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1380 PUFFIN PL; ; CB961907; Permit
B U I L I N G P E R M I T Permit No: CB961907 01/22/98 12:12 Project No: A9400632 Page 1 of 1 Development No: DEV89028 Job Address: 1380 PUFFIN PL Suite: Permit Type: COMMERCIAL BUILDING 328" 01/Z'/98 0001 01 02 Parcel No: 215-820-08-00 Lot#: 8 c-pi 3000.00 Valuation: 12,870 Construction Type: VN Occupancy Group: Ref erence#: Status: ISSUED Description: CABANA FOR RECREATION AREA-307 Applied: 10/03/96 SF, SEA COUNTRY HOMES,CT94-3 Apr/Issue: 04/30/97 Entered By: RMA Appl/Ownr: SEA COUNTRY HOMES 714 452-1181 95 ARGONAUT STE 250 ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 *** Fees Required *** ***-Fees Collected & Credits -Fees: - Adjustments: /.00 C .pl,9redi\ts: .00 ''\ Total Fees: 5,802.0'0\., Total1 ayments: 2,802.00 l..rt,e\-Due': 3,000.00 Fee description / 7 p Unit'é/Uiit Ext fee Data / Building Permit \ 144.00 Plan Check 94.00 Strong Mo ion Feet \3.00 Enter #Units & Code-Po1able Water ' 1j4? 0 5400.00 Dl Enter "1" for Plüzbi"ng"Isue Fe1\4-.f --JJ 20.00 Y Each Plumbing Fixure or P Each Building Sewer J1\/ 7.00 63.00 15.00 Each Install/Repair Water Line )\i _1 / 7.00 7.00 Each Water Heater and/or Vent L,i >'-- 1/ 7.6. 7.00 Gas Piping System \ .' \. IN'DRPORATED I 7..00 7.00 Each Vacuum Breaker 1952 7<00 7.00 Enter fly" for Electric IssLé/Fee ) \\ // 10.00 Y Single Phase Per AMP "\ '('1 /7r? '\i) too) / .25 25.00 Enter 111 for Mechanical Issue Fee (_)\'\) N FINAL APP Pr,-)' !AL S -AIL L. CLEARA. C--- CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 ~40030 PERMiT APPLICATION City of CarLsbad BuiLding Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., CarLsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 I. PERMIT TYPE From List I (see back) give code of Permit-Type: --------------------------------------------------------- For Residential Projects Only: From List 2 (see back) give Code of Structure-Type: (2.. 0 1\ Net Loss/Gain of Dwelling Units 2. PROJECT INFORMATION PLAN CHECK NO. C'f I q WA O3 0152 10/03/9 CCOI 01 02 FOR OFFIcE.USE;ONLY 15 rio. IiUU[ uice &ctø.f CC) \ (j3$ •[3 ftiffi Nearest Cross Stt DESCRIPTION OF WORK CC ..(. cJ ' SQ. F. 3 07 or # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS 2-# OF BATHROOMS I CON UAUI PFJ(JN (it different from applicant) NAME (lastname first) -*( ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAYTELEPHONE NAME (last name first) (o AADDRESS CITY 0 to STATE C.Jc ZIP CODE da U1'6 MY TELEPHONE(- . s'z.. — 1% 311$'t4 L DRESS cç 9'rc. ZND ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHON t't) 2. -g I kb3C$1)DRESS 4O.ic- ZS ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE (2 i) Lt S2 - LICENSE CLASS CITY BUSINESS LIC. # Lib 'T&e.r / NAME (last name first) CITY L>ce- NAME (last name first) CITY,4 le.o STATECA. STATE LIC. #) IS-z. I Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department Lieclion 3800, Lab. Q. INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. EXPIRATION DATE çi_ /_C3) I..erLillcaLe UI r.xempuon; i ceruty U1dL in we penormance o[ me work ior wnicn mis permit is issuea, I snaii not employ any so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation laws of California. SIGNATURE DATE 8. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Owner-Builder Declaration: I hereby affirm that i am exempt from the contractors License Law Tor the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions ex Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 1 am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor) Iepe Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt th nd the basis fo t e alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applica i al ot fly nd liars [$500]). SIGNATURE DATE () -3.. COMPLETE THIVEW171ON FOR NON-RESIDE AL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant Sir future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? DYES 13 NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? DYES [3 NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? DYES [3 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED AFTER JULY 1, 1989 UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. i nereDy arrirm EnaE were MV consipiction ienoing agency ror me performance or the w for which this permit is issued (Sec 3097(I) Civil Code). 41 pe('s'G..I 70 i SJe..qo LENDER'S N'AME LENDER'S ADDRESS U / 10. APPLICANT CEKTIHCA11UN I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE it) SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABHhIiES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. 0511k An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5,0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. Expiration. Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is t cfflnmenced within ys from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at is co enced for a penod of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform BuildIn$CJde) , APPLICANTS SIGNATURE : ~ _______ DATE: (Q CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB961907 FOR 07/02/98 DESCRIPTION: CABANA FOR RECREATION AREA-307 SF, SEA COUNTRY HOMES,CT94-3 TYPE: COM JOB ADDRESS: 1380 PUFFIN PL APPLICANT: SEA COUNTRY HOMES PHONE: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: OWNER: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA NF PLANCK# CB961907 0CC GRP CONSTR. TYPE VN STE: LOT: 8 714 452-1181 REMARKS: C/J.R./603-8924 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- PERNIT# TYPE CB961906 RETAIN GR960023 GRADING CB962122 RETAIN SE970009 SWRSD CB970435 MOHO CB970822 MISC SE970055 SWRSD SE970105 SWRSD SE970106 SWRSD SE970228 SWRSD 5E970231 SWRSD CB970965 POOL INSPECTOR ,kffl STATUS ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED ACT COMMENTS 19 ST Final Structural 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical **** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS 060298 Final Electrical AP NF 052998 Final Electrical CO NF 050698 Gas/Test/Repairs AP NF 041698 Final Electrical CO NF 021998 Interior Lath/Drywall AP NF 021298 Frame/steel/Bolting/Welding AP NF 021298 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP NF 012998 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding CO NF SEE NOTICE ATTACH. 012898 Rough Electric AP NF 101097 Rough/Topout AP NF 092497 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding CO NF 092497 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear AP NF 091197 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP NF OK TO POUR SLAB 082997 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP NF 062397 Sewer/Water Service AP PY CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERNIT# CB961907 FOR 06/02/98 DESCRIPTION: CABANA FOR RECREATION AREA-307 SF, SEA COUNTRY HOMES,CT94-3 TYPE: CON JOB ADDRESS: 1380 PUFFIN PL APPLICANT: SEA COUNTRY HONES PHONE: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: OWNER: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA NF PLANCK# CB961907 0CC GRP CONSTR. TYPE VN STE: LOT: 8 714 452-1181 REMARKS: C/J.R./603-8924 INSPECTOR AiF SPECIAL INSTRUCT: ALSO MENTIONED SOMETHING ABOUT PRE-PLASTER INSPECTION --RELATED PERMITS-- PERNIT# TYPE STATUS CB961906 RETAIN ISSUED GR960023 GRADING ISSUED CB962122 RETAIN ISSUED SE970009 SWRSD ISSUED CB970435 MOHO ISSUED CB970822 MISC ISSUED SE970055 SWRSD ISSUED 5E970105 SWRSD ISSUED SE970106 SWRSD ISSUED 5E970228 SWRSD ISSUED SE970231 SWRSD ISSUED CB970965 POOL ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION PX. I 39 EL Final Electrical ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS 052998 Final Electrical CO NF 050698 Gas/Test/Repairs AP NF 041698 Final Electrical CO NF 021998 Interior Lath/Drywall AP NF 021298 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP NF 021298 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP NF 012998 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding CO NF SEE NOTICE ATTACH. 012898 Rough Electric AP NF 101097 Rough/Topout AP NF 092497 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding CO NF 092497 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear AP NF 091197 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP NF OK TO POUR SLAB 082997 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP NF 062397 Sewer/Water Service AP PY 062397 Underground/Under Floor AP PY PARTY WALL PENETRATION 052797 Grout NR P1 051297 Grout AP P1 2ND LIFT 050997 Grout AP TP 1ST LIFT REC RN CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERNIT# CB961907 FOR 06/23/97 DESCRIPTION: CABANA FOR RECREATION AREA-307 TYPE: COM SF OUNTRY HOMES, dT94 JOB ADDRESS: 1380 PUFFIN PL APPLICANT: SEA COUNTRY HOMES PHONE: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: OWNER: PHONE: INSPECTOR AREA PY PLANCK# CB961907 0CC GRP CONSTR. TYPE VN STE: LOT: 8 714 452-1181 REMARKS: R/BILL/603-8924 INSPECTOR SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- PERNIT# TYPE STATUS SE960120 SWRSD ISSUED CB961906 RETAIN ISSUED GR960023 GRADING ISSUED CB962122 RETAIN ISSUED SE970009 SWRSD ISSUED CB970435 MOHO ISSUED CB970822 MISC ISSUED 5E970055 SWRSD ISSUED CB970965 POOL ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 21 PL Under ground/Under Floor 1Af____________________________ 22 PL Sewer/Water Service ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION 052797 Grout 051297 Grout 050997 Grout 050797 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 050797 Underground/Under Floor 050797 Undercizound-/-Unde-r—F-1ooz ACT INSP COMMENTS NR PY AP PY 2ND LIFT AP TP 1ST LIFT REC RN. AP TP RET WALL REC RN AP TP REC RN AP TP H.B FOR EQPT RN F.0.PER KELL FINA LDING INSPECTION Q)lf - DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING E PLANNING CMWD ST LITE PLAN cI.c1cff: C961907 PERNiT#: CB961907 PROJECT NAME: CABANA FOR RECREATION AREA-307 SF, SEA COUNTRY HOMES,CT94-3 ADDRESS: 1380 PUFFIN PL LOT# 8 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: C/J.R./603-8924 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA DATE: 07/02/98 PERMIT TYPE: CON fFpE ; JUL -6 1998 12 L INSPECT DATE BY:c t.cA.._o. INSPECTED:al— 0?ici€ APPROVED><' DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: INAL BUILDING INSPECTION - DEPT: BUILDING EIDEERING FIRE PLANNING CMWD PLAN CHECK#: CB PERMIT#: CB961907 PROJECT NAME: CABANA FOR RECREATION AREA-307 SF, SEA COUNTRY HOMES,CT94-3 ST LITE DATE: 07/02/98 PERMIT TYPE: CON 4 - - ADDRESS: 1380 PUFFIN PL LOT# 8 JUL 'I998 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: C/J.R./603-8924 SEWER DIST: CA, WATER DIST: CA DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED \ DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - COMMENTS: FINAL BUILDING ECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANN CMWD ST LITE PLAN CHECK#: CB961907 DATE: 07/02/98 PERNIT#: CB961907 PERMIT TYPE: COM PROJECT NAME: CABANA FOR RECREATION AREA-307 SF, SEA COUNTRY HOMES,CT94-3 ADDRESS: 1380 PUFFIN PL LOT# 8 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: C/J.R./603-8924 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - COMMENTS: FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION - DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING CMWV-.:TE07/02/98 PLAN CHECK#: CB961907 PERNIT#: CB961907 PERMIT TYPE: COM PROJECT NAME: CABANA FOR RECREATION AREA-307 SF, SEA COUNTRY HOMES,CT94-3 ADDRESS: 1380 PUFFIN PL LOT# 8 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: C/J.R./603-8924 SEWER DIST: CA WATER DIST: CA INSPECTED BY: -bll-~ - INSPECTED BY:. INSPECTED BY: DATE INSPECTED: 1/u fg 4 APPROVED DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED' DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: Jul-09-98 1152A New P.02 Qty of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad California 92009 INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB CALL PRIOR TO 2:00 P.M. FOR NEXT WORKDAY INSPECTION BUILDING INSPECTION: (619) 438-3101 JOB ADDRESS: ( f :1 V - V LOT NO./SUITE: 4 OWNERS NAME: \ .4 J / if USE/OCCUPANCY / TYPE CO DATE V PERMIT NO. CON IRACIOR BUILDING A_cOi'iti/jr_VVV OTHER _ APPROVED TO COVER TypeofInspection Date Inspector Notes BUILDING V REINFORCED STEEL Ica MASONRY pf 0 GROUT 0 WALL DRAINS • ...2. -?_ TILT PANELS POUR STRIPS ri COLUMN FOOTINGS V V SUBFRAME 0 FLOOR 0 CEILING ROOF SHEATHING SHEAR PANELS V_ EXT. FRAME V INSULATION EXTERIOR LATH V_VV_V__V INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL V_V -_- FINAL PLUMBING 0 SEWER AND BLICO DPI/CO UNDERGROUND 0 WA5aE 0 WATER TOP OUTWASTEWATER -- 10 - TUB AND SHOWER PAN V GAS TEST 0 GAS PIPING 1 -_ic•- V O WATER HEAIIR OSOIAR WAlER FINAL V V_ ELLCIRICAL V o ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 0 UFER V ROUGH ELECTRIC WAILS I.... ROUGH ELECIRICCEILING_V O ELECTRIC SERVICE 0 TEMPORARY 0 BONDING 0 POOL FINAL MEC14.4N1(:A( UNDERGROUND DUCTS & PIPING 0DUCT &PLEM. 0 REF. PIN NG HEAT - AIR COND. SYSTEMS VFNIII ATINIr. 'v'TrAac .._- UNDERGROUND DUCTS & PIPING - D DUCT & PLEM.D REF. PIPING HEAT - AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENIIIATING SYSTEMS FINAL CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN AIIAPPROPRI FINAL Sign When Appropriate Building Dept. (Inspections) 438-3101 Fire Department 931-2121 - Planning DeparLnint 438-1161 EnBineering Dept. (Inspections) 438-389 §Uilding In5pectors (7am-4pm) 438-3550 438-2722 Ext 15 RFVIft)(, - V( I1AVf RrrN SEE BACK FOR SPECIAL NOTES SOUTHWEST INSPECTION & TESTING 10826 SOUTH NORWALK BLVD. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 (310) 941-2990 • (714) 526-8441 • FAX (310) 946-0026 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT I SWIT Job No i 36 TYPE OF INSPECTION REQUIRED I 0 Reinforced Concrete 0 Structural Steel Assembly 0 Quality Control 0 Post Tensioned Concrete 0 Fire Proofing 0 Other Reinforced Masonry 0 Asphalt Job Address g/ c.,q,j/ City Job Name L' i,23 Type of Stru4 C jo)5/4-1747 Permit No. Issued By CrJ h,#d - Architect Rn.w Material Description (type, grade. soirce) Engineer VC4 Contractor Inspector(s) Name 7 ,ç" ' Subcontractor r TESTS PERFORMED TYPE OF SAMPLE SLUMP QUANTITY IN SET ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON SAMPLES INSPECTION SUMMARY - LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES TAKEN. WORK REJECTED. JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. INCLUDES INFORMATION ABOUT . AMOUNTS OF MATERIAL PLACED OR WORK PERFORMED. NUMBER. TYPE & IDENT. NO'S OF TEST SAMPLES TAKEN: STRUCT. CONNECTIONS (WELD MADE H.T. BOLTS TORQUED) CHECKED: ETC. Obe,yecJ de ô-1' f p1 cem,7 o4 2 lôo Po/1 Tyfe ' .) '1 /P /t),'"ec/ 51 y Sps /ol A'ey 4)' (rO'L p/1cS 12" WdI/ ,4// niecAp,i,a//y yi4c7,i< CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS. AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPECTOR 41,dnry SPECIALTY ( NO. AGENCY CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 0 PAGE OF TIME IN TIME OUT I REG. HOURS O.T. HOURS I CYLINDERS IA r 03 4' 3 All inspection as o minimum of 4 hours and over 4 hours 8 hour minimum. In iii , y inspection extending past noon hour will be an 8 hour mini Approved WHITE - OFFICE COPY. CANARY - ACCOUNTING COPY. PINK - INSPECTORS COPY. GOLDENROD - JOB SITE COPY SOUTHWEST INSPECTION & TESTING 10826 SOUTH NORWALK BLVD. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 (310) 941-2990 • (714) 526-8441 • FAX (310) 946-0026 REGISTERED INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT SWIT Job No. Date 1fYPE OF INSPECTION REQUIRED 0 Reinforced Concrete 0 Structural Steel Assembly 21uality Control 0 Post Tensioned Concrete 0 Fire Proofing 0 Other I20 einforced Masonry 0 Asphalt Job Address - / 'j7' ,..Cty LL.P-"ftr '4-N1 Job Name G;_)TL.T!. /iA(ttrc Permit 1q0-7 Issued jq0 By Type of Structure I Architect Material Description (type, grade, source) Engineer Contractor Inspector(s) SubcontractQç c,J'c_#._1 £ TESTS PERFORMED TYPE OF SAMPLE SLUMP QUANTITY IN SET ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON SAMPLES INSPECTION SUMMARY - LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED, TEST SAMPLES. TAKEN. WORK REJECTED. JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS. ETC. INCLUDES INFORMATION ABOUT - AMOUNTS OF MATERIAL PLACED OR WORK PERFORMED, NUMBER, TYPE & IDENT. NO'S OF TEST SAMPLES TAKEN: STRUCT. CONNECTIONS (WELD MADE H.T. BOLTS TORQUED) CHECKED; ETC. 6 Ct'T c: IL , T •r (-Cr VdL.f() '-'_ 1.—F1 ' Vrvt- V? ca—' ( "Ae—A— 'S'tT-cP .& ( 3E ' 4 F€i- 11-L tfEUt44T - A"> 47' TO 1 (Ot M. '— J t —, t4 Pc - CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPL WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. / SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPECTOR CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 0 PAGE I OF I TIME IN I TIME OUT I REG. HOURS[ O.T. HOURS I CYLINDERS I All inspections based on a minimum of 4 hours and over 4 hours - 8 hour minimum. In addition, any inspection extending past noon hour will be an 8 hour minimum. Approved By SPECIALTY NO. AGENCY WHITE - OFFICE COPY, CANARY - ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK- INSPECTOR'S COPY, GOLDENROD - JOB SITE COPY EsGil Corporation fProfessio1wfP&zn Review Engineers DATE: 1/16/97 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-1907 PROJECT ADDRESS: Alga/Black Rail Ct. PROJECT NAME: Cabana Building SET: III O APPLICANT MAN S. lID REVIEWER O FILE The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. - The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. F-1 The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. El The check listtransmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. El The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. LI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant-that the plan check has been completed.. El Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. - ..:. Person contated: - Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone Fax In Person El REMARKS: By: CHUCK MENDENHALL Esgil Corporation El GA D CM 0 EJ 0 PC 1/13/97 Telephone #: Fax #: Enclosures: tmsmtLdot El 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (619) 560-1468 • Fax (619) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation !Professiond!P(an Review Engineers DATE: 11/19/96 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-1907 PROJECT ADDRESS: Alga/Black Rail Ct. PROJECT NAME: Cabana Building SET: II U APPLICANT FIRE EWER U FILE The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's *********** codes. fl The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The remarks below are transmitted herewith for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Al Moreno 95 Argonaut, Suite 210, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant (except by mail) that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: ) Telephone #: REMARKS: The following items from the original list have not been addressed. 2. Provide a letter from the soil engineer indicating that he has reviewed the plans and they conform to his recommendations. See item 7.1 in the report by Geotechics Inc dated 3/29/96. 4. Submit truss details and design calc's for this project. By: CHUCK MENDENHALL Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA 0 CM 0 EJ 0 Pc 11/12/96 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (619) 560-1468 • Fax (619) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation fProfessiona(P(an *view Engineers DATE: 10/16/96 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-1907 PROJECT ADDRESS: Alga/Black Rail Ct PROJECT NAME: Cabana Building SET:I U AP LICANT JURI . U FIRE U REVIEWER U FILE The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's *********** codes. The remarks below are transmitted herewith for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant. contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Al Moreno 95 Argonaut, Suite 210, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant (except by mail) that the plan check has been completed. LI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: REMARKS: 1. Specify the size of the footings that support the wood-frame walls. Detail 5/CAB.1 indicates per plan. Nothing is shown on the plan. 2. Provide a letter from the soil engineer indicating that he has reviewed the plans & they conform to his recommendations. See item 7.1 of the report by Geotechnics Inc. Dated 3/29/96. 3. Note on the foundation plan that the soil engineer will inspect the pad prep. And footing excavations and notify the bldg official in writing that the foundations comply with the soil report. See 7.3 of the same report. 4. Submit truss details and design calc's for this project. 5. Provide a special inspection program per UBC 106.3.5 for the special inspection of the retaining wall. By: CHUCK MENDENHALL Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA 0 CM fJ EJ 0 Pc 10/7/96 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (619) 560-1468 • Fax (619) 560-1576 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 96-1907 PREPARED BY: CM DATE: 10/16/96 BUILDING ADDRESS: Alga/Blackrail Ct BUILDING OCCUPANCY: S-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VN BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft.2) VALUATION If MULTIPLIER VALUE cabana 390 33 12870 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 12,870 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee IJ Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 144.00 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee 0 Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 93.60 Type of Review: • Complete Review 0 Structural Only Hourly O Repetitive Fee Applicable M Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 74.88 Comments: Fire Services Review: 0 Complete Review J Suppression System O Fire Alarm J Other: Esgil Fire Services Review Fee: $ Comments: Sheet I of I macvalue.doc 5196 .-- City of Carlsbad BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: 1/— /c7" 94 CT q 1'3 PLANCHECK NO.: CB 9 /9 7 BUILDING ADDRESS: Lcçt' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: EST. VALUE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 'I APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved.' The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. D A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: DENIAL Please se the attached report of deficiencies marked with Make necessary corrections to plans or specific ions for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. v3J' By: Date: By: ' Date: ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application 0 Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement 0 Grading Permit Application 0 Grading Submittal Checklist 0 Right-of-Way Permit Application O Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: Michele Masterson City of Carlsbad Address: 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (619) 438-1161, ext. 4315 A-4 %UMPAUA#SWSXIBRMYWMWORMWSWHKLgn&MMPWKI cId BP000I Fann I&A.doc Rev. V2119e 2075 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 It BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1ST 2ND/ 3RD/ 0 0 0 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North Arrow D. Property Lines Easements Existing & Proposed Structures E. Easements Existing Street Improvements F. Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets 0 0 0 2. Show on site plan: Drainage Patterns Existing & Proposed Slopes Existing Topography 0 0 0 3. Include note: "Surface water to be directed away from the building foundation at a 2% gradient for no less than 5' or 2/3 the distance to the property line (whichever is less)." [Per 1985 UBC 2907(d)5] On graded sites, the top of any exterior foundation shall extend above the elevation of the street gutter at point of discharge or the inlet of an approved drainage device a minimum of 12 inches plus two percent." [Per 1990 UBC 2907(d)5] 0 0 0 4. Include on title sheet: Site address Assessor's Parcel Number Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION Page 1 of 4 G:LIBMRWORDDOCScHKLsT&iIng Pncfleck cIdt BP000I FannMA.c Rev. 8l2UV BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 1STj 2ND 3RD 0 0 5. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval forProject No.____________________________________________________ Conditions were complied with by: _ Date: DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 0 0 0 6. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required. for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $______________ pursuant to Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with, an 8 1/? x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Provide the completed application form and the requirements on the checklist at the time of resubmittal. Dedication completed by: Date: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS - 0 0 0 7a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ , pursuant to Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist for a separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. Provide the completed application form and the requirements on the checklist at the time of resubmittal. Improvement Plans signed by: Date: Page 2 of 4 Plandieck Cidet BPCOOI Fann kIdac Rev. 8021IOe BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1st/ 2'' 3rd 0 0 0 7b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: Improvement Plans signed by: Date: 0 0 0 7c. Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement. Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Future Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: 0 U. 0 7d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adiacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. 0 0 0 8a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). 0 0 0 8b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough radinp approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by: Date: 0 0 0 8c. No Grading Permit required. Page 3 of 4 G:UIBRAMWORDDOCScHKLSTEdIng Punched, CIO BPOCOI Form lVA.dac Rev. W2IIO BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1st/ 2"' 0 0 MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 3rd 0 9. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City RightLofWay and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, trees, driveways, tieing into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-Way permit required for A separate Right-of-Way permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: 0 10. A SEWER PERMIT is required concurrent with the building permit issuance. The fee is noted in the fees section on the following page. 0 11. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Application Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of a Permit. Industrial Waste permit accepted by: Date: 0 12. NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. Page 4 of 4 PIi,,sckaid 8P000t Fm MM.doc Rev. W21100 rz ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING REVIEW SECTION FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET 0 Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. c3ZIà?4'2 c7/',4t. K'Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: (Te74tC)3 (Se! £T2/dt1I/) Bldg. Permit No. O 961907 Prepared by: Date: Checked by: Date_____________________ EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use:et rn¼i.r SqrFtPJnits: / EDU's:/ Total EDU's:_____________________ ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use:_________________ Sq. FtiUnits:__ ADTs: Total ADT's_________________ FEES REQUIRED: PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE REQUIRED 0 YES 0 NO (See Building Department for amount) WITHIN CFD: DYES (no bridge & thoroughfare lee. 0 NO reduced Traffic Impact Fee) j4R.lN-uEU FEE PARK AREA:________ A FEE/UNIT: X NO. UNITS:______ IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: FVeBRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE ADT's/UNITS: X FEE/ADT:_________ )4AetDTIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE:________ SQ.FT.: X FEE/SQ.FT.:_______ K5.SEWER FEE PERMIT q7 c7 EDU's: / X FEE/EDU:/C?i' O BENEFIT AREA: L. DRAINAGE BASIN:1q14.. VDRAINAGEFEES. EDUs: I X FEE/EDU:// ' PLDA : HIGH _______/LOW_ ACRES: X FEE/AC:________ kWER LATERAL ($2,500 DEPOSIT) *WATER FEE EDU's: X FEE/EDU:________ =$_ =5 - =r- =$ =77(a TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*:7 *NOTE: This calculation sheet Is NOT a complete Hat of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Buildina Permits. P:\D0CSMISFORMS\BP0002.FRM REV 01104/95 r CITY OF CARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR PARTIAL SITE RELEASE PROJECT lNSPECTOR:L',t Es' PROJECT lDcA- e0I+ DATE: GRADING PERMIT No.c?z-3 LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE: - Ct N/A = NOT APPLICABLE COMPLETE 0 = Incomplete or unacceptable 1st Site access to requested lots adequate and logically grouped Site erosion control measures adequate. Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of public. Letter of request for pwtial release submitted 89V x 11 • site plan showing requested lots submitted. Compaction report from soils engineer submitted. 7.. Engineer of work certification of work done and pad elevations. Geologic engineer's letter it unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist Project conditions of approval checked for conflicts Can water seivice be installed prior to bringing building combustibles on site. Partial release of grading for the above stated lots Is approved for the purpose of building permit issuance. Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal City requirements required pursuant to the building permit process. 0 Partial release of the site is denied for the following reasons: ~~~ aje~L ~*. 4~~I" Project Engineer Date PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB '?I, -i/ C Address i9/ Planner 'l4Idkkll4A,t. Phone (619) 4f8-1161, extension APN: I5/2-2D 9 9 Type of Project and Use: p . 4.4 e 6— 4 2z, a a Zone: Facilities Management Zone: CFD$out) it% Cr6Ie One (If property in, complete SPECIAL TAX CALCULATION WORKSHEET provided by Building ' Department.) Legend j . Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs your action El U Environmental Review Required: YES V1N0 TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: 7-3-lb Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval iz1 El El Discretionary Action Required: YES VNO TYPE APPROVAL/RESO. NO. 3cLfb DATE 3 _7 PROJECT NO. I'q /Y) OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES NO____ 10, h4 If NO, proceed with checklist; if YES, proceed below. Determine status (Exempt or Coastal Permit Require If Exempt, proceed with checklist; if Coastal Permit required, hold building permit until Coastal Permit issued. Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO____ If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. I J Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Site Plan: Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing Street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: Setbacks: Front: Required Shown.______________ Int. Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown E Lot Coverage: Required E fl Height: Shown [~f Required Shown Parking: Spaces Required Shown Guest Spaces Required Shown dE] E Additional Comments_____________________________________________________ OK TO, ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER 4' 4tji DATE I I -i5-1L 96354 - Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report:Tuesday, November 19, 1996 Reviewed by:h vt Contact Name Al Moreno Address 95 Argonaut Suite 210 City, State Aleso Viego CA 92656 Planning No. Job Name Aviara PA15SeaCRec Job Address Alga/Blackrail Ste. or Bldg. No. CK Approved - The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. O Disapproved - Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st 2nd 3rd Other Agency ID CFD Job# 96354 File#___________ 2560 Orion Way 0 Carlsbad, California 92008 0 (619) 931-2121 FOR: September 18, 1996 Prepared By: RNM-1232 1?;; rno7 VANDORPE CHOU ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Sea Country Engineers and Code Consultants Job No.: RNM 1232 VC A 295 N. RAMPART STREET SUITE A Date: 9/18/96 ORANGE, CA 92668 Designer: STP PROJECT INFORMATION Governing Code 1994 UBC Jurisdiction Carlsbad, CA Seismic Zone 4 Zone Factor 0.4 Basic Wind Speed (mph) 70 Stagnation Pressure (pso 12.6 Wind Exposure C Soils Report By Geotechnics Inc. Job Number 0289-001-00 Date 3/29/96 Soil Bearing Pressure 2500 psf on Units 1-25 and 39-51, 1500 psf on Units 23-38 Equivalent Fluid Pressure 63 psf/ft for sloped backfill Continuous Footings: Exterior 12" W x 18" D w/ 244 @ Top and Bottom Slab on Grade 5-1/2" nominal w/ #3 © 18" o.c. each way Page (I) VANDORPE CHOU ASSOCIATES, INC. and Code Consultants Project: Job No.: Sea Country RNM 1232 VOT Engineers 295 N. RAMPART STREET SUITE A Date: 9/18/96 ORANGE, CA 92668 Designer: STP LOADING IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT Roofing: Tile Slope: 5/12 ROOF LOADING CEILING LOADING Live Load: 16.0 Live Load: 10.0 Dead Loads: Dead Loads: Tile 10.0 Framing 0.5 Sheathing 1.5 Drywall 2.5 Framing 2.0 Misc. 1.0 Misc. 0.5 Additional Additional Total Dead Load 14.0 Total Dead Load 4.0 TOTAL 30.0 TOTAL 15.0 INTERIOR WALL EXTERIOR WALL Drywall 5.0 Stucco 10.0 Studs 1.0 Studs 1.0 Mech. & Insul. 1.0 Drywall 2.5 Misc. 1.0 Misc. 1.5 TOTAL 8.0 TOTAL 15.0 Page (ii) VANDORPE CHOU ASSOCIATES, INC. Project: Sea Country Engineers and Code Consultants Job No.: RNM 1232 VOT A 295 N. RAMPART STREET SUITE A Date: 9/18/96 ORANGE, CA 92668 Designer: STP STRUCTURAL MATERIALS TIMBER: All timber shall be Douglas Fir Larch with a maximum moisture content of 19%. Grading rules agency: West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB) Sawn Lumber (DF-L) Fb* (Dsi) Fv* (psi) E* (psi) 2x Joists & Rafters (No.2) 875 95 1 .6x10"6 4x Sawn Beams (No.2) 875 95 1 .6x10A6 6x Sawn Beams (No.2) 875 85 1 .3x10'6 4x Sawn Beams (No.1) 1000 95 1.7x10A6 6x Sawn Beams (No.1) 1350 85 1.6x10A6 CONCRETE: Application Comp. Cylinder Strength (psi)( 28 days Slab on grade 2500 Footings and grade beams 3000 Design is based on 2000 psi concrete. No inspection is required, unless noted otherwise. REINFORCING STEEL: #5 and smaller reinforcing bars shall conform to A.S.T.M. A - 615-40. #6 and larger reinforcing bars shall conform to A.S.T.M. A - 615-60. STRUCTURAL STEEL: Description Pipe Tube All other shapes High strength bolts All other bolts Specification ASTM A-53 Type E or S, Grade B ASTM A-500, Grade B ASTM A-36 ASTM A-325 ASTM A-307 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS: All concrete masonry units shall conform to standard specifications for hollow load bearing concrete masonry units (ASTM C-90, Grade N-I 1). Masonry, f, 1500 psi Grout, f'g 2000 psi Page (iii) / FILE No. ROOF FRAMING Page Roof Beam Span L= 4.5 ft A A R(DL) = 284 lb Trib. Area A = L x 7 = 32 sq.ft R(TL) = 536 lb DL LL Uniform Load Roof = ( 18 + 16 )psf x ( 7 )ft = 238 lb/ft .W(DL) = 126 --------------------------------------------------- lb/ft W = 238 lb/ft Reaction R(DL) = 284 lb R(TL) = 536 lb Fb = .875 Try 4 x D.F.#2 Fv = 95 ------------------------------------------> Fp = 625 E = 1.6 EA6 S = W x L A(2) x 12 /( 8 x Fb x CF x 1.25 ) = 7 in'3 A = (3/2)( W x L/2 - W x d/12 )/( Fv x 1.25 ) = 5.4 in'2 5 W x LA(4) x 1728 I = ---- x --------------- - ---------= 6 jA4 384 E x L/240 A = 19.3 Use 4 x 6 D.F.#2 Sx = 18 Ix = 49 Dead Load Deflection 5 W(DL) x L A(4) x 1728 Def(DL) = ---- X ------------------------ 0.01 " 384 Exlx Required Bearing Area Ap = R / Fp = 0.9 sq in Use 2 x Trimmer @ Support ----------------------------------- VCA Engineers FILE No. ROOF FRAMING Page 3 Typical Header ------------ Span L = 4.5 ft A A R(DL) = 351 lb Trib. Area A = L x 7 = 32 sq.ft R(TL) = 603 lb DL LL Uniform Load Roof = ( 18 + 16 )psf x ( 7 )ft = 238 lb/ft Wall = ( 15 )psf x ( 2 )ft = 30 lb/ft W(DL) = --------------------------------------------------- 156 lb/ft W = 268 lb/ft Reaction R(DL) = 351 lb R(TL) = 603 lb Fb= 875 Try 4 x D.F.#2 Fv = 95 ------------------------------------------> Fp = 625 E = 1.6 E A 6 S = W x L A(2) x 12 /( 8 x Fb x CF x 1.25 ) = 7 inA3 A = (3/2)( W x L/2 - W x d/12 )/( Fv x 1.25 ) = 6.1 in'2 5 W x LA(4) x 1728 I = ---- x -------------------------= jA4 384 E x L/240 A = 19.3 Use 4 x 6 D.F.#2 Sx = 18 Ix = 49 Dead Load Deflection 5 W(DL) x L A(4) x 1728 Def(DL) = ---- x ----------------------= 0.02 It 384 Exlx Required Bearing Area Ap = R / Fp = 1.0 sq in Use 2 x Trimmer ----------------------------------- @ Support VCA Engineers FILE No. . ROOF FRAMING Page/ Typical Header W Span L =. 3.5 ft A R(DL) = 273 lb Trib. Area A = L x 7 = 25 sq.ft R(TL) = 469 lb DL LL Uniform Load Roof = ( 18 + 16 )psf x ( 7 )ft = 238 lb/ft Wall = ( 15 )psf x ( 2 )ft = 30 lb/ft W(DL) = 156 --------------------------------------------------- lb/ft W = 268 lb/ft Reaction R(DL) = 273 lb R(TL) = 469 lb Fb= 875 Try 4 x D.F.12 Fv = 95 ------------------------------------------> Fp = 625 E = 1.6 E6 S = W x L A(2) x 12 /( 8 x Fb x CF x 1.25 ) = 5 in"3 A = (3/2)( W x L/2 - W x d/12 )/( Fv x 1.25 ) = 4.9 in"2 5 W x LA(4) x 1728. = ---- x ------------------- 3 jA4 384 E x L/240 A = 12.3 Use 4 x 4 D.F.#2 Sx = 7 Ix = 13 Dead Load Deflection 5 W(DL) x L A(4) x 1728 Def(DL) = -----x ----------------------= 0.03 " 384 Exlx Required Bearing Area Ap = R / Fp = 0.8 sq in Use 2 x Trimmer @ Support ----------------------------------- VCA Engineers A File No. FOUNDATION DESIGN Page Cont. Footing (Exterior) Allow. Soil Pressure q = 2500 psf DL LL Trib. Width Roof/Cig Wi = ( 18 + 16 ) psf * ( 7.0 )ft = 238 lb/ft Wall W2 = ( 15 ) psf * ( 10.0 )ft = 150 lb/ft Floor W3 = ( 0 + 0 ) psf * ( 0.0 )ft = 0 lb/ft ----------------------------------------------------------------- W = 388 lb/ft Ftg. Width b = 388 pif / 2500 psf = 2 " Mm Use -------------------------------------- 12 "Wide x 18 " Thick Ftg VCA Engineers = 2500 psi = 60000 psi = 0.0012 ? No Hee L 10.75 in 0/c 16.67 in o/c 23.66 in 0/c 32.26 in 0/c 42.47 in 0/c 48.00 in 0/c ft -# VCA Engineers 295..N Rampart Orange,, CA. Tel 71.4-978-9780 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN Page: WALL & FOOTING DATA Retained Height = Watt Ht. above Soil = Toe Width = Meet Width Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Depth = Key Width = Toe to Key Dist. = SLIDING CHECK - Ftg/SoiL Friction = Soil to Neglect = Lateral Pressure - Passive Pressure = - Friction = Add'L Force Required = SUMMARY - Pressure B Toe = Pressure B Heel = Allowable Press. = Ecc. of resultant = Max. Shear B Toe = Max. Shear B Heel = Allow. Ftg Shear = Factors of Safety: Overturning = Sliding = Origin of Force... Active Soil Press. = Soil over Heel = Soil over Toe = Sloped Soil B Heel = Adjacent Ftg. Load = Surcharge Over Heel = Surcharge over Toe = Axial Load on Wall = Load B Proj. Wall = Averaged Stem Wts. = Added Lateral Load = Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vertical Component of Active Pressure VERTICAL LOADS LATERAL LOADS - 7.50 ft Axial DL on Stem = 100 pLf Lateral Load Acting on 2.00 ft Axial DL on Stem = Optf Stem Above Soil = 4.00 ft . . ..Eccentricity = 0.00 in Add'L Lateral Load = 1.67 ft Surcharge over Toe = 0.0 psf Dist to Load Start = 5.67 ft Surcharge over Heel = 0.0 psf Dist to Load End 18.00 in Note: Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning 36.00 in Note: Heel Surcharge Resists Overturning 18.00 in SOIL DATA ADJACENT FOOTING 1.00 ft ALlowabLe Bearing = 2500 psf Vertical Load = Active Lateral = 0.0 pcf Load Eccentricity 0.30 Max Press. = 0.0 pcf Footing Width 0.00 in .....SLope Press. = 63.0 pcf Ftg. CL to Wall = 2745# BackfiLL Slope . = 2.0:1 Vert. Position of Ftg. 2500# Passive Press. = 200.0 pcf ...AbovelBetow:(+I-] = 1539# Soil Density = 115.0 pcf Spread Footing ? 0.0# Soil Mt over Toe = 6.00 in FOOTING DESIGN 2222.8 psf Soil Press. Mutt. Toe Heel f'c 0.0 psf By ACI Eq 9-1 = 3112 0psf Fy 2500 psf Mu-Upward = 16597 0 ft-# Mm. As Percent 20.50 in Mu-Downward = 3164 1913 ft-# Omit SP Under Heel 22.96 psi Mu-Design = 13433 -1913 ft-# Toe 0.00 psi One-Way Shear: # 4 B 8.62 85.00 psi Actual = 23.0 0.0 psi # 50 13.36 Allowable = 85.0 85.0 psi # 60 18.96 2.41 :1 Cover over Rebar = 3.50 2.50 in # 7 8 25.85 1.47 :1 'd' = 14.50 15.50 in # 8 B 34.04 Ru = Mu/bd2 = 71.0 8.8 psi # 90 43.08 SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS - Overturning Moments Resisting Moments ft ft-# # ft 2745.0 3.11 8541.5 0 0 0 O 0 0 577.9 534 3083.0 0.0 0.67 0.0 230.0 2.00 460.0 0 0 0 12.9 5.45. 70.3 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 O 0 0 0.0 0.00 .0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 O 0 0 100.0 4.50 450.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 O 0 0 884.5 4.42 3911.5 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 O 0 0 1275.7 2.84 3616.7 O 0 0 675.0 1.75 1181.2 0 0 0 1372.5 5.67 7782.0 0.00 psf 0.00 ptf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft O.O# 0.00 in 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.0 ft No Totals = 2745.O# 8541.5 ft-# 5128.5# 20554.7 ft-# Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure 3756.0 # 12772.7 ft-# (Vert. Component of Active Pressure Removed) (continued on next page....) V4.483 (c) 1983-95 ENERCALC . VCA, kw0602487 VCA Engineers 295 •:.N Rampart Orange,, CA. Tel 714-978-9780 Page: 7 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN C..... continued) STEM SUMMARY Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of WaLL 8.00in Masonry W/ # 5 B 16.00in, d= 5.25 f'm= 1500.0ps1, Fs= 24000.0psi LDF 1.00, n= 25.78 Solid Grouted, No Spec. Insp. WaLL Wt. 75.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in MactuaL = 450.2 <= 1058.oft-# VactuaL = 4.23 <= 19.36psi Interaction VaLue = 0.465 Second Stem From 0.00ft to 4.00ft 12.00in Masonry W/ # 7 8 16.00m, d= 9.00 f'm= 1500.0psi, Fs= 24000.0psi LDF= 1.0 0, n= 25.78 SoLid Grouted,,SpeciaL Insp. WaLL Wt.= 118.00psf, Bar Embed= 7.01n MactuaL = 4429.7 <= 6477.9ft-# VactuaL = 12.73 <= 38.73psi Interaction VaLue = 0.714 8" C.M.U.4 Solid Grout # 5@ I6" Vert @ Edo e 414024"I1oriz I . 6 V- 0" C.M.U. Solid Grout 5pc mop 7@ 16" Vert @Edge - #4@24" Horiz Lt • M ..l T- t n £ 4 4 4 4 i - HEEL (top) # 5 P • o.c. TOE (bot) : 1w So "o.c. M ( " 4HORILASSHOWN " J. ii.. .qwjq" - - 2" S1. r V4.483 Cc) 1983-95 ENERCALC VCA, kW0602487 HANSON TRUSS. INC. AJOEL HOIflAN ACCEPT NO RESPONSISIUTY FOR TM ACCURACY, STRUCTURAl. ADEQUACY OR ANY OTHER FEATURE OF THIS DESKI UNLESS SPEC*)C*U.Y FAIJIlCATED BY ItAJON TRUSS. INC. IFIANS-ON TRUSS, INC. DEVELOPER: P1?fl.TWP NAME! A (rukrro4' - (1 PROJECT LOCATION: CL5e&r J CA TRACT No: DATE: I7f7 REVISIONS: IDATE: 1. CHANGES: I BY: ~i Joel A. Houtinan, P.E C30503 Originating Office: O 13950 Vorba Ave. Chino. CA 91710 9091591-9256 Fax: 9091628-7352 O 590 Constitution Ave., Ste. C Camarillo, CA 93012 8051388-2055 Fax: 805/388-1913 540 S. Andreasen Dr., Ste E scondido, CA 92025 619/747-9100 Fax: 619(747-9283 CD q7qa7 _I I ANSON TRUSS, INC. GENERAL NOTES No splices except as noted on truss drawings. Panel point locations shall be equal divisions unless noted or dimensioned otherwise. Gusset plates shall be installed on each side of all joints and shall not be installed where knots occur in the wood members. Gusset plates shall be centered on joints unless noted or dimensioned otherwise. All gusset plates are 20 gauge and stamped TP500-ICBO:5039-LA:23996. All hangers specified are Simpson strong-tie or equal and are provided by others U.N.O. All trusses are spaced at 24" on center unless dimensioned otherwise. Moisture content in the lumber used may exceed 19% at the time of fabrication. A 20% reduction in plate values have been used. (ICBO report #1591, item 9) ABBREVIATIONS B/O By Others HGR Hanger(s) wl With w/o With out BM. Beam FL. BM. Flush Beam DR. BM.. Drop Beam Sc. Scissor (sloped or vaulted) DBL. Double member U.N.O Unless noted otherwise GET Gable end truss ScGET Scissor gable end truss MGET Mono gable end truss STB. Stub S.B Setback JKS. Jacks BLK.. Blocking BKG Backing ScBKG Scissor Backing MBKG Mono Backing FILL Vertical @ 16" O.0 GIR Girder truss B.0 Bottom Chord T.0 Top chord. ESS/ SPL. Splice CBO Conventional framing by others O.A.H.S Overall heel stand 3050 rr BRG. Bearing x 3-31-OO ) ,.b,, GOV. Gable over MGOV. Mono gable over INV. GOV. Inverted gable over I OF CA SOF. Soffit (Non-structural) BASE DESIGN VALUES FOR VISUALLY GRADED DIMENSIONED LUMBER SPECIES & COMMERCIAL GRADES SIZE CLASIFICATION x25.4 for mm - bending Pb Tension parallel to grain R Shear parallel to grain FY Compression Perpendicular to grain Fe ..L Compression Parallel to grain Fe Modulus of Elasticity E GRADING RULES AGENCY DOUGLAS FIR LARCH Select Structural 1.450 -1000 95 625 1,700 1,900.000 - WCIB WWPA No. 1 & Better 2" to 4" thick 1.150 775 95 625 1,500 1.800.000 NO. 1 11000 675 95 625 1.450 1,700.000 No. 2 2" and wider 875 575 95 625 1,300 1.600.000 Stud 675 450 95 625 825 3.400,000 Construction 2" to 4" thicker 1,000 650 95 625 1600 1,500,000 Standard 550 1 375 1 95 1 625 1350 1,400,000 pdnot&oct96 ET -A :. ..:. 51 -. z o Zcs) .L.F ... 5 . L4EDE.S .EL1E.LTi-OiT... -ijjç Cdl i-v.is TAJLS TLDefl@4= .07m Code TN Rbdg V 1-Ply LC1 125 323219 2 685 lzWacing UNOGILAD SPEC SIZE - . TC1-2NO2DFL2x4:P=1525C0.O57Mni=2337Mp=9650.490=0.548 BC.1-4No2Da2,4;p=134gro.23m=926M,=noo.l&s 0.422 ByO*hecs TC NO2 DI 2X4 Z. NO2 DFL 2X4 TC AXIAL 1-2 -1525, 2-3 -1525 .w1.'TDB DFL 2X4 BCAX[AI: 141345, 4-31345 . . WB AXIAL: 4-2146 . U) 2 sPcoPLFoc 4 TCDL: -2- 0 uo • .BCLL: Jn. RCFS 1 BCDL. 19 Z MXVRT 801 801 fIJi Lfl( t.YTR 1 ........................... W.WUNO 40- N06 039-1A , . - •• •. . . .•... : - - 12- 12 cri,oaIUrO - 3X4 - :•. ': .lq !d- equacy or any othir fea- Ma s _ by Han&on Truss- Jzic 0 >• HANSON DATE: 1/7197 RH ARwG# Code TPI Rixig Y l-PY L1 1.25 323222 2 2 tI-21&B4:P=2065C0.132M3352Mp=l544o.633 0.764 *li&acui UNOGRAD &FEC SIZE BC.14NO2DFL2i4:P=ITOJ3.Mm=1-439Mj1434027= 0.610 . .By O&M TC i&B DfL 2X4 TCAXIAI: 1-2-2065, 2-3-2065 . sc: NO2 . 44 B(AJCJAL: 1-41829, 4-3 1829 . S WED: ____)1 I*L Z. WBAXIAL: 4-2204 . 2 . - •S!c PLF OC - _-3 --TCLL-32 A .• TCDL: 1.. . 1321 .1 :; .RC'i:•i 3 . : Ej:22 W:.VR.T 1954 1054 .. . . . . . •:* :::.-•• - pc'içr 1:25 : - . .................• . .:. Ai- hates 17-500 .lC8O 5039 LA23996 - -. - . Ceitmeadoa3oiiUND - I ThDefl@4=.11in 1ptq LL 6 Hanson Tn*ss In and Z Joel Houtinán acoe pg. no re.onsthildy' for !he IL. — - aocuiy sthzuaIad- cquac$ Or any vd*r fea- :tuiIii desi üibss 3pificJ1y (bricatnd .•. •....•• ..• ...........•• Q. • RAN SON > muss,c. PATE: 117197 RH • • z Coe ']iPi Rdj:Y 1-flJ -. TC3-4 NO? •DFL2x4: F=197C0.046in= BC 1-6 NO2 DFL 2x4 P=2514T0.444 Mth= :T(..tjffj,. 1-2 -2754, 2?3 -1071, 3-4 -1097 BC AXIAL: 1-6 2514, 6-5 2514, 5-4 936 WBAXIAL: 6-2794, 2-5-1604, 5-3450 1 S• - - LC1: 1.25:16,165:61000 UPIO GRAD SPEC SIZE 3352 Mp= 1456 0.705 0.752 By *Ix Swing 6 Others • NO2 DFL' 2X4 z 1896 Mp2172 0432= 0.877 .-. • - • NO2 D1. 2X4 WEB:ST1 DFL 2X4 D . BrgWkhUNO 3 35Miii 6039 IA_- LU :< :. 4)5 3X-4 this -toile" Jr qq;m HANS -N Z . . •----..-... .. 3X8 DATE: 117197 R1 DItWG#s TLIefl@6=.12in . .: . 2X BILK. B/O UNDER HIP RAFTER W/(4)16d - BILK W/(4)16d TO TRUSS (ALTERNATE ?~~CBOTTOM CHORD ONLY WHEN REQUIRED DOUBLE TRUSS AT 1ST HIP 7 ONLY WHEN REQUIRED. REFER TO ENGINEERING s. SET BACK VARIES TO 8'-0" (WITH 2x4 TOP CHORD) - CONTINUOUS HIP BEAM W/TAIL RIPPED TO 2x4 L.L. PLUS D.L.< 36 PSF USE #2 DFL 2x6 FOR SET BACK OF 7'-2" OR LESS USE #1 DFL 2x6 FOR SET BACK OF 7'-3" TO 7'-5 USE #2 DFL 2x8 FOR SET BACK OF 7'-6" TO 8'-0 FIRST COMMON TRUSS LOOSE RAFTER 2x4 BLOCKING HEEL HIP TRUSS 2x4 RAFTER SECTION STAND 2x4 RAFTER EXTEND HIP TRUSS TOP CHORD 8-0MAXIMUM SPAN FROM TRUSS SEE SECTION 'A' 7 TO HIP BEAM---7 - - - A 0 ) H - - .1 X CONT. LATERAL BRACING BY OTHERS AT EACH MID PANEL W/(2) 16d NAILS TO TRUSS TOE NAIL (1)16d EACH SIDE FROM TOP CHORD TO HIP FIAT (ALSO OCCURS AT BUILD LIP FLATS) 1 (S W/BOTTOM CHORDS EN REQUIRED) 2x4 RAFTERS 1ST HIP TRUSS 2X BLKG. B/O (ALT. BAYS) PLAN VIEW SECTION 'A' 2x4 POST TO PURLIN UNDER RAFTER AT 80" 2x4 POST TO BEARING. GABLE END OR GIRDER (1YP) NOTCH POST FOR PURLIN (1YP) RIDGE GABLE OVERSTACK VALLEY FILL TO 36'—O 9'-O" MAX VALLEY RAFTERS W/(3) 16d NAILS - TOE NAIL TO RIDGE (1YP) 2x6 #3 DFL RIDGE SUPPORTED AS SHOWN NOTE! FOR SHORTER VALLEY FILLS, ESTIMATE LONGER MEMBERS AND RESPECTIVE DETAILS, HIP COMMON SOFFIT RETURN IF GREATER THAN 2'-0 .c- 2X SLEEPERS HIP OVERSTACK z 0 U) z 4 I >.: 0 Lii I- 0 IL F- 0 z U- 0 0 > 0 z -j -I D z 2x4 SCAB ON IF 'j RAFTER BEARS ON TOP CHORD AND IS 2-0 OR GREATER FROM THE PANEL POINT 2X FULL BEARING WIDTH NAILER w/(2)16d NAILS PER TRUSS BELOW NOTES: ROOF LIVE LOAD + DEAD LOAD = 32 PSF. VALLEY RAFTERS TO BE MIN. 2x4 CONST. GRADE DOUG-FIR OR 2 HEM-FIR. CLEAR SPANS NOT TO EXCEED 8'-0 FOR 23 PSF LOADING OR 7'-0 FOR 32 PSF LOADING. ALL NAJUNG PER U.B.C. 94 EXCEPT AS NOTED. PROVIDE SCUD BLOCKING BETWEEN TRUSSES TO SUPPORT RIDGE IF NECESSftY. ALL POST & PURLIN MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED 3Y OTHERS. L I AS SPECIFIED 2x4 BRACE AT 48" D.C.—\ r RIDGE BLOCKS 1 1/2" NOTCH '1' % I BY OTHERS—\ 3x4 fl ______ .. •. ESS -2-M \-2X4 ADD ONBYOTHERS __ Hin 'N FALL ON STUDS VENT IF REO 0 . _____ -Li 16 O.C.2x3 TYPICAL TYPICAL (OPT. TOE NAIL . in co BRACE AT RIDGE ol SECTION A-A . gi: 0 ernerx z z g z 7.—GABLE STUD 0 . Cl) TYPICAL CABLE END TRUSS . ; Z > (1) 1 6d . I IF STUD HEIGHT EXCEEDS 5*-9m SEE SPECIFIC TRUSS DRAWINGS FOR .BRACE TA7 (2)16d WOOD PER 2x4 11 BRACE AND PLATE SPECIFICATIONS 2 A rnmT 2x4 CONT. 9 IF WEB LENGTH EXCEEDS 7-6" - (2)16d - BRACE AT MID PANEL W/8—O" . . LONG MEMBER TO WEBS - . — . Im BEYOND • CONNECTION DETAIL . .. ç- 2x4 SOLID BLOCK _J. . 0 • . .. t Z. _______ __ (3)16d IL ___ ____ p c._-I• . . .. . . . 1 TRUSS - . . . TRUSS . zLi > - '-2x3 TYPICAL I 16 O.C. (OPT. TOE NAIL . 2x4 BRACE . I- TYPICAL . w/(3)16d) . w/(4)16d'S TO TRUSS TYPICAL FILL TRUSS CONNECTION DETAIL 3x4 L6 . 2 z..cLJoM Ad RL cc L~ MIX —a UP TO 6'-6 T.C.. CONNECT T.C. TO LEDGER W/(3)16d NAILS. ONNECT T.C. TO LEDGER W/(2)16d NAILS. CONNECT LEDGER TO WALL W/(2)16d NAILS AT EACH STUD. D CONNECT LEDGER TO STUDS W/(3)16d NAILS AT EACH STUD. FROM 6-7 T.C. TO 8'—O" T.C. CONNECT T.C. W/(1)A34. . . . • CONNECT LEDGER TO STUDS W/(1)A34 AT EACH STUD. . I— z 0 z 4 C')' PRESSURE BLOCK B.C. OR USE U24 . . •- . <0 SEE TRUSS LAYOUT FOR HANGER SIZE -o • • • I • AN 0 SEETRUSSCONFIGURATION I m a_ '• 0-wa I I # k I f r i I IC' C C'I I I I t IT r IT A II I A I' A I k I C' I II!' I I Ill Al I • 0 JACK TRUSS SUPPORT DETAIL (AGAINST HIGH WALL) MJINL) ircu urrurci UC.I!\IL y7MIIN3I flIfl VV/LL) : - 0 lip vJ (fl IX o_ .• .• . • • • •• FESS LLS J EIp.#d CIV 4" • • CE LLI A BOTTOM CHORD \TRUSS TRUSS CLIP OR (1)16d BOTTOM CH077 _TR.VSS FEO - C30 03 X PLATE TRUSS CLIP XPLATE 3-31-00 I OR (1)16d LaB F . A () \ ci NON—BEARINGPARTITION -PERPENDICULAR TOTRUSS SECTION A—A I I U):) LU Ln 2XBLKG. AT' 8—O"O.C. TYPICAL I— z z o x \TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD (2 S ) 1 6d j - X—BRACING EVERY THIRD 2 - BAY AT 10—O O.C. II I I II z r 2XBLK X I II I I II I (FfP) ZXBLK I I I I B — ATTACH W/(2)16d X D N4JLSATEACHEND NON—BEARING PARTITION PARELLEL TO TRUSS SECTION B—B I IL Z 2 TRUSSES SPACED CHAMFERED OR ®NAIL TRUSS AS REQUIRED SQUARE BLOCK PER ARC OBLOCK -_\I 1 QNAIL SPACER I cf at z .11 BLOCK TO TRUSS-tL (3)16d 1YP ______ Im 'A ijO Li .: I I I I II EXTERIOR WALL o cnQ (JSET NEXT TRUSS I AJ~W AFTER & TOE—NAIL TO ALL TRUSSES ARE PLATE C FOR FLAT TRUSSES W/SPANS _____________ ERECTED GREATERTHAN20_-0" TRUSSATEXTERIORWALL SECTION C—C Rcoc ga. 14 (0 0 LJJ I.; OI .0> Lb2 . *Ni SSflI1 NOS4 A8 aBv3l8gvfONI 'SSflW.. NOSNVH A8 c9ivouIIav=I iON dl CIOA CNV Y1flN AWUI33dS SSTNfl NOISBO SIHI 0 JO NI 'SSflIi NOSNVIi.i"I 96—L—OI 0MG TSI~310H 313d . .• .LHOd3N 0831 • 0. S .! 0 gram 4 (4 a a. .2 t .2 rn a. a > a. . o .a Uu2 • E Us 01 E I0 E .2 • Cl . L -a:s 4 I, I A. m. a) 5° L ' ° sgE2 .2 • ch .E , i) s.D a. 5. a) — as. .2C !.2-2.2as. E a1 ; c.o . 1' - E ...2s. ..s. .o2aD1a o 2..2 !0 I-a. . I. a d _ .a:u.a.. a.-E ,,a tax '. ...- 3a gr ;: -,t25 Q, UEax C') C C4I0 ' b 03 Em - 2 t2 aEc ° 2 o :o -ii01c.1 — )II2E .1,.S._ > 82 .2E- —°° u t0woi—c .XI2In EE' °' u d€E v a. 7 a' E' :2 U) i:a.i$.E t .a1 ('1 a. v ø to C,, w U) g J w-E c ,o EEa. 1c.i 1 DZZ i.E .2 i.tata2:tnn. .2 O0). EE 12U .ZC MCI 1 51< L _ .EJd _Geotechnics Incorporated Principals: December 20, 1996 Anthony F. Belfast Michael P. Imbriglio W. Lee Vanderhurst SeaCountry Homes Project No. 0289-001-01 95 Argonaut, Suite 210 Document No. 6-0818 Aliso Viejo; California 92656 Attention: Mr. Alban Moreno SUBJECT: REVIEW OF CABANA FOUNDATION PLANS Aviara Planning Area 15 Carlsbad, California References: (1) RNM Architects-Planners, 1996, SeaCountry Aviara, Planning Area 15, Carlsbad, California, Cabana: Project No. 96004, dated December 20. (2) Geotechnics Incorporated, 1996, Report of Geotechnical Investigation and Update, Aviara Planning Area 15, Carlsbad, California: Project No. 0289-001-00, dated March 29 (Revised August 19). Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the foundation plans (Reference 1) prepared for the cabana at the SeaCountry development in Carlsbad, California. The plans were reviewed for conformance to the geotechnical recommendations presented in the referenced geotechnical report (Reference 2). It is our opinion that the plans and specifications are in conformance with the geotechnical recommendations presented in the referenced report. >- The opportunity to be:of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, GEOTECHNICS INCbRPORATED rn .(UJ Exp.' Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. 40333 c:4:333 Principal Distribution: (4) Addressee (1) RNM Architects and Planners, Attn.: Mr. David Bailey (1) Vandorpe Chou, Attn.: Sharad 9951 Business Park Ave., Ste. B • San Diego California • 92131 Phone (619) 5364000 • Fax(619)536-8311 Cl? q(/r07 _Geotechnics Incorporated March 29, 1996 Sea Country Homes, Inc. 95 Argonaut, Suite 210 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 Attention: Mr. James R. Devlin Principals: Anthony F. Belfast Michael P. Imbriglio W. Lee Vanderhurst Project No. 0289-001-00 Doc. #6-0087 SUBJECT: REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND UPDATE Aviara Planning Area 15 Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: The following report presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the geotechnical investigation of the previously graded subject site. In general, our findings indicate that the alluvium within the site is generally wet and dense, and has a; low potential for collapse. There were no unusual or special geotechnical conditions apparenti in our investigation which would preclude the construction as planned. Proposed grading will create local areas of transitions between cut and fill that should be treated to reduce the potential for differential settlement. A fill proposed for the southeast corner of the site will create a surcharge on the underlying alluvium. Construction in that area may be subject to some delay while consolidation occurs in the alluvium.. 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate existing conditions at the site as they relate to the proposed residential construction, and to make recommendations regarding foundation design parameters and site preparation. The recommendations contained herein are based on a surface reconnaissance, laboratory testing, and professional experience in the general site area. Design values may include presumptive parameters based on professional judgement. Our scope of work was limited to: 9951 Business Park Ave., Ste. B • San Diego California • 92131 Phone (619) 536-1000 • Fax (619) 536.8311 Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 2 1.1 A review of the available geotechnical reports and geologic literature, site development plans, and aerial photographs of the site and immediate vicinity. A 40-scale map of the site "Substantial Conformance Exhibit 'A", prepared by Lundstrom and Associates was used as a base map for Plate 1, Geotechnical Map. 1.2 A geologic reconnaissance of the surface characteristics of the site. ........................3 .A subsurface investigation consisting of the drilling of two exploratory borings with an eight inch diameter flight auger. The subsurface investigation focused on characterizing the behavior of the alluvium left in place beneath the fill. 1.4 Laboratory testing of samples collected in the field in order to assess the compressibility and collapse potential of the alluvium. 1.5 Engineering analysis of field and laboratory data in order to develop our conclusions and recommendations. 1.6 Preparation of this report as well as subsequent reviews of foundation and grading plans. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The subject site consists of Aviara Planning Area 15, located in Carlsbad, California. Planning Area 15 was graded between April 20 and November 15, 1989 as a portion of Unit E of the Aviara Development. Our reconnaissance of February 6, 1996 indicated that the site appears to be at the same grade as originally constructed. The site consists of a rough graded pad bound on west and south by 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) descending fill slopes, to the east by natural, ascending slopes, and to the north by composite ascending natural and cut slopes. Surface drainage is by sheet flow and concrete lined ditch southward into a large desilting basin. The pad is accessed by Black Rail Court. The site configuration is presented in the Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. The pad has undergone erosion since grading in 1989. A prominent north-south trending erosion gully up to 6-feet deep is present in the center of the pad. The main gully has several tributary drainages. The gully empties into the desilting basin. Geotechnics incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 3 3.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The proposed development will consist of 16 multifamily, single- and two-story buildings will be built on fine graded pads. There will be between 3 and 4 units per structure. Paved streets will provide access. Grading will consist generally of cuts in the southern portion of the site and filling the northern portion to create level pads for the buildings. Slopes up to 25 feet high are proposed at inclinations of 2:1. 4.0 GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS Based on our investigation and literature review, the site is underlain by fill, alluvium, Torrey Sandstone, and Ardath Shale. The approximate extent of each of these units has been delineated previously on the As-Graded Geotechnical Maps, which have been adapted for use in this report as the Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. The estimated subsurface conditions of the southern portion of the site are shown on Figure 1, Cross Section A-A'. A description of the specific units observed during drilling follows. 4.1 Torrey Sandstone (TO The site is underlain at depth by Torrey Sandstone materials. The formational material, as observed on site, consists of a light yellow brown, fine to medium grained, poorly graded- sandstone with silt (SP-SM) which is dry to moist, and dense. This material is - nonplastic, and exhibits little or no expansive potential. 4.2 Ardath Shale (Ta) The Ardath Shale is exposed in the northeast corner of the site and consists of sandy to silty claystone and siltstone. Grading for access roads and erosion debris have covered this formation. During the original grading of the site and in other locations within the Aviara subdivision, the Ardath Shale was found to be moderately to highly expansive. The expansive soil conditions created by the Ardath Shale will only affect Units 1-3. Ceutechnics Incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 4 4.3 Alluvium (Qal) During grading of PA 15 in 1989, loose dry alluvium was removed to moist dense soil prior to placement of fill. Alluvium was encountered immediately overlying the Torrey Sandstone in both exploratory borings (Plate 1). Alluvium materials, as observed on site, typically consist of a light brown silty sand (SM) or a sand with silt (SP-SM) which is moist to very moist, and medium dense. 4.4 Fill Fill material was encountered in both borings to a depth of up to 37 feet. The composition of the fill material varied from a fine to medium grained silty to a clayey sand (SM to SC). The fill was moist, medium dense, and had a low plasticity. Observation and testing of fill placement was conducted by ICG, Inc. and reported in 1990 (References). ..... 4.5...Groundwater. and Seepage...... No seepage or groundwater was observed during our investigation. However, groundwater may become perched at any elevation within the soils due to poor surface drainage, irrigation, seasonal rainfall, or a combination of these factors. Based on our observations, it is likely that groundwater could become perched at the interface which exists between the alluvium and the Torrey Sandstone. This should not, however, affect the proposed development. 5.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS AND SEISMICITY 5.1 Geologic Hazards The subject site is not located within an area previously known for geologic hazards, nor was evidence of past faulting noted in our investigation. 5.2 Seismicity and Faulting The subject site is located approximately 5.0 miles northeast of the projected offshore trace of the Rose Canyon fault zone. This fault zone is classified as active, and capable of generating a magnitude 6.4 earthquake (maximum probable event). The estimated Ceotechnic.s Incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 5 peak site ground acceleration for such an event is 0.42g. Design of structures should comply with the requirements of the governing jurisdictions, building codes and standard practices of the Association of Structural Engineers of California. Ground-breaking due to active faulting is considered to have a low potential, due to the distance from known active fault traces. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS No geotechnical conditions were apparent during the investigation which would preclude construction of the proposed subdivision as planned. The as-graded geotechnical conditions described in the referenced report remain applicable to the site. However, some geotechnical factors were observed in our investigation which will need to be addressed. Our laboratory analysis indicates that the existing alluvium on site has a very low collapse potential . Based on oservaticñsmáde during grading, as well as our professional experience with similar materials, it appears as though primary consolidation of the alluvium is completed. However, secondary compression of the alluvium may still occur, resulting in relatively minor broad settlements. The site contains deep fill. It has our experience that even well documented compacted fills may undergo hydrocompression on the order of 0.2 percent of the fill height. This may result in moderate differential settlements across the length of the proposed structures. The potential for damage resulting from such movement should be mitigated through the use of post-tensioned slab foundations, and thickened and reinforced exterior slabs and sidewalks. A proposed fill in the southeast corner of the site (Unit 31) will apply an additional surcharge to the underlying alluvium. This will trigger primary consolidation in the alluviumS and may result in settlement to the newly graded surface. Additionally, settlement may cause deflection of pipelines within the easement. The on-site soils include both medium dense fill, and dense to very dense sandstone. The proposed development may therefore result in cut/fill transitions within building pad areas. Transitions from sandstone to fill below foundations and slabs are not •• recommended due to the different settlement characteristics of the materials, and the Geotechnics Incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 6 resulting potential for differential movements. Foundations should bear either entirely in formation, or entirely in fill. In areas where proposed building pads will cross a cut/fill transiflon; the cut portion of thepad will need to be overexcavated in order to provide uniform bearing conditions. A relatively deep erosion gully traverses the site, terminating in a debris basin constructed during mass grading. This gully will need to be properly backfilled. In addition, soft sediments which have accumulated within the debris basin will need to be removed and replaced with compacted fill. Expansive soil underlies Units 1-3. The affects of expansive soil on foundations should be mitigated by removing the soil and replacing it with nonexpansive soil. The excavated clay may be reused as fill provided it is kept 5 feet below finnish grade. 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The remainder of this report presents recommendations in detail. These recommendations are- based on empirical and analytical methods typical of the standard of practice in southern California. If these recommendations appear not to cover any specific feature of the project, please contact our office for additions or revisions to the recommendations. The recommendations given in this report supersede the recommendations given in the referenced as-graded report. 7.1 Plan Review It is recommended that foundation plans (and grading plans, if applicable) be reviewed by Geotechnics Incorporated prior to plan finalization. 7.2 Earthwork Grading and earthwork should be conducted in accordance with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad, Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code, and the Standard Guidelines for Grading Projects attached as Appendix 0 of this report. The following recommendations are provided regarding specific aspects of the proposed earthwork construction. Where the following recommendations conflict with the Standard Guidelines in Appendix D, the following recommendations shall take precedence. Geotechnics Incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 7 . . 7.2.1 General: General site preparation should consist of the removal of all deleterious material from within any areas to be developed. Deleterious materials should be removed from the site, and legally disposed. Deleterious material includes vegetative debris, topsoil, and construction debris. 7.2.2 Building Pads: Within the entire building pad area, deleterious material should be removed as discussed above, and the remaining loose surficial materials should be scarified to a depth of one foot. The scarified soil should then be compacted in accordance with the recommendations given in Section 7.4. Structures should not be constructed over cut/fill transitions. In areas where a cut/fill transition will exist beneath a structure, we recommend that the cut portion of a building pad be over-excavated, and then brought back to finish grade with compacted fill. Overexcavation for cut/fill transitions should be performed to a depth of H/2, where H is defined as the greatest depth of fill underlying the pad. Expansive soil should be removed to a depth of 5 feet below Units 1-3 and be replaced with nonexpansive soil. 7.2.3 Debris Basin: A temporary debris basin was installed during rough grading in the southern corner of the site. Soft sediments have accumulated within the basin since initial construction. All soft sediments within the basin should be re.rnovec ... to.., a...pth w.re competent material is encountered. The entire excavation should then be brought up to finish surface grade with compacted fill as discussed in Section 7.4. In the event that the existing storm drain pipes within the debris basin are to be abandoned, they should be removed and their excavations backfilled with compacted fill in accordance with Section 7.4. 7.2.4 Erosion Gullies: Soft sediments within the erosion gullies should be removed to a depth at which competent material is encountered. The gullies should then be brought up to plan grade with compacted fill in accordance with Section 7.4. Gcotechnics Incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 - Page 7.3 Excavation and Grading Observation Foundation or other site excavations should be observed by Geotechnics incorporated. Such observations are considered essential to identify field conditions that differ from those anticipated by the preliminary investigation, and to adjust designs to actual field conditions. Recommendations presented in this report are contingent upon Geotechnics Incorporated performing such services. 7.4 Fill Compaction All fill and backfill to be placed in association with site development should be accom- plished at slightly over optimum moisture conditions and using equipment that is capable of producing a uniformly compacted product. The minimum relative compaction recommended for fill is 90 percent of maximum density based on ASTM D1557. Sufficient observation and testing should be performed by Geotechnics Incorporated so that an opinion can be rendered as to the compaction achieved. Imported fill sources, if needed, should be observed prior to hauling onto the site to determine the suitability for use. Representative samples of imported materials and on site soils should be tested by the geotechnical consultant in order to evaluate their appropriate engineering properties for the planned use. Imported soils should have an expansion index of 20 or less. 7.5 Site Drainage Foundation and slab performance depends greatly on how well the runoff waters drain from the site. This is true both during construction and over the entire life of the structure. The ground surface around structures should be graded so that water flows rapidly away from the structures without ponding. The surface gradient needed to achieve this depends on the prevailing landscape. In general, we recommend that pavement and lawn areas WithTh"fiv.. feet- of buildings slope away at gradients of at least -two percent. Densely vegetated areas should have minimum gradients of at least five percent away from buildings in the first five feet. Densely vegetated areas are considered those in which the planting type and spacing is such that the flow of water is impeded. Geotechnics Incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 9 Planters should be built so that water from them will not seep into the foundation, slab, or pavement areas. SIte irrigaticnshóuld be limited to the minimum necessary to sustain landscaping plants. Should excessive irrigation, surface water intrusion, water line breaks, or unusually high rainfall occur, saturated zones or "perched" groundwater may develop in the underlying soils or bedrock. The residence should be constructed with rain gutters which intercept all roof runoff. Rain gutters should be kept clear of debris. The rain gutters should outlet to drain lines, which in turn outlet directly to the curb or storm drain. All surface flatwork should be serviced by area drains. Area drains should have a fall of at lea.1.%,, and should outlet to, a suitable .curb. or storm drain...system. 7.6 Foundation Recommendations These recommendations are considered generally consistent with methods typically used in southern California. Other alternatives may be available. The foundation recommendations herein should not be considered to preclude more restrictive criteria of governing agencies or by the structural engineer. The design of the foundation system should be performed by the project structural engineer, incorporating the geotechnical parameters described in the following sections. The following recommendations assume that grading operations are performed as discussed in Section 7.2. Shallow foundations should be suitable for structures founded entirely on fill (Units 1-25, 39-51). Post-tensioned slab foundations should be used for structures founded on fill underlain by alluvium (Units 26-38). 7.6.1 Shallow Foundations on Fill, Units 1-25 and 39-51 Allowable Soil Bearing: 2,500 psf (allow a one-third increase for short-term wind or seismic loads) Minimum Footing Width: 12 inches Minimum Footing Depth: 18 inches below lowest adjacent Soil grade - Minimum Reinforcement: Two no. 4 bars at both top and bottom in continuous footings. Ceotechuics Incorporated ProjeOt NO. 0289-001-00 Sea Country Homes, Inc. #6-0087 March 29, 1996 Doc. Page 10 7.6.2 Post-Tensioned Foundations, Units 26-38 Allowable Soil Bearing: 1,500 psf at slab subgrade (allow a one-third increase for short-term wind or seismic loads) Ym' differential settlement: 1.5 inch 7.6.3 Lateral Loads: Lateral loads against structures may be resisted by friction between the bottoms of footings or slabs and the supporting soil. A coefficient of .-friction of.0.3 is recommended. Alternatively, a passive pressure.of.300 lbs/ft3 is. recommended for the portion of vertical foundation members embedded into Torrey Sandstone. If friction and passive pressure are combined, the passive pressure value should be reduced by one-third. 7.6.4 Settlement: Settlement resulting from the bearing loads recommended for shallow foundations on sandstone are not expected to exceed one inch and three- fourths of an inch, respectively, for total and differential settlements across the length of the structure. 1766p fill àréas...underlain by alluvium may experience up to approximately 1.5 inches of differential settlement. 7.7 Conventional Interior On-Grade Slabs Slabs should be designed for the anticipated loading. If an elastic design is used, a modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 kips/ft3 should be suitable. As a minimum, slabs should be at least 5Y2 inches in thickness and be reinforced with at least #3 bars on 18 inch centers, each way. 7.7.1 Moisture Protection for Slabs Concrete slabs resting on soil ultimately cause the moisture content of the underlying soils to rise. This results from continued capillary rise and the ending of normal evapotranspiration. As concrete is permeable, moisture will eventually penetrate the slab unless some protection is provided. To decrease the likelihood of problems related to damp slabs, suitable moisture protection measures should be used where moisture sensitive floor coverings or Geotechnies Incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001.00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 11 other factors warrant. A commonly used moisture protection consists of about four inches of clean sand covered by 'visqueen' plastic sheeting. In addition, two inches of sand are placed over the plastic to decrease concrete curing problems associated with placing concrete directly on an impermeable membrane. It has been our experience that such systems may transmit from approximately 6 to 12 pounds of moisture per 1000 square feet per day. This may be excessive for some applications. -.1f ..more protection is needed, we recommend that the slab be underlain by at least 6-inches of minus 3/4-inch crushed rock, with no plastic membrane. In addition, concrete should have a water to cement ratio no greater than 0.5 and the concrete should be cured for at least 5 days in accordance with guidelines of the American Concrete Institute. On-site quality control should be used to confirm the design conditions. 7.7.2 Exterior Slabs Exterior improvements such as slabs and sidewalks should be constructed directly over soils prepared as discussed in Section 7.2. Exterior slabs should have a minimum actual thickness of 4 inches, actual thickness, and should be reinforced with at least 6" X 6", W1.4 X W1.4 WWF . Crack control joints should be used on all exterior slabs, on a maximum spacing of five feet for sidewalks, and ten feet each way for slabs. 7.8 Expansive Soils The soils observed during our investigation consisted of fine to medium grained silty to clayey sands (SM-SC), which appear to have a low expansion potential, based on Uniform Building Code criteria. However, representative samples of finish grade materials should be tested after fine grading is completed in order to verify these observations. 7.9 Reactive Soils Because of the likelihood that the sulfate content of the on-site soil or groundwater is sufficient to react adversely with normal cement, we recommend that Type II cement be used in all concrete which will be in contact with soil. Geotechnics Incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 12 7.10 Earth Retaining Structures CantiIeverietaning walls-backfilled with on-site soil should be designed.for an active earth pressure approximated by an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 lbs/ft3. The active pressure should be used for walls free to yield at the top at least 0.2 percent of the wall height. For walls restrained so that such movement is not permitted, an equivalent fluid pressure of 45 lbs/ft3 should be used, based on at-rest soil conditions. The above pressures do not consider sloping backfill, surcharge loads, or hydrostatic pressures. If these are applicable, they will increase the lateral pressures on the-wall and we should be contacted for additional recommendations. Walls should contain an adequate subdrain to eliminate any hydrostatic forces. Alternative wall drain details are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, based on ASTM D1557. Backfill should not be placed until walls have achieved adequate structural strength. Heavy compaction equipment which could cause distress to walls should not be used. .. .. . . . .. 8.0 LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION This investigation was performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional opinions included in this report. The samples taken and used for testing and the observations made are bélléved representative of the project iité however, soil and gedlogic cónditións can vary significantly between borings. As in most projects, conditions revealed by excavation may be at variance with preliminary findings. If this occurs, the changed conditions must be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant and additional recommendations made, if warranted. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the necessary design consultants for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractors carry out such recommenda- tions in the field. Geotechnics Incorporated Sea Country Homes, Inc. Project No. 0289-001-00 March 29, 1996 Doc. #6-0087 Page 13 The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the condition of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the work bfmalffbthisoTadjacentproperties. Inaddition, changes in applicableorappropriate standards of practice may occur from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of th 61911,40 - W. LEE GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED 1%'f VANDERHURSTV 1 No. 1125 I 't CERTIFIED j tn ENGINEERING I,. Anthony F. Belfast, P.E. 40333 W. Lee Vanderhurst C.E.G. 1125 Principal Engineer Principal Geologist w GCO4O333 I 1* Ceotechnics Incorporated APPENDIX A REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials, 1992, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4. Co.trutI; Volume -04.08 Soil and Rock; Dimension Stone;. Geosyntheticsr ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1296 p. Bowles, J.E. 1988, Foundation Analysis and Design, 4th ed., New York, McGraw Hill, 816p. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1975, Recommended Guidelines for Determining the Maximum Credible and the Maximum Probable Earthquakes: California Division of Mines and Geology Notes, Number 43. ICG Incorporated, 1990, As Graded Geotechnical Report, Aviara Units A through E, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 04-3179-007-02-10, Log No. 0-1094. Kennedy, M. P., and Peterson, G. L., 1975, Geology of San Diego Metropolitan Area, California: California Division of Mines and. Geology Bulletin 200, 56 p. . . . .. . Lundstrom and Associates, undated, Substantial Conformance Exhibit A, CT 94-03/PUD 94-02, Planned Development Site Plan, Aviara Planning Area 15, City of Carlsbad, Sea Country, Sheets 2 and 3. Geotechnics Incorporated APPENDIX B SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Field exploration consisted of a visual reconnaissance of the site, and the drilling of exploratory borings on February 6, 1996. An 8-inch diameter, truck mounted hollow stem flight auger was used to investigate the subsurface conditions at the site. Two auger borings were drilled across the site. The maximum depth of exploration was 48 feet. Soil samples were visually classified thTfird"nd-retai'ned forlaboratory -testing. The approximate locations-of the borings are shown on the Site Plan, Plate 1. Logs describing the subsurface conditions encountered are presented on the following Figures B-i through B-4. Disturbed samples were collected using a Standard Penetration Test sampler (2-inch outside diameter). Standard Penetrometer samples were sealed in plastic bags, labeled, and returned to the laboratory for testing. The drive weight for these samples was a 140-pound, down-hole hammer with a free fall of 30 inches. For each sample, we recorded the number of blows needed to drive the sampler 6, 12, and 18 inches. The number of blows needed to drive the final 12 inches is shown on the attached logs under "blows per ft." Undisturbed samples were also collected using a 3-inch diameter 30 -inch long, thin walled sample tube (Shelby Tube). The. Shelby Tubes were driven with hydraulic down pressure for 20 inches. Shelby Tubes were sealed with plastic caps and taped. Portions of the Shelby Tube samples were extruded for laboratory. testing. Standard Pen samples are indicated.on the boring logs with vertical lines, and. shelby tube samples are indicated by diagonal lines with the drive pressure reported alongside the sample. The borings were located by visually estimating and pacing distances from landmarks shown on the Site Plan. The locations shown should not be considered more accurate than is implied by the method of measurement used and the scale of the map. The lines designating the interface between differing soil materials on the logs may be abrupt or gradational. Further, soil conditions at locations between the excavations may be substantially different from those at the specific locations explored. It should be recognized that the passage of time can result in changes in the soil conditions reported in our logs. Geotechn ICS Incorporated APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING Selected representative samples of soils encountered were tested using test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials, or other generally accepted standards. A brief description of the tests performed follows: Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Visual classification was supplemented by laboratory testing of selected samples and clas- sification in accordance with ASTM D2487. The soil classifications are shown on the Boring Lpgs..-- ............................... Moisture Content: The moisture content of selected samples was determined using disturbed samples from the standard penetrometer. The dry moisture contents are shown in the Boring Logs of Appendix B. Collapse Test: The one dimensional collapse behavior of selected samples was evaluated using ASTM D2435. The samples were first loaded to approximately their in-situ stress, and then inundated with water in order to estimate their collapse potential. The test results are summarized in Figure C-i. Geotechnics Incorporated DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER-PROOFING AS REQUIRED : •. • :: •. . : .••, PANEL DRAIN: :=\..• • I MIRADRAIN6000, MIRADRAIN 6200 BACKALL TENSAR DC1100 JDRAIN 100, OR ....: ::.:: . • • . • • • • APPROVED SIMILAR .1 H :i:: • • •. • . : • :::.::t ;:1, : . : •.••• : CONSTRUCTION SLOPE ., . . . . ..................... :::::: •:. • • • • • . . ...' .. •.. / f /7 7/ /7 //7'l MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED ROCK1 ENVELOPED IN FILTER FABRIC APPROVED SIMILAR) : Y 1 CUBIC FOOT PER LINEAR FOOT 4-INCH DIAM. ADS OR PVC .-..-PERFORATED PIPE ..... 1W /1 TO AVOID UNDERMINING FOOTING, DRAIN EXCAVATION SHOULD NOT EXTEND BELOW THIS PLANE NOTES Subdrain perforated pipe should have a fall of at least 1.5%. Perforated pipe should outlet to a solid pipe carrying the drainage to a free gravity outfall. Slope of outlet pipe should be at least 1%. Panel drain should be glued or nailed to the wall and spliced in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Fabric side of panel should face the backfill soil. Drain installation should be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to backlilling. __Ge o t e c h n i c s I PANEL DRAIN ALTERNATIVE I PROJECT NO. 028900100 I Aviara Planning Area 15 I DOCUMENT NO. 6-0087 Incorporated I Sea Country Homes, Inc. I FIGURE DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER-PROOFING AS REQUIRED 12 INCHES OF SOIL COVER -. CQlAPACTE .. . :::.:: - 12-INCH MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION SLOPE . . ..• .. .• ; // •• ... _____ MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED ROCK ENVELOPED IN FILTER FABRIC f / (MIFAFII4ONL,SUPAC4NP,OR APPROVED SIMILAR) ': 4-INCH DIAM ADS OR PVC PERFORATED PIPE ii...i' :.•I':i: TO AVOID UNDERMINING FOOTING, DRAIN EXCAVATION SHOULD NOT EXTEND BELOW THIS PLANE NOTES Subdrain perforated pipe should have a fall of at least 1.5%. Perforated pipe should outlet to a solid pipe carrying the drainage to a free gravity outfall. Slope of outlet pipe should be at least 1%. Filter fabric should be overlapped at least 6-inches. Drain installation should be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to backfilling. Geocomposite panel drain may be substituted for the crushed rock drain. _Geotechnics Incorporated ROCK DRAIN ALTERNATIVE PROJECT NO. 0289-001.00 Aviara Planning Area 15 DOCUMENT NO. 6-0087 Sea Country Homes, Inc. I FIGURE 3 APPENDIX A REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials, 1992, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock; Dimension Stone; Geosynthetics, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1296 P. Bowles, J.E. 1988, Foundation Analysis and Design, 4th ed., New York, McGraw Hill, 816p. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1975, Recommended Guidelines for Determining the Maximum Credible and the Maximum Probable Earthquakes: California Division of Mines and Geology Notes, Number 43. ICG Incorporated, 1990, As Graded Geotechnical Report, Aviara Units A through E, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 04-3179-007-02-10, Log No. 0-1094. Kennedy, M. P., and Peterson, G. L., 1975, Geology of San Diego Metropolitan Area, California: ....California. Divisio.n of.Mjs and Geology Bulletin 200, 56 p. .. Lundstrom and Associates, undated, Substantial Conformance Exhibit A, CT 94-03/PUD 94-02, Planned Development Site Plan, Aviara Planning Area 15, City of Carlsbad, Sea Country, Sheets 2 and 3. Gcotechnics Incorporated APPENDIX B SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Field exploration consisted of a visual reconnaissance of the site, and the drilling of exploratory borings on February 6, 1996. An 8-inch diameter, truck mounted hollow stem flight auger was used to investigate the subsurface conditions at the site. Two auger borings were drilled across the site. The maximum depth of exploration was 48 feet. Soil samples were visually classified in the field and retained for laboratory testing. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on the Site Plan, Plate 1. Logs describing the subsurface conditions encountered are presented on the following Figures B-i .ihrough 13-4._. .. Disturbed samples were collected using a Standard Penetration Test sampler (2-inch outside diameter). Standard Penetrometer samples were sealed in plastic bags, labeled, and returned to the laboratory for testing. The drive weight for these samples was a 140-pound, down-hole hammer with a free fall of 30 inches. For each sample, we recorded the number of blows needed to drive the sampler 6, 12, and 18 inches. The number of blows needed to drive the final 12 inches is shown on the attached logs under "blows per ft." Undisturbed samples were also collected using a 3-inch diameter 30 -inch long, thin walled sample tube (Shelby Tube). The Shelby Tubes were driven with hydraulic down pressure for 20 inches. Shelby Tubes were sealed with plastic caps and taped. Portions of the Shelby Tube samples were extruded for laboratory testing. Standard Pen samples are indicated on the boring logs with vertical lines, and shelby tube samples are indicated by diagonal lines with the drive pressure reported alongside the sample. The borings were located by visually estimating and pacing distances from landmarks shown on the Site Plan. The locations shown should not be considered more accurate than is implied by the method of measurement used and the scale of the map. The lines designating the interface between differing soil materials on the logs may be abrupt or gradational. Further, soil conditions at locations between the excavations may be substantially different from those at the specific locations explored. It should be recognized that the passage of time can result in changes in the suit cnditions reported in Sour- logs. ........- . . Ceutechnics Incorporated LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. I Logged by DR Date: 2/6/96 Method of Drillin 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Elevation: 192 R . DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS IU > _j z o — — — — - ELLI.: Clayey SAND (SC), fine to medium grained, low plasticity, light yellow and 1 gray brown, moist, medium dense. 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 9 10 29 Jifi Silty SAND (SM). fine to medium grained, low plasticity, light yellow brown, moist, 11 medium dense. Contains clay fragments. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Contains pieces of strongly cemented sandstone. 21 22 32 Same. Dense. 23 24 25 . ff. . ................ .. 26 .. 27 28 29 WT NO. 0289-001-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: B-I LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. I Logged by DR Date: 2/6/96 Method of Drillin 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Elevation: 192 W uj ..J .a.2 U. a2 w tu 0. DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS o LU te -J U) 20 in CO 0 - FlT - - - fiLL: Silty SAND (SM), tine to medium grained, low plasticity, light yellow brown, 31 moist, dense. 32 .. 33 34 35 36 37 - - - - - - ALLUVIUM (Qall: SAND with silt (SP-SM), tine to medium grained, yellow brown, 38 dry to moist, medium dense to dense. 39 40 30 41 42 43 - - - - - - ORREY SANDSTONE (TO: Silty SANDSTONE (SP-SM), tine grained, nonplastic, 44 light yellow brown, dry to moist, very dense, weakly cemented. 45 °llfl - Total Depth = 45Y2 Feet 47 No Water, No Caving Backrilled 2/6/96 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 PROJECT NO. 0289-001-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: B-2 LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO.2 Logged by DR Date: 2/6/96 Method of Drillin 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Elevation: 192 U. CL LU DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS I-. LU 0 IU Z 0 f1U: Clayey SAND (SC), line to medium grained, low plasticity, light yellow and 1 gray brown, moist, medium dense. 2 3 4 Silty SAND (SM), fine to medium grained, low plasticity, gray, moist, medium dense. 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .15 . . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Clayey SAND (SC), fine to medium grained, low plasticity, light olive brown, 26 moist, medium dense to dense. 27 28 29 . 30 PROJECT NO. 0289-001-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: B-3 LOG OF EXPLORATION BORING NO. 2 Logged by DR Date: 2/6/96 Method of Drillin 8 INCH HOLLOW STEM FLIGHT AUGER Elevation: 192 I- ILl I. U. Wj 0-5. J4 'U CL DESCRIPTION LAB TESTS I- 0-0 2-' z 0 Silty SAND (SM), fine to medium grained, low plasticity, light olive brown, 31 moist, dense. Contains some roots. 32 350 107 17 Same. Very moist. COLLAPSE 33 psi - .. .-.-.... 34 . 35 . 300 112 15 COLLAPSE 36 psi .(-20") (20') 37 COLLAPSE - 11 —Th ALLUVIUM (Qal): Silty SAND (SM), fine to medium grained, brown, 38 psi moist, loose to medium dense. (20") 39 40 500 105 9 Contains some root casts. COLLAPSE 41 psi (20") 42 28 - 10 MOISTURE 43 44 -45 28 10 . - . - - - - MOISTURE - 46 47 MOISTURE p TORREY SANDSTONE (Tfl: Silty SANDSTONE (SP-SM), fine grained, nonpiastic, 48 95 (10") fflIJ - - - light yellow brown, dry to moist, very dense, weakly cemented. 49 Total Depth = 48 Feet No Water, No Caving 50 Backlilled 2/6/96 51 - 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 - 60 PROJECT NO, 0289-001-00 GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED FIGURE: B-4 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TESTING Selected representative samples of soils encountered were tested using test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials, or other generally accepted standards. A brief description of the tests performed follows: Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Visual classification was supplemented by laboratory testing of selected samples and clas- sification in accordance with ASTM D2487. The soil classifications are shown on the Boring Logs. Moisture Content: The moisture content of selected samples was determined using disturbed samples from the standard penetrometer. The dry moisture contents are shown in the Boring Logs of Appendix B. Collapse Test: The one dimensional collapse behavior of selected samples was evaluated using ASTM D2435. The samples were first loaded to approximately their in-situ stress, and then • inundated with. water in order to estimate their-collapse potential. The test results are summarized in Figure C-i. Ceotechnics Incorporated COLLAPSE TEST RESULTS (ASTM D2435) DESCRIPTION INITIAL SAMPLE DATA FINAL SAMPLE DATA DEFORMATION SAMPLE : SPECIFIED ACTUAL DRY DENSITY1 MOISTURE SATURATION DRY DENSITY' MOISTURE SATURATION DRY TOTAL COLLAPSE STRESS [PSF] STRESS [PSF] [PSF] J r/61 r/01 :[PS r/61 [_[%] [IN] [IN] (%] B2@32-33Y2 4000 3884 -107.0 16.5% 76.0% I 112.8 18.7% 100.0% 0.0513 0.0515 0.02% B2@35-36Y2 4375 4346 111.6 14.8% 71.2% :120.2 16.9% 100.0% 0.0709 0.07121 0.03% B2@3738% 4625 4462 : 100.5 13.3% 52.9% 1109.3 18.3% 91.1% 0.0800 0.0805 1 0.05% B2i40411A 5000 4772 105.4 9.4% 42.6% :111.9 18.1% I 96.2% 10.05701 0.0573 0.03% I COLLAPSE TEST RESULTS I PROJECT NO. 0289-001-00 _Geotechnics I incor po rated Sea Country I DOCUMENT NO. 6-0087 Aviara Land Associates I FIGURE C-I .10 N.55W. VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SCALE A A' • 1 INCH 40FEET 200 -J U) 160 120 160 120 J80 I I EXPLANATION Fill Compacted fill Qal Alluvium Tt Torrey Sandstone - - - Geologic contact, queried where uncertain B-2 Approximate location of exploratory boring TD 48' showing total depth (TD) 0 Approximate location of storm and sewer pipes 't?AC. Tj JDItC- \ 1 1 I1.40 POT C3 WITPIN T1.-€ COAST.AL PLSOLPC ,APE-A - ,-Th .--- - -. -.--,--- -_-=: -; O 'QT t , 7'7- I \\ Ff FF 243.65 244.96 VT X44 F ell 4., j/ 3,75 JL I [7 55 00