HomeMy WebLinkAbout1330 CHUPAROSA WAY; ; 81-254; PermitNOIlD3dSNI 1 QL O • ^ffi Z _1 -"(rl^s £z £1 2 * ^?Q_ h~ Q_ < < 2 10CN LO h "7 S sE ^r t ^a: ^ D. — UJ (- 0 S Z UJ LU Q Q- 13 J o& "Z- 5 z^|mo? ° ^s< <c _jm ^ uu« _, si ^ S5 ^§u ^ LL O t 5u § 21 UJ 0- 1— ^OQ- -J _l<m COrj 1LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION1 hereby affirm tnat 1 am licensed under provi-sions of Chapter 9 (commencing with SeclionCCUlm 2 t t a.. LICENSE?3??713 I APPLICATIQ?-Rlfe 'uj LTi-< Q 1-(n Q .IK>•r - Q O CM T3 n3 tn Q "~a t/1< m ,o S- CJ fD LOo.s-re- ^ C5" ° oT sions Code, and my license fs in full force and ef-fect.K ^ ^OJ to CD u, CTl « LT)£ nu J ccK <:2 -j eti — i2:cc LL, i — i _l<: a:?. ^ S LU S ms •— S §s t/>a. 0 ^J- B. 1 S c"^ CM l^ >> (O Sfa LU •SL CO a o ISo OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION- 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Con-CD to g ei » S2u,^i- ^*s-fe >)OJ i- i — C ra c o +J c « c: c cr S-§s-CONTRACTOR'S11211 ScCO CD O en eCCJ f- ra _Q s- rO U n fO Ui ^ OL S- Q «^a iT3 S 0 L JZ < CJ 3 (n O* ro ^ CO * i —o (Sec. 7031 .5 Business and Professions Code), Anycity or county which requires a permit to con-struct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair anyTE LICENSE1- J J -L. 3 A 5 J 4r z =e > VJj - 9> - - o _ARC ELSESSOR'S p1 1 1in< _ o m oensBLOCKoJ structure, prior to its issuance also requires theapplicant for such permit to file a signed state-GNEfl'S PHONEin Q Ul IN/rtDESIGNER'S ADCs: UJ 1— CO >- CO CC LU r— •=C 3 1— O 1C CJ 1 — 1 LO^ lo L.Q O 1&.K< 9: — i3<" O sions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code) or that is ex-empt therefrom and the basis for the alleged ex-.8Ss bine Cert$ 4 £ S3 1 R OF STORIESto z G SPACEfa.< 0. 13 S ZONINGutm o < 0.o US TRACTZ Ul plicant for a permit subjects the applicant to acivil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars($500).Q < O O o a.>- *a z< * < D K< Z< h- o o Ulen ITaj h-' d 13Q '. 1, as owner ot the property, or my employeeswith wages as their sole compensation, will doH 5< 5cc CHANICALPELU 5 >-' O h- 5<NG PERMITDO S _l O_ > d fered (or sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Profes-sions Code: The Contractor's License Law doesnot apply to an owner of properly who builds or^I-co oo h- IV.=1pu=1o z*cc LL _l t-to a. cc1- LU => t~X LJ_ Xu<UJ improves thereon and who does such work^i- 03 O_o"o LJJ > O cc LU UJUi isz EACHBUILDIthat such improvements are not intended or of-Q- X m MPRESSORUPTOo cc -j o ER AND/OR VENTi—<LJJX EACH WATERfered for sale. If, however, the building or improve-ment is sold within one year of completion, theMPRESSDR3-15Hcc _i o TO 4 OUTLETSS UJI—t/)EACH GASSYowner-builder will have the burden of proving thatV ex.MPRESSOR 16-30CJ cc _J 5ca LJJcc O £ cc O E UJ V) V)in<IS X CJ <UJ 5 un31 Di 0 J •a>3 L S j j3 5 3 3 ^j t ru \ <0 ^w- c I r— • •^-, ^ >- CJ^a UJ—I t3 W1 Z u.1_ ZUJ> U•<r- 9 .REPAIR WATER PIPELUb<EACH INSTAL— cc<.3 0: t E.Xaerc 3 a.cCc aJT "c ac ic Vn > £ -N ^V ^^ ^•- ' CO CJ AUST-HOOD/DUX LU X CJ LJJ F LER SYSTEMz DZQ- z < Xo<LU trading with licensed contractors to construct- I- £BUILDING PEcc UJ LU X UJ <SLcc3u.<LU U. O Z < o_) LUcc \ cc UJz WATER SOFTCode: The Contractor's License Law does not ap--SIGN PERMIT^ (>J | VvA \ f, k \ \ 'n,i £ £~ c O-J siIts o£c <- CVqj^Ba r°r a 3 0^ L_ Ca> If si 5 < ^£a. c — ^CJ UJXU z<_ia. _i TALMECHANICA1- ^« 5 6b lo (3Z CO£:D a.-j £i- £L— \ ^^- D~- tlCI <0v^> «• s~- re 0 -1II 3^™ y £ = *| ,.ll H E UJa. UJ ALLtNCLUSIcco CJ< 1—_, oo1J RACTORi-zoCJ 1 am exempt under 5ee._ /. ,~B 8 P.C.-i,ii taz TOTAL PLUM1- < h « h i LC < C h L L tor mis reason jj-j o cc1- LJJ _l Ul p £ _ ir a, ug Drjjj ~>fe >- 3 >-t E E JJi_ J t C LJ J U >-'1— C) £cSO 1!13Q _> CJ Z< OUJ £ U 1 /SWT/BKRE< < 1-tozoo SUJz UJ E X UJ— J OE CJcco Xa.f» C^J Xa.1 hereby affirm that 1 have a certificate of con-^KJ - 1 • , ^ <S CO '- ^ K LU '/SWT/BKR£ < <EXIST BLDGsent to self-insure, or a certificate of Workers'\j 1 1 S,s X§v> ^A8ANA••P 3.<£«t Xa. M XQ.thereof (Sec. 3800, Labor Code).^SV *~ V— QtrJx. cy r* V IO CC •>O CJeLU V PER CIRCUITec LU r-REMODEL/A1i 1•AJ 3^ 35 <fc 1^L i^> <OH=13OCa.C - £ 1-U- O CJ £ ' )' LJJ £OX LU _l O <t-o \ COo. < C3Q fM TEMP POLE^~"% O 0) 5 -D = Q.O "7S? - /"l "i i, j_j^ --N cC < CDC3tsl CC LU >O i_ Certified copy is hereby furnished.- PO 'V v *— -v. \ IS)>-<O C3C*l >-CJz TEMP OCCURCERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM_ Ph ^ -Q /-'\•-»* ^^•\ i 1 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE0 '^XJ-i LLJ_l CD < <Q. «UJ TOTAL FES">3: POi b~~~?^<r C.J-- • .'1 ^ ..i— J^j ( ? <ro cc r-O TOTAL ELEmil is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less).\ \ \ \\ , i ni -Ti •U- ll ^i/>w --•PRACTORzo CJ which this permit is issued, 1 shall not employ any\ • 1 i \ V ^^s~^<! \ J A ^4 V\"J^s n °«L ift z°H6 QZ fQ!l-Sgl <=0i £^5 OOwUJ LIJffoi at?LU _i tn cc o nin S £c l-0> 5 Q O (T 2 <n LJ < LJo- a. c < LJJ 3 T UJ 1- 3^ S?f oQ ZQt 5ZL< z u or < 2 H^-i^^i i-<i"SSESf£S8S i8*2.§^5ii§^!o<!^§ P^S^ZDC< T o cc ^ . c ^°SSES5t 2 o z z r " < Z D u UJ -J o 2^1 <MINED THE COMPLETALL INFORMATION HAGREE IF A PERMIT 1VS GOVERNING BUILC3T. l.ALSO AGREE TOSBAD AGAINST ALLl<\^>f>^05: D-P^°'stssstec m u z x r; s < UCC < 0 m "«>5>s!Si;Ul m T K LL f - SStlSgs - r u. o ui j u person in any manner so as to become subject tothe Workers' Compensation Laws of California.NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Cer-tificate of Exemption, you should become subjectto the Workers' Compensation provisions of theLabor Code, you must forthwith comply with suchprovisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked.i,; •? va ii ^!.1- > > VIrr Y APPROVED^D Dn: LU 0 z ^ - < a. H ^O(J aXK 1- . | S5 a ^^', -•x' ^,' J UJ IT ""•""-v z-^-->.O " "'•Si '''"'~ 'e> -*/V- ^3i ^*--^.^ \uC'"-^ -3^3^^5 'HIS PERMIT.H 0 THE GRANTINGO CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY1 hereby affirm that there Is a construction len-ding agency lor the performance of the work for Oa;o g H (JUJ CL D-J LJJ U_ \ 00 01 Ul h- Z or oUJ Q.inZ INSPECTORDATENSPECTIONOOD FLOOR*J • FORMS • SET BACK • TOILETFOUNDATIOh1 5R PLUMBINGUNDER FLO()R HEATINGUNDER FLOC\LL SUB FLOORm Oh- O L_AB FLOORi/i PLUMBINGUNDER SLABORMS • SETBACK • TOILET* Z HOO U- 1 CONCRETEIT O D. Oh- y.O RAMEU- U CCH ROUGH ELEO Z m ROUGH PLUI»riNG/VENTILATINGROUGH HE A'PLACE INSULATIONFRAME OK •OK • PLACE WALLBOARDINSULATIONOK . PLACE TAPEWALLBOARDATM OK • PLACE STUCCOCCO K111(-X±1 REPLACEU. -IkJUJ DAMPER a SI-'HEIGHT OF CHIMNEYPLATE TIESTHERU UJ O0.TEMP POWEFSEWERnUJh- 3 STEEL BONDINGO OQ. 2 •? U UJo UJo:Q.FENCE PREPLASTERFRAMESHOWN •X Z 0. *^ X h D. 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