HomeMy WebLinkAbout1307 CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS; ; CB970840; PermitBUILDING PERMI 04/10/97 J.S": 22 Page 1 of 1 'Job Address: 1307 CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS Suite Permit Type: ELECTRICAL Parcel No: Lot*: Valuation: 0 Occupancy Group: Reference*: Description: ELECTRICAL PEDISTALS : LENNAR HOMES Appl/Ownr * * * LENNAR HOMES 23333 AVENIDA LA CAZA CAZA DE COTO, CA 92679 Fees Required *** 714 T Permit No: CB970840 Project No: A9701097 Development No: 4042 04/10/97 OOOi 01 02 C-PRMT 25-00 Construction Type: NEW Status: ISSUED Applied: 04/10/97 Apr/-Issue: 04/10/97 Entered By: JM 431-0604 Fees : Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description Enter "Y" for Electr Single Phase Per AM * ELECTRICAL TOTAL 25 ollected & Credits *** . 00 .00 25.00 Ext fee Data 10.00 Y 15.00 25.00 APPROVA CLEARANCE CITY OF CABtSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 ias Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619)438-1161 •W'H"*"WwP'*^Wbfci'lKiwW'*l"WjW"! FOR OFFICE USE ONLY4 PLAN CHECK NO.. EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated Bvz Data. U-C Addnaa (include BWo/Surte CT <^V~ BuainaM NMM (at into addnaa) Lag*) Deacnptioi Lot No.Unit No.PIMM No.Tonlf of unto Aaaaaaor'a Parcel f Extoting UM PropoaedUae Daacrtptfon of Work ACTPERSON ftt dNtarerrt 1 rJA- 8Q. FT. tof Stories A. Coms f of Bedrooma # of BatnroMM A»|- Name City $0&&&F^^State/Zip Telephone*Fax* Nome City state/zip Totophone 9 NMM Cfcy Stan/Zip Telephone * tSac. 7031.8 BuaineaB and Pnfaaalona Codo: Any Chy or County wMeh nquiree • pormlt to construct, arter, improve, damoaah or rap* any etmeture. prior to to toauanca, MM nquirM tha appNcant for wch pormlt to fib o aigned statement that ha to Hoaneed purauont to tha provtoiom of tha Contractor1! Ltoanaa Uw IChaptar 9, commending with Section 7000 of Wvirton 3 of ttw Buoinofi ond Profouioiii Cod*) or that ho to oxompt thonfram, ond tfw btoto for iho oxomption. Any violation of Soction 7031.5 by wiy appHcont for * pormit Mbtocts tho •ppttctnt to • dvM ponohy of not mom than nvo hundrad doBars I*S001). Nama StataUoanat* Addnwa UcanaaCtoaa City dtyl Stata/ZIp maaf Totophona 9 Daaignar Nama StataUoanaaf Addraaa Oty Statafllp Totophona ••jsiEmimsBmm8m Workara' Companaation Oaelaration: I horaby affirm undar panany of porjury.< Q I hava and wHI maintain a oortlficata of com ant to aatHnaura for wofkora* eompanaatfon aa pravfdad by tactton 3700 of tha Labor Coda, for tha parformanoa of tha work for which thto parmit to toauad. D I havo and wM maintain workora' uumponaaUen, aa raquirad by Bactton 3700 of tha labor Coda, for tha pottomancia of tha work for'which Into pormit to toauad. My workar'a companaation inauranca cantor and poacy numbar an; Inauranca Company PefcvNo. Explfatfain Data ONE HUNCHED DOLLARSIMOOI OR LESS) D CERTWCATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that In tha performance of the work for which thto porrrft to toauad, I aha! not otnptoy any paraon in any rMnnar M to become subject to the Workara1 Companaation Lawa of California. WAHHMG; Falun to eocun*waffcan' ooavpanaattofi coverage to unlawful and snap subject an aMptoyar ta awaJnal panaMea and oMI flnaa ap to one hundred thouaand dolton 1*100,0001. to addition to the coet of Bompenaation. Jsmsgn aa provided for In Bectton S70S of tha Loop/ coda, anenet and attorney's faa». SIGNATURE _ DATE jft CTWNEB BuiDCT DECLARATION m&f" '*•£&*£%*& •$£& c* 4&E& &:4&i ) hereby affirm that I am axampt from tha Contracter'a Ucenae Law tor the following raaaon: O I, aa owner of the property or my emplcyaea with wagaa aa their aoto compensation, wM do the work and tha atructun to not Intended or offarad for eato (Sac. 7044, Buaineaa and Profaaaloni Coda: Tha Contractor'a Ucanaa Law doaa not apply to an ownar of property who buBda a* bnprovaa thereon, and who doaa such work Nmaetf or through hia own employees, provided that auch Improvamema an not intended or offarad for aoto. If, however, tha buMng or improvement to aoW within one year of completion, the ownar-buader wM have the burden of proving that he did not buDd or Improve far tha purpoaa of oato). D I. aa owner of the property, am exekiaivety comraeting with Besnssd oentractora to oonetruct tha protect (Sac. 7044, Bualnaaa and Pfofaaatans Code: Tha Contractor'a Ucanaa Law doaa not apply to an ownar of proparty who buBds or Impnvea tharaon, and contfacta for auch prajecte with oontractoHa) Hosnasd purauam to tha Contractor's Ucanaa Law). D I am axampt undar Section BuaJnsas and Prefaaatone Coda for thto naaon: 1. I penonally plan to provide the meter labor and material* for eonatruction of tha propoaad proparty Irf^rovamant. D YES QNO 2. I {have / hava not) aigned an application tor a budding parmit lor tha propoaad work. 3. I hava contracted with tha following paraon (firm) to provida the propoaad eonatruction flnduda name / iddnji / phona numbar / contractora Hcanee numbar): 4. I plan to provida portiona of tha work, but I hava hind tha following, paraon to coordinate, auparvtoa and provida tha mater work ttnduda nama / addnaa / phona number / eontractora licence number): •_.. 8. I wW provida aoma of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the fotowfng persona to provida tha work mdktatod (include name / addnaa / phona numbar / type of work): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE to tha applicani or future buUdtog occupant required to aubmit a buaimee pton, acutely haurdoua material! ragtotnUon form or riak management and prevention program undar Sactiona 26808, 28833 or 38534 of tha Pnitoy Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Q YES Q NO tothaappicamwfutunbuadtagoeeupBran«*aduob O YES Q NO tothofadlwtobecermructadwrihln1,OOOfaM Q YES Q NO IF ANY OP THE AftSWin AM YES, A ft^nVU. CeMTVKATI OF REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMEMENCY SERVICES AND THE Am POU^mON COKTROX Ott^MCT.i@&a$*#wc^ • I hereby affirm that than la a eonatruction landing agency for the performanea of the work for which thto parmit to toauad (Sac. 90070) CMI Coda). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS • *:•# '-^BWjr^-'-*^ ^ •'^•-.•;i-.:f'^^st!s I certify that I hava read tha application and atata that tha above Information to correct and that tha Information on tha plane to accurate. I agree to comply wMi oN City ordinaneee and State laws relating to buadmg oonatruction. I hereby authorln rapnaantativee of tha CMy of Cartobad ta antar upon the abova mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AOREI TO SAVE. INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HAHMUBI THE CITY OF CAnlSSAn AOAaMST ALL UASSJTBS. I. COSTS AND EXP0HSES WMCH MAY W ANY WAY ACCRUE AOAMST SAB CITY M CONSEOilaMeE OF THi OHANTIM Of THW aiMMT. OSHA: An OSHA parmit to required for exeavattona over B'O* daap and demolition or construction of atructuna ever 3 atortoa In height. EXPIRATION: Every parmri toauad by tha BtriMmg OffteW under the pro»toiBna of thto Coda ahaM expire by intfmton and booorna nul and void If tha buMdbig or work authorizad by auch permit to not commenced wrtiwi 368 days from tha data of auch parmit or If tha buUmg or work autheritad by auch parmit to suspended or abandoned at any time attar thf work to commenced for a parted el IWdiyitSacD^ 10e.4.4UrafomBuldnB Coda). APPLICANT'S SN3NATUHE DATE WHITE: FHa YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT* CB970840 FOR 05/21/97 INSPECTOR AREA DESCRIPTION: ELECTRICAL PEDISTALS PLANCK# CB970840 LENNAR HOMES OCC GRP TYPE: ELEC CONSTR. TYPE NEW JOB ADDRESS: 1307 CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS STE: LOT: APPLICANT: LENNAR HOMES PHONE: 7X4 431-0604 CONTRACTOR: PHONE: OWNER: PHONE: REMARKS: n/Jin/43i-o6Q4 INSPECTOR __ SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 39 EL Final Electrical ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS 050697 Final Electrical PA PK OK TO RELEASE/NDS FINAL