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1440 FOREST AVE; ; 84-160; Permit
,,yi ) il .. z 0 ~ "' C ~ irl Q 0 u "' ~ -' 3 ~ "' z ~ z 0 s z "' .. " 8 .. "' ... " "' 0 ;J ![ D l hereby affirm that I am llcensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. L,c No _____ _ Cl.i<1 I hereby afllrrn that I am exempt from the Contrac tors License Law for the lollow,ng reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any c,ly m cou~ty whKn re quires a permit 10 construct. alter 1mprave. demolish. or repair any structure. orior to 11s issuance also requires !heap pl1cant lor such perm,1 lo file a s1qned statemenr that he 1s licensed pursuant to the provrs1ons of the C.:ontractor s L,cense Law I Chapter 9 commenc,ng with Sect,on 7000 of o,v,s,on 3 of the Busme,s and Professions Code) or that 1s ex empt therefrom and lhe basis !or the allegeo e~empt1on Any v,olat1on of Section 7031 .5 by an appl1can1 for a perm1I sub- 1ects the aDpl1cant to a c,vil penalty of no1 more than five hun Ored oollars ($500) :--I. as owner of !he property, or my employees with wages as !heir sole compensation. will do the work. and the struc- 1ure ,snot intended or offered 1or sale !Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property wM builds or improves lhereon and who dDes such work himself or through his own employees, provided tt\a! such improvements are not 1n1end- ed or offered for sale. 11, however the building or improve- ment 1s sold within one year ol completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving 1hat he did n01 build or im- prove !or 1he purpose of sale) LJ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contractiog with licensed contractors to construct the pro1ect {Sec 7044. Business and Professions Code. The Contractor's License Law does not apply lo an owner of property who builds or im- proves thereon_. and who contrac1s !or each pro1ects w11h a contractor(s) license pursuant to the Con1ractor·s License Law) :1 As a homeowner I am 1mprov1ng my home, and the follow ing cond1t1ons e~1st 1 The work is being performed prior to sale 2 I have lived in my home for 1welve months prior 10 completion 01 this work I have no! claimed this exemption during the last three years D I am exempt under Sec . B & P C !or this reason [:] I hereby art,rm that I ha~e a cei11t1cate 01 consen1 !O selt-,nsure or a ce'11!,ca1e ot Workers Compensation Insurance or a cei1,!,ed copy thereo1 !Sec 3800. Labor Code) POLICY NO COMPANY D COpy ,s filed with 1he city D ce11,t1ed copy ,s hereby furnished EXEMPTION FROM 'ENSATION INSURANCE ;01 be comDleted 11 Th,:, perm11 ndred dollars {$100) or less) 0 I cei1,1y tl'ra1 ,ii the pertormance 01 the ""ork to, which this perm11 1s rssued. I shall no1 employ any person 1r1 ;my manner so as to become suti1ect tu 1he Workers Compensa1,on Laws ot Ca11forno.i NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. afler mak1n;i !his Cert, hcate ot Exemp1,on. you should t>er.ome suti1ect 1•1 the Workers· Compensa1,on pro~1s1ons ot 1he Labo< Code you must tonh,,..,th comply w,1h such pro~1s,ons or !his perm11 shall be deemed revokeC 0 I hereby afl,rm that therP ,5 a '-'Jfl<truc11r.,~ 1endmg agency to, thP per1ormance 01 the wO'k ,c,, wh,crt 1h15 perrn,t 1s issued (Se< !097 C,v, Cooe, Lender~Narne ___________ _ Lender, Address ----------- USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 !_619) 438-5525 cfioss'ST. OWNER'S PNONE F/P ,o FLR2iV. NO -µ__ CENSUS T RAC1 P~;q;;CE RES t"S GRADING PERMIT ISSUED REDEVELOPMENT AREA YO ~ D >0 N QTY.I PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTU EACH B-U!LUJN~-SEWER OVER 100.000 BTU EACH WATER HEATER ANOiOR VENT BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 ru 4 OUTLETS BOILER/COMPRESSOR 315 HP EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORF METAL FIREPLACE ------+------>-----+ ----- APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. APPLICATION & PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER ,iJ,, I ~D LDG USE CODE STANDARD PLAN# ~3~TAGE DESIGNER'S PHONE ·~ -~ -~I i" FIRE SPP <0 N Not Valid Unless Machine Certified SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT 01-00-00-8220 -SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8221 PLAN CHECK 01-00-00-8806 TOTAL PLUMBING 01-00-00-8222 ELECTRICAL 01-00-00-8223 EACH INSTA~. ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE ••r.-,,' • """•' VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT IVltl..MI-INll..l-lL 01-00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER WATER SOFTNER tACH ROOF DRAIN i1NS1DE'1 TOTAL PlUMBING QTY.I ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE . -NEW CONST EA AMP SWT BKR I PH J PH EXIST BLDG EA AMP.!SWT.'BKR 1 PH 3 PH REMODEL'ALTtR PER CIRCUIT TEMPPOLE 200AMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYS) TOTAL ELECTRICAL 1 HAVE_-CAReF'uLt .. Y -eXAM1N_~ 1HE'"\;6MPi-tfE.~$.ifuCAt~ 7 C~ATJFY /4-JNO~R· ~EN.&il._11'. $fl. ~(f\t\JR'! .)"ijATf A(t. '.lNFOFIM'. DECLA~ }\FlE.18ue;1qtQ ISSUED:\~ COMPl. Y'WIT~l,AJ,.i STAUctJON. WHETHER,SPE.otF KEEP t:t.&.RMLE$~ THE d:ry bF EXPEN~ES W~Cti MAY:iN !fii _{]RANJI.NGJ:it' ~$ -WlMtIV:. ~ ---------· MECH EXHAUST HOOD.'DUCTS RELOCATION Of EA FURNACE/HEATER TOTk.L MECHANICAL QTY. I SOLAR -ISSUE COLLECTORS STORAGE TANKS ROCK STORAGE PUMP PLAN CHECK FEE TOT AL SOLAR MOBILEHOME 01-00-00-8225 MOBILEHOME PARK INSP SOLAR __ .fil.:..QQ: S_T_~O-~G MOTION 80-~13-0519 FIRE SPRINi<LERS 01-00-00-8227 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 32-00-00-8933 BRIDGE FEE SCHOOL FEI Carlsbad ii' l -:t f'.. 80-92-21-0519 Encinitas 80-92-22-0519 San 01egu1to 80-92-23-0519 San Marcos 80-92-24-0519 TOTAL FEES PAYABLE * AN O$tA -PEMtrt IS AeOUiREO FOR EXCAVATION$ OVEA 5' O'' 'OEEPAl!IQ OEMOLfTIC)N OR COffSTRUCTK>N OF STRUCTUfltS OYER 3 STORtES tN HEIGHT ~ LL >-rn 0 a. E © f- D 0 l9 c ro 0 a. a. .,: I ~ C a: 0 00 00 "' 00 00 .,: ~ 0 ,; >- <n 00 "' 0 0 a: ro <ii 0 ~ "' 0 C ro C LL ~ C "' "' t5 0 u "' a. 00 C 2 "' s TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR c<...£-/ (An BUILDING I . JIA,~ ~ FOUNDATION I l~ FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES I MASONRY ~ INSPECTORS . INSPECTION REQ IF DATE GUNITE OR GROUT I CHECKED APPROVAL FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME ' O.IA-,M /!U.-I SOILS COMPLIANCE SHEATHING D SHSAR . \J PRIOR TO . . D ROOF ,,.,.J:;4 FOUNDATION INSP FRAME I -STRUCTURAL CONCRETE EXTERIOR LATH I OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION : PRES TRESSED CONCRETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I POST TENSIONED ··, -' CONCRETE ., . . I . PLUMBING I FIELD WELDING ' SEWER AND BUCO D\PUCO I HIGH STRENGTH ' D WATER BOLTS UNDERGROUND D WASTE TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER 1.711..·~ SPECIAL MASONRY TUB AND SHOWER PAN I / GAS TEST I l PILES CAISSONS D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WA'rER I --- ' . ELECTRICAL I -. D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND N CJFFER 1q./11, ~ (UI.-. " ,I ROUGH ELECTRIC . I J-'2.-~ ~ _,.. . D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPOl;IARY .. -- D BONDING D POOL I I ' ' MECHANICAL ' -D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING I • ~ ,{,I'< . ~ • HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS . I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I ' -- I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE, .. ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. . FINAL ' / / /I PLUMBING I 'l J I v . J .· __ ) ELECTRICAL I I I\ I MECHANICAL ' /, I I ' GAS I :. ) \ I \ BUILDING I il . . . '3PECIAL CONDITIONS ' '>,, ,/ \ I \I I- APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438-5541 FOR APPLICANT TO Fl LL IN BUILDING -.~DDRESS OWNER MAI LING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: I TAVt-· EXISTING BUILDING y LATERA L LOCATION ST. LATERAL NO. _______ INSTALLATION DATE-~-----1 ISSUED BY ----=---------------- DATE ISSUED------,,;.------------ VALIDATION I LATERA L CHARGE COMPUTATION ST ANDARD 4" (M ax. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVE R 30' H. ___ @~·c,..__ ___ FT . _________ _ OV ER10'V. @ FT . _________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V . 10') _________ _ OV ER 30' H. @ FT,---------- OVER '10' V. @ FT.---------- T OTAL CONSTRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) _________ _ TOTAL LAT ERAL CHARGE _ __:.:__..,:_ ____ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO.-------=:::......------- FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT. ____ TOTAL __ _ OTHER-------------------- CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS....,......;:;,._.....:.....COST PER UNIT----TOTAL---- PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS_---'-COST PER UNIT ____ TOTAL--- TOTAL CHARGES (LATERAL ETC.) __ __, ___ _:_ __ _ WHITE: Engineering. GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permitter ... ' f THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT ENERGY REGULATIONS, CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, TIUE 25, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE ~-BUD.DING LOCATED AT: " \ SITE ADDRESS: JY</o h,ee6~f· /1,;e. Number Street EXTERIOR WALLS // Manufacturer._~~-,;:r-,~.~~--'"----Thickneaa/Type :3~ R/Value ___ ~/~/ __ CEILINGS J~ 1/ Batta: Manufacturer. __ __,_0__,_w • ____ Thickness IO R/Value 3 0 GENERAL CONTRAt'TOR: __________ .... LIC ./! ______ _ IN~NCONTRACTOR: WESTERN INSID.ATION LIC.# 290497 BY~ TITL~l>.b-DA.TE & / S-p_s- 8L/-/6o -Z EJ 0 CITY COPY CJ PLAN CHECKER COPY (itp of (arlsbab ~Wbff+ ~ PLAN CORRECTION SHEET Pl•n Cll,.ek No. 84-/f.t>O-...zz; • "'' r,hns r~eca•,ed by juri!ldic:tion £,tz/, s-/44 ·••u• r•lan• received by plan c:llec:ker __ /7 __ /_I __ :)at<! 1n1ual plan cheek C:Olll(lleud /J2,/, by-;7;',y 5!1</<tLI !n~c~~•o, Pl[AS[ READ rlaD c:lleck 11 l1~1ted to tec:llnic:al requirement• e~ntaaned in the Uniform 8u1ld1ng Code, Unifor• Plurbang Code, Un1for~ H~chan1cal Code, National tlec:tr1cal Code and atate laws regulating energy conservAtion, noise attenuation and access for t:'le h.1.~d1eapped. The plan check is bnsed on regulat1on1 enforced by the Ouildinq Inspection :~part~ent. You may have other corrections eAsed on laws and ordinances enforced by the ?!Ann ing Oepart~ent, Eng1neer1ng O~partment or ot~er departments. ~:'le items c:1reled below need c:larification, rod1!1cat1on or change. All circled items have tc be satiaf1ed before the plan, will be in eonfor~•nce with tlle cited codes and regulation,. rer Sec. lOl le), 1979 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plan• doe• not permit the v1olat1on of any atate, county or c:1ty law. ~ Pie••• r.ake all c:orrec:tiona on the original tra~1ngs and submit two new sets or prints, anJ any or1q1nal plan 1ct1 that may have b<en returned t~o~he )ur1sd1ction, tc.: ew.a;; . ..ue v/, ~c fac1l1tate rechcck1nq, please 1dcnt1fy, nex: to each c1rcled 1tem, the sheet of :~e plans upon which each corrcct1on on t~1s sheet has been made and return this c~ec ~ ~~~et with the revised plans . ---------·------.. -, ... -----·------- 1----+---------------------------1 1----+----------··-···-··---···------- PLAN CHECK BsY. ,,1/iDRESS I'! 1Ll 01£d;{J!,µ_ DATE ~E IV JED ZONE: ~R 3 LJ, PLANt-,ING: TYPE OF STRUCTURE SCHOOL FEES~ SAN DIEGUITO CARLSBAD (jiJ/iJu BU I LDING HEIGHT ___ -++-i.-1--~-- FENCES/W/\t.LS _ ·-------1H-.....J.+.:~--- . TWO CAR GARAGE "' .. ( .Jf CARLSBAD Buildin ~ D2p.::.rtmcnt ENCINITAS --------- SAN MARCOS REQUIRED SETBACKS ____ _ FRONT --+++--+-+----- SIDE ----44--+--+-~---- R EAR ---- I~ n:: 1.1.J 3: 11.J ;: ~; COMMENTS: __ ~ ~ ti) D A Ir- ' I :... 8 0 ··-REDEVELOP~1ENT APPROVAL n::::QUIRED: __ ,V"-' '11 t;~ D ~ i ~-[~ LANDSCAPE PLAN ~Ol't!ENTS: 1 r • ~ D ..... c::,D f-UJ u cc:: UJ ..... cc::::) D cc:: O' 01.1.J u cc:: t'.NVIRONMENTAL REQUlREQ.;;...: -------Ml'-L I t OK TO ISSUE: DATE: ?/ ::z;,. /1?f.------ * ENGINEERING INSPE T N REQUIRED:2t::::S=:...~~--------------- PUBLIC ~'ORKS INSPECTOR: ____________________ _ FINAL OK: ~ ti?~ ··-_ DATE: ±I It /~ * IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAINAGE\ ETC.) I Mr. Harold Curry Oaktree Builders 6361 "D" Yarrow Dr. / Carlsbad, CA. 92008 · Re: Preliminary Soils Report Par. l PM forest ,St. Carlsbad, CA. TO WHOM IT MAY CONERN: ............ 1525 5. &c..nd;do Blvd. P.O. Bo, 11,JO &mndHlo. CA ~20~ 741-0533 LAND DEVELOPMENT Surveyina • Pert Tests • Lot Splits Grading Plaru & Compoetion Teots March 31, 1984 At the request of Harold Curry of Oaktree Builders, we have conducted a Soil Investigation on the above referenced project site in the City of Carlsbad, California. This report represents the findings and recommendations for the development based upon the results of this investigation. This investigation consisted of a site geological reconnaissance and the boring of 5 8 inch auger holes to a depth of 8 feet below the existing grade. Laboratory tests were performed on represent- ative soil samples obtained at various depths in the auger holes, to evaluate pertinent physical properties. The conclusions and recommendations that follow are based upon review of the site and an analysis of the data obtained and our experience ~ith similar soil conditions. The project site on Forest Road in Carlsbad, California,-is a rectangular lot (108' x 1~0') fronting on the public road and having a mild slope (5%+) toward that roadway. The area is highly developed with single family residences. The site has be~n previously utilized for growing of avocados. Numerous large trees have recently been pulled up on the site in preparation for construction of the residence, a single story raised floor dwelling founded on foundation ancl stem 1o1alls. The underlying soils found from the surface to the boring depths of 8 feet were uniform and consisted of silty sands {type SM) and are non-expansive. The soils below the surface appeared to be very moist as sometimes found in avocado groves due to continued watering of the trees over the years. Ground water {free water) was not encountered and is not anticapted to be aprblem o·n this site. However, the soil encountered to the 8 foot depth was in a loose state. There are no signs of soil instability in the area and there are no known faults within the region. OVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING • forest Ave. Carlsbad Sheet 2 ... ·---···----- On March 26, 1984 auger holes were drilled at random on the site within the planned development area, with a jeep mounted drill rig. The attached plat indicates the locations of these borings with respect to the planned residence. Samples were taken and direct shear tests were performed as well as density testing and expansive evaluations. • Forest Ave . Carlbad, CA. sheet 3 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS It is our opinion that the site is suitable for the planned development, provided grading is accomplished in accordance with recommendations contained herein and applicable City of Carlsbad ordinances. The material found on the site was found to be non-expansive based upon laboratory testing. In place density of the upper 18 inches was 84%. The upper limits of the foundation soil at least 3.0 feet b~1ow planned bottom of footing elevations and a lateral width of 5' either side shall be excavated and recompacted in place to provide a satisfactory bearing for foundations. This work shall be monitored by a qualified Soils Engineer and appropriate testing performed to insure compliance with this recommendation. When this has been completed a bearing value of 2000 #/s.f. may be used for design of foundations. All emankment shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. All concrete foundations shall contained 2 #4 bars of reinforcing steel, one bar 3 inches from the bottom of footing and the other bar at 3 inches from the top. 11 grading shall be in accordance with applicable Grading Ordinances of the City of Carlsbad, and Grading Specifications attached hereto as Exhibit "A''. Lant s, 111 I TS "5. F LLf, i 11 5. F Nl1 G-R.055 ) ' 1 I i I · 1 ! . ~ O'" ('I Ul ' ... (1'" t{') .. +· 0 b :z ~ . CX) • . N~ I ~ ' -N ' Ul ... ~ ~ ~ 0 b · z . .. ,. Ul • (5' lo ~ c.J 0 0 • 0 z .; ,I . . I S'.CX> f 15.a, l I \ L \ 1,.., ?9 . C r-ll. .,, , t. . . ~; I ~; ,, ' ( ----·-· -.--· :L ___ ~_-__ · · . 4., . .. . , .... · .. -' ~. -.·.::. . .;-..:, ~-~--~ -~i:.: -~:;:: :._:~~.-~~:.-·..:·: -...... ·. N e~·5'-' +'-~E ·,oe:3c, · 0 ) ..-0 PARCEL \ , ; , q 3 q s.F. ti£ r o, ~ . . . . I· I ., 0 A 0 0 0 '° 0 0 r-N · ~ a... 0 .,... ~~ .... ~ ., -~ a, .J ~ ll\ lu -: ~ .... Q Q) () N ~ UJ "' \r ~ 0 ' 0 0 • 0 z ' ., , -. , . -1,Jy1 P ro ,i fl.Cf 13 €17 Pu p rv', 1-. ft. ,. .. I V .. . ·. . -.• , . . . ,_ . ·-. • F~--adc. /I :,'1 O 5 'i I :.. () " W ,'lo /<: (C.. a .. + MAY 22, 1985 TO: DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND PLANNING FROM: Senior Building Inspector 1440 FOREST AVENUE (PLAN CHECK NO. 84-160) One May 16, 1985, Mr. Ed Deckelman came to our counter to retrieve his plans and in leafing through the folder discovered a set of soils reports submitted to our office by H. L. Land Development. He told me he had never seen a set of soils reports on his project but claimed he was billed for them by his contractor. I asked him who his contractor was and he told me Harold Curry. I informed him to contact Mr. Curry and carry on from there as Mr. Curry is responsible for follow up of any soils recommendation. Mr. Deckelman asked me to sign a letter to that effect of responsibility of follow-up by Mr. Curry. I refused as he indicated a lawsuit will probably be filed against the City and various departments. He wanted to know why we had not asked for the required soils performance at the time of footing inspection. I info~med him that the inspector who performed the inspection was no longer with us but no doubt had inspected and signed-off the OK to pour as the footing was constructed as per approved plans for the job. To continue, he inquired about the soils report requirement by Engineering as he was a little upset by their insistance of getting a soils report. I referred him to the Engineering Counter. I then called H. L. Land Development Co. and they informed me that they were never called for follow-up on the design of the foundation or the soils compaction.