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1340 POINSETTIA LN; ; CO080055; Certificate of Occupancy
10-31-2008 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Certificate of Occupancy Cert of Occ# C0080055 Permit Type COFO Related Bldg Permit* CB052092 Bldg Address 1340 POINSETTIA LN CBAD Parcel No Issue Date 10/31/2008 Occupant Name NORTH COAST CALVARY CHAPEL Contact Name JACK SHUBIN Building Owner NORTH COAST CALVARY CHAPEL 1330 POINSETTIA LANE CARLSBAD CA 92011 Description of Use CHILDREN'S MINISTRY AND SCHOOL Phone# 760/929-0029 Phone# Phone# 760/929-0029 I certify that this building or portion complies with the Uniform Building Code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified The above information is true and correct and I make this statementunder penalty of perjury DateSignature of Building Offici FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Date Routed Use Zone Inspected Bv V*\* 1 Inspected By Inspected Bv Occupancy Group 'f*tlU^ Date &> N! Date Date Construction Type &\J O£> Approved Approved Approved Disapproved Disapproved Disapproved Comments ^ OCT-29-2008 12 37 NORTH COAST CALVARY P 001 City of Carlsbad Building CO# APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF; OCCUPANCY '! City of Carlsbad - Building Department : 1635 Faraday Avenue : Carlsbad CA 92008 (760) 602-2700 (760) 602-8560 FAX BUILDING ADDRESS /3 -4Q BUILDING PERMJT OCCUPANCY GROUP CONSTRUCTION TYPE _ BUILDING OWNER CcVfeT NAM CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE NUMBER OCCUPANT NAME CONTACT NAME CONTACT PHONE Unit* ; !' DESCRIBE THE EXACT USE OF ALL PORTIONS OF EACH BUILDING AREA 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92OO8-7314 • (760) 602-2700 « PAX (760) ©02-3560