HomeMy WebLinkAbout1365 PINE AVE; ; 78-3040; PermitMODEL NO.----------- BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 A pp ,cant to comp e e num ere I t b d es only spac Phone 729-1181 Perm 1t No j08 ADO R [SS ASSESSOR'S f ..:J \.f..)~ /\v~ PARCEL NUMBER t .,.. I IJ£ LOT NO. I OL K I me T BOOK ·Ip~~-PAR. ~ <Ost.E_..ATTACHEO sHc:tTI LEGAL I , ~('...-~CJ.-_(. 1 DESCR. , ' .. OWN[A MAIL A00 AE55 ZIP PHONE 11-:-'.1 -IC: 1:;, , D 2 /\ ,.,.. ,..,, Y t '-I 1-:-/,c (::' 1JcE-,, t '(' L , ':!(: 3 v, [ 'I,, c ( '/\ {.,. \ , , ~ f ( I -·-__.. } t • -t'-1 • CON T RAC T OR MAIL ADDRESS . ( PHONE STATE LIC. NO . CIT~r· NO. 3 ~ C vv f\ll-I J...c:: f .. ... _,( I \I/.':"~ -) ""'tt... C u -.,. f\ ~, E= . It" ARCHI TECT OR OC.SICNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LIC(N5£ NO. " ~ 4 : \#\C ENGINEER MAIL Aooqcss PHONE LICE.NS£ NO. 5 A ',r I -1111 T1 -1 COMPENSATION INS. CARRIER MAIL AOOlll[SS 8RA.N CH 6 USE Of 8VILOING NO.(:\THS ,t.1/L. 7 \-.. t."':... '-t2-r-..1(.[ F '2. NO. BDRMS ~ 8 Class of work: ~NEW 0 ADDITION 0 ALTERATION 0 REPAIR 0 MOVE 0 REMOVE .V 9 Describe work: C C); .. ,-::. ,t2 l...JC 'T ~ " <:: -~V (i ~ <..; ---1 "'C)-c;-e " - \~\ \ ~v V :f \ 10 Change of use from \" ~ ~A <1 '-' )-> \0 Change of use to Valuation of work: $ ~ ... ~'."r: '\ r~ /, /:r? I I I 11 PLAN CHECK FEES l PERMIT FEE $ -_.. # '-~ - SPECIAL CONDITIONS: MICRO FILM FEE Type of Occupancy Const Group Soze of Bldg. No. o f Max. (Total) SQ. Ft. Stories 0cc. Load Fire use Fire Sprinklers APPLICATION A,,cceyo a: PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY Zone Z one ReQuired D Y es DNo . -)/ ,,. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: .., No. of .,1/ ~ o'-.:r~ INo. Dwelling U nits No. DATE Covered Sq. Ft. Open NOTICE Special Approvals Required Received Not R equired SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB· PLANNING DEPT. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. HEAL T H DEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.OR IF FIRE DEPT. CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A SOIL REPORT PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM· MENCED. OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ENGINEERING DEPT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS WATER DEPT. TYPE OF WORK W ILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTH\?iRITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHE STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORM,ANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. X ' I ( f / -__..t~ I. _ .. -SIGN'ATURC 0,-CONTAACTOIIII OR AUTHOAIZCO ACCNT "(DATE) I , , I I SIGNATu,u o, OWNER {IF' OWN[ .. 8Ull.D[R) (OATEJ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.o. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH ~/ r/ TOTAL FEES $ ---'-'-----/ ____ -__ INSPECTOR To f?w (y~ u)'R' )V'l/h./i' E /2 _{' 0 k In,,/ Jffi,.,1,, & 7:v j_ I) ,cT IJl?EAJ All? DUPLICATE :1 Date Signed ,Date / 0-//-1 r f?F<l.. -- • /N]J.Jt/Eu LlrAo i?P&J SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 WITH CARBONS INTACT. PART 3 WIU BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. -. REGijEST D REINFORCING STEEL D MASONRY D GROUT -GUN I TE D FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME D SHEATHING D FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH D INSULATIO.N · · D INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWAL.L FINAL PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND WATER D ROUGH PLUMBING D TOP OUT PLUMBING D SEWER AND PL/CO D TUB OR SHOWER PAN D GAS TEST D WATER HEATER D FINAL TIME: ~'OZ) _____ DATE: )0-/().-2/Y ELECTRICAL D TEMPORARY SE;RVICE D ,ELECTRI<:; UNDERGROUND D ROUGH ELECTRIC D POOL BONDING D ELECTRIC SERVICE D CEILING HEAT D G.F.1. SM~ DETECTOR · -~AL MISCELLANEOUS D PLENUM AND DUCTS [:} COMBUSTION AIR D SIGN D GRADING D DRIVEWAY D CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D REFER PIPING D -'FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: D MONDAY D TUESDAY DA.M. C!l THURSDAY D FRIDAY DP.M. REQUESTED BY_"""~-------<t"_~~C/_,___)__.9'---=3:c....._/ __ PHONE NO·---~c+---- PERSON TAKING REPORT ___ __,,.._ __ _ ··,; ', •,':. . . : .... · ~: ·,. . ... :.-·.: ~ -4•: ~~ ~ . . fi?. ] . . '·;·., ' .. · ·.··::·,. .·,., .. ... .... .:·, 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CAl:IFORNIA 92008. Qtitp of Qtarlsbab RESIDENTIAL VALUATION CHART Living Area \ 9~.°' X '$ 27.00 Garage Area(unlined) -~ X ·7.50 (lined) tt9D X a.so Shake Roof nt') X ·• 75 Tile Roof ~s X .90 Covered Porch 6~ X 3.00 Covered Patios ___, X 3 .·oo Balconies --X 3.00 Path.' Plumb. Fix. over 6· ~ X . 320. 00 Each Fireplace ___. X 800.00 Each F.A.U. t X ;800. 00 Air Conditioning ll c) X 2.25 = = = -· = = = = = = = = TELEPHONE: (7141 729-1181 $$3) '5 )4. (JC $ • $ 4, ,,5. 62:). ~ $ '~ 7r·3 .cID $ td_ll .On $ ~ $ ), ~~ 0. (JD ~ ~ ~OV.CJO $ Total Valuation ······.·.·····_ ...... _ .......•....... ' .... $b~, l~(e.·oo - Building Ft:rmit Fee • • • • • • • • • ~ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ ::. P;Lan Check Fee ( 50%, of building permit fee) • -.••• $ Total Fees ........... -.................... ·~ ....... ..:.$ _______ _ · TOTAL VALUATION . FEE- ·:. ·,.": ... -..... -:: .. ·. .. .... . ···:.'" $1.00 to $500.00 $5.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 . . $5.00 for the first $500.00 plus $1.00 /i ·, for ench additional $100.00 or frac- -·· ; :··:: tion thereof, to and including $2,000 . . . ,:.-.~·-,-_:_-'..·'_:.:_:: $2,001.00 to $25,00_0.00 $20.00 for the fir!t $2,000.00. plus · · $4.00 for each additional $1,000.00 --: '· ::·· ·: '.; ·.: · · or fraction thereof, to and including · - · $25,000.00 . .·=:..· .' . ·.·~ . . : .-_ ~-. ~·· -.~ :~.\~ ·.: .. . : ~ . . $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $112.00 for the fir!t $25,000.00 plus ~.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, lo and including , I ,';i._'•, ""i, . ', .. •· ... ·. $50,000.00 . $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $187.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $2.00 for each ndclitional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to nod including $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $287.00 for the first $100,000.00 plus · $1.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to nnd includin!{ _ . ------· ... ___ J500,000.0~ ___ _:_ (c) Expiration of Pl:in Check. Applications for which no permit is issued within 1.80 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation and plans submitted for checking may thi::reafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. The l(1I'(lding Official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have preventeil action from being . taken. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the ap- plicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan-cht:ek fee. (d) Rein~pe<:lion Fee. The fee for each rcinspection shall be $10.00. .. ~··-· - • _..,_... .. e ... , - J •• , .·, . '• . ... •, ~; . . ~·, PLUMBING PERMIT-APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 920()8--i: l ~; . ·<· Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Phone 729-1181 /,"'.'t: -'";;;;,.-.) ?/ / Permit No. 0 ._;;l/ 7 / JOB ADDR r.s• I :;;;e-,r::::: ..... p I I( 1 t== Ll~AL _A~ ' .py:OT NO. 1omN, • I (r"") 'ei-· ff OWNt.R MAIL ADD'l[.89 2 . c'oN TNJt.C'rbN MAIL AODtu:ss 3 r),11,11~n IA In 12.. . APICHJTECT OR ot"&1aNitR -/ < MAIL AD0,.l!:!5a 4 I.NGINI.I.R MAIL ADDA [88 5 COMPENSATION fNS, CARRIER 6 USi: OF BUILDING 7 8 Class of work: .:r~:f.NEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION 9 Describe work: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APPLICATIO•~-~CCE'D BY PLANS CHECKED BY :J-~/ ·6 ~~lf-7/ APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY. DATE NOTICE Iv~ .... ~ o~'CDNTRACT'clR ON ,CuTfrt>R"IHD A0£11'T /y (DAT£) l'll(a,1.a.TU!llt: OP' OWHl:R 1,-OWNC."-l!IUILO[R IDAT[ ZIP PHOHI. PHONC. STATE LIC. NO. PHOHC LICCN&IE NO, PHONI. Llc;:tNSlt NO. IUIANCH D REPAIR PERMIT FEES No, Type of Fixture or Item '"2.,-WATER CLOSET (TOILET) \ BATHTUB 2.. LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) \ SHOWER { KITCHEN SINK & DISP. l DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TRAY I CLOTHES WASHER' I WATER HEATER URINAL ISSUANCE FEE TOTAL FEES WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. 1\11.0. INSPECTOR CITY L IC, NO. Fee $ -. • /}"?' - $ . ?.~ u.-:: CASH . ' e e ELECTRICAL PERMIT ·APPLICATION App/leant to complete numbered spaces only · City of CARLSBAD, 'CALIFORNIA 92008 Phone 729-1181 ,:;'.>: C--'lt1 </...).., 'Permtt No ~~:~ · ~ .._,.. i · "' · ,'' : • JOB ADDRl!SII zl. /Yto J-. (,;y_.e?p L/..., LOT HO. , I BLK. I TRACT LEBAL I <OSEI! ATTACHED SHEET) 1 DESCR, OWNER~. jlL ADDREIIS ZIP PHOHI! "'2'~ t- ,,., 2 ;'/.. r::-'-;I!. /l /../~)' ~/:/5i,/',, .. ,.,~/ CONTRACTOR "'4AIL ADDRESS ,., ,/' PHONE ,STATE LIC, HO, 3 ,,P,-U~·t?-v ARCH,ITECT OR DES l<J HER MAIL AbDRESS PHONE LICEH•E NO, 4 ' \. EH; IHEER "'4AIL ADDRl!SS pHOHE LICEHII! NO. 6 COMPENSATION INS. CARRIER MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH 6 UII! 01' BUILDING 7 I 8 Class of work: 'iNEW D ADDITION DAL TE RATION D REPAIR 9 Describe work: I PERMIT FEES No. Each SPECIAL CONDITIONS: SWIMMING POOL WIRING, ' NO INCREASE IN SERVICE NEW CONSTRUCTION, FOR EACH -'!)77'::-~:~7YOBY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY· AMPERES OF MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, ft~! ~fjJ FUSE OR BREAKER ' / I DATE NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG. , FOR EA. AMPERE OF INCREASE NOTICE IN MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-OR BREAKER TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A REMODEL, ALTERATION, NO CHANGE PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM MENCED. IN SERVICE, FOR EA. AMPERE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS INCREASE APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANC~ GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED ~~NJ~E0 fo NG~~>E \HuETHGlR°i~1~i ~ro&T~i~11:Aii~t ~~~ TEMP. SERVICE UP TO AND INCLUD- PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING ING 200 AMP. CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. " \r1JUt J @u ,,{--~~·t,....~,~ A TEMP. SERVICE OVER 200 AMP. PER 100 ~· uni! OF" CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZe:i,-,,.gEHT -... ... 6}~ ISSUANCE FEE J I I TOTAL FEES 51~N& or un 1..-un'NER BUILOERl ... ·~, WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS JS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.o. CASH · PERMIT VALIDATION CK. INSPECTOR ' y M.O. ...: -. -,) . CITY LIC;,;,~O, Fee '){ ~ tr' ::::: tr' -.J 1.-~ --J (; if-~ -7( ()· ~ 5r? -i-- e e_ MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION . Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. ' City of CARLSBAD; CALIFORNIA 92008 . Phone 729-1181 r<'I, "".: 1 "'·, s.;.:,.~,.., Permit''Nif JOB A.DOR !:Sa 1365 Pine Aw. Carlsbad, Ca. LOT HO. Im I TRACT LCUL I Qsct ATTACHED SH[[T) 1 DEBCII, OWN[. .. MAIL ADDllUS ZIP PHON~ 2 Arno Breits:il:ach 1363 Pine Aw., Carlsbad 92008 434-1931 CONT"ACTO .. ""4AIL AOOlll:£SS PHONE STATE LIC. NO. CITY LIC, NO, 3 1l"HE!lMDYNE CDRroRAT:D:»l P. o. OOX 789. 5.1\..ti ~ 757-2720 174405 15420 A"CHITI.CT 0 .. O[SIGNUI MAIL AODIIIES! PHONE LIC£N5[ NO, 4 ENQINEE .. MAIL ADDfU:ss P~OHE LICtN~t NO, 6 Ll;.tttl~ t".Vc. ~AIL ADDRli:98 BJIV,NCH 6 ~~ l~ c.... ..c..--c<' ua1. 0,. BUILDING I 7 ' Resident:ial 8 Class of work: Oif.;IEW 0 ADDITION 0 ALTERATION 0 REPAIR 9 Describe work: Furnish mx1 i.nstal1 forcoo air b3ating Type of Fuel: Oil D Nat. Gas D LPG. 0 PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. Type of Equipment Fee Air Corn:!. Unlts-H.P. Ea. $ Refrigeration Units-H.P. Ea. Boilen-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnage Ea. , Forced Air Systems-8.T.U. 100 M Ea. 5 I'.>~ Al'PLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY Gravity Syltems-8.T.U. M Ea. \ ( 7, ,~1 V Floor Furnaces-8.T.U. M {)°} / Wall HeatB~-8.T.U. M I NOTICE Unit He&tBrs-8.T.U. M THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-Evaporative Coolers TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.OR IF Clothes Dryers CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM-Ventilation Fan MENCED. Range Hood I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. Air Handling Unit-C.F.M. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED Incinerator ~ii~E0~E0 fo No~i'E: 1JffTHGlR°°i~1'}g 8Fo~/l~l~1°bA~Jb~t ~~i PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ... -; l .;'~ '-._ .,I -:, ,, • ~ /. ~,A(} (J .fA'. ~ ,,., 1':c.:. C./? di 7 Ji 5/"TURE OP'....CONTIIA.CTO" 0111 AUTHO .. lz~-AQltNTl-fOATE) F . ~ ISSUANCE FEE s ' ('1• - .............. , • .._ OP' OWNl[III I" OWNl:111 IIUILDI:" DATE TOTAL FEES • ;· _, I ..... WHEN PROPf:RLV .VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE! THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.o. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH 1urni::rTl"\D APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 729-1181 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION .,,. . REMARKS: .!: /-00/ 17, EXT. 35 EXISTING BUILDING LATERA L LOCATIO ,-: Cl) LATERAL NO. ______ INSTA LLATION DATE-------4 BUILDING DEPT. ISSUED BY __ t-___;,A_I _Lc...,_ __________ _ VALIDATION LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION ST ANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') ________ _ O VER 30' H. @ FT. ________ _ OV ER 10' V . @ FT. ________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') ________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @,___ __ FT.--------- OV ER 10' V. @ FT.--------- TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST--------- SERV ICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) ________ _ TOTA L LATERAL CHARGE __ .:...._:._:_ ____ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO.------=-------- FRONTAGE ___ COST PER FT. ___ TOTAL __ _ OTHER------------------~ CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS---=-COST PER UNIT---TOTAL--- PUMP STATION FEES ___ COST PER UNIT ___ TOTAL--- .··--1 CORR,.E"CTION LIST ,, CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT (714) 729-1181 SINGLE FAMILY AND MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLAN *WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES: Where no action is taken by the applicant in 120 days, and no building permit is issued, all plan check fees are forfeited to the city. . ' .... -.., <' 0 . JobAddre~:--;},--/;~/=c-~--~~~·~"-=-~-~---~Owner_~-~--~-~~-~~- Contractor: ----------------Engineer ______________ _ Occupancy Type of Construction _____ _ Valuation _____ _ . Basic allowable bldg. area 1st Floor _________ _ 2nd Floor __________ _ 3rd Floor ---------~ 4th Floor ----------- Allowable Increase Due to ___________ _ REQUIRED PLANS 1. Plot Plan 6. Structural Details 2. Foundation Plan 7. Elevation Plans 3. Floor Plan 8. Roof Plan 4. General Framing 9. Index Sheet 5. Foundation Details TO THE APPLICANT A. Correct Plans where corrections has been circled. Flag Corrections. B. Incomplete, Indefinite or Faded Drawings or Calcu- lations not acceptable. C. Required Engineer's or Surveyor's Calculations or Plans shall be signed in ink. D. Reverse Plans may not be used. Provide correct Plot Plan, Foundation Plan, Floor Plan and Elevations. E. The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation of any section of the Building Code "or other City, County or State Law. GENERAL 1. Submit fully dimensioned Plot Plan, drawn to scale, including all easements on property. 2. Show all existing and proposed buildings on Plot Plan. 3. Show correct legal description on Plan. 4. Show all Off Site Improvements, Driveway Approach, Light Standards, Fire Hydrants, Water Meters, Sub Structures, Trees, etc. 5. Correct Lot Dimensions. {f:Show existing and finish contour lines. 1:survey of Lot required. @Indicate all grading to be done. @Indicate Elevations of Garage F1oor, and S~et and Driveway. --t N)(l&H ~=?,./)(;fl_ Ur'./S (r;:'fa:_.. ). \, 10. Indicate Centerline and Edge Profile of Driveway. · /~"' 11. Slope of driveway not to exceed 15%. @Indicate flow lines for disposal of surface water. 13. La Costa approval required. 1· \' . ~ \ ,, 13aSan Diego County Health Dept. approval required. 13bShow all requirements for handicapped. U.B.C. Section I 711. 13cL.C.W.D. sewer receipt required. 13dCoastal approval letter required. 14. Carry water from ________ _ under sidewalk through curb into iron pipe. street with cast 15. Provide engineering calculations for~------ ®~ Jngineer's moisture report. 1J-]rading permit required. 18. Fire Dept. approval required. 19. Specify concrete mix@ 2000 P.S.I. minimum. 20. Dimension footing sizes and clearance from grade. 21. Show depth of footings below natural or undisturbed grade. . 24. Indicate clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and girders. 25. Show pier size, spacing and depth, into undisturbed ,,.rn...r1:.i1lll"ll!-rr-size, spacing and direction. ow all conditions of soils report on plans. ,.......,...-:-,no~ drainage away from footings on site plan. 5" fall in 6 feet. '29. Specify minimum 181' x 24" access opening. ,30. Where expansive soils ex4,t, planters adjacent to found- ations are not recommended. 31. Specify underfloor ventilation equal to 2 square feet for each 25 lineal feet of foundation plus one opening within 3' of each corner. ,32. Step footings ,when slope exceeds 1: 10. FRAMING 33. Provide typical framing details. .,.. 34. Specify all lumber grades. / 35. Specify fire blocking at floor, ceiling cove and mid- height of walls'over 10' in height. 36. Show diagonal bracing at each comer and every 25 feet of wall. 37. Clarify bracing of _______ wall. · 38. Sho,w size, direction and spacing of floor joists in /~,/-' __________ __....e overspanned. · 39. -D0'i:ible floor joists or ____________ _ I , / f ,,,.,-"'~~b'eam under parallel partitions. / r / 40A,pecify header size for openings over 4'. Show double headers on edge. 41. Insufficient beam size at 42. Provide rafter ties where ceiling joists and rafters are not parallel. 4' O.C. 43. Indicate raft~r,. s~e/jipan~ spacing and direction. 44. Show purlins ·o'n edge' and indicate size. Same size as rafters minimum. 45. Brace roof framing to partitions. 46. Indicate solid sheathing and 2 x 6 or 3 x 4 studs on first floor of three story construction. 47.Showsectionthroug..__ ___________ ~ 48. Show planter box details and water proofing, Sec. 2517 C7. 51. Provide typical chimney details. 52. Specify 2" minimum clearance between chimney and framing. 53. Specify post protection when bearing on concrete. 54. Provide parapet details. 56. Specify inspection class. ___________ _ required for _______________ _ 58. Provide drip screed 2" below mud sill. 59. Indicate how required structural and fire res1st1ve integrity will be maintained. Where penetration will be made for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and communications conduits, pipes and similar systems. Section 301 D. 60. Clarify dimensions at ____________ _ 61. Show window type, sizes and locations. 62. Light and/or ventilation inadequate in _____ _ \ 22. Indicate pressure treated foundation still, or equal. ,23. Show foundation bolt size, spacing and penetration (1/10 floor area -12 square feet min. except bath- I I into concrete. ~" x 17" for masonry. room). I **NOTE IN MARGIN WHERE CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE I .,.Pi-avid vertical clearance and horizontal clearance from range top to combustibles. l----· Indicate attic scuttle (22" x 30" min.) torv cAc.,f+ 110. Indicate material . to be used and locatio~ of sewer line. (If V.C.P. use flexible compression joints only.) 111. Show two way clean out in yard box with 5' of build- ing. \. I Provide draft separation for attic area in excess of 2500 sq. ft. 66. Separate area between dropped ceiling and floor above to 1000 sq. ft. max. 67. Specify stall shower min. width 30" minimum floor area 900 sq. inches. 68. Specify wall finish in shower area not to be adversely affected by moisture to 6' above the floor, and provide shatterproof doors. 69. Water closet area minimum width to be 30". 70. Show material to be used under tile. 71. Openings closer than ____________ _ to property line shall be of hour construction. 72. Show ceiling height. 73. Show lateral cross bracing at garage plate line. 74. Show bedroom window as exit, section 1304. ELEVATIONS ELECTRICAL Provide minimum 100 Amp. service. Condos require 00 Amp. panel for each unit. Show meter and panel location. ,,.....,_ __ a how fire warnings systems centered over stairs. Section 1310. MECHANICAL 114. Indicate furnace size, locations. & registers and return air. (Size) · - 115. Indicate heating equipment in accordance with chapter 7 of Uniform Housing Code. 116. Specify heating, air cond"itioning and ventilating equipment. Installations to comply with the uniform mechanical code. dicate attic ventilation.per section 3205 (c). ~ BA~({ 6. Show all eave overhangs and construction details. ~ ~ · A. Access F. Ducts B. Location G. Ladder & Light C. Combustion Air H. Engineer's 77. Dimension chimney height above roof. (2 'O" above roof withing 10'0"). 78. Indicate finish and natural grade to property line. 79. Show exterior wall finishes. 80. Indicate 15# felt or equal on exterior walls. ROOF ,/81. Note roof pitch. ,' 82. Indicate roofing material length & weather exposure on wood shingles. .,,83. Show type, size and spacing of roof sheathing. ,.,..84. Fire retardant roof required due to location in __ _ fire zone. GARAGES /86. Garages not permitted to open into sleeping room. /87. Provid separation on all walls / and ceilings adjacent to living quarters. 1"88. Specify door/window opening .from garage/carport into ___________ _ STAIRWAYS AND EXITS 90. Provide handrails as required in Section 3305 (i). 92. Provide hour walls for stairwell. 93. Indicate maximum rise and minimum run on stair. 95. Provide balcony railing at 42" minimum height. #1' ~gt~i.J:s. / 96. Provide intermediate rails @ 9" O.C. or equivalent for open type balcony & stair rails. ./97. Indicate 6' 6" minimum headroom clearance above --~--.--stairway. /98. Show stairway· construction details. ,100. Occupant loa require.,_ ____ exits from ________ _ <101. Provide lights over stairways and public corridors. , 102. Show change in floor level at doors l" max. Sec. 3303h. !l02aShow handrail extending 6" beyond the top & bottom risers & terminating in a post or safety terminal Sec. 3305 ,(i). PLUMBING dicate location of water heater. D. Venting Cales for E. Return Air Roof Loads 117. Indicate location & type of fire dampers. ELECTRIC 1975 N.E.C. round-fault protection required for outdoor and bathroom rece~~210-8. 2. At least one receptical shall be installed outdoors _ _d.Jrid garages. 210-25b ~orrect electric as shown on floor plan. 4. Underground service is required. Show on plans. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS holes and notching, show deta1ls as per Section 8, (F), 10, 11. -;;'~d, ::i'!!!_?!_ th, following: ~;;___:gz~ Porches _________________ _ Patios _________________ _ ..,.,-Balco~ fl-· v., Glass~· !} 2/L · C., 3. -rn;Jation requirements: A. Show 6" insulation in ceiling. (R-19) ,,,. ~~ B. Show 1 x block for insulation stop an~· _ C. Sh_ow 4" insulation in walls (R-11) D. Show exterior doors weatherstriped. E. Place the following note on plans: These plans comply with the requirements of the California noise insulation standards. SIGNED ____________ _ DATE ______________ ~ TITLE ______________ ~ F. Show details of party wall and floor system and S.T.C. or I.C.C. rating of each. 4. Have designetpign and dat~plans. CHECKED ___ .:2._-_/~7~,------+-,~----~ how temperature and pressure relief valves on water (DATE) aters with discharge lines to outside.' Sec. 1007. 1 . Water heater not to be 1-o'cated in bathroom or under RECHECKED _______________ _ stairway or landing. (DATE) 106·. Provid squa,re inches of ventilation at top and bottom of water heater. THE FOREGOING CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE AND ARE UNDERSTOOD BY THE UNDERSIGNED: 107. Show water heater on 18 inch platform. \ ,;?_3,· Provide water pressure regulator. Section 1007 (B). 1 Jo 9, ~ ~-~ ~/.. OWNER -OR HIS AUTHORIZED AGENT/'. ) ' -~ 'hh ~~--:Cl~ tOVe~ ', ., ' -- ', . J ' • • •• I -' ~ INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET RECEIVED ILDING DEPARTMENT ADDRESS: \) toS ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: JAN 1 81978 -CITY OF CARLSBAD Bulldlng [?epartment ~\ -Z ONE __ --1-8.._-__._l __ ~}LO T SI Z E_1 ........... b l)~O~~)t,~W~, _LOT WIDTH UNITS ALLOWED J UNITS PROVIpED -------~------~--------- PARKING SPACES REQUIRED --~,,_,,_ ___ ~_PROVIDED 0~ % COVERAGE ALLOWED -----------~PROVIDED --~C>,_K. ______ _ BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED __________ PROVIDED __ <!)'lr--,jl~<='-------- FRONT SETBACK: SIDE SETBACK: REAR SETBACK: l 1 i .ti ... ' ALLOWED ;...{) ------- PROVIDED INTRUSIO_N_s--0---,ll,--__ _ LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: To FINAL f1{JL DATE 1c1-.. te--?1 FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLING SYSTEM FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP. ------------------- FIRE ALARMS EXITS _______________ _ FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATION _________________ _ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ·OK TO ISSUE: \ ' WATER DEPARTMENT REQUIR pp DIS TRI