments 03/09/2006 29 Final Plumbing NR TP NOT COMP 03/09/2006 39 Final Electrical NR TP 02/01/2006 17 Interior Lath/Drywall wc TP 02/01/2006 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP TP LATH @ SHOWER /TUB 11/02/2005 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP TP 10/24/2005 16 Insulation AP TP 10/24/2005 84 Rough Combo AP TP 10/18/2005 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding CO TP 10/18/2005 24 Rough/Topout AP TP 10/8/2005 34 Rough Electric AP TP 10/18/2005 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers AP TP 10/17/2005 84 Rough Combo NS TP 09/08/2005 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP TP MY-09-2H3 06.'58 AM JON SLAKE .7604366482. P.01 Jon Blake L United Stateo MinreI Swver Caldornie L.S. 4l% - Alaska L.S. 439 Nevada .L$. 572 - Atl21 R.L.S. 14660 Joey Kratcoski 1302 Pine Avenue Carlsbad , CA 92008 ijIng May 9, 2005 Via: FAX 760-729-7922 Re: 1306 Pine Ave. Carlsbad, CA Dear Mr. Kratcoski This letter will serve as my certification to the City of Carisbads Buiding Department that (field slaked your new home location for you, prior to the beginning of construction, That location conforms to the setbacks shown on the approved plans for the home at 1306 Pine Averue. The setbacks were determined from the four surviving original monuments found per the Parcel Map that created the lot. No measurement variations with the original monuments were found when I measured thru them. I may be contacted by FAX at 760-436-6482 if there are any questions. Jk Jon Blake, PLS 4368 exp. 9/30/05 1739 Red Born Rood. Encinitas. (0.92024 (760) 753 •3817 FIELD REPORT SUMMARY OF INSPECTION: c\tè DATE NO. PROJECT PROJECT ' &cc'cz&A,, LOCATION \S ç1 CONTRACTOR I OWNER WEATHER TEMP. PRESENT AT SITE çzcc QYC(k c_ Qc!\L L\ q( cc\Lc r Q \cL\ CJ\ [Q c- '. s\ . c 031113 c- sx\ k4\ -. 3 \ s\\\ \ E- RECOMMENDATIONS: CA "G C. Q , \!eo çcQc c qoc c SIGNATURE COPIES TO: GEOPACIFICA GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS TEL: (760) 721-5488 FAX: (760) 721-5539 3060 INDUSTRY ST., SUITE 105 OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 CAL0 EsGil Corporation In (Partnership with Government for Building Safety DATE: April 14, 2005 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-3773 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1306 Pine Ave SET: Sup PPLI ANT (D JURIS. 'a—PL:A REVIEWER U FILE PROJECT NAME: Add 400 Amp Service for Joey Krttcoski The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. LI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans aresubmitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person LII REMARKS: By: Ray Fuller Enclosures: Esgil Corporation El GA El MB El EJ [1 PC (P) 04/11/05 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax(858)560-1576 EsGil Corporation In PartnersIiip with Government for Bui(iing Safety DATE: March 29, 2005 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-3773 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1306 Pine Ave SET: Sup U APPLICANT JURIS. CrTIOUN REVIEWER U FILE PROJECT NAME: Add 400 Amp Service for Joey Kratcoski The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. LI The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. LI The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. 111111 The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Alex Faulkner 2120 Jimmy Durante Blvd, # 117, Del Mar, CA 92014 LIII Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Alex Faulkner Telephone #: 858/481-1819 f4o AS -v\) f,of s Date Go.tactad:O!L " (by: (r-- Fax #: Mail ...—Telephone Fax In Person LII REMARKS: By: Ray Fuller Enclosures: Esgil Corporation LI GA 0 MB [I EJ LI PC 03/21/05 trnsmtLdot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 04-3773 March 29, 2005 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-3773 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1306 Pine Ave FLOOR AREA: SFD - 3546 SF Garage 816 SF; Patios - 225 SF Decks - 240 SF REMARKS: STORIES: 2 HEIGHT: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: March 29, 2005 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 03/21/05 PLAN REVIEWER: Ray Fuller This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 1997 UBC, 2000 UPC, 2000 UMC and 1999 NEC (all effective 11/1/02). The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 04-3773 March 29, 2005 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit two sets of plans for residential projects. For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602- 2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. . PLANS When service is over 200 amps, submit a complete single line diagram, panel schedule and load calculations. Sub panels if provided cannot be placed in clothes closet, bathrooms or in any area where that does not provide a minimum 30" clear width, 36" clearance in front and adequate head clearance. 2. Single line to note size of grounding conductor, cold water bond (minimum 1/0 CU, conduit and conductor sizes etc. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes E3 No E3 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Ray Fuller at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 04-3773 March 29, 2005 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-3773 PREPARED BY: Ray Fuller DATE: March 29, 2005 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1306 Pine Ave BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-3/U-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION ] AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code 1Cb JBy Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance 1W I I Plan Check Fee by Ordinance I $30.001 Type of Review: LI Complete Review LI Structural Only LI Other _ El Repetitive Fee Repeats Hourly 0.251 Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee $24.00I Based on hourly rate Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc EsGil Corporation In (Partners flip wit/i Government for Bui(uing Safety DATE: October 19, 2004 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-3773 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1306 Pine Ave PROJECT NAME: SFD for Joey Kratcoski SET:I U APPLICANT U PLAN REVIEWER I FILE LI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff,. El The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. Z The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Alex Faulkner 2120 Jimmy Durante Blvd, # 117, Del Mar, CA 92014 EJ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Alex Faulkner Date contacted: /j(q/tf (by;.- Mail VfIephone Fax In Person LII REMARKS: Telephone #: 858/481-1819 Fax #: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation F-1 GA EIMB LEJ L1Pc 10/7/04 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 04-3773 October 19, 2004 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-3773 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1306 Pine Ave FLOOR AREA: SFD - 3546 SF Garage 816 SF; Patios - 225 SF Decks - 240 SF REMARKS: STORIES: 2 HEIGHT: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: October 19, 2004 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 10/7/04 PLAN REVIEWER: Abe Doliente This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 1997 UBC, 2000 UPC, 2000 UMC and 1999 NEC (all effective 11/1/02). The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regu ations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 04-3773 October 19, 2004 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit two sets of plans for residential projects. For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602- 2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. . PLANS 1. Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, for plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction. Specify expiration date of license. (California Business and Professions Code). . GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 2. Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406.4 (see exceptions): Fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. Doors and enclosures for bathtubs and showers and in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. Check the window at the bath to the left of the stairway (lower floor). . STRUCTURAL 3. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents. 4. Show minimum underfloor access of 18" x 24". Section 2306.3. 5. Show minimum underfloor ventilation equal to 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of underfloor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as practical and shall provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Section 2306.7. 6. Provide structural calculations for beam 26. Carlsbad 04-3773 October 19, 2004 Please provide evidence that the engineer-of-record (or architect) has reviewed the truss calculation package prepared by others (i.e., a "review" stamp on the truss calculations or letter). Section Specify the size of the garage front door footing. Detail I on sheet D2 of the plans refer to the foundation plan for the depth and width of the footing, but no information is shown on the foundation plan. Please clarify. . ELECTRICAL (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) Note on the plans that receptacle outlet locations will comply with NEC Art. 210-52(a). For a single-family dwelling unit (and for each unit of a duplex), show that at least one receptacle outlet accessible at grade level will be installed outdoors at the front and back of the dwelling. NEC Art. 210-52 (e). This receptacle must be GFCI protected. . ENERGY CONSERVATION The building designer or owner must sign the imprinted CF-1 R form on sheet E.N. of the plans,. Provide fluorescent general lighting (40 lumens per watt minimum) in kitchen(s) and bathrooms (containing a tub or shower). . MISCELLANEOUS To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes El No El 15. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Abe Doliente at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 04-3773 October 19, 2004 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-3773 PREPARED BY: Abe Doliente DATE: October 19, 2004 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1306 Pine Ave BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-3/U-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) SFD 3546 per city 365,265 Garage 816 Patios 225 Decks 240 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 365,265 Jurisdiction Code Icb jBy Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance I $1 ,365.841 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance j I $887.801 Type of Review: E1 Complete Review Structural Only E Repetitive Fee Other Repeats Hourly ] Hour * Esgil Plan Review Fee .1 $764.87 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue. dcc City of Carlsbad BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: I I / /o V PLANCHECK NO.: CB 37? 3 BUILDING ADDRESS: /o(r rj C hrL. PROJECTDESCRIPTION: &-'ii .Sr k) iT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: EST. VALUE: 3(c ZLP ( ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL The item you have submitted for review has been Please see,#7iT attached report of deficiencies approved. The approval is based on plans, marked witl(0)ti1ake necessary corrections to plans information and/or specifications provided in your or specifications for compliance with applicable submittal; therefore any changes to, these items after codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or this date, including field modifications, must be specifications to ti.sffice for review. reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. By: /( Date: /////% El A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the owing improvements: By:~WU4JjDate: / /i/° By: Date: By: (11,AUTHORIZATION FOR OFFICIAL USE7LY TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT Date: , ATTACHMENTS ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON LI Dedication Application Name: KATHLEEN M. FARMER 1 Dedication Checklist City of Carlsbad LI Improvement Application Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LI Improvement Checklist Phone: (760) 602-2741 LI Neighborhood Improvement Agreement CFD INFORMATION LI Grading Permit Application Parcel Map No: Lii Grading Submittal Checklist Lots: Li Right-of-Way Permit Application Recordation: Li Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist Carlsbad Tract: and Information Sheet CA 92001-7314 • (760) 602-2720 • FAX (760) 602Fj5.!5Q2 AIM 1455D"\ 3 RD (E P] F -01 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: "North Arrow -F Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets ç)~,,ftExisting & Proposed Structures _Ej- Driveway widths r~operiy ting Street lmprovements-. Existing or proposed sewer late al -S Lines (show all dim en dsting or proposed water servic —Easements Existing or proposed irrigation se 2. Show on site plan: AS Drainage Patterns .uilding pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one ercent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. 2. DD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building." Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography ----Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. D. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. E 3. Include on title sheet: Site address Assessor's Parcel Number Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION Show all existing use of SF and new proposed use of SF. Example: Tenant Improvement for 3500 SF of warehouse to 3500 SF of office. F\Farmer\KaIhy\MASTERS\8oiIdivg Planchecic Ckls; Form (Generic).doc 2 Rev. 7/4I00 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for ProjectNo.________________________________________________________ All conditions are in compliance. Date: DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS J 5. Dedication for all Street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm (J drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $_15,000 , pursuant to Carlsbad (W Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 ½" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by: Date: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $_75,000 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the Plancheck Ckist Forn (Generic).doc 3 Rev. 7/14100 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1 S7 2ND 3RD Eli checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by: Date: LIII 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $_360.00 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: Enclosed please find your Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Neighborhood Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. ( 7a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan tomake a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill impoI , export and aQF i(his information must be included on the plans.) Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. U •l Grading Inspector sign off by: ____ Date: Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certifióation may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) F:\Frner\KaIhy\MASTERS\BoiIdng Plancheck CkIst Form (Generic)doc 4 sec. 7114/00 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD LI LI LI 7d. No Grading Permit required. liii LI LI 7e. If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS LI LI LI 8. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-Way permit required for: LI LI LI 9. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List. You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7153, for assistance. Industrial Waste permit accepted by: Date: LI LI LI 10. NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. LI 11 Required fees are attached LI No fees required WATER METER REVIEW LI LI LI 12a. Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized. Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions. If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used. All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service. F\Farner\Kathy\MASTERS\BuiIding PncheckCkIst Form (Gereric)doc 1 5 Rev. 7/14/00 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD If owner/developer proposes a size other than the "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm). A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached. Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit. Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter. If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand. (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the Street). 12b. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval. The developer must provide these calculations. Please follow these guidelines: If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets. If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there. Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W". The irrigation service should look like: H rH Q STA 1+00 Install 2" service and 1.5: meter (estimated 100 gpm) If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach). Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference. In general the calculations will include: Hydraulic grade line Elevation at point of connection (P00) Pressure at P00 in pounds per square inch (PSI) Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per'head) Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection 3. In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA). As long as the project is located within the City recycled water PIancck Cklst Forr, (Generic).doc 6 - Rev. 7114/00 1 S2ND 3RD LI LI LI BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST service boundary, the City intends on switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future. 12c. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above. ME If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development. For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans. Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees. However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund. However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this. 13. Additional Comments: J -t) I. /} ,t-,cd -. - I — ( I1 -7.: . iet d) cc CA- T I A /- c-J L1zLH6 taJ S 'o(i o-<Q° & F:\Forner\Ko/hy\MASTERS\Buildiog Plorrcheck Ckiot Form (Generic)doo 7 Rev. 7,14/00 j o ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET 0 Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. 0 Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: Blda. Permit No. 3 7 Prepared by: (c45 Date: t((4 (0{ Checked by: Date: EDUCALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: Sfr, Sq. Ft.IUnits:t7LXEDU's: - Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: EDUs: ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use!) 1O7'l Sq. Ft./Units: ADT's: /0 7L 6' Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: ADT's: FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFD: 0 YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) 0 NO 0 PARK-IN-LIEU FEE PARK AREA & #: FEE/UNIT: X NO. UNITS:_______ = $ 0 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE I ADT' 5jj7_/ X FEE/ADT: / 7 = $___________ 0 BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST. #1 DIST. #2 DIST. #3 ADT 's/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: =$ _- 0 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE:_________ UNIT/SQ.FT.: X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: =$___________ 0 SEWER FEE ( -- — / 1c - EDU's: X FEE/EDU:_______ = $_____________ BENEFIT AREA: EDUs: 0 6. SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) 0 7. DRAINAGE FEES PLDA________ ACRES: Z 3 0 8. POTABLE WATER FEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE X FEE/EDU:________ =$ $ -.-- HIGH /LOW '= _ol V X FEE/AC: = $____________ METER FEE SDCWA FEE IRRIGATION I of Word\DocsMisforrns\Fee Calculation Worksheet Rev. 7/14/00 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CBi7 T5 Address LO(p Pi'ne., A v Planner Chris Sexton Phone (760) 602-4624 APN: D- CQ O Type of Project & Use: Net Project Density: 5.. .- DU/AC Zoning: General Plan: P.C_rn Facilities Management Zone: I CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation: Remaining net dev acres:______ (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this CircleOne permit:___________________________________________________________ Legend: Z Item Complete 0 Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES -NO t— TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES ____ NO v--TYPE APPROVALJRESO. NO. DATE / PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES____ NOj( CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES____ NO____ If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already'dompleted? YES__ NO____ If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: 11 Follow-Up Actions: Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required (at minimum Floor Plans). Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. 0 0 0 Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES ____ NO (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) - Data Entry Completed? -YES NO _ - (NP/Ds, Activity Maintenahce, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, .Husirig Fees, Construct Housing IN Enter Fee, UPDATE!) \ Site Plan: H:'ADMIN\COLJNTER\BldgPlflchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 D 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines. easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). EJ 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Policy 44— Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 'B'E] 0 1. Applicability: YES NO________ (J0 U 2. Project complies YES NO Zoning: 0 1., Setbacks: Front: Required I' Shown 10 1 Interior Side: Required 1'1 Shown T / Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required / Shown I ' _- Top of slope: Required ___Shown 0 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required j7 Shown Street Side: Required .—' Shown Rear: Required Show Structure separation: Required -' Shown I'D 0 3. Lot Coverage: Required q0 7y Shown 0 0 0 4. Height: Required 30 Shown ______________ 5. Parking: Spaces Required Shown (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) mnoircmntinl rzimet .qn2nan RAmlirPil Shown OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER ,1Q6t/',t_. DATB.- /_S frSc5 H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BIdgPInchkRevChkISt Rev 9/01 4AM DESIGN # 26 DESCRIPTION: HEADER SUPP DECK JOISTS AND ARCH UNDER REAR DECK LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) = 9.0 FT. LOADING: TRIB.FT. */SF ROOF 31 UL CEILING 5 EXT. WALL 16 INT. WALL 7 *4I*d 4 FLOOR /DECK 5 50 SP BALCONY 70 OTHER R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 3544 ' END REACTION(R) = SP(UL)/2 = ALLOWED DEFLECTION (z) = SP(12)/ 360 = LOAD 'IFT. 0 0 0 0 250 0 100 350 */FT. 1575 0.30 IN (R - UL (d112)) 1.5 / 85 PSI = 22 IN' M(12)/Fb = 33 IN (5/384)(UL/12)(SPxl2)4/EA 108 IN DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 S = 50 IN I = 230.8 IN d = 12 IN SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = Fb = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = E = 1.6X106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = USE MIN. 4 "x 10" GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 32.4 IN' cjFESSi0 acp CD uj No. 06 Ex s4 1- IiLf377J A lta Vista Engineering Civil Engineers and Land Planners STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR THE KRATCOSKI HOUSE Owner: Joey Kratcoski 1302 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Site address: 1302 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Enneef Wor : 2 - Q / "ruce H. acFarlane te R.C.E. 28062, Expires 3-31-06 rN28062 r' 4 969 Vale Terrace, Suite A, Vista, California 92084 (760) 758-3955 0* 11fl STRUCTURE TYPE: Two story, wood frame, truss and tiled roof, stucco exterior, wallboard interior. LOADING: ITEM ELEMENTS UNIT WEIGHT IbsJS.F. Roof concrete tile 10.0 felt 0.5 1/2" ply 2.0 framing / truss 2.5 Dead Load = 15.0 Live Load = 16.0 Ceiling framing 2.0 1/2" gypsum 2.0 miscellaneous 1.0 Dead Load = 5.0 Exterior Walls studs/plates 3.0 1/2" gypsum 2.0 7/8" stucco 11.0 Dead Load = 16.0 Interior Walls studs/plates 3.0 1/2" gypsum (2 sides) 4.0 Dead Load = 7.0 Floors/Deck framing 4.0 3/4" plywood 3.0 1/2" gypsum 2.0 miscellaneous 1.0 Dead Load = 10.0 Floor Live Load = 40.0 Balcony framing 4.0 3/4" plywood 3.0 1/2" gypsum 2.0 miscellaneous 1.0 Dead Load = 10.0 Floor Live Load = 60.0 Soffit (optional) framing 2.0 7/8" stucco 11.0 miscellaneous 1.0 Dead Load = 14.0 il LATERAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN WIND CRITERIA Ce 0.62 0.67 0.72 0.76 0.84 PCeCqqsIw V-= PA For Wind Exposure 'B' Height (ft.) 0-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 Vw=PA=(Cqqslw)CeA V= 16.38 CeA Projected area method eq. 20-1 Cq 1.3 qs= 12.6 I= I A= Projected area (Sf) SEISMIC CRITERIA Eh=(2.5 Cal W/ R)/ 1.4 eq. 30.5/ 1.4 = 0.143W R= 5.5 Ca = 0.44 Na = 1.0 Na (Soil Type SO Assumed W=DeadLoad Z=0.4 1= 1 E=Eh+Ev ; Ev = 0 (A.S.D.) Reliability! Redundancy Procedure Do initial seismic design assuming p = 1.0 for 7rEh Determine r,max and p max per story (p = 1.0 mm., 1.5 max) Adjust seismic load (E=pEh) for shearwall and holdown design Design to most critical lateral force E or V Vertical Distribution of Force h= 32 Ct = 0.02 F=(V-Ft)wh I Iwh, eq. 30-15 TCt(h)314 = 0.27 Ft=.071V (Ft=0 for T less than 0.7 sec) P used = 2-20 I r (max) (4)1l2 r i (max) = VWS 10 I VTOT l I.O<Pused < 1.5 SHEARWALL CASE DESCRIPTIONS CA SE 1 WALL SHEAR PANEL -- V==VSL) ph H=vs(SL) (ph)/(SL-0.3) 14__HI k—s L— NOT E NA X RATIO ph / SL = 2:1 CASE2 DOER PIER SHEARWALL -2(SL)min. - VVs(SL) ph H= Vs () /(SL- 0.3) HHJI k—s L— NOTE MXRATU ph./ SL =2:1 CA SE 3 WINDOWPIER SHEARWALL -2(SL)min. - VhL) wph ph H=v5()h)/L-o.3) H H'l k-s L— NO1E:MAXRATIO (wph)/L) =2:1 HEADER TO SOLID BLOCKING TIE STRAP. STRAP CAPACITY TO BE 1/2VspMIN. SILL PLATES TO SOLID BLOCKING TIE STRAP. STRAP CAPACITY TO BE 1/2 Vsp MIN. KEY V s UNIT SHEAR (# / if) vsp PANEL SHEAR (#) H HOLD DOWN FORCE (#) SL SHEARWALL LENGTH (II) ph PANEL OR HEADER HEIGHT (ft) wph WINDOW PIER HEIGHT (ft) 0.3' HOLD DOWN OFFSET FROM PANEL EDGE SHEAR PANEL SCHEDULE A 3/8" C-D, C-C OR OSB PLYWOOD NAILED WITH 6-D NAILS © 3" O.C. AT EDGES AND 12" O.C. FIELD PER TABLE 23-I1-I-1 U.B.C., ALLOWABLE SHEAR CAPACITY = 350 #/FT. USE 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS © 24" O.C. WITH 2" X 2" X 3/16" WASHERS FOR 2" NOMINAL SILL PLATE ** ON FOUNDATION OR SILL NAIL WITH 160 @6" O.C. TOGETHER WITH A-35 OR A-35F © 24" O.C. TO FLOOR PLY AND SOLID BLOCKING. PLYWOOD JOINT AND SILL NAILING SHALL BE STAGGERED. MAINTAIN 1 7/8" EDGE DISTANCE WITH ANCHOR BOLTS. USE A-35 @ 16" O.C. FROM TOP PLATE TO ROOF OR FLOOR BLOCKING OR JOIST. 3/8" C-D, C-C, OR OSB PLYWOOD NAILED WITH 8-0 NAILS @ 3" O.C. AT EDGES AND 12" O.C. FIELD PER TABLE 23-I1-I-I U.B.C., ALLOWABLE SHEAR CAPACITY = 490 #/FT. ALL FRAMING MEMBERS RECEIVING EDGE NAILING FROM ABUTTING PANELS SHALL NOT BE LESS THEN A SINGLE 3" NOMINAL MEMBER. USE 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 16" O.C. WITH 2" X 2" X 3/16" WASHERS FOR 2" NOMINAL SILL PLATE ** ON FOUNDATION OR SILL NAIL WITH I6D @ 4" O.C. TOGETHER WITH A-35 OR A-35F @ 20" O.C. TO FLOOR PLY AND SOLID BLOCKING. PLYWOOD JOINT AND SILL NAILING SHALL BE STAGGERED. MAINTAIN 1 7/8" EDGE DISTANCE WITH ANCHOR BOLTS. USE A-35 @ 12" O.C. FROM TOP PLATE TO ROOF OR FLOOR BLOCKING OR JOIST. 15/32" C-D, C-C OR OSB PLYWOOD NAILED WITH 10-D NAILS @ 3" O.C. AT EDGES AND 12" O.C. FIELD PER TABLE 23-I1-I-1 U.B.C., ALLOWABLE SHEAR CAPACITY = 600 #/FT. ALL FRAMING MEMBERS RECEIVING EDGE NAILING FROM ABUTTING PANELS SHALL NOT BE LESS THEN A SINGLE 3" NOMINAL MEMBER. USE 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 14" O.C. WITH 2" X 2" X 3/16" WASHERS FOR 2" NOMINAL SILL PLATE ** ON FOUNDATION OR SILL NAIL WITH 16D @4" O.C. TOGETHER WITH A-35 OR A-35F © 16" O.C. TO FLOOR PLY AND SOLID BLOCKING. PLYWOOD JOINT AND SILL NAILING SHALL BE STAGGERED. MAINTAIN 1 7/8" EDGE DISTANCE WITH ANCHOR BOLTS. USE A-35 @ 8" O.C. FROM TOP PLATE TO ROOF OR FLOOR BLOCKING OR JOIST. ** SEE "PLYWOOD SHEARWALL SILL PLATE ANCHOR BOLTING TO FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS FOR 2" NOMINAL PLATE" IN STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS A A PLYWOOD SHEARWALL SILL PLATE ANCHOR BOLTING TO FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS FOR 2" NOMINAL PLATE REF: 1997 NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS (NDS) 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (UBC) FOR WOOD TO CONCRETE CONNECTIONS SEE SECTIONS 8.2.3, 7.3.2, 2.3.2, TABLES 7.3.1, 8.2E (NDS), TABLE 19D AND 23-1-11-1 (UBC). FOR 1-1/2" WOOD MEMBER, 5/8" ANCHOR BOLT WITH 6" EMBEDMENT Z= 890#/BOLT (TABLE 8.2E NDS) Z'= 50%*(890#/BOLT)1.6** 712#/BOLT FOR ALLOWABLE SERVICE LOAD ON EMBEDDED BOLT PER TABLE 19D (UBC) 5/8" BOLT EDGE DIST.= 3-3/4" ALLOWABLE SHEAR =.2750# CALC. FOR EDGE DIST. 50%(3-3/4")= 1-7/8" PRORATE ALLOWABLE SHEAR 50%(2750) = 1375# = Ze Ze' = 50% (Z' CONTROLS) ANCHOR BOLTING FOR VARIOUS SHEAR PANEL RATINGS (#/FT) 2" SILL PLATE FOR 350#/FT OR LESS SHEAR PANEL: USE 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 24" O.C. (712#I350 = 2.03'/BOLT) 490#/FT OR LESS SHEAR PANEL: USE 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS @ 16" O.C. (712#/490 = 1.45'/BOLT) 600#/FT OR LESS SHEAR PANEL: USE 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS © 14" O.C. (712#I600 = 1.19'/BOLT) FOR ALL USE 6" MIN. EMBEDMENT ANCHOR BOLT WITH 1-7/8" MIN. EDGE DISTANCE, 2" NOMINAL SILL PLATE FOR PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS 350- 600#/FT CAPACITY USE 2"x2"x3/16" WASHERS WITH ANCHOR BOLTS *REDUCTION FACTOR TABLE 23-11-1-1, NOTE 3 (UBC) CD TABLE 2.3.2 (NDS) 94 x *- -* x V Y GRID SECTOR KEY MAP - XX DIRECTION LEGEND - - GRID SECTOR BOUNDARY CI GRID SECTOR SHEARWALL UPPER 11 12 - - 3 6' 3G c LOWER -1 /\ cI Ly' t I CD 4 (AL = 65 S. F.) S.F. S.F. W# 188 20 3760 360 16 5760 100 7 700 0 20 0 114 10 1140 330 16 5280 0 7 0 Zvv = 16,640 2,377 (CeL = 0.62 HT' (AVE) (Wxhx) 22 83 15 86 15 11 10 0 10 11 4.5 24 4.5 0 1 215 # 1,988 - V Wh / .. W•h, GRID A , DIRECTION XX WIND EXPOSURE, UPPER Vw0 = 16.38 CeUAU = 920 (Au WIND EXPOSURE, LOWER VWL = VWU + 16.38 CeLAL = 1,580 SEISMIC MASS UPPER ROOF & CEILING STORY EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS LOWER ROOF & CEILING STORY FLOOR/DECK EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS VSL =Zw 2.5 CAI / RI .4 (W.S.D.) = VSU = VSL( 83 + 86 + 11 )K# I, # 215 SHEARWALLS UPPER p used VSUtlW = 284#/FTV 78 S.F.) (Ceu = 0.72 ) used = 1.0 P = -0.73 'w = 7.0 LF USE 7.0 LF 3/8" PLY SCH 1 SL CASE QTY Vp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 3.5 3 2 994 8 2485 MST 48 SHEARWALLS LOWER used = 1.0 f.. = -1.80 2'w 9.5 LF P used V S L/' V/ = 250 /FT = V USE 9.5 LF 3/8" PLY SCH I SL CASE QTY Vp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 9.5 1 1 2377 9 2325 STHDIO, PHD2, or HTT22 w/ SSTB16 506 20 480 16 470 7 64 20 385 10 378 16 0 7 Ew= 4,610 10120 7680 3290 1280 3850 6048 I' 'GRID B , DIRECTION XX WIND EXPOSURE, UPPER Vwu = 16.38 CeuAu = 3,750 (Au = 318 S.F.) (Ceu = 0.72 ) WIND EXPOSURE, LOWER Vw1= Vwu+ 16.38 Ce1Ai = 6,147 (,ô= 236 S.F.) SEISMIC MASS S.F. #/SF W# UPPER ROOF & CEILING STORY EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS LOWER ROOF & CEILING STORY FLOOR/DECK EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS 466 VSL =W 2.5 CAI / Ri .4 (W.S.D.) = Vsu =VsL( 223 + 115 + 49 )K#'= 3,832 = V Wh / X Wh1 466 SHEARWALLS UPPER used = 1.0 p = -0.42 1 w= 12.0 LF P used Vsu//W = 319 # /FT ..... V USE 12.0 LF 3/8" PLY SCH 1 SL CASE I QTY Vp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 12 1 1 3832 10 3276 MST 60 SHEARWALLS LOWER used = i.o p = -1.30 1 w= 16.0 LF VWL//W = 384#/FTV USE 16.0 LF 3/8" PLY SCH2 SL CASE QTY Vsp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 16 1 1 6147 9 3524 STHD10, PHD2, or HTT22 wi SSTBI6 (Ce1 = 0.62 ) HT' (AVE) 22 15 15 10 10 4.5 4.5 K#1 (W h x) 223 115 49 13 39 27 0 962 20 820 16 620 7 82 20 796 10 765 16 648 7 9,011 19240 13120 4340 1640 7960 12240 U GRID C , DIRECTION XX WIND EXPOSURE, UPPER Vwu = 16.38 CeuAu = 4,458 (Au 378 S.F.) (Ceu = 0.72 ) WIND EXPOSURE, LOWER VWL = Vwu + 16.38 CeLAL = 7,505 (Ar. = 300 S.F.) SEISMIC MASS S.F. #ISF W# UPPER ROOF & CEILING STORY EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS LOWER ROOF & CEILING STORY FLOOR/DECK EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS Vs1 =1 W 2.5 CAl / Ri .4 (W.S.D.) = Vsu =VsL( 423 + 197 + 65 )K#= 7,207 - V wxhx / .:• W,h1 857 SHEARWALLS UPPER used= 1.0 P = -0.52 1w= 23.5 LF P used VSu/lW = 307 # /FT ..... V USE 23.5 LF 3/8" PLY SCH I SL CASE QTY VSP ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 6 1 1 1840 10 3228 MST 60 5.5 1 1 1687 10 3244 MST 60 5 1 1 1533 10 3263 MST 60 3.5 3 2 1073 8 2683 MST 48 SHEARWALLS LOWER used = 1.0 p = -0.85 1 w= 27.0 LF P used VSL/IW 334 /FT = V USE 27.0 LF 3/8" PLY SCH 1 SL CASE I QTY Vp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 15 1 1 5006 9 3065 STHD10, PHD2, or HTT22 w/ SSTBI6 12 1 1 4005 9 3081 STHD10, P;HD2, or HTT22 wl SSTB16 (C-1 = 0.62 ) HT' (AVE) 22 15 15 10 10 4.5 4.5 K#1 (Wxh x) 423 197 65 16 80 55 20 #1 857 (AVE) (Wxhx) 22 400 15 211 15 46 10 0 10 88 4.5 51 4.5 14 (w1 h1 ) = 810 / 6,779 =V w xhx W•h1 910 20 880 16 440 7 0 20 884 10 702 16 432 7 8,351 18200 14080 3080 0 8840 1.1232 GRID D , DIRECTION XX WIND EXPOSURE, UPPER Vwu = 16.38 CeuAu = 3,302 # (Au = 280 S.F.) WIND EXPOSURE, LOWER VWL = VWU + 16.38 CeL& = 5,800 SEISMIC MASS S.F. (Ce, = 0.72 ) (CeL = 0.62 ) HT' 246 S.F.) S.F. W# UPPER ROOF & CEILING STORY EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS LOWER ROOF & CEILING STORY FLOOR/DECK EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS VSL =W 2.5 CAI / RI .4 (W.S.D.) = Vsu =VsL( 400 + 211 + 46 I, # 810 SHEARWALLS UPPER P usedVSu/1W = 399 #/fl V used= 1.0 p = 0.06 w = 17.0 LF USE 17.0 LF 3/8" PLY SCH 2 SL CASE QTY Vp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 5 1 1 1994 10 4242 MST 60 4 3 3 1595 8 3449 MST 60 SHEARWALLS LOWER used = 1.0 p = -0.34 1 w = 20.5 LF P used VSLIlW= 407 # /FT = V USE 20.5 LF 3/8" PLY SCH 2 SL CASE I QTY vsp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 4 3 3 1629 7 3083 STHDI0,PHD2,orHTT22w/SSTB16 3 2 2 1222 7 3168 STHDIO, PH D2, or HTT22 w/ SSTB16 2.5 3 1 1018 7 3240 STHDI0,PHD2,orHTT22w/SSTBI6 LEGEND n4m GRID SECTOR BOUNDARY GRID SECTOR rl SHEARWALL UPPER GRID SECTOR KEY MAP - YY DIRECTION LOWER 732 20 940 16 498 7 0 20 609 10 836 16 316 7 7,835 14640 15040 3486 0 6090 13376 --A^ ,•_y , GRID I , DIRECTION YY WIND EXPOSURE, UPPER Vwu 16.38 CeuAu 2,217 (Au = 188 S.F.) (Ceo = 0.72 ) WIND EXPOSURE, LOWER Vw1 = Vw + 16.38 CeLAL = 3,537 # (AL = 130 S.F.) SEISMIC MASS S.F. #/ SF W# UPPER ROOF & CEILING STORY EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS LOWER ROOF & CEILING STORY FLOOR/DECK EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS 731 VsL =Ew 2.5 CAI / Ri .4 (W.S.D.) = VSU = VsL( 322 + 226 + 52 )K" = I # 731 SHEARWALLS UPPER p used VStjllW 252 # /FT . V SL CASE QTY VSP ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 8 1 1 2017 10 2620 MST 48 6 1 2 1513 10 2654 MST 48 3.5 3 1 883 8 2206 MST 48 2 3 1 504 8 2373 MST 48 SHEARWALLS LOWER used = 1.0 p = -1.23 1 w = 25.5 LF P used VSLII lW - # 1 - 307 /FT V USE 25.5 LF 3/8" PLY SCH 1 SL CASE QTY vsp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 8 3 1 - 2458 9 2873 STHD10, PHD2, or HTT22 wl SSTB16 6 1 1 1843 9 2911 STHD10, PHD2, or HTT22 wl SSTB16 4.5 3 1_ 1383 7 2304 STHD10, PHD2, or HTT22 w/ SSTB16 4 3 1 1229 7 2325 STHD10, PHD2, or HTT22 wl SSTB16 ISTHD10, 3 3 1 922 7 2390 PHD2, or HTT22 WI SSTB16 (CeL = 0.62 ) HT' (AVE) 22 15 15 10 10 4.5 4.5 (Wxhx) 322 226 52 0 61 60 10 I ' 6,430 = I Wxhx 4. Wh1 used = 1.0 p = -1.17 1 w = 25.5 LF USE 25.5 LF 3/8" PLY SCH I (AVE) (Wxhx) 22 236 15 158 15 30 10 22 10 47 4.5 38 4.5 7 #(wh)_ 538 4,527 = V wxhx / .X W,h1 536 20 660 16 290 7 108 20 472 10 522 16 234 7 5,740 10720 10560 2030 2160 4720 8352 lQ 'W,I Cu GRID 2 , DIRECTION YY WiND EXPOSURE, UPPER Vwj 16.38 Ce1jA,j= 2,406 (Au 204 S.F.) WIND EXPOSURE, LOWER VWL = Vwu + 16.38 CeLAL = 3,909 (A = SEISMIC MASS S.F. (C-u = 0.72 ) (CeL = 0.62 ) HT' 148 S.F.) #/SF W# UPPER ROOF & CEILING STORY EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS LOWER ROOF & CEILING STORY FLOOR/DECK EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS VSL =W 2.5 CAl / RI .4 (W.S.D.) = Vsu = Vs( 236 + 158 + 30 )K# K#538 SHEARWALLS UPPER used = 1.0 p = -0.38 1 w= 13.5 LF p used VSu/lW= 335 #/fl V USE 13.5 LF 3/8" PLY SCH 1 SL CASE I QTY VSP ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 8 1 1 2683 10 3484 MST 60 3 3 1 1006 8 2981 MST 48 2.5 3 1 838 8 3049 MST 48 SHEARWALLS LOWER P used = 1.0 p = 0.86 1 w= 6.6 LF P used VSLIIW = 870 # !FT = V USE 1 -48 x 9 SIMPSON STRONGWALL = 4370# CAPACITY USE 1 -32 x 9 SIMPSON STRONGWALL = 2600# CAPACITY = 6970# TOTAL CAPACITY GRID 3 , DIRECTION YY WIND EXPOSURE, UPPER Vwu = 16.38 CeuAu = 3,255 # (Au = 276 S.F.) (Ceu = 0.72 ) WIND EXPOSURE, LOWER VWL = VWU + 16.38 CeLAL = 5,855 (AL = 256 S.F.) SEISMIC MASS S.F. #/ SF W# UPPER ROOF & CEILING 528 20 STORY EXTERIOR WALLS 225 16 INTERIOR WALLS LOWER ROOF & CEILING STORY FLOOR/DECK EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS #1 417 VSL =>W 2.5 CAl / Ri .4 (W.S.D.) = VsuVsL( 232 + 54 + 51 31352 - V wx h x / X Wh1 417 SHEARWALLS UPPER used = 1.0. P = -0.86 1 w= 12.0 LF p usedVSu/1W 279 #IFT.... V USE 12.0 LF 3/8" PLY SCH I SL CASE I QTY VSP ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 12 1 1 3352 10 2865 MST 48 SHEARWALLS LOWER used= 1.0 P = -1.59 1w = 15.0 LF VWL/1W 390 /FT= V USE 15.0 LF 3/8" PLY SCH 2 SL CASE I QTY Vsp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 8 1 1 3123 9 3650 STHDI4, PH 05, or HTT22 w/ SSTB20 7 1 1 2732 9 3670 STHDI4, PHD5, or HTT22 w/ SSTB20 490 7 0 20 514 10 198 16 442 7 4,142 10560 3600 3430 0 5140 3168 12 ffl A (C-L = 0.62 ) HT' (AVE) 22 15 15 10 10 4.5 4.5 K#v (W h x) 232 54 51 0 51 14 14 GRID 4 , DIRECTION YY WiND EXPOSURE, UPPER Vwu = 16.38 CeuAu = 2,901 (Au = 246 S.F.) WIND EXPOSURE, LOWER VWL = Vwu + 16.38 CeLAL = 4,628 (A = SEISMIC MASS S.F. (Ceu = 0.72 ) UPPER ROOF & CEILING STORY EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS LOWER ROOF & CEILING STORY FLOOR/DECK EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS VsL =ZW2.5 CAll RI.4(W.S.D.) = VSU = Vs1( 242 + 79 + 20 )K# = 424 SHEARWALLS UPPER P used VSUllW = 316 # /FT .... V 170 S.F.) #/ SF W# 550 20 11000 330 16 5280 194 7 1358 34 20 680 404 10 4040 306 16 4896 423 7 2961 = 30,215 4,316 (C-L = 062 HT' (AVE) (Wh) 22 242 15 79 15 20 10 7 10 40 4.5 22 4.5 13 424 3,476 = V wh / v W,h, used= 1.0 p = -0.53 1 w= 11.0 LF USE 11.0 LF 3/8" PLY SCH I SL CASE I QTY Vp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 11 1 1 3476 10 3249 MST 60 SHEARWALLS LOWER P used = 1.0 p = -1.10 1 l w= 13.5 LF VwL!IW = 343 #/FT = V USE 13.5 LF 3/8" PLY SCH1 SL CASE QTY VSP ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 8 1 1 2742 9 3205 STHD1O, PHD2, or HTT22 w/ SSTB16 5.5 1 1 1885 9 3263 STHDIO, FHD2, or HTT22 w/ SSTB16 GRID 5 DIRECTION YY WIND EXPOSURE, UPPER Vwu 16.38 CeuAu 1,368 (Au 116 S.F.) (Ceu = 0.72 ) WIND EXPOSURE, LOWER VWL= Vwu 16.38 CeLAL = 2,343 (AL 96 S.F.) (C-L = 0.62 ) SEISMIC MASS S.F. #/SF W# HT' (AVE) 268 20 5360 22 470 16 7520 15 65 7 455 15 16 20 320 10 240 10 2400 10 423 16 6768 4.5 81 7 567 4.5 = 23,390 Y(w1h1 )= UPPER ROOF & CEILING STORY EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS LOWER ROOF & CEILING STORY FLOOR/DECK EXTERIOR WALLS INTERIOR WALLS (w x h x) 118 113 7 3 24 30 3 298 VSL =W 2.5 CAll R1.4 (W.S.D.) = Vsu =VsL( 118 + 113 + 7 298 SHEARWALLS UPPER p used V s u//w = 333 # !FT = V 3,341 2,666 = V wxhx / Wh1 used= 1.0 P = -0.40 1w 8.0 LF USE 8.0 LF 3/8" PLY SCH I SL CASE QTY Vp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 8 1 1 2666 10 3462 MST 60 SHEARWALLS LOWER used— 1.0 P = -0.52 1 w= 8.5 LF P used VSLII IW - # 1 - 393 /FT V USE 8.5 LF 3/8" PLY SCH 2 SL CASE QTY Vp ph HOLD DOWN FORCES (H) # RECOMMENDED HOLD DOWNS 6 3 1 2359 7 2897 STHDIO, PHD2, or HTT22 wl SSTB16 2.5 3 1 983 7 3127 STHDIO, PHD2, or HTT22 w/ SSTB16 BEAM DESIGN# I DESCRIPTION: BEAM SUPP. ROOF & SOFFIT OVER EXT. STAIRWELL LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) 13.0 FT. LOADING: TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD #/FT ROOF 3 31 93 UL CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 16 0 j INT. WALL 7 0 4 4 FLOOR /DECK 50 0 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 3 14 42 SP OTHER 100 R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 235 '/FT. SHEAR CAPACITY REQ.= V= R = SP(UL)/2 = 1528 MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = UL(SP)2/8 = 4964 Fb = 2900 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/12)(SPx12)4/Ez= 1741N 4 E = 2.0 x 106 PSI ALLOWED DEFLECTION (ii) = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.43 IN USE MIN. 3 1/2 "x 9 1/2 IV PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 13055 V = 6430 1= 250 IN4 BEAMDESIGN# 2 DESCRIPTION: FRONT UPPER BEDROOM WINDOW HEADER LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) = 6.0 FT. LOADING: TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD #/FT ROOF 4 31 124 UL CEILING 4 5 20 EXT. WALL 6 16 96 INT.WALL 7 0 *4 I* d 4 FLOOR/DECK 50 0 SP BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER 60 R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 300 */FT. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 1350 END REACTION(R) = SP(UL)/2 = 900 ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.20 IN d = 12 IN SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R - UL (d112)) 1.5 / 85 PSI = 11 IN Fb = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12)/Fb = 12 IN E = 1.6 x 106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/12)(SPx12)4/E& 271N 4 USE MIN. 4 "x 6" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 19.3 IN S = 17.7 IN I = 48.5 IN BEAM DESIGN# 3 DESCRIPTION: SINGLE CAR GARAGE END HEADER SUPP. ROOF & EXT. WALL LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) = 6.0 FT. LOADING: TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD SIFT. ROOF 5 31 155 UL CEILING 5 5 25 EXT. WALL 10 16 160 INT. WALL 7 0 *4 1* d 4 FLOOR/DECK I so 50 SP BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER 60 R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 450 '/FT. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 2025 END REACTION(R) = SP(UL)/2 = . 1350 ALLOWED DEFLECTION (A) = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.20 IN d = 12 IN SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R -UL(d/12))1.5/ 85 PSI = 16 IN Fb = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12)/Fb 19 IN3 E = 1.6 x 106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/ 384) (U L/ 12) (SPx 1 2)4/EA= 41 IN USE MIN. 4 "x 8" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 25.4 IN S = 30.7 IN I = 1.11.2 IN" BEAM DESIGN # 4 DESCRIPTION: SINGLE CAR GARAGE DOOR HEADER LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING : UL SID SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR! DECK BALCONY SOFFIT OTHER 9.0 FT. TRIB.FT. #/SF 4 31 4 5 12 16 7 10 50 70 14 LOAD */FT 124 20 192 0 500 0 0 SHEAR CAPACITY REQ. = MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = Fb = 2900 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = E = 2.0 X 106 PSI ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = V=R= SP(UL)/2= UL(SP)2/8 = (5/384)(UL/ 12)(SPx12)4/EA= SP(12)/ 360 = 836 '/FT. 3762 8465 206 IN 0.30 IN USE MIN. 3 1/2 "x 9 1/2" PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 13055 '#V = 6430 I = 250 IN BEAM DESIGN# 5 DESCRIPTION: BEAM SUPP. ROOF OVER GARAGE LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL SID SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR / DECK BALCONY SOFFIT OTHER 16.0 FT. TRIB. FT. */SF 4. 31 5 16 7 50 70 4 14 LOAD */FT 124 0 0 0 0 0 56 SHEAR CAPACITY REQ. = MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = Fb = 2900 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = E = 2.0 x 106 PSI ALLOWED DEFLECTION (ix) = TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = V = R = SP(UL)/2= UL(SP)2/8 = (5/384)(UL/ 12)(SPx12)4/EA= SP(12)/ 360 = 240 */FT. 1920 7680 332 IN 0.53 IN USE MIN. 3 1/2 "x 117/8 11 PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M= 19900 9 V= 8035# 1= 490 IN BEAM DESIGN # 6 DESCRIPTION: GARAGE FLUSH FLOOR BEAM SUPP. ROOF, WALL & FLOOR JOISTS WI SHEAR WALL EFFECTS SPAN (SP) = 20.5 FT. a = 5.0 FT. b = 15.5 FT. a :!5; b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH SHEAR WALL REACTION (SR) LOADING: TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD */FT. ROOF 12 31 372 ± SR (f0) ± SR (fn) CEILING 12 5 60 EXT. WALL 9 16 144 b INT. WALL 7 0 I A/I UL FLOOR/DECK 10 50 500 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 4 4 OTHER SP > TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 1076 */FT. R 8 R.b SHEAR WALL REACTION (SR)= 3484 SR(f)= 4315# END REACTION (R a) = MAX SHEAR (V) UL(SP)/2 + SR (fn) = 15344 END REACTION (R b) = (V) = UL(SP)/2 + SR(f)a/SP = 12081 MAX MOMENT (M) = UL(SP2/8)+SR (f)a(b)/SP = 72835 ALLOWED DEFLECTION (A) = SP(12)/ 360 0.68 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(ULJI2)(SPx12)4/EA= 3129 IN Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 X 106 PSI USE MIN. 7 "x 18 PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 87325 V = 24360 I = 3400 IN .*fl = fi = 2.8 , f = fll 1.7 1.33 1.24 UBC SEC. 1630.8.2.1, = 1.0 0D =1.33, UBC TABLE 2.3.2, CHAP. 23 SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR! DECK BALCONY OTHER 7.0 FT. TRIB.FT. */SF 11 31 11 5 16 7 50 70 BEAM DESIGN# 7 DESCRIPTION: UPPER LIVING ROOM AREA HEADER SUPP. ROOF TRUSSES *4fd SP 4 R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)218 = 3038 END REACTION(R) = SP(UL)/2 = ALLOWED DEFLECTION (A) = SP(12)I 360 = LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL LOAD '/FT. 341 55 0 0 0 0 100 496 #/FT 1736 0.23 IN d = 12 IN SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R - UL (d112)) 1.51 85 PSI = 22 IN Fb = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12)IFb = 28 IN3 E = 1.6X106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. (51384)(U1112)(SPx12)4IEA 72 IN4 USE MIN. 4"x 8" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 25.4 IN' S= 30.7 IN 1= 111.2 IN BEAM DESIGN# 8 DESCRIPTION: HEADER @ MASTER BATH TUB LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL *4 Id 4 SP > SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR / DECK BALCONY OTHER 6.0 FT. TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD "/FT 11 31 341 11 5 55 16 7 50 0 70 0 100 496 */FT. 1488 0.20 IN 18 IN 21 IN 45 IN R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 2232 END REACTION (R) = SP(UL)/2 = ALLOWED DEFLECTION (A) = SP(12)/ 360 = d= 121N SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R - UL (d112)) 1.5 / 85 PSI = Fb= 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12)/Fb = E = 1.6x106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(ULI 12)(SPx12)4/EA= USE MIN. 4"x 8" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 25.4 IN S = 30.7 IN I = 111.2 IN BEAM DESIGN # 9 DESCRIPTION: FLUSH FLOOR BEAM @ ENTRY SUPP. ROOF, INT. WALL & FLOOR 6.0 FT. TRIB.FT. */SF 15 31 15 5 16 9 7 10 50 70 14 LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL ETT SHEAR CAPACITY REQ.= MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = Fb = 2900 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = E = 2.0 X 106 PSI ALLOWED DEFLECTION (z) = SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR! DECK BALCONY SOFFIT OTHER TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = V = R = SP(UL)/2= UL(SP)2/8 = (5/384)(UL/ 12)(SPx12)4/E= SP(12)/ 360 = LOAD #IFT 465 75 0 63 500 0 0 1103 #/FT 3309 4964 • 80 IN4 0.20 IN USE MIN. 211116 "x 9112 PARALL.AM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 10025 '* V = 4935 I = 190 IN" 'OF-AM DESIGN # 10 DESCRIPTION: UPPER HEADER SUPP. JACK TRUSSES 8.0 FT. TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD */FT 8 31 248 UL CEILING 8 5 40 EXT. WALL 16 0 INT. WALL 7 0 *4 kH d 4 FLOOR/DECK 50 0 SP BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER 100 R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 388 */FT. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 3104 END REACTION (R) = SP(UL)/2 = 1552 ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.27 IN d = 12 IN SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R - UL (d112)) 1.5 / 85 PSI 21 IN Fb = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12)/Fb = 29 IN E = 1.6 x 106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384(UL/12)(SPx12)4/Ez= 84 IN USE MIN. 4 "x 8" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 25.4 IN S = 30.7 IN 1 I = 111.2 IN LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) = LOADING: ROOF BEAM DESIGN# 11 DESCRIPTION: FLUSH FLOOR BEAM OVER ENTRY WAY SUPP. ENDS OF BEAMS #9O SPAN (SP) = 13.0 FT. a = 4.0 FT. b = 9.0 FT. a fs~ b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH CONCENTRATED LOAD LOADING: TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD */FT ICL - a -< b UL UL SID ROOF 31 0 CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 16 0 INT. WALL 9 7 63 FLOOR/DECK 2 50 100 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) 163 #/FT END REACTION (R a) = MAX. SHEAR (V) = END REACTION (R b) = MAX. MOMENT (M) = ALLOWED DEFLECTION (ii) = CONCENTRATED LOAD (CL) = UL(SP)/2 + CL(b)/SP = UL(SP)/2 + CL(a)/SP = UL(SP2/8) + CL(a)(b)/SP = SP(12)/ 360 = 4861 4425 2555 16905 ' 0.43 IN 2.0 E. 615 IN' MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = ((5/ 384)(U L/ 12)(SPu)4+CLahIb(aH+2b)(3aI(aIt+2bhI))I'2/27(SPh1))I E Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 X 106 PSI USE MIN. 211/16 "x 14 go PARALLAM GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 20855 V= 7275# 1= 476 IN BEAM DESIGN # 12 DESCRIPTION: FLUSH FLOOR BEAM @ UPPE RSTAIR LANDING LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL _TT SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING E)(t WALL INT. WALL FLOOR/DECK BALCONY SOFFIT OTHER 7.0 FT. TRIB.FT. */SF 31 5 16 7 6 50 70 14 LOAD */FT 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 SHEAR CAPACITY REQ. = MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = Fb = 2900 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = E = 2.0 X 106 PSI ALLOWED DEFLECTION (A) = TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = V = R = SP(UL)/2= UL(SP)2/8 = (5/384)(UL/ 12)(SPx12)4/ EA= SP(12)/ 360 = 300 */FT. 1050 1838 35 IN 0.23 IN USE MIN. 2 11/16 "x 9 1/2 11 PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 10025 V = 4935 I= 190 IN BEAM DESIGN # 13 11 DESCRIPTION: FLUSH FLOOR BEAM OVER STAIRWELL SUPP. END OF BEAM #12 SPAN (SP) = 15.0 FT. a = 3.0 FT. b = 12.0 FT. a .5 b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH CONCENTRATED LOAD LOADING: TRIB. FT. 'a /SF LOAD */FT CL a—*< b UL UL SID ROOF 31 0 CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 16 0 (NT. WALL 7 0 FLOOR/DECK 2 50 100 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 100 */FT. CONCENTRATED LOAD (CL) = 1050 END REACTION (R a)= MAX. SHEAR (V) = UL(SP)/2 + CL(b)/SP = 1590 END REACTION (R b)= UL(SP)/2 + CL(a)/SP = 960 MAX. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP2/8) + CL(a)(b)/SP = 5333 '# ALLOWED DEFLECTION (A) = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.50 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = ((5/384)(U il E A= 182 IN Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 X 106 PSI USE MIN. 211/16 "x 9 112 11 PA RALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M= 10025# V= 4935# 1= 190 IN BEAM DESIGN# 14 DESCRIPTION: GARAGE WINDOW HEADER SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR /DECK BALCONY SOFFIT OTHER 6.0 FT. TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD #IFT. 11 31 341 11 5 55 10 16 160 7 0 10 50 500 70 0 14 0 LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL * f*d SP TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 4752 END REACTION(R) = SP(UL)I2 = ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = SP(12)/ 360 = d = 121N SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R-UL (dl 12))1.5/ 85 PSI Fb = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12)lF b = E = 1.6 x 106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5I384)(ULI12)(SPx12)4/E= USE MIN. 4 "x 12" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 39.4 IN S = 73.8 IN I = 415.3 IN' 1056 */FT. 3168 0.20 IN 37 IN' 44 IN4 96 IN BEAM DESIGN # 15 DESCRIPTION: LOWER REAR BEDROOM HEADER SUPP. ROOF STRIP, EXT. WALL & FLOOR STRIP LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) = 8.0 FT. LOADING: TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD SIFT. ROOF 3 31 93 UL CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 10 16 160 INT. WALL 7 -0 *4 -* d 4 FLOOR/DECK 3 50 150 SP BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 403 '/FT. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 3224 ° END REACTION (R) = SP(UL)/2 = ALLOWED DEFLECTION (ii) = SP(12)/ 360 = d = 12 IN SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R - UL (d112)) 1.5/ 85 PSI = Fb = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12)/Fb = E = 1.6 x 16 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/12)(SPx12)4/E= USE MIN. 4 "x 8" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 25.4 IN S = 30.7 IN 1 = 111.2 IN 1612 0.27 IN 21 IN 30 IN3 87 IN BEAMDESIGN# 16 DESCRIPTION: REAR LOWER BEDROOM BEAM SUPP. ROOF. EXT. WALL, FLOOR & SHEAR WALL EFFECTS SPAN (SP) = 16.0 FT. a = 5.0 FT. b = 11.0 FT a < b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH SHEAR WALL REACTION (SR) LOADING: TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD */FT ROOF 14 31 434 ± SR (f(j) ± SR (fe) CEILING 9 5 45 EXT. WALL 16 0 b INT. WALL 7 0 V/A2' UL FLOOR/DECK 2 50 100 \/ / / BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 4 14 56 4 4 OTHER SP TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 635 */FT. R8 Rb SHEAR WALL REACTION (SR)= SR(f)= 0# END REACTION (R ,,) MAX SHEAR (V) = UL(SP)/2 + SR (fn) = 5080 END REACTION (R b) = (V) = UL(SP)/2 + SR(f)a/SP = 5080 MAX MOMENT (M) = UL(SP2/8)+SR(f)a(b)/SP = 20320 ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = SP(12)/ 240 = 0.80 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/12)(SPx12)4/Ez 585 IN' Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 X 106 PSI USE MIN. 3 1/2 "x 14 PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 27160 V = 9475 1 = 800 IN4 * 2.8 , f = 1.7 X 1.33 1.24 ** UBC SEC. 1630.8.2.1, 4. = 1.0 " CD = 1.33UBC TABLE 2.3.2, CHAP. 23 BEAM DESIGN # 17 DESCRIPTION: MSTR. BEDROOM HEADER SUPP. ROOF, CEILING & SOFFIT LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) = 8.0 FT. LOADING: TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD '/FT ROOF 14 31 434 UL CEILING 9 5 45 EXT. WALL 16 0 INT. WALL 7 0 *4 k- d 4 FLOOR/DECK 50 0 SP BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 4 14 56 OTHER 100 R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 635 */FT. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 5080 END REACTION (R) = SP(UL)/2 = 2540 ALLOWED DEFLECTION (ii) = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.27 IN d = 12 IN SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R-UL (dl 12))1.5/ 85 PSI 34 IN' Fb = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12)/Fb = 47 1N' E = 1.6 x 106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/12)(SPx12)4/E= 137 IN4 USE MIN. 4 "x 12" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 39.4 IN S = 73.8 IN I = 415.3 IN' BEAM DESIGN # 18 DESCRIPTION: MSTR. BEDROOM HEADER SUPP. ROOF & SOFFIT LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL SID SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR! DECK BALCONY SOFFIT OTHER 15.0 FT. TRIB.FT. 5 31 5 16 7 50 70 4 14 LOAD '/FT. 155 0 0 0 0 0 56 100 Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0X106 PSI TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = SHEAR CAPACITY REQ. = V = R = SP(UL)/2= MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = UL(SP)2/8 = MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/ 12)(SPx12)4/ E= ALLOWED DEFLECTION (z) = SP(12)/ 360 = 311 */FT. 2333 8747 • 354 IN 0.50 IN USE MIN. 3 1/2 "x 11 7/8" PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 19900 V = 8035 I = 490 IN BEAM DESIGN # 19 DESCRIPTION: REAR LOWER BEDROOM HEADER SUPP. DECK JOISTS LOAD '/FT 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 60 TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 360 '/FT. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 2880 ' END REACTION(R) = SP(UL)/2 = 1440 ALLOWED DEFLECTION (ii) = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.27 IN d = 12 IN SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R - UL (dl 12)) 1.5/ 85 PSI = 19 IN Fl, = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12/F. = 27 IN4 ----I- - E = 1.6x106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/12)(SPx12)4/Et= MIN. 4 "x 8" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 USE A = 25.4 IN S = 30.7 IN' I= 111.2 IN GIVEN PROPERTIES LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL * i* sP >1 SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR I DECK BALCONY SOFFIT OTHER 8.0 FT. TRIB.FT. 'o /SF 31 5 16 7 6 50 70 14 78 IN BEAM DESIGN# 20 DESCRIPTION REAR LOWER BEDROOM HEADER SUPP. DECK JOISTS @ ARCH SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR I DECK BALCONY SOFFIT OTHER 15.0 FT. TRIB.FT. #/SF 31 5 16 7 4 50 70 4 14 TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = SHEAR CAPACITY REQ. = V = R = SP(UL)/2= MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = UL(SP)2/8 = MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/.12)(SPx12)4/E= ALLOWED DEFLECTION (z) = SP(12)/ 360 = USE MIN. 3 1/2 "x 11 7/8" PARALLAM 2.0 E. 8035 I = 490 IN LOAD '/FT 0 0 0 0 200 0 56 Inn 356 */FT. 2670 10013 • 406 IN 0.50 IN GIVEN PROPERTIES M= 19900# me LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL R sp Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0X106 PSI 'BEAM DESIGN # 21 DESCRIPTION: FAM. ROOM HEADER SUPP. ROOF STRIP & GABLE END WALL 12.0 FT. TRIB.FT. #/SF 3 31 3 5 6 16 7 50 70 14 LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM LOADING: UL sp SHEAR CAPACITY REQ. = MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = Fb = 2900 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = E = 2.0 X 106 PSI ALLOWED DEFLECTION (z) = SPAN (SP) = ROOF CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL FLOOR / DECK BALCONY SOFFIT OTHER TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = V = R = SP(UL)/2= UL(SP)2/8 = (5/ 384)(UL/ 12)(SPx12)4/ Ez= SP(12)/ 360 = LOAD */FT 93 15 96 0 0 0 0 100 304 '/FT., 1824 5472 '* 177 IN4 0.40 IN USE MIN. 3 1/2 " x 9 1/2 of PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M 13055 ' = 6430 I = 250 IN4 BEAM DESIGN# 22 DESCRIPTION: HEADER OVER ENTRY WAY SUPP. FLOOR STRIP & CONC. LOAD FROM BEAM #21 AND SHEAR WALL EFFECTS SPAN (SP) = 10.0 FT. a = 4.0 FT. b = 6.0 FT. a :5 b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH CONCENTRATED LOAD & SHEARWALL REACTION CL LOADING: CL+FxSI-iEARWALL REACTION TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD #/FT /A / ROOF 31 0 b CEILING 5 0 UL UL EXT. WALL 16 0 INT. WALL 7 0 FLOOR/DECK 1 50 50 4 4 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 SP OTHER 100 R a Rb TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 150 #/FT SHEAR WALL REACTION x f + BM #21 +SHEAR WALL = (CL) = 5273 END REACTION (R a) = MAX. SHEAR (V) = UL(SP)/2 + CL(b)/SP = 3914 END REACTION (Rb) = UL(SP)/2 + CL(a)/SP = 2859 MAX. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP2/8) + CL(a)(b)/SP = 14530 ' ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.33 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = ((5/384)(ULI 12)(SP")4+CLa"b"(a"+2b")(3a"(a"+2b"))1 /27(SP"))/ E A= 320 IN Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 x 106 PSI USE MIN. 3 1/2 "x 11 7/8" PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 19900 V = 8035 I = 490 IN * l = 2.8 , f = fl / 1.7 x 1.33 1.24 ** UBC SEC. 1630.8.2.1, 4 = 1.0 CD = 1.33, UBC TABLE 2.3.2, CHAP. 23 BEAMDESIGN# 23 DESCRIPTION: HEADER OVER STAIRWELL & BACK REAR BEDROOM WITH UNIFORM FLOOR LOAD & SHEARWALL REACTION SPAN (SP) = 6.5 FT. a= 4.0 FT. b = 2.5 FT. a ::~- b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH SHEARWALL REACTION (SR) LOADING: TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD */FT ROOF 31 0 ± SR (fn) ± SR (fe) CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL. 16 0 I< a —)4< b INT. WALL 9 7 63 UL FLOOR/DECK 14 50 700 . BALCONY 70 0 iJ SOFFIT 14 0 4 4 OTHER SP TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 763 #/FT R a Rb SHEARWALL REACTION (SR)= 2865 SR(f)= 3548# END REACTION (R a) = MAX SHEAR (V) = UL(SP)/2 + SR(f) = 6028 END REACTION (R b) = (V) = UL(SP)/2 + SR(f)a/SP = 4663 MAX MOMENT (M) = UL(SP2/8)+SR(f)a(b)/SP = 9488 ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.22 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/12)(SPx12)4/E 71 IN Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 X 10 6 PSI USE MIN. 3 1/2 tox 91/2" PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 13055 V = 6430 I= 250 IN" * fl = 2.8 , f = 1.7 **x 1.33 1.24 ** UBC SEC. 1630.8.2.1, 4 = 1.0 CD = 1.33, UBC TABLE 2.3.2, CHAP. 23 'BEAM DESIGN# 24 DESCRIPTION: FLOOR BEAM OVER FAM. ROOM SUPP. FLOOR JOISTS, & EXT WALL LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) = LOADING: ROOF UL CEILING EXT. WALL INT. WALL 4 FLOOR/DECK BALCONY SOFFIT SP OTHER R R SHEAR CAPACITY REQ. = MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = Fb = 2900 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = E = 2.0 X 106 PSI ALLOWED DEFLECTION (z) = USE MIN. 3 1/2 "x 14 GIVEN PROPERTIES M= 27160# 13.5 FT. TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD */FT 31 0 5 0 9 16 144 7 0 12 50 600 70 0 14 0 TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = V = R = SP(UL)/2= UL(SP)2/8 = (5/384)(ULJ 12)(SPx12)4/Et= SP(12)/ 360 = PARALLAM 2.0 E. = 9475# 1= 8001N4 744 t'/FT. 5022 16949 '* 618 IN 0.45 IN BEAM DESIGN # 25 DESCRIPTION: HEADER OVER REAR LOWER ROOM SUPP. ROOF, CONC. GIRDER TRUSS LOAD, END OF SM. #18, #21, #24, & SHEAR WALL EFFECTS SPAN (SP) = 8.0 FT. a = 1.5 FT. b = 6.5 FT. a 15 b C = 4.0 FT. d = 4.0 FT. c d LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH DOUBLE CONCENTRATED LOAD AND SHEAR WALL REACTION (SR) LOADING: c' —d -*j CL, ± SR (f, L2± SR(f) I•4— a-*ir b—i UL V/uL/I UL I< SP >1 R a Rb SHEAR WALL REACTION (SR)= 3083 TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD */FT. ROOF 31 0 CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 10 16 160 INT. WALL 7 0 FLOOR /DECK 2 50 100 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER 60 TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 320 */FT. CONCENTRATED LOAD I (CL1) = 12395 SR (f) = 3818 CONCENTRATED LOAD 2 (CI-2) = 1824 R a = SR(f)(bd)/SP+UL(SP)/2 + CL1(b)/SP + CL2(d)/SP = 13456 Rb = SR(ffl)(c-a)/SP+UL(SP)/2 + CL1(a)/SP + CL2(c)/SP = 5709 Ra(CLI2) = CL1(b)/SP + CL2(d)/SP = 10983 Rb(CL1,2) = CL1(a)/SP + CL2(c)/SP = 3236 VmAx = Ra,b(CL1,2)Mp.x + SR(f) + UL (SP)/2 = 16081 = R a(CL 1 ,2)(a) = 16474 MCLB = Rb(CL1,2)(d) = 12944 MAX. MOMENT (M) = MMAX = SR(f)(c-a)+UL(SP2)/8 + MCL MAX = 28579 ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.27 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = ((51384)(UL/12)(SP")4+ ((CL1 E &= 331 IN Fb 2900 PSI E = 2.0 x 106 PSI USE MIN. 5 1/4 "x 11 7/8" PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 29855 ' V = 12055 I = 735 IN fl = 2.8 , f = / 1.7 1.33 1.24 ** UBC SEC. 1630.8.2.1, = 1.0 CD = 1.33, UBC TABLE 2.3.2, CHAP. 23 BEAM DESIGN # 26 DESCRIPTION: HEADER SUPP DECK JOISTS AND ARCH UNDER REAR DECK LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) = 9.0 FT. LOADING: TRIB. FT. U/SF LOAD */FT ROOF 31 0 UL CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 16 0 /NT WALL 7 0 *4 k d 4 FLOOR/DECK 5 50 250 SP BALCONY 70 0 OTHER 100 R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 350 */FT. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP)2/8 = 3544 ' END REACTION(R) = SP(UL)/2 = 1575 ALLOWED DEFLECTION (A) = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.30 IN d = 12 IN SECTIONAL AREA REQ. = (R - UL (d/12)) 1.5 / 85 PSI = 22 1N 2 Fb = 1300 PSI SECTION MODULUS REQ. = M(12)/Fb = 331N 3 E = 1.6 X106 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(ULJ12)(SPxl2)4/Ez 108 IN USE MIN. 4 "x 10" DOUGLAS FIR LARCH #1 GIVEN PROPERTIES A = 32.4 IN S = 50 IN I = 230.8 IN BEAM DESIGN # 27 DESCRIPTION: LEFT REAR BEDROOM BEAM SUPP. DECK JOISTS, EXT. WALL, & SHEARWALL EFFECTS SPAN (SP) = 12.0 FT. a = 4.0 FT. b = 8.0 FT. a :5 b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH CONCENTRATED LOAD & SHEARWALL REACTION CL LOADING: CL + Fn x SHEARWALL REACTION TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD #IFT. ROOF 31 0 a —* < b CEILING 5 0 I UL UL EXT. WALL 9 16 144 INT. WALL 7 0 FLOOR/DECK 5 50 250 4 4 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 SP OTHER R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 394 "/FT. SHEARWALL REACTION x f + BM2 + WALL + ROOF = (CL) = 1000 END REACTION (R a)= MAX. SHEAR (V) = UL(SP)/2 + CL(b)/SP = 3031 END REACTION (R b)= UL(SP)/2 + CL(a)/SP = 2697 MAX. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP2/8) + CL(a)(b)/SP = 9759 '# ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.40 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = ((51384)(ULJ 12)(SP")4+CLa"b"(a"+2b")(3a"(a +2b"))112/27(SP"))/ E A= 296 IN Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 X 106 psi USE MIN. 3-1/2 "x 117/8 11 PARAL.LAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 19900 V = 8035 I = 490 IN"' * fl = 2.8 , f = fI 1.7 1.33 1.24 ** UBC SEC. 1630.8.2.1, = 1.0 CD = 1.33, UBC TABLE 2.3.2, CHAP. 23 BEAM DESIGN# 28 DESCRIPTION: DROP BEAM OVER KITCHEN SUPP. ROOF TRUSSES LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM SPAN (SP) = 16.0 FT. LOADING: TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD */FT ROOF 15 31 465 UL CEILING 15 5 75 EXT. WALL 16 0 INT. WALL 7 0 4, 4 FLOOR/DECK 50 0 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 SP OTHER R R TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 540 '/FT. SHEAR CAPACITY REQ.= V= R = SP(UL)/2 = 4320 MOMENT CAPACITY REQ. = UL(SP)2/8 = 17280 Fb = 2900 PSI MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/ 1 2)(SPxl 2)4/EA= 498 IN E = 2.0 x 106 PSI ALLOWED DEFLECTION (z) = SP(12)/ 240 .= 0.80 IN USE MIN. 5 1/4 "x 11 7/8" PARAL.LAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 29855 V = 12055 I = 735 IN BEAM DESIGN# 29 DESCRIPTION: FLOOR BEAM OVER FRONT PORCH & BELOW KITCHEN SUPP. GIRDER TRUSS LOAD, END OF BM. #28 AND FLOOR LOAD SPAN (SP) = 10.5 FT. a = 2.0 FT. b = 8.5 FT. a !~ b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH CONCENTRATED LOAD LOADING: CL 147 a—*< b >1 UL UL AL AL TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD */FT ROOF 31 0 CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 9 16 144 INT. WALL 7 0 FLOOR/DECK 10 50 500 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = —644 "/FT. END REACTION (R a) = MAX. SHEAR (V) = END REACTION (R b) = MAX. MOMENT (M) = ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = CONCENTRATED LOAD (CL) = 9360 UL(SP)/2 + CL(b)/SP = 10,958 UL(SP)/2 + CL(a)/SP = 5164 UL(SP2/8) + CL(a)(b)/SP = 24029 ' SP(12)/ 360 = 0.35 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = ((5/ 384)(U L/ I 2)(SP")4+CLa"b"(a"+2b") (3a"(a"+2b"))1 /27(SP") )I E = 533 IN Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 X 106 PSI USE MIN. 5 1/4 "x 11 7/8 U PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 29855 ' V.= 12055 I= 735 IN' I BEAM DESIGN# 30 DESCRIPTION: FRONT DECK BEAM SUPP. END OF KITCHEN WALL & END OF BEAM #29 SPAN (SP) = 9.0 FT. a = 3.0 FT. b = 6.0 FT. a < b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH CONCENTRATED LOAD LOADING: CL 1417 a b UL UL sp TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD */FT. ROOF 2 31 62 CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 9 16 144 INT. WALL 7 0 FLOOR/DECK 2 50 100 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER 100 TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 406 8/FT. CONCENTRATED LOAD (CL) = 10958 END REACTION (Ra) = MAX. SHEAR (V) = UL(SP)/2 + CL(b)/SP = 9132 END REACTION (Rb) = UL(SP)/2 +.CL(a)/SP = MAX. MOMENT (M) = UL(SP2/8) + CL(a)(b)/SP = ALLOWED DEFLECTION (A) = SP(12)/ 360 = MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = ((5/ 384)(U ii 12)(SP")+CLa"b"(a"+2b")(3a(a"+2b"))1'2/27(SP"))/ E A= Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 x 106 PSI 5480 26027 ' 0.30 IN 507 IN USE MIN. 3 1/2 "x 14 91 PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M= 27160# V= 9475# 1= 800 IN BEAMDESIGN# 31 DESCRIPTION: PORCH HEADER SUPP. END OF KITCHEN WALL WI SHEAR WALL EFFECTS SPAN (SP) = 6.0 FT. a = 4.0 FT. b = 2.0 FT. a :s: b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH SHEAR WALL REACTION (SR) LOADING: TRIB. FT. #/SF LOAD */FT ROOF 3 31 93 ± SR (f0) ± SR (fn) CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 9 16 144 I" b INT. WALL 7 0 UL FLOOR/DECK 8 50 400 \/ \Ll7 BALCONY 70 0 1 SOFFIT 14 0 4 4 OTHER 100 SP TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 737 #/fl R a Rb SHEARWALL REACTION (SR)= 3462# SR(f)= 4287# END REACTION (R a)= MAX SHEAR (V) = UL(SP)/2 + SR (fn) = 6498 END REACTION (Rb) = (V) = UL(SP)/2 + SR(f)a/SP = 5069 MAX MOMENT (M) = UL(SP2/8)+SR(f)a(b)/SP = 9033 ALLOWED DEFLECTION () = SP(12)/ 360 = 0.20 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = (5/384)(UL/ 1 2)(SPxl 2)4/EA= 541N 4 Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 x 106 psi USE MIN. 2 11/16 " x 14 PARALLAM 2.0 E. GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 20855 V = 7275 1= 615 IN * fl = 2.8 , f = ft 1.7 x 1.33 1.24 ** UBC SEC. 1630.8.2.1,4) = 1.0 C0 = 1.33, UBC TABLE 2.3.2, CHAP. 23 BEAM DESIGN# 32 DESCRIPTION: GARAGE FLOOR BEAM SUPP. CONC. LOAD FROM RIDGE SPAN (SP) = 20.0 FT. a = 10.0 FT. b = 10.0 FT. a.5b LOAD TYPE: UNIFORM WITH CONCENTRATED LOAD LOADING: TRIB. FT. */SF LOAD */FT CL )I- [<— a —*I u( b UL UL SID ROOF 31 0 CEILING 5 0 EXT. WALL 16 0 INT. WALL 7 0 FLOOR/DECK 1.5 50 75 BALCONY 70 0 SOFFIT 14 0 OTHER TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD (UL) = 75 */FT. END REACTION (R 9 ) = MAX. SHEAR (V) = END REACTION (Rb) = MAX. MOMENT (M) = ALLOWED DEFLECTION (ii) = CONCENTRATED LOAD (CL) = 2100 UL(SP)/2 + CL(b)/SP = 1800 UL(SP)/2 + CL(a)/SP = 1800 UL(SP2/8) + CL(a)(b)/SP = 14250 ' SP(12)/ 240 = 1.00 IN MOMENT OF INERTIA REQ. = ((5/384)(UL/ 12)(SP")4+CLa"b"(a +2b")(3a"(a"+2b"))/27(SP"))/ E A= Fb = 2900 PSI E = 2.0 x 106 PSI USE MIN. 211116 "x 14 PARALLAM GIVEN PROPERTIES M = 20855 ' V = 7275 I = 437 IN 4. 2.0 E. 615 IN Alta Vista 6ngineering Civil Engineers and Land Planners /,O___ - IIJTuIITCT 111111 JJTIIIII TII1 - —I T1I zZii I2II11J12 - - / STONE TRUSS COMPANY www.stonetruss.com --? NSIDE, CA 92054. (760) 967-6171 9 FAX t)6778 507J ONES ROAD, OCEA ''I e,*4 STONE TRUSS COMPANY www.stonetruss.com N I STONE TRUSS CO. W_ NIA E CERTIFIED INSPECTION I I.A.S. AA-583 S IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH UBC,IBC, ANSI NATIONAL STANDARDS LATEST REVISION PREFABRICATED WARNING * WARNING * WARNING BE SURE ERECTION CONTRACTOR UNDERSTANDS BCSI Bi SUMMARY SHEET ENCLOSED 507 JONES ROAD • OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92054 • (760) 967-6171 • FAX (760) 967-6178 STOOl 20 9" co ' LLJ lii = E321 ROOF PITCH 4:12 CLG PITCH 2:12 LOAD: TILE 24" SPACING 12" OVERHANGS 2X4 TOP CHORDS 2 ________ uJ - - NON-STRUCTRAL DRAWING INTENDED FOR TRUSS LOCATION INFORMATION ONLY - z ALL OPEN AREAS DI B31 CONV FRAMING z BY OTHERS '-4 0 I- 0 a a: - - -4 B4 F- 40 / ui 188" CD '-L = = = = = = = Lu JOB NO: E830 PAGE NO: 20' I OF I tron(JlDuck 1111 1 to ledger 1710d Common(0.148x3") nails 1 O ea. end Roof ('So Le r La Out] ooker U L h N'.',. .V \1 -A 3" Ou'l'IA)Ol(l:ll ).Lill'jCr ....'':f' ' CISITEILIA (11111.1 to _:7/ Z \ IlLS I/flU r,IcrnnclJ mull uurlrulc, Ilirul tcunua a UJlILlSLUl1O/ SI/Un! ILW U' ,)Ub bAbLt E.IHL) L)IIkiL V rYP. NOTCH 3.5' Max. -,- — Max. fi ..- L SYM ABOUT DETPNIL 'A' TI • 0 • Gill)) CIII] IJlll,IV_ LI (C) 1x4 continuous lateral bracing required for diagonal braces longer than 72". Attach at Detail "A"_. midpoint of each diabonal brace with (2)-8d common nails (0.131"x2.5") qS)' 2X1 FL112 r better 4 5) 2 ')" 2X laislt 'N._..-- Max. \ Vertical gable studs may be attached with Apply (3) staples toe-nailed from web to chord, Outlooker.... 3/8" crown 2" long l5ga(O.072") wire staples. COMM and (3) staples toe-nailed from chord to web, Stroughack from one face. Structural webs, heel joints, and l,ricctL at GO," O.C. TRUSSES peak joints must be plated. (Pl,Sl,Hl) ' BRACING DETAIL 2X4 F.L. ((2 or IJTR Stronçjback (G) Gable end design based on USC 1997, 80 mph fastest mile wind speed, exposure C at 20 ft / mean height.Naries (0) (K) A35, H4: See Simpson catalog C-2002 for product information. 114 connects gable stud to strongback. A35 connects brace to strongback. 2X4 SPF Max. Length Max. Length luinbcr without N/s trongback cjrolle bracing (N) brace (S) S'FAMI)Al(I) 4-2-0 0-0-0 Max. Web Length 1X3* 2-0-0 2X4* 3X4* 0-1-0 13-6-0 CONTINUOUS sui'i'oiei (P1) Peek plate to mntcli common Lrw:;cs MOLE: 'Liii:; cietu Ii u;iv he u:;ed for (Si) Splice plate to match common trusses. LteS wi I.ti L.ihcd B.C. I o (ill) lice] plate to 100 Lcli common trusses. Spoil to ina Lch coniinoll trusses NOTE: Chords to be 2X4 Fir-I.ercli ((2 lliulintiin (1] REVISED 2-11-2002 GWH Design Criteria: BC j -WARN 1NG' TRUSSES REUUIR( EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION, HANDLING. SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER TO BIRD) (HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING), PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE IC LL 30.0 PSF REF R384-49442 INSTITUTE. 583 EI'ONOFRIO OR., SUITE ZOO. MADISON, HI 53/19), FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PUNPORHING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPIRLY ATTACHED IC DL 15.0 PSF DATE 07/20/93 STRUCTURAL PANELS. BUTTON CHORD SHALL lANE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. -;,IMPORTANT-- FURNISH H. COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO Till INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED BC DL 5.0 PSF DRW PRODUCTS, INC. SHALL NOT 0€ RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION PROM THIS DESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO w NO. C4384 90110 THE TRUSSES IN CONFORNANCE WITH IPI; OR FABRICATING, RANDLING. SATPPTHG, INSTALLING AND APPLICABLE PROVISIONS UP NDT DESIGN Coo. 6-3O BC LL 0.0 PSF CAENG RUACING OF TRUSSES. TNIS DESIGN CONFORMS WITH (NATIONAL FOREST PAPER AND TPI. ALPINE ALP INE SPECIFICATION PUBLISRED DY IRE AMERICAN AND ASSOCIATION) CONNECTORS ARE MADE OF TOGA ASTM A653 GR4D GALV. STEEL. EXCEPT AS NOTED. APPLY CONNECTORS TO IJ> TOT.LD. 50.0 PSF SEQN - ,AJpinc Engineered Products, Inc. Sacramento, CA95028 EACH FACE OF TRUSS, AND UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN, POSITION CONNECTORS PER DOAWINGS 160 A'Z. THE SEAL UN THIS DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OP PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. THE SUITABIlITY AND USE OF THIS CONPONEIII FOR ANY PARTICULAR BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. PER AHSI/TPI OI995 SECTION 2. civ.. 12 os' DUR . FAC . 1 .15 SPACING cFrTTC)N A—A' VALLb'1LL UCIAIL Jh1 UWU, FKtY.ANVLL) t OUJI MYUICV I NFU I (LUAL)3 S UIMCN31UPH3) 3UDIII I ILL) DI 101)33 TO. THIS DETAIL SHOWS TYPICAL VALLEY FILL FRAMING THAT WILL DISTRIBUTE ALL LOADS EQUALLY TO THE TRUSSES BELOW. ALL CONNECTIONS AND LUMBER USED FOR THE FRAMING ARE TO BE DESIGNED BY OTHERS. NO ADDITIONAL LOADING IS REQUIRED ON THE TRUSSES BELOW PROVIDED THAT THE LOADS ON THE VALLEY FRAMING ARE EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED TO THE TRUSSES BELOW BY USE OF CRIPPLES AS SPECIFIED. POST FROM RIDGE TO PURLIN OR TRUSS. POST FROM RAFTER/RIDGE TO BEARING, GABLE, OR GIRDER. POST FROM RAFTER TO PURLIN OR TRUSS. H SEE ALPINE DRAWINGS FOR DESIGN OF TRUSSES BELOW. NOTE, PLYWOOD SHEATHING IS REQUIRED BELOW THE VALLEY FILL TO BRACE THE TOP CHORD OF THE TRUSSES AND TO DISTRIBUTE THE LOADING. A 4-0-0 MX. BETWEEN CRIPPLES 'B I; II 'I ()A I' it 'TRUSSES (*) II 4-0-0 MAX. I BETWEEN Ii Ii ). I CRIPPLES. ii I 1 VALLEY RAFTERS a) It VALLEY RIDGE SIIEATHING .11 .. -- PLT TYP. Wave TPI-95 Design Criteria: TPI(STD Scale_._125/Ft. "WARNING-- TRUSSES P.EOOIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION, HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER TO NIB-91 (HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING), PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, $83 D'ONOFRIO 00., SUITE 200, MADISON, NI 63719). FOR SAFETY PRACTICES P0100 TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, TOP CHORD SNAIL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED W. G ~qm, REF R090 - 14554 DATE 07/19/99 _____ L.PINE *IMPORTANT** FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED STROCTURAL PANELS. BOTTOM CHORD SHALL NAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSSES IN CONFORMANCE WITH DPI: OR FABRICATING, HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND GRACING OFTRUSSES. THIS CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF MRS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN FOREST AND PAPER ASSOCIATION) AND TPI . ALPINE CONNECTORS ARE NADE OF 2DGAASTM A663 GR4OGALO. STEEL. EXCEPT AS NOTED. APPLY CONNECTORS TO (Ouoa DRW 3.045,927 CA-ENG_/ SEON - 20538 EACH FACE.OF TRUSS. AND UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION CONNECTORS PER DRAWINGS 160 A'Z THE SEAL ON THIS DRAWDT(G INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING ..Alpine EngineeredProduots; Sacramento.CA95828 RESPONSI8ILITY SOLELY FOR THE TROSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. THE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY PARTICULAR BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILOING DESIGNER. PER ANSI/DPI S'IBNS SECTION.2. 2-8-0 'lax. JACK SPAN DETAIL \1.5X3 \.J1.5X3 2-8-0 max. DF—L #2 DF—L #1 cN DF—L #1&Bet. DF—L SS MAXIMUM CLEAR SPAN TCLL/TCDL/BCDL 20/20/10 30/10/5 30/15/5 16/10/5 16/15/5 30/10/5 30/15/5 8-2-0 7-5-0 7-0-0 8-3-0 7-9-0 7-4-0 7-0-0 8-5-0 7-11-0 7-5-0 8-5-0 7-11-0 7-6-0 7-1-0 8-8-0 8-1-0 7-8-0 8-7-0 8-0-0 7-7-0 7-3-0 8-9-0 8-5-0 1 8-0-0 1 8-8-0 1 8-2-0 7-9-0 1 7-4-0 PITCH < 4:12 PITCH ~! 4:12 DEFLECTION CRITERIA TOP CHORD: L/180 LIVE L/120 TOTAL BOTTOM CHORD: L/240 LIVE L/180 TOTAL DURATION FACTOR 1.25 IF TCLL < 20 1.15 IF TCLL ~ 20 CONVENTIONAL FRAMING IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TRUSS DESIGNER, PLATE MANUFACTURER OR TRUSS FABRICATOR. PERSONS ERECTING TRUSSES ARE CAUTIONED TO SEEK ADVICE FROM A LOCAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. _ ________ 7 DESIGN xxWARN1NGxx TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER TO HIB-91 (HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING), PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 583 D'ONOFRIO DR., SUITE 200, MADISON, WI. 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING, xIMPGRTANTxx FURNISH COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN, ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI; OR FABRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING 8 BRACING OF TRUSSES. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NDS (NATIONAL SPEC, BY AF&PA) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/18/16 GA.(W.H/S/K ASTM A653 GR40/60 (W,K/H,S) GALV. STEEL. APPLY PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN, POSITION PER DRAWINGS 160A-Z, ANY INSPECTION OF ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS PLATES FOLLOWED BY (I) SHALL BE PER ANNEX 63 OF TPI 1-2002 SEC. 3. A SEAL ON THIS DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE DUR. FAC. TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN, THE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY - SAeRANTO, CAL'ORNIA BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER, PER ANSI/TPI 1 SEC. 2. * * \\> (#) SPACING 24" OC THIS DRAWING REPLACES DRAWING CD101 W. Cwr- Exp. NO. 630-2005 TC LL TC DL BC DL BC LL TOT. LD. FOR LOADING SEE ABOVE REF DATE 7/15/98 DRWG CD 101 REV CA-ENG CWC-TSB REV 10/01/03 ) \.I=1 1/2"(riin) OGA OF I \' NO. C43845 Exp. &3-2005 \s'=l 1/2(r,n) LJCTURAL PANELS AND TO THE INSTALLATION ALPINE 7 ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA THIS DRAWING REPLACES DRAWING CD 113 TCLL TC DL BC DL BC a TOT. LD. FOR LOADING SEE ABOVE REF DATE 01/30/03 DRWG CD113 REV CA-ENG TSB/CWC IREV. 10/01/03 IDUR. FAC. 1.25 I HIP JACK STACKED RAFTER DETAIL LUMBER DF—L #2 DF—L #1 DF—L #1&Bet. DF—L SS DF—L 1650f-1.4E DF—L 1800f-1.6E DF—L 21001-1.8E DF—L 2400f-1.7E 12 (A) IC LL/D L 16/7 16/14 16/18 20/7 20/14 _12/20 8-8-0 7-11-0 7-7-0 8-3-0 7-7-0 7-2-0 9-0-0 8-3-0 7-11-0 8-6-0 7-11-0 7-6-0 9-7-0 8-9-0 8-4-0 9-1-0 8-4-0 7-11-0 9-9-0 9-5-0 9-0-0 9-3-0 9-0-0 1 8-7-0 9-0-0 8-6-0 8-2-0 8-7-0 8-2-0 7-8-0 9-4-0 8-9-0 8-4-0 8-10-0 8-4-0 7-11-0 9-8-0 9-2-0 8-10-0 9-1-0 8-10-0 8-4-0 9-6-0 9-6-0 9-3-0 9-0-0 1 9-0-0 1 8-9-0 MAX. SETBACK(***) (2x4 OVER 2x4) (***) SPANS BASED ON L/240 LIVE AND L/180 TOTAL ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION (*) PITCH SHOWN IS THE PITCH OF CORNER SET. 2/12(min) to 12/12(max) CONVENTIONAL FRAMING IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TRUSS DESIGNER, PLATE MANUFACTURER OR TRUSS FABRICATOR. PERSONS ERECTING TRUSSES ARE CAUTIONED TO SEEK ADVICE FROM A LOCAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. (F) VERTICAL TIE PLATE SHALL HAVE 1 1/2" MIN. BITE ON RAFTER AND 1/2" MAX. GAP TO SEAT CUT. SPLICE PITCH(*) PLATE(A) 2 (2)3X14 3 (2)3X10 4 3X12 5 3X12 6 3X9 7to8 3X7 9to10 3X7 lltol2 3X6 3X4 PLATE (max) 3X4 SHIM SOLID 2X4 PLATE TO BEARING 18' min) 3X4 24" OC (typ) CANTILEVER 2-0-0 MCLX 2X6 BLOCK SPAN VARIES WITH SETBACK 2X8 BLOCK OVER 2 SUPPORTS 2X10 BLOCK CALIFORNIA HIP PERMANENT BRACING DETAIL PERMANENT BRACING CRIPPLE SUPPORT LAYOUT START OF TOP CHORD FLAT TOP CHORD. PURLINS. START OF TOP CHORD EXTENSIONS. (SLOPING (TYPICAL) (CONTINUous) EXTENSIONS. (SLOPING SETBACK B SETBACK TO FLAT) TO FLAT) II 11 1 T7 PERMANENT DIAGONALS FORM BRACED BAY. REPEAT AT ALL HIP ENDS, MAXIMUM INTERVAL EQUALS 20. (NOTE: THE 1ST BAY OF PERMANENT DIAGONALS FORMING BRACED BAY AT THE #1 HIP CAN BE EXCLUDED WHEN ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: 1) THE CONTINUOUS TOP CHORD PURLINS ARE ATTACHED TO THE FLAT TOP CHORD OF THE #1 HIP. 2) THE END JACKS ARE SHEATHED WITH PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS.) SECTION A-A OR rRTPPTRc BUILT—IN TAtLU AAXLAt,L) " CRIPPLE - — IN PLANE OF TRUSSES CRIPPLE SPACING COMMON I(B) (B) (B) (D)1I (B) (D S E TB AC COMMON TRUSSES CALIFORNIA HIP SYSTEM TRUSSES #1 HIP I ' PITCHED AND SHEATHED B .j CHORD AREA. 0-CRIPPLE (C), SUPPORT LOCATIONS. SUPPORTS EXTENDED MEMBERS TO FLAT TOP CHORD (4' O.C. CRIPPLE SPACING SHOWN.) CONNECT CRIPPLE TO FLAT TOP CHORD AND EXTENDED TOP CHORD, USING 3 - Sd COMMON TOE NAILS OR 2 - lOd COMMON NAILS THROUGH FACE. SECTION B-B BUILT-IN CRIPPLES OR FIELD CRIPPLE SPACING REFER TO ORIGINAL DRAWING FOR CRIPPLE PACING CHORD EXTENSION (B) (TYPICAL) #1#2 3#4#5#6 #1 HIP GIRDER ETBACK' SEE CA-HIP ENGINEERING FOR JACK TYPE USED. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TRUSS DESIGNER, PLATE MANUFACTURER, NOTE: CONVENTIONAL FRAMING AND/OR CRIPPLES ARE NOT THE c2 (B) PURLINS SPACED 24"O.C. TYP. NOR TRUSS FABRICATOR. PERSONS ERECTING THE TRUSSES ARE (CONTINUOUS 2X4) CAUTIONED TO SEEK ADVICE OF A LOCAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CRIPPLES SPACED 48" O.C. TYP. REGARDING CONVENTIONAL FRAMING. * NOTE: SEE ORIGINAL DESIGN FOR SETBACK, LUMBER, PLATING, LOADING AND DURATION FACTOR REQUIRED. BUILT-IN FILL CRIPPLES (HORIZONTAL MEMBER OPTIONAL) THIS DRAWING REPLACES DRAWING CD110 --WARNING.- WARNING TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATING. HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND TC LL PSF REF CALIF. BRACE TC DL PSF DATE 11/26/03 OF AMERICA. 6300 ENTERPRISE LN, MADISON, (/I 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING W. C% THESE FUNCTIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED PLATE INSTITUTE. 583 D'ONOFRIO DR., SUITE 200, MADISON, VI. 537)9) AND (ITCH 1)1000 TRUSS COUNCIL STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. ________ —IMPORTANT—FURNISH COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED ____ ____ Na C43845 BRACING. REFER TO BCSI I-OS (BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION), PUBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS BC DL PSF DRWG BRCALI-IIP1 103 BC LL PSF -ENG PRODUCTS. INC., SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO r Lop 6-3O-2OO ___________ BUILD THE TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE (.11TH TPI; OR FABRICATING. HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING 6 ALPINE PRODUCTS. BRACING OF TRUSSES. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NOS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. TOT. LD. * PSF BY AFIPA) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/I8/I6GA (1dM/S/R) ASTM A653 GRADE 40/60 (V,H/H2O) GALV. STEEL. APPLY PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION PER DRAWINGS I6OA-Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED BY (I) SHALL ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. INC. BE PER ANNEX AS OF TPI 1-2002 SEC. 3. A SEAL ON THIS BRAVING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF * POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. THE DUR. FAC. SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING FCA SPACING * DESIGNER, PER ANSI/TPI I SEC. 2. R=634 W=3.5" - TC LL 16.0 PSF TC DL 14.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF * TOT.LD. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 - SPACING 24.0 '4 Scale REF R090-- 21350 DATE 04/15/04 DRW cAusRogo 04106013 CA-ENG BFR/CWC SEON- 9031 FROM DSR JREF- 1SC3090_Z01 THIS DUO PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR, LOiU -P.I-GAIG,UP,I AUUIIIUM, JULY -- 1,5U VIINL AOL, A LUMEIUM Top chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Bot chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. SPECIAL LOADS (LUMBER DUR.FAC.=1.25 / PLATE DUR.FAC.=1.25) TC - From 60 PLF at -1.09 to 60 PLF at 29.17 BC - From 4 PLF at -1.09 to 4 PLF at 0.00 BC - From 20 PLF at 0.00 to 20 PLF at 10.00 BC - From 10 PLF at 10.00 to 10 PLF at 29.17 IN LIEU OF STRUCTURAL PANELS OR RIGID CEILING USE PURLINS: CHORD SPACING(IN OC) START(FT) END(FT) BC 120 0.29 28.88 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 10 psf BC live load per UBC. Shim all supports to solid bearing. 4X6 2 X 4 +19-0-0 IX4 (Al) 3X4(Al) 1-0-0 I 10-1-12 7-8-6 .L_ 6-10-10 6-10-10 7-8-6 9-11-15 9-2-3 9-11-15 I 14-7-0 14-7-0 I 5-2-4 I 29-2-0 Over 3 Supports R=410 W'=3.5" R=1164 W=3.5 PLY TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130.16 Stone Truss 760.967.6171 **WARNIND** TRUSSES REDIIIEE EXTREME CARE IN EATEICArION. HANDLING. SIIIPPING, INSIAI.LING AYE) BRACING. IES' 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 F0RI D0NTS)YA DI GIIIIL)SHEA 80 TEE TOP CHARS SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRECTIINAI. PANELS AND AflTEOM CHORD SHALL NAVE A PROPERLY AIRACHER % RIGID CEILING. S WOOD IN R SE **IMPORTANT** EIIRNISII A CGPA or DElIS DESIGN TO THE INSTAlLATION CON)RACIAR, ALPINE ENGINEERED 0 0. / NIADISON. WI 537)9) FDA SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR RD PERFORMING OIICSE FIINCTIONS. UNLESS OIIIERWISE INDICHEED. W PRODIICOS. INC SHALL NOT RE RESPONSIBLE CAR ANY OCVIDTION PEON THIS DESIGN: ANY FAIIIIRL 00 IlIlILO THE DESIGN CONFORMS WITH DPPLICAAI.E PROVISIONS AC NAY NATIONAl. DESIGN SPEC,. TO AENPD) AND P1. DLPINE * ALPINE IRlISS IN CONEORRANEF WITH OPI : OR FABRICATING, HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING A BRACING DI SEIISSCS. COHNECOOR PLOIRS ARE MATE OR 20/IR/IEGA (All/S/HI ASOM AASU GRASP 40/HO IV. RollS) GALE. SIT LI . APPI.Y PIAYES TA PVC)) FACE YE TROSS AND. IINEE OOIIERWISE LOEORGR TN MIllS DESIGN. POSIIIAN PEE DRAWINGS IHOA Z. Cgy' ANY INSPECTION or PLATES FOLLOWED lAo Ii) SHALE (XE PER ANNEA 03 OF OPII2002 SI.C,.A. A SEAL ON IHIS Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. IIOOA)NG INOIrNIES ACCEPTANCE YE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPANSITI) ITO GIG II.) COP 11cr 001155 COMPONENT OFCP Sacramento CA 95828 )I C SIC Ill I OIL) H I P H I r 0) I 101 I II Ol I III THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. LOJLI"l\FSMIL.LI3RI H'HULOlI IUIN, JULY -- .L,)IJC ripic MDL, - Ml lL.I IJ1HSULHS Top chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Bot chord 2x6 DF-L #2 :82 2x6 DF -L SS: Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud :W4 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud: SPECIAL LOADS (LUMBER DUR.FAC.=i.25 / PLATE DUR.FAC.=1.25) TC - From 60 PLF at -1.09 to 60 PLF at 29.17 BC - From 4 PLF at -1.09 to 4 PLF at 0.00 BC - From 320 PLF at 0.00 to 320 PLF at 18.04 BC - From 5 PLF at 18.04 to 5 PLF at 20.04 BC - From 133 PLF at 20.04 to 12 PLF at 27.17 BC - From 12 PLF at 27.17 to -23 PLF at 29.17 BC - 1778 LB Conc. Load at 19.04 Bearing blocks: Nail type: 0.131x3.0_g_nails BRG X -LOC #BLOCKS LENGTH/BLK #NAILS/BLK WALL PLATE 2 10.000 1 12" 6 Match Truss Bearing block to be same size and species as bottom chord. Refer to drawing CNBRGBLK0503 for additional information. 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED NAILING SCHEDULE: (0.131x3.0,,g_nails) TOP CHORD: 1 ROW @ 8" o.c. BOT CHORD: 1 ROW @ 4" o.c. WEBS : 1 ROW @ 4" 0.C. USE EOUAL SPACING BETWEEN ROWS AND STAGGER NAILS IN EACH ROW TO AVOID SPLITTING. In lieu of rigid ceiling use purlins to brace BC @ 120" OC Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Shim all supports to solid bearing. CONNECTOR PLATES DESIGNED FOR GREEN LUMBER PER NDS-91 TABLE 7.3.3. 4X4 I 5-2-4 I 4X4 (Al) ... 10X1O ,,.- ,, - " 4X4 (Al) 1-0-0 10-1-12 5-1-3 5-0-9 4-5-4 > 4-5-4 5-0-9 5-1-3_> L- 14 -7 -0 14-7-0 29-2-0 Over 3 Supports R=1002 W=3.5" R=7086 W=3.5T R=1794 W=3.5" '4/ Stone Truss 760-967-6171 **HANNINN** TRUSSES REOUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FANRI CAT TON, IIANDI,INo. SHIPPING. INS TALL ING AND BRACING. PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130.16 CA/4/-/-/-/R/- Scale =25 /Ft. .507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 REFER TO SCSI 0-03 (BIJILOING COMPONENT SHEETH INFORMATION) POBLIS000 BY TPI (TRUSS PUREE INSTITUTE. 583 TC LL 16.0 PSF REF R090-- 21351 D'ONOFRIO DR. SUITE ROT. MADISON, WI 53719) AND WTCA (WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA, RIOT ENSERPRISE in, MADISON. WI 53719) FOR SOFETH PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FIINC1'IONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. T DL 14.0 PSF DATE 04/15/04 TOP CHORD SHALL HARE PROPERLH ATTACKER 'TRH CTIIRHL PANELS AND ROTTEN CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPRRLH 0 FIAT HEO RIGID CEILING tO BC DL 5.0 PSF DRW CAUSR090 04106014 **IMPORTANT** TARNISH A COPT OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT AR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE AT BUILD THE ALPINE BC LL 0.0 PSF CA -ENG BFR/CWC TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE AlIT SRI; OH FABRICATING, HANDLING, SHIPPING. INSIOLLING A OROCINE OF TRUSSES, Or DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NOS (NATIONAL OOSIUN SPEC. OR HFHPH( AND IPI . ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/08/INGA RH/S/RI ASOM V653 GRADE 40)60 IN. EllIS) UREA. StEEL. OPPLE CIVI AlpineEngineered Products, Inc DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOUrLy FOR TIlE TRIISS TOMPONENI TOT. L . 35.0 PSF SEON - 74988 PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN, POSITION PER DRAWINGS 06TH-A. ANY INSPECT ON OF PLATES FOLLOWED AT III SHALL BE PER ANNEX 83 OF TPII-2002 SEC.3. 0 SEAL 08 THIS DUR.FAC, 1.25 FROM DSR Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. THE SUITABILITY AND lIST OF THIS COMPONENT FOR AND BIIII.TINU IS TEE PCSPTNSIHII.I 00 TI 1111 BUILDING DESIGNER PER RNSI/TPI 1 SEC. 2. SPACING 24. O JREF- 15C3090_ZO1 THIS DAD PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR CO.UU -KEEMHLUuKI AUUI I 11)15, dUb') -- 1iUZ VIINC AVb, - AlA II'LO IUH 4U1)AULFI) Top chord 2x4 DF-L ft1&Bet. Bot chord 2x6 DF-L #2 :B2 2x6 DF-L SS: Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud :W4 2x4 DF-L Std/Stud: SPECIAL LOADS -(LUMBER DUR.FAC.=1.25 / PLATE DUR.FAC,1.25) TC - From 60 PLF at -1.09 to 60 PLF at 29.17 BC - From 4 PLF at -1.09 to 4 PLF at 0.00 BC - From 320 PLF at 0.00 to 320 PLF at 18.04 BC - From 5 PLF at 18.04 to 5 PLF at 20.04 BC - From 133 PLF at 20.04 to 12 PLF at 27.17 BC - From 12 PLF at 27.17 to -23 PLF at 29.17 Bt - 1778 LB Conc. Load at 19.04 Bearing blocks: Nail type: 0.131x3.0_g_nails BRG X-LOC #BLOCKS LENGTH/BLK #NAILS/BLK WALL PLATE 2 10.000 1 12' 6 Match Truss Bearing block to be same size and species as bottom chord. Refer to drawing CNBRGBLK0503 for additional information. 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED NAILING SCHEDULE: (0.131x3.0_g_nails) TOP CHORD: 1 ROW @ 8" o.c. BOT CHORD: 1 ROW @ 4" o.c. WEBS : 1 ROW @ 4" o.c. USE EQUAL SPACING BETWEEN ROWS AND STAGGER NAILS IN EACH ROW TO AVOID SPLITTING. H = recommended connection based on manufacturer tested capacities and calculations. Conditions may exist that require different connections than indicated. Refer to manufacturer publication for additional information. In lieu of rigid cciling use purlins to brace DC @ 120" OC Shim all supports to solid bearing. CONNECTOR PLATES DESIGNED FOR GREEN LUMBER PER NDS-91 TABLE 7.3.3. 4X4 Deflection meets L1360 live and L/240 total load. I 5-2-4 0-4-15 +19-0-01 3X4(A1) ,,. 1Ox1O ,,, ,'-,,,. A4Al) 1-0-0 10-1-12 5-1-3 >< 5-0-9 4-5-4 4-5-4_><_5-0-9 >< 4-10-3 14-7-0 14-4-0 28-11-0 Over 3 Supports R=1036 W=3.5" R=7014 W=3.5" R=1821 H=Simpson HHUS26-2 Girder is (2)2X6 mm. DF-L ,41,4 PLTTYP.WaveTPI\R DesignCrit:TPI-1995(STD)/UBC CA/4/-/-/-/R/- Scale=25/Ft. - Stone Truss 760-967-6171 .507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 —WARNING— TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CORE N FABRICATION. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER DO BCSI 1-03 IOU I LDI NA COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION). PUBLISHED I SHED OH DPI (TRUSS PLATE I NST I TRIG. 583 DONOFRIO OR.. SUITE 200. MADISON. UI 537 19) AND ATCR IWOOR TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA. 6300 ENtERPRISE LB. MADISON, WI 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM COORS SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY RTTRCIIED c 4 TC LL TC DL 16.0 14.0 PSF PSF REFR090--21566 DATE 04/15/04 RIGID CEILING. **IMPORTANT** TARNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CTRTRACroR. OLPINC CNGINCTRET PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT RE RESPONSIBLE POT *90 DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN; ANY FAILuRE ro RIIILD TEL TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI ; DR FABRICATING. HANDLING. SHIPPING, INSTALLING & BRACING OF TRIISSES. G2005 * BC DL B C L L 5.0 0 . 0 PSF P S F DRW cAusRo9o 04106003 CA - EN G B FRI CW C - Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. ALPI NE __ _________ DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF 005 INATITNAL DESIGN SPEC. RU 1111A AND AND TPI, ALPINE COHHECTOR PLATES ARE MODE OF 20/IA/IGGA (OH/S/RI ASOM AA AD GRADE40/00 IA. K/ES) GULO. STEEL, APPLH ANY INSPECTION OF FLUTES FOLLOWED AT III SHALL AG PER ANNEX 03 OF TPII.2002 SEC .3. A SEAL ON TIllS DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRESS COMPTNRNT PLATES TO EACH PACK OF TRUSS AND. UNLESS OTHERAISE LOCATED ON THIS ODSIGN, POSITION PET DRAWINGS 160 -Z, 4 TOT . L D . 35 . 0 PSF SE ON - 74997 DUR.FAC.1.25 FROM DSR Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. TIE SUITOBILITO AND (uSE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF tHE RUILOING DESIGNER PRR ANSI/OPI I SEC. 2. _____ SPACING 24.0 JREF - 15C3090_Z02 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR OiUISYHMII.,UP,i HHUL)IIIUM, UUt.T -- 13Uo VIIMC PROC. A4 uioo CPRIFILUKPRL Top chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. H = recommended connection based on manufacturer tested capacities and Bot chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. calculations. Conditions may exist that require different connections than Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud indicated. Refer to manufacturer publication for additional information. Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. Hangers shall be IN LIEU OF STRUCTURAL PANELS OR RIGID CEILING USE PURLINS: installed after lumber has air-dried to 19% or less moisture content. CHORD SPACING(IN OC) START(FT) END(FT) BC 75 0.29 19.58 SPECIAL LOADS BC 110 19.68 28.67 -(LUMBER DUR.FAC.=1.25 / PLATE DUR.FAC.1.25) TC - From 60 PLF at -1.09 to 60 PLF at 28.92 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. BC - From 4 PLF at -1.09 to 4 PLF at 0.00 BC - From 20 PLF at 0.00 to 20 PLF at 10.00 10 psf BC live load per UBC. BC - From 10 PLF at 10.00 to 10 PLF at 28.92 Shim all supports to solid bedr'iIIy. 4 X 4 MIAU 10-1-12 >1 5-6-10 4-7-2 4-5-4 + 5-0-0 + 4-1-6 4103 H 14-7-0 .L_ 14-4-0 I 10-3-8 I 9-3-8 I 9-4-0 28-11-0 Over 3 Supports R=117 W=3.5" R=1619 W=3.5" R=455 H=Simpson LU24 Girder is (2)2X6 min. DF -L Az- PLI TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI -1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130.16 CA/4/-/-/-/R/- Scale =25/Ft. FESSI .507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 REFER TO BCSI 103 (BUILDIMO COMPONENT SAFETY INroRMUoIoNI PUBLISHED BY TO) ITAUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 583 0 'UNOER ID DR SUITE 200. MAO) SON, WI (3719) AND WTCU 10000 TRUSS COUNCIL OF 09CR I CU. ROOT ENTERPRISE LN, T C DL 14 . 0 P S F DATE 04 / 15/04 MADISON. WI 537191 FUR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR T PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. Stone Truss 760-967-6171 **WARN I NG TRUSSES RENUI RE EXTREME CARE N FABRICATION. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND RRUC INS IC L L 16 .0 P S F REF R090 -- 21352 RIGID CEILING. TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY AT TAG YED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTUOB CH pr 1 04 ORD SHALL HOAR U PROPERLY ATTACHED (N$f )) BC DL 5.0 PSF DRW CAUsR090 04106015 **IMPORTANT** FURNISH.A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACOOR, ALPINE ENGINEERED _________ __________ PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO AIIILD THE ALPINE BC LL 0.0 PSF CA-ENG BFR/CWC TR:ISS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TO! OR FABRICATING. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING & BRUCINF. OF TRUSSES . DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NOS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. BY AE&PUI AND IPI YI.PINT CONNECTOR PLATES ARE NATE OF 20/I8/1 6 DA O HIS /RI A S T M A653 GOADE 40/HO 10. N/H .51 CA . STEEl.. UPPLT TOT . L 0 . 35 .0 PSF SE ON - 74991 PLATES TO EHCH FACE OF TRUSS AND. IINI.ESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION PER ORUWINGS 1600-U. IV ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED NH II) ShALL NE PER ABNER A3 UI TPIO-2007 SEC.3. B SEAL AN TIllS Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIAILITY SULRLY FOR TIlE TRIISS COMPONENT OUR . FAC . 1 . 25 FROM DSR Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. THE SIll TAB IL I PR AND IISR OF THIS COMPONENT FUR ANY NIl) LOINS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY YR THE BUILDING DES I ONER PER ANSI/OPI B SEC. 2. SPACING 24 0 Il 3 REF - iS C 309 0_Z 01 0-4-15 1 3X1O 5 , 3X10(B1) THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED UT TRUSS MFR. (E830-KRATCOSKI ADDITION, JOEY -- 1302 PINE AVE. - B STUB HIP H8) Top chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Bot chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Webs 2x4 HE Std/Stud Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. Hangers shall be installed after lumber has air -dried to 19% or less moisture content. #1 hip supports 8-0-0 jacks with no webs. Corner sets are conventionally framed. Extend sloping top chord of truss and jacks to hip rafter. Support extensions every 4.00 ft to flat TC. Spacing of supports originates from #1 hip. Attach 2x4 lateral bracing to flat TC @ 24" DC with 2-16d nails and diagonally brace per DWG. BRCALHIPH1103. Support hip rafter wit h cripples at 5-7-14 0 Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. H "- recommended connection based on manufacturer tested capacities and calculations. Conditions may exist that require different connections than indicated. Refer to manufacturer publication for additional information. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Building designer is responsible for conventional framing. IN LIEU OF RIGID SHEATHING USE PURLINS TO BRACE FLAT TC @ 24 DC IN LIEU OF RIGID CEILING USE PURLINS TO BRACE BC @ 120" DC 2 X 4 4 X 8 3 X 5 4 X 8 1-0-01 3-11-4 3-2-12 ...L_ 3-1-0 ._l_ 2-11-4 D1.eT 3-4-8 _I_ 4-2-4 >1 Hz 7-7-15 fl 5-6-5 I 7-6-12 7-7-15 5-6-5 7-6-12 20-9-0 Over 2 Supports R=1655 H=Simpson HU526 R=1715 W=3.5 0 Girder is (2)2X6 min. DF-L Stone Truss 760-967-6171 **WAB NI NG** TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE B FABRICATION, HANDLING, SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING. TC LL 16.0 PSF 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 REFER 60 AdS) 103 (BUILDING COMPONENT SBFETE INFORNBAI0N) . PLIBLISHED BY TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTI THEE . 503 B'ONOFRIO DR.. SUIT E 200. MAD ISO N. WI 53719) AND WTCA (WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA. 6300 ENTERPRISE EN. MUDISON. WI S37091 FOR SAFETY PRACTICES P0(00 TO PERFORHING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INOICOTEU. TC DL 14.0 PSF CUP CF)ORO SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTA)AL PANELS GNU BOTTOM CHORO S)ITLL TAAE U PROPERLY AT1'OCYEO RIGID CEILING. BC DL 5.0 PSF Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130 IMPORTANT" FURNISH A COPE OF THIS RESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED - ALPINE PLATES ED EACH FACE OF TRUSS AND, UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCaEEo ON Tills DESIGN. POSITION PER DRAWINGS 1500-0. _________ PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGNI ANY FAILURE TO BUILT THE B C L L 0 .0 PSF TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH IF OR FABRICATING. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING I ORACING OF ERIISSES. * DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NOS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. 00 AFIPO) AN (P1. U LEI NE CONNECTOR PLaTES ARE MADE OF 20/IB/IAGA (AR/S/El OSTN AGS3 GRADE 40/GO )W, A/H.S) LOLA. SIEEL. APPLY Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. DRONING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELy FOR THE TRIISS COMPONENT TOT . L 0 . 35 .0 PSF ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED BY N)) SHALL RE PER ONNEA AU OF TPII'2002 SEE.3. A SEAL TN TUIS DUR.FAC. 1.25 Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN ShOWN - TOE SD I DUEl OIL TO AND USE OF 6015 COMPONENT FOR ANY NA I LOI NE (S THE RESPONSIBILITY OF 'HE BUILDING DESIGNER PER ANSI/TPI I SEC. 2 SPACING 24 0" Scale REF R090-- 21353 DATE 04/15/04 DRW CAUSR090 04106016 CA-ENG BFR/CWC SEON-- 8999 FROM DSR JREF- 15C3090_ZO1 THIS DUG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MEN, CUAILUKI MUUIIIUIN, oIUSO -- iJUZ YIINC AOL, - be LIU(<) Top chord 2x4 DF -L jJ.1&Bet. In lieu of rigid ceiling use purlins to brace BC @ 120" OC Bot chord 2x4 DF -L #/.1&Bet. Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. 4X6 2X4an +1900 3X6 (Al) 3X6 (Al) 11-0-01 <_ _> 5 -11-2 .j. 4-6-14 4-6-14 5-11-2 I H 10-6-0 I 10-6-0 I H 10-6-0 >< 10-6-0 H H: 21-0-0 Over 2 Supports R=802 W=3.5" R=802 W=3.5" PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130 $07 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 REFER TO NCST 1-03 (BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETy IBEBRINDrIONI PUBLISHED RH TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE, 583 D'DNDFRIO DR.. SUITE 200. MADISON. WI 537191 AND WOCA (WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA, 6300 ENTERPRISE LN. MADISON. WE 537191 FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FuNCrIoNS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INOICUOLO. TC DL 14.0 PSF TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED SORUCOURUL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL (lOVE A PROPERLY AOTVCHOO RIGID CEILING. Stone Truss 760-967-6171 *WARNING** TRUSSES REBUIRE EXTREME CURE IN FABRICATION. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLINC. AND ARDCING. TOT. LD . 35. 0 PSF E SSIo TC LL 16.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF **IMPORTANT** FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. YLPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS , INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN: ANY FAILIIRE TO HIIILO THE ALPINE BC LL 0.0 PSF TRUSS (N CONFORMANCE UIOH DPI: OR FABRICATING. HANDLING, SHIPPING. INSTALLING N ORATING DC 00115505. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICAULE PROVISIONS OF NOS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. OH AFAPHI AN TI'I , OI.PINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MODE OF 20/16/16EV (W,H/S/KI ASOM 0653 GRADE 40/AU (A, A/H.SI GALA. SOEEL. APPLY PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRIISS AND. UNLESS OTHERWISE LDCDTEO ON THIS DESIGN, PYSIOIYN PEP DRAWINGS 160A Z. RHO INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOAEO BY (II SHALL NE PER ANNEX 03 OF OPII'2002 SCC.3. A SEAL ON 01115 DUR.FAC. 1.25 Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. DR OWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROCESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONEBT Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. OHE SUITUNILITH AND USE DC THIS CONPONENO FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE - BIIILDING DESIGNER PER UNSI/TPi I SEC. 2. SPACING 24 . 00 Scale=3125/Ft REF R090-- 21354 DATE 04/15/04 DRW cAU5R090 04106016 CA-ENG BFR/CWC SEON- 8992 FROM DSR JREF- 15C3090_ZO1 (E830-KRATCOSKI ADDITION, JOEY -- 1302 PINE AVE. - B3 COMMON) Top chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Bot chord 2x4 OF -U i/.1&Bet. Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. (A) 1x4 #3 HEM-FIR or better continuous lateral bracing to be equally spaced. Attach with (2) 8d nails. Bracing material to be supplied and attached at both ends to a suitable support by erection contractor. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Truss designed for unbalanced live load using 0.00 windward factor and 1.25 leeward factor. Shim all supports to solid bearing. THIS OHS PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS H DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MEN. In lieu of rigid ceiling use purlins to brace BC @ 120" DC 10 psf BC live load per UBC. Mechanical Unit Loads Supported by this Truss At Truss Unit Unit Supporting X -Loc Piece Lbs. Width Trusses 10.50 BC 300.0 3.00 3 3X4=—(A) 3X7 3 X 7 +19-0-0 2X4111 2X4111 2X6 (Al) - - 2X6 (Al) 11-0-01 1-0-0 10-6-0 I 10 -6 -0 7-10-4 13-3-12 10-6-0 ___I__ 10-6-0 21-0-0 Over 2 Supports R=902 W"3.5" R=902 W=3.5" PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.O13O.16 .,._ CA/4/-/-/-/R/- Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 **WARNING** TRUSSES RE QUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION, HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND REFER TO BCSI 1-03 (BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION). PUBLISHED HO TPI (TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE. D'ONOFAIO DR., SUITE 200. MADISON, WI S3719) AND HOCH (WOOD TRESS COUNCIL OF AMERICA. 6300 ENTERPRISE MADISON. Al 537191 FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED SERUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLY RIGID CEILING. "IMPORTANT"" FURNISH U COPY UT THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR ALPINE ENGINEERED BRACING. SOU INDICATED, ARTHCHEO LB.W. .1' f I Sf'' 41' 1 'P TC LL T DL BC DL 16. 14.0 5.0 0 PSF PSF PSF __________ Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. - Sacramento, CA 95828 PRODUCTS, INC. SHALL NOT RE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM TIllS DESIGN; ANY ERILIIRC III ((GILD IHC TRIJSS IN CRNFORMANCE WITH OPI OR FABRICATING, HANDLING. SlOPPING, INSTALLING B RAACING Or TRUSSES. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NOS INARIDNaL DESIGN SPEC. DY AFRPAI AND TPI. RLPINE CONBECOYR PLATES ARE BADE OF 2R/IB/IYGA (WY/S/El AST AYS3 GRADE AD/NA IA. K/H.SI GALA. STEEL. APPLY PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TRESS AND. UNLESS OThERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION PER 000AINGS 160HZ.A'Ik __________________________________________ UYA INSPECTION OF PLATED FOLLOWED BY (1) SHALL BE PER UNNEN 03 OF TPII-2002 SEC.3. A SOUL ON THIS DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. THE SUITABILITY AND USE DR THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY YE THE BUILDING DESIGNER PER WNSI/TPI I SEC. 2. * I CIVI BC L L TOT. L . 35.0 0.0 PSF PSF D U.R . F A C . 1 .25 SPACING 24. 0" Scale =. 3125" lEt. REF R090-- 21355 DATE 04/15/04 DRW CAUSR090 04106017 CA-ENG BFR/CWC SEON- 8987 FROM DSR JREF- 1SC3090_ZO1 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR CdU-KE</AILUKU AUUIIUUIN, dUOS -- IdLEd VIIQO HVO, - 04 ZrLY UIKUOK Top chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Bot chord 2x6 DF-L SS Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud :W5 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. SPECIAL LOADS -(LUMBER DUR.FAC.=1.25 / PLATE DUR.FAC.=1.26) TC - From 60 PLF at 0.00 to 60 PLF at 21.00 TC - From 60 PLF at 21.00 to 60 PLF at 22.09 BC - From 116 PLF at 0.00 to 116 PLF at 4.13 BC - From 10 PLF at 4.13 to 10 PLF at 5.73 BC - From 480 PLF at 5.73 to 480 PLF at 21.00 BC - From 4 PLF at 21.00 to 4 PLF at 22.09 BC - 1822 LB Conc. Load at 4.88 In lieu of rigid ceiling use purlins to brace BC @ 120' DC ,Shim all supports to solid bearing. 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED NAILING SCHEDULE: (0. 131x3.Ognails) TOP CHORD: 1 ROW IV 8" o.c. BOT CHORD: 1 ROW IV 3" o.c. WEBS : 1 ROW IV 4" o.c. USE EQUAL SPACING BETWEEN ROWS AND STAGGER NAILS IN EACH ROW TO AVOID SPLITTING. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. CONNECTOR PLATES DESIGNED FOR GREEN LUMBER PER NDS-91 TABLE 7.3.3. 6 X 8 I 3-9-15 4X6 ( Li +19-0-0 4X6 (A4) NU\U &AGJ 3X14(A5R) 11-0-01 4-10-8 2-6-12 3-0-12 3-0-12 2-6-12 4-10-8 10-6-0 I 10-6-0 21-0-0 Over 2 Supports R=5129 W3.5" R=5851 W=3.5" PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R .16 Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130 CA/4/-/-/-/R/- Scale .3125"/Ft. - Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPEICAALE PROVISIONS OF MOS UNATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. BA AFNPAI AND FRI. ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/NB/IHGA )W,H/S/EI ASIM 0053 GRADE 40)86 IN, RYH.S) GALA. STEEL. APPLY ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED BR (II SHALL NE PER ANNEN 03 OF RPIN2002 SETS. A SEAL ON 11)15 DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSINILITH STLEEH FOR THE TRIISS COMPONENT DESIGN SHAWN . THE SAl TABI). IRA AND lIST OF DM1 S CAMPONENI FOR ANY MIII LRI ND IS INC RLSPONS IT IL I OH OF THE BUILDIMG DESI GNER PER ANSI /IP; I I SEC. 2. PLATES TO EACH FACE OF TROSS AND. ONIESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS RESIGN. POSITION PER DRAWINGS 1000-2. TC TC BC B C TOT.LD. DUR.FAC. SPACING LL DL DL L L 16.0 14.0 0 35.0 24 5.0 1.25 - . 0 PSF PSF PSF PSF PSF A REF R090-- 21567 DATE 04/15/04 DRW CAIJSR090 04106004 CA - E HG B FR /CWC SEON- 75010 FROM DSR JR E F - iS C 309 O_Z 02 Stone Truss 760-967-6171 ,507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 **WAMNINU** TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION. HANDLING. SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER TO ACSI 1-03 (AOl LUI MG COMPONENT SAFETY I NFORMHT ION), PURL I SHED BY TP I (TRIISS PLATE I ROIl TAlC. 583 D'TNDFRIO DO.. SIJITE 200. MADISON . UI 53719) AND HIT CA (WOOD TRUISS COUNCIL OF AMERICA. 6300 ENTERPRISE I.N. NUDISUN, WI 53719)FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INOICArCD. TOP GOURD SHALL 000E PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD ShALL lANE T PROPERLY ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. "IMPORTANT** FURNISH H COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. INC. SMALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN: ANY FAILURE TO BAILD THE TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH FF1: OR FABRICATING, HANDLING. SNIPPING. INSTALLING N ABATING OF RRIISSES. A630005 FES W. r CPO ALPINE CA/4/-/-/-/R/- TC LL 16,0 PSF TC DL 14.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LD. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 SPACING 24.0 C Scale REF R090-- 21356 DATE 04/15/04 DRW cAusR090 04106018 CA-ENG BFR/CWC SEON- 9005 FROM DSR JREF- 15C3090_ZO1 * THIS DUG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MEN. (E830-KRATCOSKI ADDITION, JOEY - 1302 PINE AVE. - C COMMON) Top Chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Bot Chord 2x4 DF-L :/1(1&Bet. Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. In lieu of rigid ceiling use purlins to brace BC A 120" DC Deflection meets L/360 live and [/240 total load. Shim all supports to solid bearing. I- 4X4 2X4 (Al) 2X4 (Al) -0-oI 11-0-01 <__- 6-0-0 6-0-0 6-0-0 >< 1-10-4 4-1-12 6-0-0 .._.I 6-0-0 12-0-0 Over 2 Supports R=487 W=3.5" R=487 W=3.5" PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130.16 Stone Truss 760-967-6171 **WARNING** TRUSSES REUUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION. HANDLING. SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BOATING. 4i 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 ROPER TO SCSI 1-03 (DLI I LDI MG COMPONENT SAFETy NFURMAT ON>. P001.1 SHED By TP ITUL(SS PLATE NSF I (LI C. 183 DOMOPRID DR.. SUITE 200. MADISON. UI 537191 AND WOCA (WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OP AMERICA. 6300 ENTERPRISE LN. MADISON. WI 532191 FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIDE TO PEOFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. TOP CHORD SOUL L AnAL PRUPERL B UT T.SC000 STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SOUL I. LITHE A PROPERLY UT InCHED RIGID CEILING. I. Ic FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO ONE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS, INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THE **IMPORTANT** ALPINE TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH (P1; OR FABRICATING. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING & BRUCING OF IRUSSRS. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NOD (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. BY AF&PAI AND 111 - ALPINE CONNECOOR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/I8/1611 (WY/S/SI 65TH A653 GRADE 50/60 1W. R(H.S( GALA. STEEL. APPLY PLATES TO EACH FACE DI TRUSS AND. UNLESS DENERWISE LOCATED ON THIS RESIGN. POSITION PER DRAWINGS IAOB -Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOW BY (II SHALL RE PER ANNEX A3 OF TPII'2002 SEC.). A SEAL IN THIS Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. DRAWING IN ACCEPTANCE TI BY ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR TILE TRLISS COMPONENT Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. EYE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BEILDING RESIGNER PER ANSI/OPI I SEE. 2. THIS ORG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS HER. (E830-KRATCOSKI ADDITION, JOEY - 1302 PINE AVE. - Cl 2PLY OTROER) Top chord 2x4 DF-L 111&Bet. Bot chord 2x6 DF-L If? Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud SPECIAL LOADS -(LUMBER DUR.FAC.=1.25 / PLATE DUR.FAC.=1.25) TC - From 60 PLF at 0.00 to 60 PLF at 13.09 BC - From 337 PLF at 0.00 to 337 PLF at 2.94 BC - From 5 PLF at 2.94 to 5 PLF at 4.94 BC - From 98 PLF at 4.94 to 11 PLF at 10.00 BC - From 11 PLF at 10.00 to -24 PLF at 12.00 BC - From 4 PLF at 12.00 to 4 PLF at 13.09 BC - 1655 LB Conc. Load at 3.94 Deflection meets [/360 live and [/240 total load. .In lieu of rigid ceiling use puriins to brace BC @ 120 OC 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED A NAILING SCHEDULE: (0.131x3.0g_nai is) TOP CHORD: 1 ROW @ 8" o.c. BOT CHORD: 1 ROW @ 3" o.c. WEBS : 1 ROW @ 4" o.c. USE EQUAL SPACING BETWEEN ROWS AND STAGGER NAILS IN EACH ROW TO AVOID SPLITTING. Shim all supports to solid bearing. CONNECTOR PLATES DESIGNED FOR GREEN LUMBER PER NDS-91 TABLE 7.3.3. 6 X 6 4X4 (Al) = 4X4(A1) 1-0-0 3-11-4 I 2-0-12 .L 2-0-12 3-11-4 I >1< >1 3-11-4 I 4-1-8 I 3-11-4 6-0-0 I 6-0-0 12-0-0 Over 2 Supports R=2496 W=3.5" R=1209 W=3.5" Cf Stone Truss 760.967-6171 *AWWR N I ND** TRASSES REOIIIRE EXTREME CORD IN FABRICATION. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND ORAl. NO. T C L L 16 . 0 PSF REF RD 90 - - 21357 PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130.16 ES3Iyt4, CA/4/-/-/-/R/- Scale .375N/Ft. 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 REFER DO SCSI I '03 (BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETYINFORMATION). P AOl. SHED 00 1P1 (AR IISS ('I. 011 INSTI Olirr , 183 00001810 DR., SUITE 200, MADISON. UI 53119( AND UrCA (WOOD 11055 COUNCIL OF AMERICA, 6.100 ENTERPRISE EN. W. MAOISON, WI 53109) FOR SaFETY pRaCoICN:s PRIOR TO PERFORMING lIlISI FUNCTIONS, OIL ESS OIIIERAISF INDICATED, to CHORD SHALL lOVE PROPERLY ATTACHED PRIOR PANE LS AND ROD TON CHORD SHALL hOVE A PROPERLY RD ladlED T C D L 1 4 . 0 P S F DATE 04 / 15/04 RIGID CEILING. me BC DL 5.0 PSF DRW CAUSR090 04106019 Alpine Engineered Products, Inc DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSINILITY SOLELY FOR DIII ERIISS COMPONENT TOT. LD . 35 . 0 PSF SEON - 9011 **IMPORTANT** FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR, REPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION ION FROM THIS DESIGN WHO FAILURE TO RAILS ONE * BC L L 0 . 0 P S F C A - EN G B FR / C W C ALPINE TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI OR FABRICATING. HANDLING. SHIPPING, INSTALLING N BRACING OF TROSSES, DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF HAS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. NV AFNPAI AND In, ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES HOE MADE OF 20/IN/DEAN IWO/S/RI ASTM A653 GRADE 40/60 1W. K/H.SI GALA. STEEL. APPLY PLANES TO EACH FACE OF DROSS AND. ONL(SS NEHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION PER DRAWINGS 160A Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED RH I)) SHALL RE PER ANNEX A3 OF DPII'2002 SEC.3. N SFNL ON 11115 DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM DSR - Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. THE SOITARILITO AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HE MG DESIGNER PER ANSI/El I B SEC. 2. SPACING 24 . 0 " JR E F - iS C 309 0_Z 01 (E830 KRATCOSKI ADDITION. JOEY -- 1302 PINE AVE, - fl STUB SCIS TERM HIP) Top chord 2x4 OF L //1&8et. Bot chord 2x4 DF-L j/1&Bet. Webs 2x4 HE Std/Stud :W2 2x6 DF -L .112: SPECIAL LOADS (LUMBER DUR.FAC.=1.25 I PLATE DUR.FAC.'1.25) TC - From 60 PLF at 0.00 to 60 PLF at 19.50 BC - From 10 PLF at 0.00 to 10 PLF at 19.50 BC - 2190 LB Conc. Load at 9.75 Calculated horizontal deflection is 0.13" due to live load and 0.15" due to dead load. 'H I-euulllllletided connection based On manutacturer tested capacities and calculations. Conditions may exist that require different connections than indicated. Refer to manufacturer publication for additional information. THIS DOG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED RU TRUSS HER. 2 COMPLETE TRUSSES REQUIRED C NAILING SCHEDULE: (0. 131x3.O,,g._nails) TOP CHORD: 1 ROW @ 8" o.c. BOT CHORD: 1 ROW @ 8" o.c. WEBS : 1 ROW @ 4" o.c. USE EQUAL SPACING BETWEEN ROWS AND STAGGER NAILS IN EACH ROW TO AVOID SPLITTING. In lieu of rigid ceiling use purlins to brace BC @ 120" OC Deflection meets [/360 live and L/240 total load. CONNECTOR PLATES DESIGNED FOR GREEN LUMBER PER NDS-91 TABLE 7.3.3. 5 X 6 0-4-15 I 3-7-15 0-4-15 3X8 (A1) 3X8 (Al) 5-5-2 4-3-14 —.L_ 4-3-14 .j_ 5-5-2 9-1-4 1 1-3-7 9-1-4 H 9-9-0 9-9-0 19-6-0 Over 2 Supports R1778 H=Simpson HHUS26-2 R=1777 H=Simpson HHUS26-2 Girder is (2)2X6 mm. DF-L Girder is (2)216 mm. DF-L PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC Stone Truss 760-967-6171 **WARNING** TRuSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION, HANDLING, SHIPPING. INSTALL (NE AND TRACING. -- 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 REFER TO BCS 1-03 (BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION) . POOL ISHED BY API I AT 1155 I'LA IT INSE I TA AC, 583 TC LL 16.0 PSI REF R 0 9 0 21358 DDNOFRIO DR.. SUITE 200. MADISON, WI 537191 AND WACA (WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL BE AMERICA. 6300 ENTERPRISE LN. MADISON. WI 531191 FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIDE TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS, UNLESS OYEIERWISE INDICATED. OTP CHORD SMALL RUNE PROPEAL H ATTACHED STRACT IIRAL PANELS AND 8010DM CHORD SHALL "All A PRO PET LB ATTACIIED I . CA/4/-/-/-/R/- Scale TC DL 14.0 PSI DATE 04/15/04 RIGID CEILING. of BC DL 5.0 PSI DRW CAUSR090 04106020 **IMPORTANT** FURNISH U COPE OF THIS DESIGN 00 001 INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR, ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN ANY FAILURE 00 NIl I LB ORE * * BC L L 0 . 0 PSI C A -E N G B FR / C W C ALPINE TRIISS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI I OR FABRICATING. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING N ABATING TI TRILSSRS. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROAISITNS OF NDS INNTIORAL DESIGN SPEC. BA AF&PAI AND API. ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE TF 20/BW/NBGA IW.H/S/KI ASTM 8653 GRADE 40/AT IA. E/H,SI GALA. STEEL. APPLY TOT. LD D. 35.0 PSI SE ON - 74968 PLATES TO EACH FACE OF DROSS AND. AMLESS TRNERWISE LOCATED ON tHIS DESIGM. POSITION PEN DRAWINGS TWOB-Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED NA III SHALL BE PER ANNEE AD OF TPII-2002 SOC.3. A SEAL ON THIS Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRESS COMPONENT OUR - FAC . 1.25 FROM DSR Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. THE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BIIILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY BE THE BUILDING DESIGNER PER ANSI /TPI B SEC. 2. SPACING 24 - 0" JR E F - iS C 309 O_Z 01 0-4-15 3X5 (Al) 3X5 (Al) THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (E830 KRATCOSKI ADDITION, JOEY - 1302 PINE AVE. - Dl STUB SCISSOR) Top chord 2x4 DF-L j[1&Bet. H = recommended connection based on manufacturer tested capacities and Bot chord 2x4 DF-L ]/:1&Bet. calculations. Conditions may exist that require different connections than Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud indicated. Refer to manufacturer publication for additional information. Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. Hangers shall be In lieu of rigid ceiling use purlins to brace BC A 120" OC installed after lumber has air-dried to 19% or less moisture content, Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 4 X 4 5-5-2 4-3-14 4-3-14 5-5-2 I 9-9-0 I 9-9-0 I 9-9-0 9-9-0 1< 19-6-0 Over 2 Supports R=683 H=Simpson LU24 R=682 H=Simpson LU24 Girder is (2)2X6 min. DF-L Girder is (2)2X6 mm. DF-L * PLI TYP. Wave TPi\R Stone Truss 760-967-6171 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92,054 Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95828 Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130.16 *WARNING** TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CARE IN FABRICATION, HANDLING. SHIPPING, INSTALLING AND BRACING. REFER AT RCA) 1-03 (BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION). PUBLISHED RH TPI (rRoGs PLATE INGI ITlITE. 503 D'OAOFRIO OR.. SUITE OUT, MADISON. A) 53719) AND ArCH (W000 TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA. 6300 ENTERPRISE LB, MADISON, WI 53719) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THUS) FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHE STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOBTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLH ATTACHED RIGID CEILING. ADF c No, *IMPORTANT** FURNISH U COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO BuILD THE Et. TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI I OR FABRICATING, HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING A BRACING OF TRUSSES. * DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NDS (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. BYAFNPB) AND OPI. ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/IB/INGA (W.H/S/II) ASOM a653 GHAOE 40/GO (N. R/H.SI GAlA. STCLI.. APPI.H FLOORS TO LOCH FOLD OF TRIJSS AND, uNLESS OTHEBU) SC LOCATED ON THIS DES ION. POSITION PER DRAWINGS (GUn' 7. ANY INSPECTION OF PLOTES FOLLOWED BY (1) SHALL BE PER GNNEA U3 OF TPII.2002 SF0.3. U SEAL ON THIS DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FAR THE TRUSS COMPONENT DESIGN SHOWN. THE SIIITABILITA AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILIEH OF TIlE BUILDING DESIGNER PER ANSI/OPT I SEC. 2. CA/4/-/-/-/R/- TC LL 16.0 PSF TC DL 14.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LD, 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 SPACING 24.0" Scale =375/Ft. REF R090 -- 21359 DATE 04/15/04 DRW CAUSR090 04106020 CA-ENG BFR/CWC SEON- 74951 FROM DSR JREF- 1SC3090_ZO1 THIS DUG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR L0,iO -KKAILUK1 AUU1tUPt, JULY 16UY VIINL AOL, - FlU RIM UALK Top chord 2x4 DF-L :/j1&Bet. Bot chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. IN LIEU OF STRUCTURAL PANELS OR RIGID CEILING USE PURLINS: CHORD SPACING(IN DC) START(FT) END(FT) BC 120 0.70 14.14 Hipjack supports 10-00 setback jacks. Jacks up to 7' have no webs. Longer jacks supported to BC. 2 X 4 III 0-4-7 T 2-0-6 +20-7 8 1 +19-0 -9 III 3X6 (Al) R=588 0-3- 12 6-7-3 3-8-10 3-1-3 I 6-7-3 I 3-8-10 3-4-15 I 13-8-12 Over 2 Supports R=1095 PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130.16 Stone Truss 760-967-6171 **WARNING** TRUSSES REQUIRE EXCRETE CARE IN FABRICATION, IIANOLING, SHIPPING. INSTALLING AND BRACING. 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 PETER TO OCSI I - UT (BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORYYATIDH) . PLIOLISPED BY TM IOUIISS PLATE INSTIGATE. 503 OONOFRIO OR., SUITE DOD. MADISUN. WI 530191 HND UTCA IW003 TRIISS COUNCIL DY AMERICA. 63DO ENOEEPEISC UN. MADISON. WI 537091 FOR SAFETH PRACTICES PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL HAVE A PROPERLH A000CIICD RIGID CEILING. il II **IMPORTANT** FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO BAY INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALPINE ENGINEERED .J __________ PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO BUILD THEALPIN TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI; DR FABRICATING. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING B BRACING OF ERIISSES. DESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROAISIDNS DI NOS IMATIDNUL DESIGN SPEC, BY AIRFA) AND fRI. DUPING CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/IN/I6G* IN.H/S/V) USER ASS3 GRADE 40/60 (U, E/II,SI GALA. STEEL. APPLY PLATES RD EACH FACE OF TRESS AND. UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED TN TNIS DESIGN. POSITION PER 0000INGS I6DA'Z. ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FOLLOWED BY (HI SHALL BE PER ANNEX AS OF TPII'PDOB SEES. A SEAL ON THIS Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. . DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPEANCE DI PRDFESSIDNAL ENGINEERING RESPDNSIBILITY SOLELY OR THE TRIISS COMPONENT - Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. THE SD I TAXI LI OH AND USE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR AND BUILDING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF TIlE OIIILDINS DESIGNER PER ANSI/DPI I SEC. 2. CA/4/-/-/-/R/- Scale =. 375" /Ft. TC LL 16.0 PSF REF R090-- 21360 TC DL 14.0 PSF DATE 04/15/04 BC DL 5.0 PSF DRW CAUSR090 04106024 BC LL 0.0 PSF CA-ENG BFR/CWC TOT.LD. 35.0 PSF SEON- 74963 DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM DSR SPACING SEE ABOVE JREF- 15C3090_ZO1 THIS DOS PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED OF DROSS MFR t0UIR.HHIILIri /AUUDIILIIN, LII.AO -- 1.)L) '1190 MOO, - U1U I,1.) UMY..P,) Top chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Bot chord 2x4 DF-L :/1&Bet. Webs 2x4 HF Std/Stud Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. Hangers shall be installed after lumber has air-dried to 19% or less moisture content. Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. Shim all supports to solid bearing. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psf soffit load. H = recommended connection based on manufacturer tested capacities and calculations. Conditions may exist that require different connections than indicated. Refer to manufacturer publication for additional information. IN LIEU OF STRUCTURAL PANELS OR RIGID CEILING USE PURLINS: CHORD SPACING(IN OC) START(FT) END(FT) BC 118 0.29 9.97 P -36 +2242 1 207 +2076 1 _$_19-o-o 2X4 (Al) 7-2-9 =.L= 2-9-2 9-0-13 9-11-11 Over 3 Supports R=432 W=3.5" R=297 H=Simpson HU26X s Girder is (1)2X4 mm, DF-L Stone Truss 760-967-6171 **WARN I NG * TRUSSES REDO IRE EXTREME CARE N FABRICATION. HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING ANT BRACING, TC LL 16.0 PSF REF RD9O-- 21361 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 REFER To NCSI 1-03 (BuILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION). PuBLISHED BY ff1 100155 PUnOC IHSTITIITC. 503 PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.0O.Ol3O.1l CA/4/-/-/-/R/- Scale =375/Ft. W. D'ONOFRIO DR., SUIFE 200, MADISON, UI 530191 AND UTCA (WOOD ORIISS COUNCIL OF AMERICA. 6300 1011.RPRTSI I.N. MADISON. WI 53019) FOR SAFETY PRACTICES PRIOR TO PER EDARING THESE FUNCTIONS. IUNI CSS OTTERWISC INDICATED, TC DL 14.0 PSF DATE 04/15/04 RIGID CEILING. **IMPORTANT** FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. OLPINC CNC,INECRCD TOP CHORD BABEL BABE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PRNNLS ANO BOTTOM CYORT SHAEL RAVE A PROPCRLY IF A111. BC DL 5.0 PSF DRW CAUS0090 04106025 PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN; ANY FAILURE TO 0111(0 THE ALPINE * BC LL 0.0 PSF CA -ENG BFR/CWC * TRUSS IN CONFORMANCE WITH TPI; OR FANRICUTING, HANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING & BRACING OF IRlISSES. TOT.LD. 35.0 PSF SEON- 74982 RESIGN CONFORMS WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF NOB (NATIONAL DESIGN SPEC. NH VFNPB) AND TPI. ALPINE CONNECTOR PLATES ARE MADE OF 20/DO/IEGA (WY/G/Rl ASTM 0653 GRATE 00/60 (A. K/AS) GALA. STEEl.. YPPLY PLATES TO COCA FACE TF TRUSS AND. IINLESS OTHERWISE LOCATED ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION PER DRAWINGS 1600-1, ANY INSPECTION OF PLATES FDLLDWED HO III SHALL BE PER ANNEX 03 OF OHIO-OTTO SEC .3. A SEAL ON tIllS DUR.FAC. 1.25 FROM DSR Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPRANCE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE TRIISS COMPONENT Sacramento, CA 95828 DESIGN SHOWN. THE SUITABILITY AND USE OF THIS CTMPONRIET FOR ABA BIll LDI HG IS TIlE RESPONS BILl TO OF TIlE BIIILDING DESIGNER PER ANSI (DPI I SEC. 2. SPACING 24 . 0 1T 3 REF - iS C 309 0_Z Di 2 1 87 *203-6 *19.00 I. R=315 2X4(A1) CA/4/-/-/-/R/- TC LL 16.0 PSF TC DL 14.0 PSF BC DL 5.0 PSF BC LL 0.0 PSF TOT.LD. 35.0 PSF DUR.FAC. 1.25 SPACING 24 .0 11 Scale =.375"/Ft REF R090-- 21362 DATE 04/15/04 DRW cAusRoRo 04106026 CA-ENG BFR/CWC SEON- 74974 FROM DSR JREF- 1SC3090_ZO1 (E830-KRATCOSKI ADDITION, JOEY -- 1302 PINE AVE. - S,J8 SCTS JACK) Top chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet, Bot chord 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet. Plates designed for green lumber per NDS-97 TABLE 7.3.3. Hipjack supports 10-0-0 setback jacks. Jacks up to 7' have no webs. Longer jacks supported to BC. Shim all supports to solid bearing. THIS DES PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LOADS & DIMENSIONS) SUBMITTED BY TRUED PER. IN LIEU OF STRUCTURAL PANELS OR RIGID CEILING USE PURLINS: CHORD SPACING(IN OC) START(FT) END(FT) BC 75 0.29 7.97 Deflection meets L/360 live and L/240 total load. 1-0-0 7-2-9 EE 7-11-11 Over 3 Supports R=244 W=3.5" R=76 PLT TYP. Wave TPI\R Design Crit: TPI-1995(STD)/UBC 7.00.0130.16 Stone Truss 760-967-6171 **WARNING** TRUSSES REQUIRE EXTREME CURE IN FAMRI CAT ION, HANDlINO. SHIPPING. INSTOI.LIRG AND BRACING. 507 Jones Road, Oceanside CA 92054 REFER TO OCS -03 IOU LDI HG CTMPTNEN I SAFETY I MFORMOT I ON) . PURL I SHED BY PP T065s PLUTO NY II ITO. 60.0 OORUFUIR DO,, SUITE 200, MAD I SON . WI 53710) AND WTCU (WOOD TRuSS COUNCIL OF AMC RICU. 6300 OoIERpoIsE LB. MADISON, WI 537 19) 100 SAFE 00 PROCOICIS PRIOR TO PERFORMING THESE FUNCTIONS. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDI100ED, TOP CHORD SHALL HAVE PROPERLY ATTACHED STRUCTURAL PANELS AND BOTTOM CHORD SHALL BURT A PROPERLY ATTACHED BlAIR CEILING. ((( **IMp0RTANT** FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR, ALPINE CNC,IRFC000 PNr ALPINE _________ PRODUCTS. INC. SHALL NOT AD RESPORSIOLD FOR ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DESIGN: ANY FAILURE IT BIIIUO IlIC TRIISS IN CONFORMANCE WIRII RN; OR FANRICROING. hANDLING. SHIPPING. INSTALLING B BRACING Dl IN, DESIGN CONFORMS WIDH OPPLICARLE PROVISIONS OF NOS (NODIDNOL DESIGN SPEC. ON AF&PAI AND BPI , ARPINC I'.TNNECTTR PI.UTCS ORE MATE OF 200IMO1AGA IWO/S/RI AST 0553 GOODE 40/ AT IV. R/H,SI GOLA. SICEI.. UPP).V P1.0005 00 C000 FOCR OF ORIISS ONO. UNLESS OTHERWISE LOCnTCG ON THIS DESIGN. POSITION PER DRAWINGS 1600-1. 00/ INSPECTION OF PLOTES FOLLOWED DV II) SIIOLL BE PER OMNEA Al OF TPII-2002 SEC.3. 0 SCVI. ON Tills Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. DRAWING INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF By ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY SOLELY FOR THE FOlIOS COMPONENT - IS GN I SHOWN . NRC SOI TAN El NV Sacramento, CA 95828 D AND OSE OF THIS COMPONENT FOR ANY BUILDING IS THE RESPONSI BILl 10 OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER PER ANSI/OPI N SEC. 2. Lawrence Electrical Contracting 2940 Lawrence Lane Escondido, CA 92025 Phone 760-74-7335 Lie.# 776067 Krat'oskL residence 1306 Pine Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Single line electrical drawing SDGE 120t40 V Anthony Lawrence 2poin \ 2p01e \ 200A IDDA IOKIA IOKIA LJ sub- pWW __ Mm Date GE OTEC H N I CAL CONSULTANTS November 8, 2004 Mr. Joey Kratcoski 1302 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Geotechnical Review of Plan Proposed Property Development Improvement 1306 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, California Reference Documents: Geotechnical Assessment Report, Proposed Property Development Improvement, 1306 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California; by Geopacifica Inc., dated June 30, 2004. Project Plans - Joey Kratcoski House, 1306 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California; by Alex Faulkner Designs, dated 9-18-04, 12 sheets. The purpose of this letter is to provide data/information relative to the inclusion of soil/geotechnical parameters and recommendations of the project geotechnical report (document 1) to the project plans (document 2). Based on our review, the pertinent soil/geotechnical parameters and recommendations have been incorporated into the plans. If and as requested, we can provide project observations during construction to insure adequate depth of embedment of foundations, adequate compaction of foundation soils, adequate placement of reinforcement in foundations and slaDs, and other recommendations as outlined in document 1. Should you have,rñy please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully, James F. Knowlton CC * PresidentlRCE 55754/CEG 1045 % F NO. 055754 o\€I EXP J/04 JJ CIvtL j 3 0 INDUSTRY ST SUITE 105 OCEANSIDE CA 92054 TEL: 760.721.5488 FAX: 760.721.5539 (~66 3173 GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT REPORT PROPOSED PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENT 1306 PINE AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1 GE OlE OH NI CAL CONSULTANTS June 30, 2004 Mr. Joey Kratcoski 1302 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Geotechnical Assessment Report Proposed Property Development Improvement 1306 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, California Reference Documents: Aerial Photographs, AXN-4DD 199/200: USDA, dated June22, 1953, scale 1:20000. Geologic Map of the Oceanside, San Luis Rey & San Marcos .5' Quadrangles; CDMG, 1996, Open File Report 96-02. Landslide Hazards in the Northern Part of the San Diego Metropolitan Area, San Diego County, California; CDMG, 1995, LHIM No. 35, Open File Report 95-04. Conceptual Preliminary Site Sketch Plan from Architect, scale 1"---20'. INTRODUCTION We are pleased to submit this report relative to the soil/geologic conditions at and adjacent to the subject property, a geotechnical soil/geology assessmeri and evaluation and recommendations relative to the proposed improvements at the subject property. The property is located on the north side of Pine Avenue in the City of Carlsbad. The property is located to the rear of 1302 Pine Avenue with access to the eastern s:de of 1302 Pine Avenue. Refer to Figure 1, Site Location Map on page 2. The proposed development includes construction of a single-family resicence with raised floor supported by continuous perimeter foundation with interior cross-footings. In addition, an attached three-car garage is proposed with perimeter foundation and slab on grade concrete floor. 3 0 6 0 INDUSTRY ST SUITE 105 OCEANSIDE CA 92054 TEL: 760.721.5488 FAX: 760.721.5539 I I I Page 2 1306 Pine Avenue 1 June 30, 2004 I I I I 1 SITE II II I H I NORTH I GE 01 E CAN IC AL CONSUL IAN IS [' I S I - S1 GYf NO ,øI Iwo IVY A cAINTRP ç -- rAZN PACIFIC COAST +11 CUAR PLAZA RLSBAD PLW OR PLAZA coallo LIRA 32 'Hag IAL ' I A A IAIERSREEA % 'A ,AIA YSURELL A S U A 'III HILL - I GREG jV 0,\It A A IAAAA or SSFRS WI A ; \c T12 RUERAPL AC'IiTI HIA\ ç 55 • IRA K11SS&ES < N5p , ALA % StRAT0RDLN" DR 'y\d 1 BOD K4 j4 ii~ &I 4 ks S A PO" CYPIZES AV U CEO N RD WWI iq\ cats A 'I JR HS S \ -i Pt A NL \ A 91, ill WA ALA r.ARLS8A Figure 1: Site Location Map for 1306 Pine Avenue. The base map is derived directly from Page 1106, The Thomas Guide, 2001 edition, Riverside and San Diego Counties. Refer to the source document for legend and scale. I. I I , I GFOPIFA GE OlE C H N IC AL CONS U STAN IS Page 3 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 LOCATION/BACKGROUND The subject property is located to the northern side of Pine Avenue, between Interstate 5 and Highland Drive, and two blocks south of Carlsbad Village Drive. Refer to Figure 1 and for further location data refer to The Thomas Guide, 2001 edition, San Diego County, page 1106, F-5. A preliminary site sketch drawing was provided by the Architect for our use in plotting the approximate locations for our test excavations relative to the proposed residence, proposed garage, and driveway access. That modified drawing is presented herein as Figure 2 on page 4 for description locations and for use with locations of test excavations. The final project plan is not complete as of the date of this report. SITE GEOLOGIC SETTING/GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Based on document 2, the project site is located in an area directly underlain by Pleistocene Terrace Deposits. Based on past exploration on other sites nearby, these Terrace Deposits consist of an ancient beach ridge with thickness of 30 + feet. Based on past exploration and comparison with terrace beach ridge sequences, these deposits are likely middle Pleistocene on the order of a couple to few hundred thousand years old. The unit, based on past exploration has a thin poor to moderate developed top soil horizon with the unit comprised primarily of uniform medium dense to dense, very silty, fine to medium grained, sand. Based on review of documents 1, 2, and 3, there are no known geologic hazards mapped, suspected, or hypothesized for the area immediately under or adjacent to the subject property. There are no lineaments or topographic breaks noted on aerial photographs to indicate the presence or possible presence of surface faulting on or nearby to the site. There are no topographic landforms present to suggest the presence or possible presence of landslides on or nearby to the site. The logs for our test excavations are presented as Figures 3 and 4 at the rear of this report. The results of laboratory test results of soils obtained from the excavations are presented on page 7. II 7IGECMWrA 3 E 01 E C El N IC AL CONSULTANT S Page 4 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 H 710 S J : -- j- I ___7 Jr6tyTL. - 13 D cL _-,t •l I 3 / r L A A rti Borings noted as B-i, B-2, B-3, B-4 Figure 1: Site Sketch Drawing with locations for test excavations (B-i through B-4 ) . T h e sketch drawing modified from reference document 4. N AICIFr ICEO GE 01 E C H IC AL CONSULT ANTS Page 5 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 Our review indicates there are no known active faults crossing, or immediately adjacent to, the subject property and the site is not within a special Earthquake Fault Zone. There are, however, several active and significant faults within 10 to 50 miles of the project site. These faults generally project northwest-southeast and do not extend toward or under the project site. Several active faults are mapped within 15 + miles west (offshore and include the Newport-Inglewood/Rose Canyon Fault zones) of the property. For planning purpose, these offshore faults will be considered the design earthquake faults for the project site. Based on current knowledge, a maximum credible earthquake of 6.5 to 7.0 Richter magnitude is postulated for these off shore fault extensions. Ground accelerations for a 6.5 to 7.0 magnitude earthquake with source generation 15 + miles from the project site might exceed 0.15 g to 0.2 g. Based on the site conditions, the following seismic parameters (per Chapter 16 of the Uniform Building Code - 1997) are provided: Seismic Zone 4 Seismic zone factor 0.40 Soil Profile Type Sd Seismic Coefficient Ca 0.44 Na Seismic Coefficient Cv 0.64 Nv Near Source Factor Na 1.0 Near Source Factor Nv 1.0 Seismic Source Type B I , I GFOPIFfA GE or E C H N IC Al CONSUL S A N ES I Page 6 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 Distance to Seismic Source 15 miles Upper Bound Earthquake 6.9 Mw The potential for liquefaction, lateral spreading, or seismically induced settlement is very low to nil because the subject property is underlain by medium dense to dense, sedimentary units of a Pleistocene Terrace Deposit. There are no known active or significant faults crossing the site, therefore the probability for ground surface rupture at the site is nil. The site area is not located within an area potentially subject to flooding and/or tsunami/seiche events, therefore the probability for such event is very low to nil. The site is located in an area of generally gentle sloping terrain and no significant steep I slopes. Landslides are not mapped in the area and the probability for significant landslide or slope failures are anticipated to be very low to nil. SITE EVALUATION/SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION I The purpose of subsurface exploration was to assess the depth to and type of bearing soil. Four test explorations were made at the site. Two (B -Iand B-2) were made in the area of the proposed residence west foundation, one (B-3) in the middle of the proposed garage I floor, and one (B-4) along the access easement east of 1320 Pine Avenue. I .Our exploration suggests that the upper ½ to 1 foot of soils are either fill soils and/or old top-soil. These soils are dry and loose and will require treatment prior to receiving structural fill and/or engineered structures. I The soils below a depth of ½ to 1 foot consist of medium dense, damp, reddish brown to pale gray brown, silty sand to the depths up to 4 ½ feet. These soils are likely consistent I to depth of 30 + feet. I GEOPPCIFFA GEOTECHNICAL CONS U L SAN IS Page 7 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 The soils below ½ to 1 foot were tested for primary foundation soil parameters. The expansion index of the residence foundation soils was determined to be 0 (very low to non-expansive). The maximum dry density/optimum moisture was determined to be 133.3 pcf and 7.5 %. The direct shear of the soils compacted to 90 % provided results of 30-degree friction angle with cohesion of 350 psf. For longer-term performance of the property and the proposed improvements, positive surface drainage should be established at the property. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our study, the proposed project improvement appear feasible from a geotechnical perspective. There are no significant or known soil/geologic conditions present that would preclude the proposed improvements. :1 GENERAL EARTHWORK RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed improvements at the site will require minor earthwork and grading to achieve suitable building conditions. All grading and earthwork should be performed in conformance with applicable City of Carlsbad grading ordinances and the general - guidelines for earthwork summarized in the following sections. Site Clearing All existing vegetation (including root systems), soft fill soils, topsoil, debris and any otherwise unsuitable material within the planned construction area of the site should be cleared and disposed of off-site and/or an accepted on site method. The "planned construction area" as defined should include an area at least five feet outside of the planned project improvements. HI GEOPACIFICA GEOTECHNICAL CONSULS ANTS Page 8 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 Any and all subsurface piping associated with abandoned water, natural gas/propane, irrigation, storm water drainage, drains, should be removed from the planned construction areas and disposed of at an approved off site facility. Care should be taken to verify that all piping connections to water, irrigation, sewer, gas/propane, and drain systems are properly disconnected and properly capped and/or plugged. Excavation All areas to receive fill soil and /or surface improvements should be excavated to remove all soft fill soils, topsoil, and other unsuitable materials. Excavations should be observed by a representative of the Geotechnical Consultant to verify that unsuitable materials have been removed and the base exposes un-weathered Terrace Deposits. Excavations can be accomplished by conventional earthwork equipment, or manually in confined limited access areas. Temporary cut excavations and sidewalls for excavations made for removals and replacement of soils may be vertical to a maximum height of four feet. Vertical excavations higher than four feet may require lay back to 1:1 inclinations or may require shoring. Sub-grade Preparation Existing site soils within an area extending at least 5 feet beyond the footprint of proposed structure slab on grade(s) should be excavated into the Terrace Deposits, which may vary from ½ to 1 foot. In-place scarification by an experienced operator may also be utilized unless the depth to Terrace Deposits is more than 1 foot. Excavations for the proposed foundations will likely be into Terrace Deposits. Excavated soils will likely require moisture conditioning prior to re-use as compacted structural fill with placement of fill in conformance with the following sections ("Fill Material" and "Compaction"). Soil exposed at the base of the excavations to receive structural fill and in areas to be improved should be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches, moisture conditioned to be at least 2 percent above the optimum moisture content and compacted to relative compaction of not less than 90 percent as determined by ASTM D1557-78 in conformance with the "Compaction" section below. I I GFOPACIFK'A GEOTECNNICAL CONSULtANTS Page 9 HI 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 IM Fill Material Based on our study, the site soils are silty sand. The in-place silty sand Terrace Deposits are suitable for use as structural fill provided soil preparation and placement is performed in strict conformance with the recommendations of this report and appropriate design precautions are provided and implemented into the project construction. Compaction Fill soils should be compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 90 percent as determined by ASTM D1557-78. Prior to placement, the fill soils should be moisture conditioned (wetted or dried) and thoroughly mixed to provide a uniform moisture content of at least 2 percent above the optimum moisture content, and spread in uniform thin lifts of less than 8 inches (un-compacted thickness). Observation and testing service should be provided with testing conducted for not less than 1 test per 1 ½ feet vertical height per 200 square feet of surface area. Site Drainage Good surface water drainage is required to minimize the potential for shrinkage and swelling of site surface and subsurface soils, erosion, seepage and soil movement. Final grading of the site must facilitate the formation of positive surface drainage away from foundations to prevent ponding of water as well as the infiltration of water into the subsurface foundation and slab soils. The minimum slope adjacent to structures should be at least 2 percent away from foundations for at least five feet. We recommend that landscape areas not be planned directly adjacent to the exterior walls of the residence and/or garage to lessen the potential for landscape irrigation water and other surface water to infiltrate into the subsurface foundation and slab soils. The planting of trees should be avoided within 10 feet of the foundations. The use of perimeter collection sub-drains might be required adjacent to foundations. I . I GEOPACIFFA GE OlE C H N I CAL CONSULT A N S S Page 10 I 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS I Footings I The following recommendations are based on the findings disclosed by our study. The proposed structures may be supported on isolated spread footings and or continuous I perimeter footings. Continuous perimeter footings for 2-story residence and/or garage should have a minimum width of 15 inches and minimum embedment of 18 inches below the lowest I adjacent grade with founding soil to consist of Terrace Deposits. The footings should be reinforced with at least one no. 5 rebar top and one no. 5 rebar bottom. Footings founded in formational units or compacted structural fill at least 18 inches below the lowest I adjacent grade may be designed for allowable bearing pressures of 2000 psi for dead and live loads. Isolated spread footings should have a minimum plan dimension of 24 inches with minimum embedment of 24 inches below the lowest adjacent grade. The footings should be reinforced with at least two no. 5 rebar top and two no. 5 rebar bottom in both 1 directions and should be connected by grade beam to the foundation of the residence. Isolated spread footings meeting the above requirements may be designed for an - allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psi for dead and live loads. Allowable bearing pressures for continuous perimeter and isolated spread footings may be increased by 1/3 for short duration seismic and wind loads. Lateral load resistance may be developed by a combination of passive resistance acting on footing walls and sliding resistance at the base of foundations. For passive resistance, a lateral pressure coefficient of 3.5 or an equivalent fluid weight of 350 pcf may be used for design. The maximum passive resistance used for design should not exceed 2500 psf. Calculation of passive resistance should ignore the upper 12 inches. For sliding resistance, an allowable friction coefficient of 0.30 may be used for design. I Special provisions and precautions will likely be necessary for foundation excavations adjacent to the foundation of the existing residence. Shoring or other provision for the existing foundation will likely be necessary for protection of the existing foundation. 'I GFOPPfIFA GE 01 E C H N IC AL CONSULTANTS Page 11 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 I. Interior Concrete Slab On Grade The proposed concrete slab on grade for the proposed garage should have a minimum I thickness of five inches and should be reinforced with at least no. 4 rebar spaced 12 inches on center in both directions. The minimum slab section should be field verified by the project engineer. If the floor slabs will be moisture sensitive the concrete should be I placed over a minimum of 6 inches of compacted clean concrete sand or crushed rock overlain by a minimum 10-mil thick sheet of impermeable moisture barrier, overlain by at least 2 inches of clean sand to aid in concrete curing. Exterior Slabs I Exterior slabs for walkways, patios should be at least 5 inches thick and reinforced as for interior concrete slab on grade. The moisture barrier may be omitted from the sub-grade section. Retaining Walls The actual usage of, and/or type of, retaining structure is not known at present. Based on the proposed improvements and topography any type retaining wall will likely be less than 4 feet in height and may be designed/built in conformance with City Standards. Any change to the height may necessitate special design. Rigid retaining walls with uniform backfill should be designed using an active earth pressure coefficient of 0.30 or an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pcf. The foundations for the wall should extend at least 30 inches below lowest adjacent grade and into the Santiago Formation. Backfill should consist of free draining gravel wrapped in filter geo fabric connected to a sub drain at the base of the wall. The upper 12 inches of backfill may be native soils but with at least 6 inches of free board above the wall. The sub drain system should be discharged to a suitable and acceptable outlet. IGEOPACHWAI GE 01 E C H N IC AL CONSULTANTS I Page 12 H 1306 Pine Avenue June 30, 2004 Cement Type Testing on the actual as graded sub grade soils should be performed to verify cement type for construction and corrosion potential. Testing is suggested should include soluble sulfate, soluble chloride, pH and minimum resistivity. Field Observations Geotechnical services prior to and during construction should include at least the following: Review of final development plans to verify compliance with the recommendations above. Sample/testing of as-graded soils to verify cement type and corrosion potential. Field observation of removals and observation testing of the placement of fill soils, including backfill soils. Testing of soil moisture prior to placement of concrete. Observation and verification of adequate depth/width of foundation excavations (including retaining walls) and embedment onto adequate bearing material. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully, Co / I uJ EXP cc- lames F. Knowlton President/RCE 55754/CEG 1045 OF C No No 1045 Exp. GEOPACIFICA JOB NO: 04- Kratcoski Elevation: pad Logged by ERA Hand Auger Date: 6-3-04 SOIL BORING LOG NUMBER: B-i Depth Description Loose, dry, silty sand (SM) Dense, damp, red brown Silty sand (SM) 3 ft Bottom 3 ½' SOIL BORING LOG NUMBER: B-2 Depth Description Loose sand ½' Dense damp red brown Silty sand (SM) Sample/Type Comments Fill/Top Soil Bulk Sample lerrace Deposits 1 to 3 ½' Sample/Type Comments Thin top soil Bulk Sample Terrace Deposits ½' to 4' 4 f Bottom 4' GEOPACIFICA JOB NO: 04- Kratcoski Elevation: pad Logged by ERA Hand Auger Date: 6-3-04 SOIL BORING LOG NUMBER: B-3 Depth Description Loose, dry, silty sand (SM) Dense, damp, red brown Silty sand (SM) 3 ft Bottom 4 ½' SOIL BORING LOG NUMBER: B-4 Depth Description Loose sand ½' Dense damp red brown Silty sand (SM) Sample/Type Comments Fill/Top Soil. Bulk Sample Terrace Deposits 1to4½' Sample/Type Comments Thin top soil Terrace Deposits 4 f Bottom 3' CITY OF CARLSBAD - AFFIDAVIT OFcQMPLIANCE FOR A SECOND DWELLING UNIT Instructions to Property Owner (Affiant): Please type or print complete and accurate answers in all blank spaces in Section I. Please read carefully, particularly Section II. Please read, sign and date Section III indicating that you understand and agree with the conditions of compliance. SECTION I - INFORMATION Property owner(s): JOSEPH PETER KRATCOSKI Name(s) Property Address: 13O6:_PIPE AVE. Street Address CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA City State Assessor Parcel No. 205 02040 00 92008 Zip Code Subdivision: or 205 020 40 00 Name Lot/Block Parcel No. Project Number: SECTION II- CONDITIONS FOR COMPLIANCE PLEASE READ CAREFULLY A second dwelling unit is an attached or detached dwelling unit which is located on the same lot as an existing owner-occupied single-family detached dwelling unit and is: a. Suitable for use as a complete living facility with provisions within the facility for cooking, eating, sanitation and sleeping; Occupied by one or more persons; and C. Subordinate to the main dwelling unit. The Property Owner(s) listed above hereby certifies that he/she owns the above referenced property, as of the date of this affidavit, and to his/her belief and knowledge, there are no conditions, covenants or restrictions on the property prohibiting a second dwelling unit apartment. The Property Owner(s) agrees to the following terms and conditions: FRM0006 6/03 PAGE 1 OF 2 The property and residence referenced above 'must-not contain a second residential dwelling unit unless it is in compliance with, the second dwelling unit provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad. The Property Owner(s) shall reside in either the main dwelling unit or second dwelling unit described above, now, and for the life of this agreement, unless a lessee leases both the main dwelling unit and the second dwelling unit. C. The Second Dwelling Unit may only be rented and shall not be sold separately from the main dwelling unit, unless the lot on which such units are located is subdivided. The Property Owner(s) agree to rent the Second Dwelling Unit at a monthly rental rate which shall not exceed an amount equal to 30% of the gross monthly income of a low- income household, adjusted for household size, at 80% of the San Diego County median income. A copy of this agreement and Affidavit must be given by the Property Owner(s) to prospective purchasers, of the property prior to entering into a sales contract for said property. SECTION III - AFFIRMATION AND AGREEMENT I HEREBY DECLARE AND AFFIRM, under penalty of perjury, that all matters and facts set forth in this agreement are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, and that I (we) understand, accept and will abide by the regulations, requirements, and standards governing the Second Dwelling Unit. BY: P)ert)Wwner S Date MM Property Owner Date Owner's Telephone Number(s): ( 760) 729-6913 1(760 ) 729-7922 (FAX) Home Office FRM0006 6/03 PAGE 2 OF 2 - the Sea a rn p March 15, 2005 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Att: Building Department Ref: Joey Kratcoski Residence, 1302 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad Permit Application #04 - 3773 Building Department: I was requested to review the drainage for the above referenced project as to how it might affect the downstream properties. The first item I did was to "shoot" several spot elevations on the property to determine more exactly the existing conditions. I have shown those elevations on the attached exhibit. I met several times with the owner to review the plans and his project. The development as proposed would increase the run off to the adjacent properties to the west. There is a 3' wall along the western property line. I did not like the idea of the increased water from the proposed project flowing to the west over the wall. The proposed house has rain gutters and downspouts in it's design. In order to eliminate increased flows to the west, we will capture most of the run off into a drain pipe and take it out to the existing drainage swale in Pine Avenue. I attempted to run the pipe down the pan handle driveway. I couldn't get it to work. The height I needed the house to be at would have caused it to exceed the 30' height limit. Therefore, the pipe will have to go down the western side of the owners existing house. The applicant owns both houses and has no intent of selling either lot. If in the future the back lot is sold, a 5' drainage easement along the western 5' of the "front" property should be granted to the pan handle lot. I have attached a drawing of the proposed house and shown the proposed drain pipe locations, downspouts, swales and finished floor elevations. I have shown an elevation [99.42] on the property monument at the inside corner of the pan handle lot. Use this point as the bench mark to set the Finished Floor of the Engineering Management General Contracting Development 4322 Sea Bright Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone/FAX 760-720-0098 house at 99.5. At this elevation the ridgeline of the roof will not exceed 30' above the ground. I have recommended to the owner that an air gap or positive separation of the downspout entering into the drain pipe be provided. This allows water to "escape" in case the drain pipe gets clogged. Water would not back up the downspout. The attached proposed drainage concept will prevent any additional waters from flowing to the neighbors yard to the west. The drain pipe that takes the roof water out to the Street does not divert the water into a different drainage basin. It all drains west to Plo Pico Street. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, -V--) c4r~~O' Rdbert 0. Sukup RCE 28302 joeyctyl OFESSI CIVIL p 4;- 0 ;;os Ip7,z7 3 e j /7frL I L I GA4GE PA D: CAN BeGAt3 IA)IQ ANY (MOPT. O'VU)Y. A F e UJ '/AR -r -r D MV 5T. kç)4( - - E\SflK\ DP01\( TO 1)'\Au) c1'1 • i AA:).. I/- (-ri) Foe: roi A-ccoK 3OZ cAL5AD, CA OO sA wzcvc Co. C1RLSAO, CA 9ZV 7'o-1zo-00' 0.I • • A/e 1+1 Ej3I)O4J 4, c. E13/23/2035 7:48 856755818E TA182005 TUE 0339 PM CITY OF CRSLBD DESIGN BUILD PARTNER PAGE 1/02 FAX NO. 760 602 8558 P, 02 of Ii Cia-r Is bad This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the prior to SiUflQ za building permit. The City will not issue any buidi Project 1arne: Y11 _____ Budding Permit Plan Check Number: ProjectAddress: A.PN.: Project Applicant __ (Owner Name)~ Project Description: Budinci Type: _J:,E22 Residential: NUmbLQ1liQL1LULUJ school districts and returned to the City without a completed echqol fee form, Second Dwelling Unit: RedeitiI Additions: Cornrnrcil/l ndustral: City Cerlification o Applicant Information: Square Feet of Living j Ni-vi Dwelling. Lt'c'177 - Square Feet Net Square Feet New Area Square Feet Floor Area J Date: / Carlsbad Unifitd School District Sai1?vtrcos Unified school Dietr4c 6223 El Ckmina Real 2LMata Way Carlsbad CA 92009 (31 15000) SMro A 92069 (20-2649) Encinitas Untoti Shooi Ditri SjDgufto Union High School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd 71lncinit Blvd. Ercinite. CA 92024 (44-4300 ext 16) En' Us, CA 92024 (153-5491) Ca con of AppIcanUOwner. The pton executing this dedaratic (Owzier') ces1Htia under penatty of penury that (1) the irrmat an provided above Is: correct and true to ns best fe w 3 rnow1ed, and that the Owner will f)e an arnened Dat lertificalion of pyrvient and pay the addtiorial toe it Owner requaata nincreaa in the number of dwelling units or quw footage after the budding øerrnit iq issuedOr if the l'oftiol datrmiriatiori f .nits or square footage Is found to ht, inouet, and that 2) the Owner i,9 the owner/developer ctho aboyp -inscribed pr ot(), or that the person exeovtimg this dsclareion is u1hørt d to sign .bsIlaf of the Owner. Signats -- 163' arday Avrii-o • Carlsbad, CA 2008-7314 • (760) 27óo 4 '20 Rtij,1ni (ntr (76 602-271 • FAX (760) 602-6556 03/23/21335 37:49 3587558186 DESIGN BUILD PARTNER PAGE 32/02 JN-18-2005 TUE 03:40 FM O1'IY OF OiRS'L8D FX NO, 780 602 8558 P 03 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCI- (To be cornpleted::b ThIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCH PROJECT HAVE BEEIS SCHOOL DISTRICT: The urder'sigred, being duty authorized by We deveIoor, builder, or owner has sthfied the thG applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amc mitigation determined by the School DtrIct. T OOL l CETWICATION the sc obl district(s)) *******1 * OOL 01 TICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OR WI LBE SATISFIED. applica 10 School District, crti(ies that the bligatio fpr school facilities. This is to certify th unts or ornpletsd other applicable school ' City y issue budding permits for this projec _kkQJJkL1 JGAENjEMAN DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT tAFLS AD-UNIFIED-010 ICT 6225 EL CAMINO REM. C*92009---- awl SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL LSTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER 1 UILDM &rn -HEALTMGEPT TO FROM OTHER $EWERTR -IF CFDFOM 0 4 BLOGFEESCOMPLETE IS-QjPLAN CORR CORR q/0 J- lea_- -FIRE 4 ESM CORR R I1,4j, / 10 s- ov A~ 61 J_ ('s ~ , c, q~jc~jos, / CB043773 1306 PINE AVCBAD 4JT =0 KRATCOSKI RESIDENCE 3,010 SF HSE536 SF 2DU, 816 SF GAR225 SF RESDNTL SFD2U Iot# FAuLKNER ALEX &iet, •'r'A c(ç ç$6 City of Carlsbad I635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 05-1 -20O5 Plan Check Revision Permit No:PCR05083 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1306 PINE AV CBAD Permit Type: PCR Status: ISSUED Parcel No: 2050204000 Lot #: 0 Applied: 05/02/2005 Valuation: $0.00 Construction Type: NEW Entered By: KG Reference #: CB043773 Plan Approved: 05/12/2005 Issued: 05/12/2005 Project Title: KRATCOSKE RES FOUNDATION Inspect Area: CHANGE Applicant: Owner: ALEX FAULKNER KRATCOSKI JOSEPH P JR STE 117 1302 PINE AVE 2120 JIMMY DURANTE 92014 CARLSBAD CA 92008 858-481-1819 Plan Check Revision Fee $60.00 Additional Fees $0.00 Total Fees: $60.00 Total Payments To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $60.00 8173 05/12/05 0002 01 02 COP 60-00 FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the 'Imposition' of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as lees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have greviouslv been given p NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviously otherwise exoired. PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 /PROJECT INFOR ATION y. j3 0 /AJ/V ,... \ Address (include Bldg/Suite #) CA 0 IF FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK 1\10.021&2:0203 - EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By_________________________ Date Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessors Parcel # Existing Use Proposed Use ,\ Descri tion of Work 1dAJ d4oJ SQ. FT. #of Stories /ôdAJz7, ( /2 CONTACT PERSON (it different from applicant) A_A-tx' JL If?,r2Izô &tii T?CL 4 f Name Address I City 3 APPLICANT El Contractor Agent for Contractor El Owner El Agent for owner # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms C&f204 i'//Igo? State/Zip I Telephon # Fax # 57 7i3'DiöQ Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # 4 PROPERTY OWNER Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# 5 CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars 1850011. Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # State License # License Class City Business License # Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone - - State License # 6 WORKERS COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: C] I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Policy No. Expiration Date__________________ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 181001 OR LESS) C] CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE DATE 7. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES DNO I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number I contractors license number): I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work(: PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE rCoMp.rE THIS SECTION FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES 0 NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? El YES 0 NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school Site? 0 YES 0 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. S. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS__________________________________________________________ P. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read the application and State that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Cit' of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the building Off nder the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not co nce within ys from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is co enced a en 180 days (Section 106.4,4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANTS SIGNATURE DATE 5Z' °5 WHITE: File PINK: Finance PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NuMBER,ag'pcg 05à3 DATE 5 -5 C=ENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR PLAZA CAMINO REAL (<$101000.00) CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER PLANNER 4€id as DATE ... 5 ENGINEER DATE DocslMtsforms!planning Engineering Approvals EsGil Corporation * In Partnership with government for Building Safety DATE: May 12, 2004 U MRI NT U JURISDICTION: Carlsbad U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: PCR05-083 (04-3773 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1306 PineAve PROJECT NAME: Plan Change for Joey Kratcoski The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. El Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Appointment - Applicant hand carried revised plans back to the City REMARKS: Previous approved City sets sent back by courier. Fee sheet being Faxed. By: Ray Fuller Enclosures: Esgil Corporation L GA El MB [J EJ [1 pc (P) 05/05/05 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad PCR05-083 (04-3773 May 12, 2004 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: PCRO5-083 (04-3773 PREPARED BY: Ray Fuller DATE: May 12, 2004 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1306 Pine Ave BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-3/U-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION I F AREA I (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code 1cb IBY Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance I I $60.00I Type of Review: LI Complete Review Structural Only LI] Repetitive Fee _I Repeats * Based on hourly rate LI Other Hourly I 0.51 Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee I Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc