HomeMy WebLinkAbout146 Juniper Ave; ; 85-252; Permiti~[ ., z 0 ;:: " a: " J u w 0 0 a: .. 0 J 3 !!' a: w z ~ z 0 ;:: " ., z .. .. ,. 0 u ., "' w " a: 0 ;o I L ![ D I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 1commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is 1n full force and eflect 1,c No Cla1, I hereby alf,•r, 1ra1 I ar--exe"'lpt 1,0,.. the ccni·ac •or's License Law tor the follow,r~ reason !Sec 103' J 8Js1ness and Proless,ons Coce Ant c,ty m ~8J1'y wh,c~ -e- qu•res a pe,m,I to csnsrrucr ate, rm~rcve demo11sh or -epa,r any structure. ;rror to ,ts issuance also req,,res '.heaJ ?lrcant 10, s;ch Jerr,,,I to 1,1e a s,q~ed statemert tna: ~e 1s 11censed p~rsuanl to lhe prov,s1ons 81 the ::on1,acw ~ Lrce~se Law !Cnapter g comme~c,na w,•n Secl,on 11100 ot o,-,,s,on 3 or the Bus11ess and Pro'esslo1s Coae, o· tha' ,sex em~: t"erefrom and the bas,s lor tre aIlegea e,wnpt,on Any volat,on ol Sect,cn 7C31 ~ by' an appl,cant ro, a perm,: sub iects the appl,cart lo a c,vil penalty of not ~ore than five hun d·ed dol.ars i$:iOO', as owner 01 the property or my e.-rployees wit", wages as the,, sole c0"lpensat,on. will do lhe work and the struc :•.,re ,snot ,n1enaed O' oflereo for saIe :sec 7~44 Busiress and Proless,ons Code The Cont,actor s L<cense Law does not app:y to an owner ot properly w~o bu,lds or ,mpro,es thereo~ and who does suer work h1"1sell or through his own em~!oyees. provided Iha: such ,mprnvements are not intend- ed or offered for sale It. however the bu,ldrng or improve· r"'lent ,s sold wIthIn one year of complet,on. \he owrer-ou,·0er w,II have lhe burden of proving that he did not build or ,m p-ove for lhe purpose of sale) as owner o' the properly ;;m exclusively rnntract,~g with licensed co.-,1ractors to construct the proIec1 (Sec 7044, Business and Protess,ons Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds o, Im proves Thereon. and who contracts for each proIects with a controc10r1s) l,cense pursuant to the Contractors License UW) As a home8w-ier I am Ir,iprovmg my home, ard the follow ,ng cond1T,ons exist 1 H,e work 1s being performed pr,or to sa!e 2 I have l"M ,n my nome lo, twelve rnonlhs p,,or :o complet,on of this work 3 I have not claimed lhIs exemptIor dJr1r; the last three years ior ih~~ r~~~~t unaer Sec ------B & PC D I hereby affirm !1"1i.i! I ha,e a cert,t,cate ,:,' consent lo self insure or a cer11l,cale of Wor~e<s Com~nsat,on Insurance ma ceni',ed :op) thereot (Sec 3IO'.l Lat>or Code1 POLICY NO COMPANY 0 Copy ,s filed w,tr, the Cl!)' 0 Cer11!1ed copy ,s hereb, lurn,shed CERTIFICATl OF EXl::MPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURA,.,.CE (This section need not b€ compIe1ed ,, th<> ;,,.., ,s for one '1unCred dol,ars ;$1001 Jr iess·, 0 I certdy that ·n ttie performan:'f' '-'' 1ne wor1< •r,r wr-,c~ tt,,s perm,t ,s ,ssued I shall nol em(Jl,'Oy an, person ,n an; manner so as 10 ben:ww ~uC•e .. t ' the Worl<er5 Comp€nsa1,on L..r.ws ol Caldor~.,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT 11 al1er cn.i~w.J tn,s C<>~, lic.ite ol Exempt,on ,ou sloould become subIecr " 1he Wor1<ers Compensa1,on pro.isIons ol tne L.;1t1<,r COd€ you must ror1~ ... ,1r comv; w,1h sue~ prov,s,0% or this P€HT11I shall l.l<' '.l,-e,-,-,ed ·e,nSPd O I r,erePy al'•<m 1r,a! !here ,~ a '·'" 51,u, IpnO,ng agency tor l~f' "erfcrrr-~,, f' ,.'•he"'""' wlo•ch th,s perrf' r ,s s~Jf'd .Sec J09C ( ,, C.cxlf'• lenders N;;ime ___________ _ Len(ler s Address __________ _ 1 USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. I , CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1 1200 Elm. Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 I AV. ST.RO. NEAREST CROSS ST, DATE OF APPLICATION BUSINESS LICENSE# VALUATION -PERMIT NUMBER : Ca..--ls 3/v.~-Lf--~ 1S"a ~~ ASSESSOR PARCEL NO CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE# ZONE ~ I OWNEA"S PHONE lliY\ I E /-e_<._' '7''-l l-Bs1ls j Cf''-/ l-8/'-{ CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS LICENSE NO. I PLAN 1.0." I BLDG USE CODE :~~:.,--.-.,,-..LJLJ..,L.,4.-=-----_L~c.'........5,d__!_!.._.J-1 4"3. 'Pom,n~ -/S"JO DESIGNER LICENSE 4 STANOARD PLAN# BUILDING SQ FOOTAGE I c,e.._ :1DESCRIPTION OF WORK I DESIGNER'S ADDRESS I ,._ ___ _ ' ' fLRELEV NO STORIES DESIGNER'S PHONE OCC GP EDU I I I vC '.0 ---I I CENSUS TRACT I GP LANO usE: I PARKIN(~ SPACE I RES uNITs I GRADING PERMIT IssuE□ I RE □EVELOP~ENT TYPE ace LOAD FIRE SPR I AREA CONST 1 , O N O , ~ , D v D rs □ [ Not Valid Unless Milchine Certrf1ed I I I! I I 1 QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE / 5".') [' QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE 3 I -SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER : EACH FIXTURE: TRAP I INSTALL FURN DUCTS UP TO 100 000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 01-00-00-8220 1 1 E:ACH BUILlllNG SE'.VER OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8221 -------+-------1-----1 ----------- EACH WAHR HEAHR ANU OR VENT , is□ILER·COMPRESSOH UP TO 3 HP • PLAN CHECK 01 00·00·8806 EACH GAS SYSTEM I __!____l:!___4 OUTL~_TS ,--_\_ _ + 80ILER,C~_M!_':_~~~O_R_~ 15 HP __ _ __ TOTAL PLUMBING 01 00-00-8222 EACH GAS SYSTEM:, OR MORE l f/t-:-i\.L F REPLAC~ ELECTRICAL 01 00-00·8223 -------~----+ -------------------- EACH INSTA~. ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE 'VENT f-AN SINGl E OUCT · 1 MECHANICAL 01 00-00-8224 -----------j ---------------------·----- '>---I I I If--- I I .;5.0 - ! EACH VACUUM BREAKER I MECH EXHAUST HOOll DUCTS MOBILEHOME 01-00-00-8225 [ 1 'NAltR SOFTNER ' RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE,HEATER MOB!LEHOME PARK Ir.SP ---, I '''·" CC,i)F ,,,, ._ '.\ Cf SOLA8 0, 00-008226_~-- 1 I I ------ j _ _ ----_[_ -----I --TOTH MECHANICAL I STRONG MOTION 80-92-33-0519 T[)!Al Pl\J\18INC I FIRESPRINr\LERS 01-00·00·8227 I I ' I I i QTY.I SOLAR· ISSUE ~r,1 I "CTDR::) SIUHA(Jl Tt.t,KS I QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT. ISSUE ~ "' -I I : Nfl/1 CllNSr E,'\ AMP SWT llKR--j-~___tb cl_ 5--1 ~---- I l PH J PH I - I EX1SrbLUGEAAMPSWTtlKR RC,[I( 5-,JR;..!~[ 1r,11n 1 PH 1 PH I :1 1 P, c\J, C'lUJ 1-EE REMOnEl AL llR PtR CIRCUII ,, 1 I -- PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE _ 32-00·00·893'] BRIDGE FEE SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT Carlsbad Encinitas San D1e_g_u:to San Marcos __, _____ _ 80-92-21-05_19_f--------- __ 8_0_9_2-22-005_1 '~+-- 80-92-23-0519 80-92-24-0519 ' 1 H\.1PP()L[ !U0A',·1PS , 1 0v>R )LJIJAMPS I ii I I L~CENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162 : TEMP IICCUPANCY•Jll~SI_ -·---i _ ] --MFF 80-92-57-0_51_9__ I ' ', I I CREDIT DEPOSIT I I ---------+-- 1 1I1TAL tIH 1R1U-L 1 -:,,.,._ 1· ! -01.-.L so1_t.R I TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I :,___~ 1 I °S.Jl-! I I c::,,LJ.._J--, I I I -1 I * AN OSHA PERt.f:T IS REQUIREO FOR EXCAVATK>NS OVER 5· O" DEEP AND DEMOLITK>N OR r.l)NSTAUCTION OF STRUCT\JRES OVER J SiORJES IN HEIGHT w U:: ~ ~ a 0. E w f- :'2 0 l'.J C ro 0 0. 0. <t y C 0:: a m m w m m <t I 3 2 w >- <O m w u 0 0.: ro " 0 ~ w 0 C ro C LL C w ~ l'.J 0 u w 0. m C w ~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT All INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS !SSUED. TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNlY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON• STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANO KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID C!TY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT Expiration. Every permit issued by the Bu1ld1ng OOic1al under the prov1s,ons of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void If the bu1ld,ng or work authorized by such permit 1s not commenced w1th1n 180 days from the date of such permit. or 11 the building or work authorized by such permit 1s suspended or abandoned at any time after the work 1s commenced !,:rr a period of 180 days APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE Jf. OWNER O CONTRACTOR~P\OVED BY BY PHONE 0 \. DAff// _J,S ,~....._ \,.L.,J,-, 'ff -t!<:;,s. . ' - TYPE I I DATE I INSPECTOR ----------------------------- BUILDING I FOUNDATION I FIELD INSPECTION RECORD • REINFORCED STEEL I MASONRY I GUNITE OR GROUT I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR"S NOTES -, . INSPECTION REO IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME I SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SH6AR SOILS C:JMP. ·A~CE I ' NllOR 70 i FOUNOATIOrs. INSP i FRAME EXTERIOR LATH ---------1 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: OVER 201JO PSI -~ ---INSULATION PRESTRESSED CONCRETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL POST TEW-,10r-..E'.J CONCRETE . PLUMBING I (F(ELD VVEUJING . -----------------SEWER AND BUCO □iPL/CO Hl'._iH STRENGTH UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER BUL TS TOP OUT D WASTE □ W/1.TER --;f-'ECIAL MAS( "J8Y ----- TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST ~ PILES CAISSO~~ □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WAil"ER -----+---------~--------~----- i ELECTRICAL ~---------~---· 1 --. □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ t:JFFER r------ ROUGH ELECTRIC , -------~- □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMP08ARY ~-----~-------i----------- □ BONDING □ POOL ---------- MECHANICAL , -------r □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPIN'.(3 -- HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS , I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I - _l CALL FOR FINAL _INSPECTION WHENleLL APPRrRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA ve BEEN A PROVED. .•' /. Fl NAL I V -~ PLUMBING I l \\,I ,Ill ELECTRICAL I MECHANICAL I GAS I BUILDING ,· SPECIAL CONDITIONS I i --...____--------------.