HomeMy WebLinkAbout1360 LAS FLORES DR; ; 82-57; Permit., z 0 : ~ " ., 0 .. I[ 0 " "' .. 0 ~ 5 ~ .. z ~ z 0 s z ., .. ,. 0 " ., ic ., " "' 0 3 ![ cl I hereby o. , that I am l!censed under i>rJylalona of Chapter 9 (commencing with S.Ctlon 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my llcense is in full force and effect. l,c ~o Cla;s I hereby at11rm that I am exempt from the Con tractor's License Law lo,-the !ollow,ng reason (Sec 7031 ', Busmess and Protessrons Code. Any city or county which requires a perm,t to construci alter, ,mprowe. demolish. or repair any structure, pnor to 11s issuance also requ1res the applicant Jar such permit to hie a s,gned statement that he ,s licensed pursuant to tile prov1s1ons of !he Con tractor's License Law {Chapter 9 commenc,ng w1lh section 7IXlO o! o,v,s,on 3 of the Business and Pro tess,ons Code) or that ,s exempt therefrom and the biis•~ for the alleged exemption Any v1olat1on of Section 7031 5 by an appl1can! tor a penm1 subiects me appl,cant to a c1v1I per1alty o! not more thar, five hundred dollars 1$500) □ I. ,35 owner of the property, or my employees 11o11h wages as the1r sole compensation. w11I do the work. and the structure Is not intended or ottered !or sale (Sec 7044, Business ano Professions Col].e The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or ,mproves thereon and who does such work h1msel! or 1hrougr. his own employees. provided that such 1mproveme~ts are not intenoe'l or ollered tor sale II, however. the bu,lding or improvement ,s sold within one year of completion. the owner builder will have the burden of proving thal he did not build or improve for the purpose o! sale) □ I, as owner of the property, am exclusive!¥ contractinQ w,th llcensed contractors !O construct the proIec1 (Sec 7044. Business and Professions Cooe The Contractor's License Law does not apply 10 an owner o! property who builds o, improves thereon, and who contracts tor each pro1ects with a cootraclor(S) license pursuant to the Contrdoctor's license Law! 0 I am exempt under Sec tor this rea50n . B & PC \cti I he,eby affirm that I ha~e a cert1!,cate of consent ~ sell-insure. or a cer1if1cate of Workers' Compensation Insurance. or a cert1f,ed copy thereof (Sec 3800. Labor Code! POUCYNO 7 7W f / i_ ~-)G.'19 COMPAN< FiDa.JI) / (+;yAI.J'J ~opy Is tiled with the cI1.,. ~ Cert1l1ed copy ,s hereb;-furr11shed CERTIFICATE. OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed 1f the permII Is !or one hundred dollars ($100) or less) 0 I cert,ty that ,n the performance of the war';;. for which this perm,! ,s ,ssued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject \o the Wor';;.ers· Compensation Laws of Cal1forn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT It alter mak1n;i this Cen, ticate o! Exemption. you should become subIect vi the Wor';;.e,s· Compensat,on pro~•s1ons ot the L.al>or Code. you must !ortriw1th compI.,. w,th such provIsIons or this permit shall be deemed revoked O I '1ereby affirm lhat there ,s a consIruc\lon ending agency for the perlormance 01 the worl< !or ,...,,c., lh,s perm,, ,s ,ssuea (Sec 3fl'J? C,v1I Code) Le<iOer s Name ___________ _ Lenders Address __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY--'&'-'P~R.c.ES-'S~H""AR.ccD __________________ _ APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND !)ECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 CENSUS TRACT GP LANO USE QTY. EACH FIXTURE TRAP EACH BUILDING SEWER ~ WATER HEATER AN □-~-~ VENT GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS --------- EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 0 R MORE '---1-EA __ C:__H INSTA~ .. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE DA TE OF APPL1CATION PERMIT NUMBER 3,Z.,..8Z. RltND 8-Z-57 PLAN I.D. # STANDARD PLAN# F/P FLRELEV. EDU j/~'.(j/-;',_:-= vO NO I O'.: ! : --'-i,:;: _..,;; -/ GRADING ~ERMIT ISSUED YO ND REDEVELOPMENT AREA vO NO ace LOAD -"lO FIRE SPA vO N Not Valid Unless Machine Certified QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE 3.00 SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100.D00 BTU .II C ._ BUILDING PERMIT 01·000-4220 OVER 100.000 BTU ----, SIGN PERMIT • 01·000-4221 BOILER/C~~~~-SOR UP TD 3 HP . PLAN CHECK on, "7J;,C'~--q~- :.K-1'~ t80ILER~~OMPRESSOR 3.15 HP . TOTAL PLUMBING 01-000-4222 I 7 IV 1 ~ --I--METAL FIREPLACE . ELECTRICAL 01-000-4223 ---- ~ _VENTFANs1NGLEDucT n .. nn MECHANICAL 01-000-4224 1 "1, -'"I'. I MECH EXHAUST -HOODIOUCTS . MOBILEHOME 01-000-4225 . RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER . MOBILEHOME PARK INSP EACH VACUUM BREAKER WATER SOFTNER ------------------------+----~-"-----SOLAR 01-000-4226 _J_E~~~ ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) I TOTAL PLUMBING QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE ,--·~-... I 'rn e":;. ,v;;:;, 3PH 3 PH '1-.--+I _R_E_M_O_□-E-_L_'_A __ ~-T_E_R_P_E_R_C_I_RCUIT TEMPPOLE 200AMPS 1--------t--O~ER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYS) TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTJ..L MECHANICAL ] • STRONG-MDflON 65·640-0519 I ~(~ q ,-00 FIRE SPRINKLERS 01-000-4227 QTY. SOLAR· ISSUE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 25-000·4933 BRIDGE FEE jj--! COLLECTORS --------· . SCHO~~-:EE -□-1STRICT STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad +-~•00. h1,,. ROCK STORAGE . Encinitas PUMP PLAN CHECK FEE San Oieguito San Marcos 65-623-0519 65-624-0519 65-625-0519 ~ -----~6~5-626-0519 TOTAL FEES PAYABLE 5''::J 7, (t? CONTRACTOR 0 BY PHONE 0 * AN OSHA PERMIT 18 REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OYER ·5' er DEEP ANO OhlOUTION OR CONSTRUCTION 01= STAUCTlJfES 0Y£R 3 STOAtES IN HEIGHT ~ DATE ';)-25-82- .'!! u:: >-;;; 0 0. E " f- l 'O 0 " c "' .'! 0. 0. «c 1 -"' C ii 0 00 00 " 00 00 « I 3 Q ;;; >- '" 00 " 0 0 a: "' <ii 0 ~ " 0 C "' C u:: C " " i5 0 u " 0. 00 C ~ .c ,: INSPECTION TYPE BUILDING FOUNDATION REINP.ORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING FRAME EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING SEWER AND BL/CO PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING TOP OUT TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY POWER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE BONDING G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS DATE INSPECTOR ,s, CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED.' ... JOB SITE FINAL P:_UMBING E:.ECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS CERT OF OCCUPANC,,_Y-'---"IS,:cSc:,U:.,E"'D _____ ___J_ ___ ~_ fs' ::2 -_57 CORD FIELD INSPECl IUN HI: REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES RED IF INSPECTOR s L1 l f. INSPECTION CHECKED APPROVAL DATE ,7n .gz__...-TN'istl Ov<\:(~ -t]k - ·~ S01LS COM~'·_ IMNCE >----------------------------------------------PRIOR TO F-OUNOATION INSP STRUCTL,f1A.L CONCRETE f..--------------------------·----- OVER 20()() F-'SI __ _____ --,-.-------,-----, ________________________________ _ PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ---,---------,------, ~-------______________ --·-------------- POST TENSIONED CONCRETE >--------------,-.....------+--------+------, ~Ir'[) WELDING --·-•j STRENGTH ------------1 ___ J :. BO! TS ---+----__ ________ ____________________ _____ ---------------------·-___ I SPECIAL. MASONRY• -~--i ----------- PIL E-S CAISSON:· >-----------------f------+----------j-------i ~----------------------------------- -._' '__·-: ~ 'r------------i------1-------,-----, f----------------------------------------- ' '1-------~-~f-----i-------,------, f----------------------'---------- ! ~ -_____ -:::::::~:--i:_-_::::::::::::::~--~---.,,.._-_-_-_-_-_-__ --,__, f-f-----_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_-_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ --------.-· ---~ -- I -------------------- f..-----------c---,-------------·-------- 1---------------------------------------------- --------------- • C,i,.... <iV f2e,. -.1-!-------------------------- ~ f..------------,-----------------•-- ___ ---------------------------------- • I :,j ..•. ~ -----~ -~ --1 --! ~ii ' )( ~~AJA~/AAAA~A ~ I'-I'-~ ~ ~ l"1 '/ti I'-I'-MMX ~ . ~ j QI rrtiftnt t r nf ®r rtq.tatt~y E CITY OF CARLSBAD '·~ ·.. ; ~ ~ This Certificate issijed pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 ··•.:..•• ~ t ~ of the Unjform Building Code certifies that at the ~tim.e of issuance i~ 3~ this structure complies with applicable ordinances !of the City ~ " regulating building construction use. _ ..... ~:. ~ .• ~ 3 UseClassification Single Family Dwelling .....,;.--=:.=-...=..;:____ i~ Group _____ Type Construotion _____ fire Zono______ __r, ___ _ ~ Occupant Load '·• ~ ~ --~~_...._ ~~--+-~__:_ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ .-~ •WYWWMMMMMM MMMMMMMM~ww~~wwww~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438-5541 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION l REMARKS: EXISTING BUILDING ''. LATERAL LOCATION ST. \ ,-: (/) :RAL NO, _______ INSTALLATION DATE------- SE ISSUED BY ------------------ DATE ISSUED----------------- VALIDATION OVER 30' H. ___ @.,,,.__ ___ FT. _________ _ OVERlO'V. @ FT. _________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') ________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @ ___ F-T. _________ _ OVER 10' V. @ FT __________ _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST------,----- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) ________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NC,------,,~---------- FRONTAGE ____ CQST PER FT. ___ TOTAL __ _ OTHER ___________________ _ CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS { COST PER UNIT ~ TOTAL PUMP STATION F5ES NO. UNITS COST PER UNIT TOTAL WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROn-0 ·'- 8;;2-57 ESGIL CORPORAT 9320CHB~APEAKP DR =t TJTION !i-,, • •• ~ Et•••• • AN DIEGO. CA 9 212a -- (Tt•f.) ti00·1•f.OM /3(d) },,J95/-JoRes J», C&l)/ihd JC sd- AP PROVE D ey ____ _ MAR 2 5 1982 City of CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPT. Date1 3-/.J ,82 Prepared bys .j 6, Jurisd iction C ,'/ t, L 5 BIA Y )! Bldg. Dept. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE t:J !,-1 1/_ PLAN CHECK NO . _ _..rf'-"'2_-_.S_ ....... (_ BUILDING ADDRESS _...;/...::3~~=,.,_o_...;;./...._..;../...:::~;.__ ..... c....,,~cJ.J,;,(/_.c.......__~ ____ pi::;.-...:.K_.._ _______ _ APPLICANT/CONTACT _ __._'K"""4 ___ t.J'--=D'---___ PHONE NO. _..._7_1._Y_,__-_8_;8;...;S'~/ __ BUILDING OCCUPANCY ~ -:) 1 ,) 1 -I DESIGNER PHONE ------TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-/~ CONTRACTOR PHONE ____ _ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER L 1111,.; '2. ,'i ·; <"'I f t/2 , -') ... G 18 - (,, 4,-, .... ~,.... 1/ ) /..-/· JI , -s'. 4-3'/. - 't, 1_0 ., ' IJ I I . f , I () 3 -18, J Air Conditionin~ Commercial - Residential Fire Sprinklers Total Value 9 L/ ·· () -I _, , Building Fermit Fee ---~1-~_'~_?...; __ -_______ _ Plan Check ~ e e ______ 2_8~/ _. _:r_t:_. ______ __ C0tr'J'\1ENTS1 ___________________________ _ .,. . INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET 1ECEIVED BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE: MAR Oz msz 'LDING ADDRESS: L~ -110 -ZL CITVo,;~R PLANNING DEPARTMENT ZONE t-l-?.S-0-0 LOT S IZE ________ LOT WIDTH ___ b_0 __ / ___ _ UNITS ALLOWED UNITS PROVIDED -~----------------------/ PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED ~ ------::-c-------- % covERAGE ALLOWED :Y~ PROVIDED __ o_K _______ _ BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED ___ 3-5"~_1 _____ PROVIDED 6k FRONT SETBACK: SIDE SETBACK: REAR SETBACK: ALLOWED -:Ai-- PROVIDED====='=rj::e:==== INTRUSIONS LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: • ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 3~ -&,,,,~ -M • OK TO ISSUE: _,p;_~_DATE.j/,;f;.:i-oK TO FINAL ______ --'DATE ___ ---=--~-· J Fl) .cii.1-431-5525. 24 HRS-N~ ,, *,. w • _____ INDUSTRIAL WASTE ------_AIQYlt'tm:fPPR_TO_INSP ____ _ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SE111'1!111l. CONNECTION DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS ___________ _ GRADING PERMIT _______ EASEMENTS ________ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION _____________________ -.:,,....-~:i':u_,Jffl~ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS _______________ ..._ ___ _..~--,-,,,rrnNlll-~~ OK TO ISSUE: FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRillKLING SYSTEM ___________ FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP. ______ _ FIRE ALARMS EXITS ----------------FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATION ________________ _ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ___________________________ _ OK TO ISSUE: _____ DATE _______ OK TO FINAL ______ DATE ____ _ WATER DEPARTMENT • REQUIREMENTS OF APPROPRIATE DISTRICTS MET ________ DATE _______ _ ... I 3J .. S'