HomeMy WebLinkAbout1328 BULRUSH CT; ; CB980647; PermitBUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CB980647 Project No: A9800827 03/03/38 08: 00 Pacre 1 of 1 Development No: Jog Address: 1328 BULRUSH CT Suite : Permit Type: HESXDENTAL AL)D/ALT Valuation: 6,864 Occupancy Group: Reference#: Description: CONVERT 1 CAR GARAGE TO OFFICE Parcel No: 215-850-11-00 Lot#: : 264 SF-ADD 1 WINDOW AND FRENCH DOORS Construction Type: Status: Applied: Apr/Xssue: Entered By: Appl/Ownr : EQUINOX BUILDERS 760 929-1071 911 CAMINO MADRIGAL #D CARLSBAD CA 92009 **A Fees Required *** ollected & -_----- ______________--_------- Fees : Adjustments : Total Fees: Fee de scr ipt. 1 on __________-I------- __---e Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee * BUILDING TOTAL Enter "Y" for Ele Enter "Y ' for Rem Enter 'Y' far Mec Install Furn/Ducts 02 i89=00 NEW ISSUED 03/02/98 03/03/98 JM . 00 , 0 II 189. UO Ext fee Data _________-_------ 87.00 57.00 1.01) 145.00 10.00 Y 10.00 Y 15.00 Y 9.01) FINAL APPROVAL I I CLEARANCE_-, CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1 161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Validated By Date OM Business Name (at this address) ULY Address (include BldsISuite #I 0, X,q0-'3b 9 \O Leoal Descriotion Lot No. Subdivision NamelNumber Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units d\\ " U*&\S\\*T\f+< $&b&iO eQnh Assessor's Parcel # Existing Use Proposed Use Telephone # Fax # Address City StateKip Name I (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred ollars [$5001). Name Address State License # 3Ct3-b bZ c License Class \\ Designer Name Address City Statelzip Telephone 7 73 -Wl, I Telephone db &/A& ' Statelzip 1\-D cfml WkhU GAL. . C& RWGh9 bcAyuNl~ Tbl i' city EQW~JQX bO\ccbW 9 City Business License # PE ~3 Q 1 0 of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 issued. My worker's Compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Policy No. Expiration Date (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [!41001 OR LESS) d CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ~$100.0001. in addition tathe cost of cornpepsation. damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest end attorney's fees. I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor'd License raw for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 1. 2. 3. I am exempt under Section I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES UNO I (have I have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. I have contractad with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name I address I phone number I contractors license number): Business and Professions Code for this reason: 4. number I contractors license number): 5. of work): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address I phone I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name I address I phone number I type future program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES 0 NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES 0 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 0 YES 0 NO LENDERS NAME I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is comm APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB980647 FOR 04/03/98 DESCRIPTION: CONVERT 1 CAR GARAGE TO OFFICE 264 SF-ADD 1 WINDOW AND FRENCH DOORS TYPE: RAD JOB ADDRESS: 1328 BULRUSH CT APPLICANT: EQUINOX BUILDERS CONTRACTOR: OWNER: REMARKS: C/CHARLIE/929-1071 AM PLEASE SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: CD LVL DESCRIPTION 19 ST Final Structural INSPECTOR AREA RB PLANCK# CB980647 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW STE : LOT: PHONE: 760 929-1071 PHONE : PHONE : INSPECTOR ACT COMMENTS ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS 031098 Interior Lath/Drywall AP RB 031098 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP RB 031098 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP RB 030998 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding PA RB OK TO DRYWALL 030998 Rough Electric AP RB 030998 Rough/Ducts/Dampers AP RB 030998 Insulation PA RB NEED TO VERIFY IN EXIST WALLS CITY OF CARLSBAD OT' E (760)438-3550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE DATE 3.9. yp TIME . r., FOR INSPECTION CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? u YES PHONE 0 BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER GOUVIS ENGINEERING NEWPORT BEACH PALM SPRINGS. SAN DIEGO LAS Vt-GAS February 27,1995 Taylor Woodrow 24461 Ridgeroute Drive Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Attn: Charlie Wickliffe Re: Marfiore Conversion of single car garage to closing office G.E. Job#? 1932 Dear Charlie, Pursuant to your request regarding the above captioned project, we submit the following: Attached are the calculations and 8 1/2” X 1 I” partial marked up plans and details to be followed when converting the single car garage of the plan 2 to closing office as designed by Impact Images. , Note: Please verify the above with building department prior to construction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Since re I y , GOUVIS ENGINEERING City of CARLSBAD BUILDlNG DEPT. 441.11.l CAMI’LIS ORIVE . MWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 93660 [714] 752-1612 FAX 17141 /!.I;! 5:121 21!,1U l.A!il TAHOUITZ CANYON. SUITE 9 PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 ’ 16191323-5090 t-AX [f.i191~i~’5 :’Ut;:3 151 5 E 1 I4C)PICANA AVENUE. SUITE 655A . LAS VEGAS. NEVAOA 1191 19 (7021 597.2005 FAX [/W) :)!I/ (.l!,OS 174 1 t.IANC:OCK STREET. SUlTE B SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101 (61 91 295-51 74 * FAX [G1!31 ?‘.I?> 151Y j i .- ea 'd I i .I ! i .. i ... i . . . . ., ,. .. . '. .. .. ._ . '5- .- .. . '.' : ' i. ! : i .! i ! .. , \ " . 7.' .I :;.. ,.. .. . . . . . -. f -- Sht (b GOUVIS ENGINEERING J.N. Go (1 9 3 2 Oor.2 -23 -4 c Cfirnt re . I I NOTES: . 98 'd a33NI3N3 SIAllO3 6E:9T NOW Sb--LZ--833 J Sht ';1 Date 2-21-4 < GOWVlS ENGINEERING J.N. G- [ (4 3 2/ -- Client 7-d id a . 1 a STRAP SIZE - SUPSON %Sf STRAP (OR EQUAL) MAY B€ Usu) IF LENGTH IS AlWQUATE FOR comnw AND REQUIREMENTS SHOWN. PROMO€ PROTECTlON ACUNST CORROYON TO SEEL QEhENlS EXPOSED TO WEAlIILR MD/M MM. I , I’ L I -7 I I I $1 1 I L ! I + - -- {. -. .D I W h i I I k! ... .&> 5. a 1/2" 5/W DRWYAU Ml?4 6D COOLER NU AT Q aC W EDGES AND FlM (8) .... .t2Sf/' ewcKJNGANDFo(q.. WP &oaclNGANoRab(*)~ ... .............. :. nS#p ATTOPAND&OTIDYPUTES.EDCiEOCSHEARWAU,AND019FIM(-). .... *p Q. 7/w slucco m PA#RSBNXED urn mm 16 GAUGE STAP~ES AT 3' O.C. AT TOP AN0 BQTfou PUES AND EDGE OF giAR WA& 6" 0.C RELb(rr). ..... 325#/' AND 12"O.C. FlaD(TABl.EZSt-K-t Uec) .................. AN0 12" O.C. fl- (TAWL 23- 1-K- 1 UeC) .... ...... 38oC.f AND IT ac. FIEUI (TABLE ~S-I-K-I uec) . ........... mw ODaS AND 12" 0.C. Mu) (TABLE 2s.)-K-1 WC) (*-) .......... 685#/' AND EDGES 12" OX. Flu (TABLE 23-I-K-1 Uec) (*I*) ......... a7wp DRmw mM 5D CooCER NULS AT 4" O.C. ML axxS, ............... ....... 7. 5/@' BUXXQ) DRWW WM W COOLER NAKS AT 4" OX. ALL EDCES, 8. 7/0" SNCCO ova( PAPER-- UTH WTH 16 GMHX STAPLES AT 6" 0.C r. 10. 3/8" APA RATLD PLrmooO WTH 80 COMMON NU AT 6" O.C. AT ODCES 11. 3/8" APA RATED PLYWOD mRI 80.COUaJ NW AT 4" O.C. AT EDGES 12 3/&' APA RATED PL- WH 80 COMMON NAAS AT 3' O.C. AT EDGES 13. 15/32" STRUCTURAL I PLWKIOD WH 100 WWU NAU AT 9' O.C. AT 14. 15/32" STRUCTURAL I PLYWDOO MMTH 100 CQUMON NAILS AT 2" O.C. AT 50% mcnw nfi 8~p1 CCWSIDERED FOR SHEAR WALL TYPES 2 APRIL 1-1, wlni 16 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE mni 7/w LEG AND 3/41' CROW (WALL sEcnoNs THROUGH 7 FOR SDSulC LOADING IN CMCUATlONS ** SIkM PANEl TYPE 8 SHALL BE APfWED IN ACCOW)ANCE MTH ICBO REPORT # 1823, HAMNG HEIGHT TO LP(GR1 RATIOS IN EXCESS OF 1 1/2" TO 1" WW BE BU)CKEI)). *** PROW 3" NWJNAL CR mDER FRAMING AT ADJOINING PANEL EDGES AND NMLS STAGGERED FOR SEAR ma TYPES 13 AND 14. ... XLIIWV AUUVL E CALIF. FRAMING OVER CONT. ROOF SHT'G BELOW 4- (1) BAY WIDTH X 30" ACCESS PROVIDE: 2X BLK'C AND EDCE NAILING OF ROW AND mnunoN OPENING. wrc AROUND OPENING .-.-.-.-.-.-. .-.-.-.-.-.-. 10- HIN. 12" FROM POINT OF SUPPORT CALIF. FRAM'G SHEAR TRANSFER 4 B QQQ 2 1/18; 4 SHEAR PANEL AT GARAGE l- PLYWOOO WTG WH EDGE NAIUNG 2- SEE PLANS FOR WING AND SHEAR TRANSFER REQlUREMENTs 6 2X CWPU WERE OCCURS 3- W KNG STUD W 6-1 ODGE NAUJNG TO GRC. DR. Hd ANDY1 A35 TO TOP/LOMR UTES (U.N.h) 6- PLYMXK) WE A U.N.O. (EDCE NAL TO GRC QR. HDR. UJD Toe PUm ELMMATE IF HDR. IS RUSH L THTOPPU~ 7- CONT. CARAM WOFl HWER (PER 6- 4x4 WST U.N.O. (USE 4x8 TO AWlO PLANS) SPUnlNG) e (1) SIMPSON m256 EACH OM of EACH POST (2 TOTAL PER POST) OFFSFl AND QHTERm AT POST AND m. USE N16 NAlLS (nU ALL HOLES) (U.N.O.) 10- SHUR PAN& Sn RAN EDOE NAIL ALONG r# POSTS AND 4 GAG. DR. m.) 11- UN. (2) ANOKIR BOLTS. Sn PUN 12- PA HPA HouxlylNS IF REQUIRED, sn PUNS 5 n N $ I- BEAM. SEE PLAN 2- SIMP. ST6224 EA. SO€ OF BEAM TO POST FOR 6X AND W BEAMS; Sf22 Fa 4X BEAMS S POST, SEE PUN 4- ALT. TO Srs US€ 2X KMG STUO EA. SIDE Of BUM TO POST AND NAIL W/ 16d'r 0 16" O.C. TO POST AN0 LAIN. 3-16d'r TO BEAM c 0 t \ r- f c ' PPP 1- 2- 3- P TYPICAL EDGE NAIUNG 2X BUC'C OR RIM JOIST SUPSON A35 FRAMING ANCHOAS AT 48" O.C. (U.N.O.) 4- PLyM)o SHT'G '5- SHEAR PANEL, SEE PLAN FOR WE AND LOCATION 6- 2X SlUOS AT 16" O.C. 7- RIM JOIST 8- DBL TOP PLATE 9- IF SHEAR WAU MATERIAL EXENDS TO RIM JOIST. ELIMINATE A35 10- 2X JOISTS SHEAR TRANSFER 13 4'- 0' t 1- I 2- 3- PLlwooo SHrG WlTH EDGE NAIUNG ALONG LINE OF ELK% TYPICAL I JOIST PER MFR, I JOIST BLOCKING W/ 1 3/4" WIDE RANGE SEE PLANS FOR # OF BAYS REQUIRE0 DBL TOP PUTE OR DROPPED BEAM CSl6 STRAP CUT TO FIT ON WALL AS SHOWN AN0 UNDER ALL BAYS Of BLK'C 6- 8d AT 2' O.C. +/- (HIN. 20 NAILS) 7- 8d AT 2" O.C. +/- (MIN. 20 NAILS) NOTE: SfuPSoN WB' STRAP MAY REPLACE THE 'CS' STRAP DRAG DETAIL 14 F 7- 8d NAILS AT 4 1/2" 8- 8d NAILS AT 3" O.C. +/- IP DRAG DETAIL j "l,L NOTE: SIMPSON WB' STRAP WAY REPLACE 'CS' STRAP 8 1- 160 SINKER NAILS AT 16" O.C. U.N.O. ON PUNS 2- TYPICAL STUDS AT 16" O.C. SPLICE 3- LOCATE STUD UNDER 4- DIMENSION FW NUMBER OF NAILS SPECIFIED BEMN SPUUNG POINTS ON WE PLANS. HIN. 4'-0" LAP TYPICAL SPLICE AT TOP PLATE 5- SMPWN STRAP PER TOP PLATE SPLICE REFER TO PLANS FOR STRAP SIZE 9 0. +, TYPlCAL A35F AT EACH SIDE (2) PER CO". 2- HEADER, SEE PLAN 3- Gus 4- M TRIMMER 5- uuLn zx STUDS OR POST PER PLAN WlTH 16D5 AT 6" O.C. STAGGERED SEE PLAN 6 A35 CUP AS SHOW ALTERNATE A35F AT EACH SIDE