HomeMy WebLinkAbout1339 Knowles Ave; ; CBR2018-0310; Recyclet City of Carlsbad cbR2017-1434 July 10, 2017 ( City of Carlsbad WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 8°59 owner. Con:rnctor: RECEIVE[) APR 16 2018 CITY Qi~ C/\HL:olY\D BUILDING DIViSlCJrJ Development Services Building Division 1635 Faradily Avenue 76(J.Ci02•2719 www.carl!ibadca.gov Job Addu,sa,:·-'_;~c...,:c?,_"1'-.!.l41--'---0-M_,E..(.1.:,......:_..:,_ __ _ Phone """'""''-" _7.L.1/,,e.JQ<.. . ......J7u.,Z,,,:.'I.L..~~~o<....<fL.:t>c.::f>:;_ __ _ Permit#: _.;:C::..cll;,c..,t, __ Zo;__l_;6:;_'_0:...;:~c.•c.0____ Eslimated Cost<1f Project: $, ____________ _ ODomolition Type of Project: □ New Construction □ Re modal or T.I. wcsldontial □ Commercial (cheek all thatappl:.,) D Other ___________________________ _ Non-hazardous construction wnsta goncratcd during tllO course of this projoct shall be rc-cyclad and/or so111agod for re-use at a minimum of 50% par CAl.Grccn Soc. 5.408.1. Failure to comply may rosult 111 a penalty fee up to $1,000. For ptojccts wh!Ch consist of malnly equipment and/or racking. that have a combined weight of now construction disposal that dooo not exceed 2 lbs per square foot of building orco offocted by this pC?rmit, ma:,, bo deemed to meet tno 50% minimum toqulrement uJ)On approval of llullding Dopartment. ALTERNA11VE FORMS OF COMPLIANCE: (If selected. do not complete Tables 1 & 2 bolowJ D Construction waste shall not el<Cocd 2 lbs. per sf. of area. All roco1pts shcJII De provided to tho Building Officio! prior to fjnal. llhis option not applicable for most canstructlon projccts.J Squorc foct of consuuction area X 2 lbs. -_______ lbs.of allowable wasto. ~ plan on using a WASTE MANAGEMENT roll-oH bin, All rccoJpts shall bo provided to tho Building Officio I prior to fmal. Table 1 • Estimated waste (To be filled out prior to permit issuanco •tOfortoo:iiampto on Pago 2.) MATERIALS lbs. of waste to be tukcm to lbs. or waste to bo \\'aste Hauling Company or Re-Use MolhotJ LANDFILL RE-USED or RECYCLED Asphalt/ Concrete ertck/ Masonry Cardboard Drywall Lclndscapo Dobris Lumbur / Wood Metals MbtedWasto Trash , Garba11a Other: TOTAL lbs: Estimated Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled, ______ % Official Use Only OPlonApprovcd D Plan Donlcd □Pro Juatlon Approved Reviewed/ Approved by.: ________________ _ • City of Carlsbad cbR2017-1434 July 10, 2017 Table 2 -Actual waste (To bo completed oftcrconstruction.) MATERIALS lbs. of waste taken to lbs. of Wi1Stt1 LANDFILL RE-USED or RECYCLED Asphalt/ Concrete Brick/ Masonry Curdbaard Drywall Landscape Debris Lumber/ Wood Matal!!i Milled Waste Trash I Garbar1e Other: TOTAL lbs.: Actual Percentage Re-Used or Recycled. ______ % Official Use Only Waste Hauling Company or Re-Use Method (com~cte only If dlfr«!mnt than Tuble 1) O 50-X Goal Actiievcd □ 50% Goar No1 Achieved □ Alternc1tivc Compllanco Achlovod Ponalty Paid S ______ _ Reviewed/ Appro'o'Od by_·----------------- EXAMPLE: Uso the followiug examplons a guide to completing this fo,m. MATERIALS lbs. of wcs~ 10 be :ol,;cn 10 lb1. of WD$llt IQ b111 Wc:nlc H0utl119 Company o, Re-U,• Melhod LANOFILL RE-USED or RECYCLED Asphalt l Contrell 0 ;)ODO AF.,C HO:Ltli.JI\O. Co. 3rick I Mll,Olll)' 1DO 450 WM / Rt-1,t;eC.: BY,c-R. ov.-&(o::e Cardbo4Id 0 !.5.D ~~c Hau.Lt~. en l)zyw,ll 0 50 A'tC Hi?.uLi,•·¼~ Co. Londsupe Debris 0 .!20 , ... ,uLe~1ed E Rt-used o~i..••E.Lt~ I.umbel Wood 500 0 wast~ Mttv..rrne•·.t~Ki MHals 300 '2.00 W'M. ,, At:.e HttulLVl-q Mi:t:MW11it-i !500 D WM Trash/ C--:uba;-t :?:,00 C WM Othit: Poc-l C.uv.lt~ 0 9cc !,l~,;ed tff. eru.s.hed 't,CIU OL".-1:.Ltc TOT.Al.lbs.: 2.7cc, 3RTC· Percentage to be Re-Used or Recycled 59 % Formula: X 100 .. % Re-Used or Recycled Total RC·U$(?(1 or RocyQlpd (Total Combined Waste) 38'/0 X 100 .., 59% Ro•USCcJ or RccyCIC!tl 12700+ 3870) Since 59% exceeds the minimum requirement of 50%, this plan complies. Pi.G,e 2or2