HomeMy WebLinkAbout1365 FOREST AVE; ; 86-656; Permit.. z 0 ~ "' " ~ " .. C ~[ !;1 C ... z 0 " a: .. 0 -' 5 ~ .. z ~ z 0 ;:: ::i z .. ~ ,. 0 " "' "' w " "' 0 ~ O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under ,rovlalons of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. and my license 1s m full force and ellec!. L,c No ____ ~ cia,, I hereby a!f,,m that I am e,empl lrom the Contrac- tors License Law tor the tollow,ng reason !Sec 7031 5 Busmess and Pro!ess,ons Code A~y i:,ly or county whF, re- quires a perm,t to construct alter 1rn~rove demol,sh or re~a1r any structure prior !o 11s ,s~uance also requ,res !he a~- ol1cant for such permit to fi<e a s,q~eu statement that he ,s 11censed purs~ant lo the provisions 01 The Contractor's License Law !Chaple· 9 commenc,ng with Ser.:,on 7000 ot o,,.s,o~ 3 ol !he Business and Professions Code, O' thal ,s e,- em~T therefrom and the basis !or the alleged exemption Any v,olat,on o! Sect>on 7031 5 by an appl,cant for a permit suo- 1ects lhe appj1cant to a uv1I penalty o! not more lhan 1,ve hun- dre~ dollars ($~001 I. as owner o1 the wooerty or my employees w1Th /'/ages as their sole compensation will do The wor•. and !he struc· ture 1s not 1~lended or o1fered 1or sale !Sec 7044 Business and Pro1ess1ono Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of properly wM bu,lds or improves thereon and who does such work h,mselt or throuqh his own employees. provided that such improvements are not intend- ed or of1ered 1or sale If, however. the bu,ld1ng or improve-ment ,s so1d w,th,n one year of complehon, the owner·bu1lder w,:1 have the burden ot proving that he did not build or ,m- p·ove for the purpose of sale! I as owner or the property, am exclusively contracl,ng with licensed co~traclors to construct the proJecr (Sec 7044 Business and Proless,ons Code The Contractor's License Law does not appPy to an owner o1 property who builds or im- proves thereon. and who contracTs for each pro1ects with a contrac!or(s) license pursuant to the Contractor's License law1 As a homeowner I am 1mprov1ng my home and the follow mg conct111ons exist 1 The work 1s being performed pnor to sale 2 I have lived 1n my home for twelve mont~s pnor lo completion ol th,s work I have not claimed this exemot1on dur,ng l~e last three years 1 om exemot under Sec ------B & PC for this reason------------- I hereby afftrm that I have a cert,f,cate o• consent to sell ,nsure. or a cert1f1cate of Workers Com;,ensat,on In· surance or a cen,f,eC copy thereof 1Sec 3800 Labor Code! POLICY NO COMPANY Co~y IS 'lied With the City Ce·tlf,ed copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1Th1s section need not be completed If the permit ,s for one hundred dollars 1$100) or less) _ I cert,ty that ,n the performance of the work for which 1h1s pe,m,t ,s ,ssued I shall not employ any person ,n any manner so as 10 become sub1ect to the Wor!<.ers Compen sat,on Laws of Callforn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT 11. alter making th<s Cert,tocate of Exemption you should become sub1ect to the Workers Compensation proV<s1ons o1 the Labor Code. you mus! 1orthw1th comply w11h such prov,soons o, this perm,t shall be deemed revoked r ::J I hereby affirm that there ,s a construct,ori lerid1ng ffi l agency. for 1he performance o.1 the wor!<. for which th,s per· 0 m,t ,s ,ssued (Sec. 30Q7_ C1v1I Code) z W Lenders Name __ _ ~ Lende, s Address __ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARO APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED Al'IEA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 APPLICATION & PER!l,'IIT L1 )0~. ""' ,k ~ RQ~ OATE OF APPLlCATtON v:J.~or ":El'IMJT NUMIEl'I ;....,!.;:~!j,!.!:!jo.!,",-;::....L_--'-;,.l:..J.~5'.;-,._....J..JU.L-..L..J.!olo!.._.!!~~:..!;!:i!.C_O~N....:::_T=R~A~C=f~O-R-...J ________ ...J~ ZONE (t:, ;_;;-~ L -;-:::":!:,:,i,,,i,d;....~..:.....--..:.......:.....----.1._--'---,,----0-W-... -'----.. 'S-PH-O-N-E-1 :::::1e,l.(l,J cS, l'Sl:!.iiii:Rt" CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS lfCENSE NO. PLAN I.D.-# lllHLOING SQ. FOOTAGE ~~~~~~:!.......!:~\.._ __ __1_~~~~-12.35~ 'SEAs~ r2D O's S(o'::i2..4/ DESIGNER DESIGNER'S PHONE I-.J~:flL:J~~~~~t!;,,._r~,c!<!,=..._l!~A.~~,:__§ii.¥J.:[j~~IJ----~ O!;;SJGN E A'S ADDA ESS LICENSE NO. c .£1.._,:·1 .!! "- > ~ .,._ 0. E " f- D 0 CJ ~ &c1:~,:.7· 1 e-u_ .. :iie:-1S F:P FLA ELEV NO OCCGP EDU I -',,/~ ....... it,+~...-----,.~M":"'":tll. U. ,., ·• ,-•"·.a' ~---JK_f V_ ,o NO STORIES 6/25/t5 [C4b I:~~.>:~ ;f;() c·_: Ii 540 6/2[;/ P(, I :'3. < I!:_ ceNsus rnAn I ce cAND us, I eARK,NG seAce RCS UN,TS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED YO ~ D I REOEVELOPMEr,.,T AREA •C "'O TYPE CONST OCC LOAD FIRESPR vO NO Not V~lid Unkss M•chm~ CntrfiNJ OTf PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE ] 1--.sr:i OTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE &e,0-SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER w-t' EACH FIXTURE TRAP _l_U INSTALL FURN DUCTS iJP TD 100,000 BTU _/ 1--· -I I EACH BUI LO ING SEWER -1 EACH WATER HEATER ANO OR VENT ~-{p1,9--~4 OVER 10_~'.~-0~ BOtLER1COMPRESSOR uP-To ]Hy" -----+--------+------------- so1LER,c1 -1 EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS ,-. _ 1 ___ ~ i META_ FIREPLACE ----~f--------.-----------------------+--1 I' +VENT FAN SING EACH GAS SYSTEM~ OR MORE EACH INSTAI. ALTER. REPAIR Vr.'ATER PIPE -·--r --: MEcH_E_x_H T HOOD DUCTS f----+-----------·---- EACH VACUUM BREAKER WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE.HEATER I I (ACH ROOF []Ri11N 1 'NSID~ I I I I SOLAR , I" roTi.iL MECHANICAL I srRoNG MOTION I -. ,{ - I TOTAL PLUMBING I I FIRE SPRINKLERS,_ C,-"' PUBW F"'6!T1\.c IEE 001-810·00-00-8226 ----+---I _. Jo_ 880__::519_:_9t33 001·810·00·00·8227 332·81 0·00·00·8930 f------------1 OTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE ,5l "?"° QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE ... "-},)-'-- 1 I NEW CONST EA AMP SWT BKR COL·"ECHJRS ,"'( \"...t;~50L FEE. M;TRICT I PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS l >>' Car~~~uv : EXISTBLDGEAAMP·SWT BKR I ROCKST()RA(;E ---,cQE~1tas -·-:.ca.pr-..0 _ .. ~_----~-- - 1 PH :l PH PUMP ...J -San 1-..,.-(. ',\.•· ·----· - : REMOOEL_~~T_t_~ PER CIRCUIT ( --PLMJ CHECK F~E _ --•!i_tl-i,_C,~~-~----·- I TEMPPOLE 200AMPS r,11.r."1.•"' I OVER 200 AMPS -Q'llffl'l;NSE TAX 001·810·00·00·8162 I - 1 TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI .\)\."'" MFF 880·519·92·57 ---- 1 I CREDIT DEPOSIT ({ /7 c____.. : Till Al ELECTRICAl 1 10 _;...-fOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I I'"}....-(/ t{) , I _ 1 I O, 'J . 1 1 HAVE cAREfULL_ . y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPUCA TION AND PERMIT" AND DO HERESY E:iipir. ation. Every per.m1 .. 1 issued by the Building Qttk:ia! under 1he prov1~1ons of this * AN OSHA PfFIMfT IS lllfQUlflEI) FQll l>IC;A¥ATIOWS Of8t 1 CERTIFY 1JN0Efl PENALTY:OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall e:iip1re by l1m1tat1on and become null ,nd void. If the butldmg or work 5' O" DEEP ANO OfllCllfTION Oil OCINl:TfUCT10N r:# DECLARAilQt:la AflE tAUE AND CORRECT ANO 1 FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE IF A PERMIT IS a!J1h~nzed by such .pen:n1t is not commenced wtlhm 180 days from the date of such STRUCTURES 0VEA l STMIES 1H HEGHf \ , , , permit, or 1f the budding o,-work autho.nzed by such permit ,s suspended or ·~ ISSUED: _0 COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNlY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-abandoned at an11 time after the work is commenced for a neriod of 1AA d-··-> , I STRUCTJON., WHE'tHER SP~CtFIED f-lEAEIN OR NOT_ , ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND AP~ JMt_ APPROV D BY r ~ 1 t KEef' H.AflMlES$,.1'HE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND p ~ATURE ¥ // OWNER O CONTAACTO-D'fE 1 EXPENSE5"WtffCJ:j MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY lN CONSEQUENCE OF THE ~ "f" / / BY PHONE O I jet ..,.....J:_ f #J I GRANTlf+GdttHJ~PE,AMIT_ ... c;;~~ ~ ' • • I· l>J.. y , ~ C ii 0 w w " w w <( ~ 2 "' >- <n w "' u 0 ct "' ~ 0 ~ "' u C "' C u: ,c_ C " " ~ 0 ;; " 0. w C 2 " ;: TYPE ' DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING ' ' FOUNDATION I REINFORCED STEEL ' MASONRY ' ' GUNITE OR GROUT I SUB FRAME D FLOOR D CEIUNG SHEATHING D ROOF D SHl:AR ,, FRAME I 7·/'-f'b rr..'f 4.. EXTERIOR LATH ' I INSULATION ' INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I ' PLUMBING I D SEWER AND BUCO D PIL/CO UNDERGROUND D WASTE D ~ATER A TOP OUT D WASTE D \/fATER '). ,l. ·0-,~·t<i.. TUB AND SHOWER PAN . I GAS TEST ' ' D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER I ELECTRICAL ' D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D1 UFFER -" -ROUGH ELECTRIC I 7,/b·ll. f It.: I 4...- D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPQRARY D BONDING D POOL ' I MECHANICAL I D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPl'NG HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS ' ' I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTWN WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. FINAL I PLUMBING I . . ELECTRICAL I 0..1:\ ,,....._ MECHANICAL I ~ ~ I GAS I -l ' '\." ...; BUILDING I ~ "-'\ ...... "':I: SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' "" ' ' FJELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTION SOILS COMPLIANCE. PRIOR TO f-OUNDATION INSP STRUCTURALCO~CRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING REQ IF I INSPECTORS CHECKED APPROVAL DATE ------- .L 8{p-&:::,~ INSPECTOR'S NOTES .. -:-_.~. ' •/: ·.:,- '· "!; ' 1,. ",""( j ·;.,; • .-,-l/~ ' ·, •· . ·~ .... ' '..., ( ~ .. rH(_1H_ S1REr1GTH -·--·--r-----·------t--------j .,:-I< , BOLTS • I I I ..,, !" / · ' ' SPECIAL MASONRY f--.- PILE'S CAISSOr--.::-· >----------···-·+----+---------+- ----+------ -+--------+---- -+--·-·-- ·--···-+-- ·-·-ia.;,4,....,.: ~-"•' .... ,.... ..... _. -----· ' :.,._., .'·«- r· .,_ -~}it .. .•• ,:"-~ .. ~l::: ".'":.-~·s~ ,.. ... :~-~. ~-::-_;~~-:J':~7~-, .. i, (I!·. ·~.--~ •' ·~-··,_-.elJ ,1· __ I +-~~~-~ ~ -.. ' ls) ' ~, E)(/ST'G. 2-· Ct,P. EXIST1e I · STORY GtifleB ReS/0. ~P-11/SED WOOD LOO?,) I I r, I I ' I • ---98' !365 FO,R..EST ,~VE. ·----·--------. Cflf\LSB/ID> CA. PLOT PLAN SCt,Lt: /11 : :20 1 NEW Bfin-t Ref{[OOt:L-FO~: F'fiT 1 Be/'I f<-OUNS '2.. / 'f O t SeflCf<.E:.ST L-l'Nf3 HUNTIN6WN Be!lCH1 ctr. c,i.0t<o 7/ t-'"168-9-01~ t-llRe/1 FOR flew •-.. B/1TH ,~ ,)-. C\J I A Sy - ;; 1''! 2 S ]qPf ,• •' • V •,, ) City of CARLSBA.Di Bi.H~,.D~MG r!!IF.PT. <'.'i i.J .;lli,h.J 'dh,"1!~ :;;t8S1HV:> JO Al!=.u .----·-··---·--f.g 0) -I + (/,:;//Jt71-13l-zj -:319 V,, -;"1-Vfa. C)/Vij..7/J;::f/ ·(5<1/1.J'?---;:,o 119179 i?:x-z7 S-77t'/VI /if'a/Y_ 577f jv1 9/YU-'?I)(;;/. I N!lli ?iOOY.I If o-, __ __.. WOOY /,7/ f ;:;I ?/I/.-J7/,1~ LJ 0 ---------\}l t ,- -