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1324 CYNTHIA LN; ; 77-49; Permit
MODEL NO BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicant to comaletenumbered spaces only PrlOR© 729-1181 Perm it No NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL PLUMB ING HEATING VENTl LATING OR Al R CON DITIONING THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISION'S OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION SIGNATURE OF OWNERllF OWNER BUILDER) /f3//77 / (DVYE) Special Approvals Required PLANNING DEPT HEALTH DEPT FIRE DEPT SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify) ENGINEERING DEPT WATER DEPT Received Not Required WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK M O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH TOTAL FEES $. INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING ADDRESS PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 OT SI7F LOT UNITS PROVIDED ALLOWED % OF nm/ERARF Al 1 OWFD FRONT SETBACK SIDE YARD FNVIRDNMENTAI PROTECTION RFO'TS ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MJM&. G. \\4$jJ/t WIDTH PRKfi SPACES Rl Dfi HEIGHT REAR YARD ZOWF PROVIDED REO ALLOWFD INTRUSIONS LANDSCAPE PLAN "" ^yr^ Jt»&*\r ISSUE PERMIT..DATE..OCCUPANCY..DATE. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ROW " " IMPROVEMENTS DRIVEWAY EASEMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION A.fA/. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. INDUSTRIAL WASTE AJ/A SEWER .GRADING PERMIT .DRAINAGE. ro ISSUE PERMIT..DATE..OCCUPANCY..DATE. FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLING SYSTEM. FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT. EXITS .FIRE ALARMS. FIRE HYDRANTS. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. IS: LOCATION. SENT TO PLANNING _ 1RETURNED TO BLDG SENT TO ENG DEPT RETURNED TO BLDG DEPT MEMORANDUM Date: TO: Building Department FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: Public Improvement Report for Building Permit Application No. _ 77- -? 9 __ r Address - , Assessor's Parcel Number /d~g. - S3O - 3*7 We have reviewed the subject application and have found, according to Chapter 18.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, that the following dedications and improvements are applicable to the building permit, and that the following items need to be processed: 1. DEDICATIONS 2. IMPROVEMENTS T^^Q U/7££2> "P/Z/OK OCC U^)AJC. Y. 3. ITEMS TO BE PROCESSED: ,X a) Grant Deed of dedication, to be prepared by the Engineering Department upon receipt of an approved Title Report containing a legal description of the property to enable Engineering to prepare a legal description of the easement. b) Offer of dedication to be prepared by the Engineering Department upon receipt of an approved Title Report containing a legal description of the property to enable Engineering to prepare a legal description of the easement. c) Lien contract agreement for future improvement, to be prepared by the Engineering Department upon receipt of an approved Title Report, including a legal description of the property and engineer's estimate of the work to be done. d) Improvement plans, to be/vproparod under the super- vision of a registered civil engineer and approved by the City Engineer. COM /^/^£ - J>uJG*- e) Improvement Agreement, Faithful Performance Bond, and Labor and Material Bond to be prepared by the Engineering Department upon receipt of an approved engineer's estimate. f) Evidence that arrangements have been made with Public Utility Companies for necessary relocation or modification of their facilities. g) Please contact the Engineering Department for processing assistance. City Engineer cc: Applicant "~MA X/IQTA„_(>* A Vi o i M *» //*_' JLST* ; (\ Jy\ / OP) •"^~" 75 ' ' A \J ^TX ^ , ^ ^/ ,/ / RS 691 // n A ll^r-A/} f/r/f, /T) fel °2 ; \"L*AILL_ Y; +3\l 5K 156 PG 23 Sti RICHARD T GILBERT 2810 ELMWOOD STREET CARLSBAD, CALIF. 92008 August 9, 1977 !'2r. Bussey, City Hgr. City oT Carlsbad 1200 31m Ave, Carlsbad, CA 9200# Dear I jr. Bussey, Several months before the sewer moratorium T submitted ^" for construction of a residence at 132A Cynthia lane, and had tentatively permitted to nroceed without a lot s~iit Because < conversation with !'<r. McNeil, who no longer IP T'ith us. T'Then discovered later that it is rerun.red to fet a legal our contractor was tied up on a large tract fin laCo we will soon be ready to proceed Tnth construct.ior. a^ ^ouV ciate it if you will allow the ~ng:> neerinr an^ T!u:i?_dinF an^ departments to proceed with the -orocessinp of our nerrits, Fr. Luedtke said to refer to Building "emit Plan Chec> number 77-4^. I have submitted the recuired forms to the Carlsbg^ Un-J pied cchoo!) District along Tv ith the fee, and our othor re^uire^ -arers are just about completed. Thank you for your corporation. qincere!y, Dick Colbert lot 3 it °eT7er 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office or the City Manager Cic|> of Csrtebafc TELEPHONE (714)729-1131 August 18, 1977 Mr. Richard T. Gilbert 2810 Elmwood Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Residence - 1324 Cynthia Lane Dear Mr. Gilbert: Your letter dated August 9, 1977 has been referred to me for a response. After checking with the Engineering Department, I was informed that your building plans were submitted before the moratorium and are on the approved list for sewer connection. The City Engineer recommends that a minor subdivision application be accepted since no additional demand will be placed on our sewer system. Please contact the Engineering Department if you have further questions regarding the procedure to follow. Very truly yours, WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Acting City Manager WCB:Idg cc: City Engineer Building Director/' cC r G'L3ERT "*? '•""* 11~\ ~ * * \ ' r> •> V- CARL53-\0 CALi? 92003 1977 I Jr.ussey, Ci bv Tc;r. G:\ty of Carlsbad 1200 Sin Ave. Carlsbad, CA 9200 o Dear Ilr. Bussey, ^^v/< .:.-^..tc ,. j j^.. Several months before the ce~'3r viorntornur T submbb^d -O^ for construction of a resjrlenca at l'3?^ Cyrh^in I^ne, onrl bad b tentatively pernitted to urocead -'ibbout a lot s-V"t b°c"use of cor^ersation with Ij~, T"c!Teilj ;jho no longer i-3 T ~tv us. '"hen we discovered later tliab it is rc^Lri.red to ^Gt a l^f^T lo'~. ""•lit, our contractor \;as b'jed uo en a Icrrro tract ii n Tsr'o'5J'q, ^rd no"; v;e '..'ill soon be raady to proceed "-. b1- co^ctr uct'j or ar^ ^'ovl^ ^-i ciabc it if you \;ill allo"-/ the "-ngines-ri^r C.P" r"b?J^3rr a^c5 °e" dspartnents to proceed with the nrocesrinq; o:1 our ^er^its. Irr. Lued-cko said to refer bo Building "'emit Plan Cb = ck number 77-4 I have subritted the required ferns to the Carl^^?^ Un: ried ^ch District along '"ith the fee, and our other -re^i^ro'-'' ^=5rers are just about co '-.rleted. Thank you for you^ c^o^ora^j on. DicV- Gilbert ^/7//^vL\.^^ 77 ' • ^X/1 [A^-,.---i./.^/.<^1-*-~e-y< t^ L^n^^~^^--c-f-t. -~y ^,,/Xe.,/ S?^*"--*? ^'^ ^^ 0&A