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1345 PINE AVE; ; CB161092; Permit
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 03-21-2016 Cogeneration Permit Permit No:CB161092 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Pem,it Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: Applicant: I, 1345 PINE AV CBAD COGEN 2050523300 $6,400.00 Sub Type: PHOTO Lot#: 0 Constuction Type: NEW Reference #: ROLF: 16 ROOF MOUNT PV, 5.52KW NO PANEL UPGRADE, NO RMA Owner: Status: ISSUED Applied: 03/21/2016 Entered By: SLE Plan Approved: 03/21/2016 Issued: 03/21/2016 Inspect Area: Plan Check #: N B BAKER ELECTRIC INC ROLF THEODORE D&JENNIFER W 1298 PACIFIC OAKS PL ESCONDIDO CA 92029 760 546-2000 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $87.98 $0.00 $61.59 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $1.00 1345 PINE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $151.57 Total Payments To Date: $151.57 Balance Due: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $151.57 $0.00 l'OTICE: Reese tENl l'OTICE Iha~ r.t ~ ptja::t lrdtms 1ha 1rTµElia," foos, ciadailcns, resava!lcm, cr drer ENd!cm tBeet!Er cx:iledlvay ra'aroo to as 1ees'e,,miais." Yoo raw oo ~ frantte date !tis µmit Y.BS lsaa! to~ lrrµ)sltla, r.tthase fe3s'e«dlals. If pl~ ttan pl rru;t fdloNtte p-ctest p-rorlres sEt fath In G:Mmrat Qrll 93::ilrn ffi:l2Xa). ml file tt-e ~ ml rnJ ctt-ff ra:µroo lrfumilcn Y.i1h the Qty MraJ3' fer ~ In amda! m w1h Ca1sl:al M.ridp:il Qrll 93::ilrn 3.32.031 Pcilll'Elto tirray fdloNthat ~ wll bar ITT/ subsaµrt lega Edlcrl to atb:d<, r£MEM\ sa asde, \dd, cr aru tt-ar lrrµEltlcn ' ( Yoo ae rsi:bf R.RTI-ER I\O'TIFl8) tt-at ~ rigt to pcta,t tte sp'dfioo fe3s'!Mdic:ns OCES l'Of PPR.. Y to v.ala' ml SfJN!I: cx:rrrolal fees ml~ ~ ra ~ zrrirg, ga::irJJ cr dte' snfu' cWlcatirn Jml35Srg cr 6a'Ace fees lri cxma:tla1 wth tiis J:ltjEd. N:R OCES rr PPR.. Y to ITT/ i \me FOLLO\"JING Af'PROY~ REQUIRED PRIOR 10 PERtllT ISSUANCE: D PLANM?lG D ENG!HEERING OBUII.DIHG D HE/\LTH D HAmATIAPCD 14,'2>~ ',~ CITY OF CARlSBAD rnmunU©J~~ ~a~ ~~nfl~Uil 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8658 email: building@car1sbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov PHan Check i\lo. SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM li\lST ALLA TION -oo USE IRESPRJNKLERS YESONOCJ PROPIRTY OWNER NAM~ DRESS 2140 ENTERPRISE ST ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ESCONDIDO CA 92029 FAX EMAl~,A--1L. E"7 -w,~ ~.-@bakerelectricsolar.com D!SIQN PROF5SIOIIAL BAKER ELECTRJC SOLAR ADDRESS AOORESS 2140 ENTERPRISE ST CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP ESCONDIDO CA 82029 PHONE FAX PHONE FAX 760,,546"6017 EMAIL EMAIL Uandera@.,bakerelectricsolar.com STAlEUC.# STAlE UC.I Cl.ASS 858088 C10 0 (Sec. 7031.5 Business and ProfessJons Code: Any Cit)' or County which requires a pennlt to construct, alter. Improve, damollsh or=ny struotura, pi1or to Its lssuan~~l\(so reaulres the !!ppUcant for such permit to file a siltned statement tfiat he Is licensed pursuant to the provfslons of the Contractor's Ucaose Law tar 9, commending with Section 7 uuu of Dlvfslon 3 of the Business and Professloos Code) or !hat he ts exem_12tt!1erefrom, and the basls fofthe alleged exemption. My violation of Section 03 by any applcanffor a permltsub:fects tha appHcantto a cMI penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ~O}). Worttn' CompellAllon lleclll'ltlon: I hereby 8lltm l6ldel' pendy d peqxy 008 of tho fol/owing decilflllbns: D I line 811d VIII maintain a certfflcale of coment to Nlf.lnll.lT9 br worlcera' compensatioo as provided ll'f Sectm 3700 of !he labor Code, filr the perbn ,ance of ftlB work ~ which 811s perm! Is Issued. IZJ I MV!I and l'flll lllalntm wor1ma' compenaatlon, 815 reQlil'9d by SectkJn 3700 of !he Laba Code, for Ille peronnmce of the work for which Ills permi Is Issued. Mot VIOllcers' COl'T1)6llSa!lo ilaurarce carrief and poicy nllrber ara: IIISl.ralC0 Co. AMERICAN ZURICH Po1k;y No. w~ ExplraUon Dale 10101/2015 l!li. sec11on need not be ~ r the pennlt Is for one hunmid dollars ($100) or less. LJ Cartlllcate of Exempllon: I ce!lfy thri 11 Ile pooormance ol lhe work br wlich NII permit i8 Issued, I Bilal not ~ any per80II kl any manner so as kl become IIUbjact lo fie ~ Compoosallon Laws of CaMollla WARNING: Flllin to '8CUl't wontll'9' co cowrage II unlawful, and 1htil etlbjeet an tmploytr to crlmlnal penaltlee and clvfl linOI op to one band red 1iloulaJul dollara (&100,906~ In addition to the COit of compenntlon, d for In ct1oo me of the Labor codt, Int.est and attom8'/'I re... 1 r A$ CONTRACTOR BIOHAl\JRE MENT DATE \ r/t \ I hereby Blftn( that I llf!l emmpl from Coolraclon; l.tens6 Ulllf frx-Iha follolfflg l!IIISOO: D l ae owner of the property or IT1'f employees wV.h wages as hli' sole COTT1)enaaflon, wll do the a and ffle structure Is nol ilEnded or offerad br sae (Sec. 7044, Bush'lees and Pi1lflmlons Code: The Conlractors Ltense I.Boll does not apply kl 111 owner of property who builds or mprovee lhereoo, and who does euch work hmsef or througi his own employeea, prlMded !hat such lmprovemell!s are no! i11ended or offered for sae. If, however, !he bul'dng or rnprowment Is sold wlthln one,,-of comp!etloo, t.e owner-bulkier wl ha\10 flle btm:Jen of promg Iha! he did not build or I~ br the purpoge of eale). ~ l as owoor of ffle property, am exc!usNaly coolractlng with lm1sad conlnrtx's il construct the project (Sec. 7044, Bll8rleSII and Professions Code: The Contractor's License l.!Hi does not apply to an 0/1!10r of property who blJJ'"kis or improvell thereon, and contracts ~ such projects Wlilh contracb"(e) !censed purouant il Iha Contractlr's l.Jcoose Law). D I am exen1)1 llllder Secion Bul!lness ood Prolasslons Code for this reason: 1. 1 persona,ly p1111 il pra,ide the major lwor and maoom for coos!nx:flon of the proposed property ~ [JY es 0-lo 2. I (have I have ~ sgled an appUcatiln for a mtilQ permit for the proposed work. 3. I ha't'll cootractad wih the followTig JJB1S011 (firm) lo proykla the prOjX)S6d conslrucllon (llCluda name inlr06s I phone I contraclors' i:el1se IUIITbar~ 4. I plan lo pro'Me l))l1lons of toe ~rk, but I h!M! hired the rolowilg person kl cooo!nate, 8UplllV!se and provide the major ~ (kJc!ode name I oodress I phone I conlra;lors' icefM l\lll\ber}: 6. I wll provkle some of !he work, but I lul'le conrncled (hied) the foUow!ng person! to provije the YIO,'\c ildblted (lnctude name I address I phone I type of woo): " ./!! PROPERTY OWfER SIGNATURE []AGENT 15 Iha awfcait'br ~tura buldlng occupant required kl submit a btmle5S plan, acuiel;' hazardous maler!as ~oo bm or risk ma11agement and pnM111lon ~= under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 or lie Prestey-T IIVlB( Hamdous Substance Account /v:;f/ O Yes O No Is the appllcaj or future bu icing occupant requi'ed kl obtain a psmit from lhe air po&rtlon control clsbict DI' lir quail !y ~emant dlsloct? 0 Yes O No Is the fai'lty kl be construcled wlthln 1,000 feet of lhe Otrter bound Bl}' of a school site? O Yes O No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APl't.lCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND 'THE AJR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I certify that I ha\e read the application 1111d state that the a.bo'l!l lnbma!lon Is correct and that the Information on the plans ls IICQJlllte. I agree to comply llltt1 all ~ orcl1ance5 and state laws relating to blJHdlng construct!on. I her£bJ wmlze reprasenlalrJe rl. he Cltf of Carlsbad to enil( upon the abale mermied propeey b' lnspecbi JlllJXlS8S. I N.1:,0 AGREE TO SA VE, ~IFY AND KEEP 1-IARM..ESS TH: CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ALL UABIUT£S, JOOG"'81TS, COSTS A.'ll EXP8'ISES 'M-IICH W.Y ti mY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE a= THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: M OSHA pemllt Is req.ked fa" ~ over 5'0' deep aod demiikln or coosiucfon rl. strucues r:Nf!l 3 mies in helgrt. EXPIRAIDN: Eve,y perrni Issued byte !31:Mng Olfd!i li1der Iha prM1U1S oft.ls Coil sia11 expre by frnltalloo aod be(;ane oo11 aru1 veil l l!e tx.tilj or wen wlloi1zed by such PBTif ts oot C001Tl8IDld •1n : ::::~=ocWttie ~ mJtzoo bym peimtls~ orrilaooom rtar, Un'3 allr(fhe:~1;,r ~1~ra,3 {Sedm 100.4.4 llibm ~ Cooe~ Inspection List Pennlt#: CB161092 Type: COGEN PHOTO Date Inspection Item ~n_!_Pector Act ---- 05/16/2016 35 Photo Voltaic (PV) RI 05/16/2016 35 Photo Voltaic (PV) AEK AP 05/16/2016 39 Final Electrical RI 05/16/2016 39 · Final Electrical AEK Fl Tuesday, May 17, 2016 ROLF: 16 ROOF MOUNT PV, 5.52KW NO PANEL UPGRADE, NO RMA Comments \ Page 1 of 1