HomeMy WebLinkAbout1339 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; 72-920; PermitBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Phone 729-1181 perm it N o .?- \pplican r ro complete numbered spaces only. JOB ADDR ESS I 01 cl v- (USEE ATTACHED SHEET) LOT NO. BLK LEGAL I DESCR. OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 1 LENDER MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH Describe work: IO Change of use from I PERMIT FEE /G-o OQ I1 Valuation of work: $ PLAN CHECK FEE iPEClAL CONDITIONS: , Typeof Occupancy Const. Group Division cc Size of Eldg. No. of Max. (Total) SQ. Ft. &lStories 4 Occ. Load - 7 wJ - SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ZONING THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- HEALTH DEPT. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. TlON AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A MENCED. . DEPT. SOIL REPORT PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- OTHER (Specify) I t I I I I I 'WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH '; I N SPECTOR PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ~ Permit No. City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. SEE ATTACHED SHEET) THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIV'E AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Phone 729-1181 Perm it N 0. -2 \pplicant to complete numbered spaces only. JOB ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 1 I ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER EN G IN EER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. D LENDER MAIL ADDRESS 8RANCH ; USE OF BUILDING I Describe work: Type of Fuel: Oil 0 Nat. Gas 0 LPG. [7 PERMIT FEES iPECl AL CONDITIONS: No. 1 Type of Equipment Fee I Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. 18 1 I I Refriaeration Units-H.P. Ea. II I I Boilers-H.P. Ea. II THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A MENCE D. PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL-BE COMPLIED-WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Evaporative Coolers Clothes Dryers Ventilation Fan I I RanoeHood II t [ Air Handling Unit- C.F.M. I incinerator t 1 PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERM IT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT - IN SPECTOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit ,,,?g-Q23 City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 4 rr Applicant o complete numbered spaces only. Phone 729-1181 /s c JOB AOOR ESS /3.<9 A? V,F - LOT ko. - LEGAL USEL ATTACHED SHEET1 1 OESCR. 2 OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PNONC ' MAIL-AO R ss 3 CFI F ARCH I *C mR OtS I Gk E R MAIL ADDRESS PHON E LICENSE NO. 4 5 6 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. LENDER MAIL ADORESS BRANCH USE OF 8UILOING 4 73 FbRW &!!p~fj - 1 L/dv: 8 Class of work: NEW 0 ADDITION ALTERATION 0 REPAIR 9 Describe work: SPEC1 AL CONDlTl ONS: NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A MENCED. PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- SIGNHURI? OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTH0RlZCP)GEHT s (DATE) PERMIT FEES No. ISSUANCE OF EACH PERMIT AMPERES OF MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE OR BREAKER NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG. FOR EA. AMPERE OF INCREASE IN MAIN SERVICE. SWITCH. FUSE OR BREAKER REMODEL, ALTERATION, NO CHANGE IN SERVICE, FOR EA. AMPERE OF INCREASE TEMP. SERVICE UP TO AND INCLUD- ING 200 AMP. TEMP. SERVICE OVER 200 AMP. PER 100 MINIMUM PERMIT FEE 4ECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASU PERMIT VAI Each I Fee KAMA qNW- fl MA WYC4.4 ICNATURE 6~ OWN (IC OWNER BuILoEBT (DATE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN Cb ADATION CK. M.O. CASU INSPECTOR BUILDING DEPT. OCTOBER 16, 1974 m. Enni.8 Manager/Ossansd.de Federal P.O. Box 1127 Carlsbad, Cal. 92008 SUBJECT : MR. RICHARD GILBERT, 1339 RtTBI'4A VISTA, JOB FINAL. Dear Mr. Ennis : The House Move at 1539 Buena Vista in the City of Carlsbad has been finaled to the satisfaction of this department on July 29, 1974. You may release any assets that you may be holding for Mr. Gilbert as per agreement fn keeping with the final on this job. If you have any further questions regarding this matter please contact this office. PATRICIA A. O'KELLY Building Department Secretary ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT Mr. Charles Hale Oceanside Federal Savings and Loan Assoc. 810 Mission Avenue Oceanside, California 92054 Subject : Housing Inspection-1339 Buena Vista, Carlsbad On the 27th day of March, 1972 this Department conducted a housing inspection of the property listed above. This Department found this structure to be in a poor state of maintenance with numerous violations of the Building Code of the City of Carlsbad. This structure was also of the type of con- struction that made the rehabilition of said structure unfeasible with cost that would be prohibitive. This Department notified the O~JXI~~, Mr. Richard Gilbert of 2810 Elmwood Ave., in the City of Carlsbad of this finding by letter on the 29th day of March, 1972. After meeting with Mr. Gilbert regarding this finding, Mr. Gilbert agreed to demolish the structure. For your information, a copy of said letter is enclosed. If you have any further questions regarding the above please feel freee to contact me. Sincerely , _-- Richard S. Oaburn Director of Building and Housing RSO/o ' k Enclosure: 1 copy MARCH 29, 1972 Mr. Richard Gilbert 2810 Elmwood Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 subject : Housing Inspection Report at 1339 Buena Vista Way, in the City of Carlsbad. This department conducted a housing inspection on March 24, 1972, at the request of the tenant occupying the dwelling structure located at the above address. The condition of the structure was found to have many discrepancies. The one main factor existing in this structure is: single wall board and bat construction. This does not meet the requirements of both present and past building codes. batten needs protected wiring that is not exposed. However, required code also states that a stud wall within an enclosed space is considered protection to the wiring. Single wall board and Correction is indicated as to the amount of electrical outlets required. Also, some of the gas, and plumbing is in need of correction. The property in general needs a complete clean up. This department has taken photographs of the exterior of this building, including the property. Under the provisions of Ordinances #8058 and #8055, the Building Department of the City of Carlsbad find that numerous discrepancies establish thie building as sub-standard under Section H-601 and Section H-1001 of Volume 111, 1970 edition of the Unffonn Building Code and Section 203 of Volume I, 1970 edition. Under the provisions of these sections and Ordinances 48055 and #8058, a sub-standard building is declared to be a public nuisance and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demoktion or removal in accordance with the procedure specified. You are hereby notiffed that corrections to these discrepancies shall commence within (60) sixty days from receipt of this notice. Page 2: You have a right of appeals to this order which must be done in writing within (30) days upon receipt of this order. Failure to appeal shall constitute a waiver of all rights to an adminis- strative hearing and determination of the matter. No person shall remain in, or occupy this building, except that entry may be permitted for repair and services for the rehabilitation of this structure &f the rehabilitation is requested and permitted. This structure shall remain vacated until such time that a certificate of compliance has been filed and you are granted an occupancy certificate by the Building mpartment of the City of Carlsbad. No person shall remove or deface any such notice posted on this structure until the required repairs, demolition, or removal of such have been completed and a certificate of occupancy is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Building Code. If you have further questions regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully, RICHARD So OSBURN Director of Building and Housing RSO : pok .- */* e LIVING ROOX i DINING 20@1! I e WOO CITY OF CARLSEFD -- e - 8-4 2+x I y gp * I X I 1 b NJh Pu. 1 of 5 I BEPROON - +l / ( gx I/ * HOUSING INSPKCTION P~L..,:.D BEPR001r A4 I X I 1 BATHROO21 5 1 I 1 6x7 I 1 3 sa.ft.m. 4 SATEFOON 5 2 1 I X I 3-sa. +=t.m A 3sl - - ‘I” SHUT-OFF VALVE GAS INLET SIZE -)’k <X)NDITION OOR- 4 OTEER I I P-WGE : X i I 1 FLEX CONNECTOR LENGTH CONDITION PLUMBING : - PUBLIC SEFER -yFI SEPTIC TANK No KIT SINK f-p if? WASHER: YS5~o-iz.. P W.C. G, (2 SHOWR: TUB : A LAV: ELECTRICAL : *=IN SERVICE: 20 AMI?. MAIN DISCONNECT : G. P. ..* BOX poo& WIRE SIZE: 6 NO.: 2. * . GROUND: 5 NO. OF CIRCUITS: ‘PLY c OPEN SPLICES ycr I/ / RISER SIZL: /-4’ HT, OF WEATHERHEZ4D /2 *. L a- HOUSING IVSPECTION ...,CORD pg. 2 of 3 FOUNDATION: I KIND : /%ME PIERS: 4x at oc GIRDERS: 2.x +at 6 oc JOIST :A x 4 atg- oc SLAB : - AIR VENTS: YEJ . p)so 6YCfl-J I U I RAFTER SIZE: 2 x 4 at 20c 7 PfTCH >cr 2 SPAN : d CONDITION : +B/ R* CEILING: / JOIST SIZE: j3x4at oc SPFN : HEIGHT CONDITION : I /w;p+ &TJ e. d /CUP 11 EXTERIOR WALLS : TYPE I $)~.S/;L)(E EXT. FINISH: / 0 Orz WINDOTilS : EAVES : FACIA 0 o/z CONDITION : ,p WATEF. HEATER: SIZE : 20 &B I LOCATION: &T/jTY (3 GAS INLET SHUT-’OFF VALVE YES VENTED *,yEJ’ PRESSURE FEL. VALVE WONF Connector Length ’ 2 4” Ff i?7( GARAGE : ATTACHED DETACHED RAFTER SIZE x, .at oc , FIRE DOOR: )(/b c Sllirfr .COB ELECT. &ITS $ OhE I CLOSER STL?DE SIZE X VENTS 1 6 ACCESSORY SUILDINGS at oc VENTS . 1) FAFTER SIZE 2, x +at 240c MISC. I Pg 3 of 3 , MISC : - 4 -1 HOUSING INSPECTION F JRD - TEFMITES : f UNDERFLOOR' AREA .D) f?Ty PORCHES SCREENS 8 YARD CONDITION: KIND : a LOCATION OF BUILDING (s) ON PROPERTY: F-!M . - .. '. Signature of Inspector 3 ., -- , c t .. .. =,e< - L.. +--- ,-I ~ .- I . .'A c - . . - . -. -.+ ... . .. . :,* . .- __ - -.. . .---__ ---A- - f .I-- .-- -.--.- 11 I-