HomeMy WebLinkAbout1393 OAK AVE; ; 68-350; PermitCITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMEt\. 729-1181 -Ext. 36 0,9;. ~ Application • 1r BU1LD1J16. Permit ..jJ S'o Building Perm~~, For A licant to Fill In Owner's Name \.Tu{;. f'( Moil Address ""1/30 #AaBo I< Controctor __ -lQ-.1'-__,,Wc.=.....~JV-"--.:../.:-=--i{?'--"------- Contr. Address --~.2'!<,.,/J...c,,;A,e::..Lic..AEo<.-_______ _ To Const. ~ Add 0 To Alter D Convert D To Move From-----::::::.,------------ Type of Const. __ _L.-z:l{ _ _.L._.__.,./;""--'=-/'(1-=..c<-...:::,€=------- Frome, Mosonry, etc. ro Be Used For _...,.!J"'-'wie.=.....Le=.::_,,/C..../'--1-1-"'k-=--C---- Kind of Foundotion (]Jo MC No. of Stories, _ _,,,C,...,_ __ _ Floor Spaco (Sq. Ft.) ---------------- Goroge Floor Spoce ( Sq. Ft.) Attoched _______ _ Detoched, ________ _ Legal Description fo.,t.... ~ 7 Lot Block or Section Township Range No. of E•isting Building --------------- Will this construr£n include ony plumbing instollotion or alter- otion? Yes [lir''" .. -·t-·fo D Signoture of Applicont I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING BUILDING. I CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY REGISTERED AND/OR LICENSED AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE ----------------- --(~o.>s,~ Pt. 0 ---... otils I 95*****1ltt . ..J.5._J Set Back Front P.L. Moin Bldg. Side P.L. Garage Rear P.L. Group 15 -I Contractor City Bus. Lie. No. System Utility Company Notified -Date _____ _ By ____ _ Final If a check is lcndered for poyment for the above fee and the check is not honored when presented for poyment, your building permit will bo immediately revoked. City of Corlsbad Building Dept. Permit void if work is not commenced within bO days of issuance, CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 729-1181 -Ext. 36 PERMIT NO. 3?7 ;f!_ TOTAL FEE S /+ ~ For Applicant to Fill In Application for ELECTRICAL Piermit SEP ?6-68 ~' c/2404****** 14.00 Bu ilding "Dept. Use Unly PERMIT FEES: Each F cc /._ ?q? tO /l, k Item R ecpt. Sw. BUILDING ADDRESS: J. (J 0 Lighting fixtures wlbal last for each 10 $ 1.00 J/,cJ/1 /3#/J .l) JtE St NPar Elec Ranges. Clothes Dryers. Water fluaters ,50 s-u ~ /n,//r OWNER· -'~ c.,k Elec. Space Heaters Dishwashers, Garb.ige JJA-P..Rot< J Disposers, Auto. Washers, Sta. Cooking Units .50 5"0 ADDRESS· ~/3o MOTORS: Per eoch motor H.P. (l AR Is 8~D <in//F 0 to 1 $ .25 CITY: 1 to 2 $ .so 7,aq .. .-=? q O 2. 2 to 5 $ 1.00 TELEPHONE NO. 5 to 15 $ 1.50 Stale City Business 15 to 50 $ 2.50 License License ~ 50 to 200 $ 5.00 lt?A.-, SIGNS: Group Zone Bv No. trans. Ea. $ 1.00 C. No. lamps over 50 ea. $ .50 Inspection Record: SERVICE: 0 to 150 AMPS $ 10.00 1/0 oo For each additional 100 Amps. $ 2.00 Temp. Power Pole, 100 AMPS or LESS $ 3.00 For Each actct· 1 Meter, over one per service $ 3.00 MISC: Approvals Date By: SUPPLEMENTARY PERMIT FEE: S 2.00 Condui t ~(If. Temp. Power TOTAL: R. Winna F i xtures S.D. G. & E. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY FINAL: WITH ALL CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING ELECTRICAL WIRING. I CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY LICENSED BY THE CITY OFCARLSBAD AND THE ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA OR THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED RESI- DENTIAL PROPERTY. SIGNATURE OFI PERMITTEE: ~-.L' '-y_ .' #/? I")?' r Cl1Y Of CARU8AD BUILDING DEPARTMENT OWNER MAIL ADDREr-Z2~ CITY STATE I 1'::ENSE NO. CARLSBAD BUSINESS LICENSE NO. '2o8 Jv <. NO. "7_, TOILET BATH TUB SHOWER WASH BASIN KITCHEN SINK DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TUB OR TRAY AUTOMATIC WASHER WATER HEATER a VENT GAS SYSTEM I TO l!S .30 EA. ADD. FLOOR DRAIN OR SINK LAWN SPRINKLER MISC. WATER PIPING GARBAGE DISPOSAL VACUUM BREAKER OR BACK FLOW DEVICES I TO !5 GRADING PLAN • Sl.2!5 • 1.2!5 • 1.2!5 • 1.2!5 • 1.2!5 • 1.2!5 • 1.2!5 • 1.2!5 • l.!50 • 1.!50 • 1.2!5 • 2.00 • l.!50 • 1.00 • 2.00 s Yl!SO NOD I PERMIT TOTAL FEE s oO I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGULATING PLUMBING. I CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY REGISTERED AND LI• CENSED AS REQUIRED BY ITV OF CARLSBAD AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR HA I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE ABOVE DESC IDENTIAL PROPERTY. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTE -1NING PERMIT· APPLICATION BUILDING I ADDRESS NEAREST CROSS ST. GROUP APPROVALS UNDER FLOOR WORK ROUGH PLUMBING GAS PIPING GAS VENTS PLUMBING FIXTURES MISC. GAS TEST UTILITY CO. NOTIFIED -.,., INAL DATE INSPECTOR·& SIONATURE HO. CITY OF CARLS J BUILDING DEPARTMENT 729-1181 -Ext. 36 PERMIT NO.~?~ 'isro TOT AL FEE $ ~,,l<-2;~0-0.___ Application for MECHANICAL Permit 5PAID _ ITEM INSTALLATION AHO OR RELOCATION EACH AMT, DEC 26-68 -cc2061f******* ,. For Applicant to Fill In For th, Installation or retocauon of each forced-air or gravi- ty type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached L./6~ to such appliance, up to and Including 100,000 B.t.u.'s S 4.00 For the installation or relocation of each forctd-air or gravi- tt type furnact or burnor, Including ducts and v•nts attach•d to such applianc• ov•r 100,000 B.l.u.'s S 5.00 For the installatlon or relocation of each floor furnace, in- eluding vent. S 4.00 For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor mou!lttd unit heater. S 4.00 For the installation, relocation or r•placem•nt of •ach ap-Building Dept. Use Only pliant• v•nt lnstall•d and not included in an application. S 2.00 For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, comfort cooling unit, absorption Oa,,h unit, or evaporative cooling systtm, Including installation of J3q s /2~, conttols rogulat•d by this Code. S 4.00 8UILOIMt:. ADDRESS For the Installation or relocation of each baller or compres- sor to and including thrte horsepower, or each absorption syst•m to and including 100,000 B.l.u.'s. S 4.00 STRFET MAME For th• Installation or ••location of •ach boll•r or compres-n -":)ff~ kJ sor over three horsepower to and including IS horsepower, or each absorption system, over 100,000 8.t.u.'s to and inclu· CONTRA,._ ding 500,000 B.t.u.'s S 7.50 OWNER b----/j ~///Z--For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compres- sor ovtr 15 horsepower to and including 30 horsepower, or each absorption system over 500,000 B.t.u. 's and Including 0 /!} ,..,p au-1, 1,000,000 B.t.u.'s. $10.00 I-> -~ For the Installation or relocation of each boiler or compres~ 4nnR1=:<. c; so, over 30 horsepower to and including 50 horsepower, or for -/ ....- each absorption system over 1,000,000 8.t.u.'s to and in- eluding 1,750,000 B.t.u.'s. Sl5.00 CITY For thr Installation or relocation of each boiler or refrigera· tion compressor over 50 horsepower_ or each ab~rpt,ofl system over 1,750,000 B.t.u.'s. S25.00 CITY 8US1ME5S LICCMSE NO. For ••ch air handling unit to and Including 10,000 cubic f•et per minute, including ducts attached thereto. S ).00 For each air handling unit over 10,000 cubic feet pN minute. S 5.00 CITY BUSIH[SS LIC[NSE MO. For each evapor,1tivr cooler otl,tr U1dn portable type. S ).00 ~\.. "'-For each vent fan connected to a siflgle duct. S 2.00 GROUP -., For each v•ntilatlon syst•m which Is not a portion of any u heating or air conditioning sy5tem authorized by a permit. S ).00 For th• installation of each hood which Is served by m•-INSPECTION RECORD chanical exhaust. including th• ducts for ••ch hood. S ).00 For th• installation or relocauon of each domestic type incinerator. S 5.00 For the installation or relocation of oath commercial or industrial type Incinerator. szo.oo For ••ch appliance or plec• of •quipm•nt r•gulat•d by this Cod• but not classed in other applianc• cat•gori•s. or for which no other fee is listed In this Code. S ).00 For th• issuance of this p•rmlt. S 3.00 _?,17n 7.n, I ACKNO"'LEOCE THAT t ttAVE REAO THE APPL,CATION ANDS ~ THE A90VE S CORREtCl ANO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL STATE. ANO C1 V l.A'f'+'S REGIJLA""'NGTHE MC!CHANICAL COOEOF TM N -.-,RM R I N I C.ERTIF'f T.,.AT I AM PROr>ER1 Y -,(GISTER~ R N' A R • QUIRED BY THE C.ITV OF •RL !!Al AN~AL~ AM THE LEC.AL OWNI R ~-H SIGNED ev PERM,HEE --::-----! ~ ..,.A. nATI= JnB FINA.LEO OU