HomeMy WebLinkAbout1445 Forest Ave; ; 69-1092; PermitCITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMEl 729-1181 -Ext. 36 Contrector To Const. To Add 0 To Alter 0 Convert D To Move From • Type of Const: ----jL_ -N U)A ~.nPr;;y4 c·:W To Be Used For~ :<, w.. Kind of FoundetioC~o. of Stories, __ / ___ _ Floor Spece (Sq. Ft.) /It / (p Atteched 4 ,:Z..(2 Gorege Floor Spoce (Sq. Ft.) Detached ________ _ Legal Description Lot No. of Existing Building _____ _.<!2""'--------- Will this cons~ include ony plumbing instellotion or elter- alion? Yesr No D Signeture of Applicant I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE TH AT T HE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY W ITH ALL CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING BUILDING. I CERTIFY THAT I LICENSED AS REQU E STATE OF CALIFORN A R OF THE ABOVE DES I E SIGNATURE OF PERM ITTEE --..\--~;..._------------ Application . or BUILDING Permit (} Building Permit Fee / /7£:.__ Set Bock Bldg. Veluation Front P.L. Mein Bid Side P.L. Contractor City Bus. Lie. No. Utility Company Notified -Doto------By, ____ _ Final If a check is iendered for pdyment for the above fee and the check is not honoPad whon prosonted for payment, your buildi,,g permit will be imrr.cdiatoly revoked. City of Carlsbad Building Dept. Permit void if work is not commenced within 60 days of i5suance. X CITY OF. CARLSBI" SEWER BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT -APPLICATION FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN LEGAL BUILDING DESCRIPTION LOT NO. ADDRESS / " BLOCK TRACT NEAREST CROSS ST. USE OF BUILDINGS OWNER MAIL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS ' - ADDRESS C ITY TEL. NO. CITY TEL. NO. CONNECTION DATA CONTRACTOR'S STATE CARLSBAD BUSINESS Lateral Charge Computation LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO. 30' H., 10' V. @ 4" -___ 6" ------ NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK FEE Add. Horiz. @ 4" = ___ 6" -----~ @ HOUSE SEWER CONNECTING TO Add. Vert. 4" = ___ 6" -PUBLIC SEWER @ $3.00 ---- SEPTIC TANK, SEEPAGE PIT OR Total Construction Cost PITS @ $!5.00 OVERFLOW SEEPAGE PIT, DRAINFIELD EXTN., I 0"/0 Service Charge CESSPOOL , DRYWELL. MANHOLE @ $5.00 HOUSE SEW ER CONNECTING TO Total Lateral Charge PRIVATE D I SPOSAL SYSTEM @ $ l.!50 ~ CONNECT ADDITIONAL BLDG. OR Lat. No.: Logged in Plat: WORK TO HOUSE SEWER @ $1.50 ALTER. REPAIR OR ABANDON HOUSE ,._ LINE COST DATA SEWER OR DISPOSAL SYSTEM @ $2.00 -- @ s A. D. & Assmt. No. LINE COST: ~ I $ 2 00 C. C. @ ___ / dwelling -OWNER'S PERMIT AUTHORIZATION TOTAL FEE P. S. @ __ / dwelling I HAVE AT THIS DATE A CONTRACT WITH THE HEREIN OTHER CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED BUILD· TOTAL ING TO THE PUBLIC SEWER. SIGNED THIS DAY OF Grand Total, Lateral, etc. OWNER OR OWNER'S AGENT ADDRESS FOR SEWER LOCATION I HEREBY ACl<NOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT ...: .._ AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY ORDINANCES AND V) V} STATE LAWS REGULATING PLUMBING AND SEWERS. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY REGISTERED St. AND/OR LICENSED AS REQUIRED BY THE C ITY OF CARLS. BAD AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE A BOVE DESCRI BED RESIDENTIAL PROP· ENGINEERING SEWER DEPT. ERTY. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE Signed I Signed This is a Sewer Permit When Properly Filled Out, Signed and Validated Issued By --------------------- PERMIT VALIDATION NORTH CITY OF CAR AD BUILDING DEPARTMENT • / {) ~ <5' 729-1 181 -Ext. 36 PERMIT Nold?-/C2 ,. ..SroTAL FEE sL..1,.st? Application for ELECTRICA~fx0ermit APR ?2-70 ~rTJ152******13.50 Build ing "Dept. Use unry ., For Applicant to Fill In PERMIT FE ES: Each Fee Item R ecpt. Sw. BUILDING ADDRESS: V#5-?--LY1 ~//?_,,~I Lighting fixtures w ballast for each 10 $ 1.00 St. Near~~~/~~ -_A/ Elec. Ranges. Clothes Dryers. Water He,llers .50 OWNER(/Y.p[l~ ~.,.I 11/\ I I' Elec. Space Heaters Drshwashers. Garbage ~ 0 Disposers, Auto. Jashers. Sta. Cookrng Units .50 ~Q-z:; ADDRESS: MOTORS: Per each motor H.P. 0 to 1 $ .25 CITY: 1 to 2 s .50 2 to 5 $ 1.00 TELEPHONE NO. 5 to 15 $ 1.50 State City Busrness 15 to 50 $ 2.50 Lrccnse Lrcense -A 50 to 200 s 5.00 s(1f!li--SIGNS: Group Zone No. trans. Ea. $ 1.00 "' No. lamps over 50 ea. $ .50 lnspectron Record: SERVICE: 0 to 150 AMPS $ 10.00 1/0,o(l ~,Z,-~{.' For i113Ch additional 100 Amps. $ 2.00 Temp. Power Pole. 100 AMPS or LESS $ 3.00 -(X# _1.f_, / j 'A For Each add I Meter. over one per service $ 3.00 v-"' () MISC : Approvals Date By; SUPPLEMENTARY PERMIT FEE: S 2.00 Conduit 1/:is, Temp. Power TOTAL: R. Wirinq Fixtures S.O. G. & E. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY FINAL: WITH ALL CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING ELECTRICAL WIRING. I CERTIFY THAT I AM PROPERLY LIC'ENSED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANDTHE ST~ E OF CALIFORNIA OR THAT < AM THE LEGAL ~m f ABOVE OESCR<BCO RESI· DENTIAL PROPERTY. SIGNATURE OF CJ..\~ PERMITTEE: ... V HO, CITY OF CAR BUILDING DEPA ... ~.,JT 729-1181 -Ext. 36 PERMIT NO. ~ J(Y1-?.. TOTAL FEE $ ~CJO Application for MECHANICAL Permit ITEM INSTALLATION ANO OR RELOCATION EACH AMT. APR 22-70 -cc3154******* For Applicl!nt to Fill In 5PAID For the Installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravi-l4:oc ty type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, up to and Including 100,000 B.t.u.'s $ 4.00 For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravi-tt type furnace or burner, Including ducts and vents attached to such appliance over 100,000 B.t.u.'s S 5.00 For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, in- eluding vent. $ 4.00 For the installation or relocation of eac11 suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor mounted unit heater. $ 4.00 For the Installation, relocation or replacement of each ap-Building Dept. Use Only pliance vent Installed and not Included in an application. $ 2.00 For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating BUILDING ADORESF(/,/(/ ~:/M_t? ~~ appllance, refrigeration unit, comfort cooling unit, absorption unit, or evaporative cooling system, including installation of controls regulated by this Code. $ 4.00 , For the installatlon or relocation of each boiler or compres- sor to and including three horsepower, or each absorption system to and including 100,000 B.t.u.'s. $ 4.00 STREET MAME ,., CONTOA'c ~ ;:-1 .H. For the installation or relocation of each baller or compres-eA sor over three horsepower to and including 15 horsepower, or ..,, A each absorption system, over 100,000 8.t.u.'s to and inclu-,..,. " ----ding 500,000 B.t.u.'s $ 7.50 ~ (/ For the instal latlon or relocation of each boiler or compres-I , sor over 15 horsepower to and Including JO horsepower, or OWNER each absorption system over 5001000 B.t.u. 's and including 1,000,000 B.t.u.'s. $10.00 For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compres-Annin::-.<. sor over 30 horsepower to and including 50 horsepower, or for each absorption system over 1,000,000 B.t.u.'s to and In- eluding 1,750,000 B.t.u.'s. 515.00 CITY For the installation or relocation of each boiler or refrigera- lion compressor over 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 1, 7501000 B.t.u.'s. $25.00 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. For each air handling unit to and including 10,000 cubic feet per minute, including ducts attached thereto. $ 3.00 For each air handling unit over 10,000 cubic feet per minute. $ 5.00 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO, For each evaporative cooler otl,er thiln portable type. $ 3.00 For each vent fan connected to a single duct. $ 2.00 GROUP For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating or air conditioning system authorized by a permit. $ 3.00 For the installation of each hood which is served by me-INSPECTION RECORD chanlcal exhaust, including the ducts for each hood. $ 3.00 For t11e Installation or relocation of each domestic type incinerator. $ 5.00 For the installation or relocation of each commercial or industrial type incln•rator. $20.00 For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this Code but not classed In other applianc• categories, or for which no other fee is listed in this Code. $ 3.00 --For the issuance of this permit. $ 3.00 ~ 7ct ' """'-·~· '""' "''~" '"' '"" """ '"" "'" '"" THE ABOVE IS CORRECT ANO GR TO C MPL WITH ALL STATE AND Cl rv LAWS REGUL ATING THE: MEC~~N!CA C OF HE.UNIFORM BUILDING CODE.. I CERTIFY THAT I AM PROP! RLY RE l,PE O ANO OR LICENSED AS RE- QUIRED BY THE CITY OF CAR~B A OST TE ~~ALIFORNIA OR THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE O VE _SCRl ED P.-.-.-OAT!= 108 FINALEO SIGNED BY PERMITTEE: 7 00 . (HV MAIL AOORESS CITY PLUMBER ADDRESS ~ TEL. NO. .31ATE '. ::ENSE NO. CARLS9AO BUSINESS LICENSE NO. NO ITEM TOILET @ -f-BATH TUB ~ 1.25 SHOWER @ 1.25 ::;__ WASH BASIN @ 1.25 KITCHEN SINK @ 1.25 DISHWASHER @ 1.25 LAUNDRY TUB OR T RAY @ 1.25 AUTOMATIC WASHER @ 1.25 WATER HEATER a VENT @ 1.50 GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 15 .30 EA. AOO. @ T.50 Fl..OOR DRAIN OR SINK @ 1.25 LAWN SPRINKLER @ 2 .00 MISC. WATER PIPING @ 1.50 GARBAGE DISPOSAi_ @ 1.0 0 VACUUM BREAKER OR BACK 1 TO 5 @ 2 .00 GRADING YES Q I ACKNOWLEDGE Tl'iAT I HAVE READ THIS A~ I AT1>, ANO STATE THAT THC: ABOVE IS CORRECT AN~ !::E TO COMPLY WITH ALL "CITY ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGULATING PLUM:JING. I CERTIFY THAT I Ai1 PROPERLY REGISTERED AND LI· 1'.:ENS::O A S Ri::QUIREO 8Y T,,H E CITY OF C->PLS9AD ANO STATe: OF c.o.:..•Fo:t. •' OR T "AT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE A90V!:: DE5 .1'1!',D ESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. SIGNATURE ,l.(J ~\ - OF PER:,11rrEE ---'t·---1,...---------- /; r ~ S Pl.Ui,'.BJ;;5 ?j¢;i~ fi!RMIT • AFPl.JCAilON BUILDING AOORE.3S NEAREST CROSS ST. GROUP ,::f-: •• ., ') ~ 5 tori '??-7,J ~ ·r.'--]155**-:,***LL/.t'.'. I ZONE Inspection Record AP?ROVALS DATE INS?ECTOR·s StCNATURE ..:::_.__. ....... - 1 U~OE.R FLOOR WORK ROUGH PLUMBING GAS P IPING - GAS VENTS PLUMSING FIXTURES MISC. G<\2 T E:"T I _l::!_12!:!!.: co. NOTIFIED FINAL VALIDATION This is a P[u,nb:r.9 Per:nit Whe~ ?ro;::-erly Fil!cd Out, Signed and Validated. Permit void if work is not com:i,onced wit~in 60 days of data of issuance. ~. ! 1 f I r ! f ' I ' J ., I l l I I INTERDEPART.MENTAL INFORHATION S7~ ... ... . ·. -.. . DATE: 'if;t,f BUILDING DEPARTMENT ·owner ts Name /)rcL' f9ee;t1 ) . Address /44·5 6 1-'-az5 2, .;z, 012 ,MIU.6 C Contractor rDaJQJ;/ Approval to Issue Permit~------- Legal Description ~-------~ Certificate of Occuvancy~~-~~- PLANNI NG DEPART.MENT Parking Spac es Provided ___ ~----~ ---. A~proval to Issue Approva l for Occ uRancy ------- Eas eme n ts Drive way Loca t ions ___ ~~'--..K.._· _____ _ · Wate r Conne c t i on ~ £~,~ I~dus tr ia 1 Was te __ __:;/V._4 _______ _ --. - REMARKS : /._;) "' / /1-I 'J -J t_., a· n~ r, ) .,.... s // A , .;v ~/ Date ~ ~_Dat ~_,4,;~_c ?? J;-~= _w_1_o_e_""_11_u __ ~_-__ 9-'---__..,1/'----'-~,,_{__ ~//~ - App~ovz:i l to I s~ue Pc r mit~'C) Approval for Occupanc y ------·--·-----·---------·---·- I have r ead the above i nformctlion a nd agree t o cump l y with the requirements s et fo rth . S i g natu re Da t e -- -..