HomeMy WebLinkAbout1315 BASSWOOD AVE; ; 87-1; PermitDECLARATIONS OWNEWBUILDER CONTRACTOR LENDER WORKER'S COMPENSATION -1 II 1- 3 F 1 7 2 c F 1 c n fn --I 01 'IC rn m I I T 0 -I 0 D __ fT C N i$ - w 4-' m 0 0 0 0 3 m m w cn b I 1 C 3 0 3 n White - Inspector Green - (1) Finance Yellow - Assessor Pink - Applicant Gold-: Temporary File 0 rn I- -I 0 c z U rn JJ c) n 0 c z 0 0 c n n rn 6 z n C 2 O m n cl C z 0 0 z D cn --I rn n z rn : 5 n 8 01 4 - D c z 7 rn 0 n D c -I 0 rn rn 3 0 cn rn n I 0 rn -I rn I n D n -c I- 2 8 - - G= z m rn rn 3 1; 1; 50 I n 5 5 n s rn n - - rn 1; I z D - r 7- I I rn I"" -- - City Zip Tel. 1 I State kc. City S. Classif. Lic. No. MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT /. /;J 0 * PLAN CHECK FEE 001-810-00-00-8821 0 VALUATION /.? dd4 "I 0 n n - I n I U I n I n: n r- I n n I n ~ 0 0 0 TOTALFEE $ *WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED, ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY 9 White - Applicant Yellow - File Pink - (1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold - Assessor 6-30-88 DATE: 117- 1 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: 1315 Ba,%woad PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: Crea - TI NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT .PERSON : Wtnklay CONTACT TELEPHONE: 729- f 183 APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED hk DATE BY: INSPECTED: INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - COMMENTS: Rev. 1\86 WHITE Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire - - FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION 6-30-88 DATE: 87- 1 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: 1315 Basswood PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: res TI NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT PERSON: Hin kley t CONTACT TELEPHONE: 729-1 483 bld~,engin,plan,fire, h20 ?I DATE J INSPECTED ,,. BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ___ DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ___ DISAPPROVED ~ Costa Real Municipal Water District JUL. o 5 7988 COMMENTS: Fit (6 I 9) 438-3367 Rev. 1/88 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire t, .. c ,,,/ LF6gffldr FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION / 6-30-88 DATE: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 87- 1 PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: 1315 Basswood PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: NUMBER OF UNITS TYPE OF UNIT: res TI 4 CONTACT PERSON: Minkley CONTACT TELEPHONE: 729-1483 bldg, engin, plan, fire, h20 INSPECTED DATE % BY: INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ___ DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: Rev. 1/86 WHITE Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK Planning GOLD: Fire c L 4i -30-88 DATE: 87-t PLAN CHECK NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: 13 1 s ansirrrrrwd PROJECT NO.: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: re9 TI NUMBER OF UNITS: CONTACT PERSON: H in kley 729-3413 CONTACT TELEPHONE: INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED ___ DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED ~ COMMENTS: ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (6 19) 560- X 468 DATE : JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: g7-/ PROJECT ADDRESS: /3/5 &jwrdA~p, PROJECT NAME: SF2 D 0 0 0 n fl APPLICANT SDI- nPLAN CfiCKER UFILE COPY 0 DESIGNER 0 UPS The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified Bdd are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted'herewith is for your':information. ' The p:lans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected . r. plans are submitted for recheck. . .. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. . The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: .. Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: The following notes specifying mandatory requirements should be Incor- porated on plan sheets, or contalned urthin job specification documents. UANDATORY ENERGY COSSERVATION REQUtRSUENTS OF THE srxcv OF CALIFORNIA 41) All hcatin ventilatinq, air condftioning, and water heatinq dksll meet all ol Che rcquirements of the AppliJnCe Ef€lclency Standards and shall be certified by the California (21 . stat, whic:r controls tho supplementary heat on its second stage, shall h.? provided.for herc pumps. (31 Therrostpsa shall be equuad y , which thdduilding OCC~~diiC-CJfl pwy back the thermostac twice in 24 hours. (41 Lquiprnt which requires preventive maintenance to maintain maintenance information. '01 All gas-fired fan type central furnaces, gas-fired fan type Val1 furnaces, and cookinq Jcpli3nCCS shall be equipped with -.ccc. . efficient operation shall be furnished with complete necessary . .. the outside shall be pro- vided with backdraft dampics. sealed wich pressure sensi:ive tape or mastic to prevent air loss and shall bo insulated to con€orm to the provisions of Section 1005 of the UNCI 1982 Edition. (81 A vapcr barrier is required in climate tone 1. 14, and 16. (91 All manufactured windous and slidinq glass doors shall meet the 1972 ANSI air infiltration standards and shall be cer:i- fied and labeled. All swinging doors and windows leading to unconditioned areas 0) All transverse duct, plenum, and fit:ing joints shall be (10) torage and backup tanks Cor solar systems shall be externally wrapped with R-12 insulation (121 1131 (15) . or greacer. The five feet of pipe closest to the vater 'heater, if outside condicioned space, shall be insulated vith a minlaum of R-3. Steam and steam condensation return piping and recirculacing hot water piping outside the building envelope shall be insulated in accordance with T20-1406(dI. Lamps used in Isaainaries for general lighting in kitchens and bath:ooms shall have an efficiency of not less than 25 lunens DCZ Watt. jh ads and fauc acned .in the a ccrtiticd to the Enegqy Commission. 3lasonry and factory-built fireplaces on exterior valls, shall be equipped vith tight-fittinq closeable metal or glass doors cov8rir.g the encire opening of the firebox: a combustion air intake equipped with a readily accessible, operable, and tight Citting damper to draw air from the outside of the building: and a tight €itch9 Clue damper with a readily accessible control. Insulation used shall comply with California Quality Standards. The insulation si ned certificate.... Section 276. IAIP Occupancies). After installing in location in the building a certificate signed by the installer and the builder stating that the installation con€orms vith the requirements of Title 24, Part 2, Chapter 2-51, and chat the materials tnotsllcd confora with the requiromencs of Title 20, Chapter 2, Subchapzer 4, Arricle I. The certificate shall scace the manutaccurer's name and material identification, the installed OR' value, and tin applications ot loose till insulation) tho minimum inscalled weight per square fcot con- sistent with the manufJctUrcr'o Iabalod densicy Cor cha desired 'R' value. - , shall post in a conspicuous a11 openings and penetrations must uch as around windows, LC-; 5r533 Snd%i:es. ESGIL CORPORATION 9330 CHESAPEAKE DR. SUITE 208 SAN DXECO. CA 02133 (610) 5601468 RfNXWl EMTRUCTXON SPECXFXCATXW (Ref: UBC - 1982 Editlm) Thane are minlmm speclflcatlona establldrcd by tha hifon Building Code ud hell not supersede MY more mtrlctlve rpeclficatlau ahom on the approved pl~s. A. ,. .. B. foundation and Warfloor Conerate for footlngs shall hve a minlnr, eonprarslve strqth of 2000 psl at 28 days and shall k 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. composed of 1 part cement, 5 parts sand, 4 parts of 1" UxiU 8iZe rock, and not .ore th~ 7-1R gallom of water per sack of cement. flnish grade. girders. (Sac. 2516(c)). Concrete Slab.. Treated Wood. All foundation plates or sills and sl~pera on e concrete dab, which Is In direct contact with Earth, and ellls rhlch rest on cmcrete or wlonfy foundatlom, ud rood Jolrts closer than 18", or rood girders or supports closer thsn 12" to the ground, ahall,be pressure treated wood or. foundation grade redrood. (Sac. Zl6(c)3). Anchor Bolts end Footlng Sllls. A11 footing sills ahall hue full beefing on the footing wall or dab Vood and Earth Separation. fandEtiOM .upporting rwd &dl extad st least 5" .boVO UlS adfacent (Sac. 2907(;)) Pmvlde 18'' clearance under rood joists and?w clearure under rood Slabs on grade shall be at least 3-IR" thick. (Sac. 2623) ud shall be bolted to &a foundation with I/?* x 10" bolts ewbeded at least 7" Into th8 concrete or reinfoorcad maaonry or 15" into mrein?orced gmuted-&ony. Bolts ahall be spaced not to exceed 6' on center with bolts not over 12" from cut and of ~111s. and a mink of 2 bolts par7 a. uw_ ICllll)llliL-."LLruUd-' .--- - I-- 6. Udarfloor Vents. lhnlerfloor Areas ahall k ventllatd by openinqa in foundation walls. Wall openings ahall have 8 Mt ares of not leas than 1 oq. ft . for each 1% sq. It. of underfloor area. me opaninga ahall be arr.nged to provide emas uantilstioo and ahall be approximately equally distributed along at leaat two opposite sides of the building. h first opening to be located u close M practical to building comrs. Opening dull be covered with Corrosion-Resistant wire meah of l/4" in dimenmion. 7. hderfloor kcass. bhrfloor areas dull be prwided with a c-1 hole not ha than 18" x 24". (Sac. 2516(~)). (Sac. 2516(~) 2). bod Fruinq 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Luber. All joists, rafters, be-, and posts 2" to 4" Wck shall be No. 2 Grade Douglas Flr-Larch or better. All posts nd be- 5" and thicker shall be No. 1 Grade b~#as Flr-Larch or better (me item813 for lumber grading requimnta for atude). hll Bracing. furry exterlor wood atud wall md main croas partition dull be bnced at each end md at least every 25 frat of length with 1 x 4 dlagmal let-In bracw or aquivalmt. (Sec. 2517(g)) Cmas Bridging. Floor joist8 and raftera more than 12" in depth and .puning more than 9 feet dull k supported latsrelly by bridging or full-depth blocklng at fnbrvala not exceeding 8 feet. (Mc. Provide blocklng at ends and at wpports of floor joiab and raftera. (Sec. 2517(d)) Provide aolld blocking at rldge line md st extarlor wdla on truW roofs. Double Jolats. Floor joists ahall be doubled under karlng partitlona runnlng parallel with the joists. ' 2M6(g)). (Sac. 2517(d)(l)). Rafter Purlin brace. to be not leu than 45. to th horlrontal. (See. 2517(h)) Rafter Tlea. jolsts are not 2517(h) 1. .. where raftera nd celllng r rlth tlle roofing. (sac. Pmvlde 1/2" minlnn cleerance between top plate of ht8flOf prtltlom and botta chord of trusses. Pmvlde double top plate with mlnlmn 48" lap apllce. Nailing wlll be In carpliuue with Table 25-0. Tire blocklng ahall be prwided for walls over 10'-0" in height (Sac. 2516(f)), elso for horizontal ahefts 1On-0' o.c., and for concealed draft openings. Stud.. not lese than 2 x 4 at 16" O.C. Stud. for interior nonbsaring prtitlw UY k 2 x 3 at 16 O.C. Larch or better when aupportlng not more than m floor and a roof. (*. 2517(g)) In one - or two-atory bulldlngs, etuds for exterior walls and interlor bearing ~011. hell k Stud8 2" -4" thick ud 2" 4" Wide and not Iy)fe than 3 feet lOnp .hll be "Stud grede" Darg1.1 flr- .. .. .. .. .. . ., ., .. . .. c. Fna ral kterlal !%ecifIcationa 1. brtar nix. hrtar to be wed for construction of uaonry walla, foundation walls, retaining rlla ahall cmaiat of 1 part portland cement, 3-1/2 parta land and 1/4 to 1/2 part hydrated lima or liw putty. 2. Crwt nix. he mix for the grout dull bo 1 prt portland carsot, 2-3 parts aand, 1/10 prt hydrated lime or lima putty, and 2 parta gravel. 3. tbaonry. The masonry units ahall cmply with ASTH Spec. 00, 'Grade N, for holla unit concrete blocks. 4. Reinforcing Steel. Tho reinforcing ateel used in construction of reinforced uaonry or concrete atructurea ahall bo defonsd and canply with ASTH Spec. A615, Grade 60. 5. Structural Steel. Steel uaed as structural ahapea such w widr flange .actions, chmelr, plates, Mortar mix with plaatic cement shall be 1 part plaatic CtmOnt to 3 part8 .and. ' Grout ahell attain a rininn conpreaaiue atrength of 2ooo pa1 at 28 thy.. . -1.a ahall ~aqly with ASTH Spat. AY6. Pip ~01- dull colp~ly with ASTH Spec. AH. 0. Roofino and Weathermoofinq * 1. Wood Siding. All rood aiding ahall be placed over UI approved, watherproofing barrier. (kc.lM7). 2. Flaahing Around Openings. Every opening in any exterior wall dull be flashed with aheet metal or rater proof building paper. 3. Roof Covering. mof having a pitch of leaa thn 4 fnel#a to 12 $nchee. having a pitch of leas than 3 inches to 12 inchea. Hinerd surfaced, built-up roofing ahall not be irutdled on a roof have a pitch of more than 3 inches to 12 inches. (Table 32-61. (Note: kction 32OXg) allom reduced roof slopes undar special application requiraenta.1 Weep Scrd. atud rlls flniahed on the axterior with stucco. (Sec. 1707(b)). vood shingle, spllt .hake, and asphalt shingle roofs ahall not be instalhd on a Tile mob aha11 not be installed on a roof *. . 4. A weep mmd shall be provided at or below the foundation plateline for a11 exterior The acm ahall be placed a minimum of 4 inches -- - .hove Wade. (kc. 4706(e)). E. general 1. Attic keas. Attic are4 shall " " with. furnm in the attic, the opening no!). 2. 3. 4. . ? 5. 6. Shower Encloaures. Shower walls must be finished to a height of 70 Mas above the drain inlet with s nooth, hard, nonabsorbent surface. (!kc. 510). Glazing wad in wdh, doora and -la of rhorar and bathtub enclosures ahall be fully Laapered, ldnated ufaty glees or approued plaatic. (Soc.%406(d). Electric kter Emlowre. Contact your local C.a & Electric eCrap.ny, Customer Extension Plming De- portmnt, for meter location. All wiring must mly with the National Electric Code. Flru-waming Systau. Every &elling unit and wery gueat room in a hotel or lodging house used for sleeping plrpoaea dull be provided with de detectors conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 436. In drelllng unite, detectors dull be -tad on the ceillng or wdl at a point centrally located In the area giving acceaa to noma uaed for sleeping purposes. &ere sleeping rooma are on a upper level, the detector dull be placed at the canter of the ceiling directly above the atairway. All detectors ahdl be louted in accordance with approved rarufacturer'a instructions. &en actuated, the detector . .i mol. Hm a e 8d&d 11 be provided with Smoke detectors aa required .bow. (k. l21O(s)). Exit Facilities. Every sleeping room below the fourth .toy ahall hve at lesat one operable rw or exterior door approved for emergency egress or resew. The units shall be operable from the inaide to provide a full clear opening withart the use of separate tools. All egreas or reawe windows from aleoping rooma ahall have a ainimun net clear opening of 5.7 sqmre feet. The mini- net clear open- ing height dinmaion ahall be 24 inches. inches. here windows are provided ea a WMS of egreas or rascw they ahdl haw a fininhod !ill height not more than 44 inches above the floor. Clam ud Glazing. Federal &ifi- cations amy take precedence. See your glazing contractor. Tho minh net clear opening width diranaion shall be 20 Claaa md glazing ahall aatlafy the provision of Chapter 54. NOTICE hao dninnm apecificationa becow part of the approved plana rhan included with the approval of the cwtruc- Uon pluu. Conatructlon *all comply to thaae appecifications~ahoun on the approved plana. .. - ESGlL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (6 19) 560- I468 $7 DATE : oafu 6/17 6, JURISDICTION: CIA 04 Curls A*J PROJECT ADDRESS: 1315 ~~~wcvd Ar/e/rup_ PLAN CHECK NO: 67- 1 z AI 'j PROJECT NAME: Gfmn? F/ n BFILE COPY n UPS fl DESIGNER J The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted-herewith is 'for your{ information. . The p:lans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected ._ . checked by building department staff. .e ~ -. - plans are submitted for recheck. I .. - ~ The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent $0: 45 &k/ e4 /3/5 a55U-d #w Cbds6d 4fnm 92cwg. 2 Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff - did advise applicant tha the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: w'bnc\~\a HJM bl 01, I, Date contacted: REMARKS : TelephAne #- 7294 1485 ?!h~z-~,.-) .. . n By : Enclosures: .. ESGIL CORPOMTION //z PLAN CEIECR NO: 87-/ S JURISDICTIOH:~~/~A~ DATE 1-6-87 Enclosures: .. PROJECT ADDRESS: /z/S &a Uaa4Rjc TO: SQ-O~ &wee /3/5 &wdJ& flue &i6 LJ, ea 9-0 B Date plans received by 'jurisdiction Date plans received by plan checker /-z-87 Date initial plan check completedll-B7 byt% +119 . FORWARD: PLEASE READ . Plan check is limited to technical requirements 'contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. 'The items ekdad below need clarification, modification or change. to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. The approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. All circled items have A. PLANS 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, Lo a@ 2. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. 0. 0 APPLICANT COPY 0 JURISDICTION COPY 0 PLAN CHECKER COPY 0 FILE COPY 41784 BTM15zA17 R-2 8/11 /86 btm/eh 5. The provisions of Sections 2-5361 and through 2-5365 apply to new apartment houses with four or more habitable stories, and to new hotels. (d) New Construction in Existing Buildings. 1. Installation of additional insulation. Sections 2-5313(b) and (c) Section 2-5313(a) apply to existing buildings of a1 1 occupancies. applies only to existing buildings of occupancy group R. 2. Additions, Alterations (Occupancies A, B, E H and R) A. All additions and alterations shall comply with those portions of Sections 2-5311 to 2-5319 that apply to the building component, equipment, or system being'altered or installed in conjunction with the addition. L B. A1 terations to nonresidential buildings permitted after January 1, 1987, which do not involve a change in occupancy type of a previous- ly conditioned space, shall meet the requirements of Chapter 2-53 for the whole building. This may be demonstrated by demonstrating compliance for the building as a whole or by demonstrating that the requirements specified in the certificate of compliance, required in Section 2-5301(~)6., have been met. C. For buildings permitted before January 1, 1987, alterations which ~ ..) ; . . increase or create conditioned space and all additions shall i .. . ?. . comply with (l), (2), or (3). f i?i Sections 2-5321 through 2-5333 (for buildings of occupancy ! I 1 ,. .A*_ , 1 . i I (1) The lighting system and the building envelope of such addi- a. tions or alterations shall comply with the provisions of A, B (except for offices), E, and H), 2-5342 (for offices), or 2-5362 through 2-5364 (for apartment houses of four or more stories and hotel 5). with four or more stories or hotels, additions and altera- the ceiling insulation, wall insulation, slab perimeter insulation, and suspended exterior floor insulation, glazing U-value and shading requirements of A1 ternative Component Package A for the appropriate climate zone in Tables 2-5321 > +. . through 2-53216 in Section 2-5351(c), and all the require- ments for Sections 2-5352(b) Loose Fill Insulation, 2-5352(d) Installation of Fireplaces, 2-5352(f) Vapor Barriers, and 2-5352( j) Lighting; and shall have a maximum total glazing area of 16 percent of newly conditioned floor area plus the glazing area that was removed from the existing building because of the addition. Space conditioning equipment instal- led in conjunction with an addition or alteration that increases conditioned space shall meet the requirements of 2-5352 (9) Space Conditioning Equipment Si zi ng and 2-5352 (h) Setback Thermostats. Water heating equipment installed in conjunction with an addition or alteration that increases conditioned space shall meet the requirements of 2-5352(1) Water Heating Equipment. 3 l'! r ., ::".Tr '1 .pi.+<*. . 5 'L' 1 . I (2) For R occupancy buildings, other than apartment buildings tions which increase conditioned space shall be subject to ?' 1 3 ? ., 3 978:25 R1 6101Ja4 btmldr TABLE 2-5327. ALTERNATIVE COWONENT PACKAGES )OR EL- 7 d .. , i:-) .- a Package Component A B C D E BUILDING ENVELOPE Insulation Minimums Ceiling Wall "Heavy. Wall s " Li g ht Ma 5s" Wa 1 1 s Slab Floor Perimeter Raise9 Floor Attic Maxlmum U Value Haxlmum Total Area Haxlmm Total Nonsouth Facing Area Hininun South Faclng Area SHADING COEFFICIENT South Facing Glazing West Facing Glazing East Facing Glatlng North Fasing Glazing GLAZING THERMAL MASS INFILTRATION CONTROL co nt I nuous Electrical Outlet Plate Gaskets Air-to-Ai r Heat Exchanaer R 19 R 11 (R 2.5) [R 4.01 NR R 11 NR 1.10 NR 9.6% 6.4% NR NR NR NR REP NR NR NR - SPACE HEATING SYSTEM ~ If Heat Pump I ACOP- . SPACE COOLING SYSTEMS If 6as, Seasanal Efficlency HIN HIN 1 If Air Conditioner. SEER= HIN YES *.. DOMESTIC WATER HEATING TYPE 6as, heat pump, or solar " with any type backup R 30 R 11 (R 2.5) [R 3.51 R7 R 11 NR 0.65 14% NIA NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR ' NR HIN HIN HIN YES R 19 R 11 (R 2.5) [R 3.51 NR R 11 NR 1.10 14% NIA NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MIN #IN HIN Solar wl 6as Backup R 30 RM R 11 R 11 NIA MI A NIA RIA NR NIA NIA R 19 REP REO 0.65 0.65 2 0% 202 NI A MIA NR NR NR NR NR 0.36 NR NR NR NR 25% 5% NR NR NR NR NR NR MIN nxN 8.0 a. o 2.5 2.5 YES YES " .- ~ _-.. ..., LEGEND: NR - Not Required; N/A = Not Appllcable; REP - Required; ACOP = Adjusted . i'. -_ I. :- Coefficient of Performance; MIN = mininun efftciencies required by kction 2-5306. -, I. .* ., ..a ... 2. 3. The value In parentheses is the minimun R-value for the entire wall assembly if the wall weight exceeds 40 pounds per square foot. The value In brackets is the minimum R-value for the entire assembly if the heat capacity of the wall meets or exceeds the result of mu1 tiplylng the bracketed dnimun R-value by 0.65. The Insulation must be integral with or installed on the outside of the exterfor mass. The inslde surface of the thermal mass. including plaster or gypsun board In direct contact with the masonry wall, shall be exposed to the room air. also be used to meet the above thermal mass requirement. Where an attic is required, It must be installed under not less than 75 percent of the roof that is over any conditloned space. To calculate the mount of thermal mass required for Package A (an option with passive solar design), use the method set forth in Section 2-5351(~)4. Package 0 (an option for bulldings with concrete slab floors) requires 25 percent of the floor area directly exposed to the conditfoned space. To determine the floor area, count only the flrst floor in condltioned areas. Uncarpeted (e.g., linoleun or tiled) first floor areas. such as entry ways, kitchens, bathrooms, and conditioned utllity rooms or closets may all be counted towards this requirement. Package E (an option for bulldlngs with raised floors) requlres thermal ma3s with an area exposed to the conditioned space equal to the percentage of the ground floor area specified in the Table. material used must have a performance equivalent to masonry two inches thick. with a volunetrlc heat capacity of 28 Btu per cubic foot per degree Fahrenheit per hour, a thermal conductivlty of 1 Btu per foot per degree Fahrenheit per Mur. and a surface area directly exposed to the room air of the required percentage of the ground floor. If the buildlng permit Is applled for on or after August 1. 1983, an auto- matic setback thermostat must be installed in conjunctlon with a heat pump. The exterior wall used to meet the R-value in parentheses cannot To qualify for themal mass. the 4. S5351 147. - .. . - ..-e- . . , .. ...... ........ . .. .. The follovlng notes specifying mandJtory requirements should be incor- porated on plan sheecs, or contained within job specillcation documents. MANOATORY ENERGY COSSERVATION REQUIREMENTS rn f 18) All heating, ventilatinq, air condltloning, and water hoatinq equipment shall meet all ol the roquirements OC the Applianca EfCicLency Standards and shall be certified by the California Energy Commission. A tuo stago therWSEJC. vhic:i controls tho supplcmntar) heat on its second stage. shall b.? provided-tor heat pumps. Thermscats shall bo equipped uith an automatic setback. which the building occupant can prorJram to automatically set back the thermostat twice in 24 hours. Equipment which requires preventive maintenancc to maintain efticienc operation shall be furnished vith complete nocessary maintenance information. All gas-tired fan type central furnaces, gas-fired tan :ype will furnaces. and cooking aepliances shall be equi2ped wits an intermittent ignition device. All Can systems exhausting air to che outside Shall be pro- vided with backdraft dampers. All transverse duct, plenur, aad fit:ing joints shall Se sealed with pressure sensitive tape or mastic to prevent air loss and shall be insulated to conform to the provisions of Section 1005 of the UNCI 1982 Edition. A vapcr barrier is required in climate tone 1, 14, and 16. All manufactured windous and slidinq glass doors shall meet the 1972 ANSI air infilttation standards and shall be certi- Lied and labeled. All swinging doors and windows leading to unconditioned areas shall be fully weather-stripped. S:orage klpe water heaters and storage and backup tanks for solar systems shall be externally wrapped with R-12 insulacion or greater. The five feet of pipe closest to the water'heater, if outside ConCitioned space, shall be insulated with a minimm of R-3. Steam and steam condensation return piping and recirculating hot water piping outsido the building envelope shall be insulated in accordance wi:h T20-1406(d). Lamps used in lurinaries for general lighting in kitchens and bath:ooms shall have an efficiency of not less than 25 luaens par watt. Shwerheads and faucets 'shall be equipped with flov restrictors as outlined.in the appliance efficiency standards and shall be certified to the Energy Conmission. Xasonry and factory-builc fireplaces on exterior walls, shall be equipped vith right-fitting closeable metal or glass doors covering the entire opening of the firebox; a combustion air intake equipped vith a readily accessible, operable, and tight fitting damper to draw air from the outside of the building: and a tight fitting flue damper with a readily accessible control. Lnsulation used shall comply vith California Quality Standards. The insulation installer shall port a si ned certificate.... Section 276. Lnsilation Certifreate (A17 Occupancies). After installing insulacion, the installer shall post in a conspicuous location in the building a certfficate signed by the installer and the builder stating that the installation conforms with the requirements of Title 24, Part 2. Chapter 2-53, and that the materials installed confora with the requirements of Title 20. Chapter 2, SubchJp'.er 4, Article 3. The certificate shall state the manufactrcer's name and material Identification, the installed 'R" value, and (In applications oC loose fill insulation) the minimum insta!led weight per square Lcot con- siacent vith the manufacturer D labalod density for the dcsired 'R' value. For infiltration control a11 openings and penetrations must be caulked and sea!ed, scch as arouad windows, at sole places. and openings Cor utilit-; pipor and wires. Perm ECH 12/11/85 . I .? -: . .. ESGIL CORPORATION 0320 CHESAPEAKE OR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 02123 (610) 5601468 nINIM CMTRlltTloN !PCCITICATIW (Ref: LBE - 1982 Edition) Thew are rlnilu specifications establlahed by the Uniform Building Code ud shall not uperaede my Iore reatrictlw rpeclficatlona ahown on the approved pluia. A. , e. foundation ud Wetfloor Concrete for footinas shall have a ~h-11- corpreealw strength of ZOO0 pal at 28 days ud hall be 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. canpoaed of 1 part cement, 3 parts und, 4 parte Of 1' UXlU size rock, and not Iore than 7-1B gmllom of water per rack of cement. W and Earth Separation., foundations supporting rood shall extend at least 5" above the adjacent flniah grade. (Sec. 2907(a)) Provide 18" clearance wdet rood joists and 12" clearance under rood girdars. (Set. 2516(~)). Concrete %&a. Slabs on grade shall be at lmat Y-l/Z" thick. Treated W. All foundation plater or rills d aleopere on a concrete slab, which ia in direct contact with earth, end eille rhich mat on concrete or Maonry fand.tioM, ud wod jolata closer thon le", or rood girders or supports closer than 12" to the ground, hd1,be pressure treated wod or' foundation grade redwmd. (Sec. Zl6(c)3). Anchor Bolta nd Footing Sills. All footing ail18 ohall have full bearing on the footing rsll or .lab nd shall be bolted to the foundation with 1/2" x 10' bolts enhded st least 7" into the concrete or reinforced masonry or 15" into unrainfoorced grouted masonry. Bolts .hall be wed not to exceed 6' m center rlth bolts not over 12" from cut end of rills, nd a .ininn of 2 bolts per piece. (Sec. 2907(e)). Undsrfloor Vents. Lfnderfloor Areas ahall be ventilated by openings in foundation rdls. Wall openinga dull have not area of not less than 1 aq. ft. for each 150 aq. ft. of underfloor area. The openings mho11 be arranged to provide cm ventilation ad shall be epproxiutely equally distributed along at haet tro opposite sides of tho building. The first opening to be located as cloae as practical to building corners. Opening .h.ll be covered rib Corrosion-Resistant wire mesh of 1/4" in df.enaion. Underfloor Access. Uderfloor areas Wl b. prouided dth crawl hole not lean than 18" x 24". (Sac. 2625) (Set. 2516k)). (!kc. 2516k) 2). 1. 2. 3. be 5. 6. 7. 1. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. or better. Ai1 poab and bema 5" d thicker .hall be No. 1 Grade Douglas Fir-larch ir better (we item813 for lumbar grading requirements for studs). H11 Bracing. Every exterior rood stud rsll and mfn cmaa partition dull be braced at each end d at least wary 25 fwt of length with 1 x 4 diagonal let-in braces or equivalent. (Sec. 2517(g)) Cross Bridging. Floor joists d nften mm than 12" in depth nd spwning more th.n 8 feet 3nll k aupprted laterally by bridging of full-depth blocking et interuale not exceeding 8 feet. (Sgc. Provide blocking at enda d at arpporte of floor joists d mftera. Provide solid blocking at rldga line nd at exterior wdh on truawd roofs. Double Joists. floor Joiatr shall k doubled undar bearing partitima running parallel rlth tho Jolats. * 2506(g)). (kc. 2517(d)) (Sac. 2517(d)O)). Rafter Purlin bracea to be mt baa thm 45. to th horizontal. Rafter Ties. Joists are not parallel. Rafter ties ahdl be not =re than 24' on center with tile roofing. (Sac. 2S17(h)). Provide l/Zn rlniun clearance between top plate of interior partitiarm ud bottom chord of truaws. Provide double top plate with ainiu 48" lap aplite. Ndllng rill be in compliance with Tabla 25-0. fire blocking shall be provided for walh over 10'4" in height (kc. 2516(f)). a180 for horizontal 3ufta 10'4' o.c., and for Emcealed draft openings. Stud.. not less than 2 x 4 at 16" O.C. Stude for interior nmbearing partitiom MY be 2 x S at 16 O.C. Larch or better .hen .upparting not more than on floor and a roof. An A.1.T.C. Certificate of Codormmce-for glwd IwiMted .ood members shell be given to the Build- ing Innpector prior to erection. (Sac. 2517(h)) Rafter ties ahall be apaced not more th.n 4 feet on canter where raftera ud ceiling .. (sac. 2517(g)) In om - or two-story bulldingo, etuds for exterior wm11a ud interior bearing walle .hall k Sbd8 2" -4' thick Md 2' - 4'' Wide ad not Mfe th.n feet 1- 8hdl be %tud grads" Doug1.a fir- _. .. .. .. .. I :I .. .. .. .. e., '4 E. 0. E. mral kterlal !hecifications 1. tbrtar nix. krtnr to be umed for mnatrvctlm of vronry ralla, fandetion ralla, retaining walls Jull consist of 1 part portlmnd cement, 1-1/2 prts amd ud 1/4 to 1/2 part hydrated Ilre or lia putty. 2. Grout MIX. The mix for the grout Irh.11 be 1 port portland cement, 2-3 parts sand, 1/10 part hydrated krtar mix with plastic cement shall be 1 port plastic cnsnt to 5 parts ad. line or line putty, ud 2 parts gravel. at 28 day.. Grout dull attain a rinlnn conpressiva strength of 2000 pal S. Haaonry. The maonry units shsll colpply rith ASTH Spec. tP0, 'Crade N, for hollow unit concrete block#. 4. Reinforcing Steel. The reinforclng ateel used in construction of reinforced uaonry or concrate 5. Structural Steel. Steel uaed aa structural shape8 auch M widr fl.npe aectiona, cbnnelm, platea, atructurea dull be deformed and coaply with ASTH Spec. MlS, Grade 40. ' urph shall comply rlth ASTfl Spec. AX. Pip colraru rh.11 corply with ASTfl Spac. A53. Rwfina and Ueathermoofi I. vood Siding. All modML,idlng ahall be placed over M approved, weatherproofing barrier. (Sic.1707). 2. Showr trlo.ums. Shower wa1L muat be finished to s bight of 70 inchen above the drain inlet dth uad in dla, doors and parkla of rhorar 3. Electric hter Enclowre. Contact your local Cu & Electric bnpvly, Customer Extension Plwniq De- 4. rim-nrning Syateas. Every rtvelling unit and every guest room in a hotel or lodging harae used for In 0 rooth, hrd, nocubaorbent aurfaco. ud bathtub mclowma ahall be fully tempered, lufrutd ufety 91080 or approved plastic. (Sac.W06(d). partsent, for mter laation. All wiring mt col?ply with the National Eledtric code. aleaping pucpsea ahall be provided dth amok8 Itectofa conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 43-6. dralling dta, detector8 dull be munted on tha ceiling or wall at point centrally located in the area giving sma to rams uaed for sleeping purpoaea. Hare sleeping rom are on a upper leval, . tho Qtector rh.11 be placed at the center of tha ceiling directly above the rtairvay. All detectors ahall be located in Kcordance with approved merufactUf.r'a htructiona. uhcn actuated, tho detector shall provide n alarm in the dralling unit or peat ma. ahall receive tham par fm an writchsd..wrca. Ha dteratima, cepoira or additions have a . valw of $loo0 or more occur or if aleeping rooms are .ddbd to a belling, The entire duelling ahall be provided with Smoke detectors as required above. (Sac. 121O(a)). 1. Exit Facilitiea. Every aleeping ma below the fourth atory rh.11 heve at least me operable rir)dor . or exterior door opproved for arergency egress or macue. The units shall be operable from the imlde to provide a full clear opening rithout the we of separate toola. sleeping mau dull have a miniua net clear opening of 5.7 aqmn feet. The dniun tmt clear open- ing height dimension shall be 24 inches. inchas. Here windows are provided aa a llauu of eggreno or rescue they dull have a finidtad !ill height not more than 44 Inches above the floor. 6. Claas ud Clazing. Clasa and glaring ahall aatlafy tha provision of Chapter 59. Fdral &ifi- cationa MY take precedence. Sae your glaring contractor. (kc. 510). . .1 , In new construction, smoke detectors ' All egreas or rescue winders from -, minimum rut clear opening ridth dimion dull be 20 NOTICE haa lliiniun apecificati- bacone part of the approved plvu when included rith the approval of tha cwtruc- tion @ma. Construction ahdl comply to these apecifications~ohoun on tha approved plans. - Dater /+--87 A ir Conditioning Commercial . Residential Res. or Corn. Fire Sprinklers ,Prepared by I 1 @ @ @ I Jurisdiction . cz?//5b4 J VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE 0 Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. g7 - / BUILDING ADDRFSS /3/5 &45-c/ APPLICANT/CONTACT PHONE NO. BUILDSNG OCCUPANCY R-3 DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION J-/J CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDSNG PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER Total Value I I /333 4 -- ~~ ~ Fee Adjusted To Reflect OEnergy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) OHandicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) Building Permit Fee $ s /d. 50 Plan Check Fee $ $ 67.92 COMMENTS; .. , 8/4/82 PLANNING -Ah ZONE: , TYPE OF PROJECT AND USE ENCIN SCHOOL DISTRICT: SAN DIEGUITO - SETBACKS: FRONT UIC- SIDE REAR / L Q 3 R DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS: 41, p. REDEVELOPMENT PERMIT REQUI~ED: J /k r-. LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED: COASTAL PERMIT REQUIR -- - ADDITIONAL COM d .- L a 3 > a a ra .- n @! m .. .- ENGINEERING LEGAL REQUIREMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? APN CHECKED? \k+- RIGHT-OF-WAY: I -$=---- EASEMENTS:- Dcz rc5 PERMITS REQUIRED GRADING: F\/ fib IU . GRADING COMPLETION CERTIFIED: - W I /-27-%7 DPDZ : DPD6 : 1 0/24/ APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 1986 STAFF REPORT 5 ,; DATE: DECEMBER 17, 1986 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT - Request for a conditional use a 226 square foot addition to an existing home for use as a "Granny Flat", located at 1315 Basswood Avenue. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 2628 APPROVING CUP-298 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. XI. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to construct a 226 square foot addition to an existing single family residential dwelling unit for purposes of creating a "Granny Flat". As shown on Exhibit "A", this proposed addition would be located within a sideyard, attached to the rear of a recreation room, which is part of the existing residence. The recreation room (294 square feet) would be converted to a living/sleeping studio. The proposed addition would include a kitchen (130 square feet) and bathroom (96 square feet). The proposed addition will be composed of wood shingle siding and asphalt roof shingles which are compatible with the light stucco and asphalt roof shingle materials of the existing residence. 111. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Can the four findings, required for the granting of a condition use permit, be made, which are as follows: a) That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone which the proposed use is to be located: As proposed, the project appears to conform with the requirements of Subsection 21.42.010(11)(A) (Second Dwelling Units) of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance as discussed below. (1) The applicant has indicated that the existing residence will be occupied by the applicant with the "Granny Flat" being occupied by parents (60 years or older) or rented to a senior citizen. (2) The size of the existing lot is 10,450 square feet, thereby complying with the minimum 7500 square foot lot requirement. (3) The second unit addition will add no more than 226 square feet, thereby complying with the maximum allowable increase in floor area to the main unit of 350 square feet. (4) As discussed earlier, the architecture of the second unit will be compatible with the existing residence. (5) An additional offstreet, paved parking space will be provided for the second unit. This space will be located within the yard along Basswood Avenue. (6) Adequate sewer and water facilities and capacity are available for the second unit. (7) The "Granny Flat", as proposed, complies with all of the development standards of the R-1 Zone. (8) The second unit will be attached at one wall to the existing residence. Overall, since staff can make the four findings required to grant a conditional use permit and since the project as proposed conforms with Subsection 21.42.010(11)(A) of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance, staff recommends approval of CUP-298. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this project qualifies as a categorial exemption under Subsection 15301(e) of the California Environmental Quality Act. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2628 2. Location Map 3. Vicinity Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Disclosure Form 6. Reduced Exhibits 7. Exhibit "A" dated September 12, 1986 CD : dm 11/4/86 -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Finding8 : 1) The proposed use is necessary and desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in this zone because there is a need for affordable rental housing for senior citizens in close proximity to downtown Car lsbad. 2) The subject property is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use because, the project and its required parking, open space and other amenities can be provided onsite without any reduction in the required 9 10 l1 12 13 15 l6 17 l8 19 setbacks. 3) All of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing and permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained. 4) The street system serving the subject property is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use, because this project should generate relatively little traffic, and the streets adjacent to the project are fully improved. 5) The proposed project satisfies an identified citywide overall need to provide affordable housing opportunities for senior citizens. 6) The project conforms with the requirements of Subsection 21.42.010(11)(A)(second dwelling units) of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance. 7) The project is consistent with all City public facility pol- icies and ordinances since: I 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 //// //// a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, ensured building permits will not be issued for the project unless the City Engineer determines that sewer service is available, and building cannot occur within the project unless sewer, service remains available, and the Planning Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. 2811 PC RES0 NO. 2628 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 This project is also approved under the express condition that .the applicant pay the public facilities fee adopted by the city council on April 22, 1986 and any development fees established by the City Council pursuant to Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code or other ordinance adopted to implement a growth management system or facilities and improvement plan and to fulfill the subdivider's agreement to pay the public facilitie ee dated September 11, 1986, and the agreement to pay the Growth Management Fee dated copies of which are on file with the City Clerk and l g83 ar incorporated by this reference. If the September 11, fees are not paid this application will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall be void. c"' 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at time of building permit issuance. Water shall be provided to this project pursuant to the Water Service agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Costa Real Water District, dated May 25, 1983. The applicant shall prepare a 24" x 36" reproducible mylar of the final site plan incorporating the conditions contained herein. Said site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of building permits. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. This conditional use permit is granted for a period of five years. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed by the Planning Director on a yearly basis to determine if all conditions of this permit have been met and that the use does not have a significant detrimental impact on surrounding properties or the public health and welfare. If the Planning Director determines that the use has such significant adverse impacts, the Planning Director shall recommend that the Planning Commission, after providing the permittee the opportunity to be heard, add additional conditions to mitigate the significant adverse impacts. This permit may be revoked at any time after a public hearing, if it is found that the use has a significant detrimental affect on surrounding land uses and the public's health and welfare, or the conditions imposed herein have not been met. This permit may be extended for a reasonable period of time not to exceed five years upon written application of the permittee made not less than 90 days prior eo the expiration date. In granting such extension, the Planning Commission shall find that no substantial PC RES0 NO. 2628 -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2a 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) The grading for this project is defined as "regular grading" by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The developer shall submit a grading plan for approval which shall include all required drainage structures and any re- quired erosion control measures. The developer shall also submit soils, geologic Or compaction reports if required and shall comply with all provisions of Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.. Additional drainage easements and drainage structures shall be provided or installed as may be required by the city Engineer. Unless a standard variance has been issued, no variance from City Standards is authorized by virtue of approval of this site plan. The developer shall enter into lien contract for the future improvement of a half street width of Basswood Avenue and Adams Avenue along the project frontage prior to issuance of any grading or building permit for this project. The developer shall comply with all the rules, regulations and design requirements of the respective sewer and water agencies regarding services to the project. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at regular meeting Of the Planning commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 17th day of December, 1986, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CLARENCE SCBLEHUBER, Chairman CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: MICHAEL J. ROLZMILLER PLANNING DIRECTOR PC RES0 NO. 2628 -6- VICINITY MAP I 4 HINKLEY I CUP-298 APPLICANT HOMER AND JOANNE H INKLEY me (individual, partnership, joint Venture, corpration, syndication) 1315 BAS.5~000 AVE. CARLSBAO, CA. 92008 Businos8 Address 3 Telephono Numbor Name .. - Busbars Address .. Telephone Number MEMBERS: Name *(individual, partner, joint. Ham0 Addr8ss venture, corporation, syndication) B;tsiness Address Telephone Nrnbar Telephone Sumbar 3isiness Address Ttie?hor,e N&U Teleptbona Ziunber (Attach more shoots if necessary) Ifire doclast ur.der penalty Of perjury that ths inforreation contained in this dis- closure is t-r~h and correct and that it will remain true and correct and nay be' relied upon as being true and correct until aaended. BY Agent, Omer, Parfntr i n L I t F-- 3: I .i .. 1. t 3: I '4i 4-. - * -*-.- -- L TO FILE DATE 1/7/87 GRANNY FLAT AT 1315 BASSWOOD THEY ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PAY INCREASED FEES PER GROWTH MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE..... THEY ARE REQUIRED TO PAY PFF...... THIS IS A CUP FOR 228 SQUARE FEET IN AN OLDER ESTABLISHED SECTION OF CARLSBAD. CHRIS DE CERBO REPLY ON THIS SHEET FROM A. M. P. M. WlLMER BERYICZ&UL STANDARD INTER DEPT. MEMO FORM 11 -24-PO WRITE IT- DON'T SAY IT! ,- Date 19 To 0 Reply Wanted From ONo Reply Necessary Tony: Do we need soils report for 300 ft addn at 1315 Basswood? Carter 1/9 Hi n kl ey 5820920 SCHOOL FEE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION (Government Code Section 53080(b)) This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the School District and returned to the Building Department of the City of Carlsbad. PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by the applicant) Project Address: /3/./3&&++& & Project Applicant: 7aAuu s w, 4,u Y,L CY / Commercial - Industrial Project Type: I/Residential/No. of Dwellings - Phased Project : Yes No. No. Building Permits are forentire project - Yes - Square feet of covered or enclosed space Plan check or Building Permit No. B7-1 Official checking form4 Date /-+/f-f7 22'6 0 INFORMATI~VERIFICATION (To be completed by the project applicant) L I, declare under penalty of perjury under of California th& I am the project applicant for the project the Laws listed a&ve and that the foregoin California. formation is true and correct Executed this 2L day of . 1982, at &&&L-- FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the School District) J Applicant has complied with fee requirement under Government Code 53080. Project is subject to an existing fee agreement. Project exempt from Government Code 53080. Final Map approval and construction started before September 1, 1986. (other school fees paid) Other - School District Official: /o& SIGNATURE DATE .ea+ ObIO PHONE NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I personally Plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of -* the proposed PtOoerty improvement (yes or no) I (hrve/have not) $!,, stgned I have contracted wlth the followlng perron Address NIlm r//R city r plan to provide portions of the work, but coordfnrtc, supervfsr and provide the major /1/ Nam Address c1 ty / the'appl lcatlon for a buf ldfng ped t (finn) to provide the proposed constrl Phone Contractors L1 cense No. I have hired the following person to work. Phone Contractors Ll crnte No . I will provide soma of the work but I h8ve contracted (htred) the followlng perso to provide the work Indlcated: Name Address Phone Type of Wort I If I # S 1 gnad: Proocrty Owner Oa ta : / 29 / EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BE INSTRUCTED TO OBTAIN A CITY OF CARLSBAO BUSINESS LICENSE AN0 FURNISH A CERTIFICATE OF WORW'S COMPENSATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Initials / S igna ture i