HomeMy WebLinkAbout1350 OAK AVE; ; CB003668; PermitA. • , City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit Permit No:C8003668 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address 1350 OAK AV CBAD Permit Type: • RESDNTL ..Sub Type: RAD Status: ISSUED , ..'-'Pai-ceI No: 1561902000 Lot #: 0 Applied: 10/02/2000 Valuation $64,582.00 _ Construction Type VN Entered By RMA ccupancy Group: Reference #: . Plan Approved: 04/09/2001 # Dwelling Units: 0 Structure Type: Issued: 04/09/2001 Bedrooms:. : 0 Bathrooms: 0 Inspect Area: * Project Title PETERSON RES 659 SF ADD ABOVE Orig PC# . KITCHEN-MASTER BED/BATH Plan Check#: Applicant: . -Owner:-- PETERSON MARK A ' .' PETERSON - MARK 6126 04/09/01 0002 01. 02 1350 bAK AVE 135AK'AVE . pP. CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLS BAD, CA 92008 . -. / Total Fees: $972.71 AToibl-Psymentsjo Date: $30422 ç\lance Du'e: $668.49 ' Building Permit / / / $468:14 .03 ' MetëSie \ Add'l Building Permit Fed / $0.00-Addl Red-Water Con.' Fee \ $0.00 Plan Check / / $30422 MeterFee -- \ $0.00 Add'l Plan Check Fee I $0.00 SDCWA"Fee \ $0.00 Plan Check Discount ( $0.00 CFD Payoff Fee A7\ $0.00 Strong Motion Fee1 .. $6.46\. FFF<' o00' . )$0.00 , Park in Lieu Fee s000l "% PFF (CFD Fund)ç I I f$0.00 ', Park Fee \ $0.O04 i!iEe4ns Taxf'r'\'\ / ,$0.00 LFM Fee . \ $O.00.L % ins' Tax (CFD Fund) / / $0.00 Bridge Fee \ \.$0.00-.. Trffi Impact F/" / / $0.00 Other Bridge Fee \ \ $0.00NTaffià Impact (CFD Fund) / $0.00 BTD #2 Fee \ \ •$0.00 Sidewlk Fed / / $0.00 -. BTD #3 Fee \ \$0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL/ / $126.00 Renewal Fe& \ so.00 INO ELECTRICAL TOTAL / $20.00 Add'l Renewal Fee - $0.00 MECHANICALTOTAL' / $48.00 Other Building Fee \ .- 1 $0 00 Housing Impact Fed\. / $0 00 ., Pot. Water Con. Fee . \ $0.0O'J --. Housing;InLieu.Fee'3 / _$0.00 ... Meter Size . ( /7 CMaster Drainage Fee: / . $0.00 Add'l Pot. WaterCon. Fee $0.00 Sdwer'F&e:"- . . $0.00 Red Water Con. Fee -$0.00 Additioal Fees: . $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $972.71 w. FINAL APPROVAL Inspector ,,e _Dte Clearance NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that appoval of your project includes the imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these tees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for - processing in accordànce with Casbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and séwér connection tees and càpactii - changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired . - - FOR OFFICE USE 0 V PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHEC NO -3 EST CITYF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT VAL 1635 FaradayAve., Carlsbad,, CA 92008 ,. Plan Ck.Deposit Validated By Date____________ ff 009P '(0/02/00 0001- 01 Address (include Bldg/Suite #) . Business Name (at this address) .. , . rF'r" 304.22 Legal Description ....Lot No.. . Subdivision Name/Number Unit No: Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # . 13 Cj2 Existing Use Proposed Use Description of Work I SO. FT. #of Stories # ofBdrooms . # of Bathrooms ZAP 770*AWbV la 2 CONTACT-'PERSON4(uf4differenttfromapplJcant) . . Name Address City' ' , " . State/Zip T ephone # -Fax enLibEl Name . , . . Address . . City .. State/Zip Telephone # PROPERTY'ri' L. "l '/4AK Name. ' Address City . State/Zip TLIphone# CATOR ~qeA (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contraâtor's License Law, [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division ,3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for, the alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the 'applicant to civil peHalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). 'Name , . . Address , . . City , State/Zip Telephone # State License # ., . License Class , City Business License# Designer Name Address . . City State/Zip Telephone State License # Worke'rs' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insüre'for.wb'rkers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the LaborCode, for the performance of the workfor which this permit is issued. . I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is 'issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are.. . Insurance Company . . . Policy No. Expiration Date ___ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$1001 OR LESS) o CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE . ., ..- DATE - '12 OWNERBUIVIDEWDECUARATION - I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: :0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale ' (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law.does not apply to an owner of properti'who builds or improves thereon; and who does such work himself or through his own employees; provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale: If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) - I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason il. I'personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES DNb I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposedwork. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): .1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide 'the major work (include name /-address'/ phone :number I contractors license number): .5. I'will.provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) a following persons to providi the work indicated (include name -address /phne number /type \ PROPERTY qERGNATUA _____DATE41JhO 1 'COMPLETE THIS Is the applicant or-future building occupant'required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration fOrm or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0. YS 0 NO ' , ............. Is the applicant or future building occupant required to'Obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES 0 NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000, feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES 0 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF-THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 81ONSTRUCTION LENDING AG~ENCY -- ) hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the pert orrnnce of the work for which this permit is issued . 3097 Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME .'LENDER'S ADDRESS -' J I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the ,inf ormation on the plans is accurate. I agree to nomply with all City'ordihances and-State laws relating to building construction.. I hereby authorize representatives of the Cit'of.Carlsbad to enter, upon the above mentiOned property' or inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND 'KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST,ALL LIABILITIES. 'JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY. WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE. OF THE GRANTINGOF'-THIS PERMIT.. OSHA:An OSHA permit is required foçexcavations over 5'O" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories inIight. EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the bui)ding Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced a pen of 18 da s (Se tion 10644 Uniform Building Code) g' # APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE 114 ,WHITE File LLOW Applicant PINK Finance City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For 12/05/2002 Permit# CB003668 Inspector Assignment: PS Title: PETERSON RES-659 SF ADD ABOVE Description KITCHEN-MASTER BED/BATH Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: RAD Phone: 6198388039 Job Address: 1350 OAK AV . Suite: Lot 0 Location: Inspector: S S APPLICANT PETERSON MARK A .. Owner: PETERSON MARK A S S Remarks: . S Total Time: S S S Requested By: EDDIE Entered By CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing M/3 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical. A S Associated PCRs/CVs lnsDection History S S Date Description Act Insp Comments . S 10/31/2002 89 Final Combo CO RE TEMP. GLASS TOP STAiRS/4iN SPACE GUARDRAIL, GFCi KIT ISLAND/BATH 06/04/2002 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP PS MASTER BATH CHECK ON FINAL FOR HEAD CLEARANCE @ STAIRS 04/25/2002 27 Shower Pan/Roman Tubs AP - JC 04/25/2002 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP JC 04/17/2002 16 Insulation AP JC 04/11/2002 ,14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP JC OK'TO INSULATE S 04/11/2002 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP JC 04/11/2002 34 Rough Electric AP JC NOTE PLAN CHANGE ON FILE 03/29/2002 84 Rough Combo 1 CO JC NOTE: RELEASE WATER - SEE ATTACHED NOTICE 03/26/2002 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP JC . • S S 03/12/2002 13 Shear Panels/HD's • CO JC SEE NOTICE 03/12/2002 16 Insulation CO JC S 03/12/2002 34 Rough Electric CO JC . S 02/13/2002 33 Service Change/Upgrade AP JC , S 02/13/2002 34 Rough Electric L WC JC S City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 10/31/2002 Permit# CB003668 Title: PETERSON RES-659 SF ADD ABOVE Description: KITCHEN-MASTER BED/BATH Type:RESDNTL Sub Type: RAD Job Address: 1350 OAK AV Suite: Lot Location: APPLICANT PETERSON MARK A Owner: PETERSON MARK A Remarks: Inspector Assignment: PS Phone: 6198388039 Inspector: R / Total Time: Requested By: EDDIE Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural C. /SS 4 s)i-s/-9 ad&vV 29 Final Plumbing Co 39 Final Electrical Co . Fc'i fr,/. -J ,49 49 Final Mechanical Associated PCRs/CVs Inspection History Date Description Act Insp Comments 06/04/2002 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP PS MASTER BATH CHECK ON FINAL FOR HEAD CLEARANCE @ STAIRS 04/25/2002 27 Shower Pan/Roman Tubs AP JC 04/25/2002 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP JC 04/17/2002 16 Insulation AP JC 04/11/2002 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Werdrng AP JC OK TO INSULATE 04/11/2002 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP JC 04/11/2002 34 Rough Electric AP JC NOTE: PLAN CHANGE ON FILE 03/29/2002 84 Rough Combo CO JC NOTE: RELEASE WATER - SEE ATTACHED NOTICE 03/26/2002 13 Shear Panels/HD's' AP JC 03/12/2002 13 Shear Panels/HD's CO JC SEE NOTICE 03/12/2002 16 Insulation CO JC 03/12/2002 34 Rough Electric CO JC 02/13/2002 33 Service Change/Upgrade AP JC 02/13/2002 34 Rough Electric WC JC 02/06/2002 15 Roof/Reroof AP JC S 02/01/2002 32 Const. Service/Agricultural CO JC SEE NOTICE ATTACHED City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 03/29/2002 Permit# CB003668 Inspector Assignment: JC Title: PETERSON RES-659 SF ADD ABOVE Description: KITCHEN-MASTER BED/BATH Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: RAD Phone: 6198388039 Job Address: 1350 OAK AV Suite: Lot 0 j Location: ( r Inspector: jbL... APPLICANT PETERSON MARK A Owner: PETERSON MARK A Remarks: Total Time: Requested By: N/A Entered By: ROBIN CD"Description Act Comment CO 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding :: :::::: 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers Associated PCRs Inspection History Date Description - Act lnsp Comments 03/26/200 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP JC 03/121200 13 Shear Panels/HD's CO JC SEE NOTICE 03/12/200 16 Insulation CO JC 03/12/200 34 Rough Electric CO JC 02113/200 33 Service Change/upgrade AP JC 02/13/200 34 Rough Electric WC JC 02/06/200 15 Roof/Reroof AP JC 02/01/200 • 32 Const. Service/Agricultural CO JC SEE NOTICE ATTACHED 02/01/200 34 Rough Electric WC JC 12/04/200 15 Roof/Reroof PA GG SEE BACK OF CARD 08/29/200 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP JC 07/27/200 21 underground/under Floor AP JC 07/27/200 23 Gas/Test/Repairs PA • JC S. &lAL MILL IX PLIC& L N. Oak ExtsrNo 2x olrJos . •'S_ S a- 08/12/2881 22: 48 7684330242 . PHIL WEATHERLY 88/@2/2e@116:36 61929424 S. UItNNi PAGE @3 u_ S MIKE SURPRINANT S & ASSOCIATES - ' cr - Curisukng 5irucwrtl Engineqrs CA6CULAM 61 CA - c,Oto by Tt scat - -. Ni BIJ r I :4, t [ L 4 441fF h March 22, 2002 Mark Peters4on - I 1350 Oalc Averue Car1bad! CA 92008 4 Project Peterson Addition Job No 00149 Mr. Peterson, I In accordaAce with Our request, we hve pr64vided revised sher fcicijltin due to modified shearwall 4 lengths, occurring as a result of revised window opening slzes/locattons, at the second floor of the above referenced project Specifically, we were asked to reeval1U1ate the sherallst'gridhnes "A", "C" and "4" 4 I 4 Based on ou ti r calculaons (attached), we have determined that the shearwalls and holdowns at these gndlmes, remain adequat s intalled, with th exception gridline "4", 'which,gHouldj 4mchfied The shearalls at gridline "4" should be changed fromtype "3" shearwalls'çdtyp "4'( sheara1]4s; due t the h! 11' lengths (now are only, 3'-O" wide each) The type "D" ho1dons hdwe4ver,' may remain at the ends bf ihese Shea Its as installed 1Please feel free to cc?ntact our office with any quètIons or comments1 rlated to the recommendaions 1prd'rided"vithin this dcument -. I e SurprenantE , S Attachmen lp Ex 335 15th Street San Diego, California 92101 Te1 1(619)4 531 0757 • Fax (619) 53F0758 4 4 14 14 1 4 1 1 Ij 7 1 144 'f 77oc •. L ('-"..L 2-2) 'ix•= 4r KI E* . -f"-JA-u- fr'IS .r YX Ip(4 - ±5t ' MIKE SURPRENANT - & ASSOCIATES Consulting Structural Engineers JOB irSc14 A)D7iI/oo SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY DATE /2 Z CHECKED BY DATE SCALE o EVVI'4S '- E 7b (oa) (L "A",) (L "4) F L 6L0"..(3 ") Y,=.• 32,ic •'. P.1-) 6071 !1 1c7 LoLlc F-€MA.1 0 PRODUCT 207 j3O 00 4t/l?DAI FIELD REPORT No: me: Project No.: Lilol Date:.j Loiatio / C /5 6 i Weather: Day: Contractor: e1.-#t Foreman: Field Technician: * Miles: 711ours: Equipment Working: inspection / Testing of j Test No. Test Location Elevation or Depth Soil Type Optimum Moisture Field Moisture Maximum Density Field Density Re 1. Comp. J /q 1 c/pat 01 1 __ J J; Summary of Operations: Supervisor: —T— Engineer: Geologist: Todays Yardage: - Yardage to Date: L!nyi,,ccrin fJ, I// C. 100* (4.77) - - 64/69/2662 06:48 7664336242 : PHIL WEATHERLY PAGE 01 -- WEATHERLY HOMES Office: (760) 433-7842 Fax: (760) 433-0242 TO: Eddie Leverett FAX: 7607203831 PAGES TO FOLLOW: 3 (Including the cover sheet) FROM: PHIL WEATHERLY SUBJECT: Peterson addition & remodel . COMMENTS: . . I have reviewed and approved, of the design chongesfor the second floor addition, ,. . Thanks1 Phil Watherly IAIA : p1-ilL WEATHERLY . PAGE 02 750 720 3831 p.2 @4/09/2ø2 06:48. 7604330242 Apr 00 02. .06:55e •1evrett. 04/09/2002 06:48 7504330242 - Rpr 08 02 06:56a 1evrett z ._ a L) (N PHIL WEATHERLY PAGE 03 760 720 3831 p.3 Lo lip i' \ 1 : ::T ... .... \\\ I.. .. DATE: December 18, 2000 SET: II U o APP CANT RIS. O PLAN REVIEWER 0, FILE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO: 00-3668 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1350 Oak Street EsGi! Corporation In Partnerip with Government for Wuifiing Safety NAME: Addition & Remodel-Peterson Residence The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's, building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved & checked by building department staff. LI The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on-the enclosed check list and should ",.corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: 1) All sheets of plans to be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code). 2) Provide guardrail detail 301D per applicant response. 3) Individual concrete or masonry piers shall project at least 8" above exposed ground. See detail 5/D. By: Tony Embuidô • Enclosures: Esgil Corporation LI GA • [] MB LI EJ LI PC 12/11/00 trnsmti.dot -. '9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In Partnership with government for Bui&fing Safety DATE October 10, 2000 D APPLICANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3668 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1350 Oak Street PROJECT NAME: Addition & Remodel-Peterson Residence 71 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes ?vhen minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed checklist and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. - U The checklist transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. J The applicant's copy of the checklist is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the checklist has been sent to: Phil Weatherly 0 3323 Par Drive, Oceanside, CA 92056 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. U Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Phil Weatherly (V.M.) Telephone , 3-7842 cL Date 1bii-oo (by:,tii.) Fax 33-0242 - Mail v, Telephone— Fax.- In Person REMARKS By: Tony Embuido Enclosures: Esgil Corporation GA El MB EJ El PC 10/03/00 trnsmttdot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208• San Diego, California 92123 • (858)560-1468.* Fax(858)560-1576 A Carlsbad 00-3668 October 10, 2000 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES LAN CHECK NO.: 00-3668 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad -I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1350 Oak Street FLOOR AREA: + 659-R3 DECK-155 I REMARKS: STORIES: 2 HEIGHT: -25' DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 10/02/00 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: October 10, 2000 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 10/03/00 PLAN REVIEWER: Tony Embuido FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the, Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code; Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with the 1998 edition of * the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 1997 UBC, 1997 UPC, 1997 UMC and 1996 NEC (all effective 7/1/99). The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items. must. be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code,. the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 00-3668 October 10, 2000 PLANS .. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: I Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engiheering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. Final set of plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, for plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction. Specify expiration date of license. (California Business and Professions Code). . GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 2. Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406.4 (see exceptions): Specify tempered glass on window/door and/or floor plans. U a) Fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door U U in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is U ' • , less than 60 inches above the walking surface. See window symbol [A] at U 2nd floor adjacent to swing door. U U b) Walls enclosing stairway landings or within 5 feetof the bottom and top of U stairways where the bottom edge of the glass is less than 60" above a U walking surface. See window symbol [G] at 2'" floor plan adjacent to stairs. Carlsbad 00-3668 October 10, 2000 5. 6 . STAIRWAYS AND RAILINGS Guardrails (Section 509.1): a) Shall be detailed showing adequacy of connections to resist the horizontal force. prescribed in Table 16-B. Provide stairway and landing dimensions/details. Sections 1003.3.3. Maximum rise is 7" and minimum run is 11". When the stairs serves less than 10 occupants, or serves an unoccupied roof, rise may be 8" maximum and run 9" minimum. Minimum width is 36" clear. Handrails (Section 1003.3.3.6): Handrails and extensions shall be 34" to 38" above nosing of treads and be continuous. The handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than 1-1/4 inches or more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension. Handrails projecting from walls shall have at least 1-1/2 inches between the wall and the handrail. Ends of handrails shall be returned or shall have rounded terminations or bends. The walls and soffits of the enclosed usable space under interior stairs shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for 1-hour fire-resistive construction. Section 1003.3.3.9. . ROOFING/DECKING Balconies and decks exposed to the weather and sealed underneath shall be sloped a minimum àf 1/4-inch per foot for drainage. Section 1402.3. Specify on the plans the following information for the deck/balcony materials, per Section 106.3.3: Manufacturer's name and Product name/number. ICBO approval number, or equal. Provide skylight details to show complianceWith Sections 2409 and 2603, or specify on the plans the following information for the skylight(s), per Section 106.3.3: See solar tubes shown. . Manufacturer's name and Model name/number. ICBO approval number, or equal. Carlsbad 00-3668 October 10, 2000 Note on the plans:"Athc ventilation openings shall be covered with corrosion- resistant metal mesh with mesh openings of 1/4-inch in dimension." Section 1505.3. . FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS All new residential buildings, including additions require a soil's report. An update letter is required if the report is more than 3 years old. Provide a CURRENT copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section 1804. In Seismic Zone 4, each site shall be assigned a near-source factor. Identify this value in the soils report and on the plans. Section 1629.4.2. Investigate the potential for seismically induced soil liquefaction and soil instability in Seismic Zones 3 and 4. Section 1804.5. Note on the plan the soil's classification, whether or not the soil is expansive and note the allowable bearing value. Section 106.3.3. The soil's engineer may require that he/she review the foundation excavations. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and The foundation excavations, the soils expansive characteristics and bearing capacity conform to the soils report." Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (when required by the soil report). The following anchor bolt requirements shall apply in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, per Section 1806.6.1: a) Plate washers (minimum size of 2" x 2" x 3/16") shall be used on each anchor bolt. Applies to all anchor bolts and not just at shear walls. See footnote 9) below sheaiwall schedule on sheet A7and correct. 10. II. 12 13 16 17. W. Carlsbad 00-3668 October 10, 2000 19. Foundation plan and details have not been completely checked due to lack of soil's report. Additional corrections may follow upon submittal. FRAMING Individual concrete or masonry piers shall project at least 8" above exposed ground unless the columns or posts, which they support are of approved wood of• natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2306.5. See detail I 5/D. V . ELECTRICAL (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) Note on the plans that receptacle outlet locations will comply with NEC Art. 210-52(a). V V Note on the plans that bathroom receptacle outlets shall be supplied by a minimum of one 20-ampere branch circuit. Such circuits shall have no other outlets. This circuit may serve more than one bathroom. NEC Art. 210-52(d). At interior stairways show 3-way switching for lighting outlets at each floor level where there are six or more steps. • NEC Art. 210(a). • I • V V . PLUMBING (UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) V V Provide a note on the plans: In showers and tub-shower combinations, control valves must be pressure balanced or thermostatic mixing valves. UPC Section V VV 412.7. V V V New water closets and associated flushometer valves, if any, shall use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush and shall meet performance standards established by the American National Standards InstitUte Standard A112.19.2. H & S Code, V V Section 17921.3(b). • V ENERGY CONSERVATION V V 26. The regulations require a properly completed and properly signed Form CF-1 R to be either imprinted on the plans, taped to the plans or "sticky backed" on the V V V plans, to allow the building inspector to readily compare the actual construction with the requirements of the approved energy design. V 27. All energy items shown on the plans must be in agreement with the information V shown on the properly completed Form CF-1 R. V V a) How was R-1 I for new exteriorwalls derived? Clarify. V b) Show all R-values per energy calc's. on section '5' plan. See. sheet A6. Carlsbad 00-3668 October 10, 2000 28. Specify (checkmark items) on the building plans all of the mandatory energy conservation requirements as listed on the enclosure titled, "Mandatory Measures Checklist". i.e., sticky back checklist on plans. MISCELLANEOUS * 29. Nails for shear transfer connection (using A35's, etc.) may not be' driven parallel to the flanges of TJI's (i.e., along the sides), per city policy, unless specific written approval from Trus-Joist Macmillan is first obtained. Details or notes on the plans should make this clear. Nails may be driven perpendicular to TJI flanges. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or,a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly,• describe them and where they are located in the plans. . Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? * Please indicate: -• Yes LJ No. El The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Tony Embuido at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 00-3668 October 10, 2000 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM - ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: OWNER'S NAME: I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701.1 for the construction project located at the site listed above. UBC Section 106.3.5. - Signed I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106.3.5 for the construction project located at the site listed above. Engineers/Arthfteds Seal & Signature Here Signed 1. List of work requiring special inspection: Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection El Field Welding Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI l High Strength Bolting El Prestressed Concrete • Expansion/Epoxy Anchors El Structural Masonry Sprayed-On Fireproofing L Designer Specified Other 2. Name(s) of individual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above: C. 3. Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above: Special inspectors shall check in with the city and present their credentials for approval prior to beginning work on the job site. Carlsbad 00-3668 - October 10, 2000 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3668 PREPARED BY: Tony Embuido DATE: October 10, 2000 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1350 Oak Street BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-3/U-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) ADDITION 659 98.00 64,582 DECK/Balcony 155 12.00 1,860 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 66,442 Jurisdiction Code IB :I:ByQrdjnancél Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance V Type of Review: Complete Review Structural Only E Repetitive Fee [1 Other jRepeats Hourly Esgil Plan Review Fee Comments: .. I 476.701 I 309.861 247.881 Sheet I of I macvalue.doc PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No.CB 00- Address /33t? 2ij1 4* Planner Greg Fisher Phone (760) 602-4629 APN: Type of. Project & Use: _fP fit42t"Net Project Density: DU/AC Zoning: /± GeneralPlarL'/7 Facilities Management Zone: / CFD (inlruat) # Date of participation: Remaining net dev acres:______ Circle One I (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by CD W this permit (, Legend: Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs your action JE E Environmental Review, Required: YES NO TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: - Compliance with conditions of approval? if not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES NO TYPE APPROVAL/RESO; NO. DATE - PROJECTNO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval:____________________________________________________ D Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES____ NO CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO____ If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO____ If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: - Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). S S • Complete C6astal Permit Determination Log as needed.. S S H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst S • S • Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO-. (A/PIDs, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing YIN, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing Street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required 45716) Shown Interior Side: Required 5. Shown Street Side: Required ' Shown Rear: . Required 1' Shown 39.s E EJ 2. Accessory structure setbacks: . . - Front: equired . Shown Interior Si . Required Shown Stree ide: Required Shown Xtructure separation: Ei 3. Lot Coverage: 4. Height: Required . Shown Required Shown Required Shown Required ,±° Shown 5.. Parking: Spaces Required • ,. Shown 0:2- Guest Spaces Required Shown E Additional Comments OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DA1?P '-z) H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPinchkRevChkist Dec 07 Co 07:29p B and B ENGINEERING t7601945-4221 p.1 "7f It&I1 Eqiiucrhog, CIv:L GEDTECHNICAL & OLIALITY ENGINEERiNG FQUDATIoNCES(GN 'LAND IV/RVEYING 'SOiL rEsTING CQNSTR(JGT7ONMAVNftVGEMENr4 INSECT(DN CLIENT: PETERSON V '• PROJECT: PET-CERT V - V DATE: 7 DEC, 2000 MR. MARK PETERSON V 1350 Oak Street Carlsbad, CA. 92008 V V Attention: Mr. Mark Peterson V V V Mr. Phil Weatherly,. V Subject: Soils Engineer Foundation Certification for the project 1oated at 1350 V V Oak Street, Carlsbad, CA Gentlemen: • V V V Pursuant to the City of Carlsbad requirements, this letter will serve as V confirmation that the foundation plans and specifications have been reviewed 'for - the subject project. We have determined that the recommendations in our Soil V investigation Report dated 30 November 2000, have been properly incorporated into the construction documents.' V OFESI . ' Sincerely, C. 'I CT Exp* 12/31101 Chief Engineer OF GAO 1 V • V V 1611-A SO. MELROSE DRIVE #285, VISTA, CA 92083-5497 • 760-945-3150 • FAX: 760945-4221 "IT H '11 ii!iigiiieerii, file. \ CIVIL. CEO TECHNICAL. & QUALITY ENGINEERING FOUNDATION DESIGN • LAND SURVEYING • SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INSPECTION CLIENT: PETERSON PROJECT: PET 1100 DATE: 30 NOV. 2000 MR. MARK PETERSON 1350 Oak Street Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Subject: Soil Investigation for the Proposed Construction for the Room Addition to the Residence located at 1350 Oak Street, Carlsbad Dear Mi. Peterson: Pursuant to your request, we have completed our site inspection, soil sampling, and our laboratory testing for the subject parcel. On November 8, 2000, a representative from our firm visited the site in order to evaluate the general surface soil conditions relative to the proposed construction. Based on our visual inspections and observations in the field, and our laboratory test results, the following conclusions were derived: It is our opinion that the subject lot may support the proposed addition to the residential structure. However, the conclusions and recommendations found in the latter part of this report shallbe incorporated in the design plans. GRADING . All grading shall be performed in accordance With the applicable recommended grading specifications contained in this report and the City of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance. On the basis of our investigation, development of the site as proposed is considered feasible from a soils engineering standpoint provided that the recommendations stated hçrein are incorporated in the design of foundation systems and are implemented in the field. Site preparationshould. begin with the removal the existing any trash, debris, and other deleterious matter. These materials, as well as vegetative matter,: are not suitable for use in structural fills and should be exported from the site. Also, any subsurface structures such as cesspools, wells, or abandoned pipelines, which are 1611-A SO.' MELROSE DRIVE #285, VISTA, CA 92083-5497 • 760-945-3150 • F: 760-945-4221' I migjiticcriiigj,Iiic. CIVIL. CEOTECHNICAL. 6 QUALITY ENGINEERING FOUNDATION DESIGN • LAND SURVEYING • SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT& INSPECTION uncovered during the grading operation, shall be removed or backfilled in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad. All on-site earth materials are considered suitable for the support of the proposed structures. However, prior to construction, the upper 30 inches of loose surface soils occurring in the area of the proposed house addition shall be removed to a depth where firm, dense native soils are encountered The limits of over- excavation and recompaction shall extend a minimum of 5 feet outside the proposed perimeter building foundations. The depth of removal is anticipated to be approximately 30 inches below the existing surface. This can be accomplished by over-excavating the upper 30 inches of the surface soils, ripping the exposed bottom surface to a minimum depth of 12 inches, and recompacting the soil to the design grade. All structural fill shall be compacted to at least 90% of the maximum dry density at near optimum moisture content as determined in accordance with ASTM Test Procedure D 1557-91 or equivalent. As an alternative to the over-excavation process, the proposed foundations may be deepened through the loose surface soils to the proper embedment into firm native soils. For a two story foundation; ie, 18 inches in depth, the perimeter footing shall extend to a depth of 30" + 18" =48". Site drainage should be dispersed by non-erodible devices in a manner to preclude concentrated runoff over graded and natural areas in accordance with the City of.Carlsbad requirements. U GEOLOGIC HAZARDS According to published information, there are no known active or potentially I active faults on or in the immediate vicinity of the subject site. Therefore, the potential for ground rupture at this site is considered low. There are, however, I . several faults located within a close proximity to this site that the movement associated with them could cause significant ground motion. The following table presents the distance of major faults from the site, the assumed maximum credible I earthquake.niagnitudes and estimated peak accelerations anticipated at the site. The probability of such an earthquake occurring during the lifetime of this project is I considered low.. The severity of ground motion is not anticipated to be any greater at this site than in other areas of San Diego County. I 2 11 1611-A SO. MELROSE DRIVE #285, VISTA, CA 92083-5497 • 760-945-3150 • FAX: 760-945-4221 Baca iiigjiiecriiig, tue. CIVIL GEO TECHNICAL, & QUALITY ENGINEERING FOUNDATION DESIGN • LAND SURVEYING • SOIL TESTING - \ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & INSPECTION SEISMICITY OF MAJOR FAULTS ESTIMATED ACCELERATION(g) 0.25 0.35 0.17 .0.12 The following information is presented relative to the subject site and Seismic Zone 4 per the U.B.C.: (z)Seismic zone factor = 0.4 I (Na) Near-source factor = 1.2 (A) Seismic source type = A (Sd) Soil profile type = Sd I (Ca) Seismic coefficient = 0.44 Na (Cv) Seismic coefficient = 0.64 Nv I (Nv) Near-source factor = 1.0 LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL I Liquefaction analysis of the soils underlying the site was based on the consideration of various factors which include the water level, soil type gradation, I relative density, intensity of ground shaking and duration of shaking. Liquefaction potential has been found to be the greatest where.the ground water level is shallow I . and loose fine sands occur within a depth of 50 feet or less. These conditions are not present within the site area and, therefore, the potential: for generalized liquefaction in the event of a strong to moderate earthquake on nearby faults is considered to below.,. STABILITY . I : The, relatively d'e'nse nature of the slopes within the site and the nature of the material underlying ,the site generally preclude the occurrence of major landslide I . conditions. The area surrounding the site is not known to be within an area of ground subsidence The potential for deep seated slope failure at the subject site is considered low. I 161 1-ASO.-MELROSE DRIVE #285, VISTA, CA 92083-5497 • 760-945-3150 • F( 760-945-4221 MAXIMUM CREDIBLE FAULT DISTANCE MAGNITUDE(RICHTER) Rose Canyon 5 mi. 7.0 Elsinore 28 mi. 7.5 San Jacinto. 51 mi. 7.8 San Andreas 75 mi. 8.3 I (f J'till ' iiiqiiiccriiiq, Inc. U .CIV CEO TECHNICAL. A QUALITY ENGINEERING - FOUNDATION DESIGN • LAND SURVEYING • SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTS INSPECTION I The site surface materials consist of silty sands that are relatively dense in their dry state. These materials are susceptible to erosion. Drainage control is essential to maintain the, stability of any planned slopes or slope areas. . . FOUNDATIONS I For foundation design purposes, the following earth pressures were calculated based on our Shear Test Results (Enclosure 1) and based on a foundation depth and width of 12 inches: Shear Test: Cohesion = 380 psf; Angle of Friction = 29° Allowable Bearing Value = 2000 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure = 42 psf Passive Lateral Resistance = 346 psf Active Pressure =42 psf Coefficient of Friction = 0.35 I Expansion Index = 8 (VERY LOW) These values are for dead plus live loads and maybe increased by one4hird (1/3) for seismic and wind loads where-allowed by code. These design bearing I values are in accordance with the Uniform Building Code and were calculated based on Terzaghis Formula It is recommended that the continuous perimeter foundations and concrete slabs for a light weight wood-framed structure shall be reinforced in accordance with the following minimum designs: a. For slab-on-grade floors: it is recommended that the continuous perimeter I foundations for a single story structure shall extend a minimum depth of 12 inches and a minimum width of 12 inches into the compacted fill material as measured I .. from the lowest adjacent grade. A minimum Of 18 inches deep by 15 inches wide shall be used for a two story structure. . I b. All foundatidns shall be reinforced with at least four No.4 steel bars, two bars shall be placed,3 inches from the top of the foundation and the other bars. shall I - •.be placed 3 inches from the bottom. As an' alternative to the 4 No. 4 steel rebars, one No 5 steel rebar top and bottom may be used I I 1611-A SO MELROSE DRIVE #285, VISTA, CA 92083-5497 • 760-945-3150 • FAX. 760-945-4221 ("f H&CH I?iigitieeriiig, Inc. CIVIL. GEO TECHNICAL. d QUALITY ENGINEERING FOUNDATION DESIGN • LAND SURVEYING • SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT& INSPECTION F.... c. All interior concrete slabs shall be a minimum of four inches in thickness and reinforced with a minimum of No. 3 rebar at 24 inches on center both ways placed in the center of the slab. The slab steel reinforcement shall be bent downward into the perimeter footings and connected to the foundation steel at 24 inches on center. In order to minimize vapor transmission, an impermeable membrane (ie: 6 mil visqueen) shall be placed over 2 inches of clean, poorly graded, coarse sand, decomposed granite, or crushed rock. The membrane shall be covered with 2 inches of sand to protect it during construction and the sand should be lightly moistened just prior to placing concrete. All concrete used on this project shall have.a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi unless otherwise stated on the Building Plans. I If imported soil materials are used during grading to bring the building pad to the design elevations, or if variations of soils or building locations are encountered, foundation and slab designs shall be reevaluated by our firm upon the completion of I ' foundation excavations. Footings located on or adjacent to the top of slopes shall be extended to a sufficient depth to provide a minimum horizontal distance of 7 feet between the bottom edge of the footing and the face of the slope. These foundation recommendations are minimum design requirements for the soils encountered during this investigation; however, actual foundations shall be designed by the Structural Engineer for the expected live and dead loads, and for wind and seismic loads. Findings of this Report are valid as of this date; however, changes in conditions of a property can occur with passage of time, whether they be due to natural process or works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards occur whether they result from legislation or broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, findings of this Report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this Report is subject to reviCwand should not be relied upon after a period of one year. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of buildings are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this Report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this 1611-A SO. MELROSE DRIVE #285, VISTA, CA 92083-5497 • 760-945-3150 • FAX: 760-945-4221 (TiT H &H I?iigineeriiig, tue. CIVIL. CEO TECHNICAL. & QUALITY ENGINEERING FOUNDATION DESIGN • LAND SURVEYING • SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & INSPECTION Report are modified or verified in writing. This Report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or of his representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the project Architect and Engineer and are incorporated into the plans. Further, the necessary steps shall be taken to ensure that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. It is recommended that the Soil Engineer be provided the opportunity for a general review of the final design plans and specifications for this project in order that the recommendations of this report maybe properly interpreted and implemented in the design. It is also recommended that the Soil Engineer be provided the opportunity to verify the foundation and slab construction in the field prior to placing concrete. (If the Soil Engineer is not accorded the privilege of making these reviews, he can assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of his recommendations). The Soil Engineer has prepared this Report for the exclusive use of the client and authorized agents. This Report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices.. No other warranties, either expressed or implied, are made as to the professional advice provided under the terms of this agreement, and included in the Report. B & B Engineering Inc. and Associates appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions regarding this project, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, vt C. ,Arthur C. Beard RCE RGE . I! ROE 127 Chief Engineer . ((. Exp.1/o1 1J I 0 01F CA 31 1 1611-A SO. MELROSE DRIVE #285, VISTA, CA 92083-5497 9 760-945-3150 • FAX: 760-945-4221 2000 'I 1200 :1 Z Ii c. 4 800 • Lii I Ic IC!) 400 1 '0 - 0 . 400 '. 800 ' 120.0 . 1600. ' 2000 I NORMAL LOAD (PSF) .. S SOIL TYPE . BORING NO. DEPTH MOISTURE COHESION ANGLE OF 5' '• S , (BN) ' (ft) ' . .' (PSF) . FRICTION (o ) S//- T'f FlAil 54110 T P— i I Inc. CIVIL, GEOTECHNICAL, & QUALITY ENGINEERS . ,.?::• STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING • LAND SURVEYING S S S PERCOLATION& SOIL TESTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT& INSPECTION 'SHEARING STRENGTH TEST City of Carlsbad IrnLg ii I- ERTlFICAIE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEE-6OR OTHER ITIAON This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name: PETERSON RESIDENCE- ADDITION Building Permit Plan Check Number: CB003668 -: Project Address: 1350 Oak Av A.P.N.: 156-190-2000 0• Project Applicant .. (Owner(s) Name(s)) MARK PETERSON Project Description:2nd sto!y addition Building Type:SFD Residential Number or New Dwelling Units Squire Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling: Second Dwelling Unit: Square Feet of Living Area in SDU Res Additions Net Square Feet New Area 659 Comerc! Ind S re Feet Floor Area City CeWication of Date Applicants infomiation, DISTRICT-6 PUN THE CiTY OF CARLSBAb Carlsbad Unified School District San Marcos Unified School District 801 Pine Ave. 215 Mate Way Es1fl&U LDlset- San Dieguito Union High School District 101 South Ranch Santa Fe Rd 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024(944.4300) .. -. Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) - Certification of Applicant /Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner*) certifies under penalty of penury that (1) the ir4rmatiun provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owners knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional lee if Owner requests an increase In the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or If the Initial determination of units or square footage IS found to be Incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/ developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authOrized to sign on behalf of the Owner. Signature: '" Date: 2075 Ls Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad. CA 92009-1576 ,6 (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760)438-0894 O 'd 898 a09 09L 'ON XkJd GS1i3 JO A.LIO Wd 00 31[OO-0-Nr SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE Gayl'en Feoman AS$itatbt Supwlnt4* NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT BuIrtess Se,vlces DATE Ylq- Lot - PHONE NUMBER _q/ X O3° O d 898 a09 09L 'ON Xd GV8S1MkJO O AIIO Wd i11:0 30111 00-80-N1