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1400 LAS FLORES DR; ; 86-190; Permit
"' z 0 ;: .. "' .. J u "' 0 "' i[ 0 u "' "' 0 J 3 !! "' "' z ~ z 0 ;: ~ z "' .. "' 0 u "' ir "' " "' 0 ~ D I hereby affirm ttiat I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of Hie Business and Professions Code, and my license 1s 1n lull force and effect L,c No r1a, I hereby afl1rrn thaT I an e,e-·:i: lr:;rn t·.e IOr s License Law lor the lolrow ng ·,:isor iSec Business and P'olessror; Cade Any cIly u· counl\· -,,h,cc qc,res a per",: to co~struct. alter w1"''J,e dw-oi sh :;, repair any structure pr,o· 'O '1s issuance a11c• ,equ res '.h, o rca~i •or such ~error! lot le a 51qrecl 'i1i.'~rnent ·na• "' I,censeo pursuan: 10 the prnvis•ons o' the o I cense '_d,, ,C",SW' 9 comrienc•~q wrlh se,.:.or GI o,,-,s,on 3 ot lhe Bus,nes; dnd P•cles, ~ns Co~e v ·na· ,, c, "rr:t The·elr:;rn a~d the ba1,s for the Jllege~ e,e0·,pr,cn Ar·y 1· NlIon at Sec11or1 7031 5 by o· aJpIIcar11 for o Der~,, sue ier·s The appl1cao1 t-c a c,.,,I oena ty o' rot -o~e tha~ 1,,t sun d'ed co,lars -:$'JO:-, V. , as ~W"•er :;t '."e pr:-De''.\' ~r nsy e-~ ~y~es ,,,,r waqes /c~·oe,r so!e compen;at,,~ w II do :ne lhe stru: ture ,, oo! rntendec er o•fe'ed for sale ,set Busrce,s aod P·ofessrons Code ·r-e Cont'aC'0' s uc~"ot Law coes nm ;ipp '/ to an ow~er Qf ;iroperty wrJ build'., :;c ,mpro·,ts t .. ,ereor anr. who does suer wo•k hrm:,elf or t0rough ~,sown emoloyees provrdec that such I11provements are r,ot rrtend ea or atfered tor sale If, howeve~ the ~u,ld rg or ,mprQve- me~t ,s sold wrth,n o~e yea· at c0t"'pletI01. lhe ow~er-oc,lde' w,I have the ou,cen Jf ~rov,ag 'hat he drd ~ot burlc o· rm pro-,e lo• rre pu•pose of sa e1 I as owner o: :he uro~erly am excl•Jsr.·e:y cnn"aCT,ng w1!h :Icersed cc~tractvrs to ~o~s•ruct the pro1ect (Se( 7044 Business and P•ofess,ons Code T•e Con•racto· s ',cer.se ,aw does not .ipp y to an owr.er uf prope·ty who b~rldS or ,rr oroves thereon ard wno contracts lor each pro1ec!s w,tn a cor,r•actorlsl "tense pursuant to the Ccnt•ocl•:•' s License Lawl As a homeowner I am :mprov,ng "'Y heme Jnd tre taI1cw ,ng cond1T1ors exrst 1 The work ,s be,ng per1r.rmec prior to sdle 2 I have 11,ed ,n ,..,,,. norne for •welve mortrs prior to comoletron of thrs work I ~ave no: claimed this e~emp:·on r.urrr1~ the ios· three years I arr exempt usder Sec B&PC tor tti,s reason ____________ _ V' I hereby affirm that I .,ave a rnrt,t,cate o• consert to. (p}csu·e o, a cerl1f,cate of Workers Comcensatron In s,.rdnce or o ~c·t.f,ed ~oo, the·eo• ,Sec 380C Labor Coder POL'CY NO COMPANY Cooy ,s •,:ed w,tn the c,ty CPrt,1,ed copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM 11/ORKERS' COMPEr-<SATION INSURANCE !This sect,on need not be completed rf the permit ,s lor one hundred do'lars ,$100) or less1 __ I certify that ,n lhe performance of the work for which 'hrs perm,: rs issued. I sl>all not employ any person ,n any manner so as to become subiect to the Workers Com pen sat,on Laws of Cal1forn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If_ after making th<s Cert1f1cate of Exernpt,on. you should become subJect to the Workers Compensation pro,isrons of the Labor Code. you must lorthv.,th comply w,th such prov,srons or lhrs perm rt shall be deemed revoked [ l -I hereby affirm that There rs a construct,on lending ffi agency.lorthe perfcwnance of the work for whIcl1 thrs per C m1t ,s issued (Sec 3097 C,v,I Code) z ~ Lenders Name Lenders Address __ _ , USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARO APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 APPLICATION & PERMIT JOB ADDRESS .., / -7.r' f ,,-. 11 J A 111 , " , AV.ST.RD. NEAREST CROSS ST. M. 1 'IOo 1. ~ FLofW.s P6.. ~;A;:L;;~ON L:JBLOCK owe,f/&'{¥J f::/{_A_J,J____/'i SUBDIVISION DF Ti /..tJNbS OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS A~SESSO~RC'L/13 e,S 00 I ~ .. - NA , ., . ,-OWNER'S PHONE Jl/14' J?'ftt :JC.lo H1CJILAttP DI., CONTRACTOR ~ /Jlt f{ /JC/If../) NI{ CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS DESIGNER IOE/J;rf,ILl.RKBA/?Jst~Y t DESIGNER'S AO DRESS 1-J ,Nsm t.J,,__j,V AL.LS f Sl;t,,Jl(,.S_ />11 r l)otJf. IN ex~IJI" /1. WAJ.L. ""us rnAn I '" cAND use I eAR"NC, SCAU R,S u",s I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED ,□ ~ □ F P FLF>ELEV ,~ -..=i I RE:OEV~LOPMEr-,,T A REA ,□ -..o NO STORiES TYPE CONST : IOTY PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE 7~ ,, QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE 3- I EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS UP TO 100 000 BTU I ' BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER #.00~ CONTRACTORS PHONE • ZONE Ytf.-/9c LICENSE NO. PLAN I.D. # BUILDING SQ. FOOTAGE DESIGNER'S PHONE LICENSE NO. OCC GP EDU DCC LOAD Fl RE SPP ;.SICS/: vO "<[J ~or. JaRdJ/1;s M;~,;,',~e-Certrlied u ,_ ,_; ' ~- SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER I I I 1---EACH flUILDINL SE:.WER ·I + -··+ BUII_DING PERMIT 001-810-0_0-0_0-82?0 r ~ ,J 0 I OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 001-810-00-00-8221 ·:BOILERCOMPRESSORUPTOJHP --· PLANCHECK ---OOl-81000008806t··· :1,q.s-OVER 101 I EACH WATER HEATER ANIJ OR vrn1 I ----------- I R,.E~CH GAS_ SYST ~M l T ~ 4 U U 1 l [ TS +---+--1i[llLER--coMPRESSo-R ]15-HP ----TOTAL PLUMBl~G 001-s10~oo:oo-:--s222 -It> - ELECTRICAL 001-810·00-00-8223 {) --I EACHGASSYSTEMJQR",,ORE : -tA~H IN\!A~ ALI tlj_-H-~PA~R-:,.,'ATlR PIPE -z--..J1;1: i f/ETkL ~IRt;:,l AC~. + ---------~--------<e------------------- 110TY I I EACH VACUUM BREAKER Mt.CHAN I CAL VEN! FANSINGLEOUf:T --- MECH EXHAUSI HOOD DUCTS ---- 'NATER S[Jf TNt.R REL-JCAIION OF EA FURNACE.HEATER I ------------------+------41----j------------>-----~--> : I_.C\C---1 p:-ir:-F -J;:;,\!'J l'hl::·: ______ t---: TOT kl MECHANICAL : _ TO!AlPl.lJMR1r-.L 10 'i-- 1 I I .. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE ---i-r _ _j QTY. SOLAR· ISSUE DO 1-810-00-00-8224 MOBILEHOME 001-81000-00-8225r----J M0BILEH0ME PARK_ ,r-SP __ SOLAR ____ _ STRONG MOTION 880-519-92-33 • ~ __ FIRE SPRl~Jr<LERS 001-810·00·00-8227 3)_ 2-si{QQ_-Q_Q_-89:fil PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 001-810-00-00-82 26 ---------------1---------- I-------- I NEW CONST E:AAMPSWJ l:}KR rn: I FCT'.;RS SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT I I Carlsbad I PH i PH S~DR"-Gl ·.C\\<S I I I I I FXIS_~-~~~-G-~~~·SWI BKR . i IRJCK c;1::,1-14r;~ I I Encinitas I PH 3 PH I : . •~ -------+·--------l-L _ -~1egu1to , ~-•___ PLA\ :::r1r K F~F ---i-----I San Marcos ----t--I HEMOOEL Al HH PEH CIRCUIT c--+-----------------+-----~.I - -----+ I I I TE\/\P POLE ?00 AMPS OVER lUU AMPS TEMP UCCUPAr.CY '3D OAYS! LICENSE TAX MFF --J;if.. 001-810·00~::i1_62---l-------- 880-519-92-57 l 7' ___/t__ ___:_ CREDIT DEPOSIT ---I ,( ~ -J _,q -u ~ ", l1JTAL EU:l,IRIU-1'. I 7 ICTA S0!'8 I '/ ..-, , /0 i: 1 , '. " TOTAL FEES PAYABLE 1,p.,1 - I ' I 1 HA-VE CA,REFULL Y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPUCATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HER~BY Expiration. Every perm1_t issued bytheBuildingOff1c1al undertheprovis1onsofth1s 1 1 I CERTIFY UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE CoOO shall expire by llmrtat1on and become null and void If the bu1tdm9 or work * AN OSHA PERMIT tS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVEA 5' 0" DEEP ANO DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGMT DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT JS aulhorized by such permit rs not commenced w1thrn 180 days from the date of such 1 ISSUED. TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUlLOlNG CON· permit, or 11 the btuldrng or work authorized by such permit 1s suspended or I STRUCTION. WHETHER SP!:C!FiED H,ERElf'.f OR NOT. t ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND abandoned al anv time after the work tS commenced for 8 ""nod of 180 da s.-,., 1 KEEP HARMLESS THE c1TY oF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABJuT1Es, JUDGMENTS, cosTs AND ~•PPUCANrs SIGNATURE • owNER:il' coNTRACTOR D 'l'° " 0tp.t!/ I I EXPENSES WHICH MAY !N ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE .. L\ 1J ~ A r \ (/ : ,?RANTING OF THIS PERMIT. ,, . · .L ~ ~ BY PHONE Q ~ -0 J O ~ O (o I 0 IL >-,; 0 a_ E ill ,- " 0 CJ C a ~ c_ a_ 0: = C 0:: 0 " " 0 ~ m 0: 3 !2 0 >- ~ " 0 u 0 a: rn cii 0 G © u C rn C U: ,:: C 0 ~ CJ 0 u 0 a_ " C 0 ,= ,: TYPE DATE INSPECTOR " ' , ' ---·-; .J . H_ BUILDING ' -. --·· FOUNDATION ' FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES I MASONRY ' REO IF INSPECTORS -__ ., GUNITE OR GROUT I INSPE·CTION CHECKED APPROVAL DATE ·---- SUB FRAME □ FLOOR □ CEIL) NG . -' . . ' SOILS COMP'-A'\JCE . SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SH~AR J PRIOR TO I -~---: I, ' /1/j, ,~, ' -f--OUNDATtON INSP , . FRAME I -' ---------'-· ,, , ---+---~ ---------- EXTERIOR LATH v, ii /i )(,, ''--STRUCTURAi. CONCRETE I ' . OVER 2009"PS I INSULATION I i I PRESTRESS'!:D -- INTERIOR LATH/& DRYWALL/ 1---,/ J.,/ L, ·,~ CONCRETE I PQS-;-HNSICNEC I ,,/ ' I I/&! 1 \..,. CONCRETE , --p'"···-ING I I • , -FIELD WELOlr-..G □ SEWER AND BL/CO C PIL/CO l'I-;.3-, ~/ , ----I-----------·------ ' TRENG fl-' UNDERGROUNQ □ WASTE □ /NATER 4 BOl Ts , TOP OUT llZI WASTE □ WATER f J,,,, Id r-..... SPECIAL )\,,1/suNRY TU!:! AND SHr6WER PAN -JI {IC '·-' . . GAS TEST I ,-,,, ES CA1ssur,,.~- □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER ------~-~--------~-----------. ' , I ------- ELECTRICAL I <: ' [J ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D 1UFFER . I ! /., l >----J....--------- /RQUGH ELECTRIC /_fl,10 u ~ f-1 ,__,, ,-. , , ' - I □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY -r "! l, I/ 1/ ~-,------·--+------------------I--------- □ BONDING □ POOL I ' --...__ ____ ---- I MECHANICAL I ---- ' □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPING ) HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I ,'\ ' VENTILATING SYSTEMS I ' ' • I, ' I --., , - CALL FOR FINAL INSPECT/ON WHEN ALL APPROfRIA TE ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. , FINAL ' J PLUMBING ~ u I ' - ELECTRICAL ,',,~-I /'Ji ·) i I I ' !A// I y ' ' MECHANICAL ' ;v GAS ' ,-j ,j IJ/J.//1, BUILDING -/ I v e I - SPECIAL CONDITIONS I I i ; I I ---•• --•-• ---•s -----·-~-- FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PLAN CHECK NUMBER: 6-l90 DATE: PROJECT NO.: ________ UNIT NUMBER: ________ PHASE NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: CONTACT PERSON: _________ r_k ______________________ _ CONTACTTELEPHONE: _______ 4_3_4_-_1_9_4 _____________________ 1 INSPECTED C,. brd ~ DATE ~,d6)~7 ti= BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED DISAPPROVED COMMENTS: ---------------------------------- Rev. 1/86 WHITE: Suspense BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY: Utilities PINK: Planning GOLD: Fire ' .• Q w a::: ::::,--L- 0 w..,.._... a::: 111__,,_ z. 0 -I--lrl C a::: ti c: ·-ti 0 > .... u~! Q w a::: ::::, a a::: z 0 I-.. U GI "'• Cl:: GI a:::·-! 0~ 21 u a::: • -\-"' • \ PLAN PECK -~AOOREESS ,?,?7$q/:5°',;,ATE & PLANNING · . • '\ SCHOOL FEES1 SAN DIEGUITO CARLSBAD SETBACKS1 FRONT SIDE ENCINITAS SAN MARCOS REAR DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS:. _______________________ _ REDEVELOPMENT PE.RMIT REQUIRED:. ______________________ _ LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS:. ______________________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED: _____________________ _ ADDITIONAL COIH:NTS:. __________________________ _ OK TO ISSUE11 __ ~&::tf:,.,~==--- ENGINEERING . . LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? _____ _ APN CHECKED?_, _________ _ , P,F,F,:. ___________ PARK-IN-LIEU QUADRANT:. ____ , FEE PER UNIT:. ___ _ RIGHT-oF:..wAY:. _________ TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PER UNIT: __ ....;.. ____ _ EASEMENTS1 DRIVEWAY:. ___________ _ IMPROVEMENTS:. ______ , _____________________ _ FIELD CHECK DATE: INITIALS: E.D.U.: SEWER: LATERAL: INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT: GRADING PERMITs GRADING COMPLETION CERTIFIED: DRAINAGE, ) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS1 OK TO ISSUE::_..1.&;~=· =· :=::::c:::::..... __ _JDATE: y;2-2,/lk: DPD2:DPD6:01/86 4/14 Marty: Re Baptistry Gene, Jim and Kurt all feel that a baptistry is a special kind of installation where any handicapped person wanting to be baptized will be assisted by others. Kurt said they had this in the City of San Di ego and asked for handicapped ramps, etc., and the applicant appealed and won on the above bases. The City ruled that the expected assistance of others was equivalent facilitation. What say you? Carter