HomeMy WebLinkAbout1311 ALGA RD; ; WM970003; PermitI -, % Y ,- BUILD Page 1 of 1 01/20/97 14:43 Job Address: 1311 ALGA RD Permit Type: WATER METER PERMIT Parcel No: Valuation: 0 Occupancy Group: Description: 2 INCH IRRIG METER : MARINERS POINT Appl/ownr : LENNAR CORPORATION 33333 AVENIDA LA CAZA ING PERMIT Permit No: Development No: Project No: Suite: Lot#: Construction Type: Reference#: Status : Applied : Entered BY: Apr/Issue: 619 431-0604 WM970003 A9700186 NEW ISSUED 01/20/97 01/20/97 JM * 1m.00 02 _"" Data T2 * FINAL APPROVAL ! I CLEARANCE I CrrYoF GAwsluD 2075 Lap Ramps Dr., <Irlabd, CA C12009 (619) 438-1161 ""_"" PERMIT APPLICATION " ' 'CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1 161 kOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. 97 - 003 EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit b9.l 0.ISriPtion Lot No. Subdivision N8m.INumb.r Udl No. W No. Total Io1 units Assuror~s PaIcei I Erining Use Propond UH - Description of Work so. FT. #of Stories # 01 Bedrwms X of Bathrooms LprJ- Name Addrus City St.t.RiP TeIe horn # 0 I. 8s owner of the propllrty or my mployees with wager as their sole compensation, will do the work mnd the stNctwe is not Intended or Offered tor sale 1Ssc. 7044, Burinerr end Professions Coda: Tha Contractor's License Law does not apply to an OWMI 01 propny who bulldr or lmprova themon, and Who do- such Work himself or through his own employem, provided that such improvamentr me not Intended or offered for a8Ie. n. however, the building or improvement b soid within one yew of EOmpI~tion, the owner-builder will bv. the burdm of proving that b did not build 01 improw for tb purpo" of "id. I. 8% owmr of the prop.ny, am .XdYIiVdy comrwting with licensed com~cto18 to SWutNct tb p0i.R ISr. 7044, h8In.u and R0Ia8Ion8 Cod.: Tb pursuant to the Contractor's Licenu Lawl. Contractor's Licuua Law does not apply to an owner of property who build8 or im!navu thHM4 and comnN fM 8wh proI8n8 with somrut~l81 llc~nsd 0 I am exempt under Section Bwinur mnd Froferrions Coda lor this reawn: 2. I Ihava I have not1 signed an appliution for a building permit for the proposed work. 1, I personally plan to provide tb major labor and materials lor mnnruction of the proposed prowrty Imprmmmt. 0 YES ON0 3. I haw cantractad with the following person lfirml 10 provide the proposed construction linduda name I addraa I phone number I contranors license numbr): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following perron to coordinate, suwwise and provide the major work lindude name I addresa I phone number I ContraCtors license numberl: 5. I will provide some of the work. but I have contracted (hirod1 the following persons to provide tho work indicated limlude name I address I phom numbar I type of workl: PROPERTY OWNER SICNATURE ~ .. . . ... .. . . . . . ... . . . - ." .. ~~~~~ DATE IIPIDMU6~E€lmxwQR- b th. 8PpliWnt W IutW. building ocNp8nt WuiId 10 8Ubmn 8 bWiMS8 plM, 8CutdV h8UIdOrU lil8tMi8b npi8WUiN fDrm 01 kk MNgemMt nnd pr.V.mion -m undr SdON 26606,26533 0,26634 of th. R..lay-T8W H8UIdW. 8Ubn8Sr A- Act1 0 YES NO b th. appllunt or fY1YT. building OEwpmt mqdd to obUin a prmH tmm the air pollutim untrd dlstdet w air qwllly MNgmwm district1 0 YES 0 NO b th. I8dIitV to b. CW1Nctad within 1,OW f..1 Of th. 0Yt.l boundary 01 8Chwl Site? 0 YES 0 NO IF mv OF THE ANSWUIS ARE MS. A FINAL cmnucm of OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESI THE APPLICANT KAS MET OR IS MMNO THE MRUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AN0 THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. firm that there is e CONtNCtiOn lend LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS ~$~yrppuCANTJ.&Rnflw*N a.::.. ,- :;p? b:,;rgmyp;s ",q:;. '3:;,3?8" 1.'~ 'x: t .,a. , I certify that I haw read the application and mat. that lha above Information is correct end that the information on the plans Is .ccural~. I mgrae to comply with ell City OrdiNnceS and St810 law1 relating to building Conn~ion. I hereby authorize raprM.nt.tives of the CW of Carlabad to emer upon the above mentioned JUDGMENTS. COSTS AN0 EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSERUENCE Of THE ORANTINO OF THIS PERMIT. Propufy for inspanion PYIPOS~S. I ALSO AQREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AN0 KEEP HARMLESS THE CITV OF CARLSEA0 AOAINST AIL UABIUTIES. OSHI: An OSHA permit is requlrad for exuvatim over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of mYEUlr88 oyer 3 storiea in bight. D(PIR4TlON: Evw wcmit iuud by the Building 0ffid.l under tha provisions Of this Code shall ewim by Urnitation and brome null end void it the building or wwk authorized by such wrmit le not commenced within 365 day. tram the date of auch permh or If ths bvilding or work authorized by awh parmit is supended or abandoned 8t any time after the work ia commenced for m period of 180 day. Denim 106.4.4 Uniform Building Codel. AWUCANT'S SIGNATURE 2%" DATE -70'97 WHITE Fils YELLOW Applicam PINK: Finance