HomeMy WebLinkAbout1360 LAS FLORES DR; ; CB984238; PermitI l . I I I ' f l• I-' ' t A ,,lI ~ ~ 1 r rut vr HC'l. [\.): 1 lt. 1r 1<,r : : l r t' I L 1 .. f lJ L~.., FL )EE-[If .r-:,1 ME 1N. ,o 11 t 71 I l t £. f I i-I lt f--r , l ·t ' : e-\j lPVl l r r1t " : ..iUl .-p: ... t#: n t l U t 1 l, ' 'r. n· 1 , "'lf 1nr·v ,rriup: f<.c.tt.>t nr·c..:#: t-t • J.,rf 11 l: [ ) J E [ I [i(.' c·r .. 1t::.~,n: WA'Ef< HEA1'ER REPLA E. A! ,1:) l /~)Wtlt f'( C'~: Ad ]ll t"ffif_tlt:;: 'rotc.ll Fe1 , : A & J rC.l:.IEE< .1.-'LdMrl!N"; :. I l6-B HwY ~ BIi!;), f.L <'A.JON c A "lllJ 1 Er. t r Y fc r I-> 1 At,r 1 · u : Et. t I e 1 EV: tl'-l-iltl-4 77 l..' l bT Co l LE" <4.1?6-WOSt'W'(to~~ 01 02 -> k • F\NJ)L INS d,/4 -------c=PRMT ---:rr.oo • (. l) I • ll I r X t .. • r• ['. t-1 c..l1 • I V y I . u CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 fzy Ei, .12 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT AP~LICATION g -• . 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARqm~7 19 o::.r...,...,11 PLAN CHECK NO t1f:J(l,J0 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 EST. VAL.---------~ Plan Ck. Depa% Validated By___,,.,,_l\)_1-'~'--"'-------- Date ------------ Addnu Unclud• Bldg/Sult• IJ Bualn■u N•m• (It thi• 1ddrea1) l■g1l DucriptJon lot No, Subdlvlllon N1m1/Nu'!'blr Unit No. Phase No Total I ol u :! SFR As.nuor'1 Parcel I Existing UH Propoud UH SO. FT. lor 6torlt1 I of B ■d,ooms I of Bathroom,-- N,m, Add,oa1 City 'statelp'•honHil9}390--4"477 ,~., ' . :,,,•o ~··"'''"'"" '. .0..f.~R,.,, _w_.,.,_,.,..,.. lson, Jack 1360 Nam• Addr111 Las Flores Dr City CP .... %£~l\E) St1t11fi!ls • ~i1~t"c.0NtMC.TOR~tQMUN~IJIN'$12PQ1111111MdWIMW5 .'• "~l, l•f 1:!' "•'' ,.,,,.,,.• ~ ••\'-·~·: ,.,.,., .. ~,·•~ • .-,~;,' !Sec. 7031.5 BusineH and Prof .. 1lon1 Codi: Any City or County which 11qulr,1 ■ p■rmll to conatruct, alter, Improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior 1:J 11, issu1nc1, also reQUIIH the 1ppllc1nt for auch p1rmll to file• algnad 1tat1mant that ha la Uc1n11d purauant to the provisions ol the Contr1c1or'1 License uw !Chapter 9, commendlng with Sactlon 7000 of Division 3 of the Buslna11 and Prol111lona Coda) or that he 11 exempt therelrom, end the bu;is for the ,ll~ged exem~Uon. An'(._Vjplation of Section 7031,5 by any applicant for a permit aubJ1ct1 tht 1ppllc1nt to I clvll penalty ol not more thin !Ive hundred doll1r1 1 HOO)J & J ruSTER PLUMBING 13706-B HWY 8 Rl)S · EL CUON , N,m, 630120 Add,m CIIV Stat,hip'-92Qi\Ji;h!n~J,9) 390 44ff Stat• Uctnn '------~--Uc1n1t C]asa C-36 CllyBualnaH Uc1n11 I l.200354 Duigner Name Stat• Uc,nu I ____ N_/_A ____ _ AddrHS City State/Zip Teleohone :e:,,,.woRK£RSi•,cciMPENs.\:t10il..liN.11lll2111'!.!li!lm~l.ili'lWIHmN!lllilffllllll~lll-llll'lllffllmlm•1'lliillJ'i"Dt~NV1 ""~'" ·', · .:1-;1;: ,,, ...• Workers' Compenutlon Oeclaretlon: I hereby affirm under penalty of parJury on, of the followlng.dacleratlons: D I have and will maintain• certificate of cona■nt to 11U~n1ura for worker■' eompans■tlon II provided by S1ctlon 3700 cl the labor Code, tor tha perlo,manct or th, work for which this permit I■ l11uad. ijC' I h■v• and will maintain work1r1' comp1n11tlon, 11 required by StcUon 3700 of'tht Labor Coda, for th• parlorm■nce of th• wo,k. lor wt11ch this parmlt Is Issued. My worker's eomm•tlon lnsur■nca carrier end policy nUmb•r 111: ln1ur1nca Comp1ny ~ INSURANCE · Polley No, N2QQ7-56 5] !THIS SECTION NEED NOT IE C~MPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOIi ONI HUNDRED DOLLARS 1•100) OR LEBSI Expiration Date ccwrnJUOUs 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that In the p1rformanea ol th• work for which tN1 permit 11 IHu1d, I 1h1II not employ eny parson In my manner so as 10 become subject to the Work111' Comp1ns■tlon Law, or C111foml1. · WARNING: Fallura to Hcure•wot"k111' compen■aOon coverage 11 unlawful, ind 1haU 1ubJact an 1mploy1r to crlmlnal p1n1ltl1t1 ind tlvH fine! un to ·one hundrad thouHnd doUara (t 100,000), In addition lo Iha co1.t or companHtlon, d1m1g11 11 provided for In S1ctlon 3708 of the L1bqr code, lntere1t and 1norney·, f,ea. SIGNATURE _________ ::,-,-,:,---c--:,===c,--c,-=-:-==-,-===== OATE _______ ~-- 7. • .. OWNER-BUILDER OEClA~TIONii~Wl\'i',Wliiifffli'lltlll'lli!i\tJ.t~.l.tilll\!fliBBlli2llilla!rmBfflliil@l!ii111llill!ifJ.lill'.'/!(i 1-(!i(( . {'.:';''l"'. .,,: ii ; I har ■by 1lf'1rm that I ,m exempt from th• Contractor'• UcenH Law for the following ra11on: 0 I, u owner of the proper1Y or my emploYHI with wagH H their 101• comp1n11tlon, will do th• work and the structure Is not intended or ofle1ed lor HI~ (Sec. 7044, Busineu and Profe11ion1 Coda: The Contractor'• Ueen11 Law doH not 1pplV to an owner ol property who build, or lmp1oves the,eon, 1nd who does such work hlm11lf or through tu, own amployeu, provided that 1uch lmptovamtnt• are not Intended or olf11•d lor 111,. Ir, however, the building or Improvement i1 sold within one yur or completion, the ownar•bulldar wlll have the burden ol proving that h• did not bulld or Improve for the purpou of ul•l. 0 I. H owner of the property, am 1xclu1lvely eontracllng with llcanaad cont11c1011 to con1trucflh1 project (Sac, 7044, Buain111 •rid Profn,lon1 Code: Th, Con1r1ctor'1 UcenH Lew do11 not apply to 1n ownar of property who bulld1. or lmPfOVH thereon, ind conlr1ct1 for 1uch p,ojtct, with contractor(,) llc1ns1d puuu1n1 to the Contractor's Ucanae Law). ' 0 I am exempt undar Section ______ Bu1ln111 and Proleulon, Coda for this r111on: 1. l p1r10n1Uy plan to provide the m,jor labor and m1t1rl■l1 for construction ol the propoHd property lmprov1m1nt. 0 YES ONO 2, I (have I hive noO slgn•d an appllc■tlon lor ■ building permit for the propoHd work: 3. I h1v1 contnc11d with the lollowlng person Ulrml t~ provide the propoHd construction (Include nema I ■ddr■u I phone number/ contr1c101s licensa nu• ,o,,' 4. I plan to provid• portions of the work, but I have hlr■d th• lollowlng person to coordlnete, 1up11vlaa ind provide th, major work !include name / addru, I ;ch'._;"• number I conttac1ora lic1n11 number): ___________________________________________ _ 5. r wlll provide ■ome of the work, but I have contr1ct1d lhlradJ the following si1r1on1 to provide lh• work lndlc•t•d llnclud1 name I address/ phon■ number I 1·, DI of _work): ______________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE-------------~--------- cco"'-'Jl'JJ(l"HIS:'SEC1JO!l,F.QR.NPN.~t/.i/.El:(iMJ/.llllJ!;®jQ,i!QMllJllj}lo'j!l!Wll\'1'il'f£1liJM,U LI th• 1ppUc1n1 or lutura bulldlng occupant requlrad to submit a bualntu plan, 1cut1lv hazardous m1ttrl1l1 r•gl,tratlon form or risk management ind pr11vent1cn PfOU(lm undar SectlDf.U 26506. 25633 or 2563-4 of the PrHl1y•T1ootr Heiardoua Sub11111G1 Account Act1 0 YES D NO IJ the eOPtlc■nt or luture building occupent rtqulrtd to obt,ln a permit from the 1lr polluUon control dJ1trlct or air qu1lltv management distilct7 0 YES O 110 Is I.ha r■cllltv to b• constructed within 1.000 hat of th, out., boundary of ■ 1chool 1lt1l □ Yes O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CEIITlFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT II! ISSUED UNWS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. a.: ".CONSTRUCTION LENOING'AGENC'f'.;i1'~''ltim',i!W/!_;_:l'J'llm!Zi'~lill!ifil'.s/:l);.,11i11il,l··::;:,;•;, l hereby affirm that 1her• I• 1 con,uuctlon landing ■a•ncv. for the performance of th• wo,k lor which thl■ permit 11 IHued {Sec. 3097(1) Civil Code) 1 certily th■! I heve rHd the 1pplic1tlon and atata that 1h1 above lnformetlon 11 correct and that the Information on the plan• ts 1ccur1l1. I ag,ee to comply w,th ~11 City ordinances ind State law• rel1tlng to building construction. I he,aby authorlll raprHenlallvH of the City of Car\1b1d to enter upon th• above m1mtlcned property for insp•ction purpoHI. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY ANO KEEP .HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST All LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit 11 required for axc1v■tion1 over &•o• dHp and demolition or construction ol atructurH over 3 storiu In height, EXP1RATION: Every permit laauad by the Bulfdlng Olllcl■I under th• provlalon1 of 1h11 Code shell axplra by llmll1tlon and become null and void if _u,e bu,ldinQ 01 ork iuthoriud by such permit 1, not commenced within 386 day• lrom the d1t1 ol such permit or If tht building or work authorlud by such 011rm 11 Is susoend~::J :, abandoned at any time 1lt11 th, work 11 comm1nc1d for I period of 180 day, ISecUon 108,4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'SSIGNATURE~trrxx;Y) • DATE /2 .fl--q J,--' ~ ~ WHITE: FIie YELLOW; Applicant PINK: Fln1nce I CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB984238 FOR 12/15/98 DESCRIPTION: WATER HEATER REPLACE TYPE: PLUM JOB ADDRESS: 1360 LAS FLORES DR APPLICANT: A & J FOSTER PLUMBING CONTRACTOR: OWNER: PHONE: PHONE: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA PLANCK# CB984238 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW STE: LOT: 619-390-4477 REMARKS: C/JACK SPECIAL INSTRUCT: INSPECTOR ---=f},~IJJ _____ _ TOTAL TIME: CD 25 LVL DESCRIPTION PL Water Heater/Vents ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ACT COMMENTS ~------ ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS