HomeMy WebLinkAbout1505 Grady Pl; ; 86-1274; Permit"' z 0 :; a: .. ~ ~ C .. i[ 0 " a: '" C ~ 3 ~ '" z ~ 0 z 0 s z '" .. ,. 0 " "' ic '" " a: 0 ~ ![ D I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions ol Chapter 9 1commencin~ with Section 7000) ol Division 3 of IM Business and Prof111alons Code, and my license is 1n full force and eflect I hereoy af!1rm lhal I am exerl'pl from tor's License Law •or the fol'ow,ng ·eascn Busrness and Prof~ss,ons Code Any c,Ty 0' qu,res a perm,r lo construct. alter. ·'nero•,e repa,r any struct,are. prior to ,ts issuance a1s0, ·ecuires pl1cant for such ~erm,1 10 l,le a ,09ned sta:e,",enl thar I licensed pursuanr to lhe prov1srons o• TCf Co1·ra:1~r s License Law !C~apter 9 commencing w,th )ert,on ?OCJ :;t I ~;~si'1~e~e~:~~e aBnuds:~~s~aas~i 1:~o:~:s~~;~e~;~;~~'p\~~~ ,1:~; r vrolat,on 01 Section 7031.5 Oy an appl,canr 'or a permit s.,b I iecls the JDpl,cant to a cIvI1 penalty of ncI -ore than •,•,f h,n-I dred dollars ($JOO) I, as owner of lhe property. or my emp oyees w1tr wages as lheir sole compensa\lOn will do tre wo,~ and t~e strvc ture ,s nai intended o, offered lor s.ale (Sec 7044 8Js1ness and Profess,ons Code Th~ Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such wor~ himself or through h,s own employees, prov,ded that such ,mprovemen!s are nol 1n1end ed or offered for sale 11. however the buIld1ng or ;mpron menl Is sold w1thm one year ol completion. the owner-builder wIII have the burden ol proving lhal he did nol build or Im prove for the purpose ol sale) I. as owner ol the property am exclusively contracting wIlh licensed contractors to conslrucl lhe proIecl (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Conlractor"s License Law does not apply to an owner ol prooerty who bu>lds or Im proves thereon. and who contracts !or each proIects wIlh a contracIorIsI license pursuant to lhe Cont,acI0, s Lrcense Law) r • As a homeowner I am ImprovIng my home and the follow Ing condIt,ons e .. st 1 The work Is bemg perlormed prior to sale 2 I have lived ,n my home for !welve months ortor 10 completion o! nus work I have no1 claimed th,s exemption Gur1nG the last lhree years _, I am exempt under Sec for this reason B&PC i -X I , I hereby affirm \hat I have a cert,hcate of consent to sell ,nsure or a cert,11cate of Workers· Compensation In-I surance. or a certified copy thereof 1Sec 3800. Labor Code! I souc, so TC721698048 co""" Marvland casualt ' --...f,OPy IS ftled w1th-'ihe city y I ="1:ertd,ed copy Is hereby furnished ' CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Tt>1s sect,on need not be completed 1f the permit ,s lor one hundred dollars 1s1001 or less) ' ~ ' c...... I certlly that m the perfmmance of the work for which th,s permit ,s issued. I shall not employ any person ,n any I manner so as 1o become subIect to the Workers· Compeo- sation Laws ol Cal1forn1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT. 11. af1er mak,ng th,s Certificate at Exemptmn. you should become subject to the Worke•s Compensation prov,s,ons ol the Labor Code. you must for1hw1th comply w,1h such provis,ons or th,s permit shall be deemed revoked ~ I hereby aff1rm !hatij9,f\~a constrJct,on 'end ag agency fort he performance o! the work lor wh,ch t~,s pe• m,t Is ,ssued 1sec 3og7_ C1v11 Codel Lender's Narr>e Lender's Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 APPLICATION & PERMIT JOB ADDRESS AV. ST,RD. NEAREST CROSS ST. DATE OF APPLICATION BUSINESS LICENSE it VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER 1505 Grady Pl. Park Dr. cOT BLOCK I SUBDIVISION l ASSESSOR PARCEL NO 11-10- CONTRACTOR ;;&~ .....,."1!,'~==--,-lf-==------1 OWNER'S NAME 4, I OWNER'S PHONE Arlen Foster Plnmh;nN ZONE ) C/4 ' i;q7_41 ~l -~-~-=-~~---.._--~-~-StAtE Lt61::NSE NO. ~., JO (If !JU.1 .L:::/ .l::ik tjlJ;ltt£llt"i<fSO. FOOT~J., ,~i Robert Allan 729-0629 CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS ,..._ OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS 2~19 Central Ave, 44~UQ 1505 Grady Pl. Carlsbad 92008 DESIGNER DESIGNER'S PHONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK f- I Water Heater Replacement _ \ ~ O I ornoNes·s •oos,ss ~i-1/ - STATE LICENSE No. ' e y::::J .... o GRADING PERMIT ISSUED FLA ELEV NO STORIES TYPE CONST OCC GP EDU DCC LOAD FIRE SPP I I CAP"% SCAU RCS UN,TS I ,• N • 1 REDEVELOP~ENT AREA ,• "• vO NO Not ViJlid Unless M;,chine Certified QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE -~ :1 QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE .36() --SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP ----, INSTALL FURN llUCTS UP TO 100 000 BTU --t:z / I ---- EACH BUILlllNG SE.WER OVER 100.000 BTU c:.ir::~1 DI EACHWAIE.RHEAIERAN!l[lRVENT +---s2:so· ---~13[)1LER,COMPRESSORUPT03HP --____ :_ I ~''"'A"rn" -------------J__ ·---•------------------~ BUILDl'IJG PERM T 001-810-00-00-8?20 ""-'" 'LRMIT 001-810-00-00-8221 r'LAI~ l,Htl,11. 001-81 0-00-00-8821 --- EACHGASSYSTEMl l04UUlLElS 801LER.-[OMPRESSOR315HP -------------------- EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE : METAL FIREPL1\CE -+ TOTAL PLUMfl•"JG 001-810-00·00-8222 ---- ELECTRICAL 001-810-00-00 8223 $10.00 EACH INSTA~ All l:R. REPAIR ','\'ATE.R PIPE , VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT t -----------MECHANICAL 001 -8; 0-00-00-8224 ---- 1 I EACH VACUUM BRFAKER I MECH EXH_:'~~T-:-Cc:7,c..=c-U::-C:--T __ S-:--:=-::------+---~--tt--..c.· WAHR so~ TNER RELOCATION OF VVL~" --------------11---------------DRYER VEN fACrl ROOF lqAlfJ I i'hl[',: I ~10B1LEHOME 001-81 D-00-00-82 25 s.:1>1 ~ R OJ1 -81 D-00-00-8225 ------ SrRONG MOTiON 880-519-92-33 j FIRE SPRl~<i<LERS 001-810-00-0J-8227 $10. o•-/Tt.;,L MECHANICAL ,-------lUIAL Pll!MBINL PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-8' 0-00-00-87-10 J BRIDGE FEE 350-310-00-00-8740 QTY I ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE -~ ; QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP . -----. _ __,) -/ I PARK-IN-LIEU 1AREA -------+-------- NEW CONST EA AMP SWl fJKR _ ------+--,,,L t---CAR PORT . --=z . Tlf 134810-00-00-8835 I AWNING ---------~ . _ LA COSTA TIF 133-810-00-00-3835 . GARAGE ---./ +-------- I PH I PH f XIS T bl n G EA AMP SWT fJ KR -- ./ FMF 1 PH 1 PH / REMOllEL AL HR P~9 ~~RC,W-V:: • _ H MP PU L F ?DU AMPS_,,/' OVER ![JO AMPS _/ +-----11--+----------I LICENSE TAX MFF ----1------4--1------__ /_,,.,,..,._ --- ---I>---- - . 7 : -------r--CREDIT DEPOSIT 00, -31 :J-0:J-D0-3162 -l-------- 880 -519 -92 -57 -- TEMP OCC~CY 130 OAYSI y- i : / T(llAl tlfi,ll-1I1Jd -•T Al I I TOTAL FEES PAYABLE sin nn I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAM;NED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION ANO PERMIT" A.ND 00 HEREBY Expiration Every permI_t ,ssued by the Buoldong Qlf1c,al under !he pro~1s,ons ofth1s CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY :JF PERJURY THAT ,\LL INFORMATIOM HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall exp,re by t,m,tatmn and become null and vo,d II the bu1ld,ng or work DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ArsD CORRECT AND I >URiHER CERrlFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT 1;; autt>onzed by such permit 15 not commenced w,thm 180days from !he date ol such * AN OSHA PEAM:T IS REQUIRED FOR EJ(CAVATIONS OVER 5' o·· OEEP ANO DEMOl.TTION 0A CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES OVER l STORIES IN HEIGHT perm,t or 11 !he btJ1ldrng or work authorn:ed by such perm,\ 1s suspended or ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH AL~ CITY COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GO'✓ERNING BUILDING CON Lo'o'e'"cdeocoa•e'c's'c'e"2.'c'm""e,,,,,,.,,,,ha•c,,•soa'"'-""C'cOCmcm""''"°'"'"d'-"foc,,•'1';••'>'0Sd!.£Of'._!!'800!..J!d""''-----..--------------------------~ STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND 8 s KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS Ar--.10 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE If. OWNER O CONTRACTOR O APPROVED BY EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINSf SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE _ c 0-~I)> ~ N GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT '-Z..n= G y PHONE [] (. 1 \..,,L,Q Cl. 0 t1t.ll K.. ,, r \A fi! I I \, V UATE I \}z_;t ~-;f!L ~ LL >-;;; 0 a. E ill f- D 0 (.') C rn 0 a. a. .,: I ~ C a. 0 w w w w w .,: ~ .2 " >- w 0 C rn C LL ,:: C w ~ "' 0 u w a. w C ~ L > TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR ' BUILDING ' FOUNDATION I REINFORCED STEEL I ' MASONRY ' GUNITE OR GROUT ' SUB FRAME • FLOOR D CEILING SHEATHING • ROOF • Sf41EAR FRAME ' EXTERIOR LATH ' ' INSULATION ' INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL ' ! ! PLUMBING ! • SEWER AND BUCO c:: RL/CO UNDERGROUND D WASTE d WATER TOP OUT • WASTE • WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN I ! GAS TEST ! ' • WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER ! ELECTRICAL ! • ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND cD UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I • ELECTRIC SERVICE • TEMPORARY • BONDING • POOL I I MECHANICAL ; • DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS : ! CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED FINAL I PLUMBING I ELECTRICAL ' MECHANICAL I GAS I BUILDING I SPECIAL CONDITIONS I ' - -<;'t,-1::>-7<.f FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL --- SOILS COMPL:ANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDA nor--. 1r,..sp ----------------------- STHUCTURAl_ CO~CRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ' POST TEN5.IOr-..;Er CONCRETE FIELD WELDING ----------------rl1(3H STRENGTH BOl fS I SPECIAL MASO~RY PILES CAISSOt-...:-· -t----I.----" -- i . 1 ---- ·~------·---- --- ----- - ...... ,1/o ~~"-...SC-..L. i~ u.: S"•<t'("' J,.,..,lSZ.- -~L------