HomeMy WebLinkAbout1448 FOREST AVE; ; CB881099; Permit"' z 0 ~ "' :5 u w 0 ~l : .... z 0 u D I hefeby •ttlrm that I am licensed under provlalona ol Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 ol the Business and Profeaslona Gode, and my license 1s in full force and effect "' w 0 ... 3 ~ w z ~ z 0 ;:: " "' z w .. ,. 0 u "' "' w "' "' 0 3 I hereby affirm thal I am e•empt from the Con1·ac tor's License Law tor the fo11ow1ng reason (Sec 703' 5 Busmess ,md P<otess,ons Code Any c,ty or coun•y whn;~ ,e Quires a perm,! to construcl alter ,mprove demol,sh o· reoa1r any structure pr,or to ,ts ,ssuance also requires !heap- pl,cant 1or such perm,t To Ille a s,qned statement lhal ~e s 1,censed pursuant to the prov,s,ons 01 The Contrac,or s L,cense Law !Chapter g commenc,ng wrlh Sec1,on 7000 ol 01,is1on 3 or me Busmess and Pro!essrons Coae, or 1na1 ,s e, emo1 tnerelrom and lhe basis lor the allegea uempt1on A~y v1olat,on ol Section 7031 5 by an .ippl,canl lor a permit sutl 1eOs the appl1canl to a c1v11 penalty of not more than lwe h,,n drea dollars 1$5001 1. as owner ot the prope'ty. o, my employees w1!~ wages as the,r sole compensation will do the work dno lhe struc ture 1s not 1n1endec or ottered for sale 1sec 1044. Bus,nes, and Protess1ons CO(le 'he Cont,aclor s L>cense caw does nor apply 10 an owner ot properly who bu11ds or improves thereon and who does such work h1rr.se•1 or through h1s own employees. provided That such improvements are nor mtend ed or offered •or sale 11, however the building or improve ment 1s sold w1Th1n one year ol completion the owner-builder will nave the tiurden of proving that he did not tiu1ld or 1m prove lor the purpose 01 sale1 I as owner ot the property. am exclusively con1,acl1ng with 1,censed coniractors lo construct the pro1ect (Sec 7044 Bus,ness and Professions Code The Conlractor·s License Law does not apply to an owner of properly who tiwlds or 1m proves thereon and who contracts for each pro1ecrs w1lh a contractor(s) •1cen~e pursuant to me Co~l'aclor s License Law) As a homeowner I am 1mprov1ng my home and the folio" 1ng cond11,ons ex1sl , The work ,s being performed prior to sale I have lived 1n my home for lwelve month,, prior lo completion ot this work I have not claimed t~1s exemp1,on during lhe last three years for t'h~: r~:;~t under Sec _____ _ B & PC I hereb'r al',rm that I have a cer1d1cate of consent to se1I insure or a ce,trf1cate ol Workers Compensation In surance or a cert1f1ed copv l"ereof ,.Sec 1800 Labor Co\le\ POLICY NO COMPANY Copv 1s fr:ed w,th !he c,ty Cert1lred copy ,s hereby lurn1shed CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE ,This sec1,on need not be completed If the permit 1s tor one hundred dollars ,:$t001 or less) _: I cer11fy that ,n the performance of tM work tor wh,ch Th•s permit 1s issued. I shall not employ any person,~ any .-nanner so as to become subJecl to the Workers· Com pen sat1on Laws ot Cal1forn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. after making this Certificate of Exemption. you should become subJect to the Workers I Compensation prov,s,ons of tM Labor Code you must L to<1hw1th comply w•th such provrs1ons or this permit snail be deemed revoked ii ' ......., I hereby affirm that \here 1s a cons!ruct,on ,ending agency for the performance of the work lor which t~1s pe, m11 •s issued (Sec 3097. C,vrl Code) Len\ler s Name Lender s Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE~S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 ,;;;;p 3,~ ~ GI AV. ST.RO. THOMAS BROS NO. OAT1(!;;7~ION BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER ID~/099 COT BLOCK I SUBDIVISION J A55fsf; P~':,'-;(' 3 I ao CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE • ZONE OWNE R"S NAME I OWNER'S PHONE ~A.JH Z? ee If£ /,-nA /V CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO. BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE 1 :::E~S~;JLIN~z:; e .s/ Pv DESIGNER DESIGNER'S PHONE ' DESCRIPTION OF WORK .. • DESIGNER'S ADDRESS -"" STATE LICENSE NO. /) I /:i-1,ar#Room 0 ~; " <//.JC, ' , , i,;):;!;/' ~LR~ NO 1396 08/19/88 0001 01 02 ---, OCC GP EDU 15-0 ""':.i ti ..1. STORIES BldPwlt ' ,Y '; ~ 1 CENSUS TRACT [ PAFIK INC, SPACE RES UNITS I GAAOING PERMIT ISSUE'D '~--,f', E DE).'.E, LOPMQ,I TYPE DCC LOAD FIRESPFI f..;AREA·., ~;;; Q CONST I YO ND r ---1 'O! ;;CP: vO ND Not Valid Unless MJchine Certified QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE 7~· QTY. MECHA~AL p;ffiM1To'1~E JS<dJJ SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER ~ EACH ~IXTURf TRAP / -~ ~ INSTALL FURN(00CTS iJP TO 10()..'.1,grr<TLJ BUILUINb rc::n1v,I uu -cllU-UU-UD-8:!20 EACH BUILUING SFWER OVER 1onoOTU SIGN PERMIT 001 810 ou oo s22· EACHWATE.R HEATER AND OR Vt:Nl BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP ,;; PLAN CHECK 001·810-00-00-8891 EACH GAS SYSTEM I 104 OUTLETS BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HP 0 TOTAL PLUMBING 00 ;-810·00·00·8222 /.:c - EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORl METAL F'REPlACE ELECTRICAL 00 ~ -81 0-00-00 ·8223 EACH INST AL ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL 001 ·810·00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER . MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS MOBILEHOME 001-8' 0-00-00-82 25 WATER S0f TNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE.HEATER SOLAR 001·810-00-00-8226 f,\CH Qi)r'Jf IJMAlfj I l'JSIDf I DRYER VENT STRONG MOTION 880-519-92-33 TDTi..L MECHANICAL FIRE SPR·~;,<LERS 001 ·S 1 0 · 00 · 00-82 27 TUIAl PilJMHINL I /~ a-PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-81 0-00-:J0-8 7 JC s~ BRIDGE FEE 360·810-00-00-8 7 40 QTY ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE QTY MOBILE HOME SETUP PARK-IN-LIEU !AREA ' NtW CONST EA AMP SW! BKR CAR PORT TIF 312-81 0-00·00-8835 I PH l PH AWNING LA COSTA TIF 311-810-00·00·8835 EXIST l:iLlJG EA AMP SWT BKR GARAGE FMF I PH 3 PH . LICENSE TAX OCI 1-S 1 O··J0-20-3' 62 REMOOEl AL TtR P(R [11-1CUIT MFF 880-519-92-5 7 TE\/!P POLE )UOAMPS OV!: R llill AMPS TtMP OCCUPANCY 130 OAYS1 CREDIT DEPOSIT l il I Al El I: I, 1 R 11:A I I TOT Al TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I /.S - I HAVE CAREfULL Y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION AND PERMIT'. AND DO HEREBY Expuat1on Every perm,t •»ued by the Ekiildmg Ofhc1al under the pro..-1s10ns of this * AN OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by limitation and become null and ..-01d It the bu11dmg or work 5' O" DEEP ANO DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT ANO I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT lb authorized by such permit 1s no1 commenced witl"lm 180days lrom the dale ol such STRUCT\JRf:S OVEA 3 STOAtES IN HEKiHT ISSUED· TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNlY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-~~::On°.!d '!, ~~ ... ~!:*~x:;h:~~,:~!hc°~~~~le~~~ ~~~~d·~t~:r~~ or STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANO W",:::•r~~ CONTRACTOR 0 1:J;;' c; 1°?/1/ff KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL L1AB1UT1ES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE BY PHONE rJ GRANT!NG OF THIS PERMIT . ' w IL ~ m 0 0. E w f- 'O 0 CJ c m u 0. 0. "' I ~ C a: 0 ~ ~ w ~ ~ "' ~ 2 " >- w u C m C u: = C w ~ CJ 0 u w 0. ~ C ~ .c 3: TYPE DATE INSPECTOR 6F> '2s'~ \ 0 ~ 0, BUILDING FOUNDATION FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES GUNITE OR GROUT INSPECTION REO IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL SUB FRAME D FLOOR D CEILING - SOILS COMPLIANCE SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR PRIOR TO FRAME f-OUNDATION INSP --------- EXTERIOR LATH STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION ----PRESTRESSED INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE PLUMBING FIELD WELDING D SEWER AND BL/CO CPL/CO Hi(_]H STRENGTH UNDERGROUND D WASTE D WATER BOL fS TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER SPECIAL 1,,!ASONPY TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST --· PILES CAISSOr-...t· D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER ------------- --- ELECTRICAL D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND DUFFER - ROUGH ELECTRIC ------ D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY -·-~ D BONDING D POOL 1 -------- I MECHANICAL ---------·--r D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING . ----- HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS -1·~1:"; 08. 76' 3i; i)G:~-:-.. -1T VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED FINAL PLUMBING \ ELECTRICAL L-0 \ \(,, MECHANICAL ' I\ GAS _l'\l "'>v. BUILDING ' "-.\ SPECIAL CONDITIONS (\ '>s "\.._" I I . -"' '::::c--l ' c- ... .. ... ~ - ~ - ~ <Z. ..,.. ~ C ~ \C 0 ,D ----;.-=>- ox en.oz ,, l,L /I L, J-1 -- r ~ uJ ~ I 5 "J I • /l " - -r- ~ 0 u -.J <1.. r:Q <t ~ <Z.. r- -A -A 0 --::L .J q r: 2 ~ -./) &