HomeMy WebLinkAbout1475 PINE AVE; ; CB122707; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 12-18-2012 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No: CB122707 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Pennlt Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: 1475 PINE AV CBAD MISC 2050510300 $1,768.00 KIRWAN RESIDENCE Subtype: REROOF Status: Lot#: 0 Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: 13 SQUARES OF HOT MOP REROOF Applicant: SCHOTI ROOFING INC STE 1 225 E CARMEL ST SAN MARCOS CA 92078 70-7 44-6540 Miscelaneous Fee #1 Miscelaneous Fee #2 Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: Owner: KIRWAN JOHN A&KIRSTEN M R 1475 PINE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 PERMIT $77.00 Total Payments To Date: $77.00 Balance Due: ISSUED 12/18/2012 MOP 12/18/2012 12/18/2012 $77.00 $0.00 $0.00 $77.00 Clearance: ------ so'.oo NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approYBl of yoor project Includes the "Imposition' of fees, ded1catlons, reseivatloos, or othEII' axactioos hereafter co!ectlvely referred to as 'fees/exactions.' You have 00 days from the date this pemit was Issued to protest Imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth In GcNernment Code Section 66020(0), and !Ue the protest and any other required lnbmation with the City Manager for processing In accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Sectlon 3.32.030. Faff ure to timely fol low that procedure win bar Wf subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their lmposlt!oo. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFlED that yoor r¥;1hl to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer comectlon fees and capa:lty changes, nor plan!ing, zoning, gradfng or other !lmllar applcatlon processing or service fees In connectbn with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to ffff •. ~CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY PHONE EMAIL -7ZfJ-'' rz BuDcllng Pes,anlt Appllcatlon 1635 Faraday Ave., Cerlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717 I 2718 I 2"?'19 STATE FAX STATE FAX Fax: 760-602-8558 www.car1sbadca.goy ZIP ZIP fflTE I Est. Value Plan Ck. Deposit Date SWPP W o·.ll' l(.'E n S ·. C O M P E N S A -T I ·o N. , , :· · . ·. . . . · '• .. . . . . -.:. . . .. . .-.. . . . . . . . . . ..... . Worbrs' Cwqe.-.111 ~ I hsrebydmr 111drpwtlit/olf*P10119 d~ ~ m,dw,&,11: _ D ~ 1111d Ml 1111inm1n I C11t11c1a of -i to ~ fa-worltm' COIIJl8i .... l llS piar,1ded by Sec1on 3700 ot Die Lllbor Code, b the perbmmna, ot the work b' which Iii pennl ii llaled. a.~~-=~~~othllixr~b'=::~da?Z/z1My;=-7m3 nfdty This secicll r-1 rube COOlpllled I lie pemj la br om tmmid dola ($100) er la& D C1r111ca1 rl Elllillp9olc I c.Wy 1111 In lbe pemrmmce of Ile MIik b wlidl 1111 pmll II llu!d, I lhBI nal l!la1iJ, IIJ/ peqa1 In q -IO • lo becalll suiject lo 119 'Nallcem' 0 •ilfJ I Ftlllb. 1..-1 of CimJTia. WARNUIG: flllurl ID ---.' co,n,._.,, -..11....rui. 11111.,.. Mftct 1111mipla,.rIDcrlDIIIp...ai.llldaM111w Ip to-lllllldrld tllauled dolln (1108,H0), In adlltloll to lie cost of CIOI ....... I, provlllld far la 8lcb ffle al Ille ad lllarnlJ'l fw. A$ CONTRACTOR SIQMATURI! ()AGENT I ll6t!lby tillrm lhlll /em~ tom Cmhclo7'a LJcetr,e Llw fer Ille fobq ,-xi; o I, a OWIMI" al Ile JJql8!l'J er 11PJ 8Rl¢JJeas 111111 Rglll 81 IN aile o .. ~ ... mah, ltl do !he IIIOli and 1111 audUra 19 nat rillnded er offared fer BIie (Sec. 70«, Eulnell and Plof8SDl!I Coda: The Clmidor', lJi::fflse Llw doa nol llWf ID Ill Dml!II' ot property who ldlll or GprOI/III hnlll, 811d -.ill! do!8 euch WIik l*Dlelor am4!h hla Ollll llll!Jq'88S, pn:,,idlld hi IUCb ... O'Nl,itdl n not lnl!nded II" olerill lor a If, ~. ffle btDlg or~ II Di wllin·me year ot CXlllp8Gocl. 11a-~ltilr II IIM'9 Ull ludeo d IJIM'4l lhal he cld not Id:! m llnprove bhl PIIPGl8 otua~ Cl L III owner ot tie prop!ffj, • exclllllwely o:rn:lrG w!lh na.-1 conncke lo COll9lrucl 1w pqeol\'SeC. 7044, ~ and Prtlmkn Codi: The Conlr8c!Dr'I Uowe Law dolll not apply kl en IMllllr cl property YmD btMs II" ~ lhlnon. mid criacls fa-m:b prt;icls 'tlllll coimdDl(I) lbnled jJmBll lo hi CanDa'9 Llcellle '--I- Cl I an~ ta1dlr Sed!m _eua-and Prcllleionl Code b-llllaraon: 1.1 pe,sondy 181 to JIIM(le hi lll!ljor labor and lllBlerilllll b-CQ18lrmllon ot hi l"Ol]Ol8d propaty lmpi--.l. Cl Ye Cl No 2 I (hM ti-rd) ligle! 111 spplcllDI b e ldAng pa1IIII b the propoeed wort. 3. I hiMI corncl8d with hi lc6:Mll1g pmon (llnn) lo pltMde .. propDledOlllllhollon (lndude -lddlell / plQle I mr*11di:n' lcslle l'llllll!et): 4. I IHI to ~ pcdona of lhll WDlt, but I hllw Ind hi fo"1,,q PBflOO t>cocrclrwle. ~ end l)(D'lde Ile ITlljor m (lnciU:le rene / ldmlliS I pllolll / cornclm' bnsl runbe!): 5. I will pro'llde 101118 ot Vie WDlt, blll I ~ arncled (Ind) hi ~ l*10fW ID ptMlle lie .ik lrd:lllled {lnclllde -/ ldlias I phone/ type of WOik): ',,.... ' ' COMPLETE_THIS SECTION F.O~ N,ON-R,ESIDENTl·A_L BUii.DiNG PERMITS ONLY . , , .. Ill ftie llll*md 01 "'1! buBdk1Q ~~lo l!Ubnla ~ JM11, IICdlllly hazanloul llllllertaill regllirlilm bm or Rik R'IIIIIQlffllllll lllld ~ ~ mler Sedlona 25505, 2Si33 IJ" 26S34 rt ht l'IMl,/-Tem« Hmnlrus &alerlDe Acaxn /di [] Yee [] No II Ile appllall1i II" lJkn bulklng ~ raqlh:I to oblllln a psml fllln 1111 air Id.ion ainlrnl cillrlcl or* quelllJ ll1llllllglll1l ciai:17 C:J Yes [] No Ill ttm fecilV to be ccr1*ucled Vil1lln 1,000 feel rt nie llB boulllary rt a ICirxd ell!I? Cl YBI [] No FAMY OF TIE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL cernFICATE Of OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS TIE APPUCANT HAS 111!1' OR IS IIE£llNG THE REallREIIENTS Of TIE omce OF EIERGBICY SERVICES All> nE AIR POl.LUT10N COlfTROI.. DISTRICT. I C8111f/MI lae adlle IPllbiml md 1111111 lllatlle ame llbnllon II oomctllllll llmttlle llbmltlDn • 111e plas Is ICCIIIID. I ape D mmpl'/wllh al C1J llldlan:e&md Slall a ll!lllllgw, bdcllC comnc11on. I helelJ,J amizll ,epiesrilt,,a cill!I <Ji' ciCll!iml b~UjQ'I 611 IIOO'IB llldnd Jlq)lllt, b' npecbJ pwpom. I l4.!!IJ ~ TOSI\\<£, N>aNFY ~ KEEP IWM.EBSTHE CITY Cf CN\.B&l> N3NNf!ir N.I. I.IABUTES, J.JOOMeflS, COSTS mD EXPENSES \'HCH MAY IN Nl'f WAY ACCRUE AGAMT SM> CITY N CONSBlJENCE OF THE GRAN1100 Cf THIS PERMIT. OSHA: hi OSK\ pemt Is niq.ted b"eENllbls 0¥!lf 6'0' deep in! deAdbl a-anmu::liln ofllndllel CMS3 mm ti~ EXPRArott E\'81}' pemi laud by ffle tnierlle pior,,lg:n oltil Code ehal e:,:plie by lmlabl and becxml ru!l lllld 'tlOil If Ila ld:q a-volt amta,d by a.di penri ii rd IDl1lll!l1:lld w1m 11Kl dl,p flan b dale cia.d! pemil a If a.rt dla1lad ~ ludl p1!11111 ls upended a-abam:ll8d el arr, tne Bier lie IIIOlk Is OOll'll'll!l1al tr a peli)d cl 11K) d!r,$ (.Secbl 100.4A Uibm ~ Code~ A! APPl.l'.ANr8 SIGIIATIIRE DATI! :i-. 1 7 Ir z .. : · .. • REROOFING SUPPLEMENTAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ' 1.. JOBADDRESS: /1/p ,;:J~ CIAJ£ - 2. TYPE OF BUILDING: RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL ___ _ 3. ROOF SLOPE: RISE ~ ._ / 2-INCH-ES IN 12 INCHES 4. NUMBER OF EXISTING ROOF COVERING (CIRCLE ONE) 16) 3 / X b, P/,u,k.. 5. TYPE OF EXISTING ROOF COVERING 8U(? SHEATHING ~~ *6. NEW ROOF MATERIAL ,J:8/))e__ CLASS.:;4:_WEIGHT PER SQ._ 7. NUMBER OF SQUARES---:/:....11aB'----- 8. TRADE NAME Ill/)]?~ MANUFACTURER CftF 9. ROOF SYSTEM LISff~ ef'~ e.ap~ UL NO. I.C.C.E.S. Report# _____ _ ASTM ~ 5C/1Ji-/- 10. IS THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN SUF~ TO SUSTAIN THE WEIGHT OF THE PROPOSED ROOF? ~ NO All roof coverings are required to be CLASS A. Combustible roof coverings of any type or classification are prohibited. I understand the following Inspections are required: 1. Tear Off/Pre-Inspection prior to Install new roof covering 2. Final Inspection I agree to provide a ladder extending at least 2 rungs above the roof for Inspection. , Signature ~~-D~e I z.) r 7 /r 2-, Contractor Owner Contractor Name ~A{"~ J *6. Rolled Roofing, Standard/Lite TIie, AsphalVComp fiberglass. Bullt Up, ~er Inspection List Pennlt#: CB122707 Date Inspection Item ,01 /03/2013 19 Final Structural 12/19/2012 15 Roof/Reroof Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Type: MISC RE ROOF KIRWAN RESIDENCE 13 SQUARES OF HOT MOP REROOF Inspector Act Comments PD AP PB AP Page 1 of 1