HomeMy WebLinkAbout1365 FOREST AVE; ; 82-286; Permit.. z 0 ~ "' ~ ~ Q .. I[ 8 .. ~ -' 5 .. i: .. z ~ z 0 s z .. ~ ,. 0 0 .. ic .. >< "' i i] L O I hereb) .. rt!rm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Sctetlon 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in lull force and effect. Lie No Class I hereby af11rm that I am exempt from the Con ~rot;·~~~~i;ss: ~; :~,~~~ii~1i~ere:~~~,\~, county which requires a perrrnt to construct aller, improve, demolish, or repair any structure prior to its ,ssuance also requires the applicant for such permit to Ide a s,gned statement that he ,s licensed pursuant to !he prov,s,ons of the Con trilC1or's License Law (Chapter 9 commenc,ng with Section 70(X) ot 01v1s1on 3 of the Bus1r1ess and Pro fess,ons Code! or that ,s exempt therefrom and the basis tor the all139ed exemption Any v1olat,on of Sect,on 7031 5 by an applicant !or a perm,t sub1ects tne applicant 10 a c1v1I penalty ot no1 more than t,ve hundred dollars ($500) 0 I, as owner of the propeny, or my employees ,,..,th wages as theor sole compensat•on. will do the work, and the struc1ure 1s no! intended or ottered !or sale (Sec 704A. Business and Professions C<Xle The Con1ractor's License Law does no1 apply to an owne, of property who builds or ,mproves !hereon and who does such won<. h1mseH or through his own employees. provided that such 1mproveme.11s are nol 1ntende".i or offered for sale If, however. the bu,lding or improvement ,s sold w<thm one year of completion. the owner-builder w111 have the burden of provmg that he did not build or improve to, the purpose of sale) C] I. as owner of the property. am exclusively contracting w1!h licensed contrac1ors to construct 1he pro1ect iSec 704-4. Business and Profess,ons Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who bu<lds or improves thereon. and who contracts lor each proiects w,1h a contraclortsl license pursuant to tho;, Con!rdcto,·s license Law! D I am exempt under Sec for th,s reason B /!.PC D I hereby affirm mat I ha,e a cen,t,cate of conser1t 10 selt-,nsure or a cert1f1cate ot Workers ~~t~n~~\:~ne~e or a c7.•;4ty t:ereof POLICY NO }J' N COMPANY D Copy 1s filed with lhe c,ty 0 een,11ed copy ,s hereby fum,shed CERTIFICATE:. OF EXE:.MPTION FROM WORKERS" COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This se,::t,on need r,ot be comple1ed 1f lhe perm,t ,s for one hundred dollars 1$100) o, 1ess1 D I certify 1hat ,n the pertormance of the work tor which 1h,s perm,t ,s ,ssued. I shall no1 employ any person ,n any manner so as to become sub1ec1 to the Workers· Compensat,on Laws of Californ,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If, alter mak1n:i !h<S Cert, !ica1e of Exemption YO'-' should become sub1ect \0 me Worllers Compensation pro~,s,ons o11he Labor Code. you ml.JS! torthw1th e,omply with such pro~1s,ons o• th,s perm,: shall be deefT1ed ,evoked 0 I .,e,eby al'""' t'ia! ,.,e,,. ,s a ~0nqrc,c' on ending age'1t.y to, :',e pPrlormar'ct' ,,, ",e wo'~ t,,, wh,cr tr,s ~e'"''' o ·~',ued .C><'c :\091 (,,, I Cude ~enders~ame~----------- L<'"de• s Address ----------- USE BALL POINT PEN ON"& ~-'-P"'RE°'S""S-"H'-'AR-"'0--------------------APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA ANn DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525 ,oF;b5 A ~i.T Io~ ,o:;,:;:zN BUSINESS UC'!'J.# 1, sqeo-PERMIT NUMBER -----A'VP-_ ... ez-22/J , I _[ CONTRACTORS PHONE# I !ONE 1"3f-((oJ T7~:;;;;:;1E -···· ..... ··-"'.n' PRH!f CONJ:R,:: c/. "'){,_ , fA.....r # OWNER'S NAME ('),.l.b# __l -,:,&, ,aN}s-0Jg1I PL;;..:i..?' BLDG USE CODE ~.A-Qt>, CONTRACTO-R'S ADDRESS' ~,d,~;YJJ ~ STANDARD PLAN# 1i40Fr!AGE OWNER'S MAILING AOOAESS -. ,LAl::l> LOT BLOCK 1 SUBDIVISION I ·rm: :rr'IJ"...-1.~ DESIGNER STATE LICENSE "If DESCRIPTION OF WORK DESIGNER'S PHONE DESIGNER'S ADDRESS l---------------------,---------..,.,-----,1 _&t:>j)_~-~~ .'""....._..., __ A /,"'J_ 'J.'2.J:>_' e/e SCA ecev NO OCCGP EDU I ~l(~ ST°/IES 12-• !, YO '<0 GRADING f".ERMIT ISSUED t3 I ; i-/ ,· -' crnsus TRAC• 1 ce CANO use I 'AAK>NG $SACS ASS UN>TS T YO "ID I REDEVELOPMENT AREA YD ""o TYPE CONST V-"' DCC LOAD I FIRE SPR ~ /0 , D ,'ii!!: C '. Nd.I Vt/kt Onleu JfaChint Certified . QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE I 7.50 QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE 3. 0 SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER, , I EACH FIXTURE TRAP EACH BUILDING SEWER --- L=1 . EA_ .. ~H WATE.~HEATER !'.~~-·~R VtNT EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS t--'-----+-- 1 BUJlcDING_PERMIT __ _ 01-000-4220~, ftj,,50_ OVER 100,000 BTU ± I SIGN PERMIT 01-000-4221 BOILER1COMPRESSDR-LJPTO 3 HP _ --PLA_N CHECK 7575 Fi=EZ-, ...... . ~-===----= INSTALL FURN OUCTSi.JPT0100,000BTU ____ -l------'-----lll--'-TO:_T __ Ac_L '-=PLUM BING 01-000-4222 BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP 01-000-4223 ------------------y_;.----+---+--tLECTRICAl EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE ---+ METAL FIREPLACE t ------VENT_F_A_N_S_INGLE DUCT MECHANICAL MECH EXHAUST HOOOlOUCTS MOBILEHOME ---- 01-000-4224 01-000-4225 tEAcH 1Ns1A~.:-ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE 1---------l EA-CH VACUUM BREA-~ j_ W_ATER SOFTNER ~CY ROOF DRAIN IINSIDCi -----t ------· - ---~' ___ _ __ ~ELOCATION 0~ EA FU~ACE.lHEATER MOBIL_E~OME PARK INSP SOLAR -TOT.l.L MECHANICAL I STRONG MDTIO)J I ------- \-----01-000-4226 65-640-os·~,,~t-l --r.rz:---= ___L___ ~~ FIRE SP~ 2 • 0 0 tQTY. SOLAR _ ISSUE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE BRIDGE FEE -+------_-~--.. COLLE_CTORS----SCHOOL~E-DISTRICT -+--tSTOR_A(;[_TMJKS_ -------------Carlsbad 1 ROCK STORAGE . Enc1rntas ----San Dleguito ~ TOTAL PLUMBING ---~- QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE 1-------i--NE_w_-_c_oNST E_A_A_M_P_s~·~ __ e-KR..=-__ _ 'lPH 3PH ~------ EXIST BLOG EA AMP:SWT:BKR . PUMP l-~-_"15.·05!!.--~~FN CHE~~-E -•I-- j~ ]PH J_ G,. ~~i-c{';:o".M~s" Clfl_CUIT ~-fOVER 200 AMPS _ TE_~P OCCUPA~CY :30 DAYSI San Marcos ~ ----+<--- ---- ------41---- _ _QJ-_QQQ_~:4><e2<,27 _ _,_ __ 25-000-4933 65-623-0519_-+-------- 65-624-0519 65-625-0519 -+--------- ---------65-626-0519 - ---1 -J- I TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I / ,2, L/, ( 11 JL.04. TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL fLECTRILAL I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS ISSUED· TO COMPLY WITH All CITY COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON- STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILIT!ES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY lN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT Exp1ra11on. Every per.mit issued by the Bu1td1ng Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by 11m1tal!on and become null and void. !I the building or work authorized by such permit 1s not commenced within 160 days from the date al such permit, or 11 the building or work authorized by such permit ,s suspended or abandofl_ed at any time after !ti~ W()!k •.IS. commenced for a penqg of 180 days APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE Jf, /L.A?~ OWNEAD CONTRACTOR~ BY PHONE 0 I * AN OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OYER 5' O" DEEP ANO DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES OYER J STORIES IN HEJGHT -~ DATE I e,&,,8Z ~ LL >-~ 0 0. E "' f- l "O 0 ('.) C ~ u 0. 0. .,: I -"' C 0:: 0 ID ID "' ID ID .,: I ~ 2 .; >- ,ii ID " u 0 ,t ro ;; 0 ~ "' u C ro C LL C "' ~ ('.) 0 0 "' 0. ID C ~ " ,'; INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPECTOR 8°& -d'~ BUILDING 8'' ( 7. 'i52. FIELD INSPECTION RECORD FOUNDATION ,.,. 71,) REINFORCED STEEL REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES ~.tCI-R / REQ IF INSPECTOR'S MASONRY ...-~ INSPECTION· • CHECKED APPROVAL DATE GUMLIO OR GR(lLJ;p IJl.fe.. \'I Atf'lrll \ cr.1.az /ld. --~ SOILS COMPLIANCE FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME .. PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP SHEATHING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE --------- FRAME OVER 2000 PSI EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION PRESTRESSED CONCRETE -----~ -INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL POST TENSIONED CONCRETE PLUMBING FIELD WELDING - SEWER AND BL/CO HIGH STRENGTH PLUMBING UNDERGROUND BOLTS PLUMBING TOP OUT SPECIAL MASONRY TUB AND SHOWER PAN ' I PILES CAISSONS -GAS TEST ELECTRICAL I TEMPORARY POWER i---~------ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC -, ELECTRIC SERVICE -~ ---··-BONDING G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR MECHANICAL ------------- DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING -----HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS -·--CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE / ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. _ ./ 1-:::::-----· JOB SITE FINAL ~-/.,.. PLUMBING , ,, ./ _&-I ----ELECTRICAL . ~ ./~ ~,,, ';;? -' MECHANICAL -"" ) ~ . -. ---------· GAS " \ / f,; V ~ ·---------~ BUILDING "' I/ /, I_ V SPECIAL CONDITIONS ['-) /('t.\' ---- CERT OF DCCI '0 "NCY ISSUED / ~, - '-c;fy of Carlsbad 1200 ELM, CARLSBAD, CA 9200~ (714) 438-5525 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT !~~ress .,. G Q_MISCELLANEOUS FEE RE9Ellj'T712 1:i/O"/si:i 1§.f 1-0...:.w.:_ne:..:.r .:....__~=::::.....;i.._--L._.!.L...!...._-_:.....i_.i.__~.LL.;~___:~..L::l.I:l!.<I O • PLAN CHECK FEE O 1 • 0 0 Q • Q 8 4 6 ~ l !{' Malling Address State Lie. S. Classlf. .I tM) 0 VALUATION / s 9'/t! - 0 DEMOLITION ____________ -4--_____ -4 0 HOUSE MOVING ___________ -1---------i 0 PARKS AND RECREATION FEE 0 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 0 SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT 0 Carlsbad COMPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY 0 Encinitas 0 San Diego LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 San Marcos ASSESSORS PARCEL NO 0,------------------l------1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 0,----------'-------+------~ ,,P7 ? 0,~~~~~~~~~~~-1-~~~-1 l--~~==-:--~-"'-~:-'---LL..!..:'<..4.c.<:..'----1,~'--"'<.f-f.J.;.L'I' PLAN 10 NO. DESIGNER ADDRESS PHONE CONTACT PERSON Signature of Applicant White -Applicant . ._f o _________ ___,, ___ ~---+------~ ~ 1/nJZJ I 0 ,_,---------+----1 []-------------------+-------,! 0-----'-------------+------~ 0--------'-----------+------~ 0----------------+------I 0·----------=-------1-----"~ ·WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED, FEE ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY. COMMENTS: _____________ ~------- Date 3+n, ___ _c.... ____ ---"-~~----------~ Yellow -File Pink -(1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold -Assessor PLAN ID t3'Z-:-7f:t'e DATE ,';.-SZ- JOB ADDRESS /'?05 ~:( CHECKED BY:~f!ft~~~~~~- CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT -ROOM ADDITION CORRECTION LIST CORRECTIONS CHECKED BELOW ARE TO BE MADE ON PLANS Two identical sets of plans drawn to scale with the following information are required: ~ Dimensioned plot plan showing all existing and proposed buildings, legal description, job address, earth slope, driveway slope and lot drainage. B. Foundation plan and foundation details. ~ Show foundation plans and foundation details. / Provide 6 x 6 -10 x 10 wire mesh in slab, 4"clean sand, vapor barrier and 2 -#4 rebars continuous in footings. ~ Show foundation details per attached soils report or furnish current soil report. C. Exterior Elevations A"'." Show all exterior elevations. ,..r. Show window sizes, door sizes and locations. %. Show materials used on exterior . ..r. Show roof pitch and roofing materials used . ..6'. Show adequate bracing. D. Framing Sections ~, ...=r:-Show complete structur 1 fr ming details, material sizes, header sizes, ra_fter sizes, joist si an onnection to existing building. ~ Show materials us o the interior -floors, walls and ceiling . ...J-:° Show required in lati n per state law -R-11 for exterior walls, R-19 for ceiling. --4': Provide R-19 insu in attic of existing building if addition is 30% of existing build g rea. ~ Two story additions require structural calcs for vertical and horizontal loads. They shall be signed by a California licensed engineer or architect. E. Floor Plan ..f':"" Show use of new addition and existing adjacent room(s). ~ Show heating provided for new addition. If electric, Title 24 calcs. --a-;--Show what has happened to the light and ventilation in adjacent rooms . ..JY. Fireplace: If metal show ICBO number. -!>. Show dimensions and square footage for room addition and adjacent rooms . .£-.-Provide exterior lighting at exterior doors. ;:J-. Provide adequate electrical receptacles. ~ Provide GFI at all outside, bathroom and garage electrical receptacles . ..&-: Show room ceiling and passageway heights . .l-Q-:-Provide adequate emergency exit from sleeping rooms, 20" clear width, sq ft of area, not more than 44" from floor, 24" clear height. ProvJde smoke detectors for existing and/or new bedrooms. ral ...Y."' Provide one exterior electrical receptacle (GFI) if none existing. ~ Provide backflow preventer for any new hose bibbs. ~ Show proper attic and underfloor ventilation. ~ Window into carport must be fixed glass. ~ Show area of addition and area of new glazing and area of glass removed. ~ Check with La Costa, Ponderosa Homes or Coastal Commission for their requirements. I INTERDEPARTr1ENIAL lNFORMATION SHEEI 1E CE IVE D ********************ii...ii.X*.ttt*£ii..***************************************:&.£&. .e.LANNING)lf.f_ARTMENT ZONE: ~\ · SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO ___ . SAN MARCOS --- ENCINITAS CARLSBAD ---------- UN ITS REQ'D: PROVIDED: % COVE RAGE A-LL-0-WE-~D : ---\\-s-1=~,e: __ . PROV ID-ED-:~~~~---_-t'\:-+\-'lJ4--'1-v:_1-_-_-_-_-__ -_-_-_- PARKING SPACES REQ'D: \ \ PROVIDED: '\)\ ----------- BUILDING HEIGHT REQ'D: PROVIDED: --------- FRONT SETBACK SIDE SETBACK REAR SETBACK ALLOWED: PROVIDED-: ==~~--~:·: .... l-... -/:_ INTRUSIONS: ~ -----'=----- \ I RE-DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL REQ'D: ~ ~ LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTr---1N.i.._:_~..:._ ___________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT I ON REQ: --=(;4j_..;..,':;___1'\--1iff~·-------------- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: --------------------~---- OK TO ISSUE:~-DATE: -OK TO FINAL: ___ DATE: ___ _ I DRIVEWAY LOCATION (S): --------------· GRADING PERMIT: ------------------------- EASEMENTS: DRAINAGE: ------------~---------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ----------------------~ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ------------------------- *CHECK rr EN~~NG INS~'CTI . REQ'D. ON FINAL: OK TO ISSUE:~ATE: f 6 f-PWI:. OK TO PINAL: ____ _ DATE: , * IP TIIIS ITEM IS NOT CIIECKED, 13UILDJNG DFPARTMDNT WILL MAKE FINAL INSPECTION.