HomeMy WebLinkAbout1336 CORVIDAE ST; ; CB970784; PermitI BUILD ING PERMIT Permit No CB970784 f04/17/97 14 /ll Project No A9701021 Page 1 of 1 -• Development No *job Address 1336 CORVIDAE ST Suites- Permit Type X3UNITE POOLS AND SPAS 4238 04/17/97 0001 01 02 Parcel No 215-691-34-00 Lot# * C-PRMT 210-00 Valuation 14,690 -Construction Type* NEW Occupancy Group: Reference* Status ISSUED Description POOL AND SPA 520 SF Applied- 0-4/04/97 Apr/Issue•, 0/17/97 Entered By Appl/Ownr . SAN DIEGO POOLS 2430 CAM^NO DEL VECINO CA *** Fees Re"quired< *** _ „ _„ __ _ — _._^ Fees • Adjustments Total Feesi Fee description 619 Building permit Plan Check Strong Motion Enter "Y" for Elect: Enter "Y" fof- Plumbi * BUILDING TOfAL ollected & Credit^**** APPROVlii CLEARANCE, • CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr , Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr, Carlsbad CA 92009 (760)438-1161 1 PRO JECT INFORMATION ,.,.., .,,i;;:~; FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO EST VAL 7fff Plan Ck Deposit Validated By . f l^> Date Address (include Bldg/Suite Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Lot No Subdvsion Name/Number Unit No Phase No Total # of units Assessor s Parcel #Existing Use Proposed Use Description of Work 2 CONTACT PERSPN (if different from applicant) #of Stories of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms Name 3 APPLICAI Address City State/Zip Telephone #Fax # Name 4 PROPERTY OWNER Name Addres CltVC Telephone* (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter improve demolish or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law [Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Codel or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]) Name State License tt Address License Class City Jc.'S-t-- State/Zij City Business License # Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # If' 'WORKERS' COMPENSATION .. ' '"""'" :., : " ™ T Workers Compensation Declaration I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations CD I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued CD I have and will maintain workers compensation as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker s compensation insurance carrier and policy number are <\ x-> — ~ "O "^/ ?) *"~) ^ ^~^f f f~~ 7 ^""^"""^Policy No (c>tJj|Z7Jte»t>-> [ \f> Expiration Date O^/"/ )Insurance Company (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) CD CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars/KlOO OOatxin addition to the cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labbr code, interest and attorney s fees SIGNATURE [_} ]Ls\.Jt^\7$\/\J DATE C//^//^O .7,-'- OWNER BUILDER^DECLARATION««NNSP : "J"1' 'is T< ^,1" I •°®* ' , ^~^ »•' I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor s License Law for the following reason CD I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) CD I as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor s License Law) CD I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason "?Pr—vt ^ ft ^rri 'Q7' ''•/V'*'* ^"*1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement'<J|_J-YES'v [jNO •j'Jv-+. '-" 'i- 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work * - '• ' 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number) 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work) PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY jtB = , :;_ " " Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? O YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district' CD YES CD NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? CD YES CD NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT ¥'1 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 4" . ,3| ...-JP; '" ,.'15:1 :-«j. I hereby affirm that there is la construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097(i) Civil Code) LENDER S NAME / / />A~^ LENDER S ADDRESS 9 APPLICANT CERTIFldATIpN ~J]Ji': •J|L ., M *°E: _.JT :: "°:;_ - I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction I hereby authorize representatives of the CitV of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5 0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by/such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after/file woryis^pqmmenced|for a penpd of 180 days (Section 106 4 4 Uniform Building Code) APPLICANT S SIGNATURE A~) WHITE File YELLOW Applicant PINK Finance 03/12/98 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT* CB970784 DATE INSPECTION TYPE 03/11/98 Fence/Pre-Plaster 03/11/98 Fence/Pre-Plaster 09/05/97 Underground Plumbing 09/05/97 Underground Plumbing 06/13/97 Shear Panels/HD's 06/13/97 Underground Plumbing 06/13/97 Underground Plumbing 05/16/97 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fen 05/16/97 Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fen 05/16/97 Underground Plumbing 05/16/97 Underground Plumbing 05/16/97 Electric/Conduit/Wiring 05/16/97 Electric/Conduit/Wiring INSP ACT COMMENTS RI PD RI PD RI RI PD RI PD RI PD RI PD RI CO RI AP RI RI AP RI AP RI AP RI AP C/ C/KIT/? GAS R/929-8527 P.M. PLEASE R/MIKE/756-2880 GAS RS/MIKE/756-2880 RS/MIKE/756-2880 RS/MIKE/756-2880 HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... C,T City of Carlsbad Engineering Department BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST POOLS BUILDING PLANCHECK NUMBER CB BUILDING ADDRESS / 3 3 L PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pool ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 3. /$- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore, any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build By Date V////4 DENIAL Please seejhe attached report of deficiencies marked vw£h=_Q?-'> Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review By By By Date Date Date ATTACHMENTS D Grading Permit Application D Grading Permit Checklist JlTRfoht-of-Way Permit Application D Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT CONTACT PERSON NAME MICHELE MASTERSON City of Carlsbad ADDRESS 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad. CA 92009 PHONE (619) 438-1161, ext 4315 G \LIBRARY\ENC\WORD\DOCS\CHKLSTtPool Baking Ptondwcfc CkJtt CHK24 Form MM doc 2O75 Las Palmas Dr • Carlsbad CA 92OO9-1 576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST - POOLS SITE PLAN 3RD/ Or Q Q 1 Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show A'^North Arrow 1G/ Property Lines ^Existing & Proposed Structures T0""Easements *f> CT?o - ' Show^on site plan " / age Patterns IB Indicate what will happen with r e/c ' istmg & Proposed Slopes / soil excavated from pool area ostmg Topography LffiM-Retaming Walls I (location and height) Note If excavated soil is not to be removed from property but regraded on site, show proposed elevations and slopes If any portion of retaining walls are over 4' in height, a separate permit is required Retaining Wall Permit CB Applied for Approved 3 Include on title sheet V<ySite Address ^•''Assessor's Parcel Number {XLegal Description • iCJV)Grading Quantities Cut Fill Import/Export y k ff Project does not comply with the following Engmeenng Conditions of approval ' for Project No Conditions were complied with by Date GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for grading permit are found in Section 11 06 030 of the Municipal code Q Q Q 5a Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill, import, export) Q Q Q 5b Grading Permit required A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached Note The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit Page 1 of 2 G \UBRARY\ENG\WORD\DOCS\CHKlST\Pool Building Ptoncteck CMst CHK24 Form MM doc * ST/ 2ND/ 3RD/ Q Q Q 5c A Grading Permit has been applied for PE2 DWG Wing Inspector sign off by _ Date No Grading Permit required MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Q ( 6 J A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or VX private work adjacent tot he public Right-of-Way A separate Right-of-Way issued by the Engmeenng Department is required for the following &<&& / J-~~~ Please complete attached Right-of-Way application form and return to the Engmeenng Department together with the requirements on the attached Right- of-Way checklist, at the time of resubmittal Right-of-Way Permit and Pool Building Permit will be issued simultaneously 7 Remarks Page 2 of 2 I THIS MAP WAS r tPAje FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONU NO UABUJTY is ASSUMED FOR THE ACCURACY U-NE DATA SHOWN ASSESSOR'S PARCELS MAY NV,. COUPLY WITH LOCAL SUBDIVISION OR ei" „ ORDINANCES '•o oocc zzt—I »-4HH 5 L i 1 a 53 & * §PRICK WHMM3H35 | I ^^• T M _ CO oo R 8 ro m March 18,1997 Avrara Master Architectural Review Committee c/o The Walters Management Co 2251 San Diego Ave Suite A-250 San Diego CA92110 Landscape Architects 9885 Mesa Rim Road Suite 101 San Diego California 92121 Attention Janet Wagner Re CHOW Residence 1336 Corvjdae Street Lot 40/Mar Fiore Community REVIEW OF HOME IMPROVEMENT FORMS Per your request I have reviewed the landscape submrttal for the Aviara/Mar Fiore project-1336 Corvidae Street/Lot 40 and have the following comments, As indicated by my previous review reports, the CC&R's are not explicit in implementation of the landscape of individual lots and leaves the approval discretion to the Architectural Committee As requested by the Architectural Committee, I have also agreed to review the plans 1 am not approving the means nor methods of construction the installation and guarantee to the Homeowner and Homeowners Association This is the sole responsibility of the landscape contractor All existing walls and fences should be protected and not filled against or altered in any way The applicant shall maintain a 5 fence/wall height without altering the height of the existing fence/wall for a minimum distance of 5' from the fence/wall into the applicant s lot at all property line fences/walls that are shared with an adjacent property All vines / espaliers which are attached to Master Association fencing shall be detached by the applicant when fencing maintenance is required All existing drainage patterns should be maintained per the CC&R s The CC&R's should take precedence in all situations CHOW Residence The landscape submrttal included a hardscape/landscape plan for the front back and side yards Also contained in the submrttal was a pool sketch in plan view photographs of the property The proposed improvements for the front yard include a wrought iron screen door to match wrought iron gate and window coverings a Red Mountain Flagstone walkway from the driveway leading to the north facing side yard, a wrought iron gate with architectural entry way. Red Mountain Flagstone in the driveway cut-out a wood gate added to the fence separating the front yard from the south facing side yard boulders, lawn planting areas and trees The proposed improvements for the back yard include a concrete patio/pool deck, two patio covers a pool/spa a pool equipment enclosure a 24" high retaining wall lawn planting areas and trees The proposed improvements for the north facing side yard include a Red Mountain Flagstone walkway a pond with boulders retaining the slope a stepping stone/pebble path planting areas and trees The proposed improvements for the south facing side Phone 619-4525884 Fax 619-4525886 page 2 Aviara/Mar Fiore CHOW/Lot 40 March 18 1997 yard include a concrete utility area, a small concrete patio, an 8 high treHis a stepping stone/pebble path planting areas and trees Non-reflective solar panels / are proposed to be installed flush with the slope of the roof on the south side of the ft house An elevation sketch representing the patio covers is shown on the plan An ,, 0 elevation sketch and a photograph of the wrought iron gate with architectural entry way was included in the submrttal Low vottage landscape lighting is shown on the plan A plant legend with trees identified is on the plan and planting areas are indicated to have shrubs color beds and ground covers selected from the Aviara Approved Plant Materials list The landscape and hardscape materials appear to be in character with the Aviara Master Community and I feel the landscape submrttal should be partially APPROVED with the following conditions >p n 1 A portion of the applicant's back yard is in zone one of the overall fire \ suppression zone No plant material over 3' in height at maturity or combustible structures are allowed in zone one Therefore the two 'Pigmy Palms' are currently DENIED due to the restrictions placed over zone one, however future revisions to the fire suppression guidelines may allow for the "Pigmy Palms " Otherwise, no plant material which will be taller than 3' at maturity will be allowed within zone one 2 No elevation sketch was submitted for the 8' high trellis in the south facing side yard The applicant shall submit an elevation sketch for review and approval prior to installation As well, it ts our understanding that a structure such as the trellis must conform to the set back requirements as set forth by the City of Carisbad The applicant shall verify, through the City of Carlsbad, the set back requirements and conform to the requirements 3 The applicant shall be responsible for stabilization of the slope in the north facing side yard due to the placement of boulders to retain the slope 4 Two of the trees shown in the front yard are identified as "Rusty-leaf Fig' trees Ficus trees have extremely invasive roots The applicant shall install a "root barrier" for each tree along the applicant's side of the property line running 5' in both directions from the center of the tree trunk 5 The applicant did not include a drainage plan as part of the submittal The existing drainage pattern at the time when overall grading was completed by the Builder is designed without consideration of proposed landscape improvements Patios walks, mow strips, planter walls, etc will entrap surface water All surface water must have positive drainage away from the building and be collected in a landscape drainage system The ARC is not responsible for installation of proper drainage This is the sole responsibility of the owner and/or his landscape contractor As indicated above the installation is the sole responsibility of the landscape contractor The irrigation system should be designed with the ability to control different water zones (sun shade, shrubs and lawn areas) The irrigation system should be reviewed routinely to avoid over spray There should be a minimum slope/drainage of 2% away from the building and water should be collected in an atrium type catch basin in all planting areas Planting areas shall be a minimum of 4 below the existing stucco screed on the building All walks and walls that are adjacent to the existing building should have appropriate joint materials All improvements must meet the minimum requirements of the Aviara s residential Architectural and Landscape Improvement Manual page 3 Aviara/Mar Fiore CHOW /Lot 40 March 18 1997 If construction work requires the use of common area, or access from property not owned by the applicant for purposes of transporting labor and materials or for the temporary storage of materials for the work the applicant shall obtain written permission from the Aviara Master Association and the owner for the right to enter during construction A copy of the letter granting permission shall be submitted to the ARC prior to commencement of construction A security deposit or bond as deemed necessary by the ARC, my be required from the owner Unused deposits will be refunded after completion of work and final acceptance by ARC Payment will be refunded by U S Mail within 30 days after ARC'S final acceptance My recommended approval and the approval of the Board does not take precedence over the requirements and regulations of the City of Carlsbad Please call with any questions or comments to the above-mentioned items Sincerely, Denis LaClaire, ASLA, RLA 3861 Marquez»Kuhlken Landscape Architects RECEIVED FEB 2 1 inn'; -^ ooo Q-en Q) to (D N> CD ^K) $ CT Tl oi3 CD •=• ££ 0-2 CD CO g r* !»i Q> CQ CD ^1 oo 1 0> Z 0 0 Q3 13 2. 73Tl Q __ •D)ii 3 CD - CD O «5CD — »n>X ,VP5 / (/)o •- 03— —i -\•D \CD 1A ia / i ^/'^f 1 1- /' (y / ~" / i\\ 1 J — - ^\^x.N •le Path e9 (3 AVIARA MASTER ASSOCIATION ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE approved Date s vj 8 x COMPENSATION INSURANCE PO BOX 807 SAN FRAiMCISCO,CA 94101-0807 FUND CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ISSUE DATE 05-01-96 POLICY NUMBER 1236823 - 96 CERTIFICATE EXPIRES J,05-01-37 CITiT OF ENCINITAS ATTN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 505 SOUTH VULCAN AVE : ENCINITAS, CA 92024 .. JOB ALL OPERATIONS tr* t. *• if-This is to certify that we have issued a valid Worker_ Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California Insurance Commissioner to the employer nam d elow for the policy pe^od irt This policy is not subject to cancellation oy the Fund except upon 30 days' advance written notice to the employer $ • - -•' &We will also give you 30 days advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration \ ••' -.,- '• •'•'- '•-' •*•' This certificate of insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend extend* or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed herein Notwithstanding any requirement term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which tli.s certificate of insurance may be issued or may pertain the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the/'terms exclusions and conditions of such policies '..,;. - " •• EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY LIMIT INCLUDING'DEFE.xSl. COSTS $1,OOO 000 OO PER OCCURRENCE ? ' ENDORSEMENT #2065 ENTITLED CERTIFICATE HOLDERS' NOTICE EFFECTIVE 05/O1/96 IS ATTACHED TO AND FORMS A PART OF THIS POLICY -?T. .. , K; .' J"; v; -: EMPLOYER LEGAL NAME DIEGO POOLS FUTURE THERAPEUTICS INC