HomeMy WebLinkAbout1317 Pine Ave; ; CBR2017-1624; Permit>· Print Date: 03/11/2019 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1317 Pine Ave BLDG-Residential 2050523000 $ 156,434.42 1 Residential Permit Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Lot#: Reference#: Construction Type Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Ccityof Carlsbad Permit No: CBR2017-1624 Status: Applied: Issued: Permit Fina led: Inspector: Final Inspection: Approved -Ready to Is 07/18/2017 Description: ANGEL: ADD 550 SF GARAGE TO EXISTING HOBBY ROOM, ADD 754 SF ADU OVER GARAGE & 414 SF DECK Applicant: Owner: TODD ANGEL MICHAEL TROSTRUD 2226 Cameo Rd Carlsbad, CA 92008-2758 760-707-3726 2210 5 Peninsula Dr DAYTONA BEACH, FL 32118 FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) ELECTRICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION MECHANICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL PLUMBING BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL PUBLIC FACILITIES FEES -outside CFD SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-RESIDENTIAL SWPPP INSPECTION FEE TIER 1-Medium BLDG SWPPP PLAN REVIEW FEE TIER 1 -MEDIUM Total Fees: $ 7,717.73 Total Payments To Date : $ 579.84 Balance Due: AMOUNT $828.35 $579.84 $66.00 $166.00 $92.00 $182.00 $5,475.20 $7.00 $20.34 $246.00 $55.00 $7,137.89 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees /exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes,, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2700 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov T"'E FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRJOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: QPLANNING QENGINEERIHG Osuu.01NG □FIRE QHEALTH QHAZMATIAPCD ,, ' -e_ City of Bulldlng Permit Appllcatlon Plan Check No. ~6 Q. -U,t 1 -l<o 1635 Faraday Ave .. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Est. Value 151.., LJJc./ Carlsbad Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. Deposit 12-ll email: building@ca~sbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov Dete'7-f9,-17 ISWPPP JOIADIIRESS -I3I5PlneAve ,-.. 205 . 052 . 30 . 00 en~ 1Co'111 r-· 1'"''"""1'···3-• I I .. -•·" . I o& """"' I 3 = DESCRIPTION .,.. WORK: Include lllflf.,. rNt ... -This project is expanding the footprint of an existing detached Garage/hobby building and adding a 2nd story over the new added footprint (754 sq ft.) with an upper level deck (414 sq. ft) and new garage (550 sq ft.). Second dwelling unit over garage . .. , I.ISi I i-·~-,.,, ,o ..... ""'t"'.-, IR11.n.,,,.,11. i lAIRCON0111vNlm;, ,Fl .. ._ ... , ,.INl<Lc.R:::, ! YES[], N<O vesO•oD vesONOO ! APPLICANT NAME Michael Trostrud --""""'-· Todd Angel ADDRESS AOORfss 2226 Cameo Rd 2210 S Peninsula Dr c,n STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA 92008 Davtona Beach FL 32118 PHONE IFAX PHONE I"' 760-707-3726 760-224-8822 EM.All EMAIL m.trostrud@hobnail.com tangel@!pacex1.com --Michael Trostrud ---' --·-·" TBA [ADD~ESS AO!>RESS I See Above firy STATE ZIP cm-STAT£ ZIP PHONE IFA" PHONE IFAX £MAIL EMAIL ISfATE LIC,, SlATt: UC.# !"ASS ref iv 8US. UC.II tSec. 7031,5 Busme$S and Professions Code: Atty City Of CO!,!nty which reQulres a permit to COf'lStrUCt, alter, improve, demolish or reoa1, any structure, p,lor to its lssvance, also r!tQIJlres the appl,unt for sucn permit to file a il!ilned statement that he ls licensed pursuant to the ~ns of the Contractor's Ucente Law !Chapter 9, commending with Sectk>n 7000 of OMsion 3 of the Bl1s,uiess and Professions Code! or lhat h(I i$ exempt theretrom, ano the t»lsis for the alleged ~ption. Any violation of SectlOn 7031.5 by any appOeanflor a permit subjects the apl)tiCant to a CMI pen aft)' of not fTlOfe than five ttundfed dollars ($5001). WORKERS COMPENSATION Worlla,e' Cofflpenlllkwl Declltl!tion: I herellydm~penalyofp«juryone olltle fo1fowinO, dtdntians: B I 11w. Ind 'Mil l'llliflUlln • c:enlfica of consent IO HIJ.iMvtt for 'IIOtk:eni' ~ t11 provided by~ 3700 of the Labct Code, lor fie performQnce of the work for wtich thi$ permit is islue<I I haw and wlll rNlntlirl W01111n' COl'flDlftlllon. as ntQUired by Section 3700 of !he Labor Code. lorlhe pelfamwme of tie WOik ro, whk;h Ull:I aerm11 i&islued. My workers' compensation ln$uianoe carrier and policy number are: ln9utanceCo. _________________ Pclicyllo. ___________ Expitationoate _______ _ ~sed!Orl need not be competed if the pennM iS tor one hundfed dollats ($100) «lea. U c.rtiflclll of ea.,ption: I cetUfy Iha! " lhe perlcwmance of hi work-for whictl this pennil is issued, I thlll not .,_ any petSOf'l in lll'IY mannet so as to beaxne subject ICI lhe Wolken' Compensation Laws of CaMornia WARNING: f ...... ID HCU,.~· CChl'lj»Wi..dion vllllfflgt It unlalWful. w1 lhailt subject 1ft -,toyt, to crimin,t .,.,.._ ll'ld civil flntS up to°'" hundred lhousM'ld doUn (&100,000), In addition to the cost of c:~, danlQIS as pKMdtd fot In Stc:tkKI 370$ oftht Ub<H' COM, ininstaed all:ofMy's fNt, ,eS° CONTRACTOR-ruoE DATE I hnby affirm lhaf I am~ tn:wn Coofractot's l.QWS8 Law /or Ult folbwin9 INIOfl: O I, as owner of Ille property or my~ with wages as lhelrsotecompenMllloo, will dothe WOI"-and lht alrudwt II not intended oroffenld fur Nie !Sec:, 7044, Bu&inest and Professions Code: The Contrador'e ucense Law does not apply to ao owner of property who b!Jilds o, improves thereon, and who does such WOtt. hfmlelf Ot ttwough tis own employee&, provloed that such imprcwements ate no1 intl!nded or offered for sa1a 11. however, the buiding or improvement is sold wilhirl one yearol oomplttion, lhe owner-bl.liklerwlll have !ht bufdetl ol ,:¥Ovng that he l.lid oot bulktor improve lot lhe purpooe of sale). @ ! 8i OW06! of !he property, am 1n.cluswety tonVaCling with licensed conlnlWl to OOMttutt !ht pr0j8Ct (Sec, 7044, 8U9loe:sl and Pr<M&icns Code: The Contraciot'e License law does nol appty to an owner of pmpeny who buitdS or Improves !hereon. aoo con1racts for sudl ptqectS wlth oonlnlclor(ll) licensed punuant to U. Contractor's License Law). 0 ! am e•ampt vnoer Seciion ---·--·•-•M• .~Business ano Prol'assions Code for lhiS reason: , 1 persooaly plan to prtwide the map labor and materials: tor construction of lhe proposed property impm9menl [JYes Do 2. l {have I have l'IDt} signed an applicatiOI, !or a buildwlg permit for tie proposed '#Ont. 3 l have conlrlded wllh !he following person (ftrm) to pro,ide lhe pnpoaed con.struction (include name addrffl f plme I (Xlfllractors' license nuniJefJ 4 I plan to prc¥i<le portioos oflht work. but I have hired !he~ person to coordinate, sopeMIO and p,Olllde lht majof"wont (inchxte name I 9ddresa I phone I contractots' lia:nse number) 5. ! wilt provid(! scwne (i lhe WO!lt, but l NVe:eonhclecl {hnd) lhe lollowinQ persons to pr<Mdelht work w'ldlcakld {i'lclidt ntma/ address I phone/ type of WM.): .... "1u,.1 t I : I (OMPL.ETE THI$ .SECTION FOR NON RESlOENTlAL BUllOIN:G PERMITS ONLY , Ii lhe applicenl or future buikfltlg occupen1 required lo submit a Miness Jia'!, tlalt8ly hazardous matetlals regialralM bm or risk management and JQYenlion program undlr Sectiolls 25505. 25533 or 25534 of the Presley•Tflllrl6fHazardousSubsianceAcoounlAct? OYes □No is !he app'icanl ix-lulure boilding occupant rtlqtlH'8d lo obtain a r;iermil tom lhe ail' po1uoon conlrol <flP'id or ar qua(fty ~ diA'ict? □ Yes □ No I$ the facility IO be constructed within 1,000 feet of lhe OUleJ bounda,y of a school Nie? □ Yes O No If ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAl CERTFICATE OF OCCiFANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLSSS THE APPUCAffl' HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE Of EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm !hat !here" a construdion lending agency forlhe perfoonance of !he -lllis pennit • issued (Sec. 3097 Q}C1•I Code). ,...., .... ,,_ ....... _ ... _...,.,. __ .............. _,..,. ___ ,_ .. ......, ..... co, ............ ---. ........... -. •---olllaCilyol~u--lla--""""1Yilrrllljlldlon-lALSOAGRE£T0SAVEINOEMNFYNIDl<EEPHAAMLESS1l£CITYOfCARlSBAO AGANST All~. JOOGMENTS, COSTS Nill EXPENSES VffCli MAY IN/>NfWAY ~NlAINST IW>Cll'YINOO>ISE<llBICE Of 1l£ GRANTING Of 1llS PERMIT. 0SHA:MOSHA-•-ilr--51Ydeep,nd_or.,,.._,ofRIJCUIIIMt3-•~ EXPWlATION,&e,y,,..,._bytieM!ingOlllcial"1do'tie..-,..orlioCCdenle,pieby_,andbec•mt1lJl,nd,oidli1a bl.tiilorm-byw-•001"""""""''"'11n >80dalS 1oo111aoa1eo1,.,;,,,..,.,.1tiebuldill""""-wpemliil or-•anr""'""'"'""""""""""""ilr -ol180da)S(Sedion 106.<.4lkibmM!ingCCdeJ. I o DAT&